Oakland University. Senate2020-02-212020-02-212020-01-16http://hdl.handle.net/10323/6900A. Informational Items: Program Modifications to the B.S. in Physics adding a new minor in Geology and in astronomy; changing the name of the minor in Writing and Rhetoric to the minor in Writing; eliminating the concentration in Nutrition and Health at the School of Health Sciences; CLEP score changes; Provost’s Updates | B. Roll Call | C. Approval of the minutes of December 5, 2019 | D. Old Business: new Graduate English as a Second Language Policy (2nd reading; passed); membership of the University Assessment Committee (2nd reading; passed) | E. New Business: Senate Steering Committee for Winter 2020 | F. Good and Welfareen-USEnglish as a second languageMinutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, January 16, 2020Other