2024-03-262024-03-261969-09-02https://hdl.handle.net/10323/12430Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilmArea man gets transplanted lung ; School bells toll for young ; Kennedy files to delay inquest, hearing today ; Teachers okay Rochester pact ; Controversial columnist dies ; Federal take-over of welfare is urged ; Navy outlay tops $133 million on controversial 2nd N-carrier ; Zoning plea hearing set for tonight ; CAB poses final hurdle for hike in airline fees ; Libya oil pacts not seen periled by recent coup ; Holiday weekend road toll at 583 ; Waterford man drowns in canal ; Girl born faceless starting school ; Nightlong racial violence rocks Hartford's North End ; Cities back revenue-sharing ; State road toll 21 ; Plan for Troy - city in a city ; Chief of police named in Wixom ; Adult high school courses begin in Holly on Sept. 15 ; Synagogue groundbreaking Sunday in Farmington Twp. ; Building consultant hired by school board ; Art 'n' Apples festival postponed in Rochester ; Air safety seminar nearPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Kennedy, Edward M. (Edward Moore), 1932-2009Racial violenceArts and Apples FestivalThe Pontiac Press: 1969-09-02TextOakland University