Shelton, JaimeKirkaldy, JeanneeBrown, DamonNobile, AndreaBelanger, LisaPolzin, EdSchlottman, KerriMilic, LidijaSchildt, LauraGray, JoeMurphy, MichaelMiller, ErikaMeyer, Steve2018-09-272018-09-271998-01-07 GOALS ; WOMENS BASKETBALL ; MOVIE MADNESS ; Diversity fluctuating on campus ; Lines; lines and more lines ; Collision research to be honored ; Drunken driving pre-trial to begin ; CAMPUS NEWS OU welcomes.1998 Positive resolutions ; CRIME WATCH ; Dean Polis elected to engineering board ; Parking at OU more blessing than curse ; OPINION ; EDITOR'S VIEW Campus resolutions to include ; GUEST VIEW More should consider in-state universities as affordable option ; Letters to the Editor University actions are too little too late ; Student Affairs EVENTS updating ou ; Putting the past behind: Swimming and diving teams look to put program back in full swing ; Discipline drills should be saved for practice; not play ; Sports Women's hoops on winter roll ; Despite a recent loss; their future looks bright ; PIONEER INSTANT REPLAY ; Unseasoned youth contribute to loss ; Halftime rhythm stirs up the Bubble ; Pioneers gearing up for MSU; rec opener ; Wrestling deaths raise concern about weight reduction ; OU EVENTS ; MUSIC ; THEATRE ; FILM ; OTHER ; Radio change shows classical on decline ; Registration frustration ; Plan spring break to save headache ; MUSIC TO YOUR EARS Double CD shows best; worst of Rakim ; FEATURES Attack of the THE REEL DEAL SPECIAL EDITION MOVIES ; The flood could cause many to sink 'Titantic' ; 'Tomorrow Never Dies' ; 'Amistad' ; 'As Good As It Gets' ; Remember the simple pleasures in lifePDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.DiversityCollision researchCheok, Ka C.Collision warning and avoidance systemPolis, Michael P.ParkingEngineeringWrestlingWeight lossSpring breakThe Oakland Post 1998-01-07Other