Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 15, 2021


A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Graduate Program Modifications (SEHS - Special Education, Department of Human Development and Child Studies; SBA - Split Existing Degree Program - MSITM / MSBA; SBA - Executive MBA); Undergraduate Program Modifications: CAS - Health Communication Minor; Service Learning Courses; Special Guest President Ora Pescovitz ; Provost’s Updates | B: ROLL CALL | C: APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of March 18, 2021 | D: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Master’s in Social Work Program (2nd reading - approved); modification of the Graduate Certificate Minimum Credits Policy (2nd reading - approved) | E: NEW BUSINESS: Senate Committee staffing | F: GOOD AND WELFARE



Special education, Business Analytics MS, Executive MBA, Service learning, Social Work Master's, Graduate certificates, Health communication
