Beyond these walls: Building a library outreach program at Oakland University



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Taylor & Francis


To enhance the learning experiences of all students, today’s academic librarians must engage in outreach efforts that move beyond the walls of the library. In the past year, Oakland University’s Kresge Library has made significant inroads in developing outreach initiatives that provide needed services to previously underserved student populations, such as transfer students, multicultural groups, and on-campus residents. These programs have increased the library’s visibility, enhanced its image among the university’s students, faculty, and staff alike, and positioned it at the heart of teaching and learning on campus. This article describes some of these outreach efforts.



Library, Outreach, Transfer students, Multicultural students, Oakland University. Honors College, Residence halls, Disabilities, Programs, Diversity, Academic librarians


Kraemer, E.W., D. Keyse, and S. Lombardo. (2003). Beyond these walls: Building a library outreach program at Oakland University. The Reference Librarian 39 (82), 5-17.