2024-03-262024-03-261969-07-16https://hdl.handle.net/10323/12475Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilmApollo rapidly leaves earth behind: Ship pivots to LM, spent rocket left ; Blacks confront commissioners ; Chant is raised, 'Bird' lifts off ; El Salvador troops push toward Honduran capital ; Cash ADC payments for clothing backed ; Drug-sale monopoly charged ; Legislators push for adjournment ; Birmingham news: Sign plan felt ill-advised ; Trial board gets brutality charge ; Saigon tells Reds: Respond now ; Report on firing of Euler out by Friday - Birnkrant ; Highlight of proposed sex-ed guidelines ; Ferndale bias reported ; Five more metro hearings urged on sex-ed proposals ; Mystic coming to help solve girls' murders ; Computer to aid Ford testing of '70 Continentals ; Springfield Twp. parents accept medal for dead GI ; 22-year school board member in Romeo dies ; Riverboat resumes cruises ; VIP seats given participants in Poor Peoples Drive ; Moon attends lunar launchPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Space explorationVietnam WarSerial murdersThe Pontiac Press: 1969-07-16TextOakland University