Smith, RickJackson, JayLlewellyn, James2020-04-212020-04-211989-09-29 Elected to Foundation Positions ; Photo: Soccer player Earl Parris ; Academic Programs Receive $577,330 from Special Fund-Raising Campaigns ; Eye Research Institute Conference to Draw Top U.S. Scientists ; Hello? Call's Out for Telephone Callers ; Professors Witness World History as it Unfolds Around Them ; Gallery Opens Season with Two Contrasting Exhibits ; As Cultures Change, So Do the Methods Used by Anthropologists Who Study Them ; Campaign Strives to Encourage Higher Education for Minorities ; Center for the Arts Ready with October Concerts ; Nurses Gather for Research Forum ; Visiting Scholars in PT Program11.00X17.00en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityTelefundMorse, DonaldHungaryCulture shockBertha, CsillaOakland University Art GalleryChinese artContemporary artAnthropologyResearch methodologySinger, PhilipOakland University News: September 29, 1989Other