2024-03-212024-03-211969-11-12https://hdl.handle.net/10323/12354Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilmTroops moving into DC for antiwar march ; Vaccinating children for smallpox is a hit ; Apollo 12 face a delay after malfunction ; Vets' Day ceremony here a dud, says one old sarge ; White cells tied to heart attacks in rabbit tests ; Opinion on stadium given ; Dead GI not son, Ohio couple says ; Shelby mishap kills bicyclist, 14 ; Milliken hits education group 'nitpicking'; Church gives $20,000 to 3 urban units ; House unit OKs ABM funds ; Indian leader ousted by party ; Tuesday NY blasts checked for link to earlier bombs ; Glenn seen near Senate race 'Go' ; GWCC to support millage increase ; 5 agencies share insurance fees ; Someone tattled on bus drivers ; Brave boy gets wish to meet Gov. Milliken ; Parking strip in park studied by Oxford ; Proud Lake naturalist honored ; Switchman is killed in rail yard mishap ; Wixom city hall is battleground in storm-drain fight ; Troy revamps sewer-payment fee deadlines ; Indian woes decried ; Julie: Hope war ends - for David's sakePDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.VaccinationStudent activismAstronautsVeteransHeart attacksVietnam WarMilliken, William, 1922-2019EducationAnti-ballistic missilesGandhi, IndiraGlenn, John, 1921-2016Native AmericansEisenhower, DavidThe Pontiac Press: 1969-11-12TextOakland University