Madjarev, JennPlowman, CaraPetrove, KelliPina, KathrynMcDuffee, DanielKaltz, KrystalGray, JoeRemsing, LisaMcDowell, SaraKhuri, RamezConnell, Kimberly A.Corder, JenniferFrkan, DianeMao, Chang2018-09-272018-09-272000-03-29 facts ; Narrow faculty vote rejects amendments ; Gaming in the OC ; New OUSC presidential team elected: Kochenderfer and Wegner look forward to OU future ; student Affairs: UPDATING OU ; CRIME watch ; Census 2000 means cash: To get the most accurate population count ever; the US Census is looking for college students to follow-up on forms; do paperwork and perform office duties ; Red Cross parks bloodmobile at OU: Students; faculty and staff donate 73 pints of blood ; Accounting and finance seminars coming to campus ; SBA brings in Russian economic expert to speak ; Memorial lecture series honors former professor ; LETTERS TO THE editor: Student thanks donors ; EDITOR'S view What's to blame for low voting turnout? ; local Edge: Festivals & Shows ; Lectures & WORKSHOPS ; SPECIAL INTEREST ; Four Day FORECAST ; MOTLEY FOOL U; The Buy-and-Hold Police ; Lupus no April Fool's joke ; Rising gas prices prompt "blackout" ; BizarRO ; LEX ; THE UNIVERSAL CROSSWORD ; life Edge ; ON CAMPUS ; CONCERTS ; COMING SOON ; Top Five reasons to go see this movie ; The World through the eyes of John Cusack ; "Arabian Nights" recreates life; art of Chagall ; Musicians; actors; stars who crossover genres ; Friday Night ; DOWN & raw WITH NAMI SUSHI BAR ; Go Tropical; Go Mango: Local cafe serves up the juice in a jungle atmosphere ; For You ENTERTAINMENT ; sports Edge SCOREBOARD ; Grizzlies fold in Vegas: Tennis goes 2-6 in Mid-Con matches ; TENNIS NEWS ; OU runs over Siena Heights: Hard hitting Grizzlies send Saints packing ; Mid-Continent Conference: standings ; Finding new identities after the end of an era ; ONE GONE three to follow?: Four women; one dream; a new basketball jersey to wearPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Oakland University. SenateOakland University. Student CongressCensusAmerican Red CrossGorlin Memorial LectureThe Oakland Post 2000-03-29Other