AP WIrwIwM PHOTO OF FIERY AIR COLUSION RELEASEI>-The Air Force yesterday released this dramatic aerial picture of the fatal collisicm between a giant XB70A research bomber and a F104 chase plane Wednesday. The chase plane is shown disintegrating in flames over the Mojave Desert in California while the bomber (left foreground) continues in formation just prior to its plunge earthward. The picture shows large chunks of the bomber’s tail missing. House Democrat George B. Mahon termed “indefensible” the photographic mission which, he charged, caused the collision and took the lives of two pilots, this photo was one of a series tak«i Son! a commerciaT jet chartered by the General Electric Co. The photo sequence, which does not include the instant of the collision, shovys^ that five planes were in a moderate formation, a little more than a wing-span apart. The Weather U.S. Wcathtr luTMu Fortctil Showers (OtttUt Ml PlH 1) THE PONTIAC PRESS Home Edition VOL. 124 NO. 107 ★ ★ PONTIAC. MICHIGAN. SATURDAY. JUNE 11, 1966 -34 PAGES School Votes Near in City, Waterford Twp. Big Turnout Seen for Fair The North Oakland County Fair set for June 17 to 19 is shaping up as one of the largest in the area, according to co-chairmen Dean Salley and Jack Cooper, who anticipate attendance of 100,000. The fair will be held at Community Activities, Inc., 5640 Williams Lake, Waterford Township. Highlight of fesUvides will be the appearance and 3 p.m. periwinance June 19 of the United States Army parachute team — Hie Golden Kni^ts from Ft. Bragg, N. C. A team leader on the paratrooping unit is Staff Sgt. Charles J. Harris, 29, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Harris of 1525 W. Hamlin, Avon Township. Detroit Mayor Jerome Cava-nagh and U.S. Senator Robert Griffin, R-Mich., have announced they will attend the ’ fair. Cavanagh is expected at 3 p.m. June 18 as are Congressional Primary candidate Jack McDonald, State Senate candidate Stanley Brown and Mrs. G. Mennen Williams, wife of _jhe former Democrat governor “now a U.S. Senate candidate. Griffin is expected to be at the fair at 4:30 p.m. June 19. He is scheduled to crown the new fair queen at 6 p.m. A teen-age dance will be held Saturday at 8 p.m. with the' Mark V band furnishing the music. ^ In Today's j Press ^ Teacher Strikes § » Hope of early settle- | 1 ment exists in one of | I three disputes — PAGE p ^ Mississippi p Rights groups from Z around country will lend | -X moral support to march- i ^ ers - PAGE A-4. f ? WTHS i i Students nearly finished | constructing garage — “ PAGE BrS. g Astrology ........ B-8 &- 0 Bridge B4 * § Church News . B4-B-11 g g Crossword Pozsle . . .C-11 | -i Comics ............ B-8 | Editorials .........A4 ^ ^ Home Section . . .B-1-B4 r Markets ...........C4 | Obituaries ...... .. C-l § I Sports C-1-C4 I 5 Theaters B4 0 i TV, Radio Programs C-11 ? n WHson, Eari C4 | Women’s Pages A-8-A-I f Bulletin Legislature Extends Session Testifying Ends Warrant to Be Asked School elections will be held Monday in the Waterford Township and Pontiac school districts. Electors in the Waterford Township district will vote on four bonding proposals, totaling $11.8 million, plus a millage question and will elect two board of education members to fill four-year terms. ----------------- In the Pontiac district. in Bribe Trial in Ambush Slaying Final Arguments Due Tuesday in Local Case voters will fill two four-year board of education seats and approve or reject a transfer of f u n d s proposition. Five candidates are running for the two available seats on the Pontiac Board of Education. Voters will elect trustees for the two expiring four-year terms now held by Dr. Walter L. Godsell and Mrs. Elsie Final arguments will be heard Tuesdav in the Circuit Court trial of three men charged with conspiring to bribe a Pontiac police officer. DETROIT (tJPI)—Police in suburban Taylor Township said today they would ask for a murder warrant for a “possibly deranged” man they believe ambushed his estranged wife and shot her to death. Police called off an extensive manhunt in western Wayne County after failing |d find a trace of the slayer of Mrs. Eleanor Hajnos, A board member for 12 years. Dr. Godsell is not seeking re-election. Testimony in the case before Judge Frederick C. Ziem was completed yesterday. On trial are Angelo (Barrels) Lombardi, 37, and Charles Ronsos, 52, both of Detroit, and Odus Tincher. 49, of St. Clair Shores. Area Resident Killed as Car, Truck Collide 38, a mother of seven. The woman was found shot to " death on her front porch yesterday. Candidates include William H. Anderson, 53, of 2281 Ostrum, Waterford Township, owner and operator of the C & W Pattern Manufacturing Co., Mrs. Mihal-ek, 44, of 1592 Vinewood; and Mrs. Susan L. Miller, 26, of 990 S. East Blvd. They are accused of conspiring to pay bribes totaling |2,06O to Capt. Raymond E. Meggitt while he was working as an undercover agent for the police department between June and October last year. An Oakland Township man was killed last night when his sports car slammed into a gravel truck in Pontiac Town- Oakland Highway Toll in ’66 OTHER CANDIDATES Others are Victor L. Smothers, 47, of 203 Wolfe, a self-emplc^ed contract painter, and James R. Stelt, 40, of 261 Ottawa, CX)unty Probate Court In return, Meggitt, then a lieutenant, was to tip off the operators of the Seaway Civic and Social Club, formerly at 118 S. Paddock, to any pending raids on the alleged gambling establishment. 60 TROOPER TESTIFIES Dead is James B. Ar-scott, 23, of 3715 C!ollins. OakUnd County sheriff’s deputies said Arscott’s car was westbound on Walton when the accident occurred shortly before midnight. Lombardi is charged with 4, Also on the ballot will be a prepositimi to allow the board of education to transfer some 357,200 out of debt retirement funds into the district’s building and site fund. In the Waterford district, three candidates and Tennessee valleys. It will be ooolo- in the northern RocUes and the I*acific Northwest. Bair, 36, is a field engineer for Richards Shear Co. of Seattle, Wash., and travels all over the country. He was in town this week to oversee the installation of a new machine at the Pontiac Scrap Co_ Hoping to get married here sometime this week. Miss Car-tier, 37, flew in last Saturday from Omaha, Neb. More delays faced the couple , ^ ^ when they had trouble locating „ TRONIC SETTING - Surrwnded by scrap iron at the a doctor who had office hours Scrap Co Lorraine Cartier and Je^ Bair ^change on Wednesday to give t h e mvows before Municipal Judge Cecil McCallum. blood tests. ® The couple was wed yesterday in the unusual surroundings. ALLED JUDGE They were discussing t h e i r| Asked how she liked the idea of getting married in a junk yard, she said that all she ever hears about is scrap yards “so I might as well get married in one.” 28 Teachers at Eastern Are Told to Return Legislature Extends Session Two Days will seek the Democratic nomination for thei 17th District] senatorial seat.; Making hisj first bid for; public office isi Ri/hard D.| Campbell, 37, of 5705 Hum-j mingbird Lane, Independe n c el_ Township. CAMPBELL Campbell is the owner of the City Soft Water Co., 3790 Elizabeth Lake, and a partner in the Waterford Hill Sauna in Independence Township. The district Campbeii is seeking to represent includes Pontiac, the townships of Waterford, Independence, Orion, Brandon, Oxford, Addison and Oakiand and Lapeer County. Sen. Carl W. O’Brien currently represents the district. (Continued From Page One) er education, goes into con- Pont^c Schools Supt. Dana] Whitmer yesterday ordered] Eastern Junior High School teachers to be back in their classrooms Monday. In the llth-hour debate yesterday, the House refused to go along with a Senate-approv^ statewide moratorium on antlerless deer hunting, leaving a conference to work out agreement. But it approved and sent to Romney a bill making Michigan M the second state to regulate sale of hearing aids. STATE BOARD A state board could suspend or revoke dealers’ licenses for false advertising, fraud or deceit. ject to Public Service Commis-hSm approval. The move was sponsored by Rep. Harold Clark, D-Warren, and backed by other suburban legislators. One major pay raise^for Appeals Court judges—went to the governor. But others covering legislators, and supreme, circuit and probate court judges went into conference. Appeals judges will jump from |23,000 to $31,000. Twenty-eight of the school’s 44 teachers called in sick both days, virtually closing the school. They are seeking a board of education statement to “clear the air” about the quality of education offered at Eastern. Eastern’s image, the teachers maintain, has been sullied by recent charges made by a group of pupils, parents and civil rights group leaders. The House refused to go along with Senate amendments permitting the Peoples Community Hospital Authority to sell its assets to a private, nonprofit corporation. The semipublic authority, shaken by charges of mismanagement early this year, runs bur hospitals in western Wayne and eastern Washtenaw counties. Some 175 pupils demonstrated at the school May 27 to protest handling of a disciplinary situation at the scho<4 five days earlier. Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley said turning the authority over to private ownership would endanger its bonded indebtedness and make it difficult for the 23 member cities to get back their investment. SEEK ENDORSEMENT Teachers want “full ment of the present administrative and faculty procedures and situations that exist at Eastern Junior High In regard to curriculum, extracurricular activities and discipline." WATER RATES The House tabl^ a move make Detroit’s water rates to more than 60 communities sub- The gronp also is sedcing public exoneration of Principal Theodore Wiersema in connection with the disciplinary incident. Surveyor Photos Diije Until TueKday Morning PASADENA, Calif. (*l - Smv veyor I, having sent to earth 5,760 pictures of the moon, is scheduled to continue'transmis-sion until next Tuesday morning — the beginning of the lunar Surveyor resumed its picture taking yesterday after a two-day rest through the 26(idegree heat of the lunar noon. In 9W hours scientists at Jet Propulsion Laboratory received 1,758 shots of the lunar terrain. Caper Proves Holy Terror for Junior Batmen Two would-be Batmen— both 5 years old — spent last ni^t in the safety of their Commerce Township homes After being the object of a IMi^iour search by police. Oakland County Sheriffs deputies and police from Walled Lake and Wolverine Lake joined in a hunt for the two boys after the parents of one d them reported them missing about 6:15 p.m. ★ w Shortly before 9 p.m.. the two adventurers were found on Willow-?-crying and still clad in their store-bought “Batcapes." The Senate sent to conference a bill making it a misdemeanor to evade a traffic officer’s attempted arrest and a felony to strike an arresting officer. UNSUCCESSFUL Sen. Basil Brown, D-Highland Park, led an unsuccessful attempt to also make it a felony for an officer to beat a citizen without justification." On conference by previous action are major bills establishing county home rule and a program of tuition grants to students at private col-Jeges. Two property tax breaks for rural interests went to the governor. One increases the farm equipment exemption from $1,-000 to $2,500 of state-equalized valuation and the other exempts growing trees and plants from the levy. Another approved bill bars use of LSD, the bdlucinatory drug. Osteopath College Bill Alive Again (Continued From Page One) much of this money the state would have to provide. ESTIMATED COSTS Estimated bperating costs run from'$2 million to $5 milUon. ^The bill ^tiog flie| cMhy Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley has ruled that the Legis-tatore cannot create any new cMlege or university witbont the prior consultation ipid approval of die State Board of Education. ‘If you were a person a to invest millions and millions of dollars, you’d consult your attorney flrst," said Rep. William Hampton, R-Birminghmn. "Kelley is an attorney, and I think we shbidd take his vice." New Hopeful in 1/lh District Area Businessman Seeking Dem Bid A Waterford Township busi- Birmingham Area News MEA Sanctions Asked Against School District BIRMINGHAM - Although teadiers belonging to the Bir- (C»EA) have agreed not to strike, they are requesting that the Michigan Education Association (MEA) issue sanctions against the school district. Donald Cameron, BEA president, said, “Negotiations are going badly and getting worse." He said the MEA’s first step would be an investigation of the situation. Although teachers have decided to negotiate a contract all summer if necessary, they have agreed not to return to school in the fall a master contract has not been presented, Cameron said. Representatives of the teadiers met with the board of directors of the League of Women Voters, PTA officers and board, and the Birmingham Council of Churches this week. I personally feel there need for closer contact with the residents in the district — and not just at election time,” said Campbell. REPRESENTA'nVE “A senator has to represent the pei^le all the time. I believe I call do that.” A native of Pontiac, Campbell is a member of the Pontiac Elks, Drayton Plains Lions Club and the Oakland County Democratic party. He is vice president of the Water Conditioning Association of Southern Michigan, and a committeeman with Ckib Scout Pack No. 126 at the First Methodist Church in Clarkston, Before becoming self-em-jrfoyed, Campbell was a manager for Associates loan company for 10 years. He and his wife, Dolores, have two children. ANSWER QUESTIONS After presenting their case to' the civic groups, the teachers held a two-hour question and answer period. Cameron said the groups expressed their support of the teachers’ grievances. He said the teacbtfs plan to contact more PTA groups and place advertisoments In local papers explaining their grievances. Another negotiating session between the school board and teachers is scheduled for Monday night. FEA After More Fringe Benefits Farmington teachers yesterday accepted they sent their negotiatmi=l»dr ^ into session for a fringe benefit. The proposed contract calk for a $5,600 salary for a beginning teacher with a bachelor’s degree, marking a $400 increase in the base salary. Ibe 400 Farmington Education Association members at yesterday’s meeting gave tbeir negotiators a directive to seek fringe benefits, particularly fully paid hospitahza-tkm insurance to replace the current 50-50 program. A negotiating session last en” will be played by fifth and sixth graders Suzanne Robinson, Constance M. Kalbacher, Susan Dooha, Deborah, and Linda Guest. “The Still Alarm”, will be acted by seventh, eighth and ninth graders Sheila Cain, Rita Carlton, Carol Holby, Ruth Ellen Rosen and Anita Zaleski. “Impromptu” will be present-ted by seventh, eighth and ninth grade students Anne Peterson, Fred Reiss, Judith Wilson and Margaret Spurk. David Lipson will provide piano accompaniment and student director Leslie Baifield will assist Mrs. Warrick. Cameron said teachers plan a general membership meeting on Thursday to discuss a plan of action for the summer months. The First Church of Christ Scientist will present Jane 0. Robbins speaking on “What Is Your Potential" at 8:15 p.m. Monday in the church auditorium at 191 N. Chester. Waterford Classes to End on Tuesday The final day of classes in the Waterford Township School District will be Tuesday, according to school officials. Summer recess will coa* tinue to Sept. 8 when students report back to tbeir respective schools. 2 School Voles Set Monday (Ck)ntinued From Page One) Norman L. Cheal, 46, of 2751 North Lake: Lewis S. Long,^, of 5657 Brunswick; and incumbent Eldon C. Rosegart, 47, of 2983 Shawnee. LIVE Vi WATERFORD All three live in Waterford Township. MISS KODDjns, wno heads the experiment- voting hff fuU time to tte pub- ^ rtment of Pontiac Mo-hc practice of Christian Science healing, is on tour as a member of the board of lectureship of The First Church of Christ Scientist, of Boston, Mass. BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Drama students of Roeper City and (fountry School will stage three one-act plays at 8 p.m. June 14 department o tor Division’s engineering department. Rosegart is an administrative assistant at Kennedy Junior High School in Pontiac. Long is office manager and accountant McGregor Manufacturing Corp. in Troy. —, --------r— ----- piays o p.m. june « tions the majority of provisioiis 2190 N. Woodward, under the ■“ a new master contract -- but direction of Mrs. George War- An excerpt from “Little Worn- Teachers Reject Offer in Waterford Some 500 of 660 Waterford school system teachers met yesterday and rejected the school board’s latest offer in contract negotiations. A spokesman said the teachers voted to withhold their pro- mpt resul^ in no agreement, ^i the faU if said Douglas C^per, man for the FEA negotiating He said the board of education negotiators refused to grant tie hospitalization firovision, expected to cost $60,000 to $70,-000 a year. Two Tornadoes Chum North Through Texas LUBBOCK, Tex. (UPI) -Two tornadoes churned northward through Lubbock yesterday, smashing scores of homes and buildings and injuring 16 per- Damage at Lubbock, and at Abernathy and Plainviey, Tex., to the north, was estimated at more than $1 million. Teachers authorized their negotiators to continue the talks until Tuesday. A meeting was scheduled for today, the spdces-man said. Birmingham Attorney Files for Judgeship Birmingham attorney Eugene A. Moore yesterday filed nominating petitions to run tor Oakland Couhty probate judge. Moore, 30, of 1835 Pine is the son of Circuit Judge Arthur E. Moore, who had been a probate judge for 25 years. The youngs Moore is seeking the county’s third probate judge-ship, created by the Cou^ Board of Supcarvtoors in December. ’The five propositions facing voters of the Waterford Township district are: e A $4.8-million bond issue to erect, furnish and equip a new high school and elementary school and to acquire and improve school sites and site editions. e A $5,975,000 bond issue for additions, improvements, furnishing and equipping existing buildings and sites. e A $625,000 bond issue to erect, furnish and equip an auditorium as part of a new high school building. • A $400,000 bond issue to erect, furnish and equip a swimming pool as part of a new high school building. • A 1-mill tax limitation increase for a six-year period from 1968 through 1973 for operating purposes. LOW INTEREST RATE The building program would be financed throufpi the State Bond Loan Fund, at a low interest rate, school officials said. Besides balloting on, local issues, voters througbout Oakland County will elect six members to the Oakland Community College Board of ’Trusteas. From a field of 14 candidates, they will name two trustees to six-year terms, two to four-year terms and two to twoirear temu. V THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 A*~3 Hopes Up in 1 of 3 Teacher Strikes DETOOIT (AP) - Suburban Detroit’s three schoolteacher strikes, keeping nearly 27,000 children from classes, remained at stalemates today. At one-Wayne, largest of the school ^districts with 19,000 pupils—there was hope of a possible early settlement. ★ ★ ★ Wayne’s school board and the Wayne Education Association, the teachers’ organization, scheduled negotiationa for day. The tie-ups persisted as grad- uation and term - ending cer-emoipes impended for next week at many of the schools. No progress was reported In teacher-school board disputes at Dearborn Heights’ Crest-wood District and in Ecorse. The Michigan Education Association, parent group to the Crestwooid teachers, imposed the association’s “sanctions” against the school district. * ★ ★ Sanctiims, in effect, constitute a blacklisting. Teachers are advised not to apply for jobs in the school district. The MEA charged the Crestwood school board with failing to bargain in good faith and threatatl^ and intimidating teachers. ★ ★ * Crestwood’s teachers earlier brought a $1 million damage suit against school offlcials on similar allegations. WON’T BARGAIN The Ecorse board has taken a position that it will refuse to bargain with the Ecorse Feder-ahon of Teachers (AFLCIO) until the teachers return to classes. Together, the Ecorse and Crestwood districts have about 400 teachers and 8,000 pupils. Wayne’s teachers said they would file an unfair labor practice charge despite continuance of negotiations. Dale Kennedy, MEA executive secretary, said the Wayne School Board has been in “obvious contempt” of Michigan law regarding teacher bargaining rights. OPEN SUN:’7 AND TONIGHT UNTIL 9 - YANKEE DAYS BUYS Simms Bros.~98 N. Saginaw St.-Downtown Pontiac SIMMS n tillO Mon. Hours 9 am to 10 pm Pamper ‘POP’ With Gifts That Show He’s Tops ... And Get Them For Less I At SIMMS-Saturday and Monday Sale! Specials for Saturday and Monday-Only at Simm Men’s Blazer Cardigan Sweaters 100% Orion Knit $11.98 Value SUNBEAM DELUXE SUCING KNIFE SUNBEIM DELUXE ELECTRIC SHOE SHINE KIT papers. R.traclotl« ban-locks. 2 colors. $29.95 Value S" Case 20.88 — Bat.m.nt iscounts All Over the Store-Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St. Lantern Power Head $1.95 Seller 59 Lantern Power Head p| ‘SEALEOBEAM’ ^ $3.95 Seller Power head urtif with front spotlight and rear red warning flasher. Takes 6-volt battery (not included). Ideal Father's Day gift. — Main Floor 1 As shown —a good unit with front spot and rear red flasher. Uses 6-volt bottery (not included): The kids can give this to Dad on Father's Day. — Main Floor ‘RONSON’ Electric Shoe Polisher With ApplicatorSy Brushes, Buffers, Polish I48S $19.95 value —electric shoo shine pol-. isher applies polrsfv, brushes and buffs shoes to o high gloss —and you never touch the brushes or buffers —no dirty hands. In Travel Caddy. $29.95 Magiretic Electric Shoe Polisher..... .19.88 —Moin Floor The Perfect Gift for the ‘Handyman Dad’ ‘Bernz-O-Matic’ Propane Torch Kit Save $2.00 at Simmg Note 'Pop' can do so much with this propane torch kit . . . solder, cut, peel point, etc. Propane tank, flame spreader, pencil burner, etc. All in metal carry/storoge -2nd Floor 6M ‘Black 'n Decker’ Electric Drill Powerful Vk-Inch Check this lower price —nationally advertised 'Block 'n Decker' '/4-inch drill with geared chuck, contoured grip for eosy handliTrg, Lightweight. Limit 1 — 2nd Floor All Steel-Regulation Shoes Horseshoe Sets Low Price C88 'Diamond' brand horseshoe set hos 2 pointed steel stakes ond 4 regular size and weight horseshoes. In handy storage box. ________-2nd Floor Roll-A-Bout Rack-6-Player Croquet Set $11.88 Value 066 Officiol size 24" mol-lets, hard rock maple bolls, wire wickets, stokes. Belter than shoem. ____' -2nd Floor TWO YANKEE STORES IN THE PONTIAC AREA * MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER * CCRNER Cf PERRY AND MDNTCAIM STREETS SIMMSifi 13 Floors of BtftsrOifta for‘Dad’ A—4 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE lU 1966 SET UP HOUSEKEEPING—Volunteers erect a large tent some three miles west of Batesville, Miss., yesterday to house some of the 200 marchers taking part in the Memphis-to-Jackson march begun last Sunday by James Meredith. This was the first night the marchers had to camp out. Rights Rallies to Back Marchers in Mississippi BATESVILLE, Miss. (AP) -|N.Y.; Nashville, Tenn.; Los An-While a foot-weary processionIgdcs; Chicago; Albany, N.Y.; pkxis southward through Missis-1 San Antonio, Tex.; and through-sippi, civil rights groups from;out Louisiana scheduled ralUes coast-to^»ast today planned and marches today or Sunday, vocal and walking support to ★ ★ * the cause now known as James { Some groups coupled the af-Meredith’s march against fear, j fairs with voter reglstratiMi The iftarch pace will be support and memorial services slowed a little through a new for Medgar Evers, state field tactic. Instead of sticking to; secretary of the Mississippi j U.S. 51, which only brushes the chapter of the National Associif outskirts of towns, the marchers*tion for the Advancement of! will go into county seats to es-jColored People, who was shot to cort Negroes to voter registra-! death three years ago. tion places. [ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ I Charles Evers, the slain Meredith, the first Negro at man’s brother, is to preside the University of Mississippi, walked for two days from the Tennessee line toward Jackson, the state capital, before he was wounded by two blasts of bird-shot. Others took over where he left off, and their number ha&l service, varied from 125 to 600. Meredith set out on his walk to encourage Negroes to register. RALUES SCHEDULED In support of the marchers,' civil rights workers in Phoenix, i Ariz.; Louisville, Ky.; Buffalo,' over a service and march over the funeral route Sunday in Jackson. Floyd McKissick, director of the Congress of Racial Equality, plans to leave the Meredith march to attend the BIBLE REBINDING CHRISTIAN LITERATURE ^LES 5 Oakland Av*. ff 4-9591 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT PONTIAC VOTERS (School Board Election) MONDAY, JUNE 13 VOTE for William H. Anderson There Is No Substitute for Experience .★ ★ ★ ★ 8 Years Member Pontiac SchoobBoard, !3 Years Board President! ^Eqnal Opportunity for Education for Every Child! J ______ Stronger Elementary Program! Expanded Special Education Program All ShiijwnU Who Need It! _ -------- Salary and Benefits for Our Reg. 99 77t Air circulates through this poms plastic fiber auto cushion for extra coolness. Folds compactly for easy storage. Charge it at Kmart. In Auto Dept. Sunday Only Men’s COOL CLOTH BLUCHER STYLE SUMMER OXFOROS Our Reg. 2.76 1.50 Charge It Comfort-made for summer wearing. Blucher oxford . . fabric upper in black, blue, brown or chino, with cushion insole, molded rubber sole and heel. Sizes to 12. ............•W-W"'-------------------------------------------------------------------r-'- T-.,™-. r-lM .,p m ■ ",1 FREE parking AVAtlABLE II || illlliiiiil IliilliilllrtjlllllillillJillHiliiWIiiiillihiliiiilliriliililliinrrnasJiiiihilto^^^ .HBiiasIMMu, iWwl! iSisBlsiHiiSilir nJau. ■JiuiluiiidL',U. , Constructed So That It Won^t Tilt . . . FOLDING ALUMINUM FRAME 7-WEB LAWN, PATlU CHAISE Our Reg. 5.87 SumlayOnly Charge It 7-web lawn or patio chaise lounge, constructed with r* tubular polished aluminum frame, with special non-tilt support. It’s 74” long and 26Vi” wide, adjusts to 5 comfortable positions. 7x16 webbing in your choice of white with green. Limit 1. Royal Family 9-Pc. Cordless ELEaRIC SHOE CARE KIT Our Reg. 4.77 Sunday Only 3.33 Polisher has powerful motor unit that takes work out of shoe rare . . saves you time (works on 4 batteries). Kit i4iv1udes 2 daubers, 2 long-lasting polishing brushes and 2 lanibswotd buffers, plus 2 cans polish . .. black, brown. Limit 1. Charge It. Sunday Only MEN’S COnON & NYLON STRETCH LONG STYLE HOSE h Our Reg.-6Sc-pr.^ 53^. Charge It “Over-the-calf” length summer hose for men, knit of 60% Durene® mercerized cotton and 40% stretch nylon. Ribbed. Black, brown, navy, burgundy, white. Limit 4 pairs. Sunday Ojnly Colorful, PLASTIC SEAT STOOL FOR KITCHEN OR BAR Our Reg. 3.97 2’5.03 Charge It Stool is 30” high, has padded, plaatie covered leat... choose white, tangerine, turquoise or sandalwood. Tubular metal legs with rubber-tip. Limit 4. Sunday Only WELLER EXPERT ! SOLDERING KIT DUAL-HEAT GUN* Our Reg. 5.97 Charge it Dual-heat soldering gun, 100/140 watu; 3 Weller long-life soldering tips; lip-changing wrench; nylon flux brush; soldering aid; all-purpose solder. Limit 1 •In break-proof plastic case Perfect for Father^s Day . . MEN'S GIFT COnON TERRYCLOTH ROBES Comp, at 7.95 Sunday Only 344 Charge It A “Dan River” cotton terry robe.. for father to wear at the .beach . . at home .. when he wants the easy, relaxing comfort of a leisure robe. In white and colors. Sizes S-M and L. JOHNNY PALMER GOLF SET SUNDAY ONLY Reg. 44.94 SSeSB Spalding Johnny Palmer Starter Set includes 4 irons, 1 putter, 2 woods and bag. The ideal gift for every man. PILLOW STYLE AIRMAHRESS 3.93 Our Reg. 4.99. Rubber-, ized fabric, pillow style mattress, 29”x72”; “I” beam construction. Brass lock-type air valve. NYLON STRUNG TENNIS RACKET ENGUSH TENNIS BARS, CAN OF 3 Qur Reg. 1.24. Engl: tournament tennis ba: I Made lb U.S.LT.A. sp« '► ncations. Pressure-pack( Fresh. Limit 1 can. GLENWOOD PLAZA NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD % THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 ■ ) V- V' . ' . ■■ ' \ : \ ■ ,i ' A-—5 A liiil r ■* ' L s A V 1 N ^ w ® ■ 1OAKLAND 1 '■w- SEVEN CONVENIENT B8MCN OFFICES TO SERVE TOO DOWNTOWN PONTttCw.?’^^ t 4-’ tfifas* Uwrencw SIrwwt ‘ , r,V.' •ROONESTER ' W Main strati ' DR*TTONfl«NS^#ip;a j. **** ®i*** HiEit*** *; S I1«2 West MapI# 1 mUFOUD i 351 N. Main Street CURKSTON 5799 Ortonville need UWE ORION : III Soutti Broadwiw wm ‘ ^ sipB w FtNieraT o/ • - ‘ :7«rniifwill)'1%U liwfMrttOf'Vv'' * * / A,f at First Menil of Oakland Protection on Accidontol Death up to $10,000.00 This HIGH RATE of DIVIDEND is Compounded and Paid four times each year... Giving You An Annual Yield of 4.318 on Ail of Your Savings ... The HIGHEST RETURN ON REGULAR INSURED PASSBOOK SAVINGS in Oakland County. iv«ryon« who now hot on account at First Fodoral Savings of Oakland is automatically insurod right now. It will bo taken caro of automotitally for you by insuring the first person named on your savings account. It is not necessary to contact our Association, unless yew wish the insured person to be someone other than the first person on your savings account. ■ :i;. ■ •'' ' ■ ' ■ ■; -'i' THE PONTIAC PRESS U Watt Ibiron Street SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 HAROLD A. nrSOBRALD • VlM Piwldwt >Bd Tm N W. Fmsiuu Pontiac, Michigan JO«K A. iWlT aMNUry sad Advwttoliig Otnctor O. IbMMJiu. JontM The POWER of FAITH .. WOODI ISHMAEL ‘Defensive Driving’ by Greyhound After headlines of holiday traffic losses over Memorial Day a press release from Greyhound Bus Corpora-• tion reached our desk which seems worth repeating even though the holiday is over. ★ ★ ★ A message was sent out from the company’s Chicago headquarters to more than 9,000 professional Greyhound drivers as a reminder to them of the need for extra attention to safe driving practices on the packed holiday highways. Their recommendations are apropos to all of us as everyday drivers. “Know your vehicle, its limitations and most efficient speed. A ‘pro’ accepts the irritations caused by other motorists and never drives w i t h a ‘chip’ on his shoulder. Join the traffic, don’t fight It. Expect the unexpected. Don’t depend upon the other driver to do the right thing. Be prepared to handle sud- den emergencies by thinking ahead. Greyhound calls it ‘Defensive Driving.’ Adjust seat so you can sit erect and stay alert. Pass only when the view is clear ahead—not on hills, curves or intersections. Give proper signals in stopping, turning and passing. Allow plenty of room between you and the car ahead. In bad weather, get the feel of the road and adjust driving and speed to meet conditions. Slow down at night, don’t ‘overdrive’ your lights. ★ ★ ★ Avoid road hypnosis and fatigue on turnpikes and thru-ways by staying alert. Operate at variable speeds, inspect mirrors and gauges frequently, think actively of possible hazards ahead, shift your gaze from time to time from directly ahead to avoid ‘frozen’ vision.” Rocky’s Proposition a Political Maneuver? Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York has the Republican situation all settled. At least this is what he would have you believe from his most recent statement. The Governor proposes a ticket of our tiov. tleorge Romney and Sen. Jacob Javits for 1968. He says this would be first-rate and we are inclined to agree. ...it... it it Of course he used this statement to take himself out of presidential competition — this time “forever.” We wonder? It is far too early to be putting tickets together. Romney must first be elected next November by a wide margin which should not really pose any great problem. It would also help a great deal if he could get his appointee to the Senate, Robert P. Griffin, elected. Rockefeller is a professional politician by choice. It is a fair bet that his moves are calculated with something in mind. ^ -------^----------------------------------- Gov. Rockefeller, if he backs a favorite son nomination in New York for Sen. Javits and the bracketing of Javits with our Gov. Romney, will be accomplish-ing one thing. He will be cutting tbe legs off Richard M. Nixon, now a New Yorker who is already campaigning for the 1968 presidential bid and who needs a home base. Maybe that’s all he has in mind by suggesting a Romney-Javits ticket at this early date. “I came here to help these people,” said S/Sgt Arthur McMellon of Hamlin, West Virginia to his company commander in Viet Nam one day. “When I can’t do that, they can ship me home, one way or another.” The way Sergeant McMellon helped these people made him a favorite with the Ben Cat kids, who flocked after him, clambered over his jeep and vied for the chance to wash it. Even adults began to smile at him, though there were plenty of Communists around. Last Thanksgiving day, Sgt. McMellon managed to commandeer enough turkeys from the army to feed 67 hungry youngsters. But within a week, while he was driving into Ben Cat, his jeep was the only one among hundreds to be blasted by a road mine. Intelligence officers were sure he was singled out to die. a ‘TThis death was worth Tt,’’ said the cbaplm^^ the whole thing’s worth it.” Sgt. McMellon shipped out for home the other way, but there are many children in Ben Cat who will remember the sergeant who helped them. Voice of the People: Regrets Role of Religion in Our Modern America ‘Keep the Word of God away from our school children, Gideons,’ is a decision of which the Waterford School Board must be proud. ‘Oh, yes, you can pass the Bible out on the outside, but don’t let Jesus in our schools.’ ^-----★ ★ He was at the door and the school board turned Him away. ★ ★ ★ Also, the Executive Board of the Lutheran Church in America doesn’t think it a good policy that cadets at military academies be required to attend church. This is part of the training and is more important than anything else. Is it now the function of the church to get people out of church rather than to compel them to come in? J. H. EGBERT 987 ARGYLE Urges Economical Standard for Schools Lest the Waterford School election, June 13th, pvertake us without publicity or fanfare as did its May 16th registration deadline and because time left allows for no more than a personal contact campaign by those who believe aound education can be fully served with less squandering on sprawling costly-t PONTIAC BOARD OF REALTORS Wife to your Members of Congress today t A' ■■'■8 THeVoNTIAC press. SATURDAY> JUNE Ih 1966 Guild s Art Exhibit Opens Sunday Piptcr Scott, 3, takes delight in recognizing herself in the picture painted by her mother, Mrs. Clarence Scott of Astorwood Street fright). It is among the paintings and sculpture to be shown at the Birmingham 1/ tH f a r t a n Church, starting Sunday at 3 p. m. Mrs. Herman Linn, Birmingham (left) IS helping coordinate the show sponsored by the Pontiac Urban League Guild. The public may view the exhibition of Michigan Negro artists’ work Monday through Friday from 7-9 p.m. and 3-7 p.m. Saturday and both Sundays. ft Lack of Hair on Hubby's Head 1! Causes Wife fa Vision Red Hosts Unit ofWNFGA Mrs. Harvey Hansen of Stone-leigh Drive, recently returned from a nine-month stay in Florida was hostess to the Heritage branch, Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association, on Thursday. Trinidad coolers served from an antique English punch bowl were the focal point of the ‘surprise’ luncheon marking the organizing of the Royal Poinci-ana branch WNFGA by Mrs. Hansen while in Boca Raton. Among the guests were Mrs. William McCallum of Birmingham, national extension chairman, WNFGA, and Mrs. David O’Meara of Bloomfield Hills. By ABIGAIt VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown and it’s my own fault, but can’t help it. I was 20 when I married Wood- WSk #>1 ley. He was 29 ^ r and completely bald except for a little fringe of hair around J his head. ____________________ It bothered ABBY me then, but I told myself I’d get used to it. Well, I. never did. It kept bothering me more and more. I finally made him get a toupee (it cost $200), and he looked 100 per cent better, but 1 was still ashamed to walk beside him. From a distance he looked fine, but from close up you could tell he was wearing a toupee. He said he didn’t care if people knew he wore a toupee or or hot.lieIKnks TTlbblts'better than no hair at all. I am so ashamed of myself for feeling like I do because he is the dearest, sweetest man in all the world. And the best husband, father, and provider a woman could ask for. I just hate myself for being dissatisfied with him just because he’s What can I do?^metimes I think I can’t stand it another day. WOODLEY’S WIFE DEAR WIFE: Your problem is that you obviously have never had anything important enough to worry about. A handicapped child, a helpless parent, a husband with a drinking, gambling, or chasing problem. The real problem is your head and what’s not in it. Accept the realities of life if you cannot change them. And ignore the nonessentials in an otherwise good man. DEAR ABBY: There is i 'mSx. .