Samoray, Jeff2021-05-202021-05-202003-02-20 article"Oakland University's Department of Rhetoric, Communication and Journalism recently recognized six outstanding communication students by awarding them Donald C. Hildum scholarships. The scholarship recipients were selected based on a combination of criteria, including academic achievement, community and university service, and financial need."Copyright held by Oakland UniversityOakland University. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Communication, Journalism and Public RelationsDonald C. Hildum scholarshipDuGuitis, JewellsFlanary, RebeccaGolightly, XavierJacques, ReneePriestly, JodiKish, MichelleOakland University. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Communication, Journalism and Public RelationsOakland University. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Writing and Rhetoric"Six students receive Hildum scholarships"Other