| | % A / rl WV \ Al /IN Home Builders Pressing for Federal it gmmmm mTrn ( : ' .■" m>: I !• Fi ioNTIAC PRESS Home Edition PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10* 1069 WASHINGTON (ffl — The National Association of Home Builders, pointing to th? continuing drop in the building of new housing, wants the government to institute credit controls. In July, for the sixth consecutive month, new construction of private housing slipped — down 9 per cent from June. The Commerce Department said the level fell to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.34 million units. - . • ★ ★ ★ Eugene A. Gulledge, president of the home builders’ group, maintained the production slide "is accelerating faster than during the disastrous period of 1966 when production in October of that year fell to an annual rate of just 845,000 units.”. * During the first spven months of 1966, housing starts dipped 31 per cent. Currently, fresh construction of housing is down 29 per cent from the point six months ago. Credit rationing, said Gulledge, "would serve a double purpose of distributing scarce credit supplies more equitably and spread more evenly the burden of combating inflation,” He urged President Nixon to announce immediately "his administration’s Gulf Storm Threat Worst in 50 Years' commitment to bolstering’a now-faltering industry in such a way that we can get on with the job ... of providing a decent home in a suitable environment for every American family." ‘ J - The association said current credit restraints are a hardship for the industry because it cannot successfully bid, for money being offered at short-term rates of 8 to 9 per cent. 4 * * Gulledge Said the building phce is less than half the national-goal of 2.6mll-lion new units a year. Unless action Is taken, he said, It is likely to drop to one million. From Our News Wires) MIAMI — Hurricane warning flags flew along the Florida Panhandle today as Camille, the worst storm to threaten that coastal area in more than half a century, roared in from the Gulf of Mexico with winds-of 115 miles an hour raging around the eye. ,s ’■ V ★ ★ Pushing ahead tides of five to 10 feet, Camille was described by forecasters as the most dangerous storm to head for that white sandy coast since a devas- tating blow in 1915, in an era when hurricanes had no names. • * * ★ Hurricane-force,winds howled over an 80-mile wide area around the center, . gales lashed a 300-mile-wide expanse, and conditions favored a further increase in intensity, forecasters .said. Florida coastal residents from Fort Walton Beach to St. Marks were warned to begin immediate preparation for the assault of jhurricane winds. Gaie warnings were raised at 11 a.m. (Pontiac time) from Pensacola; Fla., to Cedar Key well down on the Florida peninsula, ★ - ★. ★ As Camille- spun toward a landfall, tropical storm Debbie grew to hurricane force in th^Atlantic 1,200 miles east-southeast of Sair-Juari, Puerto Rico., Debbie’s winds, were up to 80 miles an hour and increasing. .★ ★ ★ The north-northwest track Camille had followed since she hit western Cuba with a fierce one-two piinch of wind and rain earlier had aimed her toward a point where the coasts of Florida; Alabama and Mississippi converge on the Golf-shore. * * A hurricane watch remained in effect from, Biloxi, Miss., to St^Marks. “Camille still is not showing the northerly turn, but we are. predicting that she will,” said Dr. Robert H. Simpson, chief, of the National Hurricane Center at Miami.. ★" ir ★ where the storm was likely to said Ifresent information, be updated later in the day, indicates that the so-called "miracle Strip” of tourist beaches from Panama City to Pensacola appears the most vulnerable to" Hurricane Camille. ★ * * The hurricane watch puts residents on warning that the storm.could hit land within 24 hours^ ‘MAINLAND BY TOMORROW’ “If Camille continues its present forward speed, hurricane-iorce winds should hit-the mainland by tomorrow afternoon,” Simpson said. ★ ★ A • Havana Radio was reported silent today on the damage wreaked by the storm as rains up to 10 inches sent flood-waters pouring down the mountainsides. AP Wirephoto . A NOTE OF CONFUSION—Rock music farts find'traffic at a standstill on a highway leading to White Lake, N.Y., yesterday as thousands of young people converged on the resort-area town for a pop music festival. The highway, normally carrying two-way traffic was a one-way. jam for miles when this picture was made ■ at 7 a.m. ;. S / jf - . . Doctors Ordered to Rock Festival WHITE LAKE, N.Y. (AP)-A planeload of doctors was Ordered to this liny country town today to provide medical aid to- the injured and ill attending a reck music festival. Promoters of the festival skid they had arranged for 30 doctors to be flown from New York to the festival site, a rolling Sullivan County countryside now peopled with more than 200,000 pop music ians. Most of them have.been sleeping out. The weather has been wet. "* - * ★ Eight first aid sites were set up and special quarters were created to handle the seriously ill, a festival spokesman said. The Sullivan County Red Cross and Civil Defense organizations rushed drugs and other medidal supplies to the area. Several hundred persons-were reportedly treated, since the festival gathering started Thursday. The performances began" Friday. SITUATION ‘CHAOTIC’ State police said the situation was “chaotic” but fairly peaceful. BIRDIE-WATCHERS—Since the setting is a golf course, you might think you’re looking at a couple of tired duffers, but you’re wrong, of course. What we have here is a brace of eagle-eyed birdie-watchers weighing the 36-hole results at the 51st PGA'Tournament at the NCR Country Club in Dayton, Ohio. Irate Ray Floyd in PGA lead Local farmers complained to police .that com and vegetable fields have been stripped of their produce as fee fans sought to make no in the wake of a shortening food supply. , A” : > . , Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller’s office in Albany said it h$d received a few complaints from citizins but no formal re-. quests fer aid. . Wife increasing numbers of cars being abandoned on the highways leading to this resort area, the festival promoters called upon “all vehicles heading to the festival to turn pack home.” MAOf ROADS OPEN / Main highways to Aher portions of the Catskill Mountains resort . area were open. '! / Despite the difficulties, most of the young people retnainecL peaceful, taking the inconveptepces in' good humor and helping eacMuier out. The town-mas a population of 3,000 and is about 100 miles northwest' of New (Continued on Page A-2, Col. 3) T hundershowers, Muggy Weather Showers and thundershowers will come and go through tomorrow. Temperatures will continue muggy? The U.S. -Weather Bureau issues the following forecast: J TODAY — Variable cloudiness, warm and humid .with chance of a few periods of thundershowers. High 85 to 92. Winds ' variable, mostly southerly five to 15 ( miles per hour. \ .. ★ * * TONIGHT — Cloudy, with chance of thundershowers, low 65 to 72. , TOMORROW — Cloudy, warm, humid with chance of showers, high 85 to 92. MONDAY — Little change! . ^ * * Probabilities of precipitation in per cent are 30 today, tonight and tomorrow. A sticky 74 was the low temperature in downtown Pontiac before 8 a.m. The mercury recorded 76 at 12:30 p.m. By FLETCHER SPEARS DAYTON, Ohio — Ray Floyd went into today’s third round of thd PGA Championship with a shaky one-stroke ' lead and the eioud of an investigation . and possible rain over his head. . The golfers moved onto the NCR Country Club’s south course later tljan the previous two days because the field was cut after 36 holes. , * * * The 26-year-old Floyd posted a'five-under-par 66 yesterday to give him a total of 135. This is one stroke better thhn Gary Player and three ahead of Jack Nicklaus and Don Bies, who set the course record yesterday, with a 64. Although Floyd firtished the second round in. first place, he had Some biting ^comments for -thr-play -rtf' Ferrier. • r". . ,»‘ » ; *; N. Irish Mobs Loot Catholic Bars BELFAST, Northern Ireland Ml -Protestant mobs armed with fire-bombs burned and looted Roman Catholic bars today in scattered areas of Belfast unprotected by British troops. But soldiers separated the warring factions in the riot-tom capital’s major trouble spots.. . Related Picture, Page D-3 Occasional sniper fire-was heard this morning in the predominantly Catholic ! Falls Road area, but by noon public transportation was reported „ operating - wese-^oing-to- COMPLAINS OF SLOWNESS “I was playing with a man I loathe to play with,’.’ said the outspoken. Floyd, complaining of Ferrier’s slow play. * Floyd said the 54-year-old Ferrier took "minutes to line up each putt even though he missed .the cut by 10 strokes. He’s old artd his nerves are gone, but I don’t feel sorry for him. He shouldn’t be_ out there.” ' * A '* Ferrier didn’t .take kindly to the remarks and asked for a formal investigation by PGA officials. And he was a little closer to the 149 cutoff than^10 strokes, havihg posted 74-79—153. Most. observers stjll feel that Player is the golfer to beat. The South African,-who won tiie PGA title in 1962, has discarded his traditional black apparel “because I like to wear more pastel shades when if gets hot.” . Workmen Have Time ASBURY PARK, N.J. (UPD—Workmen with a crane and demolition equipment pulled up to' an apartment house at 213 Fourth, and, as the tenants inside watched; began ripping it up. 1 ' The crews demolished the back porches and fire escapes and took some chunks out of the btfilding before one of the-tenants decided to call the owner. . ★ ★ A The owner, Raymond* Bell, hurried over. But by the time he arrived, all the back porches and the fire escapes were gone. r.'.„ , OVER $4,900 DAMAGE ' « Bell said that between 94,000 and $5,000 worth of damage was done. “I just couldn’t believe they Were takingoff my porches,” he said:., • A • A A” ..... ’’ It turned out that the workmen had been issued a building permit with a Wrong address on it. They were supposed to be remodeling an apartment house across the street. market. ★ A T A * r. Additional British troops were being ’ flpwn in.to strengthen, an estimated 1,600 already here as the violence continued. Police said two persons were killed and 224 wounded in the .fourth straight night of sectarian battles in North Irish cities. . ■’.■■■'. J DEATH TOLL AT 8 The death toll in Ulster since Tuesday rose to eight as a 25-year-old man died of gunshot wounds suffered before the British troops arrived. x a A A ' More than 70 have been injured in the x state’s worst civil disorders since the Irish Civil War of 1920-22. A A 'A One British soldier was reported slightly injured by a sniper’s bullet. ★ A A Police Said Protestant gangs attacked Catholic-owned bars in three sections of Belfast. They gave the owners 15 minutes to get out, then threw milk bottles filled with gasoline, detergent and sugar inside the buildings. The mixture burns like napalm. BARBED Wire strung Troops of Britain’s Queens and Wales regiments, ordered into Belfast—last night, strung barbed wire |n the streets and set up machine-gun nests to separate the Tiredominahtly ' Catholic Falls Road and Davis.Street areas from Protestant .neighborhoods. A A * The army reported t the areas under control by 3 .a.m!, but in other parts of the city police armored cars rumbled-along streets before ; dawn, firing machine guns to break up mobs of arsonists and looters! In Londonderry, officers commanding British troops in the Bogside district crossed barricades erected by Catholic residents to confer with Bernadette Devlin, ^2-year-old civil rights leader and the youngest member of the British Parliament. A , A * Miss Devlin said, the Bogsiders were . glad to 'see the British troops but reminded the officers, “Bogside is ours.” SLIPPING INTO NORTH Members of the Irish Republican , -Army; rootiawed; on both'sitfesytsf tKe^ border, were reported slipping-, into the north, sind a group claiming to represent the IRA seized a movie theater in Belfast. . a A A The, predominantly ‘'Catholic Irish Republic, whiph would like to annex the Protestant-controlled northern'state, mobilized 2,000 army reserves for use in a proposed' international peace-keeping force.1 DoHI* Altie outshines victory—PAGE Another A—2 ' . '____( '/ %~ •• * THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1262 Pravda said two iSoviet soldiers were killed and added the Chinese “paid dearly" for their deaths. “Several dflzen Chinese troops were slain by opr border guards," the Soviet Communist party newspaper said but it gave no specific figure. ' ?,' ★ * ★ Newspaper articles are now referring to the: Chinese as “usurpers," die same word used in Soviet terminology to. refer to Hitler’s Nazi invaders of World War Peking's official Hsinhua New China news agency, in a broadcast monitored in Tokyo, said millions of soldiers and civilians throughout China staged mammoth anti-Soviet rallies and demonstrations to demand that the Soviet Union withdraw all its “intruding^’ troops from Chinese territory. LAKE CONDITIONS: St. Clair—Small-craft warnings in effect. Thundershowers FREE FEED—A girl helps herself to the free food ration at the camping area of the Woodstock Musk and Art Fair in White Lake, N.Y., yesterday. The ration is a high-protein mixture of raisins, oats and honey. 45 Allied Towns. SAIGON (JR — Ground fighting across South Vietnam appeared to have tapered off sharply overnight,, but enemy troops kept up their rocket and mortar attacks, hitting 45 allied bases and towns, military spokesmen fcBkJ. Initial report*, indicated the ground action during the past 24 hours was the lightest since Tuesday wjjen the Communist command launched lt^fall campaign with rocket, mortar and infantry assaults on ISO allied bases and towns. There is no officlaT-count on total casualties. But U.S. Sources with access to field, reports said at least 200 Americans have been killed In the past four days of fighting, and probably another. 800 to 1,000 wounded. South Vietnamese io*sea_are roughly the - same. These sources said that since Tuesday, allied forces had killed about 3,000 North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops. ~ TO HIT 300 It is estimated that Am* r i can casualties this week, by the time the seven-day tolly is in from midnight last Saturday until midnight tonight, will hit at least 3(10 killed. If official casualty figures for this week to be realeased next Thursday bear this out, it would be the heaviest American toll in more than two months. - The heaviest action since Tuesday*has flalred In three provinces, Tay Ninh, • Blnh Long and PhoUc Long, located along an arc 55 miles northwest to 80 miles'northeast of Saigon. Field officers in these provinces said surveillance ‘ devices .indicate that elements of four enemy division pro- bably are getting into position to make another strike. “We expect another strike anytime in the near future,” one said. “More action of a rather heavy nature. They made a heavy strike Tuesday and followed it up with nothing really significant." In Saigon, a 524-man U.S. upit left Vietnam today as part of President Nixon’s withdrawal of 25,000 American troops, the U.S. Command said. The departure, of the ,flth Infantry Division’s 1st Battalion, 84th Artillery, raised to 18,500 the number of U.S. troops withdrawn from Vietnam since Noon’sannouncement June 8. On the political scene, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu held his< second lengthy meeting in three days with Premier Tran Van Huong today In. an attempt to resolve the continuing problem of cabinet changes. Officials who reported the new meeting at Independence . Palace in Saigon gave no Indication of its results. One .government source said he thought the cabinet reshuffle, pending since July 19, would not be made for another week. Trains Carrying Green Beret s Cell Lethal Gas Are . Near Destination Inhumane— From Our News Wires Two trains carrying phosgene, a poison gas used In World War 1, today neared their destination — Industrial plants where it wlll be converted to peaceful Shipment of the 300 tons of lethal gas across the country from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado' raised - protests and"Tme train was delayed en route. One shipment moved across . the Mississippi countryside at-30 miles an, hour on its way to Geismar, La., where it is to be used in making plastics. The second shipment was bound for Vandemark Industries of Lockport, N.Y., where it would be converted to either a weed killer or synthetic foam. It was purchased from the Army by Jones Chemical Go., of Caledonia, N. Y, south of Rochester. SAIGON (AP) — The attorney for one of the eight Green Berets charged in the alleged murder of a Vietnamese double agent appealed directly yesterday to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird to release his client. In a message to Laird, attorney George W. Gregory of Cheraw, S.C., charged that" the continued pretrial confinement of his client under what he called “inhumane" conditions would impair hif ability to assist in his own defense.. MSU to Weigh Prexy Nominees BARRED BY CANADA It originally was scheduled to go through Canada, but was barred under the Canadian Customs Tariff Act. The . train was delayed for three hours Thursday in rail yards near Chicago while it was rerouted through Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Two gas experts accompanied each train. Controversy over the gas shipment continued. ~ Gov. Robert D. Ray of Iowa, said neither he nor any state agency was notified of the movement of the New York-bound train across his state and that he would complain to the White House. “An accident by this train would have been disastrous," he said. “I think I know why they tried to keep it a secret. They didn’t want any objections." Rep. Richard D. McCarthy, D-N.Y., also protested the method of, shipment and said the federal government was putting “economics before safety." LANSING (AP) - The Michigan State University Board of Trustees soon will begin interviewing four persons selected by a special committee to replace John Hannan as MSU -president. „ Although officials refused to divulge the four finalists selected by a special committee, the names of Oakland Unir versity Chancellor D. B. Varner- and acting MSU President Walter Adams reportedly were not included. WASHINGTON (AP) - The General Accounting Office seeks a U.S. crackdown on the $12.7 million in postal debts owed the government by 14 nations including Cuba. > The auditing agency for Congress also suggests five Of the ■ countries—Costa Ricai -the Dominican- Republic,' the-.PlfillijSp^ —could* be threatened with' a cutoff of U.S. aid if they don’t pay because much of their debt is to U. S: citizens: U*$. airmail carriers'. While ah end to - United States assistance is not authorized for nations whose debt is wholly to the U.S. government rather than its citizens, the GAO said, the' State Department could withhold payments of U.S. debts to these The GAO said the haedest collection ‘case probably will be the $785,404 owed by Haiti. That nation told the U-S. Embassy two years ago that the matter had been referred to the proper agency—but it hasn’t been heard from since. ' Other debtor countries selected for the audit were Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru. The GAO said some of the debts for moving mail from the 14 nations' through' the United States date back to the early ' 1950s. ‘ The Weather Fid UK. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY — Variable cloudiness, warm and humid today, tonight and Sunday with chance of few periods of thundershowers. High today and Sunday *5to 12. Low tonigbt tt to 72. Monday outlook: little change. Winds variable, mostly southerly 5 to 15 miles per hour. Probabilities of precipitation: 39 per cent today, 39 per cent tonight, 39 per cent Sunday. .eftottt temperature preceding it t a.m.: Wind Velocity *m*| He Complained that the Army was keeping Maj. Thomas C. Middleton Jr., 30, in a five-by-seven-foot cell with virtually no light.or ventilation. “Unless these inhumane conditions are altered, we honestly feel that our client < will be mentally and physically destroyed,” Gregory said. Varner and'Adams have consistently denied any Interest, in the Job left vacant With the retirement of Hannah. Among the persons considered possibilities for the post were former Gov. G. Mennen Williams and James Miller, president of Western Michigan University. w Board Chairman Don Stevens said the four nominees “are active individuals with very distinguished careers.” He declined to predict how long it would take before board members could set up interviews..Varner said, “I advised the committee months ago that I did not aspire to the position aAd asked that my name be withdrawn from the list. U.S. Crackdown Is So on Huge Foreign Mail Debt nations or schedule formal talks on. collection. As for Cuba, the GAO said the $2.9: million* Cuban debt should be pursued through the Universal Postal Union in Switzerland. . Army . authorities rejected, a formal petition by. Gregory yesterday for the release of Middleton from the Army headquarters'stockade at Long Binh, 12 miles northeast of Saigon. He and the seven others, including the former commander of the Special Forces in. Vietnam, have been in custody since about July 20. ,Iii his letter to Laird and in the. petition, Gregory said the case against Middleton and, by implication, the other*—was “of a political nature.” Gregory did not elaborate in the letter, but obviously referred to his -own previous charge that the entire case was “instigated” by Gen. Creighton W. Abrams,. U.S. commander in Vietnam, for unexplained “political" reasons. The eight men, including Col. Robert B. Rheault, former Special Fq?ces commander In Vietnam, are accused .of having. slain a Vietnamese agent who was discovered to be working for the enemy as-well as for the Americans, although—the Army claims—the original „ order to eliminate the man was'Tater revoked by Central Intelligence' Agency. Maf! Gen. Michael P. Ryan Marines' Racial Strife Eyed CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (AP) - Maj. Gen. Michael P. Ryan, commander of Camp Lejeune, says a recent racial clash at the Marine base was a reflection of similar tensions in civilian life. The Marine Corps has “those who nate because of color,’’ Just as the general . population does, he said in an interview yesterday. “Hie same assaults of groups against individuals are occurring in the cities,” he added. Blaiberg's Chance of Survival 'Slim' The ’ general said he has taken, measures, to-prevent future assaults and to “cope with: the sources of racial tension at the base. We’re trying to in- ‘ sure’‘that our personnel understand the Marine Corps Hurt • CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UP!) — Sources at Groote Schuur Hospital said today Dr. Philip Blaiberg, the first successful heart transplant patient; had only. ja slim chance of surviving his latest setback. They added, however, his condition was “good considering the circumstances.” . Blaiberg’s wife, .Eiieen, said last night doctors told her there had been a slight'-improvement. Blaiberg reentered the hospital two days ago, dangerously ill with com-piicatipns. ; Hospital sources said the problem rejection, long staved off by doses of immuno-suppressive drugs and_ antilymphocyte globulin, was catching up with the 60-year-old Blaiberg. College Recruitment Down MIAMI BEACH, Fla.' (UPD — The conihandant of the Marine Corps last night complained of “a growing rift between the American people and their armed forces” and said it shows ifl the slowed- recruitment on college campuses. Gen. Leonard F. Chapman Jr., told the 1969 Slarine Corps League national convention that student agitation against recruiting on campus “has hurt the Marine Corps.” . He said in the past the corps had recruited nearly 85 per cent of its new officers on college and university campuses. He said the Marines had hoped to recruit 3,000 officers from campuses last school year, but fell more than. 700 short of their goal. “There are some college administrators who will not'afford suitable space to-conduct recruiting efforts,” he said. “Other-administrators have given in to militant demands and ordered recruiters-from the campus." , , He said because of the difficulty, the corps has started a program to offer the chance for officers candidate schools to men who havejeompleted two years of college — mostly at junior colleges. Doctors to Rock festival (Continued Front-Page One) York City. Normally, it is a .summer haven for the middle-aged and middle class. What brought everybody here is something, the producers call the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. It is set up On a 600-acre farm with the stage at the foot of an alfalfa field that forms a natural amphitheater.. x By early yesterday afternoon the crowds had pushed the ticket situation opt of .control. “Anybody-can get in," said one observer, “tickets don’t mat-' ter.'", .. ' ... * ■ State police said 50 to 60 persons had been arrested on charges of possessing such drugs as LSD, barbiturates and amphetamines but there were no serious incidents or violence as of early today. 100 arrested Elsewhere around the state, troopers reported another 100 youths arrested bn drug charges as they made stepped .up spot checks of cars headed for the festival. One car had a half-filled suitcase of marijuana and peyote, police said._. « s ^ At the festival itseft there were no reported arrests for marijuana. “As far . as I know the narcotics guys are not arresting anybody for grass," said one state police sergeant. “If we did, there isn’t enough space in Sullivan or the next three counties to put them in." .Both police and young people at the festival appeared determined to try and avoid a major confrontation. , “There hasn’t been, anyone yelling pig at the cops and when they ask directions they are polite and none of them has really given us any trouble yeC* a state police lieutenant said. . Birmingham '68 Earnings a Record hr City Residents Marine Corps is going to guarantee, equal rights and protection."' About 30 Negro and Puerto Rican Marines clashed with 14 white Marines the night of July 20 after a party at an enlisted men’s club. One of the white Marines died a week later, and three Negro and two Puerto Rican Marines have been charged with murder and with rioting in the incident, The general said the provost marshal’s office has . been keeping statistics on assaults involving men of the 2nd Marine Division at Lejeune. He said that from Jan. 1 to the first week of August 190 assaults were reported, most of them by individuals and involving S fight or robbery. ... ' - / BIRMINGHAM - The city’s residents earned a record $190 million jn 1968 while its retail merchants recorded sales of $165 million, according to data revealed in a market study by Sales Management magazine. - ’ The income total - compared to $178 million of personal income in 1967 with sales thw yea? of $146,570,000. The survey indicated that Birmingham’s quality of market index is 222, or 122 per cent above the national average. Quality of market index denotes the relative standing of one community to another with respect to market strength and potential, The index includes ineome. population, volume of spending and rate of growth. AVERAGE INCOME ' The average income pfer household in . . the United States in 1968 was $9,592. In „ Michigan it was $10,899. Birmingham's average per household income was $20,- 442. •4. Sales Management noted that due to the increase in personal income,. local residents had more buying power than the year before, despite considerably higher prices. The survey also pointed out that local consumers compensated for the reduction in spendable cash caused by the July’ surtax by reducing their rates of- Birmingham was also given a high rating for business vitality as indicated through the higher earnings, greater consumer spending for goods, and serv-v ices and increased growth. Harry B. Rottiers a has been named di-1 rector of procure-1 ment and contracts I for Burroughs] Corp., Detroit. Rottiers joined] Burroughs in 1951 ] as an attorney, hold- I ing several manage- f ment positions since | then. His last post-1 tion was director of " contracts and procurement for Burroughs Defense, Space and Special Systems Group in Paoli, Pa. ROTTIERS The executive received his bachelors’ and law degrees from the University of Detroit. He is a member of the Michigan • Bar Association and several industry organizations. Rottiers and his family will be moving to 7403 Lindenmere in the near future. Russia Says China Started Clash—for Propaganda Film MOSCOW * — Communist China provoked the latest border clash with the Soviet Union partly to provide action for a new anti-Soyiet propaganda film, the Soviet army newspaper said today. The newspaper Krasnaya Bvezda (Red Star) claijned the Soviet soldiers drove .. off the.. Chinese- intruders in- a-ene-hour battle Wednesday and found, movie cameras, telephoto lenses and still cameras abandoned in the border area. Western China watchers in Hong Kong suggested Thursday that the Soviet Union probably started the attacks earlier this week along the central Asian frontier. These analysts said that in past ■ clashes ihost of the details came from the Soviet side but this time most of the ' information was coming from Peking. RELUCTANCE SEEN w* They also said China would be reluctant .to provoke a clash fn> Sinkiang Province, where Peking’s control over minorities is weak. Three major Soviet newspapers published accounts today on the latest battle, praising several border guards by name for heroism and comparing the incident to the Damansky Island clashes on March 2 and March 14-15. TUK J'oviim i;KKSS. slv i rni)A Y. iVCtii s r iff* moo r\ ,i . n A Disabled Vets Detrfhs in Pontiac Area )n!to„s New Officers Harry M. Bell - L. May faft Service for former Pontiac j l. SMayC Taft/* New officers have been in- of Mount Clemens will'W 2 ata,l®d for one-year terms in the Disabled Americans Veterans, resident, Harry M. Bell; 88, of , Berkley will be 3 p,m. Monday | „ .. I • H , „ at the Sparks-Griffln Funeral Pf -Monday atPixleyMemor-Home with burial in White ial P®*?-, withburial in Mt' Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Ve^on Cemetery, Washington Troy. * Township. Mr. Bell died Thursday He I Miss Taft diad Thursday. -She was a retired employee of was a retired Poetical nurse Cranbrook School. iand a member of the Romeo Surviving are three sons l,nil(‘d Methodist Church, Commanders ?*ilVndtHa7lWater^°rd • Jerry D Tucker Milford, senior vice com-Bhner Halliday of*Benton, & CLARKSTON - Service mm rr mmm Lewisburg, W. Va.; a sister,[Tucker, 30, of Freeland will be|c^_^ MK M according to. Mrs. Kenneth Adams of the Veterans Auxiliary, Pontiac Post No. 16. ★ * . Mr. and Mrs. John Fournier of .312 W. Yale are the new Mrs. Pearl Wood of Pontiac and 12 p m. Monday at the Lewis E. Elmer iiMunro J Spook of S85 N. East Blvd., ad- a brother; 22 grandchildren and | Wint Funeral Home. 'ing8Heights”1treasurer ^yl^C 11 great-^rardchiWren. ; He was employed as « control ,tt e James Coward pngmeer at Sagmaw Steering rf ^ Mohawk, Service office,.. Flmpr Mimrn 7ft nf 177ft ’ a8inaw* . land Orlando Jaconette o f Hamilton, Bloomfield’ Township nie^th^ sons, Stephen, T°WnSh‘P’ officer-of died yesterday. His bodyMs at frey and Scott> all at horne; a tne day' the Pursley-GUbert Funeral daughter, JU1, at W&me; his . ~~ , - j H°me- . • , , !parents,.Mr. and Mrs.vOdi^B.i o Are Arresrea He is survived by a brother. Tucker o{ wolverine; two, AlUn H Gardner brothers; * sister- Mrs DaH JO Sylvan Holdup ’ Alien n. coroner |Cou]ter of Lake Orion; and two1 7 r ORTONVILLE—Service for grandmothers, Mrs. Josephine j Three Pontiac males*, were Allen H. Gardner, 69, of 496 j &*»*g Of Pontiac.-and Mrs. j arrested last night following a E. Glass will be 2 p.m'.Tues- George Tucker of Wes t $i50 holdup of a Jaundry iff ' day at the Smith Mortuary, Virginia. , Sylvan Lake. , , ' Maryville, Tenn., With burial in!.. _ ... .. .. The Washing Well Laundry the Law Chapel Cemetery Mrs. George W. Vancil 2630 Orchard Lake, .was robbed . Maryville. Local arrangements! WEST B LQ OM FI ELD by three men with a shotgun at are by the C. F. Sherman Fu-iTOWNSHIP -'Service for Mrs.ill:20 p.m. Moments later two neral Home Ortonville, IGeorge W. (Henretta) Vancil, j suspects were arrested -o-n- Mr Gardner died yesterday w> of 1791 Petrolia will be 1 ^neighboring streets, according; He was employed at Champion am- Monday at Lewis.E. Wintjto Sylvan Lake police. A third; Mobile Homes and a member of Funeral H°me- Clarkston. with I suspect^.was later arrested in the Oakwood Full Gospel buriaI in White Chapel Pontiac. Church Cemetery, Tjroy. ; . Being held on a charge of; Surviving are, his w i f e, '"'Mrs. Vandjl, a member of the armed robbery this morning ini Martha; five sons, Earl of!BaPt‘st Church, died yester-jOakland County jail were; Leonir City, Tenn., Charles7 of I dfly- . , j William. Phillips, .22, of 207 Lake Orion, James of Detroit, ! Surviving are her husband; a (Bassett, ,King H. ,Byrd, lp, of Allen of Holly and John 6f daughter’ Mrs. Robert J. Duby-478 Midway and Kim it Ortonville- a daughter Mrs of White Lake Township; a son, Robertson, 18, of 168 Bassett. 1 Ruth Killion of LaSalle; two Da,,as E- ot Waterford The money and shotgun were brothers-' a' sister - 20 Township; fjve grandchildren;-found near the scene, police grandchildren and five great- and th*ee -great-grantlchildren. said. grandchildren. • ) - '. ■ . ■________. """ • ■ - ■ Eugene J. GaWelek II 41 fcaretaker at Slaying Site Niclcel-Bar Theft to Sue LA Over Arrest Folled at Ci,y Planl Pontld* P Mr. And Mrs. -Lohn Fourriier Sex-Film Raids _______;____________y Patrons Exempted -SAN FftANCISCO (UP1) - A federal judge has ordered . San ^fancisco police not to arrest patron^ attending theaters where erotic movies are shown. Some 19 embarrassed persons were arrested this week in police fafdsbn two sex film theaters. ■ : - U.S. -Dist. Judge Alfonso J. Zirpoli stressed that the temporary, restraining order he issued yesterday is limited to patrons, and- would not prevent ' the arrest of the theater owner or operator. The judge set next Friday for a hearing on the matter. ACLU SUIT 1 Zirpoli acted in a suit brought by1 the American Civil liberties Union on behalf of James Mitchell, 25r operator of the O’Farrell Theater, scene of one of this week’s raids. The suit charged state laws regarding obscenity and “visiting a disorderly house” were unconstitutional. * * After the court action, Mitchell said, “We 'are open for •business and we will stay oj>en. jfe "Our customers are protected even if we aren’t. But we’ll take our chances.” I LOS ANGKLES (UPI) - A young caretaker questioned i(i ! the mass murders of actress 1 Sharon Tate and four ethers at her Benedict Canyon estate yesterday announced plans to sue for false arrest. Williani Garretson, 19., told 'newsmen he went shopping for i groceries, entertained a friend land stayed awake till dawn writing letters and listening to music the pight ot t h 0 j.massacre. j 'The victims were the preg-Inant actress; her former fiance-I hairstylist Jay Sebring; Polish, film prodqc^r Voityck I Frokowsky; coffee heiress I Abigail Folger, and Steven Parent, Garretson’s friend. ? Garretson said be was. unaware of the murders until1 police Jmrst into his bedroom, early Saturday and led- him to the bodies of Frokowski and “Miss Folger, lying on the lawn, and Parent, slumped over the wheel of his'ear. NOT RECOGNIZABLE Garretson said he was unable to feeognize Parent because of, the damage to his head from the bullets Which killed him. I Pqlie§' r e 1 e a s e d Garretson Monday and have arrested n° other suspects. H 0 m i tt i d e detectives refused to cdhfirm dr Strike Is Ended ; at Arthur's Store 1 •. “ --—4 I A strike at Arthur’s Apparel, 148 N. Saginaw, by the. Retail I CJerks .Union’ ended yesterday , land normal operations resumed.' ; The strike began two weeks ago when the contract expired. > A new contract was agreed to !after negotiations, and workers ratified it yesterday. deny published -reports, an informant who believes he knows the killers had given, them the names ‘of three possible suspects, including an aspiring young actor;, • Garretson said he vvould sue the city for false- arrest, false imprisonment, invasion 0 f privacy and violation of his constitutional rights. Security police at Ponliar Motor Division thwarted an Si. tempt* lo steal 31 nickel har.‘ valued'at $3 00(1 yesterday. ■... 'A man driving a pickup (ria Ec? drove through the gate near tljf nickel'plating1 shop about 11 20 fj,m. He was chased in' a secur' -ity; car and stopped on BarkHlj hear East Madison, the man escaped on loot. DELL'S PRESCRIPTION CENTER Itahlwin /'linmincy Sinn 219 BALDWIN AVE., PONTIAC 192 6 FE 4-2620 PRESCRIPTION Filled at ' MY COST! PLUS A MAXIMUM n 50 PROFESSIONAL FEE ANY SIZE PRESCRIPTION YOU NEVER PAY MORE! No card* Or registration required, Open 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Mon.-Sat. Sundays 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS CALL FE 5-9972. NOW PRESCRIPTIONS COST LESS * Free. Parking on Side Strfeet (Grandie Street) - or in Lot Across front Store HOLLY’ TOWNSHIP — Service for Eugene J. Gawelek II, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Gawelek of 3301 Grange Hall, will be 10 a.m. Monddy at Dryer Funeral Home j with - burial in Lakeside Cemetery. The child died yesterday. He : was 24 days old. ; • Surviving are his parents;; grandparents, Mr. and Ifrs.j Eugenq Gawelek of Holly and( Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paige of j. Detroit; and a great? grandmother. James W. Hutchings j ORION TOWNSHIP — Service for James W. Hutch-, ings, 60, of 3719 Gainesborough will be 1 p.m. Monday at .Coats Funeral Home, Waterford Township, with burial in Perry Mount Park Cemetery. Mr. Hutchings died yesterday. , He was a construction worker. Surviving are his wife, Elizabeth; his mother, Mrs. Ada Bass of Pontiac; a son, Donald, at home; three daughters', Sally and Sandy, both at home and ‘ Mrs., June Hedrick of Pontiac; three stepsons, Harry Tinson of Pontiac, James Tinson.of Waterford Township and, Joe Tinson of ~ New Balffmore; a stepdaugfiterT! Mrs. Sue Berridge of Pontiac; a sister; 18 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. . ’ William R. Nash Jr. HOLLY ' ^ Service f 0 r William R. Nash Jr,., 23, of 310 N. Saginaw Will be 2 p.m. Monday at Dryer FunerarHome with burial in L a k e s i d e Cemetery. ”Mr.„ Nash, an Employe at Pontiac Motor Division, died yesterday as a result of injuries incurred in a motorcycle accident hear Lansing Aug'. 8. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McClaren of Holly; a brother,. Dennis Nash of Holly; a sister, Mrs, Robert Caravan of North Carolina;, and" grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard’1 Grove of Lakeland, Mich., and Mr: and Mrs. W. N. McClaren of Morriltgn, Ark' - . ANOTHER BARGAIN BLAST FROM THE HOUSE OF BARGAINS DTE Hal 9m MMoNMV %ito 9m SIMMS Salutes the Downtown GOOD OLD DAYS SMISi SATURDAY-MONDAY Attaches to Most Lawn Mowers BVI Insect Fogger Fast Relief from Mosquitoes Sat. & Mon. Get fast relief from flies and mosquitoes with this BVI insect fogger lawnmower- attachment. Covers a full half-acre With dense insObt-killing fog in 10 'minutes. .Attaches easily to most gas powered lawn mowers. Hardware-,2nd Floor Ban Deodorant - f 1.09 value . extra large size Ban rollon deodorant for 24 houF , protection for perspiration odor. Roll Ban on/ roll doubt out. Handy 12-Oz. Size 41 Micrin Antiseptic $1.09 value 12-oz: size Micrin, oral cfn-tiseptlc mouth wash. Kills germs, freshens breath and lasts for hours. Qrugs—Matn Floor Grand Prix Named Best in Category The Pontiac Grand Prix SJ has' been named , the best personal car of 1969 by Car Life magazine.' % '' + . - * ■ The magazine named the 10 best cars in various categories I in ijts September isspe. In each} case the winner was chosen! because sM did best what the: desiper had set out to do,. There was no competiti<»i between types .of cars ~~ just! among4a‘ s within Use groups. | Self Starting-Luminous Dial Electric Alarm Clock . - Dependable SYROCO elec- tric alarm dock with luminous dial, self-starting with attractive white case with delicate scroll edging. 2-year factory guarantee. A real buy at this law price. Sundries—Main Floor Luxurious Dual King Size Quilted Bedspreads ,, Fully quilted bedspreads fitted or -throw, style j/r beautiful solid colors and floral; prints.* Acetate taffeta is qoilted Over a bonded blend of polyester and ..viscose - fiberfill. Bound -edges and safety-stitched. . . . Strong Industrial Type 6-Ft. Steel Shelving Units Reg. $7.44 * "Sat. & Mon* Heavy duty metal shelf unitj with S shelves and braces- for use in garage^ office, store etc. Wherever extra shelve! are needed. Model #512B. Extra shelves available at only 1.29 each ' ' Hardware—2nd.Floor . Adjustable Oscillating Melnor Lawn Sprinkler Melnor oscillating swinging spray lawn sprinkler model 525 covers areps 6x9-foot 'to 34x65-foot. Has-instant fingertip control for spray area. Just flip .this dial. Hardware—2nd Floor Shock Resistant' BULLSEYE Westclox Pocket Watch Tough - Clean - Lightweight 3-Gal. Plastic Jeepo Jug w Dependable Wtfstdox pocket watch is shock resistant, anti-magnetic with nickel color,case. ,S{naU'sec*nd hand. Ideal watch for the factory worker, outdoor man etc. . ^-4—-r—Sundries—;’Moin«Floer ' Jeepo strong yet light- • " ' ■ weight plastic, water jug. With easy to carry handle, and - pour spout. Ideal for Prelt Shampoo The Latest MOD Fashions in Ladies’ Sportswear $1.55' value ' family size fube of Prell shampoo concentrate. Makes rich lather and the tube is unbreakable. . Pkg. 40 POLIDENT Denture Tohc Cleanser I dUo $1.09 value, pkg. -40's Poli|ent den- tablets soak den- • tures clean, and odor tree. ’With 1 * FREE'denture Drugs—Main Floor Rubberized Non-Skid Back "i*. Rugs and Runners Multi stripe rugs or run-; ners with rubberized back bound edges and washable.' For use in any room or outside* Basement 98 North Saginaw St., Pontiac SIMMS"* The„ Friendly One • Flared Pants •Body Shirts • Culottes '• Skirts • Slacks Irrgs. of $6.95 1-HR FREE PARKING in .DOWNTOW M PARK I NGr MALL Shop Simms and have • your ticket stamped for 1 hour free parking'at time of purchase. (Except on tobacco and beverages.) Values y*—^ Just arrived — a great new selection of. ladies' _ sportswear including new elephant pants in wild mod prints, tucked front body shirts, blouses, • skirts, culottes etc. jrr a terrific selection of prints, checks, sow id ^colors. Some wind breakers with zip fronts, and stand up collars, and vests included. Sizes 8 to 18 but ndfin all style!. Ladies1 Wear—Main Floor A—4 / THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, AUGUSTUS, I960 JRS Staff Ponies Up-After Girl's Request PHILADELPHIA (UP1). | 10-year-old girl 'wrote to T the I Internal Revenue Service and! asked them to stop deducting: money from her father’s paycheck for a week so he, could buy her a*pony. ' * * * They didn’t do that, but they did the next best thing. They took up a collection and bought j her the pony. It will be delivered today to Marcia Kessler of suburban Meadowbrook. A few weeks ago Merely Credit Union for Students Set Up at SVlH ANN ARBOR (API - Univer-aity of Michigan, students have established what may be the nation’s .first credit union solely for students. * " - The U-M Student Credit Union, will offer educational, personal and auto loans, free check 'cashing service for members, savings accounts and credit and consumer Information. , „ ★ it *■ "The credit union can offer low'interest rates and free' check ' - cashing service to members because it is a rton-j profit organization," said Michael Senger, a third • year law student and chairman of the . committee that organized the unibi). "The revenues which ac-; cumulate will be* returned to members in annual dividends." h h * The group has been chartered by file State Banking Commission. dashed off a note • to the ‘‘Director of Internial Revnuy (sic)" in Washington and stated her case. ‘JUST FOR WEEK’ The letter read: < "Please do not make my father pay income tax jftst fori one week so he can buy me ai pony. Please? Just for ohe weekl because I really want a pony! j "Please? Just ohe, week,1 that’s all. "I am 10 year old and I would | j give any thing for a pony. I “Please???*?’** The letter was printed neatly j on three-by-five index cards and j sent off to begin a trip through governmental red tape which ended at the local IRS headquarters. . The letter came up at a staff meeting of local director! Seymour Frjedman, the assistant director, and four division! chiefs.' SUNDAY ONLY NR SUNDAY, ADD. 17, 11 aw to 6 pm WHIU ©UANTITIBS LAST! Hie men discussed the letter ■ and then dipped Into their owni SUEDE DRESS pockets for Y100 to purchase a!. . white, 8-year-old pony. . Mrs. George71L Kessler, the ' Sunday Only girl’s mother, explained that Men’s genuine suede Spanish her.daughter fead an ad for Dress Casuals in Ox- rlf l„ Jhe pap.’ .nd her father to buy her one. Heels. Men’s sizes 6'/a-12. "He said no,- he couldn t. Ho had to pay too many taxes." 9 LOW COST ' CAR LOANS T. & Co FEDERAL CREDIT UNION NEWSPAPERS SOc p«r 100 lbs. dslivsrsd Royal Oak Waste Fapar A Metal Co. 414 L Hudien, Reyal Oak LI 1-4030 - “Let Your Gas Dryer Do Your Ironing” a^WTnmti w8nt$! 54 WEW •VRYERj with Quiet Reliability From the clean sculptured cabinet to Vietnam and, in’ some cupied our military in mid- cases, must be stored in 1945 for three .months before r Okinawa. American's captured it, should be retained by the United States. Replacement troops go from* Okinawa to Vietnam, and casualties from battle in Vietnam are brought back to The battle for Oknawa, the island for hospitalization where 110,000- Japanese lost - of for transport to other U.S.' their lives, was sharpened by hospitals in Japan and the o r g a n l z e d, DIRK&E.N movement; under way in Japan for return of Okinawa. .The campaign is called the “reversion movement,’' Lum ' Ply a political way of .saving " the .Japanese want Okinawa bark. . \ ■ * Do we, the United States of America, want to accede, to 'Jhose demands’' ■ * •»* . * ■ There have been talk s between' U.S. officials and Prime Minister -Satp of Japan that have taken up the matter of Okinawa’s future; and someday the matter will have to be depided.- ' - 1 * • ir ’ * : - • A highly nationalistic group *4n Japan has combined with jeertain leftist organizations to Trumpet for the return of the -islands of the Ryukyu chain, which lie about 350 miles southwest of ‘Japan. The' movement, aside' from the trumpeting, ' has become delicate and a burning issue both in Mpan and the 64 islands. Hie issue is taking on -such dimensions that it cannot he ignored. ' There are many valid ..the air support which the Japanese could provide , because Okinawa was only ap hour's distance from Japanese air bases. It is now our most forward base in the P a c i fji c : so strategically located that it flanks Formosa to the south; Japan and Korea to the north and the China Sea and the Yellow Sea to the4 ‘west. ’ Okinawa is the Only Pacific U.S. mainland. - In addition to .the tremendous air activity in Okinawa, it has port facilities that are. tremendous in their activity. There is a stream of U.S. vessels that brings all manner, of supplies and -equipment to Okinawa to he stored and then shipped from there later on, when needed. ■ Working/ to o-y r disad-, . . vantage in Okinawa is' the*, base that we own outright. It -fact thaf most of’the Schools £ not a protectorate of ours. are xrved b a force of some , VToA*6 8re the, 20,000 Japanese teachers, and ‘fdlord. To dilute our contot that situation a„- or Okinawa in any way opportunity to carry on the whatsoever might be very-in- ..reversion" crusade in a imical to American security. quiet way among the youngsters of the island who, ! | I , or course, carry the message none of greater value to us and home to their parents, certainly none that is more ... ... . , ,. ’ intensively utilized. We Dave - $ °f thtese facts,add “P a tremendous investment in 8 .kmd °f Pol,tical Presaur® lives, effort and nioney in the ®nd’ ,in du* co,urse- * 'sha11 •Ryukyu chain of islands. The J**™6 atvare of its in- two large airfields on ^ty %e question then wiU - Okinawa are busy day and he whether or 1,01 we sha11 those terrible days when Sir, Winston contemplated the possibility of defeat?’’, “Oh, no,” she said. “Sir Winston never even entertained the idea of defeat. He would say after the bombers had come over, ‘The day will come-when we will win; when the victory will be ours.’ ” I remembered that some years later Sir W i n s 10 n Churchill was invited to speak to the boys at Harrow, his old school. He was well along in years then. He was not only the greatest graduate the school had ever produced, but the greatest living Englishman. The old man looked down at the young boys of Harrow and this- was his Speech; - ‘(Never,, never, nevergive up.” , * ★ * Winston Churchill never accepted the principle of defeat and how right he was! No-one has to be defeated by . anything. But how do you go; about working out this never-accept-defeat attitude in a practical manner? We suggest the use of three principles, principles I’m sure Sir Winston used ah his life. The first is the “never think defeat" principle.- The second one is the “stick it out and never stop -trying” principle. And the third is the “keep God in the picture" principle. Now, if you feel defeated, try to use this triple play. If you say, “I’m tired, and discouraged and I’ve had it,” that’s exactly th^ way you’ll feel and act. You' can-count on.it for sure. . But if, pro|£hed the crossing wjjich had warning flashers aneba bell but no gate. SKIDDED ONTO TRACKS £ It skiided onto tW tracks and was rammed by the train and-then dragged about 500 yards down the right-of-way. The traip was held up for two hours and 45 minutes as -workmen cleared the wreckage. It then proceeded to Flint, switched engines and continued its trip to Chicago. * * * The threemen were pinned in the wreckage of their car and were pronounced dead at the scene. SUNDAY ONLY! 12 Noon to 5 P.M. | KMAmM wWaAm Amaa Shattering high prices! Buy Sunday and"Charge it” 10-In. TEFLON9 FRYING PAN SUNDAY ONLY Rem 1.77 LIMIT 1 For no-stick cooking with no-scour cleanup. Evert heat conduction. Golden browning. Resists scorching. When frying with fat-, about half the normal amount is sufficient. • DuPont Irod.morl^ V SHEER, SEAMLESS “AGIL0N” NYLON HOSE SUNDAY ONLY Reg. 68c 38' LIMIT 2 Imagine! Long-wearing, run-resistant, seamless mesh nylons for just 38c a pair! In'Suntone, Mist-tone or Cinnamon. 9-11. MISSES’ C0L0RF0L SHELLS SUNDAY ONLY 1 Reg. 1.96 l37 Ideal with Slacks and Skirts. Knit nyl.on Shells. Colors. 34-40. DECORATOR HASSOCK SUNDAY ONLY Large 24"xl5V2" Size Brasslike Ball Casters, Soft-Foam In T MA 5-1901 • 681-2228 CENTRAL SYSTEMS, wo. 3436 W. Huron St. (BY ELIZABETH LK. IUL) J Wml-m * P0NTIACi MICH. BUILT-IN VACUUM CLEANERS - INTERCOM SYSTEMS B—2 THE PONTIAC PltESS. SATURDAY. AUGUST 16. 1969 Save on Shorts. PowderRoomAids Daily Home Rushes r Are you building a patio ' deck? Paneling a party room, wall? Putting up a new fence? ™j bathroom If-you can use lumber in three to five-foot lengths, the price is often ■ much lower than standard-length lumber. mighty busy place at times — like in the morning when everyone tries to get in at once. With shaving — washing brushing teeth — It closely | problem plagues your home is rivals downtown streets for the'why not add a powder room? traffic Jam title.. j * ★ * ★ ★ ★ I m addition to relieving the. A solution being offered if this | morning “rush hour” problem, | -------■--------1■ powder room will provide a| handy place for children OUR SERVICE .LISTINGS A record of property for sal* by a broker who hat been authorized by the owher to tell. SELLING To exchange Real Property for money or Ift equivalent.' TRADING The trading of real property for real property. Trading of one houte for another house. BUILDING Anything that it built; structure, the act of making or contracting houses. WE PROVIDE ALL OF THESE SERVICES TO YOU &oper ftealtp, Site. LISTING •» SELLING - TRADING - BUILDING found'd Upon Sorvico U Tho Buyot. Tho Sol tor ond Iho Community GOODRICH 636-2211 OXFORD 628-2548 {clean up without tracking! through the house. I Also, it offers an attractive {and convenient place for the use I of your guests. POWDER ROOM Very simply, a powder room is a small bathroom — without! a bathtub. Containing only a! lavatory and water closet; (toilet), it can be located in one; of several locations around the An unused pantry, a small first floor sitting hr sewing! room, a' closet and space; beneath a staircase are all possibilities- It can be installed I in a space as small as 3’x4\ Today there afre compact plumbing fixtures that fit in even the smallest of rooms — for example, lavatories and water closets designed for corner installations. ■' A variety of decorative, schemes may be used, with fixtures available in such colors | iight blue, green, yellow,! OPEN SUNDAY, AUG. 17th... 1 MODEL NOW FOR SALE 5900 WELLINGTON 10 DAY POSSESSION *26,950 a Formica Kit. • Ceramic Bath • Alum. Trim • Full Basomont Why not otop out Sunday and let yeur hoot, Harvey Keith -show you this fine home? We will appraise your home, give you a guaranteed trade-in, and arrange! the best financing available. • 3 Bedrooms • Alum. Siding •‘Drapes Wall-to-Wall Carpet t Att. 2-Car Garage DIRECTIONS: From Pontiac go north on Dixie Highway to one-half mile north of the Andersonville Road, and tum right on ROCKCROFT (immediately north of Harvey's Colonial House and directly across the highway from Independenco Square Apartments), take Rock-croft to WELLINGTON to modols. FRUSHOUR REALTY 5730 Williams Lake Road (Listing — Selling - 674t4161 Appraising — Building) > 674-2245 pink, ivory, suntan and gray. Your plumbing contractor will Iheip you design a'powder room! that takes full advangate of the space- available. He can! supervise the entire j o b including' flooring, plastering, {electrical work and painting, as {well as arrange financing for iyou. J OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. HE GEUFOMM... 2834 Ota Mesa Cart A Distinguished Rancher That Reflects the Ultimate in Contemporary Living Kitchen, family- dining and family room complex with handsome woodburning fireplace (beamed ceiling included), deluxe built-in stove with self-cleaning oven, dishwasher, custom crafted formica cabinets, Armstrong vinyl floor covering. Three generously dimensioned bedrooms, elegant 1 Vj ceramic' tile baths with gay accessories, raised panel doors, natural finished woodwork and gloaming oak flooring. There is a certain typo of home thot seems to hold forth a warm welcome, the promise of p lifetime of impressive and carefree living. This is the residence you'll find at Lake Angelus Lakeview Estates . . It is-a rare combination of flair and function ... there is an abundance of niceties that bospeaks excellence and elegance whila contributing to a new standard of convenience and comfort. And the area itself provides a clirfKfte; for leisurely living as well as th# Workaday necessities. Was 235# asphalt shingled roof, full thick A** ceiling insu-f lotion, Anderson perma-sealod windows, copper plumbing, TOO amp. circuit breakers, basement with tiled floor, gas heat and hot water heater. For extra measure, full concrete drive, patio and walks'. ' „ .... ________ ____„______ Excellent shopping, easy arid swift transportation and houses of worship ala adjacent. You'll lava tho lifo you load in LAKE ANGELUS LAKE-VIEW ESTATES. Driving Directions: West Walton Blvd. to OlintonvHIo Rd. to MS4 Costa Mom Court. jrw**0** Duplication Prico *29,950 on Your Lot % U Kampsen Realty & Building Company | » Iff t W. Huron ms-saw 681-1000 LOOKING FOR A NEW VACUUM CLEANER? HIRE'S ONE THAT WILL- .. ‘Riifc It *.J — ihs. ____I .. v'_______* . enjpy the c Buy a One Or Two Bedroom Condominium Apartment With All of.Thoso PLUS Fnaturos: * YEAR ROUND ENCLOSED SWIMAAINO POOL WITH SAUNA BATHS ^ * ACTIVITIES BUILDING WITH BILLIARDS * COAAPLETE WESTINGHOUSE KITCHEN with FREEZER/REFRIGERATOR. WASHER/DRYER, DISHWASHER, RANGE EXHAUST HOOD, DISPOSAL * ELECTRIC HEAT with HUMIDITY CONTROL * INDIVIDUAL CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING * CARPETING, BARBECUE PITS, WATER * 1 CARPORT. 1 OPEN PARKING SPACE * ALL EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Including PAINTING, LANDSCAPING. SNOW-RE-MOVAL, LAWN CARE, POOL MAINTENANCE The first complex of its type in the area ... located •n Scott Lake Read In Waterford, convenient to the Mall, Oakland University and the 1-75 expressway -ta Detroit. MODEL HOURS: I p.m. til DARK - DAILY A SUNDAY Call 674-3136 or 673-9669 Otfloe Model ; Built by LEON BLACHURA, General Contractor One and two bedroom unite new available for imnx ‘occupancy. Why rant? Whan you buy, you realize N include: Principal, Interest, Insurance, Maintenance Sales by Dan j. Family Room lifts i Tension of Crowd It's amaiing how the addition of a single room can take the pressure off an over-crowded home—especially if it’s a family room. As tiie term Implies, the basic function of a family room is recreation shared by parents and children alike. On appropriate occasions, it can be reserved for adult entertainment or children’s, study or play. It may also be used as a guest bedroom. * ■ ______*_________ The wood plank-and-beam system is well adapted to family room additions. Roof system and ceiling are formed with horizontal lumber ceiling beams under a wood roof deck which contribute warmth and congeniality to the setting. ★ ★ * | Plank-and-beam is an ideal medium for jointly utilizing the high strength and striking grain! texture of preshrunk Southern Pine lumber. MASTER BEDROOM' - Paneled in walnut, the master bedroom of the Joseph Ma* f chiorlottis in Commerce Township features a double closet, one side painted white, the other painted white with mirrored panels. FWItlM Pro*. Photo Between the two closets stands a round pedestal table topped by a green cloth and paper flowers in orange, green; red, yellow and blue, ' gEj* THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, ArGUST* ifi, ifW9 to—3 Driveway Materials Deal and Play Sand Limestone - Cobblestone - Marble-s*on« — Top Soil - Gravel — Sand — Railroad Ties — Patio Supplies MICHIGAN LANDSCAPING SUPPLY . 100 Mixton, On M-59, Between Ryan and Dtguindrt Utica, Mich. ', ■* 739-5173 Pivk Up or Delivery _ 7 Day Week Where The Best Begins Status Symbols Can Be Colorful Seamless Floor System | Seamless ■floor, systems' are:resists scuffutg. Even* waxing |crack. In this instance, plywood es and Mains — add* new color the new way to. add .that extra'is optional. To clean: just wash should be used as a substrate.]excitement to foyers, counterspark of color to your floors — jthe surface with a mild soap or Nall ft down so that it is firmly )nn„ j ,imlln;, whether, in the kitchen, bath-idetergeht and water solution.! anchored in place and will • not f room, foyer, recreation room,‘And should the floor ever show bend or slip. anrf „nln. n,.«, imnnrtant"! laundry, family room‘or base- wear, it can be easily renewed Be sure to read the manufac-;, __ . BEDFORD SQUABE* -------AiK/r------ A PARfM ENTS' Luxury 1- and 2-Bedroom from $118 par month hide* carpeting and all utilltiea except electricity . |— COURTS • SWIMMING POOL • VILLAGE NOUSE tit via iHg NGwIy GpGnad 1-75. Toll* Oak- k include* Cat TENNIS COU MillufGt from dc land Univonity Ad. te Tionkin. L Tionkin te Bodford Square. Phone 651-8000 Slatkin-Harmanoff development ML 1 tl loke Hill, oporfmint, r Why? thp r.fintd architecture lh.nolurollyhilly.it. ov.rlooking»th. loki prlvoto booch .., booting, or th.' in BLOOMFIELD HILLS Wo.tinghoui. oppli Or It c Bloomfield Hi Wo rtoliy don't 1 iplioocot. ild M tho bl.gr.ph M. north ot Squor. lok. W. Bloomlt.ld Hill. . ; ’ MJ-ni* or Kl. 7 9300 ... conv.ni.ntto Sok. Fifth Av.nuo »I/R minutes from t-75 10 minutes from ,1-696 linut*. from downtown Detroit -- -front $300 ment. Why are they called seamless? Because the flooring is applied in continuous coats of Jiquid which dry to a hard, shiny finish. Here’s Tiow it’s done: brightly Colored chips or other decorative materials are scattered-over a neutral or colored liquid coat. Then top coats .of clear abrasion-resistant coatings are applied. The result: a continuous flooring that is long on wear I and short on maintenance. Color is the keynote of this flooring. Colors range from pale beiges to wild oranges, bright lemon yellows and vivid reds. You can even make your own color combinations by buying the chips arid mixing them yourself. Color cue them to a favorite piece of furniture or tailor them to your present decor. The bright, random pattern hides dirt and the hard finish by a light sanding of the surface iand another application of the 'clear coating. For- the homeowner wh'o wants to apply seamless flooring, the systems now ^ on the market offer a wide choice of| colors and compositions. They I should be applied to a clean substrate and can be- applied over properly prepared concrete, kitchen.tile and similar: flooring surfaces. Ordinary Wpod strip flooring is not a suitable substrate. It may absorb moisture and warp, causing the seamless flooring to turer’s directions carefully and follow them exactly. Always ventilate the work area well. ; One word of warning: many seamless systems contain solvents, so be. sure -to turn off I pilot lights on stoves and fur-naces and avoid using electrical equipment unless it has bee* | checked f6r non-sparking ignitions. . A little care during application will produce satisfactory results. Buf even, more important, seamless coatings retain their beauty/^pd sparkle with little care. They resist scratch- OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 6435 Belmoral Terrace Waterford Hill Excellent neighborhood with a large bec^itifully landscaped ahc{, decorated tri-level. This brick and aluminum home features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, kitchen with built-ins, hot water heat, attached 2 car garage and family room overlooking the patio and large swimming pool Offered at $59,900. DIRECTION: Dixie Highway turn left on Waterford Hill 2nd right on Belmoral Terrace, Your Host Tony Manzella WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU JOIN THE MARCH TO TIMES! TIMES REALTY 5890 DIXIE HIGHWAY 623-0600 Realtor Open Daily 9-9 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 Homeowner Trivia Around the Country By ANDY LANG age, Alaska has increased her AR. Newsfeaturcs listings considerably by pointing From .various sources come opt to sellers that, when they these bits of information of in- permit their hdiuses to be seen terest to the home owner: only at night, the chances of The median price of new sin- sales are , reduced .^greatly, gle-family houses throughout whereas - when she handies the country is now dose Jo property, it gets a minimum of $26,000' and is expected to go j 12 hours exposure every day. higher in the next few months CONDENSATION 1 ' Houses costing $25,000 and up account for nearly 37 per cent of all sales . . . Homes with three bedrooms remain the most popular, accounting for 56 While questions about the effects nf condensation, especially on windows and walls, have dominated reader mail for per cent of sales . •. . Those | years, the leadership has re-with four or more bedrooms cently been taken over by captured 23 ffer cent of the queries about the use of clear market, with the one and two- finishing materials on wood bedroom dwellings at 21 per surfaces. (You can get Andy cent. Lang’s helpful booklet, “Wood A construction company that Finishing in the Home,” by admits in its. advertising that sending 25 cents and a long,, you have to be afflue(ji to buy (Stamped, self-addressed enve-' one of A,ts challetes in New Hope; l°pe to Know-How, P.O. Box jPa., provides a complete recre-j^77, Huntington, N.Y. 11743.) ation, entertainment and sports The selection of a reliable package for residents, with one I contractor _ to do major remod-' and two-bedroom units costing'eling work in your home is not up to $33,000 — and these are always easy, ■'but it’s a good I just “second” homes ... idea to steer clear of companies i A plastics company in Ridge-or individuals who suggest ways field, N.J., comes up with the of bypassing local building interesting conclusion that the codes and who tell you that it sales of garden hoses increase isn’t necessary to obtajn build-greally where there is plenty ing permits hecause nbbody will of rain, since home owners with know the difference ... lush green lawns want to keep! Incidentally, one of the values them that way. ^ v of having a knowledge of home. The development of mobile (Cdnstruqtion and repair is that, home parks is expected to rise'even if you.do not do the work BATEMAN - REALTOR- FHA APPRAISED MOST GROWING FAMILIES want and need the features this home offers. Large 120 x 330 ft. wooded lot."\lity water and sewers. 3 bedrooms, basement, gas heat, large front screened porch and 2 car garage. Price, just $14,300. Now is the time' to CALL TODAY! LAKE FRONT AMONG THE TREES Quiet scenic setting close to town. Brick rancher, 3 bedrooms, lVb baths and ledge rock fireplace. Complete in every detail, 2-car garage, large well-landscaped lot and immediate possession. Just in time to enjoy the summer. Yours at $29,000. With terms to suit. Call today! sharply now that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has drastically eased its mortgage insurance regulations on such establishments, permitting longer periods tor repayment of loans and insuring mortgages up to 90 per cent of value instead of the previous 75 per cent ... A female realtor in Ancho£ yourself, you can. conduct q knowledgeable discussion with) contractor when a project is! under consideration. •24*950 PONTIAC NORTHERN AREA Two * bedrooms, basement, •17850 NEAR SOUTHSIDE Three bedrooms, basement, • 9 950 WATKINS-PONTIAC ESTATES ' 1 Bi-level, four bedrooms, ^33 900' PLUS MANY NEW HOMES CALL FOR APPOINTMENT RAY O’NER^REALTY CO. 5520Pontiac Lake Rd. % OR4-2222 “YOU CAN TRADE” The BATEMAN WAY^ - with our ( iteed Home Trade-In Plan BUY jWSELL LATER ROCHESTER CLARKSTON 730 6573 S. Rochester Rd. Dixie Hwy. . OL 1-8518 625-2441 PONTIAC UNION LAKE 377 8175 S. Telegraph'1 Commerce Rd-FE 8-7161 , EM 3-4171 2039 POMPEY OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 9566 CAROL COURT TWIN LAKES OPEN&INDAY 2 to 5 2640 PALOMAS OPEN SUNDAY 2 tov 5 2039 POMPEY OPEN SUNDAY 2, to 5 Immtdiate Possession Or Will Duplicate Tho baso price on this fine home it only $17,900. Has aluminum tiding with brick front, lifetime guarantee on the furnace. Completely decorated and has-full basement. DIRECTIONS: Watt oh M-59 (Higlond Rood) to a right on Crascont Lake Road to a loft on Tubbs Road to prop, arty. Watch (or signs. 9566 CAROL COURT OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 TWIN LAKES g Ultra thorp contemporary rancher that hat features such as: Walk-out basement, family room with beamed ceiling, fireplace, 1 Vi baths, dining room, eating 4or. in kitchen, L large rooms, walk-in closets, attached 2VSt-car garage, paved drive and large, scenic lot. ' . 2640 PALOMAS OPEN SUNDAY-2 to 5 Coijimerce Area Get a took at this more than lovely raised ranch with full basement, recreation room, wall to wall carpeting, balcony off dining room, and' 1% baths. A MUST TO SEE! DIRECTIONS: Commarca Read west to South Commerce Read, South Commorco Road to Glengary, Glengary ta> Palomas, to property, watch for signs. YOUR HOSTESS Gen Cooley YOUR HOSTESS Dee Clarkson McCullough realty 674-2236 ‘ 5460 HIGHLAND ROAD 674-2236 Y B—4 J SUNDAY 2 to 5 BY APPOINTMENT ANYTIME 2152 JONES COURT oms 4. Full Basement s 5. 2-Car Attached Garage ig Room Sealed Glass Wnddws/Sawns 7. 24' Kitchen/Dining Room . • -V ;r:.: ■■■ *«J ■■ ,a 'I1IK PONT I<\c> rHI.MS^SATLHDAV, w for‘pennies a day’ you can ■BEAT the HEAT ..seliet AFCO Comfort maker Air C«nditioning For Cooling a Ion* or complete year around Air Conditioning ■— play it smart and invo,t your money in equipment that will last longer — provide more Comfort. U tit'ST 16 11)09 INTRIGUING ROOF STRUCTURE, round tower near - the front entrance and completely asymmetrical lines are . characteristic of Nflrman architecture, as are the unshuttered casement windows. Stucco, stone and brick are combined with pleasing effect. A Dower Highlights One-Story Norman HEIGHTS The round tower, because.of its dramatic size and shape, is always the predominant feature of any house in which it appears. In the latest .House of-the Week, architect Rudolph A. RftNT, SE1.I., TRADE — lISE Matern has made effective use PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! of the round tower, usually as- sociated with Norman architec- the foyer, the livipg room and ttie two-car garage, making it I turf, the Romanesque style that 'the kitchen. • I, * [conveniently usable fronuJbe ■ 2615 Lapaar Road I Mthk Itorth at Wolt«ii M Nnj II Telephone JM-S4II outside without'going through any of the rooms in the house. One of the two other bed*, rooms has a built-in-desk, while YORK SOLD □ eoLb 1 Sold 1 SOLO 1 L SOLD ppbsaie mind OR. 4-0363 FE 8-7176 THE SIGM-0F-ACTI0N!!! I WE GUARANTEE A SALE Guaranteed Sale IMMEDIATE CASH SALE TRA6E Ws’list your hem* it tha Market We buy your house, all Because of our extenefve advertising program we at* abla ta taka your pres-ant HOME IN THAOS. Call for details. Prist. Wa commit SETA’S BBSS we. money, in 2 days, stay 60 days attar aafa. York Real Estate or 4-0363 CALL1 FOR . PROMPT FREE APPRAISAL NO FE 8-7176 first made its appearance ini An 1R-foot-Iong ceiling chain i Normandy in the 10th century..from the cone of the tower I * ★ . w ~ supports a large lighting fixture ! Here, the tower nestles into I in the center. An 8-fool-high ifee balcony of fee'house, creal-^ceiling is pierced by a fi-ioot the~ inaster bedroom has ing interesting curved rooflines. round opening, ' built-in vanity situated between Inside the sidelighted front en- A rail surrounds the opening, large "his" and "her" closets, trance, just off the weather- forming a 2nd floor balcony. EXTERIOR protectcrhfront porch, the power Access to the balcony is by a , ’ of the tower is even , more pro- vertical ladder for the nimble-■ Exterior materials in Design nounced. '■ footed. * M «« slate^ roof shingles, .____________ stucco, (stone, brick and wood iSOUD STONE BALCONY casement windows, the latter The thickness of the solfd The balcony can serve as a .characteristic of Norman atyl-reading or study area for those Air Conditioners Can Give Home! a Colorful Look When you think of room airj conditioners, don’t just think cooler; think color as well. I Many new lilies are wrapped in prepainted aluminum Sheet [in decorator colors so that you can .blend the exposed outside, with the color of your house. 4 A ★ And colored aluminum grills on the inside can also be color coordinated for a pleasing effect. _ I The nice t h i irg about the aluminum is that, of c o u r s e, it’s rustfree; you avoid fee stains that can develop with some other materials. " RUSTFREE Becuase of this rustfree characteristic, fee, metal protects fee paint rather than vice versa. The result is a finish feat lasts and lasts.. . * * The models that use| aluminum on the inside have an[ [additional advantage in their i weight saving; they’re easier to1 put' up and take down. MwMMi 1 tan* •luMinui * It dC. mil # he* bei rornicA • (iBlMiM • Alum, ineultel REMODELING:; as-FE 8-9584. Riser Cutl~~ Eliminate scuffed steps and kick-marked risers by .surfacing them with ceramic tile, for unglazud tile is Slip-and-scuff-resistant and easy to keep [clean. stone wall is evident at the arch entering the dining room which fee tower houses. The height is emphasized by the slanted beamed ceiling which reaches Up to over 14V high. who want seclusion. The living and service areas were meant to be. influenced by the toiger, as a portion of its [curved stone wall projects into leach space. It creates an in* The dining room is 12v across1 teresting segment of the deedra-and requires a round table. It tion. has three arched accesses to. ★ * The living room, with a fireplace set into the rear .wall, has an opening ’to’ a private porch that can be used for relaxing or outdoor dining. j The fireplace can be seen from the front foyer, creating fan excellent first - impression Anyone with fine furniture or,view_ for. 8UMts-. carpets is anxious to preventL LSpac!