Smith, RickJackson, Jay2020-04-172020-04-171987-04-24 Number Eligible for Commencement ; Breaking Down Barriers: National Survey Hopes to Learn How Women Succeed ; Payroll Deduction for Bonds Coming ; Young Authors Conference ; Safety Inspections Begin April 27 ; Photo: President Champagne practices Heimlich maneuver on training mannequin ; Dependents Need Social Security Numbers ; Capital Campaign Proceeds Toward $15 Million Goal ; Fraternity Honors Kmart Executive ; Rates Set for Golf Course ; Millie Hammerle Retirement ; University is Site of Teleconference ; Oakland University News Survey Results ; Smoking Policy11.00X17.00en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityGender equalitySavings bondsPayroll deductionsCapital campaignsFund-raisingFauber, Bernard M.Alpha Kappa PsiHammerle, MildredCIPOPollsOakland University News: April 24, 1987Other