Straky, AnnJackson, JayLlewellyn, James2020-04-172020-04-171986-07-01 increase is first in two years ; PCB disposal microbe may solve problem ; Astronauts blast off for D.C. ; Lot adds spaces for 235 ; Sunset Terrace tour fee reduced ; Kimonos on block for gallery ; University will miss Evarts ; Cashing in her chips Zohdy finds future bright ; Pets benefit from OU tumor research ; OU home to Lafayette String Quartet ; Audrey Marriner ends long career ; Physicians gather to study heart ; OU ranks in receiving Depart of Defense contract funds ; Annual faculty and staff picnic at MBMF ; Shotwell Gustafson Pavillion received funding from OU Board of Trustees for air conditioning ; Three faculty members receive outstanding academic advising awards from Alumni Association ; Campus Facilities and Operations moving from North Foundation11.00X17.00en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityTuition increasesPCBsWalia, Satish K.Housel, DavidNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEverts, PeterZohdy, HodaEngineeringElectrical engineeringTumor researchOakland University News: July 1986Other