°“s anKd tt farting kitchen hds a built-in planning A perfect window treatment1^ at one m. ^ bay window for screening out the sun’s raysj^V a; ^ P f f is Venetian blinds. dominates the other end in A ^ jj front of fee double sink. othgr. times, the opened REAR PORCH blinds d , _ Waterford Realty 4540 Dixie Hwy^ Drayton flams 673-1275. Modern thermostats are give precise control of the heat distributed in your home. A reputable heating BBP tractor is best qualified to The Pontiac Press Pattern recommend and install the-flfwtfpept:, P.O. Box 50, New SOLID COMFORT is certain with this lawn chair. It has the right tilt, a headrest back and wide arms. All this and good looks too !' Also the back may be removeS lor storage. Pattern '269, which lists material and shows construction from stock lumber, is 50 cents. This pattern is in Packet No. 37 with matching bench and Child’s Chair and one extra pattern all for |1.50. Windsor, N Y. 12550. WHAT IS KUMELHUT FACE BRICK SIDINfi? It is ths Multi-Purpose Brick-Siding that does so many jobs-BETTER Kllng«lhuKb>ick il („ ktln.fintd brick »f •tanoord dinuinlM ncopt —— that It U Vi Inch thick. Il lc bonded t* H Inch tl ■ dUfrl-S-'-Ji .*-.1 *. Tinchoc U Mnmdn • Dives year-round - insulafion • Reduces fuel costs • Beautifies your home, increases its value • Resists fire • Ends repair and maintenance bills - no painting • Economical to install COMPLETE HOME Phone 473-7507 MODERNIZATION Across From Silver-Lake Rd. J921 ~ 2503 DIXIE HWY. PONTIAC ML ||» Jim Ip PREVIEW SHOWING - |G0 MODERN- GO GAS. Waterford Hills Saturday 9-5 Sunday l£-6 New Two Story Colonial 4 Bedrooms-2Vr Baths Thoughtful planning has gone into this four-bedroom luxury home to assure the utmost in comfortable family living. The spacious interior features large living room, dining room, fomily room qjtd fireplace. Located at 68-12 Wellesley'Terrace in Waterford v Hills Manor Subdivision off Dixie Hwy. in Waterford. - You must, see this home to appreciate this fine value, only one of its kind ..... ................ $47,500 782-1400 353-0750 4- ECONOMY RANCHER m 11 6293 PINE KNOB ROAD 3-bedroom with over 1,TOO square feet of living area, aluminum siding, 11-- block basement, 3-car garage, 1 Vt baths, Thermopane 'windows with marble sills. Ceramic tile and custom built cabinets. $1200 well and septic allowance. ’ ' DIRECTIONS: . North on Sashabaw Road,'approximately 4 mile north of 1-75 expressway, to Clarkston-Orion Road, * - Right to Pine Knob Road to property. ,. - ON YOUR LOT Only *20,981 * 75% Financing Available E. J. DUNLAP CUSTOM BUILDER, INC. FE 8-1198 FE 8-6497 OFFICE OPEN DAILY 9-6 EXCEPT SAT. AND SUN. m BUY! SELL! TRADE!... USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS WE’LL GIVE YOU CASH FOR YOUR HOME TODAY! Csdfj>rStop Ray BEAL ESTATE 4512 DIXIE HWY. DRAYTON PLAINS . 674-4101 l M B—d THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, I960 ,ry New Theftevoh? DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES j - Str*r& . . ... ' *. PRICE HEBELL1 1,864 Yankee prices ... including Nationally Advertised Brand m fi | J • . Names and Famous Labels that you’ll recognize, have been slashed to rock bottom levels. Not for just a day - not for a week, but for all time! Yankee wants you and we’re out to win you over with low,, % discount prices and exciting new services. Come see - you'll save!; 'ill THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 B—7 CASITETUNE-UP YANKEE GOLF BALI! INFANTS' SNOWSUITS 1 pc. hooded styles; m m all washable. A A Nylon or cotton/rayon. Quilted nylon/polyestsr m or % acrylic pile |V lining. 12-24 mp. id no I all 'rouoifc 1NSTA& SHAMPOO MIX 01 MATCH PLASTICS a4 •20 qt. wastebasket •Vegetable storage bin "£L •16qt. utility tub ' FOR STERLING HEIGHTS DOWNRIVER Corner of 14 Mile 20800 Fort St. DISCOUNT SHOPPINb and Schoenherr at the corner of King AND SAVE Clasie crew neck styling, with long set-in sleeves. Ribbed neck, cuffs, end bottom for neat fit. Machine washable cotton fleece knit in navy, grey, brown, blue and green; sizes s-m-l-xl. 44 OUR RIG. $1.99 RURAL MAIL BOX, POST OFFICE APPROVED Galvanized, weatherproof, and fibbed far ex tra strength and durability. Get it at this fantastically lowonedayonty price andbesetfrrany kind of weather! MEN'S LONG SLEEVE SWEATSHIRTS SWINGING GOLDMINES FOR BACK TO SCHOOL Fashion's latent for fall and beck to school I Double and triple zipper oompartments; nail head and buckle trims; the sportiest looks ever .In smart leathertook vinyl. Come see, come save! OUR RIG. $1.57 l SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 B—8 Rules Alter Fashion WASHINGTON (AP) - The federal government’s stylesetters deftly skirt the battle of the hemline for women in uniform. ~ The government diplomatically eschew? the ruler or the tape. Instead it uses such negotiable guidelines as “good ' taste,’’ "conservatively fashionable’’ and “adjusted to current styles but not extreme.” ★ ir , ★ -Those are the skirt-length edicts of the military services, Post Office Department. General Services Administration and National Pa^k Service who have gab in uniform. * * * At the GSA, which prescribes uniforms for women elevator operators 1 n government buildings, officials aren’t about to be hemmed in by the hemline. “Due to fluctuations of style, we try to maintain a stylish length and a uniform look,” said One male GSA official. The Park Service has-dropped its regulation that a girl’s hemline could be Government Publishes New Meat Standard WASHINGTON UR — The government today published consumer-protection regulations by which ultimately all meat processed commercially in tee United States must be judged. it it it. Under the Wholesome Meat Act of 1967 the states have until next Dec. 15, or a * year later under some circumstances, to set up inspection programs at least equal to federal standards. The 452-page manuscript issued today by the Agriculture Department sets forte detailed proposals for carrying out the “It's big medicine in terms of additional controls to determine more effective consumer protection,” Dr. Hyman M. Steinmetz, Consumer and Marketing Service official, said in an interview. ★ ★ The far-ranging proposals include mostly existing federal specifications on meat inspection and packing house operations, 'but these and some new features would have full impact when the states begin operating their own no more than one inch above the floor, when she is kneeling. MISS ZIPS The Post Office has gone mod in a few locations to promote use of the five-diget ZIP code. It has employed girls to aid customers in Louisville, Memphis and Cincinnati Post Office lobbies as “Miss Zips”—and- their Skirts are four ffiches above tee knee. t. Other female postal'workers abide by the edict to “dress appropriately from the standpoint of appearance ami safety” ■____ For the women in the military services, hemlines are all close neighbors to the kneecaps. it it was in the door, she went through rooms and called to her husband, ” look how nice everything is,” and stai to ask me all sorts of question^, “ you get new furniture?” “When did get your living room rug?” etc. It was getting on her husband’s net and mine also. Finally, he took hei task. I took his part and said he right. We almost got into a stiff ai ment. Was she right to go through house like that? — Lillian Dear Lillian: Your visitor was entii wrong to go through your house unin ed, even though she was compliment: However, you, too, were comple wrong to join her husband in critici; her, It could only make trouble. ■ It is always far better to keep si than to loin in a family argument. INVITATIONS Dear Mrs. Post: For ourfesilver v ding anniversary, my husband and I planning an open house. We would lik invite family and a very few c! friends — husbands and wives. I be! to a dub of eight women teat meets c a month, (hie is a widow. Several oth husbands have jobs that are hard to ] things around. Hr W ★ Should,we jtist invite the eight woi alone, or should the invitation be to and Mrs.? I’m mostly concerned ai the widow. I don’t want to make her put of place, and -she’s sort discouraging this, party. — Mrs. Shrims Dear Mrs. Simms: Don’t "let j„. widowed friend discourage you. If you cah include an extra 15 people at your party, ask all the club members and their husbandveven though some of the men may not be able to come. You cannot ask the women alone to a party at 'which other men will be present. ★ * * The widow should not feel ill at ease to, attend alone when tee group will be all close friends — and she would be very selfish to expect others to be excluded, because of her reluctance to be there without an escort. The First Edition, a talented group known for with the Christy Minstrels. Last summer the First their stream of hit reeord^will be oh stage at Edition accompanied Pat Paulsen on one of his Meadow Brook’.s Baldwin Pavilion Aug. 20. Four national political campaigns, members of the quintet have worked previously . Folk Beat Gomes to Meadow Brook An all-star folk rock night will be the next attraction of the Meadow Brook Special Events Series on Tuesday, at 'Nothing Kills Old Romance Quicker Than a New 8:30 p.m. in Oakland University’s Baldwin Pavilibn. ★ a ■ it Leading the trio of top stars will be folk-singer Tim Buckley, fresh from a sellout success in Chicago. Detroit’s popular Symphonic Metamorphosis and The'Frost complete the bp. - • Tim Buckley, described as an accomplished, poetic performer, will be making his Michigan debut at Meadow Brook. Although Detroit is home to The Frost, tee popular rock quartet has gained nation-wide recognition during the past year. All meat sold in interstate commerce • — about 85 per cent consumed in the country — now is federally inspected. But the department estimates there are about 15,000 meat plahta doing business entirely within -states lines and not subject to federal inspection. RALPH NADER The Wholesome Meat Act and today’s new regulations stemmed from a campaign two years ago by critics of current meat inspection practices, including consumer advocate Ralph Nader. - “Bad meat is, and-has been a long time good business,” Nader told a Senate agriculture subcommittee. “This traffic is drawn heavily to intrastate markets because of the nonexistence, laxity or complicity of government regulation.” “I don’t want roaches in my meat and. 1 don’t suppose you do,” Betty Furness, consumer affairs advisor to former' President Lyndon B. Johnson, told the same committee. •'fir ★ f.‘ *'■ Steinmetz said one of tee major provisions m today’s proposals permits federal authorities to detain suspected meat in interstate commerce wherever it is found. States would have tee same authority over intrastate operations. it .'it it , “Under the old law,’’ Steinmetz said, “our ability, to act' on mfcat and meat products largely wasvcbjpined to the premises of plants. Now'we have tee . authority to detain and seize meat'' outside the plants.” „ * * ★ ' Another important provision, Steinmetz said, involves stricter control over crendering works and similar plants' Which deal in dead livestock used for. inedible products. MEAT REQUIREMENTS The proposals eliminate many of the exemptions in meat inspection' requirements, including those Involving' slaughter of livestock bn farms. . ; * t it *....... Public comment on the regulations will be accepted until Oct 13. Steinmetz said a final decision will be made later on any changes and when to put the proposals into effect. By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: When I started to go with this married man I was old enough to know better, so I can’t blame anyone but myself. We worked at the same place, which made it easy. He told me he loved me and his was a rotten marriage, so if I would be patient, one day he would divorce his wife and marry me. Abby, maybe I was a fool, but I believed him and loved him- with all my ^ heart. Meanwhile, in the three years we ' went together his-Wife had three babies. I finally saw no future in it, so I called it quits. I haven’t seen him alone for four months, but yesterday he sent me a telegram and called me up twice begging mq to see him again as his wife is in the hospital having another baby.. • He says he still loves me, and to tell you tee truth, I still have a soft spot in my heart for him. How can I get him out of my heart before I weaken? 40-YEAR-OLD-FOOL DEAR FpOL: There is nothing you can do about a “soft spot in your heart.” Just make sure it doesn't spread to your head. Look around for a single man. Nothing kills an old romance quicker than a new one. Woman Loses Job Over Underwear POMONA, Calif. (UPI) -.A lady engineer who . wanted Jo liberate her , feminine coworkers was bra-less and jobless today. * . Mrs. ‘ijfahe Andre, 39, was fired from her 818,000-a-year job as a supervisor at an aerospace firm after she urged 2,200 women at the General Dynamics Plant here to celebrate “bra-less Friday.” ’ ‘ “Brassieres are nbt reasonable garments,” Mrs. Andre said. “They’re nonfunctional and uncomfortable, so I dpn’t wear-them.” is it 1t ★ The local union got behind the 26-29-45 brunette’s campaign and called on women to shed their bras Friday, but Mrs. Andre wasn’t there to join in. A spokesman said she was dismissed for “conduct unbecoming a member of management.” “She was hired as a supervisor three months ago to work, not Urlalk other women into doing something like tills,” said Jack Mason, vice president in charge of operations. There wasno reliable estimate on bow successful the campaign was. Mason, said he couldn’t tell who was wearing One mid who wasn’t DEAR ABBY: I am a 24-year-old college-educated bachelor who works for an investment banking firm. I was born with a “strawberry” birthmark on nearly half my face. It is not exactly hideous," but it is conspicuous, and I was very self-conscious about it as a child. About a year ago a skin specialist recommended that I cover tee mark with a pancake make-up. It helped a lot, and gave my cheek such a smooth, velvety Sugar-Less Intake Needs Modification EAST LANSING (UPI) - Dieters should measure their intake, of synthetic sweeteners as well as their waistlines, a Michigan State University nutrition specialist warns. Mrs. Anita Dean said under Food and Drug Administration recommendation, an adult may safely consume 3,500 milligrams of. cydamate, a common artificial sweetener, while a child is limited to 1,200 milligrams. Even though there Is scant evidence to show exceeding this limit could be harmful, Mrs. Dean said the synthetics provide none of the nutritional value of sugar or Calories needed by’ a growing child.:. look teat I started using the make-up on my entire face. Then I started using just a hint of rouge Next I applied a very faint bit of orchid eye shadow, and now I use a touch of mascara to darken my brows, and lashes. Last week I was called into the bora’ office and was given an ultimatum. Either I see the company psychiatrist or find another job. Abby, there is -nothing to see a psychiatristN about. I am perfectly all right. If women can improve their appearance with beauty aids, why can’t men! What would YOU do!.- N ALLMAN DEAR MAN: If I were you, I wouldn’t protest too much. I would see the company psychiatrist. If yon are “perfectly all right” you have nothing to fear. DEAR ABBY: My wife is a lovely 35-year-old woman whom I love, dearly, but here’s the problem: She thinks I should yuhi around and open the car door, for her any time we go anywhere, even to the neightorhood shopping center. I feel tfratW healthy lady should be able to open her own car door unless It’s convenient for her husband to do so, except perhaps on more formal occasions. It seems ridiculous to me for a woman to sit as if she were helpless waiting for car doors to be opened and closed for her. • ■ Also is it not appropriate for a lady to lean over and unlock her escort’s car ;door after he has been polite enough to .open her door for her! D. W. (IRVING, TEX) DEAR D. W.: I should think that a They have performed at major music festivals throughout the country and have become recording stars. The Symphonic Metamorphosis is composed of eight musicians from the Detroit Symphony who transform music of the Masters into contemporary rock, blues and avante-garde idioms. The Special Events Series will present ; two of tee entertainment world’s top at- • tractions, Mary Hopkin and The First I Edition on Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in Baldwin Pavilion. MARY HOPKIN Welsh ballad singer Mary Hopkin will be making her first concert date at Meadow Brook. Although “Those Were . The Days” has become her trade mark, Miss Hopkin also sings an imaginatively nixture of folk, pop, and old in a pure and fresh voice teat has made her an international star. with have dished on Tues- . The First Reunion at Pine for PCHClass of 1938 Reservations are now being taken for tee Pontiac High- School 30 year reunion. Members of the' 1938 June and January classes are invited to attend* the sc- -tivities planned for Aug. 23 at Pine Knob Resort. A friendship hour at 6 p.m. will be J * V * gentleman -should WANT* to see that his Nearly 70 per cent of the cydamates Sets into and out of an automobile consumed are found in soft drinks, Mrs. Dean said . “Two 12 ounce bottles of certain soft drinks, which would be well under the limit. recommended ... for an adult, would ■ contain more than the recommended daily limit fee children,” she said. It is more difficult for an adult to go above tee limit, she said. * Worse yet, lira. Dealn said, “there is safely, and the door opening and closing bit insures this. And yes, the considerate woman WILL lean over and unlock her escort’s car door. (A man once confided that just that simple little gesture of thoughtfulness caused him to take a second look .at a rather plain wdnan — whom he subsequently married.) * ★ - * CONFIDENTIAL TO “LEE”: People who don’t know where they’re going usually wiitfl up somewhere else. no evidence that cydamates have ever Everybody has a problem, whM> _Cqundr office at the YWC^ k.i.^1 Muiuna In foot thn Hiotar ■•'’ • . __ll Cultural Calendar Is being Readied for September Distribution Distribution of the fall-winter edition of the cultural calendar is scheduled for late September. • * * * Organizations wishing to list cultural , .-v,-. „ . ... - . . , events for inclusion in the calendar, Mowed j*dwte»g. should submit complete information as I to day and date, time, location, type of event, names of artists, ticket hi-formation, etc. to -the Pontiac Area Community Arts Council, YWCA,>289 West Huron Street, by Aug. 31. ★ fir W Tfre period covered in the scheduled publication is from Oct. 1 through February, 1970. * „T , i.gt A ,, -■ < This edition, offered free of charge, is cosponsored fry Pontiac State Bank and Gaukler Moving and Storage Company. Persons wshing to receive the calendar may' forward their requesta to the Reservations must be made by Monday with Mrs. Jack King of West Long Lake Road, Bloomfield Township or Mrs. William Hiklerley of Joy Road. "....' helped anyone reduce. In feet, tee dieter is Ukeiy to make up for the deficiency with other foods.” Food specialists do know that when more than five grams of cydamate are consumed in a day, diarrhea may occur, Mrs. Dean said. * Pending further research on artificial sweeteners, tee said dieters, especially Children, should strictly fellow PDA Intake recommendations. yours? For a personal reply write to Abby, care of The Pontiac Press, Dept. E-600, HO. Box 9, Pontiac, Mich, 48058, and enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. * ** ' J * ,1 ; * fr3§ *4)> Hate to write lettera? Send |1 to Abby, care of The Pontiac Pres, Dept. E-600, P.O. Box 9, Pontiac, Mfcb, 41056, for Abby’s booklet, “How to Write Letters far All Occasions.” COUNCIL OFFICERS George H. Putnam, music supervisor for the Pontiac School District, has been reelected president of theOcuncfl. Serving with him aye vice preridents Gene P. Stanley, Mrs. Richard Veazey, Dr. Garfield Johnson and Del Wise;. Mrs. Elbert Hattestt; and Mrx. Maxwell L. Shadley. treasure. Wedding Information Planning your wedding? to help yon. We must have information about your wediSng( in our office five days in advance.. Information blanks mre available in tee women’s department, or the material may be clearly printed on any bfrge sheet of paper. Pictures will still be accepted up fri three days after tee ceremony, but the information must be in our hands abend of time. 1 B—9 THE Vi)S 1IAC MtKSS. vSAITKD/Vv, AlUJUST 1G, 19(59' HAD ENOUGH? Tired I tif looking' a round for What you want? We've got qll, „your remodeling needs ( I | . ': VILLAGE PANEL A TRIM ' , 3342 Auburn Rd. ^WM Haights* ; Astrodome Parfy to Moon Salute SPACE CENTER, Houston, Tex. (AP) — America’s moon heroes, rested from a whirlwind1 coasfcto-coast tour, receive the acclaim pt' their adopted home-towp today at a big parade and a. party with more than 50/ guests expected.* KITCHEN CUPET CLOSEOUT yd., TUSON CARPET SALES & SERVICE 4494 Dixit Highway Drayton Plains 874.1911 o«lTusw Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Ei Aldrin Jr. ride today in a parade through downtown Houston, the city that’s next dooF to the Manned Spacecraft Center training headquarters of the American astronaut corps. * * * Joining in the' parade are 26 other astronauts. Houstonians, made plans to shower the spacemen with paper; cheers and some funny money printed for the occasion. OPEN SUNDAY 3 to 5 P.M. 7-ROQM RANCH-UNION LAKE AREA In .smollenf condition with 3 b enclosed back porch and ampU closet space. Aluminum siding, storm* and screens, 2-car garage and many other features. AH this on a well-landscaped 80x140-foot lot. Reduced to $33,500, forms. Diroctions: Cooloy Lako Road to J.echaven. Road, south to Grotr Rd., oast to Sarona Lane and north to 2006 Sarona Lana. WE WILL TRADE ANNETT INC. REALTORS 28 E. HURON PONTIAC 338-0466 Office Open Evenings & Sundays 1-4 The money, supplied by a printing company, is called ’Moondust Certificates” and bears the portraits of the.Apollo 11 astronauts. SPACECRAFT TO PARADE . Spacecraft from the Mercury, Geinini and Apollo programs will be tewed on trailers through the parade. Floats depicting the nation’s space effort, 10 bands, 14 marching units and a fly«over by Texas Air National Guard fighters are also planned. Frank Sinatra will be masterione man; ended up getting six of ceremonies tonight for what city officials billed as a “party” at the Astrodojrle. But space agency officials said privately it has turned aut to be more of a headache/ v ★ it it The city ‘gave the National Aeronautics and Space Administration 31,000 tickets to distribute to its 4,700 employes and the 16,000 employes of space contractors in the area. But many supervisors, said Court Hearing on Autopsy in Kennedy Case Is Slated Dr. Donald P. Mills, who examined the body of Miss Kopechne shortly after it was discovered, ’ wrote in Medical World News that he asked for an autopsy. * * * Mills, associate medical examiner of Dukes County, said volved, there would be no autopsy." Mills said he thought evidence was conclusive that Miss Ko-chne drowned and that he was satisfied that no foul play was involved*- He added that, under Massachusetts law, “unless a medicolegal’autopsy is ordered by the district attorney, it EYES BOTHERING YOU? , Cull Today For An Appointment! THE NUMBER IN PONTIAC IS 333-7871 Wo Provide: EXAMINATIONS • REGULAR GLASSES SAFETY GLASSES • CONTACT LENSES SUNGLASSES * REPAIRS This i* a consumer organization sponsored by your local credit unions. Open Saturday and every .weekday except Wednesday. • Hearing Aids, Too! PH COMERS CO-OP OPTICAL Make An Appointment At Our Convenient Location: 1 TIT SouthTeiegraph - Pontiac____ WILKES-BARRE Pa. (AP) A court hearing on a request for an autopsy on the body of Mary Jo Kopechne will be held Aug. 25. . i The date was set.Friday after Edmund Dinis, district attorney for Dukes County Mass., conferred for’a half an hour in the chambers of President Judge Bernard C. Brominski of Com-^he was told by a representative!may not be done if the cause of, mon Pleas Court of Dinis-that'“if 1= was satisfied death is obvious by examination] ** * * that there was no foul play in- of the body.” Dinis said an exhumation and -.«4: autopsy on the body of the 28-1 year-old former secretary of the I late Sen. Robert ft. -Kennedy was vital to an inquest he has scheduled for Sept. 3 in Edgar-town. Mias Kopechne died whan a car driven by Sen; Edward M. Kennedy fell off a bridge July 18 on Chappaquiddick Island on Martha’s Vineyard. PLEADED GUILTY Kennedy later pleaded guilty | to leaving the scene of an acci-\ dent. He was given a suspended sentence of two* months in jail and was placed on probation. His driver’s license was suspended. Present during the discussions, with Brominski were lawyers! John Flanagan and John O’Connor, representing Mr- and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne of Berk-j ley^ Heights, N.J. 4 | The Kopechnes said they want f to block moves for an exhumation or autopsy. Flanagan told newsmen the Kopechnes “feel the autopsy would serve no useful purpose.” AUTOPSY FAVORED In New York, Dr. Milton Hel-j pern, one of the nation’s leading medical detectives, said > he would have ordered an autopsy immediately after Miss Ko-pechne’s death if the responsibility had been his. * A “When you find a young woman dead in an auto, even if the car is not submerged, you do an autopsy,” ^he said in an interview. Halpem is Chief medical examiner of New York City I or more tickets .“and the little man was left out.” \ ‘I’m just furious about it,” said the wife of a man left out. The city distributed 15,000 tickets. Each city councilman got 40. - STANDING ROOM A final batch of 5,000 for standing, room only was offered free to the public. They were me in 90 minutes. The show will include singers Nancy Ames and Dionne Warwick and comedians Flip Wilson and Bill Dana. Marguerite Piazza will open it by singing the National Anthem. ' * ★ *, The party winds up a week of tribute for the Apollo II nauts that included tickertape parades in New York and Chica-and a state dinner that President Nixon held for them in Los Angeles. Some 5 0,000 persons participated in the California gold,rush. FREE SUMMER ST0RAQE AT RE0ULAR CLEANING PRI0ES, NO 00UP0N NECESSARY! 4 SALLY BRENT CLEANERS Waterford Plaza TeMtaron S.C. -71 S. Squirrel . Auburn HolgMc 3 ONE HOUR MARTINIZINQ Miracle Mile S.C. Baldwin Plaza-3397 Elizabeth Lake Rd. SmrmTm*mTfTT»YroT»TymTy3nrmTnrrnw WANTED 25 Teenage Models For j Carnaby Kaleidoscope j Friday, Aug. 22 and Saturday, Aug. 23. 1 - ’ V ' * No Experience Necessary. Ages 14-18. From 5*4" to 5'8" f Apply Miracle Mite Shopping Center j Office on Monday, H August 18; at 10 A.M. * 2247 $. Telegraph Rd. Miracle Mile Shopping Center ■eocegciatctotaoteceiceoc.ee.t.oe eeee*».4.e*n„n«oonetBUA* is the most hazard-proof watch you can give a man. The Rolex Oyster case is not only 100% waterproof > but is immune, too, to dust, sand and anything else that can damage the movement and clog the oil. For sea-going activities - for rigorous everyday wear - choose a Rolex. aROLEX leitju&nafrweb Will cut a handsome swath in or out of water. Pressure-proof to a depth of 66Q feet, even deep sea dives will not affect it because the precision movement is enclosed in a special Oyster case Stylos From 132.50 to 1,150.00 OfrIN * . FRIDAY i V| NINOS DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Comar of Huron and Saginaw Stroot Fa, 2-0294 Beekuiitii-Evans Sun. 12i00 to 5:00 Mon. 'til 9:00 INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPET BKWESRE' First quality — fomoui make — use in.any roam in tha hausd. Idaal far halls, an* outdoors for patios and *n- ' ^ jk francos. Won't rat IBgR or mildaw. Chaise W*'* of 9solars.August b Sg.Yd. Clearance. SOI LOOP DuPONT NYLON Thick nylon pit. at 4.98 si yd. Excellent for heavy traff arsas. 8 vi-brant colors. August Claaranca TIP SHEAR ACRYLIC PILE Acrylic ptlo.Spoeiat purchase of 8 d.corotor pi Q cofors. August lb** Clearance. U Sc NYLON PILE „ HEAVY SHAG I Beautiful long-wearing shag, I tweeds, or plains. 10 colors. I DuPont Nylon I pild, excellent 1 for family rooms. August Clearance E98 V*q.YS. HEAVY EMBOSSED K00ELPILE Thii K.d.l pile embossed at F :. of 8 colors. ____ lowest offering. August Clear- 798 f Sq.Yd. CARPET SAMPLES 20c EACH 12x15 REMNANTS, ALL SIZES, UNDER $2.00 £p. SAVE 30% TO 50% ON MANSION SIZE REMNANTS Size 12'xl2'0" 12'xl0'5" 12'x8'0" 12'x9'5" 12'xl 1*8" 12V16*2" 2'x9'8" J2'xll'2" iiwr 12‘xl i‘3" 12'x15'7" 12'xl 2'6" 12'xl I'll* 12'xl I'O" 12'x9‘10" 12'xl 7*3" 12'xl 5'7" 12'x19'8" 12'xl 2'4" 12'x8'8" 12'xl 2'0<' 12'xl O'O" 12'xlO* 12'x9'0" 12'xl 2'8" I2'xl2’10" 12'xl 3*2" 12'xl 8'4" 12'xl 4'3" V2'xl0'6" 12'xl 8' 12'xl4'0" 12'xl 6*8" I2'x9'10" 12'xl 1*2" 12*x14'10* 12'xl I'O" 12'x8'7" 12'xl 8'6" 12*x24‘0" Description Gold Random Olive Random Avocado Carved Red It Black Loop Green Plush Kit. Cpt. Beige Tweed Avocado Leap. . Beige Loop' Green Carved Aqua Random ’ Avocado CaWd Geld Randemv Avocado LsepX Geld Tweed Red It Black Kit. Cpt. Beige Tweed Clever Green Kit. Cpt. Avocodo Carved Gold Random Bronze Plush Chartreuse Plush' Blue Loop ted Rust Kit. Cpt. Blue Green Kit, Cpt. Beige Tweed Gold-Plush Blue Green Kit. Cpt. Bronze Kit. Cpt. Geld Carved Pink Plush Red Geld Kit. Cpt. Avocado Loop Cape Blue Kit. Cpt. Geld Tweed „ Emerald Tweed ‘ Geld Random -Avocado Carved Cold Loop ........... 60.00 140.00 90.00 107.00 160.00 176.00 130.00 110.00 88.00 165.00 237.00 204.00 160.00 176.00 91.00 200.00 68.00 204.00 120.00 144.00 130.00 104.00 91.00 120.00 136.00 128.00 270.00 200.00 200.00 98.00 144.00 190.00 138.00 130.00 150.00 200.00 180.00 120.00 150.00 256.00 9.9.95 >84.95 49.95 69.95 89.95 109.95 69.95 49.95 49.95 99.95 169.95 139.95 99.95 124.95 49.95 119.95 *89.95 129.95 79.95 59.95 89.95 49.95 49.95 79.95 79.95 79.95 149.95 119.95 129.95 59.95 89.95 129.95 79.95 89.95 89.95 119.95 99.95 59.95 $iz* . 12‘xl 0**5" 12‘xl 1*5" 12'xl 0'4" 12'xl 0*10" 12'xl 4'4" 12'xl 1' 12'x9'0" 12'xl 6'10" 12'xl 7'2" 12'xl 7*8" 12'xl5'3" 12'xl 0r4" 12'x14'6" mil' 12'x24'0" 12'xl 9'9" 12'x23'0" 12'xl 4*4"’ I2'x27'8" 12'x26'5" 12'xl 7*0" 12'x26'8" 12'x21'10" 12'xl 8' 12'xl 9*6" 12'x9'3" 12'x6'10" 12'x8'0" 12’x9'2" 12'x8'0" 12'x6'10" 11'x7'0" 12'x6'10" 12'x9'0'* 12'x9'0" 8'8"x7'0" 12'x9'0" 12'x8'7" 12'x9*0" Description Green Twist Gofd Nugget Leap ' Olive Random Capri Gieen Random Green Loop Avocado Random Geld Loop Emerald. Random Celadon Carved ado Twist Geld Shag Red Shag Capri. Green Plush Orange-Tweed Red Kit. Carpet Grpen Mist Carved ^ Celadon Carved Olive Green Twd. Avocado Plush Gold It Green Loop Martini Twist Gold Kit. Cpt. Off White Carved Gold Loop . Blue/grecn Tweed Gold Loop Gold Random Rustic Green Kit. Cpt. Avocado Carved Off Whiff Carved Avocado Loop Geld Carved w Geld Kit. Cpt. Geld Kit. Cpt. Avocado Random Martini Random Geld Carved Beige Carved ' Avocado Carved Red It Black Comm 168.00 90.00 168.00 180.00 130.00 80.00 96.00 264.00 164.00 288.00 192.00 180.00 168.00 1-69.99 135.00 256.00 286.00 310.00 200.00 259.00 430.00 184.00 440.00 203.00 168.00 175.00 144.00 90.00 121.00 121.00 88.00 81.00 80.00 60.00 108.00 144.00 70.00 120.00 120.00 120,00 Sala 159795 59.95 89.95 '89.95 69.95 109.95 *39795 139.95 89.95 179.95 119.95 119.95 109.95 99.95 79.95 199.95 179.95 189.95 409.95 .179.95 259.95 109.95 329.95 109.95 99.95 99.95 89.95 59.95 59.95 59.95 44.95 39.95 59.95 39.95 69.95 69.95 4 39.95 59.95 59.95 ' JcmSI S Years To Pay j YarnRtfynno»Utofoeao/€arp5t^ CONVENIENT CREDIT TOO — NO MONEY DOWN feckwltk -Evans FINE FLOOR COVERINGS 27 SOUTH TELEGRAPH TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER - PONTIAC - 334-9644 B—10 Providence Church t . . ■ Has Guest Speaker READY FOR RIDE-Trying out the Dune Buggy already on hand for the 5th Annual Festival at St. Peftetua Catholic Church, 134 Airport, Waterford Township, are (from left) THE/PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, I960 Living Rosary Friday Pilgrimage at St. Joseph An open house and pilgrimagejparitions in modern times, ln-|The Immaculate Heart of Mary, procession honftring the Blessed [terspersed between the recita-Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our | Virgin Ma^y will be held at St. rtion ^ of the decades of the1 Lady of the Cape and the Black Catholic Church, 400 W. Rosary. ' Madonna. Blvd. from 8, a.m. to 71 The tableaus presented just! An historical account will bej p.m. tomorrow. . [after dark will be highlighted I given with each tableau. Masses are scheduled for 8|by participants bearing candles! Assisting Mrs. Stevenson with; and 10 a.m.; noon; and 1, 2 and during the ceremonies. the production are Elise Ko-j p.m. . _ *• * * .The pilgrimage procession will 3:30 p.m. with dinner at 5:30. Light lunches and refreshments will be avail-all day, and the grounds be open for picnic basket I Ashton, Virginia LaFave, Henry Zywiol, Carl Tenuta, George rStevenson, -and Chester Herold. Others are Anne Williams, ijeanice Bdga, Debra Sevepy, i Frank PolSsck, Jack Greenwood, Thomas Pruents, Catherine Denihan and Father Po- ztSd des Slated If Festival Trinity Keego Harbor | POLICE SPONSOR ATHLETES - Patrolman James Womack of the Pontiac Police Department says goodbye to Dan Sartell of 80 St. Lawrence, Pontiac Township (center) and Roily* Garcia of 12 Short as the boys head for the Na- Attend Christian Conference tional Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ Conference in Mount Pleasant. The Pontiac Police are sponsoring Sartell and Garcia. The conference opening tomorrow at Central Michigan University will continue through Friday. 1 people of Macedonia Church i with college education. ] ! Young people of T r i n i t y 2f. _ , s new attraction at St.! United Methodist Church, Keego New Temple atua’s Catholic Chu r c h!Harbor, will entertain youth of. »Continilitv ancl chanee” will val this year will be the f ^enc^Ue’ the ttiei^-or R^bl Ernst J. Buggy Ride. “ '15 Conrad at the 8:30 p.m. service ★ ★ morning worship tomorrow. „ .. . .. XT a, , n Reed, general chairman, The young people ofthefFr*d«y in. TemP»e- ■ there will be games, for all.Clarenceville Church will visit! Religious services are held at hot meals or just snacks and worship at the Trinityltt Birmingham Umtarian beverages for the annual Church services. The t w o C;1™ r c *) > festival set from 1 to 7 p.m. groups were together at camplw®°dw®rd’ Bloomfield Hills, tomorrow on the church lawn, I in July.. 1 "" "ro "" auoc ° Airport, Waterford ★ * ★ Township. A fish pond, cake walk, fioopla and country kitchen are among the games planned. Home baked food will be available. Pastor Robert C. Laphew will preach on “From the 'Lion's Den to the King’s Palace.” A trio consisting of Carol-Ann, Jim and Charles Sempere, will I sing during the service' Members and guests are invited to participate in the discussion and social hour following the sermon. Guests are welcome, the rabbi said. Ppntiac Police Select Garcia, Sartell Two leading athletes at Pon-j champion in the long jump this .police department tlac Central and Northern High j spring, will attend, at the] sponsored the project. annual Fellowship of Christian schools were .selected* by the recommendation of the PCH ffo conference at CentralAth,ete sumfner conferences ni, . * . , i faculty and staff. ' , «.« g , , and more than 4,000 men and Pontiac Police Departmentto * * * - - Michigan University one of. ^ ^ e ted to -attend'the NmionM 'Fellowship^ -rh* pNH reiirese^ wTlk 1168177Fattend one ...' of Christian - Athletes’ . Con- iK ! Iat 6 Pm- tomorrow and last: * * * ference ^unday through Friday L&h ^lo Liter in,Until the morning of Aug. 22. at Mount Pleasant. track J we„ ^ a reserveinPOLICE PROJECT * * * basketball. \ The. project is part of the Roily Garcia, a f ootball. * .★ ★ human relations program of the quarterback and a state track; This is the first year the Pontiac Police Department. Assisting Mr. Reed as com- Macedonia mittee chairmen are Carl Fox, • . Paul Schottz, Art Daniels, Steve William Jackson, executive jcioonan, Carl Anderson, Bill director of Harambee Inc., will | Dean, Jim Dean, Leo Van Den I be guest speaker at annual . jBossche, Ken Gaddis a n djeducation social set for 3:30 This is the 14th year of the Sherman Van Deusen. I p.m. tomorrow in Macedonia ^ Baptist Church. Triumph The Rev. Fret) Davis and daughters, Linda gtM* Deborah, of Montgomery/ Ala., will preach .at the evangelistic services at Triumph Church, 178 Green, Wednesday through Aug. 25. Pastor' “T. L. Taylor -said meetings will begin at 8 p.m. Mr. Jackson is a graduate of Memorial Mrs. Leonard Randall and; Carol Sweetman are a 1 s o,Howard university Law School. heading women s activities. i The social is given.,annually! The Rev. Duane Lindsay of ®f.rn. . Zagiamczny to raise Kidds to assist ydun^FReading Wfll bring the message said the public is invited. i__________>_______________^ .-* •__ for the 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. worship services tomorrow in [Memorial Baptist Church, 599 Michigan. ★ ★ ★ The Ladies’ Quartet composed of Mrs. Ed Justin, Mrs. James Bohlman, Joyce Harroun and Mrs. Darrell Crandall, will sing at morning worship. Reaching Women will get together for cotfee and Bible study at 9:30 a.m.-*Wednesday. Oakland Ave. U.P. Tomorrow morning the Rev. Theodore R. Allebach of Oakland Avenue United Presbyterian Church and the Rev. Dorr Fockler of Mandoff' Lake Community ChuYch in Union Lake will exchange pulpits. ★ ★ * Larry Skadden who served as missionary intern for several months will speak at the 7 p.m. service in the Oakland Church. . Skadden will be married in September to Darleen Enders in Halifax, Pa,> The' couple will then do missionary work in France. Why i Go to Church The five-day schedule will! include coaches’ clinics in -a variety of sports, athletic competition in' the Dogpatch Olympics, athletic panels and [demonstrations, huddle U i s c u s s i o n periods and . : . discussion periods *******| assemblies built around IiFCA’s summer theme, lithe Great Race of Fatih.” - (EDITOR'S SOT! article*' written by P< is the sigth in a series of ea citizens.) H> UR. L. F. M.Al'SMKYER PaMtar DfHiit In answering the question “Why I Go to.Church" there comes to mind several reasons. 1 feel that in the formative years, early guide lines become a lasting part in the religious upbringing and philosophy of an individual. Parents who attend church with their families as a unit lend early exposure to church environment. Repeated visits to worship service often create a habit, one which may last forever. Sunday School and its teaohers play an important role in the development and attitudes of a youngster. I feel fortunate that my early exposure to church instilled within me the desire to want to attend church as an adult. ■N it it it With such a start by my parents, it,follows that weekly attendance at formal worship services comes — ' .naturally, in cases, of personal problems or tragedy, I find it satisfying to attend church -, service to be nourished by- the quiet communion that is offered. Barring illness, I feel a aestse rtf guilt if Irdbmur. , .. . •' Trials and tribulations are abated here, and as in no other place can peace of mind ‘ be found. To me, solace comes so quietfyjh the nave,.l want to be present. The program is dedicated to i [bringing out the best in Christian values and the leadership 'abilities of the participates is open to high school and college 1 athletes. -1 ' ■ — The Rev. Willie Morganfield, former national recording artist of spiritual songs, in Cleveland, Ohio, will preach- al the 7:30 p.m.' service Saturday in Providence Missionary Baptist ’Church. , *M it *A The Rev. J. R. Fleming of| Macedonia Baptist Church will! speak at the 3:30 p.m. program. Mr! Morganfield will provide [the musical program at the 7:80-1 pfening worship. * * ®: - ★ *i.j } i Services throughout the day! were to observe tee anniversary of the Pastor’s Chorus. Pr»M ehoto, by m VMMrwory Robert, Earl of 4920 Maycrtst, and Jeff and Gregg Stachler of 4650 Claudia, Waterford Township. The annual affair' is scheduled from 1 to 7 p.m. tomorrow. * organ recital at 7 p.m. irtis Posuniak, church or-;, will precede the pro-which begins at. 8 p.m. Pontiac Living Rosary in-i “living” tableaus which t the life of the Blessed l Mary, her .titles and ap- COMPARE ROSARIES — Participating in the Living Rosary on the grounds of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bagley at West South Blvd. Friday evening will be (left) Rita Martinez of 253 E. Wilson. She will represent Our Lady of Guadalupe. Shelia Jones of Crystal Lake will portray, the Black Madonna. * FLOWERS FOR TEA -- Bringing flowers for the Scjjol- , arship Tea tomorrow in the home of Mrst Joseph-Singleton, 60fi .Orchard,Lake are (left) Mrs. Glenn McKnight of 475 Nebraska and Mrs. Jimmy Keel of 611 Nevada (right). Mrs. Singleton and daughter Marsha, are holding the tea roses. Mrs. McKnight and Mrs. Keel are cOchairmen the tea from 4 to 6 Sunday afternoon. The-Gity Wide Choir Union is sponsoring the evpnt. For the religious festivities, Pastor Edward Popielarz will preadfi, the Rev. Fred Klettner will lead devotions and the Rev. Robert Kotlarz will offer the benediction. 1 ★ A * Mary, the mother of Jesus, be honored as the Immacu-Heart of Mary, the Black Madonna of America; Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico; Our Lady of Czestochowa, Po-—1 Our Lady of the „ LIVING ROSARY j The Living Rosary will be - presented for the 19th eonsecu-year at the St. Joseph h. It is given annually on 22, the Feast of the Im-late Heart of Mary. . John Stevenson of Union the originator of the pro-has been chairman for years. Bible Society Gives Report NEW YORK W — At least qne complete book of the Bible has now been published in 1,326 languages and dialects of the world, an increase of 46 over last year’s count of 1,280, the United Bible Societies report. it ★ ★ .Tilt.Import shows that the whole. Bible has been published in 242 languages, an entire Testament in 307 additional languages! and at least one book of Scriptures in 777 other languages, Whole Bibles were out for titd first time in Kirundi, in Burnundi, Africa, and in Nama, in South West Africa. Mobile Pulpit | S UTTON -I N-ASHFIELD, England (AP) - a local {churchman, Arthur Quincey, has built a mobile pulpit and is offering* the design to any clergymen who have' difficulty in bridging the gap between themselves and smhll congregations in large churches where pulpits are a long wa#' from the pews. It cost less than 15 dollars and can be made in under 10 hours, Quincey says. The mobile pqlpit just hooks on to the pews that are nearest to the congregation. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, Christ gives courage to face each day’s crisis and hope for a more joyous tomorrow. Pastor Martin • Preaching 11:00 A M. 7:00 P.M. Last in Series HOLY LAND SLIDES Wed., 7:00 P.M. Sunhyvale Chapel ■ 5311 Pontiac Lake Rd. Pontiac, Michigan A noble deed is a step toward God. — Josiah Gilbert Holland,' American novelisi. BETHEL TABERNACLE Bet Pentecostal Church ef Pontiac ^ EVANGELISTIC SERVICE - Rov. and Mrs. E. Crouch 1341 Soldwin Avo. » 5-43S7 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 576 Orchard Lake SERVICE 7:30 P.M. ARTHUR BEESLEY, Speaker, Pro*.-of M.S.S.A.C. B—11 Plan Program The- Usher Board of Messiah Missionary Baptist Church, 575 E. Pike is sponsoring a talent scout program at.-4:30 p.m..tomorrow. All ages may participate. Stanley Jones, president of the group, said refreshments will be served and the program is open to the public. Let parents bequeajh to their children not riches, but {the spirit of reverence.—'Plato, philosopher of ancient Greece. AUBURN HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST ass S. SQUIRREL RD.i HENRY SCHMIOT, PASTOR JNDAY SCHOOL....10:00 A M. < ORNINO WORSHIP..10:45 AM. ---------- ..7:00P.M. WEDNESDAY PRAYER .. .. 7:30 P.M. For Information Call 334J3715 MARK SITE — Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Oxford Seventh-day Adventist Church will take place tomorrow at 1988 Lapeer, Lake Orion. Shown choosing the site are (from left) Elder R. D. Moon, president of the. Michigan Conference; the Rev. J. B. Craw, local pastor; and Elder "Don Copsey,'stewardship and development secretary of the GOOD SHEPHERD ASSEMBLY OF GOD . Now Location New on Sashabaw Between Maybee and 1-75 Sunday School....10 A.M. Morning Worship.... 11 A.M. C.A. Youth Service Sun. 6 P.M. Evening Service.7 P.M. Mit-Week Sery. Wed. 7:30 PM. Patton John Doaring Phone: 335-5313 At Columbid Ave. Church Youth Start Study in Christian Growth Avenue Baptists Church will A special seminar l [ Monday night. "Evolution’ Beginning Monday Columbia!lems that exist in today’s world, {discussion " ' ........... | seminar dealiing I ~ ~ ‘ _ sponsor a new concept in! with contemporary problems of! Guests Tuesday evening will Christian education. The week | the new generation will be held be speakers representing the will coiisist of the study book each evening from 7 to 9. | American Cancer Foundation, entitled “The Balanced life,” a . Dr. William Forbes, professor .They - will ! study in Christian growth and of biology at Oakland Universi- statistics < - maturity to cope with the prob- ty, will lecture and lead the I smoking. CALVARY : Assembly of God; .: 5860 ANDERSONVILLE RD. 1 BLOCK OFF DIXIE HWY. CHURCH OF CHRIST IH CHRISTIAN UNION 25 EAST BLVD. SOUTH Preaching a Christian Centered Menage Many accept the Christ of Tho Cross: But mfuso to accopt Tho Crass of Christ. A Real Warm Welcome Ateaitt Youl Sunday School 9:4S - Worship 11:00 - Y.P. 6:00 Evangelistic Hour 7:00 - Wednesday Prayor 7:00 Church 338-1155 - RoS. 332-3953 I Silvercrest Baptist Ctarch 2562 Dixie Highway, Pontiac 10:50 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Rev. Leland Lloyd speaking Pastor John Huntor 673-9274 Thursday night 'the church will be host, to the vice squad of, the Pontiac Police Department for a presentation on drug use. , Dr.” Forest ^tevenson, af bring the latestChristiari psychologist in the the effects of Metropolitan Detroit area, will! [ devote time Friday evening fo{; L*-.; the problem of youth develop- > ment and boy-girl relationships.' There will be a welner roast at the home of Marilyn Coffey,! 102 Berkshire Wednesday even-! ing. The entire group will leave { the church at 6 a.m. on Saturday for a trip to Cedar Point’ Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio. All young people of the com- First Presbyterian Church in j First Presbyterian Church will and a -33rd degree Scottish Rite munity are invited to nttnnrt the Birmingham, and the Rev.!exchange pulpits for morning Mason in Detroit. {week’s activities, The Rev. Galen E. Ilershey of Pontiac’s] services tomorrow. PASTOR HERSHEY Perry Thacker, assocaite A graduate of Union, Pastor-is in char8e of the y°uth Theological Seminary in^rtmenL* 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL A SPIRITUAL TRAINING CLASS FOR EVERY AGE BRING YOUR FAMILY 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP HOUR V EVERYONE WELCOME • CHOIR MUSIC 0 • BIBLE PREACHING 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERMON |i A GOOD PLACE FOR YOUR SUNDAY EVENING pi; PASTOR ARNOLD Q. HASHMAN 673-0049 THE FRIENDLY CHURCH :•:•:? United Presbyterian Churches ^AUBURN HEIGHTS 3456 Primdfy Struct F. Wm. Palmer, Pastor , Sunday School-, . . . 9:30 Morning Worship,, fl A.M.. DRAYTON Cor. Sashabaw.at Monro* St. W. J. Teeuwissen, Pastor Bibl* School . . .9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Youth Groups . .. 6:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer and . Study Hour . . . 7:00 P.M. OAKLAND AVENUE , 404 Oakland at Cadillac Thaodora R. Allebach, Pastor Audrey Linkeman, D.C.E. . Richard Pickering, Youth Director Worship 8:30 and 11 A.M. Sunday School ... 9:45 A.M. Youth Fellowship... 5:45 P.M. Worship..... 7:00 P.M. Wad. Prayor..7:00 P.M. LAKELAND ceday Lak Waterford Roy F. Lambert, Pastor Sunday School.... 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship.. 10:45 A.M. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT 3535 CJintonvill* Rd. Waterford Twp. Church School 9:30 and 10:45 Worship Service® 8:15 and 10:45 A.M. Crea M. Clark Pastor JOSLYN AVENUE UNITED 1106 Joslyn Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship 10:45 A.M. Thursday Bible Study 7:30 P.M. Rev.E.I. Watkins In Birmingham, Pontiac Ministers Exchange Pulpits .j?irst '14/ad/eif, & Wo% CL ? THE ^ ‘ WESLEYAN ‘ ' CHURCH 4 t urck BALDWIN at FAIRMONT Pontiac, Michigan Sunday School..... .9:45 A.M. Worship..............11.00 A.M. Wesleyan Youth........6:00 PJ4. Evening Family Gospel Hour .. .7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer and Praise. 7:00 P.M. REV. WILLIAM LYONS. Pastor Independent, Fundamental, Evangelistic ...„ NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 2024 Pontiac Road (Across from 4-H Fairgrounds) Sunday School 10 A.M. Church Service* 11A.M. Sun. Eve. Evangelistic Service 7 P.M. Midweek Service Wed. 7 P.M. A Going — Glowing — sfcSgw ■OR.Awm mmAJSSt Emmanuel | 'BapM Chwtck 645 S. Telegraph (Near Orchard Lake Rd.) ! DR. TOM AAALONE, Pastor ;t: A Fundamental, Independent, Bible-Believing Baptist Church | BIBLE SCHOOL 10 A.M.. I Departmentalized Sunday School far All Ages . • with NO Literature But the Bible ^ 1 HEAR DR. TOM MALONE : i tooch the Word ot God, verse by verse, in the large Auditorium $$ j-i Bibl* Class, broadcast on WPON 10:15 t* 10:45 A.M. ^ MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7 P.M. § PRAYER MEETING Wed. 7:30 P.M. . BUS SERVICE CALL FE 2-8328 | / r- . Nursery - All Services W A graduate of Princeton1 Theological Seminary and the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Harris served as moderator of the Presbytery of New Brunswick, N.J., moderator of Presbytery of Detroit and vice moderator of the .Synod, of Michigan. A delegate to the 16th General Council of the Alliance ofDr- W,11,am H' Marbach Reformed Churches held Geneva, Switzerland in 1948, he also attended the General Council held in Soo Paulo, Brazil in 1959 An observer at the meeting of World Council of Churches in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Dr. Harris was a delegate to the Second Assembly of the World Council held in Evanston, 111. In 1954. Day^ ^lo, the Rev. Galen E. Columbia Avenue Churrij Hershey of First Presbyterian will hold Vacation Bible School Church took graduate work at [Monday through AVg. 28 Under the University of Iowa. *"* ^rectionof the Rev. Mr. * * * Thacker. Children through 12 P.aorHmtey served «s P"?,? “1^ T T"p W associate pastor of the con- 611 children in the Pontiac ( gregation for six years when area are invited. Transportation; {Dr. William H. Marbach waslwiU be prpvidSTby calling the minister ! church office. Before coming to Pontiac he! Th* Youth Choir of Exchange served as pastor of the^venue -Baptist Church int Evangelical United Brethren | Oklahoma City will present a Church in Stacyville, Iowa and concert in the Columbia Church | later at Staves Memorial!at^30 p.m. tonight. Admission Church in Des Moines. Is ^ree- While in seminary Pastor j 1 ' Hershey worked with young! Roard ReianS people of a church in Dayton. | v y LOS ANGELES (AP) — In. \ REVIVAL IN PROGRESS August 17-24 Special Singing, Music, and Full Gospel Preaching REV. TftOMAS EDWARDS-EvangelisJ of-Windsor, Ontario, Canada C R. CALLAHAN, PASTOR Public Invited CHURCH OF GOD 623 EAST WALTON BLYD. AAUSIC TQ BLESS THE HEART Goiptl Favorites and Requested Songs ‘ Music Under .thf DIroctien of Joyce Malone ['Wf, . You are not going to getjstea{j”0f a “mother general,” I , Up ic an honorary member of lpeace with milUonS of armed newly formed board ofdirec-the Rotarv ClXoPBiSeham men' The chariot of peace can‘ tors has been elected to gov- the Rotary Cu of______not advance over a road littered | e'rn the Roman Catholic Order : with cannon. - David Lloyd I of the Immaculate Heart Sis-_____ ,, . .George, World War I British ters. now in'the midst 6f' ex- _ R6V Harry GlDrk Pr‘me minister. Itensive reforms. FIRST SOCIAL BRETHREN CHURCH 316 Baldwin-FE 4-7631 Sunday School—10:00 A.M. ■ Sunday Worship—11:00 A.M. Evening Worship—7:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer-7:00 P.M. Saturday Evening Bible Study—7:30 P.M. Harry C FE 2-1 Harry Leaving Pine Hall Members and friends of Pine Hill Congregatinal Church will honor the Rev. Harry W. Clark and family at an open from. 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow at the church, 4186 Middle Belt', West Bloomfield Township. Pastor Clark has accepted, a call to North Shore Congregational Church in Milwaukee, as co-minister. He will deliver his final sermon at Pine j Hill Church at the 9:30 a.m. service tomorrqjw. j The Rev. Mr. Clark came to {the congregation in May 1962. | At that time services were: held in the Pine Lake Elementary School. In November 1964 tha congregation moved to the new structure which had just been completed on Middle Belt. Previous to his pastorate at Pine Hill, Mr. Clark was associate minister to youth of First Congregational Church in Royal Oak for six years. LAKECREST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 35 Airport Rd.| Pontiac Sunday School 9:45 A.M. — Worship 11 A.M. , Training Union 6:30 P.M. — Worship 7:30 P.M. , Wea. Choir Practice 6:30 — Prayer 7:30 ■ Phil Tind|e, Jr., Pastor- 335-4897 CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST 3882 Highland Rd. . REV. CARL PRI^E { SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 9 and 11 a m. WED. EVENING 7:30 P.M. (Sam* service a« above, an alternate.service for !' thoseunabletoworship on 5unday.)Nurs*rya‘hd''pnk-tchool classes provided. ivp* FIRST MISSIONARY CHURCH H Rev. Kertneth L. Pennsll inday School 10 A.M. - Wonhlp 11 A.M. Sunday Youth Fellowship 6:00 P.M. Sunday tvoning Worahip 7:00 F.M. Every J Wednesday : 7:00 P.M. j (5 A.M. 11:00 A ch School Morning Worship "OUR HELP IS TOO LATE" Guest Spaaker— Rov. Ronald Tollman ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST 1. 165 I. Square Lake Rd., Bloomfield Hill* - Fi 8-8233 and FE 2-2752 i CHURtH SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 10:45 A.M. SUMMER CHAPEL SERVICE 8;30 A.M. W ■ Amole Parking — Samuel C. Seizert, Min. — Supe^rlied Nurtqry ?: ELMWOOD UNITED U ai ncocriATC liMiTFn faftb Baptist Gburcb 341V Airport Read Special Guest Spaaker 10:00 & 11:00 A.M. * FIRST NAZARENE 60 STATE SV *Where All the Family Worihipe Together” Services to Give You A Spiritual Uplift 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Studying the, Bible Together 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Hear Rev. U. B. Godman 7:00 P.M. EVENING HOUR "Music to Bless the Heart" VBS BEGINS MONDAY, AUG. 8 at 9:00 A.M. Nureery Open for All Services i m ELMWOOD UNITED METHODIST 2680 Crooks Read Sunday School 9:30 a.r Warship 1045 a.m. Evening Worehip 7 p.m Prayer Wad. 7 p.m. Donald Batai, pasta ALDERSGATE UNITED \ S METHODIST 1536 Baldwin FE 5-7Z97 Donald Bata*, pasta?. Worship 9:30 A.M. „ xjChurch School 10-45:A.M.| CLARKSTON METHODIST 6600 Waldorf Road, Clarksten CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A.MT WORSHIP 10 A.M. | Frank A. Coxadd, Minister Adelle Thomas. Director of Music TRINITY UNITED METHODIST : Waterford 6440 MaceddvOr. | WORSHIP 9:06 and 10:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 9:00 A.M. . Donald O. Cnimm, Minister ■ „ _ tiMuiiniwiwinig KEEGO HARBOR TRINITY METHODIST i United Methodist Church • 2091 Com Lak* Road Robert C. Laphew, Min. Church School Worship Youth Fellowship 9:36 -10:45 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Hour 7:30 P.M. ®—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURPAY.AUQUST 16, 1969 Lutherans to Hold ! Speaker j Assembly in Brazil of Princeton NEW YORK (UPI) - The SGlD/DOfy * Fifth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation will be held ■ ' r ,Princeton Theological LWF of/>«rs a.ceept«i an in-;Semlnary will be guest speaker; 'itation from the Evangelical jor lbe 9:3q and-11:30 morning1 Church of Lutheran Confession scrvjce8 lomorrow in Kirk In1 in Brazil 18 months ago to hold ^ Hi,ls the meeting there but look the ^ of lhe Kirk. a s s • m b y s i t e u n d e: r ■ *lf fae he1d lhe Abbeyj reconsideration after |§ at the i3me hours. S MM i'.V, wawaUii December. *• * * R / Now they have reaffirmed acceptance of /the Brazilian church’s invitation. has held the Charles R. Erdman Chair of Pastoral Theology at Princeton. For 10' years he| served as Dean of the Princeton Seminar^. Contribu’ing editor to| Sutton and his wife several works of Karl Barth Including “C.od In Aclion” and “God's Search for Man.” : Dr. Homrighausen has. iauthored- several outstanding ‘books of his own. “Let the; Church Be the Church.” “I Believe in the Church,” arid “Choose Ye This Day.” members of Precious Parish in Detroit's Northwest' area. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Disciples of Christ 858 W. Huron Street 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 10:15 A.M. MORNING*SERVICE Rev. Lawrence C. Bobbitt PHONE: Office 332-1474 The Pontiac CHURCH OF CHRIST 1180 N. PERRY WORSHIP 10:30 end 6:00 P.M. BIBLE CUSSES 9:30 A.M, SUNDAY Mid-Week Bible Class Wad., 7:30 P.M. ' BOYD GLOVER TOM MILHOLIAND Minister* ; HEAR HERALD OF TRUTH CH.50-Frl. 10:30 A.M. Ch. 62-Sun. 3:30 P.M. Rev. T. D. Gigicos Serves in Hawaii i HONOLULU (*t - Hawaii now has its first Greek Orthodox ipriest. Archbishop Iakovos of New York has assigned the Rev. T. Dean Gigicos, formerly of Waterloo, Iowa, to serve Honolulu’s Eastern Orthodox community. Rev., Gigicos is Hawaii’s first -AN AMERICAN SAPTIST CHURCH* BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH WEST HURON AT MARK ' SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 SIRMON "THE SAMI LORD-THE SAME CHURCH." REV GARLAND CHANCEY „ CHURCH SCHOOL 9:00 A.M. , WORSHIP 10:00 A.M. Ampls Parking Space 'Or. (mil Kent*, Pa»*or BIBLE REBINDING CHRISTIAN • LITERATURE SALES 55 Ook]ond Aire. FE 4-9591 BLOOMFIELD HILLS . BAPTIST CHURCH 3600 Telegraph Rd. 8:30 A,M. First Service 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Second Sorvieo 4:30 P.M. Jr. Hi Youth 6:00' P.M. Evoning Service 7:30 P.M. Sr. Hi Youth The tlfeTt>f njan is a-journey; a journey thta must be traveled, | accommodations.—Oliver Gold-smith, British poet and novelist. ~FIRST. ASSEMBLY of GOD * Peny St. at Wldo Track SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. * Everyone Wolcamo 11A.M. REV. H. BEEMAN 7 P.M. REV. A. DIMUSTO The Church on The March Our humanity were a poor thing were it not for the divinity that stirs ’Within us. ~ Sir Francis Bacon, English Essayist and philosopher. 1st GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH 249 Baldwin Avo. Sunday School..........9:45 A.M. Morning Worohip.........11:00 A.M. Evening Service ........6:00 P.M. Wad. Bibla Study.......7:00 P.M. Roy. T. W. Bland, Pa.tor - FE 4-7172 - 673-020? MODELING — AH decked out in the dresses .they will model at the dinner and fashion show on Aug. 23 are (from , , left) Yolanda Campbell of 283'Judson, Stephanie Charmon {priest of the Greek Orthodox | 0( 24i E. Wilson and Leslie Campbell, Yolanda’s sister. The [faith. Heretofore, Hawaii was1 ^ the! only state in America with-out an - Eastern Orthodox Church. ’ Pontlee Preo* Photo dinner program sponsored by Springfield Missionary Baptist Church,' Is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at the Sveden House, Montcalm and Baldwin. Record Giving SPRINGFIELD, Mo. Ifl-Giv-ing to world ministries of the [8,406 Assemblies of God churches last year exceeded the $12. million mark for the first time [in the denomination's 53-year !history. Bible Schools Start for Children, Adults Singing Nuns Provide Music Central Christian Church 3246* La poor Rd. 11 A.M. Morning Worthip—9:45 Bi,blo School 6 P.M. Youth Moating—7 P.M. Gospel Hour Mr. Roiph Sherman, Minister Lutheran Lineup ! MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Spon- j ' sored by the Lutheran Brother- j VALLEY FORGE, Pa. UB -[hood, a fraternal insurance •society, athletes from 28 Luth-| Singing nuns pf the Medical ^ eran schools have been selected Fellowship Baptist Church,.missionaries from Puerto Rico, Mission Sisters led by Sister'as the year’s “All-Lutheran in lav ITvilftfi l.atra la nlaruiwill chnw slirifli nnrt cnpnlr nf * Colleg0 Football TG3IH ” pjg_ APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST HNHH1JI 1410 University Dr. Saturday Yeung Paoplt 7:30 P.M. H Sunday School and Warship 10 A.M. Sunday tunning Sorvieo 7:30 P.M. 1 ■Bh^HiTuai.a'nd Thun. Srirvicas 7:30 P.M. ' William D. Potent, Pooler ftiiha, L. A. Por.nl | Church Phone FE 5-8361 Pastor's Phone 852-2382 [ ilflO Jay, Union Lake, Is plan-[will show slides and speak of . iv/uueKe rumumi jumiu. r ning a Vacation Bible School for their work in the mission field'Miriam Therese Winter, provid- gMn parocbiabs;n possibly? families beginning Monday. Wednesday evening, ed musj0 /or '‘coffee house” Classes for children -aAd Bible Prophecy will be J .. _ . adults are scheduled from 7 to discussed at the adult classmornln8 worship services at a We cannot all be great but we; Elizabeth Lake Church of Christ Christian: 183 S. Winding, Pontiac Sunday School.............9:45 A.M. Morning Worthip...........11:00 A.M. Evanihg Sorvieo........... 6:00 P.M. Wod. Biblo Study..........7:00 P.M. Minister Kannath Williams 682-2785 day. Savage. The public is invited. {MOUNT HOPE Dr. and Mrs. Lyle Hoage,| Mount Hope First Congregational Church E. Huron and Mill St. Rev. Malcolm K. Burton, Minister Sunday Morning Service = 9M A.M. Congregation to Worship in New Church Lutheran. Church, 517 W. Walton will hold Bible School classes' for two weeks beginning Monday Hours | are 9 to *1:45 a.m. - J. _ .... e something that is great.—Harry i list Foreign Mission Society Emerson* Fbsdic^( American here. I clergyman. COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 64 W. Columbia Ava. (A Southern Baptist Church) “Whom tha diHartnct.it worth tht diotonce" 0:45 A.M. Sunday School -*6 30 P.M. Traltiing Un • 11 A M. WarthipS 7 30 P.M. Worthip Service WadnaSdoy Night Sendee 7 30.P M PERRY THACKER, Att't. Patter' I. Clay Polk The school is arranged for children three years of age and up to grade six in school. There will be a variety of activities including worship, Bible H rn , iu 1 . study, singing and handicraft. The congregation of the Good Parentg may register their Shepherd Assembly of God will children by calling Mrs. Ronald hold the first service in the new g nejn 1 church building tomorrow. The * * * Sin1 MSeAnH SW? During morning worship between Maybee and 1-75. tomorro^ Pastor Ronald Reinj ■- , * . , , . will preach on the Book of i Sunday School is scheduled Reveiatlon. The sermon Is titled for 10 am. with morning..^ RichChurch.” worship following at 11 a.m. Fonowing the 9 a.m. worship; The afternoon service is set for service( a5 film dealing with the 2:30 P-m> - ' - Life of Jesus will be shown to1 The Rev. Wesley Wibley. tWe Church School. former pastor. of the ' First -------- Assembly of God Church, Pon- - ., ijw„n • I tlac-wiiUhe special speaker at 7 rQVOriTe TT/rnn I P'm * * * WASHINGTON (41 - Although According to Pastor John D. many modem hymnbhoks now Dearing/'lhis is the first-unit of omit “The Old Rugged Cross, a building program. The Sunday it’s still the favorite among School, annex .will be con-Seventh Dav Adventists, a na-sjructed in the near future, tionwide poll by the church In-The congregation has been,dicates. Next, In this. order, [holding Sunday School and were “How Great Thou Art,” [worship services in Leggett “Roc^ of Ages” and “In the (School, Waterford .Township. {Garden.” ' SPIRITUAL CHURCH of GOOD SAMARITAN 4780 Hillciast Drive, Waterford 623-1074 “A Center of Spirituality and Sociability** WORSHIP 7 P.M. HAZEL DAMRAU, of Detroit FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Downtown Church Huron at Wayne, Pontiac WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL 10 A.M. Infant Nursery Ample Parking Near Church .Paster—Rav. Galan E. Harshay Asst. Pastpr—Rav. 6, F. Pop* HILLCREST BAPTIST CHURCH 1240 Dorit Road, Pontiac ■ SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP 11 A.M. TRAINING UNION 6 P.M. WORSHIP 7 P.M. Carroll Hubbs, Minister of Mutie ™i • SUNDAY SCHOOL • MORNING SERVlCf • WQTE BROADCAST (560) • CH YR BROADCAST (71) • YOUTH FELLOWSHIP • EVENING SERVICE • MIDWEEK PRAYER SERVICE Wednesday • WBFG-FM Wad. (98.3) Ck* 9:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m.1 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m/ . 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:00 a;m. 10:45 A.M, Rev. Charles Reed 7:00 P.M. Rev. Robert Messner OAKLAND and SAGINAW Rev. Robert Shelton, Pastor HtUInf Fsrtk Ik* W*HI *1 LHt Mms 1lltr WsMgM'S FIRtT *•,«»! U FIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 46 Rotalawn Dr., North of East Pika / SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M.-RICHARD GREENE, SUPT. 11 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE-7 P M. EVENING WORSHIP Rav. Robert D. Hoover 332-2412 All Saints Episcopal Church Williams St. at W. Pike St. MARIMONT BAPTIST CHURCH 68 W. Walton Blvd. . Holding Forth the Word of Life Sunday School . .....9:45 A.M. Morning Worship..11:00 A.M. Evening Service . ...7:00 P.M. Wednesday Evening.7:00 P.M., REV. ROBERT F. RICHARDSON,'Pastor C. GEORGE WIDDIFIELD EDWIN K. SISK, JR. Sunday, August 17 8:00 A.M. THE LITURGY OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 10:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER and Sermon by „ the Rector THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 29 W. LAWRENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M. Teen Age Fellowship Hour As Announced MORNING WORSHIP 11:15 A.M. EVANGELICAL MEETING 7 P.M. TUESDAY PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING 7 P.M. Brigadier and Mrs. John Grindle, Commanding Officers flood Munir — Singing — Preaching You Are Invited • /. - TENT REVIVAL N(Oh 206 AUBURN AVENUE * P---STARTS—"™’-.’ ION DAY, AUGUST 18th • thru MONDAY, AUGUST 25th Monday Evening! Topic: “THE EXCLUDED CHRIST" FRIENDLY GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH Robert Garner, Pastor Sunday School ..... 9:45 A:M. Morning Worship.....11:00 A.M. Evening Service .....7<00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer at.. 7:00 P.M. Christian Science: Do you know what it is? First Church jef Christ, Scientist i 64 W. lawrence Str.vt Sunday Satvica-Sunday School.... Wed. ive. Meeting SUBJECT: "SOUL" I*. .11:00 A.M. ... 11 «'*•**• iting 8:00 P.M. Waterford Community Church Airport Road - Olympic Parkway Rebelrt D. Winne,* Pa«ter Ken On1, Youth Dimeter FAREWELL SUNDAY We say farewell te our paster and Ms family. Come, arid make this a great day. ' e Sunday School—9:45 A.M. e Worthip Service-! 1:00 A.M. • Farewell Reception—2:00 P.M. A special program has been planned beginning at 2:00 P>M. ♦ Opting Service—7:00 fcM. The Nursery will be open for all services- Welcome fo a Friendly* Fundamental Church! THE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 INVITES YOU THE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD CROSS Of CHRIST On Lon* P.in* of Tnltgraph Bloon.li.ld Hill, Pontiac, Ph.n«: FE 2-15S2 Sunday WanM, SflO and 1C Richard C. Stuckmayar, PaiN PEACE 5S2S Highland Rd. (M-59), Pontiac Phgnar 673-643S ' Sunday Church School 9 A M. „i Sunday Wanhl, 10:39 A.M. WMIon.'Wurm, Pallor ^ ST. PAUL Jadyn at ThM (N. Side), Pontiac Phono* f 194902 Church Saryica 10:45 SaiHlay School 9:15 IKav. Cart E. Luts. Jr. Pafttor ST. STEPHEN Sashabaw at KwnN. Drayton Plain* Phanai OR 34421 Sunday Church School 9:15 Sunday WartM, *:06 and 10*19 E. Data Evamon, Pastor ST. TRINITY ubutn Rd. (E. Sid«), Pontiac ■ PI 4.9401 Ral|d> C. Clou*, Pallor PEACI LUTHERAN CMIRCH THE LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA ' CHRIST Airport at Wm. lakc.Rd. Wat.rford Phono OR 3-7331 Sunday Wanhl, 11 A.M. Sunday Church School 9:20 GLORIA DEI 2400 Pontiac Road, Phono 335-9161 ■ Worohlp 10 A.M. ASCENSION c • / 4150 Pontiac lake Rd., Ponllac Phone OR 4.1212 Wanhl, 9:30 John E. Coopomdor, Pooler THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH UAimPUlSAVlOK *631 N. Adorno Rd., lloomfioU Hill Phono Ml 64041 Sunday Wonhi, SrlS and 11M Sunday Church School 9)30 ^ S17 W. Walton llvd., Ponllac Phono; 33S-9SS1 Sunday WonMp 9410 A.M. Sunday Church School 9r40 AJA Ronald L Rain, Pooler SYLVAN UKI , 2399 Pisa, POMloc Phonoi 4124)770 . Sunday Wanhl, (410 and 10AO Sunday Church School 9:15 Jomao A. Schalkhauor, Pooler -THE LUTHERAN HOUR" Each Sunday V OR 3-1111 Nf 7ffl AJt, CKLW 13*10 PJA Central States Playoff OTTUMWA, low* (AP) - A walk and two errors in the first inning spoiled Rex Clute’s no-hit pitching gs Gaylord, Mich., bowed, 241, to Evergreen Park, III., in Central States Little League baseball Friday nightW SMUG CHAMPION — Several ascob cocker spaniels such as this champion looking Very regal in her well-groomed coat are entered in Sunday’s Pontiac Kennel ShoWat Wisner Field. A total of 96 breeds will be paraded before the judges starting St 9 a.m. There is a record entry of 1,453 in the bench and obedience show. The dog shown is Ch. Lamar’s Ivorjr Summer who carried off The Press best-in-shdw trophy at theBKCwinter show. Altie 1. 77 Taylor Running Star CANNED JUICE—In his first running attempt ior the did have a 14 yard .run and took a 38 yard pass in his pro Buffalo Bills 0. J. Simpson gained two yards and was met debut at Tiger Stadium where the Detroit Lions defeated the in the middle by linebacker Mike Lucci. Simpson however Bills, 24-12, last night. * ' . » . \ THE PONTIAC PRESS * C—1 SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 Course Records Lowered at PGA By BRUNO L. KEARNS Sports Editor, Pontiac Press The Detroit Lions added a “Lemon Twist’’ to the “Orange Juice1’ served up by the Buffalo Bills before 34,206 fans last night at Tiger Stadium. Altie (L.T. —Lemon Twist) Taylor, the Lions*No. I draft choice, sliced off 106 yards rushing, including a 48 touchdown scamper, to pace the Lions to a 24-12, triumph over the AFL Bills. ■ ★ ★ ★ It was the j>ro debut of 0. J. Simpson, the $350,000 shipment of orange juice from Southern Cal, which caused much of the fanfare but it was the 200 pound “lemon twist” from Utah State who stole most of the show. Simpson made his first appearance with 9;l9 left in the first period wearing .No. 36 and as a decoy he pulled half of the Lions’ defense with him while quarterback Tom Flores was passing 20 yards to Haven Moses for the Bill’s first touchdown. ' The Lions had scored with 12:07 left in the period when Mel Farr bulled his way from the three for the touchdown. KICK BLOCKED Paul Naumoff, blocked the point try for Buffalo and the score was 7-6. ' The Lions lost several scoring opportunities, a few on overthrown passes' , as, speedy Earl McCullouch found himself in the open, and a couple when Earl Mann.missed 42 yard and 9 yard field goals. ? ★ \ * * But, the Lions’ rushing game proved most effective as Farr picked up 59 yards in 9 carries before Jeaving the game in favor of Taylor and Nick Eddy, who made up the second backfieid with rookie QB Greg Landry. It was Taylor’s first running appearance for the Lions-, even though he has appeared on the specialty teams to date. On his first running play, Taylor went 12 yards midway in the second period and after Naumoff recovered a Buffalo fumble on the Bills’ 23, the Lions moved to the two. Taylor w^ent 10 yards twice for first downs. ' BOUNCED BACK But from the two yard line, the Lions were stopped and Mann’s field goal try from the nine hit the upright. The most spectacular play of the game was aq overhead pass interception by Lem Barney who .raced .72 yards to the Buffalo 10 before being' pushed out of bounds. On third (day, Bill Munson bit Charlie Sanders for the 10 yard touchdown and the Lions . led 14-6 with Mann’s con-'version. ;j ★ * * With 1:33 left in the half, O. J. entered the game on a third down play but the Bills had nib drive going, and the half ended this way. Landry called the signals in' the second half for Detroit while, Jimmy Harris, a' rookie from Gramblirig was the Bills’ QB. With 14:19 left in the game, Simpson carried the ball for the first time and was hit by middle linebacker Mike Lucci after a two yard gain. FIELD GOAL After rookie Larry Walton raced 42 yards with a punt the Lions made it 17-6 . on a 20 yard field goal by Mann with 10:50 left. . In the final minutes, Simpson did go 14 yards around end on a run and he made a great catch of a pass from Harris for 38 yards to the Lions’ 21. Harris then passed to Bill Enyart,a rookie from Oregon State, for the touchdown. The two point try failed when Harris was .smeared passing. (Continued on Page C-2, Col. 1) By FLETCHER SPEARS DAYTON, Ohio — After an in-' auspicious .start, there was proof aplenty yesterday that golfdoms most proficient x swingers are indeed here for the 51st PGA championship. In first ’day activity Thursday, the steaming (it was 90 degrees) and the muggy south coursle of file NCR country club nearly whipped the classy field into submission. * * * But the tide turned yesterday as the course record was erased in an assault on par of the lush 6,919-yard layout by 'the dollar qjiasing pros who managed 32 rounds of par or better. That was in contrast to the 24 who beat the magic figure Thursday in this competitive. exercise for pro golf’s choicest prize plus the share of the (175,000 purse. The principals in the slashing attack on par yesterday were Seattle’s Don Bies, South African Gary i, player and South Carolinian Raymond Floyd. LOWERED RECORD Player, tabbed by most of his peers as the most likely towvin in pre-tournament guessing, lowered the course record by a shot with a blistering six under par 35-30 65 and the effort, left him just a shot behind the pacesetting Floyd. Floyd, after an opening 69, reeled off a 66 giving him a 36-hola total of 135 in his bid for his tournament victory ..of the 1959. campaign. He collected earlier triumphs at Jacksonville and the ...American Golf Classic. , .. . . ’• ™ ‘ Bies, 31, a long-time club pro, is in his first full year on the tour. His 64—despite a double bogey six on the first hold — ' broke file record set just hotirs earlier by , Player and left Bies with a 138 and very much in contention for his first tour victory. * Following a bumbling start during which he bogeyed two of the first three holes, Player, a slight but powerfully built 155-pounder, launched a sub par spree' on the incoming nine holes. He birdied five of the last seven for his 30. The 65 was a swing better than the 66 a while back by Mike Podolsk! of Troy, Ohio, a former teammate, of Jack Nicklaus at Ohio State. j* 1 . Breathing down the necks of Floyd, Player and Bies were* young Georgian , Bunky Henry and the burly Nicklaus Spencer in Dist rict Play Spencer Floor won overNVasu-Lyan Funeral Home, 1241, and the District 6 championship of the class B fastpitch playoff, last night. Spencer will journey to Flint for the State Tourney. . Jerry Carlton collected three singles ^and scored two runs for Spencer. Floyd 'Hicks picked up the pitching title with a five-hitter and fanned six batters. ” who carved out three under par 68s. Henry was at 137 and Nicklaus at 138. Others- close at hand included Bert Greene of Florida at 139 along with Larry Ziegler, Ron Cerrudo, Larry Mowry and Bruce Cramption all at 140. FORMER CHAMP Former champion A1 Geigerger one of nine who shared the first~~r0Und lead checked in with a 72 to fall into a niche at one under par 151, a spot also shared try Howie Johnson of Palm Springs, Calif. An ailing hip plus an 82 opening day were enough to send Arnold Palmer heading for home, his bid to claim the one major professional title that hast— eluded him, again thwarted. •k ★ " ★ While his challengers frere having a ball with sub par rounds defending champion Julius Boros continued to have his problems and he was among a bunch of folks at 146. Julie, after a 72 Thursday, managed a 74 Friday. The third round opened today for a field of 77. Among those failing - to survive the cutdown was the current Michigan PGA champion Glen Stuapt of Battle Creek who was in at 154. •k ★ ★ Mike Souchak of Oakland Hills survived the axe with a 148 (75-73) and Dave Hill-of Jackson stayed around with a 149. Included in the group at par 142 were Phil Rodgers, Tommy Aaron, Gardner Dickson and Ed Kroll. (Scores onPagc C-2) TWISTIN’ TAYLOR—Altie (L.T.