Sehgal, RitaVan Winkle, BobBriggs-Bunting, JaneVillella, TedBochnig, MaryHarrison, CynthiaCaligiuri, MarkBurke, Mary EllenDeckenbach, JoeHelfrick, JeanneMarentette, MarkOlsen, LisaPickens, KeithSchreiber, BetsySheridan, NancyDriver, MicheleBrooks, BrianPrimeau, TomWood, LeaMartin, DuaneOsborne, ScottKnoska, Emil Robert (Bob)Kropp, KevinMalek, Norm2018-09-262018-09-261981-01-12 tuition hike possible Financial uncertainty ends for OU ; Selective Service sign-up begins ; Judge allows new OU president to take office ; Sail welcomes new editor ; Beer Lake truck rescue; fire disrupt X-mas break ; He's in "Word of Honor" Dahlmann appears in special ; Winter sunset ; Ride pooling attracts students ; Sail Shorts ; EDITORIAL: Reagan education policies out of date ; President's Trio entertaining ; Don Juan; Lucifer stir intellect ; SPORTS: Why boycott sports? Try the reverse first ; Situation worsens for cagers ; ET CETERA: Let it snow; let it snow ; Village Idiot: Biology department creates monsterPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Budget appropriationsOakland University. Office of Budget and Financial PlanningBudgetsBeer LakeBear LakeHamlin HallFiresMeadow Brook TheatreOakland University. Student CongressThe Oakland Sail 1981-01-12Other