Troy, ColleenWaters, RobertBriggs-Bunting, JaneWeathers, CliffSleeman, BillKing, LorieConte, JosephGeorge, DavidKoblin, MicheleAshley, MerrelynBrudzinski, SteveBudry, GaryCalabrese, ReginaDeWolf, DavidDillon, KelleyEzmerlian, BethHall, CarynHoffman, AngieJoelson, J.L.Jordan, MikeKahler, JulieLaBaere, Joellen M.Mooty, CindyNowaczyk, JillRusso, CarySlaughter, MarquetteTeel, LynnTetreault, ChrisYolles, EliseBorn, BryanDeClaire, TimKnoska, Emil Robert (Bob)Homant, MikeHowell, LynnKelly, GeraldineManley, DavidVerville, MichaelKennedy, RobertaMauser, Jean2018-09-262018-09-261983-11-07 expires: professor dismissed ; Soviets forced into nuclear escalation ; Drugs meant for losers says ex-cop; ex-junkie ; GUEST COLUMN: Reasons weak for island invasion ; Island invasion affecting many ; EDITORIAL: Questions about pending dismissal ; Other Voices ; LETTERS: Re-seeding a wasted effort ; Self-importance realized ; CAMPUS LIVING - ARTS Women's studies program offered in winter term ; DIA adds a new photograph gallery ; Film society offers a movie alternative ; "Right Stuff" has it all ; English class holds a royal like feast ; SPORTS: Soccer team headed for playoffs ; Participation stressed for fundraiser ; Athletes to be tested for drugs ; Spikers falling back in old stride ; Cagers begin season with hope ; Tankers looking for number one ; Tennis team looks to future ; Band's views varied ; Sabrina Swine Trivia extravaganza ; Laurel Toby ; Michael Kenny ; Politics taint amateur sport ; Arab-Israel relations discussedPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Toma, DavidFaculty contractsSidewalksWomen's studiesReappointmentsPathwaysThe Oakland Sail 1983-11-07Other