2024-03-282024-03-281968-11-02https://hdl.handle.net/10323/12721Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilmWest Bloomfield wins league grid crown ; School millage, bond vote set for Dec. 7 in Waterford ; US may have misread moods ; US will pressure Hanoi for withdrawal of troops ; Pontiac crime rate 15 pct. over 1967 ; Vice president promises 'new day' of peace ; Oxford students vote for Nixon ; 7 die in smashup ; Pleasant Ridge fights I-696 ; US to Mideast: obey truce ; Jordanian mob storms US embassy, 1 dies ; Birmingham news: Travel film series to start ; Clothier cottons to men in blue ; LBJ decorates 3 space heroes ; Old guard eyes Czech-Soviet friendship rally ; Romney stand on bomb halt disturbs Hart ; Tremors, jet test linked? ; 'Sewage treatment plants in state mostly outdated'PDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Vietnam WarElectionsThe Pontiac Press: 1968-11-02TextOakland University