Improving the Standard of Care for Women with Reproductive Loss: A Literature Review


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This thesis will analyze existing literature featuring both the experience of reproductive loss for women, and the standard of care in the medical field that contributes to their experience. Due to the prevalence of a negative mental health impact from reproductive loss, as well as evidence of tension between women and health professionals in their experiences, the medical field lacks a standard of care for reproductive loss that considers not only the physical needs of women, but also their emotional needs. Research on the grief reactions and mental health effects of women following pregnancy loss is limited, as is the exploration and testing of different methods to identify and assist those impacted by reproductive loss. While the healthcare community awaits additional research, professionals can make positive changes to the standard of care for reproductive loss. This literature review explores what is known about the current standard of care for reproductive loss, what women have said about their experience receiving care for reproductive loss, different methods to identify and assist women with reproductive loss, and how these methods can contribute to changing the standard of care in the medical field.



women, reproductive loss, miscarriage, stillbirth, standard of care
