2024-03-262024-03-261969-06-11https://hdl.handle.net/10323/12510Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilm3 bolt school board meeting in Troy as charges fly ; Slain girl recent U-M grad ; Nixon's surtax plan faces test in House ; Policeman acquitted in killing ; Chinese charge Soviet troops violate border ; New regime takes Cong spot at talks ; Fund cuts hurts crime war ; Federal agents, Kelley huddling ; VC move hit by Saigon ; Enlightened bigots needed, grads are told ; Avoiding lots of strife? ; $3.7-billion cost overrun seen for Minuteman missile ; School aid bill near House OK ; Japan: no plans for troop export ; U.S. orbital lab left up to NASA ; Hippie sentenced but appeals case ; Fires suspects to see family buried ; Waterford Kettering grads hear senior class president ; Wiretapped N.J. crime records cite public officials ; Brandon school board sets repeat vote on 14.8 mills ; Residents agree on Farmington Twp. paving ; Farmington OKs plan to update texts, courses ; Rochester plan for parking lot hits roadblock ; Troy ends its membership in SEMCOG - as expected ; Shelby boy injured by hit-run driver ; Judge grants 60-day delay in Franklin zoning dispute ; Troy no longer requires deposit on water meters ; Members sought for Lake Orion unit ; Laird: Reds could overwhelm ABM, but we'd 'win' ; State Senate speeds 53 bills to the HousePDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Vietnam WarNuclear weaponsNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationAnti-ballistic missilesThe Pontiac Press: 1969-06-11TextOakland University