2024-03-272024-03-271969-03-08https://hdl.handle.net/10323/12603Pontiac Press newspaper scanned from microfilmMilliken wants lion's share for cities: rec fund split under fire ; County's share.- $2.9 million? ; Thousands assail Mao in Moscow ; Apollo 9 crew starts 'Holiday’ ; GMC Truck Unveils medium-sized bus ; In exceeding tax limits: 'County strips voter rights’ ; Police chief orders sons arrest on drug charge ; Birmingham area: Skating show tonight has Disney theme ; Increased attacks hint at 2nd phase in Red offensive ; ABM backers urge Nixon to scale down program ; Black trustee at Ferris ; Story says Liz may have spine cancer ; Sirhan defense move ; Ray hearing Monday ; Area GM dealers take huge recall in stride ; 'ABM could be Nixon's Vietnam' ; $250,000 for View of Potomac: Plush Apartments Draw GOP ; Space center OKs sleep-in for astronauts ; Broomfield to quiz ABM critic ; 'Political prison' charge deniedPDFen-USUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.Milliken, William, 1922-2019TaxesGeneral MotorsAstronautsAnti-ballistic missilesSirhan, Sirhan Bishara, 1944-Ray, James EarlThe Pontiac Press: 1969-03-08TextOakland University