2024-03-262024-03-261969-05-06https://hdl.handle.net/10323/12544Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilmHouse unit adds token parochiaid to school aid bill ; No trial for Bucher, punishment ruled out ; Law aims to keep 'smut' from young ; 'Nixon won't control ABMs', cost is soaring ; I-696 law upheld ; State aid OK'd for MCOM, if ... ; Lebanon to crack down on Arab guerrillas ; Court to get refuse station controls bid ; Warrants issued against two in fatal accidents ; 'White Hope' author wins Pulitzer ; Yanks repulse Red onslaught ; Negotiations resume in utility strike ; Fast Senate action on clean-water bill balked ; Dogfight raided, 66 charged ; Police charged with beating take lie test ; Addison has problem: too many chiefs ; Color him critical of graph ; Rochester budget aired, no dissent ; Romeo schools get new chief ; Equalization factors in county are listed ; Groveland board denies gravel pit expansion plea ; Lake Orion to fete its long-time JP ; Woman turns 118, 6 husbands laterPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Anti-ballistic missilesVietnam WarThe Pontiac Press: 1969-05-06TextOakland University