—lemon twist) Taylor from Utah State picked up 105 yards for the Lions, including didn't have to take a back seat to O. J. Simpson last night a 48-yard touchdown run. Here he gets a block by big Rockne when the Lions defeated the Bills. Taylor, the No. 1 choice Freitas (76), the Lions 6-7 and 290 pound offensive tackle. Hurler's Homer Cages Tigers OAKLAND (AP) — “That’s 46 homesp tor Reggie and me!” crowed Oakland Athletics’ pitcher Lew Krausse. The big right-hander slammed his fourth home run of the season, a three-run blast in the seventh inning, to lead his light-hitting teammates to a 4-0 victory Friday night over the defending world champion Detroit Tigers. . ★ ’ ★ ★ f Teammate Reggie Jackson legds the majors with 42 homers to make up the rest of the “Reggie and me” duo. Krausse’s homer broke open a tight pitching duel with Tiger lefty Mickey Lolich, who gave up only six hits in the seven innings he pitched. INTENTIONAL WALK Detroit strategy backfired when Krausse hit the homer. Tiger Manager Mayo Smith had ordered an intentional walk for Oakland catcher Dave Duncan, who went into the game vyith a .196 batting ayerage. Said Smith: “Lolich got behind in the count to Duncan. That’s why he got the - intentional walk. We didn’t figure that Krausse would hit the homer. - .“Those things sometimes happen in The Tigers and A’s face each other again today with John Odom, 14-5, ■ pitching for Oakland against Earl Wilson, 10-8. Krausse had a no-hitter for five and-one-third innings until Tom Tresh singled in the sixth inning. "Sure. L was thinking about a no-hitter,” Krausse said. “You always are. Besides, I saw .one just the other night.” Baltimore pitcher Jim Palmer pitched a no-hitter jo beat the A’s 84) Tuesday. FOURTH SHUTOUT r Krausse now has four major league shutouts, but this was the first against any team except the California Angels. “Lew couldn’t explain hlgX'rash of homers” this season. His total of four is twice,as many as he hit in his first five seasons in the majors. “Maybe I’m getting more good. pitches to hit,” Krausse said. “That’s what happened this time ... Lolich didn’t want to walk me...” Krausse used a curve ball and changeup to subdue the Tigers, i “They are a fastball hitting team,” he explained. The Victory kept the A’s two games behind the Minnesota Twins in the American League West pennant race. The Twins also won.Friday night. Timberlane Loses 5-4 -in Fastpitch Tourney Timberlahes Lounge ousted Holly 8-0 In. the first game of the-Class D finals regtdnal tournament only to lose .in the championship to Hazel Park Moon’s 5-4 . last night in fastpitch play. /Mouse Beers was the big gun'for Timberlanes collecting four hits in the two games while Roger Reynolds notched the first game victory. - The “D” region winners will play In Owosso on Aug. 22,23 and 24. Two runs scored on an error, -triple . and a wild pitch for Gardners’ All Stars as they nipped the Auburn Hills Tojum House team 6-5 last night in Clasa B baseball action. . Butch Rogers was the winning pitcher and Harold Jackson' and Earl Gardner each banged out tWo hits for the All Stgrs.' Football Coach Leaves Rochester for College Post Jim Kapp, who directed Rochester to the Oakland A-footbaU tide last year, is moving to the college ranks as an assistant coach. He will be the offensive line coach at - Michigan Tech this fall. * Rochester officials indicated that a ' replacement will be named next week. After the Falcons posted an 8-1 mark in his first season as head coach, Kapp decided to move to the new high school Which Will open’ this fall. That is the school where the grid position will be filled. ★ ★ . ★ Kapp, a graduate of Wooster College in Ohio, moved to Rochester from an assistant’s job at Eastern Michigan University. He served as an aide to former Rochester head coach Gene Xonley for three seasons. Lucci Is First to Get Hands on Grid Prize Middle linebacker Mike Lucci of the Detroit Lions didn’t have the crowd of . scribes around ids locker after the game as did rookie Altie Taylor or defensive back Lem Barney following last night’s 24-12 victory over the Buffalo Bills. “Just hink,."Lucci jested,, “I can say I had my hands on $350,000’"'worth of football property.’* WWW Lucci was speaking of O. J. Simpson, the heralded running back who signed his contract last Saturday. , When Simpson entered the game and carried” the ball for the first time with 14:19 to play in. the fourth quarter, he was hit hard by Lucci after a two yard gain. “He made some good moves; he has a lot of that Jimmy Brown stuffy” Lycci. - -DRINKING-O.J. —■“ Meanwhile, Taylor, the 200-pound rookie from Utah State who was the Lions’ No. 1 choice, saf. on his locker room stool and of all things, he was sipping from a quart bottle of orange juice. “Are you drinking a. toast to O.J.?” someone asked Taylor. “No, sir, I'm drinking to out victory,” he replied. ★ ★ * Even with his 105 yards-rushing, along with a 48 yard touchdown run,. Taylor Said, “I wasn’t too happy with my performance, I need a lot of work and 4-*-need to learn a lot.” Coach Joe Schmidt, however, .wasn’t exactly in agreement with Taylor’s evaluation of himself. “What can I say after a rookie performance like that,*? Schmidt said of Taylor, “he did a real . fine job in his first running appearance.” In, , the Bills’ locker room, Taylor received the praises of Simpson. * 4 * Die two played in the junior college ranks in California and Simpson said, “Altie played a real fine game. He’s gotten better each time I’ve seen him and he’s geing to be a tough pro run-.ner.” Coach John Rauch of the Bills said he “played1 Simpson more than -I anticipated. He has a good attitude and wants to play. He seemed to be enjoying himself.” v (Continued on Page C-2, Col.*!) Grid Call for All Pontiac Central varsity didates should pick up forms at the high school •t 6:00 a.m, ” C—8 z THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. AUGUST 16, 1969 Burklow Pitches M.G:Mo Finals Pitching ace Mike Burklow hurled M. G. Collision into the finals of the class A city baseball by defeating the Teamsters, 9-3, last night. The M. G. nine will face last year's playoff champs, the R. T. Clippers who gained a finals berth by beating the the Teamsters Wednesday. The M. G. team collected 11 Its, with Jerry Harkey, Dave MacDonald and Ron King setting the pace with two. hits each. - TEAMSTERS (1) M.O. COLL'ON <*)' ahrhM abrhM Dalorui 3b 3 0 11 H.rkey If Burklow fanned nine and scored one run'in aiding liis team into the finals. G. Collision and the R. T. Clippers will meet on Sunday at f.HovTich I* 4 5 T 0 fSSP£ i 0 ? ?|7:30p.nu at JayceePark. Flaser 1b $ 1 I 0 - Bark'iak lb 3 I I 0 S.Hav'Ich cf S o 0 0 Uovoll ef - 4110 Matealfa *L| 0 0 0 Mill 1b 3 f I 1 _ Marcum rf 3 110 Burklow aa 4 100 ' Kale c 4 0 0 0 Kin# C 4 13 3 Grama p 10 3 1 r War# p . o 0 Kina c I 1 1 Burt p , . . 0 0 0 Victor p 0 0 0 0 jj i os Totals 3tni t M.O. Collialon S» U# JStt Toamalara Altie Taylor Sparks Lions PGA Golf Scores DAYTON, Ohio (API round scorns Prlday In tbo pga .... championship over the par 34-35-/1 NCR -ountry club cours*-Floyd ........... Back 9 Spree Ends WDGA t^incy Patch Defeats Susan Barle, 5-4 DETROIT (AP) - Winning four of the first five holes on the back nine, Nancy Patch of Farmington defeated Susan Barle of Indianwoqd Golf and Country dub Friday to capture the championship of the Women’s District Golf Association. At the turn, Miss Patch was 2-up' and went on to clinch the •title on the,next fivejioli flm par's had a birdie on the par's second WDGA SPOILS—Nancy Patch (right) of ‘ecooaf, Farmington won this tug of war for the M Women’s District Match Play championship. trophy yesterday at Tam she defeated Susan Barle of Indianwood hi the tourney finals, 54. 106 Rushing Yards. Larry Ziaglai Map MpI U (Continued from Page C-l) There was only 25 seconds left in the game, when Taylor burst through the middle on a quick opener, for a 48 yard touchdown run and final tally. Nit’s good to win," said coach . Joe Schmidt, "I was real happy with the play of many of young players we used." Comer linebackqr Ed Mooney, playing in place of the injured Wayne Walkdf, Taylor, defensive end Bob Bergum and offensive tackle Jim Yarbrough were among the bright spots for the Lions. * The Lions now are 1-1- for the exhibition slate and are 2-1 against the Bills in three preseason games since 1967. BUFFALO BILLS §^'slJS3j» v 75-47—142' Garanar Dickinson .. 72-/0—1421 Tommy, Aaron ...... 70-72—142 •72—142 Ph" R#d0,r* x • I Butch Baird ....r....>1-71-142 Edwora Kroll ....... 73-70-142 .......... 73-70—143 - I4MSK Cuplt ....... 70-73—143 -rod Marll ......... 73-70—143 i lob Lynn ........ 40.74—14) Torry Wox ....... 92-71-W Johnny Pott ........ 40-75—144 'frjjgEBB ME Dan slkaa biivo Marr ’uilus Boros lobby Colo llll Caspar Jiand Dudas Dick Hart Ait. Comp. Yds. ' DETROIT LIONS NO. YdSj . 4»- m . 7145—134 49-44—13/, .. 74-4—134 .m:\rn . 69-71,-MO —1 .. I . 40-71-140 . 74-44—14Ui McLendon ............ U 1 In consolation play of the championship flight, Mrs. Robert McKee defeated Mrs. Louis Schwartz, 2-1, In the first flight, Mrs. Nelson Yarbrough defeated Mrs, Gale Brainard, 3-2. The consolation round went to Mrs. Martin Wohlman, who defeated Mrs. Wesley Grover, 3-2. Girls'Cage League Gets Touring Slate l SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -*■ Franklin Mieuli has begun his great girls’ basketball experiment. ... . The flamboyant San Francisco Warriors’ owner, who rings a cable car bell at Warrior’s home games, thinks girls may be a boost to attendance. More than 50 young women of all. sizes and shapes dribbled, shot baskets and posed for pictures Friday night at’ the University of San Francisco gym in the first of four tryouts. Another was scheduled this morning for 50 different players, and two more sessions will be held next weekend.' Mieuli envisions a girls’ leape—with cute girls in chic costumes—that will play before Warriors’ games and at halftime. Firebirds Must Watch tor Boot FOURTEAMS In the second flight, Mrs. Four teams of 11 player? each {Kenneth Martens defeated Ar- —plus an-alternate—will be se-'lete Priete, 3-1, In' consolation lected for a 36-game .schedule. :play, Helen Hanley defeated { At first Mieuli talked of a pro Mrs. Murray Hentgen, 3-1. [girls’ leape but now says it -----------—' jmay be a mixture of pro, semi- pro and amateur. “When the AAU teams were playing our preliminaries," says Mieuli, “they were compared sensation Denise Long' in the 13th round of the National Basketball Association player draft. But he was serious. Tile 5» foot-11 Miss Long, who will at-tend USF at the Warriors’ expense, already has appeared at Warrior clinics. The publicity surrounding Miss Long attracted 150 applicants, ihcludibg a local topless dancer wj]p stands 6-6. “We discouraged her right a-way.” says leape commissioner Bill Helbush. “We want girls, who can play basketball, no publicity seekers or roller derby .types.” Among the candidates are several housewives and girls who filayed on touring pro teams such as the Arkansas Travelers and All-American Redheads. 'Our tallest players are only 6-1," says Helbush. “We tried to get a 6-6 girl from Denver but she wanted to play for the AAU there.” . 74-71—145 . 73-72—145 : |g . 75-70-145 Fat tchwab ........ •*—a Raid ........ ■N onaad .......... Harold Hannings .... Jim Colbtrt ...... Bruca Davlln ..... Millar Barter .... Dudloy Wysong ..... Mikajauehak....... Sian T nr lik ..... pick Loti ........ Jim Turnaia ...... flMrtarynld ... W-„J Praiar ...... Bob Charles ...... ‘larjjart .... HIT ......... Douglass .... Llttlor ..... HWSfc.::::: . 74-70-144 73-33—144 7074—144 —ffir ■ ' {-74-72—144 : ffil The Pontiac Flreblrds are going to have to see that the Lansing All-Stars keep their distance away from the goal mrmm line tonight. With former Michigan State barefoot kicking! specialist Dick I Kenney as a field goal threat for Lansing, the Firebirds can’t afford to let the KENNEY All-Stars within range too often. The game tonight will put the winner in sole possession of the Central Division lead of the . 74-74-141 . 72-74—142 ,. 75-72—141 .. 75-74-149 . 74-75-1“ • 7M4-1 1 - 73-74-149 .. 74-73-140 ,. 75-74—149 .. 77-72-149 .. 74-72-149 Jack Burk# Karmlt Xarit, . 77-72—14 •lay npion . 74-75—14' m Tommy^oii Mika Krak Frad Wampltr . Bob Smith .... Doan Rofram .. . 74-74—15o .. 72-75—.150 , 77-73-150 . 74-74—150 f. 74-74—150 . 77-73—130 . 74-74—150 . 7f-72—1?" . 77-73—IL. . 74-74—150 . 74-74—150 Frank Boynton . Eddla Langart ... Chuck Courtnay . Jarry Barber . . 74-74-150 . 75-75—450 . 73-74-151 . 73-72—l|i : fell! • JVvnMI , 74-77—151 Simpson Gets Two Yards on First Attempt pick Rhyan ..................... ... *-----* t 74-74—152 . M-TT-ia ....|...... ............. 77/22—152, inBtrt-Vance .........LTV 74-74-152 {a Gana Barak, J. Oianalr n Id Moahl ISsnO," Farrtor Bab qpalky. ........ Carroll Armtlrang Jr, OtoM Stuart Georg. McKeown ..... Jim OXan I Joe Cartel Sill Flynn Ernla vossiar ..... Harman leihrlay .. .75-75-153 . 75-75-153 .. 74-70—153 . 77-ri-ir 79-74-H.. . 7440—124 . 74-72—l£ .. 79-75—154 - 75-74—154 !. 77-77—155 Joa Cardenas .............. 74-79MJJ 77-70—154 7t-77—M2 (Continued from Page C-l) Next peek against the Colts, Rauch indicated that Simpson would play much more. LION NOTES' Lem Barney, who made a spectacular interception of a pass and Just as spectacular a run of 72’ yards on it, was knocked out at the 16.ya$l line on the dirt portion of the infield. “Were you running out of steam on the run?" he was asked. “The legs were , going good,” he replied, ‘T just Tost my footing in the dirt.’’ Paul Si Cmftk Gary ■ 79-50-150 Midwest Football Leape. Kenney’s kick was the margin a few weeks back whep Lansing defeated Flint, 17-14 in an exhibition game. Hie All-Stars, with a Mg alumni roster of former Michigan Staters, have a strong defense led by former Spartan star linebacker Chuck Thora-hill. Thornhill played on the defensive unit at MSU with George Webster, the AFL’s top rookie two years ago with the Houston Oilers, and now rated. the best linebacker in, the leape. With injuries hampering the defensive backfield and with the two top pass receivers out of i action, the Firebirds have added help to the squad with the addition of Gene Luppino and Bill Feddeler, who were formerly with- the Michigan Arrows of the C o nf 11 n e n t a ’ Leape. Feddeler will be used on the offensive line and* Luppino, a Cardenal Has Big Night in Tribe's Win unfavorably to the pros. It like comparing apples with apples. ANAHEIM (AP)—When Jose Cardenal was a San Francisco farmhand, the baseball experts liked to compare him to Willie Maya. Friday night in Anaheim, Jose looked like the spitting image of the illustrious Giant cehter fielder. First he made a circus catch of Sandy Alomar’s long drive Ml« jn AAU Meet get a chance at the flanker and two out ta 0,6 eleventh lfl /VIee/ “Now it will be apples with He created an uproar by drafting 18-year-old Iowa Mgh school Hoosier Does Even Better The shortest is Lois Webb, a 5-0 San Francisco nurse who says': “I bounce around like, (Bob) Cousy. Don’t' let my height fool you.” ^One applicant wrote, “Fm the best player on my team and we haven’t lost a game yej in the fourth- grade.” ’We sent her a thank you note and told her to write again when she is 18, the minimum age for our leape,” said Hel- Miss Mann Sloshes to 70 Leads Kansas Event in Rainy Start KANSAS CITY (AP) - Carol Mann sloshed over the rain-drenched Leawood South Coun- 2m. . AtiaiW Im 0 RRtltoM try4 Club course in‘what she called her best round ever under the conditions and grab- ii("“ bed a two-stroke lead Friday in Uie first round of the $20,000 Southgate Open women’s golf tournament. Romania Natters Move Closer to Davis Cup Play i fac- WIMBLEDON, England (AP) - Romanian’s tennis stars were one step away today from coming the first team from a Communist country to play in the Challenge Round of the Dav-1s Cup. Ion Tiriac and Ilie Nastase needed to win just one of today’s two closing singles matches against Britain in the Interzone final for. the right to meet the United States, the defending champions, at Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 19-21. . They teamed Friday to defeat Mark Cox and Graham Stilwell 10-8, 3-6, 6-3, 64 in the spot. BIG RUSH , Doug Holcomb, who ed with the big rush Lackawanna last week, Will start at quarterback for the Firebirds hoping to get more help from a bolstered offensive line. B. In other MFL games tonight, Dayton is at Grand Rapids, Lackawanna at Southwest Mich- ;an and Detroit at Flint. Kickoff is 7:30 at Wisner tonight and the Firebirds have been installed as eight point favorites. inning. Then, for an encore, he planted a Hoyt Wilhelm pitch into the left field seats in the 12th inning to give the Cleveland Indians a 2-1 victory over the California Angels. To make matters even sweeter for Cardenal, he used to patrol the outfield for the Angels before being sMpped off to Cleveland in November of 1967. Miss Mann, one of 21 players and send Romania into a 2-1 caught on die course when a lead, deluge of rain suspended play Among the many' giveaway rizes at the game, a portable TV set . will be given away at each home game. Ticket windows will open at 6:15 p.m. This is how the MFL looks at this time: Won . Lakao Division l 1 Lackawanna 2 1 1 Dayton 2 0 2 Grand Rapid* i o 2 Southwt Mick, i ! S.W. Michigan 1 LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -Gary Hall did even better than his coach predicted Friday night, setting his second world’s record in the 1969 National AAU swimming and ’diving Cham- CALIFORNIA 5 0 0 0Alomar 2b 4 I SO 4 00 0 Spencer lb 4 * * * 3 0 0 0 Ralchardt If 4 2 0 10 Fragosl ss 5 0 10 5 12 0 Morion rf 5 0 10 0 1 1 ARodrgez 3b 4 0 0 0 Cardona! cf 5 111 Jphnttonp cf 3 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 Llonaa ph RHIRR^H 0 0 0 0 KTatum p MDowell p 2 0-0 0 Voss ph Snyder ph 1 31 1 Wilhelm p Law p 10 0 0 30 00 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 _ _______ DP—cMveland 1, California 2. LOB—Cleveland 7, California .12. 2B-T. Horton 2, Azcue, Spencer. HR— Cardenal (0). SB—Sims. .S—Spencer 2, fp RERBBSO K.Tatum ....... Wilhelm (L.2-7) . HBP—by Wllhell (Sims). 1V3i14. J 42 minutes, finished with a 2-under-par 70 on the 6,203-yard course Jn suburban Kansas. That was two strokes better than Kathy Whitworth and Judy Kimball,' who both came in with even par 72’s. i ' Tiriac, strong man of the team, -faced Stilwell today-while Nastase had to play Cox in the singles. ^ Merle Betklund ............. 53-74-1S9 Tommy.Williams ...... ......*1 •70—140 Doug MacDonald ............. 54-74-140 jay Alan White .. 10- 70—159 03- 74-159 11- 70-140 04- 75—140 HH-jB 74-74—140 04-74—in ... 74-74-ISO ... ™... ....... ................ 04-74—142 Denny Shule ,.. r............ S5-80-i« Rick Jailer ............mat—147 Arnold Palmor ....... feS^smln, Sharon Miller Mdrilynn Smith .... “irgle Masters ... _-nni Caponl .... Murle Llndstrom . Miry Mills ....... Leslie Holbert .. Debbie Austin ... Joyce Kezmlerskl .. Sandra Haynie ... Sandra Palmer ___ Gerda Whalen ..... Renee Fowell .... Jen Ferrerls .... ■ ss:-' Deaton's Team Tops j, 39^3-72 ' • ■ *’ • • • , , . . Ka/»lr l?a«al HJtnr Morrail's Last Pass Brings^Colts' rWm r, i|wphU79 37-37—74 .. 55-36-75 a 37*38—75 • &#-*§ 37—75 38-37-75 . 37-38—75 .:#£» . iO-36—76 . 40-36-76 • 36-46—76 . 37-39—76 . 36-40-76 IAJ0R LEAGUE When M8^1iK.[’«ii|' knocked into a daze on a play in. Baltimore the second quarto', little SSmSi defensive back Tommy Vaugh]w«nt>wwi said, “We had to call time outjcl,y*l*"d __ ' right away, because we figured ft would be easier than trying to j jaaitto ^ 1 " j] carry him off the field at the cimm!**.. ::::: 447 49 m - time. 1°"“" - 3 “Besides, it probably would have been Bobby Thompson and o5s£SmS*4. ’bJt r® 2I"*0" # I who would have had to cany Boslonet Kansas City, rpto %. . , 7, ' Cleveland 2, California 1> 12 Mnl him. 7 Today's iSasnisf Baker is a 280 poundl^TSnlgM"'1'" " def^sive end Vaughn and) Watkins are the smallest players on the team. - r . With 48 teams entered Michigan pros teammed up with the ladies in the annual Pro-Ladies tournament yesterday at Lakelands Golf Club. Former Pontiac Central golfer Tom Deaton, now assis-' pro at DGC, won the event with file team of H. Waldrop, 0. Muiter and G. Hollister with a best ball score of 27-30—57. In the. pro-pro event, Ron Fox of Detroit CC and Jacktllark of Gowanie tied’ for honors with Gus Andratas of Monroe and Art Michalski of Knollwood with 65’s. Low pro was 'Bob Belton of Wildwood with 35-33-68. (AP) - Quarterback Earl MorraU threw a 58-yard touchdown pass to WiUie Richardson as time ran out Friday night, to give the defending National Football League champion Baltimore Colts a 33-29 exhibition victory over the Houston Oilers. . With* three seconds left in the game, and the Oilers leading 29-27, MorraU faded back and threw the bomb. Richardson caught it at the OUer 20 and raced down the right sideline to 349 1512 Chlctrfo .. .524 20V5 SI. UDUll , ja 22H N *W YpH, .500 Stk F .417 3312 F 22 Lot Angelos . IS Face Given Expos Release :i San Dlvgo *t Haw York, rain AtlaniaT Sf. Lpult X Ban Francltca L Chicago o E!!&3 Roughriders Win 3rd REGINA (AP) - The Saskatchewan Roughriders extended their undefeated streak to three games Friday night with an eaay 24-8 victory over the Calgary Stampeders in a Canadian Football League game. va^i ponailzo MONTREAL (AP) - The Montreal ‘ Expos Friday gave ElRoy Face, one of basebaU’s all-time reUef pitching peats, his unconditional release. ‘'•iaoTTork (Burt-cn 42) at «MMn 11-10, .1 Mwilrw.11 ^ ®Ip*[JWf«n«d i&mm 1#.^ twBsK*- - . cwyanar, 42],^”.. . Don Shaw, 24, from their Vatt- lW M wa-RnMOh i^ ltt* 14« at Alton,. team of ^ padflc Detroit (Wllun 122) at Oakland (Odom'^JgfW Uonklrn 14*12) of San Francto-.!0oast'League. '^CWvotend >(TI«nt 2-14) at Cellfarnlol -FINwIlffr. I* *’*’ HUttB-- “ " record, appearing in 43 games. He had a 3.W ERA. - v {0^ ^ . -He had played jJUi Pitta-burgh for 15 yean and last year was with Detroit «f the Ameri- I 2-12) 4t ' cinekmettl Face, 41, was signed as a free Grinin o-3) at Fhiintoiphie agent in late April and had a #2 Boston at KmWM City New York at Chicago -Mlnnewte et Weihlrwlun Mieday*! Bamee Baltimore et Seeflle, night CtovelSd at r*'1— *'* Now vaRat Mlnnetofe if Calltomla, night —BSP* San Diego et Ndw York, 2 . Los Angeles el Montreal Houston at ; , si. LauB at AM Flttsburgh at C can Leape. The brilliant pass and catch spoiled a dramatic comeback by the American FootbaU League Oilers, who appeared to have won the game 37 seconds earlier when rookie kicker floy Gerela booted a 23-yard field goal and gave the Oilers the two-point lead. Three minutes before Gerela’i kick, the Colts had taken the lead on another Morrall-to-Ri-chardson pass covering 18 yards, giving the Colts a 27-26 ir°tr 1-47 l^.k ■HP Pg #914 Balt "punn t run (Mtohaalt kick) Balt—Matte 4 run (MKAaal* kids) B»lt- Faenen 4 run (Mtohaelt kidt) ' “i*“ I * ^Ythard Hwe-Leyles , 42 pa** tram Besttu ,C«!l^iton {W5li BY> KEN JOHNSON kiL, Which movie 9Tar MELD 67 5WIMMING RECORDS Hall swam the men’s 400-meter individual medley in 4:33.9. |||g coach at Indiana University, Dr. James CounsUman predicted before the race that Hall would snap the old mark of 1:39.0 by five seconds.. The previous mark was set by Charles Hickcox of Bloomington, Ind., at Long Beach, Calif,, last year. The 18-year-oid- Hall from Garden Grove, Calif., established a world record in the men’s 200-meter backstroke Thursday night with a time of 2:06.6. AAU MARK Earlier, Sue Peterson, Arden Hills Swim Club of Carmichael, Calif.,: established a new AAU record in the women’s 200-meter freestyle. The 15-year-old Miss Petersen covered the distance in 2:07.8, breaking the old mark of 2:08.8' n 1965 by Eadie Wetzel of Lake Bluff, IUi, in Lincoln, Neb. MOST EVERYONE REME'iFtP* johnny wtiSAMouer A4 THB Afio'A ’GREAT ATHLETE) HELD 67 AWIMMIMO «M-AAll? WON the olyhfigf TWICE Spooking of RECORDS, wo aro brooking all solos a4 RUSS JOHNSON'S with a now crop of car buys. We havo 'em, dozens of 'em! For export automotive servicing and Rent-A-Car service, visit RUSS JOHNSON, your Pontiac dealer. mmmm. BanBBtig iSndMizQ advantage. This ptay also Wiped out another Oiler comeback, which saw Houston score two touchdowns within 12 seconds in the. third period to go ahead for the first time. ' Baltimore raced to a 21-0 lead, picking up a pair of touchdowns In the first quarter and another before the second quar-ter was two minutes old. ly TIM A*s RIMINI, Italy. -17212, Ferrara, Italy llth. 17012, Nigeria, ISI. New York, out! FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS SEE US AT TRAVIS Hardware 456 Orchard Lake Road Iowa Archer Leads Women's Division VALLEY FORGE, Pa.. (A!*) Mrs. Doreen Wilber, a house-wife from Jefferson, Iowa, has taken first place Friday by one point in the World Archery Championships at Valley Forge. Compflihg a 1,756 total after three days of the four-day target event, die leads Mrs. Ko-rothy Lidstone of Canada, and Hanna Brezezinka of . Poland who are tied at 1,755. In fourth (dace is a Russian Nonna Kozina, 1,741. Stil) leading to the men is the 19-year-old dumapkm from Mt. Pleasant, Rex., Hardy Ward, whobmazed the 155 competitors from 27 nations by scoring a perfect end at 90 meters-mean-ing that he placed six consecu-. five arrows ifl the nine inch bull-seye at 96.5 yards. Close behind Ward, whose total is 1,704, is 15-year-^d John W t ill a m s file, Pa., whose score is 1,788. MULTI-LINE INSURANCE FRANCHISE Farm Bureau Insurance Group, Lansing, Mich., one of the fastest growing multi-million dollar Michigan businesses seeks a man who is now successful yot is stymied in hip present position through no fault of his own. Ho must havo a record of being able to handle his own money and enjoy mooting people; bo deeply rooted in the community and capable of building and operating a buainess of hit own. For' the right man, cdRnploto comprehensive training, full company capitalisation, end security benefits. Plus excellent advancement possibilities, if you are Interested in learning more about this position phono Mr. Richard Weeks today between 8:30 and 5 P.M. at ... 674-1480 FARM BUREAU I FREE BOWLING MONDAY, AUG. 18 9 AJH. Til Closing Max. 3 Gamas Per Person OPENINGS FOR TEAMS and BOWLERS BILLY G’S - MAPLE LANES 1295 W. Mapla Ph. 6244081 m THE rONTlAl' PltKSS. SAT-niDAV, AUGUST 1,6, 1969 C—3 Speedy Run Goins Only 21st Place Bunning Trcuded To Dodgers Chicago Atlanta. AMERICA NT LEAGUE TEAM BATTING | « HR RBI P«t 1109 109* 521 .269 ------- 1QS8 139 537 .268 3965 545 1003 148 514 .253 4042 497 1013 108 457 .251 3914 525 968 106 478 .247 3850 505 935 1 21 466 .243 ... 3978 459 956 89 423 .240 Montreal 3932 416 945 69 379 .24ft.*lew Yd... ooaa .an Philadelphia St. Louis 18 435 920 74 405 .L, -19 480 910 91 436 .236 3995 442 944 94*409 .236 3685 346 831 58 314 .226 INDIVIDUAL BATTING AB R M HR RBI P | 70 128 7 45 .3 295 36 102 14 55 .346 399 70 133 23 74 .333 412 90 133 27 79 .3 Petrocelll Bsn I 143 15 68 .322 NATIONAL LEAGUE TEAM BATTING AB R H HR RBI Pet 3951 599 1125 139 569 .285 4022 512 1133 86 461 .282 LOS ANGELES (AP)—It is jbuilt in recent seasons on flame-; June’s free agent draft, are go-’ Bunning is only 10-9 this- year &rXT.pti»%JsT„:,,,rOW,08,rT-. . :*• gflgSC, . . Xs >*« , CAMBRIDGE ‘ JUNCTION I little game of “If you can’t beat! The Los ’Angeles Dodgers ac-1 Bu"nm8s credentials are im--compared to his 4-14 mark last (AP) — Donnie Allison ot -Huey-! ’em> join ’em." . quired the 36-year-old pitcher j hes got a big-pair year with Pittsburgh, the worst town, Ala., qualified Friday in' The 6-foot-3 right-hander Friday night from Pittsburgh, of shoes to fill on the Dodgers’ of his career, tile second-best time for Sun-1 whose bat-busting fastball made Bunning will officially join the mound- He's stepping into the Bunning’s record now stands nno xr_.i._ AAA_ ls_ ___s. . . ........ . . ’! Twin^*** in DUSin/iainiiiA 'shot in thp nitnhincr rotation vn. at nAt»hA0 34 .257 324 47 83 13 36 .256 333 51 85 2 28 .255 .Boyer A idakls L, 417 55 106 13 43 .254 409 49 102 8 41 .29 318 25 79 1 29 .28 352 49 87 12 41 .247 365 41 98 10 43 .247 301 38 74 “ I *336 suthei 407 52 '<£• 9 38 :236 &rSF 452 58'106 20 64 .235-Boswell NY '* “ i 33 .233 R.Pena SO 280 30 70 | % J? ’3 41 *238 388 42 92 2 29 .237 313 » 74 3 34 .336 360 38 85 0 23 .236 271 37 64 3 20 .236 -340 30 82 3 22 .236 . Harrefien Cle 43 45 3 30 Cannizzaro SD 314 17 74 2 25 .236 259 25 . 59 0 13 .M8 308 30 49 6 29 .224 Grot , Casanova Was Radio • Vinyl Roof Whitewall Tires Tinted Windshield Convenience Group Deluxe Moldings Deluxe Steering Wheel 3 ' Bosnian Was 106 <1 42 7711 2 1.77] 0 <3 36 49 7 4 • McLain bet -243 318 51 141 18 6 - F.Peterson NY 208181 361191312 ■ J.perry ‘*'- 17? 149 8 9814 5 Odom Oak 10141 8511714 5 • Messertmlth Cel 167121 <313910 8 . Lollch bet . McNally Bel . Kaat Min . Wilson Del MeGlothln Cel R.Nelson KC . Wood CM 194 156 51 122 16 2 194 198 58 104 11 9 165 151 55117 10 8 145.137 47 70 5 12 168 148 <0 71 -4 10 C.Dobson Oak R.May Cal ] Coleman Was mm 31 55 7 9 157 138 <0 8311 4 173 172 61 102 13 9 106 97 4 1 138 4010 Butler KC Higgins Was Culp Bsn Tlant Cla . B. Moore Was 179 150 62 105 9 10 172 150 70 131 12 9 166 165 <1 90 6 9 90 81 43 79 5 8 90 M 22 56 5 7 121 93 91 76 6 -0 144 132 45110 4 6 60 <4 40 59 9 8 210177 7516416 I 169151 93131 8” 11910 0 47 I 5 . s.willlams Cla . Bahnsen NY . Murphy Cal Rooker KC . P.Dobson Dat 121 123 47 <1 7 9 ! Slebert Bsn MV 130113 47 99 -174 176 70 107 711 163 154 57 77 711 08 74 39 63 2 10 05 83 31 53 4 8 108 93 45 " ’ * 145 142 “ ..ngtr LA Carlton StL Koosman NY Glbion StL §B£*f sf 209 178 46 141 14 8 2.1 204 175 54 134 15 8 1 42 209 178 53 159 14 9 2.58 228 207 47 130 15 10 2<61 231 213 mM* ** ‘ 179 176 52117 .05! J-Niekro SD 149 111 55 143 .20 Sutton LA ,Jle Pgh .26- G-Jackson, Phi M McCormick SF 34 Wise Phi 181 176 60 136 13 7 3.32 124 122 34 62 6 9 3.34 215 193 68 146 15 11 3.“ 157 169 69 141 8 " | 193 184 6014012 140 149 45 9 10 3.* 128 T01 71 142 8 5 3.59 w.w. 165169 47 931210 3. J.Robertson Mtl 122 123 60 84 « - Stone Atl jjj 1*‘A ** ____>endfr Sea Ellsworth Cle Sparma Pet _____■____________910 4.10 180 187 61 119 712 4.10 171 183 68 93 813 4.26 123 107 55 87 116 122 40 79 9 8 v J83 190 49 109 12 5 mi oa u n (in 121 116 42 79 6 7 148 146 62 97 12 7 164 181 M 114 9 9 104 118 0 64 5 9 118 115 66 84 J “ \ 72 69 39 6 8 4.59! Cleveland Loses Outfielder Baker U.S. Cagers Win :in Deaf Olympics ANAHjSlM (AP) - Cleveland outfielder Frank Baker was removed from Friday night’s game against' California on a stretcher after crashing heavily. Into lire left fltilU fwiee ■While at-^ tempting to catch a long drive by Joe Azcue. Reports from the Indian dressing room said Baker, who had batted .344 with three home The U.S. team won all three run? in his first 19 major league games it played. It collected six! games, injured his right foot as points for the gold medal. I he slammed info the'wall. He The U.S. volleyball team dev! was taken to a hospital for feated Greece ’3-0. !Xrays. . BELGRADE (AP). r- The, American team won the basketball tournament In the World Games for the Deaf Friday by defeating Poland 63-53. OT'ftO. . . 4* oro on-thm-wmtmr? CLEARANCE ALL 1969 MODELS DRASTIC SAVINGS “ CRUISE-OUT, INC Opan Doily * to >, Saturday 9 to S, Cloud Sunday 13 K. Walton, Pontiac FS1-4492 } our regular ' price This offer good thru Wed., August 20,1969 GLENWOOD PLAZA NORTH PERRY STREET AT GLENWOOD ..kfc.' * ’ m •'V A mm THE PONTIAC, PRESS, 'SATURDAY,,-AUGC ST 16, 1969 _ 8last's Speed Homeward Is Pilots' Doom Dodger Guns Blast Expos, 9-2 SEATTLE (APV - Paul Blair raced home on Boog Powell's fly hall to short right field in the fifth ihning, giving southpaw Mike Cuellar and the Baltimore Orioles a 2-1 victory over Seattle Friday night. Blair opened the fifth with a tingle, took third on Fnank Robinson's hit-and-run single and scored the tie-breaking run when second baseman John Donaldson caught Powell’s pop fly with his back to the plate. „. The Phils made fast work of,. By the Associated Press i Elsewhere in the National I the Braves would pick up noth-(driving in three runs on a triple The Gtrns of August showed! league, 'Philadelphia shut out ling more than wet feet and homer and Reed coasting to I UP in-disguise. Who’d ever ex-1 Houston 1-0, Pittsburgh rapped . The storm hit with the Braves the victory, pect to find them in Los Angeles Cincinnati 5-1 and San Francis-1 batting in the bottom of the first:home RUN Dodger Uniforms? ,» co shut out Chicago 3-0. San Die- and rain fell in sheets for,, the p... I But the Dodger offense _ go’s game at New York was I better part of three hours. But L ® hlankina the Astros 1-0 usually limited to a walk, a postponed by /ain. . because the Cardinals 'tare I q jacks0n’s five-hitter S stVy5**-sr-asjsrr-s »-sss- Willie Davis all walloped home Pv wm«- But there was the tm Braves with Tony Gonzalez: IT Ir 8 a, ‘ « ana iucme runs and MmZZUVFlBii Z p.yts.uroh cInnat, - J—■ Kosco and maiou ct fe whpped slumping,Qncu, Perry Weaves Way to 2-0 Twins'Win WASHINGTON ,(AP) - Jim Perry weaved his way out of ^rouble several times and got late-inning relief help from Ron Perranoski as the Minnesota Twins shut out Washington 2-0 Friday night. BALTIMORE SEATTLE- Biiterd?l£ 5 12 0 Marjier 3b^ 3 M 0 FRoblntn fit 5 0 1 0 Comer ct 10 1 0 Powell lb * J 0TI 3 TD»vl« It 4 0 0 9 BRoblntn 3b 4 0 1 0 Goossen 1b 3 0 1 1 DJohnson 2b 4 0 0 0 Mwertny c SOI 0 Hendrcks c 2 0 0 0 Williams pr 0 0 0 0 Salmon si 4 0 10 Locker p 0 0 0 0 Cuellar p 4 0 0 0 Oil ph 100 0 Dona Id sn ?b 4.0 1 0 Clark ss 3 0 0 0 Brabendr p 2 0 0 0 Paglronl c 10 10 r r* iiaie-mnuig nomers. ivosco ana maiou cf sooo Rot* n Von nati. gles, leading LOS Angeles to a Qnrinlck hnth cnnn<»Hwl in tho Habner 3b 5121 Savage cf 4 0 0 0 ‘ v ft2 rnmn nv5r 5uaaK1* 00111 connected m tfte starfle„ ,f 5 12 0 AJobnson if 4010 Dick Dietz and -Willie Mays if z romp over Montreal. seventh and Davis In the ninth ciemente rf 4 o 1 o Perez 3b 4000 . , , , .. , * mLfl ;scvcnui Bnu uavis ,n*ine n,nui* Aoifvar ib 4132 Bench c 4 ooo ripped home runs* backing Juan 1 • 1 • • • 0,1 ill 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 LCfB—Pittsburgh 7* M m 2B -Stargell,. A.Olivar, Rose. HR Hebner (8), Alley 2 Kesslnger t 2b 4 0 2 0 Hunt 2b V 34 2 4 2 otal 10 110—2; Miss Lacoste rn,o , poiivbr io 4i)z osncn c 4 v»»jripped home runs- backing Ju&n ‘PloSsi L what wcnt nn The I)odgers broke the game SM o S'rd .. 5 $ l S!Marteh*rrteur-hit pitchtag as in aE h 'open with 8 four’run fourth ta’ 01f;r. V 4 o 01 Nolarfp 1 ? ] Jlthe Giants beat the Cubs. It was A heavy storm forced "in«Crawford driving in I • P Mays’ 10th homer of the year, thrLhnur H.i.u nf .hi ct two of the runs on a sln8,e-' s.m,, p p o o o» 597th of his career and his first ^ExL'd y ‘he Wills.sidled, stole a bsse and To,„ STlTi to.., iTTTT since June 21. Louis-A^anta game in the first scored in that inning after doing c'ncim.21? ............M inning Whey play resumed, the same thing in the first, B„th ‘&~pii.burgh Ron Reed, wfio had retired the tlmes hiu by Crawford brought S.T.S’! Cards in order in the first, con- home. jan, a.qhv^^s ■> nawq tinued to sail through the St.; a ★ * v*<" ’ J ' Louis order, He set down 15; _ . ... AJ.ck.Jri3’4 7 n 5 o straight batters before allowing The victory moved the Dodg- a jm; im » i a hit and finished with a 8-2 vic^8 w !,hin, 2\ 8am«8 „ L0'U)$ ~iTl*NTi )0[.y ; place Cincinnati in the West Dl- *b r h b, ’ vision. Atlanta also picked up a i ct 34 o° o o* go^i« it cH00,T0N.b r H b, PM,LAUBt.bTb\, I full game on the Reds, moving p, ? ? &g& % JJ?s!back into second place iyy H;^;,p »»o°o° a%3b Wvnn cl 3 0 0 9 C.lllion rl 4 9 p 9! hind. For awhile, it looked like Torr. 1b 4 0 0 0 Oldltr e 4 o 1.0 pm. ...______ ____: MC«rv«r c 4 0 0 9 G.rrldo \ BOWLERS ORCHARD LANES Has Openings for Teafns and Individuals WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEN'S SENIOR HOUSE LEAGUE $2,000 FIRST PLACE Perranoski came on -at the start of the eighth inning to complete the shutout after Perry- had given up seven his and allowed, at least one runner in each inning he worked. For Information Call Don or Bronc Phono 335-9293 645 Opdyko Rd.f Pontiac MINNESOTA . WASHINGTON , ___JK 1 0 Burda lb ‘ Hart \f 3 0 3 0 ?ffisk,,bc JP»rry p Uhlaendr If uno cf Imlth ph I 3 9 9 9 Hindtrin If ■D 9 BAIIen 3b 3 0 9 0; -.00 Cullen ph 1 0 0 0; 3 0 0 0 EBrkman u 4 0 3 0; ■ ■> * * French c t 0 0 0’ Casanova c 3 9 0 0- ____s ict 10 9 9 Lanier .... ib r h bl Holliman p 3 9 0 9 Marlchai p 3 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 Spangler ph 1 0 O 0 4 3 3 3 Regan - Cox p Stroud ph HIBglnn p 0 0 0 0 31 3 9 3 | Reaches Final . I JJllii.nlbr, woo RAHafl 1b 0 1 0 DJohnson 0 10 Hislo cf 0 2 0 Wotklni c * * 0 Monty »r .010•••000- i 1 0 0 0 GJackson p 10 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 29 0 5 0 Total IRVING, Tex (AP)-France’s Catherine Lacoste, seeking to become the first foreign U.S.-I Women's Amateur queen in 33 j years, udvanced to the finals Friday, of the 69th/Wiqm-pionship,v along with StanfoM, University student Shelley Hamlin. Miss Lacoste, dressed in blue levis and a bright red knit shirt, scored a 2 and 1 victory over Anne Quast Welts of Mt. Vernon, Wash., t h r e e -11 m e' champion,, with a sensational back nine rally. Miss Hamlin, a 20-year Old Curtis Cup member, downed stubborn teen - a g e sensation j Nancy Hager of Dallas, i-up, In the other semifinal match oVer the short but treacherous Las Colinas Country Club course. - A thunderstorm delayed play for almost an hour and tnade the 6,100-yard mesquite tree-bordered layout extra long. 999 999 999—9 19 999 9.x — Philadelphia 3. LOB-Houi Philadelphia 7. 3B-D.Johntoi Hid. (it). S—Bdwardi. Fritz Peterson Wins for Yanks on 6-Hitter, 2-7 iJovier 2b Maxvfli sr Bales p n 3b 4 110, RReed p 2 0 Doyle p * V 10 1 0 0 0 i. * 0 0 0 0 * 2 0 0 0. sTrTa Total 0 0 0 0 0 t 002240 111 Total g 1 1 i Chicago .................... ,2 1 1; San - Francisco ... 0 0 0 0 0 2 i "0 10. E—Hunt. DP -Chicago 1. ____ Chicago 0. San Fraifdsco 5. HR—Dietz j **—* M01 sb—Bonds 2. Mays. 11 H R BR BB SO < 0 0 0 0| 13 0 9 0 0 0 0 000—2 LOB—| 34 2 7 2 ______ m.......1.......... shington ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 >p—Mlnrtei' “ 1 — MM ...---- - 2B—Unse H R ER BB SO! Holtzn Regan 1 (L,l3-7) 6 7 2 2 Marlchai (W,1^0) 2 1 1 4 0 0 3 9 SHHHHHHHHHHHH! •in oor own quiet way we are having a model Close-M All 1969 BUICKS - OPELS GIGANTIC SAVINGS Grimaldi buick-opel 210 Orchard Lk. Pontiac . S—R.ftaad. 5 Locations Bllllnohafn ~| GJackson (W.12-11) 9 HBP-by GJackson 3 113 2 .01 ANWELII Wills |«. - 4 2 2. I___ _ Crawford If 3 0 2.3 Falrey cf WDavli Cf - 5 2 31 Staub rl Kosco rf 4 111 MJonas If Parser lb 4 12 1 Laboy 3b Sudakis 3b 5 1 1.1 Bailey Tb 1 2 1 Sutherlnd 2b vellO Wine ss 1 0 0 0 Collins 2b Waslwsk' McGinn ' CHICAGO (AP) - Fritz P^ Stert(W,„41:;; J.,{, * «-S® T- ‘er8Pn ]jurleud a six-hitter and I Bobby Cox hammered a home — b r h wiFun" Fridfiy night, leading thel* 4 919 New York Yankees to a 2-1 vlc-41J i tory over the Chicago White HNsox. . " 4 9 9 91 4 9 3 9 NIW YORK ' CHICAGO 1 9 0 9 abrhbl ab r h bl Clark. 3b 4 0,3 0 WWIIem, rl 4 0 0 0 ■ o o o Aparielo it 4 0 10 * ' ’ Hopkln- Hjn - * - -.... Wilt— 4 0 0 9 Ham PONTIAC 5046 Highland Road Interstate Phone Complaints Eyed Waslwskl p lOOOiMIchai 3 0 6 0 AMIton If 39 9 15 9 Total 0 4 10 Las Angeles Mentreai ...... E— Sizemore. OP—Montr__. m------- Los Angeles 7. Montreal 6. 2B—Parker WASHINGTON " ( A P ) •-o 9 o o coiT Sto'- " 1151 MicTaw'pr »o o o Complaints about Interstate 0 0 0 0 vySSf"’",r' 'q JS BarrJ'ct c 3«#9 te'eP^one service are being in- —■ ............. |oo0jvestigated by the Federal i o»o Communications Commission. R ER bb so l * 7 3 11* 339 I S 5 j ! i 0 I Chicago ..........999 . 99 »#1-1 E Michael. DP-New York 3, Chicago . LOB-New York I, Chicago 5. 3B— lanten 3. While. HR-Cox (3). SB— The FCC has asked several! phone firms for more in-1 formation about charges delayed installation, poor servicing of equipment and VEglJ-fJ OLD SALIM OR RKAL R1DCS , Charcnl......... 4,1 BATHROOM TISSUf Dclscy Print*.............:/eVk274 Tuekir parti FriakiM Cat Food.........j. ......e.w...1ft399 Viudwy Soar Mix..,.i.v...tr299 UmCNEOM 34ZK . agi Pert Napkiis.........kW W peep srtc. labil - “ Burgtrkits.......... .^$2.63 DEOOOfANT Jr Ban RoU-On...... ,'k. ’iSr^lOB DANDRUFF SHAMPOO \ am a Mni & SkoHlimV770 niNRrn ' ' __ Koto* Napkii«.^S^43^ SAMITA.Y HAFWfii Kotast Flos,.489 8&4sbi£ m :e fo: . m THE flONTIAC FRKSS, SATURDAY,' (AlTiiJS'l Lack of Blacks in Lawyer Group Cited DALLAS (UPI).^?prf|* 4 48 20 Most Active Stocks OATrn Pf2.50 4 47V* 4 (hdt.) Hlfh Low Lift Cllf. ! J 6 14 13ft lift — ft I y240 1 i 15V4 15ft + ft Imsl Ind 1. —i xta I GnPevel 74f GonDynam 1 Gen Elec 2.40 In Flrpf 22o ien Fds 2.60 k323 25ft 2344 24V* - IMS 84ft 81*4 83 -pa x94 13*/4 12V* 18V* —1 436 75ft 72% 75% +2% Saler (hds.) High Lo 58 28% 27V .... M_____________________ 25 220* 22 *—m*w s-p ------ ™ — 135% 124 131 ft +1 Murphy 1.20 HW i*1® JoneLau 1.35 X41 24 23V* 239*..... Murphln .2Bp 47 119* 10ft 11V*+ JJ . . . n 232 27V* 26% 248* — ft MurpHOII .60 x49 32 2fV4 30 —JJJ Genlnstr pf 3 36 49V* 45 9% 4-4% ’7T 23 22*4 22% x80 39 3?' I 37% 131 W>4% 99% 104 566 28H 27% 27% I G Ml I Is pf 1.75 : GinMot 3 40a l G Mot 5pf 5 , WmM Mot Pf3;75 ’ 4.1 GenPCim *80 , Z Vi, GPubUt 1.60 J ||||g 46 81% 81% 8184 4* 16 60% 59% 59% -J6 18% 18 18% + -oaan ,8q ■HMl pf 5 Jorflensn 1.30 Jostens .60 Joy Mfg 1.40 Waiter Al 1 Kali 57pf4.75 Koit 59pf4.75 Kais 66pf4.75 .0.,„ . , , Gen Sig 1.20 25 4784 46 46% -IV* IwJ+ Oen Sig pf 4 8 84 83 83% 4- 84 27% 4- % Gen St I Ind .80 67 19V* 17% 17%-1% 25%' I % G T*l fel V 52 1118 35 34 34% + % 44% +1 GTelEI pf2.50 S 45% 45% 45% — % T iGTtlF pf1.25 1200 1884 18V* 1884 -% rm,itfflOTn>.^rGTel pfB1.30 Z830 19% 18% 19 - 84 oenTIme .80 216 29% 26% 29% +1% Gen Tire 1b x416 19% 18% 18% — a* Net G Tire pf 5 Z40 73 72% 73 KOitAl pf4.12 - W Kal 4.75pf2.37 Z210 38 Kale Cem .So 64 21 64% 6384 64% +T% 36 38 +2% m .. 20% 21 + % 12 45% 44. 45% +1 WMB PPW 15 21% 209* 21% + % Kan CPL 1.92 277 3684 3384 34% —2% KC PL pf4j50 Z280 66 g M KC PL pf 6 -** 4! BangP pf 2 5 J^IBanoP pfl .25 1 ! 1ft1 Bank Tr 2.84 182 < 2 BarbOII 1.359 91 l f^iBard £R .25 73 ! l'J Basic Inc .80 26 ft* Basic pf 2.50 *300 - Bates Mfg. 23 st cn§. | *|CookJJnjt .50 308 35% 32J i 24% 24V*— % Cooper.... 1 ■ > 58% 59% + % Cooper TR 1 141 19V 5484 59% +2% CoopT pfl.25 fi &U - si% S9% + % Copeland 1.20 CoppRge 50b m iCopwlStl 1.20 ^'^orlnthB .22fl i 15% —1 x!3 43 134 20% 1984 20% GaPac ..... -H-* GaPac Pfl .40 7 * Gerber 1.10 i 42% + % GetWOll .38g 40% -1% Gdtfy pfl .20 Giant J 62 107% 102% 107% 176 64 59% 61% 2 iCorGW 2 99 32% 31 31%- 17 32% 3084 . 82% + ■ 828 50% . 46 4984- +184 16 71% 67 71% +3% 16 51 4784 51. +2% 210 34% 31%. 34% +3 817 5ft* 54% 36 .—1 31 18% 1284 1784 — % 74 T2% 12% 12% - % 1177 35 3184 35 +3 m . _ ... zTO 59% 59% 59% +1% KC PL pf3.80 Z10 55% 55% 55% — % KC Soulnd 2 98 36% 34% 35 —1% KC Sou pf 1 z230 1484 1484 1484 — V* Kan GE 1.36 50 23% 22% 23% — % KanPwL 1.18 42 21 20% 21 + % Katy Ind 175 * 16% 15% 15% +1% Kauf Brd .24 606 43'/a 38 43 +384 i .80 157 1 9% 17 969 48% 22 28'* 27% 28 it Fds pf 4 2 97 63 3984 38% 3984 + 2 37% 3 34% 33% 33% tiW i )t n fpM » 135 II iCEl ptS.87 1 10 iCItyEI pi . Ill0 5 I Richfld 3 2*52 II lIRch pf3.75 1 490 5 1297 253. 22'. 2.3. .1 JO*. SO*-". 20*. 201 59.. 5*'. 59. + ,JiB»nflF PI5.50 * B.nllF pM.50 , Beni IF PI4.30 f BenF Spl2.50 10 137 133'4 137 130 *0', 59V, 59', ~ 21 201/4 mtaanpRin 209 252V. 24. >44% —434 1 Gldd Lr Coronet In .22 143 2444 25'/. 2544 Gillette j Cowles 50 49 11*. 11V. 11V. — >4 Glmbel Br 1 'CdxBdcas .50 21 30*4 37V. 37'. —IV., Glen Alden CPC mtl 1.70 420 34'. 33*4 33V. — )V» GlenAI pt3 15 ! Crane 1.40b 37 41 >. 40*. 41 — 44 GlenAld pf 3' CrompKn 80 34 17'. 14V. 17 ... GlenAI pl2.25 CrousaHInd I 31 23 21*. 22'. —I Global Marin' CrowCol 1.511 274 3414 32V. 32'. —l*4,GlobaUn .10 J2 17'. 14'. 17'4 Crown Cork 61 05 01 04*. + *4 Goodrich 1.72 549 39V. 34'. 34*4 —its CrwnCork wl 130 14*4 16V4 14*4 — V4 Goodyear .05 raAiunrit nio .i ii Ai 44 + % x1700 28 26% 27% +1 194 39% 36% 37%-184 GordJIyA .24 . 88 28% ,26% 28 t260 67% 67% 67Va — % Gouldlnc 1.40 116 . 39% 35% 35%-4 67 18 ■ 16% 17% z % OraceCo 1.5p x371 31% 38 31 -M 122 13% 12% 13% + % Granby 1.20 457 32% 29% 31% +1V ” 1W4 10*4 19*4 + 44 00 93 24*4 MV4 24«j - * ” 36V4* 35 ??W +‘" ™ - l 12 30% 30% 142 19'/ --- 476 30% 27 * CrwnZeM 1.60 VCrn Z>»4.2q ^|CTS Corp .40 v Cudahy co h & X £ Grantw 1.40 162 44 42% 44% + % Wl le'/i” 18% - % fepf 3.75 *660 M 55% M +2% 36% 34% "“1S4 Gt-AAI? 1.30 308 288i. 268* 27% -l% 9% GrtNoIr 1.35e 21 15% 15% 15% — % “10 75 33% 30% 31% —2% »% Avco Cp 1.20 W Avco pf3.20 AA\Z J3T GtNOPap 1. . 44% -j% GtNorP pf. *: Beth Stl 1.80 704 31% 30% 31% ^; BHMInd 1.20 10' 2-1% jSju AA’*' GrtNoIr 1.35e 1 m GtNOPap 1.40 x103 55 GtNorP pfy * ,*1 Gt Nor Ry v aW ^.r. Gt West F Ini 3692 29% 26% 29 +1% 5 15% 14% 15% H » 3 Altec Oil Gs 151 132 162*4 152'a 161- *5^ , g JckOlT 1 20 276 1 si 141a n% u% 57 40% 39% i . V-j Dart 1.25 107 37% 36 37 — 5 273 17% 16% i7% mgmm m ■......... 102 23% 22% 23%' — Va j GWUn pfl.88 40 23% 23% 23% GtWashln .50 *J + 1% ! MurpQ pf5 20 x12 90 Z248L. 691 68 ’ 6» —iW A —pN— 0 *2i liu J2 +i!f Nalco Ch 1,60 x94 55% .52% 53%. F4 £Va Narco 8ci .60 104 428* 40 42% 74 W *7 V4 27% — % Ni8fiyaCp .44 1 54 418* 40% 418* ____K______ NatAIrlln >30 1064 30 27% 29% " iNAviat 2.550 Mil “ ‘ ||b 53o 2 si .. .. 109 498* 47% 49 -4% (hds.) Nigh Law Last ing. Northp pfl .45 3 34k 33% 13% —1% NwstAIrl .45 1390 . 2584 24% 24% 7-% NwtBanc 1.20 102 3|% 34 |4% !... Nwst Ind 1 40 878 17% 158* 16% i- 80 R! m 85% 34% 34% -*■ .w. ..DM 1.22f 125 43% 418* 43% + NoSIm pfl .60 x68 41% 39% 1 » 33% 31% 33% + % j Nat Blsc 2.20 241 49 2 75% 74% 75% +2% Nat Can .80 x115 69% 3 76 75% 75% -1% N Can pf 1.50 x26 6W* ........... ....... ... NatCaih , — 100 278* 25% 278* + % 74% 74%*“- 52 20% 20 20% 53 29% 28% 28% 758 1358* 128 134% +1% ■MU..........I 49. 47% 46 ^ '47% + % NatCItyL .90 S 23 25% 24% 25%-% Nat Distil .90 370 19. 17% 17% -1% NDItt pf4.25 y190 61% 59% 61% +1% NDIst pf2.25 XI 31 32 32 - 8* Nat Fuel 1.68 64 26% 25% 25% — % Nat Genl .20 x641 24% 20 24% +1% Nat Gyps 1.05 389 30 28% 30 +1% NGyps pf4.50 HO......................... Natlnd .46f 240 ivv« iv iw .....- 5 1$ 14% 15 I 9 16% 16 16% , 1 475 32% 30% 31% - % 48 31% 308* 30% —1 32 40% 37% 38% +1. 33 31% 30% 31% Natlnd pf.60 Natlnd pfl.25 Nat Lead .85h NatPresto ,90 NatSvIp 1.14 Nat Stand .75* Keebler 1.20 56 '41% 3984 41 +V/a 108 42 37Va 38Va —3Va Natstarch .60 29 32% 31% 32% +1 Nat Steel 8.50 481 45% 44 44% —1 Nat Tea .80 x61 14% 13% 14* + % NatUnEI .90 102 23 SMA| jjg Kendall n.60 30 38 Kennrnot .80 Kenncott 2.40 29 75 72% 72% —2% KevstConln 2 KiddeCo 1.651 Kldde pf B4 Kidd Pf A2.20 mbClk — 46 28 26% 27 218 90% 84% 86 8 82V- 81 <» 81 18 30% 29% 29% — % 306 38% 35% 37% — % 2 59 58% 58VW1% 2.20 155 67% 66 67% —% Kinney NS .25 Kinney pf4.25 Kinny pfDwi Kinney pf.80 Kirsch Co .90 MPR 98% +1U 135 52 45% 50% +2% 4 50% 48% 50% +2% 16 41% 41V* 41% — % 94 54 m| rj 57 37% 35% 36% + AmMFdy 90 x38S 20 18% 19% AMetClx 210 *«W 2195 f% 8 • Babe* W’ 1.36 5B5 *23^ »’• 73% • fBakrOMT .65 93 19Vw 18% 19% .60 173 2W* 22% 22%- 1 Blair John . k Bliss Lauo 1 1 Blue Bell 1.50 * ‘ Bobbie Brks 38 24% 24 '24 25b 1196 68% 64 68% • BolseCasc' wl 775 66 63% 66 +1 I Ion# Strt 1 4 BookMth 128 X1280 47% 4$% 46%- - 1/* Dart Ind pf 2 55 50% 49 49% . - % DaycoCp 1.14 986 27% 26V* 26% - -1% Dayco 4>f4.25 *00 92 91% 92 h % DaytnPL 1.60 x257 26% 25% 26% - % DPL pf A 3.75 y210 56% 55 55% + h1%jDPL pfD 7.48 y340 103 101 22 23% 22% 23 28 19% 19 19% - Weekly Investment Companies NEW YORK (AP) — Weakly Invesllnql Invest Jr J?#* Companlaa giving the high, low and rnyjK*°tf Group; bid price* V the weak with the net New Dim change trom the previous week's lest bid Mutual Inc price. Alt quotations, supplied by_ the | Progressive Rational Association of S*cudtlMAOu - |*u« ers, Inc., reflect .prices et which securl-, Selecllve tie* could have been »old. 0.27 10 18 10.23 — .04 4.39 4.31 4.34- “ 9.65 19.41 19.59 - ant .80 113 M anifAIr 50 527 13 12V4 12% — % IriggSt - IPM |R Irltf My 1.20 x?48 59% 57% 59% + Idwy Hale 1 x21 37% 36% 37% + JrlstMp pf 2 x68 44 42% 44 4 ■ "BwyHa pf A2 X24 41% »% 40% + ** BklynUG 1.72 ■* 58 29% - 28 28% + Brown £0 47 11% 11 11V* + Brown Co pf 22 17 16% 16%-* * 45 18 17% 17% + 10.07 9.77 10.07 t Fd 21 30 20.94 21.30 1 ,o3:i? 1 . .01 Istel Fund Inc 23.11 21M 33. . .09 Ivest " -J " “ ” U j .01 Ivy. I - .03 Johns .05 John .03 Keystone Funds: ‘011 Invest Bd B 1 19.93 19.92 19.92 - .03* Med GBrt B-2 20 33 20.29 20.29 10 Disc Bd R 4‘ 971 9.55 9.00 ” Into Fd UPmi iShoe 1.50 770 7.50 T’.OS — .01 BucvEr i°2? .........I „ . H I M Budd Co .10 139 lj9k 10H l|V9 Deere Co 2 I 39*k 38*9 30V, . DelmarP 1.00 135 20*9 1**4 20V, + *9 Del Mnte 1.10 105 20*4 27V. 27V, - V. DeiteAlr .40 932 31*9. 29V, 3114 +1V. ■ ' .595 14*9 11*4 14*9 +2*9 GlfRes pfl.30 4 23 22V9 23 +19 DenRGr 1.10 40 19V. 10 lB’/s — *9 Dereco p»A 2 57V, 57V, 5719 ........... Dereco pf B 23 5719 54 5719 + H DeSotoInc ,90 354 34 32*0 34 + *4 DetEdls 1.40 22 23*9 22*9 2319 — 10 Del Ed pts.50 20 ,aaav< B7V. 07*A —1 Del Steel .50 179 7319 12*0 12 5 0 7 GulfSU pf4.40 2370 5519 ( &m m «§* sjs s% *» 111 18% 17% 18 x139 21% 20% 20% —I’ Am Mutual Fd Assoc Fd Trust Astron Fund Axe Houjhton: Fund B 5.27 5.19 5 27 + . 20.54 *20.28 20.54 4 Stk $ 2 11.04 10.92 11 04 - * r * *J 7 95 8.14 + 4.9F 5.10 + 4.16 4.28 4 091 BuffForg 1.10 04 Bunk Ramo BiinkR pfl.50 ,01 Burl Ind 1.40 041 Burndy .70 .01 Burrohs .60 03 BshUnv 1 2if .04 ButlersSh .80 1 ’ DiaSham 1.40 x331 23% 22% 23 *— '4 i DiaSh pf C2 xB 34 32% 32%..... k lDiaS pf D1.20 x109 18% 17% 17% — % 1 Jui TnJj Qictaphon .48 x87 25% 24% 24%-% Jr* +3M>i5lfbOld .48b 169 54% 52% 54% + % tittl inane DIGIorglo .60. 158 22 20% 21% +1% ■ 32% m-mtttsmA HamWat ,44f 144 32% 30% S - % RN PfBJ 1019-144% 136% 143% +6%igj»J”CO-S6b 35 21 20 21 + % DlnarClub .50 331 36 34% 35% fiW LoPr Cm 8- 9.96 + .08 KnlCkrbCk Grth 1101 10.71 8.78 8.68 8.78 H Lexlngtn.............H - .13 Ltxlnptn Rsrch 15.12 1 Llbarfy Fund t ,04. Life Gth Stk 1.15 10.09 10.14 > 12 10% 11% + i 25% 23% 25% T Ml eeeJ 25% 22% M% + '®! CampSp 1.10 204 30*9 29*9 3019 _ _ _ 71 1719 15V9 17*9 +l'A DlnerClub .50 53 21'/a 20V, 21 + *4 —--- "‘b 150 02*9 79 02*9 + 2*4 1,20 17 45*4 45V, 4514 — 14 . I .90 *39 45*4 44*9 4519 ..... DomeMln .00 159 54>/9 49V. 5414 +7*9 “ “ ' • 54 1319 1219 12V9 - “ 1.55 + i07| Cepllel Cep'c'Bdcst 297 27*4 25/ 25*9 -119 Cerbrun 1.40 x54 43V, 4219 42*4 + *9 Carlisle .00 51 1»V. 1719 1014 — W Caro CEOh 5 *400 71 Bondstock Corp Boston Com St 9.72 9.51 Boston fund * “ * ** Caplt Income Cap Lite In Sh CenfUry JShr Tr Chennlng Funds: S.29 8,20 8.20 4 14.40 14.21 14,40 + >5.99 14.88 1V09 -9.19 9.05 9.19 + 11.07 17,92 19.07 - 0.30 ■ 0.25 9 30 -5.87 5.75 5.87 + 10.20 10.01 10.20 - 12.07 11.94 12.07 + 12 1.70 1 74 1,70 -- *' la m fei 51 AAcDonnell Fd Morton Funds: 37 73 37136 37.60 10.81 10.63 10.81 + 11.99 11,74 11.99 + I 15.18 14 95 15.18 + .4.96 4.84 4.96 + 11.70 11 48 12.70 + ir 95!43 91.97 9Si43 +1.45 old ii .76 11.55 mum “ I Fund 18.11 17.78 18.11 H 4.04 4.01 4.0 5 73 5.62 5.73 + .03 t Omaha Gt 5 09 5.00 5.09 t Omaha Inc 10.30 10.23 10.24— .11 2.68 2.67 2.68 5.55 5.50 5.55 + *37% +1% .40a 1265 | :as?lefki is 34*4 32*4 33 —ivi ch 1.60 297 32Vi M+ 0U srCp .50 x246 37*4 35 y80« 3,SS ii 24*4 20 +2*4 13'A 14 — *4. -8 22. . 21V. 21*5 — *4 102 29V4‘ 27 20*4 - IB 000 48V, 45V. 40V, 203 10*4 9V4 10 - 3 iiv, 29*4 29*4 - - 33 25'/. 24*4 25*4 + *4 434 05V. 02*4 55V. + *4 Dq 4.15pf2.07 Dq 4.10pf2.05 DuqLt 4pf 2 CelaneseCp 2 CeOan pfA4 50 Cenco Ins .30 CenlFdy 20d 24V, 25 SIP„_, Hi 23*4 23V. 231 J,4! V9*4 9 lj*4 +:Vi 261 40'A 39*4 «'4 .. 228 23 22*4 22*4 - 255 19*4 10V4 10*4 - 51 23*4 22*4 231% - 524 23 2114 23 - 5 24 23V. 24 - *4 193 27V. 25 26V4 + V» 51 22*4 21*4 22*4 + *4 9.4 92.54 + 9.59 9.71 + 91 ChaseMn I SO 325 ' ‘ Chteker Mol 14 impetltlva Cp 8.25 • 8.10 imposlte BBS 9.35 9.22 9 -5 9,25 9.85 ' j! Newton Fund ,12.25 12.00 12.25 + J '* •?' Oceenogphc y Cap Ir deVegh Mut Fd Decatur Income Delaware Fund , Dow Th InvFd Downtown Fund * M Eqi * 26.31 25.85 36.31 4 13.34 13.17 13.34 \ 16 47 16.07 16.37 + 14.92 14,40 14.92 + 16.30. 16.22 16.22 -8.3? 8,29 8.38 . 8f10 8.01 8.10 + H.60 14.61 14 60 9.80 9.78 9.80 15 M IL50 15 83 + .16 15.19*4PT99 15.19 + U 7.72 7.52 7.72 + 8.05 . 7 92 8.01 - ChiMil StPP — . . 43' 88% ChiMStPP Ct 249 '2214 ChMSPP PIS 2 58 CMSP Plct-S 8 «*4 Chi MUSIC 1 *s come I2.fi 12.00 12.11 — .01 ■ phi la Fund - ' '3.40 13.20 13.40 + .02'Pilgrim Fund 3J5. ,7.82.._.7.7.5 ,.tc .05 rnij0t_ ........ ChiPr.. ;Chl Rl Pac. WUPWIP^H^^IPchRIP ct UP ’ll ,4.:l°0 X13 57V* 'ao 5.57 15 28 15 57 + .18 Price. TR Grth nvest 12.00 11.81 12.C Dreytus Fund 12.80 12 58 12.80 + .08 Pro * FatoniHow owth Fund 12 38 12.14 6 05 5.97 6.03 - 13.28 13.17 13,28 + 24.08 ,23.56 5 — 10.57 T0 28 10.57 t 8 28 , 8 23 8.28 * "pay CCIt prpl U 13 23 22'4 2214 — ■U 231* 22 * 22 — - 22*. 20*4 21V* - 25 22*4 26V, 1 72 29*4 29 29V4 + 1/4 20*4 25V4 26'4 Koehr pt2.75 Koppers 1.50 Koppert pl 4 ----- -.. Kraftco 1.70 x370 42 Kresde SS .40 x494 491. .. . Hi Kroenler ,00e 48 26*4 25 26*4 +1*4 Kroger 1.30 332 35 33*4 34*4 4 M eb Electron - 35 19'4 18'4 II7/. — 3 - *4 Elect .54 94 15*4 14*4 14*4 - OekltePd .72 25 22 dMiy Ocddnt Pet 1 3459 35'4 OccidPet pl 4 45 105 OCCidP pf3.60 95 100V4 n-n me -rm OccIdP pt2.16 17 3714 52 85*4 +1*4 Ogden Cp /.00 205 20*4 1?'/, 20V4 + 14 Ooden pfl .17 22 MV4 3JV4 34 — T OnioEdls 1.50 293 25V4 24*4 28 - V4 Oh Ed pf4.55 y240 5814 66*4 54*4 ., Oh Ed pfA40 *170 56 48*4 S - V. Oh Ed pf3.90 >250 581% 87V4 S7V4 + V, “ 159 2114 201% 20V4 —1'4 >270 12*4 J2V* 121% . OkleNGs 1 19 59 20'4 19V4 19*4 - *4 ' 377 28V) 2544 27*4 + Vi 38 24V4 23V4 231% - 1% 37 19V4 1IV4 mb - V, ,22*4 — V4 PIWIHI^JJ j" iioik 2114 - * Nev Pow 1.08 171 44*4 44 44 — V. Newberry i x23 27*4 251% 2514-214 Newb pf 3—5 >20 531% ,531* 5314 —1 NEngEI 1.48 182 25*4 24*4 24*4 - *4 NEngTT 2.34 110 38'% 3014 30'4 - *4 Newmnt 1.04 249 29 24*4 27'% —1*4 N»wmt pf4.50 27 94'% *2 93 -2 NY Hon .50d 65 33*4 31 Vi 31 *4 + 11 NlegMP 1.10 550 1814 17V4 17*4 NlegM p 15710 >300 91*4 91*4 91*4 NlegM ptj.25 >210 751%. 75'A 7514 . NlegM pf4.85 >130 70 6014 70 +114 NlegM pf4.10 >10 50 50 51 -1 NlegM pf3.90 >250 57 55'4 57 +1 NlegM pf3.40 >410 52'% 52'4 5214 - 14 NlegM pf3.40 >30 50*4 50 50 - *4 IT 19 1014 19 + *4 454 8914 0714 88*4 + <4 70 20*4 19*4 2014 mmmm wi 2214 20*4 22 NAmCoal .60 26 1614 16 1614 , .. NorAmPhil 1 011 51*4 48*4 5114 +1*4 NoAmRock 2 x7S9 29*4 28*4 21*4 — 14 NoARk pf4.75 12 76*4 76 76 —114 Noeestut.94 312 17 1614 16*6 — IB NorCentRy 4 zl50 57V, 56'4 5714 +1 NolllGes L68 151 29*4 . 20*4 2914 -1 NorlnPs 1.14 181 29 28'A 28*4 - ' ..jrrlslnd .1 NoAmCar - Leman Sees t, 72 72' —1 ti l .05 472 50*4 47*4 4814 . 37*4 36*4 37*4 +1 46 13 11*4 12*4 + *4 Mil 29 2H6 29 +71 134 16*4 15*4 16*4 - 66 20*4 19*4 19*4 21 25*4 24*6 25 try 1.20 29 36 3514 * 36 + <4 _____Ritz .50 129 35 »V4/,33*4—214 Lenvin pf-0 2 631% 43V4 43V4 +2 LetrobeSt .40 14 19*4 11*6 10*4 — 14 Leer Slag .50 106 19*6 19 19*6 + 16 LeerSg p<2.25 9' 53 51<4 5114 —1*4 Leasco Data 1237 2814 25*4 2714 —1*4 LeasD pf2.20 354 46 4014 43'A —2'4 ------...C at 23 2014 2014 —2*4 19 25*4 2514 25V4 — Vi MH| 30 3614 3214 32’A —31% LehPCem .60 129 16*4 1614 161% + U Leh Val Ind 227 9 8*4 8*4 - H— UB m 2114 20*4 20*4 — _____________ X30 101 1616 1414 — . Lever Fd Cap 70 1114 101% 11. —14 LevFInc .75a 38 12—. 111% 11*4 . LFC Flnand 960 17W 15*4 17'A +1V. LlbOFrd 2.10 X220 47*4 4414 45*4 —1*4 LlbOF pf4.75 ' x47 01*4 79'A 79'4 - *4 Llbb McN L 169 9JB .1*4 0*4 — 14 LlbertyCp .20 40 14*4 14 14*4 . . tpr.LMIvtt m >1*4 .21 21*4 + *4 LibvLn ptl.25 3 19 181% 18'% — *4 Llgg My 2.50 145 351% 341% 3414 -1*4 r XX 7 *7(i ini inn'/, ini +1 arris int . Jarsco Cp HartSMrx | X137 571% S - - , 100 70*4 60*4 7014 — *4 09 20*4 »'% 19*4 - *4 ■RMM 142 34<4 32V, 33*4 + *4 Harv Al 1.20 265 22*4 21 Ak :iS»l.§ xl $ 34*4 5+-g H.!Y«Alb 1 » ft* fJVi M»|j 504 23Vi 20 11*4 +1*4 209 32*4 31 32*4 —J 84 14*4 13'4 131% —114 41 10*4 17*4 18 — *4 216 |8l% 17*4 18 -.V* 3 10 20 80 +L 37 21 19'% 19*4 -*T4 176 2314 19'4 19*4—6 69 6*4 6'4 6*4 - ■ n18 OH - B'4 (14+14 x385 34*4 33*4 34*4 + W 90 25*4 23*4 23*4 170 37 34 37 331 92 08 9114 Heinz HJ .84 Helene Curt Hell Coll i Helme Pds 1 •—-nrhP .10 ____ilsph Cap Hemline .43g Hare Inc t * HershFd 1.10 Heubleln .75 HewP.ack .20 -- 'll?.*! college 320 19 Doric Cp .32 36 30*4 29*4 30'% . .. Dorr Oliver 20 14H 14 14*4 + 1% Dover Cp .64 44 35*6 34' 3514+116 DowChm 2.60 472 701% 68*4 69*4 -114 DravoCp 1.40 36 3714 36*6 3714 + *6 Dresslnd 1.40 253 29 271% 27H-1*6 Dressr p!2.2o 44 3716 3514 30*4 — 1% Drestr pf B2 62 35H 32*4 32*4 —1H DreyfusCp lb 130 31<4 20<4 31<4 11 1.40 52 33*4 32*4 32*4 1.10 X260 49 46% 0% ;p 305 24*6 201% 23*4 duPont 2.50a 515 126’4 122V, 125'% + >4 SIKI-hSIS"] 246 56'% 53'% 56 duPont p>4JN) 14 72'4 71V4 72 + % i« ' 1204 ml 21 22 V, , ■ -wt p»3.50 14 57*6 57 57 - ^ Hobart l 20e ■ -0 4 42*4 44 +1 Lt 1.66 166 26*4 26'4 26'/, — % :u£»nwa 82 126 30 28Vt 29% + ------------- Zio 311% 311% 31'% MSfl KI.ctrn 549 10*4 10 10*4 + >90 31 301% 30'% — 1 Va wSddv Inn 20 "" ™ m,‘- >100 29'4 29% »V% . .. j hS'!S?s " >1220 31'JO 30'A 30'% + , Dq 3.75ptl.07 >190 20 ' 171% 2714—11% Dymo In .56t 93 17'A 14% 17* - V4, Dyne Am .40 206 131% 12% 12*4 - *4 —E— +2% * Honey wl I estGF 1.151 ast Util 1.40 aet Kodak 1 atonYa 1.60 Mtco Ind 2 chllnMf .72 Ickerd Fla dlsonBros 1 EG&G .10 IMusic ,09g ElMus fn.OSg Elect Assoc ElMemr ' 740 17% 16V4 17% + % 354 201% 26'% 26V) -1% 21 J5V4 24 24 -1*4 1031 75% 731% 75'% + 1% 217 30% 37 38*4 +11% 884 82 77'4 81% +2% 70 19% 18*4 19% — % 400 <5% 25 25'4 -% 57 30 211% 201% —1% 212 IS 3114 34*6 +2 471 5*4 S'A 7 5% 4*6 143 16 15 361 59% 50V, 47 . 30% 34% 30% +1% 20 16V, 131% 16% +1% 2 10% 18 MeM pt wl 174 22% 19*4r »% +1'4 ld.hoPw 1.40 ,4 ,, ,» ,0 - % SJ»1 Basic ! 513 19 la'4 1«*4 + %i 2!5b p»4 7S 214 27*4 26 26'% - '% 341 62*4 81% 51% — % 9 37 35 3*1% +1 ..... 74 44 46*4 0% mhart 1.20b 157 39% 38% 301% — % mpDIst 1.60 42 27% 26% 26*4 + " 924 0*4 39 ......| 9 44 62' liySup 1.20 37 22% 22 mtstEe .0 x]5J| JJ% +4% ^ ’k «l/4 so ~H||RriSRR||R|i Hotel Cp Am Hotel pf 1.25 Houd Ind .00 ifejlifi kiAiofttNGl .80 H* r?*1 rz** ~ 7“ 5s ptl .50 30 John .24 170 Etf A ’”2 69*6 00% 49% R teg 99 X% 30 ,5H?’A 26 61*4 .. 60% 61% ■ 47 16% 14% 16% - 1994 19% 19*4 . m mi lift x30 29 28% 21*4 — . 26 31% 30*4 31% + I >270 55 » 55 +2 | . 712 21% 30 29 0% 67% 47% -2% r»" ”0f3 50 26 61*4 60*4 41% — *4 ii rs5 ai-. si &“ .58 £« *" 716 14*4 15% 14% + % S Bine 1.20 X32 25*4 24% 24%- - “ 62 19*6 19% 19% - 243 35*4 33*4 33*s - 260 26% 25 25% — 5~75— urotnd .20g -09- 41**—+ ■ V. C »> .STJ W xCellO 1.25- 15 - ■ ■ ICInnGE 1.40.. W/, 0% 0*4 —I 34 42% 0% 41% -1 352 37% 35*4 36*4 ,+, 72 16% 15 103 24? -rF- 151 -30% 20% 30% +1*6 . „1 364 37% 36 37% +1% FalrchC .50* 1117 65*4 '59% 6f —....... 151 iiv i, :' Faberge ,, ii. Factor ,* il Felt * S. | Fair.. * Falrm I 24% 24% - 12% 12% - ,Hu5ndC' 688. 50ft 10,53 10.35 iO.M + SOh 23W 26k - - - !■!! m an I *2 citylnvVpt B2 947 42ft 38ft 41ft 13 56 City In pfl .31 • HIM 73 19ft 18M WM — ’ 130 11 H “ n - ft B.30 • B.Uf - B.JU t SI'lS;’, 1525 14.94. 15.25 + .01-CgrhEql l'0.V4 1 1 7?j sec invest 1 Selected Amer j, a. I Selected Spec 1 'ISi Sherman Dean Side Fund , ,, Sigma Capital 10.06 9.79 ,10.06 15.0 14.97 15.43 22 54 21.87 22.55 9,*i 9.65 9.78 .06! Clorox .Tig 391 17*4 .03lCluettPea .90 224 27' .OiiCluettP pt'l *’ *“ ■ JO CNA Fin! .5v .13 CNA pf Al .10 262 30, .22 Coast St Gi I .10 —*■- 1 State .(Term Gth 5.40 5 27 t*0 DNTC 7.46 7.37 7.46 + .02 ciMta^ c* 7.55° VI + I TmlKd '6.48 6.34 6.48 7 .02 Fiduciary 799 6.86 7.09 + .13 Science 5.32 .. 5 20 5.32 + .07 stein Roe Fds* 8,74- 8.14 8.24 — .08 Belence - .» Sup Inv Sumt - .10 Syncro Growth -;TMR Apprec it Teachers Assoc 50.00 48.50 50.00 - JJ1} J* T’iJ1 FerahMf Slib 34l I 27 13ft 12ft 13ft + ftt esc im i jfl# . ito • 149 33*s 22% 33*4 + .J4|F«dJS, 40 X787 20"'f H" »% +2% 181 45 S +JA! FedMog 1JB0 x?2 wA. 20% 28*4 —1% 31 39*4 30% 3»A4 FedPe? Elec 535 11% 19*4 +||B ... s... ■“'% — % p pfl.24 X31 21% 20*4 21*4 +1% FedPapBd I 42 27% 25% 26*4. F Pap pfl.15 >100v22 I ■ FedSigoS .60 63 27 21 20% 19*4 20% + % FedDStr .95 490 36% “ B*4 + % pad Mtg mv SO 10% —74*.................... 25*4 27% 7.27 7.16 7.27 ,/CBS ptl * ColuGes . " ColuPICI .460 IJ ColSoOh 1*. . CombEn 1 Technical Fund , i.09- +46 1.0 8.42 WWWKH^^W^W.25 j^MRHPBipiWIRPI .en Secbrit.e, 11.10 10.94 .11.10 — .091 Technlveet .Fnd ibraltar Fund 1215. 12.07 17.85 +“7mll • 'roup Sec; , . "l+i Aerospace Sc I 8 76 8,54 1.76 + .07 I'. — , Common Stk 13 29 13 15 13.29 - .01 Trqn»erlner Cap Fully Admin 9 09 9.03 9.09 .. |Xreve(er» EqFd ---.2. ...... JV.73 21.22 31,73 + .10lTirf0rjmgge,Fd 16.06 15.56 14.04 + .24jM1h CW%GVIn 25.4J.24 00 25.42 + .04Cwtjnc 4 84 4.79 4.84 _ dg Unifuna 8.79 8JO 8.79+ J 1.35 1.34 1.35» 8.92 8.81 8.92 — 14.39 . 13.88 14.39 + 4.56 ^ 2Q.29 i 97 20.29 14.65 1441 14.65 14,09 13.82 14 09 ,fl li.ifftftSH’ Com E pfl.42 Comw Oil .60 Comput Set comtet ' CocaCol "i.32 " 797 72% 69% 72% +2% CoceBNg Uo 18 33*4 33 33 - % .04 COM POT 1 » »* «*4 4448 “ *■ 09 Cota P PI3.50 >120 54V, 56 56 ... . •01 Colilnt Atk 1 122 27% 25 25% —2% .01 CollInRad .80 575 41% 38' 06 Cololntst 1.60 138 39. 1 35 Colo Sou pl 4 >170 51 ! colt (nd 750 M " 07/Colt In pl4.25 06SolllnJfil.« 36% 39.,+2 63 27 25*4 26% + i 33*4 34% iH% FleldctM I.4C Filtrol 2 Fin Federati x40 24% 22 |U 2M4 fi 127 42% 41 < 42 — %1 Fleming—50 oo 67% +1% Flip Ik Ole 1 ... w,. C—7 24% 25% + % Flint pfA4.S0. >270 80 78% 78% — % 0% 0 —1 Flint pfB2 25 “ "r 474 m6 50% 50V, —1% *44 47V, 0 0% +2% 462 62 U%. 62 +2% 294 39% 30% 39 + % X141 28% 27% 20% Mb 264 17 14% T0% x19 15% 15*4 15*4 486 27Vs 26% 25% 527 32% -51 32% 31% 133 61 59Vt 2 34 F % Fla Gas .' 2 37% 27*4 37% — % 'si 27 26% 26% - % Flintkt 4j)f 4 >270 61% 60_ «% +r% 888 »% 26% 26% + V ................. q J ^ _ ' 113 '0*4 '? • 0% +1% 450 47% 45'/, 67% +1% 52 27% 26% 26% —1% PRRP ... FlUOrCp 2.30 0 '44% «% - % ofl 20^ 100 K 8% »% +1 “ u*8 gaMfjk). ” |% gj + % I 18% 16*6 10% +1% jvJ 27% 25% 25% ’ 2S 0V4 43% 2% Foote p)!l20 » 24V4 22% 21* PordMU 2740 on 0% 42*4 45. 75“ 111 Jil'.H FMcK Ptl.80 .Aim 4 4»- . FostWhl .60b J4% — § FostWh pf 1 xS >1» 16.. +% Foxboro 40 lg .»]% *% 31% I jM 25% + % I 27% » NoNGas 2.60 NONG pfO.84 NoNG PI5.W NoNG pf5.60 NoNG pf5.50 r Pac 2.0 >30 00 >10- 79 79 79 ........... 01 46% 45 45 NoStaPw 1.60 253 25% »% 24*4 NoStaPw pf 7 >1850 ?7V4 95 96% —|/. NSPw pf4.ll >90 39 58% 59 + % NSPw pf4.10 >100 99% 59 59% + % NSPw pf3,0 >120 93% 92%. 92% + % Nrthrop 1 95 34% 31 34% 4- % Llgg My pf 7 LlgMy pf5.25 Ling TV .1.33 LIpgAA 2.711 Ling TV pf 5 Lionel Corp Litton 1.89t Litton ptc Of n““ Evpf 3 pir-itn zlO 97 > am sift—1 148 17ft 16 17ft 4 OrangeR 1.20 12 19ft lift 19 ...... 40V* 41ft —2ft i x262 36ft 35ft 36ft ... i 36 MM 17% 19ft + % I 24 23ft 22 23ft +lft ) 682 72ft 70ft 72 + ft ___________j 657 64% 63ft 84ft ..... Owenll pf4.75 41 111 108ft 110ft + ft OxfdlncIA .60 X74 17ft 16ft 17ft + ft -P— 10 36% 33% 33*4 —2% 0 17% 17V4 l>vu — % 10 27% 27% 2 PacGEI 1 PacInEx .. PacLta-1M Itg, 1.6^^ew%9ee .... __ . Pet ,25e 1499 31% 27% 31 PacPwL 1.28 165 21V, 20% 20% PacSwA .30p 30 19% 17 Pan Am ■! Panh Ep l su Paprcrft ,44b Pargas .72 x99 21% 20% Pargas p!2.64 x5 60 57 ParkeDavIs 1 58 32% 31 ParkHan 1.40 30 50% 0% Park Pen .80 x50 23% 21 PannCan 2.« 623 0% 41 PannDIx ™ “”‘,i ** 133 21% 20 20% - Pa Co pf4,62 7 73 « ' 73 +5 92 28% 28% 28*4 — %. PaPL pt 4.50 >720 69*4 0% 60%'+ % PaPL pf 4.0 >210 *7% 0% 67% +1 Pennwt 1.20a 194 37% 35% 3744 + % Penwlt pf2.50 16 41 58 61 —1 Pinwlt ptl.25 73 27 24 24% — % PennzUn .10 270 32,. 21 31% - % Pan>U pfl .33 715 0% 41 44% — % PeopDrq 1.10 21 21 20% 20%“—% PeopGas .96 557 33% 31% 32%-1 PepsiCo 1 02 0*4 0% *5% . PepGBot 80a 9 19*4 18*4 10*4 - % ParSct Film 2W 17% 104 104-1% Parkin Elm 10 47 45% 46% + % (Continued o^Page 07) What Wall Street Did 610 11% 10 — 1102 43% 41% 0% +2 174 47% 0 47% + 1 10 88 0 17 +1 85 41% 39 41% + I 312 9% 8% LoCkhdA 1.20 X611 25% 23% 24 14 nu OO./. 49 973 La Land 1.0Q LouliGE 1.48 Lukans Stl 1 LykYng .ISO LykYg pf2.50 By WHAYNE ISENMAN AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Uncertainty over the effects of the surprise devaluation of . the 26 59ft 58ft 59ft - ft French franc helped lead to higher interest rates in most sectors of the bond and money markets this past week. In the municipal sector, the market proved unable to hold on to recent gains and despite higher yields on new issues, investors were hesitant. The week’s largest municipal offering—$100 million of Pennsylvania general obligation bonds—met with medipere investor response and late Friday had an unsold balance of more than $31 million. tCSSJ.9p ’ 1 102 101 102 , ... . ____G* l.« *3(19 19% 10% 19% - % LsnoMLt 1.30 115 25% 24% 24% + % tit ptEp 4,35 % oT tr * * JMLV* 1354 ,?iL.... wfam . 14 79% 78% 79% — 151 23% 22% 22% - , xl55 «% 51% 0% +4% 167 51 48% 51 +1% 77 31 29*6 30% + % 65 25% 24% 24% —1% 20 17% 16 16% —% 288 37% 3594 37 +1% —M MacA/iF .20b 36 19 MacDonld .60 10% 12% 12% 12% $5 15*4 15% 15% I I 194 32% 31%' 31% —1% r % u 1.1% ORB. . 3.56g 295 26', Mad Sq Gar **’ 71 Magnv— ’ “ Malior, ■■ Man Ind .Mb 221 7% 7 ....... .20 X420 | Dory 1J0 *** .... 30% 304-2% 54 21% 20*4 20% . 32 404 0% 43% — 150 50% 55% J8% -t.-- 20 25% 22*6 25% +2% I 33 30% 33 +> ........... .(308 0% 43*4 66% mjA Marcor Inc 1 0 772 55% ■■ajjl ManHan 2.50 Marathn 1.60 ; „ „„ „„ 54% +2% Marcor pt A2 166 40% M 36% 35*4 36% 02 0% 0% 43% ... 128 42*4 41% 42% - % OS 15'/*- 14% 14*4 — % 134 34% 32% 34% + *4 X472 25% 23*4 25*4 +114 MB 20*4 19% ““ MartlnM 1.10 MrylCup .40b MaacoCp .20 Masnitt 1.20b I 42'/,' ( i 41*4 — 1 0 42% 60% 61% x20 17% 16% 16% 2 17 16% 16% 364 M % 11% I_____ 29% »V4 - » ISSftB JW * m 2% sa i is ll flLl IL I & McCord 1. MavDStr 1.60 X277 33% 31% 32% + % ® t h s. as »+s 2 19% 19% 19*4 +1% 15 0% 0% 8% MT x^ f a inmontep .76 m W4 p ’ inmont pf4.50 1800 6T 6 InsllcoCp .70 202, 23ft \ Wr,nfe.xJ |S ^ hat 8 '^■’AlLra 774 13% 13% ”% + V Airier D»5 lift 81ft 5]ft-IV Mna 30a 432 20ft 18 18ft f W tick® 1.20a xW 34% M% 3f + pap m . Jwfjwa ®a tfai-ilf ii.a h McCord 1.20b xlO 38 MeCrory +.20 “ ”* McCro pt4.50 90 28 'dm ITBT pip 4 IntTBT IH IntTOiT pfH ITT Ml 4.50 IntTBT pf J 4 IntTBT pfK4 lOTT pfL 5.50 Int Util 1.40 int UJU A Int Util pfl .32 Interpace 1 Interpce pf5 05 92 % 90 32 M% «- % y\L \ k +1% i 28% 2 • S* l 24% 24% —1% 37% 31 — % 34% 27% + % „ 0V4 0% —IV, 91 73 40% 72 69 . 23 117% IW.WRWWW* ' 18 27% 24% 26% — 1% 40 0% 43*4 0*4 +2*4 113 UV4 % JSV4+1% x49 18% 17*4 17*4 — % it 26% 2M4 1 ~- 572 24 ’ 22% ,» - 12 49 47 0 ■ 64 0*4 0 0*4 " 29 31% 30% 30% - .. 91 57% 33% 3714 + % 170 61% «% 0% +1% 50 0 02% 07*4 +5*4 3| .»% 33% 35%—!“-!io 94 “ a ^ ZIO 63 4 + %. M% 37 + % »t 'Ft* »% + % 9 32% 32% M% + % Mlcradot .30a iiiii# MldCnTel .04 MldSoUtll .8“ MkJId 11+ Mldwst Oil 3 -MlahlaGD .70 MllaLab 1.20 > Milt Brad .60 Minn Entaig M —1 .... _ . ii +i*4 13 13% fi 15% + % 19 11% 17*4 13 — % ill 'll” 20% 20% — 3i 200 13% 11 1+1 % SB I 25 Ml 24% 10 36% ^ HltgBRiA laEILP 1.0 la III GB 1,38 lowaPLt 1.60 lowaPSv 1.32 35*4 28% . 30%—5% is'sr *»*'“■ 84 mu 22 +,% MlunCP 2.33 Jfii + r I pc*Heap JO 20 31% 2M4 31% ,+2% iS ^p55 jis%4^ ss±| ITT Sv pf4.50 X7 114 113 It* +, % JacktnAM .24 jalKAtl pf.0 Jaeger ,20 JapinP 1.4*9 Japn fnl.49g Jeff Pitot .00 Monarch 1. M.L. Monroe Eq n fimmW .... I tlS 20% » JergensA .50 M OB. S ! ff* JerCPL pt 4 ia| IRr 0 . « Jewel cot JO .01 jj* 0* Jim Walt .0 130 W4.2M.» Jlimvalt pf 2 , 4 IM% 1004 105% +3% The issue was publicly offered to investors at prices yielding from 5.20 per cent for 1972 maturities to 6.15 per cent for the 1999 maturities. The .interest cost to Pennsylvania was 5.tf4 per cent. The Dow Jones municipal bond index rose to 5.93 per cent from 5.83 per cent a week earlier, bringing the index to only five-hundredths a percentage point below the record high of m per cent set three weeks Government bonds sold off steadily through mid-week, but then steadied toward the close, according to Saloman Bros. 9 Hutzler, a national investment firm. The net declines for the week more than offset the previous sj - a- week’s gains in the short-term » 24% »% -2% ahd intermediate governments; A.. .A88 .A* V* but offset only k third of the recent advance in long-term, over 20-year issues. Short-term rate trends were mixed. The three-month treasury bill rate rose to over 7.10 per cent early in the week then declined sharply to close below 6.95 per cent. The recycling of funds from central bank currency stabilization efforts, accounted in part, for the strength of the bill market. In contrast* the rates on many private money-market instruments rose slightly, but in general remained at least 25-hun> dredths of a point below their peak ‘rates for the year. Seasoned corporate’ bonds prices declined to new lows for the year in' some issues and more recent issues gave up most of their price gains since late July. When the -price of bond declines, the yield goes up. », __ +2% Iff 21 26 27% +1% ill ll»Jr 13% + % 141 106*4 10 106% +1*4 0 .20 | _j328 **% 27% 99% +1% Mo’pac AT? 'll 74% 73W gw +’*4 “%|% 2.20 1442 0 35% 57*4 +1% i m 10 32*4 31% 32% +1 X13 29% 28% 29%+1 716 21% 24% 0*6 —• % 17 23% WU 23*4 - % 66 33% 32% 33% —1 Motioon MO X43S 4B4 43% 404 - % -----pl ^ 5344 0. ... 5344 . ■■Will 38 30% »% 30% +1% ^ * MtStTT 1.24 »5T4 JjAiat .... 26 24 —2V^ 310 120% 110% 10% +3% 29 31% 29% 3jb + ~ JO 29% 5.33 5.1* 5.33 + 05,Ct09 m H3SL Law Ctoit Jit m 40 Bonds . .... 72.11 72.li 71.87 71.87 61ft r .+ % 1st RRs. 59.10 59.10 68.73 58 73 riPl 5C-’; +i" 2nd RRs 71,17 71.17 70.33 70.33 71ft 64ft 7 63% ' 33% , 69 Vr wIEii 4ift Utils. ......... ...... 78.63 78.72’ 78.55 • 78.07 38ft 30ft « 26% 36ft 30ft +ift Indust. ........ 79:56 79.85 79.56 79.76 3M6. 55ft » 38 S4ft 3m til Inc. Rails I t.. 61.61 61.75 61.61 81.61 •6.21 -0.15 •0.65 -0:04 -0.02 -0.06 41 HE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST W, 1969 C—7 s NY List u HUh Low Lait Ch9. (Continued fropi Page C-6) £•* !nc 124 41% 39% 41% +1% eh a ffL ej? » P*J i1**. 'J* 22% 21 , 22% PetePaul 1JO xl 5 31% 30% 30% — % P« ro«W -to 23, 21% 37% 33V, •" Petrol p»l .37 S 30 20% 30 BiWw aa» iso 21% 20% 2t ..... Wzorc 1.400 342 04% if 13% +2% Sholoab p5 334 42V4 40% S T“ jiM 306 27% Svf4m Ph I Pf 7 ZlOO 111 111% 100% - % I PhllgT pf4.6t Z420 49% 47 67 —1 ; Phui pj4.4o zmo 4j% 44—sr-^ns J Philtl P*4.30 Z170 43% 42% 62% —1% 1 Ph lEI pl3.t0 Z420 57% 54% 54% — % Philip Morr 1 1Q3 27% 25% 27% +1% fflpyij zsio 57% 54% 57% 4-1% Ph M pf3.90 ZlOO 54% 55% 55% - % PhilipInd .16 271 21% 25% 27% +T" Ph i 1 Pet lif ,407 21% 24 28% — PhllVoH .767 34 20% 20% 20% - PjtWwrv 1.36 128 41 45% 40 +1 PlonNGas 80 139 15% 14% 15% + PltneyBw .40 NS 34% 32 34% 4-1 Pit Forg .80 14 15% 15 15% — PlttFlW pf 7- Z650 99 91 98 - . Plttiton 1.20b 1149 45 41% 45 +1% Plough' 60 185 61% 58 41 +1% Polaroid .32 2017 127% 119% 126% +4 Portec 1.20 45 22% 21% 21% - % Porter pfSJO Z470 71% 70% 71 + % PortGEI 1.22 92 21% 20% 20%.