IS Pontiac Prwn Saturday, Augurt 1 6, 1 969 SATURDAY R — Rejm/C — Color . ^aTIT^AY MORNING h.& £ TV Chapel \ f> & £ C - News €i-H6 i£i C — Across the Fencf A .V £ C—Black Heritage —rv^Ti^me.hts m ;■ a : 2 following World War 11 6 45 T C — • Rurai Report - Export Rural Elec-1 t.ri float inn f 4 C — Nows r im £• C — Mr Mac00 4'ftfc Country Living — F t L : t T - TT e . : n Michigan' ^ C — . Pam* mg With, Cm Pai or^ol f. — The ' Humar P?rrr TJH ^ C - .Bugs Burr.>* ftnadrurme: * -C — Oops?1? • ■ * Through Children s £vf>s Fovfire anc Volcanoes T3* f Warm-Vf r-4: ?> Bounr. ’fif 8:00 C — Casper 9 « Window on the World S:S0 r2» C — Wacky Race? Gulliver 4 C — Untamed World -(7> C — American Bandstand i 91 Country Calendar Real Glory *1939) David Niven, Gan Cooper 7 R — Outer Limits 9 f All Around the Circle SATURDAY AFTERNOON Le ague Baseball from 9:00 ,2* C— Archie Show «* 12:00 <21 C— Moby Dick British Columbia 4 R C — Flintstones A> C- Super-6 2:38 60 R — Movie: “Dr 7 C—Spiderman (9* C — Montreal Pop aO* R — Movie: “Dr. 9 C—Pinocchio Concert Renault's Secret'’ (1942) 50 ' R — Wells Fargo 50• R — Movse: "Sans of Lynn Roberts. J. Carrol 9:30 12» C *— Batman* the Sea" 1942: Michael Naisfc Superman Redgrave Valerie Hobson 2: 5$ 7 C — Golf Tips 4 C — NBC Children's 12:38 2 * C — Lone Ranger «:M 4 C — Sports Album Theatre — Robin Hood” <4 C — Red Jtos* C — Special) Golf- .7 C — Fantastic Voyage -ill Happening Thin round of PGA 9* Belle. Sebastian- and 1; 00 < 2 ’ R C - Mom C b a mp3 o nship from the Horses Zarak' 11957 V j c f o r Dayton. Ohio 50 R — Laramie Mature Michae: Wilding 9 Sports—Opening cere- 10:00 >7 C — Journey to'the AC — Baseball monies of Olympic • like Center of Earth Pregame Canadian events 9 > Chansons »f * R* C — Movie “Swore 4 : 38 4 At the Zoo 10: SO “2 C — Herculoids of—the C on q a t,M-r U C- Sfappy 4 C — Underdog Italian. 1962 J a c *t ■ €2 ; P. — Phil Silvers 7 C—Fantastic Four Palance. Guy Madison S W> £- R-Mr. Ed 9 Three Musketeers - 9 R — Movie Dart; 4 C — Huckleberry Finn 50 R — Movie: "Zanv Command' 154( Jonr 9 C — Tune Tunnel ba“ ’.949 Jon Hall. June Wayne. Walter Pidgear nf C — Hy Lit — ’Die Vincent 1:15 4 C —Baseball Sea Train and John 11:00. .2 C — Shazzan 2:W AC R — Movie A: Hartford guest 4 C — S t 0 rv b 00 k Gunpoint" 195$ .Free $: IS of Chimney Comer Squares MacMurriy D P r 11 k} a 31 I R C — Gentle Ben ■ 7 C — George of the Malone 4 C — George Pierrot - Jungle 2:55 7 C — - Wanberiu "SteluiL Eoen of the 9 Ballads and Chansons „ World of Sports v as 11:30 ,2 .R | — Jonny Quest 3:W •£» R — Movie Tr* v ?; C — Wackiest Ship FINE POLISHED - FIRST QUALITY MIRRORS SCI OUR SELECTION OF FIRE POLISHES FIRST QUALITY MIRRORS! FRAMES, PLATE AMD AimOUtE MIRRORS) ( omplrtr l ins of ( u*tom Patio [Wn t \ \ N\ ^ % ■ill «iWF SWf'WTS ncwUMinrs COMPLETE UNI OF rua AND SNOWCT CNCLOSUUS MANY COMBINATIONS TO CHOOSIFROM CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Aim WINBSHIELM IKSTftLLO WIRLl TOC WAIT FAST DDUOTBltl EFFICIENT SERVICE All V OJBA CA aROTEED PICK LISP J.ND BE'LfVERT . Soersuot-•1 riPJlt Ltm 0f WMBMEJi SERVICE GLASS COMPANY IS W. PKE ST„ PONTIAC FE 5-A444 3 COMPUTE $QQQ ROOMS 033 