Oliviera, AnneMarchesi, AngelaLavigne, MichaelFan, PriscillaCharney, JenniferCarpenter, SheilaCoutilish, Ted2020-04-272020-04-271998-02-01http://hdl.handle.net/10323/7434NewsletterA bridge to the Far East ; OU economics professors analyze job skills needed in Oakland County for the next decade ; Professors' book shows how to improve communication ; Distance learning, new labs help OU students excel in the marketplace ; OU prepares for North Central Accreditation review ; Polis joins prestigious engineering board ; library database changes ; phone payment system ; People who like to dance ; Oakland Center to put out welcome mat ; Photos: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day celebrated ; Learning Together supplement: Team's Work reaches a diverse group ; Trustee Academic Success Scholarship Program ; Minority Student Recruitment Team11.00X17.00en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityDistance learningOakland CenterMinority studentsInside Oakland: February 1998Other