Smith, RickJackson, JayLlewellyn, James2020-04-222020-04-221991-11-01 is 1 of 4 Schools to Get Education Grant ; 15 Named to Presidential Search Panel ; Photo: Alayne Rever entertains on baritone sax - in costume ; Faculty Study Race, Gender Issues in Workshop ; Prof to Speak on Irish Revolutionary Myth ; Water Line Breaks Leave Budget Out to Dry ; Middle East Conflict is Focus of Discussion ; Search Begins for Nursing Dean ; Inside a Chemist's Tiny World: Tadeusz Malinski Finds Elements Measuring in Trillionths of a Gram ; Sociologist Finds Blacks See Suicide a 'White Thing' ; Christie Murder-Mystery Keeps Audiences Guessing ; 'Raisin the the Sun' Explores Family ; Photo: Crisis Drill ; EPA Grant Aids in Study of Waste: Watch Those Early Payroll Deadlines11.00X17.00en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityOakland University. School of NursingGrantsPresidential searchesInclusionBioelectronicsSuicideEnvironmental Protection AgencyPCBsOakland University News: November 1, 1991Other