Oakland University. Senate2025-01-142025-01-142024-11-21https://hdl.handle.net/10323/184551. Information Items: Graduate Program Modifications; Undergraduate Program Modifications; Combined Graduate and Undergraduate Modifications (none); Campus Master Plan Update; Policy Presentation; Committee for Academic Recovery and Success (CARS); Senate Committee (Co)Chairs update; Provost Updates | 2. Roll Call | 3. Approval of the Minutes of October 17, 2024 | 4. Unfinished Business: University Senate Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee charge changes (approved); OU Classroom Recording Policy adoption (no motion taken) | 5. New Business: Stackable Gradte Certificates Policy establishment; Artificial Intelligence Senate Committee establishment; Senate Academic Standing and Honors Committee disbandment (approved); Senate Academic Honors Committee establishment (approved) | 6. Good and Welfare | 7. Adjourn.en-USHuman Movement Science - DoctoralBioethics, minor - Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and SciencesCommunication, Advocacy, and Social Justice, minor - Department of Communication, Journalism and Public Relations, College of Arts and SciencesInstrumental Performance - Department of Music, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, College of Arts and SciencesInternational Relations, minor - Department of Political Science, College of Arts and SciencesOrganizational Communication, minor - Department of Communication, Journalism and Public Relations, College of Arts and SciencesPhilosophy - Bachelor of ArtsPhilosophy, minor - Bachelor of ArtsEthics in Criminal Justice, minor - Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and SciencesData Science - Bachelor of Science, School of Education and Human Services - reinstatementArtificial Intelligence, specialization (discontinuation) - Bachelor of Science, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering and Computer ScienceFilm - Bachelor of Arts, Department of English, Creative Writing and Film, College of Arts and SciencesFilm Production (discontinue) - Bachelor of Arts, Department of English, Creative Writing and Film, College of Arts and SciencesMinutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 21, 2024Other