Thomson, SkipBaley-Gates, PeteDaft, Greg2018-09-262018-09-261972-03-10 Exploratories to be Dropped ; CHAMBERLAIN CONTESTS U.C. ELECTION ; Parking Lot Crime Plagues OU ; LETTERS to the EDITOR: Does EVC Fear Exposure? ; System Cause of Apathy ; ADVERTISING PAID IN UC ELECTION: A NEWS ANALYSIS ; ADA Beats Polanski with "ROMEO" ; "SUCH FRIENDS" HAS A MESSAGE ; Salaried Jobs with C L C ; Revolver Found Near VBH ; Slumping Beggar ; Issac Jones Drive to be Held ; AUCTION PLANNED FOR CHANNEL 56PDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Freshman ExploratoriesOakland University. Student CongressCrimeJones, IsaacFocus: Oakland 1972-03-10Other