— % PotomEI .55d 037 14% 14% 14% Pot El pf2.44 16 40 39 39 PPOlnd 1.40 141 . 35% 34% 35 . I Premrlnd .40 9 26% 25% 25% - % Premln pt.90 53 17% 16% 17% + % ProctGa 140 255 93. 90% 92% — % ProdRsch .28 x44 17% 17% 17% — % PubSCol 1.04 224 20% 19% 20%t. PSvcEG 1.4 424 29% 28% 28%— .. PSEG pf5.28 . 1270 77 76 76 —1% PSEG pf5 05 Z10 74% 74% 74% + % PSEG PI4.30 ZlOO-44% 44 44 .. PSEGpt4.lt 1440 44 41% 41%+% PSEG pf4.0l 2149 41 40% 40% — % PSEG pfl.49 11 22% 21% 21% — jj PubSvIn 2.08 124 41% 39% 41 + PStnd pH.50 Z50 S3 52% 52% + PSInd pn.tl- ? „ .< 14110 15% 15% 15% — PSInd pn.04 11450 14% 14% 14% -... Publklnd .751 240 9% 8% _ 9% — % Pueb Sup .28 40 23 22% 22% — % P R Cam 1.10 62 17% 17 17% - % puospl lit 84 3oi%rfHfwritlMriii Pullman 2.80 xlOS 81 PurexCp .80b 389 24 Purax pfl.35 32 40 Purolatr ’ ' Stu Wor pfB5 ^1 67 43 45 —2% "uW pfA1.4o 57 29 27% 28% —1% -jbUrGai .48 102 22% 21% 22% — % SubTrop XM 51 33% 32„ 32% —1% - ______.40 ■ Sun*Oil lb * Sun Oil p(2.25 218 45 - 42% 43 —1% Sunbeam 1.14 38 IIP | Sunborn n.lo 150 25 — ...... Sundttrnd .80 554 32% 28% 30% —3% ■HUM -‘’in 27 50 4«t 49% —3% - ........52 471 14% 15% 16 + % SupValU 1.10 . ft 12 31% 31% + % SuperOII 1.40 . 37 158 154% 157 +1 SupmGn .40b 120 25% 23% 25 + % Supmk pf1.30 2 31 30 10 —1% SurvyFd .80g 290 7 4% 6% — % I---k .40a 82 20% 19% 19% — % I... Co 40 403 25% 23 24% 848 Swingline .40 207 25% 24 24% SybronCp .40 X173 29% 28 21% Sybron pf2.40 14 54% 52% 54% —T— 20% 29% -1% - 44% 47 —1% 22% 22% — % 42 45% 43% ,65% +2 Renco Inc .92 —It— 190 23% 23% 23% + 22 -33% 32% 32%— 1 I HP J 29% 27% 28% + % _____1 i» X301 22% 20% 22% + *' RapA pf2.25 / - ’* jj j| 11 63 +1% 47% 47% —1% “ | — B! %: RapA pf2. Raybestos „ .. .. ... Raymlnt .80 37 20% 19 Raytheon .50 255.34 32% 32% —1 Rayth pfl.12 x]9 34 34 34%-».- RCA 1 1173 37% 35%-34%—% RCA evpf4 4 04% 85 K"' “ RCA Wit *170 H % 17% 17%- Readl „..._ . ... 1# 15% 15% 15% + % idlng 2 pf 19 15% 14% 15% + % (Bates .25 4430 39% 33' RdgBt pfl.37 11 j lEI pf 3 n pfl.to 4 77% 75 77 - +1 J 49 45% 40% +11. I 23% 21 23% + % I 23% 23% —l* X48 31% 30% 31% +1 42 21 ','20 20% + V. 479 32%< 28% 32 + % ... .... - g _ % 119 24% 21% . 331 52 44% 52 +2 90 7% 4% 6% — 8. 394 55% 53% 54 — % 1433 33% 31 31% —,% 9 133 121 125% —9 V xl6 78% 76 70% +2 977 24% 25% 26% .... t 94% 95 Talley Ind TampaEI .72 fandy Corp TechMat ,23f Tektronix ------ ■ra Tenneco 1.28 Tannee pf5.50 — n140 . X4730 34% 32% 33% + 1 TexETrri 1.40 300 26% 24% 25% + ' TexGaeT 1.40 412 27% 26 27% — TexGs pf 1.50 . 54 a 24 24% + ------1| .40 X42D9 24% 21% 25 %+2% Texas Ind lb 144 24% 24 26% — % Texaslnst .80 640 131 120% 128% +5% TexOlIGs .05 X124 39% -37% 38 TexP Ld ,45g . 27 10% 17% 10% - TexUtil 1.40 242 53% 51% 52% 4 ----- ------ 32 37% 35 Textrn pfl.40 70 25% 24% 25% — 691 15% 13%. 13% 30 44% i42% B(IMl 72 22 WV2 .... . . 144 18% 17% 17% —1 Thom Ind .40 ThrlftyDr .40 Tlmeln 1.90a TlmesMIr .50 HBiiBla'.oo xio9 33% ,32% 32% —% U ,593 28% 27 'Strain on U.S. Male Should Be Eased' LOS ANGELES (UPI) — A biochemist here says Americans should launch a nationar campaign to ease the strain of day-to-day living on males to prolong their lives. Henry Sobel, chief of aging research at the Veterans Administration Hospital, says the life expectancy of American men decreased last year for the first time since statistics have been kept. ★ ★ ★ Unless something is done, women, who now have a life expectancy 6V4 years longer than men, may outlive their husbands by an average of 10 years. Sobel says that, among animals as well as among humans, females are biologically superior. - * ★ ★ ★ “But besides that biologic reason, men bear the brunt of stresses and strains of crowded civilization,” Sobel said. * ★ ★ ★ He said an over-all program “to spare the men” should be centered on relieving males of some of the physical and psychological burdens of living^1 a crowded urban society. CLIP AND MAIL TODAY > CLIP AND MAIL TODAY • CHOICE 09' DOT OR ^ EVENIN0 CLASSES • LOW COST TUITION INCLUDES AU SUPPLIES • FULL 00 PART-TIM EMPLOYMENT > OPPORTUNITIES '! 1 if 2536 Orchard Lake Ave., Sylvan Lake in just 12 weeks, H & R Block, America’s largest Income Tax Service, will teach you how tarprepare income tax returns . . . and how YOU can make extra money as a trained tax consultant; An ideal course for housewives, students, retired people—anyone wanting*to ■make -EXTRA MONEY. No previous experience -required. Enrollment open to anyone,*, ENROLL NOW! CLASSES START SEPTEMBER —;rr ~— sffiapesgess—«----------------------------1 28 West Huron St„ Pontiac Phone 334-9932 Please • sandme a registration form and information* about the 1970 H8R Block Basrc Income Tax Course. This Is a request for information only and places me under no obligation to enroll. ' p TELEPHONE NUMBER CLIP AND MAIL TODAY • CLIP AND MAIL TODAY Tlsh Rlty Tobin Pko t ToddShp 1.20 ToledEd 1.50 TootRoll .40b 92 35 33% 34% 77 29%, 28% 11 19% 19% 1U 51% -59% J409 32% 30 .... . 802 25% 24% 25% +1 30 277/4 26% 27 — 174 17% 15% 17% +V Transmr .50b 1743 29%'27% 29%+1 TranWF .89f If CASE DISCOUNT PRICED PARMER JACK’S Trama pf4.50 x4 205 203 205 +25% Trantcdn .40 128 15% 14% 15 .... Transltron 153 8% 7% 8% + % Travelers .44 1415 28% 25’/a 28 — % Travlars pf 2 28 38% 38% 38% — % ........ 162 31 ink 31 .... 27 37% 35% 3P/4 + % 49 22% 21% 22 ..... 1942 32% 31% 31% —1 Tricon pf2.50 TRW pf+40 TRW pfA4.25 —u— X447 29% 27% 283+ 26 29% 28% 293/4 Sirloin Steak Rex_Chn.l.50 1« S3% 31% 32 — '"Ir,*ii WW Oxv/h nil 91 i 41 48 - 48 Unit NV .... Reyn Mel 90 300 33% 31% 32% - % Un NV fn.79g / ReyM Rtf_ V, i in r»«.» ,* 1% I Unll Ltd ,48g 2 23% 22% 22%-1 6 27% 27% 27% — I 70% 70% — % ' raWv*4® RichrdSjn .00 20 24% 23% 24% + % te x,?7 a a g-- RiegelT 1.20 X57 19% 10 1W4 |SU •* 75 14%. 12% 13% 45 12% 11% 111k . -49 27% 26% 26% — % RiegelT 1.21 RIoGrand .1 RoanSal, .35h ■ C»"P I 249 33 ' 31% 32% Un Carbide 2 1570 43 42 43 Union Corp 159 M 11% 13% +1% Un Elec -.20 343 19% 19V4 19'/4,— •' Un El pf4.54 Z210 69% 68% 48% + Un I PJ4.50 Z450 67 45'/j 45% —* Un El pf3.50 ZOO-51% 51% 51% —1 UnqilCal l M 534 53% 50% 50% —i UOCal Pf2.50 103 49% 55% 551k —3 Un Pac Cp 2 310 44% 43 43% — UnlonPacif 2 292 44% 42 -43% + SnPac. pf.40 50 8% 7% 0 + % Unkmam 1.4 0 24 43% 41% 42% —1 ‘ H 703 24% 22% 23 -1% l|SH X74 25% ml* | RohmH 1.50b 70 87% *4% 87 - Rohr Cp .80 136 20% 27 28% + I Rolllnslnc .11 321 34% 34 RoyCCola .54 RoyDut i.03o RoyO fnl.Mg Royal Ind ,- 102 14% 13% 14 30 29% 21 21 440 22 21 22 13 19% 11% 19 971 44% 45% 45 — % 01 45% 45% 45% ... 107 14% 13% 13% + Uni shops’ „ UnltAirc 1.00 Unit Cp .700 Unit Pin Cal Un Fruit 1,40 unit Ind .20 unmnd pt.42 Unit MM 1.30 Rubbrmd .95 x23 34% 34 204 11% 15 M „ 11% +i% ......... ... 120 24% 23% 24% + % RyderSys .5o 416 35 ■■■j UnNUclr .1 Unit Pk Min USForS 2.950 US Frpgt 1.40 USGypsm 3a ________ ___ USGyp pf.1.00 79 34% 33 ..... .. US Indusf .45 735 25 23% 25% — % USPIpa ISO 182 38% 35% 38% +MR USPIyCh .84 454 33% 29% 33%+: ■ilCn r" " ........... 11.20 233 34% ! Safaway 1.10 StJosLd 1.50 SUosLP 1,04 SILSanP 2.40 StRaglsP 1.50 SanOloGts l Sanders .30 Sangaoio -40 SaFtlnd 1.50 SPoInd pf-50 SanFelnt .30 SarWelSd .50 Saturn ind savanhE l.oo Schaefar Cp ' Schanlay 1.30 8chnW pf-50 Sdwrlng .80 1400 24% 23% 34% - 1 14 31% 30% 31% +1 3 13% 10% 10% — 1 67 43% 41% 42% + • 404 42% 30% 39% —2% 144 25% 24% 24% — % 364 25% 24% 25 — % II 33% 20% 21 —1% 523 27% 24% 24% - % ji% US Shoe .80 107 20% 20 US Smelt lb 104 40% 30 USSme pfS.50. 3 71% 71% US steel 2.40 572 39% 31% U’Tobec 1 H '*■' Unit Util 91 UnUtll ptl.25 UnUtll pfl.50 11 00% 37% 37% IM! UnvLeaf 1.50 28 25% 25% 25% — % . .. ^% ... ,«l 45% 41“ 45% + .. 69 15% 14% 14% —- % ..llohn 1.4. Urls Bldg .40 USLIFE .50 USM Cp 1.40 USM pf2.10 USM pfl.50 X176 21% 19% 21% — % 220 21% 20% 20% — % 62 39% 30% 39 - | 10. 40 47% 47% _____ I..... z680 24 »% 23% + H UtahCons .52 133 34% 35% 34% +1% -I., n 33% jji/„ 32% + % Utah PL 1.00 Schlmbr 1.40 427 95 90 94% Sclent Reire *“ ScIRes pi.82k SCMCp .40b SCOA Ind .40 SCOtt Paper l ScovlllM 1.40 Scovlll pf2.50 ScreWBt ,20g feud DuoVjt Scuddr pf.43g SbCLInd 2.20 .....,-S Sear|rGD l?30 257 40% BO 1.30 t 1.20a .. . _+l% 12% 14% + % 49 *4 21% 24 + % 317 31% 39% 31% + % 74 »*% 17% 17%-% 51 25% 25 20% + % M mi 10 10% - X250 22% 21% r 470 29% 20% 28%-... X»7 44% 45 %% +0% X7 SO 54% +1% 100 '13% 12% 13% + % 154 7% 100 4% 203 30% .. _ ■ _ 294 19% 17% 19%+1% 47 32% »V£ ~ “■ ___I Cp .40 120 30' ... Varian Asso 517 29% 76% Veeder 1.40b 9 29V* 29 Vendo Co .40 S3 19% 10 1 ... ----- . -j M,A 2j% ^ % VictComp .50 213 37% 35% 37% — % VittMMr JO VaEIPw 1.12 VaESP pf 5 ado 119 20% 10% 20% +1% ■■ Corp .44 45 27 24 26 Vulcan Mat l 34 19Vx to% 19% VWR Unit .72 31 16% 16% 14% _w—X—Y—Z— r 39%-1% 44% 47% + % _______10% 19% -- % 134 34' 30% 33 +1% ShellGI pfl".35 SherwnWm 2 lorvMnatlsO 219 31% 27% 30% +2% 2 |% 33% iSSl gF|o & ikin >58 fep%|| 22 14% 15% 15% ^ _________ « 11% 17 SlgnalCo. 1.20 419 “ Signal pf2.20 ’* i SlgnodeCp 1 [ 41% i -1 simmrr'jOe « T «% T t % tin 5 4!? 43% IfM i f I Ifei I h h TO ,27 24% 27 + % 23 14% 14% 14%.-.% 23 31% 30% 30% -1% 37 34 22% 23 -1 15 29% 28% 20% - ' Smith Inll J( Smith KP 2 Smucktr .70 SOS Cons .A SCarEG 1.19 SC EG 402.50 SouJarG 1.44 SoeastPj! 1.00 SouCalE 1.40 ,2! S In ftp Sw..t PS M x»3 11% U Spartan ind 374 32% 21 9JB|t 14 24% 24% 24% + 93 10% im 17%- 41? 24% 24% M% -1% .1?m rJf ir+S u%-% 21% - % 21% -1% S% +i 21% +1% squjuyo 'oo 414 21% 1 §M p :r Sri* s&wss,» Ess ri. SldOIIOfl 2.» 99% 104% +Mk StdOMOh pf 4 31» . 144% 144% -0% Std Preu 44 x224 If 15% U% -1 StP^SrS 123 «• 10% %%- _ StdPrud pf!% * 4590 2% ^ mm* VXfiS&Z > < + % ■ + % ROW 27 + % 45 40 %+ % HP — ,3% 43% -1% BftWlii ESiyc'S i rW 14% ffeneWM.fO^ n **“ StondCont VI - 14% 14% zl 107 34% 32 .... . ... 1000 52 44% 45% —4% 203 .11% II 11%^ ' 145 20% 19 20% + 44 44 42% 43 200 13% 12% 12% 35 8% 8 0% ... 41 20% 20 20% — % M 19% 17 18% —1% 03 5% 4% 4% + % 10- 34% 34% 34 + % 54 18% 17% 423 25% 24% 799 25% 23% 25% ■or 2% 40% 2% +1% —V— 576 24% 22% 23% \zll70 73% 72% 72% ibR pf 4.50 -^300 62% 62 in i 23% 34% WabR pf 4 Walgreen WalkrH 1.,___ .. .... „ .... . WaOMurr .00 154 26% 24% 24% +1% J9f«|vysrtf> Co 41. 0% 8%_ 0% - %j WOrtIPd 1.30f 170 20% 24% T» f II 37 24 25% 25% - % 2 43% 3% 43% — % -444 44% 61% 63% +1% 31 35 33% 33% —1% 5 27 M 24 — 9k 22 14% 13% 14 149 23 21% 221 070, 18% 15% 44 10% 17% 17% — % 1 34 34 34 ‘ * X34 13% 13% 13% . ■ 6 18% 17% .10 — % 157 17% 16% 16% — % 2579 31% 17% 20% +1W Wamaco .90 Warn Co 1.44 WarLam 1.10 Warn Sw 1.60 WasGas 1.72 WashStl .70 Wos wat 1.20 -Welkin Johns Wapne Gossd Wean pfA1.26 Weathrd 37g Webb Del E Wtibilt .07e Wall Mkt .04 91 7% 4% 4% 18 32% 31% 32 WPP pfC4.10 ZlOO 50% 07% «... , WstPtPepp 2 135 30% »% 30% - % WnAIr L .50p ITS M% »% S Wn Banc 1.20 297 30% 37 30% WStn Md 1.40 19 28 27% 27% WltnPae 2.20 < 375 28% 27 27% —1% ”‘ UTel 1« 720 50% 44% 50%+2% Un of 4 2 83% 82% .82% —1, Un pfAO 35 91 07% 89 + % ' Un pf4.90 26 111% 106 111% +1% islgEI l.oo .m »% « :stl pf3.00 Z890 58% 58 , 177 49U 741 Z1020 40% 4m 67% -pf 5 Z700 57% 55% »% + _ 1 50 343 50% 53% 58% +3% WhitoCn .40b 259 21%/19% 20% -1% Whirl Cp f WhltCn pfB 3 WhltCn pfC 3 WhlteCrss .44 —“iHt Mot 2 ...ilttaker ....1 1 fs ....Dixie B WUBIPW 1.40 WjsPSvc l’* lwSMhpi.ft M m Woolw pf2.20 / TV 5«k 55 WorJ?_A'™V ...'Igiey 3_ Wurlltzer .00 XoroxCp .50 XTRA Inc £*Tgi»0 ’ lie Cor , — 34% 35 2 35% P% -35% — % 38 Svr un 34% + % 59 33 31% 32% + % Ima | fl| 't&WTjM l~'+3« « 12% 11% 12 — % ill 30' 31% 30 +3 *73 33% 33% 33% ' 196 22% 22% 22% + Vk 49 11% 17% 17%. *Z Aff T 93 11% 15 15% n 18% 17% 10% . - »? ™ S,. ^ ______ 1 15 H% ’l6 ’S%+,S ilVeek ago ................ 17,156,410 Year ago ............. 20.047,598 jml.1« data ............... I960 to data . - 9Wa248,7tO WEEKLY AMIRICAN BOND SALES •H'li i \ 0—8 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY/ AUGUST 16, 1969 r Let a Gas Dryer * Do Your Ironing! I Durable Press care does away with ironing. No heat setting for fluffing and air* ing. Easy-clean lint screen in door. €RV1GP r:: UL 2-3000 3466 AUBURN RD, SERVICE DAYS! A Coleman Factory Representative Will Repair Your Coleman Equipment am MOMPAT. AUWIST 18 3:00 PJW. to 8:30 P.M. Then lejla Charge far Labor! You Pay for Parts Only JOE’S as SURPLUS 18 N. Saginaw — In Downtown Pontiao Shop Mon. and Thun. Hit 8:10, Wad. HI • P.M., FH. HI I Smkhwih-Wiiuams SUPER KEM-TONE FINEST WASHABLE LATEX WALL PAINT YOU CAN USE It’s Not as Easy as They Say IT’S TOO MUCH HARD WORK use the WORK SKIPPER now $1*29 ONLY llT.llon HUDSON’S ^ HARDWARE 41 EAST WALTONT.. NEAR BALDWIN Believe me, I've tried ^ this “Do, - it - yourself' 1 rug cleaning ana it’s real work ... al*d 1 didn’t get the results they claimed. I .learned my lesson and now have my rugs cleaned by New Way RUg.and Carpet Cleaners, real professionals in the field of carpet care. Now HOMILITE X-L AUTOMATIC CHAIN SOW Automatic Chain Oiling Easier cutting thinks to lutnmitlc chain oiling, qreitsr fuel A oh capacity, extra tight weight and Inter cutting. Zips through a 10' log In I seconds. Cuts logs, pulpwdod, firewood, fence posts, dtsrs find, proms. Straight bin 12'toJ*'-' plunge-cut how. Direct or goer drive. Get your f _____ji Homelite XI Is io light you ten bilsnce it In xoui hendt KEEGO HOWL NO. 1 3041 Orchard Lake Rd. 002-2600 lipan Dally HM A.M. ta StN P.M. tuadapa 1A.M. to 1P.M. ^E> HARVEY FURNITURE IS OPEN EVERY SUNDAY > \l-5 P.M. Solid Maple “Boston” ROCRER - Regular $44.95 - *2495 Isn’t That Nice? 4405 Highland Rd. (M-59) Corner Pontiac Lake Rd. HOOVER SWEEPER AUTHORIZED {Lotto wL 5ewtc& FACTORY TRAINED MEN SY HOOVER - SAME DAY SERVICE OUR GOAL IS CUSTOMER . SATISFACTION PARTS & SERVICE ON'ALL BRANDS SWEEPERS PARTS For All Vacuums • SWITCHES Phone: FE 2-7132 NEW WAY “SLemtefT* 41 Yean Serving Pontiac 42 Wiener Street, Pontiac "Back to- -School Shopping time ' AT-THE PONTIAC MALL An Exciting Exhibit of Sports Vehicles MOTOR SPORTS SPECTACULAR Monday, thru Saturday August 18-23 IMPORT CARS and MOTORCYCLES 3 ■ Displayed in the Mall . '.*-*■ YOU MAY WIN A , ' "Honda Mini-Trail, Boys'Racing Bike, Girls' Racing ’Bike! . THINGS TO DO ANI Surprise rsnnion honoring former Principal, Glen Hasted, 1926-1948 August 23 from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M. at Daniel Whitfield School-Persons who attended the school during these years are requested to bring a box lunch or just drop in and greet Mr. Hasted. D SEE THIS WEEK Dog Show at Winner Field, Sunday, August 17. A record 1,434 dogs to be judged. Events ' start at 9 A.M. and continue throughout the day. Obedi- . ence classes to be judged at 4:00 P.M. Animal Smamsr Picnic of Miohigaa Ducks Unlimited Will be held at Dodge 10 State Park, Sunday, August 24 at 1:00 P.M. FREE MCK-UP A DELIVERY BARNES & HARGRAVES HARDWARE 742 W. Huron St. PARK FREE FE 5-9101 Acteia from the Pest Office ? THE PONTIAC MALL Shopping Center TELEGRAPH at ELIZABETH LAKE ROAD THAT'S RIGHT! Another month has come again. And with the new month these fine area merchants are allowing you fantastic savings to get August started off as the time of the year for bargain savings. does the sight of these give you"" a headache? put them in their plans with these McNAB SPECIALS! , 3/8” SI# sewn SET $4088 Rep.•30“IO 13-Pc. Combination Set $0022 Double Saving* Em wm STORMS and SCREENS REPAIRED - PROMPT SERVICE McNAB BUILDING CENTER MONDAY SPICIALI DOWNTOWN PONTIAC STORE ONLY! LEAN, MEATY SPARfeRIBS 39 SMI Elizabeth Lk. Rtf., at Oats Lk. Rtf, OPEN MONDAY EVEN IN OS ’TIL 5:30 P.M BAZLEY MARKET 18 North Saginaw At HOFFMAN'S DOWNTOWN PONTIAO SUNDAY ONLY WITH THISAU FAIRWAY FOODS 1220 NORTH PERRY It MADISON Across From Pontiac Northern High Schipl Wo Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities a DAILY Itlg'lLM. to I P.M. 2 SUNDAYS 11A.M. to IP^I. THE BURN-RITE T-BONE STEAK Don’t throw it away! Don’t chase all over,town! If it’s listed here, we’ll make it as good ao new with a REFILL . . . because we’re specialists! for BALL PENS Almost any make. Latest improvements in ink and action. for PENCILS Eraser tips, all sixes and .colors of leads. for TYPEWRITER RIBBONS We can fit any typewriter. Bring old spool if odd. •hi*. ■ ■' .. j - for NOTEBOOKS All standard sixes and punchings in stttck. Others on order. for" POST BiNpERS Blank or printed, ledger and journal sheets in all standard sizes. Dtiiers on order. GENERAL PRINTING i OFFICE SUPPLY ft W. LAWRENCE ST., PONTIAC PHONE SSB-B2B1 MINUTE STEAKS S9V • • • |b. SUNDAY ONLY - At I Ifataa Listed latowBniy! BAXLWY-FAIRWAY ■ . FOOD AAARKETS ^ ^Ill 4341 Dixie Highway-Drayton Plaint OPIM fUMOAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. 1220 North Perry at Madison , . OPMt SUNDAY 10 A.AA. to 8 PAA. PORTER-$409 HOUSE .1 * 991 OUTDOOR K * Incinerator > > MW. It h« a lor*. -Delos Smith (LJPI). - cleanliness. • Robert - Lowell says his '------------------------ ★ ★ HOLLYWOOD—One of the joys-and the pains-of my job, “Notebook 1667-68” was written LIFE i)N MAN, by Theodore Then from the concept of has been that I got to know a pretty great man named Groucho as one poem, jagged in pattern, Rojebusy. Viking $6 95. "dirt” he gets into what has Marx. The pain is from laughing and trying to remember pre- but not n conglomeration dr se-' The author is a bacterir^ogisl. been, considered “dirty’ By EARL WILSON Another good way to let a girl beautiful WEST 8635 Cooley Lake Rd. Union Lako. ■ 363-9469 know you like her is to push her into the swimming pool a .lot. Or, if she is already in the I pool, push her head under the WPtfiB Pll, Green Salad. UXt plilAlUa*1 ■ Texas Toast, Baked Potato lUUr Served Sunday 4-8:30 P.M. 9! Kmart GLENW00D PLAZA North Perry Street - Corner of Glenwood . _______338-9433 * cisely what he said, because it cannot all be noted down, and jh£n deciding which should be passed on to other Grouchophites. I phoned to ask him about lunch.' “What’s new?” I made the mistake of asking. “'WHAT.’9 NEW!”’ he hooted back at me. “What an opening line! That's witty. Nixon wishes he’d said that!” mances. ! Ordinary small talk i$ not for Groucho. It’s I must say, however, that 6°t to be extraordinary small talk. We decided, none of these tender overtures'10 lunch at the Beverly Hills Polo Lounge. ■ and gestures of devotion quite! “What are you going to wear?” he inquired measures up to the displays of 1- • • Well, what does one wear at the Polo Lounge? . I affection exhibited by the young! mallet? ... ’ | Lowell himself —'egotistic swains in my neighborhood this “I just didn’t want to clash,” he explained. and complex — seems qt odds Rummer. Arriving punctually, he was attired in'wlfite levis that be w*th his time iri history yet’ NEW BRAND jsaid cost $7.50, a handsome bluish sports jacket that cost $275, j propelled by. fascination with. it. j w. , iand clutched a blue beret. Greeting the maitre d’ with “Youi .Timothy Ferris (UPI> „.en °"e, ofalP?.m becomes|iook exactly ljke Myron Cohen,” he saluted me and very soon' ----------- smitten, he gets his two best tasked for a phone so he could reach his doctor. I MISSOURI • BITTERSWEET friend^ to help him and they ★ *' ★ by MacKinlay Kantor teepee the home of the| “Doc,” he began. “I’m sitting with a very wide columnist.! fpoubleday, $6.95) quence jf related material." tie ajso happens to be a witty through the centuries. That in- The 58 poems in “Notebook” delver mtovpast lore of the body eludes early and late attitudes ' reflect the disinclination Lowell and mind, and he has come up toward obscenity, profanity, the * feels toward chronicles. Therewith an amazing amount of excretions of the body, taboos is a. .timelessness to even his medic.ilanthropological, and'Freudian interpretations, most timely poems. . historical, psychological, sexual The uook is almost impossible-★ * * >- and scatological odds and ends, to .classify. If you want a con- dense of the contemporary His* takeoff point is that versation piece, read the book illuminates Lowell's poems, in-“normal” microbes are good and staitle your friends and eluding some of those most for us, and are in the majority, neighbors, tenuously moored" to their He deplores the modern — and Miles A. Smith (ffi nominal subjects. adored. ‘This brand of courtshipjNo, not widely read. Just wide. Doc, you know those pills you This is MacKinlay Kantor’s consists of sneaking into her gaVe me stink?” '. 38th book. By -now most people yard at night ang draping toilet He was under orders to put on 15 pounds? Why? must be familiar with bis paper over all the trees and “Because my doctor’s charging me $10 a pound.” S homey approach to out-of-the- Ithe midnight earl in n.y---------------------- ' foliage The color the' tissue Soft ice Cream, Banana Splits, Malts and Sundaes GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN, JUMBO SHRIMP, RIBS, GOLDEN BROWN FISH, DELICIOUS PIZZA, FROG LEGS DELIVERY MICHIGAN FRIED CHICKEN 621 Auburn Aver / Open 10 to 1 A.M. FE 8-0111 indicates the degree- of hisi^luf^^,M^„Rf!,80,,®[p* ^j1"# ■ «**•** hiq tough- CTmmuWrttotlS,'u tSpS I v f ,’~ u ‘"~u‘ ......................................j * ’r ................ "ossroadk. passion. If it’ is a mere telking ‘‘Castle Keep” film, “but right now I’ve run out of dirty guaint applied to the crossroad] infatuation, for example he will words” • • • Both maior parties in .Tennessee* asked Eddy Ar- state, Missouri, use pastel tissues. But -if it is nold to run Jor office’but he Sdid N°Pe- • ' ★** th? real thing, he will bedeck f Pa‘ Obrien said at Gallagher’s his daughter Brigid is up “i fe|iin iove with Missouri the shrubbery with a floral or a role *n Katharine Hepburn’* show, “Coco ’ . . . Duke Elling- before I ever walked her soil.” .pattern. . ..-ton showed a group of UN representatives at the Rainbow Grill And so K? and'his tireless wife 1 i I learned about this the first iLhe fiIm °.f hiLs.White house birthday party (the only {fme it'll Irene, bounce around its ruraL itime there was" a “teepee” ^ sh°wn in this country). precincts wallowing in thfct party on my block, at the home * * * . love, of the Giumperes At the outset WISH I’D SAID THAT: Some tax refunds seem slower than ' . * * * I didn’t recognize the streamers a G|as™- , J For Kantor fans it will be aJ' dangling from oil, Roy Glum-. REMEMBERED QUOTE: Marriage is like a tango. Itjdelight He writes with love, no1 per’s rhododendron as being an takes two’ and sometimes one has to bend over backwards to .—......- > expression of true love. * beep the dance going.”—Margaret T, White. j• ' “I wonder- who could have EARL’S PEARLS: Corbett Monica’s wife explained her shop-done that?” I mused. • ping sPrees: “Witb today’s inflation, every minute I don’t buy! Reappointment something, the money is just:wasting away!” ' ' ' • ! YOU MUST BE 18-PROOF IS REQUIRED Winner of 3 Acadei €Dsm3bjmwt TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION* FROM WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS* YiSSk KEECO Orchard Lak* Rd. ql Cast “ci li^ I Bob Hope, who co-stars with Jackie Gleason in “How to Corn.-' LANSING (API — Mrs. Maria Flaky Monroe, Batty Burk-Smit Marriage,” praisesMackie’s acting: “I neyer saw such tears, Gibsfln of Newberry has been noltzer and Potty. Trimufee did heartbreak, pajhos—and that was just from trying to get him to reappointed to a five-year term it, my adolescent daughter take second hilling.” rru~‘'--------------' *—,L— ----- ■ • - replied. “Nobody told jne. I just ’ happen to know that Flake Monroe has a crush on Susan Glumper, and Batty and Potty I are .his best friends.” “Wfcy would they do a thingi like that?” “Didn’t you have a girlfriend when you were a kid?” “Of course I did. I had several of them as a matter of! Frolicking Dog Falls off Bridge in Frisco the State Tenure Commissi by Gov. William G. Milliken. Mrs, Gibson is a medica-i technologist who first was appoint-,ed to the commission in 1965. 12 NORTH SAGINAW IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Open 11 am Wed, thru Sat. and 2:00 pm Sun., Man., Tues. Continuous All Day. 334-4430 m 2nd Adult Hit -“Come Play With Me” HURRY! HURRY! LAST FEW DAYS! Sunday Specials Serving Delicious Meals “ Every Day of the Week NEW YORK STRIP STEAK...#2.50 . FISH DINNER.............$1.35 CHICKEN DINNER....... #2.25 S^ARERIBS ..............#2.25 SHRIMP DINNER..........#2.25 Chicken House OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 49? Elizabeth Lake Rd. 681*2030 JcriMi From the- Fontiae Mall ....._____PHI m SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) — 'vacation, then raced'his pet to fact. But'what has thdt got tolRiP> an *80-pound Labrador {the veterinarian J do with vandalism?” retriever, accidentally ★ * * SIGN OF POPUl ARrrv Ipefformed a feat of daring An Xray showed Rip had „T. . , j i 'Thursday that not even Lassie suffered spinal-damage. Though it isn t vandalism. It’s a or Rin-Tin-Tin is likely to the dog could not move his back SPJ. , Popu|arity. Linda I duplicate. lfegs, doctors hoped th« toinofw t *2ad h5 yardf .He became the first,dog to paralysis is.only temporary, ‘j ^epeed four Hmes this sum-jump the Golden Gate: * * * mer, my daughter sighed! Bridge and survive. Wham’s When Bonogofsky picked up enviousjy |m(jre ^ canine did it for pfe his pet at the hqspital Thursday i .” was> “WeH. if best of motives—joy. ,night. Rip resumed where he I catch those little—s in this ( * * * left off — he licked his master’s fnTo th, M counIy",l’lle I U,hapT°""dB “ h,'J1”?,*"? . i ..my dau8bter the aiong the bridge sidewalk in the; amour 1 am anti'late afternoon. Rip has been; leaping,-up trying to lick his. ~ : ' master’s face, raeing ahead Michigan HasX?22£ft Rip bounded up on .the bridge; Freeway Stop Fine for Vision, but... • DOORS OPEN - FBI. 8>I8 P.M. - SAT. 1M8 A.M. - SUN. 11:48 A.M. N0W!-SHHM0W!- "DRACULA _ f , !xvip Dounaeu m.utsc, LANSIN<5 (AP)-rDon’tstop to rOWerrnl l)n\/ guardrail only to topple over change contact lenses on thej [the side. -The six-year-old dog shoulder of a busy freeway, sug-j 1 JACKSON (AP) - Consumers!feil 70 feet onto the balcony of gests the State Highway Depart:! Power Co. reported it set a newlthe bridge’s north anchorage J ment. . record Thursday of 3 095 000 ldr!1*1® ,edge saved him from sure I * * *• owatts for itSy MictSrcus-!defth on the rocks 150 feet ,The dePartment says an ef»-tomers. The previous summeribe,ow- ploye^ on official business, high was 3,005,000 kilowatts on RAN FOR HELP stopped recently to assist a car MULJm.. . —-..■-^^kJBhilA Rin Iav Ahfer^,fn, • The company said the peak movlri^T' “his horrifiecT rnaster »'tdUI(Uflr just llhrtn fiT FTiht.^ ' reached at 2:00 p,m.-Thursday{raced back to the toll plaza andi , , * * war caused by the requirement enlisted the aid of three bridge ’ No breakdown, the depart-( of hot*, humid weather and!employes. jment ^juptes the driver as say-, heavy demands of the auto-l The four descended, strapped i*nS Pver the roar of 70-mile-an-motive industry. the whimpering dog to a hour traffic. “We arg just The record for a winter, peak'stretcher and brought it backjehanging contact lenses.” was 3,179,714 kilowatts on Dec. I up to fhe roadway. Bonogofsky,; 16,1968. v | who had brought the dog on his ■ mSm 'X. TiiK I’ONTIAC TRKSS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1069 Bridge Tricks From Jdcobys Warden of Prison Plans Retirement CAMPUS CLATTER ^V- By Lurry Lewis NORTH. II ♦ A109 SJ 1083 ♦ 972, 4k J103 WEST EAST *642 4 8 753 ¥Q54 VO ♦ Q 4 3 4 K65 + AK74 A Q 986 5 SOUTH (D) . . 4KQJ VAK972 ♦ A J10 8 ♦ 2 Both Vulnerable West North East South 1 ¥ . Pass 2 ¥ Pass 4? Pass Pass Pass Opening lead-4 K . *; JACKSON (AP) - George i Kropp; 60, the ‘warden of South-; era Michigan Prison at Jackson ■ retires Srpt? 1 after more than and king of trumps, Then I two families blit we witf-try by "kyeafs in stat* corrections entered dummy with the ace of; stating that while the husbands’ ' , _ spades and led the nine of play is slightly superior, the Kr°PP joined the Parole Com-1 diamods to West’s queen. 'difference is not great enough,19Z8’ became secre'l He ; cashed queen. rectlons in 1937, personnel direc-for the Corrections Depart- ruffed with my last trump 1 t^ump ^ick Hi order to insure'ment Jn ig4? gnd ,was (jel^)ty warden at Southern Michigan in theM queen of! to warrant any laughter about to ^ director of cor-| trumps and led a third dub. l|^u^s J*?®? j to concede -|rectl By OSWALD & JAME JACOBY couldn’t get to dummy torepeat;an extra ®ntry-(the diamond finesse. Down one * * - " ilW7-52. amid raucous laughter from our The husbands play will sue-j He was Ionia opponents yrtio happen to be our ce®du7® P®r “Z11 °l U.mf’warden for six years before husbands, which is the chahce that both comjng back to Jackson, where * * * diamond honors won't show up he has been warden g|n’ im in the. West hand. The wives’ “Both pointed out that a good play will succeed about 72Vi per (player would have played ace cent of the wflff: which is the Marrla/va I and a low heart Jo Insure an ehance ^ the trump queen namcIQG LICGflSGS extra entry to dummy format drops pius the chance that If it $t«V(n s. Novouli Troy „ second diamond finesse. They,falls t0 drop South will still!Rid'^AjVr „ _ i s*y that the odds are only even | hlake the COntract. 1 M • money that the trump queen; i will drop and ara three -to-one ^ difference Four per cent seems like a lot! * ------ Birmingham mes G. Banes, Dovlsburg icla A. Blerwirth, Berkley ' have I Dawn L. Newman, r\ ________ m ________________________■ Today’s hand seems to have,; in^ favor, of one of two finesses forgotten the overtrick. It isjc pmp£ Troy1'1 caused a, lot of trouble in Wta-1 working. Please restore peace worth 30 points an(i t h ej Br-*-*1- ■ L“— nipeg. At least ,, ou’r cor-|in two families by a prompt| husbands’ play gives it up while A; respondent’s letter reads • in reply." ' the wives’ play produces it any Aairy n. wnTiemVbhio- part, “I ruffed the second club ' We don’t know if we will be; time the trump queen drops and! M2r7T$cott' ff£jr-w and proceeded'to cash rriy, ace able to restore -peace in- those feast holds at least one diamond Robert n.°Thayer, uvonia0 honor. Vch«%.»!°no y * f| Hickmott, oxford I' g* * ** 7*18 Astrological Forecast *j ■pllilii .:X;i .By SYONBY OMARR RECREATION HINTt Fine tor t .joturlng bright decoration* and mi Saryo delicacies. Moke very ettor — comfort to other*. -Key I* cf .... ..._.d tor luturo security, idlustment appear* necessary. TAURUS (April 30-May H): Avoid oxtromoe — include* statement* o* well a* action*. Some neighbor*, associates tnay try to bah v restraint Tbit will — and maybe mono: GEMINI (May 31 from loved one* cot olderoto but avoid a VIRGO (Aug. 33-Sapt. 33): Ith neighbor*, relative*. V tnw of humor. -Today you mony persons you know act li -tanner. Don't compound orrei LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 33) i Attitude word money. pos*e*»lons r-1-'-— — change. You become aware .. H detail*. You can now base actions Do *o. SCORPIO (Oct. 33-Nov. 31)! Lunar cycle high. You ara apt to be center of at-tention. Mom woo are upon you. Tot car* with oMoranco. Bo positive In fltudo, action*. Toko Initiative Bo o u V*CRRD Sente** Pass 2 4 Pass 7 You, South, hold: 4AK984 VQ65 4AK104 42 What do you do now? ' A—Bid four spades. Your hand was worth 18 point* to start with and the Spade nig* has improved it. TODAY’S QUESTION Instead of responding two spades, your partner has jumped to three spades.- What do you do now? ■ j abilities. I. What Is ttnlshod *1 What y •June 20): Demand* I some may be Id bo costly. Be eon* you. Kay It tlravaj|«ne*._ Express | character.! “ vaporates*^ *° • CANCER (June 21-July 1 vents, parson* ot post may permit sentiment ____wr ‘ «ssr leo (July _ S^TOyNM- contalnlng illact. You . -.You seam , able to *on Ml can soloct something SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Doc. 'll); -discreet. Don't wear heart on ileoi - KjM 119 Survivors * for Woman, 96 AQUARIUS rorsatllei tlplnellly, Now contact © ihbors, rolatlvo*. 30-Fob. 11): Stn sitlons You at ..Ith mombor c. IB l*•lntontlfl■d. Nothing halfway t. which , perceptive Voids - l I value. LIBRA (Sept. 33-Oct. 22): Cycle eon-Knuat high) you moke discoveries of i value. HavO faith In your own Moment. i - — ----------- ngu „t little faith to ou could haye signlfl- PENTWATER (AP) - Funer- p< al services were held here today for a 96-year-old woman whose survivors include 119 direct descendants. Mrs. Cora Counahan died Wednesday after a long illness. iwHiiar.’^! ~~~ ~~ j Mrs. Counahan, who was mar- monday II YOUR birthday you ried twice, is survived hy five 'nitorian! Y^ .iVmlSo with *prV|sonc- two daughters,' 27 grand-a chfngo of ro*idonco may b« in children, and 15 great-great 8 oonorai pooturo* core.) (grandchildren. greater. Association ^ -1-.—.li FISCES (Fob. It-March ability to write# communlc distance may plan jparam. ito indications. Discard tl ------ .. Gockermc.., . Janet P. Ltlnenkugol, Blrmlnghot L. Burks, 21 cjovoso oves* an Robert J. Wagner Jr., Walled Lai Pltyllls A- WHcoy, w« Edwin B. Sfrachor., Elizabeth A. Tipton, Lake Orion and Linda . Jenner, 37 Florence Dorothy B. Bradley, 423 (twin Lee E. Hornbergar Jr.# Co______I Kathleen M'. Yarbrough, Clorkston Willie Lumpkins Jr., 123 Crystal and Patricia K, Tarry, 123 Crystal L A,— - — Birmingham . Parke, Mkiddair i.„ . ........... . Droulllard, Farmington ... ---------------1 and - A.^jarwwssi, Kocnesier ^ g p } Dario S. Cloftarl. Royal Oak and tharyn L. O. Chapman, Birmingham owall D. HlnO, Davisburg and Ruthar ----------- “rayton Plains . 302 Cl ■ flJI*6morw8^^|, Robert ‘ ,n- Christopher MOTIM laren ,J capo, Farminotu„ Simon H. Komar, Oak Park '. Winslow, Troy {/. f f \ ! Nparks-briiim FUNERAL HOME “Thoughtful Service” Glenn H. Griffln 46 Williams St. Phone FE 8-9288 rilE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY. AUOUST Hi. limn Michigan Gl Killed in Viet WASHINGTON (UPI) Man's Seiko wet Man's Timex wa . Bov's Cassidy w Silver wedding r Scout ring Defence Department yesterday identified a Mount Clemens Good for what ails your hearing. IThii> tiny apnnnfu 1 is MAIC.O’S remarkable .Ser-retEnr, a complete hear-ns aid worn in thtfear. hout cords. - wires or lubes. Not a “cure." See-retEur is a valuable hearing help for thousand* troubled by mild nerve deafness, the most common hearing impairment.’ (.an Secret Ear help MH ? Send coupon below for free Home Evaluation, Form. No obligation. Most Respected PONTIAC 1012 W. HURON ST., PONTIAC - 68H811 Now 7 Convenient Locations Hr Serve You PONTIAC 29 E. Corn.ll Phono 332-1 225 . DEARBORN - GROSSE PQINTE - DETROIT MADISON HEIGHTS BIRMINGHAM 31815 Southfield Phono 644-2175.- NAME.............ADDRESS . CITY...,...... r......STATE:.. soldlfer.who was among 43 U. S. servicemen killed recently 'jn combat in Vietnam. He was Army P/c. Michael LJ Cox Jr., husband of Mrs. Debp-rah Cox of Mount Clemens.« Woman's bracelet Bov'sWatch DEPARTMENT 0 %' PONTIAC TOWNSHIP ORDINANCE toage Calendar disoroerly3persons , - ■ AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT AND, Nomination for Trustee va- ?I5WIIT0M^L«W® I81 cancy, Thurs., Aug, 21, 1969, p.m. F.O.E. Auxiliary 1230, at U^d» nOTo wTn s hC.°pnJ 289 W. Montcalm St. — Fidelia Oakland county? Michigan; to IU„ , AJ„ ! PRESERVE THE PEACE AND GOOD I Hagle, sec. —aov. order of the township of pon- - ;TIAC, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, i NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR i The following property has been recov JTHE VIOLATION THEREOF, lered In Oakland County by the Depart-[THE TOWNSHIP BOARD FOR THE 1--- if State Police end the owners TOWNSHIP OF PONTIAC, OAKLAND been, located. It wilt, there- COUNTY, MICHIGAN, ORDAINS AS uie in accord-1 FOLLOWS; Inance shall be rderly *e de e sold at public ____ __________ In accord- FOLLOWS: ........ Act No. 203. P.A. 1*37 (Sec. SECTION 21.403, C.L. 1940). Properties of lar category recovered In other-will olio || —“ __________ ... ___ .aunties , sold 'at this public sale. Ill be held at Slate Police i, South Harrison Road, East mr Thursday, August 21, 1**9, q at 9:00 a m. I Boy's 24'' Schwinn bicycle sorderly Persons' I Motorol radio w/case is shirt of disorderly conduct, shatr ihed as hereinafter provided. persons strlal s 24" Muri i r-ountaln-type s Electric guitar Wollensak tape r 1 Kraqo car va I Bon-AIre car . SECTION 3. The folios i be deemed Disorder!, I I..(a) Any common person employed In j house of proitltutlon IN TUNE WITH TIMES — Roman Catholic pipers, .stride past the burned out shell of the Protestant Orange Hall in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, yesterday where religious rioting has left eight dead. Quiet was reported today in Londonderry while violence broke out anew in Belfast. mlf such property T Michigan Departmi Bronson fishing r< twatch, leather ( Producer of a Steam Car Will Show It to President Nev/ Firm Opens in Waterford Twp: Women's Tim, Timex gold we | Westclox silver welch , Waltham slivar watch I Kodak Instamatic earner Overnile suitcase Red Viking water ski BUY! RENT! TRADE! ’ 1>t USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS ! (c) Any wl ho shall de iterfere with -jmfort, and public place, -(d> Any pe obscene, 1mm CLOSE OUT SALE 150 New Cars Must Be Sold At (HUNTK SAVINGS Example; 1969 Biiick LaSabre 4-door • 300 Transmission • Power Steering • Power Brakes • Sonomatic Radio • Whitewall Tires • Tinted Windshield • Remote Mirror • Deluxe Wheel Covers • Custom Window Frames • Head Restraints Full Price *2,972 OPEN SATURDAYS QsnmiMx Buick-Qpel Inc. 1210 ORCHARD LAKc HOAD UUSi Woodward"telephone: 338-6121I '?he persl ’eany0"ndecen1 • OAKLAND, Calif. J_UP1 f — A go about I (Ml miles before i Is the Southern California area her person or prolype steam car is en route to boiler must 3 be refilled with where polluted .air constitutes a “r jhy^person smoggy S o u t h e r n California water, Besler said. He built -the health problem, ac- or the iiteiy^ I where it will be demonstrated one-of-a-kind vehicle Hnr, ,. . ' n*rson * *n: for President .Nixon. ! General Motors earlier this c°^?„to *3® A new lum, Central Systems, Inc., recently opened at 3436 W. Hu’ron, Watprford Township. who shall communicate such language t n who shall Imbibe ai Sca,e', c place not licenced to sell s for consumption on the premis Besler said, however, the! The company specializes in selling and installing built-in ileaning systems for • “internal combustion engi home and business use. It also The steam- vehicle, a 1969 year for display in its' "Power J Chevrolet Malibu convertedjof Progress’- show. * ^ tetuT^p^sseng^' car I sells and installs intercom from an internal combustion^ Besler, 65, who built theuse than the steam engine. It’s I systems, garage-door openers, urn*"6, nwa? p^uced .{jy I world’s first steam airplane and j goInWo b7a very uphTllbaUle I underground TaWh " sprinklers Wilham Besler -of Emeryville, I helned deV6,0D ■ the modern for gfe3 , I and water softeners. . . • . .. helped develop any Calif., under a contract with steam train said lhe car “was :h M- General Motors Corp. not intended for production. il'ng'Vw »tauTo7 * . w " . "It was ^s simple A steam ginstitution, pface"of%ubiic Besler said, he expects to automobile as we knew how to m?wc shb°n ’ *Wve the car. to • the summer build, but it still took an public assembly," pu? i ic White House ‘at San Clemente enormous effort,’’Besler said. BELL, HARRY M.; August 14, Death Notices Death Notices Idlsorderl I shoving* d guilty I from'his factory —. a distance y conduct.--- ""* ” of about 450 miles. It arrived by He skid the main advantage »t jostling poop"* iTeny"public Plane from Delr<>it today. to the steam engine was that it irbance vpubii?apiaceeai!r The steamer has a top speed, was almost completely smog i! create"e disturbance iinuenyi of 68 miles per hours and Can free — an important point in Illegal occupation or bu State Law ot Local O inducted, practiced, Ho wed. (I) Any p r sale, offer* tor si India's Ruling Party Fails to Heal Rift Before Vote 1969;- 29,15 Wakefield Road, Berkley; age 88; dear father of Mrs. Elmer (Zelda) Halli-day, Mrs. William (MaryI, Clancy, CleatuS' Wendell and Harry M. Bell; dear brother - of Mrs. Pear! Wood and R. D., Bell; also1 "survived by 22 • g r*a n d c h i Idren. Funeral service will be held Monday; Mrs. Ada Bass; dear father of Mrs. June Hedcick, James L., Sally, Sandy and Dortald Hutching® dear step-father of Mrs.. Sue Berridge, Harry, James'and Joe Tinson; dear brother of Mrs. Lucy Williams; also survived by 18 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Funeral service will be held Monday, August iy person who shall .“wwa August 18, at 3 p.m., at I 18, at 1 p.m. at Coats Funeral Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home.! Home^Drayton Plains. Inter-Interment in White Chapel r> , d— l Cdmetery. Mr. Bell will lie ini state at the - funeral Home. (Suggested visiting hours are 3 to 5 and 7 to 9). - ment in Perry Mount Park Cemetery. "Mr. Hutchings will .lie in state after 7 tonight at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours are 3 to '5 and 7 « to, 9,) II persons who enga NEW DELHI (AP) — At- to vote for MWV. V.,Giri, a can->ring^nUor%toquUt°a tempts to heal the rift in India’s didate nominated by the Comber tafjSStiV “or ruling Congress .party failed munists and Communalists,” he °any persor,al%ho I early today, hours before presi-j said. • __________________ her age to be 2i j dent|a] electors were to choose “History does not record of an DANTON, MARGARET E . ;. / fic K" to* the j a new chief of state. instance w’fiere a prime minis-! August 14, .1969; 3674 Lin-,SMITH, ETHEL, L., August 14. spir!tumisi"iquorany The president of the party ac- ter after proposing, a party's! colnshire Road; age-79; dean 1969; 6120 Hackett, Wa- JSSSfvJSKKi’ S! cused. Prime Minister Indira candidate, hot only works1 mother, of Mrs.’Raymond I>.| terford; age 64; beloved wife Gandhi of siding with the Com- against him but proclaims her munists to support independent* support for the candidate of the HR .... ... m .................. - candidate V.. y, Giri against the opposition.” 0,(T)r ilrvu1:^ninwhr,iah^T.5kh,,p.ny official .party nominee, Sanjiva * * * pu?b«n«10 whic°hr 'interllres* with" the Reddy.. , . i Mrs, Gandhi has made ho offi- whers *n|oymen' 0< ,h* pr,ml5es °* In a letter to Mrs. Gandhi, cial endorsement of a candidate , - . section 4. Th. term -public piece" «5 Siddhavanahalli Nijalingappa, but many of her supporters are! and eight great-grandchildren | buHding,reaueY’. atreSfahou»!y h»ri“room! Congress party .president, re-1 working for the election of Giri, | Funeral service will be held j Srcc«?ar l>,aca 10 whlch ,ha publlc has jected her demand that party who resigned as vice president Monday, August 18^at jl a.m. coi!ici,ONsi«n(iNo in>ercrowds; p*or“"remain members be allowed to vote for- last month and announced his candidacy after a party com‘ impeS it"'™*1 "Your demand for a free votemitlec selected Reddy as its acces^ioand depariurc irom or inside ot js in fact a..demand for the right nominee for president. .any public hall, courtroom, or place ol, ____ ............. ............. fbptgrtainment or worship, nor shall any al * j (Margaret) Cole, Mrs. Leo! (Ruth) LaPointe.Jane. E., Bernard, Arthur L. and| Robert C. Dan ton; also, survived by five- sisters and! on$ brother, 12 grandchildren j riotously congregate or asst ['Township ol Pontiac. I SECTION 4. Actual commlss snee, public quarrel or it in the commission of ■®ir''-|| any persons wrsji disorderly conduct1 Four Youths Injured in Train-Tram Drive at Sparks-Griffin F u n e r a i Home. Interment hi Oak Hill .Cemetery. Mrs. Danton will lie in state at -the funeral home. ( Suggested v i s t i n g hours are 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) j C . iprlsonment In the I imeanor, and'upon convict loi if, before a Court ol competen lictlon, shall be punished by a fin, it to exceed S100.00 and costs c prosecution, or by lnr'|l|*|a||k®kd| Oakland County Jail, f< lays or by both suen nm , irisonmenl in the discretion of thi SECTION I. In the event of any lenience, word, phrase or part Ordinance shall be held' Inval holding ahall not affect the balan< --Sumnteh/ Ckomjml DEHUMIDIFIER tMLf; II CUSTOM AUtO Ref;. $89.95—SAVE $11.07 Cures dampness in'the home • Automatic humidistat ' turns uniton or off as needed Removes up to 13 pints of moisture a day from fhe air. • Portable — moves around pn pasters. 22 Pint Fully Automatic Modal - Was $109.95, Now-$98.88 BATTLE CREEK (UPI) — A rollicking ride on the New ' York Central Railroad tracks early today almost blew the whistle on'foul; youths. Piled into a Volkswagon driven by 19-year-old Daniel Norrod, the Battle Creek teen-agers rode onto the tracks at Wattles Road. The tracks ramble over a hill and around a series of curves before winding through a tunnel. - As the car approached- the tunnel, it rolled off the tracks, down a 50-foot embankment and plopped in a creek. . Norrod and Dean Sanderson, 16, suffered cuts and bruises and were admitted to Community Hospital where , they were reported in good condition. John Hennink, 18, and Michael Szabo, 16, were treated and released. ‘ State Police-said Norrod would be charged with reckless driving. Railroad officials said they would sign.d trespassing complaint. Melvin Smith; beloved daughter-of Mrs. Clara Russell, dear mother of Mrs. William (Lillian)-Woodham, Mrs. John (Margaret) Crabb, Clarence, Russell and William ! KuMkuhn, Albert and Pc.2 Edward Miller; dear sister of Mrs. Charles'Brooks, Mrs. M. L. Rossman and Henry Russell; also survived by 29 grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. A memorial service will be held Sunday, at. 7:30 p.m. at the Elton BlacjL Funeral Home,’ Union Lake, under the auspices of the Women of the Moose followed "by a -Welcome Rebecca memorial service at 8 p.m. Funeral seEvicenvill. be Tfeii*lM5^^ p.m., at the funeral' home. Interment in White Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Smith will lie in state at the funeral home. FETHERMAN, LOUIS August .13 ' 1969 ; 999 Can-; -Merbury; age 52; belovedl • husband of Carrie R. Fetherman; dear father of; : ..‘ Louise, Larrv C. and Loui&XL-! Fetherman Jr.; dear brother! of William and Joseph' I Fetherman; also survived by ■ one grandson. Recitation, of | the Rosary will be Sunday, at-7:30 at the Donelson-Johns : ! Funeral Home. F U n e r.a L TUCKER, {URRY D' ; service will be held Monday,: August 18, at 10 a,m. at St.1 J Benedict Catholic Church.! ! Interment in White Chapel j j Memorial Cemetery. M r. Fetherman will lie -in state at j I - -'the funeral home. 4Suggested! visiting hours 3, lo*5 and 7 to 9.) Are Funerals Pagan? Today, many publication!! and prriod-Tcalti carry stories and articles that tend to claim that our funerals are papait. stress the physical. lack,reli)(ious meaning and }hat funeral reforms are at hand. J. L. Voorhaes OPEN MONDAY 9:30 a.m,. to 9 p.iri. [ PARK FREE 108 N. Saginaw FE. 3-7114- To thoyg who cry of pagan funerals we Would point out two things. First, the ' funeral we know is held for the benefit- of the survivors, not the deceased. Second. we would point to history. Where respect for the dead‘is lost, Christianity , and God are soon forgotten. If losing respect for the deail leads to forgetting God, ur if forgetting God leads' to losing respect for the dead I do , not know, but history. fiiow> and proves that thgy go hand in-hand. , Yes,-^>ur funerals are port of pur re-, ligious service for man as. created in his maker’s image. M. E. SIl’i.E in WKC'S Lot at Rear of $tofe or !-Hr.- in Downtown VOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME ,268 North Perry Street _ ■ Phone FE 2-B378 iGARDNER, ALLEN H.; August; | 15, 1969; 496 E. Glass Road. Ortonville; age 69; belovedl I husband of Martha' Gardner; j 'dear father of Mrs. Ruth Killion. Earl, Charles, James,!-Allen and John Gardner; dear! brother of' Mrs. B e s s 1 e j -Grayed Samuel arid Marshall! August 1969 ; 9515 Midland Road, Freeland (formerly of Clark-ston); age 30; beloved husband of Connie -L. Tucker; beloved' son of Mr. arid Mrs Odis* R. Tucker; beloved grandson of Mrs. Josephine Craig arid Mrs. George Tucker” dear father of Stephen, Jeffrey, Jill and Scott Tucker; dear brother of Mrs. ' Dale Coulter, Jack L and Cary D, Tucker. Funeral service jvill be held Moritlay, • August 18 at 2 pfm. at the., Lewis E. Wint Funeral Hqme;— ClarRston with Pastor Arlon K. «Stubbe officiating. - Mr. ~ Tucker will lie in'state after Regan; also survived by 20j 7 tonight at the funeral home, will lie in state at the C. F.| August 15, 1969’; 1791 Petrolia, West Bloomfield Township; age 77; . beloved wife of 12 pT*n- August 17 after Which|' ^ ® thP mother of Mrs. Robert J. Sherman Funeral Home, 135 South. Street, Ortonville until . .time he will be taken to the Smith ‘Mortuary,’ Maryville, Tennessee, for ‘funeral 'services Tuesday, August 19. at 2 p.m. with interinentv jn Law Chapef C e m e t e r y , Maryville, Tennessee. l 3719; HUTCHINGS, JAMES August 15, 1969; Gainesborough: age 6.D ; | beloved husband Of Elizabeth! I Hutchings; beloved , son of! Duby and Dallas E. Vancil; also7' survived by five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral' service will he held Monday, August 18, at 11 a.m., at the Lewis E. Wint Funeral Home, with Rev. Frank Ridgeway officiating. Interment in White Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Vartcil will lie in state after 3 p.im todly at the funeral home. 1)—4 THE PONTIAC PKKSS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 for VKont Ads Dial 334-49§l Dial 334-4981 (MM.AnuM.tt) (Sot. • t* 2 30) or 332-8181 (M«*i. thm Fn.) From • A M. TO S P M. (Sat. • ta S) • PontiaC Press Want Ads FOR FAST ACTION NOTICC TO. ADVfftTlSfftS ADS ftiCFIVID BY 5 PM. Wilt st Published thi i FOLLOWING DAY. day af pubiicoti tn..**ctn. Whin SIR." No'adjust* CASH WANT AD RATES. 7 82 5 70. 9 l5 FARM VISITS SUNDAY ONLY 11 A.M. TO'6 P.M. piglets, bo by dolly Enloy overhead On .... milking At* cowo, Welch sheep sheet spinning demonstrations ond o.p.m. Delightful he hoy rides. pony rldos «n dinners or inocki purchosod. Pot 2 MEN PART TIME . Coll 674-6526 I i AGGRESSIVE Young mon to work Id Worron 0(00. Coroor In financing w os Monogor t r 01 n 0 0. qualifications 11 or, ,aldor. high school grodyoto, oxporlonco not necessary, Wll[ train. Conloct Mr. Pallas, l-iM-lWO. ' 4 AGGRESSlvl YOUNG MEM' to work In Porndolg oroo. Coroor M Children 15 eonti, odults >5 JJW.S}"*, Qualifications, t) or c MAN WITH MILITARY obligation Toko Wolton E. • Adorns N, to ond FOLLOW SIGN! TO PAPM. PlTA mSIkIT, August 17, * ..... 10 5 p.m, wotkins Ltkt, South , Shore Beach oroo. _________ * lose WEIGHT solely with DexV* Dttt Tablets. Only 98 cants. Sirom'i Bros. Drug*._______| ! OPEN AIR" ART shew,lot. ond j Sun. Aug, IS ond It, MM ,p.m. Local ArNsts Dlt, 011 points, water colors, ADVANCEMENT TO- STORE monogors In our tost growing multi-state chain have created now npoortunitlos lor solof totciollsts Is. Contact: Mb’. Ei ill's, Fertile Moll. consignments parking tot That Shoppe (rant of This ItW S- EM. . Michigan. 151-1144, The Pontiac-P/ess Classified D.podiii.nl, (ROM I A M. to 5 SO ri M. BOX REPLIES At 10 a.m. today thato wort replies at The Pratt Office in the following boxat: Cl, Ct, C3, C8, CIS, CIS, C23, C27, C30, C33, C38, (41 Oakland A vs-__FB 2-0U9 VoorheesSiple FUNERAL HOME. 332*8371 Established ^jvtr 43 Yean Cemetery Lett __ 4>A 1 GRAVE LOT Indudas markers and vault!. Location Oakland Hillt Memorial OardaHi. $750 caih .T. Carlin# P.O. Box 31* Lucerne. MlCh. .38626 .Jf £[._ 517-826-366/. ELL ALL 4 Auto Mech's (3) Neadad ft once, plenty of work, highest pay In town, fringe benefits ond pension plan, Motor City Dodgo, S5S. Oakland Ava„ Pontiac, 331-9222. AUTO PARTS COUNTER MAN ■-----it Parts Store Salary to: «10,141 . 112,353. To establish and maintain a IBP prghenilve safety program and act as Liaison batwaan tha City and Its Insurance Carrier for compensation matters. Must have S years ax-par lanes at Safety Offlcsr. Apply Parsbnnsl OHics ___450 wide. Track Dr.-E . Pontile ' CONSUMER FINANCE Local office, excellent future, growth company, Prater ax-parlanced man but will train. Per mtorvltw coll Mr. Wright, FE 4-1426." ' Mutual Plnanco CAN OFFER A permanent |db to a man who con be on tha lob ovary night, 11 p.m to 7 a.m. shift, must bo reliable, sober and able to furnish' good local ranrsneas, hospitalization, life Insurance, paid vacations, Pay-Lass Oil, 6415 Dixto manufacturing business, job slats of pouring molds, S100 a fa sfart, no oxporlonco nocas— Norwast .Novelty Co., 3 2410 rtUMmjl|rtrttow., Farmington, and electric, ■ IV 8 no Denims. o/< 9 ______...FEAMI8S. , , MOTEL CLBlfk, part time, Satur Hwy., CUrkston. CLARK OIL Is looking for mon, who want to got ■ have several statlona f paid training, Insurance ___________ for more Information, cell Jerry at LI 0-fim. after ,5. 171-104. CHRISTIAN ARTIST. One who to wfltlng to "deAR - UHta *1— *— the Lord's MACHINE OPERATORS and trainoos far .LATHES • MILLS < .GRINDERS Lynd Gear Inc. Brotherhood, While Personals Includlr DEAR REA WE ARE 20 pages fetching________ Mr. and Mrs. Homoownor Do you nood financial advice on ropoirs, remodeling, paying Real Estate Taxes, grouping bills, otc.f If you dd. call Mr. Voss ol 314-3247, 93 Dolly except. Sat. PORTRAITS, WEDDINGS, c moderate price. By appol ■ only. 331-4603. _ __ READ THISTI Art you ha vino trouble mi ends mNt each month? Experience Necessary No Lay-offs Top FBy ! All Benefit! ' Apply Novi* Auto Parts Novi. Michigan « j 349-2800 AUTO MECHANICS' If you are making lass than >300 per week let us show you haw. Old line dealer with brand new facilities, all benefits, cell Tom Kroth. RE 7-4640. BOB OUSSEAU. INC. LINCOLN MERCURY DEALER 31415 Grand River Farmington ALL AROUNb MECHANIC, lathe, mill and shaper. Steady 61 hour wetk. All fringes. 314-4523. ASSISTANT RECEIVING CLERK. Screw and bolt distributor needs 1 good man, good physical condition, own transportation, 477-01M axt. 70. Assistant j Department-Managers. -• Wo have opportunities for aggressive young man with retell oxporlonco to train for management positions enabling them to fill future openings for merchandise department managers In high volume department. Sand comploto resume or apply at: PERSONNEL DEPT. ' 2ND FLOOR Montgomery Ward ,. CHECKERS DETA1LERS ' SPECIAL MACHINE-AUTOMATION Opportunity lor advene-- fringt benefits, ovartlma, steady1 year round work. .An oqur so portunlty employer. CLYDE CORPORATION MO W. Mapje____ IELIVERY MAN, part time, over II with own car. Apply Little Caesar's, 41 Olonwood Plaza._ DESIGNERS . DETAILERS PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDS MOLD EXPERIENCE N01 NECESSARY BUT HELPFUL R. K. OIE DESIGN SERVICE, INC. 27f0 Auburn Rd. Pontiac, Mich. 152-3647 I DESIGNERS ^ Detoilers-Checkers Body Fixtures Dies-Tools-Machines. OVERTIME BENEFITS LONG PROGRAM Parliament Design, Inc. 1145 Heide St., Troy 601-M30 DRAFTSMAN FOR LIGHT appliance -Phone 651-4377 361 South Street Rochester, Michigan __An equal oppo/tunlty employer MOTEL NIGHT CLERK Will train tor night auditor, app 1661 S. Telegraph. ___ HOLIDAY INN MECHANIC tor BrunawlC-Automatic, 14 planes, full lima days, top pay.* Apply In parson aflar 7 p.m. Lakewood'Lanai, 3121 MODERNIZATION SALESMAN B£ual||||||||||M9''~t -bo at I__ years building WIHWWMMI ... with soma overtime, generous fringe benefits. Apply at Price Bras. Company, Pontiac Mwgr Pipe Plant, 6275 White Lika Rd., Clarkstdn, aiS-MM Anaouai —■— PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVERS OPERATOR. It you aro over ago 25 ptsi DOT physical roqi » Wanted Mele A WANTED: MEN 45 to 55 y*art oW for porter work. Day and svsnlng •him. Apply attar 4 p.m. Big Be" Restaurant, saw Dixie Hwy. - Wanted Immediately , Full*Time Auto Salesmen ter GM dealership, demo fumlshai I—I hours, life Insurance. Includac . hive 2 years cal lags or 2 years Mlis experience, earn up to 115,666 ^CONTACT KEN JOHNSON' 693-6266 riving experlen ON LINES 51 oltdo, Ohio, C SIM TRACTOR Rd„ ____, Call 411-474-9103 tor runner Information on lobs available In Toledo, Ohl« An Equal Opportunity PART TIME HELP, over 16, wanted at Marathon station *t Opdykg «■ University. Nlpht shift ■— • gnd 4 p.m. PORTER NEW OR USED CAR st be tl years or older, and h rers license, exptrwnca pra OAKLAND Chryalar-Plymouth 724 Oakland PE 5-1436 PARTY STORE, AUBURN Ha .... pari tlma, - naat. «l-»3g._________ PART TIME STOCK BOY, 16 y MAN FOR WAREHOUSE MUST BE GOOD WORKER. AM-BUTOUS AND, STEADY. UNION WAGES AND BENEFITS. THIS IS I A PERMANENT JOB FOR THE I *RIGHT MAN. APPLY MR. KURZMANN, HAROLD nPAPER REAL ESTATE OFFICE MGR. Irayton Plains or phone 6764061. RETIREE FOR. PORTER WORK \ Evening Shift BIO BO*7%RIVE IN 2410 Dixie COMP AN ION, LIGHT housekaapln and cooking, tor our aktarl mother to llva with hor In ha homo. SII6 per wk. Contact Pros WANTED ‘ TRUCK MECHANICS Gas or diesfl. Liberal pay, insurance furnished, retirement and full benefits. See Mr. Coe, 8 a.m. to 4t30 p.m. thru Friday. GMC - Truck Center Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 CLERKS HELPER WANTED FOR dovt, Thunderblrd Lents, *** Marti, Troy. DRUG AND COSMETIC dork, exporlonced. To wort, ivton Plains area. Rat. Apply my Drug, 146 N. Saginaw. Sea _____35 hra. per ____________________i, aet-ww. DAY WORKER 3 TO 4 days- per MartMT'-it hove own transporta- dabla tor toil tlma. the FLOOR SHOP, 2155 ELIZABETH LAKE WAITRESS, FULL time and pari tlma. Tanuta Restaurant opposite Pontiac General Hospital In pr----- 1-2-3 GOIII UP Up. and Away With playhouse TOY CO. Training FREE — Hostess gifts and demos No Cash or Experience Needed Excellent Commission and Bonus PAID WIEKLYI Call: Sandy Buckley nuKcmrtnn, nnixubu wnrsx | w^?hR vStSrli ‘ CO.,J737. AbAMS RD., AUBURN Mrtl?533-0643,Wi,h' 335'M,i'| __ training 9RPHPWPP9MIP no military obligation, pormantnt position. Call Mr. Prlteh, 664-1415, Bkuttta A ' DOORMEN, Parking lot attendant. Good wages. Fringes, pleasant work. Apply In person at Orchard Lake Country Club. HEIGHTS. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Immediate openings (or man with machine shop background on laiht grinder ond drill pross to do gtneral shop work on a full or part time basis. Phone Mr. Zlzkelety, 341-2221, Wott Detroit invtlopg Co., 14706 D t x t o r, “DLL AND PART TIME 2 TELEPHONE GIRLS 4 hours per day. No experience necessary. Good salary. Call 674-2232 l/em 1 a.m.-12 noon Monday DESIGNERS - SPECIAL MACHINE-AUTOMATION Opportunity to become protect leader. Fringe baneflta. overtime, steady year round work. An oquol opportunity employer. MEN'S CLOTHING - EXPERIENCE * PULL AND PART TIME MANY FRINGE BENEFITS SAKS FIFTH AVENUE TROY BIG BEAVER AT COOLIDGE Apply In person to Pereonnel Office MAINTENANCE MAN tor S f. Joseph's Parish, Lako Orion. Includtd church ond school. 613- tltould have 20 JUNIOR AND SENIOR TYPISTS (nachanlctl aptitude, and will Im-bapln t r a In i n g as Sbrvloa Canter, Birmingham, 647- SAL^SMAN NEEDED - door to door solos, work tvenlngs, high commission, Coll 332-3631 before 3 P.M. SINGLE MAN tor general cere'ut horses and stables, modern living 331-6331 quarters available. Rad Bob An E._ Farms, 1155 Ray Rd., Oxford. 62a--» lAdy typewriter, assignment proximataly 2 weeks, beginning August Uf( day lltltt, pleasant working conditions, high rati please coma In. KELLY GIRL Of Kelly Services N. Saginaw S*. re 6 p.m. after 4, 4H-3771., foddscrvlca. NTtfD tor 2:30 jo IT far afternoon CURB HOSTESSES Night alslft. Full tun* or part tli Good wages, hospitalization i other bOntflts. Apply: ELIASBROS BIG.BOY RESTAURANT MATURE Y6UNG LADY to tr ■ itan* manogor of ~ ling plant In Far ■s 7 a.m. to 3:31 Machine Operator CASHIER-WAITRESSES TELETRAY OPERATORS Mature dependable parson f restaurant-dining room. Full ELIAS BROS. BIG BOY RESTAURANT Telegraph & Huron Janet Davis'__ MATURE WOMAN, IS MOTEL MAID, full tlma, experl enc*d preferred, apply Savoy Mo-tel, 126 S. Toiygrapti I a.m.-4 p.m, allowonco, 642-7100. AND EARN MONEY TOI Drlva a Bloomfield Hills echool bus. Guaranteed 5Vj> hours a day, 5 days a week. Excellent pay and fringe benefits. PHONE 332-6662. 1 a.m. to 2 p.m. Blo6mfleld Hills School District. EXPERIENCED, i s help EXPERIENCED. WOMAN ——■ housework, must havo o -------- t2Q.i3it. and Snelllng. Call Bob Scoth 33L 267t, for appointment. EXPERIENCED' PHYSICI A... -assistant, Rochester area, must be familiar with madlcetlens, routine laboratory and Insurance, experienced In patient care, salary Open. Reply ta Pontiac Press Br-C-17, stating quailflcgtleni. •XPERIBNCED draper salesperson, good salary, sppl Irving Kay Draperies, n” * FACTORY WORKERS NEEDED Punch Press Operators Drill Prats, Milling Machine DAILY PAY. Per Ha had willed II so. Whan eur ship of Ills has anchored, Ha will explain the reason why, And with our loving God as captain wa will lain her by ond by. Btyond the gaits ol Htavon, Sadly missed by Mom, Shirley, Prod ond CIHtord. IN LOVING MEMORY ol Thomas Johnson, who passad away A------- 17. IMS. Just a token of love's devotion. THBN-LGT: “DEBT AID iND' HELP YOU WITH THESE AUTOMATIC OPERATOR, _ helper for multiple —~ — machines, steady. < STOCKMAN, Retired man proforredT per-hr. Crtf'FE 2rl634.' ret.. Apply In ALL SHIFTS. Endless Mold, 1117 ■jljjlf Wilcox. Rochester: shirt Gept. id holiday* -ansportetlon via Clasnari :e necessary | condition* -vacation* time, nightshirt available In our mack bar. Good wogaa tor the woman who must work night*. MANAGER MANAGER TRAINEE Experience'' helpful but n * Apply 2 p.m.-5 p.m.. Mend*) Thursday ELIAS BROS. BIG BOY RESTAURANT 20 S. Telegraph No phono calls. MATURE WOMAN FOR general of- ....h, with JMht bookkeeping :e. Call 333-1151 tor appt. MATURE W06AAN, LIVE, who loves kids, more' tor homo than wagas, call after 4 PM 67B-71I6. NURSES, R.N. and L.P.fli, naodod baneflta. Call Nursing D , fringe :tor. FE OFFICE General Clerical Office Machine Operators PERMANENT PULL TITvfe OPENING FOR MATURE, EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL. GOOD LIBERAL BENEFITS. JACOBSON'S 644-6106 , 334 W. Maple Birmingham IPPICE GIRL for telephone and cashier, must be able to type, call Mias Potvin at Lloyd Bridges Dodge, WallOd LakB. 624-1572, OFFICE HELh WAUHR) Must bo accurate typist Spaed Not Esaantlgll Car billing axparlarica helpful ., ----- ------I .only, i DEPENDABLE MAN FOR main, id working conditions and fringe tonanca work on Mil course. Apply MEAT CUTTER, lull time, premium parson. Flngar'irT*ontiac'MaiL Wilcox Kocnester IlSr -.-i.--vbsyirs—rm_. weak. All Irlnges. 33/4523.__________________________ Woodward. Birmlnghar 16 WEST HURON Ucanead 6 Bonded Serving Oakland County WEDDING P I CTU RES reasonable prices, ( Photography. 447-4621. WIG PARTIES, wigs by Ctiderea PE 2-7111. _____________- Lest and Found Preducts Co., Holly, Michigan._ a m iff tTo u s , mIchaFTically minded men for needy ----- smell plant. Good pay, i benefits. For *ppl., 33J-0h AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS itaapy work Involves : Truck* and Genet PRICE BROS. CO. Pontiac Sewer Pipe Plant 8275 Whlta (.aka Rd. V Machine ' it!?.1. ... _ - Orion and Oxford oil M-24.. executive"assista'nT Knowledge of advertising layout and copy work to assist VIP In multi corporate function, unlimited future tor right man, 16466 plur DOE, Mrs, Daniels, 542.5616. , EXPERIENCflT v AUTO SALESMAN, must be dependent, steady to work In one of the ‘host pey-olen In town. New facilities, lots of floor time. CALL OR SEE MR. BILL PAULSON PE 5-4161 -OR SEE AT 1145 S. TELEGRAPH______ EXPERIENCED SEMI Tl u C K driver. P35-6I41........... MEAT CUTTER, —................ or full tlm6, apply Mrs.. Parr, Kingsley inn, Bloomfield Hills._ MECHANIC r CITY OF TROY 13.53 TO $3.73 PER HOUR 2 years“axperlsnce as mechanic required. Geud working conditions, exc. benefit package and steady employment for mon who have ability to service and repair light and heavy equipment. Apply to E------ ---------- ■“ W., Big Sporting nsysf ATTENTION FTOUSEWES personnel daparlment, 1 Goods Salesman Stephlson at JO 6-1514. coll —26 pgr cant Commission c bonus -No oxporlanct necessary —No cash InvSstmont —Supplies furnished —Delivery by United Parcel. —Bags Included with orders. —Hostess, up to 15 ptr cent plus SHOP AND COMP ABE I CALL BETH WEBER “ — 662-1774 EXPEREINCED TREE CLIMBERS.: familiar with .street 4 Harbor, please pick up by Aug. 25. "AVON CALLING" FOR SERVICE IN YOUR HOME. FE 4-0431. Pontiac Press Want Ads For Action i IUST CALL 334-4981 . - Help Wanted Male __Inlly ol Cllntonvl Reword, 473-610*. LOST: LARGE black dog. vicinity of Joslyn end Columbia, If found call fe i-gggt._________________________j LOST: REWARD FOR raiurn of -------i colored Called ftmalt cot, Paid holidays. Blue Cross and benefits. 2627 Williams Dr., OR 3-1560, Orapar Punch B Ola. 6 Help Wanted Male mechanical drafting, ....... trigonometry desired. Apply a Artco' Inc. 5026 Indlanwood Rd.. Lake Orion. ___ AUTO BUMPERS AND painters n -----ship, excellent working c - newest equlpmen* lyllff-MacDonald m Dyke, Utica. AUTO MECHANICS -----TIC TRANSA------ W FAGILITI BENEFITS ASK POR EMILE VAN CAMP CHEVROLET MILFORD ___6141025 BODY SHOP MANAGER MAP COMPANY MANAGER, must know business, be familiar with .street and cdUty i ____ _____ ________ | ■ , maps, sqlary open, DDE. Mra. parlance. Starting pay 15.00 per hr. Daniels, 542-5410. r**„ MAN nPORu^K,NG-rult, ttoSMsi F f: MECHANICS-BRUNSWICK AUTOMATIC Full time arid part tlma, nights. Tod nav; medical Insurance. Apply , Airway APPLICATIONS NOW BEING tl EMPLOYERS Temporary Service, Inc. .....1. - 2320 Hilton Rd. 26617 Grand Rlvir CLAWSON 65 S. Main CENTER LINE ' 1561 E. 10 Mila An Equal Opportunity Employer Not an Employment Agency _ PULL TIME HOUSEKEEPER. Call tor appt. batwaan S:30 and 1 p.m. 651-4422. FIGURE CLERK $400 PLUS Post cash, makeup bank deposits and assist bookkeeper, typing helpful but not necessary, mutt heve good figure ability. Mra. Daniels, 542-5416. GENERAL OFFICE help. Mutt accurate typist. Excellent frl banefltt. Apply at Artco. Inc, : Indlanwood Rd.. Lake Orion. GENERAL OFFICE POSITION IN DIETARY dept, tor Institutional cook, experienced. Apply at Woodildo /Medical Inc. sir S. Woodward bftwaan 1 and 3. 333-7144._________ PIANO SALESLADY’- Excellent Grlnntll Higher Income , tor the creative gogetter. Contact: Mr. Brenlser at Grwnall'a Pontiac Mall. r, 21 N. Saginaw, I a.t ,#nul TYPIST T E • ’ ‘ accuracy f II leslre to lV*i nft will train you. Exceptionally nigh earnings firat t— and Snelllng. Call B< 2471, tor appointment, ■ ELECTRICAL WHOLESALER-n EXPERIENCED SHORT__________ _____ ■ apply Country Kitchen, 332-3415._, EX PER IENCED miscellaneous machine oporatora. Crescent Machine Co. Inc., 2661 .Wllllimi Lanes, 4125 Highland Rd. Needed Immediately! Apply In person 10 *.m. to 4 p.m. EmploymSnt Office Hudson's Pontiac Mall B lady, lFoFalBPiRIBIIIMH we train, variety of shifts. Must bo high school gradual* and able to spoil, write legibly and rapidly. Fring* benefits, rotate Sunday and holidays. Call batwaan 1 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mon. thrmmh Frl. Please call FE 4-2541. BEELINE STYLIST earns profit plus wardrobe — 335-9671. BAR - RESTAURANT WAITRESSES, I. 61.75 par hr. PB 5- TRUCK DRIVERS. MUST ETax" parlancsd for short doubt* asphalt hauls or •ggrogat* trains. Bald Mountain Arqa. Contact Smiley, 331-0375. TV SERVICEMAN. Sffl!' PLANNING . FOR A FUTURE pull And part time school bus drivers, all year employment, good driving record, must pass physical Manager, Pontiac Bulck dealer- and police check, ell. fringe ship. Oakland County Paid, vice- benefit). Birmingham Public lion, holidays and other fringe Schools. Ml 4-0102. _ coniget 1 1 “ .. • FOREMAN I0B EASTMAN 6S1-S500 Plastic Inlacllon molding, excellent >UQ cnjirrrrsix u ,alary ond Insurance banoflfs. Coll ____________________________________ I for appointment. 0244)100. BUMP MAN .WANTED — s m ell i (rQRMAN FOR equipment yard also Steady, 33»-35l4, ask| raptlr f|ghr contractors tools. Reference, wagos axpactad, confidential. Write to Br-" -flac Pros' ter Orville, 3123 t i Hospital coverage Company paid benefits Include: a nee, Blue Cross Medical and Sick and Accident Inauranca. Company ram Kerin Paid Holidays. Night Shift premium of IMS. Top l coat of -diving increase and many other JOaneflts. nployoe l lilt Plan. BENCH MECHANICS Structural Steel Fitters WILLING TD TRAIN BOX C-l GAS Station attendant, I parlancsd, mechanically Incltn local rofarancas. full or port tin Gull Tolograph and Mapl*. AARAOI HELP wanted. Call / OPENINGS FOR: > • JOURNEY : : TOOLMAKERS' .JIG AND FIXTURE > BUILDERS • BORING MILL ^VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL MILLS ..LATHE AND-- PLANER HANDS • PIPEFITTERS .EXPERIENCED BENCH HANDS . .WELDERS AND WELDER .FITTERS 56 Hour Weak 'l Long Range Program USI-ARTCO, INC. Detroit Hoist & Machine Co. 6656 STERLING DRIVE ■ E. of Mound, S. Ol 13 Mile PHONE: 261-1606 bIj'Vl'6IMA_fBEl/ . DISTRIBUTOR IN WIXOM AREA IS LOOKING POR AN EX-PER IENCED MAN. AS WAREHQUIB FOREMAN. MUST BE EXPlIniNCED. CALL OR APPLY IN PERSON. DEALERS WHOLESALE SUPPLY. 417 5 0 MARTIN DR., WIXOM. PHONE 424-3111. BAklWl"tO MANAGE BAKERY BUS BOYS . i time, pert time. All cot y benefits, paid vacations. Sllll. FE 4-1571.. Guard supervisors, .... .......... Experienced or will train. Marl* Detective Aeawcv, 266-M40. GAS STATION attendlht, part-time, -------1----1 Northwester SouthiiaM. n Hwy. at 12 h 21036 counter man INDEPENDENT . OIL com'e l n y desires eulstant manager s1— INDUSTRIAL E NG i N EE I perlenced In tlma study an ceasing metal stamping) .tasenwiy. tend fulrrssume o. Box ISO Lapeer or call 66 JANltOR the all new Pentlaca, Tempests and "GOODWILL" used cart I Fringe benefits. Demo furnished. Right man can aarn from 110.000 to $17,000 per ytar. Must hove 2 , years experience or_2 veers ol college. See Ken Johnson rt Rue; JOHNSON, Pontiac, Like Orion NEEDED AT ONCE Collision Men with oxporlonco to fill eur start. . wa have moved Into our blggor and batter facilities, with gll dealer (rings beneflta. Sea Mr. Bet Hazelton, at- * ' Matthews-~Hargreavesr 631 Oakland Ava._ Pantlac Need Part-Time Work? I parson, ______J Lk., 335-411_. T.V. SERVICEMAN. ExperlSncod. 5 dsys * wk. Bonallts. Condon's, TV, 730 W. Huron, 8361736,___________ TRUCK DRIVER LOCAL*, must be axpartancad In furniture,- B1"* Cross, 5 day jartrt sober, married preferred, 336-1451 1 to 3 p.m BIRMINGHAM PERSONNEL Off let, • necessary. Unu ____unity, axe. aernlnj 647-6630. BABY SITTER, live In , I Children, Birmingham area. 642-1616._______ BABY SITTER NEEOED urgently GIRL WANTED FOR prodUCtle. .... inventory control. Must typo and be capable with arithmetic. Permanent lull time position. Taprttronlcs, Inc. 4413’ Fsrnltc, Royal Oak, ~_____________________ Housewives money to htlp buy those little extras? If you can work at least 4 hours on a regular day or evening schadule, w* can train you now for discount privileges. Including Immodlrto TELEVISION TECHNICIAN . RCA. • immediate openings t *. Iliad tolavlalan technicians. Hearts with eleelror- - . miliary, or vocal apply. RCA offers an outstanding .benefit program Including company paid hospital, surgical, major medical Inauranca plan for you and your family, paid Vdcaflbh, -plus l’ P«ld holldays^-Por-pe.rsonal interview visit Sur branch at 4015 Highland Rd., Mon.-Sat. 1-4 p.m. or call 335-6110. An Equal Opportunity Employer BABYSITTER, Monday-Frldf - ■, must have car and . .. attar 4 p.m. 647-6672. BAfcVlIfftft rn MYjhomei Ortonvlllg. Anar 6 p.m. sItTEr, 2 day* sl_. to 6 p.m., Cooley school ar home, 673-76W. BAiYsrrTmG iN my haSi> -ymnwir-W 626-3W1, j Montgomery Ward r HIGH SCHOOL graduate for general office work, must be able to type, permanent position. 4121 Highland * HOUSEKEEPER to.llva in. Salary. Old Mjll Tavern, 3636 Dixie H FOR PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS AUBURN HEIGHTS. WANT TO MAKE A MILLION WHO DOESN'T ■ baby Bitfan, Pdnwsmid. pgpgiid' ■ able. Own transportation or llv In. Pild holidays. *52-1664. AR MAIDS. FULL time, part tlm days and nights,-Apply In parse Lion's Dan, 7564 Dixie Hwy Clarkaten. __________ "5 and Wallrassas. ft. Linas and lounge, 130 S. . .... SPh Rd. BARMAID 4 DAYS, r Many com I ImmSdlaH BIRMINGHAM. . .. ■ fice — Youta me in public ccnncl, •—* nacawarr. ISWatc-t. - —n wlih interest* DUSBU T a, I will train. work. Apply _________ - Lilip OBMatiry Cluh.' to Work In PONTIAC • telephone Interview calW y T 393-3094 , 1 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday, thru. Pri. quel opportunity sit .LiNEMAN Aro neadad at MlWIWNilLL TELEPHONE CO. CHlVROLbT 6ABCHANIC — aid a really geud mocha. .. ----opportunity tor • solid - - -i-i-r- ^—^rshlp this n. yi». I future with B roapiated dealership and, a pleasant nan congested metropolitan Flint area. You can , realize top earnings as a qr——-‘ * a.top SI'*"4"' *“ MACHINE AND TOOL DIV. SUBSIDIARY OF US INDUSTRIES, INC. 3020 INDIANW00D RD. LAKE ORION 31915 *GR0ESBECK HWY. FRASER Porirtac Press. CObK. Pry work ixpa benefits, no Sundays PHONE " 693-8388 Apply . RP , VHP _ Rastaurant, Woodward Lake — CHAUFFEUR Ob ! iravai, iafanF depends on" 1 ear lance. Mrs, pgnlel*. 