
OUR@Oakland is Oakland University's institutional repository maintained by the University Libraries. The aim of OUR@Oakland is to collect, organize, and showcase the scholarship, creative work, and archival and special collections created by or affiliated with the Oakland University community.


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Recent Submissions

Example Poster
(2025) Med, Student
Oakland University Commencement Program, Fall 2024
(Oakland University, 2024-12-13) Oakland University
Minutes of the Formal Session of the Oakland University Board of Trustees, October 18, 2024
(2024-10-18) Oakland University. Board of Trustees
A. Call to Order | B. Roll Call | C. Consent Agenda for Consideration/Action: Consent Agenda; Minutes of the Board of Trustees Formal Session of August 2, 2024; University Personnel Actions; Acceptance of Gifts and Pledges to Oakland University for the Period of June 18 through October 1, 2024; Acceptance of Grants and Contracts to Oakland University for the Period of May 1 through June 30, 2024; Acceptance of Grants and Contracts to Oakland University for the Period of July 1 through August 31, 2024; Final Graduate School Report, Summer Semester 2024; Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, Year Ended June 30, 2024; Fiscal Year 2026 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan and Fiscal Year 2026 Capital Outlay Project Request; Golf and Learning Center Operating Budget for Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2025; OUWB School Medicine O'Dowd Hall Renovation/Addition - Plaza Upgrade; Internal Audit Department Audit Charter | F. New Items for Consideration/Action: Investment Advisors' Report; Financial Statements, June 30, 2024 and 2023; Approval of Construction Manager for Science Complex Renovation Project; Agreement Between Oakland University and the Oakland University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) August 15, 2024 - August 14, 2029 | G. Other Items for Consideration/Action that May Come Before the Board | H. Adjournment
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, January 16, 2025
(2025-01-16) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Submissions; Academic Conduct Committee Update; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of December 12, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: Test-Optional admission (approved); establishment of M.S. program in Bioengineering (approved); establishment of B.S. in Applied Data Science (approved); revision of Graduate Admission policies (approved) | 5. New Business: motion to staff faculty on Senate Committees (approved); establishment of definitions of Hy-Flex and Partially Hy-Flex programs; request a change in membership of the DEI Committee (approved) | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn
Our sympathies - California wildfires
(Oakland University, 2025-01-10) Pescovitz, Ora Hirsch
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, December 12, 2024
(2024-12-12) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Submissions (none); Badging Update; UL Reconsideration Policy; General Education Revision Ad-Hoc Committee; Senate Updates, Winter 2025; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of November 21, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: Senate Artificial Intelligence Committee (tabled); Stackable Graduate Certificate Policy establishment (approved) | 5. New Business: establishment of permanent Test-Optional Admission policy (approved); Senate Student Academic Support Committee disbandment (approved); Bio-Engineering M.S. establishment (approved); Applied Data Science B.S. establishment | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 21, 2024
(2024-11-21) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Campus Master Plan Update; Policy Presentation; Committee for Academic Recovery and Success (CARS); Senate Committee (Co)Chairs update; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of October 17, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: University Senate Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee charge changes (approved); OU Classroom Recording Policy adoption (no motion taken) | 5. New Business: Stackable Gradte Certificates Policy establishment; Artificial Intelligence Senate Committee establishment; Senate Academic Standing and Honors Committee disbandment (approved); Senate Academic Honors Committee establishment (approved) | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, October 17, 2024
(2024-10-17) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications (none); Undergraduate Program Modifications (none); Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Uwill; Mental Health Committee Update; Diversity GESLO: Addition of Disability; Academic Calendar Development Committee Update; Senator Updates, 2024; Senate Committee (Co)Chairs, update 2024-2025; Provost Updates. |2: Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of September 19, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: None. | 5. New Business: Appointees to Senate subcommittees; changes to University Senate Community Engagement Committee charge; changes to University Senate Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee charge; potential for Senate OU Classroom Recording Policy Ad-hoc Committee to adopt a new OU Classroom Recording Policy. | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, September 19, 2024
(2024-09-19) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Strategic Plan Update; Introduction of Assistant Vice President of Advising; Combined UG/Grad Programs Update; Exploring - No Major Program (Fall 2024); MySAIL Updates; Senator Updates, Fall 2024; Senate Committee Co-Chairs, 2024-2025; Provost Updates. | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes from April 18, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business (none) | 5. New Business: Updates and changes, Senate Standing Committees | Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.
Minutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 18, 2024
(2024-04-18) Oakland University. Senate
1. Information Items: Graduate Program Submissions; Undergraduate Program Submissions; Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Submissions; Master Planning Update; Strategic Planning Update; Mental Health Committee Update; Provost's Updates. | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of March 21, 2024 |4. Unfinished Business: movement to change and update the charge of the Calendar Ad Hoc Committee to a standing university committee, and rename it to the Academic Calendar Development Committee (ACDC). | 5. New Business: changes to the General Education Assessment Committee’s (GEAC) charge; changes to the General Education Committee’s (GEC) charge; new Energy Engineering, Master of Science program; new Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Bachelor of Science program, six major-dependent concentrations; changes to General Education Program Revision Ad Hoc Committee charge and membership; name change of the Department of Art and Art History; procedural motion to conduct additional Senate meeting in May 2024. | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.