Oakland Journal Number 22: Winter 2012

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    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01)
    Oakland Journal Issue 22 cover, statement of purpose, and table of contents
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    Physics and Poetry
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Rojo, Alberto; Cole, Natalie B.
    Language, with a finite number of symbols and permutations, imposes bounds for expressing the architecture of an invisible world for which it was not conceived. Poetry and metaphor expand those boundaries and interpolate the continuous, analog space in between the discrete, digital map of language.
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    In Duchamp’s Shadow: Dadaist in the City of Machines
    (2012-01-01) Cohassey, John; Cole, Natalie B.
    I set out to find a link between the Scarab Club signature and his coming to Detroit in 1961. We may never know why Duchamp—who never spoke fondly of history, especially its art movements and “isms” and rejected all facets of aesthetic commercialism—accepted an honorary degree from an urban university so far from the powerful centers of the art world. But for an artist fascinated by the machine and mechanical drawings, Detroit may have been a fitting place for such an honor.
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    Five Poems: On Being Watched, Elemental Primer: Fire, For My Mother, Now Long Enjambed, Roses Stems in Deep Snow, Snow Blank
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Hoeppner, Edward Haworth; Cole, Natalie B.
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    Why Bridesmaids Was Better Than Tree of Life; Or, How I Learned to Stop Taking Myself So Seriously at the Movies
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Vaughan, Hunter; Cole, Natalie B.
    What makes a film a good film? Must a good film be an important social text, or does social meaning and use also reside in collective laughter, personal enjoyment, and downright indulgence? Can humor be beautiful?
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    Update on the Financial Crisis of 2008 to ???
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Murphy, Austin; Cole, Natalie B.
    In an earlier paper in this journal (Murphy, 2009), I explained the nature of the financial crisis of 2008 and how the effects of it would be very costly longterm because of the failure of government policies to deal with it effectively. Here I provide an important update and perspective for the future.
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    Messages From Invisible Sources
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) VanderKaay, Cody; Cole, Natalie B.
    Artist's statement and images of the "Telegraph" project.
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    Lucky Fish
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Plantus, Doris; Cole, Natalie B.
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    Transients and Dreamers: The Metanarratives of Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Liening, Ashley; Cole, Natalie B.
    It is through the language that Ruth uses to describe these musings and dream sequences that we become privy to Ruth’s identity, an identity of which even she is not certain, a transient identity
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    Medical Matters: Reflections on An Anatomy Lab
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Bee, Mary; Schley, Stephanie; Weiner, Adam
    At Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, the faculty invited students to complete a reflective writing assignment both before and after their first dissection experience. The reflections were in the form of letters to the donor, first person or third person reflections. Here is an excerpt from two of the first year medical students of the charter class both before and after dissection.
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    Notes from the Dismal Science: What Have We Learned About Our Economy?
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Folland, Sherman T.
    Cost benefit analysis requires both costs and benefits.
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    Adams and Jefferson: Personal Politics of the Early Republic
    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01) Conner, Robert; Cole, Natalie B.
    What led these two men who once worked so closely together to turn from close friends to bitter enemies in only ten years?
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    (Oakland University, 2012-01-01)
    Oakland Journal Issue 22 contributors list