Coffin, HowardHoke, William E.Blair, John G.2018-09-262018-09-261962-11-16 to be Financed by 'Charter Garter' Campaign ; Boyd Delivers Powerful Lecture ; Ski Club to Form Race Patrol Unit ; PILGRIM'S PROGRESS ; Contemporary and Classical Music To be Presented ; Wesley Foundation Sponsors "Hootenanny" ; Freshman Council Meeting Plans Class Organization ; Noted Artists' Work In New Gallery Exhibit ; Kettler and Turk Take Road Rally ; Hucker Named To Ford Group ; THE WEEK ON CAMPUS ; Ad Hoc ; "The Men" to Be Shown Tonight ; LETTERS TO THE EDITORS: Library Hours ; Don't You Forget It! ; Forming a Coterie? ; Swilboom Is Priggish ; Damn Organization ; Frosh Meeting ; Roundtable? ; HOW TO WRITE LETTERS ; Boyd Plays 'Study in Color' Contain 'Trenchant Commentary' ; Campus Political Horizons Widen ; Tickets Available at Phys. Ed. Office ; HOLTZ HARBORS HORSE ; Cross Country ; Jobs Available ; MSUO Gridiron Teams Stage Rough Scramble ; Student BowlPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Charter garterSki clubBoyd, Malcolm, 1923-2015Road RallyThe Oakland Observer 1962-11-16Other