The Oakland Post 1992-02-12

dc.contributorO'Brien, Margaret
dc.contributorDziewit, Deborah
dc.contributorParker, Robert
dc.contributorGerstner, Joanne
dc.contributorSchwark, Candice
dc.contributorMattina, Francesca
dc.contributorWoolfolk, Chaniel
dc.contributorShuller, Tim
dc.contributorButterworth, Barbara
dc.contributorDeMink, Eric
dc.contributorGreen, Kyle
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractBoard Agenda ; Prank problem not a joke ; Quest for FM license near end ; Presidential hopeful ; Congress moves for budget freeze ; Search may land OU's first woman president: UTC vice chancellor sets sights on OU ; Campus environment lures Van Ummersen ; OU campus crime on upswing in '92 ; CRIME WATCH ; OUR VIEW Process leaves us in search of interested board members ; Googasian a pleasant sight ; ANOTHER VIEW ; Changes would compromise search integrity ; Fair; open search merits community involvement ; Citizens need to bring back sense of community: National View ; Marriott monopolizes menus ; Patent draws on magnetism ; Prof trades classroom for county boardroom ; KRS-ONE raps common sense ; Fingers do the talking for students; deaf ; Calendar ; THEATER ; CONCERTS ; MOVIES ; "Cobb" hopes for a grand slam ; Mississippi Masala spices up the screen ; Blurp Balls belch big blasts ; Latest Releases: Rap rhymes and horns mix for a solid beat ; Reed continues with more intense lyrics ; Pop fans should take notice of Saints ; Take me out to the ballgame? ; Tankers sink WSU Tartars ; OU splits with NMU ; Pioneer success is Taylor made ; Basketball takes to the road ; Senior Schermer swims to successen_US
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Sail
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectOakland University. Student Organizations. WXOUen_US
dc.subjectOakland University. Student Congressen_US
dc.subjectPresidential searchesen_US
dc.subjectPackard, Sandraen_US
dc.subjectElectromagnetic fieldsen_US
dc.subjectAmerican Sign Languageen_US
dc.subjectHandicapped accessibilityen_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Post 1992-02-12


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