Meehan, Albert J.Ponder, Michael C.Brieger, Gottfried2020-05-052020-05-052002-04-01Meehan, Albert J. and Ponder, Michael C. "Racial Profiling" Oakland Journal 4 (2002). 7-251529-4005 have three goals for this presentation: 1) to briefly review why racial profiling-specifically driving while black-catapulted to national attention in the 1990's; 2) to present our research which focuses on the importance of residential segregation or what we call "race and place" to understanding profiling behavior, and; 3) to discuss the implications of our research for the proposed "solutions" to this problem.en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityRace relationsRacial tensionRacismDiversityRacial ProfilingArticle