542-5616. CUSTODIAN MTMlAl|'lt | mechanical experience, full tl i , days, write Pontiac Praia C-66. i, food and bariaflts. t jlldevs knowledge of Pi----H g H >* Pox Dry Cleaners, 711 W. h Square METAL PROCESSING pTa*N ______‘ j afternoon s ' ----- Venn' bmc htcotsary, « 5500 PLUS Apply altar driving record, !ne.,'25464 N 16 PM. Systomgtlori I Rd.. Noyl, Mich.. Montgomery Ward • PONTIAC MALL An equal opportunity ompleygr ORDER FlLLEES FOR ecrow gn HtelstMd.r'Good Xrtcrt cilidltKJ «wn< transportation. 477-1166 Exl 76. 1:36 a.m.-n«tn orty. OFFSITfRESSMAN Experloncod in pH phases of ertsd ostabllshad firm, SSH salary, plu 5 p*r cent of unfit, tako ova •rltlro operation. Mrs. DanlrtS, 541 ■56ie. ' ' HUR COLLEGE fSTpDENTS ar K tor aur pip* Plan at-4051 Whlta Laka Rd. Price Brothers PRESSURE PIPE PLANT 625-2625 Equpl Opportunity Employer wi Ovar is, no axparlsnct nacassary. 1165 par waak. 332-3611, baton i make above average earnl i mansurate with ability at-__ interested? Call Mr. Gaarga. <74 TW. UNSKILLED MEN NEEDED WHi virlily factory and warehouse work available' ' — DAILY PAY - 6 s.m. to 4 p.m Report Ready for « EMPLOYERS Tamporary Service, Inc. PERNDALE 2320 Hilton R- Rodtord 26617 Granf Rlv«r CLAWSON _,% 65 S. Main CENTER LIME <561 E- If Mil* An Equal Opportunity lihptayqr %««!»• WHO Box C-2S Pontiac BEAUTICIAN, 56, 55, 4 —imlaawn, taka ova S toll lima naaded. hrs. 12 la *, II part tlma needed eves. Attar •chart and woakands. Phone tor details bat. 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Aik tor Mr. Vandarpool or Mr. Butter, 354-4457. * ** MCL Caletsrls Homemakers Your akliu ai a homemaker could bu added Income tor you. W* arw presently accopting applications tor our part tlm* Mllim schedules. It you an available days or evenings com* In and dlacuts a sailing position with ua. Apply WJMfiPf! It a.m. to 4 P.m. Emptoymunt Office Hudson's Pontiac Mall ' HOUSEKEEPER AND COOK, f( man parsonage. In N. Dal ||| hL.... nights, awn transportation. Salary nS par Wk. Hospitalization and vacation. Rafarohcas. 647-2222._ HOUSEWIFE: Dignified-seiis-nosl-Tlon, 30 par cent commission, cash ----- no coilartlna, .no deliver westment. call' Mary B DIAL 33H081 We Repeat uq COUNTER GIRL r..r_ - store, rierfcitnit : Np part tlma * Must hava hlg.. Apply 111 Aubum. i tor rtw""-1' mature, officiant p by PMr' to Mr. __________ ist be' axperlanced In sa I nbirilf parts far ator»xTarhaten area. 0*3? siSt"' CHRISTIAN FAMILY NEEDS ma-tun lady to care lor proschool child and du housewor" —SB ty of living in with » or dally work with _______,r. ■ teflon. NaitW Meatad In country grip, 15 ml. NW of Pontlac-luat ' CLEANING LAD* 7 nour* a day, ft— ----(HYRiCAL ' cnargve answer traveling mid-881-0000 aft. ‘ DIAL mmm 334-4981 lady FOR QUALITY Dry.cmrtng want., located Tn Baldwin Plaza ShoppinaOMmr, must bb plaasant MAN TO -WORK AROUND huf* barn, must ba sobar and rallabla. Experience praferrad. L t v I n il quarters furnishad It desired. 4M. Elastic molding canuwny has an opening for foreman In finishing dipt. Plostie So Carp., sag# Brand It tear, : Hudson, Mich. wrtSyt. alto Press .brake and B*nWTARAPATA-MacMAHON , ' ^ shaarlno operators, apply McDaniel PAULSEN ASSOCIATE INC. Tank Mfg. Co., 714 N. Saginaw, - ))yi w. Square Uka Rd., Blaom- AATME WMMH, - is ok ever. .......... 1' - ■ tlmi, day*. In pur anock bar. Bx- ceitcnt appgnpnu inr'tMq rin -pay chack tor mcttiort whose chll-: dean «ra: tov:school: rt a K1B - - managamant. Grant's irotttendbW expansion program and policy tor promotion mskug progress,ioj.pqslt dons M responsibility and higher Incomt possible. Chack at ““ personnel office at Rd. about gur ttlaiM Biua ea _______^ tornhhad, „.~.~ datslls, hat. W.sjil Md 7 p. Ask tor Mr. VandarpM “ ”tol cstotorlii Tal-Twolv* Mall Shopping FOR FAST|R SERVICE I For Wont 1 Dial 3344981 T1IK PONTIAC 1MIKSS. OWco In A Lifetime OPPORTUNITY * ,NT£#!i5!,0^Alf CORPORATION SSL tSSS! 4—Willing to work hard starting Salary at $110 Only thou who con- itort lm-mMlotjlynood apply. Caff Mr. Vinton at-835-488? Cpunior Girl, - MR H*^lf| aiBi.7i|||y grant Cleaners. 71_*. Squirrel Rd., apply 7:30 till Vart;timbi SCHOOL 'oils_____________ driving record, must pass J11 •Mj Wlleo chock. »lrm- PART TIM* GIRL In doctor's 0 . ^aninM ina.SaT. ImEtSw..1 ■ RfSFPTI0NIST personnel pities. • personable person with In-tar**} In public contact,' aome typing. 647-8880. , NfeCIPTIONIST urgently needed' ColHure Par. Ann Beauty Salon, 673-0712 or 673-3400. R*CEPTIONj|fr«iract[ve a"ii"d~to-telllgent, light typing, ability to meat public, telephone experience . »V°r p*r*on*1 '"••rvtew •"“.njlLneet I. White Tower, SMALL NURSING aunmanc equipment, must _____owpj^ansportatlon. <26-0004. 7HelP Wgnted Female Sales Personnel IMMKDIATi .OPENINGS FOR FULL TIME PERMANENT P— TION IN POLLOWiNO AREAS Women's Apparel , Children's Home Decorative -Men's EXPERIENCE PREFER R I_ LIBERAL BENEFITS AND GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS. Jacobson's 644-6900 336 W. MAPLE BIRMINGHAM SHORT ORDER COOK. Donelll ---i | _ 3773 S. COURT REPORTER I ‘ $7,500-$8,500 ' rerwtlno 8Bpor,unl,y ,or •ttvencement to higher levels of court successful completion of advanced subsequent to graduation. Must be able to taka dictation at 140 ■Mil— high school graduation and irthand or court reporting. a application, contact: PERSONNEL DIVISION OAKLAND COUhfY COURT HOUSE 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 338-4751, Ext. 495 WANTED, LIVE-lp Baby sitter, 1 child, private room, exc. wage. Call attar 6 p.m. 851-3420. WAITRESS WANTED to work part time. evenings, hourly rata plus Ups, further Information call UL 3-3410.____________ WAITRESS WAWfID Wtime' only. Apply at Machus Restaurant. 160 SURGICAL NURSE R.N. Outstanding opportunity In modern progressiva 392 bed hospital, ll p.m.-7:30 a.m. shift Mon.-Frl. Permanent, full time. Salary tlon, training and exparlenci educate. Ex-Contact ■ General W. Huron, SALES FULL AND PART TIME Immediate openings In mens furnishings, ladles and boys dapt. Excellent benefits and working conditions. HUGHES, HATCHER SUFFERIN PONTIAC MALL SALESLADY WANTED. FULL time apply John R. Lumber Co., 7940 Cooley Lake Rd., Union Lake-. TYPIST T STENOS Temporary Work AMERICAN GIRL 642-3055 725 S. Adams, B'ham. TAKE CARE 0. -.......... from 8 to 4, 852-4665. commissions. Call or write Santa'. Parties, Inc., Avon, Conn. 06001. Telephone l (203) 623-3455. WAITRESS WANTED, part time for WAITRESS FOR W.BEKEND n Woman or_womanwith a child Are lliu ha W*‘,llbgfy^|r‘~ J" to live in. Davlsl WAITRESS, Full time,‘nigh Harbor Bar. 482-0320. WAITRESS-BARMAID* tor . nights, Haggerty. Rd. WAITRESS ALSO kitchen help days, ** s.m. to I p.m.. Sat. 11 a.gi. to p.m„ experienced prefltrtd. ~ Lake Orion. ‘ a ujj WOMEN FOR, GENERAL ________, woijc apply Pontiac Laundry, 6540 N TO COOK and serve dlnn • -T-J- a week. 644-4244. WOMAN WANTEO for counter work or bagglqg position at a top dry cleaning plant, paid holidays and vacations, apply I Hr. Martin'-1--Miracle Mile Shopping Cent: call Mr, Moore, 332-1822. BUS DRIVERS needed for Walled Lake consolidated schools, credit dddateW*— experience. Apply In 960 Ladd Rd., Walled WOMAN TO COOK 5 days weekly and Saturday noon. Call Sister M8r.letta, Holy Hame Convent. Birmingham. 644-6106. given for experience, person et *“ I add i Leke, Mich, BARTENDER OR BARMAID, part *'~s eve. and Sun. Must be well srlepced. 363-9469._____ BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED 37.50 87.50 WAITRESS WANTED FOR full time employment. Apply In person only. Frank’s Restaurant. Keego Harbor, Michigan. .. WANTED Ready to Wear Saleswomen FOR Ladies High Fashion Apparel Shop THE Marianne Fashion Shop PONTIAC MALL ^ beral company benefit to you. Ask for Mrs. D ICE DIRI VICE - SUPPLIES - EQUIPMENT i Bldg. Items PATTERSON & SONS ... Alum, and roofing specialists All types of alum., and roofing work Sidings, awnings, gutters and Mobile Home Skirtings. 335-7844 588-3724 Cement Work ALL TYPES of cement work, i SIDING ALUM. VINYL AND ASBESTOS AWNING-PATIOS SCREENED-IN OR ,L\SS ENCLOSED EAVES TR0UGHING Continued Seamleu eavastroughlng. We Bring Factory to You, FAST SERVICE — QUALITY WORK 4. TERMS CALL NOW - DAY Oft ■ NIGHT—681-2500—TERMS DEALER-ASK FOR BOB OR RED Antenna Service ALL BRICK REPAIRS, chimney, porches, violations co rrected, tuckpointing, roof leaks stopped. Reasonable,335-3433.____________ BASEMENT AND BRICK WORK, '— —-imercial and Ir ___________ 682-1143, 673-3281. BLOCK AND CEMENT work. >oi tlac. 391-1173. _____ porches and .....FE 5-8983.____________ CEMENT WORK,. drives porches,'ate. Licensed am 1-A, Auburn Heights Paving Tennis courts, .parking lots, drive- CEMENT WORK OF all kinds, nothing too large or small. — I“l372' A. JAY ASPHALT .DRIVEWAY SPECIALISTS. FREE ESTIMATES, FE 5-4900,_____ A-AJL ASPHALT CO. Free estimate. FE 5-5328. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL residential brick and cement wi ’ GUINN'S CONST, CO. A. G. Kosiba Asphalt New driveways, parking lots, surfacing worn out cement, „ asphalt. License, bonded, and free, , estimates. OE 3-6318 ■ OR 3-3776 ASPHALT PACKING LOTS roadways, same Ideation -1920. alu selling asphalt 625-5891. r. Attn Arbor Construction Co. AADC0 ASPHALT Paving Co.* licensed and Intui_I Free estimation t 332-4631 ' DOMINO CONST. CO. " 674-3955 RELIABLE ASPHALT Contractors Prat estimates. Specialised li patching anCSdfiR^lnwavi parklng lots. SEMElTor 334-8733. ’DAN'S CERAMIC TILE, slate floors. SPECIAL ON seal coal Construction Equipment DOZERS, BACKHOE, LOADER Sales & Rentals 'Used Bbbcat Loaders Burton .Equipment Co. 3776 E. Auburn Rd. 852-3U guar., 2C sq. ft. 322-5761. tenth Sorateet __ BEACHES CLEANED SANDED, DOCKS INSTALLED. STEEL SEA WALLS BeekkeepUd Service enclosure, electrical and plumbing. Expert carpentry, reasonable Priced, 363-1112. 1 ■ . , H A HTfiOME IMPROVEMENT. Aluminum siding, p o rchu, -----------id additions. 682-7889. HOME MAINTENANCE REPAIR Mostavsrythlng. 482-5050. MODERNIZATION ^Additions A-1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR -Family roqms, rough or finisher dormers, pandits, r o c r ra 11 oj rooms, klfchant) •*-* licensed. > 682-0648, '•( r •'* t Ion ■Mirgoms. State I after 5 p.m.. Corpet Cleaning . 335-4706.1 mlneted, 625-3514, BRICK-LAYING, fire A-T COMPLETE LANDSCAPING, specializing In retaining walls. Fret estimates. J. H. Waltman Landscaping 3384314, Moving, Storage - MITH i MOVING CO. Your movlm specialUts. FE 4-4864. ______ Mowing Seftice WEED MOWING vacant lots and ecroege. 682-0356. Piano Tuning PIANO TUNIt. »—REPAIRING OSCAR SCHMIPt — *H dryat. M5*fW. Mrs, Sabaska, M & S GUTTER CO. LICENSED-BONDED ! Complete eavestroughing service Free asl. 473-M66, 6734642 Electrical-Services ADRIAN'S PROMPT eleetrI tarvlca. reasonable rWai. 673-2 ASTRO ELECTRICAL I residential T--—I-'-‘ Excavothlg Ll BULLDOZING, Finish Backh“ ■ 3-1201. I. 682-3042, FE 2- CLARKSTON Excavating Company *- grading, specializing cwrM. « driveways sn 1-A MERION BLUE SOD, pickup-«r dal. 4643 Sherwood. 628-2000. 1-AAA SODDING SPECIALS, shrubs, trees. 682-0208 or 674-3681. SP.ECIAL ON ROOF c 0 a 11 n patching, guar. 332-5761.____ T & H ROOFING COMPANY, free estimates. Specializing In -kUaUu || ~ a Small. 6M-S674 WILL REPAIR LEAKS, rashlnc roots. Inaxpanslbly, anytime. 6! WOMACK ROOFING CO. Free estimates ____________FITS-. Free est. 682-7197 Sand—Omvei—Dirt 1-A SAND, GRAVEL, DI r reasonable, 338-1201 or 674-2639. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING Sodding, saedlng, shrubs. Llcsnsad Niiretry Man. 682-7850. CHOICE SHREDDED black dirt topsoil. Farm topsoil, 6 yds. 518, dal, FE 46588. _ : HEAVY CLAY LOAM To DIO I delivered bv 5 yard loads larger;'Grading available. J. I Waltman, Landscaping, 338-8314. UNIQUE LANDSCAPE da____________ drawn for the do It youraatf, ■ landscaper 338-3304. LAWN SERVICE, TREE t Lnwnmower Service MOSQUITO CONTROL. NO lob .. M| or too tmoll. Call for free ., answering' sarv., 674-4449, TALBOTT LUMBER SuspindedCdnngs_____ A COMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL William Lennon* <82-2195. installed, commercial and rasidan- Tree Trimming ServicB A-l-TREE SERVICE Removal. Very low rate. 682-3043. DOt/ JIDAS-TREE removal. Free estimates. Insured. MY 3^1816. GARDNER'S TREE SERVICE. Free estimates. Vary roes., 335-6744. OAKLAND TRIMMING SERVICE Tree Trlmlng and Removal Fully Innlred-Frea 'estimates 624-4465, Walled Lake paint. Top quality work at tnax-panslva prlca. 651-8801, anytime. Pi PAINTING, Exc. work at reasonable prices. 332-5400 ater GUARANTEED. ^Fraa astlmataa A-1 PAINTINOAND THOMPSON PAPER HANGING GEORGE PRERICKS . erlor and exterior painting, sonabla. Free estimates, work iranteed, 27 yrs. axp. Call ttlnw;6itt5W3. '_________ QUALITY WORK ASSURED: Paint- wiWs.'T** *" WMhln0’ 052-2940 SPRAY PAINTING Plastering Service ■A PLASTERING, NEW WORK or peiehlno, ♦nwrowlmaws. 263-5607. PLASTER RkFAfRg’fro# aatlmala. Plumbing It Heating G t> t PLUMBING 8, HEATING- Lei George Do H»6m377. ’ R. Bcmo PLUMBING. Repairs and remodallnq, 427-4790. Roofing SATURDAY. AUGUST Id. 1069 ' ------------------ ■ Mming and Trucking MACHINE Operators, tm-I,openings. Apply between 8 Imperlsl Molded products. > Wanted M. or F. Help WantedM. or F. 8 WANTED CUSTODIAN ^Rocheitti mils snd female, full and time, all ahltts, paid ipltallzatton, good ‘ wages and |gMMd||M| ' -1-9280 * ■- * working conditions, 1-B21 -92 Paining and PBceratlng 23 ■lew Help Maie.Female 8-A A REAL ESTATE EXPLQSIONI Wo havs a future for ybu In .... estate field that will yield v_________ earning Unlimited We will consktei full time man provided you meal qualifications Wa will prepare lor this exciting field It necess Bonus arrangemtnt. Ask for WARREN STOUT, Realtor Opdyke Rd. FE 5-8165 Multiple Listing Service 1450 A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE Join'us In our NEW SHARE THE PROFIT program. We are expanding and need real estate personnel, Free Classes starting now. If you aft Interested In be a better-than-average sale INTERIOR And EXTERIOR painting, low cost, 338-1224 bat. 5:30 and 10 PM. INTERIOR aRd" _________|________ decorating, reasonable rates and free estimates. 335-8056._ Ft R ll D—fl 221 Apartment*, Furnished 371 Apartments, Unfurnished 38 1 2 ROOMS tnd private bath, utilities Tv T . T , Now Leasing: BRAND NEW LAUREL VALLEY T0WNH0USES 1, 2 AND 3 BEDROOM APTS. ON PRIVATE LAKE V PAINTING AND residential and commercial spraying. Orval Gidcumb A sons, 673-0496. 6748. ------- and prlv furnlshad, 75 Clarr_ 2 ROOMS NEAR GMC. Working couple*. Reference, FE 2-9634. _ 2 ROOMS AND bath, north end, upper, prlv. entrance, tor 1 adult woman only, 520 weakly, FE 2-1 2 ROOMS, PRIVATE bath, coupli. 1 orily-jno pats, 102 Washington. FE facilities, must see to app 33819047 bet. 10 AM-8 PM. 2 ROOMS. NO CHILDREN o 890 Roblnwood, FE-8-2754. 3 ROOMS AND bath, caTpe AIR CONDITIONING garbage disposals, Masl Wanted Children to Board 28 ^SITTING IN my home State mu. Call 682-6804._ Wanted Household Goods 29 ^ HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR good 3 ROOM AND" BATH, < it' side - clou child: __________FE 5-1606. ROOMS AND" “BATH, welcome, 837.50 per week, siuo> nop Inquire at 273 Baldwin Ave.. Pontiac, roll 338-4054. _ I 3 ROOM LOWER, S3o"per week, $751 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER Tuos.. Wad., Thun, l *i2j Can YOU S©11? I Wmnted Miscellaneous it so, jnd appliances. Oi ve you? B & B AUCTION DIxle Hwy. _________OR - 3.2717 -j______682-8781 fPIECE OR HOUSEFUL. ‘ 3 ROOM /MAIN FLOORi _____39J^I9r —. v.. ----- ... .....JD NICE CLE all kinds. 693-1871. Insulat/d glass throughout. Master TV Anri private park-* MODELS OPEN ; FOR YOUR INSPECTION * RENTALS FROM $155 • 1439n LAUREL VALLEY* DR. (ON HIGHLAND RD. BETW. AIRPORT AND HOSPITAL RD.) 673-8686 i LARGE ROOMS* | Are Your Afternoons ■ FREE? ENJOY EXTRA MONEY? Adult carrier wanted tor Downtown Business District Apply In Person Circulation Dept. The Pontiac Press Greenfield's Restaurant, 725 South Hunter Blvd. B'ham. Ml 6-8282. COUPLE FOR FERNDALE ol " ""no, custodial work,, sa ’living quarters. Call i a) 338-1313 Or OR 3-3374 plus Fori COUPLE $700 PLUS _ _____ ... . couple to manage resort type facilities for land developer in Alpena area. Must enloy mealing people, complete living facilities, Real Estate Llcenu helpful; Mrs. Daniels, 542- COUPLE TO TAKE over rastauran — rant, also living quartan be a good cook. Outlands ---------------------------------- tiding sti 61 4-9609, stable. Please ask DISHWASHER, Monday thru Friday, 12 noon to 4 p.m. Westerner Beat Buffet, 41N W. AT------- --'“ Ingham, Michigan. iRI.ENCeO DRAPERY ____.arson, good salary, Irving Kay Draperies, 23. Woodward Ave.. Blrm., 644-5280. SBjsrta- SI ,nd •" j' S33 ____ 1 In making money. Ex- C°PPER' BRASS, RADiATohs,!3 SMALL ROOMsTSath, very dean.M BEDROOM YEAR i rXnw' rt0,.ur#arnyd j^A*'**^ D|X‘: - J^ldM'P.n’^ovr^Sii. no Schedule. Inquire a,Ys ««P \ Taylor, OR 4-0306. Evas, quota, 682-1381/__ rROOMsYDULTS dav workers "Si 2 BEDROOM LAKE FRONT “near' 'Wanted Money 311 . pe_ls1no_frlnklng,'40tVN. Paddoik. r°m«tCh, u?'6r. Britton at 72H, Ext. 2144._______________1 WORK SHOP NEEDED. 3.000 sq. ft. ~‘Tlmum. 18 ft. ceiling mtn, Must furnlshad, baby welcome, dap. 1 3-BEDROOM LAKE FRONT. Sep,' tember-June, 8150 per month plus security deposit, 353-2726. 5 ROOMS ON LAKE, gas heat, ^jMbaito 682-2910. ty, PENN. Ll 0-1900. REAL ESTATE SALES MGR. Commercial, businesses, I --------- J ' ■ Right - iiuuiu nx" ......... iRian verirkle. 7211. Ext. 2l44. ; T___ Sharp Living Quarters 334-0122. 835 per week, i ROOM UPPlRT STOVE, refrigerator and heat furnished, 8140 plus dsp, adults only, 682-8417, APART M E N T OVERLOOKING woods and water, fireplace, convenient for Waterford Or Clarkston teachers, married couple prefered. No pets, all utilities funished, $150 plus securily deposit. 673-7466. CLEAN",Y^ ROOMS, private b /_________ 335-6576 ' tozy Cottage lOMS ON WATKINS L... ALL NEW FURNITURE 2 ROOMS ON WATKINS LAKE ALL NEW FURNITURr NEW APPLIANCES 1 INCLUDED >REN O---- Couple only. 1400 R_______ Elizabeth lake 2-bedToYm modern home,'well Insulated. Sept. 1 to June. No children, no pats. Security, references, 682-8019- ; FREE RENTAL service to landlords, gdod tenants waiting. Art Daniels Realty. 605-1567. _________ LAKE FROflT HOME, Sept, io June, adults preferred. OR 3-0253. SAAALL BRICK HOUSE, nice are* adults only. 10605 Dlxjd, 625-2546. TEACHER'S SPECIAL, new, modern 2 bedroom, lake front* Sept .-June;' S22S per month. 682-2024 or 335-2054. ___ YEAR ROUND lake front' home on L«by._33y766,---.__________i, BEDROOM, 3 ROOM home, stove, rl,i EhF7iSIENCV.iii.yNIT. !N large) refrigerator In Waterford are. $35 building, utilities turn. Sec. d— ____ home and expenses •«, uun.|,*"° same. FE 2-6147.____________ _ Publishers of "" the ®,RI- TO SHARE home with 3 "Michigan Business and Invest- I" Birmingham -area, must ment Guide." Replies held strictly I a* older. Ml 7-4486. confidential. Write or talk to Wardi - Gary Partridge, lose w. Huron Wanted Real Estate 36 St„ Pontiac, Ph. 681-2111. SALESMAN This Is your opportunity to gal In the ground floor. GMC Real SALES MANAGER NO .SELLING. Tremendous ponunlty with established firm; Septic Tank Service Spraying Service DALBY 8. SONS TREE SERVICE SCALE SPRAY. FE 5- FULL TIME ORGANIST. Commerce " lied Methodist Church, ^aw -ticulars and Interview call Tracking HOUSEWIVES TO WORK part time as waltrasus, while children are In school. Call 338-2622 between 2 A-1 LIGHT TRUCKING of any kin Odd Jobs; FE 4-2347. y i -11 EfcN|OMA>tE .RATES 328-1266. shift) Ideal for retires or elderly couple. Paid vacation, cloud sun. days. The Bloomfield Xar 626-1587. KITCHENHELP, 161 HAULING AND RUBBISH. ______________________fitfeWl* UGH? HAULING. BASEMENTS LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING Ir F^ TREE CUTTfNG AND Track Rental Trucks to Rent AND EQUIPMENT Semi TP8tl$r$ Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. ..*25 8- WOODWARD EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE - _ ply at„Swilnolaj Hills Nursing EXCELLENT LIVING quarters on lakd provided tree tor couDle. Salary for the FOOD SERVICE 5 Department Openings To work at the Auburn Hills c-.-pus of Oakland Community College. Must enloy working with young people, openings as follows: grill cook, food service aide, and cashier. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Contact Oakland Community Collage Food Service, MM- —-..Jr's license, pn spot. 812,000 Plus. DOE. Mrs. lels. 542-5610. _________ SALESMEN $600 Ytar around nosltlon hi resort t ----s III Br til^(.......... — » plus. Wa have Five N 1 DAY CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE OR LOT NO COST TO SELL FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE Aaron JMtg. & invest. Co. _____ 332-1144________ ~ 1 TO 50 S HOMES, LOTS, A C R E A G L PARCELS, FARMS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACT. WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke FE 5-8165 Urgently need tor Immediate salel , Adults omy,_2 ______ FOR SCHOOL SEASON — I lower level of brick horn Elizabeth Lake, 2 bedrooms tiled baths, fireplace, large r"~ and modern bullt-ih kll and bath. 693-1809. _________- PARTIALLY FURNISHED 3 ROOMS —-king couple only, no Reasonable. 338-9034. II n per wk„ plus utilities, $150 ’dep. <74-4167, eves. J ' 2 BEDROOM, no pets or "drinkers, 835 per week plus deposit, Includes utilities. Chandler St. 674-2730. 3 BEDROOMS, BAtH and '/a, family- privileges. 8275 month- plus $500 deposit. Sept. 5-June 1. 363-2606. ROOM Rochester country house. 2 ----------- ut||,t|eSr Apts. Cell after 6 pjn. <51-2270. BEDROOM KITCHENETTE. "8100 mo., 8100 sec. Apply ' ■“ IW baths, a appliances and outslc- „ „, „ furnished, 2 car garage, no small children or domestic animals ref. and sec. dep. required. 8300 per month. For appointment. 651-8395. BRAND NEW 2-BEDRQOM lake front, 2-car garage, $250 per mo. HAYDEN REALTY 3»6604__________Evenings 363-9930 FRY COOK, SHORT order, experienced, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift. | Blue Cross and other benefits, 2 weeks vacation after 1 year. Apply I in parson ONLY between ll a.m. and 5 p.m. to Steak A Eon Restaurant, 5393 Dixie Hwy. Employment Agencies 9 secretary, real estate firm, no 'Suburban location, $20,000. idams 6. adams________ " COMPANY REP $650 UP Wonderful opportunities M.. companies, new car furnished yearly plus expenses. Guaranteed! base pay plus commission or bonus! plan. Fee paid. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 1880 S. Woodward. B'ham 642-8268 EXECUTIVE SEC R E T AR YYo President. A diversified responsi-1 Atl cash tor homes, ..Pontiac and securltv dep. FE_i-355i Drayton Plains area. Cash in 48 ritManu Amic-t— hours.. Call home purchasing2 q.UIET'J | department. SiSbm' *140- 7" T ^ T 7" J 2 - B e Yr OOM DUPLE XT YORK M I . I Excellent financing available 2 BEDROOM, J LOWER, parking. ( HAYDEN REALTY month. 852 1700 or! 363-M04 10753 Highland Rd. (M-59) I___W Mile West or Oxbow Lake _____________ Employed DUCK LAKE, HIGHLAND. 2 References. FE 2-7425. _ j bedrooms, _ basemen!, gas heat,. ■WEST SIDE, parking and . Ideal for working girl. Alt. I 817.5931 ^7 Li 7jM48r' FREE. RENTAL SERVICE APPRAISALS FREE ( GUARANTEED SALE 30 DAY LISTING W» guarantee the sale of your home in 30 days. LAUINGER top) 674-0319 •_____673-2148 CASH s salespeople who can't be wron Call today. MILLER BROS. REALTY 333-7156 phone, m< adams A ai $350. Call' Jerry Legge. 332-9157, AisoclaM.EflMaqpai,' Instructions-Schools 10 IAN AND WIFE to work on private shooting preserve near .Holly. House, utilities and aalary. Varied duties. Assist manager, some farming and animal care, wife to help part time aa needed at extra pay. Write to PMitlac ^ 33 giving — - NIGHT CUSTODIAN. 61 OR oval*, steady, sober; Some bartending considered. FE 5-3672, 1 to 2:30 PART TIME BARTENDER needed at night In lounge. 8794)014. PHYSICAL fHERAPIST Director ot Physical Ttwrapy tor 20Mwd progressiva patient care hospital, located In a ' pleasant small town, community In mid-Mich. Excellent r ecraatlon al facilities. 30 minutes from cultural cities of Ann Arbor and Lansing, lust be licensed, in Mich. Opportunity provide Inpatient, outpatient, home care qnd rehabilitation urvlce to genera! hpapital and a new Extended Cara facllltv. Excellent benefit program based on experience qualifications. Send resume Merit Wnn«*4 Male A-1 CARPENT&R WORK AT'A FAIR PRICEI Additions, family toPms, kitchen cabinets, garages, siding, roofing. y plus I per _____647-8880 ZT, w"i I I i to answer carriers, familiar with Interstate —merce regulations and load Ing limits, 511,000. A adams 647-8880 COUPLI|^WITH 85,000. d REGISTER NOW-, Fall term starts Sept. 0 following courses being offered ACCOUNTING-CLilK. TYPIST BUS. ADM.-RECEPT)ONIST SECRETARIAL EXEC LEGAL AND MEDICAL TAXATION-COURT REPORTING STENOGRAPH (MACH. SH,) -----g^rees - -DELINQUENT FAY M E N TrS -Brought up to date and your err— saved. Can work out: rental Shorihand- Taxatlon-1 yping DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Licensed by Mich. Stele Board ot Education' MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS H| •' ---------------8 U 3825098 HANDYMAN - A-C CARPENTER" WORK. Rough and flnleh, 335-3445. ALUMINUM SIDING and" ......... roofing; interior painting, complete HUaur-tr and maintenance. 363- BRIAN REALTY We Sold Your Neighbor's Home Multiple Llstiny Service I 4mUm • | e* Tday lo-4i __ <23-0702) CASH! I FOB YOUR PROPERTY $109 PER MONTH WALTON PARK MANOR U n p recedented opportunity—for families with less than $10,000 income. 1* 2 and 3 bedroom townshoyses, adjacent to .1-75, only 35 min.^o downtown Detroit. Open daily and Sunday 12 to 8 p.m. except Thurs. For more information call 335-W1. > 5 ROOMS* PRIVATE bath and en-trance, upper* close In. <23-0183. 5 ROOMS AND BATH on the water Waterford area* working couple preferred* no pets* utilities furnished* $175 per month plus security deposit. <23-0|<8. AMERICAN HERITAGE APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom* all convei air-conditioned* all utilitl eluded in rent. No pets. i. Adults preferred, $145. Art Daniels Bealty* 685-IS67. PONTIAC, 2-BEDROOM W O M E , GARAGE, CHILDREN OKAY* $110 PER MO.* SEC. REQUIRED. VERY COZY 2 BEDRM. brick bur off W. Huron on a quiet Carpeting, 2 fireplaces, 1 In ri .room. 1 car attached gar., rat. a elec, range. $215.00 per mo. 2 n( in advance. Ward or Ga | ' idge, 1050 W. Huron St., p Ready to property. Call us tor Ask tor owner. WM. MILLER, REALTY —f----- 332-0262 CASH NOW Move later. No -points, no commission, get our prlco FIRST. MARK REAL ESTATE COMPANY 1702 S. Telograph' “* o pets. Adults cash1:; BLOOMFIELb MANOR WEST 1 Mewiy completed luxury apartments* H o fb o I n t, electric appliances I featured. Carpeting ana drape: included. Model open daily 1C JMMEDIATEm OCCUPANCY Orchard Lake A Mlddlebelt Road 2300 WWdrow Wllson-682-3882 jMlOl Rent Lake Cottages 41 j BEAUTIFUL LAKE FRONT* cinder block* furnished* 4 bedroom* gas ' hea|* fireplace. Sept, to June. <25-4357 or 542-4725. CASS LAKE FRONT 2 bedroom 1 * I year around. Labor Day week* . $175. 682-2024 or 335-2054. 3-bedr In Waterford nf-QR 4-T649.“338- OPEN: nnrdark DAILY Closed Fridays On .Scott Loko Road, I Oft Dixie Highway . . nolle ’ 473-9669 R0CHESTER-LUDL0W -' " APARTMENTS x 845 LUDLOW, ROCHESTER IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 1 BEDROOMS - $155 board with full use of home, $15.* COLLEGE GIRL or working Wbr ir Poptlac Motors* 334-2674. enter, call <51-2222. , GENTLEMEN ONLY <9 W. Kennett i ROOM FOR RENT, h Pontiac Press-Want Ads [ For Action JUST CALL .: 334-4981 j Apartments, Unfurnished 38 Apartments, Unfurnished 38 TWO BEDROOM Apartment In , Pontiac . — downtown..Call Mr. Dee betwi and 8 eve. 332-7774. ^ « « \n£~ AREfATcrNGAppllcatlon! ROOMS AND BATH. Retired, tingle man# caretaker, token rent; 335-784$.' RIDGEMONT TOWNHOUSE APARTMENTS • One, Two fljjiJ Iliee Bedrooms • jtoper Gas Rang&S'* , - • Hotpoint Refrigerators • • • Carpet and Drapes • Swjming Pool and Pool House ' • All .Utilities-Except Electric • Air-Conditioning by Hotpoint. FROM $165.00 WITH ONE YEAR LEASE.* NO PETS ALLOWED. CHILDREN O.K.: PH Between East Boulevard and Madison—2 blocks from main gate 6f Pontiac Motors. 957 N. Perry St. - Phone 332-3322 Open Daily 10 A.M; except Wednesday :. ■ ! D—6 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 For Wont Ads Dial 3344981 teat Rm 41 [Rout Buslnm Property , 47-A Wi Hsy wi 3-BEDROOM BRICK aBtHlIB * SAGAMORE MOttL^Tv ee ai, ^hermopene wlrv eiiaob.tr, Lakajd^ . RtoNac d**.,M*»jjn ----- llEEPlNO TpoW fllrl-ladv. Privata fl ARK^TON AOFA »"• Howair Lake,' nlci •ntranca f E 2-6334 UAKIvilvN AKCA v I with baautlful li Rooms wlrt, Board 43 .... ' 491 SolsHoorn BEDROOM RANCH. ground pool. *24,*00. Optrn Sun. 12 Till 7, M-59, ion on Taggsrdlnt, right to 441 Sam. . 3 BEDROOMS. Largo living Iroom, natural tlraplaca, sunken dan, :arp*Hng and dr apt, ' 49 Sal* Houses nlihtd BY OWNER - 491 Sale Houses A RETIRED ELDERLY V country horn*. 425-51 Sti. Ia~r^~clean~rc^m. fesIBm!* ,how,r b*,h NICE CLEAN room,, hom meals, 335-1679 Rent Office Space 1ST FLOOR. 3 desk tp 5553 or *51-4574. ^^^^^timilulltul large c... ...... 43 On M IL modern Bulldlno available, cant. ATao large beautiful building now. ample parking. 427-M25, 422- iltaa with lg|E —— 3140. 353-0770. yicheala Rffy. 515 544 3303 Howair Lake, nfcaly landscaped *• "ful large oak fra**, va-large baautlful building lak* privileges. Phone c00kM Sol* Houses 47 WANTLAKE FRONT HOME? 2. 3 dr 4 bedroom,, call tor location,, pries, and tarme. •MILLS • /nS L* For 2 MODELS Open Daily 5-7 except.Fri. Sat. and Sun. 2-6 JI With lrtk« privileges, full b ------ large lot, 14500 dc a payments of 1175 p< RAY aided, full baatmant, I ____aa the ilreet from Lotua I '"Two—lot,—wtltl - take Offices In Lak* Orion MPJMIV 4*3-1371________ _444-4305 i 21 ALLEN STREET *500 down start, your deal, 1 bedroom gas heat, baatmant. Wright Real Estate, 3(2 Oaklano, PE (9141..__________________ 50 ASSES and 4 bedroom house. Good condition. Half basement, new furnace, 2 car garage, 2 well,, small barn, near church and store | I Silverwoo _ Michigan. __ $109PER MONTH WAIT0N PARK MANOR -----IICEDEt down. Immadlita 625*2128. 2Va car it. T#riw„ m and lirM * 85 to 88.000 jrivileges, r>r»rtgaqrt Of 5*4 t, $18,900. By $31,000 Including lot. Colony MtiQht** Priced from! 672*6670. 13 RFDROOM a. « ^ f, I «•* ' ikt Road V* milt| large lot, ...... ........... ns Ukt Road to FMA terms^no agents. 682*9524. , ■ 3ffrbROOM. BRICK, fireplace, aft i213 . ______ DArAnp F117 Ik F«t AR94M9A T »C present . Full •gent. . Tel*Huron1 basement, I $17,900 75* ONLY 35 DOWNTOWN DETROIT. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY 12 TO 0 P.M„. . EXCEPT THURS. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 33S- 441$ Dixie at $500 mo. CaHMA 5*2161 Spdyke Id. nIaR Walti |H priced from $17,100. financing available VROFESsibNAL' or genar garage. JElb.JLk. Eat. 412-42*6. 1 BEDROOM BRICK FRONT I ,rfi'aL 1 *14,500% 3 a! | , 411-0370. I. NEW VI ol. 2 bedroi _______,__________all brick Via ceramic bath*, family h car garaga. full ba,*-BBSMWI ,*00, 343-0*44 aft. 5 p.m. SV OWNER. "ASSUME aiTrar ca mortgage on 3 bedroom house Clarkiton arts, '/% acre corner lot, full prlco *11,500. Attar 5 p.~ 425-3315.__________• BACKUS FHA TERMS with 2 lota, new 2 car garage, basement, gas heat, completely fenced, and all th* city con- WATKINS LAKE RD. 3 bedroom aluminum horn* on huge 14 acre lot. spacious kitchen with ample cupboard,, full basement with ga, heat. Priced at 121,500 fha farm,. Call today. RANCH, - HAYDEN REALTY" 3*3-4404 10753 Highland Rd. (M-51 _ Vl mile Wtsl of Oxbow Lakt busy area uljlltlta furnished. 363 3200. flNGLE OFFiCi'S 4540 Dixie. *35, and up. OR 3-1355.____________ j jf™. ^ Rent Susi«ESs‘Propgr»y 47-A 3 ”§eproom_~on XstSiTTtreai, ******’,000 down, sail on r, 4*3-5477. Hra. 7- PonlTac, II,500-11,000 down, soil net, contract by owner, 4*3-5477. Hra. n I 11 *.m., STI p.m. .: 331-11*1 ___ 49 Sola Houses 49 Sale Houses GMC 3-Bedroom Economy Rancher, on your lot for only $20,981 E. J. Dunlap Custom Builder 2717 Sllvtrstone, corntr Walton 1— M 331-4407 49 (DJPM Smdleig/ § OPEN 4986 MAYBEE RD. (CLARKST0N AREA) FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL priced at lust *27,950. Built mant, 21. car attachad garaga, a BIO fatnlly-aiMd counlr Your chance to own a colonial at a rearTMWo —' “ on Maybe* Rd. Your host—Dick Dottou.se. 1944. Jt features a mable price.' Walton Bivd. to right o OPEN 359 S, CASS LA£E RD. WATERFRONT to-Otter and Sylvan Lake,. Lovely homo with 3 bodroomi and aundeck. Carpeting throughput, modern kitchen and llrst floor laund bath Lak* Rd. to left on Casa Lake Rd, Your host—Larry Smith. - OPEN 2560 HILLENDALE (ROCHESTER AREA) A PLACE TO REMEMBER 11 4 bedroom Cap* Cod located in the Rod 2 baths, carpeting, basement, and attachad 2 car g*rr~~ ' .... __U..ubuJI I. rl-k» ,n Li 1 it to right on Maryknoll, to rl n Hlilandai* to property. ' OPEN 5663 HUMMINGBIRD (CLARKST0N) HI-WOOD VILLAGE: You'll find thl* sprawling rancher aurrt Custom features include: 2 ceramic baths, relaxing family ri galore and modem kitchen. A choice home In-a choice loci lift on Hummingbird, Your host—Web. Grimes. male,lit oaks, maples, and pin**. _ laces, king sired bedrooms, closets i. Dixie Hwy. ■- -- ..... Bd - n Maybe* Rd, to OPEN 2340 BUNKER HILL DR. (ROCHESTER AREA) ENTERTAIN MUCH* Hera's A custom-built 3 bedroom brick ranchai featuring a built-in bar. Thera's an anticing swimming pool and nther Flexible tarma available. M-59 asst to laft on Crooks Rd. Hill, your heatssa—Kllamay Clara. ■ with a mammoth .family room itr extras, on over an sera of land. Chrlstlln Hill* Dr. to left on Bunker OPEN 1175 D0LANE (MILFORD. AREA) CUSTOM-BUILT 4 bedroom trl-loval In 'Ilka kitchen, carpeting throughout, finished 2Vs ;* new' condition. Loads of a: is such as: All-formica room and blacktop drive. Located on lak* privileges Included. Quick possession M-59 west to Dolane Blv< OPEN 2476 W. WALTON TODAY'S SPECIAL: 3 bedroom aluminum ran$f tiled baths, dry basement, pickled mahogany cyclont-fenced back yard for your tot's safety. I Blvd. Your host—Georg* Dubbs. v for only $24,950. Loads of closet space. 19k cerai n work, Aluma-Yue windows, attached garage, a Hwy, to rlghl on Silver Lake Rd. to left, on Wl OPEN 1770 SHERWOOD SYLVAN VILLAGE all-brick trl-level In a salting of huge family horn* otters th4 following features: 3 bedrooms,' attached garaga. Plus many other features such as — lake Sherwood. Your host—Frank Mover. taka. Located on a large landscaped lot, this IW baths, ladgarock tlraplaca and a 2Vk car privileges. Orchard. Lak* Rd. wait to right on OPEN 6998 TERRELL- v LOTUS LAKEFRONTI Built and designed tor the pleasures and comforts of lake living. All brick rancher with' gless wells overlooking the lake. 3 large bedrooms, finished tag.* I.......... nature) fireplace. Patio, sundeck and dock. You can still b* In In laft on William* Lake Rd. to right on Whllflild. to left on Tarrell. OPEN 3819 IRIS DRIVE A PRIVATE WORLD on one Ot Oakland County': aluminum-sided ranch home.. It has carpeting, • garage. Beautifully landscaflad double lot With tlraplaca. paneled TV room, electric ... it house. A GORGEOUS VIEWII Wilder Bridge, to right on ‘ “ ’ “ ’ hostess--LaFern Tremper OPEN 6700 PRINCfSS LANE mARKSTON AREA) HOME _ FOR 7 leges end Jadwln. Vinces, Lana. Your hostasi Mi OPEN 5573 DVORAK (CLARKST0N AREA) FOR THE NEEDY: It you need 3 bedrooms, a large ---------- 29* car attachad garaga? Wall, w* have It for you! Dixie Hwy. to Mayba* Rd. to left on Dvorak. Your hostess - Berni* Anderson. kitchen, a BIG back yard, main-floor leundrv end ' fa right r~ OPEN 8798 WAR BONNET (UNION LAKE AREA) EARLY AMERICAN CHARMS eurraund this 4 bedroom Capa Cod horn*. Esay-car* siding, axtra Vk bath on main floor, natural tlraplaca In family room, dry * ■ Located on * large landscaped lot In a pleasant neighborhood. Orchard Laki right gn W.*r Bonnet, Rd. to Commarg* Rd. 1 OPEN 155 MICHAELSON (ROCHESTER AREA) REAL COUNTRY SURROUNDINGS *r* yours with this spraw exceptionally large bedrooms, aluminum storms and screens, > Rochester Schools. M-59. east to right on Rochester Rd. to (eft ox OPEN 7484 GLASSC0TT (UNION LAKE AREA) SPIC AND SPAN brick and aluminum rancher with a-golf coursi built-ins. hardwood floors and .gas hast. Located mere* Rd. to Grain Lak* Rd. to ' Your hostess—Ann Carlson. r. J bedrooms, kitchen K- -elghborhood. Com* v the Open signs. OPEN 3735 LAKEWOOD WATKINS LAKE -FRONT: Enjoy a baautlful view of the lake through 3 thermopane picture windows. 3 bedroom brick rancher featuring 2 ceramic baths, attachad garage, wooded tot. end Stoat fishing, skiing and sailing. Contract tdrmi avallr *'"** ‘ ‘ Mi ‘ — . -r.i . _ Frank Bonntr. iiable. Dixit Hwy. to Watklna Lak* Rd. to right on Lakawood, Your hoit- FIVE NEW MODELS OPEN SAT.. & SUN. 2 * 5 P.M. or by Appointment COLONIAL AND MID-LEVEL: West Huron at Voorhals Rd. KEYLON RANCHER A TRI-LEVEL: Hitter Rd. *f Kevlon Dr. AVON RANCHER: Avon Rd. Just oast ot Crooks Rd, A$K ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE. PROGRAM Developed to aid homsewneri. Ilk* yourself, from bo big burdened with 2 homes. Without Th* Guarantee Plan, you must sell before .buying, dr, buy before selling, why ship and sacrifices? CALL TODAY and find out how you may l BATEMAN WAY! ' , issary hard *m6dern IT IS POSSIBLE!' IF VOU ACT QUICKLY, to own this attractive brick rancher li CARFEting, BASEMENT AND OA^ HEAT. Una* garaga .with and shrubs. Reasonably priced at (24,500. CALL TODAYn #3 Koratei^vNEW JUST THINK! THE KIDS CAN ROLLER SKATE It terrific location. 3 bedrooms, 2 car fireplace and a large patio. Und Contract terms. CALL TOOAYII #9 FURNISHED THREE BEDROOM with appliances Included. Lake privileges on Elisabeth Lake, ■ on Land Contract terms, and with immsdlat* possession. CALL Npwi_ CLARKST0N 6573 DIXIE HWY. 625-2441 muSt£ST»«D. ' THESE OFFICES 651-8518 "BUZZ BATEMAN" AT ANY OF * PONTIAC 377 S. TELEGRAPH 338-7161 UNION LAKE 8175 COMMERCE RD. 3&3-4T71 _________ a, 51000 down. Coolie Softwater Co.-^U Wi Walton._ : $13,990 THE BIG RANCHER — 3 badrm., family size kitchen, fully Insulated, large utility room. On your lot. . YOUNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER BILT Russell Young, Bldg. I. Pleasant moder down, with 2 bedroom, dining room and - full basement, full price 517,500. P-55. CALL RAY TODAY a; J74-410I AVON-NEW 3-bedrm. ranch, utility, ig*. kitchen, birch cabinets, formica lop, completely carpeted. Lot 10x135, $18,900. 052-1484._ " A SALE is" ONLY AS GOOD AS YOUR FINANCING. Sold or selling your home? Let us handle your mortgage. FHA or Gl. Low points. Adron Mtg. & Invst. Co. 332-1144 ____ AT ROCHESTER , In the vHlage —' this dean 3 bedroom, brick ranch. Lois of • carpeting, full ■ basement with recreation room, 19k car garage, D 034,900. immediate pdtsesslon. All vjllage conveniences — 3 bedroom, brick ranch, ceramic tiled —- heat, full b— BACKUS REALTY 332-1323_ __ _ ___________33B-J695 BALD EAGLE LAKE - Winter Horn*.. Newly remodeled, 3 hedrooms, garage, screened porch, 120 water frontage, $20(500. 500 Sunset or cell 244-0370, after 4 p.m. BEAU TIF U L ALMOST new brick ““th, attached ga----------- OfJica In Rochester MILTON WEAVER INC. Realtors na_w. University^ . 451-114) BY OWNER:-M»ln fiMr; 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor, partitioned for 2 more bedrooms. Lot: 150x412. 1 0)5,000. 402-2570. !' BEAUTlf0Lh Specious older homo — largo Dvv Ing room, huge kitchen and dining room. 3 hug* bedrooms. Full baMment plus 2Vi car garage. Located hear Pontiac Stats Hospital. PHA approved — mi down to qualified buyer. LAUINGER Since 1935 BY 6WN|R. DRAYTON Plains. 3 bedroom ranch. Fully corpctod. 19k baths. 2 tlraplaces. "All formica kitchan. Finished rocroatlon room with bar, 2 sliding glass <" Patio ond sun deck. Largo f corner lot. S30.00E-S5.000 Call 473-9417 tor appointment. BY OWNER, 3 bedroom home, side, lull finished basement, 29k evall. 130,M0. ---- ------ Estates, 330-0724. -_______ CLARKSTOll HOME OFFER . Air conditioned, 3 bedroom ranch, large living and family rooms with buffet dining and kitchen, carpel, 2 fireplaces, patio, tlnlshod 2 car garage with panolad rocroatlon room, basement laundry. Lot of storage and .largo' closets. In lake area near village,. and shopping center. Next to all 3 schools and churches. Bast neighbors. Call 475- 4490 tor appointment, ___________ CLARKSTON Baautlful brick home with exceptional features. TTi-levt! pro-, vlding 4 large bedrooms, 2 baths, with ceramic tile, specious living room with tine view, kitchen with Island sink, large utility room and work shop. Special feature* include FARRELL REALTY 2405 N. Opdyk* Rd. Pontlpc ___ ________332-4552_ FINE SYLVAN LAKE VILiTAGE 3 bedroom home, quick financing, by lend contract. 330-2479 or 447-0013. FOR'PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES. CALL IVAN W. SCHRAM Jilt Joslyn . FE 5-9471 REALTOR MLS Serving Pontiac area tor 20 years FIELDSTONE RANCH, In Clarkston. With 100x790 lot, 2 bedrooms. floors, hotwater heat 29k car garage abd Hams. Acre lot la It Peramus St. or at an Lane. 545,000 cash oi I of Goldfinch cash to — mortgage. KENNETH G. HEMPSTEAD Realtor 115 Elizabeth Lak* Rd. . Pontlr-Phonti 334-0204 CLARlC^blF SCHOOL AS EA 1 WALTER'S LAKE PRIVILEGES WE BUILD from your selection c our 1970' porMollo of U.S. Steal homes plans or Kingsbury Homo plsns. ■ Several choice view tots To choose from, several Ranch-Colonlal-Spllt foyar models under construction. Priced from 524,900 to 134,000 complata. Builder an lob dally, look for red Jeep, located 5 blocks North of Clafkston and Orion Rd., 4 Blocks west of N. Eston Rd., enter from Algonquin, 473-3403 __ Sylvan 402-2300 COLONIAL, 4 BEDROOMS, 'brayton area, lake prlVHcgee. m bath, custom carpeting, drapes. Family room with fireplace, formal dining ara*. MUST SEE *“ PRECIATE. 539,000—$10, land contract terms, 7 Interest, CALL «7>17M. lacktop street. 54500 down. ie payments of ge, $7,000 down, 7 f» land contract. FB 0-0912. ___________ BY OWNER, 3 bedroom brick ranch, corner tot, beautifully decorated. Assume mortgage. 019,900. 335-3523. BY OWNER: ~4 bedroom dramel fireplace, garage, recreation room, shade 'troes, fenced yard dhd Near ____J kitchan, basement and enclosed front porch, 2 - e a r garage. FHA approved at $15,100. Zero down. 401-0370. GMC* Oakland University. 451- __ BLOOMFIELD ORCHARDS, IfeVutl-ful colonial bi level on court, 4 bedrooms, huge back yard, walk to school and shopping. 029,900 assume new 414 percent mortoaee, appliances, negotiable. 332-4004. Sola Houses 49. GMC DAVISBufeo — 6-ROOM aluminum sided home,, need* complete Inside remodeling, 51,500 J DRAYTON PLAINS BRAND NEW 3 beroom, 19k bath, full basement, nice lol with shade trees, walking distance I schools and shopping. - don e. McDonald LICENSED builder OR 3-2837 DRAYTON PLAINS, 3 bedroom all electric brick ranch, IVk baths, family room with flroplaCa, full bsssmant, 2 car garaga. Fully carpeted, overlooking lake. Cash to existing mortgage or land contract. 447-4741. I DRAYTON. 4/bedroom, ranch, with t| x 22 family room, |9k -baths, carpeted living room, 2Vk car garage end las heat, only 324,450. FHA, P-35. Call Ray today. 474-4101. . OPEN - 6740 BALMORAl TERRACE—WATERFORD HILL Th* location and tram* ot y«Ur dreams, brick. 2 story colonial with 4 bedrooms, 2Vk baths, newly carpeted living and dining room, Uttswtdtno kttetran with load* of eating spaed, family room with fireplace, first floor laundry, full basement, 2 car garage, covered petto, all thle and more on a spacious wooded lot. DIXIE left on Waterford Hill Terrace, to right on Balmoral terrace. SUNDAY 2 TO. 5. YOUR HOST: Mr. Breeding. OPEN-8577 SANDY CREST-ELEGANT LAKE FRONT- Brlck construction, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, 3 baths, 2 k it on Sandy Croat, Sunday 2-5, your hostess, Lue Dunevti REASONABLY PRICED OPEN -179 SANDERSON -FAMILY HOME S large room* In all and all In Immaculate condition, 3 bedrooms and possible 4th. TVs baths, carpeted living and dining room, bCagtlfully modernized kitchen,' basement, .garage, and outdoor barbecue, *17,900 on FHA terms. Possible conversion to Income, Between State and Wlctetreck, SUNDAY 2 TO 5, YOUR HOSTESS: Iva ..NMhlas. ... OPEN-WORKING MAN'S BUILDING JOB Anothar Fhgeltangar L ------ , ranch hem* with black shutters, ___— - Formic* kitchan, oak floors, slate sntranca,_, rooms, Msamant, ga* heat, and price ot St7,ME, included decorating, storms and a lot TSkISD. SEVEN sites available next to medal. Clsrktton-Orton RM., north' V Eston, west on Whipple Lak* Rd., north on Yale, SUNDAY 2 TO 5, YOUR .HOSTESS: Marlon Jalklns. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO 6 FOR INFORMATION CALL OR 4-0324 YOUNG COUPLES DREAM HOUSE s and on an Mtetandlng lot 75'x200'. strategically located lust h of Drayton Plains In a truly beautiful nalghborhoed. Handy itanPWtth eating spec* and toads of cupboards, -----------------— ughout, solid Hack tapped drive and garaga. clarkston acreage i to th* patto fi SUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Ing kitchen with breakfest bar, plus formal dining araaNoak rippri, piojtered walls. 3 large badre- ■ first floor laundry room, garage an DORRIS & SON REALTOR 2536 Dixit Hwy. Ml$ OR 4*0324 ..... ...... Eraazaway and extra storage bunding. Sll,2M full pnc*. Terms avallabla. SISL0CK & KENT, INC. 1309 Pkntisc State Bank Bldg. “ MM2 EXCEPTIONAL RANCH i. ___ flald Hills and St. Hugo’s school district. Kitchan with bulltins. lovely rac, room In basamant with bar and bulltln rafrlgerafor, many extras for comfon and con* venlence. Carpeting and draperies Included at 145,000. Gordon Walker t Assoc., 444-4700. ___ ■ FARRELL AVON TOWNSHIP Extra neat end clean 2 bedroom hrirk ranch with ftrablae* in hvina t. 2 car attached gi Near Northern High ' 3 bedroom ranch with IVk hatha. Recreation room In basement. -—■•L-.. .... |chooli fha 8il< Hewes ___«• HERRINGTON HILLS, 3 bedroom brick ranch, uwiMwd ^ basemint, Irnnw^lat* poisaeilon, 311,950 FE KING-PHIPPS gas baMMbrd/heat, 25 i- m garage, Wx 30* barn, all this and carpet throughout .Including kl and family roorr * room, bullt-ln rollsserle, dlshw Landscape large LAKE FRONT ________________ Lake, near Green and Uni... —R bi-level S rooms of comfortable living, clean spring lake, fishing and swimming good. Scan* win -----IU 03U00* Cash. EM 3-0945. Walking dlstai Junior nigh ai ___contract, P-59. Call Ray Today, 474-4101. FIRST IN VALUES Cease RENTING WE , ARE NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR HOMES WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICATIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND RETIREES ARB OKAY WITH US. OPEN DAILY AND- SAT. AND SUN. or Came to 294 W. Kennetl Near Baldwin REAL VALUE REALTY For Imediats Action Call FE 5-3676 - 642-4220 _ FOR SALE,BY OWNER a builder'* 4-bedroom, IVk bgth brl —— 29k ear garage,' full I fireplace in living n paneled rumpus room, L.... .nered lot shaded by old Amerlcen Elmo. Many extras plus igfllBaBEift terms. Phone FE 5-5075. Hi'GHLAtibESTAl , bedroom, tra M attached gere 4 per cent mi Traneferred, I 473-5210.____ HOLLY VILLAGE Nlc* cemtertaM* ' bungalow In plaast in Holly. Clo** to t and chUKhaa. SML contract. First tlm* ottered. HOLLY VILLAGE Exceptionally clean 3-bedroor brick and aluminum ranch horn on lovely lot, City water. Sawagi Full basement. lVk-car garagi • Located In older, well estebllshe neighborhood. Priced for quick] sale. Bank terms. ROYER REALTY, INC. GOODRICH HOLLY 636-2211 634-8204 TATES ..... _____ . baths, family room, ge; down payment to irfgage or reflnante. remediate possession. lab Here—________« OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 2118 MIDDLE BELT RD. 3-bsdroom brick horn*, with large living roam, dining room and kltonatt, full basamant/ family room, 2-car garaga, 2 flraplr** overlooking Hammond La Directions: On Mlddtebalt bob Squar* Lak* Rd. and Orchard Lak* Rd. HAYDEN REALTY 343-4404 10739 Highland Rd. (M-59) LAKE OAKLAND Beautiful large trl-level. Mom* across from th* lak*. , Includes family room and 29k car garaga. Full prlc* only *27,900 with *2400 ’>Wm' MACIDAY LAKE Real sharp 3 bedroom ranch with spacious carpeted living room and lull tlraplaca. Only *1400 down on FHA terms. LAUINGER 474-0319 _________474-0000 LAKE ORION TOWNSHIP 2-b*droom, full basement on land contract. About.29k * c rer Aluminum aiding, cerpatlng ar paneling. Call tor njrthar li formation. YORK garage. Lake privilege*. 343-420*. baautlful Duck i ar* all her* with 1 ... VJ tor tot with ---- beach. All this for only *24,90p with terms. WARDEN REALTY 3434 W. Huron, Pontiac 4*2t»2o , If ho answer trail 343-S660 ,«8 LAKE PR I V I LEG1 . bedrooms, forced air heat, attached garaga, big lot. (14,000, (4*00 Call 411-0370. GMC LIKE NEW, 3 bedroom ranch, full basamant, garage, landscaped, Lake Angelus area, bOtlt-lns, many extras. 139,990. SHELDON. 425-5557. uxi "vedroomi “TO. sq. ly 821. '0. GMC * OPEN 2 TO 5 SUNDAY New 3-bedroom ranch fully carpeted with family, room, full basamont, 2Vk-car attached garage 150' frontage. DIR..- Williams Lk. Rd. to Airport Rd., S. to OPEN sign*.--, ___________j OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2-5 By owner. 55,000 down. Land co tract or assume mortgage on th 2 year old splltrack trl-level. bedrooms, office or possible four bedroom, family room »1 * fireplace, lira baths. Kitchan Aid OPEN V SYLVAN LAKE SAM WARWICK — HAS 3 bedroom, brick,- Earpart, an city1 aarvioat, lake privileged. Hen Warwick, t2t,M. Immediate occupancy. Show any time. CALL 4*2-2020 or 4M-I714,_ TO . YOU. "MR/ lUVIAt W**~aro putting toggthar a package that w* hop* will appeal ty you. Would you ba Interested In a 3 badrotoftl Tram* with baaement. Inground twlmmlng pool and a lot with paved street? Complete package tor *23,950. John Voorhala Build*rs. Inc. 425-2574: Taka Ovar Pa^mtnts No Qualifying Batter hurry and **e this s-bedroom ranch In Jan* of Pontiac's batter neighborhoods. Full carpeted living room plu* Met corner ipt. ASsuma present FHA mortgage. Call for moro Information. LAUINGER 674-til» 6744)880 the r~r~ ; - 'Stop Renting' FROM $125 Mo. Excluding T. and I. NEW. 3 BEDROOMS, FREE BEACH, CARPETS, BIG KITCHEN AND MAINTENANCE FREE. FAST POSSESSION WIDOWS, DIVORCEES, EVEN PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS ARE OK WITH US. t Look for model sign on Carroll Lake Rd. between Commerce and Cooley Lak* Rds. BROKER ’ 398-7902________ 345-5470 ___ Drive waet on M-59, turn north on Wllllame Lk. Rd. 3 1----ranch, large family room, ‘ ‘14,990. full baeament, <14,991 BEAUTY CRAFT HOMES 574-4221 landscaped, 304 s. Mi — "0, FHA farm*. Owner* *| FE 4-9042. PONTIAC OFFERS THIS homa wlth 3 bedrooms, all with double closets, and wall to wall carpeting, plus new carpeting In living room'and hall, full finished basement, plus IVk new "~r garage, only $14,700. P-45. RAY VACANT, NEWLY DECORATED 3-bedroom bungalow, formal dining • room, full basamant, gas Call Ray lodayl PONTIAC PERRY PARK — . bedroom log, full basement, 51*t900 FHA. EAST SIDE — $14,000 and assn " s 4 bedroom, full basement, MARK REAL ESTATE COMPANY 1702 S. Telegraph •_332-0124 PRETTY AS A PICfURE, 2" bedroom ranch, naar th* lake, 19k car garagd. Just $15,500 VA zero down. Taka * look. 401-0370.' GMC WATBilFdRD. Lake with 2 badrr3** mant, bullt-l Ray for ttetellt end appointment ti - - p-74, : RAY CALL RAY TODAY! WATERFORD TOWNSHIP. Lak* and HOLLY, 3 bedroom brie i 29k baths. pi* shaped lot, $38,90J RAY MOVE RIGHT IN! 94 W. MANSFIELD NEAR KjENNETT SPOTLESS 3 BEDROOM RANCH- LADD'S QF PONTIAC_______________391-3300 CALL RAY TODAY I HEARTHSIDE With 2Vi ear ________ - .__________ lira betlt, large living rm., separata dining rm. plus briakfast area, gas heat, City water and sewers, back yard fenced. 124,900. FHA Retirement hem*, email whit*, ranch among th* trees, 2 bedrms. and ddn. tiled bath, living rm. has fireplace, nlc* tot. plus garage and lak* privileges. Only (14,000, land contract farms. / READY TO BUILD9 — Then sa* REALTORS - 21(7 ORCHARD LAKE RD. --- 314-3594 NEW 3-badroom, lira bath home on : lot, for only (10,900. Model ... Highland Rd. (M-59) lust past Elizabeth Lak* Rd., Open 11 a.r to 1:30 p.m. ahd 5 p.m, to 7 p.n.. dally except. Mon., Open Sat. and Sun. 1-4 p.m. BRIAN REALTY Wa sold your nofghb- ____ Multiple Listing Sorvlct Waakdayt 'til 9 Sunday i(M m pixii Hwy. mm HAiEL PARK. 2 I large kitchen, $13,000 full price, **,ooo dn. Take over payments of IF YOU ARE Lotting tor a quality custom hum* built on 'your tot- or ours, call Wurthmor Home*. Inc. 334-4390 or 33(4392. And got our IDEAL EOR LXEge' FAMILY, 0 with 5th ____________ many extras to I P-76y call Kay ■ ing In . Too -JOSEPH SINGLETON REALTOR 4 429 ORCHARD LK. RD. 335-1114 MOVE RIGHT INI 94 W. MANSFIELD NEAR KENNETT SPOTLESS 3-BEDROOM RANCHER In good (action naar shopping and school, be'autlf-. carpeted, gas h**t, FHA t FUll price. - $16,900 OPEN SUN., 2 P.M.-5 P.M. LADD'S ot Pontiac 391-3300 V ( BPDrMm Aluminum ranch, it water heat, fast occupancy. 500 moves you in. Frank Marotta Assoc. 3193 Union Uc. Rd. 343- NiL«6'W'iLB0i C6/'1' drnnnri home. Imm**tl«*« OR 34191 OWNER SELLING DIRECT, 2 brick hem** In JOffiwa Hill*, 7 ... p'W,'eortraeta, raesonabla down, qualified Buyers. 3S5-H44. OPEN SYLVAN LAKE SAM WARWICK — Hds 4-bedroom ——■» brfek. and atone frt* TBsS-wtodgw*# I ... city tarvlcas, IM (uiiinB, 1115 Strattonl Rd., *42,750. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. SHOWN ANY TIME. CALL as 514,910 plus lot. GIROUX REAL ESTATE 533* HIGHLAND ROAD 473-7(37 473-0200 49Sok Houses LISTING - SELLING,— APPRAISING - WILDING OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 s5515 OAK PARK l a fefga corner lot,, fenced back yard, 1 large . - -- om, dining araa, and axtra larga utility room, Var’V# ly It I* to own thl* fine tom*. DIRECTION*: Saehabaw Road aaay It north to Sign. OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 6749 ELLENW00D ih a price. A charming 3-badroom brick 253 - ^ “l* . . . iS9,90 Lake front property v wfth m baths, (car _ HHHin m. J— Ml Your Heaton this fin# homo, Mr. Bd ^ohraon,.wAt bo happy to ahbw you around. DIRECTIONS: West on AW* (Highland Rd.) to toff on Bogt* Like Rd. to tett an Ellanwoed. Watch for atom. Why Not Taka Advantage of Our . ' TERRIFIC TRADING PROGRAM • FRUSHOUR REALTY ■ REALTORS — MLS 674-2245 5730 Williams Laka Rd. 674-4161 Try U* 67M778 If No Answer on Othitr Phont Number PONITAC-WATKINS ESTATE, . *44.500. 451-8051. n Lk. Rd. 34S-7fllnto, turn rloht to Warbon- Sola Houses ml living room, |^^PM8to..flroplMSe, has elec., ...... futures .. _______ 'HAPPY FAMILY LIVING.' — led 2-car garage,, lft- He baths. *43,200. ' * M-59, |ust past Pontiac Rd., light fo right | ** -'7ht r------ “ BUD" EXTRAORDINARY A delightful 2 story, 3 bedroom brick home. In one of Pontlac'a finest neighborhoods,1 with carpeting', fireplace, lull /dining room, tip-top kitchen with disposal and dishwasher, air conditioner, full basamant, gas heat, 2-car garage, with electric aye, gas outdoor grill. Priced at *21,000.00, shgwn by appointment NORTH END Splc and Span 2-bedroom home, with full bastmont, gaa heat, automatic hot water, fenced rear yard. Pricad at *14,200.00 cash. NICH0LIE-HUDS0N Associates, Inc. 1141 W. Huron St. 681-1770 OR ‘ FE 2-3370 DIR.; HOWARD T. KEATING 2060 W. 13 Milt Birmingham 46-1234 565-7959 Our America Is Beautiful! ... but the only country in the world where one may drive 2,300 miles on a freeway arid see nothing but the bumper and taillight of the car ahead. So why not leave the speed and hub-bub of the freeway a n d discover some of the beautiful country roads Davisburg area? the Near Beautiful Lake Braemer VISIT OUR CANDLE FACTORY AND THE FAMOUS Y-KNOT ANTIQUE SHOP IN DAVISBURG WHITE LAKE AREA ~,A wild well preserved Early American colonial type. home. 4-bedroom, wiring 'good, furnace Wmoftw — .Electric pump S Vegetable Garda:.. ___ patch. Perennials. Located ... _ I....... M 7— Formica vanity 8— Built-in appllancai 9— inlaid vinyl 10— 1,117 square fut 11— Full basamant 12— 2 car garage Gordon Road to OPEN ANDERSON & GILFORD Building and Realty Nil Highland Rd. (M49) 4*24000 Sale Houses 49 Sale Houses -MM- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 “YES* WE TRADE!" OPEN SUN. 2-5 , Olk floors end plastered “—| —Jr**. Including. ._..n With 142 flat toga, Clarktton school MMIP „j>ktog for lako front? You'll buy this) *38,500. MONEY MAKER- Big Income producer k best, of rental tactions Pontiac apprtmant up. gat hut. Oarage- ROCHESTER' C0MMERCIAL- Immaculatt 4-bad room brick -M aluminum colonial home with full basammt and (—-*—■—» Plastered walla throughout, Lot... -. _______ including excellent carpeting. 24 x 28 store with 10 x 12 walk-ln cooler. 3-car garage. 3000 aq. ft. of blacktop. Big 102 x 444 lot. Wall landscaped. First offering and wonderful bargain. *55400 with excellent land contrast WARREN STOUT, REALTOR 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. PE 54145 Office Open Sunday 1 till e 134x70’ In depth. *15,000 down, 7 par trad. In Groveland Township Solo Houses KINZLER OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 NEW LAKE FRONT RANCH All aluminum exterior with 4 eol-torful moms and attached 2 car garage. Boating an fishing on 5 good connecting ISkoa and year round fun for the whole family, Clarktton School aru, FHA, Gl. or MGIC terms. Drive out Olxlo Hwy. left- at light In Waterford, 2 miles to 7045 Andersonvllle Rd. Your Host: Mr. Al Graham. CLARKST0N AREA 2 ACRES Thla It a one owner home and first time offered for tale. In a park Ilka tatting of big shade true and nice garden apace. 22' living room. terms, none other can compare.’ Bettor sae today. RETIREES' DELIGHT la this wall maintained 2 bedroom homo nur Williams Lake. Has fireplace, carpeting, draperies and extras. 2 car garage, work shop and tool -shod. 100r tot with big shade and garden spot. Sea today. MILLER Sal# Houses 49 Salt Houecu Val-IJ-Way AARON BAUGHEY REALTOR READY TO SET UP HOUSEKEEPING? This home It completely furnlahad, even to tho TV. Lorgt carpeted living room, eating area In bright kitchen, 2 ntca bedrooms on 1st floor with lovoly 3rd bedroom In bastmont. Large family room, got heal, sets on 2 loti, lft car garage, blacktop drive. Lots of flowors and shrubs. In a lovoly location with West Bloomfield High School. *21,950 with *1,000 down plus costa or FHA. 4 BEDROOM WAS H I NG TO I PARK and perfect tor the family r In kitchen. Full b ft *19,900 mortgage terms. SYLVAN LAKE AND SHARP I 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. Newly carpeted living and dining ■------- Mi. Full basement, gat ti % car garage, large corner try sharp In a prestige a " price. Call f prestige ar polntment. 1 ACRE OF GROUND (Approx, goes with this 3 bedroom ranct home west of city In a van privet* location.^ lft baths, built Ins, garage aha carport. Y«r< completely fenced. Just *19,900 oi j DUCK LAKE AREA Super sharp split level featuring 3 large bedrooms, country sized kitchen, large living room with-new wall to wall carpeting. Gat heat, aluminum storms ond screens. Redwood tundeck. Brick ■nd aluminum exterior. Locotod on 75x120 ft. lot. Only *19,950. FHA terms available. Vacant—Move in for $300 Beautiful 5-room homo featuring: 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, full basement, lft —-oarage. Hurry on this one I SEWARD ST. Don't mist this oxtre nice kopt hams. hr—----- - Ing halt idrooms. Featur - ill bedroom. Plus wall t: toll carpatlno. Convonlont kltcher - - —-a. Full baseman Move In for *450 only. Call Value ...JX„. Closing costs today l LAKE FRONT HOME Price lust .reduced, now 'a wonderful value. Like new colonial brick and aluminum quad-level on one of Oakland County’s largest and beat lakes. Six delightful gtoari plus 23' • recreation room flropiect v -----0 with ban.. land contract termi JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dixie Hwy, 423-033 Multiple Listing Service Open 9 ARRO Val-U-Way Realty and Building Co. FE 4-3531 ,YSH_CAN TRADE FOR ANY ■ HOME WE HAVE FOR SALE 345 Oakland Ava. . Open 9 to OPEN SUN. 2-5 HIITER OVERLOOKING SYLVAN LAKE TIMES LIKE TO GOLF? Wo have a large brick ranch on the edge of a golf course near Clarktton. Thla home la buutifully landscaped and decorated and futures * bedrooms, 2 ceramic Gat In tha swim. NEW BRICK ALUMINUM Ranch, over 1050 square feet of living area, hardwood floors, lft baths, loads of closet space, thermo pane windows, fujl basement, gas heat, 2-qar garage, ’ spacious lot In nice area wlm lake privileges. Close to shopping. LAKE FRONT HOME With 3 bedrooms, aluminum siding, screened porch overlooking *th« duty, 1ft car garage, (mead yard, MARGARET MCCULLOUGH, Rultor 5143 Cass-Ellzabeth Road 682-2211 MLS ________ Sun. 2-5 OPEN SUN. 2-5 1 6314 CHURCH ST. CLARKSTON This sharp, sharp 3 bedroom brick, only minutes from. 1-75. 4 years Wideman EAST SIDE-rGl TERMS Homo futuru large paneled family room, tile bath, full bosemonf With ft bath. Largs attached garage, paved drives anchor fenced .oorner M'Iia?"’**"*- onlv m'M0 NORTH SIDE-RANCHER PHA TERMS - 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and dining aru, ample cupboards. Spacious carpotod living room. Nice let with abundance of shade trees. CALL TODAY — WE HAVE THE KEY. I, 0. WIDEMAN? REALTOR 412 W. HURON *T. 334-4524 EVE. CALL • / 473-5040 ANNETT OFFERS ' ideal for small famMy. Neat’l iadmom hungalow with new get garage In basement. 7 room brick ahd stucco home In Seminole Hills. LR 12x33 With Traolaca. DR, family room, ■emodelod kitchen, breakfast nook, bedroom and bath on first floor. 2 bedrooms and both up. Full baa*. —it, new gas furnace. 40 foot tot, ir , gang*. Practically new sating and drapes Included at 500, forms. Brick and cedar shake Iwma In ___d condition. LR with fireplace. den, DR, 13x15 ft. kitchen, lavatory SANFORD ST. — 4 rooms and bath. Basamant. Garage. Neat \ and -. dean.. *11,500 FHA apprpypd.'. WE WILL.' TRADE Reoltors- 28 E. Huron St. Office Open Evenings & Sundey 1-4 338-0466 p7m.‘48?M53. OPENl,SUN.r2l-5.l< Sale Houses 49Sale Houses ” ’49" s near Grand Small trio pi_... __________ and 4-75 On 29 acres. Investment at ’’ ■ Blanc. ...Flint, house Is modernized: renteJ Maa -Bl land contract. On Beautiful . Lake Braemer Ross Twp. and west of Davisburg -t Beautiful home — Colonial. Brick and aluminum, lft lots on tha lak*. Built in 1947. Holly school bus. Many things go with this such as: appliances, gas Incinerator, carpets, drapes. Pontoon boat with new motor. Nlctly landscaped. Very nlc* 2-car garage Priced $49,900. 29 per cent down or cash to 4 per cut mortgage. ip Calls Welcome Attached 2 car garage ana tvii oesement with walnut paneled recreation roam. Offered at only *41,000. Don't walt-au " today CLARKSTON SCHOOLS Almost 1400 sauare fut of II aru In thla sharp ranch, taaa 1_ Features Include 3 — family room, OAKLAND LAKE FRONT Land contract terms with purchase of the neat 2-bad room home we have lust exclusively listed. Feature* Include full walk< out basement, fireplace, large enclosed porch, overlooking the lake, garage and lovely view. Of-“***“ call right Ilka, soft velvet, . .toka with the family room with lit — —1 sliding glass1 beautiful fireplace ___________...... door to exotic Japanese garden on back. If thla isn't enough, you got gat range, refrigerator, automatic washer and dryer, carpeting, replace, fixtures. Forgot to man- your personal "JOIN THE /MARCH TO TIMES"' Times Realty tlon„ 2ft .......... ....____ ment. lft baths, aluminum stormt and scruns. Pricad at SSI,900. Assume 5ft per cent mortgage. Walton Rd. to Almond, left to Church, Then left to *314, Your Host, Pat Schoolsy, Raalduca phone 4*2-5343. Representing ’’ Realty, 3401 W. Huron St. 482-5* OPEN SUN. 2-5 HIGHLAND ESTATE!* S As you plan your tour ot available I — homes. "MAKE THIS ONE *r MUST." You can enjoy tho luxury I of city living in Suburbia. Com- I munlty water. Paved struts. I sidewalks — all go w»n tm* *11 bedroom brick ranch « OXFORD OFFICE w. .-fd» wo-iv micM-iiangt, carpeted tiyino room dishwaSh®1? inwLnft:n formai dinina room, built-in oven, range and gaWgg, JP Hltch^riF paneled family room with fireplace, 4 maiter sized bedrooms, white rock facabrick exterior, 2-stall hiproof j be^aVsumed. 'aW lMTET'SX?i'SKB?X,,,l"B m°r'9*9* •ooms, white rock facabrick PRMt time offer-J ' — — assumed. Ask HUNT AND FISH ,,,8r pfrry La**- low malnionanco, oxtro cozy atmosphere, smell down payment, lend contract, sure beats rtntlng, * ilr loi ]]T^ t Y ,urnl‘h,d' lus* nwya In and sat up housekeeping. YOUNG EXECUTIVES 1^*. e“!'d J* *he buy vou'vs been looking for. Located near new Rochester High School, situated on a corner lot. 3 lar“ ■-cozy dining atmoaphero, brick fireplace In living r bjjsmsnt and additional fluaplaca. Price *34,500, i offer will be refused. Let's trade. Aik for H-143-E. AN OXFORD‘ORIGINAL °.n* tho oldest homes In town. Locotod on a quiat street ot tho best sections. 3 bedrooms, country kltchu, formal _ Jot, lust waiting, for the right person to romoder It. ’>6rily il5,900, torms,."*Ask'tor'?2iS. ** 823 S. LAPEER ROAD 49 Salt Houses awnings and I VON REALTY MLS 3401 W. Hu 4*2-5*00 If no answer, 334-0031 OFFICE OPEN SUR 2-5 49 Sal* Houses 1592 INDIANW00D RD. SUDDENLY SUMMER IS OVER And school begin*, So why welt any - is ono to view .ahd comps/ ilumlnum trim, marble sills. brick, with •tomtm IONS: M-OPEH" I past Lake Orion, f ding glass dooi ana built-in < n Indlan- I. pal. ■__ _____ ___ . Your Host, Kfli Hall. OPEN SUN. 2-5 wood .Road/to "OPl 753 R0BINANN SLEEPING BEAUTY An advantur* to good ‘ this quality b»lt homi, . .____ DM__________ beth, large klKhan with appltoncu and eating apace, formal dining room, oxtonaiva carpeting, recreation room wttn wot bar, fuced back yard, clty wMar, aawar, and axcallgnt. Waterford tosatML^Al-, RECTipNS: M-Jf WMt’rtglft^S^^^^^^gw^lSto, iwtoti''Mark, •SORRY, SOLDI turn right on R n. YourHH 1298 LARK. _ ’nSQRRY, SOLDI OPEN SUN. 2-5 DON'T DROOCJlir BUY in. . * $13,500—FHA OR Gl . Once you'va sun this you'll want It. You gat more -floor space In —n* of tha Mw ranchers built 1c1lr«Bc.r„ri lSm*y Mil homaT DIRECTIONS: Uhl-laft on Lark. Your Hoot, Lorry OPEjp SUN. 2-5 today. Gig kltchu ~ ■ Large living room, with wall to wa for a preview of this Impeccably vanity Drlvf, turn right an JBay, fur 2600 SILVER LAKE RD. A SUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM ' immr'iffi f£uS SSjoSS, with batB*onBudh1 ffoorl’0afl tWa pii?Mft acros, wit^*ak* Wontou ^oUNrD,S.anW^«LM.,’,^Nf'^ Your HoatrThurm Witt. ~ - IT'S GOING UP FAST! Everything but tho price that la. on our naw 3-badreom modal. Over i,ooo aq. ft. Aluminum aided, full basamant, hardwood floors, aulad glass windows' With screens, marble wills, ceramic bath, and yes, flw price Is Still $14,500 on your lot. YOU CAN’T BEAT ITl DON'T DELAY: CALL TODAY! Call any «9 our qualified salespeople for details. - OUR OFFICE WH-L BE OPEN SUNDAY'l^f.M. YOUR HOST, TED SEEFIELD GIVE US A CALLI - BUY—SELI TRADE—BUILDING—NEW LISTINGS Y GEORGE IRWIN, RiEALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE' 29B Wilt WaHon - , FE $-7883 EMWmSM. 'Mil* ' "IT'S TRADING TIME" OPEN ^ SUMa~2=5-Pi^L- 0PEN—645rWELLESLY TERRACE LAKE FRONT ON WATERFORD HILL dlMrlMjMjiMF. JPHPM exposed basamant with recreation ....... __________ the lake. Family rum with fireplace. Buutifully ...._____ yard end nice seitdy beech with boat deck. YOUR HOSTESS: Eileen Moyer. DIRECTIONS: Dixie Hwy. to left on Waterford Hill, left on Waltestey. naatlad to tho hillside la a must for tha - - - large split rock rancher with ---Lovely patio overlooking “——ynad OPEN—101 EDGELAKE PERFECT SETTING AND LOCATION OUR GUARANTEED : TrTdB4N—PLAN IS DESIGNED FOR YOU MR- homipwnvimvithout IT-YOU -MUST SELL &IPORE YOU tUY-OR BUY BEFORE YOU SELL—CALL RIGHT NOW TO TRADE THE HOME Y6u OWN FOR THE HOME YOU WANTI SPACIOUS-IMMACULATE HIGHLAND AREA Thlp seven-room, throo-bodroo style kitchen with custom to SMKBiP* s%m ONE ALWAYS STANDS OUTI If you're tooktog tor a home win this la it . . . A charming earn imlly— ■aeloua it 17$£i tSCHS s j.,, =“i appolntmut. coni FHA SPECIAL , ~ ' You couldn't find a nicer home than this cozy seven-room - plttoly carpeted ranch with Cliin. quiet electric hut. Ii Northern School dlstrlqt. Priced at fust S1S,91D. Make t must on your Hal of homos to te*. . >; OUR MODEL AT LAKE ANGELUS LAKEVIEW ESTATES WIU. BE OPEN SUNDAY FROM 2-5 P.M. > SEE OUR PICTURE AD IN THE HOME SECTION 1071 W. Huron St. MLS 681-1000 VACATION AT HOME ALL SUMMER AT NO COST! Lake front on beautiful Lotus Lake. Planned' to blond with Its gently sloping lot, this 3 bedroom brick homo will provide luxurious living for tho discriminating buyer who wants extra quality and something tastefully different In e home. Just under 1,700 sq. ft. ot living area, this home Is Ilka new, built In 1940. W frontage With comont wall LAKE FRONT! A perfect setting for a young family where they and thtlr can enjoy year round lako living, Owner retiring — thla to a offering’orthls three bedroom, 1ft bath home with two . and a 2 car attached garage. Call now. Priced at $39,950. HARD T0r BELIEVE That Vou a with extra with built-ins# c garage and near .... it's only $25#9Q0#4 incluct NEW LISTING 2 bedroom bungalow ranch lust listed with lake privileges on Casa Lake and Ellz. Lake, featuring 2 full ceramic baths, bultt-tos, wall/-wall carpeting throughout and all drapes, large family mom with natural fireplace. Attached garage, 3 lots,- attractively Possession M days, pricad at $25,900. Lais trade. IS YOUR PRESENT HOME CRAMPING YOU FOR SPACE? and will give Immediate p car garau. Glvr — - |to price 924,950. isslon. Lovely tot with large n this ana end let's talk tra< TURN THE TABLES ON YOUR LANDLORD Are you paying rant and collecting net do * turnabout? Hera's a trema...™.^ else pay your Mila. This to -a two story full each floor. Prosont owner Is bldg, naw hen of property. Pricad at 123,.500. Convanl so oasy to rant. Ihqulra today! Wo tr Here's a tromondoua-opawtoaifr1 to tot aomaona VILLAGE OF MILFORD Land Contract torma. Recently decorated 3 bedroom bungalow ranch. Brick and wet plaster construction. 3 bedrooms, full basement. Carpeting and drape# included. Pricad at $19,500. M days possession. TWO FAMILY INCOME This nut and ctean 2 family h to SChOOto and '*** Wien a 5 vectors I Call fl ited within walking distance ve from Pontiac Motor. Inis excellent properly NOW 11 PONTIAC NORTHERN AREA 1 sajrtfila real nice 3 bedroom home to inntm atnow areal This has a possible basamant. It to prlcad^for quIck SHt af only *17,500. With land available. *D29 ALUM. SIDED 2 bedroom lake front homo on Woodhull Lake. Newly decorated, paneled living room, uk floors, the stove and refrig, are included In the; kitchen, large utility room. Owner will sell on Land Contract. Wa have the key so tali go take a look, - *0-24 RAY O'NEIL REALTY TED'S TRADING 674-2236 MODEL OPEN 2 TO 5 > 2059 P0MPEY IMMEDIATE P0SSESSSI0N OR WILL DUPLICATE OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 6 9558 CAROL COURT The .ultra sharp contemporary rancher has such. futures as a walkout basement, beamed celling to the family room, fireplace, 1ft baths, dining room, M0ng bar In tha kitchen, large rooms, walk-ln closets, attached 2ft-car garage, paved drive and large scenic lota. Directions:, West on M-59 (Highland Road) to left at Twin Lake Subdivision. Your hostess:. Gsn Cooley. , OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 7415 BISCAYNE—LAKE FRONT y 3 bedroom all brick ranch with attached garage, full basa-largo lot. DIRECTIONS; West on M-59 (Highland Road) to _ OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 5463 FLEET-LAKE PRIVILEGES Extra sharp ranch with attached garage, privacy patio, fomlt ffSSli-tirS?!!'*' '‘rooting, end lake privileges on Elizabeth Laki DIRECTIONS: West on Elizabeth Lako Read to left u Cuts Lake Road to Fleet. Watch tor tlgns, YOUR HOST: Dud Moore Si ------- TNt-fOltOWING-TIOMIS -ARE .. OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 CALL 574-2236 FOR YOUR PERSONAL SHOWING U-G0T-2-C-THIS! Sharp 3 bedroom quad-lt< basement, *29,900. , den, lft baths. LAKE FRONT! SILVER LAKEI Fireplace, family rum, high bum celling, 2 car attached g carpeting and beautiful surroundings. CONTEMPORARY RANCH 3 bedrooms, dining room, bastmont, sunku I *32.900. Call 424-2400. baths,: patio, beautifully decorated. TWIN LAKES' . Gat out thla Sunday and sea this beautiful 4 bedroom all brick lake front home featuring 2 full baths, 2 fireplaces, attached It'rigi ------- ...W*' .J!**!*..!"*' WS i and en|oy tha unnybeach to la ITCH FOR SIGI LAKE ANGELUS COLONIAL 4-bedroom colonial, family room. MR garage, central air-conditioning. 149,900. looking too golf course. CASS LAKE AREA 3-bedroom ranch* dinino room, b IjbItd nrlvIlMMR ... ■McCullough Realty,, Inc'. 