2024-03-262024-03-261969-06-20https://hdl.handle.net/10323/12501Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilmHospital head is fired ; Kelley says he was target of underworld death plot ; House rec plan cuts urban slice ; Nixon hope: mass pullout ; More county services asked ; Critics assail Osmun's move ; School aid bill is signed, goals met, says Milliken ; Ecuador seizes six U.S. boats ; Boys faces funless summer ; Doctor named as Kingswood board director ; 'King wiretap OK'd by RFK' ; Air-controller dispute settled ; 90 from 19th in D.C. for 'day' ; Service-station owner sold on hiring unskilled young ; Ireland's ruling party ahead ; Rocky makes changes in Latin itinerary ; Committees keep busy filling Senate's hopper ; Novi, police finalize pact upping rookie pay $1,100 ; Area by Wolverine Lake plagued by high water ; Shelby ratifies fire fighter pact ; Study of Troy-facilities needs presented ; Drug-case exam put off till Aug. 2 ; NDP plans will be aired here Monday ; Party list readied to aid murder probe ; 'Speculation' about MSU - Soapy poohs prexy talkPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Pontiac General HospitalVietnam WarMichigan State UniversityWilliams, G. Mennen, 1911-1988The Pontiac Press: 1969-06-20TextOakland University