A captivating collection of corrolatod stylos for your onjoy> mient. Grootor in Scop# - Greater in Savings - Greater in Design. A truly amazing value. prico includes oil of tho following: 2 largo aluminum windows • 72-fool shelf or work bench e 2x6 rafters e jg o.C. studs • W siding • Wind braces • Steel overhead door • 6” boa cornice • Cross-ties. '• dec. cond. • MS •hinglvs • Double hrorfrn a fxponsien" • Alum, insulation, e Oolv. nails. INCtINHi AU LABOR A NO MAMMAL • BUILT VO ANY COM. AMY SUBURB ALUM VDNO • AT'' > ADDIIlONS • M ■ Vi <( .><*•' REMODELING 1 8-9584. PQR’ Mf ‘ • AN' ^^■MLKRS 1 HI! IANSER M l WC BUILD WITHIN 75 MILES YIAB WRITTBN OUABANMI YIABS TO PAY 4 INCLUDES: e Sofa and Chair • Dre$$er, Mirror, Chest, e 2 Stop Tables, Coffee Bed Table 6 Innerspring Mattress e 2 Matching Table and Box Spring Lamps ^.S-Pc. Dinette With Leaf H Terms, Up to II Months to Dtp n r- FURNITURE COMPANY —s I I I rS i 2135 Dixie Hwy., A Telegraph Rd. \j/ LVy LJ L Pontiac, Mich. BILLS PRESSING? Arranga to hava ta.C.C. taka ovar your money problems and only have one place to pay. We have helped thousands of Pontiac area families get out of debt, on a payment program they could easily afford. We can do the same for you 115 yaars of continuous service for financially burdened families. One Place to Pay . . . "Your Best Bet to Get Out of Debt Is See M.C.C."' MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS, INC. call FE 8-0456 J.M. HANSON Director Licensed By The State of Michigan 702 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CREDIT COUNSELLORS DON'T LET CORROSION STEAL YOUR NEW CAR (Ziebart Rustproofing Guarantees 100% Protection!) INStDK DOOM PANELS INSIDE 100% PROTECTION IN AU 22 CRITICAL RUST AREAS INSIDE UNDER CHROME DOOt WITS INSIDE N MOULDINGS TAILOATC DECK LID INSIDE HOOD INSIDE TAIL LIGHT WELLS INSIDE QUARTER PANELS INSM DOO LEGS INSIDE PENDER WELLS RUSTPROOF TODAY-KEEP YOUR CAR CLEAN, SAFE AND VALUABLE FOR YEARS Rustproofing Is Not Restricted To Brand New Cars Ziebart Gives A Written Money-Back, 5-Yr. Guarantee on NeW Cars Ziebart Protects From The Inside . . . Where Most Rust Starts! AUTO • TRUCK RUSTPROOFING 821 Oakland Avenue, Pontiac V Phone 334-0502 Michigan Bankards Honored or Terms REDECORATE YOUR BATHROOM WITH EATHICN AND FLAIR, HAVE A COMPLETE NEW LOCK FOR ONLY TALE . Jaffa's elegant Monaco rayon taffeta half ehower curtain and valance with white vinyl liner. Draped styling, matching swag included; hand-washable. Choose from gold, deep blue, avocado, hot pink and black. 6x6' size!, 12.49. •Acrylic fiber product of the TALE Imperial Velvet basket accessories by Dorothy Dean, made of Orion* acrylic with the velvet look and feel. Machine washable and dryable. Black, white, gold, hot pink, avocado, deep blue. Wastebasket, 4.49; tissue cover, 2.69.. Badische Company TALE Regal Tempo rug to give your bathroom the finished look. Luxuriously thick and soft, long-wearing Zefran* Elite acrylic and nylon pile. Choose from white, black, deeb blue, gold;>hot pink, avocado. 24x36", 6.99., Standard lid ca^e^-Z-99 Hudson's Bath Shop—Pontiac. 2nd Downtown. ^Northland. Eastland. Westland, Oakland HUD SON’S