5460 HIGHLAND ROAD«M-59) 674-2236 674-2236 PONTIAC 624*2400 WALLED LAKI D—G THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 For Wont Ads Dial 334498L. Loh-Acrtag* Large Lots A SONS SUBURBAN LIVING AT ITS FtNISTi 2$, 44-3010. S. T- EVENINGS m ttoto blacktop rd, FE 5-1194 ttt. 5__________________________ At HOUOHTON LAKI. Pltost Of summer homo*. Fully largo tlraptec*. White I struct ton, 3 ---— bethi, fully houM, doubt bio garage, ikied from Volvot groan elusive fishing ad the wktoi. ____J bast aansl st lake. Below replace- ----- COtt pt S49.500. Contact Doris 1 Hlmabaugh, North Snort Of-DoTroy Realty, phono 412- Or Al H RESORT FOR SALE f per cent Yearly — Return on leeied motel A grocery for sol-For more Information call: Wlei. Real Estate, Tawas City, 34M923 or Salesmen Foul Young, Hole, rn-pu. COUNTRY HOME _. -----rtncti home, frits and shrubs, large Kill bath, t —i ted living rue SNYDER, KINNEY & BENNETT IN ROCHESTER lit W. University (2nd Floor) til-tlOO or 234-3100 ' lots-Acroago ^__________ 54 ACRE ON CASS Lk. Rd. north of M-Sf. is, li.OOO sn aero, with i IMO ft. rood frontage. FLATTLEY REALTY t» COMMERCE RD. 3224111 d. High O I Baldwin. Heavily ACRE c6RN|R Forcal near Clarksten, over TOO* road frontaga, goad restriction* on this neighborhood ot lino homes. $5 — on land contract. * MENZIES REAL ESTATE H-J4U It no Ant. 225.2251 ;f616-Acres;-bisekfop road, ma.THltBgff,~ ACRES CLARKSTON area 3 n from 1-21 on eavad. r 225-3242 or 22547S2. t-i« AEBi" RIVER Al sar Realty, 1234322, OK-MoS,' attention, Investors Invwstori wonted tor the con-itetet •* 0 2240111 apartment - — *it growing Wall- ogonta. 421-2425. KELLER • FAMILY INCOME: Off N. Parry. One 2 room apartment on first floor, 2 apartment* up. Rpntel *320 ear. month. Reasonable *-------- Newly improved. Blacktc Priced at *17400 Contract Hava SO tor M-il S BEDROOM WATER I on tend contract. Till Dr, on *v—" 1 -w ■ Coll 217-SI I2J0O JlMltY IN LAKE Lof. ........... is, beautiful pin*, Of Word are*. tion Clear L*k*, ..... ..... beaches, will consider boot, motor, and trailer. A* down payment. Calf SY OWNER.-Cotter Idfnd Latte, * bedroom ranch. 1V4 bathe, carpeting throughout, large foyer, all formica kitchen with built-in*, . t tar com, cuttom flnlihad walkout kite han, ui * system, 2 cor garag* wi door aoonor. S32.no. a waterfront tot • < *14,000 team to right parhc K. L. Templeton, Realtor «S12 ORCHARP LAKE RD. itl-mti *-A*GE LOT on private tek* front. Or t*50| terms. QR *. bp. mr x wT-r- ■ Dr. Inditea Vk of • port of liteten Lotte. GREEN ACRES MR S. Lopoor Rd. MY 34123 TAXr OVER _FAVM8NtS. MUST 2 ACRES, Clarkston area, near 1-75, 120x1100', horses allowed, cleared, *20 mo., SHELPON. 2254557, payment—Orton WRIGHT REALTY 3S2 Oakland Aye. FE 24141 U>TS - AIRFOif fcb. 50* X 1217, M FT. LOT evoriooklng Elizabeth ------ Ellzobom Rd-------- Lake, oil cost- ELWOOD REALTY LAND WANTED M-24—OXFORD “ 10 acre Industrial sites. Excellent 2-lsno highway, 15 mlnutss to 1-75. 11500 par aero. AN HONEST BARGAIN Metemers ore*. 50 acre.. Mm homo. Largo born, good iiiM (y BORDERS NEW FREEWAY 12S seres, 1.5 milts to Clovorloaf. East of Flint. SfOO par acre. schools. ,342,500. BATEMAN INVESTMENT It COMMERCIAL CO. . 377 S. T,... .... . 338-9641 Alter 5 p.m. and Sunday CALL 27- **“ OXFORD AREA Choice building site, 100 x 40 Tom REAGAN REAL ESTATE 1231 N. OPdvkt ______3 RHODES c* taka privilege lot, William* Lake Orion largo homo alio, corner Indlanwood large extra hematite, $5400. A. J. RHODES, Realtor MR. SIDNEY -WANTED MM 14 F... 1 3234270 You Can't Miss BUYING ACREAGE ASSURES YOU OF BREATHING ROOM, SOLID .. jyrj _ AND — at road and located TVk ACRES — Scenic tend and perfect for oxpoaod basement horn*. 2 miles N. of Oxford, *2,225. ACRES— Slightly rolling, 2 mill rfkOxford, tor eounti ................ - 40,300. living ’and hors* lovers, 10 ACRES nosr Otter Ltks. $5,250, 01,500 60 ACRE FARM ern. NoOdt minor r*„______ M decorating. Large barn and other ttr FEET COMMERCIAL comer, vtcant an Elltaboth Lab* ** rootonobte, terms. 2034534, HARPED R. FRANKS, Realty 100 x 147 COMMERCIAL LOT WIHt Hl^htend^and Milford on S. MIHord Isrg* h callent i h garages tor oi 0 X 240. 043400. I ACRE PARCELS with M-24 front- h of Oxford. Zoned 25_ ACRES NORTHWEST OF OX. terms. LADD'S OF PONTIAC 3277 5. LAPEER 3>1-3300 CARNIVAL By Dick Tu met I Salt Household Goods M-59 FRONTAGE n tguoro foot motonory building Ih 115' frontage, 1300 —as* • conditioned ottlci ted C-2. For solo in Realty. 323-7132, Business Opportunities 59 CONEY ISLAND High gross wonderful opportunity tor s couple. Fast browning, town In Osklond County. Doll lor----- Information, Liberal Terms. STATEWIDE REAL ESTATE Southern Fried Chicken Roaat Beat It you quality we-can place y« mediately. UhilMItad potential. Salt serve planned with Insld* stating. Call Mr, Hudson, SSI-1770. RESTAURANT Plant In Wlxom. Good breakfast lunch business. Clossd *v»mnn« Sunday. Asking U400 estate available at tow price. WARDEN REALTY I. Huron, Pontiac 203-3220 ’---------coll 3224220 0 for a - PEur Invoi.....,,.. ... it you to check our hundreds of trioutors — n u, „T„„ |Mi n company astebllth- ------------arid rotoronca* .. many as you want, service liquor trodo In company astab...., ad accounts part time and davtiop to lull time If you so dsslro. $3,750 MMMMNFt vending, no soil- AKC LIGHT CREAM female poodle ■ >ppy, will trade for froozer or III tor $25. 332-3274.__________ COLEMAN OIL FURNACE, 70,000 .... ------.... ._ 0pBr>f|0nj ji75 week. For full Information write Imperial Nut Co., 13022 H(-L"A Warren, Mich, 20022. 773-4430. WANT SECURITY? BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Family operated party store with living —*-**— GOOD 10-PT, Aluminum pram v satana today. YORK 2 ________2724323 iKvestors, R.i'fIRli'S, o widows, amall Investment, axe ic Press, Box C42. Sunoco available to the right mini I HURON AND WILLIAMS (NEAR WIDE TRACK) qautful 3 bay Colonial Mrvli Coll (or Information: Sun Oil Co. 20 ACRE FARM co. ranch heme, ttells. Hugo riding Boatrtitol'satting* Water and gas on ptoporiy, groat gotenNsl. $38,500 terms. Owner. Lk. with Farm house. Could bo rozonad. Priced tor q C. SCHUETT EM 3-7188 $$80 Commerce Rd. Union Like 'itilfc11 Tipple t r e • .8(TBOInr0otn^l SSo'"par II spilt. AL F PAULY EVES. '273-2273 3-2144. Hill*, 230 BEAUTIFUL WOODED tot poor CHEAPIE L0T- so x 117 lot Woolly situ to Auburn S, Crooks R< the street. *1500 c*sh. CANAL FRONTAGE- Excellent canal front lot to Oxbow Loka. 6lz* 75 x BEAUTIFUL PINES— Includsd with this 5.4 *ci.. .. unspotted beauty In rolling coun-tryild* In Orion Township. A it you set it you'il buy It. WARREN STOUT, REALTOR 1450 N. Opdyk#_ Rd. _ ... FE 14121 I. Opdyk# R Open SUI CITY EAST CORNER LOT, 50x150 It lecent Jo*,. 50x150'., $2,000 EA. BALDWIN AVENUE —■ x 100 ft. cprnar ttt', PURCHASE ON LAND CON- TRACT. < VILLAGE OF WATERFORD Approx. 3V% acres, shade er evergreen trass. Lake privileges. wooded, an land contract. 0. WIDEMAN, REALTOR 212 W. HURON ST- 334-453 EVE. CALL ^462 DISTRESS SALE EXCELLENT HUNTINO-FISNINO Nice wooded lot. lake prlvllagod tot at Little Boar Lake near Gaylord with A-Pramo, $2,571. -trriri twms available. Contact: Dud Moore of Ron Ni McCullough Rtalty Inc. 674*2236 FUTURE HOMESITES flyig tlte ____ sand bottom spring ted ■^ vow ownsr, 223-1333. I TRAfUER AtFp 'CsmblnS sttes, Ottori . mo-' Mr‘ CLARKSTON AREA ...;-- DEER 'LAKE - 4 wooded toh Websier-Curtis | { Oxford-Orion hadley and oakhill rd. ---H VAiuitrvnwi i jsro Orchard, tots, 30Sx250; with * 54 down; from ranch horns, now carpeting, ga&r — right Inl BOB WHITE 20 rolQUtos to Pontiac. Must saan. ■* Royer Realty, Inc. GOODRICH 636-2211 8Tt0 BOO ACRES In Lower Michigan. Dairy, beat or hogtl Noma your Sol# Land Contracts ''MlSilgen'i Form Real Estate “ *“ N. Michigan 2t„ Ph.: 517- mim. $125 ACRE, 340 peros country gentleman's terms. Staftly | bedroom "plus 3 bedroom tenon! house, good barns, and outbuildings. • IW seres with wsll kspl 4 bedroom form house, largo horse bora and nlei outbuildings, —*—■ 1500* of CALL COLLECT 227-2315 WELL SECURED li sal*. Bill Dm- 3 FES4)20,FB________________ WantBd Coiih^cts-Mt|. 60-A blacktop f«id.v tract, teriha. 10 acres wooded ravin* ............ stream north of Rochester, $15,000, untry horns sigh*. $7,500, HWiPWtt Rssl Estate, 540-4217 w 4M-1730 evening*. - FARM 3’/i ACRES mm 3 bedroom remodaFed over 300* or told frontago, adlolnlng - ■—1 - troas and adlolnlng atate tend, hardwood fruit trees. aurreur-"--Ortonvllla, 113,250. FARM 17’/s ACRES Gractom country living, building In HMf— fondltlon, 3 traoa, is mites northwest ot FARM 80 ACRES 30 acres, lak* possible, 2 l streams, 3 bedrooms, and t .Near Ortenvlll*. lust off-1 'highway. 3120 per acre. - 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgontly needed. Sea ua before CASH FOR LANO CONTRACTS H, J. Van Walt 4540 Dixie Hwy!, — OR 3-1355 discount *1,053.4 iwn, 7 par ci r month. V C. PANGUS INC., Realtor OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 23t M-il. _____________ ortenvlll* VlfL bajte *> N|.** “Congratulations! That was a real sleep-shattering sermon you preached, Reverend!” Swaps 15' FIBERGLAS boat, 65 h.p. cury moter, i In trad*. $1,000 or tek* inowmobll* 3234217. (52 PORD bUMP, vary good for 11 or 12 HP gardon tractor. 504$ Harvard, Clartaiten, 228-1402, 3223 PONTIAC NEEDS trans. work. For riding ynowar or ??, 3334122. 1222 LTD 4 door hardtop, with low igo tor go«l Dun* Buggy, call ’ 5 p.m.lEM 3-0722. 63 Sal* Household Goads 65 "fRIGIDAIRE aid* by aide after 5 4 door, tr.40O, tradi 55,006 BTU COUNTER fl ....... gal. ell MIPMIIP concrete laundry tuba, sump pi * ' -----S1S421S of-— - - - ll trailer at part ELECTRIC DRYER, IN axcalllant .............. ,8? ' ' FEMALE ALASKAN M l puppy. 2734712. GERMAN SHORT HAIR, ■hota and llcanied. w"1 -350 or awap for 7 OR EM S-" ' ‘ ■ No, 72, Will Mil for ....-.-.bargains. Llttte Bargain Housa, Baldwin at ton Blvd. FE E4I42. APPLIANCES: Tappan electric and Whirlpool dryer, 425-1862. MAN'S DIAMOND RING. Cost |jflj Fart Vi tan truck with .... TV Mil or swap ir car or motorcycle. FE 4-5040, POOL TABLE 12' alum. boat. 251-0221. REGISTERED POODLE Swap for SEE AD FOR 10 to *0 Northeri _. ^ in 1222, 23' SWAP NEVER usad Kirby vacuum saner and attachments, $250 itue for motorcycle. Also 124$ mtlac, $10150 335-1033. TO 24 INTERNATIONAL Bulldozer $2,800 or trad* tor ? 201-1420. SakClothing^ BRIDAL OOWNr from Hudson't* tl 2-10, A-line linen with apnilai $25. 423-2217. Ask tof Mlckl. BEAUTIFUL KNEE length wedding dress, SlZ* 10. 2744223-FULL LENGTH BRIDAL GOWN vail, size 5, never bar* FE 5-8383, slier 4 p.m. VELVET A-LINE Wsddlng dress. SlZ* 12, 251-7530 Or 335-2782. Sal* Household Goads 65 Vi WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY 3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $297 A HOUSEHOLD BARGAIN Spc. living rm. group (sofa, chali baautttur tables, 2 tamps); S p„ oedroom (double drasiar, cheat, bad, mattress, springs, lamps); 2 place bunk bad — 5 piece dinette. Any item Sold Separately All for $328 - $1$ Monthly KAY. FURNITURE Next to K ' M - - AIR-CONDITIONERS Warehouse sate of Nam* Brand alr-conditlonors, itew direct shipment lust arrived. -Whirlpool, Gibson, Chry*., Alr-Tomp. Phllco, Hotpoint, ate. $89. ABC WAREHOUSE & STORAGE 41*25 Van Dyke '■" 1 bik. s. at 22 Mil* $5d E. Daily 10-9 Tuts., Sat, ‘til 2 739-101* ______________________ 7554098 PLENTY OF USED washers, *• -----------— — trade-in AUTOMATIC ZIGZAG "Faihion Dial/' nmde. ... cabinet. Taka aver payments ef: $5.50 Per Mo. for 8 Mos. 1928 or $44 Cash Balance Still Under Guarantee UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER 2215 Dixie Hwy. FE 44205 BUNK BEDS Choice of 15 atytei, trui triple trundle bads and complete: $49.50 and up. Furniture, 248 Auburn, FE 4-7881 BRONZE OR CHROME DINETTE tala, BRAND -NEW. Large and small tin (round, drop-leaf, rac-------’J$24)95*Uta‘ ” *■' *■ *" 7'*e’ earsoKPs furniture^ . PEARSON'S FURNITURE 8 Auburn________ fe *•) BUNKBEDS: SAVE PLENYYI Llttte Joa'o, 1421 Baidwln. pE 2-4842. CARPETING AND PAD, dark blue, Ilk* new, over 1280 — " sacrifice, $550. 242-2950. COLOR TV Closing out all 1229 models 1970 AMOELS iff STOCK FRAYER APPLIANCES _______ nos W. Huron CLOSE OUT OF remaining air < dB'»«ri» | top, toll--- * B Huron, I CARPETING. LITTLE JOE'S BARGAIN HOUSE 1421 Baldwin at Walton FE 2-2242 Acres at Free Parking -i... .. -- -3i «, jjrtermo Ev»s."fli l;Sa». *1 NEW SCRATCHED rafrtgaral Also- dinette sals, new spring a mattress sate, .$39,951 CSL, tl Oakland, 334-)ito2. 1 MILLION us to purchaM and atsunna_I contracts, mortgages or bthv hem**, lots or acreage outright. W* will gw* you cash for your aqwlty. Our appralMr It awaiting your call at: 674-2236 McCULLOUGH REALTY UO Highland Rd: (M-59) I pan 24 • 274- 1 to 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. Sea us before Warren Sout, Realtor I N. Opdyke Rd. FE 54125 Opan Evai. 'til t LAROf OR SMALL lai L land < isonabto K 44400 C.. PANGUS INC., REALTOR i ■ OPEN DAYS A WEEK -“* ' ' ortonvllla1- "71^ W" wiriwr DliSftss ttfffen n*^rt> Y532? w-3 m HH .J3Sg'«S“ country, $1000. to St. Caro, Mich. _ $17-473-1032 *. A. Caika, Realtor n M-21 (Imley Rd.r, estates, 45T frontaga . by LOVELAND Orchard Lake Rd. I^W' WJh,, terg* hem*. AH tttlima, availabta. Ideal far hushWIS. wba» horns ar Mid on Leona Lovoland, Realtor 2I0S Cass Labi Rd. 4SS-12U / LOANS „/ $25 to SI.000 insured Faymant Plan SAXTE^—LIV^joSTONB st6p YOUR HOUSE ^ FORECLOSURE Ih* bill celtacter - - step bll w* have FOR THE PAST 42 YEARS Voss 8i Buckner, Inc. i*s Pontlae State Rank Bldg, PIECE SECTIONAL Betga, $50. sets of Jalousie windows, comple _ with storms and scraans, $50. S-YEAR-OLD Maytag washer, heavy duty, $75; tarly Amarican sofa and sZatSLAS Jsr- — ________i flrwel: plate, *225; 30" , Chat, $4ft4S24742. 5‘ CHEST FREEZER, Ilka haw YEAR . vf rlgerato. - m vary OLD, frost PIECE AAAHOQANY Duncan Phyla dining roam aulj*. Call 274-1722 afterse.1- 1 9x12 Linoleum Rugs $4.95 Solid Vinyl Til* ....... Tea*. vinyl Asbaatas tlte ...... 7c *a. Inlaid Tlte, 2x2 ......... 7c *1. Fleer Shop-2255 Elizabeth Lak* "Across, From the Moll" 1969 SINGER ZLG-ZAG payments Interest ct—.„ . $63.86 Tax m. - Ceil Capitol Credit Mgr. tlH f p.m. for fre* home dame. , 729-4610 it Tell, call 1969 USED SINGER TOUCH AND SEW controls tot* but-tonholes, zig-zag. fancy designs, ate. Smooth, steady state Natures ----— * -tawjjreW' Daluxa m______________ cabinet and trM lessons h price $43.11. Call Mldwc— pllance 94 dalhb 3343312. 1969 USED SINGER GOLDEN TOUCH AND SEW —~ maker ..jarns.”com*i fwiSf caSiSte. price SI51 .SO. Call MMwwt Hava bean loaning St 334-3267 ?WE£L 1969 ZIG-ZAG Cabinet model. Saws on buttons, makes buttonholes, ovarcasts. Blind, stitches, hams dresses etc. All without "attachments. 5-year parts and laborlatwrMMP. ^42.3Q TAX INCL. Wilt taka $4.23 dawn and » monthly payments of $4.23 with no IntprMt. H CSSt ff - - - i. must sacrifice DuPont NR 100's o( yards at ejection of cqlprs, regular large i $0.95 > —1- j®'_. m -T-. .q. yd., fre* astlmatei. Household Appliances, — rHES DRYER, GAS, REFRIGBRAfOinBi 21" TV, $35; bunkbads; apartment riov«j $35; ml»c„ G. Harris, FE DINETTE SET, Ilka now $25. Wrlng-.... 47*P». E SET CLOSE-OUT TfrttoJeR, TftdiW DINING I ladder large hi DINE1TE SET Jut 2x12 shag nig; $49; Wrlrner washer, US. O. Har- FRIGIDAIRE ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS 8,000 BTU Slid* window. Used S months 4,000 BTU. Used t months . 12,000 BTU Floor modal CRUMP ELECTRIC » FE 43573 V $30. 251-4220. FURNITURE NEW! UNCLAIMED imf- - •-iBwlhr zlapared ' value, un< and MreJlRHH bit cushions, $272 balance $18$. Walnut toll alza bedroom Suite, mirror. * tn. $142 V Twin alza, Hollywood bed, comptot* with mattr— —toh — and hue unclaimed Italian matching chair, SMgrM: cushions. $142 value, I WUI Wn«bii,£SJ,^5.,,W Spanish bedroom suite, triple dresMr, framed mirror, S drawer chart and panalad bad. SS42 v—“ unclaimed balance. $114. 4 Drawer walnut chast, $34.50. 4 drawar mirror, Si2^ Maple mattr* French 'Frevlnclal sofa matching chair: zlppored revahill___ cushions. $342 value, unclaimed batenca $173. box spring, 729-4610 17.000 YARDS OF carpet—Must Mill Kitchen, commercial 501's, Kodels, nylons, and carpal from St .22 par yd. and up. CM) or credit. 1 of RectHwter'a largatt carpet -“-^TUM*. 1250 E. -Auburn Rd. Rochester Bat. John i and Walnut bedroom suite, complete —..........Ssjr® : law as SIS par month. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE it Site. Lk. Rd. 2S1-SS (Near Telegraph) (IS *Jit. to » p.m. dally) Floor Model WMtinghousi Automatic Dishwasher Price reduced Ip only $140 Goodyear Service Store 1170 Wide Trade - Petite, Mich. PHOHESliidHS GAS REFRIGERATOR $30. GM ITOVlLjmD CONflTMSit. 321-0222 GAS STOVE $10, r GE DELUXE RANGE with dMp-well, light, clack, timer, push buttons, 275. Small drop-leaf dinette, 4 chalra, $30. Twin bad, white, cam-plate, IS. Call 474-1030, attar 2 p.m. 2217 Mtnson Dr.., Hi-fi, TV i Waterford, off Williams Lk: Rd. HOUSEHOLD LEAVING AREA MUST SELL ANTIQUE RADIOS, V.H.F. Mobile transceivers, tub* t*lf*r,-V.T.V.M. waikla Tainiai. 3234336. ___________ Washer and dryer, antique hutc framed mirror, rugs, wicker si clothing and othar miac. items f to list. Friday •" I p.m., all day SSL and Sun. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALS ISE -YOUR CREDIT » BUT . ROOMS OP FURNITURE - Consists of: . , ■-place living room outfit wltlf I living room suit*, 2 stag table cocktail table, 2 table lamps (1) 9'xi2' rug Indudad. piece . bedroom suite with do dresser, chast, full-tlza bad ...... Ipnarsprlng mattress and matching box mrmr and —— 5-pleca dinette * American, Italian, French provincial, 3223. - ABC WAREHOUSE & STORAGE 48825 Van Dyke ) blk. S. of 21 Mila 152) E. IS Mil* Dally 1*4 732-1010 Tubs., Sat. ' CITIZEN-BAND TRANSISTOR, 23 credit fs WVmue WYMAN Baldwin. PE 24242. KING SIZE HIDE-A-BED, $25. FE 5- KENMORE WASHER WITH i $75 Hellywaod bad, $20, TV radio, *15, FE 5-0147. KITCHEN SET, Formica tap, ■■ bath like new KIRBY SWEEPER EXCELLENT CONDITION-S25 FULL GUARANTEE Kirby Service & Supply Co. 2217 DIXIE HWY. LEAVINCx STATE. 8 rooms fu and antjquas. to H.P. tractor. Wyman table, Quaa 274-2234 Rafrlgaretor. Baby furniture. 200 Francis, Naar .S. Blvd. Llvernols. __________ LIVING ROOM FURNITURE and —-------40 Mechanic A[' SB __________________FE 4-7331.___________ LIVING ROOMS, BRAND mw, about •• ‘ Baldwin, MAYTAG WRINGER WASHER, $35; bunkbed^ complete, 340. 482-53)9, w*gjjg, CHEFW.,f6BB*tiitosq dining room .MY* Kltcnon tooio with MODERN WALNUT DININp TABLE,.4 CHAIRS. Pool teB|t|i upholstered chairs. 451-0510. MOVING OUT OF atate, must sail. 43 x,21 x 35 mahogany buttpt, Ethan Allan cherry headboard and frame for doubt* bad, f MOVING FROM Birmingham, qua marble top dresser, orli serouke rug, 1&20, 11200. Orb kavaln rug, 9x12,, 01200. Mor beige, thick wool, 1200. 2 2344991,-ctoaad Oumtey*. C8b&3RATIVE ITEMS Mt back from a buying trip THE WOODEN PEG 42 5. M ’- GARAGE SALE, 1425 Whittier. . TuMdiy-Salurdav. 9 *.m.-7 p.m. GARAGE and yard /-1"- “ IPUND - OAK TABLB; . BOMlWt lamp; add* and ends of old chairs; assortment of ctolhlng, will b* at Watkins Lak* Flea Market, Sunday Aug. 17, on Watkln* Lake, eft u THE GREAT ORTONVILLE Flea sjrlrir Ir now open avare Sat. . Also Labor Day. Phan* eniywlMi. library das 315-4071, 3! warranty, moving to Europe, must sell, orlglMl price $225, |Nm reasonable offer. 242-4651. COLOR TELEVISION SALE Summar sale on color TV's, Iterrinean, Ear For Sol* MIscbIIsi EXPERT UPHOLSTER INO, reason-j^aprieStofr** roMr FISHER 50 watt, , atorae,. eustam K..iit cabinet, 30" atoetrto .stovav alactrlc refrigerator, call after m. 451-7051. “ 1 p.m. 2S1-70SI. FOR tALE: cnai Coke Machine. MAKE PER. EM 3-4155. GARAGE SALE, August 15,. 32 wd GARAGE SALE: Friday, August !5-. Aug. 23, 9-5 p.m. 531 Elizabeth St., Rochester. ®ARAGE SALE. MtKELLANEOUS. H Rd., Aug. 15-17, 10 a.m.- P )GE ---- _ Mary off GARAGE SALE: )■ 12 and 17. .ETsltfpordon. K mlac. r GARAGE SALE. MIsctllMnous < 2 - Joa's ^r^!8VEuT2al channels. Ilka m COMPONENT STEREO-SYSTEM, “ *ul 2000, solid state amplifiers, *r turntables, 2 San Sul SP ablnets with 5 speakers ' 335-5135. GOOD USED COLOR TVs, guaran- tead, cheap. 3344732. Condon TV. WALNUT OR MAPLE . CONSOLE Diamond Needles BSR 4-speed changer $89 Or 15 par month » UNIVERSAL __ , 2615 Dlxly Hwy. NEW COLOR TV's priced from 1229. Doran's Appliance wareheur-E-Witten, 3354724. PORTABLE RAQIO, Portable tap* For Sale MiscEllanBOus 67 17, HO, S GAUGE TRAINS, El*c-trolux, race set, mlsc. 335-1448. Vi.INCH COPPER WATER PIPE, 2$' cant* a, ft. ml to Inch copper water PlM, 32 canto a ft. G. A. Thompson A Son, 7005 *4-52 W. OAK OFFICE bESK (a drawers). swivel chalra. Savaral good aak chair*. Milk cam. 1 large dinner ball. Atony othar mlac. articles. 33*4234or if naanawar 1074732. W^y^^FNA^WER, pertabl SET )to?35Sl%. Warehouse, 527 lVi-INCH PLASTIC Gram fittings, no need to th anymore. It gam tog* glue, all you need I* a and a paint brush *, Thompson A Son,. er ^ lack-saw G. A. 4H-' 70x14 wide ovals, 4 ply, nylon .whitewalls, lata than 300 ml' 3)00. Call after 2 p.m. 274-3030. .X Oh UTILITY HAULING tl • 775 by 14 TIRES. ONE b I SWISS RIFLE, 21 gag* shat gun, triinka, mlac. and rummage, 1134 LaSaTla. — PEARSON'S FURNITURE HAS NOW MOVED TO 240 AUBURN, PONTIAC. FE 4-7111 . PHILCO REFRIGERATOR V guaranteed. Terrific savings. CURT'S APPLIANCE 2404 WILLIAMS LAKE RO. 274-1101 SOLID AAAPLB CRIB and FRM as. SIS. Good condition. 282- SECTldNAL COUEA, wkt to coffee tabl*, 8125.2934242. STAUFFER exerdsa tebte, aqua lounge chair, walnut antique coffee assorted lamps. A ....totTcaB liwmr , , Im* table lamp SIGNATURE ELECTRIC RANGE, burner, window even wit., removable Teflon llnars. $140, 335-1700, free eslmata. SACRIFICE. 17 cubic In. 1940 White Halpolnt, no fraat rafrlgaretor. 451-25B2 avanmaa, SINGER DIAL-A-MATIC Late modal school trade-in. Terms of: TL : j: . ^ $6 PER MONTH OR $59 CASH Naw Machine guarantee - UNIVERSAL SEWING CENTER 2215 Plxla HWy. FE USED color TV stlS M22.25 SWEET'S RADIO AND APPLIANCE INC WASHER, Couch, chair, television. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR WAREHOUSE-SALE U _______________________ to public, entire Inventory ' of new refrigerators, ranges, washers, etc. must/ba sold. Every Item dls- WASHER. ELECTRIC STOVE, bedroom sat, drapes. Bn*. 20-1241. WHEEL HORSE tractor 4 hp with ■ 32" mower, baby, bad, blrdaay* maple dresser,: student desk, coffee table, bunk beds, Mmv Lind bed, 21" comb. TV radio, phonograph. YOUNG •MARRIEDS ■—■ SIT Bi* CM 'sfisar- RUS «c 501 GIVEAWAY ytME at Avon-Troy Carpal Warehouse. Carpet, pad and daluxa imtallatltHIRIII sq. yd. Huriy — this la a once-ln-a-llfatlm* offer white merchandise is..«allablei 1250 E. Auburn Rd. (M52) Rochester b*t-Daqulndra. t of RochtL... . carpet warehOusas, ov«r 17,000 sq. I FORD to ton pickup, double ack camner, 2 quean size beds, 1 :ontaln*d. Slug carpet. arltlflcal . stereo. Call______________________ (920 SWINGER, TRUCK camper tom mtoli ilIdihg SBaTilF c HLuawrii nnsifBR ana uryor, *25 aa. AntlqOe china cabinet and . itraatsr.iliHI *•*—*~ i oia tank, 240IPPPL^ and tank Sto gal. $40. Electric hot water heater, *20. Ottiar mlsc. 332- -v-. —Jg», clack*, -lets of dtah**, ■J» rummage. Go to^Fisher^Bod^ BRAND NEW BUMPER pool » "vlng room chalra, 1 o_______ v 1 French Provincial |SMI 2OJVU0 ■ BASEMENT ^AlE, GOOD clatlwt, "“‘-trie stove tables, swag r— jy other thing*, 274 PI BEH2ES — BUY YOUR WEDDING announcements al discount fror-Forbas, 4500 Dtxi*. Drayton; OR CALORIC ULTRA-MATIC 30" . ewresj ■PRiyACy. FEN^i. r mi ■* “ ‘ toY".-. FE REFRIGERATC.._____ .—. I washer - with dau b I a galvanized tubs S40. 12 lb. boWtlng BTU. 7)res*ntiy |n op!w»tlOn,> *175 or consider 2 wheel trailer as pari condition, Mon. A Tues. 2-4, GARAGE BASEMENT SalV: ~ small refrlg.. mlsc. sporting goads, dressers, A double bad. Tamps, tables. VMM Barnsbury, Union Lake oft Willow ^ Rd. , GARAGE SALE: Drafting tobla, ton. Items. 5721 m l Dr., off V Rd., to mil* W. o I Lak* Rd. i Lk.. GIRL'i 22" BIKE, violin, fireplace screen, TV,. 15x10 maroon wool rug, ladles and children* clothing, draparlas. Curtain*, dlshas. 0772 -Buffalo Or. Union Lak*. 323-323*. GIGANTIC RUMO&toE sal*,JOc-i GIFTS-GAGS, JOKES, HOT WATER HEATER, 30 ga. ( Consumers approved $89.50 vaL.. $39.95 and $42.25 marred. Also electric and baton* heaters. Ter- HUGE SALE, GLASS furniture, IBM typewriter, small .appliance, mlac., 1123 Paver, off Orchard Lk. Rd. INTERNATIONAL, 7 HP, with anew blade, cultivator and lawn mower. OPDYKE HARDWARE FE 34282 LAWN SPRINKLING aytMlRs/l* Inch plastic PlM, $3.25 par 100, 1“ . platte pipe, 5.21 par 100, tto plastic pipe, $8.51 per 100, IVk Plastic pip*. $10.01 per 100. O. A. ’ Thompson i Sen, ISOS M-59 W. MOVING, GARAGE SALE BLOOM-FIELD HILLS, Sat, and Sun. to to 4 only. Bedroom sat; chalra, tables, ar, chairs, i 40, electric blankets, small alactrlc appliances, yard tools, window air conditioner, yards of toll material. 524 Rolling Rick Dr. Fox Hills subdivision -oft Opdyk* Rd. - N. of Square Lk. Rd. OIL FURNACE AND OIL TANK ■LAQUES - Unpalnt Vit price. 39VQ702. PONTIAC, FE 4-71*17 PLUMglNO BARGAINS, FREE heater, 147.95; 3-pl*c* bath sets, $52.95; laundry tray, trim, 112.95; shower stalls with trim. *39.95; 2-bowl .kink, *22.95; lav*., 1“*' rigM and up. Ftp* < $02.95; threadidT SAVE" PLUMilNG CtSU ' 1 Baldwin. FE 4-1512. RACING GO-CART with starter,' " -_______ 247-4221. ' RAILROAD TIES, NEW and used. SPECIAL SALE ON bathroom ---- savings, dosaout. Mats, 5720 WilDama TALL SHOWERS COMPLETE With faucets amt curtain* $69.50 value, MlchteanJFluorascant, 323 Orchard I OFFICE CHAIRS AND IQEbB™ BOULEVARD S 500,000 BTU National gaa boiler, — ft. 4" fin radiation w'“ ----------------------- ^ jml 2 cgvactori, is cast adlators, all complete with , . pumps, controls, and taptoeto for com-.. Justrlal .upp, At**-1 Burnham 85,000 BTU all •nri 2» gal. tank. Alto new steam | .furnlshad Fra* WE ARE MOVING JlbJAfv or /.more on' box* Christmas cardf■ 20 per cant al an Artlstri alls, canvases an ssjxr.au sat11,! ^ir^cant qw Eaton's liaxito ata- chirrs;- fii«; tebte',."S3.d^n5; am# WE ALSO BUY thin n^!2* *&***!&.. W27 CASE LOADER bactoW. ■£ SstoB.; Exercise bicycle .. massagar. $20; 1222 Ply Fwyjm er but alter. TV $1*. 273-2122. . Cncylopeoia Amarican*; BooiTof Knowledge, *75 and 135; I tahtot trailer;; »5; thorn* made ping pong table S';«»' to- plywood, $20. UL .*- AIR COMPRESSOR, GOOD running fNCLOSE YOUR SHOWER .... bathtub wHHb bSSttW Stoat Jhto G. A.- Thompson, For Wont Ads Diffl 334-4981 ' ;.4 : • ) ' ' 1 i T11K 1’ONTIAC HiKSS ‘yATL HDAV, AUGUST 16, 1969 u Hand Toote-IWBcWiwrY 68 COMMERCIAL PAINT ipriv'ir Brand new. Good spraying Insldi and optslda walls. Holds H gal. "pti-HtontlngPoft 79 IR COMPRES spray gun, mitre box bushman power saw tlaatrlc plainer, ,powa. _____ glass cutter, >/» H and vs inch drills, electric scraw d r l - -nomlllte. gas water pump, v cleaners, 90" fan, hand ilg . pfpa visa grease units, chain wheel puller, tape nr-1 bends ahd screw, .., „ tlngulshers, belt cutters, and mlsc, small tools. OR 3-6573. selling welding shop equipment. Miller 300 Hell-Arc, compressor, portable welding rig, truck, Lincoln welder, etc. 626- Camgrot • Service exc. condition, 473-0234. SEARS 8MM MOVIE cam 1 BASE GUITAR $70. Black pearl piece drum set $65 all A-l. 334-0398 or 332-1144. d**case, $75! '363^42847' AMPLIFIER ANU gum reasonable, 335^483. CUSTOM BASS AMP and” Tlscie guitar, excellent condition. FE 2 ,115 It’s time she’ li . Plano - 332-0567. MORRIS MUSIC 34 S. Telegraph' Rd„ across from ___Tel Huron, FE 2-0567 LOwrey Spinet Organs, used only In our. studios, large savings on this select group. Bank Terms, SHOP AT GALLAGHER'S 1710 Telegraph __ - FE 4-0566 r ^tore l- ■ ’til 9 p, MANAGERS DEMOS New Baldwin piano 990 Cor temporary walnut with bench -Save 20 per cent. ’ New Baldwin Organ, 'Yfc. OLb. COLLli and part German Shephard. MA 5^2408. TABSOLUTfct'T X6MABLE Male Seelpelnt Siamese kittens, 338-0670. S35, call after 2 P.m, 363-2344. COLLIE PUPAii_,__________________ male, AKC, Vat guarantees exc. FLUFFY KITTENS, free. 612- Aactlon Salts AUCTION SALE Antiques, Household, FarnfT & Mlsc. ‘ Monday, August 1JB, T969 11 a.m. • Located 3 miles east of Oxford or Lakeville Rd. Then 1 mile norm U 2141 Hotmer Rd. consists of 3 pt rear tractor scoop; Pofd 2 bot*-~ 14" glow. Ford 6 «. mower; ft.,... roller; 3 at., spring tooth cult; SOP go. overneed gas tank;. mepll harvest- table; .3 .piece maple bedroom suite; Marble top coffee tablet mantle dock; massive I drawer walnut cheat; 6 pl« chamber attt term dinner Belli «-yoke; 0 buggy wheels; IS cords fireplace weed; G- E- 2 oven electric stove; lewelry wagon plus much more — farm sold. 1st National Bank of Lapeer — clerk Harvey C. Strong — prop. Oxford - 620-3132 Bud Hlckmott - General auctioneer Oxford — 621-21 f“ AKC BEAGLE j»UPS, 7 weeks. Wormed, 685-1930._________________ AKC TOY COOLIES, adults, S35 others, $65 end up, studa. 635-4364. AKC MINIATURE POODLE puppies, ""ht apricot, $50. 602-0276 or 624- white toy stud ssrvlcs, reasonable. !RcREGISTERED BRITTANY, Champion tine, male 5 years old. 391-1812. AKC REGISTERED female. 007-9413. Stud AKC MINI-TOY.poodle pups, black, shots, wormed. 605-3437. CLOSE-OUT FLOOR MODEL -Whoelhorse tractors and mowers. We will not be undersold; Lowest B & B AUCTION Sot. Night, Aug. 16th 7 P.M. SHARP Truckloads of Now and Used Furniture and . Appliances HMMNfbodrOom breakfast sets, rtcliners and rockers, piano, stereo, radios, TVs, FORD 9N TRACTOR with front end ■s loader, good condition, 0350; 887-4596. International tiecfor super-A FE 4-1973 NEW, USED and Rebuilt Mowers, rakes end, hay conditioners,'DAVIS MACHINERY. ORTONVILLE, NA 7-3292. Your "Homellle Chain Sew "Detier,'' John Deere end New Idee Ports galore. ________ SUMMER CLEARANCE USED LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTOR* WITH MOWERS -CUB CADETS - WHEEL HORSE BOLENS — SIMPLICITY -SPRINGFIELD- ALL' RECONDITIONED AND READY TO GO. ALL PRICED TO SELL. TERMS AVAILABLE. KING BROS. FE 4-1662 FE 44)734 Pontiac Rd. at Opdyke . 88 travel Trailers AKC CHIHUAHUA Puppies. Alio stud service. FE 2-1497. AKC GERMAN SHEPHARD pups, 6 weeks, 628-4403. BOXER PUPPIES, AKC. i 625-4035. Beagle stud sjrviI Handsome AKC male, sired Held champion. 602-5.896, lamps, dishes, antiques, chime clocks, chine cabinets, toys ot all kinds, refrglerators, (lata models), automatic washers and dryers. Farm end garden tractors, riding DOOR PRIZE EACH AUCTION 5009 Dixie Hwy. ‘ - OR S-2711 EVERY SATURDAY EVERY SUNDAY .......z:w r.m WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Retail 7 Devs weekly CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME CASH PRIZE EVERY AUCTION 5089 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-271 2 HOLSTEIN feeder steers t, percussion, rhythm reverb. BEAU1 ■ purebred, -r- L-ChUdteiL-651 -5368, _--—- —faiir$M. 625-4053. cage8 $20P3M.6637C* ,l00r *'*nltoQ,1 contesL 1 B.v Kate Osann 8' CAMPER, SLEEPS 4, $250. . 625-2061___________ 0' PICK-UP camper, 3 mo. eld. 394- 0213,________.. ■ . ■ S' WHITE FIMBERGLAS pick-up cover, excellent condition, $90. 334- 9705. ____________ ' 10' WOLVERINE, SLEEPS 5 or 6. new stove and refrigerator, portable Jacke. UL 2-4247 alt. TTN. IV, LIKE NEW, SLEEPS 4, etSve. sink, Icebox, S525. 330-0603 53 E. Yptllanll 14' TRAILER, stove. Ice box. elec-trlc brakes. $500. 681-0506. e or,? Cell alter 3 p.n i960 TRIUMPH 500 -» 602-7100 Boafs-Accessdrlas V BOAT WITH 45 hp. Scott and trailer, convertible top. UL 2-2471. f sailboat, "(Cat) Fiban new mast, needs soms i “■■■■ alter 5 p.m. cal I960 HONDA 450 Scrambler, you must soe this ene lo believe It. I Cell after 6 p.m., 330-0359. I960 TRIUMPH 500, 1600 602-7100 1960 HONOA 175 with helmet. S450. 332-669). 1960 HONDA 330 ______________332-3115 1968 HODAKA ACS 100 ffllfbika. I lobbies, exv condition, S375. 674- JA 7926. ... FIBERGLAS Runabout. 75 H McCullough, aulo. heller & thallc ■water drive. 17' HD tilt tralle , Extras. 673-7817. _ 17' THOMPSON 00 H.P. Johnson t ‘roller. Good rough water bo; 971 Wanted Can-Tracks 101 ( ^ATTENTION GM Factory Officials WE NEED All sharp cart we can buy For our weetern market — we Pay top dollar for your Car — bring your car and title EXECUTIVE• Pjrt. 681 0369.,_ MFG. 65 HP Mercury, season, call eva., raasoni itie bRidGestone sso.' end helmet, call 625-2935. 1966 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE. 3S0o! 1792 miles. Exc. condition. 363-5666. S910. 17l;,, SPORTSCRAFT WITH 60 1969 YAMAHA# 125 Endure. 3 months Johnson on Pamco trailer plu: old. $425. 336-6779. | .cess. $1,550. 335-2163 after 4. ~CU$TOM-BUILT79 ask for Mr. Smiley Bros.-FE 4-4721 MUST SELUGrtnnall IPM In excellent condition 8350 (woTth USED ORGANS Choose from Hammonds and oi well-known brands. Prices as COON HOUND, pupe, 8 months old, Vi Plott, V< Blue Tick. 'A Black and tan out of regiitered Plott female. Harold Phillips, 99f‘ **■— Rd., Clifford. 5)7-7614796. COCKER PUPPIES, ALL colors. Stud service, DORJI KENNELS, 2150 W. Werdlow, Highland, Mich., 687-9660. _______________________ It Pleasure, 363-5592. 9-year-old Heavy i,-"-ind pony, geld 1, 887-4991. 15 MbNTH OLb white gelding colt 8125. C»H UL 2-5482, 1967 STAR CAMPER, fold out, self- eontelned, 8550. 674-2594.____ 1967' 20’ FROLIC-lelf-conflThearone owner, OR 3-1192.__________£____ 1967 DODGE VAN camper, V-B, auto, equipped, OR 4-fl9f._______ 1967, IB'- TROTWOOD, self contained,; very dean, Reese hitch and other, •xiras, muat Mil. 898 Collier, west off Joslyn. Check our deal on SWISS COLONY LUXURY TRAILERS FROLIC CAMPERS6 "S ANb TRUCKl”-(-?.S2Vu'..i!l; * SKAMPER ' FOLD-DOWN CAMPERS 10x47 BUDDY; ? bedrooms, carpeted, air conditioned, fully furnished on lot. 335-9673._________ 1-A MODERN DECOR . Early Delta mediately available , 500 miles, $975. 673- (AUGUST 1* -Special Salefe Mansfield AUTO SALES 300 MANSFIELD AUTO SALES 1184 Btldwln Ave. < Clinton' River TOP 1 FOR CLEAN CARS OR 560CC TITAN 288CC INVADER ... 125CC STINGER 12BCC TRAIL KAT 100CC WOLFE 1 50CC MAVERICK Plus t end license in slock ARABIAN GELDING, S year* “,3 hands; 5-yMr-old Tenneteee liking horse, gilding. Double D. weanling's. Priced to Mil. 625-3593 BUCKHORN SPORTING GOODS Slmco western tack and supplies, used saddles, coming soon, western clothes and hits. 6377 Eliz. Lk. Rd. * Colonial Mobile Home? FE 2-1657 674-44 “ | ke *d. 2733 Dixie Hwr. .. ___ Heights____ , _Pontiac!4' 1964 GENERAL MOBILE home, lt 12x58, air conditioner, furnished, '' utility shed, $37C0. 332-6592Jtt. 3.j^ 1 1965 LIBERlY 12x55 Carpeted, large, . ■ .. itchen. 2 btdfoomsr'ofihiy shed. A-l Motorcycle Insurance ‘ ______ FARMERS INSURANCE Agency of ..ilndshleld. canopy. 40 Evlnrude electric start, 2. 5- full canvas, 80 Mercuri Boats Are, Arriving I. Must Move Our Stock! ' mileage automobiles. . H. J. VAN WELT Jacobson Trailer So le? OR j 59bl| $3950. 332-0617. ■■1965 ACTIVE, 12x55 with 5x9 ax- MG SUZUKI SAL|S fl !;j 4662 Dixie Hwy. . 673-6458 I Drayton Plains _■ I’11969 450 HONDA road bike. A-l con ! dlllon, less 1,000 ml., >900 or best oMer. 338-2491. TOP $ PAID. All Cadillacs, Buick Electro 25s, Olds 98s, Pontiacs and anything sharp with air conditioning. WILSON f • CHISSMAN ; SELF-CONTAINED, 1 • w ■, •leaps 6, complete with hot and cold water, shower, aqua-magic toilet, 3 burner gaa stove, oven, ----— —trlgerator, 155 amp. trie brakes, furnace, 21', 23’, 25' MODELS ;. Prices start at 89,995, up. STACHLER.*TRAILER SALES, INC. 3771 Highland (M-|9)___682-9440 :lf contained. FE 5-1002. 1968 APACHE RAMADA. camper, sleeps 8, electric brakes and gas h^jjt. 51,395. Call 674-2634 attar 1961 TRAVEL TRAILER, tontalnad. Tandem Axle. 673-074V after 5:30 p.m. 1969 TENT TRAILER, large tent, $50. Both I dltion. r~ .....‘ — FINAL CLOSE OUT PLEASURE MATE DELUXE HARDTOP CAMPER r____| 630 E* Walton < Self-1588-0681 OpfBn Sun. 858-081 $2,350. — - GRINNELL'S doberman puppies, akc, a wk. ' DOWNTOWN STORE 1 l0V•b'• SS*', ________ 17 S. Saginaw_______FE 3-7168 752-2006.___________________ 682-41)2. , , UPRIGHT PIANO, good working DALMATION PUPPIES, ' °, ? *CAMP HORSES ere beck. 30 to Mil containod, overcab. sleeps condition. 683-6048. 1 ™ Skami Frank Ilns-Crac. Fans-SIreamllne _______ 1989 COACHMEN 8' pickup camper. r-Pleasure Metes id Prices. pando on living room. 2 bi 1968 MOBILE HOME, alhx^' wide. 3 bedroom with utility shed, S950 and take over payments. 634-4808,____ 126-200CC 281-360CC 361-500CC 501-760CC Choice! FAMILY SITES ... property damage tor 6 "sit .00 $14.08 $19.00 824.00 The "Ski" Boat ATTEX The’-Go-Anywhere Fun Vehicle For Outdoor Snorts . Anderson's Super Summer Sale it for Winter too : -versatile amphibious •'Your Altex right ii witn eat water-maneuver with i ALWAYS BUYING JUNK CARS *1 scrap, we tow. FE 5-2080.________________ OUTBOARD MOTORS - V.-I-2 JUNK CARS, free tow anytime, FE 5-7795 . -7-3 JUNK CARS - TRUCKS, ttM I JUNK CARS, PA'Y FOR SOME^ ATTENTION: All Junk Cars and Trucks Complete—removed free. 268-5524’. COPPER — BRASS, RADIATORS — starters and generators, C. Dlxson, OR 3-5149. ________ _____ JUNK 1, used Chlckgrlng Console Pit Ideal for serious musicians, i 8500. Bank forms. s pets, no papers, S25. 331-; ChM,. from, Western camp hi _______and English lumpers, 8150 to U 363-0089._________________________ ENGLISH SETTER iWlMFIES, Summer Stpre Hours--. <^:30 to 5:30 p.m. Open Mon, and Frl. *tll 9 p Music iBSSons . ACCORDION GUITAR, LESSONS, Seles-service. Also piano tuning. PulanackL OR &590. FREE TO G6o6 home, 2-yeer-old female beagle-cocker, (Payed. Ex-cellent with children. S6»4461. FREE TO GOOD home, klttans. FE 0-0095 ._________ FREE to good home. FREE PUPPIES. 3575 Loon Uke Shores ott Walton. Drayton Plains. POWELL MUSIC Studio Lessons. PORTABLE FILE C A B I id mlsc. OR 3-6575. Sporting Goods 9x13 TENT, COTS, corrlei coyer, etc. 662-0425. ________________ 12’ X 124.' TENT, EXTERIOR aluminum frame, used 3 BIBO. 682-8426. 22 LR AND MAG COMB. 6 shooter and holster 015. 22 LR auto Pistol, $40. 673-3075._________________ I960 AMPHICAT tor sale, $850. - 623-0276._____ - ANTloNY siviMMING pools. Bank rotes. Call today for details. RHODES P0GLS 250 W. Wall LARGE BAY PONY, pert Shetland and Welsh, mart, >70. 693-S166. LONGHORN CUTTING f® gray few trained. $50. OR 4-0306, *ves. EM 3-7546. PONY CART WITH matched tnm of harnessed ponies. Team of oxen broke to putt. Teem of Belgien draft' horses. Several ’Shetland ponies, riding ponies and horMS other work horMs with narnesMs. Bob Sleighs and Farm Wagons. Old farm machinery. 391-1570. 8, 9 weeks. 602-4610. QUARTER HORSE GEL D I I —|— g horse, good a, rider. 625-2397, phone Laoeer 666-2126. ______ LOST: DOBERMAN male, black and ten. name Duke. -Reward. FE ' QUARTERHORSE MARE. - ABRADOR RETRIEVERST MIXED GERMAN Shephard-Afdhan IS, $15, 682-7025, MIXED ST. BERNARD pups, 535 ea. REGISTERED TENNESSEE Walker, 2 year old filly gentle, ready to be trained, 14 month old stud .... good homes. 851-0072. ___ MIXED TERRIER.puppies, $5. •25-1922 BUCKHORN SPORTING GOODS ~ Guns and ammunition, buy am •Rtf0»rt In stock.' Al« GUNS, *00, new, used modern and antique. BUY, $*H, or. trade..Ken s Gun Shop, 1V4 ml. N. of Otlsvllle bn M-U, Phone 631-2991. Open 7 PUPPIES. PART Elk hourtd, Shepherd and Collie, 35. OR 3-07S0 PERSIAN KrrTENS --r-registered: .’.At colors, champion srod, .........—---------—------------- POOL TABLE, excellen* condlton. Pool Table warehouse. 532-7505. PROFESSIONAL PbOL table, slate. RED WING Hunters, $32J0{r-31A6S49 GENE'S ARCHERY, 714 W. Huron. TRAIL BOSS IS HERE J Made by the manufacturer of ttw famous Apache camp trailer. This 6-whMl drive, all terrain vehicle, has more to offer the family sportsman. Check these faotur" • Dual transmissions . # 20 ftp. engine • Polyethylene bodnlIW'--> • ElecT start B Full reverM :wlth steerii ONLY .61,495 JIM HARRINGTON'S SPORT CRAFT ApechO Factory Home .Town Dealer Vi tn1. E. ef Laeadr on M-21 1 OPEN SUNDAYS 664-9412 ; fell. Chempion backgroi h sides, shots, S50 ee., 461-01 »r 5 PM 634-843IT BERNARD PUPPIES, ARC stock, shots and ready for adults, house broken, free SPECIAL - 10 GALLON Ing, food, cholerine heater and tharmomotei ; / $12.9? ileal fish,' pet _ JMING, Uncle _______ . _. shop, 696 W. Hurpn. 3324515, Own Sunepys- ________ TOY TERRIER AND FoiTTwIer, Stats? UM^Hedley,1 Orfonvllle. COll Mim.-FrL. 627-3119. Sand-Grovol-DIrt 76 P. t Suppflcs-Servltt 7» , 1-A GROOMING Mr. Edwirds'*Hlph-PesW | *s«lon, ell breeds, 7 d*Y Bloomfield 601-2646 after 4 p.m Sacrifice. After 5 p.m Ina, $1495. FE 5-392S. Mjj—> 1969 STARCRAFT | TRAVEL TRAILERS INSIDE DISPLAY CRUISE-OUT, INC. > 3 E. Walton Dolly 9-6 FE 8-44021 _______CLOSED SUNDAYS APACHE SILVBR Buffalo, stove, sink, Icebox, dinette. Sleeps 6, 1695. 3 Clintonville, Pen- REGISTERED MORGAN horses, yearling stud, 2 year old filly, 3 year gelding, 7 year old brood mare. 2020 Noble Rd., Oxford. 628- MUST GO - Holly Travel Coach, Inc. I 15210 Holly, Hblly ME 4-6771 HAVE YOU SEEN THE ALL NEW HAYDEN CAMPER SALES On M-59. V> Ml. W. of Oxbow Lk. 363-6604 SALE - SALE - SALE We'rt Making Deals: Now Is The Time Tn Taka That New Trailer Or Pickup Camper Home Prices Slashed CLIFF- DREYER'S nowA waiting60 yAoRuAr Ain- Rale I MARINE'DIVISION |----------------wanteK~ SPECTION. MANY MODELS TO Qaifc? 15210 Holly Rd., Holly ME 4-677j HAW TOWmG dis°pSElaFy0M' this ^ °A New! 441 cc BSA • •895i BIRMINGHAM [052-1535 H&WT0WIN0 ,32.4x3s beautiful, peaceful area New! 500 cc Triumph $ 995 GOAT CENTER ‘ used Auto-Truck Parts 102 iSSilITOe. in Y0UR' nbw| New! 650Jriumph,. $1195 . mgu,M4 coRvETreTobRsPfe New! CB 350 Hooddl $ 695 stern dr. 1 Corvette hood. 4-speed, Ford New! 450 cc Honda^. $ 9951- - mi New! 90 cc Hondo .. $ 339 20'- BadT win mo M.rc. New! 50 cc Honda Mini tfSH «'iM ‘Trail . ........ .$ 268 -------— New! 250 cc Ducati . $ 495 Come out end sc is Sunday OAK HILL ESTATES HOME OF " - HOLLY MOBILE HOMES DIXIE HWY AT OAK HILL RD.-634-4443 Daily 9:9 AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER APACHE WHILE OUR SUPPLIES LAST |' -YOU SAVE $300. | RAMADA Sleeps 8, contains stove, sink, ice hav. water tank# pump and' bottled j Goucho couch converts into 'LITTLE DEN" pickup campers, covers custom built. Gulf Service, 4800 Hatchery# Drayton# 673-6473. MOST EVERYTHING In the way of parts and ac ccssories for the travel trailer. JOHNSON'S DETROITER AMERICAN SUNRISE PARK KROPF Double Wldes, Expando Custom built to your order MANY Star -Cralt, - ree Delivery and Setup Within 300 Miles AT SOB '.ton a, jtsfyn' FE 4-5,53^1 ITCHINRON MOBILE HOME SALES 4301 DIXIE HWY. 673-1202 DRAYTON PLAINS McCLELLAN TRAVEL TRAILERS ■hland Road (M59) Only 2 used campers left. A THANK YOU ing he V*lmlt*nnumber of, Apache trailers. In addition to ones that we have had previously In our ad. We would like to thank those that made our sale a great success: to those that we told we were MU .out, we welcome back I EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 625-1711 Clarkston. 625-2516 6507 Dixie Hwy. Open 9 e.m. to I p.m. 4820 Hlghlar*- ____ Phone 674-3163 JULY SALE 5 Trailers Reduced to Cost 2 19 foot West Winds 1 13 foot West- Wind v.> ‘ WHEEL CAMPERS The best in- fold down campers, el special prices. Saturday and Sunday 'til 5 Supreme! LEAVING STATE Oct. 1. before g Deluxe | a.m. or aft. 5 p.m. 335-2615. Clippers ■ ----------------------------------------- DRASTIC DISCOUNTS , On $11 remaining new GLA?SPAR and DUO BOATS and JOHNSON and CHRYSLER motors. USED BARGAINS . MANY MORE!|;?. 300 BIKES IN STOCK LOW DOWN PAYMENT ANDEftltoN'SALES *&*SCRVICE i ' YOUNG'S MARINA 1645 S. Telegraph ___FE 3-7182 °s*nd?y Vto*4 * BIG SAVINGS ...zat."”’ minirut. .... FIBERGLAS 48 h.p. Mercury, lllt- minicyle S269: fra,|erj cover, «iectrlc start, S400. ■ 1 817-525) attar 5 P-m._______ 175 CC BHdtaSfone IraM S479| FOR THE BEST DEAL 175 CC Bridgestont $459' a kivia/ucoc am 350 CC Bridgestone . $795 ANYWHERE ON— j Perry Lawn & Sport Equip. , s'ar^ craft;. oi«»tror transmission; 1 set " Ford I ’ i seals-black, 681-1469. ... 389 PONTIAC ENGINE, 4 I ™ mains, tri-power, com plat a rebuilt, $250, 338-0035 after 6._ -0ol 1956 TO 1962 CORVETTE body pi I and mlsc- 628-2044. -____ ‘ 1958. CHRYSLER "392 cubic i mmm . . __________________ heater, stove, monomatlc toilet, intercom, lacks, sun deck and ladder. 1764 LUXURY PLUS beautiful double -IV In VILLAGE GREEN MOBILE HOME PARK, 12'x60/ Marlette, delux model, indirect lighting In dining room, colored bath fixtures, loads of closets and built In bookshelves, exc. buy on this site. • Doris and Son Realtors. 474-0324. shed, beautifully landscaped, 434- S S3 CHEVY BODY peris, com-lete front end, 283 motor, exc. ondltlon. FE 4-6405.________________ , ALPINE MINI MG 1108 bddfoS, engines, parts. FE 2-3122. r. 628-1568. 50 CC Benell 125 CC Benel ITEMS: 1964 PONTIAC 389 vac. trl-power, complete, 855 289 Mustang engine 3150 -1965 Mercury 390 engine 3150 1965 Ford 38 engine $135 Ford 6 cylinder 223 cu. 350 1964 Pontiac 389 engine 3125 Other body and mechanical parts available. H. & H. AUTO SERVICE OR 3-5288________ 473-9364 MUNCIE 4-speed transmission 7685 Highland Rd. (M-59) -673-6234 q, motors,- BSA : VICTOR, 1968, showroom ! C; SHARP SORREL MAKE —, Come To JIM HARRINGTON'S SPORT CRAFT j Mile E. of Lapeer City Limit On M-2t Open 9 to 8 Mon-Frl. 9 TO 5 SAT. & SUN.__ VERTEX Magneto Sole. 5124’. Champion Automotive, 3784 Ellz. and starters. 268-5524.________ WANTED: LARGE Water pump off WANTED: 1963 0 New and Used Trucks .103 .1 ton FORD pickup truck, goad tires, runs good; bring battery, $50. MA 5-5483 alter 5. 1947 JEEP 4 wheel drive, snowplow, iiiuius. ■ «v*IEI|^tal^^ m i good condition, $758. 673-3506. v , Lek? Or kin ^692 5894 ttSoTFWTWTon stake tliickrex- JJkl^.r'.0P:-6?^a!'1:--------cel lent running, good tires, |250 or .Over 100 1969 Boats best otter. 334.43ft. ____^ • NOW ON DISPLAY ,on' ”'0# m“'1' Glastron, Sea Star- 11953 ford PjCKup, with '58 engine. North American Aluma Craft, Mirro Sail-fish, Sun-fish Mercury & Merc Cruiser Cruise Out, Inc. 63 Walton Closed Sun. FE’8-4402 PINTER'S se out prices on all steel n stock — Some models ICE Sat. 9-5 -75 at University Exit)__ SCOTT ATWATER# 15 H.P.# contrbls, ‘ ---- 628-1568. . #WITH GAS TANK# 13' Aluminum ........ i Trailers $120# 15 canoes $159.95 Big Coho boats# 14' $289. 15' $389. Save $$ at Buchanan's ________9669 Highland kd. 12' BOAT, 18 hp Evinruda motoi Ml CIAL yE4 craft boats# Grumman and Doiphii •pontoons. Take M-59 to W. Highland, right to Hickory Ridge Rd. lo Demode Rd left and follow signs to DAWSON'. SALES, TIPSICO LAKE, phone 629-2179. SWAMPED TO THE Gunwale over 1959 CHEVY Ai TOtJ Pickup, S tatchlng interior. Radio, heater, run price $195. Call Mr. Al at 682-2061. Dealer. 1961 CHEVY TANDEM DUMP, good condition, 682-7458. . hubs. 8658. 628-3138, 163 Vi TON Chevrolet pickup, fair-condition, 8326. 425-3492.____________-J 1983 CORVAIR, 2 d—.. ... ■ ;a for? 363-0861, daaldl-. 1965 ECdNOLINE VAN ruhs good, $425. 394-8031.____ 1965 CHEVROLET 2-TON, Cabin chassis; 2 speed axle, power steering, -Best offer. FE 4-4896 or FE 5-0428._______ SUMMER CLEARANCE! BOATS-MOTOR& TRAILERS $$$S-SAVE-$$S$ 1965 FORD 4 1195 foil pri-___ it Ml 4-7500. New location of . TURNER FORD 12600 Maple (15 Mile Rd.) Troy Mali 12' ALUMINUM boat and motor, x-" | —" 174-1762 --- 1 HP, the boat in twin. freanor's Trailers 682-1945 2012 Pontiac Drive ' NW T»l. I YELLOWSTONE CAPRI, 25', 2-yr-, Ilka new. Separata Mnwrn. Twin beds. Full Wh ..wjth__tub, tots of 1 EACH IN STOCK REDUCED 11! - CLEARANCE, ALL 1969s 12* W|DES, LOW'AS 33,999 ... . DELIVERED ANdIeTUPI UP NORTH BUYERS Ask for Spaclal Prices! 5 usad Hontas tram $17991 _ ADD-A-ROOM UNITS AND“- _ DOUBLE WIDES NOW AVAILABLE COUNTRYSIDE LIVING 1984 Oakland - 3S4-1509 625-4408 3 -HP LIL'INDIAN Mlnl-blkt. ax-| eellant condition, 8115. Firm; 681- MINI BIKE vary gi Motorcycles 1 New From Holly Park $300. 673-1127, after 4 p.rn. | $$$$-SAVE-$$$$ Lj96i CHEVY '/ 12'PLYWOOD BOAT and trailer, 580 Harrington Boat Works Tseve Auto cash. 360;n. Saglngw. ' ’___| u## Talagraph____________332-80331 TERRIFIC DICOUNTS g I all boats, pontoons and’canoes. Trailer with niw ,ear. S3J5 -U AT TONY'S MARINE ! N Lynn. MMlfr > 5~ Johnson motors - 33 years repair jjj I..... HI 3695^Char TON VAN - 14' ALUMINUM iONE sti Tvlnrude electric, tral 14' BOAT, 10 HP JOHNSON motor and trailer, $275. FE 4-5712. 1963 TRIUMPH BonnavllK. Ilka new, lota of Chroma. After 5 p.m. 493- 1965 HARLEY SPORTSTER. X1CH. $958 or trad* for late model plck- UP.33Sr254lT ' _______ ■ 1968 HONOA 450 SHARP. S475 or Canal St., MfHord. Call 814-7912. CENTURY YELLOWSTONE TRAVEL TRAILERS UALITY AT ANYBU DG6t STACHLER TRAILER SALES/ INC. 3771 Highland (M-89) 882-9448 TrBtvraod. travil trail r^naSJ-^&o. Your Authorized daalar for Holly 674-0847, • . ,______ Park; Oxtord. Parkwood, and 1986 SUZUKI X6, axe. cendltlom. Danish Kino- Prat- Dallvery within; or best offer. 363-9191. _ i».A!!L ]££!IT0'' m riverside so cc. Danish King. Ft 300. Miles. Will ORIIPap ... anything &f value. Open 9-9 P.M. MIDLAND TRAILER’SALES 2257 Plxfo Hwy, 388-0772 CHAMPION. 2 bedroqm, beat 1967 H9HOA 305, scrambler, $400 or : 50' STEWART, comp lately furnished, 50 gal. water hr-*“ carpeted, awning and tool >2,995 Cash. 334-6414. tar, 40 H aller, si 1 WOODEN ' BOAT, 15. hp motor, trailer, 3150. or bast offer. 428-1165. 15' SEA SPRITE, 50 HP, Mercury motor, convertible top, and edvir Ilka naw, 623-0608 attar 3 p.~ USED BOATS CLEARANCE > Outboards, l-O's, Speedboats Inboard Cruisers, Outboard Motors Many to Choose Prom - LAKE & SEA MARINE $. Blvd. at Saginaw FE 4-9587 ' YEAR-END SAVINGS . On 1969 Century's and Johnson's Century ig- 18' ' $4,550, demo. CanfUry 17', 250 h.p, $5,508 1966 FORD ECONO VAN. $895 foil price. Call Mac at Ml 4-7500. New location of .TURNER FORD 2600 Maple (15 Mila Rd.) Trey Mall. FIBERGLAS, 75 HP Johnson ...ator, trail:— ’“■* ---------'*■ $600. 674-3062. 15’ FIBERGLAS ski boat. With 75 hp trailer, also 16' _ - 9 )947,415-C Ercoupe. based at Poi 15W WlNpMILL SAILBOAT, ready “ 'all. Includes now dacron racing Is and traitor, call 628-4877. 16' FIBERGLAS Chrysler sallboaf, SI 350, 363-0388. 16' FIBERGLAS boot, 40 hp r 1280 lb. trailer. Ui. 2-1895. HP.-, ‘ electric tlac, $2,188, 681-1428, 4-7500. New location at TURNER FORD 100 Maple (15 Mile Rd.) Troy Mi ' "lie East of Woodward l mile east ot Woodward LUCKY AUTO 1940 W. Wide Track 1966 FORO W TON Pickup, V8 stick*: '? FM, radio, hoator. 38,000 1 175, beautltul lots ot equip-j brake*,. Zeb up tor/ largo h, margqp, $ “w Ion, Mi ' total time. LI 7-7942 or Wanted Cari-Trwcki 101 "TOP DOLLAR PAID’*' GLENN'S 1966 CHEVY, trae. Step b"umper/~Raase h fiberglass cover. 81275. TEANOR'S TRAILERS, 682- springs, battery. Pos.. ■.— u.Daa.L hlt-h condition, '6 2 5.4 635-9400 103 Foreign Can MG A ROADSTER 13—10 New and Iliad Truck* 1WI TODOt^ VAN, curtail mi ford pTck "up/-V wiinder,' CUSTOM" $995 MAa^aiierT 800d £0nd',ten I GRIMALDI CAR tor )**| "WTWCH'ew kick UP ♦» Oakland Ave. Fmt.w.. *nar». / New and Used Can It** FORD to TON Pickup tuitom ccb, 11*00. Ml -5*73 _ lWr'CHlVV i5 ton Chevy pickup, qood condition. 6*1-5351 t**> ovc han6y van in good CONDITION. KING BROS. INC FE 4-073< OR FE 4-14*3. 1*4* iwc '6 ~10N PICKUPS Ofw Immediate dellvesv. *83-3400. 105 New and Used Cart 1061 CORVAIR 4-DOOR, transportation. 474*1716. 1961 CHEVY 4757 jy-—** 1 Tlik r()N’ l l AC J’HHSS, SATCltDAY, AUGUST.if HH» 1061 New and Iliad Can lor Want Ads Dial 334-4981 ‘ 1061M ARM A DUKE By Anderson and Leaning ‘ ■ 1 ...„|l**i CORVAIR? RUNS GOOD, 1*44! E S-e«2l I corvalr, tor peris, five new lire*. )06 *51-24*3. lt*3 CORVAI STANDARD AUTO §£■' Ml „____i-Cc • „, convertTbie, 1300. mi-05417 01 in* Djpapa»l7'» UtM ,tM c^RVAIR *MONZA III*. .. .......... BUCKET iteti. good condition. *125. FE 3-IIIt._ 1143 CHEVY IMP ALA. 211 Itlck,, AlHtANOUTE Chevrolet \ Butt On M24 in Lake, Orion 693-8344 ronTUc. 642- -GMC TRUCK CENTER WATERFORD R'eEgS 3400 Ellinbelh'Lk. MI-0004. IMI BUICK.' RUNS aood. S75. M3' Squirrel Rd.. Auburn Hrlphtv 1964 Buick LeSqbre ^ ! Automatic, Wi COfcVlTTE convertible, blue power steer ina reaio, heater,' P|u* M«ck cordova hardtop* 327*350 whitawall tireo. Full price, »1W. nP 4 *PMd# posiiractlon, Jnductgd ,Call Mr. Alt at 6II-2061, Dealer 1463 CORVAIR MONZA bast offer j^a 544*4075. | K«« 1463 CORVAIR MONZA*2 servlot, I * CAMARO jmallc, console, iter* new tires* shod III* 43400. 334-Convertlbli 3 C O R V 335-9731 John McAuliffe Ford - DUMPS 1461 FORD F 600, with 3 5 | 1463 FORD F-350 $595 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 12100 Maple Rd. . Troy, Mich 642-7000 , 19*5 BUICK SEDAN, That hard-to-l Fischer BuIcklncT” M5 V llnd **lr* clean one owner Birnv Ml 1-5*00/ 3 tMnd^ow^Nw'onff^oiiy^SriMt1194-4. CMlViCCf .it, 327/ unused miles. Only 1948 full pr I Fischer Buick Inc. 515 Woodw lAotors, 251 Oakland, FE 4*4074. BIG VANS W ih 14 «f6bod°Rrol|F "p^rear. C Al Mochen^jv i . , AA ~rriYir'! '«* CMBVROLET Sl.llon Wagon. With alum. body, hideway lift get*, yf\Tf\D (MTV Power, oulometlc tranimlsston, A 1 mechanically, ready to work., j |yiv-/ 1 v^/JLl vjl 1 I radio, heater* whitawall liras* 4944 SMALL VANS' DODGE ! 1 MSrS5«£S““ * Ml 7-5*00.____ 1965 Buick Special $5?9 DICK CANCANS OR 3-5222 ' *!”?■ *W AIR CONVERTIBLE'.!3*?J n'L* condlllon, 1350. | ^to!«7lsVli»iji , LARRY SHEEHAN'S - 2!&T, SSi 3SS?tW HILLSIDE J°Pl. bucl'•, I ‘ Lincoln-Mercury MMMHMMi 1250 Oakland 333-7863 W •ulomellc. *550, FE^-7221. | wTtVSO?^T T ”‘4»pc«orv«5p.momm ?£' TK MILCJoCH j CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 19*9 CAMBRO. 2-door, hardtop, buck.) seettT console. floor shlfV,]. ,£?"«* wJ*.h "J1!* excellent condition, $795. Buy hero,, "gfifc JF'fif’L.lf.i: VPJJ 1 P.v horo. Marvel Motor*. BMB1 19*3 PLYMOUTH! BELVEDERE passenger station wagon. Robl egg blue with matching vlnt Interior. V-l automatic, - - ^ • It E 225. ‘ STAKES 1465 FORD F-350 One 'ton, dual wheels, nice! 1465 CHEVY 9 Ton u ft stake with V8. 2 speed, ax l-xtra nice throughout I TRACTORS 146$ FORD C 1000 V14 VI engine, 2 speed, h smi siraigKt air, sleeper cab, new SB must see this one. PICKUPS 1965 BUICK R tloor with V8 lutomatic transmission* majaam and steering* b* “ ET e finish, 1964" CORVAIR# WRECKED* best I ¥'■* «..w..V., .*u4»*drlves offer, 623*0460. ! 5 nSfA I 1464 IMPALA SS. Reverb. Ht GRIMALDI Buick-Opel I mags. Cooper tlres^l936. 1210 Orchard Lk. Rd. ‘ FE 2-41651 ortar, 332-457r«Tl5T*l6»4. j 1466" ”WfcR HARDTOP. Extra 1464 JMPALA CONVERTIBLEr V-i • \ sharp. Ona owner. Air conditioning, auto.* good condition, 8300. FE 2 New tires* full powtr* vlnvl roof. I 1774. On# year warranty.* Fi____ Inc- 515 Woodward. Ml 7*5600. j 1966 0UICK ELECTRA 225. One ! owner Birmingham trade. 2-door | ms CORVAIR MONZA convertib 1 hardtop with full ppwer avid new j automatic transmission, r a d I H 41884. Fischer I heater* Whitewalls. $700. 363*5677. | ! 1965 CORVAIR ~ Mon*a two do 11966 WILDCAT. Sharp custom I Sjgjy> r ♦«v?,feon!v *0OEd ' LARRY SHEEHAN’S r Buick 19^5 CORVAIR . SIS Woo< . Call 642-3224 attar 1964 IMPALA 2-DOOR* blue* v top* double power, a u transmission, factory air* tlr glass, low mileage, 334-2125. _ 1969 7 Caprice Sports Sedan V-l engine, automatic tran»ml*i powtr brake* and altering, b vinyl top, radio, heater, ch pagna finIMi, factory warranty. $3195 . Matthews-Hargreaves Oakland Ave. FE 4- MILOSCH “You wouldn't believe me when 1 told you it was too strong!” New and U»ad Cars 19*1 ' PLYMOUTH fury, -- tilCOT-r** -Silar^ I brakes. Pull i New and U*ad Cars___________106 IEVILLE. black, S-dogr Power jtaarlng, power brakaa, air1 conditioning. AM-FM. Power antenna. Rear ' window dafoggar. Price $1150, 335-03)0. ' . 1966 Bonneville - Station Wagon, 9 passenger. Loaded. Air conditioning and a root rack. This weak only $1795 Pontiac Retail S3-Unlv«r»lty Pr. FE 3-7954 New and Used Cart 106 SI3SP. FB 2-3I22. _________ 1966 Plymouth Belvedere I 4-door, VI, automatic, powtr steering and brakes. Vacation $1095 Town & Country Chrysler-Plymouth Rochester Main' St, *31-*220 CHEVY, 19*4 TEMPEST LeMen* convertible. Vl-automatlc, power itaaring and braktt, radio, haater, whitawall*, *,4,S' LAfRY SHEEHAN'S , HILLSIDE tincoln-Mercury 1250 Oakland 333-7863 4966 PONTIAC CATALINA hardtop^I stick shift* cxc. condition. 624-0034 j ’ aft6r 5 x •* 1466 PONTIAC CATALINA, . 6 passenger wagon* 4950. 625*4134. - 6 SAVOIE Ml 4*2735. SAVE MONt£^ New and Uted Cart 106 New and Uied Can 106 f9*4 BELVEDERE PLYMOUTH/ good condition,. 3*3-2110. ______.19** TEMPEST CUSTOM 2 door, 1966 PLYMOUTH flff XPJSSi Setollte 2-door ht, air conditioned, VI 23,000 actual mile*. Gult turquoise engine, automatic transmission, color, Now car trade In, Call 442- power brakes and steering. 32*9. California car ... no rust, iS^LfiSrV.'lSiin,w lr""d*and I Agdette Pontiac GRIMALDI Buick-Opel ! ,85° w-AA#pl* Rd- Troy 210 Orchard Lk. Rd. FE 2-91*5 19*4 PLYMOUTH 4-door, Belvedere t, "310" Fury auto., radio and original owner, excellent in, <1,030. 481-1534. tire*. aaf*-f-«rack, Cruise control, tinted glass, space saver spare. 03795 firm. *il-*293. 19*9 PONTIAC GRAND PRIA, elr, tinted glass, power steering, • brakes, posl traction, vlnvlniof' still llfec new, *3,<75. *51-4*61. m* GRAND PRIX, UK* nevfc M200-087-9475. 5*50 Eagl9 Rb., OH White ■ Lk. Rd. _______________—.—r________ SAVE MONEY A 7 MIKE SAVOIE CHEVY/1900 W Maple, Ml 4 273.V 19*9 TEMPEST CUSTOM S, two door hardtop, VO, loeded *nd sharp, <2500. call *73-9*54._______ 969 PONTIAC Catalln* 4 door hardtop, «lr, extra*. S31S0. *2S-40»0. 1969 PONTIAC 2 door Catalina, 42* enolna, air conditioned, power steering and brakes, low mlleagt. *51-1224._________________________ 1969 PONTIAC CATALINA _4 door hardtop, air conditioning, Cordova top, power steering and brakes, radio, plus other accessories, only ------622-2932. condition, 1963 FORD GALAXY, 4 door, power >adlo, wide oval liras ilka i good condition, *300. SAVE MONEY AT MIKE SAVOIfe; 19*4 ' n tires FE 3-4101 :. 515 WoodwarO whitewalls. 1595. ' 1RRY SHI_____ HILLSIDE Lincoln-Mercury Close-Out Deals ’ On All 1969 Models | John McAuliffe Ford “■ i We Moved ... ' Vi Mil* N. of Miracle Mil6 1845 S. Telegraph Rd. . FE 5-4101 Foreign Cars 105 19.56 MG A, SHARP blut, Whatlt* 4350* 682*9441. 1957 VW 4300. radio, w Call 6ST-2YsY IMS S. 1 9S9 VW SEDAN, excallcnl for duna buggy. Alto complataly rebuilt 40 h.p. VW angina. Chroma VXhaUtt. COfLifnaie mr iiuiiw buggy. Aftar 5 p.m. 693-8866. Lake-OrTon. N EXC. CONDITION. 4475. 1967 BUICK 333-7863 Rademacher CHEVY-OLDS On US 10 at M15 Clarkston MA 5-5071 *3195, *77 M-24, Lake Orion 1341. 1940 "CHRYSLER, HARDTOP, good. Sava Auto *1001 full price. _ P S. We've Moved! P' | 1.65 CHRYSLER Imperial 2 -JS^M clutch, .. J”. : •utometlc, Ppw^ri hardtop* with Tet, black finish* with ruDVCI CD PIYAADIITH Wild cat 2-door hardtop, steering end brakes, radio* hsater*! A black cordova top* full power, LnRYjLtK*rLYlViUU I n v.*L11;^iW.S^to.,..,.. I »"d «lr conditioning, clearance 2100 Maple Rd. Troy, Mich. LA**.Y.?t!5FiUN S I special only—$1211, lull price. "-------- HILLSIDE j . 538*3266. " . GRIMALDI Bulck-OpeI 1 Lincoln-MErcury £mh.n «t®M^Miit »W TRIU6*PH„TR-3, needs work, },0 0rch.rd u, Rd, FE 2-9163 j 1250 Oakland 333-7863! 1143 s'Velllgr&h Jd. FEV rlvato owner. 36MS77, 1)96* GTX PLYMOUTH, 4*8 CU. In., I auto. 334-8*19._ 1968 Plymouth Fury III < 4-door, hardtop, 183, air, power. $2199 .DICK CANAANS MOTOR CITY DODGE 155, Oakland ‘ _ FE *-4521 - YOUR VW 5 CENTER 70 Choose From -All Models- 1 —All Colors— >' —All Reconditioned— Autobahn -ansmlsslon, <73-0*30.' __________________| 19*4 PONTIAC CATALINA, air conditioned, 4-door hardtop, power steering and brakes. Excellent! S12S8, 4-DOOR hardti 19*6 PONTIAC CATALINA, , hardtop, power steering and power brakes, all new tires, exc. con-' dltlon. S1.240.-WIA t-2708. I 969 PONTIAC CATAMI4A, 9 passenger wagon, all power, climate control air, many extras, 7500 ml. GM executive $3595 call 19*5 RAMBLER Cross Country Station Wagon. Power and automatic. $777 full price. . Bank ttrm available here. I m m e d I • t e delivery. Call Mr. Perke crwm manager for payment schedule at Ml 4*7500. New Ideation of TURNER FORD '2*00 Maple (15 Mile Rd.VTroy Mali 1 Mile east of Woodward 19*3 RAMBLER hardtop 19*7 PONTIAC - Grand .Prlx cor . vertible, ■ run. power, beautlfi LARRY SHEEHAN'S • LUGKY AUTOi Lincoln-Mercury ^ •,,«w wki. Track 1125P Oakland _ 333-7863 FE 4-108*_____or _ FE 3-7BJ4I RAMBLES, Cietslc Station 1947 CATALINA HARDTOP. Power,;, Wagon, 232 engine, 4 cylinder, automatic, radio, t*ater„ whitewall autqmatic, individual seats,' tires. 3.to choose,from. As low as , beautiful beige finish, lo w $1399. Bank terms available here'. mileage, 1 owner, priced To sell. 'Immediate delivery. -Cbll Mr. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP, Union Parks, credit, manager,> f ox! Lake, EM 3-4155. I m NEW FINANCE PLAN working? Naad a car? Wt arrange lor ‘— - anybody with good, bad, or 1964 COMET 484 wagon * cylinder, luggage rack, nice 0475. 1 owner, *25-22)8. RED 1966 Mustang Convertible automatic, power steer MERCURY CONVERTIBLE, maroon and White, auto., oower. console, bucket seats, extr 1953 PONTIAC, VERY-clean, condition, $180 or mako offer 5-7*53. ’ 195* OR 19M PONTIAC In pood iy Mall 19*7- PONTIAC FIREBIRD Convertible, 51495, may be seen, at •Mazza't Mobile Station, corner of ■ rffii nnrl 1967 GTO. Must sell, t 17 PONTIAC^! P *2,250. FE S-$91S: .$1095 . .BIRMINGHAM ,?T ‘mcGcury m arauder i**i pontiac convertible, win P«rkline 4 door hardtop V-a run or use for parts. •“ automatic, radio, heater, power: 1951 PONTIAC WA__________ _____ steering and brakes. Sahara gold power, factory elr-conditioned $395. with matching vinyl Interior, ^ull | open Saturdr 34*2. Attar ■ o’,’as. Call, *51; no credit, 75 cars tQ choose from. Call credit mgr. Mr. Irv r'"1-' FE 4-188* or‘FE 3-7*54. 19*6 ... RAMBLER SEDAN, transmission. Radio, k whitewall tires. **“ haa W! terms avallabla. Immediate delivery. Call Mr. Perks, tredlt manager, tor payment schedule at . Ml -4-7S88. New location of TURNER FORD 2*00 Maplt (IS Mila Rd.) Troy Mall 1 Mila East of Woodward Standard Auto 'Home ol_ We Dependable Used PONTIAC price* 4245. Call Mr. Al at 682-2061, dealer. > __ 1465 MERCURY Monterey ---------------- convertible. "340", V-8, autornatic, power steeriria tfhd brakes* radio* heater» _jturday . 1 CROWN MOTORS if finish* white v »t offer. 335 2034. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN $295* GRIMALDI CAR CO. 400 Oakland Ave. » FE $-4421 1464_ VW. rillMP,, eprv.e.r. condlTtoni 4450. 3t^44?6. ^ 1465 MG 1100. > door sedan, new paint* clean. Englna needs work. Best offer over 4250. Call evenings 623*0272. __ 1465 PORSCHiE, like new. 27*000 miles* 42.450 or make offer. 651* 3110._ "f Jg ______________|___ijj 1f65~ VWrGOOD concfltlOn, 4745. 335- i; "Call after 5 p.m. 674*1162. \/\N GOOD Condition, 4800. 673* l;____ /W FASTBACK, 34*000 mb. best spare. $450. 363-7470 after 6 P.m. Original owner. 1466 VOLKSWAGEN Camper, motor p/femfU *io *M* *"al e°ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP, Union -Laka. EM 3-4155. 1966 VW $895 GRIMALDI CAR CO. TOO Oakland Ave. ■ TE 5-9*21 John McAuliffe Ford a^peed transmission, clearance special al only *7U lull price. P.S. We've Moved! 1961 BUICK Con’ manager for payment schedule at Ml * 7500. New location of TURNER FORD 360p Maple (15 Mile Rd.) Troy Mall 1 mile East of Woodward 1968 BUICK Skylark 2-door hardtop, VI engine, automatic transmission, power brakes and steering, red with Iracle Milt .. FE 1966'Chrysler 300 2-door, hardtop. 383* auto.* power. $1395 DICK' CANAANS . MOTOR CITY DODGE . dltlon In and out* priced to sell. GRIMALDI Buick-Opel 2)0 Orchard Lk. Rd. FE 2-9)65 BUICK 1969 ELECTRA. custom 2-door, hardtop, air, stareo, toadad. <4,075. 446-1394. J 1944 BUICK RIVIERA COUP; Showroom now. Air condltlonln Full power. Now car warrant $4299 full price. Fischer Buick In, SI^Woodward. MI 7-5680. 1969 BUICK ELECTRA 225. 2 do 4 Speed 1965 CHEVY Convertible Super Sport, cherry red finish* new white vinyl ^°P' ^ radlb, heater Pr'C,d Special $1295 BILL FOX CHEVY ISS S^Rocheslef Rd. _ *51 7000 ,s5 0 tlr**' 1968 RaAiblef American istom 1962 BONNEVILLE GOOD body ex- '*** TEM^E,ST L'MA,f!LJ'r’rdu #' 1 5 Door- CL6A^ ijollc, cedent Interior,'aood motor, whole *lr* ■*dk), car only. 2 1962 Corvalrs, both »•«»*' ln d00d cond,Mon’, , , with 4-speed transmission, 1 with i_*4*_S>Si____ >• LARRY SHEEHAN'S turbo charger. Before 3 p.m. 332- 1965 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, 4- U|| [SIDE ' 1223 after 3 p.m. 334-1012. , I door, .hardtop; champagne .color, '•» a • — Ua^nru 1962 PONTIAC STAR .CHIEF. $200. *'£' J*”4 or ”** ott,r' Lincoln-Mercyry |965 Bonnevlllo, damaged, 5400.1 FE 5-6900 eft, 5._____________ loen flnlrlnnrl .Q‘32.7flA‘l 482-8082. PONTIAC 1968 Bonneville Broug uoKiana /ooj |9- -b -- ----r ^ | 4 door> loaded prlc, , 19*5 MERCURY PARKLANE, ell, reasonable. FE 2-5737. I »Sklng S3l00. 48l-0920. P0W*r'is^Usoi #00d condl,lon' 1 14*2 PONTIAC CATALINA,-power, i ,r p»rks. I _________________ good Iransp. S225. *25-488*. payments'1444 CONVERTIBLE COMET rebuilt ----------------1---------------------- “mT' ’4.7506. New loca l _ transmlsslon^SllOO. *25J719.^-! 1942 PONTIAC CATALINA, 2 door, 1966 COMET Callenti two door, automatic, radio; dean. *195. 473-k TURNER FORD «d^1 jyfeiAc ci.inniT Radio. Heater, whit 4896 full p-*||||||H| KESSLER'S Jean, $300. Call 474*2412. _ 1964 DART CONVERTIBLE with with brown vinyl Interior. Bucket: - i seats, radio, heater, whitewall .. . , The Double Stoplight tires. Full price, *295. Call Mr. Al Waterlord 6!3'0,00i m-mi• -■ ! 1966 T-BIRD ! Convertible, 428 cu. In. 345 h.p. V8 I engine, ' ell power accessories, j WMiPJIIimiRRMIIIII AM-FM radio, Ragoon red Ml $15 Woodward, Ml 7-5680. DODGE | white top, sharp and priced to 1966 CORVETfE CONVERTIBLE. CARS AND' 7RUCKS . ‘i.'li.f... m n ■ i I as tow esi maroon, 327 cu. to. 388 h.p., 4-! Sales and Service 'J GRIMALDI BUICk-Opel Illable here. I speed, A**-FM radio, now tires,|Q«tord ___^ ;iL ■■ QA a-'Mi 2TB Orchard Lk. Rd.- FE 2-9165 19(56 Ford Wagon _____ HPH , 1965 DODGE POLARA TURNER FORD KATT OSPH 4 d00r "d*n- ,M'dn'Pw “52 Vtaote (IS Mile Rd ) Troy Mall " IVlLJjV^OOri , matching Interior. V-l gutomi ' 1 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH -fj p??c.°' h",#r’ pow,r *,MrlnB- M^ILCjSlH 11?** Chivy_lmpolovSS^_conv»rtjble; ore. I speed, AM-FM radio, new tires. | Oxford _ ........... .------- - Mr. 852-37*4. < 19*5 DODGE, 42*. slicks, 4 speed. L«t*'.,hr.?uiL Tt*1!S*4.7*to >***“ CHEVY" IMPALA, .harp, tow *400 or bast otter. MA *-5139. S'lnn nr ” ' “ ?5P° 1 mileage, best otter, *i2-40«e. * ----- *«.' 7145 5. Telegraph Rd.__EfTJW>| . IViUjV^OVri • -14877 T*S5i3}icpi35tE1 -n- ^^n^on^uSSo^tUI »74-2579,°*,l*,rt 1*67 OPEl/lCADBTTE white with II96J Cadillac sedan DeVille, full <341, _ ... _1] ---- let* CHEVY' IMPALA 4-d hardtop. Low mllaaga. Air liiftuwjiiit i iinitfa 0in»* vmyi rwt aw miwege, ditioned. AM-FM radio. Doi— iivewaus* 12795, .677 M-24* Laka Orion, 693- powtr. Vinyl top. 81298. 623-1179. LARRY SHEEHAN'S - Ull I CIDF 'MT CADILLAC COUPE D* VILLE, t nlLLGlUC fu„ power, tlr, d.sert gold, low Lincoln-Mercury ] mtioogo. tsaH/bytor, stfiwfc. 1250 Oakland 333-7863 .S*B'±^Jy*T * 41100. 334-7472._ ,fl^0Lr^AQLNatIr Ittotid glaM* vinyl'roof,' iow mltom* sp«ad, radio* neater, wnivewaut* i g^5. M-24* Laka Orlcm, 493- 1967 TRIUMPH TR-6R 6 _ sharps Economy Used Can i CC St in acutiva, mtklt of far, 644-0345._ LATE MODEL CADILLACS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES JEROME CADILLAC CO. 1966 CHEVY Wagon Chavalit Malibu with v-.. automatic, radio, heater, power steering, brakes, cruise control, factory air conditioning, luggogo ' Iteweiis, a real beauty. Special $1595 BILL FOX CHEVY 1944 CORONET 440, V-8, automatic power steering, radio, all vlny Interior, ru»t free, $1,108. M7-S309. 96* DODGE POLARA 'convertible V8, 383, radio, full power, extras 158. Ut >47»1. private ov . 3175, 1958 W. Mapto Rd.. Troy Ml 6-2200 79*4 MUSTANG NEW tires, paint lob, racing engine with headers, *1480 or best offer. (It overheats.) 334-48)3, John McAuNffe Ford 19«< FORD Country Sodan, wagon, 10 passenger, with V8, radio, heater, full power, chrome luggage reck, clearance special only *1,588, fu|l price. P.S. WVve ve Moved! of Mlrecle Mile 1145 S. Telegraph Rd. 1 FE 5-4181 John McAuliffe Ford 19*7 FALCON 4 door, with a beautiful silver blue finish, with matching Interior, radio, heater, stick shift, can't be told from now, still under new car warranty, summer special only 31281 full Prep.S. We've Moved! W Mile N, of Miracle Mile 19*7 THUNDERelRO covert, radio, has ,MM’ LARRY SHEEHAN'S HILLSIDE Lincoln-Mercury 1250 Oakland ’ '333-7863 windshield, etc, EM GdOtS, BILL GOLLING IS MUe Rd. (Maple Rd.) Across from Barr Airport between; Crooks and Coolldge Rd. | Just minutes away I Trap Me**- Mad 44; saago ; i FINANCING ARRANGEO WITH SMALL OOWN PAYMENT GRIMALDI Buick-Opel 718 Orchard LakarRd. 1941 CHEW, ALSO Pontiac 32* 79*2 FORD GALAXIE 500. ttaadi work. >95. 3M-53I1 after J p.m. Milford UHEi' n^NM) convarttbto, Nlcel .8500. j John McAuliffe Ford 7967 CHEW 9, passenger, station | excellent wagon with V8, redlv heater, I bare, Pay.-. ________ automatic, power 11 fe r I n a-, i Oakland. FE 8-4879. beautiful nwlelHc tyrquoiie with. fuTURA FORD white, new FE 2-91451 ™?!chlito,_e4 ylnjrt#Jnt^lpr._ Sum-j tires, lust overhauled, new brakes. 1947 FORD RANCH WAQON, blue, « cyl. standard, A-t, n condition. 4 dr., 2-woy tell gi radio, hdator, j*wk. old, 4 125x75 whltowalls, wheel cov* 39,008 honest ml. *l,375 or ti over tow peymto. Private own ~‘"jsJiSiiZ." am i, Morvel Motors, 2511 •I only I . P.S. We've to Mile N. of Mil 1145 S. Tetograph Rd. *11, Tull prlc*. Movedl ■ 75*-4*24, 19*3 FALCON convert iblo. 1 7-d engine, - 'floor shift, good shape, ■ 8250. FE 2-1*04. - ...... .. 19*3 FORD' GALAXIE XL, r«lo.! '*45,5. Tator*.................■ double power.V buckets, I cosole, 196* MUSTANG, I plus 2, sulo., *325. Call *93-274*. . • ; I 3»0X.l/332-74*O. John McAuliffe lord 19*7 MUSTANG hardtop with 3*0 engtoa, 4 speed,- radio,; haater. power itoerlng. Brakes, beautiful canary ytllow with black cordovan top, wrnrnor special at only *1688 S we've Moved! to Mile N. of Mlrfcto MG matching *t automatic, t interior. V-l brakes, whitewalls. Full price; 1295. Call Mr. Al at *S2-20*1, 1967 'OLDS Vista Cruiser Station.! Wgn. 1 owner, excellent, make of-fer. 651-3755. ________' . 1967 CUTLASS 2-door hardtop. Power steering end brakes. Full price. $1895 Suburban Olds 160 S. Woodward Ml 7-5111 automatic, power ___.. NORTHWEST AUTO SALES 2823 Dixie Hwy.______ FE 3-2820 1968 OLDS CUTUSS sy Coupe; full potwer, Including $2695 1968 OLDS' DELM0NT 88 r steering, power brakes, radio, room now condition. $2695 TAYLOR John McAuliffe Ford 965 PONTIAC Bonnes wagon, with boautll metallic burgundy WHI all vinyl , Intlarer, ■ clearance special. only 81388 f price. • P.S. We'-ve Movedl .. to Mile N. of Miracle Mile »45 S. Telegraph Rd. CHEVY-OLDS Walled b«ke. t969 OLDSMOBILE, 2 door hardtop, full power, air, by owner *,,*i call *74-3721. MA 4-4501 rdtop, 13195, 19*9 TORONADO, toil power, lov mileage, vinyl topj 14508. 682-1946 Close Out ' . PRICES , On Alt - * Remaining ' 1969 0LDSM0BILES . Now In stock! Best Olds ■ ..,FE.> LUCKY AUTO 1948 W- Wide Track FE 4-700* or FE 4-785* 19*5 PdNTIAC. 3574 auto., tinted giass, decor options, phone *57-0511. 949 OLDSMOBIl,E -Tpron*do, elr, power steering, brake*, window* and soots, tilt wheel, meny extras. Low milaago, excellent condition. turns.-.*' . r" ■ conBfBrtaw.. .. 9*9 OLDS, ROYALE. elr, automatic doubt* power,, vlny I Top, *3575. 334- 1940 OREL 2-door mpdolYShowrpom USE, sis w...........- • , tfie>ACKARD, »i» }' MY 3-1484 LUCKY AUTO 872*. id wheels. Aft. 5. 473-Power $U95 LLAGE RAMBl HUNTER DODGE Gr^at Finish Trades 1966 FORD Getoxle 508, 3 door hardtop. Bucket seats, console, power steering, radio, whitewall tires, stock -4590A. $1495 1968 Dodge Charger 2 door herdtop. Vinyl top, power steering, radio, whitewall tires. $2195 1948 CATALINA? WAGON, steering and brakes# air# p**voi« owner. 42700. 626-6930. ...... 1966 GTO# 8#000 MILES, Aspeed# mags# AM-FM# 674-4489, aft. 6. ^PONTIAC JSwnevHUT hardtop. brakes# windows# vinyl top# radio, heater# whitewalls, $2895. LARRY SHEEHAN'S HILLSIDE Lincoln-Mercury 1250 Oakland 333-7863 1967 Dodge Coroner 440 9-pessenger station wagon. Power steering, radio, luggage rack, whitewall tires. Stock 7*1*A. ’ $1495 1966 Dodge Sport wagon. Automatic# 6 cylinder# radio. Real clean. Stock S500A. $1295' 19*9 GRAND PRIX. --- radio, — sroHys stereo radio, cordova___top, 428 19*9 BONNEVILLE.' 4 6 0OR hardtop, loaded, air, steteo tape, premium tlres, *74-1*72. $2195 1966 Dodge Monaco 500 2 door hardtop. Bucket seats, console, power steering, radio, whitewalls. Stock 95*2. , /$1495 ■ HUNTER DODGE 19*9 PONTIAC 2-DOOR Bonneville, elr, power,' exc. condition. 4S2-25S7. i9<9 gto, black, white leather 1499 S. Hunter, Birmingham Interior, like new, muit sell,. >>l Tnaeo " drafted, 332-091*. ' 1 Ml /-0Y58 „ New and Used Can 106 New and Used Cars 106 19*5 PONTIAC 421. service, ,must< 5 TEMPES1 758, 38*41835. IPEST CUSTOM, 8, Stick, Lake Orton. S e.m.j p.m. 6W-49W. 19*5 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, full; power, mint condition, mutt tell 19*5 CATALINA, 2 DOOR hardtop, auto., doubt* power, good con-dltlon, beat otter. FE 2-1779. 19651 PONTIAC j. Grand Prix* Sharp, $895 GRIMALDI CAR CO. 988 Oakland Ave. FE S-942f! 19*5 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 dr., hardtop ................ DEALER ___________338-923* 19*5'PONTIAC CATALINA 4 dMr, double power ........ Dealer ; ......33S-923S SAVE MONEY AT MIKE ■ SAVOIE 'Jiw 1988 IN. Meole; »«1 4^735. 19*4 PONTIAC Catellne Mfh'SMi cond. 3* Btolne, Itonttoc. 1966 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, with, beautiful maroon finish, black vinyl lop. Let's go first class, like new. Whet can voo pay per month? No spaed on this trade! SHELTON Pontiac-Bukk 155 S. Rochester Rd. *57-5 MERRY OLDS 1969 COMPANY Car Sale! .$2595 1969 Delta 88 2 Door Hardtop...........................