-S-i tp 1 ;i David Raber, 10, son of the Richard Township, for the PTA fair held today. Rabers of Goldner Avenue, helps decorate With him is Mrs. Gary Hetherington of the halls of Stringham School, Watirford Motorway Drive, chairman of the event. Focus on Bloomfield Folk * BySIGNEKARLSTROM The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Archie Crowley returned from their vi-catioo spot at Cape Cod to participate in the festivities honoring the Rt. Rev. Richard S. Em-rich. bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. The engagement is announced of Linda Carol Smith, daughter of the Wallace Smiths of Davisburg Road, Spring-field Township, to Len-ford Dow Harless, son of Mrs. Dow Harless of King Road, Springfield Township, and the late Mr. Harless. August vows are being planned. Share Joys of Flowers BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (f) - So many people "were stopping to look at the dazzling array, of flowers in the huge garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hinkle that the couple decided to put up a sign saying “Visitors Welcome.” Hinkle, who is 85, has enjoyed gardening as a hobby fw 18 years and does most of the work himself. He and his wife are pleased that so many travelers on U. S. Highway 280 pause for a look at the thousands of azaleas and tulips. ★ ★ ★ # At the top of the hill near the Hinkles’ home is a bell visitors can use to announce their arrival. A sign reads: “If no one answers when you ring, don’t turn and go away. Just wander through the garden gate, and view the flowers gay.” noIff^ayirouTTownwfi^ ing everybody nuts. He’s about 75 years old. His trouble is he can’t keep his paws off women. No waitress will get within six feet of him. When he comes into the restaurant the cashier has to go over and take his order, and the cook comes out of the kitchen to serve it to him. This guy went to a doctor for a check up and the nurse told me if he ever came back she was going to have a pair of handcuffs ready. Everybody in town knows about him. I can’t understand why they let a man like that run loose. Isn’t he dangerous? SMALL TOWN GIRL DEAR GIRL: Probably not. If everybody in town knows about him, they’re safe. It'is the ones they don’t know about who are dangerous. DEAR ABBY: Why are certain people always late? I know two. A man and a woman. The woman has no excuse whatsoever because she has no job, no children, and all the time in the world. The man is self-employed, and his reputation for tardiness is so well-known that when he makes an appointment it is assumed that he will be anywhere from half an hour to an hour late! And he always is. But he never has the courtesy to apologize or explain. I am always prompt. My time is every bit as valuable as anyone else’s, and I resent being kept waiting. Why, oh why are some people always late? ON TIME DEAR ON: Show me a person who is “always late” and I’ll show you a person who is selfish, inconsiderate, and emotionally immature. Like children, they live in a timeless world, and couldn’t care less about the irconvenience they cause others. Occasionally, one who is meticulously punctual will be made late through no fault of his own. But those who are chronically .tardy are bound to be imma-jture and inconsiderate: in otter j ways. ( CONFIDENTIAL TO J.F.H.: The only way I know of to double your money is to fold it over once and put it back in your pocket. AP Wlrwhclos Designer Pauline Trigere’s fall collection, introduced in New York this week, included the creation at left of purple chiffon with all-over plumes and matching hat and, at right, a white Arnerican broadtail short dinner dress with rhinestone border. try Club, Mrs. Ralph L. Polk and her daughter Mrs. Rudiell Reid entertained for lunch ^ a kitchen sliower today honoring Mary Ann Affleck daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregor S. Affleck. Over l,00p paid tribute to Bishop Emrich at a dinner last evening in Cobo Hall. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Francis McMath, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Booth; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Welty, Rev. J. Burton Hodgson and Mrs. Hodgson. WRST GRANDCHILD Mrs. Crowley happily told friends about the arrivai of their ^ first grandchild James William, son of the Lawrence H. Crowleys of Pigskill, N. Y. Mrs. Crowley ij the former Nancy Biddlecombe of Maplewood, N. Y. This evening Dr. and Mrs. Howard B. Barker are entertaining for dinner 35 guests honoring Phyllis Strang and Peter BeGole who will be married on June 24th. Phyllis is the daughter of the William Strangs and Peter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ari M. BeGole. On June 19 Peter’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman will honor the attendants and the bridal couple’s families with a brunch at the Village Woman’s Club. Mr. and Mrs. Ari M. BeGole will give the rehearsal dinner in their home on Covington Road. Mr. and Mrs. Orley K. Holmes of Royal Oak announce the engagement of their dmghter, Audra E., to Thomas Merritt Snyder, son of Mfs. Merritt A. Snyder of Manderford Road and the late Mr. Snyder. The bride-elect is a student of nursing at Henry Ford Community College. Her fiance attended Michigan State University. Other parties honoring the couple have been a recent linen shower by Mesdames: Richard Brown, Norman Potter and Leonard Ucinki and Jane Leader; a kitchen and bar shower given by the George Carys and a supper party by Dr. and Mrs. Luther R. Leader. SHOWER TODAY At the Bloomfield Hills Coun- An April wedding in 1967 is being planned by Karen Elaine Breeding, daughter of the William H. Breedings of Lochaven Road, and Joseph Peter Cusumano, son of Mrs. Samuel Cusumano of Orchid Street and the late Mr. Cusumano. Rehms Visit Here ’The Carl E. Rehms of Tulsa, Okla. with tiny daughter, Ann Marie, are here enroute to their new home in Chicago where Mr. Rehm has been stationed with General Motor Truck and Coach Division. While here they will be guests of the Carl H. Rehms of Watkins Lake Road and Mrs. Dan Richey of East Bouleveard. Trigere Leans to Leggy Lass With Funds, but Figure Faults problems? Write to Abby, in care of The Pontiac Press. For a personal reply, inclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Hate to write letters? Send $1 to Abby, in care 6f The Pbntiac Press for Abby’s booklet, “How to Write Letters for ' All Occasions.” By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON AP Fashion Writer NEW YORK (JF) - The leggy lass with a little middle and a lot of money is in this year as far as designer Pauline Trigere is concerned. So are turtle pins, hairy dresses, rhinestone bibs and bonnets, men’s chevron tie materials, built-in lingerie, fur shirt dresses and fur formal gowns, and boots as supple and fitted as gloves^ “Suits are out this year,” Miss Trigere said as waiters passed cocktails and sandwiches and television cameras ground away during her fall collection opening Wednesday. “Womep want a freentlss around the waist.” K HULKING COLLARS Tbe noodels who stepped forward later wore slim coats, jaunty jackets or swingy capes over dresses with fitted or belted middles. Chins disappeared under hulking collars, hujge as- cots, and yards of scarves. But no bulk went to waist. Other figure faults would have been indiscernible under Trigere’s fashion formula. The flat front and back of skirts flared or pleated at the sides. In tweeds and knits the manikins slipped into pliant leather boots that reached higher than their above-the-knee hemlines. Sometimes silk neck scarves matched tte linings of collarless coats. Otter times tte inside story of cape-like coats was furry warmth. AFFLUENT LOOK A wardrobe of fitted dresses, long and short, some with swirling cape cpats, and made of Russian br^tail were among latest Trigere status symbol offerings. The really one-upmanship dinner gown was of broadtail, bordered, cuffed and collared in Russian sable. Modesty Mbs are what the once French designer calls those collars of twinkling rhinestones and which noodels tucked into their plunging necklines, or wore with bare-shouldered There were glittering baby bonnets to match ttese. —For grand entrances were gowns gleaming in silver and gold; and jewel embroidered see-through dresses, some with nude hued slips. And there were floating chiffons with built-in petticoats for cool comfort. Many gowns bristled with hair like plumage. Gold turtle pins were worn everywhere, even on the hem line of Miss Trigere’s own dress -collecting turtles is her hobby. Slivers' of rhinestones were pinne^ ip odd places such as tte cuff /of a long sleeved dress. And rosebuds sometimes grew out of one side of a collar or covered the cleavage otherwise exposed by a low necked dress. After the show, tte audience shouted for the author. And Miss Trigere sat down on the platform and cried. A, ) 7 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 A—9 ----IIVINO _ SOUND- HBAMIIhia AIDS Betty A. Mead Is Bride Reception in the Mountain View Country Club followed the recent vows of Betty Ann Mead and Daniel Eugene Vagts in the Waterford Community Church. WWW The Garence Moshiers of FACTS ABOUT PHARAAACY by HOWARD L DELL Your Neighborhood Pharmacist Baldwin Pharmacyj^ 219 Baldwin r ‘ FE 4-2620 RESEARCH FACTS REVEAL... Cleaning ADDS LIFE RESTORES LUSTER TO YOUR CARPETS Pickup and Delivery 1 -w-wtt^o Phone FE 2.7132 anCl KLtrh 45 WISNER STREET, PONTIAC ~ ■NEW WAYSIsrS'* 38 YEARS IN PONTIAC BRICK RANCH SEMINOLE HILLS Situated on 2 landscaped lots, custom built by presenr owner. Entrance foyer slate floored, living room 15x34, marble fireplace, beautiful carpeting and drapes, 3 picture windows, 10x12 screened porch at rear, master bedroom 17x20, 1 Vi ceramic baths, kitchen 15x18 with dishwasher, disposal, Tappan range and oven, GE refrigerator. Full basement, HW heat, central air .conditioning and lavatory. 2-car attached garage. WE WILL TRADE ANNETT INC REALTORS 28 E. Huron St., Pontiac 338-0466 Office Open Evenings and Sunday I-4 Iris Drive and Mr. and Mrs. EuUbne J. D. Vagts of Letart Street are parents of the couple who chose a northern honeymoon. White peau de sole with bodice of Chantilly lace fashioned the bride’s gown and train worn with illusion veil. She carried white orchids, roses and carnations. Honor matron was Mrs. Richard McClellan with bridesmaids, Mrs. James Mo-shier, Cindy Vagts and Lonna Parden. ★ ★ ★ Jerry Muhme was best man. Seating the guests were James and 0 e r a 1 d Moshier with Charles Mead. Bathing Was Big Swinging Deal in Rome NEW YORK (UPI) - The hippiest of today’s swingers may be delighted to know; at the height of Rome’s glory, the “in” emperors considered the ultimate to be bathing in a swinging bathtub. The Roman writer Pliny says swinging tubs were suspended from ceiling ropes and the effete emperor lounged in his tepid water as slaves tugged at the ropes. ★ ★ ★ If that weren’t enough resemblance to today’s swinging society, Pliny says the emperors lik^ to “rock and roll”— as the tub swung to and fro. He doesn’t say what the tubs were made of, but it might be difficult to suspend modern porcelain enamel steel tubs from the ceiling. However, the more conve-tional Roman tub — opulent bathing areas recessed into the floor — appear to be gaining in popularity. They usually are constructed of a concrete shell and surfaced with ceramic tile. The Versatility of these two building materials means the tub can be formed into almost any size or shape. ^oden tub swingers, ft" turns out, can perform their ablutions in a tub shaped like a heart, kidney, or afi'y other part of the body or universe. MRS. L. R. SMITH MRS. R. A. PAULS MRS. R. F. THIBERT United in Catholic Rites A breakfast-reception in Holiday Inn of Pontiac followed a solemn high nuptial Mass for Charlene Marie Kloka and Leslie Robert Smith, today, in St. Michael’s Catholic Church. PAPAL BUESSIIW Rev. Charles Rooney extended the Papal blessing to the couple whose parents are the Clarence Klokas of Jos-wick Road, Pontiac Township, and the Robal Smiths of Second Avenue. With her gown and train of white organza and Chantilly lace, the bride wore a pillbox with veil and mantilla of lace and illusion. She carried daisy chrysanthemums. Mrs. Dennis Poosch attended her sister as honor matron. . Bridesmaids were CatherinwHSmith, Mary Elizabeth Schroeder, Marlene Wagner and Debwah Arcand. Tammy Hipshere was flower girl. J^frey Smith carried the rings. With Dennis Smith, his brother’s best man, were ushers Thomas Smith, William Crawford, Peter Ron-quillo apd Dennis Poosch. The couple will honeymoon in Niagara Falls and Canada. Polish Bath Tile Usirrcfoaner-p?rtlslr^ax^= one that doesn’t water spot — on tile in the bathroom. This keeps the tile spick-and-span between clean-up days. The newlywed Mr. and Mrs. Roger Algird Pauls (Karen Lynn McKenna) left for a honeymoon in the Lake Michigan area after their marriage today in St. Vincent de Paul Church. ★ ★ ★ With them at a wedding luncheon in Malta Temple were their parents, the Jack E. McKennas of Woodmont Street? and Mr. and Mrs. Algird Pauls of Hazel Park. Stephanie McKenna was maid of honor for her sister who chose an Empire sheath gown and train of white organza over taffeta touched with re-embroidered Alencon lace. HER MOTHER’S MISSAL Her veil was French illusion and she carried her mother’s wedding missal topped with Phalaenopsis orchids and Stephanotis. Cindy and Patti Pauls were bridesmaids at their brother’s wedding. Victor Zelinskas of Detroit was best man for his nephew, with William Portugal and Carl Tillen as ushers. Airman 2.C. and Mrs. Robert Francis Thibert (Carolyn Rose Humphreys) will honeymoon en route to Fort Walton Beach, Fla. where he is stationed at Eglin AFB. Rev. David Britz extended the Papal blessing to the couple who were wed Friday in St. Michael’s Church. They later greeted guests in the Fisher BSdy Union Hall. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Humphreys of LeBaron Street was given in marriage by her father. A pearl tiara worn by her four sisters at their weddings secured the bride’s illusion veil. White organza and French lace over taffeta fashioned her Empire gown and Watteau train. With Mrs. Gerald Weber, her sister’s honor matron, were bridesmaids Marcia Booth and Sue Humphreys. Christine Schooley and Michael Dovigi were flower girl and ring-bearer. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dovigi of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., had Gary Collins for best man. Joseph Humphreys and Ger-aid Weber were ushers. echo park SUMMER JUNE 27-AUGUST 26 CAMP ECHO PARK SUMMER CAMP U lecalad on 93 ocrai of vnipoilod moodowt, hills and woodlands; including throo spring-fod lakos and fliilos of noturo and riding trails. A day camp program covor-Ing tho yoars 3Vk to 17, omploying quolifisd oducators with o solid background in camping and possossing warmth and understanding which Echo Park's particular approach demands. This includes specialised instructors in swimming, riding, boating, fishing, games and sports, trompelino, arts and erdfts, camp ci^, nature lore, orchery and cookouts for tho scheduled overnights. For Brochurtt and Information Call Ml 6-5690 EXCELLENT TRANSPORTATION IS AVAILABLE Oxford Scene for Vows of Geraldine Kay Francis RENT, LEASE, SELL. BUY HOMES, PROPERTY, COTTAGES, :ARS, golf clubs---use PONTIAC press CLASSinED \DS. TO PLACE yours, CALL 33WI181. I The Oxford Methodist Church was the setting for the recent marriage of Geraldine Kay Francis to Jack R. Wil-fong. A dinner in Devon Gables followed the afternoon family ceremony performed by Rev. Fred Clark for the couple who are both ensive touches can- add considerably to house value, i recent survey shows. Alliance Maanfactorlng Co., makers of “Genie” antomatie garage door operators,^ surveyed real estate brokm to determine how mncfa Installa-tton of their product might enhance home resale value. In addition, they asked about ‘other items” that might serve | to increase resale price — withi these results: i In( the kitchen, a new re- thnf miikdkft In lighting, noiseless switches. Inexpensive dimmer switches to appropriate locations and modem chandelier are sound resale Investments. Replactog worn doorknobs and new hardware on the front door are other inexpensive touches that can help. Switch from HOT IIAUTIFUL lUILDING SITIS in Ixcluiiv* Dark Colony ■XC«alnkost completed family room and first- , >omfiel floor laundry—within walking distance to schools in the Bloomfield Hills school district—carpeting and draperies are included at $34,750 AAAX BROOCK INC. 300 S. Woodward i Birmingham -6700 JO 4-6700 A THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE B--8 BUILT IN 4 DAYS TO LAST A LIFETIMEI Healthful Rvlng and family ploatur* of a pric* ovaryona eon offord. Cadillac Pooli aro conifruetad of Fabidout Plbarglof and ilaal ralnforcad concrata in all ihop«« and lixas. Cadillac's Fiborglai walli do nof raquira annual patching and painting and eorry a 10 y Vin-romlc nping nit*r Syitsm I'-I'A' Dt*p I'VWalk A prodiid of Osiwral PmI C»r|Mr«llon - Amsrin't largMt ----tf p„.,nglnMr>d Hbrglas po*b. CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATEI See DISPLAY POOL at: CUIKSTIIN POOL 00. 7170 Dixie Hwy. -• Clorkston Open Sundays 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. MA 5-2674 GARAGES 6 yoar wrifiiit *189 Si‘.r." INaUOfS ★FlowwbMMMid Sr OvwIniia Ex. KE 4-T080 FE 4-1400 ANCHOR® FENCE protects children, pets and property • l”^Modemmeshe or 2" standard weave, all- w aluminum or steel e Distinctive beauty of Anchor’s exclusive square designed gates and '-' poets • Anchor installed e Free estimate *• LOW AS S5.00 A MONTH FE 5-7471 SPAIN AT HOI^: While this two-story, four-bedroom house looks as though it is part of the Spanish countryside or a section of the American Southwest or West, its style is gaining increasing attention in all parts of the United States. Spanish Influence in Dramatic 2-Story How to Build, Buy or Sell Your Home FuU study pian information on this architect-designed House of the Week is included in a 5(k»nt baby blueprbt. With it in hand you can obtain a contractor’s estimate. You can order also, for $1, a booklet caUed YOUR HOME-How to Build, Buy or Sell it. Included in it are small reproductions of 16 of the most popular House of the Week issues. Send orders to House Plans, The Pontiac Press, P. 0. Box 9, Pontiac, Michigan 480S6 j------------------------------------------------1 I Enclosed is 50 cents for baby blueprint on | 1 ^ I Enclosed is $1 for YOUR HOME booklet I I Name ................................ SCity □ ! The popularity of certain styles of furniture is often a reflection of the houses in which th^ are being used. A W ★ Increasing sales of Spanish motif furnishings during the last year have made it evident a similar influence is being felt in home desip. Spanish architecture has a time-proven solidarity about it. As many residents of the American Southwest have known for years, it combines the traditional with a flair for the dramatic, a partnership that makes living more interesting. It usually also provides privacy for out-door living — and. such privacy is much in demand these days. # ★ ★ fine example of Spanish styling, attuned to the needs of the modem family, is Desip G-40, created for House of the second floor plan Week by architect Rudolph A. Matem. 2-STORY It’s a two-story house with four bedrooms on the second floor, plus a roof garden stretching 27’ long over the garage. The desip is striking both inside and out. The interior plan would promote interest with any kind of exterior, the central portion being a fuil two stories hip over the foyer and family room. A balcony at the second floor level surrounds this area to give a touch of a bygone century. ★ ★ ★............ A series of arches, used on the exterior on both floors, carry to the inside. The roof garden has five such arches, which are glazed and give natural light to the interior. The arches continue around to the master bedroom and balcony-type hall. No down paymont • 60 months to pay • Firit paymant Aug. I G & M CONSTRUCTION 8 ELLIS GlNtRAl CONTRAaORS mme's’msTonmnie sm/a’ DDITIONS o aluminum SIDING o BREEZEWAYS TTIC CONVERSIONS • AWNING WINDOWS o AWNINGS ENS o PATIOS o GARAGES o RECREATION ROOMS ONCRETE WORK-MASONRY o KITCHENS o FAMILY ROOMS ATHROOMS o STORM and SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS IFCCML FHUNCE PUN 86 North Saginaw-Downtown Pontiao 2-1211 FE 2-1212 FLOOR PLANS: Typical of Spanish archllectufe, there’s a world of.opportunity to enjoy good indoor and outdoor living. Note front and rear porches, aide terrace pd roof garden, as well as arresting curved staircase and fountain in two^itory foyer. Just inside the double-door front entrance is a spacious foyer, with a curved staircase sweeping up to the second floor. There are no two-story walls to restrict the view across the top of the stair, yet second floor ludvacy is provided by the height of the stair itself. DRAMATIC PICTURE Adding to the dramatic picture is a water fountain nestling in the curve of the stair. The family room, behind the foyer, also has arches on three sides— leadinf to the dining room, the arched porch and the kitchen. The latter, 15’ 6” in length, accommodates a full-size kitchen table as well as the usual assortment of modern appliances. ★ ★ ★ Directly off the kitchen is the service section, which includes a laundry, a lavatory, a stair to the basement and a rear entrance. There is an abundance of out^ door living areas. At the front is a covered porch behind the graceful arches. —AL the right side, off the fireplaced living room, is a long terrace, shielded from front view by a privacy wall. At the rear is a large porch, the two-car garage or the family room. All these are in addition to the previously mentioned roof garden on the second floor, which has a parapet wall around two sides. ★ ★ ★ By facing the garage doors the side, the front wall becomes an integral part of the design. STUCCO-ON-BRICK ’The construction materials are stucco-on-bridc arches, stucco-on-frame, Spanish tile roof, obscure glass in garage win- G40 STATISTICS Design G-40 has a living room, dining room, family room, lavatory, kitchen and laundry area on the first floor, with 1249 square feet of living space. In addition, there are four bedrooms and two baths on the second floor, providing 1134 additional square feet of habitable area excluding the 27’ by 12’ ro<^ garden atop the two-car garage. Overall dimensions are 48’ 8” by 47’. sldl'Hlc iKiiinlirli /)i)i)h dows, and ceramic tile floors on the front porch, family room and foyer. Windows are steel casement. Looks like a nice place to enjoy living, do«n’t it? That’s what it’s meant to be. Give Clay Saucer With Potted Plant If you are giving a potted plant as a gift, go all the way and provide a matching red clay saucer. The saucer not only will protect furniture from water staining but it will give the plant more finished look. The clay pots are porous to give plants good drainage and an air supply. But the saucers are now waterproofed to prevent moisture from seeping onto floors and rugs and to catch excess water. WHAT IS KLIN6ELNUT FACE BRICK SIDING? It is the Multi-Purpose Brick Siding that does so many jobi-BETTER KNnpoIhut brick it o^nvino, IndWirivolly modof kiln-firod brick of tfondord dimtntion oxcopf that it it y» inch thick. It it bonded to Vk inch intuloting ponolt by on oaclutivo procoit do-volepad by Klingolhwt. THit product! on intuloting cembinoHon oquol to 4 inchtt of blown-in intulotion-or 4 foot of tolid brick. • Givtt ytar-round insulation a Ro-duett fuel eoitt • Btaufifitt ytur home, inoreastt its value • Ratitta fira-Lowart inturanca rataa a Ends repair and maintananoe billt-no paiirtini a Economical to install... 2503 DIXIE HWY. PONTIAC Opposite Silver Lake Road GETTWOESTIMITES and THEN GALL US! Buy from owner — no talasman. Every former Dixie customer will recommend ut very highly. AAoke ua prove it. Peraonol owner's tuperviaion on your job from atort to completion. No subcentroefort, wo hove our own crows. Wo build oU stylo gorogas .in Pontiac and suburbs. 5 yoor guorantoo on oil jobt. No money down. First paymont in Sept. Up to 7 years to pay. DIXIE GARAGE CONSTRUCTION CO. ■ttwtm Crtsetnt Lk. and Airport Rds. OR 4-03T1 - 6744 HIQHUND RD. - L11-4470 (Call Collept) JULY OCCUPANCY JUST 2 LEFT!! This completes our huilding •X in Clarkston Gardens—LAST 2!1 •A 88 ONE and TWO-BEDROOM AIR CONDITIONED SUITES! Onr Interior Designer created these rooms with your fomititre in mind. Yoir will eidoy the privsey of a separate dining area. Hoge walk-thrti cloMtN are fonnd in the master bedroom. Thermopane windows, Fornuea window siUs apd central «iH:onditioning give yon year-rhund comfort rarely fonnd in even the most expensive hoteL The Elastiael floor represents the very newest niethod of achieving maximum soundproofing. The comfortable charm of Early A the sterile simidicity of a modem dpsign <-whatever your individual choice, your furniture will take on new Mrsonality amid the quiet colors of Embassy West. Handsome swimming pool for tenants! 5379 Highland Rd. in Waterford ... Phone 674-0769 4% Miles West of Tel-Huron Shopping Center on Highland Rd. (M-59) CLARKSTON GARDENS “An Urban Community' Direction from Poiliac Dixie Hwy (IIS-IO) to M-15, turn right 1 mile to Wuldon Rcl., right 1 mile to models or 1-75, thru Clark.stnn. Left at Waldon Rd. off Main St. Vt'Al.DON ROAD ATAI.MOM) LANE Lot and Fireplace Included! 1,350 Sq. Ft. of Living Area Built and Sold by ARISTOCRAT BUILDING CO. it Spacious Family Room With FIREPLACE it Large Kitchen and Dining Area it 1 and Vk Batha it 2-Car Attached Brick Garage it Fall Basement it Gas Heat it Lou 106x140 WALDON RD. at ALMOND LANE Op«B Daily 12 to 6, Sunday THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, I8M Cotnmunily Theaters "Tin Dof and ItM Lina," " Sat.-Man.; "Frankta and Johnny," iivto Frosity, Donna Doutfat. Thuri.,Frl.: "BamM"; alao "Toify ohd CORRECTION In Friday’s Dell’s Inn Ad the (^py Should Have Read: FLOOR SHOWS EVERY SATURDAY THE ELDORADOES I Every Tuesday—Wednesday—Frklay— Saturday—Sunday | The Pontiac Press Hunt Given Up for Plane, Men in Lake Huron ALPENA (AP) - The Coast Guard has given up its official search for the light plane that crashed in Lake Huron Wednesday with four Fort Wayne, Ind. men aboard. The body of one of the four, Gordon Banks Jr., was fbund the day of the crash. Guardsmen abandoned the search Friday night but asked boats plying the lake to keep a watch for any evidence of the lost plane. Bleonifiald Miracle Mile Only Shirt SMrvice 'HE HOUR the most m Cedar Storage FREE storat* at RejEular Priea Bags on Request .Dry Cleaning Special. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 13-14-15 ANY TWO GARMENTS Professionally Dry Cleaned and Prassad for only *1.98 Coats - Dresses - Suits count as on* Bloomfield Miracle Mile Only Dial 332-1822 ‘Kosher”, as defined by the new law “are those foods prepared or iN'ocessed in MAYOR LEADS WAY-With PhUadclphia Mayor James H. J. Tate (left) leading the way, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson inspects gardens in the Independence Hall—Society Hill section of Philadelphia yesterday where she AF WlraFtWM was presented a medal in recognition of her part in the nationwide beautification i»-o-gram. With the first lady is M. 0. Anderson, superintendent of the national park. Abuses Penalized Bill on Kosher Foods Signed LANSING (AP)-Gov. George Romney Friday signed into law a bill defining “kosher” foods and requiring their regulation by the State Agriculture Depart- Author ize transfer of a parcel of land by the State Administrative Board to the Detroit Board of Education. ance with Orthodox Hebrew Religious requirements sanctioned by a recognized Ortlndox rabbinical councU-’t The new law provides penalties for the false or misleading' application of the term “kosher" to nonkosher foods. Other bills signed by the governor would: -Exempt social psychologists from the Psychirfogist Registration Act. -Provide that rt>ileptic patients admitted to Caro State Hospital be subject to the same law r^arding liability of relatives and charges as now governs retarded patients. Broaden the C3iild Abuse Act of 1965 to include responsibility of registered nurses, social workers, school principals, assistant principals and counselors for rep^ing abuse cases. Vince Edwards Happy Goodby to Sourpuss Casey —Set penalties for the use ofj |,|.m electronic devices in tampering! ^ with telephonic equipment. | I —Broaden the rule-making au-| thority of the state insurance commissioner. For the first thne By BOB THOMAS AP Movie-Television Writer [years, Edwards was not faced H0LLYW(X)D — Vincent Eld- with a long season of portraying iwards glan^ at the trade-jthe sullen surgeon, Ben Casey, paj^r headline over breakfast He has performed his last lobo-**■“ |tomy, and he’s glad of it. ALL RIGHT GUY 'coffee at the Brown Derby. The news: lV writers vote to strike. The actor grinned wryly and commented, - “I ha n k God I don’ have to about thingsl like that: I’m THOMAS finished with old sourpuss. I mentioned that he never referred to Dr. Casey as old sourpuss while he was making the series. in five play him somber, figuring it would give the character more depth. It seemed to work. But I’m happy to be smiling again.’ And why not? Already enriched by “Ben Casey,” he’ll be collected on reruns here and abroad for a long time hence. Now he’s branching out in other directions. He hopes to start his Columbia Picture contract soon; he’d like the first film to “That’s true,” he admitted. “I ^ “I" CoW Blood,” as what spoke of him more respectfully. But, I can’t be derogatory abour T^dwalfds ___________derogatory abour Edwards was opening this old Ben, even if he was a sour- "'®ek in New York with a new puss. He did all right by me. !*ct. I I “I work with four girls and T We chose at the outset toi8've the folks some songs and V LAST ^ NIGHT! “EVEN IN ^ THESE u ANYTHING ^ Ti:UT«E ^ there are «.mn, eyebrow .some talk.” he remarked. “No! I dancing, although I do dazzle | ’em with fancy movement. j j “It’s the first time I’ve ap-| peared in my own home town. See De Gaulle |. . I Jjcaicu in my own f He s Eligible j (CHICAGO (AP) — resident! j Johnson should go to France toj [convince President Charles de ' Gaulle not to pull that nation out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, says former Vice President Richard M. Nixon. All Right borscht circuit up in the Cats-| ^ kills; that’s where I got myi f start. 1HEKDNT From tht RMt pnnriul bttt-MlItr ol our diudt "The stronger nation must lead,” Nixon said in an interview taped for presentation on a Chicago television program today. “If President Kennedy hadi lived, he never would have permitted this to happed,” Nixon said. ”He would have gone over to see de Gaulle, to sit down and talk with him, and that’s what President Johnson ought to do. “You can’t have NATO or an Atlantic community or any^g else in Europe without France.'' GRAVE THREAT CHARLESTON, W.Va (AP) -You think 87 is too old to ^ married? “I think it’s just about right,” says 87-year-old Harvey Hudson, who applied for a marriage license Friday to marry 58-year-old Nellie Lm Devers of Charleston. Hudson, a widower for 30| years, said “Nothin’ wrongHvith being 87. I’ve got a lot of energy left” “Playing New York is a big thrill. In New York you gotta be good.” Pontiac Theaters In a speech Friday night to the 75th annual convention of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, Nixon declared: We must not let the grave threat to freedom abroad blind us to the growing threats to freedom at home.” | Auto Crash Is Fatal HARBOR BEACH (AP)-Wil-liam B. Tenbusch, 28, of Harbor Beach was killed Friday when his car failed to make a curve and struck a tree on M25 about a mile north of Harbor Beach. EAGLE Sat.-Mon.: “Agent for H.A.R. M.,” Wendell Corey, colw; “Cincinnati Kid,” Steve Mc-(Jueen, color. Tues.-Thurs.: “The Money Trap,” Glenn Ford, Elke Sommer; “Gunrighter of Casa Grande,” Alex Nicol, color. HURON Sat.-Tues.: “The Agony and the Ecstasy.” Charlton Heston, Rex Harrison. Starts Wed.: “The Singing Nun,” Debbie Reynolds. OPEN 7:30 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK MA 4-3135 "'BLUE sIBnEY, SHELLEY, POITIER-.iHTERS ^etro-Goldwyn-Msyor prosentt a Joequsi Bor Production starrln( U DELON • ANN MAU ■ VAN NEFUN • lACN PAUNCE Once a Thief Pontiac’s POPUUN TNEATER Wiik D*r<; OmI. II •-■. ta 12 pji. luilSWI CfllNMMt 12 t.m. If 12 M>- EAGLE "A seper-duiMr prodHction! Eiceptiiiially bemtifiti plioto|rapliy.’'i ADULTS Nites and Sun. $1.50 - Children (under 12) 50c SAT. and SUN. Shows at 1:00-3:05-5:10-7:15-0:20 Starts WED. 'THE SINGING NUN“ One of these threats, he said, is the “rising disregard for the rule of law which is the guaran-. tee of all freedom. I can recall no other period during my lifetime whenthe respect for ftie rule of law and public authority I in greater decline.” \AAAAAAAAAAFREE PLAY6I10UWDS « tXCITIIIS CIRCUS TRAIN RIDES AAAAAAAAAJ) MIRACLE MILE so. m£Ca*FM AT so IA« *0. 1 MIlE W WOODWARD cwiieatw uwstR 12 rst^,- DRIVE-IN 293S OIAIE HIGHWAY U S lOi 1 BIOCK N TtlEGRAPH RD. CNIIOREN UMOtR 12 FRIt BLUE Waterford'; take its to MT. CLEMENS RO. OPOYRE RO AT WALTON ILVO. CNILORtN UN0(R 11 FRII WCK , lHUDSON Efiktrum! bAODIA i HENRY FONOA,!^^^^ CARDINALE E JOANNE WOODWARD UWUmALtE JASON ROBAROS / ;~-.'c.wnTo.' - SHELLEY ^ sHESTON BRYMfTERBAXTER: WINTERS ■ T AOIB HAND s\\ #SUXZIFBCPs tllllEUMlY and-----: TECHNICOLOR’ I——c Fke Emck and' W^JANE huMMOSjE = EFREM LEE SZIMIALIST, JR.nO^Orf :REMiCKn son! _ -OFA I GUHFiGHTeRI lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll; Haggarty Rd. 363-06G1 COMMERCE thaw Marta at Oask Adults $1.21 Childran Undar 12 Frte NOW THRU SUNDAY IT’S GRAND LARCENY ON AN INTERNATIONAL SCALE They're after 5 Million in SmuEfted Diamonds...with Thrills | and Danger for every Dem! Janes Garner Meuna Mercouri Sandra Dee TonyFranciosa. -ALSO- RIDE THE CREST OF THE FUN WAVE! Starring BOBBY VINTON NTMMMRIM'JMXKIiStUlOII mwrma - moiaucrak • inr nimci • naitia hewait nnr. „ |wiAmMMH| intllllip|-MA**v mfaloino• mZum'^oSS^ THE PONTIAC g^ESS. SATURDAY. JUNE 11, 1966 B—5 WTHS Student Constructors Near End of Garage Project ' Despite a few mishaps, carpentry and architectural drawing students at Waterford Township High School are nearing completion of their part in construction of a seven-stall, $5,000 garage. The much-needed structure will harbor the school’s six driver education vehicles. The extra space temporarily will be used to store athletic equipment. The constmction gang consists of 18 carpentry students, under the supervision of industrial arts instructor George W. Kressbach. Designing the building were three architectural drawing students. Scale models of the garage were made prior to construction. ★ ★ ★ Except for the floor, footing, brick work and installation of overhead doors, the students will have done all the work. WORK AVERAGE , An average of about 16 work-hours will have been spent on the project by each of the 18 carpentry students, according to KrKsbach. “While it’s not a profession- RALPH C. CLAUS JR. St. Trinity Pupil Teen ot Week Teen of the Week Ralph C. Claus Jri/ is one young lad who knows why he's going to school. The eighth grader at St. Trinity Lutheran School sees a correlation between quality education and the strengthening of democracy. “It gives us a better understanding of government and society and provides tbe background to choose good and able leaders necessary to continue our democratic institutions," be said. Ralph, 13, is a son of the Rev. and Mrs. Ralph C. Claus 322 Auburn. it * * He is an “A" student at St. Trinity, where he is coeditor of the school newspaper. Ralph also has been active in the school’s sports program, playing as a regular member of football, basketball and baseball teams. with them in some kespects," he quipped. Kressbach, who estimated the class may have saved the school $1,500 to $2,0Q0 in labor costs, said that he as well as the students, has gained by the venture. ★ ★ ★ “I think I’m learning as much or more as the students are,” he said. REGULAR HOURS Almost all of the work was done during the regular class hour, Kressbach noted. However, he said some of the more interested students also contributed work time during study hall periods. Contractors are expected to complete the job this summer, except for a' few odds and ends which the students will tend to in September. being well-constructed. There are minor errors fliat don’t interfere with the structural sta-biUty of the building," he added. ■ Construction of the near-completed garage began only a few weeks ago. ★ ★ ★ The most noteworthy mishap occurred when wind blew down the back wallTjf the structure. FORGOT BRACES Kressbach explained that the students took out the braces to place sheathing on the wall and, in the process, forgot to replace them, leaving the wall vulnerable. However, it took the studn less than an hour to reconstruct the wall. Kressbach remarked that the students h a y e shown interest and eagerness in undertaking the project. it it it He feels that their mistakes may have been a result of overeagerness, but emphasized that none of the flaws was serious. SHORT BOARDS “Oh, they cut a board too short once in a while by hurrying too much,’’ said Kressbach. “Maybe It’s (overeagemess) not a weakness. Maybe it’s just my inability to keep up Political Advertisement MONDAY June 13th School Board Election PONTIAC VOTERS RETAIN Mrs. ELSIE MIHALEK LBJ, Rusk Confer on NATO Meetings WASHINGTON (AP)-Secre-tary of State Dean Rusk, just back fron\ Brussels and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ministerial meeting, with President Johnson to outline the ministers’ actions. it * it “The secretary of state -simply went over the meeting and issed issues dealt there,’’ reported Press Secretary Bill D. Moyers, who attended Friday’s conference. Also at the conference were Secretary of Defense Robtft S. McNamara, Undersecretary of ; State George W. Ball and presidential adviser Walt W. Rostow. More Police Sought DETROIT {AP)-Sheriff Peter -L. Buback asked Wayne Couilty / supervisors Friday for money to ; assign an additional 10 police-; men to the 23-man force at De- . troit Metropolitan Airpwt. Ponlltc enti Phot. STUDENT PROJECT—Carpentry students at Waterford Township High School display teamwork while constructing a seven-stall garage on school grounds. Looking on is industrial arts instructor George W. Kressbach, who is supervising the project. The garage will be used to harbor the school’s six (kiver education cars. A METHOD OF PAYING YOUR BILLS BASED ON YOUR ABIUD TO PAY! ONE PLACE TO PAY! SEE Michigan Credit Counsellors 702 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. Phone FE 8-0456 Our Ilth Year Kt famlit. #f There Is No Substitute for Experience _ 8 Years Experience W On Pontiac School Board ^ Impartial Representation For All w Citizens Of The School Community • Every Board Member Should Understand That The Basic Function Of The Board Is Policy Making And Not Administration. A The Board is Dependent Upon The Competency and Good Will ol It's Employeos. arid The Board Should Provide The Best Teaching Staff Available. ; TAN Father^s FAMILY DLPARTMLNT blORLS SHOP SPARTJW 9:30 AM. to 10 P.M. DWT... SONDXT 12 NOON to I P.H. / CorHr of Dixie iUcliway ssA Tolagraiili RoaA-IN PONTIAC THE PONTIAC PRESS SATURDAY. JUNE 11, 1966 DNE COLOR Reiither Raps AFL-CIOMove Says Confab Walkout Hurts Peace Efforts WASHINGTON (AP)-United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther has charged AFL||| ini WIM TMCK BUSTER BRUWN CLOTHING FUR CHILDREN ^'RLUE BELL WEARINR APPAREL FOR THE ENTIHC FtMILV Headquarters for Father*s Hay Gifts and Cards! Art E234 - Washable Colors COATS and CLARK'S RED HEART ' KNiniNG WORSTED r$il9 UHAN’S VARIETY STORE 1475 Baldwin Ave. at Walton FE 4-3348 OfMn Dally 9 A.AA. to 9 PiA., Sunday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. 