Awbrey, Susan M.Cole, Natalie B.2020-05-152020-05-152012-10-01Awbrey, Susan M. "The Responsive University: A Cautionary Tale" Oakland Journal 23 (2012). 58-721529-4005 change and external criticism are forcing university administrators to actively seek new managerial forms that address the need for innovation in higher education. Unsatisfied with the traditional professional and administrative bureaucracies, institutional leaders are experimenting with adhocracy management systems to respond to the needs and concerns of university constituents. This paper discusses three cautions regarding adhocracy: the importance of creating internal as well as external organizational fit; the importance of integrating adhocracy into the already blended, loosely coupled management systems of the university; and the importance of developing intentional implementation strategies for adhocracy systems.en-USCopyright held by Oakland UniversityGovernanceHigher educationThe Responsive University: A Cautionary TaleArticle