$3495 Automatic#* power steering# brakes# custom Interior# tinted glass# «ir condition# radio# whitewall tires. r - 19691 Delta 4, Door Sedan .............................$3395 Automatic# powBr steering dhd brakes. Air condition/ tinted glass# radio# whitewatr tiros# wheel covert and vinyl roof. 1969 Delta 4 Door Hardtop ... ....... .$3495 Automatic, power steering, brakes, sir cohditlon, tinted alass. ' radio, whitewalls, vinyl roof. Two to choose from. 1969 Delta Custom Hardtop .............................$3495 A’’JidWffi5L.!!d!!Sr !i**r,ln®' brakes, elr condition, tinted glass, 1969 Vista Wagon 9‘ passenger. 4 glass, radio, - power steering, brakes, air, >wer tall pate window. $3695 1969 Olds 98 Hardtop.......... $4395 tz 5Srih£!.r S2S!!*V *^'e&ii MERRY OLDS, Inc. 528 N. MAIN ST. Rochester • - OL 1-9761 TkE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 P—n - ' -Television Programs- Programs furnished by, stations listed in this column are subject to change' without notice! Channels: 2-WJBK-TV. 4-WWJ-TV. 7-WXYZ-TV. 9-CKLW-TV. SO-WKBD-TV. S6-WTVS-TV. 62-WXON-TV jSMRh People in the News Animal. Life SATURDAY NIGHT 1 6:00 (2) (A) C S^NOWS, Weather; Sports (0) C — Lively Spot (50) RC —Combat (56) R — ' Washington Week in Review (82) C — Best of Swingintime 6:30(2) C - Porter Wagoner (4) £ —News — Huntley, Brinkley 1 (7) C — Michigan Sport-man—Tips on fly fishihg (56) Dr. Posin’s Giants — Galileo’s discovery of the field of gravitation js discussed. College Youth toAttendMeef Discuss Campus . Community Tension Christian Science coll eg students from all over the world ^will be attending the Christian Science Biennial College Meeting in Boston, Mass. Aug. 28-30. The theme will be “Building in a Revolutionary Priod.v ★ * ★ The 5,000. students who are expected to participate came from 31 countries and 1,130 col-leges. Approximately 150 students will be from the state of Michigan. Studfents from the Pontiac area include Diane Treacy, Barbara Treacy, Richard Gir-man and Dennis Nelson. ★ ★ The purpose of the three-day meeting will be to -diaquns in •panels, workshops and plenary sessions such topics as campus and community tension, racial conflict, the drug problem, marriage, birth control, morality, conscientious objection to military service and social action. Other concerns will be discussed in light of the question, “Does God make a Difference ih the Social Arena As Well As in* Personal Experience.” Speakers will include Erwin D. Canham, editor-in-chief of The Christian Science Monitor. Also speaking will be Lord Gore-Booth, recently retired Head of Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service. This is a top official position in the British Gas Warning! on Minibikes LANSING (AP) - State Police Director Fredrick E. Davids has urged gas station own--ers to refuse to fill up minibikes that are driven to the pumps. Noting that mini-bikes are illegal to operate on streets and highways, Davids said that . many minibike owners will trayel on streets and highways ®*^m.tf^tlirftiel"tank. - -Davids said the bikes are becoming increasingly hazardous and cooperation by station owners could help reduce the number of bikes operating illegally on streets and highways. 7:00 (2) R C -'Death Valley Days (4) C — Michigan Outdoors (7) C — * Anniversary Game (0) C — (Special) Canadian Pro Football: British Columbia at Hamilton (50) C —■ Midwestern Hayride — Waylon Jennings guests (56) R - Bridge With Jean Cox (62) R — Movie: “Carve Her Name With Pride” (British, 1958) Paul Scofield, Virginia McKenna 7:30 (2) R C - Jackie Gleason — On a visit to Spain, the Hoheymooners become victims of an outlandish* swindle. Rita Gam guest-stars. (4) R C — Adam-12 - A young heiress pursues Malloy for a date after he gives her a traffic ticket. Anna Capri guest-stars. (7) C — Dating Game — Della Reese is guest celebrity (56) R - French Chef -1 Steaks and hamburgers are featured. 8:00 (4) RC - Get Smart ’ — A mad scientist (Tom Boston) has folans for shocking the Smarts into a five-year sleep. (7) C — Newlywed Game (50) RC - Movie: "It Happened in Rome” (Italian, 1957) Vittorio de Sica, Albert Sordi (56) Folk Guitar 8:25 (62) Greatest H e a d -‘ lines 8:30 (2) C — (Special) Pro Football: Green Bay at Chicago (4) R C — Ghost and Mrs. Muir — Carolyn ignores Capt. Gregg’s warnings of interfering in Martha’s romance. (7) R C — Lawrence Welk (56) R — NET Journal — Report focuses on snarled airports and hazard-ridden skies. (62) R — Movie: “Saint Joan” (1957) Jean Seberg, Richard Widmark 9:00 (4) R — Movie : “Birdman of Alcatraz” (1962) A convict spends 53 - years in prison educating himself in the science of birds. Burt Lancaster, Thelma Ritter, Neville Brand 9:30 (7) C — Johnny Cash — Guests include O. C. Smith and son O. C, Jr., the First Edition and Grandpa Jones (56) R — Accent t£=g.| University kof Wisconsin at Milwaukee1 piano trio performs works by Alex Rowley and Beethoven. 10:00 (9) C—News, Weaflher Weather, Sports (50) C — Lou Gordon -3-■-> i. An Indian swami talks about mysticism; 2. A Goldwater press aide discusses, liberalism; 3. f State Senate leaders Sander Levin, D-Berkley, and Emil Lockwood, R-St. . Louis, discuss the Legis- - lature ~ - (56) R — NET Festival — Andre Watts performs . Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 24 in |C Minor with the Los Angeles Philharmon- 10:15 (0) R C - Movie: “Bahama Passage” (1941) Sterling Hayden. Madeleine Carroll 10:30 (7) C - Eye Bet (62) R — Favorite Story — Sea captain takes over for a college professor. 11:00 (2) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (62) R C — Movie: “An Alligator Named Daisy” (British, 1955) Diana Dors, Jeannie Carson 11:30 (7) R — Movie: “The Harder They Fall” (1956) Humphrey Bogart, Rod Steiger . (9) C — Perry’s Probe — “The Moment of Birth” (50) R - Movie: “The-Boogie Man Will Get You” (1942) Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre 11:35 (2) R - Movies;. 1. “The Peacemaker” (1956) James Mitchell; 2. C — “The Dragon’s Blood” (Italian, 1963) Rolf Tagna, Katharina Mayberg 12:00 (4) C — News, Weather, Sports 12:30 (4) R C — Johnny Carson 1:30 (7) C - Wonderful World of Sports 1:38 (?) R C - Movie: “Apache- Woman” (1955) Lloyd Bridges, Joan Taylor 2:00 (4) C-News, Weather 3:00 (7) C—News, Weather 4:00 (2) C—News, Weather 4:05 (2) TV Chapel TV Features ‘ , Tonight CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL, 7 p.m. (9) PRO FOOTBALL, 8:30 p.m. (2) JOHNNY CASH, 9:30 p.m. (7) LOU GORDON, 10 p.m. (50) Tomorrow GUIDELINE, 8 a.m. (4) FACE THE NATION, 11:30 a.m. (2) . ISSUES AND ANSWERS, 12:30 p.m. (7)' SEX AND THE SIX CENT STAMP, 4 p.m. (2) THE ATOM: YEAR OF PURPOSE, 4 p.m; (4) GOLF, 4 p.m. (7) LIFE WATCH 6,4:30.p.m. (4)‘ 1 J? ■ CONGRESSIONAL REPORT, 5 p.m. (4) DAVID SUSSKIND, 7 p.m. (50) SOUNDS OF SUMMER, 7 p.m. (56) ELVIS PRESLEY, 9 p.m. (4) ! CONQUEST OF SPACE, 9 p.m (9) LOU GORDON, 10 p.m. (50) . , By the Associated Press In one of (be rare public appearances since leaving the White House, former President Lyndon B. Johnson walked down the street of.Rochester, Minn., without attracting a crowd; Johnson, visiting-Rochester for a one-day meeting of the foundation that runs the Mayo Clinic, went unnoticed by some passers-by as he walked a block from his hotel' to the meeting. He flew back to his Texas ranch last night. The clinic’s administrator emphatically denied a published report that Johnson underwent routine medical tests while here. Johnson has served on the Mayo Foundation since February. # JOHNSON Danny Thomas Becomes a Grandfather Entertainer Danny Thomas. Is a grandfather. His ' 25-year-old daughter, Terri, gave birth to a 6-pound, 8-ounce girl yesterday in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital ifi Los Angeles. She is the wife of Larry Gordon, a publicist. «, Doctors said mother and daughter, named, Dionne Theresa, were 'in excellent t! THOMAS condition. Actor Grant Seeks to Keep Daughter From Visit ■ While his ex-wife, Dyan Cannon, listened in tears, actor § Cary Grant asked a judge to prevent her from taking their 1: 3-year-old daughter to visit Miss Cannon’s parents, ji “I am quite concerned,” the 65-year-old f| |! . Grant told Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Marvin Freeman. He said the child, Jennifer, doesn’t like Miss Cannon’s parents and would be “just dumped” without mother or nurse at ’their home. Jennifer is Grant’s only child from his four marriages. . Miss Cannon tohhfhe judge that Jennifer loves-her grandparents and once cried when they ended a visit to Los Angeles. The actress’ parents, Ben and Clara Friesen, live on a ranch near Seattle, Wash. The judge then ordered yesterday that Jennifer remain in the Los Angeles area until he holds another hearing Oct. 8 on Grant’s request to change his visitation rights. ACROSS 1 Musteline mammal 6 Rlrd of prey 11 Opined 13 Molest 14 Hebrew « ascetic 15 Cask parts 16 Streets (ab.) 17 Harass 19 Dutch city 20 ---of the setting sun 22----toad 25 Was seated 26 Zoo primates 30 Harvest. 31 Devoid of covering 32 Handle 33 Ireland 34 Cooking utensils 35 Small draft 38 Peruse 39 Workers with 42 Rodent 45 Hindu queen 46 Hind of dog (coll.) 49 Wild ass 51 Grumble 53 Cylindrical 54 Cuts, as bread 55 Conditum 56 Asterisks DOWN 1 Poems 2 Try 1 3 Hardy heroine * 4 Gossip (dial.) 5 Annual income (Fr.) 6—-Park, Colorado 7 King of Judah (Bib.) 8 Donated 9 Prevaricated syings 0 Otherwise 35 —- for 2 Feats - ' rabbits 3 Property 36 Hostelry item ■ 37 Equals 8 Collection of 40 Mountain crest 41 Staggers 42 Decays 43 Thedlll 44 Ancient Irish capital PHUHR 46 Type measure 27 Remove rind 47 Heavy blow 28 Assam 48 Disorder silkworm 50 Obtain ; 29 Dispatch 52 Deep hole 23 Ne vadacity 1 2 3 - 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2(H 21 22J 23 24 25 2j5 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 p5 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 [46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55~ 56 16 New‘Police Chief Is Named for Los Angeles The 46th police chief of the nation’s third largest city, Los Angeles, is soft-spoken, graying Edward M. Davis, known as a strict law-and-order advocate who fights for quality in his department.. Davis, chosen from three deputy chiefs, will take over an agency employing more than 5,300 officers and 1,700 civilians, Davis, 52, replaces Tom Reddin, who resigned in May to become a television newscaster. After the Police commission announced its decision yes-, terday, Davis told newsmen he considers police-commujilty relations the department’s biggest challenge. He suggested attacking the problem by giving patrolmen more contact with citizens on the street. Minority communities, Davis said, want “vigorous law enforcement which will protect them from the muggers and the burglars who break into homes.” Seeks to Block Troops to Thailand Senator Fears Another Vidt WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. John Sherman Cooper, fearful of another Vietnam, will press foi putting the Senate on record opposing use of U.S. troops in Thailand to combat majjjblg Communist insurgency. Bui the Kentucky Republican declines to relate this effort to the. acknowledgement by Nixon administration siources that a secret 1964 U.S.-Thailand military agreement could put American forces under Thai com-d in event of a threat from Communist Pathet Lao and North Vietnamese troops operating in Laos. * ★ ★ Cooper, who withdrew an amendment to the military aid portion of the $20-billion military authorization bill because of tiie congressional recess, said in an interview he will offer it when the Senate resumes ■consideration of the legislation next month. ‘I hope it will prohibit use of funds for the support of local forces by U.S. troops to engage in combat against any insurgency;” he told a reporter. WOULD LIMIT AID .The amendment - would limit U:S. aid to Thailand and Laos' to supplies, equipmerit, materiel and .related costs in order to prevent (he authority for assist- -—Weekend Radio Programs— CKLW. Steve Hunter - WXVZ, News. Close-Up • WJBK, Steve Newmen 1 WHPI, Don Alcorn • Wf ON. 1 WCAR. t >:05—WJR. ItlS—SJvWJ. Audlo/« 1 . WJR. Progress Report, .... tlgnelPQA Tournament, Saturday Showcase ‘■“-SSSt,"'* 7:00—WCAR, News. RK* CKLwTprank Brodle WHPI, baa Alan WJR, News, Showcase ppr, ,|n »tH-WJR, News, World This Ustener*srcholce lalfcwJR, Saturday NlBht 10:50—WWjT bosI From Inter-IISMmRjR, Nows Day llOS-WJRTSPWj* P|n»' wwJa Over.ii.tht ■17:00—WXYZ, Ron Knjflttt_ . WCAR, Now* twayna, Pntmpi , CKLW, Mark Richer* • WHPI, Ira J. Cook . tiM—WJR, Musical Prom WJBKl*Baok8round - ww i. Ovarwtiht #»jr»RWrt. - WJB^fuetoeu Review MS—WJR. The Christophers WJBK. What's the Issue /:0O—WJR. News' „ wjbk. Community Currant wCAR.Newt, Choir Lott CKIW, Search tor Survlvi WPON, Lutheran Hour y.i«_WJR, Hymns . WJBK, Liston to This Tilt—WJR, Weekend Report Sunday Chorale WWJ, Mariner's Radio I . Sunday WJBK, Abundant Llto . WLaR. The Cnureh today /:45-WPON, Mount Olivo Baptist WWJ, Good Music •:QO—WJR, Naim CKLW, Your Worship Hour WJBK, Revival Tima WWJ, Newt, Oped Music S:1S—WJR, Three• Quarter 1:10—WCAR, Back to God W^R^anfro Valley Gethai CKlV Windsor Council « ' WCAR, Music tot Sunday WWJ, Newsf'church at the wSsWidHiaMV- WJR. News WXYZ, Newt, Mike Slwr-man fit*—WPON, Shining Light Quartet cklw. Report From parita- WJR, Plono Partralts___ y:JO—WJR, Weekend Report, I-WWJ. News. Reuic WJBK, Young Amor lea Looks «t Books WJIL SPOrts, Patterns In 1li«l--WWJ, Art of Living WPON, Tho Chrletophers UilO-WWJ, News, St. Paul's Cathedral WJBK. itestonmant/Datrolt WPON, Choir Music WJR. New*, Soorts, Weekend Report tills—WPON, Central Metho-H 'din, g -j WJR. Patterns In Music WPpf WWJ, News of P.A-A.C. aptrrnoon 12:00—WWJ, News WCAR. Music for Sunday ‘ WPON, New*. Sunday Ses WJBIL Nows, Tom Dean WJR, Newt; Soorts W 12:15—WWJ, Audlo/St WJR. Showcase ^ 12:30—WJR, Mockrldoe, Sun day supplement ■ 1 :#*—WXYZ, Jim Davis WJR, News, Dimension, Weekend Report 1:1S—WJR, Arthur Godfrey 1:4S—WJR, Showcase, Dimension on Learning 2:00—CKLW, Scott Rog WJR, Nofo. MjWttlf 3:00—WWJ, News, Monl WJR, t.............. Oris-WPON, Guard Sessli Yankee Nasc Showcase «;30-WPON, Voices of Vista WWJ, News, Mast the Press wjr, weekend Report, Showcase MS—WPON; MUSIC on Deck 7:10—WCAR, Nows, Rick Stewart WJR, News WWJ, Naim. Monitor Jnpjmwm WHPI, Lea Alan 7:tP-WPON. Army Show 7itS—WJR, Showcase 7>JO-WroN, Protestant Hour SiSO-WPON, Church of Week WJBK, Jim Hampton * WXYZ, Km Show World . WJR. News, Analysis, Treasury of Stare *:JS—WXYZ, Public Affairs «>SS-vnRrBtoaaoalon, t:00—WPON, oldies Show WJR, News, Showcase WWJ, News. Monitor fits—WJR. Action: Dotrolt Urban League f:30-WJR. Pace the Nation 11:00—WJR, NOW! WWJ, News I1:1S—WWJ, Analogue WJR, Soorts Pinal IliSO-WCAR, Jewish Co munlty WJR, Ali-Nlght Shew ItiOS-WWJ, Written word 13:00—wcar, nows, Wayne Canada Names Air Force Man to Head Defense OTTAWA UH — The Canadian Cabinet has picked *Ct. Gen. Frederick R Sharp to head Ganada’s defense force after Gen. Jean V. Allard retires Syit. 15. Defense Minister Leo Cadieux ended months of rumors with a n announcement yesterday that Allard, a 56-year-old French Canadian, will retire from the' country’s No, military pbst. ★ t 4r Sharp was one of about six career officers in line for the job."." -ir* • ★ h Unlike Allard, who has an army background, Sharp, 53, came up through tiie Air Force which was a separate service before the mid-60s unification of Canadian armed forces. 4 4 * Sharp, a graduate of the Royal Military College, commanded a bomber, squadron in World War n and held a suc-of top administrative posts thereafter. ance from becoming a basis for expanded U.S. involvement in the two Southeast Asian countries. But senior members of the Armed Services Committee said the Cooper . amendment might cost U.S. lives. » State Department, press officer Robert J. Mc-Closkey said the secret agreement “specifically states it cannot be put into effect without the specific agreement of both gov- McCloskey also said “this contingency plan has not -expanded our defense commit-to Thailand beyond that already contained ih the SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) treaty. ’It involves no commitment to any specific military action and that is made clear in the document itself” McCloskey said, adding that as* a military agreement, not a treaty, if does not require Senate confirmation. According to administration sources, the ipain feature is that U.S troops coufd be committed to helpvThai forces stop Communists in Laos before they reach Thailand. Noted Film Producer Dies at Home in LA j LOS ANGELES (AP) — |“The Egg and I,” ‘Magnificent Death has ended the career of I Obsession,” “The Glenn Miller William Goetz, prolific produc- Story,” "Cardinal Richelieu,” er-executive who turned out ‘‘Winchester ’73” and the some of Hollywopd’s most me-“Francis the Mule” series, jmorable films during his-45 * * * . ' years in the movie business. Despite his passion for work, I Goetz 66, succumbed Friday Goetz was described by associ-„• his home in the fashionable-ales as relaxed, soft-spoken and Holmby Hills district just fourl witl1 a wry sense of humor, months after undergoing sur-l , gery at the Mayo Clinic in Roch- Until 1967, he was vice presi-ester Minn. ' dent in charge of production for ’. •*’ + * Seven Arts Associated Corp. ... . *«« Earlier he had been president of i The cause of. death was not Unjversal International Studios, made public. | and had held a number of other * . . top positions in the other stu- His widow is the farmer Edith Lj^ Mayer, daughter, of the late film magnate Louis B. Mayer. They were married in 1930. INVOLVED IN 100 FILMS Friehds Estimated that GQetz produced or assisted in the making of more than 100 pictures. one-of the memEenTbf the For-; eign Relations Committee who, Notab,e among them were have assailed the Pentagon for “Sayonara,” “Autumn Leaves,” refusing to give it a copy of the “Cry for Happy,” “Song With- Their Everlt Is Nothing to Sneeze At JULIAN, Calif. (AP) - Moon, agreement, suggested earlier in I out End,” "Guadalcanal, ^ the week that it involved putting Diary,” “The House of Roths- P^re tal^.in8 abo“f heJe-if s tr^ps unier Thai conf-ichild,” “Song of Bernadetfe,” The Festival of Weeds opens mand and asked for an explana- “Les Miserables,” “From Here^today. .. (to Eternity,” “Call of the Wild,’1 Sponsors say weeds are burst- ________——-______________, 4., w-----------3———------------—ling as never before across the Under such a plan-th’e over-all allied command would be exer* cised by Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachom, Thailand’s prime minister and defense minister. The 1964 plan provided that, in Such an instance, Lt. Gen. Richard G. Stilwell, then chief of the U.S. military as Advisory Group in Thailand, would becpjne ground forces commander; In the event of a general Red Chinese offensive, the over-all command woulc have been assumed bv Gen. William C, Westmoreland, then U.S. commander in Vietnam. ‘NO EXPANSION’ The sources insisted the plan does not expand. U.S. commitments under SEATO but was signed „ to reassure the Thais that the United States would honor its commitments. \ > Sen. Frank’Church, D-Idaho, | Package Comes Apart; Contents Are CARACAS (UPI) — Air Express handlers at Maiquetia International-Airport accidentally dropped a big package, marked fragile yesterday. It broke open and an arm fell out. ' ' • Police were called to the side of the Avensa Venezuelan Airlines DC3„ which was to have taken the package to Rio Caribe, 370 miles to the east. R ★ * They unwrapped the package to find the body of-a man in his 30s. The package was addressed to Petro,Hernandez in Rio Caribe. -The sender,was listed as Pedro Hernandez. Police commissioner Pedro Bujaqp said the man appeared to have died of nonviolent causes. ***....* “There is no indication at present that a crime has been committed," Bujana said. “If no crime has been committed,, we will turn the case over to proper authorities, the sanita-'tion department.” . ' ■''' Sale of Television Station to Fetzer Firm Is Okayed Fetzer-Broadcasting is owned by John BftFetzer who also c6n-trols the Comhusker Television WASHINGTON (AP) The Federal Communications Commission announced Friday approval of the sale of Medalion Broadcasters Inc., operator of KMEG-TV, Sioux City, Iowa, to Fetzer Broadcasting Co. In its 5-1 decision, the FCC re-1 iected the bid of Forward ofWWTV-TV, Cadillac, Mich.; and i .6 tf/llTT ) IX71I7TTY5 CdnU. Cta Mario Iowa Inc., operator of KCAU-TV, Sioux City, to accuiire the station.. f The announced si $930,065.26. lush and multicolored foothills around this San Diego Sounty community. I “They are taller than usual, * more graceful, titan usual; full “ and .. luxurious,” _ says Dawn Kirkwood. “This is, indeed, the year of the weed.” £ WEED LOVERS GATHER The weed lovers, with Mrs. Kirkwood’s streamlined new motorcycle leading the way, have gathered about 150 species from as far as the Anza-Borrego Desert, the almost unreachable plateaus of Volcan Mountain and the rocky knolls near San Isabel. •kJi-k Out there, Says MrS. Kirkwood, “it is like a muted-picture book.” Myrtle Botts, a retired libfari- * an, has arranged wild clematis —once used by pioneers to cure fevers and make soap—into a pretty exhibit symbolic Of old times.- ★ ★ •* Species carefully painted, -teased or bait into colorful exhibits by 35 artists include moon-flowersf black stream moss, puffballs, mule’s -ears, mountain dandelions, pearly everlasting and silver dollars. ■ / ■ r Rf ' Af/ Most home owners have a far Corp., operator of KOLN-TV, lower opinion of weeds. Lincoln Neb. I Nevertheless, the show, run- Fetzer also operates KGIN-|ning through Labor Day, is ex-TV, Grand ? Island, Neb.; pected to draw 20,000 people. WKZO-TV. KalamazOo, Mich.; WWUP-TV, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. • * t :• <■ The. FCC said MEG-TV has, sustained continuous And sub-1 stantial losses over the last! years. ' . ‘ I hearing aids Rosamond Williams MAICO 21E. Cornell FI 2-1221 Survicus A Supplius D—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 Monday Only Spoolals Mock Turtleneck Skirt for Boys "•* 137 i.ii 1 Choose from popular .olid color, in no-iron tumble dry acrylic knit'. [ OUR COMPLETE RANGE OF HOME - f, MODERNIZATION AT REDUCED SUMMER PRICES! (Over 20 years experience serving Oaklanfjj County) ORDER YOUR STORM WINDOWS NOW Kitchens Bathrooms Room Additions Family Rooms Window & Door - Replacements Ceilings Paneling Carpeting Floor Covering Air Conditioning Heating Gas & Oil Attic Stairs Awnings Porches and Patios Dormers Cement Work Roofing Gutters Insulation Siding Storm ‘Windows and Doors Garages1 Attics Fences I WRITTEN GUARANTEE • LOWEST PRICES > QUALITY WORKMANSHIP • FHA . 1 BUDGET PAYMENTS • NO MONEY DOWN 1 I FREE E ST I MATESJiyilHOUT 0 B LI GAT10N_l__l LsC A Name You Can-Trust' HOME IMPROVEMENT 163 W. MonicaJiti. Pontiac ... Call 335-2102 3 S Sporfs Ru/e Screen This Week The top football fare of the week sends , the Green Bay Packers against the Chicago Bears at Milwaukee toight at 8:30 on Channel 2 in an NFL exhibition game. The first Canada Summer Games will be telecast live from Halifax and Dartmouth, N.S., starting at 4 p.m. today on Channel 9. More than 2,700 Canadians aged 12 to 82 are competing for Canadian championships in a variety of sports. ENTERS RACE An underdog in the late-night talk-variety competition is Merv Griffin, who will enter the battle Monday at 11:30 p.m. on Channel 50. Merv’s first-night guests are Joe Namath, Woody Allen and Leslie Uggams. Scheduled later this week are Dinah Shore, Tiny Tim (Tuesday), Walter Cronkite, Walter Schirra (Wednesday), Arlo Guthrie* Ann-Margret (Thursday) and comic Rodney Dangerfield (Friday) among others. it it it Three programs which are first-time specials deal with China, Mothers and Daughters, and Bertrand missel}. .. , ' The question of what will happen to Red China when Mao Tse-tunff dies i s* Merv Griffin exhibits the various faces he will have to juggle as host of his new late-night talk-variety series premiering Monday. The program will be telecast every weeknightjifrom 11:30 to I on Channel 50, discussed on Channel 9 fli Tuesday at 9 p.m. Films are included in * the one-hour presentation.-. \yI The same night 10 gap is offered entitled “Mothers and Daughters/* I This a sequel to the CBS presentation “Fathers and j Song" a week earlier. This 9 week several mothers and [ daughters get to sound off on 9 familiar debating ground. j j AN INTERVIEW. j The philosopher - Bertrand Russell are ex- j I plored in an interview with 9 Russell Wednesday at 8 p.m. 9 on Channel 56. 9 In addition to the in- j I terview, a portrait of Russell ^ ^9^999p| is drawn from his writings -y paimer shows the form he hopes will win him and from impressions of him ^ pfiA golf championship. Looking on Hs Jim by his fellow Englishmen, McKay, oite of the ABC dommeyjators who ytillbe DayimiV third* . . ■ afJJfinai founds wilt be telecast on Chann$l7 Satur- 9 \ m ay from 4 to 5:30 p.nk. and Sunday from 4 to 6 p.ni. Live sports entertainment dominates t h e television screen this week. Meanwhile the networks are putting the label “special" on a number of shows, only three of which are not reruns. .Hiding , Jhe sports offerings is. the 51st PGA Championship being played pt Dayton, Ohio. Telecast of the third round begins today af 4 p.m. and the final round tomorrow at 4 p.m., all on Channel 7. The pro golfers are playing for $175,000 prize money, including $35,000 to the winner. ONE SATURDAY IW5 Th« Pontiac Pratt Saturday, Augutt 16, 1969 “Sword of the Conqueror” (Italian. 1962) Jack Palance, Guy Madison (9) R — Movie: “Dark Cbmmand” (1940) John Wayne. Walter Pidgeon ault’s Secret” (1942) Lynne Roberts, J. Carrol Naish ‘ 3:55 (7) C-Golf Tips R—Rerun C—Color SATURDAY AFTERNOON • * ii 12:00 (2) C — Moby Dick (4) C — Super 6 (9) C — Montreal Pop Concert — Music by composer Johann Strauss Jr. is featured 1:15 (4) C — Baseball: Pittsburgh at Cincinnati 2:00 (50) R — Movie: “At Gunpoint” (1955) Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Malone 4:00 (A) C — Sports Album (7) C — (Special) Golf — * Third round of PGA C h a m p i o nship from ' Dayton, Ohio (91 C — (Special) Jeux Canada Games—Opening ceremonies of Canada’s first national summe; games from Nova Scotia (50) R — Movie: “Sons of the Sea” (British, 1942) Michael Redgrave, Valerie Hobson 2:55 (7) C — Wonderful World of Sports• 4:30 (4) At the Zoo (62) R — Phil Silvers ^SO (2) C — Lone Ranger (4) C — Red Jones (7) C — Happening — The Grassroots guest 1:00 (2) R C — Movie: “Zarak” (1957) Victor Mature, Michael Wilding (4) C — Baseball Pregame (7) R C — Movie V 3:00 (2) R — Movie: “The Real Glory” (1939) David Niven, Gary Cooper (7) R — Outer Limits (9) C — (Special) Little League Baseball — Taped^ highlights of final game*' in Canadian championship tournament at Victoria, B. C. * 3:30 (50) Movie: “Dr. Ren- cuieiu If Bowling Is Your Bag . • , Do Your Thing at AIRWAY! We're the only lanes in the area where you can qualify for television's "Beat The Champ." Alway§ Good Entertainment in theJLounge 4825 W. Huron St. 674-0424 5:00 (2) R — Mr. Ed (4) To Be Announced (9) R C — Time Tunnel (50) C - Hy Lit - The Sea Train and John Hartford guest. (62) C—^Wrestling 5:15 (56) Chimney Comer 5:30 (2) RC - Gentle Ben (4) C — George Pierrot — “Sikkim, Eden of the Himalayas” (7) R C — Wackiest Ship (56) C — Brother Buzz SATl HDAY NK.IIT 6:00 (2) (A) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) C — Lively Spot (50) Jt C — Combat (56) R — Washington Week in Review (62) C — Best of Swingintime 6:30 (2) C — Porter Wagoner (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (7) C — Michigan Sportsman—Tips on fly fishing (56) Dr. Posin’s Giants — Galileo’s discovery of the field of gravitation is discussed. 7:00 (2) R C — Death Valley Days X , * doors (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — (Special) Canadian Pro Football: British Columbia at Hamilton (50) C — Midwestern Hayride — Waylon Jennings guests (56) R — Bridge With • Jean Cox „ (62) R — Movie: “Carve Her' Name With Pride” (British, 1958) Paul Scofield, Virginia McKenna 7:30 (2) R C - Jackie Gleasbn — On a visit to Spain, the Honeymooners become victims of an outlandish swindle. Rita * Gam guest-stars. (4) R C — Adam-12 - A young heiress pursues Malloy for a date aftfr he gives her a traffic ticket. Anna Capri guest-stars. (7) C — Dating Game — Della Reese is guest celebrity (56) R — French Chef — Steaks and hamburgers are featured. 8:00 (4) R c'- Get Smart — A mad scientist (Tom Poston) has plans for shocking the Smarts into a five-year sleep. (7) C — Newlywed Game (50) R C — Movie: “It Happened in Rome” (Italian, 1 9 5 7 ) Vittorio de Sica, Albert Sordi C56) Folk Guitar V* f:25 (62) Greatest Head-lines 8:30 (2) C — (Special) Pro Football: Green Bay at Chicago (4) R C — Ghost and Mrs. Muir — Carolyn ignores Capt. Gregg’s warnings of interfering in Martha’s romance. (7) R C — Lawrence Welk (56) R - NET Journal - ° Report focuses on snarled airports and hazard-ridden skies. (62) R — Movie: “Saint Joan” (1957) Jean Seberg, Richard Widmark *9:00 (4j *8** Mdv4£ “Birdman of Alcatraz” (1962) A convict spends 53 years in p/ison educating / The hims:lf in the science of birds. Burt Lancaster, l Theima Ritter, Neville * < Brand 9:30 (7) C — Johnny Cash — Guests include 0. C. Smith and son 0. C. Jr., the First Edition and* Grandpa Jones (56) R — Accent — University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee piano trio performs works by Alex ' Rowley and Beethoven. c Press Saturday, August 16, 1969 10:15 (9) R C — Movie: “Bahama Passage” (1941) Sterling Hayden, Madeline Carroll ~ 10:30 (7) C-Eye Bet (62) R — Favorite Story — Sea captain takes over for a college professor. li:ry (4) C — Guideline — “Telling It Like It Is and How It Ought to Be” features Baltimore Oriole star Frank Robinson's view of race problems in baseball. (7), Through Children’s Eyes — “Once Upon a Darftfe” (9) Gardener 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C—’Temple Baptist (4) C — Church at the Crossroads (7) Dudley Do-Right (9) Window on the World (50) c — Temple Baptist Church 8:55 (4) C — Newsworthy 9:CtO (2) C — Mass for Shut-Ins (4) C — Oopsy the Clown * (7) C — Linus (9) Man Alive (50) C — Captain Qetroit 9:25 (9) C — Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 9:30 (2) C - With This Ring (7) C — King Kong (9) Commemoration Ceremony—The 100th, Anniversary of the Sisters of St. Joseph in London, Ont., is spotlighted. (50) C — Kimba 9:45 (2) C — Highlights (4) C—Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) C—Choice (4) C — House Detective (7) C —Bullwinkle (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) R — Three Stooges 10:30 (2) C — Faith for Today (7) C —1 Discovery — “Operation Weather” focuses on men an d women who predict changes in the weather through the study o f clouds. (9) C — Bozo (50) R — Little Rascals y 11:00 (2) U. of M. Presents —“The Priest: Crisis in the Church” (7) C—Insight (50) R*— Superman 11:30 (2) C - Face the Nation — Apollo 11 Astro-n a u t s Neil Armstrong. Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins are interviewed (7) C —Dialogue (9) R — Movie: ‘‘Ft. Osage” ( 1 9 5 2 ) Rod Cameron, Jane Nigh (50) R C — Flintstones SUNDAY -AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C — Tpm and Jer- Candy, a Welsh corgi, play* a dog with un emotional problem on uWalt DUney9* World ” Sunday at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 4. ry (4) U. .of M. Presents*— 1 ‘Economics: Poverty’s People” (7) C — Championship Bowling (50) R< — Movie: “Sentimental Journey” (1946) Knowing she has j u p t a short time to live, stage star adopts 9-year-old girl to add to her husband’s happiness. John Payne, Maureen O'Hara. 12:30 (2) C — Aquaman (4) International Zone — “Visit to a Small Village” in Ghana (7) C — Issues and Answers — Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe is interviewed 1:00 (2) CJetsons (4) C — Meet the Press (7) C — Spotlight (9) R — Movie: “The Command” (1954) Medic takes* over a cavalry unit * in Wyoming. Guy Madison, Joan Weldon 1:30 (2) R Movie “Bowery Boys in High Society” (1955) Bowery Boys (4) C — Target (7) C — Haney’s People 2:00 (A) Beat the Champ (50) R — Movie: “The Sands i o f Beersheba” (1965) Modern parable of the David and Absalom story. Diane Baker, David Opatoshu 2:30 (2) C - AAU Track and Field — U.S.. vs Great Britain from London (7) R — Rifleman 3:00 (4) C — Car and Track (7) C — Theater One —-Barbara Rush and Tom Ewell star in a comedy about a congressman who has to escort a goat . herder. (62) C - Rebels 3:30 (2) C — NFL Action-Dethronement of the Green Bay Packers is examined. (4) C — Sports Album (9) R — Movie: ‘Top Secret Affair” (1957) Major general is named for an important diplomatic post but meets with opposition from„a glamorous pub Usher. Susan Hayward, Kirk Douglas (62) C - Herald of Truth 3:55 (7) C — Golf Tips 4:00 (2) C — (Special) Sex and the Six-Cent Stamp—, Pornography in the mails is probed (4) C — (Special) The Atom: Year of Purpose — Research into peaceful use of the atom by the Atomic Energy Commission is examined (7) C — (Special) Golf — Final round in the PGA championship from Dayton, Ohio. (50) R — Laramie (62) Oral Roberts 4:30 (2) R C — Wagon Train ?- Minister’s daughter heads west to rescue Itier older sister. . from a husband who has led her astrhy. Suzanne Pleshette guest-stars. ... (4) C,--LifeWatch 6 -“Just Say the Word” pre-sents the official government stand on caricer control. (62) C — Revival Fires 5:00 (4) C — Congressional Report — Congressmen debate President Nixon’s new welfare program. (50) R — Silent Service (62) C — Upbeat — Ray Stevens/ Frankie V a 11 i and the Guess Who guest. * 5:15 (56) Social Security — Harold Peary of the old “Fibber McGee and Molly” show talks about his career 5:30 (4) R C — Star Trek — “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” stars Frank Gorshin in a drama where "acial stife is carried to its inevitable—and absurd —conclusion. (50) C — John Gary — Jack Cassidy, Roberta Sherwood, Kurt Kasznar and Shari Lewis guest. (56) R — German Lesson Sl Vim NIGHT 6:00 ( 2 ) C — News. Weather, Sports (7) R C-T.H.E. Cat (56) R — Portrait In — A 4 ,tour of the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (62) C — Wilburn Brothers —. Johnny Carver guests. 6:30 (2) C Job Op- . portunity Line (4) C — News, Weather Sports (7) C — Let’s Make a Deal (9) R — Movie: . “The Easy Way” (1952) Mother of three adds several homeless youngsters to her brood. Cary Grant, Betsy'Drake (56) Insight — A governor (Leif Erickson) wants an immediate divorce and also wants to be reelected. His advisers tell him he can’t have both. (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 7:00 (2) R C - Lassie - A n e ar-tragedy threatens the life of the Indian boy’s horse. , (4) C — George Pierrot — “Moscow and Leningrad” , (7J R C - Land of the ' Giants — Giant fisherman, captures the earthlings. yJ (5J1) C — David Susskind —Four college presidents Th« Pontiac Prott Sunday, August 17, 1969 explain how they plan to deal with future student uprisings. (56) C — Sounds of Summer—Pierre Boulez, director of the New York Philharmonic and the London Symphony, conducts the Cleveland Orchestra and .Spanish concert pianist Alicia de Lar-rocha. Taped at Ohio’s Blossom Music Center. (62) R — Movie: “Timber Fury” (1950) A young girl and her father fight a timber gang. David Bruce, Laura Lee 7:30 (2) C — All-American College Show (4) R C — Walt Disney’s World. — “Little Dog Lost” focuses on a Welsh corgi’s abnormal fear of brooms. • 8:00 (2) R C - Ed Sullivan — Guests include Sergio Franchi, Nancy Ames, Stiller and Meara, Peter Gennaro and Step-penwolf. (7) RC-FBI-Colby poses as a bad-risk applicant to make contact with an illegal loan-shark operation. 8:25 ( 62) Greatest Headlines 8:30 (4) R C — Mothers-in-Law — Former bandleader (Ozzie Nelson) gives Eve and Kaye their big chance on TV. (9) C — Cesar’s World — “The Pleasures of Japan” (62) R — Movie: “The Winning Team” (1952) Biography of p i t c h e r Grover Cleveland Alexander. Ronald Reagan. Doris Day 9:00 (2) C - Hee Haw —' Jerry Lee Lewis and Conway Twitty guest. (4) R C — (Special) Elvis Presley — The host sings his best-known songs plus a musical production number about a young musician who rises from car washer to entertain (7) R C - Movie: “The Happening” (1967) Racketeer, afraid a group of thugs plans to abduct his son, offers himself as hostage. But no one will pay the-$3*mMiou ransom. Anthony Quinn, George Adajharis, Robert Walker, Martha Hyer, Faye Dunaway. I ONE (9) C — Conquest of Space — Program focuses * on future rockets and fuels that may permit man to travel to the edge of the solar system. (50) C — Political Talk-Waiter Shamie, candidate for mayor of D e t r o i t\ answers ques tions telephoned in by viewers. (56) Action People — New methods to insure a sense of success and feeling of accomplishment in all students are discussed. •n 10:00 (2) R C — Mission: Impossible — The IMF comes*' up against a human time bomb when the force invades the world of spies to protect an American double agent. (4) R C — My Friend, Tony — Woodruff and Novello are hired by a foreign government „ t o help crack a ring skimming casino profits. *. (9) C — News, Weather, Sports (50) C — Lou Gordon — Guests: jl Kevin Phillips, analyst, for the Nixon campaign; 2. Detroit-Wayne County Health Commissioner Dr. George Pickett; 3. Peter Came jo, national committee member of the Socialist Workers party; 4. State House leaders William Ryan, D-Detroit, and William Hampton, R - Bloomfield Hills. (56) Speaking Freely — , Dr. Janet Travell, official, White House physician to Presidents Kennedy and Johnsog, is interviewed. 10:15 (9) R—Movie: “Quar- SUNDAY tet” (British, 1948) Four ** tales taken from short stories of Somerset Maugham. Cecil Parker, Raymond Lovell 10:30 ( 62) R — Favorite Story x 11:00 (2) (.4) (7) C — News. Weather, Sports (62) R — Movie: “The Brass Legend” ( 1 95 6 ) Honest sheriff tries ^ to save a boy who aided him in capturing a killer: Hugh O’Brian, Nancy Gates 11:30 (4) R C - The Saint-Wealthy tycoon says* he’s being imitated by a perfect double, (7) R — Movie: “Boom * Town” (1939) Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy 11:35 (2) R — Movie^: 1. C — “Rich, Young and Pretty” (1951) A Texan’s daughter* finds her long-lost mother in Paris. Jane Powell, Vic Damone; 2. “Zorro Rides Again’’ (1958) Zorro aids a railroad company. J o.h n Carroll, Duncan Renaldo 11:45 (9) C — I Wish You Were Here — “Visit to Bermuda” 1 2 : 3 0- ( 4 ) C — News, Weather 1:30 (7) C—News,4 Weather 3 : 0 0 ( 2 l C - News, Weather ^3:05 (2) C - With This ■ Ring Ail The MONEY You Need! ' NOW YOU CAN BORROW UP TO *5,000 V0N YOUR HOME EQUITY! yCamfenient Repaynieiit Plan lip To ^.Yeqm FAMILY ACCEPTANCE COMPANY 101 Pontiac Matt Bank Building Phone FE B-4022 ONE COLO Th« Pontiac Pro** Monday, August 18, 1969 MONDAY R Rerun C — Color o MONDAY MORNING 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) On 'fhe Farm Scene 6:00 (2) C—Black Heritage —Civil rights from 1959 to Selma (Part 2) 6:30 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (A) Classroom — “Many Worlds of India: Gestures and Gods” 6:45 (71 C — Batf nk 7:00 (4) C — Today —Tim Matheson (of “The Virginian”); David J. McDonald, former president of the United Steelworkers of America; Doug Mc- Clure; and Sara Lane guest (7) C — Morning Show Hillbillies (9) Friendly Giant 9:45 (9) Chez Helene 7:30 (2) C—News, Weather. Sports . 10: 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo 8:15 (9) Warm-Up 00 (2) R C—Andy Griffith (4) C—Personality — Celebrity guests for week are Bill Cullen, Sheila Mac-Rae and Julia Meade (9) R — Mr. Dressup 8:25 (9) C — M o r*g a n ’ s 10:25 (9) Pick of the Week Merry-Go-Round 1 10 8:30 (7) R—Movie: “For the Love of Mary” (1948) Deanna Durbin. Edmond O’Brien. (9) C— Bozo 10;55 (9) c ^ News 30 (2) C — Merv Griffin (4) C—Hollywood Squares (7) C — “Galloping Gourmet 9:00 (2) R C — Lucy Show (4) C—.. Fimt Baby Vat ( ) No ( ) Dug Data SEND TO: STORK-PAK International, P.O. Box 582, Royal Oak, Michigan 48073 ftWF (9) R — Mr. Dressup , 2:30 (2) C—Edge of Night (4) C —■ You Don’t Say (7) C—One Life to Live 10:25 (9) Pick of the Week (50) r — Make Room for. Daddy TUESDAY R —Rerun C — Color TUESDAY MORNING ' 10:30 (2) C—Merv Griffin (4) C — Hollywood Squares (7) C — Galloping Gourmet i 3:00 (2) C—iLinkletter Show (4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dark; Shadows (9) R — Dennis the Menace (50) R—Topper 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 10:55 (9) C ~ News 3:25 (4) C — News 5:55 (2) C — On the Farm Scene 6:00 (2) C —Black Heritage —Civil rights’from 1959 to Selma (Conclusion) 6:30 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) Classroom — “Many Worlds of India: Saris and Careers” * 6:45 (7) C — Batfink « 7:00 (4) C - Today - Rev. Bob Richards, former Olympic champ, guests (7) C — Morning Show 7:30 (2)*C—News, Weather,. Sports 6:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo 8:15 (9) Warm-Up 8:25 (9)C — Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:30 (7) R — Movie: “The Big Store” (1941) Marx Brothers. Tony Martin (9) C — Bozo 9:00 (2) R C — Lucy Show (4) C—Dennis Wholey 9:30 (2) R C — Beverly. Hillbillies (9) R — Friendly Giant 9:45 (9) Chez Helene 10:00 (2) R C-Andy Griffith (4) C — Personality 11:00 (4) C — It.Takes Two (7) R — Bewitched (9) Luncheon Date I (50) C — Jack LaLanne 4 11:25 (4) C—Carol Duvall 11:30 (4) C—Concentration (7) R C — That Girl - (9) R — Take 30 (50) C — Kimba TUESDAY AFTERNOON a 12:00 (2) C—News, Weather, Sports (4) C — Jeopardy (7) C — Dream House (9) Luncheon Date II (50) C—Underdog 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (i) C—As the World Turns (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — Let’s Make, a Deal (9) R — Real McCoys ( 50 ) R—Movie: “Hap--piness Ahead” (1934) Dick Powell, Frank McHugh f; 1:00 (2) C—Divorce Court (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game (9) R—Movie: “Best *of the Badmen” (1951) Robert Ryan, Claire Trevor 1:30 (2) C—Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game ^1:00(2^ (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital 3:30 (2) C—Search for Tomorrow (4) C—You’re Putting Me • On (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C—Loye of Life (4) C—Steve Allen—Mary Lou Collins, Redd Foxx and Norm Crosby guest. (7) R—Movie: “Francis Joins the WACs” (1954) Donald O’Connor, Julie Adams (9) C — Bozo 4:25 (2) C — News 4:30 (2) C—Mike Douglas— Roger Miller, Jesse White, Betty Buckley and Paul Krassner guest (50) R — Little Rascals (62) CJ — Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:00 (4) C—George Pierrot —“Holiday in Japan” * (9) R C —v Batman (50) R — Munsters 5:15 (56) Friendly Giant 5:30 (9) R - F Troop (50) R — Superman % (56) Misterogers (62) R — Leave It to Beaver TUESDAY NIGHT » » 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News, , Weather, Sports (9) R C - I Spy - U.S. and British intelligence agents try to outfox each other while seeking / a reputed fortune in contraband. * (50) R G — Flintstones (56) What’s New — Sea stars,' "jellyfish and sea urchins are featured: (62) R — Sea Hunt 6:30 (2) C —* News -Cronkite (4) C — News, — Hunt-ley, Brinkley 41) C - News -Reynolds, Smith (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) Cancion de la Raza — Spanish soap opera (62) R — Highway Patrol* ’ g-M (2) R C — Truth or Consequences (4) (7) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie: “Lucky Jordan” (1942) Racketeer seeks to sell Army tank plans to the Nazis: Alan Lqdd, Helen Walker (50) R — I Love Lucy — The Ricardos resolve not to show snapshots of their baby. (56) C — Fact of the Matter (62) C — Swingintime 7:30 (2) R C — Lancer — Scott saves conniving medicine main from a tar-and-feathering. I (4) C — (Special) Shirley Bassey and Noel Harrj^on -Composer-guitarist Lau-rindo Almeida guests (7) R C — Mod Squad — Line and Pete go to prison to protect the life of a convicted"* draft-dodger. Christopher Connelly guests (50) R — Hazel (56) C—Accent: “Impressions *69” is a series of musical and comedy sketches 8:00 ( 50) C — Pay Cards — Ann Miller guests. - * (56) C — NET Festival -“The Talgai Skull’’ tells about scientific detection of a fossilized skull, possibly the missing link between ancient and modem man. (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 8:30 (2) C — Portrait of a Star: Orriar Sharif (4) R C — Julia — Corey can’t go with Earl J. Waggedom to a father-son. Scout meeting because Corey has no father. •, (7) .• -a„ •Thief — Mundy checks out a hunch that a 12-* ■ 11 Th« Pontiac Proit Tuesday, August 19, 1969 Judy Collins (62) R - Mo’ year-old boy may be the brain behind* the solid missile fuel formula he is ordered to steal.’(Conclusion) i (9) It’s Our Stuff — Jay Jackson guests * (50) C — Password (62) R —~~Movie: “The Brass Legend” ( 1 9 5 6 ) Honest sheriff.? tries to save a boy who aided him in capturing a killer. Hugh O’Brian, Nancy Gates 9:00 (4) R C — Mof ie : “Deadlock” (1969) Leslie Nielsen and Hari Rhodes star in this forerunner of the fall series, “The Bold Ones,” about a district attorney and a police lieutenant trying to find the killer of a news paperman in a . racially troubled city. (9), (Special) Man at the Centre — “China Part 3” shows how Chairman Mao . became what he is ^and what may happen after he dies (50) R — Perry Mason (56) R — Dr. Posin’s Giants - G a 1 i 1 e?o ’ s discovery of the field of gravitation is discussed. m, - 9:30 (2) R C - Doris Day — A retired Marine Corps .officer takes command while Doris is out of town. (7) R C - N.Y.P.D. - A film producer who has no enemies is murdered. (56) French Chef — New potato dishes are featured. 9:55 (62) Greatest Headlines 10:00 (2) C —: (Special ) Mothers and Daughters — A look at how the generations feel about each other and their somewhat different worlds is presented (7) C—Dick Cavett—Joni - Mitchell, Jefferson Airplane and the Ji'mi Hendrix Experience are scheduled for a spund symposium on miync (9), (50) oT— News, Weather, Sports (56) Rainbow Quest — Joan” (1957) George Bernard Shaw’s classic * story of Saint Joan told in flashback as King Charles dreams. Jean S e b e r g . Richard Widmark 10:30 (9) C — What’s My Line? (50) R—Alfred Hitchcock 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, '-Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie: “Man in the White Suit” (British, 1952) Scientist causes a market panic by Inventing a fabric that Won’t stain, tear or wear out. Alec Guinness, Joan Greenwood (50) R—Orie Step Beyond 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson — Dean Martin, Joe Di-Maggio, Raquel Welch, Shecky Greene and Marilyn Maye guest (7) C — Joey Bishop — Guests include R u .t h Gordon, Tony Bennett, George Burns and Reggie Jackson, the Oakland Ath- nni fin letics’ home-run slugger (50) C — Merv Griffin — Dinah Shore, Phyllis Oilier, Tiny Tim and Sonny and Cher guest 11:35 (2) R C - Movie: “Seventh Voyage of Sin-bad” (1958) Sinhad helps princess who has been reduced to the size of man’s thumb by a magician. Kerwin Mathews, Kathryn Grant 12:24 (9) Viewpoint 12:30 (9) C — Perry’s Probe — “Hollywood Cliches” are discussed 1:00 '(4) Beat the Champ (7) R — Texan 1:30 (2) R — Naked City (4) (7) C — News. Weather 2 : ? 0 ( 2 ) C — News, Weather 2:35 (2) TV Chapel FINE POLISHED - FIRST QUALITY TUB AND SHOWER ENCLOSURES SEE OUR SELECTION OF FINE POLISHED FIRST QUALITY MIRRORS! FRAMES, PLATE AND ANTIQUED MIRRORS) , AND SHOWER ENCLOSURES MANY COMBINATIONS TO CHOOSE FROM CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE AUTO WINDSHIELDS INSTALLED WHILE YOU WAIT FAST, COURTIOUS, EFFICIENT SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED PICK UP AND DELIVERY No Service Charge eoMPum uni bF windshields SERVICE GLASS COMPANY 120 W. NKE ST« PONTIAC ™ - 5.9444 Tht Pontiac Pints Wodnotday, August 20,1969 “Bedeviled" (1955) Anne Baxter, Steve Forrest (9) C — Bozo 9:00 (2) R C—Lucy Show (4) C—Dennis Wholey R — Rerun C — Color WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY MORNING 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C — On the Farm Scene 6:00 (2) C—Black Heritage —Protest activities in the North (Part I) 9:30 (2) R C-Beverly Hillbillies (9) Friendly Giant 9:45 (9) Chez Helene 10:00 (2) R C - Andy Griffith (»4) C — Personality (9) R—Mr. Dressup 6:30 (2) C - Woodrow the Woodsman ( 4 ) C 1 a s s r o am — “Many Worlds of India: —Art” 6:45 (7) C - Batfink 10:25 (9) Pick of the Week 10:30 (2) C - Merv Griffin (4) C—Hollywood Squares (7) C — Galloping Gourmet % 10:55 (9) C - News 7:00 (4) C —Today— Jack Webb, Arlo Guthrie and Fred Rogers (of “Mis-terogers”) are scheduled (7) C — Morning Show , 7:30 (2) C - News, Weather, Sports 8:00 (2)R — Captain Kangaroo 11:00 (4) c—It Takes Two (7) R — Bewitched (9) Luncheon Date I (50) C—Jack LaLanne 11:25 (4) C—Carol Duvall 11:30 (4) C — Concentration (7) R C - That Girl (9) Take 30 (50) C - Kimba AFTERNOON 8:15 (9) Warm-Up 8:25 (9) C - Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:30 (7) R C —Movie : 12:00 (2) C—News, Weather, Sports (4) C—Jeopardy (7) C—Dream House (9) Luncheon Date II (50) C — Underdog COLOR and BLACK & WHITE ROTO ANTENNA UHF and VHF FM STEREO lxc«ll«nt For Iringt Areas 95 COMPLETE INSTALLATION Other ANTENNAS at low at NO EXTRAS • Wire • Rotor •Labor INCLUDES • Mounts • Antenna 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C - As the World Turns (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — ^ Let’s Make a Deal (9) R—Real McCoys (50) R—Movie: “Garden of the Moon" (1938) John Payne, Pat O’Brien 1:00 (2) C—Divorce Court (4) C—Days of Our Lives , (7) C—Newlywed Game (9) R—Movie: “Here Come the Coeds" (1945) Bud, Abbott, Lou Costello, Peggy Ryan 1:30 (2) C—Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game 2:00 (2) C—Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital 2:30 (2) C—Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 3:00 (2) C—Linkletter Show (A) C — Match Game (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) R — Dennis the Menace (50) R — Topper 3:25 (4) C-News 3:30 (2) C - Search for Tomorrow (4) C — You’re Putting Me On (7) C—Anniversary Game (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C—Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C—Love of Life (4) R — C* — Steve Allen — Allan Sherman, Shari Lewis and the Irish Rovers guest (7) R-Movie: “The * Phantom of the Opera” (1943) Claude Rains, Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster (9) C—Bozo 4:25 (2) C - News 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas — Wilson Pickett, Grady ^^Nutiy—Reg«r Miller tandh Barbara Walters guest ^62) C — Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:00 (4) C—George Pierrot —“Japan Today*’ (9) R C — Batman (50) R — Munsters 5:15 (56) Friendly Giant 5:30 (9) R — F Troop (50) R —Superman (56) Misterogers (62) R — Leave It to Beaver WfebNfeSDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weathe?, Sports (9) R C — I Spy - Kelly and Scott must thwart a plot to overthrow the Moroccan government. (50) R C— Flintstohes (56) What’s New — The octopus is featured. (62) R — Sea Hunt 'pr 6:30 (2) C — News — Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (7) C — News — Reynolds* Smith (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) Cancion de la Raza — Spanish soap opera (62) R — Highway Patrol 7:00 (2) R C - Truth or Consequences (4) (7) C —News, Weather, Sports (9) R C — Movie: “Winchester ’73” (1967) A man trails a renegade through a series o f adventures until an old sfcore is settled. Dan Duryea, John Saxon (50) R — I Love Lucy — Lucy vows to tell the truth for 24 hours to win a bet with Ricky. (56) Tempo — An essay on the disposable nature of man — from the / garbage he creates to the disposability of his cars and the* buildings he inhabits (62) C — Swingintime 7:30 (2) R C - Tarzan - A crusading reporter risks her life in an effort to ' prove that tribal elections to create a new nation are : fraudulent.' - M) R C — Virginian — .x. After killing a man in self-defense, Sutton i s * threatened by the man's family. (7) H C — Here Come the Brides — A young Mormon farmer becomes engaged to Candy, Biddie, Ann and Amanada. (50) R — Hazel (56) C — Book Beat —* Gay Talese, former New York Times reporter and author of the best-selling 4 Kingdom and the Power,” is interviewed. 8:00 (50) C — Pay Cards — Rodney Danger field guests. (56) The Life and Times of Bertrand Russell — The great philosopher's character is captured in a program from his writings. (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 8:30 (2) R C — Good Guys — Rufus, Bert and Claudia become actors for a film company that uses the diner for a crime story. (7) RC - King Family (50) C — Password (62) R C — Movie: “Checkpoint'' (British, 1967) Excitement and intrigue among racing drivers. Stanley Baker, Anthony Steel 9:00 (2) R C — Beverly Hillbillies - D r y s d a 1 e evicts Jethro from the fifth floor of his bank and rents to Jed. „ (4) C — Music Hall — Don Ho welcomes Bobby Goldsboro and Stiller and Meara to Hawaii. (7) R C—Movie: “Sands of the Kalahari'* (British, 1965) Arrogant professional-hunter's desire to prove his strength leads to the destruction of most of the survivors Of a plane crash in the African desert. Stuart Whitman, Stanley Baker, Susannah York . (9) R — Secret Agent (50) R — Perry Mason (56) R — Fact of the , Matter ' \ l * .4._ **' vwosspswiw'-w*!'- i-r>. rim.il ,i 9:30 (2j' R C — Green Acres — LisaV mother Tho Pontiac Prots Wodnosday; August 20, instinct comes.put whep .. she has 1,000 baby chicks to keep alive. (56) R C — Sounds of Summer—At Ohio's Blossom Music Center, Pierre Boulez conducts the Cleveland Orchestra and Spanish pianist Alicia de Larrocha. 9:55 (62) Greatest Headlines 10:00 (2) R C — Hawaii Five-0 — Me. Garrett, takes p quack doctor to court although the public favors her (Conclusion) (4) R C — Outsider’ — A police officer .is accused of accepting a bribe and Ross is caught in .the middle. (9) (50) C — N*e w s , - Weather, Sports (62) R — Movie: “The Winning Team" (1952) Biography of pitcher Grover Cleveland Alexander. Doris Day, Ronald Reagan, Frank Lovejoy C — News, Weathei\ Sports (9) R — Movie: “Holly and Ivy" (British, 1953) Parson gathers family together to spend an unhappy Christmas. Ralph Richardson, Mdfgaret Leighton (50) R — One Step Beyond 11:15 (7) C—News, Weather, Sports § 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson —Lucille Ball, Flip Wilson and the Friends of Distinction guest. (50) C —Merv Griffin — Walter Cronkite, Mu-hammed Ali, Joan Baez and Wayne Cochrane guest. 11:35 (2) R C — Movie: “Mission to Death" (1966) American infantrymen destroy a radar installation Jim Brewer 13 WEDNESDAY Milton Berle, Rick Nelson and Eddie Fisher guest 12:24 (9) Viewpoint 12:30 (9) fc — Perry's Probe — “Strange Facts About the Bible" 1:00 (4) Beat the Chjflmp 1:15 (7) R — Texan 1:30 (2) R — Naked City (4) C — News, Weather 1:45 (7) C — News, Weather 2:30 (2) C—News, Weather 10:30 (9) C—What's My Line (50) R—Alfred Hitchcock Bobby Goldsboro chooses a cool setting to sing %w(UidH d(^i^r Mdhs on during th~ “ jB o.fvt. Wednesday onChurtnel 4, iu «in§ Little Green Apples whifts a Kraft Music Hall From Hawaii99 colorcast --,-------■,**- -Vi Lift.'*. !»-* THURSDAY R — Rerun C — Color THURSDAY MORNING 10:25 (9) Pick of the Week* / 10:30 (2) C — Merv Griffin (4) C — H o 11 y w o o d Squares (7) C — Galloping Gourmet 10:55 (9) C — News , ■ 11:00 (4) C — It Takes Two 5:50 (2) TV Chapel (7) R — Bewitched } (9) Luncheon Date I „ 5:55 (2) C — On the Farm (50) C — Jack LaLanne Scene 11:25 (4) C — Carol Duvall 6:00 (2) C—Black Heritage —James Farmer lectures u;30 (4) c — Concentration on northern protest activ- ^ r C—That Girl' ities (Conclusion) Take 30 (50) C — Kimba 6:30 (2) C—Woodrow the Woodsman THURSDAY AFTERNOON (4) Classroom — “Many Worlds of India’’ 12:0o (2) C - News, looks at British rule from weather, Sports the East India Compafly^^ c _ Je(B)ardv t0 1947 (TTC-Jiam House (9) Umpm Date II 6:45 (7) C — Batfink (50) C — Underdog 7:00 (4) C -*• Today — One-hour report on Spanish • Americans features Bronx President Hermai) Badillo and former light-heavy-weight champ Jose Torres. (7) C — Morning Show 7:30“(2) C — News, Weather, Sports 8:00 (2) C — C a p t a i n Kangaroo 8:15 (9) Warm-Up 8:25 (9) C—Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:30 (7)j R-Movie: “A Yank at Eton” (1942) Mickey Rooney, Peter Lawford (9) C — Bozo 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C — As the World Turns (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (i) C — Let’s Make a Deal (9) R — Real McCoys ‘ (50) R—Movie: “Ladies Courageous” (1944) Loretta Young, Diana Barrymore 1:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4)_C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game (9) R—Movie: “The Big Steal” (1949) Robert Mitchum, William Bendix 1:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game 9:00 (2) R C-Lucy Show (4) C—Dennis Wholey 9:30 (2) R C — Beverly Hillbillies - (9) R—Friendly Giant 9:45 (9) Chez Helene ; 10:00 (2) R—Andy Griffith— (4) C — Personality (9) R—Mr. Dressup 2:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital 2:30 (2) C — Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (50) R — Make Room for Daddy ■ 3:00 (2) C—Linkletter Show (4) C — Match Game (7) C — Dark Shadows Charlton Heiton play a well-to-do Hawaiian landowner in1 love with France Nuyen in “Diamond Head ” the Thursday night movie9 at 9 p.m. on Channel 2. (9) R — Dennis the Menace (50) *R — Topper 3:25 (4) C — News 3:30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — You’re Putting Me On (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C -r Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C - Love of Life (4) C — Steve Allen — Guests include Werner Klemperer, Charlie Manna, Howard Storm and the Stony Brook People. (7) R C — Movie: “Joe Butterfly” (1957) Audie Murphy, George Nader (9) C — BOZO THURSDAY NIGHT 4:25 (2) C-News 6: 2 and become the * head of the village. (7) R C - That Girl - . Don trades- apartments With Ann to protect her efrom a rodent. Th» Pontiac Prots Thursday, August 21, 1969 (50) C — Pay Cards (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 8:30 (4) R C — Ironside — The detective is assigned to prove the innocence of a Negro militant/ accused of murder. (7) R C — Bewitched — Cousin Henry, and Endora join Samantha on a “fun” shopping trip. (9) R C — Telescope — Singer-comedienne Grade Fields, 70, is profiled on the Isle of Capri. (50) C —Password (56) C — Washington Week in Review (62) R C — Movie: “Elephant Gun” (British, 1959) Belinda Lee, Michael Craig character is captured in a program based on his writings. (62) C — Wrestling — What’s My 9:00 (2) R C — Movie: “Diamond Head” (1962) Story of King Howland, head of an agricultural dynasty in Hawaii. Charton Heston, Yvette Mimieux, George Chakiris, James Darren (7) R C — Tom Jones — George Brown, Paul Anka and Mary Hopkins guest. ^ (9) Canada at War — I ^ “The Norman Summer” (50) R — Perry MaSWy^J (56) R — Speaking FrCeK j — Janet Travell, official^ White House physician to Presidents Kennedy and “ Johnson, is interviewed. 0 9:30 (4) R C — Dragnet — Gannon and Friday deal with an attempted suicide, help a wounded officer and alert the city of a tidal wave. (9) Nature of Things — “Animal Social Behavior” examines how animals interact with their own species apd others. V 10:00 (4) R C — Golddiggers — Gail Martin, Lou Rawls and Paul Lynde salute songs of 1928 (7) R C — (New Time) It Takes a Thief — Mundy tries to find a microdot in the possession of a group of international beauty contest winners. (9) (50) O — News, Weaher, Sports (56) R — Life and Times ~ of Yiertraraf-Jlussell — The great philQsopherV 10:30 (9) C Line? (50) R—Alfred Hitchcock 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C.— News, Weather, Sports (9) R, — Movie: “Revolt in the Big House” (1958) Imprisoned racketeer plans to escape. Robert Blake, Gene Evans (50) R — One Step Beyond 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson — Scheduled guests include Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, Bobby Darin, Phyllis Diller and Romy Schneider. (7) C — Joey Bishop — Peggy Lee, Nipsey Russell and George Shearing guest. (50) C — Merv Griffin— Ann-Margret, Arlo Guthrie and Della Reese guest — “Shipwreck Island” (Spanish, 1961) A group of lads are shipwrecked on a deserted island. ‘-Charito Maldonando, P a b 1 i t o Calva; 2. “Barrier of the Law” (Italian, 1965) A ^ girl, whose brother is a member of a fiang of smugglers, falls' for a policeman trying to bring them to justice. Jacques Sernas, Rossano Brazzi 12:24 (9) Viewpoint 12:30 (9) C — Perry’s Probe — “The New Look in Men” is the topic. 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R — Texan 1:30 (4) (7) Weather News, 11:35 (2) R—Movies: 1. C 3:30 (2) C—News, Weather 3:35 (2) TV Chapel IF YOU PUT ALUMINUM SIDING ON YOUR HOME, IT SHOULD BE THE BEST! WE HAVE IT! * ALUMINUM A VINYL SIDINQ Complete Exterior Remodeling • Aluminum Storm Dooro • Gutters A A Windows Downspout o Siding o Patios A Enolosuros o Custom Mode Aluminum Shutters o insuronoo Work e Awnings o Roofing > Tom Higginbotham Roofing A Siding Co. 623-0066 5437 Dixie Hwy. Waterford flNLcm.Gr. TK« Pont.oc Pr#M Fridoy, AuQUtt 22, 1969 ern-Go-Round FRIDAY R — Reran C — Color * ,/ FRIDAY MORNING 5:56 <2 TV Chapel 5:55 (2) On *the Farm Scene 6:00 «2 > C — Black Heritage — Significance of .uaicolnri X and the Black Muslims • Part I> 6:36 <2> C — Woodrow the Woodsman t 4 » Classroom— Many Worlds of India Arithmetic of People” 6:45 C—News. Weather. Sports j 8:00 2 C — Captain Kangaroo 8:15 Warm-Up 8:25 9' C — Morgan 8:36 7> R C—Movie “Meet Me at the Fair" >1953 Dan Dailey. Diana Lynn <9 C — Bozo 9:00 ?2 R C—Lucille Ball 4 C—Dennis Wholey 9:30 2* R C — Beverly Hillbillies 9 R — Friendly Giant 9:45 9 Chez Helene 16:60 <2* R C-Andy Griffith 4 C — Personality 9 R — Mr Dressup 16:25 9‘ Pick of the Week 10:30 <2i C — Merv Griffin <4‘ C — Hollywood Squares ■ (71 C — Galloping Gourmet < 501 C — Herald of Truth 16:55 »9» C—News 11:66 (4> C-It Takes Two 7 j R — Bewitched 9 Luncheon Date I 50 C — Jack La Lanne 11:25 4 C—Carol Duvall 11:36 4 C — Concentration <7* R C — That Girl <9 Take 30 s 50C — Kimba FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 <2i C—News, Weather, Sports < 41 C — Jeopardy 171 C — Dream House <9* Luncheon Date II <501 C—Underdog 12:25 (21 C — FashiOhs 12:30 (2) C — As the World Turns (jf— News, Weather, Sports <7\ C — Let’s Make a Deal (9» R — Real McCoys (50) R—Movie: ‘‘I Am a Fugitive” (1932) Paul Muni. George Raft 1:00 (2) C — Divorce Court ill C—Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game (9) R—Movie: “Bride by Mistake” (1944) Laraine Pay. Marsha Hunt 1:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C —Doctors, (7) C — Dating Game 2:00 (2) C — Secret Storm <4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital 2:30 (2) C — Edge of Night <41 C —r You Don’t Say ( 7) C — One Life to Live (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 3:00 <2) C—Linkletter Show < 41 C — Match Game < 7) C — Dark Shadows (9) R — Dennis the Menace < 561 R — Topper 3:25 <4) C — News 3:30 i2> C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — You’re Putting Me On (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C — Captain Detroit 4:00 (2) C — Love of Life (4) R C — Steve Allen — ♦H^WtWIIMMWWWMW I CONNOLLY'S INNHIttMIMHM IH »*• »•» Jewel OF THE WEEK as iKown, grve yovr mar o chomowd for ha gih. A one can* bnfUattf cut dromond with three kyi!i*ants or eoch fc*de A wpreme grh and t.me*eis remembrorvce $1,500 Chmrw^Lmymwmy.Hitkifmm Bmmkmr* C-yW-i ond SogMo. StTMti OHM MUOAV FVBMMGS H 2-0294 Phil Foster, Guy Marks and Sarah Vaughan guest. (7) R—Movie: “The Road to Rio” (1947) Bob Hope, Bing Crosby (9) C — Bozo 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas —G uests include Sen. Fred Harris, D-Okla., and his wife, along with Alice Faye, Tony Joe White. Jackie Vernon and Roger Miller. (50) R — Little Rascals (62) C — Bugs Bunny and Friends ’ 5:00 (4) C—George Pierrot —“Baja California Beckons” (9) R C — Batman (50) R — Munsters 5:15 (56) Friendly Giant 5:30 (9) R C — F Troop (50) R — Superman (56) Misterogers » (62) R — Leave It to Beaver FRIDAY N J < j IJ 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C — News. Weather. Sports * (9f R C — I Spy - Kelly and Scott search for a mathematician who disappeared mysteriously. (50) R C — Flintstones (56) What’s New — Smaller .fish of the reef are shown. (62) R — Sea Hunt 6:30 (2) C — News — Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley. Brinkley (7) C — News — Reynolds. Smith (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) Cancion de la Raza — Spanish soap opera (62) R — Highway Patrol / 7:00 (2) R C — Truth or Consequences (4) (7) C - News. Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie: “Charlie Chan in Reno” (1939) ‘QTan iries B^cleSTirtF client’s wife of a murder charge. Sidney Toler. Th« Pontiac Prats Friday, August 22, 1969 Ricardo Cortez (50) R — i Love Lucy — Lucy and Ricky turn the Mertzes’ apartment into a shamble when they offer to paint and r.upholst (56) Great Books Discussion of “Hucklebe ry Finn” concludes. (62) C — Swingintime 7:36 (2) R C - Wild, Wild West — A dying maif’s request to preserve a legacy for his% young ward sends West to a Kansas . town where he discovers a wholesale conspiracy to steal the inheritance. Jim Backus guest-stars. (4) R C — High- Chapar?* ral — Don Sebastian Montoya schemes to gain control of the Cannon Ranch when he is wounded by a would-be assassin. (7) C — Let’s Make a Deal (50) R Hazel (56) R — Action People — ‘‘Schools Without Failures” discusses new methods which insure 'a sense of success and feeling of accomplishment in all students. 8:00 (7) C — John Davidson — The Dave Clark Five guest. (50) C — Pay Cards — Burt Reynolds guests. (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 8:30 (2) RC —GomerPyle — Bunny’s cat is suffering a strange malaise, but Gomer thinks it’s Sgt. Carter who’s dying. (4) R C - Name of the Game — Farrell suspects a convict was forced to escape prison so a gang leader can use his knowledge of b u i 1 d i n g construction in a robbery. Barry Nelson and Arthur O’Connell guest-star. (9) R — Secret Agent (50) C — Password (56) Portrait In — Prof. Donald Wood of the Ohio State University School of Art discusses his “Portraits in Design.” (62) C — Robin Seymour ONE V When a research chemist loses his job and his reputation because of a computer error in a credit iuvestigation9 Carl Bets (above) comes to his aid in Friday*!* episode of “Judd for the Defense" on Channel 7 at p p.m. 9:00 (2) R — Movie: “God’s Little Acre” (1958) A Georgia farmer believes go}d is buried on his farm, Robert Ryan, Aldo Ray, Tina Louise (7) R C — J*wW- th« Defense — Judd defends a man who is the victim of a computer’s error. (50) R — Perry Mason (56) R —iBook Beat — Former New York Times reporter Gay T a 1 e s e discusses his “The Kingdom and the Power.” (62) C — Scene 70 — Pop singers are featured. 9:30 (9) The Group — Anita Gass and Ray St. Germain guest (56) R — NET Playhouse — “The Lady With the Dog,” Anton Chekhov’s short story of a love affair between a middle-aged bank official and a young woman. Prize-winning Russian film. 10:00 (4) C — Here Come Stars —He bbJL& Reynolds, Ann Sothem and Gig Young join in sa- lute to guest of honor Agnes Moorehead. (7) C — Dick Cavett— Duke Ellington and novelist Mary McCarthy (“The Group’ ’) are scheduled guests. (9) (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (62) R — Movie: “It, the Terror Beyond Space” (1958) Returning to earth after a trip to Mars, space travelers find a Martian monster o n bo a r d. M a r sha 11 Thompson, Shawn Smith. 10:30 (9) C Line? (50) R—Alfred What’s My Hitchcock 11:00 (2) (4) m C - News, Weather, Sports (9) JR (Special)— Movie: “Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch” (1938) W. C. Fields film festival continues. Mrs. Wiggs’ brood yearns for the return of Mr. Wiggs and for $25 to pay the rent. Pauline Lord, ZaSu Pitts, Evelyn Venable (50) R — One Step Beyond 11:30 (4) C — Johnny Carson — Scheduled guests are Andy Devine and Anne Baxter. (7) C — Joey Bishop Nipsey Russell, Ed Ames and Polly Bergen guest. (50) C — Merv Griffin — Guests include comic Rodney Dangerfield and singer Aliza Kashi. FRIDAY “The Man With a Cloak” (1951) Tale, of terror involving a French girl and a strange poet. Joseph Cot ten, Barbara Stanwyck; 2. C — “The Old Testament” (Italian, 1963) Biblical drama. Susan Paget, Brad Harris 12:24 (9) Viewpoint 12:30 (9) C — Perry’s Probe — “The Vejy Beautiful People” are discussed. 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R — Movie: “Begin-of the End” (fe46) mng Brian , Walker Don levy, Robert (50) C — Wrestling 2:00 (4) C — News, Weather 3:15 (7) C — Wonderful World of Sports 3:05 (7) C—News, Weather 13:20 (7) C—News, Weather 3:30 (2) C — News, Weather 11:35 (2) R — Movies: 1. 3:35 (2) TV Chapel 6th ANNIVERSARY EVENT We Will Bring Samples to Your Home Ov«r300 REMNAHTS 0ZITE M% to 71% off 2” a AVON-TROY CARPET INDOOR OUTDOOR Cook A^Corty 1680 Auburn Road <*-—> aPCHemw PHoWEU2-2444 SATURDAY i SATURDAY MORNING • 4p 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C — News 6:00 (2) C — Across the Fence 6:30 (2) C—Black Heritage 6:45 (7) C — Rural Report 6:55 (4fC - News 7:00 (2) C — Mr. Magoo (4) C — Country Living — “Care and Planting of Trees and Shrubs” (7) (Debut) In - Out -Round - About — Popular music is featured > on this show I 7:30 (2LC — Bugs Bunny-Roadrunner (4) C — Oopsy (7) C Through Children's Eyes — “Puppets and Puppeteers*’ 7:35 (9) Warm-Up 7:45 (9) Sound ’69 , 8:00 (7) C — Casper (9) Window on the World 8:30 (2) C — Wacky Races (7) C — Gulliver Th« Pontiac Pro»* Saturday, August 23, 1969 (9) All Around the Circle 9:00 (2) C — Archie Show (4) R C — Flintstones (7) C H Spiderman (9) C — Pinocchio , (50) R — Wells Fargo 9:30 (2) C — Batman* Superman (4) R C — Banana Splits (7) C — Fantastic Voyage (9) Belle, Sebastian and the Horses -(50) R — Laramie 10:00 (7) C — Journey to the Center of Earth (9) Chansons 10:30 (2) C — Herculoicte * (4) C — Underdog (7) C — Fantastic Four (9) R — William Tell (50) R — Movie: “Pride of the Blue Grass” (1939) James McQallion, Edith Fellows 11:00 (2) C — Shazzan (4) C — Storybook Squares (7) C — George of the Jungle (9) Ballads and Chansons ^ 11:30 (2) R C— Jonny Quest (4) C — Untamed World (7) C — American Bandstand (9). Country Calendar * SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C — Moby Dick (4) C —Super 6 (9) C — Montreal Pop Concert (50) R — Movie: “Pancho Villa Returns” (1951) Leo Carrillo, Jeanelte Comber 12:30 (2) C — Lone Ranger | (4) C — Red Jones (7) C—Happening 1:00 (2) R — Movie : “Young Mr. Pitt” (1942) Robert Donat (4) C — B a s e b gl 1 PrSgame y (7) R — Movie: “This Man’s Navy” ( 1 9 4 5 ) Wallace Beery, Tom Drake (9) C — (Special) Jeux Canadian Games 1:15 (4) C—Baseball 2:00 (50) R — Movie: “St. Benny, the Dip” 11951) Nina Foch, Roland Young 2:55 (7) C - Wonderful World of Sports 3:00 (2) R C - Movie. “Sparfacus and the 10 Gladiators” (Italian, 1965) Dan Vadis (7) R — Outer Limits (9) C j§ Marvel Super Heroes . 3:30 (9) R C — Magic Shoppe | (50) R — Movie: “Spider Woman Strikes Back” (1946) Gale Sondergaard, Brenda Joyce JL55 (7) C r- Golf Tips 4:00 (4) C -(Special) Golf — Highlights of the third and fourth rounds of th$~ Avco championship from Sutton, Mass. (7) C — Wide Wo$d of Sports — Little League World Series from Williamsport, Pa. (9) C -r- Bozo 4:30 (4) At the Zoo (9) C — Skippy '(62) R — Phil Silvers 5:00 (2) R — Mr. Ed (4) C — Huckleberry Finn (9) R C—Time Tunnel (50) C — Hy Lit - The Crystal Mansion and Eddie Bo guest (62) C — Wrestling 5:15 (56) Chimney Corner 5:30 (>2) R C—Gentle Ben (4) C — George Pierrot -“Utah Lion Hunt” . (7) R C — Wackiest Ship |§(>) C — Brother Buzz . 51 I jjg V SOFA BEDS NOW Moving to a New Location ... So.. 200,000 STOCK LIQUIDATION ALL MUST GO! Reif. $129.95 MATTRESSES Box Springs Wtrt $99.00 $58°o NOW 2-SPEED DINETTE BREEZE-BOX SETS FANS 5-Pioeo Were $29.95 Were $69.95 NOW *19“ NOW *49“ Save 30% to 60% Choose from many famous names! T VT COMPUTE $ ROOMS A captivating collection of correlated stylet for your enjoyment. Greater in Scope — Greater in Savings — Greater in Design. A truly amazing value. e Sofa and Chair e 2 Step Table»% Coffee Table e 2 Matching Table Lampi INCLUDES: • Dretter, Mirror, Cheat, Bed e Inner Bpring Mattrett and Box Spring e 5-Pc. Dinette With Leaf EZ Terms, Up to 18 Months to Pay ^ i x-v n r- FURNITURE COMPANY ( —7 I ( ) K r- 2138 Dixie Mwy., A Telegraph Rd. V-/ L\y LJ L. Pontiac, Mieh. Mg M wlWTwFlwn 19 MODERNIZATION FAMILY ROOMS - DORMERS ROOM ADDITIONS - BREEZE-WAYS - ALUMINUM - KITCHENS 5744 Highland Rd. (M-59) OR 4>037l or S3S.1220 DIXIE GARAGES Brick • Block • Frame Free Plans, No Confusing Prices, Buy Direct from Owner and Save! F.H.A. Term* e Up to 7 Yr. Terms FREE ESTIMATES SEE MODELS ON DISPLAY SAME LOCATION 15 YEARS Every Job Fully Guaranteed OWNER SUPERVISION ON EVERY JOB Above prk. include, all of the following: 2 large aluminum windows * 22-fool shelf dr work bench '• 2,6 rafter. • 16 O.C. >tud. • tiding • Wind braces * Steel overhead door * 6" bo. roritica * Crou-tiet • Elec. cond. • 235 thing It. • Double header, o f vpajiiion V Alum m.ulotion • Galv. nail.. INCtlfDIS AU LA BO* AND MATItlAi • BOUT TO ANY CODI. ANY SIISUSS ALUM SIDING • ATTICS ADDITIONS • REC. ROOM4 PORCHES • ANYTHING REMODELING! 