Oakland University. Senate2023-01-032023-01-032022-11-17http://hdl.handle.net/10323/120201. Informational Items: Graduate School Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate School and Undergraduate Modifications; GEAC Presentation; GEC Committee; Instructional Methods Designations in the Schedule of Classes; East Campus Update; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of October 20, 2022 | 4.Old Business: changes to the Constitution for the School of Music, Theatre and Dance (2nd reading, approved) | 5. New Business: Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees | 6. Good and Welfare.en-USGeneral education assessmentGeneral educationEast campusCampus developmentConstitutionsSchool of Music, Theatre, and DanceMinutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 17, 2022Text