Oakland University. Senate2020-10-152020-10-152020-09-17http://hdl.handle.net/10323/8070A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Program Modifications - Reading and Language; DPT Program; Forensic Nursing Program; General Education - Out of State Transfer Program (OSTP); General Education - General Education Transfer Program - Michigan Program Closures | General Education - General Education Transfer Program - Michigan Program Closures. 2. Provost’s Updates | B. ROLL CALL | C. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of May 7, 2020 |D. OLD BUSINESS: NONE | E. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Creation of a Senate Task Force on Classroom Use and Scheduling. 2. Procedural Motion to staff Senate Committeeen-USReadingPhysical Therapy PhDForensic nursingTransfer studentsGeneral education requirementsClassroom Use and Scheduling Task ForceMinutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, September 17, 2020Other