Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, January 17, 2019

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A. Informational Items: Creation of a new graduate certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language K-12 in the Department of Linguistics; Program Modification to the Master of Arts in Biology removing the GRE requirement for admission and the research requirement; Appointment of a member of the Senate Elections Committee; Provost’s Updates | B. Roll Call | C. Approval of the minutes of December 6, 2018 | D. Old Business: strategies in support of Goal 4: Diversity and Inclusion of the Oakland University Strategic Plan (second reading; motion adopted) | E. New Business: Election to replace a member of the Senate Steering Committee for Winter 2019; PhD in Computational Physics in its amended form (first reading; second reading waived; motion adopted); Motion to change the requirement that students complete 62 credits at Oakland University to be eligible to receive the university honors cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude (first reading); Procedural motion from the Steering Committee to staff a Senate Standing Committee | F. Good and Welfare



Strategic planning, Diversity, Computational Physics PhD, Honors
