Straky, AnnJackson, JayLlewellyn, James2020-04-162020-04-161985-01-18 outlines education strategies ; Oakland Tech Park progresses ; BOT officers elected ; Computers aid projects ; Students organize fraternity at OU ; SPB lines up films, talent show ; Video scriptwriting course offered ; Medical scholars scholarships ; Professor Loh gets grant for image system ; Psychology professor Lilliston advice on fear ; Professor Callewaert research drugs for blood clot treatment ; Cable TV aide dies in accident ; Forensic team tournament results ; Students may apply for research cash ; OU training pays off ; Show your spirit by wearing cap raccoon tail ; Courtroom drama comes to theatre ; Continuing Ed has class variety ; Cosmetics workshop ; Women of OU plans breakfast ; Governor's Commission institutions classified11.00X17.00en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityEducational reformOakland Technology ParkSeminarsAnxietyMedical researchFacultyAwardsOakland University News: January 18, 1985Other