100% Viiyin Wool -AAothproof -- Tonglo ' Proof-Roody to Knit — Pull Oof Skain FHMIirilEHHIFUnra ENGINES ^169 Exchange Rlut Installation" for Most 6-Cyi. Engines Special Low Prices for Overhauling Your Engine! 6 Cyl. »95-V-8s »115 This INCLUDES . . . Ringi, Rod Boarings,. Fit Pint, Daglaz* Cylinder Walls, Gaskats, Oil and Laborl STANDARD ENGINE REBUILDERS (WAUHUHNRII.->M-NT1 mmm tmmM mmm ’ - , ■ ‘'*2 ■ ' ■ • ^ , it McDonald's now serves a special Man-tizad Cheeseburger ^,1^ for the Go/dsn Anhss « ^McDonaldh* OPEN 11 to n 810 N. PERRY at EAST BLYD. Porter-Coble HEDGETRIMMER • SHOCK-PROOF • BREAK-PROOF • FAILURE-PROOF Only $2088 A timo and work utility of a bullt^ pnin-ing ROW. Trim and pnino with tho ramo tooll Um tho triremorfor ahop— Ing hadgat, ahrvbt and buthat; •a tlw pruning aow ottochmant oi »dad, to cut haovy brush, limbs unu branchas. A Quality . Extro-long 144“ trimmar cuttor bor, Prailunt! »horpanad cutting taath on both PrOdUOt! stationary and raciprocotlng blodas for fostor, claonsr cutting action. Model 36 with Double Cutting Bar..$84.88 KEEGO HDWE. NO. 1 8041 Orohard Lake Rd. 682-2660 fm~m\ MONDAY and TUESDAY ONLY FRYING CHICKENS Ug or BrMot.OUAimRS 3^99^ Fresh Picnic Cut PORK ROAST SLICED FREE for Cottage Style Pork Stealcs We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities HOFFMAN’S PONTIAD FREEZER FOODS S26 N. P.rry pE t-IISt THE PONTIAC RRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 Do You Have the Oldest Fuinace In Pontiac? You may have the furnace we are looking for. If you have the oldest furnace we find still in operoHon. to owner a 100,000 B.T.U. forced warm air American Standard Furnace. Winners name to be announced July 1, 1966. Fill in the form below, bring or mail it to Lake Heating. NAME............................. ADDRESS.......................... MAKE OF FURNACE.......... ... .T.. LAKE HEATING 2548 Lapeer Rd., Pontiac - FE 5-8952 Just North of Walton Blvd. ONE EOLOR French Forces Like Germany BONN, Germany (A - Whether French forces stay in Germany or pull out seems, to many of their officers, to depend on French President Charles de Gaulle’s getting his way with his allies — not on the needs of Western defense. “It’s a long time since he stepped thinking as a general and b^an to think as a politician,” one ally said. ★ De Gaulle has told President Johnson that he no longer wants to take part in an integrated system of defense but will fi^^t at the side of his allies if th^ are the victims of “unprov(*ed aggression.” He will decide. This reporter has Just returned from a four-day visit to the French forces in Germany. There is little aiticism of de GauUe among them, but a lot of officera will be unhappy if he decides to pull them out. 7I,INMEN the French have over 70,000 men in this country, more than the British but only about a third as many as the Americans. * ★ ★ If war broke out tomorrow, the French would—in theory-come under allied command. Gen. Jacques Massu and his army would be at the orders xjf Gen. Andrew P. O’Meara, commander in chief of the U.S. Army in Europe and conunand-er of CENTAG, the Central Army Group of the alliance. ★ ★ ★ Some 10,000 French airmen would become part of the 1st Allied Tactical Air Force, also under an American. De Gaulle announced that he is pulling out of that kind of integration on July 1. The other allies object, especially the United States, Britain and West Germany. WEST GERMANS The West Germans also are anxious to have it clearly stated that the French are here as guests and allies, not as the Victors of World War II. De Gaulle’s government has said that if its troops are not wanted, they can be withdrawn entirely within a year. It would be a sad wrench for many (rfficers. After years of rough fighting in Algeria and Viet Nam, French officers are glad to find a comfortable billet in Germany. BETTER HOUSING They generally have better housing than they would get in France. They enjoy reduced prices at their post exchanges. There are good schools. ★ ★ ★ Few live nfore than 100 miles from the French border. Draftees get a raise for serving in Germany, but since this brings their total wage to 61 centimes — about 12 cents^j a day, it does not raise their enthusiasm much. Elderly and very young people in the U.S. are increasing in numbers more rapidly thanl those 18-64 years. I Camlidate for Board of Ednnfioi CLARKSTON SCHOOL DtSTRICT Qualificaiiotu MolWofaialrtclilMraii. AttamM UnivMily of IMttmft School of MucoHon oirfliMlwigM •ummor school. Attondod Modkol School SHyoon KodCiots. SorvodosonIntorprstorfofthoUX. INQRID SMITH (Mrs. William SAiHh) 6S60 Eatflawn, Clarktlon AIMS: To obtain FvU-’nmoSorvIcoo of a School Nnnw It for tchool crouingt. To bring a womon't ponpoctivo ta tho Board of Edueo-Non pollclot logordlng tho phyiieol and odueoNonol noodt of tho ttadontt of tho oroo. DEDICATED TO IMPROVEMENT! i 'v NEAP *0 CLEANING FOR A WH Bit >0 MONEY” Get set for Father's Day - July 4th - Vacation! Have your clothes spotlessly cleaned and renewed at greater savings with these valuable couponti VALUABLE COUPON SHIR1S LAUNDERED Monday-Tuasday-Wednesday With Diy Cleaning Order of $1.71 or More 4 93C more hSo*. eat or shirts each r**M*tl*)rtoroMkM VALUABLE COUPON MONDAY TUESDAY - WEDNeIdaY^'^ \ I COUPON I COUPON I ' • Udin;^ Main Skirts_| « w#ii;i ikhtacliM Ctitt ^ Diy CiaaiMd 59*^ •rttstt Dry CtttntS 99‘ IIIIDnil econ-o-dry cleaners nUnUH AND SHIRT UUNDRY 944 WEST HURON ST. Open Daily 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Sat. S a.in. to I p.m* SUPER KEM-TONE Coiii^mito DU POUT LUCITE^^^ 4U LUCITE EXTERIOR 6'J MOUSE PAINT... HANNA SATIN SHEEN .. ..4.15 gal. Sales Days thru Saturday, June 18,1966 HUDSON’S discount 41 EAST WALTON JUST EAST OF BALDWIN AVI. PE 4-1242 Open Friday 9 AM. to 9 PJM. Woekdoya 9 AM. to A PM.-Sgn. 7 0 AM. to 3 PJM. Enjoy a delicious, hardy BREAKFAST Served in a pleaaant atmosphere AIR CONDITIONED to your comfortl NOW OPEN 6 A.M. Mon. thru Sat.; Sun. 10 A.M.-8 P.M. Ctiukd RESTAURANT 1300 N. PERRY ST. Across From Northern High School I mulls ONLY! Id All print EVERYONE SUNDAY ONLY! 12 to 6 P.M. Dan Rhrer 100% Catton Terry Cloth 76 Soft, absorbent terry^ cloth makes up into fine beach towels, robes, kitchen towels, etc. Solid colors, stripes and colorful prints. KRESGE’S PONTIAC MALL DRAYTON PUINS TRUCKLOAD SALE Prieas Good to Thun., Juno 16th LUCITE OUTSIDE HOUSE! PAINT lueita eelora ..... $G.M Qal. mp WMtfi AbbIi# LUCITE INSIDE WALL $^99, PAINT 41 " " Super KEM [tone ____I 1066 Colors .... S4.T9Gal. PS HARDWARE Sn Orahard Uka Ava. FE M424. SimiiiHWiiiiiB ■OniDRIiMNINI lEW LOW PRICE $969, r IP GAL. HOOVER / VACUUM SERVICE REBUILT CLEANERS SERVICE - PARTS POWERFUL HOOVER UPRIGHT CLEANER '55 Open Sundays mi 2 PM, BARNES A HARDRAVES HARDWARE 742 W. Huron St. PARK FREE FE 5-91 Cl Across from the Pott Offko SUNDAY SPECIAL! CL0»0 MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS Sixxling Hot... Ready to Eat BAR-B-CUED CHICKENS c ea< I DRAYTON PUINS STORE ONLY sfflNWi. BAZLEY CASH MARKET 4341 Dixia Highway - Drayton Plaini Just in Time for Flag Day-Flag OuHD 3x5 Fool U.S. Flag PLUS 12x18 Inch MICHIGAN STATE FUG hoavy cart 2-woy pnnnanant motol Mclnt with mounting Krnwt, Geld Ball tap I*-------- — for only.. $>100 ORDER BY MAIL IF YOU WISH ... BUT FLY THE FLAGS ON JUNE14, FUG DAY! I Nntiae Junior Chamkor of Cemintrce I Pantiae Press Bex M I PJ).BoxlPentiae,Mieh.4M6l " Enclosed is $.......per sat I Ploosesoiid.........Flog Sots toi I NAME.............................. I ADDRESS........ .................. ■ CITY,................STATE.........2IP........ I Malta Socles or monoy eidort payablo to Pontiac Junior I Qiomb*rofCommwpcM« BRiDGisrm 90 TRAIL do9 tern “ ^ ^ TB 111 See Our Selection Of TERMS Other Models TO SUIT COMPLETE PARTS AND SERVICE CENTER LEE’S ^ ^ Open Daily 7:30 A.AA. to 8:30 P.M.-Closed Sundays 921 Mt. Clement » PONTIAC FE 8-S6CS Introductory PRICE OFFER! MON..TUES.,WED. ONE of the Finegt SCULPTURED PATTERNS IN ACRYLIC FIBER Stain Ksistant, spot resistant, decoratorde-Mgned hi-lo textured pile. The ideal choice for homes with heavy traffic. The colors arc bright and clear! Very Special Price 588 5 EXOTIC COLORS-Your Choice ANOTHER “SCOOF’ CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON YARN from One of America’s Leading Milb! The very atrongest carpet fibre known! Perfect ? ^ for young homemakers... Simply LnxnrionBt p Extremely long wear. Easy care! Very Special Price .588 Yard _ 12 BeantifiDl Colors to Select From Buy With Confideiice . at McCandleu! OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. M,(VM)l,i:SS 1 N. IVrry St. I K B--8 Jacoby on Bridge THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11. 1966 Utility Workers Reject Edison Contract Offer By JACOBY & SON Here is an unusual type of bridge problem. The game was duplicate and South had no trouble making exactly three ito-trump for a top score. It seems that at every other table, North made the same! spade overcalli 1 for some reason or other South simply raised his partner in spades. Four spades would be a wrap-; up with South as declarer but when East was on lead he opened the ten of diamonds and the defense collected three dia-i monds and one club with no trouble at all. Senth was Mike Thomas of I City. Mike would be one of our top players if his duties with National Steel allowed him to play a lot of bridge. StiU he does mighty weU when he gets to play. North was Priscilla Thomas. Priscilla is learning bridge ikid, as both Jacobys can tell you, in the jn-ocess of teaching a wife to play bridge the husband takes considerable control in the bidding and tends to work the play around to his hand whenever possible. Mike's bidding was brilliant. He could count six spade tricks as a no-trump' declarer. He had found out that his partner had something in hearts. He was looking at that king of diamonds and knew that if he raised spades. East would lead through it. The result was as good as anyone can hope for. A top score is always a top score. So our problem is: Would Mike have bid the same way with another expert partner? The really noteworthy feature of the hand is the remark by Priscilla as Mike played h i sixth spade. She asked: “Would you have raised me with seven of my suit?" DETROIT (AP)-The Utility Workers of Am&ica Friday an-nounced rejection of a new contract offer from the Detroit Edison Co. and said a strike vote would be taken Monday. NORTH dkKQ1094 V AK8 ♦ 954 «95 WEST (D) EAST ¥Q1032 VJ9765 ♦ AQJ8S 4103 «AJ4^ dkl087S2 BOOTH dk AJ8632 V4 ♦ K72 4kKQ6 East-West vulnerable West North East South 14 14 Pass 2 4 Pass 2tr Pass 3N.T. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead—2. West North East nr South 14 Pass 24 2 V 3 4 Pass 3V Pass 34 Pass 3 N.T, Pass You, South, hold: ( Astrological Forecast ^ iL* ** .aaJi ay SYDNUY OMARR For Sunday "Ttw w>H man caniralt hit . . . Attrolaey paitrtt tha way. ARIES (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19): .. _____a concettlon, tome adluti- menra. Stress presentation, format . . . also communication and CLARITY OF IDEAS. Utilize pioneering spirit TAURUS (Apr. 20 - May 2«>:-perstiva that you "search ' Review effectiveness of your fives. Forget about trying to ■ ■ '0 anelyie REASONS ■'GEMINI (^y'sr - June 20); Friendship it two-way street. Important ‘ know this. Don't take r"--------------- . . . refuse to permit vantage of you. Highlight true Study TAURUS message. CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Emphasis on community obligations. Fine time to help neighbor. Show — be powerful AND out best in yourself . . Is VERY FAVORAELE. LEO (July 23 - Aug................... ..... have to change tome of your pet theories, opinlont. Actually this proves constructive. Confront some basic facts of life. frustration. Permit yourself .. .. by Instinct, Intuition. BE FREBi LIBRA (Sept. » • Ocf. 22)r Partnerships, ability to persuade others em- —. ...... gf Marriage Licenses John J. Babcock, 2103 St. Joseph Alict A. Babcock, 2103 St. Joseph Paul 6. Downing, eaker at both the 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. services tomorrow. in Covenant Baptist Church. Services are being held iii Burt School Waterford Township. GREETS PARENTS - The Rev. Robert R. EldrM. ordained to the priesthood ofthe Roman Catholic Church Saturday, speaks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ekired of 330 W. Iroquois after his first Mass Sunday. A reception at 'I / - ^ -1 ■ ■ :\- Pine Lake Country Chib followed. Father EkIred celahraled Mass at St Hugo of the Hills Catbidic Cburch, Bloootfield HiUs where he k a mendier. B—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE U, 1966 FAITH Baptist Church 3411 Airport Rd. IndtpMtdflRt — Fondomenfal BibI* BdlMing ImJm Mania, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 10 AM. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evening Worship 7 P.M. AUBURN HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL . .. MO«NING WOHSHiP.. fVtNING WORSHIP . . WEDNESDAY PRAYER . The Pontiac CHURCH of CHRIST Salute you (Rom. 16s 16) Boyd Glover, Minister HEAR HERALD OF TRUTH Channel 9, Sundoy, 10:30 am. ZION CHURCH of the NAZAR^E 239 E. Plica St. Rev. Melvlii Margtel, ftiilor -10 AM - Sunday School 11 A.M. Worship Hour 7 PM — EvongelisNc Hour Everyona Walcoma I GOOD SHEPHERD ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1092 Scott Ldka Rd 2SlectaN.efnMliecU.ad WoteHbrd Township Sunday School... .10:00 A.M. Morning Worship . .11:00 A.M. Eve. Evongel Serv. 7:30 P.M. PattoT Ronald Cooper EM 3-0705 reorganized CHURCH Of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Soinli 19 front St. 11 A.M SERVICE 7 P.M SERVICE Rolond CurtlR, Poitor fE 5-7542 FIRST SOCIAL BRETHREN CHURCH 316 Baldwin FE 4-7631 Sundoy School . 10:00 A.M. Sundoy Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday .... 7:30 P.M. Wed. Proyer ... 7:00 P.M.. Saturday Service 7:30 PM • Rev. Loy Barger, Poster FE 4-6994 CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 46 Roselcjwn North of East Pike SUNDAY SCHOOL, 10 A.M. Behord Dumbough, Supt. WORSHIP, MAM - •strive TO ENTER IN-CHILDREN'S DAY PROGRAM... 7.00 Leonard W. Blockwell, Pastor 332-24 HILLCREST CHURCH OF NAZARENE - Rev. Harold Hu^es, pastor of the Hillcrest Church of the Nazarene, 520 W. Walton, will jtreach in the first unit of the building pro-gram tomorrow. The congregation moved in this week. The new church constructed of field stone and brick will seat some 300 in the sanctuary. Windows are of cathedral glass. Pastor Hughes said the building will be dedicated in the fall. The architect is George Schriber and Harold Wilson is the contractor. Tbe cdngf^atlofr formerly knoWirTB^the Park-dale Church has been worshiping in Hawthorn School. To Recognize Youth During Services Young people going abroad as Youth for Understanding exchange students will be recognized at the morning worship tomorrow in Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian. COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 64 West Columbia Avenue (A Seulhtm Boptiil Church) 'Where the difference is worth the. ‘‘diitdnce.""‘"‘..... Sunday Worship Services. 11 lOO AM — 7:00 P.M. CARROU HUBBS, Muik DIevetor Among the group are Terri Ashby, Kathy Dinkel, Janie Ridi, Fred Welch, Cheryl Wendell and Carla Waite. There will also be a dedication service for young people attending Presbyterian camps and conferences. Pastor Edward D. Auchard will preach on “Whom tho Lord ChooB68.**__ At 9 a.m. Wendell strait will present the travel gift of the Orchard Lake Church to Mr. Morning Worship 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:30 A.M. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Wed. Serv. . . 7:30 P.M Christian Temple ‘ "Where Foith and Friendliness Meet" 505 Auburn Ave. Rev. Lola P. Marion Pastor All Saints Episcopal Church Williams St. at W. Pike St. 8:00 A.M — Holy Communion 9:15 and 11:00 A.M. Morning Prhyer and Sermon by tl?i RectorW Church School 6.15 PM-VEpiscopol Young Churchmen Pontioc Stole Hospitol Spiritualist Church of Good Samaritan 4780 Hillcrest Dr. Waterford, Mich. FE 2-9824 ''OR 3-2974 EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. Rev. Allan HInz "Let Your Pledged Word Ever Be Sacred" FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ^ Downtown Church Huron at Wayne, Pontiac Worship 10 A.M, Church School 10 A.M. Poster . . . Rev. Galen E Hershey Assistant... Rev. Richard Reynolds and Mrs. Christfan Koch wh« will leavV this week for a trip to Alaska. The Kochs will combine a vacation with service as consultants in Christian education at the Hillcrest United Presbyterian Church where their son is a missions pastor. ★ • ★ Don Grothe will speak for the congregation at 11 a.in. Rev. Henry D. Jones and Charles M. Wright will represent the Orchard Lake Church at the Synod meeting Tuesday through TTiursday at Alma College. The Chancel Players, a group of men and women from 14 Pontiac area chjpches interested in drama and music, will presoit a play entitled “Hannah” in September. Hr A ♦ The play by Helen Kromer and Frederick Silver, concerns a parable about reconciliation between pev^les, based on the theme, “The Chief End of Man Is to Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever.” The plot centers around Hannah Huckleby, a middle-aged widow who moves into acommohi^ liidriidhs TKFTd-cal church and choir. But she sings off-key and choir members conclude in their «^n-ing son that “She Is Charac-toer” and must be dismissed. ★ ★ ★ People delegated to dismiss Hannah appear in the next sceneB along with Hannah’s family ndiich emsists of a 13-year- Gospei Film for Rally “Fast Way Nowhere,” a new Gospel film, will be shown at the Youth for Christ Rally at 7:30 p.m. today in Pontiac Central High School. The public ■ invited and admission is free. Pontiac Unity Center 8 N. GENESEE (Comor W. Huron) Sunday Wor«hlp , , ^ * M Sundoy School 1 1:00 A.M. Mataphyiicol Bibln Study Clotl Wndnasdoyi 8 PJ4. Ewall A. D*IL Minltlv 33S-2773 THE LUTHERAN CHURCH INVITES YOU THE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD FAITH On AUS9 ■» RidM U., I. Hlfktaod Hwiwur-SSM S»n4«y OiurK ScIimI 10:1 S Dovid O. U4wi(.Fmt«r OKACI OwwtM* at CkndoU (W. SMa), PomUmc. Ftiana; FI 3-1SI2 Sunday Chureh Schaal 9.00 and IT lOO Sunday Wonkip 9:00 and tliM... Rkkaid C Stachnayar, PaHar PIACI SJMJIg^Bd.(.M9).P«:tt« Sunday dwell Sdieal 900 ' Saaday WanWp lOiM Saadoy awidi Schaal 9:1 S Saaday WanMp *<00 aad I AM lDekSwaeea,lta*r Sr.T»NITY 'SIS AaAam ML OL BdtL.PaaNM MwmH4440r Saaday ChaialiSalMdfM Saaday WanMp ASO aad 11M BaMkCCIaaa,FM« THE LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA ASCINSION 4t 50 Pantloc lafca Baad, PaaKat PhonaO«4-13I2 Sunday Wanhta SM aad ItM Sunday Church Schaal MS CHRIST Altyart at Win,. laU Bd« Walarfaid RHanaORATSSI Sunday WanMp lltOO Phaaa 33S.9UI I Saaday WanMp l;S0 aad 114W Sunday OwdiScIM 9.30 ChadaaA.CaAam,Pnlar / THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH lUUTIFUL UVKNt S«3I N.AdanwBdbBlaaadtaMlMi Fhana Ml 64041 Sunday Wanhta SiSe aad 114)0 Sunday Chunii Schaal ASO DMwWZIAPaMar Fhaaa.S3S.9SH Sunday WanMa I OitO SandayChuRliScliaaltJe SYLVAN Un -.a 33f9Ftaa,Fanttaa nwia: 6324)770 Sunday Wan)ilp I.OO aad I OiSO. Sunday Chuich Schaal At S MaitJ.SIic|a«CPaaMr •THE uaWBAN Hour Each 5tmd(wW«3N 74)5 AM |t3aVYI2J0 PM MORNING WORSHIP 10:15 AM.^; First Christian Church DISCIPLES of CHRIST Ray. Jock RCOork, Potior CHURCH OF CHRIST Established 33 A.D. VYe Arc Christ's Church in Foith and Proctica Jasui invites you to become o mamber of His Body, "Thf Church" WORSHIP SERVICES ' 10:30 — lord's Day Morning 7:00 P.M. - Lord's Day Evening 7:00 P.M. — Wed. Evening Phone 682-5735 op FE B-2071 87 LAFAYETTE ST. I Block West oF Sears Chancel Playeis to Offer 'Hannah' in September old daughter who is confined to a wheel chair; her father-in-law, sick in bed: and her ward, a 9-yeanold Negro boy, bittwly unhappy and against the world. Tryol^ for the phy will be held at Central Methodist Church, 3881 Higbku.J, Waterford Township at 7:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall tomorrow; and at .7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. Those interested in solo parts are asked to bring music for the tryout. Anyone interested in singing in4he chcHiis or taking j Cl* 16 9 AW liic Daiia 15 ui ruiiiu: win uir Special auditions will be arranged for those unable to attend the specified hours. Calls may be made to Mrs. Andre De-Wilde or Mrs. Slosson. Casting will continue through June. Rehearsals will begin in August. REV. FRED RENICH Guest Speaker Set tor Calvary Baptist The Rev. Fred Renich, director of Missionary Internship in Farmington, will be guest speaker at all services tomorrow in Calvary Baptist Church, 3750 Pontiac Lak^, Waterford Township. ★ ★ ★ Recognition will be given graduates at the 11 a.m. worship service. Each graduate will receive a copy of “Living Let-' ters.” Choir Sings With String Ensemble Grace Lutheran Church w i 1 present a musical program under the direction of Robert Crumption, choirmaster at the 9 and 11 a.m. services tomor- )W. The choir will sing the cantata, “Every Word and Thought” by Dietrich Buxtehude with an accompaniment of string instruments including two v i o-■'ns, two violas, cello and organ. Sunday School will be conducted at 9 a.m. during the summer months. BAHA’IS The Baha’is of Pontic will oh- Daily Bible School Set Classes Scheduled for June 20 to 30 public meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the First Federal Savings & Loan Building, 761 W. Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin ’Thomas, formerly pioneers of the Baha’i Faith in Colombia, will The congregation will send about 15 young people to Gamp CoBeac near Houghton for a week during the summer. Members of the group participated in a recent Bible verse Con- mmgham. test. ' ■ ^ Carol Taylor, top quizzer of! the Calvary Church Quiz ’Team, will also be at camp for a week. 'Travel With Jesus to Bible Times” is the theme for daily vacation Bible school at Chns-tian Temple, 505 Auburn. Hours will be 9 a.m. to noon June 20-30. Rev. Mrs. Lola P. Marion, pastor and Mrs. Isaac J. Thurman, Bible school coordinator, will supervise class activities. Superintendents of the various departments are: Mrs. Rudolph C. Miller, beginners; Mrs. ]^-man L. Dunlap, primary youngsters; and Mrs. Paul F, Morse, juniors. Earl Day also will assist with the'two-week session. ★ ★ -k An open house and final program for parents is slated at T p.m. June 30. Children in tume will be transported to the times of Jesus via a “space machine” designed by Mrs. Arthur VanZandt of Rochester. Posters, fashioned by parishioners and placed in stwes throughout the church’s neighborhood, will inform yonng-sters of the Bible school. Mrs. Howard Blackburn was first place winner in a DVBS poster contest conducted recently. Second place recognition went to Deborah Poulin, Lake Orion. Entries were judged by Rev. John W. McKinney, an assistant minister, who is a craftsman at The Little Gallery, Bir- love/ Sermon Topic of Pastor T. H. Holt Jr. Pastor 'Thomas Holt Jr. will preach on “Love Believes All ’Things” at 11 a.m. worship tomorrow in Greater Mount Calvary Baptist Church. The service will be broadcast as the church of the week over WPON at 8 p.m. The Deliverance Mission of Apostolic Faith and pastor, the Rev. Robert Williams, will be guests at the 3:30 p.m. service. The Order of Eastern Star will also be guests. WILLIAMS LAKE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE ^ 2840 AIrpoft Road PoulColoman ' 10 ajia-sundaY school 11 AM.-WORSHIP HOUR 7 PM.-WORSHJP HOUR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of DRAYTON PLAINS 3756 Soshobow Rood Sunday School............9,65 VYorthIp.................11:00 Sunday Evwiing...........6:30 Frayur MMlUig Wadnaudayu 7.30 9 M PASTOR. MARSHALL REED In Follomhip With GARB Evangelical Holiness Church AutanOMortNiSk SERVICES! Sunday Sdiool................9t45 AM Wonhip Swvtcu...............I1d)0 AM Young Fpepta...................640 PM EuangdiOic S«Yk*.............7i00 PM JiUe Stedy iWji) . 7i00 PM Chunh Phen* 335-9896 BLOOMFIELD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 3600 Telegraph Road 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Worship 6 P.M. Evening Service Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting Church Phone: 647-3851 United Presbyterian Churches AUBURN-HEIGHTS 3456 Mmary Street F.WikPaliaecPMler 9i30 AM-Sundeiy School IIAJA - Mernhs Worship DRAYTON Drayton Plains, Michigan W. J.’Teeuv*ien, PBHor M)|e .............^45 AM. Morning Worship.... yiMith ............. PJA W6dneidayPro)rerand Study Hour.......... OAKLAND AVENUE (404 Oakland at Cadillac FE 5-4246) ■rhfodloreR.AlIeboch.MInIil#r Pononaget SOOOHowo Dr. FE2-1SS5 Audrey Umkeman, Youth Director Fim Sunday School... 9:00 AM. Morning WorjWp---10.00 m Sacond Sunday School 11.20 AM. Youth FellovYship.... 5:45 P.M. Evening Worship..7:00 P.M. Wod. PfoyerMtg...7i00 PM. WATERFORD Lakoland 7325 Moceday Lake Rd. Roy F. Lambert, Pastor Sundoy School.........9:30 AM. Wonhlo............10i4SAM. Sundoy School.....1045 AM. (2nd Suilon) Youth follovwhip.........6 PM. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT 3535 Cilntonville Rd. Waterford Twp. Church School 9:30 AM. Hour of Worship 10:45 AM. Cred M. Clark, Poitdr FIRST FREE METHODIST CHURCH 501 Mt. Clemens Street 10:00 A.M. — Sunday School 11 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. — Worship Vocation Bible School June 20 to 24th CHURCH OF THE SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP Malta Temple 2924 Pontiac Rood EVENING ^RVICE 7=30 P.M. ^ MARGARET DENNIS, Speaker Sunday, June 19fh--Hector Wineman SILVERCREST BAPTIST CHURCH 2562 Dixie Highway, 2 Blocks N. of Silver Lake Dr. John Hunter, pastor 9:45 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM.-"DO THE DEAD KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOlNOr 7 P.M. STUDIES IN REVELATION Nursery at all Services Meadow Brook Baptist Church 9:45 AM. Bible School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Temporarily Meeting: Meo Jow Brook Elementary School Castlebar and Munster Rds., ROCHESTER W. R. Italerion, Pastor ' (Bapikl General Conference) BETHEL TABERNACLE First Penecostal Church of Pontiac Sun. School too.m. Worship 11 o.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Sun., Tuos. and Thurs. — 7:30 PJ4. Rev. ond Mrs. E. Crouch 1348 Baldwin Aye. FE 5.8256 Christ's Church of Light NON-DENOMINATIONAL Lotus Lake School, Waterford Cor. Percy King and Horpor St. Sunday SchooT,9:4S A.M. Worship .. . 41K)0 A.M. Rev. Eleanor O'Dell 674-2650 FIRST NAZARENE 60 STATE ST SUNDAY SCHOOL ..9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP.11:00 A.M. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP .... 6:00 P.M: EVENING SERVICE ..7:00 P.M. PREACHING SUNDAY (Both Services) REV. U. B. GODMAN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Subject: GOD THE PRESERVEli OF MAN Sunday Service and Sunday School 11:00 AM. Wednesday Evening Service...8:00 P.M Reading Room — 14 W. Huron Open Doily 11:00 A.M to 5:00 PM Monday thro Saturday FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SQENTIST Lawrence and Williams St. — Pondac SUNDAY 9 45 WJBK 1500 kc FIRST UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH 149 North East Blvd. - FE 4-1811 Rev. Kenneth L Pennell Sunday School 10 A.M. - Worship HA.M. Evening Worship — 7:00 P.M. RACE UNITY DAY Sunday, June 12th, at 8:00 P.M. First Federal Savings Building 761 W. Huron, Pontiac, Mich. What arc the chances that the races will be united In our time? What role can religion play in bringing this about? For the answer to these and other questions about the most chaHenging issue of our time, come to our annual RACE UNITY DAY meeting. Hear Ervin and Wilma Thomas, two outstanding Bahai teodiars, explain how the Bahai Faith Is olreody uniting peoples of oil religious, rodal and nationof backgrounds In bonds of km and hormony Which destroy forever .oil thoughts of discrimination and prejudice. REFRESHMENTS NO CHARGE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ROCHESTER (G>k.R.B.C.) Walnut at Fourth, Rochester SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM. EVENING WORSHIP 7 P.M. Rev. Donald K. Olsen, Pastor Waterford Community Church Airport Road — Olympic Parkway ROBERT D. WINNE, Pastor KEN ORR,Youfh Director ☆ Sunday School - 9:45 A.M. ☆ Worship Service - 11:00 A.M. Spedcil BecegnMon of oil Groduotos ☆ Evening Service - 7:00 P.M. Ground Breaking Ceremony for dur new eduixitional building Sunday Night - 6:30 P.M. ANNUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL and CHURCH PICNIC SAT. JUNE 18, beginning at 10:00 AM. HAWTHORNE PARK FAMILY STYLE DINNER - 12:00 Noon \ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 B-11 FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD 210 N. PERRY "Wa Welcome You" 9t45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL Bring Your Family 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP A HELPFUL SERVICE 7.00 P.M. Evangelistic Service... GUEST SPEAKER-1^. Wesley Wibley —Pprmer Pastor— ^k)uWEEiC WED.ys30 P.M. Paitor Arnold Q. Hashman ATTEND YOuVfULL GOSPEL CHURCH MuiJcalt at Antioch Tile Pontiac ^bitual Siagen ere sponsoring the Sdestaries cl Detroit in a muUcal program at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in Antiodi ^ptist Church, 361 Prospe^. The clean tongue, the clear hesd, and the bright eye are birthrights U each day.—Dr. William Osier, Canadian author. BIRMINGHAM „ UNITARIAN CHURCH Woodward at Lone Pin* UocNnficId Hllk Ml 7-2380 Robert Marshall, Mlnislsr “Family Sunday" 9:30 and 11:00 ' Worship Services.« No Church School FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH RAUY SUNDAY 2:30-Bassi* Youngs 5 P.M.-Dinner 7)30—Chories Youngs Heeling Service Mon. thru Fit 7 PM. for Information CoU 334-3715 EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN BALDWIN Avk CHURCH - 210 Baldwin Sunday School.... ------------10 AM. Morning Worship... .V..... .n AM.. Evening Service.\...............7 p.M. Dwight F. Ruling, Pastor NORTHEAST COMMUNITY qURCH-620 Mt. Clemens MORNING WORSHIP.....\..........9 AM. SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL ........10 AM. Ross M. Geiger, ^stor First Congre^tional Church E. Huron Mill St. Rev. Malcolm K. E|urton, Minister . 9:00 e.m. Ee\ly Service 10:30 e.m. Mornkg Worship end Sunday Mheol Church 0/ thu Hay} lou\ HI trims Sunday School, 9,45 AM. Morning Worship. 11\AM. fWnbig S^oe, 7 PM Wed. Prayer, 7 P.M.\ Friendly General Baptist Chun 69 S. Aslor St. FE 4-3421 334-7407 (Firat St. EoU of EoU Blvd beteenn Aufaum and E. Pike) \ Nufsery Open Each Evening Bnv. Robert Gamer, Pastor ^STOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST 458 CENTRAL Saturday Young Psopio ..... 7:30 PM Sunday School and Worslilp lOiOO AM Sunday Eventog SsrvIcM... 7:30PM Tuts, and Thurs. Scrvicts... 7:30 PM Church Phone FE 5-8361 I Pbstor^s Phone 852-2382 opliit • SUNDAY SCHOOL • MORNING SERVICE • CKLW BROADCAST • asp broadcast' • YOUTH FELLOWSHIP • EVENING SERVICE • MID-WEEK PRAYER SERVICE-Wadnasday • WBFG-FM Sofunlay 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4 00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m* 6:15 p.m. OAKUND and SAGINAW R«v. Robart Shalfon • Pastor ■deiueslMtl«.» Bible School Set for Stone Baptist The 19th Annual Daily Vacation Bible School will begin Monday at the Stone Baptist Church, 3931 Auburn, Avon Township. The school will continue through June 24. Classes will be held from 9 m. to noon Monday through Friday each week. The church bus will operate on the regular route bringing pupils to the vacation school. Children 4 years of age through 15 may attend classes. The school is under the direction of Mrs. Esther Dickens. FLOWERS FOR YOUTH DAY — Arranging flowers for the altar at Trinity Baptist Church are (from left) William Price of 34 LorrainO, Sharon Gordon of 564 Montana and Shelia Bonds of 260 Nebraska. The congregation will observe Youth Day at all services tomorrow. Honor Graduates Students of Theology, Nursing to Speak Young people of Trinity Baptist Church, 123 Wesson will be charge of all services tomorrow. Rev. Robert L. Burch, a member of Trinity and student at Midwestern Baptist Seminary, will bring the message at 11 a. m. Music will be provided by the Youth Choir. ★ ★ ★ Cheryl Hight, of Bethany Baptist Church, a student nurse at the University of Michigan, will address the congregation at 3:30 p. m. Choirs of other churches will sing. Mrs. Sarah Gary, youth director, and Sharon Gordon, of the day, are in charge of arrangements. ★ ★ ★ The Pontiac Cinderella Club ^present honors to high ' graduates at the close of ig worship. The club miUces it possible for students to further their education. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT Graduating high school seniors will be recognized at the 10:45 morning service tomorrow in the Church of the Atonement, Waterford Township. Beginning June 19 two services of worship will be held each Sunday. Identical services are scheduled for 6:30 and 10:45 a. m. Church School will continue at 9:30 a. m. The Lord’s Supper vdll be observed with Pastor Crea M. Clark giving the meditation on ‘Who’s Winning.’’ Mrs. Lloyd Golden will sing ‘Prayer’’ for the offertory solo. OAKLAND AYE. U. P. Make Your Life a Miracle’’ will be the theme of the Rev. Theodore R. AUebach’s message to high school graduates at (he 10 a.'m. soirice tomorrow in Oakland Avenue United Presbyterian Church. The session will present eadi graduate with a from ttie church. The pastor will continue his series of somons on the Book of James Sunday evening. Mrs. Walter Napersky wiU teU the children’s story. Parents «4io wish their diil-dren to attend Daily Vacation Bible School June 20 to July 1 are adted to register them early next week by phoning the office. Departmental superintendents include Mrs. Russell Bennett, Mrs. Leo Crivea, Mrs. James Meredith, Mrs. 'Ihomas Simpson, Mrs. Wayne Good, Mrs. T. R. AUebach and William Keyes. ★ ★ ★ Battalion Boys will have an overnight campout Friday. Sen-kH* high young people will have a party at the home of Mr. and Mra. Bruce Brede Saturday night. SUNNYVALE CHAPEL Children’s Day will be observed during the 11 a. m. worship hour tonorrow in Sunnyvale Chapel, Waterford Township. Children of junior church and beginners’ church will sing for the congregation. High school graduates will be honored and presented a New Testament. A number of children will present musical numbers in the evening service and the Junior Choir wiU sing. A time of fellowship with refreshments will follow in Fellowship Hall. MARIMONT High school graduatesttf Marimont Baptist Church will be honored at the 11 a. m. worship service tomorrow. A New Testament will be given each graduate. The Adult Sunday School department is sponsoring a foreign food supper at 6 p. m. today ' the dining hall. Food respresenting five countries will be on the menu. VIETNAM PROFILE MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CHURCH •mnUe MVtiikNfti M il SUNDAY SCHCX3L . 9:45 AM. MORNING WORSHIP..........11:00 AM. "YOUTH MARCHES ON" 7:00 P.M. COLOR FILM Current Missionary Work in the Midst of the War The Willing Workers Class will furnish food famous in Ireland; the Faithful Workers Class will furnish food noted in Poland; and the All for Christ Class wUl provide German delicacies. The class with the h i g h e s t number of pupils present will win the banner donated by Charles Plumb. Larry G a v ette and Carrie Swanek have made the Youth for Christ Bible Quiz Team. The group will participate in the quiz at Spring Arbor the last of June. Al% on the team are Linda Sangster of Calvary B a p t i s Church and Chris B e n s o n of Waterford Community Church. nRST PRESBYTERIAN High school and college grad- whert Is your When you think deeply about it from a religious standpoint, you begin to wonder - can anyone really measure man's potential, or put any limits on H? Can you measure God's love for His creation? No. But we can learn to let it mold and fill our lives. Hear t|ris pubHC| lecture, ‘‘What Is Your Potentiair byJANEO. ROBBINS. C.S., member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship in Boston, Mass. tbliilnftinReiHiin 8:15 P:M.. Monday, June 13 First Church of Christ, Scientist 191 N. Chester St., Birmingham uates will be honored during the 10 a. m. worship service tomorrow in First Presbyterian Church. In recognition of their study the church will present each graduate a copy of the book, ‘‘A Diary of Private F*rayer” by John Baillie. In his message to the graduates the Rev. Galen E. Hershey will preach on “Whose World?’ Mrs. Richard Harris will sing "The Voice in the Wilderness’ for the offertory solo. * ★ ★ Parents will present infants and children for the Sacrament United Faith Church Plans Father's Day Families of United Faith General Baptist Church, 81 E. Howard will mark Father’s Day on June 19 with services reminiscent of early America starting at 11 a.m. Dinner will follow in the courtyard with everyone bringing a special dish. “Men will wear overalls and women will don long dresses and bonnets as we remember our forefathers who made it possible for us to have freedom to worship,’’ Pastor Edward Duna-vant said. Kerosene oil lamps will furnish light for the evening service. of Baptism. Following worship the Session will meet to new members. Deacons will meet to prepare clothing for shipment to Church World Service at 8 p. m. Monday under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. WUliam Neff. CHRISTIAN PSYCHIC SCIENCE CHURCH 12 Warren St. Speaker 7>30 P.M. Mr. H. Drake Silvor TmT, Wodnesdoy 7.30 P.M CHURCHofGOD 'AN AMaiCAN lAPTIST CHURCH' Bethany Baptist Church West Huron at Mark 9:45 AM Church School for All Agos 11tOO AM Morning Worship Sermon: "LIVE AND LEARN" 6:00 BVF Muoting Wudnosdoy 7.30 PM MIDWEEK MEETING Ampio Parking Spec* Or. Emil Kontz, Pastor WF TEACH* PREACH. PROCIAIM • HIOHIST NAMI Groolor, swoolur, HI prtcious then o8 o* • HOPiFUL NAMI lion of oU our faUk. • HIAUNO NAMI Otforing cloonslng from ________sin-sieknuss to oil. JESUS AWAITS YOUR CALI SUNNYVALE CHAPa Welcomes You 9.45-11:00 - 6:00- 7:00 Sunnijvale CHAPa •311 PONTIAC LAKE ROAD V.L Martin. Pastor MARIMONT BAPTIST CHURCH 68 W. Wanton PE 2-7239 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. 8:30 and 11 A.M. Morning Worship "FIRE FIGHTERS" 7:30 P.M. "THE SUPREMACY OF CHRIST" " PostorSomers Precdilnq at All5etvrcei LAKE ORION CHURCH OF GOD 760 Clarkslon Rood ^'Welcomes You’' Sundoy School.. .10 A.M 2.47 Worship......11A.M. THURS. Y.P.E. 7 PM AIFRED LOWE. Pastor The SALVATION ARMY 29 W. LAWRENCE STREET Sunday School 9:45 A.M.—Young Peoples Legion 6 PM. Morning Worship 11 A.M.—Evangelistic Meeting 7:00 P.