The Oakland Post 2002-10-30

dc.contributorZaniewski, Ann
dc.contributorIssa, Gayle
dc.contributorWyatt, Rebecca
dc.contributorNeal, Adam L.
dc.contributorDecker, Jennifer
dc.contributorAngus, Laura
dc.contributorStevens, Brendan
dc.contributorDudek, Randy
dc.contributorMcDuffee, Dan
dc.contributorKhouri, Danielle
dc.contributorPatrick, Kimberly
dc.contributorUrreta, Brian
dc.contributorMurphy, Mike
dc.contributorSmith, Debbie
dc.contributorLudwig, Kevin
dc.contributorBeard, Mike
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractParking prescription: New 550-space structure opens Tuesday ; Knollenberg riles OUSC ; Rhetoric professor explores literacy in technological age ; VPs receive pay increase ; In the hot seat ; AAUP team elected ; Beer Lake face-lift continues ; Combating date rape ; Insurance offers students safe bet ; Leading the Way: CSA develops program to train student leaders on campus ; Painting fences ; CRIME WATCH ; Meet the contestants: The gubernatorial race heats up as election day looms closer ; Candidates get ready for ballot ; Tech talk at the Alley ; Student turnout at polls is down ; Controversy surrounds Proposal 4 ; Editorial: Get out and vote ; Letters to the Editor: Vice president responds to fire safety story ; FEATURED COLUMNIST Students should oppose Proposal 4 ; Point-Counterpoint: Which candidate would handle higher education better? ; Granholm ; Posthumus ; Johnny's school of hard Knox ; Student strives for office ; Fitz gets spooked ; Dorms offer thrills and chills for Halloween ; THE LOW DOWN ; Squads go undefeated ; Women qualify for postseason ; Did they even play the Series this year? ; OU margin for error small: Volleyball must win three of last four ; Grizzlies tie Mid-Con foe Valpo ; Hockey drops home game against Chips ; Lacrosse ends preseason well ; GRIZZLY SPOTLIGHT ; I'm comin' through! ; GRIZZLY SPORTS CALENDAR ; CROSSWORD PUZZLE ; For entertainment purposes only ; Student AFFAIRS: Updating OUen_US
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Sail
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectBeer Lakeen_US
dc.subjectBear Lakeen_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Post 2002-10-30


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