Oakland University. Senate2013-09-252013-09-251960-03-18http://hdl.handle.net/10323/1966University Bulletins, Committee on - established. Cultural Programs Committee - established. Developmental Programs Committee - established. Student Publications, Committee on - established. Scholarship Selection, Committee on - established. Admissions Committee - established. Committee on Instruction - established. . Info item. Research Grants Committee - established. Info item. Grades - D is lowest possible passing grade. Approved Grades - grades can't be erased by retaking a course. Approved Courses - 3 digit numbering system adopted. Approved Courses - proficiency by examination. Referred to committeeen-USAcademic probationAcademic dismissalUniversity publicationsScholarshipsGradesCoursesMinutes of the Meeting of the University Senate, March 18, 1960Other