^ Tuesday Prayer and Praise Meeting 7:00 P.M. Major and Mrs. John Grindle Good Mmste-Stuglmg-ThM So sko Word WrameMmg God Meets With Us—You, Too, Are Invited CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH 347 N. Saginaw St. 9:45 o.m. - Biblo School 11 a.m. — Morning Worship 6 p.m. Youth Mooting — 7 p.m. Gospol Hour "A Friendly Church in tho Heart of Pontioc Proclaiming the Word of God" I CENTRAL METHODIST Highland Rd. MILTON H. BANK, Pastor i "WHAT IS YOUR LIFE?" Or. Bonk, Prooching i FIRST METHODIST CHURCH > i South Saginaw at Judson Clyde E. Smith, Pastor j; , Sunday Services — 9:45 AM SERMON: "Credentials of the Christian" Oyde E. Smith, Preoching •; Church SchooM 1:00 AM J; y 7:30 J*M. Biblf Study STrfAiULMETH^^^ -------------------- 165 E. Square Lake RJ., Bloomfield Hills-FE 8-8233 and FE 2-2752 .-w. ..Morning Worship 9:30 ond 10:45 AM Church School 9.30 AM Methodist Youth Fellowship 6 PM AmpU Parking—Sotnuei C Seizert, M ELMWOQD METHODIST Grand ot Auburn Avo Sunday School 10 o.m. Worship 11.15 a.m. Evoning Worship 7 p.m, n«yer Wed. 7 p.m. Eric & WMirli, pastor ALDERSGATE METHODIST 4536 Baldwin FE 5-7797 Horace G. Murry, pastor Worship 9:45 a.m. Church School 11 o.m. Eve. Worship 7 p.m. Prayer Whd. 7:30 p.i EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 645 S. Telegraph (N®ar orchard Lake Rd.) DR. TOM MALONE, Pastor REV. ARVLE DeVANEY, Associate Pastor A Fundomental, Independont, Bible Believing Baptist Church BIBLE SCHOOL 10 A.M. Departmentalized. Sunday School for All Ages . . . vrith NO literature but the Bible: Dr. Tom Malone teach the word of God verse by verse in -the lorgs Auditorium Bible Class, broadcast on WPON 10:15-10:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7:00 P.M. BUS Transportation CALL FE 2-8328 FE 8-9401 • DEAF CLASS ond Nursery at ail services JOYCE MALONE, Music PRAYER MEETING-WED., 7:30 P.M. EMMANUEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ^baccalaureate Sunday June 12 7:00 P.M. EMMANUEL CHRISTfAN SCHOOL” COMMENCEMENT Wednesday June 15 7:30 P.M. hi B—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. JUNE 11, 1966 WELCOME HOME, DADDY-Tracy Cernan, 3, has a big kiss for her father, astronaut Eugene Cernan, as he arrived at Ellington Air Force Base, Houston, Tex., yesterday. Cernan was the space walker on the Gemini 9 mission. Alma Pounds Carolinas With High Winds, Rain WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP)-Tropical storm Alma, no longer of killer hurricane status, crept up the South Carolina-North Carolina coast today, pounding beach towns with gale fixxe winds and heavy rainfall. Shifting lanes were threatened as the season’s first hurricane continued to move out to sea. A total of 47 deaths have been attributed to Alma. The Miami Weather Bureau predicted some intensification in the storm this morning but said Alma l “should be a good distance fr^ the mainland” if and when she reattains hurricane status. The bureau lotiated the storm about 70 miles south of Wilmington, moving toward the east northeast at about 15 miles an hour. GALES EXTENSIVE Her SO-mile-an-hour winds at storm center were well offshore but galea extended out 200 miles to the east and the south. Gale warnings are displayed from the Virginia capes to Savannah, Ga. The Weather Bureau said a cold front moving south-easward through North Carolina may cause erratic motion of the trc^ical storm when the two systems collide. But Alma’s course out to sea was expected to continue. Heavy rains occurred in aU coastal towns with Wilmington reporting four inches of rainfall in six hours. The South Carolina coastal cities of Charleston and Myrtle Beach also reported heavy rains and minor wind damage. towns, heavily populated for weekend and summer festivals, were not evacuated although the Red Cross sent personnel into the area as a precaution. No storm-related injuries or deaths were reported Friday although a small plane was caught in thundershowers and strong crosswind just outside Charleston. ‘We are lost and we’re going vn,” were the frantic words of Mrs. Kjell Pedersen of Fort Myers, Fla., as picked up by the Charleston Municipal Airport control tower. Radar operators and othe personnel aided her husband-pilot and the small plane landed safely. As a hurricane, Alma left 35 ead in Honduras, seven in Cuba and five in Florida. The extent of damage still is undetermined. Florida State Insurance Commissioner Broward Williams estimated Florida’s total insurable damage at below $1.5 million. Beoties to Be 'Citizens' of Washington State OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) The Beatles are ^ing to become honorary citizens of the State of Washington. Secretary of State Lud Kramer acceded to the request of five teen-age girls from nearby Tumwater who figured a good way to meet the British rock ‘n‘ rollers was to present them^witli citizenship certificates. The Beatles appear in Seattle, Aug. 25. \ Why do knowledgeable /o people stay with Imperial? A Someday, someone may Q make a better whiskey. As of today, nobody has. 250 Volunteers Join Twister Cleanup By ARTHUR E. O'DONNELL] TOPEKA, Kan. (AP)-Hundreds of volunteers poured into this tornado devastated city and joined today in a massive salvage, cleanup and repair operation. The death toll remained at 17, the damage estimates at $100 million. A caravan of 250 workers with heavy equipment arrived Fri- day and went to work Imimdi-ately on the wreckage left by Wednesday’s twister. President Johnson, in response to a plea from Gov. William H. Avery, put a “major disaster area” designation on Topeka and Manhattan, 50 miles west. - milies with losses, 818 ho destroyed, 938 witii majw damage, 616 with minor damage; and 39 mobile homes destroyed, 51 with major dannage. A spokesman said the damage figures probably will go higher. ’The Red Cross said its preliminary survey showed 535 injured, 86 in hospitals; 3,200 fa- ’The scourge of the Sahara is a southeast wind known as irifi.' It stirs up a blinding cloud of sand and dust that can be fatal to man and beast. V . 4 ANNUAL NATE COMPOUNDED AND PAID QUARTERLY plus COWENIEIICE Convenience at Capitol Savings & Loan means that you can add to your account as often as you wish...any amount... any time. No large, fixed amounts required. Your funds are conveniently available and you earn 4.75% (Actually 4.84% on funds left in your account for 12 months or more.) If you are not now earning this higher rate move your savings to Capitol... we’ll be glad to help you arrange the transfer. INCORPORATED 1190 • UNSING, MICHIGAN • MEMBER: FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM CAPITOL SAVmS & lOAm 75 W. HURON ST., PHONE 338-7127 BECKWITUYARS PORTIMi STORE EMD-OF-SBBBII SMB SUN. and MON. ONLY Hundreds of Rolls of Discontinuod and Ovorstocked Broad loom Carpot. Hard to Boliovo Values, With a Tremendous Savings. Hurry, Please, as Offer Is limited to Stock on Hand. ComniBrcial Nylon Twe6d Pile Cleanout of a tough, durable commercial ny< Ion tweed pile. 5 rolls, 5 colors remain. Compare this durable carpet at $6 and $7. $098 Season Clearance -- Priced! Hfse.YD. Luxury Tip Slwar Acrylic PilB 30-rell special purcha»a. Thick luxuriouB acrylic pile tip shear. Gold, Antique Gold, Mott, Avocado, Blue, Sautemo, Baige, Rad and Copper. Compare this lovely carpet at $9 and $10. After Season Cleeraneo ncavn. 501 DuPont Nylon Twist Pile "Heavy hwit aet twi.t. Coniet DuPont's 'N' certification for woight. 10-yoor pr»-rated guorantoe. Lilac, AAortln, Bolgo, Pirate Gold, Rod, Blue, Champagne and Sandle. Compare this to 501 Nylon. $8. SAVE 30% to 60%-650 ROLLS NUST CO! PARTIAL LISTING YARN REFERENCE IS TO PACE OR PILE OF CARPET CARLTON NYLON TWEED *4?f Cemmorclal quality. 3 color.. ^ ySi »7?? CHAPEL HILL PLUSH Thick wooL 3 colon. WOOL BIARRITZ TEXTURE *7!f I grade. 6 colon............ B SOI COCOA RATOH $098 5 rail., blw. DMl.n paid $4.80- dhi *]; WOOL MAJESTIC SCROLL *91? 7 color*. Compara et $12.98 . . . *5*;? WIRDSOR PARK TWIST Baig. only. Daolan paid $7.20 ROYAL GOURTTEXTURE *7!? 9 colon. Thick acrylic ... ................. SYMPHONY WOOL PLUSH 7 colors. Um tho. d«il«. paid.. BARBIZON WOOL LOOP 5 color.. Vary heavy... EMPIRE NYLON TEXTURE *3? 501 MODERN AGE $^98 3 colon, fine quality....... " ysl 501 CAMEO $fi98 2 colon, vory heavy......... ^ yJl Aerilan® Acrylic Baroness $Tf 8 4 colon, raol thorp......... ^ ys! ANDOVER WOOLSHEAR SAVE 30% to 60% REMNANT SIZE RUGS Comp. NOW 12x9 flrsen Savoy . . 15x8 Gold Malore . . 12x12.2 Sea Spray Satis^ 12x15 Toast Gladiator 12x9 Gray Axe 12x9 BiL_ “■ 12x13.6 Cocoa Paloma 12x21 Beige Saxon... 12x9 Pink Roman . . 12x9 Orange Elegante 12x21 Green Metropolo 12x14.10 Red Cypress . . 12x9 Brown Roman... 12x15 Green Deboniero .108 $49 .105 S 55 $T9 130 . 100 $ 69 96 $89 .108 $69 .200 $119 .335 $195 .40 $ 19 .108 $ 49 250 $169 .180 $ 89 .40 $ 19 169 $79 12x9 12x21 12x9.5 12x11 12x9 12x9 2x10 12x9 12x15 Sand Madrigal.. Red Piping Melon Damson.. Roo-Blaek Roman Oold Cove . . . Oold Squire . . Groan Barbizon Beige Glendale . 12x9x12.7 Coltt-Ponteyno 12x3.6 Green Point . . 12x12.2 Green Saxon . 12x8.3 Fern Roman ... 12x10.11 Gold Roman . . . Comp. NOW .109 $ 59 .250 $139 .108 $49 135 $59 40 $ 19 .120 $59 . 25 $ 7 ..120 $ 69 .180 $ 99 200 $19T . 42 $ 9 ,180 $199 . 40 $ 19 . 70 $ 49 NOTE: PEOPLE OF COMMERCIAL INTEREST W* hova a ditcontinuod carpot mod* of fina wool pita, m through tho bock. Oroppad a fomout manufacture. 3 r tamain.Thi.i.tliol(lndyouMafW$12oiid $13oy^. SRSS sq. JL, Beekta£tk-B/ons SERVING NORTH OAKLAND COUNTY PINB RLOOR COVERINGS coalinind carp*!. TEL’HURON SHOPPING CENTER 334-9544 Opsn Monday thm Saturday ItM fs I - TUasday 6:M ts I - Sunday 12 ta • BUY, SELL, TRADE ... USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS f - ' " WKC HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMES 108 N. SAGINAW-FE 3-7114 MONDAY ONLY SPECIALS om Momw no. 9:30 A.H. to 9 P.tl ^atnMhite SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR DAD! FOR GRAD! THE POLAROID SWINGER It's the hottest camera in the country and we have it. The incredible Polaroid Swinger, the camera that gives you a finished .black and white picture in just 10 seconds. The camera that tells you when to shoot (it actually soys "yes" to you right in the view-finder). The camera that stops action. That never has to be focused. That swings fro]u your wrist ready to use for eabh new, exciting shot. 5-PC. CARD TABLE SET • Folds and stores compactly in closet • Samsonite's famous tubular li;gs ore extra sturdy a Slide locks on tables and safety hinges on the chairs • Antique Tan or White vinyl is fashion-oble ~dhd cleanable • Duroble chip - resjstant baked enamel finish. Regular 19.95 SIRBB Monday Only 15‘ Regular 41.75 Complete — Table 0 and 4 chairs MONDAY ONLY PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT I a No Down Poymant a 90 Days Sam* as Cash a to 36 AAontht to Pay II- NEW RCA VICTOR 19” PORTABLE TV SET All-channel UHF-VHF 19" with brass cart, 20,000 volt chassis, Tinted-Pan-o-Ply Picture Tube. Dependable solid copper circuitry ... and convenient one-set fine tuning. Complete with Roiiaway Cart MONDAY ONLY <128 •■V' THE PONTIAC PRESS. SAl^URDAY, *JUNE 11, 1966 C-1 Cleveland s Siebert Records No-Hitter Dry Spell Hif by Tony Lema By FLETCHER SPEARS i Marti, 25, in his third year on GRAND BLANC — Although'the tour, put together rounds of little soggy from heavy rain earlier in the week, Tony Lema has hit a dry spell and faces an uphill battle in his bid for a third victory in the Buick Open Golf tournament. i CONGRATULATIONS! - Happy teammates gather around Cleveland pitcher Sonny Siebert after he hurled a no-hitter against Washington last night. Siebert has the arm that did the work around catcher Joe Azcue as pitcher Gary Bell joins the happy pair. Cleveland won, 2-0. Tiger Lefty Finding Groove 6-2 Victory The Standings by Aguirre 6th in Row DETROIT rUPD“-^d^d things are starting to happen to Hank Aguirre — like winning t>aseball games and hitting foul balls. The T1 g e rs finally supplied some runs for the lanky lefthander and he rewarded the efforts by pitching Detroit to its sixth straight victory, a 6-2 decision over the New York Yankees Friday night. *■ ★ ★ The win kept the Tigers in the thick of the American League race, one and one-half games behind the league-leading Baltimore Orioles and one-half game behind the second place Cleveland Indians. ★ ★ ★ The veteran Aguirre held the resurgent Yankees to five hits in the first''eight innings but in his eagerness to finish the ninth inning allowed three more base hits before chalking up his second win in five decisions this year. LOUD FOUL He even gave indications that he may get a base hit himself this year. After striking out in his first trip to the plate, Aguirre awed the 29,674 fans in the park by hitting several foul balls, including a line shot down the right field line which was barely foul in the eighth inning. In Aguirre’s consideration, base hits are categorized in that rare atmosphere of no-hitters and perfect games. He jokingly claims the title of the worst tdtter in the game. AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore Cleveland . Detroit Chicago California It City . Cleveland 2, -------, Baltimore 9, Boaton 2 Detroit (. New York 2 Kaniat City (Terry 1-3) at Ci (McGlothlln ^1), night. MInncwta (Katt 6-4) at Chicago ^ New *York (Peteraon 4-4) at Detroit (Sparma 2-3). Washington (RIchert 6-5) i (McDowell 4-1), night. Boston (Lonborg 2-4) at B Miller 0-2), night. Sunday's Oames Kansas City at California Minnesota at Chicago New York at Detroit, 2 WashIngtM a' NATIONAL LEAGUE 27 .471 7W St. Louis 5, Philadelphia Los An^cs 6, San FrancI Today's Oama-Cinclnnatl (Pappas 44 an at New York (Gardner 2-3 2) I twi-night. Innings :lsco r ■ MV. Gibson : I, night. Ibach 0 7-6) at Philadelphia 0-0) at Pittsburgh os Angeles » (Bolin 4. Cincinnati ai iicag?atttoi (Osteen 7 5) at San Houston (I Sunday's Gamas —- -J at t'-- St. Louis at P w York n Francisco Chi monaay'B wai---- St. Louis at New York, 2, twI-nIght Atlanta at PhlladelEAla, 2, twi-night Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, night Houston at Los Angeles, night The 32-year-old Lema soared to a six-over-par 78 in the opening round of the rain-delayed tournament yesterday at War- day’s round eight strokes back of the leaders. Sharing the top spot are Jim Ferrier of Burbank, Calif., Fred Marti of Houston Tex., and Phil Rodgers of LaJolla, Calif., who turned in two-under-par 70s over the 7,280-yard layout yesterday. Lema, whose game seems to ripen at this stage of the season, turned the front nine with a one-over-pai' 37, but he had sand and putting problems on the back side as he skied to a 41. * ★ A Only the low 70 players after today’s round will go into, the 36-hole finals tomorrow, so Lema will have to end the soaring drought today or "give up the title he won in 1964 and ’65. ARNIE’S ARMY Arnold Palmer, with most of the crowd of 15,788 trailing him, ran into a lot of trouble but he came out with a one-over-par 73 along with 13 other players. regulation and needed only putts for the round. FIVE BIRDIES Rodgers piit together a pair of 35s, collecting five birdies and three bogeys. Bunched at one-under-par 71 were Sam Snead, 1963 Buick champ Julius Boros, Kermit Zarley, Roger Ginsberg, Dave Marad and Al^JeiBerger. Pacing Michigan’s pros in the field was Chuck Matlack vdio was in early wiUi a 36-38-74, despite bogeying the final two holes. Ted Kroll of FrankUn Hills, Walter Burkemo of Birmingham and Thom Rosely of Rockford carded 75s. Gene Bone of Pontiac came in with a 77, while amateur John Grace of Grosse Pointe Shores turned in a 76. (Scores on Page C-2J Family Joke' Becomes Real MAKING PITCH—Toriy,L^ma, winner of the last two Buick Opens, pitches over a bunker on the seventh hole in yesterday’s opening round. The anxious look on Lema’s face became moje^ pronounced later in the day as he took a six-over^paf 78 and faced the possibility of not making the halfwaycutoff. .(i Arnie shot an even par on the front side, offsetting a bogey with a birdie, and he warmed up on the back side, chipping in a 50-footer f(»' a birdie on No. 15 and knocking in a 35-foot chip shot for another bird at the 16th. But on par4 No. 17, Amie hit his tee shot to the left of the green behind a score-board. His second shot went under the scoreboard into a trap. He blasted out and three-potted for a triple-bogey sb(. Ferrier, 51, who won the 1947 PGA championship at Plum Hollow, birdied five of his first 14 holes, but he bogied three of the last four holes for his 70. What Can Ryun Do for an Encore? ostensibly means that Ryun,|3:53.7, only one-tenth of a n/\txr iliA frroafihcf kotf nn/4 clntVAr fhan 1iVannp’« TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (API-Sensational Jim Ryun, new claimant to a world half-mile record, and the crusading Amateur Athletic Union were both somewhat on the sport today as the U. S. 'IVack and Field Federation’s fourth national meet reached a hectic close. * * * ! The same thing applies to Ari- What could Ryun, 19-year-old ama’s ace javellne thrower, Kansas Univer sity freshman, do I ^ now the world’s greatest half miler and the world’s second best miler, is barred from the AAU meet and a possible berth on the U.S. team which meets the Russians in Los Angeles July 23-24. It was Uie first time in his last four starts that the Tigers had applied more than a single run for Aguirre to work on. But Friday night the Tigers started early as James Wood and Norm Cash belted back-to-back homers in the first inning. . Clete Boyer, the only man in the Yankee lineup Aguirre couldn’t control, got one of the runs back for the Yankees in die second inning by belting his fburth homer of the year. After that Aguirre gave up only a pair of singles and a triple before he relaxed in die ninth and allowed Joe PepiUme his seventh homer and then gave up a pair of singles before Qn-ishing the ganae. NEW lYOEIC DETROIT abrhU •brhM Trtsh 3b 5 0 0 0 AAAulHfc it 4 0 0 0 RIohrdtn 2b 3 0 1 0 Wood » 4 2 11 AAontIt cf 4 0 10 Cotb 1b 4 111 Borktr 1b 0 0 0 0 Kalin* d 3 2 2 1 Marli rt 4 0 0 0 Nortbrup rf 3 0 0 0. Ptpnon* 1b 41 I I Froihan c 4121 Eltaward c 4 0 0 0 OBroum » 4 0 11 Whit* H 4 0 0 0 Wertib-™.. 2 0 0 1 BouSn** ^* ® • • cSriu ah 1 0 0 0 ' Fritnd p • • • a for an encore in his mile specialty today after streaking the half mile Friday in 1:44.9 shatter Peter Snell’s world mark of 1:45.1? ★ ★ ★ And what could the AAU do for an encore after its ignored ultimatum Thursday that athletes competing in this federation meet will be barred from the National AAU meet at New York two weeks hence? The AAU’s unheeded mandate ond slower than France’s Michel Jazy’s world record of 3:53.6. wasn’t footing for the half-mile record, especially after my slow 53.3 first quarter,” said Ryun. “I had planned to out on the back stretch of the last quarter, but I never thought I could run away from the field in this event.’' In smashing Snell’s record of 1:45.1,- set Feb. 3, 1962, at Christchurch, New Zealand, Ryun raced over the closing Only last Saturday at Los An-l'J^^Jer mile in 51.6 to finish 20 geles, Ryun ran the mile in yards m front. J(rfin Tushaus, who cracked the federation record Friday with a toss of 272-1% without even knowing about the AAU reprisal threat. Koufax Keeps fioHpenidle' Dodgers Down Giants to Take 1st Place AthletiC'Laurels for County Preps Yankees' Houk Lists Newcomer to Hurl Sunday DETROIT (AP)-Manager Ralph Houk of the New York Yaiftees is not going to waste any iimr finding txit if a five player trade he negotiated with the Kansas Cfty Athletics Friday is as good as it hwkfid to him on paper. W A * Houk said right-hander Fred Talbot, whom be regarded as the key man in the deal, would start against the Detroit Tigers in the second game of Sunday’s e-Wood. LOB—New Y Beoion (L. 1- WoXSck Hit I l/r ' ’ ’ The straight player deal saw the Yankees said pitchers Bill Stafford and Gil Blanco phis outfielder Roger Repoz to the A’s in exchange for Talbot and catodwr Bill Bryan. School-year-end laurels have come to several athl^ at area schools recently. \ Mike Yeager, an AlllGo—, footbair halfback at M^j^, received the Hackbardt Trophy this week as the Redskins’out-standing senior athlete. AAA Yeago-, who will attend EUot-em Michigan University, also was honored as the top senior boy this year in academic and acjiiev^ent pants and was oo-recipient with Bob SUnmer for the same honor covering four years (Gorsline Trophy). AAA Kettering football and baseball regular.. Jay Nash is his sdioors outstancUng senior athlete award winner. West Bloomfield has announced senior hurdler Greg Hepinstall as its most valuable trackman, with junior Gary Hank in and sophomore Schrader as die most improved cindermen. . A By the Associated Press Sandy Koufax, who numbas relief pitchers among his favorite people, keeps giving them the cold shoulder. The Los Angeles southpaw {X breezed to his eighth straight complete-game victory Friday night, subduing San Francisco on four hits as the Dodgers trimmed the Giants 6-and climbed past them into first place in the National League race. Koufax hasn’t needed any help from the bullpen since May ~ while leading a Dodger charge from sixth place and overtaking Juan Marichal of the Giants for the maj(M' league pitching lead. Koufax now is 11-1 with a 1.40 earned run average. Marichal is 10-2 with a 1.70 ERA. Last year Koufax completed 27 starts, tops in the league for a left-hander since 1921. Sandy, however, has the deepest respect for relievers. They’re his biggest argument against the likelihood of a 30-victory season — an achievement he appears to be courting again this season with his best getaway ever. 'Those kind of records are all in the past,” he has said. ‘‘The reason is simple. Relief pitchers are true specialists and you can’t blame a manager !(»• I going to the bullpen. Proprietors Crown KegCharhpSundd^^ Almost $4,000 in prize money] A representative of each of and trophies will be handed out j the 35 tournament finalists last Two Senators Reach Base; leon Wogner Hammers Home Run CLEVELAND (AP)-Sonny Siebert was kidding when he told his wife that he would pitch a no-hitter Friday night bdt try to convince the Washihgton Senators he was. / The 29^ar-old Cleveland [right-hander mowed the Sena-_____ Tt^'down in order except on two occasions in pitching the first no-hitter of the season. It gave the Indians a M ^jdecision and was Siebert’s fifth Ajctory against three defeats. \ AAA Wiping perspiration, Siebert told n^men in the clubhouse that his ^fe, Carol Ann, was kidding himx^fore he left for the ballpark abput the way he has been going ah(l particularly about being bombra in lasting only six innings a^inst the Minnesota Twins Sunday. ‘ I told her, ‘If yoi don’t get off my back. I’ll go out and pitch a no-hitter,”’ Siebert said. I was only kidding but along about the fourth inning I started to think about that. FIRST RUNNER Siebert had retired 13 batters I order when Dick Nen'walked in the fifth inning to become the first Washington baserunner. The only other Senator to reach first base was Paul Casanova, who did it on an error in the eighth. Neither man got to sec-onct. Sunday afternoon at Huron Bowli weekend at Fairgrounds Bowl Softball Crowns May Be Decided as the Bowling Proprietors of,. , . ^ j , Oaklancf County crown their^ Champion of Champions. ceremony tomorrow at Huron ■ _______" ..... I to accept the team prize. j The big winners will be the I five members of the 300 Bowl iteam that bowls in the Wednes-Jday Night “A” League at Huron. [’They won the $1,000 first prize land trophies with a 3213 handicap total. They were closely pressed by Wonderland Lanes traveling team who won $500 with a 3211, and Moose Lodge 182 who won $250 with 3210. Johnson Paving won $150 for fourth place while the highest ranking mixed team was The Sneakers who will collect $100 for fifth. Sylvan Lane’s team earned $90; and Triple XXX $85. Leon Wagner’s bases-empty homer in the first inning was the only run Siebert needed. Chico Salmon hit a run-scoring ' single in the third after Vic Da-valillo walked and stole second. Siebert said he didn’t actually start thinking about getting a no-hitter until about the eighth inning. ’Die Monteith Boys’ team and the Jayno Adams’ girls are seeking the Waterford Township Elementary Softball championships in this evening’s second of three plajToff games at the Drayton Plains diamond. Monteith rallied past Grayson, 8-7, on single runs in the seventh .(Mike Holler homer) and eighth (Bill Orosey and Tom Cokley singles) innings of its best-of-three series opener. Home runs by Marcia Karwas, Evie Freeland and Joann Lemos carried the Adams’ girls to a 19-6 opening conquest of String-ham. City Men's Best Ball Registration is being taken for the city Men’s ^Best-Ball Tournament next Saturday at the Pontiac Municipal Golf Course. All men’s twosomes Interest- Collecting $80 are Wonderland Lanes’ Masters team, Gorman Golf Products and Pat & Fred’s team. Another mixed team, Hughes-Hatcher-Suffrin and the J&I Patterns squad each will receive $75, The prize list continues to $50 for the finalists. Trophies will also be given the leading qualifiers in each of the 14 BPOC establishments-Officials of the association ed in competing should contact I that has sponsored the annual to tournament for three years will C. Bamer at the course enter the annual tourney. I make the presentations. ‘‘None of the fellows said anything to me about it,” he added. ‘‘They didn’t have to the way they were going after everything.” Did he feel stronger as he went along? “I can’t say that I got stron-geiT^’Siebert said, “but I was working harder. I was bearing down with everything I had and trying to get ‘em out one at a time.” The no-hitter was the first for Cleveland pitcher since Bob Feller pitched one in luting the Detroit Tigers 2-1, in Cleveland July 1, 1951. The last no-hit, no-run game by an Indian pitcher was on June 30, 1948, by Bob Lemon, who beat the Tigers, 2-0. TOO HIGH Siebert had praise for his catcher, Joe Azcue, for making him keep the ball down. He said the trouble in Minnesota last Sunday was that he was getting the ball too high. . He also praised teammates who made plays to rob the Senators of hits. In the eighth inning Don Lock hit a sharp liner that appeared to be headed into left field, but third baseman Max Alvis leaped high to catch the ball. Saverine led off the seventh with a sharp liner, but first baseman Fred Whitfield caught The no-hitter was the first of his baseball career for Siebert, who is in his third season as a major leaguer. “Sam McDowell is the guy that I figured would get a nohitter someday this season,” he said, “and he probably will.” STRETCHING TOWARD VICTORY ^ America’s Mrs. Billie Jean Moffit King of Long Beach, Calif., reaches for the ball during her Wightman Cup-match with Great Britain’s Virginia Wade yesterday at Wimbledon. Mrs. King won, 6-2, AF WlrwkMU 6-3. But the British, sparked by Mrs. Ann Haydon Jones’ 2-6, 6-4, 6-3 conquest of Nancy Richey, took a 2-1 lead when they won the doubles. Thursday night’s city 1 men’s softball games that i rained out will be played t»-morrow night at NorthsUe aad " datta Parka as pravtously c~< THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1960 Clippers Post Third Straight; C.I.O. Wins Both, M.G. Beaten in Close Decisions at Jaycee Park CITY MIN'S lAtlBALL AMERICAN LEAIUI PITCHINO (S «r nwra SaclilMii) H IB SO W L IRA » ^e 36 6 11^ M IS 16 5 1 1.67 65 31 57 4 3 3.03 33 13 35 3 Jt S ^ 3? I flAC? ^ Stobert Cto Domnilng NY McNally Btl 66 a 35 si s g r. g n 100 75 25 63 6 5 2.41 16 S3 15 56 6 a 45 10 16 3 ------------- 41 40 7 17 3 2 2.M a 43 2l 46 4 3 ‘- 7t 66 16 62 5 3 56 a 32 62 2 ' 37 a 6 20 3 43 26 6 33 6 63 50 44 63 I 3 n 66 17 a 5 3 a a 16 a 6 3 66 a 16 46 5 3 3.13 76 « a 46 3 5 320 a a B 23 3 7 3.34 a a 17 a 4 7 3.51 a » 13 30 4 4 3.57 75 M 27 a 6 3 3a a 51 6 17 5 2 3.M 61 a w a 5 3 list a 44 ‘ ............... .. .. _J 44 5 Santiago Ban 63 51 20 44 4 3 Bunktr Bal *• 74 16 M 5 4 McCormick Was a a 14 37 3 5 Lonborg Ban £ S 1! S I i Dobson KC a a » a 2 4 Talbol NY “ 2 2 i t Sparma Del 42 M 26 26 2 3 Pascual Min » ^ 2 ‘ t Monbouqu'la Dal a 50 10 26 3 5 Detroiters Take Three FLUSfflNG N.Y. (AP) - Sue Williams and Denver Branum both of the Detroit Sparks, were triple winners in the swimming competition of the 10th Annual National Wheelchair Games Friday night at Queens College. Grand Slam Homtrs — Aaron Hundlay, Chicago, AAcCovey, cisco and Canada and Flood, NATIONAL LBAOUB PITCHINO III Htn^ Fryman Gibbon SF ....7f^ Perry SF Washburn StL IP H BB SO W L BRA 106 62 23 111 11 ’ ’ “ 106 64 17 63 6 ............. Ill 75 15 74 10 2 1.70 62 45 4 21 5 4 1.74 43 34 15 31 5 1 2.06 25 23 10 16 1 4 2.16 40 26 21 22 3 * *" 106 74 20 113 7 . 74 46 16 71 6 2 2.31 63 60 27 56 7 5 2J2 62 63 17 53 2 6 2.35 24 21 5 30 3 2 2.63 101 64 23 57 4 ' 70 70 17 44 7 . .... 53 36 23 36 2 5 2.72 a 41 10 36 4 1 2." 36 35 5 26 2 3 2. 53 a 12 25 2 4 2. 65 63 16 75 7 4 2.' 62 56 20 36 4 4 3.1 63 64 a 67 4 4 3. . 72 64 17 30 4 5 3.13 a 33 7 22 2 3 3.15 74 a 24 a 4 4 3.16 57 55 10 a 4 1 3.14 a 27 17 26 4 2 3.27 a 62 27 31 2 3 3.71 75 N 22 54 4 4 3.72 67 71 20 a 6 2 3.76 50 55 16 14 1 4 3.76 54 a 6 24 3 4 3.83 a 55 12 22 2 3 3.64 25 16 6 IS 3 3 3.64 54 SO 17 26 2 6 4.W a a 13 32 2 3 4.00 a 36 14 36 3 3 4.05 a 38 17 31 2 3 4.07 70 a 12 41 4 4 4.11 57 54 IS 26 3 5 4.11 72 a 37 S 4 6 4.13 67 65 47 a 5 6 4.14 26 31 10 16 3 2 4.16 AAattls 3b Funck lb Tuck p Barrett p Clippars 612 020 X—5 5 1 _____lies - Soltyslak, Lovell; Stephens, Sanchez. Triple - Holloman. Horne Run — Johnan. Runs Bated In — SoltyHak, Holloman, Lovell; Johnson 3, Stephens, Sanchez. Pitching - Tuck 5 IP,j5 H, 5-2 R-ER, 5 SO, * - “----------“ ’ ’ SO; Blllesdon 7 M a 21 26 .......... M a 10 36 Blasingame Atl 47 a “ Brogllo Chi " ; 6 4.a „ a » 27 2 4 5. a 32 22 30 2 4 5. 25 a 6 18 1 4 5. . 71 a 21 52 2 6 5.83 a a 7 21 1 4 16 26 6 12 1 4 No Yanks in Semifinals • CARNOUSTIE, Scotland (AP) —Two Scots, a Frenchman and a South African played today for the 1966 British Amateur Golf championship and the question arose: what has happened to the Americans? The trophy, first put up in 1881, once practically belonged to Americans, going back to the days of Bobby Jones and then on to Willie Tumesa, Frank Stranahan, Dick (Chapman and Harvie Ward. But the last American to win tt was Dick Davies of Pasadena Calif., and that was back 1962. 282 Takes NAIA Golf SHAWNEE, Okla. Uf» - Over Forty-one Americans entered this time and fell one by one to Camousie’s 7,599-yard par 71 course. The victims included 50-year-old Bill Hyndman of Philadelphia and Bili Campbell, Huntington, W.Va., who was a British finalist in 1954. The semi-finals pitted Ronqje %ade against Gordon Cosh, two Scottish Walker Cup pljByers of equal ability and Henri De La-maze of France against Bobby Cole. ★ ★ ★ The afternoon final scheduled for 18 holes for tne j first time since 1895. Heavy fog that prevented a second round on Thursday dictated the shortened final so as to avoid Sunday play. coming a lapse on the back nine yesterday,Iverson of Lacrosse Wis. State rallied for 1 six-stroke individual triumph ' B 724i61e HAIA Gott Tournament. He had a 282 total. Automatic TRANSMISSION • SERVICE • AU MAKES AU MODELS gaaranUted** REUULE nUNSMISSlOB 6B6ridM4 - RMMI America's Lowest Priced 4-dr. Sedan THE RENAULT RIM MOTORS Joslyn at Walton 332-0711 Buick Open's 1st Round Scores anbrook 1 1 Tal|wtL The Clippers won their third straight game with timely power hitting while C.I.O. 594 used good base running for its second win last night at Jaycee Park in a City Class A baseball doubleheader. C.I.O. nudged Booth Homes, 3-1, in a makeup contest fitmi Thursday night’s rainout. The nightcap saw Larry Johnson’s two-run homer cany the unbeaten Clippers to a M conquest of M.G. Collision. ★ ★ ★ Johnson’s clout came after two-out error in the fifth inning and broke a 3-3 tie. Earlier, the winners had knotted the score the second and third innings on run-producing doubles by Warren Stephens and Santos Sancbez. WilUe H^^an’s tr. toeg Soltyslak’s double had given M.G. a 1-6 lead. Darrell Lovell’s rbi-two-base-bit in tte seventh brought it within one run of a tie with two out. John Billesdon won his second for the CliKiers with 11 strikeouts. C.I.O.’s Dick Goldsworthy also posted his second on the mound by fanning eight and scattering four hits. ★ ★ ★ A passed ball let in the first run for the union team, and steals of home by Jim Berg and Jerry Ryan accounted for the deciding tailies. Booflr threatened ■ t a j t-innliig rally when Jidin Kas-par led off with a three-bagger, bnt Goldsworthy retired the last three batters himself. C.I.O. moved Into third place with the win but must defeat Cranbrook at 8 p.m. tonight to maintain its grip. 'Ibree Sunday games are on the men’s league schedule. M. O. COLLISION P. T. Tom Aaron Chi Chi RodrIgiMi Sonny Methvin Babe Llchardui . Harold Kneece ..... Tom Welskopf . Butch Baird ....... Lou Graham ........ Frank^l|Beard ..... Randy Glovtr ...... ken Venturi Billy Martindala Ed Griffithi ...... Ray Floyd ......... Mason Rudolph .... Wayne Yates — Funseth ......... Doug Sanders ...... Dave Ragan ........ 3506-71 . 34-37-71 36-35-71 36- 15-71 37- 35-72 35- 37-n 34- 36-72 36- 36-72 35- 37-72 36- 34-72 37- 35-72 34-36-73 .. 3604-73 3607-r 37-36-73 37-36-73 . 36-37-73 Id Palmer .............. 34-37—73 —. Hebert .................... 36-37—73 CHUCK MATLACK ................ 36-36-74 Gardner Dickinson ............ 35-36—74 Dudley Wysong ................. 3707-74 Jim Ferree .................... 3438—74 Harold Henning ................ 3707—74 — 37-37-74 Bruce Crampton . Spray ---- Montgome Chris Blocker . Douglas ! Sanchez Barretf 1 iP, 3 ----- 11 SO, * V¥. Twmiici -- wii.w.-w.i -,. ^6*6r — Tuck (1-2). Errors—Funck, D. MacDonald, Soltyslak; A. Hayward. I (3) BOOTH HOMES AB R H AB R H Williams cl 4 0 1 Pankey Ryan 3h ,.. .,i 1 1 Booth c 1 1 0 Fite 3b ____,.... If 2 0 0 G. Heaton Woodmore If 1 0 1 Hill ph ' p 3 0 0 Readier p I R-ER, .1.0. 564 010 601 oolh Hornet 000 101 Triple—Kaspar. Runs Bate< Pitching—Goldsworthy 4 H, 1-SO, I W; Kendrick 66S IP, 4 I R-ER, 11 SO, 6 W, Readier H IP. ner—Goldsworthy (2-0). Loter—Kendrick (0-1). Errors-Taylor, Heaton, LaPratt. Hoyas' Netter Repeats HAMH.TON, N.Y. UP) - Ron Goldman of the Georgetown University Hoyas won the Eastern flntercolle^ate Singles Tennis Championship for the second strai^t year Friday. He beat Paul Dezzeeuw of Florida State in the final 6-2.12-10. House Rejects Deer Measure LANSING (UPI)-The House of Representatives, for the second time in the 1966 session, turned thumbs down on a two-year moratorium on the hunting of anterless deer. The Senate moratorium amendments to a House omnibus conservation bill killed on a vote of 67-21. Earlier this year the house squashed an attempt to tack on a moratorium on the shooting of does and fawns by just one vote. The overwhelming rejection Friday night left moratorium backers stnnned. Rep. Eugene Cater, D-Luding-tion, leader of efforts for a cooling off period on anterless deer hunting, said he does not expect any compromise can reached in a House-Senate conference committee. Gord Howe Says 2 More Seasons Quite Probable MONCTON, N. B. (UPI) Gordie Howe, one of the toee men ever to play 20 years in the National Hockey League, said Friday he wants to play at least two more years in the big time. The Detroit Red Wings star right winger told reporters he would like to play “as long as ■’m wanted by the Red Wings. If I have a good year in 1966-67, “’ll be back for sure in 67-68.’’ Howe is the all-time leading NHL scorer, breaking nearly every league scoring record in career which began in the 1945-46-8eason when he was only 18. The^ other 20-year men in the NHL were Dit Clapper of* the Boston Briiins and Bill Gadst>y, who called it quits after the last season when he was a teammate of Howe on the Red Wings. New York Mets Pick Vern Benson as Scout NEW YORK UR - The New York Mets have appointed Vern Benson as a special scout, it was announced Friday night. Benson, 41, served as a coach for Manager Johnny Keane with the New York Yankees and left the Yankees at the same time as Keane. cx>mpleta JOBMatchod Rn« of INDUSTRIAL & CONSTRUCTION EQi^lPMENT Complete SALES, PARTS ond SERVICE ■ wheel tractors ■ crawler tractors shovel loaders fork lifts backhoes loaders blades scarifiers, etc. PONTIAC FARM & INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO. 125 $. WOODWARD AVL,, POiniAC FE 4-1442 John Cook ................... 36-34-75 Bob Gooiby ................... 36-36-75 GOM Linior .................... 3037-75 Joo Compboll ................. 41-34-75 R. H. SIkei ................... 3637-75 - • ------------------------ 3637-75 n Filrfleld Howell Fraser . THOM ROSELY . Wrigli) Garrott .. TED KROLL .... Rex Baxter ......... WALTER BURKEMO Bob Charles Bob Nichols ...... Jim Colbert ...... Sieve Oppornwn .. Chuck Rotor . Ed Furgol ________ George Archer ... Charles Sltford Jerry Staelsmith . JOHN BARNUM .. Charles Coody . . ‘JOHN GRACE ......... .. . .“ ! 