Of Maximizing the Efficacy of Resources to Fulfill the Duties of the Universal Right to Health Care Demands

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Health care reform and what a government ought to be responsible has, more recently, been at the forefront of a nation’s political agenda of social reform. Rationing of medical care, whether all individuals are entitled to health care, and what health care services should be available for all people are questions that have been at the core of this debate. In this thesis, we will argue that basic health care is a fundamental human right; a great disparity in access to basic health care among the world’s poor is immoral and unjust. Additionally, this thesis will explore the data collected on a community in Nicaragua and a community in the United States to argue that equitable health care is ineffective at mitigating the health care injustice. Although we recognize there are practical constraints in closing the gap, this analysis will provide suggestions on how to minimize the unjust inequality of care provided to disenfranchised populations.



Health care, Justice, Medical ethics, Global health
