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Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, February 17, 2022


A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Modification to the Admission to the Graduate Programs specific to Foreign Educational Credentials; 2. Modifications to the Communication and Deaf Studies Minor; Modification to the Biomedical Science, Bachelor of Science; Proposal to add an Archeology Minor; Proposal to add a Music Technology Minor-Liberal Arts; Proposal to add a Music Technology Minor; Modification to the Dance, Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A), and to the Dance Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); New Certificate in Dance Education; Modification to the Musical Theatre, Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.); Modification to the Theatre, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); Modification to the Acting, Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.); Modification to the Nutrition, Bachelor of Science (B.S.); Modification to the Nutrition and Health Minor; Modification to the Nutrition, B.S., Specialization in Dietetics; 3. Service Learning and Carnegie Institute Application Update; 4. Provost’s Updates | B. ROLL CALL | C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of January 20, 2022 | D. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Change to charge and membership of he Undergraduate Committee on Undergraduate Instruction (2nd reading; approved after amended); 2. New undergraduate degree, Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies (2nd reading; approved) | E. NEW BUSINESS: 1. change of charge and membership of the Academic Conduct Committee (1st reading) | F. GOOD AND WELFARE



Foreign students, Communication and Deaf Studies Minor, Biomedical Sciences BS, Archaeology Minor, Music Technology BM, Dance BFA, Dance BA, Dance Education, Musical Theatre BFA, Theatre BA, Acting BFA, Nutrition BS, Nutrition and Health Minor, Service learning, Dietetics, Undergraduate Committee on Undergraduate Instruction, Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies BS, Academic Conduct Committee, OU Advance, Baker College