37-36-76 Dick Crtwterd Bob McCaMIstor . Bob Bru# . .. GENE BONE . . Dick Lytle -FMTON^V Larry ZIeglar -Amatouri CAPITALS-MIchlgon Playori HOME of KAWASAKI MOTORCYCLES 4ll^ CUSTOM COLOR ' 238 W. MoNtaolm 77 W. Haron MOST BOAT FOR YOUR DOLLARI AU^ NIAGARA This sporty, roomy runabout combinas tpBod and maiwuverability in one compact packaga. Famous MFQ lapstrako hull givas it agility with aUblllty. Easy to tralltr, fun to run. Gat our spadBl prtet on tfm MFQ Niagara. PINTER'S MARINE 1370 Opdyke Rd. (1-75 ot Ookland Univ. Exit) 4^WALKER N TenHi^ is very good bourbon • sip it slow and easy • it’s TRUE bourbon • it’s made by Hiram Walker a it’s 86 proof • it’s straight bourbon whiskey Your Best Bourbon Buy $4.09 $2.56 4/5 01. mM WAi/rm 1^-WfHISKEY ALSO AVAILABLE IN 100 PROOF, BOTTLED IN BOND-5 TEARS OLD HIRAM WALKER 8 SONS INC., PEORIA, ILLINOIS The all new 1967 design by Glastron. Aqua lift hull—plus sponsons provide the Velvet Ride. Only See the all new '67 Sail Boat by Glastron also on display now ati CRUISE-OUT, INC. 63 E. WALTOM-FE M462 I-T5 to BALDWIN EXIT - OPEN Bto I AVTO yAceewr C3BNTBB GLENWOOD PLAZA NORTH PERRY ST. AT GLENWOOD 2 YEAR-24,000 MILE WARRANTY 24 Mowths to Pay e Twin squirrel cage a er blowers ]| e York compressor ■ e Thermotfetic control -H- in mMmm SPEMmm I ICOUPON Brand New Factory Fresh FISK SPARK P (Qmpon Exptra June 16, 1966) iCOUPON: KQ OFF ON O ANY FISK A EXTRA POWERS or PREMIER | ATTER^ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 C-4 Record of Transactions for Week on Stock Market J&=±- THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1^66 Area Deaths MRS. ELM^R ARTZ Mrs. Elmer (Gertrude) 71, of Trenton, a former-«»-tiac resident, died this morning ^ter a long illness. Her body Is at ^rks-Griffin Funeral Home. Mrs. Artz was a member of the Ordet- of Eastern Star and Michigan Cancer Foundation. Surviving besides her husband is a brother. MRS. THOMAS M. HAVES Service for Mrs. Thomas M. (Belva) Hayes, 56. of 72 Dwight' will be p.m. Monday at the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home with burial at White Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Hayes, a member of Bethany Baptist Church, died yesterday following an illness of one year. Surviving besides her husband are two sons, John L. of East Lansing and Dr. T L. Hayes of Los Angeles, Calif. JAMES B. ARSCOTT OAKLAND TOWNSHIP Service for James B. Arscott, 23, of 3715 Collins will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at the William R. Potere Funeral Home with burial at Mount Avon Cemetery in Rochester. Mr. Arscott died last night to an automobile accident. He was a member of the First Congregational Church of Rochester and an employe at Pontiac General Hospital. Surviving are his wife, Christine, two sons, William and James; and a daughter, Patricia, all at home. Also surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ai^tt of Rochester, a brother; andVs^ ter. MRS. TAYLOR COLE OXFORD - Smrice for Mrs. Taylor (Joseirfiine L.) Cole, 62, of 623 Pontiac will be 2 p.m. Monday in the Bossardet Funeral Home with burial in the thtfonTMausoleum. Mrs. Cole died Thursday. She was a member of St. Alfred Episcopal Church and the Order of Eastern Star Chapter 266. Surviving are her husband; her father, Lewis Haddrill; and two ^ daughters, Mrs. Barbara Wright of Rochester and Linda of CWord. JOHN SPILAK AVON TOWNSHIP - Service tor John Spilak, 78, of 102 Qov-erport will be 11 a.m. Monday at the William R. Potere Fu- KEEPS On CRYING-Dolores Evans, 19, of Tucson, Ariz., brought the audience and her fellow contestants near tears with her original dramatic monolo^e during her talent part of the Miss Tan America pageant in Dalals, Tex., last night. The winner of the 1966 contest kept right on crying as Frank Clarke of the Dallas Cowboys football team helped her with her robe. Tearful Arizona Entry New Miss Tan America DALLAS, Tex. (AP) - Dolores Evans, who brought the audience and her fellow contestants near tears with her original dramatic monologue, couldn’t hold back her own tears as she was crowned Miss Tan America Friday night. The pert 19-year-old beauty from Tucson, Ariz., had told her mother not to waste the money on a plane trip for the finals ‘because I won’ win anything." As she signed her first auto- Shock Ends 'Nightmare' for Sneezer graphs, handing her tear-dam-pened red roses to a friend, sfte kept repeating: “My mother will never believe it. I have go call'her.” Runners-up in the all-Negro beauty and talent contest were Harriet Rhe, 19, a pianist from Stamford, Conn., and Glenda Locust, 18, an Oklahoma City coloratura soprano. SCHOLARSHIP Miss Evans stands 5 feet, 3 inches with measurements of 36-23-36. She has completed her freshman year at the University of Arizona. One of her prizes is a four-year college scholarship. STncMhe sirth^ade,^^^^^ Demotion Tied to Safety Idea Chevy Worker Claims Suggestion Ignored ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) - An inspktor at the Chevrolet body plant for 12 years claims he was demoted to operating “fUzz pad’’ after suggesting safety improvements. Edward Gregory, 48, who says he has read auto critic Ralph Nader’s “Unsafe at Any Spe^’’ and agrees with it, said yesterday “L think Pve been persecuted” General Motors said Gregory’s switch in jobs may have been “the normal pattern." Gregory said he was told, in effect, to butt out when he suggested a way to keep poisonous carbon monoxide jfumes from seeping into the r^ar, lower quarter-panels on some Chev-rolets. When he first suggested the ‘safety improvement,’’ Gregory said he was told the su^stion was being declined because the car was being built to specifications, warranty and field reports did not indicate a problem to that area, and that Gregory was ‘not an engineer and not qualified to give an opinion on this item.” Since being relieved of his specter’s duties, Gregory has been assigned to take scratches out of a car’s finish with a sanding disc, called a fuzz pad. Nader said Thursday night in New York that auto workers are growing dissatisfied with cost-cutting techniques resulting in shoddy workmanship and unsafe cars. He cited two cases — Gregory’s and one involving the Ford Motor Co.’s Dearborn, Mich., plant. There, Nader said United to Workers Local 6(X) “is about to release a written criticism of inadequ^e frames Jor cojlision HERBERT C. COOLEY Elect Sergeant PPOA Leader A 14-year veteran of the Pontiac police force last night was elected president of the Pontiac Police Officers Association. Herbert C. Cooley, ^, of 995 N. Cass Lake, Waterford Township, was named to a one-year term, the fifth time he held the job since the association was formed. Cooley succeeds Patrolman C3iarles A. Lindeberg. Other officers elected were Sgt. Hugh T. Stimson, vice president; Patrolman Douglas T. Fortin, secretary; Patrolman R. Kenneth Davidson, treasurer; Detective Robert A. Emery, parliamentarian; and Patrolman Walter P. Patton, sergeant-at-arms. Romney Picks Pulled Back LANSING (AP) - Three gubernatorial ai^intciq^ rejected by the Senate Thuraday reconsidered Friday and ^ by Gov. Gewge Rom-ney. Two are expected to be con-Hrmed later and the third will continue to serve until Romney names a successor. The two are State Fair Board members Alfred Glancy Jr. of Grosse Pointe Shores and Ridi-ard McManus of Orchard Lake. Democrats charged them with using political influence m State Fair activities. The third man is William Hague of Ecwse, a member of the Michigan Employment Security Appeal Board, a full-time position. Democrats objected to his also working part-time as Ecorse city attorney., Romney is not exp^ed to resubmit his name. Royal Oak Twp. Policeman Fired Over Past Crime breakfasted with him yesterday. The group was led by Peter Gunn of Nashville. U.S. Suing Area Firm Over Overtime Pay The Albert Sheetz Candy Co. 820 S. Woodward, Birmingham, is being sued for $1,691.82 by l^retary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz through Solicitor of Labor Charles Donahue on be- „ , protection, been preparing for a career in Local 600 President Walter half of an emroye oTm coiiF MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - For 154 nightmarish days — once every four minutes of every iraking hour on the average — June Clark’s body was racked by a compulsive sneeze. the professional" theater, wwk-ing backstage and with props and lights as well as serious dramatic study for six years. neral Home with burial at difficult, her nose was painfully Mount Avon Cemetery in sensitive. She suffered nausea, Rochester. fatigue and muscle spasms. g** * * * She write poetry, short plays and monologues or skits. Her performance Friday night concerned an unwed mother rejecting and then accepting her infant. I “I never lived in the days of Her head and chest ached,!g^d armor — I don' became know how to act with thi ' ^ thing,” she said as she stumbled Mr. Spilak died this morning following a brief illness. Surviving are his wife, Mary, at home, one daughter, Joanna of Rochester, and four sons, Walter of Hazel Park and Fred, Edward and John, all of Rochester. Also surviving are one broth-er.,JwQ sisters, seven grandchil-dren and two great-grandchildren. Then, last Tuesday, the 17-year-old high school sophomore sneezed and immediately received an “unpleasant” electrical schock. Another s another shock. Four hours later, June Clark’s frightening ordeal — a mysterious malady that had bajfledL neurologists, internists' alter- Imlay City Girl, 19, Hurt in Collision gists, nose and throat sped alists, hypnotists and psychiatrists — had come to an end at last. SN^ZES END For the first time in more than five months, the pretty, brown-haired girl slopped i sneezing. over the train of her purple and white velvet queen’s robe. Other finalists were Valerie Holiday, 18, Boston; Lola Reed, Sacramento, Calif.; Helen Milter, 18, Washington, D.C., who represented Columbia, S.C.; Cheryl Ann Clark, 19, Los Angeles, and Kriss Brooks, 19, Berkeley, Calif., who represented San Jose. Slum-Marked Property Loss Ordered Paid A 19-year-old Imlay City girl is in fair condition at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital following a two-car collision yesterday in Pontiac Township. Linda G. Anderson was Injured when her car collided with one driven by Lydel Lockhart, 20, of 2794 Auburn, Pontiac Township. Dr Malcolm Kushner, year-old chief of psychological service at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Miami, gave June a treatment he calls operant conditioning.” Dorosh said yesterday in Detroit that “Ford is not building unsafe cars. I have a 1966 Ford myself. I certainly wouldn’t buy a car that isn’t safe.” pany. The complaint alleges that the company failed to pay the employe the required ov^ime pay during the period from Jan. 9, 1964, to Jan. 15,1966. Gets a Jewish Surprise on the sofa With Sophia By EARL WILSON NEW YORK — Sophia Loren, Take The Standi Imagine ... on a sofa with Sophia! Sophia Loren sat with her beautiful tegs crossed on a sofa m in her suite at the Regency and dropped numer-*3|ous Jewish words into the conversation . . . ' “schmeggegi . . . muhspucah . . . magilla.” “Where did you learn those?” I exclaimed I in surprise. “I had lessons from Sydney Chaplin,” she smiled. “You,” I said, “are the dream girl of about I every able-bodied man in the world. How lit feel to have attained that?' Harold K. Van Guilder, 72, is listed in satisfaqtory condition at Pontiac (jtenerkl Hospital after his car collided with another yesterday at Orchard Lake and Telegraph. Pontiac police said Van Guilder of 760 Wagner, Bloomfield Township, collided with a car driven by Ivan H. Ortwine, 53, of 29805 N. Farmington, Farmington Township. Van Guilder’s vehicle then ran into a parked truck, police said. Ortwine escape injury. “Every woman wants admiration—I like it!” “What do your male fans say to you in their Oakland (teunty Sheriff’s deputies said the accident occurr^ at the intersection of South Blvd. and Adams about 3;30 p.m. Bicyclist Hits Car, Is Reported as Fair A Pontiac Township man satisiacio^ cone whose bicvcle collided with a^"®r. b®‘''8 >njured This means the control of human behavior by reward or punishment — a system parents use when they spank a child for being bad and give him candy for being good. WILSON tetters?” “Sometimes they’re upset that I’m married, ’tley threaten me, or my husband." It was Charlie Chaplin who stared at her when she came out in a decollete gown during the filming of “The Countess of Hong Kong” and exclaimed, “I wish I was 60!” ★ ★ ★ He was a dream to work with, but stubborn,” Sophia said, judge held Friday the govern-1 “in insisting that the actors do the scenes as he said. Clash? No. ment musj pay property own-1 Who would disagree with Chaplin? He almost invented our busi-ers any losses suffered when I"®®® As it is today." the city announces it will condemn an area for slum clearance and the property market declines. Crash Injures Avon Youth An Avon Township youth jj^in satisfactory condition today whose bicycle collided with a fej:. .'"a Troy parked car late yesterday is last night, ported in fair ci^ition at Pontiac General Hospital. James M. Hansen, 21, of Emily Court told Pontiac police he was blinded by the sun just before he ran into the car on W. Huron just east of Prall. ADVERTISEWENT FOR BIDS Tlw Village of wolverine Lake Road Daparfment Is accepting bids on a 35021-G Ford Tractor with Loader and 13 ft. Back Hoe and Two Axle Fayette, 13001-2 _____________ js the right________ r releet eny and all bids. JESSIE K. JOHNSON Village Clerk June 4, 7, (. f, 10--- Gary L. Harkins, 17, of 2821 Gravel Ridge is being treated-at Royal Oak’s William Beaumont Hospital for injuries he sustained when his car collided with another one on John R about 7:15 p.m. Troy police said the accident occurred when Harkins pulled out to pass a car which was making a left hand turn into a driveway. The other driver, Henry C. Parrett, 37, of Cincinnati, was notinjured. ■ /--------------------- THE LAST DATE FOR PARTISAN AND NON-PARTISAN CANDIDATES TD FILE NOMINATING PETITION ...... News in Brief DETROIT (AP) - A federal U.S. District Judge Fred W. Kaess made the ruling in a 1962 civil suit brought by two East Side property owners. The office of Detroit’s corporation counsel (city attorney) said Kaess’ ruling would be appealed to higher federal court on jurisdictional grounds. Millions of dollars in claims could result from the Kaess ruling. The court acted in a suit brought by Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as E. Foster, owners of prop- erty on U has been marked for condemnation. Judge Kaess said the city’s announcement of intention to acquire the property “contributed to and accelerated a decline in value.” Mrs. Geraldine Bledsoe Ford, assistant corporation counsel, said the Michigan Supreme Court already has held such Issues are to be deckled by Recorder’s (Jpurt jury. “I’ve always been honest with myself and with the roles I chose. The talk of me being a sex symbol doesn’t mean anything. I’d rather be a Woman, writh a capital W. Sex is there if you’re a Woman. If you try to act sjexy, you’re not sexy anymore.” ★ ★ ★ THE WEEKEND WINDUP . . . Producer Joe Levine, who gives parties for almost any reason, tosses one June 20—to mark the renaming of his yacht (to the “Rosalie L.”) . . . Franchot Tone, who shaved off his beard, said jokingly at Asti’s: “I lost it to a quick-closing bus door” “Hello, Dolly!” marked its 1,000 performance last week Alan Arkin’s option for six more films was picked up after his rave reviews in “The Russians Are Coming!” . . . Zlva Rodann leaves for Israel soon to start a Jaines Bond-type movie. Stripper Tempest Storm, now at the Gayety Burlesque, bought a $1,500 gown — to take off . . . Mingo, the Indian (of the “Dan’l Boone” TV’er) hosted his son’s bar mitzvah last week. (He’s Ed Ames, formerly of the Ames Bros.) . j . “Beau thfe near East Side whi^ filmed on the same site the original was shot in 1926. TODAY’S BEST LAUGH; A fellow got to the racetrack too late to make a |)et. But he hated to waste the day—so he tore up his money. WISH I’D SAID THAT: Nothing lowers a man’s resistance like a plunging neckline.r-0. A. Battista. (TM Hall SyiMkaM, IM.) Lodge Calendar The theft of her purse, con-! Regular meeting, Pontiac taining $450, in a store at 66 N.'Chapter Number 228 OES Mon-^ SaginawwasreportedtoPontiaclday, June 13, 8 p.m., 18^ E... police yesterday by Mrs. Nellie Lawrence St. Virginia Salathiel,| Killen, 65, of 111 Poplar. Secretary. / . f ELECT r SCHAFFER TO THE WALLED UKE BOARD OF EDUCATION MONDAY, JUNE 13 • QUALIFIED • DEPEN0A8LE • KNOWLEDGEABLE DE’TROIT (AP)—A suburban Royal Oak Township policeman was fired Friday by township officials who said he had concealed a criminal record when appointed to the force last January. Township Police Commissioner Hbward L. Bibb said Patrolman Sylvester Copeland concealed that he had’ been sentenced to a four- to eight-year prison term in New York in 1958 for robbery and assault. NECESSARY FACTOR During his message last night, Graham said, “Love is the necessary factor” for happiness in the home, adding that, “God must be the head of the home.” Bibb said Cbpeland, 29, served SVi years of the sentence before he was paroled in 1961 and returned to the Detroit area, and that his record also shows he was convicted and fined for larceny in Femdale in 1955. The record came to light when Copeland was fingerprinted ii t police investiga- tion after he complained Friday of being robbed by three men who, he said, fled in his car. Driver, 72, Hurt in City Accident Graham Near 250,000 in Attendance LONDON (UPD — Officials of expressed hope today that cumulative attendance at the nightly meetings will reach a quarter of a million by ttie middle of next week. A total of 18,095 persons jammed the Earl’s Court Arena last night to hear the North Carolinian preach on “The problems of the home." ’The crowd brought to 173,-431’ the number persons who have gone to see and hear Graham since his crusade began here June 1. Crusade officials said 570 persons “made decisions for Christ” last night, bringing to 6,375 the number to “come forward” so far. ^Special guests in the audience were about 80 Tennesseans, followers of Graham, who Tonight, Graham will preach ti: “Why I believe Christ to be the son of God.” Death Notices ... ,__ (Sugg*ilttf vtatthig hour* 3 to S p.m. Mid 7 to f p.m.) COLB. ;mNE J, 1W4. JOSePMlwfe If 41) hotovod ^If* of Toyter Col*; botovMl doughty of Lowl* H«ddrlll) door mothor of Mr*. Barbir* Wright and Ml** Linda CM*. Funaral aarvica will b* hold Monday, Jun* 13, at S p.m. at the Bootardot Funoral Hem*, Oxford, with Rev. C. Dougla* Simmon* officiating. Intormont In OxfonTMoMoMurn. Mr*. Cole will II* hi *tato gt tti* funaral horn*. HAYES, JUNE 10, 1044, BELVA- M., 72 Dwight StrMt; *g* 54; balovad wife of Thoma* M. Hay**; door-mother of Dr. T. L. and John L. Hay**. Funeral larvlc* will b* held Monday, Jun* 13, at 1:30 pjn. at the DoMlipn - John* Funeral (Suggetlad vh n. ^ 7 to * vlalting hi WANT ADS ARE FAMOUS FOR "ACTION" Mom JoBt Perfect for Yonr Home! Homesites From $3,700 DON WHITE, Inc. 2891 DIXIE HIGHWAY OR 4l-0494 FLAG DAY June 14th is Flag Day, a time when our Stars and Stripes"mean everyUiing whole-' ’ ' ’ I, decent, great some, brave, honorable, and small men in every level of onr society have an equal share in that banner. On June 14th, 1777, wrangling ceased, a vote was taken and 13 stripes and a ‘ star for each state was officially adopted the emblem oT our United ^ates. J. L. VOORHEES That emblem belongs to all, black or white, Protestant or Jew, farmer or merchant, the underprivileged or the affluent. It has proudly waved over our battle grounds, courts, schools . . . wherever men gather in the sincere belief of justice and peace. Flag Day, June 14,1966... let the proud banner float from your home. GHsplay M. E.SIPLE it in pride! VOORHEBS-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME 268 North Perrv Street Phone FE 2-8378 Sparks-Griffin FUNERAL HOME **Th4>ughtful Service** Glenn H. Griifin Phone FE 8-9388 BUILD THIS BUILDIN6 FBR ONLY *280'"’ PER MONTH PLUS DOWH PIYMEHT y $000.00 per monm pius your down psymsnt of one-third. Ws h*vs a tsntitivs cofflmitmsnt from a locsl finsncini firm to taks this loan for qualified purchasers. Modiricstions of this builditif can be mads to suit your rsquiremsnts; these alterations may causa the monthly payments to b* higher or lowor. This is one of 2,500 Stran-StHi building silts availabis. You may bt sMs to own this building for loss than what you art now paying tor ront. Or. you may want to build and leasi it This is a high quality Stran-Steal building, insulatad and heated, with an jttractiva stwl and glass facade. Other faaturos include; • Ciclusiv* 80,000 Ih. "tuptrstrong" sImI for 10' X 10' OVIRHEAO DOOM _____________I I • Choict of 10 duraMf and attractiv* colors for walls and roof, factory applied over gil-vtni/ing. •"Compltft citar span intarior with asclusivt Stran-Master smooth wall design. • Exclusive Stran Wall sculpturad pantls for front of building. • Ooon, glass, skylights, finished officts and display aroa, plumbing, heating, alectrical and other acetssoriot on bill of spodfications. Call ui today and wo will show you corn- plot* plans and spodfications for this Stran- Steel building, or discuss tny other sin or typo of building you nood. SHOP M WMKHOUSC ARtA JV1_ ptrej^^eel FRANCHISED BUILDER OAKSTEEL DIVISION SCHURRER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2431 Pontiac Rood, Pontiac Phon* 338-4019 a totorv* tlw rigW to SltconNoo Cwi «f himIu THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. JUNE 11. 1960 C—5 IMp MaM 1 Strvie*. FE Sul'S! •‘'VEN- Mrtavtmtnt In tfit lott iMial tlMnki '- l »4 UAW *^^Hl/NI*NT-eXPANDING CER-•ppllunti preMntly In Indu IE COOLED ENGINE MECHANIC, ----------------------------- AUTO USED CAR MAINTENANCE m*n necdwii Kt--------- - ■ Kt«go H«rbor. W“JJI llwnll* to Eov. $Si,rt 2nd Spirfct^rlffln Funtral Home. John W. Eolti ond Family, sistari ond IN LOVING MEMORY OF M\ k);^ husband, James H, Thomas, who passed away one year — today June 11, 1»S5. rial accounting to d wa ".5. .rji&j'ate. ........ I aches with sadness. ANNOUNCING ANOTHER DEBT AID INC. offlu, 711 RIker BuHdlno, branch of Detroit's — •known Dabt Aid, Inc. to serv GARNISHMENTS, REPOSSESSIONS, e AND HARASSMENT. We have helped and-saved thousands of people with credit prob-I— ■ ** "s consolidate -- end number of craditors. For______ tHit realiza, "YOU CAN'T BORROW YOURSELF OUT OF DEBT." Home appointment arranged anytime AT NO CHARGE. Hours »-7 AAon. thru FrI., Sat. »-5 FE I-01S1 (BONDED AND LICENSED) '*AVON CALLING"-FOR SERVICE In your home. Call FE »0439. A F E L y WITH BOX REPLIES At 10 a.m. today there! {were replies at Thej I Press Office in the fol-1 I lowing boxes: iScC workshop offers you a chance paid vacaNon and rr neflts. If you feel Volkswagen team, pi . . "" - k for Mr. Stanley Zimmerman, "«tori, Inc, Authorized VW Di 1745 S. Telegraph, Pontiac. ^d^j^ler. New bulld'ing'.'Mriford Auto Biller" tor authorized Franchise, --------- Dealer, Musi Have Experience, Top Pay Fine Benefits. Write Pontiac Dr... ............ BAKER dough mixer MACHUS PASTRY SHOP «33 S. ADAMS RD„ BIRMINGHAM 8«s guitar player wanted Atortta St.Catt--------- BARTENDER’ ced, full time call EM Itolp WaiitBd Malo 4 lOUBLB A MECHANIC FOR LIGHT tune-up, brake and axhaust system work. Apply In parson to Tom Kennitoy, fOt Oakland, Pon- DRIVER DELIVERY MAN ' Salt and Tanks CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING 925 ORCHARD LAKE PROGRESSIVE WELDER fIS OAKLAND (U.S. It) FE 4-9518 — An Equal Opportunity Employer real ESTATE experienced _____ salesmen, licensed tor new and used homes, members MLS. Ca SehriffiT' E^Ej^ENCED PAINTER NEED- DAYS OR EVENINGS MILL AND ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS Top Wages and Overtime Plus these fringe benefits Insurance. Blue Cross, liberal va cation, profit sharing and advance McGREGOR MFG. CORP. 2785 W. Maple Rd. Troy ______MI_4.3SI EXPERIENCED HEATING S E R \ BRICK LAYERS, BY HOURS OR lob, for residential construction Co. 673-2421. merical gas ai._ ... usual sopportunity. J Oxford OA t-~" COATS FUNERAL HOME DRAYTON PLAINS______67»t4t1 C. J. GODHARDT FUNERAL HOME •':eago Harbor, Ph. 682-0200 DONELSON-JOHNe Huntoon 1 GRAVE LOTS AT OAKLAN Hills Memorial Gardens. Save i most halt. GL 3-0526. _______ friendly adviser, '•'12 before 5 p.m., or n -, call FE 2-8734. Confl YOU CAN AFFORD TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME WICmOAN CREDIT COUNSELORS SUNDAYS ONLY, BRING THE FA ily for a delightful outing. Mi new born animals. The farm h lets each child milk Molly 1 0)w. Shm shearing at 2:38 p. Farm admission, 25 cents a perso... Hpr» drawn hay ride, pony rWes, meal extra. Open Sun. 11 to 6 p.m Walton E. to Adams N. to end. Follow sign to UPLAND HILLS FARM VkIGS - 180 PER CENT HU/VIAN hair. 824.95 and up. All wigs guaranteed. House of Wigs. 158 N. FOUND: TOOL BOX IN THE Adams-Maple ares around Mav . _ 17. 647-4394.________________ „_r.FOUNO: BLACK MALE SCOTTISH EM 3-3734__________ UOST: MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Pekingese dogs. If found call FE n Drayton. Urgently------ >und won't you pleat. .. > 3150 Warren Dr. Drayton LOST _ POODLE, STANDARD size, apricot coloring, female, vicinity of Middle Belt and Orchard Lk. Needs medical attention. BUS BOY Full time, eves. 18 and over. Paid vacation and hospitalization. Apply . ____ ______ .. Pontiac i-ross Box 28._______ _ FENCE BUILDERS, EXPERIENCE not necessarr If willing to work. FE 2-1582. FIXTURE BUILDERS Track Drive East.- >|llGly WBIltBj MbIb 4 YOUNG MAI 7!HbI|P WaiitBrf FbumIb lowing machines. , VERTICAL MILLS HORIZONTAL MILLS BURGMASTER DRILL PRESS VALENITE METALS 3295 HAGGERTY RD. n Equat Qppertun" " ___a opening tor 2 .... pending office. Qualified be given slate "--------- program by profai Simultaneously w the lob full perlenced hi. Guaranteed draw __________ learning. Men successful ... ------ lines who wish to Increase their earnings, security and professional j d fringe benrt^llTikpply OakiancI --------------ige. Pars------- - MATURE WOMAN FOR CLERICAL work. Typing reguirad. Write age, education, family sla-ob and pay exp. to ‘ Box 65, Pontiac.________ MATURE WOMAN, CAPABLE OF ' ‘ " .......nSduse- SOME PLUMBING Experience to service and Install softners, also deliver ^ appliances. Must be over 25, able to lift and have tor— tools. Call FE 4-3573 foi 1 18 OR RETIRED MAN to deliver plus's In evi Inquire Little Caesar' ............ Lift'te Glenwood Plaza, Pontiac. MARRIED MAN FAMIU, ■ard work, apartment In Bkwm-leld Hills. Phone 334-3438. Wholesale business. 674-3282 I CARPET SALESMEN WITH MANAGEMENT ABILITY Mr. MItzelfeld CALL OL........ Civil Engineer- Oakland County Road^ Commission right-of-w Electrical Engineer MANAGEM'T TRAINEES (22-38) $18,000 POSSIBLE WITHIN 2 YEARS Michigan's largest used car dealer is opening 6 more lots this yeor and needs men to monage them. No Experience Necessary as we have a complete training program, salary plus bonuses, fringe benefits, paid vacation, etc. APPLY IN PERSON ^ Kinig Auto, Inc. '590 Wide Dixie Hwy., 2 BIks. S. of Ml 5 CLARKSTON MA 5-2671 MAN OR BOY LIVE IN. MUST RETAIL MILKMAN _________ . Salary leaaa FE 4-2547.______________ RETIRED MAN FOR I^ART TIME handiman |ob, flower garden, Write Pontiac Prasa Box 55. RltfRED Man for PART TIME night-watchman, earnings to mum allowed under social se Reply to Pontiac Sewage Plant Operators CITY OF PONTIAC Salary 86,340-87,228 High school or trade graduates. 6AN TO WORK IN DAIRY PLANT. Profit sharing retirement plan — Experienced preferred. Apply 7350 malntenalice ' -. -------- desirable. Challenging position with excellent General Mo- MECHANIC T tors benefits. Send resume or i ply In person. POSITION: Responsible ... .... and CONTRACTS DIVISION of the] engineering departr- QUALIFICATIONS: Registered professional engineer with experience In this type of Fisher Body Division PONTIAC PLANT 900 BALDWIN AVE. PONTIAC, MICHIGAN An Equal Opportunity Employer WORK TO REPAIR 38-4061. ‘ motel CLERK, PART TIME. Id Service. FE 3-7102. MEN FOR STEP INSTALLERS AND laborers, must be reliable. Concrete Step Co., 6497 " |#UurnrTME-DTSHWASHER, SUN-jDESK CLERK FOR mGH^^ ■days and Holidays oH. Town and' Country Inn. 1727 S. Telegraph. .........—--------- GAT-WD“njGHf-TNSfAlXERS EXPERIENCED iO CANVASSING, NO DOOR TO door, strictly appointments '— GAS STATION ATTEN'DANTWNT-i ‘l!,'‘.ill!; Career Opportunity For man who has completed ..... tary obligation and now seeking orglnlzatlon.^^l transportation, -■ lipe fitting, tun time.;' Bting Co., 682-5574 after i it have experience. A GAS STATION ATTENDANT^ PRE-fer experienced men, but will train. Full or part time. Days or afternoons. Good pay. Sonoco, Telegraph at Maple Rd._________ ________________ wages', adequate GROOM TO TAKE CARE OF SAD- tralning, every employe benefll, die horses, good wages, board prompt management training for' room, OutTands Riding Staoie____________________________________________ man who qualifies. See Mansgerl 23175 W. 14 Mile Rd. Birmingham |OUTBOARD MECHANIC, EXPERI- mornlngs or call tor appoi-*——* ' —----------—------------------ . ------------ . ------------------- The Singer Company, 102 O'NEIL REALTY HAS OPENING s records — your lal Is unlimited, isch, sales manag il Interview. Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac------------ Road r part ti enced only, top wages, year around “--urek Motor & Marine South Blvd. East. FE 4-9587. ambitious person _________________ manent position with a rapid-growth company. Must have at least 2 years multiple line ad|ust-ing experience. Territory i will be the Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair counties. Top salary and benefits, plus car. Write to P.O. BOx 1184, Lansing, Mich. 48904.______________ COLLECTOR SALESMAN Pontiac Press Box 41 SUAAMER JOBS St. Please return. Senior citizen. Reward. Important papers. FE 2-1928._______________________ LOST: MALE DACHSHUND, VICIN-Ity of Perry and Beach. 4 chil-dren's pet, reward. FE 4-7848. Hospital, FE 2-5693. Reward. StHI 1964 CIVIL BIGHTS-:: LAW PROHIBITS, W I T H I::;: certain exceptions. I-:-: DISCRIMINATION BE-:-; CAUSE OF SEX. SINCE SOME OCCUPATIONS ARE v CONSIDEREO IWORE AT- v v: TRACTIVE TO PERSONS OF ONE SEX THAN THE Iv j:; OTHER, advertise-:;; M E N T S ARE PLACED ;::: under the male or ;;; female coluaans for CONVENIENCE OF read-:;: ers. such listinbs are :-: NOT INTENDED TO EX-;-; ;:::cluDE persons of ;:; either sex. ___________________ R E T 0 Morey's Golf and Country! schools and portraits, 2280 Union Lake Rd., Union | .fine lead work, call 334-7970. HEFpniVANT'ED “for MAINTAiN-l ' park. 229 E. Walton. High School Graduate Machine shop experience necessary. Apply. 'Jn person, Joda Industries, 590 Wide Track Drive East. Plonning Department OAKLAND CO. ROAD COMMISSION Experience In planning necessarji. PORTUNITIES. Must b I WANT ! iho cares for hIs family,! ! finer things in life. Is I road commission TO SERVICE EX-i - LIncoln-Mercury preferred, not essential. Employe Bene-s. Phone 333-7863 or see George PORTER JANITORS, NIGHTS Detroit contractor hiring full or part time, steady work, 6 or 8 nrs., 5 niglits per wk., experience necessary, must be bondable. We '.n*,!'' <* reiieoie. and materiaiSr on tha |ob sita. MPRAn at hu froT'^Sr^n T;anM*®"JxMHer?r1rl^?i; * ttoc^orner”of Elizabeth___________ benefits. Send job ref., and types PAINTERS FIRST CLASS ONLY of experience, phone no., and full ^^rllculars to Pontiac Press Box reliable . man that has a valid drivers license. Very good pay, hospitalization. Insurance, paid vacation and chance for advance------ Most be reliable. Appl^ alter 5 p. MSTfiON AVAILABLE FOR GEN- THOSE STUDENTS V r association next CMj personnel manager at tl ffia nearest to. you. _______I N ESS _ - , experienced de-i OA 8-2821.__________________ officers, si Plumbing inspector CITY OF PONTIAC Setary 87,592-88,814, phis ------------- - loorne LUMBER COUNTER MEN frit Time, apply store manager, ■BOerty Lumber and Supply, M55 LOT MAN Good steady man for very active Used Car Lot. All benefits Including hospitalization anf life Insurance. Paid vacation and year around work. Must have valid drivers Hcence. Good chance tor ad-vanceanent. Apply In person at 6695 Dixie Highwey, Claiiuton. , MIDDLE-AGED wDmAN Fo'R fascinating age totelllgence '' and "leadership abilities. Must be high school grad-■ Excellent salary opnorton-------------------------n tor advance- Dottie's B S*3358 d program employs bi EXPERIENCED uty Salon, Auburn near ___________2-4240.___ CASHIER, PART TIME AND' TIME, MATURE, DAVY'S KET, ROCHESTER. CASHIER-FOOD CHECKER, NIGHTS restaurant exMrIence helpful, it have own n>a|^., mature; ■I security Sales Clerks—Part Time Working hours can be arrangi In most cases, suit availability qualified people. Large modern store. In busy shopping cer‘— APPLY WEEKDAYS DAMMAN'S Bloomfield Plaza-Shopping Center Telegraph--------*•—- nrore). Prefer. malMC*.. JndLvl over 25 years of age. Prev sales experience desirable but necessary. Good hospitalization retirement plan. Demonstrator nished after 2 weeks training , ■ ■ Reed, Hunter Dodge,! 499 S. Hunter. Ml BEAUTICIAN WANTED, enced. (Sood hours ano commls-slon. Capitol Beauty Shop, 335-8912. BAKERV TaLESWOMAN. FULL II 4-7114. MOTHER'S HELPER, LIVE for private riding school for sr group of girls, pay In lieu experience. Oxford Mich. 628-2 NEGATIVE R E T 0 U C H I 1 schools and portraits, must ti _______ i W. Gr F. . I CAR HOPS AND COUNTRR HRck '**" —■ —enlng ahtfto. aWiv I* ___________8. W Roof Bar, EXPERIENCED a6vERTISINO l^wt nun or vmi^ with artist 1m4o3! ^ COMPTOMETER OPRS. TYPISTS STENOS-CLERKS-PBX DICTAPHONE KEY PUNCH OPERATORS BOOKKEEPERS ANY OFFICE SKILlS GOOD PAY-NO FEES COLLEGE GIRLS COME IN NOW Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ROOM 910 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG, or apply 500 DAVID STOTT BLDG. DETROIT — 962-5580 WITT GIRL SERVICE WAttRESS WITH SOME GRILL work experience, — - -- holiday work, M - EXPERIENCED,: li^worK ull 334-7970. NO FEES MAIDS. HOUSEKEEPERS, parlor and serving maids, COOKS, GOVERNESSES, LAUNDRESSES rmmer |ob at Cass j Work In better homes at top pay. ass ref., required. Many extra benefits. Free unilorMs, right person. Own transportation, training for beginners. transportation. Call FE 4-1549._| And never any lees. Change for ad- CREDIT UNION MANAGER FOR i small suburban credit union. 5-i- „ day week. Bookkeeping required. Call OL 1-1211. 18-5 p.m. __| vou WAITRESSES Dining Room and Curb Full or part-time. Paid vacations Hospitilizatlon. Lunch hour ano food allowance. Apply in person. BIG BOY RESTAURANT Telegraph A Huron or I Dixie Hwy. A Silver Lake Rd. IwAiTRESS. Full i CLERK TYPIST __________________ permenant, Rochester, 652-1101._ CO/MPETENT WOMAN, g'ENERAlI cleaning. Ironing. Own transporta- f an Interview that will si 1 home services Industry: CALL QUALIFIED WOMEN. GENERAL OFFICE WORK AND ONE WITH BOOKKEEPING OR ACCOUNTING BACKGROUND. MUST HAVE GCX3D APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY TO MEET THE PUBLIC. SEND - QUALIFICATIONS TO BOX C BLOOMFIELD HILLS. lor DRUG CLERK, GENERAL STORE, J6l _EuiL and_.BAil.Uiiie -AlUlts.. open.,L. ius| Experienced preferred. Union Lake Drugs, 8050 Cooley Lake ' ARTHUR TREACHER SERVICE SYSTEM 646-^700 - ' WAITRESS, BOB'S RESTAURANT, Keego Harbor, 682-9857, before 5 p.m., 335-0190 after 5 - ~ 4134 1188 S. iDRUG AND COSMETIC CLER'K,, full or part time, Russ' Country: _ Not an employment agency Drugs, 4500 Elizabeth Lake Rd [NURSES AIDES NEEDED. APPLY ELECTROLUX CORPORATION I SL * _ll-now taking applications for i sales manager. Must have experl , 450 Wide Track SHOE FITTER Excellent opportunity ' Hansel A Gretel Sho right m I, BIrmli TECHNICIANS -jd technical man can^ work wilh the public? And that's the kind of guy w as a Customer Engineer fi Office Products Division - with a good knowledge of ........ . electronics, and an ability to mpet and work with people. If you hav~ a high school diploma, two yeai technical training or equivalent e:. —------- ' mechanical Interest EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES . _ bar tender. Night shift. No Sundays, ret. needed. FE 4-5760. EXPERIENCED WOMAN OVER 35 •- do general office work In dor __'s office. Pontiac Press Box 10 EXPERIENCED BABY SITTER, Call G. C. Moore, 333-7936 IBM Is an Equal Opportunity Employer IBM 10 to 11 a. FE 5-6115. Pontiac Motor DIVISION Has Immediate openings tor: COMPTOMETER OPERATORS WESTERN OAKLAND COUNT' School District has openings tor secretaries requiring good shorl hand skills. Secretary to Superir tendent and Administrative Secr« tary assigned to board office. Sen resume to Pontiac Press Box N< »______________________________ Experienced grocery cash-| for a quality store in Bloqm-X every other Sunefay. 8^.75 Experienced Waitress Wanted to work in Pontiac . Milford, Michigan. Start 878 per week. Write Standard Foods. 3141 Interlaken, Orchard Lake, Mich. 48033. general office work. TYP- Experienced preferred. 334-7711. I. Woodward. See im, parts manager.___________ LEARN MACHINE TOOL ■de, no experience necessar list be willing to learn. U. TRUCK MECHANICS AND ME-chanics helpers with tools. Good working conditions, hospitalization, life Insurance, pension plan and uniforms furnished. Apply at: 12300 Farmington Rd., Livonia, ' GA 2-2420, after 8 p.m. GRILL AND COUNTER WAITRESS-~ 10 experience necessary. Good Apply 332 S. Telegraph. GENERAL, LIVE Mon. off. MA 6-62 GENERAL OFFICE AND LIGHT Drill Press Operators GOOD STEADY JOB WITH GOOD pay. Days or afternoons. La"-'*'"' experience helpful, but not i----- sary. Ml 4-8225. Custom Service Laundry. 1080 S. Adams, Blrmlng- Apply week days: A. L. DAMMAM CO 1200 Naughton Rd. Troy - 689-4700 GENERAL OFFICE, TOOL SHOP experience, fast typist, capable of office procedures. Send resume t Orion Automation, 50881 Van Dyke Utica, Mich._________________________ WANTED 2 MEN, 0 PontI Ixperlen itlac Pr WANTED: SERVICE STATION MANAGERS Here Is an opportunity to better yourself. A ma|or oil company jobber In Oakland County Is look-Ing for dealers to run company stations or else take them over completely for themselves. We' have some excellent locations with high gallonage ' ' room business. Financial assistance available. Contact ?r Gus Campbell WANTED: PARTS TRUCK DRIVER, 19 or over. Apply at Shelton Pon-tlac-Bukk, 855 S. Rochester Rd., Rochester. 651-9911. W(X>L PRESSER, FULL OR PA time. Bob White Cleaners. 6-8733. YARD MAN FOR FENCE i YOUNG MAN FOR COA8MISSION sales, selling Industrial supplies, Exc. opportunity. FE 3-7881. outside order department. 81.35 | hr. to start. Apply II a.m. or 705 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. WOMAN TO LIVE- . 2 Children while mother Ights. FE 8-6455, ca' ' ilarled Personnel Dept, wood AOe. at Montcalm Pontiac Michigan PRACTICAL NURSE; MORN only assisting elderly man Jir lime Including preparing si and driving. Days off. No li work. Must have car. Pr honrie on lake. Phone MA t evenings.________ PART TIME KITCHEN HELP~ “ time waitregs. EM 3-»121. Restaurant Dining Room Supervisor lob. Day shift. 4 for appointment. T^D'S BLOOMFIELD HILLS SEE MR. MOORE OAKLAND Man or Woman FOR MOTOR ROUTE IN Southfield Farmington Area at Once Apply to Mr. Stier PONTIAC PRESS CIRCULATION DEPT. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR PHYS'-ICS teacher at Detroit suburban community college. Master's Degree plus college teaching experience required. Associate Professor level. Salary open, excellent fringe benefits. pply: OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 480 Opdyke Road Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Phone 647-6200 FE 8- -WI6 -ST.YUST.......- i Hours. 81.50 an hour to -louse of Wigs. FE 8-6216. Dry Cleaners. 540 S. Telegraph. WOMAN OR RESPONSIBLE GIRL supervise 3 boys, 13, 11, and 10 the summer. AAonday-Thursday. a.m.-l p.m. Friday 8 to 5. 820 r week. Must be available “ - WOMAN FOR GENERAL OFFICE work, knowledge of bookk*—'— necessary. Some evening anc _ day work. ^Community Hospital, Al- Itlp WantBd M. or F. SALES MINDED SALES LADY FOR permanent year around position with progressfve^ompany- Excel--lent working condition, paid vacations, secure future for responsible Bank Teller Trainees Experience not necessary Must be at least 21 years of age, have good arithmetic aptitude and be capable of meeting the public. APPLY IN PERSON COMMUNITY National Bank Wanted Man or Woman FOR MOTOR ROUTE IN Troy Royal Oak Area At Once Apply to Mr. Stier PONTIAC PRESS __ CIRCULATION DEPT_ person affernoons or avaninga: Tha Rotunda Country Inn, 3230 Pina Lake Rd., Orchard Laka._____________ Dry Cleaners, 719 V Solely H«]^,Ma]^F«iiiala^ y license. 