Smith, RickJackson, JayLlewellyn, James2020-04-222020-04-221990-11-02 Fines Increase; Enforcement Stepped Up ; MARCS Program Success Relies on Mentor-Student Relationships ; Who Art Thou, Professor? Why it's Brian Murphy - Again ; Research Has Eye on Cornea ; Brother of Czech President to Lecture on Revolution ; Protein Discovery Could Lead to Hypertension, Diabetes Treatment ; Graduates of Oakland Teacher Program Earn National Recognition ; Alumna Receives TRIO Award from Council of Educational Opportunity Associations ; The Cost of Drug Warfare: Debaters Discuss Decriminalization ; Nursing, Communication Students Learn About AIDS in Effort to Spread Facts Instead of Fear ; Library to Dedicate Woodcock East Asia Room ; Theatre Hopes it Has Built a Better 'Mousetrap11.00X17.00en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityParking regulationsMentoringMurphy, BrianEye researchMedical researchDrugsAIDSKresge LibraryOakland University News: November 2, 1990Other