Oakland University. Senate2018-02-152018-02-152017-11-09http://hdl.handle.net/10323/4636A. Informational Items: Program Modification to the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Program Modification to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing in the School of Nursing; Program modification to establish a new Graduate Certificate in Lean Leadership; Addendum to Final Undergraduate and Graduate School Reports August 27 2017; Provost’s Updates | B. Roll Call | C. Approval of the minutes of October 19, 2017 | D.Old Business: revised University Mission (2nd reading - amended version adopted) | E. New Business: Procedural Motion to staff Senate Standing Committees | F. Good and Welfareen-USMechanical Engineering BSWellness, Health Promotion and Injury Prevention BSNursing BSLean leadershipUniversity missionMinutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, November 9, 2017Other