335-5552. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED !rh Poslttva t RH Neg. 87.00, 818.80 - 81 ' DETROIT BLOOD SERVICE I In Pontiac FE 4-8947 I 1342 Wld8 Track Dr., W. WAITRESS FOR SMALL BESTAU-rant In Pontiac, 2 to 11 'p.m. 674-2914.____________________________ live in nice y room unrurnisnea,WAITRESSES — DAYS OR NIGHTS, apartment, with salary. 46311 Shel | Apply Rickey's, 819 Woodward. by Rd.y Utica. 731*2443, call from ^aiYreSS AND GRILL COOK, • ‘ ‘ DraytOf> Plains. OR 3*1931. wk., experle t bondable. and materials, on the fob site. --------- m, Btoomfleld and De- own transp., excellent fringe ts. Send |ob ref., and types erlence to Pontiac Press Box For Clarkston-Watortord area office, excellent earninga for active person over 25 with at least 1 year real estate salts or mortgage experience. -. Schueft _______________Ml 6-8508 NEW NATIONAL COMPANY NEEDS salesman from 17 to 24. t Cross, paid vacations, day-> work, car necessary. Call veen 6-9 p.m. FE 8-2038. days. No nights, 845 week paid vacation and social sec--------- Must have references. Call collect 342-S667, days, or 353-2154 nights. HOUSEKEEPER HOUSEKEEPER: EITHER FULL ! assisting elderly man In ning shopping, and preparing liklp Wanfad Famolt speaking lady acceptable. ( ter 5 p.m. 468-3725._________ WILL TRAIN; . 647-3009. Jenet Davis Cleaners. Blrmlnghem. * BIG' BOrRESTAURANT '20 S. TELEGRAPH Kelp Mole ^ 1 PIECE BAND, DERBY TAVERN, Pontiac 332-9137 Detroit 1-WO ^4346 Lansing 517-332-6911 Flljit CE 8-5984 cornar of Nqvl. Rd. and 13 Mila Rd., Novi. U OR OVER. TREE AND LANO-tcaplng woij. 82 Staady amptoyment. 179-6884. COMMON LABORER WANTED. AP-' ply Drayton Swimming Pool Sup-: ■ply, 4763 Dixie Hwy., Drayton! ' Plains. 1 COOK - SHORT ORDER 1 48 hours. 8115. Apply In parson. 1 ■ Steak B Egg Restaurant. 52it5 Dixie Hwy. Waterford. 20 MEN NEEDED Man iwaddd tor lampla dftlrlbu-tion In tlw Pontiac arta. $1.75 par hour. 4M»ur waaft. 18 yaara and up. Excallanf opportunity^,tor man waning Induetton, attanding 3SS?'!rvlh.^Jf.r:n;^V's^ *1Jrii%Sm^bRivE NEAR _ ORCHARD LAKE RO. TELEBRAPH or apply at Sacurlty Commisaion, 242 Oakland Ava., Pontiac, Michigan, atk tor Mr. Farrall. Designer Experienced, special rpachlna de-l signer. 58 hour weak. Good fringt benefits with long established ma-| chinary manufacturer, good salary axcellant opportunity. , ACME MFG. CO. ' 1480 East 9 Mila Rd. Famdaia S66-1S58{ DIB DESIGNER. PREFERABLY moldlng-dla axparlenea. Fendt Machine and Manufacturing. 4785 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains. ! * $600 MONTHLY guaranteed SAWRY pLuS bonus ano Cp. CAR For Right AAan Itaady yaar-around w^. ito atrlkaa or layoffa. Muif naal. Wa train. Parional Intorvlaw only. Call 874-2X33, Monday 9 a m. -1 DIE SETTERS Exparlancad die saftor for smalt and progressiva dtes and auto, feeds. Day shift, steady work, oyarfltna. Considar part time help i Automatic Press Prod, i 185 Ellzalieth $1. i Laka Orton. ' Body Draftsmen FULL SfZE DESIGNERS MINOR LAYOUT MEN Needed for the following areas of body drafting; • MECHANICAL HARDWARE • FRONT ENDS • INSTRUMENT PANELS • BODY-IN-WHITE • TRIM AND SEATING • TRUCK • DOORS • ELECTRICAL • ORNAMENTATION • CONVERTIBLE TOPS Motor Company RESEARCH & ENGINEERING CENTER SALAI^lED PLACEMENT , INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BLDG. . OAKWOOD BLVD. AND VILLAGE ROKO WANTED AT ONCE! expefIienced Grocery Clerks AND Meat Cutters Good working conditions and pay,. APPLY TO STORE MANAGER OF ANY BIG "D" lent guarintoe to quallftad. Backed by the tremendous advertising power of 7 offices. For confidential Interview call Mr. Korby at: YORK E BUY WE TRADE R 44)363 OR A41361 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plaint Soles Help, Mole-Femule 8-ASalet Help, Male-Female 8-ASates Help, Male-Famala 8-A "BUZZ" BATEMAN SAYS SELLING REAL ESTATE IS ■ INTERESTING AND PROFITABLE Do you feel you ore wasting your time and abilities in your present job? Are you looking for a challenge thot will be rewarding in both income and personal satisfaction? If this is true, then, the time you spend reading this may be the most rewarding few minutes you have ever spent. ' Whether you are 30 or 60, experienced or inexperienced, you owe it to yourself to learn more about the excellent opportunities that can be yours in Real Estote. Becouse of our steady growth, both in sales of pre-owned homes and new construction over the post few yeors, it is necessary for us to expand our sates staff. We are proud of the fact that we ore one of the largest Realtors in this area. The year 1965 was an excellent year and 1966 promises to be even better. Our adver-Itising progron)i is,one of the largest and most productive. Toilay, as Professionals, we maintain the highest possible standards. Our training prog^m is complete ond comprejhensive and it wilt give-you the knowledge and background to get a good start in the Real Estate Business. If you are willing to accept this challenge and if you would like to take ad-vantoge of our experience, knowledge and leadership, we will be most happy to give you every consideration. Only honest^nd courageous need applyl FOR CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEWf CALL JACK RALPH, Soles Co-ordinotor BATEMAN REALTY COMPANY 377 S. Telegraph R FE 8-7161 730 S. RochMter Rd. 01 M518 C—^ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1986 RIAL, ItTATf, CXAANOINO OP-i net Md MWIng program. But^ IMM It groat and ^ ....—_____________JO pay Ola. McCuHtogh Raatty, To. .... CwHoygh Jr., grokar. SM Hk^ tend Rd., (M-J» naar airport) a*- WR'LL PAY A YEAR AND mora If you want to loam tha (ur-nltvra butinats, wt'll train you If you havo ftia compatitiva ipirlt It takes to become a SALES LEADER. You'll have the chance to move up quickly In one of the largest and tastest-growing furniture chains In the midwett. If you Wve hi ^ work and want to make big mon - contact Mr. Boyer at G6434 Oort Hwy. Grand Blanc, Mich. ( BABY-SITTINO WANTED I PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLIE, RELIABLE WOMAN WILL BA^Y M»»hy iwl Tiiid[iii| Jtt AA MOVING ROBERT TOMPKINS EM t-fllll 0 P F I C E FILES. DESKS, HMf HAULING TOP SOIL, Credit Advlton LIGHT HAULING AND MOVING, PresmiRkliif _ 4 tallBrjiiji 17 dressmaking, TAILORING AND alterations. Mrs. Bodali PE 4->053. PdiktiRg and Dtcorotinl 23 InstmctioRS'Schools 10 Londsoeplng PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS, POR- , trait negativ- — ployment thi call Mrs. Ka Work WoRted Male FRED FRYE Cement work and basement i^rk. Call FE 5-33W. rDo You Want The ' VERY BEST? Costs More-Worth It I WINDSOR SOD IS CERTIFIED BY SCOTT SEED CO. Weed and Disease Free PAINTING WORK, INTERIOR OR aKterlor, OR 4-3W5.______________ LIGHT HAULING AND DIGGING lawn work. FE 4-7146. _ , ______ BASEMENTS !s cleaned. FE a-SSSa. Now cutting and will deliver on pallets. 651-3630 SEMIRETIRED, PAINTER A decorator, k) years experlei Transportation, 33a-«3ti. Evenii ° CeRvalesuHt;MvrdRf 21 Can provide exc. rat. I Will do lawn work, jo experience, FE S-21I0. Work Wanted Female Moving ^nd lacking 22 Wanted Miscenaaeoas y /^Imeuli, Unfamliketl 3jl COPPER, 40c AND UPl BRAU redlaters, batterlet, (tartan, — arators. C. DIxaon, OR S-SIW. BOB'S VAN SERVICE MOVING AND STORAGE •FREE ESTIMATES NEED REGISTERED RAT OR POX terrier for stud larvica for black and whifa rat farrlar. ........ change caah or pupav tn-JIJt, after 4 P.M. Transi^atira ^ ________25 GIRL WORKING IN BLOOMFIELD Wad, and Thurs. SJPQ040. Wanted Children to Board 28 Wanted Ibuschold Goods n PIECE OR HOUSEHOLD. PIANOS. Y 3-ia71 Oi Y 3.0141 ■ HEAR OUP ORICE BEFORE YOU tt SO little for your furn'ture appliances and what have Wt'll auction It or buy It. B & B Auction Dixit OR S-2JI7 Wonted Real Estate Aluminum Bldg. Items ALUMINUM SIDING INSTALLED by "Superior" — your ' Kalsar dealer. FE 4-3in. ____ ALUMINUM GUTTERS MAS CUTTER CO. COMPLETE aavestroughing tarvica. Frte astl- EAVESTROUGHING, METAL decks, and outside sheet metal work. Bryan F. French, JS1 N. Paddock St. FE 5-dT73. SEWERS, WATER SE BIG BOY DRIVE-IN, DIXIE AT ABSOLUTELY TOP PRICES PAID FOR ALL TYPES OF ^ PROPERTY AND LAND CONTRACTS. BUYERS WAITING, CALL NOW. J. J. Joll, Realty FE 2-34M______________M2-0282 BEDROOM HOME OR utilities Included In ’ own washer and r 12, 36S-9W4. CHILD SVi AND . fi E R i Y WOMAN G^Ris room In privato ho™* ”>i* expanses. FE 2-7IW. EXECUTIVE FAMILY WANTS. TO HELPI COUPLE WITH FOUR CHIL-dren, ages 7-13, desperately need home. Entira family separated. Children staying In thraa different friends home, parents In another. Cannot remain In Will take anything OR 3------- Sunday from noon until I p.m„ Sat. 1 to 3 jjm. Cloaad Thuri-days. Phono 3M-5S55.________________ FOR RENT WITH OPTION TO PUR-chase, modem year-around home. Built In 17SI. 3 bedrooms, built-in oven, range. Fireplace, 2 large lots, trees. White Like. KE after S p.m. Owner. VACANCY AT THE WILMA. I BED-room. Ref. required. Adults only. $75 plus Ufliniee. FE S-2727. I OR 4 ROOMS UNFUR-form family of 3. reasonable t, t73-2»14. WANTED TO RENT, I elderly woman, must be o floor. EM >322$ r- Shore Living Quarters ^ L D E R L Y WOMAN TO SHARE 1 TO 50 BEDROOM HOME. WILL LEASE to quellfltd tenant, must have ref., $150 per month, plus $200 security deposit. Will go $125 for year In advance. FE 2-$0S5, after 5 p.m. LAKE FRONT EXECUTIVE HOME, lOMES, LOTS, ACREAGE PARCELS, FARMS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACTS Urgently need for Immediate Selal RantJ^kj^etta|^s BOYNE MT. AREA - MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OR 3 BEDROOM HOME, LAND contract, private owner. Water ford or Drayton area. FE 4-2773 LAKE FRONT, TWO BEDROOMS, modern, boat. Off Round Lake Road. 7443 Mandon. Call 3$>7$47 ir Livonia 427 7577. ALL CASH 10 MINUTES MODERN COTTAGE ON LAKE MIS-saukee. MA >70$6 or MA 5-4741. SUMMER COTTAGE. FURNISHED Rent^oomj^^____________ 1 EEDROOM APARTMENT IN NEW oerdan tm kpartment bulMIng. Central air eanditloning, aaund oon-dittonad. Iota of atailga,-- mifi.^Egar'' t BeBBoOMS.. UTILITY ROOM. n^ROOM. 2 CHILDREN WBt-eoma. OR 34W7. 3 ROOMS, REFRIGERATOR 3 ROOMS, BATH, ADULTS ONLY refarancas. 3344270. AMERICmN HERITAGE APARTMENT MODEL OPEN TUBS. THRU SUN. 1 to 5 AND $;N TO 1:30 FROM $145 A MONTH Bloomfield Townhouse $B3 PER MONTH Rant Houses, Furnished 39 >8EDROOM HOME AT ELIZABETH ROOMS, BATH, BASEMENT, nice and clean. 22 N. Marrimee, by Fisher Body. 3 BEDROOM BRICK, BY OWNER. —t side, full basement, garage, ' schools, Immodtato occupancy 3 BEDROOM CONTEMPORARY ranch with basement. 2 car garage and breezeway. Hot water heat and fireplace. On 1W eci 1 Ml. from 1-75. Crooks EM m bith, led gar. 3wi. >ROOM HOUSE WITH I'/i-CAR GA- $250 I Jll DEER 5-BEDROOM BRICK »ms, m story, utility mant, gas haat $15,5 contract. FLATTLEY REALTY , $20 COMMERCE__________3$3-$781 77 EAST YPSILANTI, 2 BEDROOM, I'/i car garage, $10,500. " ■ may. I H> * P-m. ASS LAKE WATER FRONT 2BED-room home, monthly or weekly. $$2-2024._______________________________ I season. $82-$723 i _______________M 13 AND 4 BEDROOMS, lOME with option to buy. Ask about our no dawn paymant plan. Art D^ls Raalty. KE 7-7500 or-KB BEDROOMS, UTILITY ROOM, 2 BEDROOMS, BASEMENT HOUSE, 3$x2$'. $2700 cash on 2 lot ‘ bow Lakt prtvilagas. Cal 34702 collect. $17,300 - 3 bedroom lake _____________ barbeque pit, petio, dressing house on sand beach, lawn garden. EM t, Roman brkk air conditlonad, I ACRES, 3 BEDROOM HOME patio. 1143 Eckmen, Herrington ■""s, Pontiac. 332-7057. 3 BEDROOMS. BASEMENT, V 13(7 lot fancid. North i Inside city limits, 1 grade school. $14,300 cash gaga. FE >055$ from >BEDROOM HOME ON IW ACRES -■ -“lul hardwoods. >car at-irage, aluminum >ininj|> 0 down. By 'appoWI- heat, I$'x24' barn, storm ------------------ rage on $$,500. 1( 331-7274 54 ROBINWOOD, RANCH, 3 BED-room, m baths, basemant, new FHA, $300 down. Owner, 54H 532. A BEAUTY IN DRAYTON PLAINS Your custom home come true on an estate sized 75 x 150 foot lot. 3 bedrooms up, 1 down, Rec. family room, paneled, flnlshod In the basement. Modern kitchen with with built-in chine cabinets and birch cabinets. Gat heat, completely alr-conditloned In every room. Many other extras, lest than 1 year old. All fenced in. Asking only 121,500. No brokoia or dealers. Can AUBURN HEIGHTS AREA HOUSES! HOUSES! ALL NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCHES TRI-LEVELS 4 BEDROOM RANCHES COLONIALS SUBURBAN LIVING too FOOT LOTS E. E. SHINN REALTOR SMALL HOUSE BUILDERS WITH CASH InlySl'm lovely 3 heme, targe lake Yrontaga Eagle Lika, niot — ss«rai,-s matfiva firaplace, and garage. Lowe lake wlth^ room Ing for ilOO par $M,700. Wa will ------ ------ Call Hugh Britt with Lawrence Realty, Hint------- Gl - 0 DOWN EMBREE & GREGG 1545 Union Laka Rd: EM 3-4373 EM >3314_____________Open 7 to 7 HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty GOLF MANOR SPLIT LEVEL BRICK 3 BEDROOM. m~Bstn$ esrpetad anr draBeir PaiTilly room with butIMn bar. Thernno windows. Lovely ' with gee bullt-lni. Separate ... Patio with barbecue. Landscaped and fenced IS'xIlS' ■-* * — — lEAUTIFUL SAND BEACH. Middle Straits Laka. 3 bedroom year around. Well built $ rooms, Fireplace. Oil furnace. IVk Lawn sprinkler and dc—. -------- lot. Walled Laka Schools. Hurry— Everett Cummings, Realtor 2SS3 UNION LAKE ROAD EM 3-3200 3$>71$1 HERRINGTON HILLS 3 bedroom, all brick modern In excellent condition. Full ment, gas heat, 12x2$ family In basement. $14,500 with ----- down and $150 month, or $2700 down to existing mortgage anC payments $77 month. Poiusslor available by July 1st. Sislock & Kent, Inc. 1307 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. 33$-727! HOME LOVIN' FAMILY? Reward yourself and family by and ?ean naar- Pwtlac Li reatlon area. 3 bedroom ri 100x150' site, electric built-■ " living " deposit or trade your equity. HAGSTROM, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE - ......... OR 4431 W. HUR( URON Eve^ $$ SPACIOUS a BEDROOM HOMO ON well landac^ let MRlW full baaemanf. 1370 Peirport, DroyioB WEAVER AT ROCHESTER ONLY $12,300 - 3 bedrooms, ■'sltedi*}* COUNTRY BRICK HOME - _.... 2 acres, 2 large bedrooms, fireplace. mf, 2Vi c rage. $17,700. MILTON WEAVER Inc., REALTORS In the Village of Roclwster 111 W. Univorsftv_____$51-$14l YOUNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER-BILT RUSSELL YOUNG. 33W W. HURON Waterford Hill a are privlitgad to offer a moil — ‘ ■—iroom hom^^flMM Is homo Is obvious inding 4-t rueW antique elm paneled family with raised hearth and bi celling. Thera Is carpeted f--------- dining room and the kitchen boasts built-in oven, range and dlilr—" er. The carpetad bedroomi ----------- wealth of closat space, 3 of which are walk-ln. There It 2 full baths - —- - ba$> ... ...... ...... ..... paneling i has Formica cupboards and si for a summer kitchen The heatl system Is zoned gas fired hot v ter. A full 2-cer garage 1s attach — The grounds are beautifu. . landscaped and a circular drive adds graciousness ts well as con-—I—, Priced $44,300. Shown by AL PAULY 431$ Dixie, rear EVES. OR 3- LAKE FRONT bilevel. 2'/!i baths, « II. paneieo family room with fireplace, covered patio, dl n I n g porch, overlooking beautiful Eagle Lake. Sloping lot to water'a Price, $31,770. New trilevel with 3 bedroomi dows. On Eagle Like. $31,770. New 2,000 tt. colonial. 4 bedrooms, i¥i baths, paneled family room with fireplace, Tharmopane wln-..... ... garage, "— All residents of Lakeland Estates have full beach, tennis, picnic and children's playground privileges. LAKELAND ESTATES Waterford OAKLAND LAKE 1 bedroom brick ranch. Full base- rLtL‘*;ooS?.Tirg!.’',» Z 104' lot. Exc. location. Cleaa to schools. Blacktop atraats. Only < block to boating and barch .......Full price only 117,300. UNION LAKE AREA full baths. Attached garage. Intercom system. Located near Unkm Lake Village. Priced for quick sale it $21,730. Terms or trsde. OLYMPIC PARKWAY 4 bod room brick ranch. Like new condition. Feetures large 17' by 15' carpeted living room. Brick fireplace. Family room. Baaament. Quality built with plaiterad wells and hardwood floors. Gas haat. Attached gerage. Offered at t23,-730. Terms or trade. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 WATERFORD REALTY^ D. Bryson, Raaltor OR >1273 4340 Olxle Hwy. Van Watt Bldi! , GILES OFF MT. CLEMENS. 3 bedrooms. ffl. lovely compact kitchen. Full base. menf, gas heat, lV>cer garage, 2 lots with Anchor fence. Only $11,. ROCHESTER AREA - >room frame home, oak ftaors, plastered walls, part basement, oil heat, l'/44er garage. 2 lots with front-age on 2 streets. Price only $1,500 COLUMBIA AVE— tn -cityr - 20^ -Hvlng- r $q. ft. floor ipACty bM_____ mlnum siding, awnings, equity ’out to contract. $40 month. Price $(,-500. GILES REALTY CO. 21 Baldwin Ave. FE 5-4175 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE KINZLER ----- ------- ... the beautiful , acre site with a profusion of fa stately trees, ------------- carpeted and new plantation shutters, sunroom, model kitchen, 2 ceramic tile baths. Full basement and attached 2-car garage. Owners retiring. First time offered for sale. Eves. Ph. Mr. Rockwell, 42>1744. NEW HOMES In a beaullful suburban area. •art brick exterior. a0'x200' each — tome wooded — At only SUSO each, Included In price. If Interested — don't delay as they are going fasti Wouldn't you rather have a new homef Eves. Ph. Mr. Kraher, 338-3285. BE IN THE PINK In this refreshingly different new pink split-rock and frame ranch. Architectaral Drawinjr PLANS DRAWN. Rental Equipnwnt BROWNIES HARDWARE FLOOR SANDERS - POLISHERS , WALL PAPER STEAMERS RUG CLEANER - POWER SAWS 732 Joslyn Open Sun. FE 4-4103 CASH 40 HOURS LAND CONTRACTS-HOMES EQUITIES WRIGHT 312 Oiklend Ave.____FE 2-71 . Saginaw. FE 2 0707. ^H.^C:" Newlnghom, RItr. _________UL 2-3310_______ RED BARN VILLAGE NO. 1 West of M-24 between Lake Or . and Oxford behind Alban's Country Cousin. , Model phone 42H545 3'D CONSTRUCTION PARKING LOTS DRIVEWAYS Landscaping Free Ettlmaws BULLDOZING, BACKHOE WORK, excavating, landscaping, light sewer, water service, basement and septic flald. Call avanings. FE >2355._____________________________ TOWNSHIP BEFORE JUNE IS, 2 OR 3 BEDROOMS, CAN PAY UP TO $14,000, CALL THEIR AGENT, YORK, OR maid SERVICE, COFFEE, CAR- CLARKSTON ROOFING COMPANY, NICE SLEEPING ROOM AND BATH young man. 5.' * -------- tlac.________ COMMERCE TWP. AREA NORTHVILLE PAVING AND EXC. Asphalt paving, gravel installation, grading, earth moving. Quality work at competitive prices. 349 LARRY'S EXCAVATING. BASE-ment, septic system, sand and gravel. 42>1173.___________ I ICE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, right downtown, parking, 41 Pine St., FE 2-8820. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME Nearly new 3 bedroom custom built brick ranch style home with breezaway and attached 2 ear garage, located on 3 acrot of land between Orion and Ponflac. 15'x28' iiuinn mnin with firaplace, din-modern kitchen, full ... . ... ------------ ilwwer. N THE VILLAGE OF OXFORD, 3-bedroom, 2-story home. Carpeted living room with fireplace, large dining room. Also gas furnace In basement. Large let. $13,700 — $2,300 down, balance on land con-frect. Call after 4 p.m. Ml 7-4371. .AKE OAKLAND HEIGHTS - > bedroom brick ranch, 2-car garage, large fenced lot. 3424 Aquarina, Drayton, $14,700. OR >7720. _______________ ______ pi carpeted floors, alumlni and screens. $34400. $1.-. ---------- balenct 4 per cent land contract. LAKE OAKLAND HEIGHTS, 3 BED-room brick ranch, full basement fenced yard. Laka prlvlltges. t17, 000. For an appointment call 47> OPEN NEW MODEL SAT. > SUN. 2-4 MON. THRU FRI. >7 Anytimt by at ------- room with firopiaaiwair, ~3 ^d-rooms, 2 baths and laundry rOom, Basement for shuttleboard, ping-pong or pool and larga enough for all three. Shaded rear yard area and lake and beautiful beach near- Eves. Ph. Mr. Ellarthorpe, 474- ”j0HN KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dixie Hwy. 474-2233 Across from Packar'i Store Multiple Listing Service Open PARKING LOTS, TENNIS COURTS, driveways. ASPHALT APPLICA-TOR5 ASSOC., FE 2-2414. SPECIALIZE IN HOT TAR ROO --------- service. Free e ■ Perry. FE 2-103i MAN WITH $13,000 IS LOOKING FOR A HOME IN THE WATERFORD AREA, CALL HIS AGENT, York, OR 44343 NICE SLEEPING ROOM ON LAKE, 1-A >CAR T3ARAGES. 20'X22', tt75, u«.rk Brae 4stimate4 — g Co. MA >2121 [. G. SNYDER, FLOOR LAYING sanding end finlahing. FE 3-0372 LEONARD'S FLOOR SERVICE 2-CAR GARAGE, $S77 ADDITIONS I Alum, windows, doors, siding. GRAVES CONTRACTING Free Estlmites_____OR >1511 ICAR GARAGES, 20'x20', $873. WE ____Floor TIHng^^ I & D FLOOR TILING. CERAMIC and plastic for baths. Free cstl-mates, FE 2 3259 or FE 4-0343. Garden Plowing Sand, Gravel and Dirt Trucking Top Soil-Block Dirt Sand and Gravel Monroe Hauling 852-4096 NEEDED, NEAT 2 BEDROOM brick bungalow with basement and garage. Closa-ln. $13,000 Roy O'Neil, Realtor PRIVATE HOME, MEALS OPTION SLEEPING ROOM, MEN ONLY, factory workers preferred. 110 -_____... u.„ fix rntta without pre help. For sale by transfer.... er, 42>3172 for appointment. No realtors please. ______ BY OWNER-ATTRACTIVE 4-BED- Mixed Neighborhood No down payment First month free 1s Ilka rent MODEL OPEN AFTERNOONS 1-3 AND SUNDAY WESTOWN REALTY SPOT CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY, VA, FHA, OR OTHER. FOR QUICK ACTION CALL NOW. HAGSTROM REAL-TOR, OR 4-035$ OR EVENINGS 4B2-0435.__________________________ Roams W»h Board 43 gentlemen DAYS, DOUBLE room, twin beds. Home stvie meals. 84 Poplar Drive. creation rooms, urages, siding, roofing. Free ait . no oown paymant. G & M Construction Co. 14 N, Saginaw________ FE 2-1211 Septic Tank Bidg. CARPENTRY AND REMqOELING A-1 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING, sodding, seeding, grading, Broken Concrete, retaining walls. Top soil sold by load. Free Estimates. FE $-g3T4. J, H. Waltman. Kustom Karpentry A-1 SODDING AND SEEDING, Stump BemBvai STUMP REMOVAL — FREE estimates 482-37I3 etter 3 p.m. EXCAVATING, DREDGING, 00?- Swimming Poois Swim Along with Cadillac *■'■""01)1 tlbtrgias swimming^pooT uuiii to lest a lifetime ■«»< maintenance cost. Free A-1 Interior and exterior attic basement, recreati-------- and bathrooms ^ IIS my specli s. 482-044$. CARPENTRY, I SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN, sod delivered, 45 cents p 474-2753 etter 4. OR 3-$731.____ V-C LANDSCAPING, WE MOW AND ‘■•1m lawns. New lew™ ‘ Id wall stone, 34>7271. Sunday 2 to 7170 Dixie Hwy. (1 ml. north M13) Clerkston. MA 5-2474. Trea Trimming Service YORK EXPANDING COMPANY NEEDS PROPERTY NOW INTIRAYTON PLAINS, WATERFORD, AND SURROUNDING AREAS, PROMPT, NO OBLIGATION APPRAISERS. WE BUY OUTRIGHT, NO FEES, NO WAITING. FOR FURTHER DETAILS OF OUR UNIQUE GUARANTEED SALES PLAN CALL. OR 4-0363 ^rfmenti, Furnitkeir 37 BEDROOM AND BATH. CARPET-ed living room and hall. Private ...---- «.« Sanderson. Pontiac. BY OWNER: SOUTH SIDE HOUSE ■ with extra lot, fruit trees. Fire damage. Only $3,000. Call Flint 785-4201.___________________________ Y OWNER - >BEDROOM BRICK ranch. 2’A baths, 2Vi-car plastered garage. All bullt-lns. Carpeting, drapes, radiant heat, on rolling landscaped 3 acres, plus 20'x40' pool. $44,700. Will trade for smi iThOTO. 42>722$ or 547-$444 J chor Pr Model FAMILY______ BEDROOMS Vh BATHS 2 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE $17,400 Plus lot SEE PLANS FOR OTHER MODELS STARTING AT $12,700. WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT OR OURS J. C. HAYDEN, Realtor 343-4404 10733 Highland Rd. U PARTRIDGE "IS THE BIRD TO SEE" TREE LOVERS DELIGHT •Is gorgeous 4 bedrooms and den Colonial nestles back off .... road In a grove of beautiful hardwoods. Imagination and Impeccable feste has created * '- TRULY CHARMING _____ Brick Ranch Living room 3 bedrooms Dining Room 2 baths Family room with fireplace Kitchen . 2-car garage Carpeting Fenced yard ORCHARD LAKE IVk b ;250 SQUARE FEET, MODERN building, busy Orchard Lake Road, ample parking, Wacktopped. For retail, profaeslonat, or office, low ■ call EM >3140 attar 7 - - CLARKSTON Brick ranch, 3 bedrooms | 2 baths, caroort. nbar $14,000 with I polnt^nt. 42>i732. ...._____ attached 2 car g>...... This home can ba built bn your lot for as low as $14,730. Open Saturday and Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m. Directions: W mile — of Walton Blvd. on M-24. GLENN M. WARD By 4 larga I 3>2473 I ROOM AND BATH WITH SINGLE bed, suitable for 1 person. $20 p - ^Bakiwln* Avl CaN*^-4ol34.‘'^* ^nt Mice Space___________________47 1,200 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE spaco In newly rem-—'‘-'-Ing. Air conditioned, Ing. Call evenings ~ 427-2304.__________ CLARKSTON OROOM BRICK RANCH, ... baths, family room, dining —room: fireplace, extra large 1930 sq. tt. living area, lar Executive type “cTari^narea' Century-old colonial farm h Cranberry Lake. First floor fireplice In living room, kll and slate-floor family room, , eled den and W-bath, larga bed-riwm full tiled bath * I large bedrot Ihs. Batamant Near Oakland University New 3 bedroom, large living roon attractive kitchen with glass wli dow-wall. Purchase on land coi tract. OVER 1 ACRE 3 room house, 3 large garages, choice location. On land contract. TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE 251 N. Opdyke___________332-0134 throughout. Migniflcent L______ panelad basement with party room end built-in bar. Dozens of other distinctive features. 3-car garage, dog kennel and bam. 4 delightful acres, minutes away from 1-73 an min. from Detroit. Priced ionably at $47,300 for fast THE RIGHT PLACE AND PRICE wonderful locetlon for — Just a >mln. walk to beautiful new schools. ^ ranch has lots Play. All the I makes mothers . .5 minutes to 1-75 ““ettangr 4 bedrooms Kitchen with bullt-lns 3 porches LOVELY BI-LEVEL $20,500 Redwood and brick Living Room Family Room BROOCK 4137 Orchard Laka Road at Pontiac Trail MA 64000 4444890 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS Open Sunday 2-5 L4KE F A R 0 AND DRIVEWAY GRAD- PMe^ling^ 41 Lakes Tree Co., Trimming Plantings — removals - fireplat ----- 42>1414. 47>2130. furnace. 23347.____________ CEMENT WORK, NOTHING TOO,! large or small, 2$ yrs. e> --- Free estimates. OR 3-4172. Cement end Block Work Guinn's Construction Co, J.. FE >7477 , Eves. FE >7lg|i CEMENT WORK - FREE ESTI-mates. OR >2351. call anytime. Concrete steps, $2.23 a foot TALBOTT lumber Glass service, wood or alL... ‘•"and*"'* Storage _Trackin9^ rooms and BATH, UPPER, north and, private entrance, tor 1 adult woman only. NO Sunday calls. FE >5443. ROOMS, entrance. begins. Capitol Savinas > Loi Assn. 75 W. Huron St. FE >7127. NEW MODERN BUILDING, 1200 square feet of store frontege. 4311 Highland Rd. Ask for BID Buck - call 47>0331. OPEN DAILY 1 TO 7 SAT. AND SUN., 1 TO 6 Anytime r ROOMS AND BAYH, CHILD WEL-come, $35 per wk. with a $100 deposit. Inquire at 273 Baldwin Ave. Call 33>4034. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT, IN Prime Union Lake Area, *" — tessional use. 4$2-0370. “ CLAWSON - 4 AEDROOM Older home, 2 baths, dining roc basomant, 2-ear garage, on 77'xl. walls, fireplace In llv Mr VaS!*' ° Painting OFFICE SPACE WITH FURNITURE and office machines at 5433 Dixie Hwy., ....... ■ — Forbes, d shopping •use or sen plastered rcx>m, 2 S4300 do*.------------- CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY REALTOR 21 W. Wafton 331-401 MULTIPLE LtSTING SERVICE LIGHT HAULING A ROOMS, NEAR WALTON AND 1-1 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING THOMPSON____________FI A-i INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING, rubbish, fill dirt, grading and grav--' —" tront-and loading, FE 2-0403. ROOMS AND BATH, welcome, $37.50 per wk. v $100 deposit, inquire at 273 B ed. northend. Prtveff. Nice. FE ________OR >7747._______________ OFFICE SPACE TO RENT OR lease. New building, Vt ml. ear* of Ponitsc Airport on M57. Frc parking. CHANDLER HEATING CO. OR >3432 COZY >BCDROOM HOME, GOOD condition. Immediate city. 412-0711 bet. >3. DRAYTON AREA HOUSE PAINTING INSIDE AND t. FE >4823 or 33>$007. PAINTING, reasonable BATBS. ~* years exp. OR 4-0112. I AC HE LOR APARTMENT Ground floor. Private bett _ J entrance. Mlddleaged person. 223 PAINTING, PAPERING, CAULKING L retos. Tom 34>4440 or I. 3474IB22. Trucks to Rent Rent Mitceiianeoat 48 ^rnerf tji^ st reined In portn. w •» d. $45 a week. $2>2774. NEW HOMES FULL BASEMENT RANCH $14,700 BI-LEVEL $17,300 LAKE PRIVILEGES ONLY MOO DOWN LOW AS $123 A MONTH inetDdes taxei and Insurance Take Commerce Rd. to S. Com-mtreo. left to Glongary, (2 milts). FAMILY TAILOffE6 HOMES 424-4200 TAYLOR MODEL See This OUTSTANDING VALUE 7727 Highland Road 3 miles west of city airport 3-BEDROOM TRI-LEVEL FRONT TWIN LAKES —' 4-bedroom colonial located on large lake lot In one of Oakland County's finest subs. Some of the mein features are I'/S baths, larga family rqqm with -tlreptaCR Tull basament, 2-Caf garage and kitchen that overlooks the lake.^an be bought with 10 Drive out AA57 to Twin Lakes Sub. turn left to the lake then right on Steephollow to 7343. MODELS Brick 3-bedroom trilevel at $17,270, with 10 per cent down. Some of the many features are I'/k baths, 3-car garage, large paneled family room, marble window tiili and gas heat, open 3-5 Sunday, Drive out M37 to Williams Lake Road, turn left to first street past Twin Lakes GoH Causa. OPEN DAILY 3-badroom, family room and 2-car oarage for only $13,470 plut tot. To tee today's best buy In hemes built by Tru-Krett, drive out MS7 to Williams Lake Read, turn right l^jmie to Caterhim than left to DON GIROUX Caroniic Tiling W-Ton iPIckupt IWToo St TRUCKS - TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Dump Trucks - SemI Trallert Pontiac Form and Industrial Tractor C6. $23 S. WOODWARD i 4-0481 FE 4-1443 Open Dally including Sunday LOVELY Apartment suitable fOr middle-aged woman only. Carpeted, parking and laundry facilities. West BEDROOM, COM- DmsMiakiiig, Tailoring Ptaiteriag Sanrict ALTERATIONS J BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS Walls cleande. Reas. Satisfaction guarantied. Insured. FE 2-U31. . . . E R 3 ROOMS AND BATH. Adult only. 33 Liberty._______ WORKING COUPLE 4$2-S534 _______ Apartments, Unfurnished 38 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED OR furnished. SI23 to $140, —‘ shuffle beard cf. alr-condlt adults only. FE l-mt. AND 3 BEDROOM, n6W, NEAR 'Mail, immtdiate occupancy. Air and sound conditlonad, disposal, fully carpeted, afove, refrigarator Adults, no pets. $1^140 per itW FE >l3tS or 4l>2410r BEDROOMS, CRAWL SPACE, $430 moves you In. $71 per------ »E. Brooklyn, 42>I43I. 2-BEOROOM modern, BASEMENT — gas heat, newly fenced yard. City Cash $4,250 or $7,S06 at $2,000 down. $40 per month -eonfreet. For eppolntment a - - ---FE 44483. ... 3 BEDROOM HOME NEAR Oakland Commonlfy Callage. Lake privileges. Fireplace basement. Atrachid garage. Requires large down paymant. FE 2 BEDROOM. BASEMENT AND 6A- 2 FIREPLACES leny fine features are included In . this Waterford brick ranch. Carpeted living room, 3 bedrooms, V/7 baths, beautiful kitchen cabinets, large rec. room, full basement. etteched 2 car garage, well landscaped apO fenced lawn, ^prestige hwne^grlced at $21,' WARDEN 34 W. Huron, Pontiac 33>7137 FIRST IN VALUE i^LntTng $59 Mo. Excluding taxes and Insurence ONLY $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION >BEDROOM HOME GAS HEAT LARGE DINING AREA WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICATIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WitH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND RETIREES ARE OKAY WITH US. OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN. OR COME TO 170 KENNETT NEAR BALDWIN REAL VALUE REALTY For Immediate Action Coll FE 5-3676 626-957S OPEN 4-6 SUNDAY 4669 HATCHERY RD. By owner. >bedroom trilevel. m befhi. 2-cer garage. Family $11,730. 47>$74i._ PRICED FROM $13,150 WE ACCEPT TRADE-INS Brown BATHS, 2 FIREPLACES, BUILT-INS, HOT WATER HEAT, FAMILY ROOM. 23x33' GARAGE, WALKOUT BASEMENT. $2SJM0 - $7100 -** HANDLE. a0>4t41. NICHOLIE largo 24........................ trw style kitchen with bulft-M even, end range, all aluminum -storr end screens end an excellent locetlon. $13,300. CUST6m BUILDERS. We would ap- Pontiac Lake Front 3 bedroom modem cotteoe, 1 ex fra tot, 125' frontege. Only til. THREE-BEDROOM Home located In tfie north end. Full beiament, e*s h*et> In nice condltloirand vacant. FHA terms. Call to sac. HERRINGTON HILLS ROCHESTER 2 BEDROOM BRICK. ROCHESTER AREA - NEWLY decorated 3 bedroom ranch. Larga M. Immediate peaeiMlen. $10,300. NIx Realty -OL 1-0221, UL 2-3375 and UL 2-4074. SOUTH SIDE eon5tt!SL*v^^ *SI vrith paymants laai than rent. Evas. Call Mr. Cattail FE >7271 ast craatlons, an early A style rancher with ovt •quart ft., full boaemanT, poa heat, attachad two cor.^rage, all i>rlck construction, oftio All prlco Is 817J00 oompleta witti oven end range, ceramic tiw/ hath, aluminum stqimt anR screens, etc. BUILDING -SITES. Wa have taveral Ideal Widing sites Including: a lakefront plenty of freae and a large scenic lake, S7.SOO — one In Cass Lake Woods, a baautiful araa with planty of towering trees, $1,230 — 10 acres In the Cl ■ ------ :iarkston a In the Oxf i 41 (Acr<-------------------- FB 3-4810 or FE >3344 Les Brown, Realtor ------- ih Lake R ■ •m the Ma Ml THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATtfRDAY, JUNE 11. 1966 C—7 HIITER WEST SUl V- } Mraanu m bath, larg* iWlnp raSn!^S!^fl,£S attachM 2 car garaaa, hlraaiat in.iaa. t«rm. "r*a m. NEAR UNION LAKE - new 3 b with vanity In bath, I batamant, alum, aiding, nica gaa haat lor «1,400 on i“EArTo'Hr^E!li.‘=LZ"% FE 3-»m, attar i pm. M^27 OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5. Open * Sunday 1-5 HOME AND BUSINESS. Flva-room Attaejiad ^aeiaway and ga-IW- Committal property on main Wphyjy north of Pontiac. $u,700. Dfrectlona — north of -- M24. Stop at open south of Lake Orion. open office SUNDAY, 1 TO 5 to ihow you 1^ on beautiful lake-front lot. Garage and extra lot acroti tha itraat, excellent baach. Only S17,500 with lermi. st^ In or can MY 2-2121. FE I-M93. UWRENCE W. GAYLORD Broadway and Flint Sts. Lake Orion WY »■«! FE Ma OPEN HOUSE 2-5^P.M. SUNDAY 1932 HENBERT This spaclou^j, three bedroom home ed by Bit tha famfty.~Thalrti has lots of Cabinet space _ plenty of room for eating. For Twp. Price SU.500 ft Buying or Selling Call FE 5- KAMPSEN OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 P.M. 2675 MONTEBELLO DRIVE Lake Angelas Lake View Estates off Clintonville and Lake Angelus Road MODEL HOME - h fashionable Lai > View Estates ----- ...„r construction. Emery Butler will assist you In the selection of your address of distinction — Don't worry about your old home -v we will take It In trade. -------2554-McCttNTOCie----------- OPEN SUNDAY From 2-5 P.M. WITH PINE TREES as tall as 100', fruit trees and a naturally beautifully landscaped lot, Kampsen offers you this threa-bedroom rancher thaf ' tures a living room with place, dining room, kitchen snack bar, IVi baths, fa room, gas heat, rear patio holiday fun and summer e..... tainln£ 2 car garage. Closa to bus line and grade school. Y GOOD BUILDING WATERFORD REALTY D. Bryson, Realtor OR 3-1273 Dixie Hwy. Van Welt Bldg. CLARK REAL ESTATE FE 3-7303 or FE S-SON Multiple Listing Servka LAZENBY WEST SUBURBAN 3 good sized bedrooms with beauti , fuLoak floors, large 12x22' newly 3 carpeted TIVIB9 room. txceptlwiaF ly pretty kitchen with ample cabinets. Hat a nice screenad in rear porch, fenced In rear yard, also 2V> car garage. Priced only 313,-950. Terms. < ROY LAZENBY, Realtor 4393 Dixie Hwy. OR 44)301 Multiple Listing Service EQUITY TRADE er cent current Interest ri salesmen explain how ;ou money. SMALL FARM Immaculate from top to bottom. New carpeting In living room and dining room. Stone fireplace, basement, 3-car garage, 20'xSO' out butiding, presently used as an antique shop. Could be used for barn. Selling for $23,700 will taka your OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 IRWIN LAKE FRONT: Located on beautiful Sqi Lake. Brick ranch home, rooms and 2W ceramic t baths. Laundry, kitchen w I bath In I ment, carpet and drapes go home. Laundry facilities ne; kitchen, 2'ft car garage. S by appointment only. ELLWOOD: 1 the city. Custom :arpeted I lining roon OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Elizabeth Lk. Estates Trade your lot or equity of ,thi< beautiful 3-bedroom bungalo: OPEN SUNDAY 2^ 3434 LORENA WATKINS HILLS NEW SPACIOUS RANCH - You' like the qdallty throu^ut th brand new 3-bedroom ranch. Ides, ly located in Waterford Township. Full basement, f"- ■ OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 6 P.M. Model Home- Pocesitter Ranch- ' BLOOMFIELD HIGHLANDS countV^s"i BETCIC RANCR HOMET-7--------DTSmiOi -----carpeted .throughout. Fire- — In 27' living room. Closets ------ kitchen, built-in .......1 large picture wln- _____ overlookint) ^autTful landscape. Pbneled all-purpose room. Attached 2-car heated garage, plastered and automatic door opener. Path) and more. ONE OF THE MOST APPEALING HOMES WE HAVE HAD TO OFFER. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. JAMES K BLVD. SYLVAN LAKE PRIVILEGES I"-'---■--■-‘t rancher. 22 ft. II dinlng"eii. l!arge* X?tdhen.*C ,—.1, fll. kUk .1.., f... OPEN signs. Auburn. Hiights - tory In basement. Tiled basement and recreation room. Gas heat. Attached 2 car plastered garage. Corner lot, beautifully landscaped with lovely view of the lake. CITY OF PONTIAC FACILITIES AND SCHOOLS. SMITH & WIDEMAN DORRIS OPEN Sunday 2 to 5 BEAUTIFUL LAKEFRONT 2 Ceramic Baths Long, low and rambling brick rancher, wonderful lake-front lot, enhanced by graceful spreading ‘ ' ■ IS and professional land-...... icluding panoramic view of the lake. C to Silver Lake Rd., west on Wa Blvd. to Shawnee Lane, In e> sive Jayno Heights. Follow c COMMUNITY SPIRIT reflects In t neat homes and yards and one the most active subdivisions i sociatlons we have seen. 3-bedroo... brick ranch home with gleaming Sab Hmmi 4-H REAL ESTATE WATERFORD - AttWItlon i 4-room bungalow, 3 be< full basamant, nice large m cellant close-in area, ^llk condition. Price, $13,30dv down or would Gl wltl^ paymant. YOU CAN SEE 100 MILES - Vlchlgan” shoreline.' Price, $h7-100, 32,5T ' • ' 144 Dixie Highway OR AFTER 5, FE 4^941, OR 3- Val-U-Way walls, modem kitchen, formica counters, basement, rec. area, beautiful shaded and landscaped grounds, blacktop street, .— - - .ms and screens, 2Vs-car garage. Anchor I yard. Only $10,7^ with 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. O^n Eves, till e p.m. Multiple Listing Service IRWIN Large living room carpeted. bath. Bright kitchen with tl....... area. Basement finished In knotty pine. Bar, gas heat. Large well landscaped lot. Alutpinum siding. 1'/? car garage. Priced at $14,- 60 W. CHICAGO 2 bedroom bungalow. I paneled In birch. KItchi Ing ares. Basement w MILLER OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 IICK RANCH with 12.6x19 paneled 31 mlly room, fireplace, 1VS ceramlc,i ^ ths, built-in oven and range ther- . ) windows, full basmt. 