Cherry, AdamCook, ChelseyDePaoli, LizRick, BrianCole, Natalie B.2020-05-132020-05-132010-01-01Cherry, Adam, et al. "The “N” Word Four Essays" Oakland Journal 18 (2010). 47-681529-4005 essays written by students as an assignment in an African-American Literature course, The assignment "invited them to read and respond to Emily Bernard’s essay, inviting them to reflect on their own experience with the “n-word” both in the classroom, and out in the world."en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityRace relationsStudentsLanguageThe “N” Word Four EssaysLearning “The N-Word”, Maliciousness: Learning the “N-Word”, Reclaiming the Term: The “N-Word”, A Student of the N-WordArticle