The Pontiac Press: 1969-01-04
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Nixon will ask Bunker to remain as Viet envoy ; 4 cyclists guilty in terror case ; House to seat Powell, but... ; Pontiac Div. sales set record in '68' ; Restauranteur is charged after Lazaros complaint ; Below zero likely tonight ; More officers quit N-subs ; Road knightmares ; Levin to leave Dem post ; Round Table for Viet talks ok'd, but division disputed ; Birmingham Area: Botanist gets scholar post at Cranbrook ; 900 in state strike gasoline, oil suppliers ; Stern warning to restless Czechs ; Flint shooting kills man, hurts 2 police ; 22 Cong killed in drive to foil Red buildup ; Crime fighting devices given top priority ; Wisconsin fire kills 12 children ; Flu ills kill 3,594 ; I-275 project is postponed ; Waterford JCs set annual tree pickup ; '68 record year for car sales ; Rights unit sets talk on fair housing ; State education chief hails court busing decision