2 car ga4 rage attached plus lots more. Onlyi $22,525 on your lot or ours. Dixie to Silver Lk. Rd. to WSIton; right 2 streets lo Huntington Park; '/i block to Beacham; right to model. NORTH SIDE RANCH HOME In i —■—* condition. Largo living roo smlly size kitchen. Baseme fenced yard, paved streets, c I services. Close to school and stor Just $11,750 with $400 down p costs. . BEDROOM BRICK COLONIAL ... Elizabeth Lake Estates. 12x24 living --- fireplace, new kitchen, breakfast nook. Full gas heat. 2 car garage' Newly decorated outside. Nea school, and stores. Easy walking distance to Fisher Body and Pontiac Motors. Immediate possession, ^rds oatore. Basement. G^s LAPEER, MICH. 3 bedroom white aluminum siding bungalow. Large living room ...•- picture window. Kitchen wItt boards galore. Basement, heat. Garage. I'/i acre. Well scapmt lot. Priced to sell fast down to Cl GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE >3 W. Walton Eves FE 2-351 OPEN SUN. 3-6 ALCOT SCHOOL AREA Sharp 3 bedroom bungalow w1 easy clean tile floors, gas he; conveniently arranged klfchen a. -dintng area. alum, awnings, storms and screens, blown In .Insulation, located on a large fenced lot. Full price, $11,400, $1,300-doym, assu~ prestet mortgage payments of per mo. Including taxes and NORTHERN HIGH AREA base- ... . „ neat, ceramic built-in ceramic . .. kitchen ..... and range, toads of $550 down on FHA terms. OFF BALDWIN Neat and clean 3 bedroom bungs low located within walking dls tance to Fishers. Gas heat, eas clean tile floors, alum, storm, and screens, conveniently arranged kitchen and dl|ilng area, la^ . Full pria $ List With Us-We Sell a Home Every 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) YALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 Ave. - Opan 9-7 FE 5-9766 Pr FE 4-6637 SCHRAM Now Doing Custom Building On Available Building Sites! Your Plans or Ours TIMES NEAR Cranbarry La larga btdroOnr itylad home i GOLF Course at yc with this 3 I contemporiry California he No. 2 brick iTrepiaceVTvi _________ COMMERCE HILLS 3 bedroom ranch, sharp and nawly decorated, carpeted living roem with picture window, sliding glesi door to patio, on povad read, big fanetd lot, ottachad garago. 316,900, farms. GOLF MANOR 3 bedroom tri-lcvtl loss than 2 ytars old. Carpeted living room, I'/li baths, family roem with bar, nicely landscaped, 1 car attached garage. 323,900, terms. IN HILLS AND DALE Lovely 3 bedroom bl-f3val. IVk baths. 23 ft. family room with 2 fireplaces, 2 car attached gertge on VS acre lot with blacktop circular drive. Walled Lake SchMis 329,000, terms. EMBREE (. GREGG 565 Union Like l^d. EM 3-4393 EM 3-3314 OPEN 9 to 9 ?X?oJ $24,900 on t CAPE COD 3 bedroom brick on breath-taking landscapad yard, over an acre In size. Home also features Plastered wetTs, oak flooring, attached^garage^ WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES" Times Realty RHODES— WATERFORD TWF — Excellent 6 room brick ranch home overlook-Ing golf course. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Large-lamlly rpoin wjth fireplace. Thermopane windows. Klfch- )t Waterofrd Hill) Also Bi-Level rick end aluminum 4-bedroom, j luare feet of living area. ■| eepled,**get our*^deal today. Northern High Area 1 3-bedroom ranch with IVX15' llv-I ing room, I'x17' kitchen and din-1 Ing ell, full basement, gas heat.i i completely finished recreation! ANNETT Only $6,950 2 bedroom bungalow, closa t bus line and shopping. Wes. side near Telegraph Rd. Easy .1 Forced Sale-Brick Nicely landscaped. Plenty of snaoe trees. A real buy at $36,-500, $3,000 down. Balance on land conrracl. NEED A PLACE for Mom and Dad? Has separt . .. . - .. gas furnace. Large lot. 31500 SUBURBAN — nice 2 bedroom heme Full basement. Gas heat. Laka privileges. $12,000. INDIANWOOp 300' Jake ranchfr.' 1 3968 W. CHURCH ST. WE HAVE YOUR NEW HOME. Ideal location near 1-75 In Graen Acres. Beautiful 3 bedroom while antique brick. Log burning *'—'— '* large family room, a view. Immedlati Other lots avellable. Dixie Hwy., turn rig Lake Rd.; left on on Church St. kitchen with built-in appliances. Includes lovely carpeting and drapes. Home Is less than 2 years old and lawn wall landscaped. Terms. ground sprinkler : acres of land. $69,00v, .. Owners have purchased a new horn# In Detroit. Close to schools, blacktop streets Clemens St. to Featherstone, rl MODEL HOMES lot. A typo and price tor tveryono. Brick ond features and many built-lns. ULTRA HOMES SUB.-Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 2-4 Whittier St. opposite City Airport. YOU CAN TRADE. lots of txtra| •ppolntmcnt. M-S9 to REPEAT BY POPULAR DEMAND OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. SALESAAAN ON PROPERTY-Chooeo your homeslto In Braboch Orchards". 32 larga lots cloto to Rochottar Scho Soma wooded, some hillside, all high and dry. Priced t so be the first end take your choke. Walton to Brewster east of Adams, north to corner of Brewster and Ttsnken. WONDERFUL AtEA TWIN LAKES where living It fun. All new hornet and beautiful lawns It ttw tatting for this 3-badroom tplltrock rancher. All tha extra featuraa that tha discriminating buyer would expect. Raa-sooablv priced ond yoiLCan assume existing 5Vk% mortgage with payments of only S125 per month WANT A BARGAIN? THIS IS ITI It Should toll wonts a quick daal on this ... low with possible third badroom upttalre. Excollant area of all welk«aradfor hornet In Weslilngtan Park where you have all city lacllKlet and taty access to all shopping cwitors. Priced at IH4N with posMSslon upon closing. BETTER ACT FACT. WEST SUBURBAN CLOSE-IN—Tattefullv decorated 2-bedroom rancher with t'/i-car garage. Outside ^tlo, large fencad-in yard, just the ticket for young coupit or retiroas. Priced for Immediate sate ot $12,530 with 11.503 NO MORTGAGE COSTS. Your credit MUST AUBURN HEIGHTS REAL NEAT 2-bodroem, grragt and sparkling t at 39,750 with NO DOWN PAYMENT, sing costs nfovot you In II you qualify. ■ DANDYI 377 ^, TELEGRAPH- FE B-71 ^1 730 S. ROCHESTER - 01 14S1I c—a THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE 11. 1966 X Ulw fiwpiify MCDROOM MICK. SCENIC LAKE M^ew Mahtiu llraplatw. 'own*r ImvIm tl»l» mutf Mil. »M ShawnMX Lint, Driytow PItIni. 10 Day Possession • tot on VonNormon Lakt. ------- room with lining I full LOGAN HILLS RESORT tign, bMli, flihing. Rovtt 1. H Mtoi., 2 mllet North \ of M-S& ----- ---* -• " “ oh Start I _______ ROCHESTER 14 cholci acrn — vl Dodgt Park. S2S00 an ac cottage and wooded - full prict, $2,5*5 with ““ m. Private aand beach on D. Flahlng and boating. Deer PONTIAC, CLARKSTON, HIGHLAND , sex SO- lol, near lake, clear Moded. $*95. $10 month. Bloch I, OR T-mS. CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY REALTOR 121 W. Walton 330-4WO _____Muifipi* Liating Servlet_Soborboii Property BEAUTIFUL LAKE SHERWOOD --222’ Of Irontage. $2*50. OR 3-053* BOGIE LAKE . complete li attractive surroundingT Garage. 2 air conditioning Sislock & Kent, Inc. 130* Pontiac State Bank BM$ $M-»2*5 , SPACE STARVED? Then you ihould make your move HI-HIII Village ... beautiful suburban community with rolling hllli and winding paved roads. Here you may Miect among many spacious lots . . . pricad as low as $31*5, $300 down. Drive BOAT REPAIR SHOP - ESYaB- 2 OR 3 BEDROOM LADD'S ' IMSiapeer Rd. (M-24) Pontiac . 1852 453<___________ FE 5-*2>l -TIMES Bloch Bros., OR 3 12*5. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD ACRE age parcels AVAILABLE AS FOLLOWS: (1) 13 acres, 425' of ___frontage, gentte-jnlllng, ideal inr building, only $S,*50, approx. 40 per cent down and assurr~ land contract balance. (2) 5 i with over 700“ of frontage, miles from Dixie, Ideal for t Ing site, only $4,500 term. .. suit. (3) 5 acres, tndependence Township, off bos llrte, all b'’"‘ up around It, only $2,300 cs (41 20 acres, 280” frontage Groveland oft tha Dixie, o $10,000. Terms. ........have the - — • M2-5802 UNION LAKE ~ ( block to beach, r y $13.00 5 acres - Blacktod frontage, north of Clarkslon, convenient to l-7« terchange. Only $S500 with ten LOTUS LAKE FRONT 100' wide, has basement, place, $13,500 total. OXBOW LAKE FRONT hi HILL ~ scenic Bald Mt. Over 1 acre, brick and aluminum ,ovely 114x150 lot, blacktop has 25' studio living room with; orion schools. Only $3,000 fireplace, 2 baths, garage, •—------------- INCOME AT LAK^ .1 apartments. Your monthly In-1450 N. Opdyka Rd. Ph. FE 5-1145 come, $2^. Total, price $20,(100. 3—CHOICE LOTS, ORMOND For excellent buyj. Also quick Jackson Blvd„ action to sell Or trade In your, | corner lots,'^i home. Make offer. Pontiac P Priced right atl we^^have^t. ^OUR^^HEADGUAR- WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICi YOU "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES" Times Realty I filling. SCHUETTl^ j5‘~‘0R 10 ACRE PARCELS, 421-2013, AWEY 4 MILES FteOM OX- DEER LAKE FRONT 100x273. Partly wo«led. StoP'"® 10-ACRE PARCELS rth East corner White L Id and’Ormond Road. ... 20 per cent down, sale: in property, Sunday 1 AL PAULY Blacktop private road. $15,(100 | CLARKSTON REAL ESTATE | IS45 S. Main MA 5-5121' 45)4 Dixie, rear ---------nnwTiDGE _______.eves, or 317 In Village of Orchard Lake, this! '14 VACANT LOTS” superb IVj acre site with 145 feetj near Longfellow school. Will tra on Cass Lake Is one of *he few^ for land contract, house or wh remaining properties of It* kind, have you. ----- BREWER REAL ESTATE », 473-7110 or 335-8450. You Won't Believe UNLESS YOU SEE FOR YOURSELF BEAUTIFUL LAND, SOME WOODED, SOME ROLLING, SOME FLAT. 59 TIZZY By Kat« Oaaiii BAR - RESTAURANT foods and choice liquors served --- "-B become ■ legend over lers of succeuful opera- WARDEN d business. FE 3.7431. Rochester, f I. 4SM111, Flourishing Travel Trailer Business Sales-Rentils-Perts & Servlcp Weterford Twp. owner wishes la retire. No phone Information. H you have $45,000 down payment-call for appointment to see fig-yeers sales for 8 months Eves. OR 3-4033 FOR LEASE, GULF SERVICE STA-flon, 4800 Hatchery and Fr—'— Drayton Plains or 4741 DIxl and M-15, Clarkslon, MIcl.. ________ rents with financial assistance available If needed. Call H. Hawley, 444-1841 eves. 244-1514. Realty. 335-8511. City and Countr rds, pomp, saerts, butter Price* euti FornHur# In the rough. 5*04 Dixie Hwy et Weterford Hill. 474 1013. USED COUCH AND BABYJsURNi-Hire, FE 5-4821 or Ft 8-4840. WALNUt DINING ROOM SUITE, Its. Double beSr— ■“* Ml 4-4728. WASHER 825. OAS STOVE. t». ft ------tor with top fr*eier, 14*. $95. TV, W Ertcfric stovw Guar. Elec. Washer Your Credit Is * ^ EASY TERMS Located 11 miles north of ' Branch at Clear Lr’ EMIson, Rt. 3, Wei •iseeirMSMw.TMNpas.rtkdrt •'Herbie and I are going hunting — for a 1949 automobile transmission!” IRWIN ~ SUBURBAN GROCERY flee corner lot. Lott of parking pace. Apartment for ov— ' LOANS TO $1,000 S^HousehoM Goods 65 APARTMENT SIZED FRIGIOARl refrigerator, ‘ ------ Maytag Wringer courteous experienced counselors. GEORGE IRWIN REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 18 W. Walton "• Slop In or phone FE S-S131. HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. I. Perry St. FE H121 APARTMENT SIZE REFRIGERA-excellent V. Harris. PARTRIDGE "IS THE BIRD TO SEE” LOANS p 30 E. LAWRENCE . ______ ________ Business, fix- tures and equipment your* lor (1,500 plus Inventory. A & W ROOT BEER BAXTER & LIVINGSTONE LESLIE R. TRIPP, REALTOR-APPRAISER r^Rljw^B:___________1 19 ACRES AND HOME ON L Brocker Rd. Metamora. 5 ACRES, 330'x440' and located In an area ol fine country |------------’ S3,900. Terms. able franchises. ExcellenI HUNTERS, FISHERMEN, PR4VATE, wooded, river or lake retreats for cabins, trtller*, cottoge* or Mtnp-'1. SO location* - --------- LAKE LOTS In beautiful subdivision, nestled between 3 natural lak** City water, paved roads, gas. t«WmiVd‘.s.?^'"‘ Silver Lake Const. Co. _________ OR 3-*53t________ KEATINGTON Beautiful lake-from and lak^rlvl-lage tots available. Plan to live ToSmshTp^^Mod^ oSsn" 3-4 dai ’’itOWARD* t“ KEATING CO. 22040 W. 13 Mile Rd Blrmlnghan “it 6-1234 LAKEFRONTS LOT ON PONTIAC LAKE, for small cottage, only $250 down. , only S3,M0, $500 OXBOW LAKEFRONT. Coiy cottage, beautiful sand be*^, lots of shade, full price 112,200. MIDDLE STRAITS LAKE, 3 bedrOOT ear round, auto ■■*** ar garage, sandy 13,*00, terms. WILLIAMS LAKE FRONT, ---------. -----located s finec. ____ today, only _____... ne, located o of Oakland Counrt's f—• • i property ' $23,201 J. A. TA¥L0I^4L6EN( 32*H*lghland Vmo'Tm^^ ----------^11 EM 3-9*37 lA 3-7114. ;cfllen^|oca- grossing $29,000 with remaritable! profit potential. Join the lucky! ones for $15,000 dn. Swaps HOUSEHOLD AND BABY ITEMS, ACRES OVER HALF WOODS, 10 )f Pontiac. FE 2-75f ACREAGE HOMESiTES Clarkslon and Brandon Twp. Call anytime 474-1740 Attention Builders! 'BUD" Drayton Woods Lot Hi-Hill Villoge Sub. )l — tlp-lop suburban home streets. Cash priced i NLCHOLIE-HUDSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 4* Mt. Clemens St. FE 5-1201, AFTER 6 PM. FE 2-3370 CLARKSTON AREA d hillside lot with li g. S3,2*5. S390 down. CALL COLLECT NA 7-2815 I, Vj-bath, That ■■ basement, u , storm cellar ... ____j. $21,500. At » down. By appointment ACRES, W TO 10, CLARKSTON-OR-fonville area, near 1-75 X-way, horses allow^, from $1,4*5. $15 month. BIxh Bros. OR “ BEAUTIFUL 10 ACRE FE~NC FARM ON BLACKTOP W. ol f tiac—4 room Early American cl home - like new large br $55,000. let E. of Grand y — 5 bedroom 17,500. Underwood Real Estate ' 8445 Dixit Hwy., Clarkslon 5-2415 if no ans. 425-04: KENT Established In 1*14 rifle party store. Owner tired and operating short hours but still grossing $160,000. Live wire should do $250,000. Very atfrac-— apartment In- cluded. Fast appreclat estate Included for lov dn. plus Inventory. PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE 1050 W. Huron, FE 4-3501 SEND FOR FREE CATALOG (Complete household furn- Ishlngs from 2 homes. Sun., June 12, 12 to 3 P.m., *510 and *511 Garforth, off Cedar Island Lk. Rd., DELUXE FRIGIOAIRE RANGE $100. 40 yards of nylon carpdiing r 6 p.m. 42M241. lux vacuum. Will swap for new or old used h 333-7454. DESK, SWAP EQUITY 3 CHAIRS, 2 TABLES, . tempi, I labia radio, antique planter bird cage. Lobabo. Corwin.____________________ DINING ROOM (DUNCAN PHYI . chairs; card ti .. ____ed, sleeps 2, lamps; chair and c NM •prom“'ov.T WM permo. l^o'e Clothing $2000 or trade. 674-0233: SPARE TIME INCOME I Refilling and collecting money from New Type high q -........ —- operated dispensers In No selling. To qualify . have car, references, $400 to $1*00 cesh. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly Income. More full time. For personal Interview write Windsor Distributing Company, 4 N^.RalpH * , 15202. Include ( , puts- SUNOCO STATION FOR LEASE 40,000 GALS., PER MO Baldwin & Montcalm 1 outstanding location — axcellen n re-earnlng opportun- SUN OIL CO. - Week days Ml li-Mr| Eves, and Weekends James Pascoes — 338-4717_ WOMENS dL'OTHING, SIZE Sale..Ho«sehold Goods WHAT Y EXPECT TO PAY $277 THREE ROOM OUTFIT 7-PIECE LIVING ROOM * PIECE BEDROOM 5-PIECE DINETTE May! 160 ACRES NORTH OF ROCHESTER — 1 mile blacktop Irontage. Modern 3-bed-couniry home. Large cattle 42'xl4' loolhouse. A t"* LAKE CHARNWOOD Just a short walk to this pretty .... imie lake from our handsome blacktop ” brick tri-level, well suited - - ------ ■ • g temlly who en oys ' BEDRO CLARKSTON REAL ESTATE 145 S. Main________MA 5-5831 CLARKSTON SCHOOLS - 2''3 baths. cleared lott 1( activities. 4 b'iEDROOMS,! tolii S«0. 10 family room with tlre-j stricted semi-BlienI kitchen plan. En- tracts. $8450 h fenced' ’ location! tots $3,»50 -X 200' — 2 — several FLOYD KENT INC., Realtor 2300 Dixie Hwy. at Telegraph _____FE 2-0123 or FE 2-7342_ Sale Business Property______57 rt back yard cyclona fenced; ir tot safety. Fine ir GM executive. $44,500. ISO' FRONTAGE ON W. WALTON NEAR DIXIE. IDEAL ■" GENERAL BUSINESS. LAKE ANGELUS A beautiful am property of - t private 10 a< > Piece of; Orlo lie, $5,*50. :h 3 bedrooms i ?dl 2 baths. Living room a lying rc.. — -1 with fireplaces. posea lower level ---------- ~ fine features. $57,50 country. Attractive t ___ _____________ _ ... .....■- ■■ '— ----develop*! — commercial l( 'y' tinderwood Real Estate I $445 DIxIa Hwy., Clarkston i 625-2615 It no ans. 425-04 CALL US FOR APPOINTMENTS j or 435-1453 ______ Snyder, Kinney & Bennett Clorkston Area Ml 4-7000 ^Birmingham, 25 g<-res In area of nl( NICE BUILDING LOT ON PONTI ; homes. High building tp< ........- frontage.; overlooking r- - " ■''* VAL-U kY, FE 4- e for c I the state <■ ON LOCHMOOR LAKE, ROCHES- . .... .. _____ 145' frontage. OR Metomoro Area 3-3072. __________ : 80 acres with scenK ORTONVILLE--AREA - LOT, PRI overlooking ravine. V ..... xM.) road frontage, mem building spots. Only $ OPEN SUN. 2-5 Annett Inc., Realtors _ Open Evenings 8, Sundeys_ __ I DEER LAKE HE IGHTS, LARGE I building sites on Deer Lake Rd. ' ---- ‘0 Village Bathing. Call MA 5-4*21. I. Land contract, f t) brick ranch with!EXCELLENT BUTLDING SKJHT rmitneo oasemenl. Features: fam-i ' ily room, beamed ceilings, fireplace, new carpeting, 2’'i baths, all electric kitchen, 2vy>la excellent. Chairs need seats and backs recovered. Cost $180, tell $30. 482-2176, after 4 P.M^___________________ HEYWOOD WAKEFIELD HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL !0 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE — Consists of: 8-plece living room outfit with 2-plece "■■Ing room suite, 2 stop fables, 1 rttoif ’ table, - B -tobic. • Ipmpa ^«nd (1) *'xl2' rug Included. .... spring and 2 vanify lar S-plece dinette set with 4 chrome chairs and table. All tor $3^- " credit Is good at Wyman's. __________WYMAN_______ FURNITURE CO. 7 E. HURON FE 5-1501 - ■■ PIKE_______ FE 2-2150 " GOOD KENMORE GAS STOVE, condition $40. OL 1-0582. LIKE-NEW DAVENPORT. BEIGE LIHOLEU.M RUGS, MOST~SIZES. $3.4*, UP. Pearson's Furniture, 310 E. Pike St., re 4 7801._____ I A T C H 1 N G DAVENPORT AND dryer, good condition, $35. 625- PFAFF AUTOMATIC ZIG ZAG Sewing machine — deluxe feature$ — maple cabinet, "Early ' can Design". Take - ol $5 PER MO. or 5 yr.-guarantee. UNIVERSAL FE 4-0905 1 BARGAIN BUY Living room sofa and chu... . tables, 2 lamps, bedroom, double dresser, mirror, chest and bed, mattress and box springs, 4 chair $275 complete. Terms. _________ week. Call Mr. Adams, FE 4-0 World Wide. (Next to K-Marl) loans to $1,000 Utuelly on first vhH. Quick, trtof ly, helpful. FE 2-9026 Is the nuihber to call. OAKLAND LOAN CO. 303 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. 9:30 to 5:30^ Sal. ♦ 30 to T. 2-PiECE SECTIONAL, END TABLES - MIsc. furniture. EM 3JJ224 __ 2-PIECE BEDROOM SET - “COM-plete; $50, MA 5-1143. -BEDROOiyi SETS, S40-S4S: COUCH, ' Want Ads Bring _ Advertisers and Prospects Together Hundreds of People Use Them Every Day to Do Just That ... Profitably! YOU CAN, TOO! Just Dial -332-8181 9x12 Linoleum Rugs . $3.89 Ceiling tile 7WC fl Vinyl Asbestos tile ...... 7c ef ■niald tile 9x9" 4c *i Flobr Shop - 4255 Elizabeth Lake ■'Across From the Moll" 15x25 ALL WOOL CARPET, VERY 3e" RANGE, S3f,*S; REFRIGERA- Co. 32$2 Dixie Hwy. t 98" SUNRAY gas range, FULLY automatic. White dinette set, excellent condition. Reasonable, OR 3-5054 after 8 p.m. gas dryer, S6S. 332-3222. -I USED FURNITURE, SEE :IfNTIQUE CABINETS AND LAMP, kitchen set, colonial chair. 852-3447. APARTMENT SIZE" REFRICiPA-tor, good condition, rtas. FE PRE-OWNED Late model Singer. Must collect balance of S30.2S cash or S4.I8 monthly. Exctllent condition. Zlg- butlonholes, hems, overcasting, designs, etc. Must collect deli----• account of $52.52 cash or ne' tract payments of S5 55 per handle. 10 year-----------•■ > lessons. Call ,33 LUXAIRE 125,000 B.T.U. GAS FLIR-nact low boy completely Installed for about SI 00 less than you'd pay elsewhere, If you hurry. Also one used, goosL as-new, 150,000 BTU counterflow gas furnace. Call hols — 5 100,000 BTU -ina. ......... -2611 or 402-5574. (BLES king I $45. PINK BATHTUB, scratch, 129.95. G. 7005 M-5* W._______________ BY 1*', SCULPTURED PATTERN DIVING BOARDS 8'-10'-l2' AND 14' FACTORY DEFECTS Droyton Pool Supply Co. 743 DIXIE HWY. 8738734 FOR DUSTY CONCRETE FLOORS Use Liquid Floor Herdener . Simple inexpensive Appltoallgn lolce Builders Supply ^E $4188 _____Van Service ______________________ FENDER JAGUAR GUITAR, GOOD cenditipn, UL 2-52*5.__________________ For the Finest in Top-Quality Merchandise Shop MONTGOMERY WARD PONTIAC MALL GA1 USED 2-TON CHAIN HOISTS HORSE VAN AND TRAILER CHRYSLER INDUSTRIAL ENGINE PERKINS POWER PLANTS.- Pontioc Form and Gallagher's BUY NOW AND SAVE HUNDREDS BRAND NEW PIANOS PROM S3** USED PIANOS FROM 1308 USED ORGANS FROM Sill. Gallagher's Music [AWRENCE WELK Model, Thomas Organ — Come on for Demo, we have new and used Instrument! tor sale and rent. Private Instruction on all Instruments. JACK HAGAN MUSIC 44* ElIzaBettrtlf. Rd. 332^15013 — ■ Cooley Lk. Rd. 343-5500 LOWREY SPINET ORGAN, WAL-it, built In Leslie speaker. ;W BETTERLY MUSIC. Ml 1002._____________________________ MUSIC amplifier GUITAR OUT-new S59.50. * Piece drum set 1149.58. Ampeg, Fender, (Jib-guitars, amplifiers, band In- PIANO now thr CoOntry ) GRINNELL'S DOWNTOWN 27 S. SAGINAW Store Equipment Sporting Goedi 74 LF CLUBS AND BAG, HARD- 12-GAUGE STEVENS PUMP, 30-30 lever action with scope end 23 Colt Magnum with holster. 425-3041 ■ 1966 NIMROD CAMPERS CRUISE OUT, INC. 45 E. Walton dally »■» FE M4M I-BUY-SELL-TRADE NEW GREETING CARO STORE: ample parking. Greeting cards, personal stationary, wedding announcements, Printed napkins, wrappings and gifts. Forbes Printing and Office Supplies, 4500 Dixie, Drayton, OR 3-9747. RUGER 44 MAGNUM S-SHOT AUTO Browntog (GAINS. heater. $47.95; I SI4.95: r Rl I SS9.95. Laundry tray, trim, $19.95; shower stalls with trim 134.95; 2-bowl sink, S2.95; Lavs., S2.*5; tubs, $10 and up. Pipe cut Sand—Gravel—Dirt PRACTICALLY MFrank St.___ >r bultinholes, hems, bust sacrifice I *■' " I monthly. 10 SEWING CENTER._______________ PICNIC TABLES, FIVE SIZES, lawn ornaments and gifts. Liberal Bill's Outpost, 3245 DIxIa " CALL BOB MARTIN AND SON. We deliver ton'’ snil. black dirt ..ROWER.^)^Bj.^ERYICE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SYLVANIA COLOR TV, WAL-............ Bell 8, Howell RCA, AMYTM>^o:'m0^:****" SELF-PROPELLE_ _______ lawn mower, or will trade for good rotary. Also 1 Craftsmen lawn sweeper. Can ba seen from 2-4 Sunday, June 12 at 1114 Buckley ger at 335-9283'. RICHMAN ______I. SEWING CENTER.______ RIDING-TYPE ROTARY MOWER-• -ower. 425-2493.______________ 23" TV, $20, TRANSISTOR C L 0 C radio $5, steam Iron $5, wedding dress^ and_vell^ size 9-10, wringer $2. 334-9891. ^ SNOW TIRES 9.00x15 R I D I I mower, *35. Snow plow for po unit, $20. Girl's winter coat 4" VANITY LAVATORY, COM-plete with faucet and ci"-'— $59.95. G. A. Thompson, M-59 W.______________________ r 3 OPEN-TOP SECTION COOLER cases. Cheap for a fast salt 332-9592 or 474-2004. Shinn. DO AMP AC WELDER. 220-440 volt with cables. *150. MY 3-1237. 1953 FORD FLAT TRUCK, ALLIS-Chalmers Forage chopper, with •-“- 3 point hlfch-mower. 425-1541._______________________ 1965 PONTIAC AA4-FM RADIO, $45. FE. 4-1740._____________________ 100,000 BTU USED OIL FURNACE. aluminum siding, i Charcoal gray wool dress size 7. Green velvet dress and lacket size 1945. Girl Scout uniforms size • —" 10. 444-3874.__________■ TAIN LESS STEEL KITCHEN sinks, double compartment, *49.95 value, 522.95. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lake. FE 4-S482.____ TAKE OVER PAYMENTS OF *1.25 per week on repossessed stereos. Goodyear Service Stores TALBOTT LUMBER BPS house paint No. 21$, «.95 gal. BPS ranch housa whito No. 74S, Cook-Dunn alum, roof paint, $5.50 gal. Oil base Interior, $4.00 gal. MIsc. latex paint, 50 cents a take over payments weekly on repossessed range. Goodyear Service Stores AIR conditioner, 3 TON. COOLS with refrigerated air, uses no water, Ideal for home or store, low price. National Cash Register, supermarket typ*, low price. Cell FE 5-9955. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS 0 CONDITIONER SALE 5,000 BTU, 110 volts, 7W a Has Instant mount kit, merely plug Into house current. New floor mod^ el. $00, $2 dn. " ■- ______BROS._SE^I^_CI^TER. REVERSIBLE RUG I' x ir. GOLD stripe effect. Orlglnelly $140. Sell Direcf1?Sr^«ny,G.r. man prices. Choice ol 200 patterns Call 402-3201._____ SEVKING MACHINE AND VACUUM discount house, over “ shop before i plltnce. 8484 OR 4-1101. L bronzeIUmp pumps, solo ----- ixchanged, — CONE'S USED BRldKS, *40 A THOUSAND. -• •• 4. OL 2-8263. USED OFFICE DESKS, SWIVEL ■ reception ., Evinrude outboard rr Bottle T*ro 100 p . Prompt 6o$ Install lund cylinders ■n ru^s. Rent electric sham-Lawftnee, “ SINGER ZIG ZAG BRAIDEd RUG, ' * -napje^cotte enpoft and ml*c. Items. 338-0928. CABIN APPROXIMATELY 83'X13' *- -- ----- FB 5-3478. ). Gutr- FE 4-0905 CAST IRON SOIL PIPE, NO'LEAD required to essemble. S' length, 55.95. Double stainless steel sinks, 524.95, G. SOFA AND CHAIRrOINETTE SET. FE 2-2949 TABlTe AND CHAIRS, ELECTRIC ^stove, lPt*o* JrtcHqnal. TV SET, S2S, RCFRtCERATOR, US. gas stove. SSS. elecfric stove, 83$, bunk beds, misc. FE ' ” l'X14', WAGON table, coir ■ ■ new; also :USTOM EXECUTIVE'S DESK, son protnsional rWIng tn grass catcher, axcelfcnl. ______ DAVID BRADLEY TRACTOR, HAR-row, disk culKvtlor, $125. MY ^184^ _ .. I _____ _ be-HUMIDIFIER - KELVINAtOR With therm----- - " —------ . jbO. 4^4832. THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD STORE 118 W. LAWRENCE ST. Everything to meet your need Clothing. Mjmlture, Appllancei 76 >EAT AND BLACK DIRT. lew Peat term. 493-4409. AYS THE BEST SERVICE, cheap dirt, grade A top soli , gravel and black dirt, 474-Alto- ■ """ ^ I, OR 3-8951. BUD BALLARD ind, gravel, fill dirt an s supplies. OR 3-5773. and road gravel. What we deliver Is guaranteed to your satisfaction. OR 4-0625. RUSHED STONE, lOA STONE, _____________________473-4404. _____ PEAT - FREE. DREDGED FROM lake. You haul. Eves. 330-4829. PONTIAC LAKE BUILDERS SUP-" gl^^Sand, gravel. Tilt dirt. OR ing and excavating. C_______ $-1229, Ken's Dirt I Dozing. SAND, GRAVEL, TOP SOIL DE- TOP SOIL Crushed Limestone Tall Timbers Nursery 332-84q TOP SOIL WHOLESALE AND RE-tall, loading Sal. and Sun. 82S-1546 or 625-1758. Pets-Hunting Dogs 79 l-A, AKC CHIHUAHUA PUPS, STUD service. IMATODDS. 33^7139. 1 CHIHUAHUA PUP, 3 MONTHS I' reasonable. 482-8995. 3 ENGLISH SET- $35. Call after 1 p.m, UL 2 !-l DACHSHUND PUPS, S10 DOWN. AKC-Terms. JAHEIMS. FE $-2538, POODLE, _____,lbh line, hsoi, !t children, OR 3-1133. AKC 1 YEAR OLD TOY SILVER FEMALE. ISO. FE AKC APRICOT POODLE PUPPIES, quality bred, selling out, SSO and M5 - 8S1-3445._________________ AKC APRICOT TOY POODLE AT AKC ENGLISH BULL PUPPIES. Stud service. UL 2-3754. AKC POODLE PUPS - POO OLE “ - - ^ — - 682 *401-383- cnines. Offset , plieitor, me. Forbes Office Supply, — “ chairs^ ttbjes, ing" 1 Pr AKC OMHSHUND PUPPIES. STUD dogs. rSTELHEiMS, FE 2-O088. ALASKAN MALAMUTE PUPPIES, beautifully marked. Wonderful dls-pesttien. Healthy and ready tar~B good home. Reasonable OR 4-1902. ALL PET SHOP, 55 WILLIAMS PUPPIES, AKC, 8 ----------jtud service, 887-48a. BEAGLE PUPi^Y, 9 WEEKS OLD, $7. OR *.^22. YOUR WELDWOOD HEADQUARTERS BALDWIN SPINET ORGAN, .AL- stud. Trimming. Reas. 334-1413. — 9823. FE 4-8433. Rabbits, birds. SSET BEAUTIFUL SHEPHERD-COLLIE 4 months, all shots, sacrifice ti *1*- Call FE 2------ * - BEAGLE PUPS. 8 WEEKS OLD. Males. 815 females, 818. FE »882*. BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED GERMAN BLACK OACHSHUNIV GOOD I. Bergaln. (jR 3G884. Y COCKER PUPS, 85. -----" ----- -E 244S8. COLUE PUPS As old $10. Elwood 88M410 i WEEK OLD KITTENS. ______$20, tesinale $2_______ HOUSE OF POOOLBS GROOMING AND SUPPLIES OSTER CLIPPERS AND BLADES SI10 DUIe l^wv. OR urto THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 C—9 LAMADW FUPPIll I WeCKI LONQ.HAjWro WHITli, YBI.l6w. MAtJ.toV APRI^COt POODTI rERBiy R^ heep RgoitTiRBoi rAt 6r fox sris •» 5». S8SRar>jg” *' NICE PERSIAN KITTENS, 1 m Plngr—. FE 4-14S5.______ POODUEi BLACk TOY PUPPIES Id »rvlct. PE AS7W. ^OLEi MINI-TOY. ACK REG-|>UPPIES, 7 WEEKS, GOOD TOY TERRIER PUPS, FOX TER-rltr, mal* pups. Shots. Hutchings, K3S Hadloy Rd., oN Ookwood. <27- I MORE MAKE-ROOM AUCTION SALES Fri., June 10, 7 P.M. Sot., June IT, 7 P.M. Sun., June 12, 2 P.M. Truck loads of new and used furniture and appliances. t^WBMER- TR7WEL TRAILER, located In park, laka prlvUagas, excellent condition. QL 1-040«. 1951 GARWOOD, SLEEPS 5, «9S. condition. «2-3309.___________________ Trailers and power lawn mowers. Hundreds of items too numerous to mention. 19<4 lO'XSO' GENERAL, IN EXCEL- ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD AUC- PERKINS SALE SERVICE , Swartz Creek 635-9<00 SATURDAY, 7 P.M. BEEMERS, 14' TO 2<‘. NEW LOT. Chest of drawers,' S-plece bedroom suite, 30" electric stoves, Easy Spin dryer, refrigerators, freezers, across top. Pin ball machine. Bicycle. Maple couch. - - r. NEW Maple bunk bed complete. 5 piece sectional, bicycles. Yardman rld- I mattresses. Early J Plonts-Trees-Shrabs 81-A HIGH BRED IRIS, MANY COLORS to choose from, 25 —*- —' -<115 Clintonvilla Rd. Hybrid iris selling out. all colors. 2 fans for 50c. 11543 35 ... Rd., Romeo. Irises, several hundred name varlatles. Also seedlings Generous roots, 50c and up. Galan Iris Gardens. 3240 Noble Rd., " ford. OA 8-21~«-I offer. 852-1703. Boots — Accetsoriot in carprting, furnished. Royal Oak I. TRAIL- 12' ALUMINUM BOATS er $118. 15' canoes kioy. vu trailers S1<9. New IS' fibs boat, 40 H.P. Johnson electric lb. trailer, battery-box $1350. BUCHANAN'S 9<<9 Highland Rd._______383-2301 All 1988 Models on Display In Every Price Range At winter Discounts 14' BOAT, MOTOR AND TRAILER, • Illy equipped $400. 335-9128. TTARCRAFT ALUMINUM 10387-bout. Mercury 40 h.p., $85* est offer. FE 2-2958.________________ S430 Dixie Hwy. <74-2010 Vi Mile South of Waterfordi OPEN 7 DAYS 1983 10 X 51, WITH 12 X 18 LIVING furnished, includes utility shed. Can remain on same lot. Adults only. Access to private beach. Call after ------FE 4-2181 1985 GREAT LAKES, IS'KOZ* I ATTENTION Retirees & Newlyweds 15' CATAMARON, 75 HORSE EV-Inrude, trailer, full canvas top, mooring cover. 711 Melrose, after . Visit Pontlacs i Take Ig closeout sale. RIVER BANK MOBILE VILLAGE 395 S. Telegraph Pontioc, Michigan FrI.-Sat.-Sun. 12-8, Closed on Wed. Open Mon.-y^Thurs. 12-8 detroiter-pontiac chief KROPF s at bargain prices. e'Hwy. Drayton P OXFORD TRAILER SALES TAKE THAT VACATION THIS TIME rent new travel trailers sleep-8 or 8. Make your reservation 13 to 80 ft. See the newest In Mar-lettes, Stewarts, and famous Winnebago travel trailers. Open 94, closed Sunday Buddy ai ocated hi SUMMER SALE SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS on these new and used beauties over 40 to choose from All at reduced prices. 18 to 80 ft. long, I to 20 ft. wide '"-I have parking spaces. ^ n 9 to 9—7 days a weak MIDLAND TRAILER SALES PAUL'YOUNri^lNA 4030 Dixie Hi^^ ^Drayton Plat 12400 mile warranty. Belter tl enythliM you Can wear. CUSTOM COLOR TAt West WIda Trade) HONDA-BSI, (C110) LOW MILES, LOOKING ~ r a usad Suzuki? Suzuki o :ik«Sitch^ ' CUSTOM COLOR W. Mdntcalfn aind 77 W. I (at wast wl^ Track) CARNIVAL EP^i^aBSfl^'^CL HONDA!! World's biggest seller RENT-A-CYCLE BY THE HOUR, DAY OR WEEK. ''------- " 80 and ‘ S SALES AT TIPSICO LAKE. • -Phane -A8Atn-9--2t79.- SUZUKI BETTER GET 'EM NOW )S. - 12,000 MILE WARRANTY TUKO SALES INC. E. AUBURN - ROCHESTER _________ UL ^5383________ YAMAHA, UKE NEW, I788, BIG 15' WAGEMAKER RUNABOUT 15' LONE STAR, 50 HORSEPOWER Mercury motor and frailer; * ‘ of skils and ropes, taka ovei duty trailer. $875. FE 54782. Summit. Pontiac. By Dick Turner New end Used Treckt 103 New end Used Tmeks 103 New and Used Cen 100 1985 VOLKSWAGEN PICKUP It —Its. Call _______ — atvaaa-plckup at 772 Bald-s. Andy Cslkl garage. 1985 FORD SUPER VAN 8CYLIN-der with standard drive. 1-ton pay-load package. *»dlo,_.healyi_L '________ DID YOU KNOW of a 1988 GMC pickup $‘1777^ Including all taxes? HOUGHTEN OLDS 528 N. f.._.. Rochester_____________ QL 1-9781 GMC Trucks^re Our Business "Noto^ Sideline'- What is a SUBURBAN? TRUCK SPECIALS 1964 FORD $1595 1965 FORD Econoilne var* tion sionals. $1495 1964 FORD 1954 BUICK, $35 1951 BUICk, GOOD CONSlYRyN. ' $125 882-5543._______________ 1959 BUICk CONVERTIBLE, RADIO healer, power brakes, steering, clean body, see at 525 Elizabeth REPOSSESSlOh lUICK WAGON, , r SELL TODAY FQR FULL BALANCE OF I DOWN MENTS « WEEKLY PAY- FISCHER BUICK 554 S. WOODWARD 647-5600 NEW 1988 MERCURYS AMD COM-ets, priced down - trade high. I I j-lVn .i«'« J LLOYD A station wagon type GMC that comes in 6 & 8{ passenger models with! higher styled body thanj Other makes and more| area inside. ! 0, has Motors i1963 BUICK I Convertible. Sharp. ;$59 Dn. $59 Mo. 1250 OAKUNO 333.784J “I’m afraid I have to go along with some of Janie’s ideasj Pop ! For Jnstance,: she has an idea that I 1966 GMC SUBURBAN with green and white finish. Just| $1495 1983 BUICK LeSABRE. 1 OWNER. Low mileage. No accidents. No ! rust. 81375. 1179 Airport Rd. 873- . have to have a carl’ 1965 GMC Suburban with" V6 engine, automatic trons- feats — Accessories FIBERGLAS sun fish SAIL BOAT. ExC. condition. Car-top boat carrier Included. Must offer over $400. 8284308. HEAVY BOAT HOIST WITH MET- Wanted CarsTrucITs ~TI1 WANTED GOOD USED CLEAN er brakes. CARS-CASH Auto Finap-dog 1965 GMC Suburban 6 pas-; senger red and white finish, |^ the°°Dee?*'w power steering and brakes, j Federal credit whitewall tires. Junk Cars-Trucks 101-A to 19') Inboards, or outboards, 150 H.P., we have Lone Star Mustangs Inboard or outboard) In stock, MFG Boats, Olastron, Sail Boats, See for your boating needs. -GOOD BUYS- Lone Star Cri 0 hours on engin; Used Auto-Truck Parts 102 RIveria Crusier Reft Cliff Dreyer (Marine Division) 15210 Holly Rd., Holly A LARSON, INBOARD-OUTBOARD Save on 1985 14 foot tx 8' LAKE AND SEA FIBERGLAS custom boat. 70 HP Mercury “ * or. Lone Star trailer. $1395. Docks—wood and aluminum. HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS Dealer" ___________ 332-8033 MICHIGAN TURBOCRAFT SALES, INC. 2527 Dixie Hwy. - Pontiac 873-2442 ■=■= " 7' THOMPSON BOAT, SO HORSE motor and trailer. A-1 shape, FE 44718, after 5 p.m. ' SEA RAY, 1985 90 HORSE EV- d trailer complete. FE 19' FIBERGLASS, SMALL CABIN NEW 180 h.p. VB Grey Ml. . _ _______ (fresh water cooling) with direct drive or 1 Vi to I reduction, 8850 offer. QL 1-4501. < CARS-TRUCKS, 1961 GMC Suburban, automatic transmission, dark blue and white finish; OFFER 40 CENTS AND UP) Brass radiators, batteries, startera, generators. C. Dixon, OR 3-5849. JUNK CARS WANTED FREE TOW 873-0039 What is a HANDI BUS? UNI-LUG CHEVY MACS. 880. 3 VY FORD • c6mET - FALCON yl., factory rebuilt moto ‘ — 3 Install. Terms. Other Performance Engineering High performance motors built. D^ntmlc balancinf., •dbna. pE available. Lodds from side & back thru double doors and has mony uses both commercial & noncommercial. Wonderful for comp- _ ing. 1965 GMC Hondi-Bus outo-i WRECKING 1981 CADILLAC CON- New and Used Trucks 103 $350. 150 N. I ' FORD PICKUP, $175. CALL SAILBOAT. 3T SLOOP, EQUIPPED! ' ----lac race. Sleeps 8, Head, X. posver. Refiidshed-and Moving. Must sell. Best! 953 4 WHEEL DRIVE, JEEP. Heater, snow plow, good condition, OR 3-5051, after 7 p.m l?'watef 1958 FORD PICKUP. VI, 1957 % CHEVROLET PICKU , Save Auto. FE I' LONE STAR CABIN CRUISER, two 45 Mercury motors, trailer.!-$1500. 893-1088 bet. 1 p.m. | 28' sfEEL F VACATION READY! ', I960 FORD ',<1 TON PICK-UP!! GOOD ,r condition. 873-0859.______________ 1196f CHEVY Vi' TON PICKUP; i cylinder. »M0. EM 3-1^;_____________ PINTER'S 1983 OWENS CABIN CRUISER, 185 horsepower motor, sleeps 4, • equipped, like new. FE 14505. 21' MFG Cabin Cruiser, 1-0, 150 h 19' Johnson Surger, 1-0, 200 h.p. 18' Stercraft 1-0, 110 h.p. ... 7438 or 8734471. Aik tc Butcher. _____________ 1986 JOHNSON MOTORS . 'Cypress Gardens Water Ski Shop. WE TRADE - WE FINANCE 1370 Opdyke Open 94 Sa' ‘ ' " '5 at Oakland University E boats, also Shell Lake, Aerocrett c^nrVn 1^'motors ________ toes. 30 yrs. Repair Experience. TONY'S MARINE Orchard Lake Rd. 882-3880 ALUMINUM BOATS, FACTORY TO you, in', SS8.95 10-year guarantee. 12', 189.95. Mtorst motors, $59.50 —" others. .3830 Dixie Hwy., 873- 1544. Dealers In CANVAS CANOE. $35. 7141 GLEN- • lie. 8254981.________________ CENTURY 17V4' RUNABOUT, 140 horsepower Gray marine engine. PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. Dixie Hwy. at Loon Lake Drayton Plains OR 4-0411 -----lelly 9 AM to 8 PM CLEARANCEI 1965 Models MERCURY-MERCRUISER DEALER CRUISE-OUT, INC. <3 E. Welton Open 94 FE 0-44M Chris-Craft SPORTBOATS 8. CAVALIERS LME & SEA MARINA S. Blvd. at Saginaw FE 84587^ DAWSON'S SPECIALS - EARLY SEASON DEMO SALEH 1968 Evin-rude Sportsman 120 h4. 4nd traltar, Alid 1988 AT________ with 1)0 h.p. Mercrulser Inboard 1 motors, Grumman and Tam- Kayot and Geneva pontoons, Pam-CO trailers. Take M-59 to W. Highland. Right on Hickory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd. ' - ____ -- DAWSON'S SALES AT TIPSICO LAKE. ■■ 9-2179. EVINRUDE, MANUAL WI'TH c6N-■ ' "h. .......... FIBERGLAS BOAT, f er. trailer. Lots i 8-1021._________ i„ 1125. 8734238. New STARCRAFT Run-a-bout IS PONTOON BOAT Stercraft and Appleby ca- Sallboati - Pontoon boati Bicycle Boats-YOU NAME IT, WE GOT ITI Apache Cany Trailer Factory The largest display of camp OPEN DAILY 'll .. .Ill 8 p.m. ,m. to 5:00 p.m. BILL COLLER mostly Johnsons and Evln-rudes with full season's guarantee. Each boat checked out In the water before delivery, down at bank rates. 1J983 CHEVROLET FLEETSIDE — jp. V8 engine, custom cat radio, 8-ply tires '2 SKYHAWK, $9400, Wonted Curi-Trucki MORE MONEY Paid For Sharp Cars II out-state orderi, i GALE McANNAlLY'S Auto Sales 1304 Baldwin FE 84525 Across from Pontiac State Bank California Buyers "V^M^MofoR SALES EXTRA EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car "Check the reel. Averill AUTO SALES FE 24878 2020 Dixie FE 4 HELP! Wa need 300 share Cadillacs, ^ tiact, OMs and Buicks for outeA stata market. Top dollar paid. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES 1104 Baldwin Ava. FE S-SOOO_______________FEJ GLENN'S 952 West Huron St. PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? We buy or will adiusl your pe ments to less expansive car. DON'S USED CAES 877 S. Lapoer Rd. .... 2-2041.________ FOR CL^A^ CAR* Ok I. Economy Carl ~'-'- Autobohn Motors, Inc. AUTHORIZED VW DEALER 'h mile north of Miracle Mile 1785 S. Telegraph FE 0-85 BEATTIE "Your ford dealer Since 1930" On Dixie In Waterford . AI the Stoplight —--------OR 3-T291 REPOSSESSION 1943 BUICK F.LECTRA "225" CON---------- ---- -------; ANO---- BUCKETS. ANY OLD CAR OOWN AND PAYMENTS OF JUST $12.97 WEEKLY. CALL MR. CASH, 23S AND COM-Ith Pontiac Union. FE j LLOYD Foreign Cars FE 5-3898 after 8 p. Motors 10511964 BUICK ■*1 wildcat, 2 door hardtop. i$69Dn. $69Mo. ' 11250 OAKUND 333-7863 1944 BUICK WILDCAT 4-OOOR hardtop, $1,795. Opdyke 44ardware, FE 8-8888._________________ This is 0 bus-type body; with windows and seats, t $495. