Connellan, BillMarshall, JohnBaranski, Carl2018-09-262018-09-261964-05-22 Act On Budget ; Graduates Go To Columbia ; Promotions Earned By Seven Faculty Members ; Commencement Change Sought By Faculty ; Boland - Lee Resign Positions; Go East ; Confusion Marks Dorm Elections ; Student Body Increases 55; 703 Register ; Editorial Hats in (Bull) Ring ; Connellan Acting Editor ; Letters to the Editor: Supports Metzger ; Prof. Objects To Editorial ; OU Dyes Dendriform Departed ; Oakland Wins Sports Day ; Softball Club Blasts Church Team in Opener ; Library Receives $150,000 ; Slave Sell At Noon TodayPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.ResignationsBudgetsPromotionsEnrollmentKresge LibraryThe Oakland Observer 1964-05-22Other