Oakland University. Senate2013-10-072013-10-072002-04-11http://hdl.handle.net/10323/2021Agenda and Minutes of the April 11, 2002 Meeting of the University SenateOakland University Profile 2010. Endorsement. 1st reading. Diplomas-to include undergraduate majors. Approved. Mechanical Engineering-Ph.D. (SECS) 1st reading. General Education Task Force II charge. General Education-Learning Outcomes, as amended. Postponed indefinitely. Cooley Law School-collaboration with Cooley Law School. Information item.en-USOakland University Profile 2010DiplomasUndergraduate majorsMechanical Engineering PhDOakland University. Senate. General Education Task Force IIGeneral educationLearning outcomesCooley Law SchoolMinutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, April 11, 2002Other