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 3-4155 HAROLD TURNER FORD, iNC. ), GOOD CONDITION. E motic transmission, radio, ;’“7oof'f5l-433o; heater, 5 passenger, red ondimr Austin healey sprite, white. I "■ .......................... ^ 1965 GMC Hondi-Bus with! automatic transmission, ro-i lloyd'“ condition, whitewalls radio, 646-7050, after 6 p.m. dio, heater, 8 passenger. I 34170, for white finish, ' ^ ' Til., gooa conomon, nnoy do w«i9m».tw. at 1556 Baldwin, Gulf Sta- 1965 BUICK RIVIERA. COMPLETE- midget, red, JgoodI What is 0 HANDl-VAN? It is the some os the Hon-di-Bus without extro seots and windows. Side loaT ing and rear loading double doors ore available on some models. Wonderful for light deliveries such os flowers, dry cleaners etc. 1964 GMC Hondi-von with red finish and double side doors. Very clean. 1964 CHEVROLET Handi-van with blue finish and double side doors. Ready to roll. Autobahn Motors, Inc. authorized yw dealer tiile north of Miracle Mile _ TeleOfeph FE 8-8531 Pickups 1961 GMC 1 Ton Pickup, 4-speed transmission, V6 engine. IMF MUST DISPOSE OF 1959 CADILLAC 1 Coupe DeVllle, full power, no mon-1 ey down, 87.87. weekly. Call ...Mr. Murphy, 33V4101, McAullffe. 160 CADILLAC, 2 DOOR HARB- John McAullffe Ford 2-Door Sedan Ebony black with eporty r terlor, whitewalls, anil that f,.,™.— VW economyl $59 down, fllnanCe $767 1944 VW, MUST SELL, EXC. CON- 1961 GMC V2 Ton pickup, outomotic tronsmission, 8' Wde^SdeT^ Autobohn Motors, Inc. AUTHORIZED VW DEALER lA mllA tBArfh aI AAlribrlA AAIIa 1983 CHEVY 5 YARD DUMP, 000 miles, S1895; GMC septic pi truck $750; good 1950 m Chevy flat bed, $195. OR 8-1741. 1962 CHEVROLET Vi Ton Pickup. 8' wide side with shell type camper. 1963 GMC % Ton Pickup. Commercial 15 inch tires, light blue point. 1985 GMC Vj TON, TOP CONDI-tlon, many extras. FE 54333. 185 FORD to-TON FLEETSIDE pick-up. Camper's Special 1 Poiltrac-tions heavy duty springs and shocks, ----tires, new truck warranty Sava 1785 S. Telegraph 1966 GMC t-Ton Pickup Heater, defrosters, backup lights, seat belts, 2-speed wipers, washers, inside rear view mirror $1779 including all taxes GMC Factory Bronch Oeklond at Cass FE 5-9485 Heavy Duty 1960-1964 GMCs and FORDS $695 up Easy Terms. K FOR TRUCK DEPT. FE 54101 John McAuliffe Ford (iM 1965 GMC Vz Ton Pickup. 2 to choose from. Heavy Duty 1963 GMC Tractor, Model LA 6000-401 cubic engine 5 speed transmission, 2 speed axle, a i r brakes. Steel Tilt Cob. Spartan Docige ___________FE 8-452$___________ G.B. 1984 BLUE, NEW PIRELLI'S Best otter: FE 4-7323. PORSCHE, 1982 HARDTOP, 1962 GMC Tractor, model A 5000 with 5 speed trans- mission and 2 speed axle and full air brakes. GMG Factory Branch PONTIAC'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER Oakland at Coss FE 5-9485 1963-1964-1965 FORD F400 - 3x5 Dumps $1995 to $2995 1963 FORD N-750 181" wheel will take ir bddy. 332 Cu. In. engine, 5 speed, 2 speed, 928-10 ply. $2495 $795 1957 FORD "$691“' ASK FOR Truck Dept. FE 54101 John McAullffe Ford 277 Watt Montcalm Ava. (1 Block East of Oakland) AM-FM radio, « 1985 VW, MUST SELL i RED VW CONVERTIBLE — >w mileage. 882-4821 aftor 8 p.m. 988 RENAULT (MIUPHINE - LOV mileage — high economy — Of 3-0381._______________________ FIAT 1944, 4 DOOR. WHITE. $37$ ir trade in. $5 down. LUCKY AUTO FE 4-1008 REPOSSESSION 981 CADILLAC DeVILLE-STYLED COUPE WITH POWER, TURQUOISE FINISH, POWER AND READY FOR YOU. NO t OOWN AND PAYMENTS OF JUST $1047 WEEKLY CALL MR. CASH, 338-4528, SPARTAN. 1985 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE - s, <4,250. QL 1-4501. 1988 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD, / extras, stereo, will trade. 2-7521. OR 873-9731.___ 1966 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE It rust finish v Beautiful a.................... . matching Interior. Equlp^ « full power and air conditlonini Don't pass this ont up. Oni SEE NORM DANIELSON (USED CADILLAC SPECIALIST) WILSON CADILLAC OF BIRMINGHAM MI 4-1930 JEROME MOTOR SALES 1980 Wide Track Dr FE 3-7(121 1»M„CHEVY STICK, S50. 980 La- t 8-199). Weekdays Salle otf Telegraph. 1954 CHEVROLET, BEL-AtRE, V-l, Automatic, perfect condition, S285! OR 34381. 1957 CHEVY.' MAO WHEELS. 4 -—' ---------- ------- Sharp. 711- 1957 CHEVY, AUTOAAATIC, 827-2S54, 1957 CHEVIES, 2 AND 4 DOOR S77 Ea. 959 Nash, 1957 Plym. for parts 1957 Ford Station Wagon $87 1959 Lincoln, 1980 Ford $97 Ea. Plenty others, late models, trucks. ECONOMY CARS 2335 Dixie Hwy. MARVEL MOTORS OSCARS MOTORS SHOP SUNDAY Buy On MONDAY OLIVER 1958 CHEVY BISCAYNE, "OK" USED CARS- Haskins Chevy-Olds m Dixie St MIS 1959 CHEVY, 8 DOOR, GOOD CON- dltion. $150, OR 3-7990._____ 1959 CHEVY, REBUILT 8 STICK . _____ radio, _ speaker, white- ___________FE 84410.__________ 1940 CHEVY IMPALA SPOIff Coupe V$, real sharp, t . over payments. 335-5814. .. 980 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE, RED !, V$, Stick. Real Sharp. 1981 CHEVROLET IMPALA CON-vertible. Light blue finlih with matching trim, V glide, Tedioi " heater?*'whitaw Summer special, only 189$. 'SOMETHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET 1941 CHEVY 8, 2 DOOR BISCAVUi. BISCAY'NE, ^DOOII ---------- Cell OR 3-3992 efiar 8 pjtl. C—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 New md UsmI Ci^ m 19tt PONTIM CA'fALINA WAOON' uuN«r $•**» ■•'Tr' L Htl^. radio, new tlrea k OL )-47l9. IT 01350. Nm Mi VNi Cm 22r,2rfc..f^M'‘?? MM1, Mt. m. Myi «nhr piMH. dHiW 4 itATION WAGON, JM Nmt Mi OMi Cm t*M CHEVROLIT IMPALA SPORT D, VI wigltM, PwwroHdp, now-nwin, ridto, h*mr. «M1r-It. $im E-Z t»fm». "SOMETHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET GM Mi Ihsi Cm 106 MARMADUKE N THE DODGE REBELLION By Anderson and Leeming New Mi Usei Cm 106 ultr Dodgt' *• Huntir iMir . ML, BIrmInfliMm. «47-WiS, 1M2 FORD STATION WAOON, RA- BANKRUPTT NEED A CAR - -T U IS c—• Financing. Gala McAtmally'i Ai I tura r—■ —^ *-Grand blocfc fl BOB BORST LINCOLN.MERCURY to $. Woodward BIRMINOHAA NORTHWOOlS' AUTO __FE l^| mi CORVAIR 700 4-DbOR SEDAI^ AAaroon finish* harnnonliing lnts-1 SSfiawJnifa' Something new" popwl Sit int T Bj^ C9NVERfl^E, PRI: on a portable TV. vata owner^ . SEE BOB BURKE 1304 Baldwin FE 84525 aye gisu. Excellent o MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET M South Wpodward Birmingham Ml 4-I735 - Ml 47119______ 1»62 CORVAIR MONZA CONVER^TI *-ansmisslon, $625 ^ IMF Acroei from Pontiac State_ - IMS CONVERTIBLE DODGE Polara SOO, power ateering, brr’'--and windowa. good condition, i-l75l. IP«t FORD FAIRLANE SOO VI, au-| tomatic, radio, haatar, a MAM I mile premium car. JEROME' FORD Rocheatera Ford Oaalar OL LLOYD IP«2 FORD GALAXIE 500 4-OOOR, VI, automatic powar ateering and power brakea, aolld btaU llnlah — ttke new, OMW «t JEROME FORD. Rocheatar'a Ford Dealer l-Wll. TQBTTJPiivy Bel-Air 2-Door 1M2 FORD SEDAN SPOTLESS BLUE FINISH. V-l STANDARD' FULL balance S4I7 — NO tl DOW(J, MUST SELL TODAY iW • tW-«073. NO MONEY DOWN-WE FINANCE DTiced — trade nig LOYD Motors t250 Oakland. Al.HanoutelncJ $1296 CREDIT ' />AE1C AAIIS TESII/-IFC AIITH CAIFC ''If only takes a Chevrolet-Buick Mr2°-2411________ John McAoliffe Ford ------------CONVERTIBLE. 630 Oakland Aye.____FB . * «30J.______NEW 1966 MERCURYS AND “Don’t worry! He’ll acc^t a small bribe! Hand me those stale cookies!’’ Ideal kir Und car. Clean, ___ . ai, 1 owner, bank ratal. Waakiy SptcW CM^ BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH IM S. Woodward Ml 7-3314 OLDS, 19U STARFIRE, HARDTOP, -I. --- <..U _~u». maculata. 636-5W. braaonic radio. i New ani Used Can 106 New and Utad Can 106 ^ 1»63 CHEV.Y trade high. t»63 CHEVY V gX- LxbVo*'/itotora 1350 Oakland. «ll»5 i»64 CH‘E'VY~CbNVERTIBLE, 337| ' pevw ataarlns,'ZXOOO mtlai, Iwau-I 1»45 Bonneville, 2 door hardtop load- tiful condition. FE 4-5037. I ad naw car warranty S3595 CHEVELLE MALIBU STATION! - - i i wagon. Maroon llnlah with fawn 1P43 Chevy, 4 door, automatic tran^ v«, Powerollde, radio, heater. 1966 DODGE DEMO Thia T»olira 500 Baa power alee Ing, power brakea, 313 engine, o -chW fintah end t>lnyl tap. Pe “ first te buy a Demo and i IMS MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP, , Extra sharp I1W5. JEROME FOTp Rscitiiter Ford Dealer. OL LLOYD DOWNEY 1963 Ford 4-Door Sedan OLDSMOBILE, INC. iSaJLAKLAND______EE 2-8191 JET STAR N, 1P44 HARDTOP. POW- d etaerlng, $1495. h "SOMETHING NEW" :MIKE SAVOIE r si CHEVROLET If Dr., Waterford. $695 1965 Mustang $49 Dn. $49 Mo. 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 1964 OLDS JET STAR 4 ODOR hardtop. Power steering end brakea, tomatic transmlaslon. Our bes* ) Motors 1250 Oakland. REPOSSESSION — 1963 MERCURY Autorama , 1959 FORD 2 DOOR, MECHANICAL 1963 Chevy Bel ,21000 actual miles FE 5-9394, after 3:30 p.ih. Lloyd Bridges Auto I07S W. Maple Rd., Walled Lk. ____________624-2100__________ 1963 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE StA-llon Wagon. 6 cylinders with automatic tranamlsalon. cation. 11095. LLOYD t COMET VILLAGER STATION NEW 1964 MERCURYS AND COM-ata, priced down - trade hlgT LLOYD Motors 1250 Oakland. John McAoliffe Ford Motors Id'eeT tor va-|i9^4 CHEVROLET 1965 COkVAIR Atenie 4 matic trinamlsslon seats Like new $1695. $69 Dn. $69 Mo. 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 FORD STARLINER, GOOD condition, private owner, $3** call 335-0740. _________ MUST DISPOSE OF THIS Chevy convertible. No money di S12J7 weekly. Call Mr. Scott, 7543. Ltoyd'a. NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM--j, priced down - trade hlg- ■OYD Motors 1250 Oakland._ NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM- 1943 RED CORVETTE CONVERTI- C.&I. 4514717V _________ Bargain Minded Used Car Buyers Attention! Our 12th ANNIVERSARY SALE 1945 MONZA CONVERTIBLE, speed, bronie, under 20,000 mllea, beautitui, sell last, $1525. Ml 4-7694. 1945 CHEVY SUPER SPORTS CON-vertlble, power steering, t -—* "OK" USED CARS. Shop It Big "OK" Used Car Lot at MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES "Chevyland" 431 Oakland Avenue a.- FE 44547 REPOSSESSION - 1943 CHEV LLOYD Motors 1963 CHEVROLET a, automatic, pow- $49 Dn. $49 Mo, 1250 OAKLAND 333.78A3 1943 CHEVROLET, 2 DOOR SEDAN WITH V-l ENGINE, STICK SHIFT TRANSMISSION, RADIO, AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assuma weekly payment of $1.92. CALL CREDIT MGR- Mr. Parka at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. GM (Owner's Initials) . „.a and watch for Grand Opening, June 20. block filled with up to lOd a fine selection of popular and models. And don't forget to atop by and register without SEE BOB BURKE 1304 Baldwin FE 84525 Across from Pontiac State B LLOYD Motors 1963 CHEVROLET Nova, .automatic. $49 Dn. $49 Mo, 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM-ets, priced down — trade h'-"-LLOYD Motors 1250 Oakland. t943 CHEVY BISCAYNE 2-DOOR, owner, good condition, $906. 5... Dixie Hwy.. Dreyton. OR 3-7751. $695 1963 CORVAIR Monza S«dan 1 beautiful Burgundy finli black vinyl Interior, c ----- tranamlsalon and weekly payments of $7.41 STATE WIDE . AUTO OUTLET ^ 3400 Elizabeth Lake Road FE 8-7137 F EC 1943 CORVETTE. P shape. 3 ,speed. 300 h.p.__ 1943 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT WILL ACCEPT IN TRADE sueuneAN old5 HOME OF Quality One-Owner Birmingham Trades AT LOWEST PRICES 435 S. Woodward_______447-5111 iDOWNEY t ani Used Cm LtMANS, kXCELl^NT COH- r^u^, 2 Dodit !' 1945 PONTIAC CAT/,_ 1965 PONTIAC ~r.''%-5ss :ns.si •no P®r wmR i»«y9iiwiMa. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. . BIRMINGHAM _______Ml 4.7500 ^odoondlllon. 3354)144 ifter i : 3 DOOR HARDTOP, black' Interior, OR 34)997 after 4 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 100 steering. Whitewalls. $2,450. FE 1945 PONTIAC TEMPEST 2-DOOR hsrdtop. VS, 324 engine, standard transmission, radio, twatg-. clean. See It at JEROME FORD, Rochester's F—r.—i.r r>i i.oth 1965 TEMPEST CUSTOM, CLEAN, Top Quality, one-ownei new car trades to choose from 1966 MERCURYS AND COM- ; priced down — trade high. _ JYD Motors 1250 Oakland. 1965 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. ----------to appreciate 111 WHERE YOU EXPECT MORE ... AND GET IT 4$EGO: 65 Mt. Clemens At wide Track FE 3-7954 Pontiac-GMC-Tempest "Same location 50 Yeara" KEEGO HARBOR RUSS JOHNSON LLQYD Pontiac-Rambler On M24 In Lake Orion MY 3-6266_________ 1964 MERCURYS ANO CbAA- 1944 MERCURY MARAUDER HARD-! power .tearing end brakw.: QLDSMOBILE, INC. ;?n^3 ^.rLVk"^" Tsp'Sj 550 OAKLAND FE 2-8101 1944 FORD 2 DOOR BLACK, CUS-.— jjj engine. Clean. Ra- ir steering and brakes. 4-0034. GUNS, BOATS, MOTORS Sunshine from a beanery Echo from a steamboat whistle Exhaust fumes from an outboard motor — or ALMOST ANYTHING MOVABLE 1965 FORDS must dispose of 1945 MUSTANG hardtop, bronze power staerinp, 4 speed, no money down,- t14.B7 weekly. Call Mr. Murphy, 335r4101, McAullHe. mission, sharp ' $395 ° 59 Cadillac, 4 door loaded M9T~^Yi I MAZUREK MOTOR SALES S. Blvd. at OLDS N, 2 DOOR HARDTOP, ' ering and brakts. $2,000. sisiTr----------- Motors - 1963 PONTIAC ; Two-door hardtop. $59 Dn. $59 Mo. 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM- sts, prlr-^ -■- — LLOYD LLOYD JUNE Transportation Specials BUY HERE-PAY HERE No Application Refused . down - trade high. 17 TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MODELS FULLY EQUIPPED glide, _power steering, i 'BILL SPENCE 6673 Dixie Hwy. NEW CAR WARRANTIES AS LOW AS $49 DOWN Payments as low as $11.95 "SOMETHING NEW" Motors 1964 LINCOLN ____ , ... 425-134$.__________ 140 VALIANT TRANSPORTATION, good tires. FE M913. NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM-tts.^^icrt down_ - ira/it ) AAotors 1250 Oakland. MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET 5 Dn. $89 Mo. 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 REPOSSESSION - 1943 PONTIAC Catalina convertible, like new, no ------ - - $12.$7 weekly, call • 54101, McAullfte. NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM'S, priced down — trade high. ■OYD Motors 12S0 Oakland. ml. transferable warranty Included, 1 owner, ladles, car, $1095. EM 3-2245^_____________________________ MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLfT Birmingham __________4-2735 - Ml 4_________ 1945 CHEVELLE MALIBU SUPER Sport, 2door hardtop 327, powar ghda, powar brakes, bucket seats, 1961 FORD, GOOD CONDITION, $425. - to eppreclate, 6734922. ____ FORD 2 CYLINDER AUTO. console, tinted windshield. LLOYD AAotors 1! 1965 CHEVY V2 STATIONJMACON. tHresTA-’ ojnd^llon'! Sacrltice $1,295. EM 3-3225.____________ 1965 Corvair $1495 HOMER HGHT ■ OK USED CARS r steering, radio. HMOLD TURNER GO!! T4AUFL ....______ ______ $197 $2.25 1959 CHEVY, 2 $197 $2.2$ •— FORD 2-door .... $ 97 $1.20 DODGE, auto ....$197 $2.25 ...CORVAIR, auto $297 $3.05 1960 PLYMOUTH $297 $3.05 ■— FORD, 8 $297 $3.05 CHEVY, $........$397 $4.10 1961 PLYMOUTH, auto . $397 14.10 ■ BUICK hardtop ..$197 $2.25 .... STUDEBAKER ...$197 $2.25 1963 RAMBLER $497 $4.75 .... COMET, sharp 1597 $5.95 1960 CHEVY Impala $697 14.98 1960 OLDS hardtop $597 $5 95 195$ CADILLAC Oakland P(^MTTA(^ ChrvsIer-PIvmouth -*■ ! 1961 FORD convert !1960 CHEVY convert 1962 CORVAIR $497 $4.75 tren$ml$$lpn, g^ condition, $450. 363-945$.__________________ ■ ’«!.fALCON, BLACK FOU^^^^ BIRMINGHAM stan^Td Shift. New whitewall tires. BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLE R-PLYMOUTH $60 S. Woodward Ml 7-3214 DOWNEY automatic and whitewalls. $1095. Autorama MOTOR SALES OLDSMOBILE, INC. 550 OAKLAND FE 2-8101 1965 Mustang Convertible ■ cylinder, automatic, radio, ll-'-* . .8 with dark blue interior. L than 6,000 miles, MUST SELL, ll reasonable. 363-296$, ask Public Notice 2635 Orchard Lake 9 MUST DISPOSE OF Th Ford Falrlane hardtop. N ‘7.57 weekly. Call A 333-7263. Lloyd's. 1965 FORD MUSTANG, 2 DOOR i hardtop, VS, radio. 5,63$ mllea. In exc. condition, like new. $1795. OL t-4141 or $e# at 1......... Rochester. MUST DISPOSE OF 1965 T-BIRD^ 1962 FALCON FUTURA CLUB COUPE WITH AUTO-MATIC TRANSMISSION, BUCKET “SEATS, RAOIP HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, -------- $6.95. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. must DISPOSE OF wagon, 9 Pe»»«n0*t' down,'$947 -------- ^ phy; 335-4101, McAullHe. FORD I MUST DISPOSE OF THIS 1963 T-—", No money down, $13.07 weak-:all Mr, ScoH 333-7063. Lloyd's. steering, no money;,,43./, CLEAN FORD GALAXIE 500, '■ ■ 2 door, hardtop, whitewalls, radio " ..... 334-1692. LLOYD 1964 FORD CONVERTIBLE 500 GAL- ____ Motors 1962 FORD Garlaxle, automatic. ;39 Dn. $39 Mo. 1250 OAKUND- 333-78t3 1964 CHEVY 2 d 1963 CHEVY II 2 door, 6 ct standard transmission, heater, dio, whitewalls. Only—$795. Crissman Chevrolet (On Top ol South Hill) ^ Rochester * CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE -bark finish with saddia tan Intarior* 4-speed transmission and positractlon. SHARP! S3p495. ^'SOMETHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET 1104 South Woodwer Birmingham U 4-1735 - Ml 4-7SB9 1965 CHEVY BISCAYNE 6 CYLIN-. stick shift, whitewell tires yl Interior. Seat bolti, clock. NEW 1966 MERCURYS AND C 1966 CHEVELLE SUPER SPORT: I engine, powe "«$. Poweralld , heater, wnlti etaeiing am transmission, tilt. Extra- - "SOMETHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET 1t04 South Woodward Birmindham Ml 4-2735^1 4-7289 if43 CORVAIR MONZA WITH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH IMPERIAL OL 1-B55I toot N. M ROCHESTER Autorama 4-speed, positractlon, reo wim wnife Inlerlf paviT|enta. 363-7330 att. $495 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH $40 S. Woodward___Ml 7-3214 NEW 1966 MERCURYS AND COM'S, priced down — trade h'-'-■OYD Motors 1250 Oakland. I DODGE POLARA 2 0 00 t*42, tORVITTEl FULL POWER 2 tape. $2200. Saan a$ 765 E. Madl-tdn, p«diw Sir- FE 3-7161' Estate Storaige 1962 Pontiac Hardtop 1961 Pontiac 4................ Pontiac Bonnie Convert. . 1961 Mercury Comet, 2 door GET SMART - SEE US OPDYKE MOTORS 2230 PONTIAC RD. AT OPDYKE FE 8-9237 ______FE $-923$ Where Anyone Con Buy a Dependable Used Car 1944 GALAXIE SOO, vinyl hordtop, * - "395. FI Ask for Walt MUST DISPOSE OF THIS 1964 Ford "XL" convertible. No money down, $13.27 weekly. Call Mr. Scott, 333-7243. Lloyd's. 1944 FORD FAIRLANE WAGON, V$, BUY HERE “ PAY HERE No Application Refused CAR PRICE 1960 FALCON 4-door automatic. Only —$297 1960 CHEVY Wagon $397 1962 FALCON 4-door, one- owner $397 1961 CHEVY 9-possen- ger ............$497 1961 DODGE 4-door, sharp ..........$497 1961 FORD Wagon, sharp ...... . .$497 1961 COMET Wagon . .$497 1962 COMET Wagon . $597 1962 CHEVY Wagon $697 1962 FORD Wagon . . .$697 1963 STUDEBAKER, very cl^on ,.. .\$797 1962 OLDS 2-doof, stick V-8 ......$797 Over 100 Cars To Choose From From $197-$1200 Take a Chance See Wolt Chance CHEVY IMPALA 4-DOOR km V2. PowergUde, double PB radia, axEaligitt csndl- l»$4 CHEVEU-t .SUrtiR SPORT _____ I 4-174$ . CHiVY IMPALA, I Oft'. HaRO- T5p, $17W, r-*— 1943 ftntlac Grand Prix $1,995 1942 Ford Zodlek I94S Plymouth ' FE 3-7i6] 1945 Ford T9 Ptit. wagon ROCHESTER DODGE Driva Awty-^-Save Atora Pay I 4fl«M ROCHESTiRI Estate Storage WOULD YOU BELIEVE !! INDUCTED INTO SERVICE, MUST Pretty Ponies 1965 MUSTANGS 7 USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE FROM CONVERTIBLES HARDTOPS 2 PLUS 2's "TOIL EQUIPMENT -As Low As $49 Down and $49. Per Month 1960 BUICK Automatic, almost like new BALANCE DUE-$545 Weekly payments ........ K.S) 1959 OLDS 2-door hardtop BALANCE DUE-$275 Weekly Payments ....... $) HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. . S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM__________Ml 4-7500 JEEP STATION WAGON, 4x4, cyl. 224 engine. Warn ' ' ‘ - heater 428-1014. DOOR WHITE . ... stick, 23,000 E 4-0820. 1957 MERCURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP, automatic, above average^ $135. OR' 4-0625.__________ 1959 MERCURY 2-1 1960 MERCURY PARKLANE 2-OOOR hardtop. Power steering, brakes and windows. Runs almost like new. No money down, $6.44 week- automatic, radio, ---------- ,----- steering, power brakes. Factory officials car, $1,395 at JEROME FORD, Rochaiter'a Ford Dealer, LLOYD Motors 1964 T-BIRD Hardtop. Saa thli one. $69Dn. $69 Mo, 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 ...............C-...-. to seU, 1 owner Birmingham trade. Our weekly- '^’$995 BIRMINGHAM- CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH B40 S. WOOD)WARD 1944 THUNOERBIRD, NICE ONE, low mileage, Landau comfort p 1196$ FORD GALAXIE hardtop. V$, automatic, steering — ........... _.. $2,095 at JEROME FORD Rochester's F Peeler, OL 1-97)1, 1945 MUSTANG. ALL BLACK. V-0. Automatic. AAany extras. Mounted tires. 343-0424. REPOSSESSION - 1944 T-BIRDS, 2 to chooso from. Full power, ho money down, 013.07 weekly. Call Mr. Mason, FE S-4101, McAulltfe. I CUSTOM V4, STICK, vinyl Interior, AM-FM ri 194S FORD FAIRLANE 4-OOOR lory otficlil't ... Choose from at JEROME Rochester's Ford Dealer. OL Othvs to IE FORD 194S FALCON 4-DOOR VO AUTO- matic, power stearing, ---------- brakes, ridio, healer, enre sharp, 01,495 at JEROME FORD, Roch- aster's Ford 0«4l9<'- OL 1-9711. NORTHWOOD AUTO FE 09239 NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM-prlcad down — trade )YD Motors 1250 Oaklai LLOYD Motors 1962 COMET Automatic. $29 Dn. $29 Mo, 1250 OAKLAND 333 7863 LLOYD Motors 1962 MERCURY Colony Park stitibn wagon. |$39 Dn. Mo. ' 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 IMF 1963 Mercury Custom Monterey Hardtop 4 door with sandalwood beige; matching gold vinyl/Interior, "- $1198 Absolutely No Money Down Chrysler-Plymouth 724 Oakland Avr ; FE 2-9150 1942 VALIANT SIGNET and Save $ $ $ On Main St. Clarkston 1964 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury 2 door hardto-. . -. automatic, console, pow#c..»teerlng and power brakes. Beautiful finish with matching Intarior ' “ - $1695 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM, ots, priced down — trade high. LLOYD Motors 1250 Oakland. 1944 TEMPEST CONVERTIBLE, AU- to. transmission, $1497 full price. LUCKY AUTO rhe following cars will be wld on or before Monday, lune 13 at Star Auto Sales, 10 S. Telegraph. 1960 CHEVROLET 1961 PONTIAC Starchlef BALANCE DUE-$775 1964 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR HARD-top, 323 angina, auto, transmission, radio, white r*"- —' -------- NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM- 1960 DODGE Runs Good BALANCE DUE-S197 Weekly Payments ...... t. LUCKY AUTO STAR Auto Sales 60 S. Telegraph 3 blocks South of Huron Call Mr. Allen FE 8-9661 wv* « T«ry Tery vooa ouy. KEEGe^ Pontiac-GMC-Tempest "Same location SO Years" KEEGO HARBOR 1945 COMET 4 DOOR 404 WITH automatic, powar stearing brakes, radio, heater, ex_......... buy at JEROME FORD Rochas-Ford Dealer OL............. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM ..... 1959 OLDS 00, 4-DOOR, 42JK0 $395. FE 2-7574, 37 Kemp. REPOSSESSION 1940 OLDS SEDAN WITH AUTOMATIC AND POWER. MUST SELL ---XV. NO 0 DOWN AND ----- ________MUST sill: ____call MR. CASH, ^ SPARTAN. m DON'S PONTIAC, 1964 CATALINA, 2-OOOR I hardtop, original owner. Exc cond. 23,500 miles, auto, trans. power steering and brakes, air conditioned. $1850. OR 3-2079. NO MONEY DOWN SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM WE HANDLE AND ARRANGE ALL FINANCING CALL MR. DAN AT FE 84071 Capitol Auto 312 W. MONTCALM SMALL AD-BIG LOT 70 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM maroon with white top. 677 S. LAPEER F My'‘*2-2M1 SHELTON PONTIAC-BUICK 055 ROCHESTER ROAD 651-9911 1961 RAMBLER Classic Station wagon. 4-cvlinder engine, automatic transmission, almost like new condition. Priced to sell at only $395. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 3-4155 1964 TEMPEST CUSTOM CONVERT-Ible, 4 cylinder, all power, 23000 miles. 1 owner UL 2-3274 after 5:30 p.m. 1941 RAMBLER 9 PASSENGER wagon, auto., full power, safety tires, radio, original owner. $475. MA 4-0040. NEW 1944 MERCURYS AND COM-ets, priced down — trade high. LLOYD Motors 1250 Oakland. RAMBLER, 1962 CLASSIC. 4-OOOR. Radio and heater. Reclining bucket seats. Whitewalls. Power steering. Perfect mechanically. Exc. body Executive's wife's car, 1400 firm. 334-4593. MUST DISPOSE OF THIS 1944 PON-tlac wagon. No money down, $13.27 weekly. Call Mr. Scott, 333-7243. Lloyd's. 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA, 2 DOOR hardtop, $1595. OR 4444$, 1962 RAMBLER—CLASSIC STATION WAGON WITH AU-“‘^^^TOMATIC' TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payments of $5.92. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Perks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. t944 BONNEVILLE 4 DOOR ATtSTA, Low ml., good condition. Call attar 4 p.m. FE 2-323). 1944 TEMPEST COUPE, AU- ~ TOMATIC TRANSMISSION, " RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ^SO-LUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payments of 18.92. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. 1944 PONTIAC 4 DOOR STARCHIEF Executive, with full ^er, 8,000 miles, $2,750. EM 34297. :0 to OFFICIAL w,,,.-. .,™ PLYMOUTHS. ^ DOORS, AND 4-D(X)RS. 6 here 8:30 (2) Dick Van Dyke (56) Cultural Enrichment 9:55 (4) News (56) Spanish Lesson 10:00 (2) I Love Lucy (4) Eye Guew (9) Hercules 18:10 (56) Rhyme Time 10:20 (56) Science Is Everywhere 11:21 (4) News 10:30 (2) McGoya (4) Concentration (7) Girl Talk (9) Window on the World 10:50 (56) Spanish Lesson 11:00 (2) Divorce Churt U) Morning Star (7) Supermarket Sweep-stakes (9) Luncheon Date 11:20 (56) What’s New 11:30 (4) Paradise Bay (7) Dating Game (9) Hawheye 11:50 (56) Spanish for Teachers AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) News, Weather, Sports (4) Je(^ardy (7) DwmaReed (9) Razzle Dazzle (50) DickoryDoc 12:30 (2) Search ftx- Tomorrow (4) Post Office (7) Father Knows Best (9) People in Conflict 12:35 (56) Spanish Lesson 12j45 (2) tJuidinfLighr----- 12:50 (56) Understanding Num- 12:55-^^^“"““....... 1:00 (2) Love of Life (4) Match Game (7) Ben Casey (9) Movie: “Valerie” Anita Ekberg (50) TV Hour of Stars 1:25 (2) News H) Docotr’s House Call (56) World History 1:30 (2) As the World Turns (4) Let’s Make a Deal (56) Adventures in Science 1:55 (4) News 2:00 (2) Password (4) Days of Our Lives (7) Confidential for Wbi en (50) People are Funny 2:25 (56) Rhyme Time 2:30 (2) House Party (4) Doctors (7) A Time for Us (50) Holiday 2:50 ( Spanish Lesson 2:55 (7) News 3:00 (2) To Tell the Truth (4) Another World (7) General Hospital (50) Captain Detroit 8:25 (2) (9) News 3:30 (2) Edge of Night (4) You Don’t Say :r (7T Nurses ............. (9) Swingin’ Time 4:00 (2) Secret Sorm (4) Bozo the Clown _(7X Never Too Young (50) Movie , 4:25 (7) Arlene Dahl 4:30 (2)Mike Douglas (7) Where the Action Is (9) Fun House 4:55 (4) Eliot’s Almanac 5:00 (4) George Pierrot (7) News, Sports (56) French Chef 5:36 ( 50) Toiler (56) What’s New 5:45 (7) Network News 5:55 (4) Here’s Carol Duvall Sinatra Hit, Man Hurt in Altercation BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — Police say “investigation is far from over” in a case in which singer Frank Sinatra’s eye was discolored and a prominent businessman suffered head injuries requiring 2% hours of brain surgery; ""njfficerre "quoted Sinatra saying the man hit him without .provocation and that he did not strike back. Sinatra’s friend. Dean Martin, backed him up. A Beverly Hills businessman. undetermined physical condition and also was drinking. We have a witness who saw but nobody saw Sinatra hit him back,” the chief said. Frederick R. Weisman, .54, u former president of Hunt Foods, i Inc., and brother-in-law of financier Norton Simon, was b unconscious in Mt. Sinai Hospi-1 tal. I it -k -k A hospital spokesman de- Martin, 48, told detectives, scribed Weisman’s condition as “as we were leaving, some man “serious” Satuitiay^--4ollowinglstruck Mr. Sinatra. Another -Weekend Radio Programs— WJR(760) WXYZd 270) CKLW(800) WWJ(950) WCARQ130) WPON(l 460) WJBKQ 500) WHFI-FM(94.7) brain surgery. He has been unconscious since the altfercation Wednesday morning in the Polo Lounge of the Beverly Hills Hotel. Police Chief Clinton H. Anderson said he doesn’t know whether someone struck Weisman or whetherhe was hurt in an accidental fall. Anderson said Weisman had been taking pills for an SATURDAY IVENINO <:W-WJR, News, Sports WWJ, News, Music WJBK, Bob Edington WHFI, Show Biz WPON, News. Sports wnri. muiK tuf miKwriis 7:W-WCAR, Ron Rose WPON, News, Jotum Irens WXYZ, Lee Allan, Music, WJR,*‘nsws; Musk! Sports 6:06-WWJ, News, Monitor WHFI, Bandstand »:S6-WHFl, Chuck Sponsler 1t:#6-WWJ, ToKsnlnl, Int lochen lliW—WWJ, News, Music WJR, News, Music SUNDAY MORNING SIML.WJR Musical Prom- WJBK?*?lx ftr "Health CKtWi Album T4b» -flXYZ,JAtMtat ot ■ WWJ, Ovtmlohf »:J6-WJR, Orgen Encores WJBK, Sclence^News WXYZ, Negro Colleoe Choir »:45-WJR, The Christophers 7tN-WJR, News, Music WXYZ, Religious News WJBK, Hour ot Crucitled WCAR, Choir Lort-------- WPON Lutheran Hour JiJO-WJR Sunday Chorale WWJ, Mariner's Church, Farm WXYZ, Christians In Action CKLW, Baughev Tabernacle WJBK. Ave ASarla Hour Killed in Viet Action WASHINGTON (AP)-Marine Cpl. Kenneth N. MacBeth of Riga, Mich., was killed in action in Viet Nam, the Defense Department said Friday. MacBeth was the brother of William L. MacBeth of Riga. WXYZ, Morning Chorale CKLW, Your Worship Horn WJBK, Revival Time WCAR, Lm tor Living WPON, St. John's Church 6.-JI-WXYZ, Moments ot . Music WJR, Renfro Valley ld;30-WWJ, News, Scouts CKLW, Oral Rnharti WJBK, Voice o( II1I6-WJR, Salt Laka City Tabernacle Choir CKLW. News, Anglican WJBK, Look at Books SUNDAY AFTERNOON 11:S6-WJR, News, Music, Sports WWJ, News, Music WCAR, Music for Sunday WPON, Sunday Saranada WJBK, Assignment Detroit CKLW, Windsor Ubor WHFI, Uncle Jay WXYZ. Musk, News IlMI-CKLW, Rsport from Parliament Hill 11:S6-CKLW, Lutheran Hour 1:tt-WJBK, News, Musk CKLW, Ed Busch, News l:1$-WJR, TIgers/Yankees WXYZ, News, Musk CKLW, Frank and Ernest WJBK, News WCAR, News, Musk WPON, Sunday Serenade S;3«-WXYZ, Man On the Go WWJ, Meet the Press CKLW. Wings ot Healing 7:0O-WXYZ, Musk Sports CKLW, Church of Goo WJBK, Musk WWJ, News, Monitor WCAR, News, Frank Hayward 7:3»-CKLW, Ebeneezer Bap- l:06-CKLW, Voice of Prophecy WPON, Church ot Weak ?*Sf^e l;36-CKLW. The Quiet Hour WJBK, News, Sports, Musk »106-CKLW, Grosse Pointe Baptist WJR, News WPON, Johnny »:J0-WXYZ, Wl,... CKLW, Bible Study WJR, Face the Nation I0;0»-CKLW, Billy Graham WWJ, News, Catholic Hour WXYZ, Moving ftr. dt 7W.T WJR, News, Musk I0:10-WJR, Chapel Hour CKLW, American Lutheran WXYZ, Current WWJ, Eternal Light 11:00-WJR, News, Sports yywj. News, written Word WXYZ, Hour of Decision CKLW, Church of Christ WJBK, News, Music WXYZ. Issues and Answers <:N-WJR, Musk Hall WWJ, Farm, News WXYZ, Marc Avery S CKLW, Bud Davies, N WJBK, News, Bob L* Musk WCAR, News, Delzell WPOJN, News, Arizona West: 7:06-WHFl, Almanac WPON, News,___________ I:06-WJR, News, Sunnyside l:3fr-WJR, Musk Hall *;0O-WJR, News, Open House WHFi, Uncle Jay WCAR, News, Sanders WJBK, News, Bob Lee CKLW, Joe Van I0:00-WJR, News, Music WWJ, News, Ask Neighbor WHFI, Bill Boyle WXYZ, Breakfast Club WPON, Naws, Ben Johnson WJBK, News, Bob Layne Iliie-WXYZ, Steva Lundy Music, Naws WJR, News, Godfrey MONDAY AFTERNOON WJR, News, Farm WPON, News, Ben Johnson WXYZ, Musk, News WJBK, News, Layne H.-W-WJBK, News, Musk WWJ, Pepper Young's Fam- l:4S-WW.. -WWJ, , Big Sister dall CKLW, News, Dave Shafer WJR, News, Elliot Field WHFI, Encore l:0e-WPON, News, Pete Lsdd WJR, News, LInkletter, Musk WWJ, News, Emphasis, Cal Kandall WJBK, News, Muslc^ WXYZ, Dave Prince, Must 3:I6-WCAR, Joe Bacarella man jumped between the two of them and our party walked Rosamond Willian^i zTzzs ‘“-J MAICO, Pontiac Branch , 29 E. Cornell FE 2-1225 | ServicEi end SeppHet ftr j ALL HEARING AIDS COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 64 West Columbia Avenue (A Soutnern Baptist Church) The difference "1r worth the distance." Sundoy Worship Services, Postor 1 1 -OO A.M. 7:30 P.M. CARROIL HUBBS, Music Dim AAYJOB: Working Solution* To Your Living Problems! Let’s Talk REMODELINB 4(Hminate In-Betwenn Costs and Confusion... I Personally Will Call On You! REMODELING STEVENS RENT - A - TRUCK • HOUR - DAY - WEEK - MONTH • LOCAL-LONG DISTANCE • MOVING EQUIPMENT-LIFT GATES • INSURANCE STEVENS moving and SniRAGE B EliaJiiigth Lfc. Bd. (NevHvfwt) Mil Ji ★kitchens ★bathrooms ★ADDITIONS ★RECREATION 27 Years i^anonal Desiin Local i^faraonal Supanrislae Success! a^Leeal Contractor arTLoeal and Quick Chamber ^Opmmara Serviet FHA AND BANK TERMS UP TO 20 YEARS AN OPPORTUNITY TO' BID FOR YOUR WORK WILL PLEASE US BOTH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 739 North Perry PONTIAC FE 3-7833 T T C—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE ». 1966 ^()^l CuiiCouiit on I- Qua 1 ify Co^t'^ INo IVlorojO Stsirs MONDAY OMA-'* til <> DeetPantfr ^'"•3 or tl.57 ci. Tough sanforiied cotton duck. Con< _____________I___I. c:____£ .. io tratting rope belt. Sisea 6 to 18. Limit 4 pairs per cuatomer. Shop early Monday; Men’s Dress Shoes Reg. 19.3922?,T «•’ men’s Gold Bond cnsh' ioned insole shoes. Mellow calfskin uppers. Flexible leather soles. Rubber heels. Sixes 7Vi to 12. A real value at this low thrifty Monday price. Dept., Main Floor ’eacftpl large ilcnsa sDnaiwear^ Shirts! each Say, “CHARGE IT” at Sears Men’s dualwear short-sleeve shirts for dress or casual wear. Solid colors of beige, white, maize and light blue. 80% Dura-Ion® polyeater, 20% cotton. Neck sizes 14Va to 17. At this low thrifty Monday price, buy several! Men’s Furnithingt, Main Floor dozens of colors assorted styles in women’s nylon Stretch Shells 922 each “CHARGE IT’ at Sears Not to be missed. Lovely hack-zip sleeveleamtreteh nylon knit shells. A variety of pretty necklines. Your choice of colors. Stock up now. Siz4* 34 to 40. Reg. $3.^, sizes 40-46 3.22 Shop 9 Until 9 MONDAY! 'll" ; • --'iC'’' 13‘Transistor AM, FM, SW Portable Radio 6-Gauge Vinyl Window Shades Wide variety of listening pleasure from Kec. $44.99 AM^FM or one SW band Traihistora ^ ^oo give instant play. Charcoal plastic -C^OO cabinet. m_W § Radio-TV Dopt.-Main Floor Charge It Completely washable, room darkening window shades. Shade fabric is embossed heavy duty. Flame, fade, stain and tear resistant. White only. Buy severaL BUndIDrapery Dept,, Main Floor 100% Dacron Pillows J97 Take advantage of this great saving on pillows. “ Reg. $4.98 Sanforized, lippered covers are completely QO washable. 20x26 standard size. 100% Dacron pillows. 16.98 Fortrel® Pillow, ea. . . . 5.88 each Domestic Dept., Main Floor Charge It Men’s Featherlite Deluxe 3488 Two-Suiter and Companion _________ __ - Men’s Featherlite Deluxe leather-grained vinyl with Bontex backing luggage. Light to carry, yet built to take the wear and tear of modern traveling. May be purchased separately. Choice of black, brown or gray colors. Luggage Dept., Main Floor Monday! 25-Lb. Lo-Suds Detergent Use for all fabrics. Gets clothes clean in hard, soft, hot or cold water. Dissolves instantly . . . sUrts washing immediately. Contains B.D.S. Lo-Sndz. REG. $5.99 4«8 _Hof(teu>aret, Main Basement MONDAY ONLY Sears Seat Valets _ Turned Wood In Contemporary Style 8“* 20-in. Reversible 3-Speed Portables Reg. 839.95 32** CHARGE IT Helps -beat the heat with 1/12 HP motor moving air 4^ CFM. Automatic, reversible. 1/6-HP. Changes air age 5 rooms in less than 2Vi ^ minutes! 3 speeds; reversible. Hanger for suit coat, tray for jewelry, change. Rack for shoes. Also chair. Vinyl covered for easy cleaning. A valet with many uses. At this price Monday only! Blue Webb Folding Summer Chair 1‘inch high strength polished aluminum tub- . ing. All pieces fold. Double tubular arms. ReZttl*r $11-05 Sarsn webbing stays clean longer. Cleans eas-ily with soap and water. Comfortable chair. Motions, Main Floor Furniture Department, Second Floor MONDAY ONIA-M lil 9 ■ MONDAY ONIA-9 til 9 ■ MONDAY ONLY-9 til 9 ■ MONDAY ONLY-9 til 9 Sears Fast-Drying Semi-Gloss Latex Paint Sale CT66 kF wu. Save $7.11! Sears .22-Caliber Rifle Reg. $39.99i Antomatic action rifle handles smoothly and Arcs rapidly. Tubular magazine holdi 20 shoru, 17 longs or 15 long rifles. Reg. 85.99 Bowling Bag ... ------2.97 89.99 Deluxe Bag.................6.97 32“ mt Reg. $2.29 Qt. .. .1.96 Sears fast-drying semi-gloss Latex paint covers most colors with only one coat. It’s odorless, in your choice of colors. - 2-In. Nylon Rrush. .1.59 Paint Dipt., Main Basement Sporting Goods, Perry St. Basement MONDAY OM,V-<> til <) Dry Up That wi 14-Pint Dehumidifiers ReguUr $69.95 NEMA Capacity Rated *61 NO MONEY DOWN on Seara Eazy Payment Plan Removes up to 14 pinU of water from the air every 24 hourk Keeps ” * ^ hamidity indicator telli yon when to turn unit off. Slide-out, non-apill pan. AppHtmiee bept., Main Baisement - Cool, Comfortable Cushions for Cars Eiyoy summer driving with a cool car cushion. Innersprings with a porous I 99 cover provide ventilation. 20%x36-in. I Colors. Charge It Reg. 81.98 Cnihion... .1.44 R«g. 83.98 Cnshion... .2.99 ^___________^uto Access., Perry St. Basement REDUCED *14.95! Swivel Rockers Regular $69.95 ‘55 A fine decorator style with costly detailing. Modem I swivel rocker with high tufted back. A comfortable chair in a choice of colors. Shop early for best selection of colors. Monday only! Furniture Dept., Second Floor MONDAY ONLY-9 lil 9 ■ MONDAY ONLY-9 Yil 9 Save Up to *6! Portable Electric and Hand Tools! Value, Ui>to$15.99 Monday Only! 099 each Just Say, “CHARGE IT* at Sears Craftsman Stapler Kits Variable stapler drives Vs to 9/16-in. staples. Standard or high power settings. Includes 2500 assorted staples, screen stretcher, belt hooL Craftsman Sabre Saws. Motor develops Vh-HP. No-load speed^ 2950 strokes per minute! Vh-in. cutting stroke. Bnilt-in sawdnst blower. Tull sixe base tilts V to 45*. Craflantu tk-ln. DrUli Motor develops l/S-HP ^o-lold speed 2400 RPM. Aluminnm housing. Lightweight for easy handling. A real buy at this price. Craftsman Sanders Magnetic impulse power unit. Reciprocating sanding action gives 14,400 strokes per minute. Spring action clamp. Sanding pad and paper. Kenmore 6-Cycle Automatic Washers 5-in. Electric Grinders Two 5xVk-in. ring wheels. Self-aligning blpnse bearingi. Shaded-pole motor. AtUnstable tool rests. Clear —plastic safety shields. Was at $279.95 Monday Only . *193 Craftsman Sl-Pe. Socket Sets Ragnlar open stock prices total much mote. TVe-ln. drive 12pt aock^ 7%4n. drive 6i>t. sockets. Hordssare Department, Main BaeommtU NO MONEY DOWN on Sean Easy Payment Plan 2 speeds, 6 cycles, S wash-rinse tempenturea ... the right ones set antomadcaUy with one turn of the diaL Selfcleaning lint filter. $199.95 Gas Dryer $167 $169.95 Elec. Dryer $137 Appliance Dept., Main basement Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” SEARS "• nvntowii l\mliiu* riioiu^ FK .11-1171 '4k