8-9584 WE BUILD WITHIN 75 MILES CAXAfiE I8ILIEIS 11337 LASSES SI. 5 YEAR WRITTtN GUARANTCI TEAS S TO PAY Pick Your Speed First Federal $10,000 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Earn 5!4% interest when held for a period of 12 months. $5,000 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Earn 5% interest when held for a period of 9 months $2,500 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Earn 4%% interest when held for a period of 6 months. No advance notice required for withdrawal on any Savings Passbook or Certificate Accounts. 761 W. Huron St , f^ntTdc — Downtftwn Pontrac^ Proyton PIqins ^ -Rochester — C larkstop — .Mi[ford — Walled Lake Lake Orion — Waterford — Union Lake — Northeast Pontiac 1 Shaker Square's permanent press shirt-shift The no-care combination of Fortrel® polyester/Nupron® rayon in a woven print, makes this1 one shirt-shift you'll wear and wear, machine wash and wear again. Faithfully classic with easy-into button front, crisp fall colorings of green or blue. Sizes 10-20, 14V2-24V2 in Home and Town Dresses. Pontiac 1st; Downtown and branches. Call us at 682-3232. HUDSON’S Mail Coupon or Phone 682-8232 The J. L. Hudaon Company w 269 N. Telegraph ltd., Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Customer Shopping Service, Dept. 490 ivame Address . _ Phone City State Zip Code 0 Charge Plate No.__ □ Check or Money Order enclosed 0 C.O.D. Hudson's delivers a purchase of $5 or more, excluding tax and service charges, to 19 Michigan counties and Toledo, Ohio. Add BW for delivery of purchase under $5 to the same area. Add 4% sales tax in Michigan. Add Rty for C.O.D. under $30. Allow two weeks for delivery. Home Builders Pressing for WASHINGTON (*» — The National Association of Home Builders, pointing to the continuing drop in the building of new housing, wants the goverhment to institute credit controls. ; ’ : In July, for the sixth consecutive month, new construction of privateshousing slipped — down 9 per cent from June. The Commerce Department said the level fell to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.34 million units. \ • Eugene A. when production in October of that year fell to an annual rate of just 845,000 units.” During the first seven months of 1966, housing starts dipped 31 per cent., Currently, fresh constriction of housing is down 29 per cent from the point six'-months ago. said Gulledge, “would serve a double purpose of distributing more equitably and spread more evenly the burden of immediately “his administration’s commitment to bolstering a now-faltering industry in such a way that we can get on with the job ... of providing a decent home in a suitable environment for every American family.”. The association said current credit restraints are a hardship for the industry because it cannot successfully bid lor money being offered at short-term rates of 8 to 9 per cent, > , Gulledge said the building pace is less than half the national goal of 2.6 million new units a year. Unless action is taken, he said, it is likely to drop to one million. Gulf Areas Brace as Camille Nears From Our News Wires MIAMI — Mighty tropical storm Camille roared northward through the Gulf of Mexico with 100 miles per hour winds today and a hurricane watch was ordered for a 400-mile stretch of coast stretching from St. Marks, Fla., to Biloxi, Miss. , Chief hurricane forecaster Robert Simpson said Camille, “potentially a very dangerous storm,” wasn’t weakened by last night’s slash'across the rich tobacco lands of western Cuba “and further intensification is expected today."' Asked where the storm was likely to hit, Simpson said present information, which should be updated later in the day, indicates that the s o. c a H e d “miracle Strip” of tourist beaches from Panama City to Pensacola appears the most vulnerable to Hurricane Camille.” The hurricane watch puts residents on warning that the storm could hit land within 24 hours. A NOTE OF CONFUSION—Hock music fans find traffic at a standstill on a highway leading to White Lake, ,N'.Y., yesterday as thousands of young people converged on the resort-area town for a pop music festival. The highway, normally carrying two-way traffic was a one-way jam for miles when this picture was made at 7 a.m. N Y. Rock Festival a Jammed Session WHITE LAKEj N.Y. UB — Like legions of vagabond soldiers, more than 200^000 young followers of pop music have descended here in ragtag fashion for a three-day rock festival, partially paralyzing this town and jamming area At 8 a.m. (Pontiac time) Camille was located near Latitude 24.1 north, Longitude 85.8 west or about 420 miles south of Panama City, Fla. Gales gusted out 150 mites from the center. As the season’s third storm moved up the eastern gulf of Mexico, forecasters hoisted small-craft warnings around the south Florida coast, the Keys and the entire gulf coast of the state. Seas along Florida’s Gulf coast were running up to six feet In advance of Camille and Simpson said tides in the area Camille will strike “will run at least eight to 10 feet and could reach as high as 15 feet. “Gale-force winds should reach the northwest Florida Panhandle around midnight,” Simpson said. ‘MAINLAND BY TOMORROW’ “If Camille continues With increasing numbers of Cars being abandoned on the highways leading'to this Catskill Mountains resort area, the festival producers today called on “all vehicles heading for the festival to turn back home.” “Everything is quite outof hand,” said a state trooper who described the area as “supersaturated." He said troopers at some posts had to be relieved by helicopter j because traffic made the roadsimpassable, Despite the road jjams, intermittent thunderstorms and a shortage of food, most of % young people remained peaceful, totting we inconveniences in good humor and helping each other-out. BIRDIE-WATCHERS—Since the setting is a golf course, of eagle-eyed birdie-watchers weighing the 36-hole results at forward speed, hurricane-force winds you might think you’re looking at a couple of tired duffers, the 51st PGA Tournament at the N(iR Country, Club in Dayton, should hit the mainland by tomorrow but you.re wrong o£ courge what we have here is a brace 0hlo afternoon,” he said. Havana Radio; was reported silent today on the damage wreaked by, the storm as rains up to 10 inches sent flood-waters pouring down the mountainsides. As Camille thrashed north-northwest up the Gulf at 10 miles an hour, forecasters waited for a hurricane hunter plane to make thd first penetration of Tropical Storm Debbie, a growing new threat far out in the Atlantic. Lethal Gas Near Destinations N. Irish Mobs , ■■V Debbie was nearly 900 miles east of the Lesser Antilles, where the Atlantic meets the Caribbean Sea, but forecaster Neil Frank noted that “her footprints are on a very fafnlliar path of previous August storms which have struck , Florida." Thundershowers, Muggy Weather Likely Sunday From Our News Wires Two trains carrying phosgene, a poison gas used in Warold War I, today neared their destination — industrial plants where It will be converted to peaceful uses. j Shipment of the 300 tons of gas across the country from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado raised protests and one train was delayed en route. One shipment moved across the Mississippi countryside at 30 miles an hour on its way to Geismar, La., where it Is to be used in making plastics. The second shipment was bound for Vandemark Industries of Lockport, N.Y., where it would be converted to either a weed killer or synthetic foam. It was purchased from the Army by Jones Chemical Co., of Batavia, N.Y. Loot Catholic Bars Showers and thundershowers will come and go through tomorrow. Temperatures will continue, muggy. The U.S. Weather Bureau issues the following forecast: TODAY — Variable cloudiness, warm and humid with chance of a few periods of thundershowers. High 85 to 92. Winds variable, mostly southerly five to 15 milesperheur. . BARRED BY CANADA TONIGHT - Cloudy, with chance of thundershowers, low 65 to 72. TOMIORROW — Cloudy, warm, humid with chancOof showers, high 85 to 92. MONDAY — Utile change. The town has a population of 3,000 and is about 100 miles northwest of New York City. Normally it is a summer haven tor the middle-aged and middle class. What brought everybody here is something the producers call the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. It 1$ set up on a 600-dcre farm with the stage at the foot of an alfalfa field that forms a natural amphitheater. By early yesterday afternoon the crowds had pushed the ticket situation out of control. “Anybody can get in,” said one observer, “tickets don’t matter.’* State, police said 50 to 60 persons had been arrested on charges of possessing such drugs as LSD, barbiturates and amphetamines but there were no serious iqoidents or violence as of early today. lfl arrested Elisewhere around the State, troopers (Continued on Page A-2, Col. 3) .■ Vi Probabilities of precipitation in 'per cent are 30 today, tonight end tomorrow, A sticky 74 was the low temperature in downtown POntiae before 8 a.m. The mercury recorded 76 at 12:30 p.m. Workmen Have Ripping Time ASBURY PARK, N.J. (UPB—'Workmen with a crane and demolition equipment pulled up to an apartment house at 213 Fourth, and, as the tenants inside watched, began ripping it up. The crews demolished the back porches and fire escapes and took some chunks out of the building before one of the tenants decided to call the owner. The owner, Raymond Bell, hurried over. But by the time he arrived, all the back porches a i the fire escapes were OVER 84,960 DAMAGE Bell said that between 84,000 and 85,000 worth of damage was done. “I just couldn’t believe they were taking off my porches,” he said. It turned out that the workmen had been issued a building permit with a wrong address on.it. They wiere supposed tube remodeling an apartment house across the street, ' . BELFAST, Northern Ireland (41 — Protestant mobs armed with fire-bombs burned and looted Roman Catholic bars, today in scattered areas of Belfast un-protected by British troops. Bui soldiers \ separated the warring factions in the riot-torn capital’s major trouble spots. In Londonderry, officers commanding British troops in the Bogside, district crossed barricades erected by Catholic residents to confer with Bernadette TJevtlnr 22syear-otd elvil rlght^ leader and the youngest member of the British Parliament. Related Picture, Page D-3 Occasional sniper fire was heard this morning in the predominantly Catholic Falls Road area, but by noon public transportation was reported operating normally and housewives were going to market. Miss Devlin said the Bogsiders were glad to see the British troops but reminded the officers, “Bogside is ours;” SLIPPING INTO NORTH - It originally was scheduled to go through Canada, but was barred under the Canadian Customs Tariff Act. The train was delayed for three hours Thursday in rail yards near Chicago while it was rerouted through Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Two gas experts accompanied each train. Controversy over the gas shipment continued. , Gov. Robert D. Ray of Iowa,. said neither he nor any state agency was notified of the movement of the New York-bound train across his state and that he would compain to the White House. “An accident by this train would have been disastrous," he said. “I think 1 know why they tried to keep it a secret. They didn’t want any objections." . Additional British troops were being flown in to strengthen an estimated 1,600 already here as the violence continued. Police said two persons were killed and 224 wounded in the fourth straight night of sectarian battles in North Irish cities. Members of1 the Irish Republican Army; outlawed on both sides.of toe border, were reported slipping Into toe north, and a group claiming.to represent the IRA . seized a movie theater in Belfast. The death toll in Ulster since Tuesday rose to eight as a 25-year-old man died of gunshot wounds suffered before the British troops arrived. The predominantly Catholic I r 1 a,h Republic, which would like to annex the Protestant-controlled northern state, mobilized 2,000 army reserves for use in a proposed International pcace-keepihg force. More than 70 have been injured In the state’s worst civil disorders since the Irish Civil War of 1920-22. One British soldier was reported slightly injured by a sniper's bullet. Police said Protestant gangs attacked Catholic-owned bars in three sections of Belfast. They gave the owners *15 minutes to get out, then threw milk bottles filled with gasoline, detergent and sugar inside the buildings. The mixture burns lik6 napalm. BARBED WIRE STRUNG Troops of Britain’s Queens and Wales regiments, ordered into Belfast last night, strung barbed wire in the streets ' and set up machine-gUn nests to separate the predominantly Catholic Falls Road and Davis Street areas from Protestant neighborhoods. The army reported the areas under control by 3 a.m., but In other parts of the city police armored cars rumbled along streets before dawny f i ring machine guns to break up mobs of ) arsonists and looters. 11 Pravda said two Soviet soldiers were Newspaper articles are now referring to the Chinese as “usurpers,” the same word used in Soviet terminology to refer to Hitler’s Nazi Invaders of World War H. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1069^ 45 Allied Towns, Bases Shelled by Viet Reds SAIGON (It — Ground fighting across South Vietnam appeared to have tapered oft sharply overnight, hut enemy troops kept up their rocket and mortar attacks, hitting 45 allied bases and towns, military spokesmen gokl. Initial reports Indicated the ground action during the pest Si hours was the lightest since TUeeday when the Communist command launched its fell campaign with rocket, mortar and infantry assaults on 150 allied bates and towns. There Is no official count mi total casualties. But U.S. Sources with access to field reports said at least MO Americans have been killed in the past four days of fighting, and probably another 800 to 1,000 wounded. South Vietnamese losses are roughly the same. These sources said that since Tuesday, allied forces had killed about 3,000 North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops. TO HIT It is estimated that A erlcan casualties this week, by the time the seven-dsy tally la in from midnight last Saturday until midnight tonight, will hit at least 300 killed. If official casualty figures for this week to be realeased next. Thursday bear this out, it would be the heaviest American toll in more than two months. The heaviest action since Tuesday has Hatred in three provinces, Tay Ninh, Blnh Long and Phouc Long, located along an arc 55 miles northwest to 80 miles northeast of Saigon. Field officer! in these provinces said surveillance devices indicate that elements of four enemy division pro- bably hre getting into position to make another strike. “We expect another strike anytime in the near future,” one said. “More action of a rather heavy nature. They made a heavy strike Tuesday and Mowed it up with nothing really significant.” In Saigon, a 534-man U.S. unit left Vietnam today as part of President Nixon’s withdrawal of 25,000 American troops, the U.S. Command said. The departure of the 9th Infantry Division’s 1st Battalion, 84th Artillery, raised to 18,500 the number of U.S. troops Withdrawn from Vietnam since Noon’s announcement June 8. On the political Scene, South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu held his second lengthy meeting in three days with Premier Tran Van Huong today in an attempt to resolve the .continuing problem of cabinet changes. Officials who reported die new meeting at Independence Palace in Saigon gave no indication of its results. One govern- , ment source said he thought the cabinet reshuffle, pending since July 19, would not be made for another week. 7/yobs Killed Green Beret's Cell at Jordan River, Israelis Claim Inhumane—Lawyer TEL AVIV (AP) - The Israelis said today they killed seven Arab infiltrators in two separate overnight dashes along the Jordan River frontier. An army announcement said the Israelis killed five Arab guerrillas in a band of eight Intercepted two miles south of the Dead Sea early today. Tha band mu attempting to set up Soviet-made rocket launchers, a SAIGON (AP) — The attorney for one of the eight Green Berets charged In the alleged murder of a Vietnamese double agent appealed directly yesterday to Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird to release his client. In a message to Laird, attorney George W. Gregory of Cheraw, S.C., charged that the continued pretrial confinement of hl> client under what he called “Inhumane” conditions would Impair his ability to* assist in his own defense. Three Soviet-made rifles, tour bazooka shells and ammunition were reported ANOTHER BOND Two hours earlier, an army patrol in- MSU to Weigh tercepted another band In the Negev Desert 80 miles north of Eilat, killing two Arabs, the spokesman said. Russian-made rifles, "sabotage packages” and timing devices were reported abondonad by a fleeing Arab Prexy Nominees Moon Swindle Comes to Light LANSING (AP) - The Michigan State University Board of Trustees soon will begin interviewing tour persons selected by a special committee to replace John Hannah aa MSU president. Although officials refused to divulge the four finalists selected by a special committee, the names of Oakland Uni-vanity Chancellor D. B. Varner and acting MSU Prosldent Welter Adams reportedly were not included. BBLO HORIZONTE, Brazil (UPI) -Jose Casslano da Jeaua had taken in $138 on down paymenta for land on the moon when police arrived yesterday. Da Jesus was selling land on the near aide of the moon tor $35 down and $5 in M monthly lnatallmenta. Land on the far side coet double because e> De Jesus put It, “It to richer then.” None of the Miked customen wanted to press charges, police said. "They all expressed some embarrassment,” officers said. De Jesus Varner and Adams have consistently denied any intenst in the Job left vacant with the ntirement of Hannah. Among the persons considered possibilities for the post wen f(v Gov. G. Mennen Williams and Jal Miller, president of Western University. Board Chairman Don Stevens said the tour nominees “an active Individuals with very distinguished careers.” He declined to predict how long It would take before board memben could set up interviews. Varner aaid, "I advised the committee months ago that I did not aspin to the position and asked that my name be withdrawn from the list. U.S. Crackdown Is Sought on Huge Foreign Mail Debt WASHINGTON (AP) - Hie General Accounting Offlc* seeks a U.8. crackdown on the |12.7 million In postal debts owed the government by 14 nations Including Cuba. The auditing agency for Congress also suggests five of the countries—Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, the Philippines, Uruguay end Venezuela —could be threatened with a cutoff of U.S. aid If they don’t pay because much of their debt la to U. 8. citizens: U. 8. airmail carriers. nations or schedule formal talks on collection. ""Aa for Cuba, the GAO said the $2.9-millton Cuban debt should be pursued through the Universal Postal Union in Switserland. While an end to United States assistance is not authorised tor nations whose debt is wholly to the U.S. government rather than its citizens, the GAO said, the State Department could withhold payments of U.S. debts to these The Weather He complained that the Army was keeping Maj. Thomas C. Middleton Jr., 30, In a five-by-seven-foot cell with virtually no light or ventilation. “Unless these inhumane conditions are altered, we honestly feel that our client will be mentally and physically destroyed,” Gregory said. Army authorities rejected a formal petition by Gregory yesterday for the release of Middleton from the Army headquarters stockade at Long Blnh, 12 miles northeast of Saigon. He and the seven others, including the former commander of the Special Forces •in Vietnam, have been in custody since about July 20. In his letter to Laird and in the petition, Gregory said the case against Middleton and, by implication, the others—was “of a political nature.” Gregory did not .elaborate in the letter, but obviously referred to his own previous charge that the entire case was “instigated” by Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, U.S. commander in Vietnam, for unexplained “political” reasons. . The eight men, including Col. Robert B. Rheault, former Special Forces commander In Vietnam, are accused of having slain a Vietnamese agent who was discovered to be working for the enemy as well as for the Americans, although—the Army claims—the original order to eliminate the man was later revoked by Central Intelligence Agency. Maj. Gen. Michael P. Ryan Marines' Racial Strife Eyed CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (AP) - Maj. Gen. Michael P. Ryan, commander of Camp Lejeune, says a recent racial clash at the Marine base was a reflection of similar tensions In civilian life. The Marine Corps has “those who hate because of color,” just as the general population does, he said in an interview yesterday. “The same assaults of groups against individuals are occurring in the cities,” Blaiberg's Chance of Survival 'Slim' The general said he has taken measures to prevent future assaults and to “cope with the source! of racial tension at the base. We’re trying to insure that our personnel understand the Marine Carps Hurt CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UPI) -Sources at Groote Schuur Hospital said today Dr. Philip Blalberg, the first successful heart transplant patient, had only a slim chance of surviving his latest setback. They added, however,. his condition was “good considering the circumstances.” Blaiberg’s wife, Eileen, said last night doctors told her there had been a Slight improvement Blalberg reentered the hospital two days ago, dangerously ill until complications. Hospital sources said the problem of rejection, long staved off by doses of immuno-suppresalve drugs and antilymphocyte globulin, was catching up with the 60-year-old Blalberg. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (UPI) — The commandant of the Marine Corps last night complained of “a growing rift between the American people and their armed forces” and said it shows in the slowed recruitment on college campuses. Gen. Leonard F. Chapman Jr., told the 1069 Marine Corps League national convention that student agitation against recruiting on campus “has hurt the Marine Corps.” He said in the past the corps had recruited nearly 85 per cent of its new officers on college and university campuses. He said the Marines had hoped to recruit 3,000 officers from campuses last school year, but fell more than 700 -short of their goal. “There are some college administrators who will not afford suitable space to conduct recruiting efforts,” he said. “Other administrators have given in io militant demands and ordered recruiters from the campus.” He aaid because of the difficulty, the corps has started a program to offer the chance for officers candidate schools to men who have completed two years of college — mostly at junior colleges. The GAO aaid the hardest collection cue probably will be the $785,404 owed by Haiti. That nation told the U.S. Embassy two years ago that the matter had been referred to the proper agency—but it hasn’t been heard from since. Other debtor countries selected for«the audit were Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru. The GAO aaid some of the debts for moving mail from the 14 nations through the United State* date back to the early 1950s. 200,000 Youths Jam Town (Continued From Page One) reported another 100 youths arrested c drug charges as they made stepped up spot checks of cars headed for the festival. One car had a half-filled suitcase of marijuana and peyote, police At the festival Itself there were no reported arrests for marijuana. “As far as I know the narcotics guys are not arresting anybody for grass," said one state police sergeant. “If we did, there Isn’t enough space in Sullivan or the next three counties to put them in.” Both police and young people at the festival appeared determined to try and avoid a major confrontation. “There hasn’t bean anyone yelling pig at the cops and when they ask directions they are polite and none of them has really given us any trouble yet,” a state police lieutenant said. Helping to keep the cool were 190 member* of the “Hog Farm” commune of Taoe, N.Y., and special security guards wearing orange shirts with “peace” emblazoned on the front. The music that brought everyone here had become almost unimportant. The opening concert last night was of folk orientation. Richie Havens opened the bill but few people seemed to notice which performer was on stage. Birmingham '68 Earnings a Record for City Residents BIRMINGHAM — The city’s residents earned a record $190 million in 1968 while its retail merchants recorded sales Of $165 million, according to data revealed in a market study by Sales Management Hie income total compared to $178 million of personal income in 1967 with sales that year of $146,570,000. The survey indicated that Birmingham’s quality of market index is 222 or 122 per cent shove the national average. Quality of market index denotes the relative standing of one community to another with respect to market strength and potential. The index includes income, population, volume of spending and rate AVERAGE INCOME The average income per household in the United States in 1968 was $9,592. In Michigan it was $10,899. Birmingham’s average per household income was $20,- 442. Sales Management noted that due to the increase in personal income, local residents had more buying power than the year before, despite considerably higher prices. The survey also pointed out that local consumers compensated for the reduction in spendable cash caused by the July surtax by reducing their rates of savings. Birmingham was also given a high rating for business vitality as indicated through the higher earnings, greater consumer spending for goods and serv- Marine Corps is going to guarantee equal rights and protection.” About 30 Negro and Puerto Rican Marines clashed with 14 white Marines the night of July 20 after a party at an enlisted men’s club. One of the white Marines died a week later, and three Negro and two Puerto Rican Marines have been charged with murder and with rioting in the incident. Hie general said the provost marshal’s office has been keeping statistics on assaults involving man of the 2nd Marine Division at Lejeune. He said that frdin Jan. 1 to the first week of August 190 assaults were repotted, most of them by individuals and involving a fight or robbery. ices and increased growth. Harry B. Rottiers ■ has been named di-1 rector of procure-1 ment and contracts I for Burroughs I Corp., Detroit. Rottiers joined Burroughs in 1951 as an attorney, hold-ing several management positions since then, His last position was director of contracts and procurement for Burroughs Defense, Space j and Special Systems Group in Paoli, Pa. ROTTIERS College Recruitment Down The executive received his bachelors and law degrees from the University of Detroit. He is a member of the Michigan Bar Association and several industry organizations. Rottiers and his family will be moving to 7403 Lindenmere in the near future. Russia Says China Started Clash—for Propaganda Film MOSCOW (A — Communist China provoked the latest border clash with the Soviet Union partly to provide action for a new anti-Soviet propaganda film, the Soviet army newspaper said today. The newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) claimed the Soviet soldiers drove off the Chinese Intruders in a one-hour I battle Wednesday and found movie cameras, telephoto lenses and still cameras abandoned in the border area. Western China watchers in Hong Kong suggested Thursday that the Soviet Union probably started the attacks earlier this week along the central Asian frontier. These analysts said that in past clashes most of the details came from the Soviet side but this time moot of the information was coming from Peking. RELUCTANCE SEEN They also said China would be reluctant to provoke a clash in Sinklang Province, where Peking’s control over minorities is weak. Three major Soviet newspapers published accounts today on the latest battle, praising several border guards by name for heroism and comparing the incident to the Damansky Island clashes on March 2 and March 14-15. / htarry M. Belf Service for former 1 Pontiac resident, Harry i M. Bell, 88, of Berkley will be 3 p.m. Monday at the Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy, Mr. Bell died Thursday. He was a retired employee of Cranbrook School. Surviving are three sons, Cleatus and Wendell, both 0fRomeo-Berkley and Harry of Waterford Township; two daughters, Mrs. Elmer Halliday of Benton, 111., and Mrs. William Clancy of Lewisburg, W. Va.; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Wood of Pontiac and a brother; 22 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. L May Taft ROCHESTER - Service for. Disabled Vets Unit Installs New Officers TO,\ ilAC rilKSS. SAT l'HD A Y, A ((AST m. former resident L. May Taft, 94,'of Mount Clemens will be 2 p.m. Monday at Pixley Memorial Chapel, with burial in Mt. Vernon Cemetery, Washington Township. Miss Taft died Thursday. She was a retired practical nurse and a member of the Romeo United Methodist Church,! New officers have been installed for one-year terms in the Disabled Americans Veterans, according to Mrs. Kenneth Adams of the Veterans Auxiliary, Pontiac Post No. 16. Elmer Munro Jerry. D. Tucker CLARKSTON — Service for former resident Jerry D. Tucker, 30, of Freeland will be 2 p.m. Monday at the Lewis E. Wint Funeral Home. Mr. Tucker died yesterday. He was employed as a, control engineer at Saginaw Steering Gear, Saginaw. Surviving are his wife, Con- nie; three sons, Stephen, Jef- th ri frey and Scott, all at home; a y‘ Elmer Munro, 70, of 1770 Hamilton, Bloomfield Township died yesterday. His body is at the Pursley-Gilbert F uh e r a 1 daUghteri jjJJ! at. home; his , .. ... (parents, Mr. and Mrs. Odis R. He is survived by a brother. Tucker o( Wolverine. two brothers; a sister, Mrs. Dale] |Coulter of Lake Orion; and two ORTONVILLE—Service for grandmothers, Mrs. Josephine] Mr. and Mrs. John Fournier of 312 W. Yale , are the new Commanders. Other new D.A.V. officers include Kenneth Adams of, Milford, senior vice com-' mander; Grady Caldwell Cf 110 New York, junior vice commander and chaplain; Andrew Spock of 585 N. East Blvd., adjutant; Alfred Mallett of Sterling Heights, treasurer; Lyle C. Smith, of Clifford, executive committeeman; James Coward of 137 Mohawk, service officer; and Orlando Jaconette o f Waterford Township, officer of Caretaker at Slaying Site Theft to Sue LA Over Arrest Foiled at Ci,y Plant Mr. And Mrs. John Fournier Allen H. Gardner 3 Are Arrested in Sylvan Lake Sex-Film Raids Allen H. Gardner, 69, of 496 E. Glass will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Smith Mortuary, Maryville, Tenn., with burial in the Law Chapel Cemetery, Maryville. Local arrangements are by the C. F. Sherman Funeral Home, Ortonville. Mr. Gardner died yesterday. He was employed at Champion Mobile Homes and a member of the Oakwood Full Gospel Church. ’ Surviving are, his wife Martha; five sons, Earl of Leonir City, Tenn., Charles of Lake Orion, James of Detroit, Allen of Holly and John oi Ortonville; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Killion of LaSalle; two brothers; a sister; 20 grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. Three Pontiac ihales were Craig of Pontiac and Mrs. (arrested last night following a George Tucker of Wes t|$150 holdup of a laundry in Virginia. Sylvan Lake. The Washing Well Laundry, Mrs. George W. Vancil WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - Service, for Mrs. George W. (Henretta) Vancil, 77, of 1791 Petrolia will be 11 a.m. Monday at Lewis E. Wint Funeral Home, Clarkston, with burial in White Cemetery, Troy. Mrs. Vancil, a member of the 2630 Orchard Lake, was robbed by three men with a shotgun at 11:20 p.m. Moments later two suspects were arrested o n neighboring streets, according to Sylvan Lake police. A third! ...suspect was later arrested in Ch a pel'Pontiac. Being held on a charge of! Patrons Exempted SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) — A federal judge has ordered San Francisco police not to arrest patrons attending theaters where erotic movies are shown. Some 19 embarrassed persons were arrested this week in police raids on two sex film theaters. U:S. Dist. Judge Ajfonso J. Zirpoli stressed that the temporary restraining order he issued yesterday is limited to patrons, and would not prevent the arrest of the theater owner or operator. The judge set next Friday for a hearing on the matter. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A young caretaker questioned in the mass murders of actress Sharon Tate and four others at her Benedict Canyon estate' yesterday announced plans to sue for false arrest. William Garretson, 19, told newsmen he went shopping for] groceries, entertained a friend! and stayed awake till dawn! writing letters and listening to! music the night of the1 massacre. The victims were the preg-1 Inant actress; her former fiance'j hairstylist Jay Sebring; Polish | film producer Voityck [Frokowsky; coffee heiress' Abigail Folger, and Steven! (Parent, Garretson’s friend. i [ Garretson said he was ] unaware of the murders until1 I police burst into his bedroom' I early Saturday and led him toI the bodies of Frokowski and Miss Folger, lying on the lawn, and Parent, slumped over the ; wheel of his car. I NOT RECOGNIZABLE ] Garretson said he was unable to recognize Parent because of; I the damage to his 4iead from! the bullets which killed him. , Police r e I e a s e d Garretson Monday and have arrested no other suspects. Homicide detectives refused to confirm or deny published reports an in-: formant who. believes he knows the killers had given them th'el names of three p o s s i b I e suspects, including an aspiring yourig'actor. Garretson said he would sue the city for false arrest, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy and violation of his constitutional rights. Security police at Pontiac Motor Division thwarted an attempt to steal 31 nickel bars valued at $3,000 yesterday. A man driving a pickup truck drove through the gate near the nickel plating shop about 11:20 p m. He was chased in a secur- L ity car and stopped on Barkcll near East Madison, The man escaped on foot. dell’s m PRESCRIPTION CENTER Italdwtn Plmrmuv.y Shier 192b 219 BALDWIN AVE., PONTIAC ' FE 4-2620 PRESCRIPTION Filled at MY COST! PLUS A MAXIMUM *i 50 PROFESSIONAL FEE » Church, died yester- P Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs.' Robert J. Duby of White Lake Township; a son, Dallas E. of Waterford Township; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. armed robbery this morning in] Oakland County jail William Phillips, 22, of 207 j King H. Byrd, 18, of Midway and Kim it Robertson, 18, of 168 Bassett. The money and shotgun were found1 near the scene, police said. ACLU SUIT Zirpoli acted in a suit brought by the American Civil liberties Union on behalf of James Mitchell, 25, operator of the O’Farrell Theater, scene of one of this week’s raids. The suit charged state laws regarding obscenity and “visiting a disorderly house’’ were unconstitutional. Strike Is Ended at Arthur's Store ANY SIZE PRESCRIPTION YOU NEVER PAY MORE! After the court action, Mitchell said, “We are open1' for business and we will stay open. "Our customers are protected even if we aren’t. But we’ll take our chances.” 1 A strike at Arthur’s Apparel, 48 N. Saginaw, by the Retail Clerks Union ended yesterday and normal operations resumed. The strike began two weeks ago when the contract expired. A new contract was agreed i to after negotiations, and workers ratified it yesterday. ' No cards or registration required. Open 1 0:00 A.M. to ; 8:00 P.M. Mon.-Sat. Sundays 11 -.00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS CALL FE 5-9972. NOW PRESCRIPTIONS COST LESS Free Parking on Side Street (Grandie Street) or in Lot Across from Store Eugene J. Gawelek II HOLLY TOWNSHIP -Service for Eugene J. Gawelek II,* infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Gawelek of 8301 Grange Hall, will be 10 a.m. Monday at Dryer Funeral Home with burial in Lakeside Cemetery. Th,e child died yesterday. He was 24 days old. Surviving are his parents; ' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gawelek of Holly and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paige o Detroit; and a great grandmother. James W. Hutchings ORION TOWNSHIP -Service 'for James W. Hutchings, 60, of 3719 Gainesborough will be rp.m. Monday at Coats Funeral Home, Waterford Township, with burial in Perry Mount ParkCemetery, Mr. Hutchings died yesterday. He was a construction worker. >, Surviving are hl» wife, Elizabeth; his mother, Mrs. Ada Bass of Pontiac; a son, Donald, at home; three daughters, Sally and, Sandy, both at home and Mrs. June Hedrick of Pontiac; three stepsons, Harry Tinson of Pontiac, James Tinson of Waterford Township and Joe. Tinson of New Baltimore; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Sue Berridge of Pontiac; a sister ; 18 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. William R. Nash Jr. HOLLY - Service f William R. Nash Jr., 23, of 310 N. Saginaw will be 2 p.m. Monday at Dlryer Funeral Home with burial in Lakeside Cemetery. - Mr. Nash, an employe at Pontiac Motor Division, died yesterday as a result of injuries cident near Lansing Aug. 8. Surviving are his parents, Mr. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard GrOve of Lakeland, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. McClaren of Morrilton, Ark. Grand prix Named Best in Category The Pontiac Grand Prix SJ has been named the best personal car of 1989 by Car Life magazine. ANOTHER BARGAIN BLAST FROM THE HOUSE OF BARGAINS EN 'til 9m artMoNMy fento9m SIMMS Solutes the Downtown GOOD OLD DAYS SATURDAY--M0NDAY SMSt 1-HK FREE PARKING: in DOWNTOWN PARKING MALL Shop Simiris and have your ticket stamped for 1 hour free parking at time of purchase. (Except on tobacco and beverages.) Attaches to Most Lawn Mowers BVI Insect Fogger Fast Relief from Mosquitoes Sat. & Mon. 5” Get fast relief from flies and mosquitoes with this BVI insect fogger lawnmower attachment. Covers a full half-acre with dense insect-killing fog in 10 minutes. Attaches easily to most gas, powered lawn mowers. Hardware—2nd Floor Ban Deodorant $1.09 value extra large size Bon rollon deodorant for 24 hour protection for perspiration odor. Roll Ban on, roll doubt out. Handy 12-Oz. Size Micrin. Antiseptic $).09 value 12*©z. size Micrin oral antiseptic mouth wash. Kills germs, freshens breath and lasts*for Drag*—Main Floor SoH Starting—Luminous Dial Electric Alarm Clock The magazine named the 10 best care in various categories in its September issue. In each case the winner was choaen because it did best what the designer had set out to do, Theft was no compc between types of car* — . among cats within Use groups. . Dependable SYROCO elec- tric alarm dock with luminous dial, self-starting with ottrocHus white cose wtth delicate scroll edging. 2-year factory guarantee. A real buy at this low price. •undrias-Main Floor Luxurious Dual King Size Quilted Bedspreads Fully quilted bedspreads fitted or throw style in beautiful solid colors and floral prints. Acetate taffeta Is quilted over a bonded blend of poly-and viscose fiberfill. Bound edges and safety Basement stitched. Strong Industrial Type 6-Ft Steel Shelving Units Reg, $7.44 Sat. & Mon. §« Heavy duty metal shelf units with S shelves and braces for use in garage, office, store etc. Wherever extra shelves ore .needed. Model #512B. Extra shelves available at only, 1.29 each Hardware—2nd Floor Adjustable Oscillating Melnor Lawn Sprinkler Melnor oscillating swinging del'52 ~ spray lawn sprinkler model '525 cavers areas 6x9-foot to 34x65-foot. Has instant fingertip control for spray Hard wart—2nd Floor ‘area. Just flip the dial. Shock Resistant BULLSEYE Westclox Pocket Watch Tough - Clean - Lightweight 3-Gal. Plastic Jeepo Jug m Dependable .Westclox ppeket watch is shock resistant, anti-magnetic with nickel color case. Small second hand. Ideal watch for the factory worker, outdoor man etc. Sundries—Main Floor Jeepo strong yet lightweight plastic water jug. ' With easy to carry handle, and pour spout. Ideal for • camping trips,'scout troops etc. Sports—2nd Floor Prell Shampoo $1.55 value family size tube of Prell shampoo concentrate. Makes rich lather and the tube is unbreakable. The Latest MOD Fashions in Ladies’ Sportswear Pkg. 40 POLIDENT Tabs Denture Cleenser $t.09 value, pkg. 40'* Polident denture cleanser tablet! look denture* clean and FREE denture Drugs—Main Fleer Rubberized Non-Skid Back Stride Rugs and Runners Irrgt. of Multi stripe rugs or runners, with rubberized bock bound edges and washable. For use in any room or outside. Basement 98 North Saginaw St., Pontiac , SIMMS"* The Friendly One • Flared Pants • Bod/ Shirts • Culottes • Skirts • Slacks $6.95 Valuet Just arrived — a great new Selection of ladies' sportswear including new elephant pants In wild mod prints, tucked front body shirts, bjouses, skirts, culottes etc. in a terrific selection of prints, checks, solid colors, Some wind breaker! with zip fronts, and stand up col*, jars, and vests included. Size! 8 to 18 but not in all styles: Ladies' Wear-Main Floor THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 Crushed With Tissue Paper Love's a Many Teepeed Thing Horseplay in Polo Lounge Engage Earl and Groucho By DICK WEST i little Jughead, schoolboy lover I water. Or jump WASHINGTON (UPI) - When 0f the "Snuffy Smith" comic in front of her,] strip, takes a shine to a girl, hej?‘Pl?8hlb8 waterj either dips her pigtails in thej Vhese^swlm-inkwell or flings pine1 burrs at|ming pool tech-! her after school. niques were * * * popular when l! ! She immediately knows that! was a lad and I he likes her. [marked the be- ginning of some Duffy & SUNDAY* IDINNER • Families Welcome • Dinner from 2 P.M. • Sunday Liquor 8635 Cooley Lake Rd. Union Lake 363-9469 Another good way to let a girl know you like her is to push her into the swimming pool a lot. Or, if she is already in the !pool, push her head under the beautiful romances. I must say, Served Sunday 4-8:30 P.M. SQUOKlHi*?rsakodPo,,o .98* Kmart GLENWOOD PLAZA North Parry Street - Corner of Qlonwood 118-8433 Soft leo Croam, Banana Splits, Malts and Sundaos GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN, JUMBO SHRIMP, RIBS, GOLDEN BROWN FISH, DELICIOUS PIZZA, FROG LEGS DELIVERY MICHIGAN FRIED CHICKEN 621 Auburn Ave. i______ Open 10 to 1 A.M. FE 8-0111 WEST By EARL WILSON ^ HOLLYWOOD—One of the joys—and the pains—of my job, Has been that I got to know a pretty great man named Groucho Marx. The pain is from laughing and trying to remember precisely what he said, because it cannot all be^, noted down, and then deciding which should beffi passed on to other Grouchophiles. I phoned to ask him about lunch. | :| “What’s new?" I made the mistake of asking. "‘WHAT’S NEW!’” he hooted back at me.? * “What an opening line! That’s witty. Nixonfei wishes he’d said that!" Ordinary small talk is not for Groucho. It’s If j PWMHB however that|uot to *3e extraordinary small talk. We decided#; none of these tender overtures'10 lunch at Beverly Hills Polo Lounge. I. And gestures of devotion quite ♦ “WB* are y°u 8oinB to wear?’’ he inquired measures up to the displays of • • • Wel>- what does one wear at the Pol° affection exhibited by the young mallet? swains in my neighborhood this “f iust didn’‘ want t0 clash>” he explained, summer. Arriving punctually, he was attired in white levis that he M *• said cost $7.50, a handsome bluish sports jacket that cost $275, «EW BRAND and clutched a blue beret. Greeting the maitre d’ With “You When one of them becomes iook exactly like Myron Cohen,” he saluted me and very soon smitten, he gets his two best asked for a phone so he Could reach his doctor, friends to help him and they ★ ★ * “teepee” the home of the “Doc,” he began. “I’m sitting with a Very wide columnist, adored. This brand of courtshipjNo, not widely read. Just wide. Doc, you know those pills you consists of sneaking into her! gave me stink?” yard at night and draping toilet He was under orders to put on 15 pounds? Why? ei UCHilCOlOR* fMM WIKI ms - SfVfl MTS It happened as he and his master Tom Bonogofsky, 19, of Billings, Mont., were running along the bridge sidewalk in the late afternoon. Rip has been leaping up trying to lick his master’s face# racing ahead then darting back. In a moment of exuberance^ Rip bounded up. on the bridge guardrail only to topple over the side. The six-year-old dog fell 70 feet onto the balcony of the bridge’s north anchorage. The ledge saved him from sure death on the rocks 150 feet below. RAN FOR HELP While Rip lay there moving, his horrified master raced back to the toll plaza and enlisted the aid of three bridge employes. liie four descended, strapped the whimpering dog stretcher and brought it back up to the roadway. Bonogofsky, who had brought the dog on his vacation, then raced his pet to the veterinarian * * ., * An Xray showed Rip had suffered spinal damage. Though the dog could not move his back legs, doctors hoped t h paralysis is only temporary. ★ it ★ When Bonogofsky picked up his pet nt the hospital Thursday night, Rip resumed where he left off — he licked his master’s face. Freeway Stop Fine for Vision, but... J LANSING (AP)—Don’t slop to change opntact lenses on the shoulder of a busy freeway, suggests the State Highway Department. * * ' * The department says an employe, on official busir stopped recently to assist a car topped on an 1-75 freeway shoulder just north of Flint. .■ * * * “No breakdown,” the department quotes the driver as saying over the roar of 70-mile-an-hour traffic. “We are just changing contact lenses.” THE PON TIAC Glenn U. Griffin Sparks-Griffin FUNERAL HOME “Thoughtful Service** 46 Williams St. Phone FE 8-9288 Michigan Gl Killed in Viet Good for what ails your hearing. Thi» liny spoonful t#. MAlCO'S remarkable Secret Ear, a complete hear-ilia aid worn all in the ear, i limit cords, wires or’ lubes. Not a “cure." See-retEur i» a valuable hearing help for thou• sands troubled by mild nerve deafness, the most common hearing impairment. 1 ('an SeeretEar help YOU/ Send coupon below' for. free Home Evaluation Form. No obligation. 22 Most Respected MAICO Name IP Hearing PONTIAC 1012 W. HURON ST., PONTIAC - 681-1811 Now 7 Convenient Locations to Serve You POlflTIAC ' BIRMINGHAM 29E.Corn.ll . 31815 Southfield Phone 332-1225 phono 644-2175 DEARBORN - GROS5E POINTE - DETROIT - MADISON HEIGHTS Send SerretKnr Information lot NAME......... .......ADDRESS. CITY... .......STATE. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Defense Department yesterday! identified a Mount Qlemens! soldier who was among 43 U. S-1 servicemen killed recently in combat in Vietnam. He was Army Pfc. Michael L.jJ Cox Jr., husband of Mrs. Debo-!°'l rah Cox of Mount Clemens. ! Lodge Calendar Nomination for Trustee vacancy, Thurs., Aug. 21, 1969, 8 jp.m. F.O.E. Auxiliary 1230, at 289 W. Montcalm St.— Fidelia Hagle, Sec. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE AND PROPERTY WITHIN THE CON- FINES OF PONT'*'- - -. - ■■■ OAKLAND COUNmmmimW • AHv PRESERVE THE PEACE AND GOOD AUV.'ORDER OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PON TIAC, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, IN TUNE WITH TIMES — Roman Catholic pipers stride past the burned out shell of the Protestant Orange Hall in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, yesterday where religious rioting has left eight dead. Quiet was reported today in Londonderry while violence broke out anew in Belfast. Woman's Timex wrlstv Woman's Timex gold v Dorset watch Westclox sliver watch Waltham silver watch Kodak Instamatic cam. Producer of a Steam Car Will Show It to President New Firm Opens in Waterford Twp. | A new firm, Central Systems, | Inc,, recently opened at 3436 W. Huron, Waterford Township. BUY! RENT! TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! OAKLAND, Calif. (UPI) — A[go about 100 miles before its the Southern California area * anvr.l1Pr0lypefeTLariSe^r,'rUte t0ib0iler must be refil,ed with where polluted air constitutes a SwaSft o? sm°8gy Southern California water, Besler said. He built the! , ___.. „ II reposi 0( in-y p#r'8h0« “W1 where it will be demonstrated one-of-a-kind vehicle for f h th p ob ’ ! selling h'Jl'&'Lr. h h ,1 , - , ! for President Nixon. Genera! Motors earlier this K°*ldipg to m?"y e*perts' , vacuum cleaning svstems for The steam vehicle a year for display in its “Power Besler said- however, the!;acuum clean>n8 systems tor of the pe..... I) MR! (c) Any window p< (ho shall designedly iterfej^ with the persons. The company specializes in and installing built-in CLOSE OUT SALE 150 New Cars Must Be Sold At GIGANTIC SAVINGS Example: 1969 Buick LaSabre 4-door • 300 Transmission • Power Steering • Power Brakes • Sonomatic Radio • Whitewall Tires • Tinted Windshield • Remote Mirror • Deluxe Wheel Covers • Custom Window Frames • Head Restraints Full Price '2,972 OPEN SATURDAYS 'oodwarTmSHOtiiV^li‘9V. ! obscene? Wmorai, vile, Svulgar?e<>rprofane The steam Vehicle, lanauage in SBik fifiBfiffl — m “ l“ — - - - - - shall use sue W.'.'Pc.l Intoxicated In any public place, and any who shall Imbibe any Intoxicating MM. including beer and wine, in any public place not licensed to sell such liquor far consumption on the premises. (f) All persons who ere found lounging < bus depot, designated bus' steam train, said the car “was not intended for production. w * * ! “It was as simple a steam stop, banking institution, place”of*’pubiici Besler said he expects to]automobile as we knew how to' L)@Qtn NotiCGS I D@Ctt}l Notj.C©S wmm pSSuc convenience*’ pubife dr^ve the car to the summer 1 build, but it still took an K!idVnlg7'pri5et'eiCdw"ii!;Snbhouse!’ orb any |White House at San Clemente I enormous effort,” Besler sajd. BELL pybjie Riace. and ww^q valid reasmi lorj from his factory — a distance ' ★ ’ ★ ★ 1969 seme gu y l0f about 450 miles. I^jtrrived by He said the main advantage! f>y**pubiic I plane from Detroit today. Ito the steam engine was that it I any 'disturbance Tn any public ~piacef*or The steamer has a top speed was almost completely smog prwatlT'piaS*which rteTmSIm '& of 68 mi,es Per hours and can,free - an important point In annoyance to the occupants and invitees ~ of the immediate vicinity, or whp shall in ■ i any wise cause a breach of the peace. (h) Any person who shall knowingly .jlter In and about any place -- illegal occupation or busln by State Law or Local Ordl ----practiced, er being there, disorderly co»<«h.i. (g) Any person found loving or lostling people 'language inme presence I Chevrolet Malibu converted of Progress” show, any woman or chiw, or from an internal combustion it) A Besler, (fc, who built internal combustion eng ine|home and business use..It also istill is better for passenger car sells and installs intercom tbeiuse t|)an the steam engine, lt’slsystems, garage-door openers, engine, was produced bv ,, , . , , „..0...-. ..g«,«Bv-uw. BPMUO! William Besler of Emeryville, j steam airPlanaand going to be a very uphill battle underground lawn sprinklers Calif unrlpr n ™„trar.t ™ith I he,Ped deVel°P. the modern I for Steam. " ..... Calif., under a contract with General Motors Corp. I and water softeners. (I) Any person who shall Illegal! eep lor sale, offer (or sale or oth dispense alcoholic beverages, -plrituous liquor either by The bol llass; any person who shall aid an n the illegal sale of alcoholic be India's Ruling Party Fails to Heal Rift Before Vote HARRY M?; August 14 ' 1969; 2915 Wakefield Road,| Berkley; age 88; dear father of Mrs. Elmer (Zelda) Halli-day, Mrs. William (Maryll Clancy. Cleatus- Wendell and! Harry M. Bell; dear brother! of Mrs. Pearl Wood and R. D. Bell; also survived by 22 g r a n d c h i Idren. Funeral j Mrs. Ada Bass; dear father of Mrs. June Hedrick, James L., Sally, Sandy an Donald Hutchings; dear step-father of Mrs. Sue Berridge, Harry, James and Joe Tlnson; dear brother of Mrs. ’ Lucy Williams; also survived by 18 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Funeral service service will be held Monday, will be held Monday, August August 18, at 3 p.m., at 18, at 1 p.m., at Costa Funeral MM_________legally so otherwise dispense shall represent his or ner age to oe years or over, when such person shell I - —- — -f 2) years, for tally obtaining ar or spirituous liquor. »ho stands, loiters, i swatting i valuable things from others by trick lud, or to aid or assist therein, ifej ... engage In or i (I) Any ■bet IITAny fight, quarrt., PH disturbance in Pontiac Township. or tumultuous noise or ---------------leh Interferes with the peaceful enloyment of the premises of others. SECTION 4. The term "public place" as used herein shall mean any structure, building, alley, street, house, hall, room or other place to which the public has 8~37”*NcT person or~ persons shall colled, stand In crowds, or remain ' lering in, on or about any streets of ■er public places so as to hinder the If the°tree ir Inside .of ' s8a!|C*any Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home. Interment iti White Chapel Cemetery. Mr. Bell will lie in state at the funeral home. ] (Suggested visiting hours are1 3 to 5 and 7 to 9). NEW DELHI '(AP) — At-' to Vote for Mr. V. V. Giri, a contempts to heal the rift in Irtdia’s{didate nominated by the Com-1 ruling Congress party failed munists and Commiinalists,” he i early today, hours before presi- said, dential electors were to choose “History does not record of an DANTON, MARGARET new chief of state. (instance where a prime minis-| August 14, 1969 ; 3674 The president of the party ac-|ter after proposing a party’s cused Prime Minister Indira candidate, not only works! Gandhi of siding with the Com- against him but proclaims her1 munists to support independent support for the candidate of the; candidate V. V. Giri against the opposition.” official party nominee, Sanjiva I * * * Reddy. j Mrs. Gandhi has made no offi-! In a letter to Mrs. Gandhi, cial endorsement of a candidate! Siddhavanahalli Nijalingappa, but many of her supporters are] Congress party president, re- working for the etedllbn tfTGTrTt jected her demand that party who resigned as vice president members be allowed to vote for last month and announced his. whomever they please. candidacy after a party com- “Your demand for a free VQte Imittee selected Reddy as its I is in fact a demand for the right I nominee for president. E. Home, Drayton Plains. Interment in Perry Mount Park Cemetery. Mr, Hutchings will lie in state after 7 tonight at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours are 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) Lin- SMITH, ETHEL L„ August 14, colnshire Road; age 79; dear,) jggft, 6120 Hackett, Wa- ierson comrYilt any act 01 diluting a disturbance* publi ----------W " ***** In the ci dlstui _.d or a. Townshi jsly congregate ishlp of PonTlac DON 6. Actual SECTION 7. Ordlnam Any parson committing any t> of disorderly conduct . I mentioned or who shall be a! disorderly person within the moahing hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thareol, before a Court of competent [ jurisdiction, shall be punished by e fine ol not to exceed 1100.00 and costs ot prosecution, or by Imprisonment In the! Oakland County-Jail, for not to exceed «0 ‘ Ha ‘ “ such tine and lm- ivs or by both such fine -,‘fsonment In the discretion of SECTION 8. In the event of a “iietiee# —*“ — ** rt of this i held Invalid, lenten CiMiMliPMIIPMPMIPMMIHMnW! holding shall not affect the balance of the! provisions *-' SECTION l-^uhtrm Mwukj Oru&f ■'BUDGET 'Buy DEHUMIDIFIER J OPEN MONDAY PP 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. PARK FREE CUSTOM AUTQ Reg. $89.95-rSAVE $11.01 Curts dampnos* in th« homo Automatic humidistat turns unit on er off as naadad • Removes up to 13 pints of moisture a day from the air O Portable — moves around on castors. 22 Pint Fully Automatic Model - Was $109.98, Now-$98.88 108 N. Saginaw, FE 3-7114 in WKC'S Lot at Rear of Stora or 1-Hr. in Downtown Mall — Hava Ticket Stamped at Cashier's Office Four Youths Injured in Train-Track Drive BATTLE CREEK (UPI) — A rollicking ride on the | New York Central Railroad tracks early today almost blew the whistle on four youths. Piled into a Volkswagon driven by 19-year-old Daniel Norrod, the Battle Creek teen-agers rode onto the tracks at | Wattles Road. The tracks ramble over a hill and around a series of curves before winding through a tunnel. As the car approached the tunnel, it rolled off the tracks,! down a 50-foot embankment and plbpped in a creek. Norrod and Dean Sanderson, 16, suffered cuts and , bruises and were admitted to Comhtunity Hospital where they, were reported in. good condition. John Hennink, 18,. and Michael Szabo, 16, were treated and released. State Police said Norrod would be charged with reckless driving. Railroad officials said they would sign a trespassing complaint. ' Are Funerals Pagan? Today, many publication! and periodicals carry stories and articles that tend to claim that our funerals are pagan, stress the physical, lack religious meaning and that funertll reforms are ut hand. To those who cry of pagan funerals we would-point out tsyo things, lyirst, the funeral we krtow is held for the benefit of the survivors, not the deceased. Second. we would point to history. Where respect for the dead is lost, Christianity and God are aoon forgotten. ' , If losing resnegt for the dead leads to forgetting God, or if forgetting God leads to losing respect for the dead I do pot know; but history shows and proves (hat they go hand in hand. ' Yes, our funerals are part of our religious service for man as created irfthis M. E. SI1M.E m“*«r * imago. VOORHEES-S1PLE FUNERAL HOME ^fea .Noi'lli Perry Sired _______Phone FE 2-8376 mother of Mrs. Raymond L.I (Margaret) Cole, Mrs. Leo| (Ruth) LaPoints, ,Miss. Janel E., Bernard, Arthur L. and!' Robert C. Dan ton; also survived by five sisters and I one brother, 12 grandchildren and eigfrt great-grandchildren. Funeral service will lie hchtr Monday, August 18, at 11 a.m. at Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home. Interment in Oak Hill Cemetery.' Mrs. Danton will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested v i s t i n g hours are 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) FETHERMAN, lyOpiS C.; August 13 ' 1969 ; 999 Canterbury; age 52; beloved husband of Carrie R. Fetherman; dear father of Louise, Larry C. and Louis C. Fetherman Jr.; dear brother of William and Joseph Fetherman; also survived by one grandson. Recitation ofi the Rosary will be Sunday, at 7:30 at the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Funeral TUCKER, JERRY D.; August service will he held Monday, ^ 1969; 9515 Midland Road, terford; age 64; beloved wife of Melvin Smith; beloved daughter of Mrs. ’Clara Russell, dear mother of Mrs. William (Lillian) Woodham, Mrs. John (Margaret) Crabb, Clarence, Russell and William JKjjtUuihOf—Albert and Pc.2 Edward Miller; dear sister of Mrs. Charles Brooks, Mrs. M. L. Rossman and Henry Russell; also survived by 29 grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. A memorial service will be held Sunday, at 7:30 p.m. at the Elton Black Funeral Home, Union Lake, under the auspices of the Women of the Moose followed by a Welcome Rebecca memorial service at 8 p.m. Funeral service will be held Monday, August 18, at 1 p.m., at the funeral home. Interment in White Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Smith will lie in state at the funeral home. August” 18, at 10 a.m. at St. Benedict Catholic Church. Interment in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. Mr. Fetherman will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested Freeland (formerly of Clark-ston); age 30; beloved husband of Connie L. Tucker; beloved son of Mr. and Mrs Odis R. Tucker; beloved grandson of Mrs. Josephine visiting hours 3 to 5, and 7 to Cralft a"d Mrs. George “ - 1 Tucker; dear father of Ste- J. L. Voorhrea GARDNER, ALLEN H.; August 15, 1969 ; 496 E. Glass Road, Ortonville; age 69; beloved husband of Martha Gardner; dear father of Mrs. Ruth Kiliion, Earl, Charles, James, j Allen and John Gardner; dear brother of Mrs, Bessie Graves, Samuel and Marshall-Regan; also survived hy'zO grandchildren and fivc/great-grandchildren. Mr./Gardner will lie in Aatd' a/the C. F:| Sherman Funeral Home, 135 South Street, Crtonvllle until! 12 p.m. August l\after which time he will be taken to the Smith Mortuary, Maryville, Tennessee, for funeral services Tuesday, August 19,1 at 2 p.m. with Interment in! Law .Chapel Cemetery,' Maryville, Tennessee. j HUTCHINGS, JAMES W. ;j August IS. 1969; 3719 Gainesborough: age 8 0 ;i j beloved husband of Elizabeth! ' Hutchings; beloved son !ofj phen, Jeffrey, Jill and Scott Tucker; dear brother of Mrs. Dale Coulter, Jack L. and Cary D. Tucker. Funeral service will be held Monday, August 18 at 2 p.m. at the Lewis E. Wint funeral Home, Ctarkston with Pastor Arlon K. §tubbe officiating* Mr. Tucker wjll lifin state after 7 tonight at the funeral home. VANCIlT HENRETTA \ R 7; August 15, 1969; 1791 Pet^olia, West Bloomfield Township; age 77; beloved wife of George W. Vancil; dear mother - of Mrs. Robert J. Duby and Dallas E. Vancil; also survived by five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be held Monday, August 18, at 11 a.m., at the Lewis E. Wint Funeral Home, with Rev. Frank Ridgeway officiating. Interment in Whit* Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Vancil will lie in state alter 3 p.m. today at the funeral home. I For Wont Adi Dial 334-4981 THE PONTIAC’PRESS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1969 Hood Tnti MocMmry 61 Ms-HewttRf Dags yt kwtHkm Salas COMMERCIAL PAINT tpriyir Brand new. Good spraying Intldi end outside wills. Holds 15 got. Best offer. Pi <-4H or Pi 5- SMALL AIR COMPRESSOR, end. spray gun, mitre box and saw? bushmen power taw gas, hand elactrlc plainer, pew*~ glass cottar, U H am drills, electric screw i homlllte, gas water pomp, vecume cleaners, 20" ten, hand jig sews, pipe vise grease units, chain taw, wheel poller, tape machine, sc sew bends end screw, tire ex-— ^ cutt(rv lnd m|lc. troth. Lincoln i Camgrat • Service 7 4X5 SPIED GRAPHIC, IU and 1 MM tenses. 447-4621, _ 21 ~ARGUS SLIDE trays, new col dlton. Sl.2t each, 37)-0351.___ MOVIE CAMERA Argus Super exc. condition, 673-0234. SEARS IMM MOVIE i automatic. Kodak I m -ofector, 35 r— I OR 3->1 1 EASE GUITAR 478. Black pearl i place drum set SiS ell ' *“ or Ut-114*. 2 PICKUP LEAD GUITARS 3344301 AKC POODLE Pul 334W- ' ES?ELHllM^NNVLsf-3eAlK|CS«e 2-VR. OLD COLLIE ' and par German Shephard. MA 5-2401. 2 absolutely aDDrable Mali sealpolnt Slamase kittens. 338-0470. WlEK ' ‘ call 1 COLLIE t OLD COLLlfe poppy, $35, II MONTH OLD term home, UL 2-317P. A l FLUFFY KlffitNS,'free. 482- mi. ____v. -________ akccollie puFpiEs. 33i-3>i8. AIREDALE PUPS, AKC, Excellent with children and family guarc dog. 338-3241. AKC DACHSHUNDS AKC BEAGLE PUPS, 2 wei wormed, 48S-173S. Akc Toy cSolies. adults, _____la, 335-4413. CUSTOM BASS AMP and Tilde ouitar, excellent condition. FE >• iF YOUR CHILD'CAN say her abe's. than It's time the learned her do, re, ml’s. Plano rentals, 332-0567. MORRIS MUSIC 34 S. Telegraph Rd., scroti from Ttl Huron, Ft 2-0547 ___ Lowrey Spinet Organs, used only Mi our studios, lerge savings on this select group. Bank Terms. SHOP AT GALLAGHER'S 1710 Telegraph PE 4-0566 ♦ :30 li t. end Prl, 'ill e p.m.~ MANAGERS DEMOS New Baldwin piano tfo Co temporary walnut with bench -Save 26 per cant. New Baldwin Organ, mod. 5 walnut, percussion, rhythm reverb. AKC MINIATURE POODLE puppies, Hflht apricot, lit. 612-1276 or 424- A~KC BEAUTIFUL sprlcol mini-toy Champion line, male 5 years ol SH-llTl. AKC REGISTERED PomeraiHen, , male, 1 female. 117-7413. Stud service. AKC MINI-TOY poodle pups, black, shots, wormed. 4IS-34I7. _ AKC REGISTERED ALASKAN Melemule puppies, 7 wks.. M3-4457. AKC'FEMALE BLACK TOY Poodle pups, worm end puppy shot. 473- 170*. ______________________ AKC POODLE PUPS, 1 FEMALE, 2 MALES, 675. EA. 331-6466. AKC CHIHTIAHUA Puppies. Also stud service, Fl 2-1477. I AKC~>00DLE PUFPIBO,'Silver stud service end grooming, 332-7157, AKC GERMAN SHEPHARD PUPS, weeks, 626-4403, ALL PET SHOP, 55 Williams, FE 4-6433 persksets and Gtrbllt BOXER PUPPIES,' AKC, ._____625-4635._ BEAGLE STUD : 8 ncvl______________ Handsome AKC male, tired by lleld chemplon. 661-5174.___ B E A U TIF U LS iB ISTaN ' Husky pup, purebrtd, no papers, exc. with children. 661-5360.__ b e OKI Paroil nice iioor *iii cage, 620. 336-6637, _____ 'BEAUTIFUL SEALFOINT Siamese male cat, detoxed end dedawed. Good pet, 626, 331-75(10. boxer PUPS, AKC„ I 'weeke Smiley Bros.-FE 4-4721 Must SELL Grinned console plan. ----it condition »350 (worth 4-lt47, _____ . Jo iM besi cordlan, S225. 363-2720._ UPRIGHT PIANO. 140. H. R. Smith Moving Co., ,10 .t, Jiisle,____ USED ORGANS Choose from Hammonds end other well-known brenes, Prices as low ** ’ GRINNELL'S DOWNTOWN STORE 27 s. Saginaw PI ____ UPRIGHT PIANO, good working conantoh. 463-4046, Used 'Chlckerlng Console Pierio, ideal for serious musicians, tsvt 1231. BOXER PUPS, 4 wei tired, 624-2166, COON HOUNb7~pupi. lemele. Herald Phillips, 7266 Shir Rd„ Clifford. 517-741-3776. “CUT! KiTTiNt AND CATS FE 3-6317____________1761 Likewlnd COCKik' PUWHES, ALL colors, Stud service, DORJI KENNELS, 3150 W. Werdlow, Highland, [" M77M0. DOB E RMAN FiNtCHil Puppies. AKC. Bert, shots, Both par--champions, BesutHul. 646-1725. OOBERMAN PUPPIES, AKC, ■ wk. Good watchdogs and lovable 752 2006.___________ ACCORDION GUITAR, LESSONS, Sales-eervlce. Also piano tuning. Pulanockl, OR M574. __ POWELL MUSIC studio Lessons', instrumentei-vocsi. plane tuning. 673-6677, 1100 N. LBoeer^JJxIord. OHIce Equipment 72 Spurting Goods 74 4 WOODS WITH COVERS, I Irons, AUCTION SALE Antiques, Household, Farm & Misc. Monday, August 18,1969 11 a.m. Located 3 miles east of Oxford on Lakeville Rd. Than t mile norm to 2041 Hotmer Rd. consist* of S pt. rear tractor scoop i Ford 2 bottom 14" plow; Ford 4 ft. mower i fr— roller) 1 pt. spring loom cult; ™ ge. overhead gas tank; maple harvest tablet 1 piece nteelo bedroom suite) marble tap coffee table) mantle clodti massive * drawer walnut cheat) 4 pie clmmber sett firm dinner btllt yoket 0 buggy wheels) 15 cor fireplace weed) O. B. 2 oven all trie stovei lewolry wagon pi, much more — term sold, lit National Bank of Lapeer — eler' Harvey C. Strong — prop. Oxtai - 626-3133 Bud Hlckmott General auctioneer Oxford — 62 2167.______ ■ _______ B & B AUCTION Sat. Night, Aug. 16th 7 P.M. SHARP Truckloads of New and Usad Furniture and Appliances Such as: color TVs, bunk bed odd droolers and chests, llvln. room and bedroom sultas, chrome breakfast sets, reclinort and rockers, piano, stereo, radios, TVs, mattresses ell alias, thow coses, tamps, dishes, antiques, chime clocks, china cabinets, toys of ell kinds, refrgleratars. (lata models), automatic washers end dryers. Farm end oarden tractors, riding lawn mowers, end many other articles. DOOR PRIZE EACH AUCTION me Pixie Hwv.____ OR S-2717 B A B AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY .........7:00 P M. EVERY SATURDAY 7:00 P.r EVERY SUNDAY ........2:00 P.A WE BUY - SELL - TRADE RetoJIJf Days Weekly ^ "*v n„|RPi OR 3-2717 83 2 HOLSTEIN feeder steers 427-3434 __ 2 YEAR OLD mil* Shetland t reddish brown with bolge ir tall. 630. 411-4011. 3 GELDING, 1 contest, 1 show, g tdull pjodsur^^^M 362-1172. 6-YEAR-OLD WRL5H pony, -----—" ‘ " 673-5450 or 335- ifrlgorstor, heater, spare tire] Meepi 4, exc. condition. 504-2211. 1744 TENT CAMPER, stave, oat tank * "■* -*—- < ilt-4214, ____ 1747 STAR CAMPER. contained, ss». 474-i_____ 1767 20’ FROLIC self-contained, one ------ OR 3-tTw. IDOE VAN cemii ____.quipped, OR 4-1271. ffJT7Tl' .TROtW6DD, self I YBAf olD gelDing, gentle 434-4547 Hoily________ 7-YEAR-OLD HEAVY m u t C IO d “''“end pony, gelding, rides or , .Jt, 007-4771. __ 15 MONTH OLD whits gsidlngToTl 0125, COll UL 3-5403, NICE ieoklng a-yssr-oid gray ami while mere. Good riding, ides' lady. 0200. Cell 7SM227. 1 RAbiaN GELDINO, 5 years .... 14.3 hands) S-vssr-old TennasiM walking horse, gelding. Double D. C, Arabian Perm, 425-3550. ARABS ' V» to M mere, gelding, weanling’s. Priced to —II. 625-3573, BUCKHORN SPORVlNO GOODS Slmco western tack and supplies, used saddles, coming toon, wsef— clothe* and hots. 4377 Bill. Lk. 602-4112, 1403. _____ ENGLISH SffTflR PUPPIlS, wks. old. AKC — —| * Milan. 177-6000. FREE TO OQOD homo, 2-vear-oid lemele besgit-cockSr, spayed. E c4>llenl with children. 343-4441. FREE TO GOOD home, kittens. _ FE S-0S7* _ FREE kTffiNS T6 flood horn pert snflors, 332-7470. _ FREE to pood horns, gray'femi kitten, weened and trained. 62 7201. FREeTpUFPIES. 3375 Loon Lake Shotas off Walton. Dreytan Plains. FREE BEAUTIFUL Angora kittens to good home. 415-3461, _ german SHORY'haTr, male? shots and licensed, will tell lor 150. OR 4-0306, 6V6S. EM 3-7546. Sea ad under Swept No. 63.______ GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, AKC beauttei. Slud service. UL 2-1437. IRISH SETTER PUPPY. A STc Regltlered, thow end field quality, temple, 7 weeks. 632-4611. _ labradors, bitclt ragls'larad, sjoi phone Lopeer 664-2326. LD'STnsoal iMAN male, black and tan, neme Duke. Reward. FE 4 1765. LABRADOR RETRlWERS, weeks old. 363-2373. MIXED OERMAN Shepherd-Algh... i ------- 1— |)|, 402-7125, ’PART~Engllih CAMP HORSES ore bock, 30 to choose* from. Western comp horitt and English lumport, liso to colt. 075. Oontlo with chlldron. 1660. LARGE BAY PONY, port Shotlond ........* ------- — '** 3166, HORSE end Welsh, more, 070. 473-1106. longhDAn cuttino mm Saddle, ellver-locad end buck-stitched. New, never u • e d . Sacrifice. After 5 p.m, 473-6366, Lake Orion. NEW~fACX~sTORl now open -selling at wholesale. Open 7 days wk. I to I. Horses tar tile. Double D. Ranch, 4730 Cllntonvlllo, Port-HOC. 473-7657, POkV CART WITH mttahid loam broke to pull. Ttom ol Bolgli draft horses. Sevdral Shetlai.. ponles, riding ponies and horses other work hortee with nernetset. Bob Sleight and Farm Wagons. Ola form machinery. 371-1570. QUARTER HORSE GELDING , MIXED PUPPIIS • 1760 AMPHICAT tar tele. 1150. _ 423-0276. ANTHONY SWIMMikO pools. Beni rates. Cali today for details. RHODES POOLS PE HB6 __ __JJ| W. Wiltai BUCKHORN SPORTING GOODS Guns end ammunition, buy am trod*. Ruoers In stack. AIsl , Wetlern teck and supplies. 6377 1 Elli. Lk. Rd. 632-4112. GUNS. 000, now, used antique. Buy, sell or Oun Shop, ivk ml. N. on M-13, Phone 631-2771. . days. GUNS’, ammunition, buy, It_ Opdyke Hardware______PE 6-4606 ' LEFiVER Doubie 12 gauge. 113$. 473-2732. __ MCGREGOR GOt> CLUBS, rlahl hand, 336-2716 between I a.m. -4 I. ol Ollsvllle 674-3353. iiixjfb'"K. buy complete litters for pta 'n good homos, 111-0072. _ MIX E D'T ERR IE R puppies? 15. 525-1722 MU5f'SBlL7’AiCi£~ poodle, 673-4042. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND' n old, AKC, s II S75i I 12 W.. 1101._____ OUT STAN O I N G LABRADOR' RETRIEVER pup, roody to hunt this toll. Champion background both sides, shots, ISO as., Mi-0120. Attar 5 PM 034-04057___ PEKINGESE puppies, AKC, rert blech. 452-6721. ________________ PUPFli’S. PART E fk h o u n d . Shepherd and Collie, 65. OR 3-0710 otter a._____ PERSiAN KITTBW - CTi rogitlered. All colors, champlo stud. 025-4304. "sKalAoikT IIAMfIK tiitflks' FE 5-f857 _____ ST. BERNARD PUPPIES. AK( Phone 403-8422. ST. BiRNARB PUPPIES. AKC rogititred, -------- POOL TABLE, excollant common. SI 30. 3334)413. POOL TABLE, SLATE, $150? Ciotlng Pool Table Warehouse. 532-7505. PROFESSIONAL POOL table, slate, nOW cloth, now rails, Ilk* new, with balls and cuts. 1250. Call Ml-4PM, RED WING Hunters. 13250. 334-6347 I GENE’S ARCHERY. 714 W. Huron. . . SCUBA GEAR _SIOO — 462*6646 ___ TRAIL BOSS IS HERE Made by the manufacturer ol the 1 famous Aesche camp trailer, This 6-wheei drlvf, all terrain vdhleta, hat more to otter iha family sportsmen. Check thole features. QUARTBRHORSE MARE, w trained, western pleasure. 19 best after. 7S7-3474. REGISTERED OUARTER~ reasonable. 6734166. REGISTERED MORGAN h —— j,u(f 2 year old II ding, 7 year old 20 Noble Rd.. Oxtori REGISTEI1ED TENNESSEE Welker, 2 year old filly oanllt, raadv to bt trained, 14 month did rr " — jenlttb moving must sell. 1 EGlSTERED 3 year old I Noble, Oxtard. 421-2737. REGISTERED. 1 ) mare, 1 gelding, 4-H Welsh ponies, pertacl tar children. Reg. Tenn. walker, 5 year old gtlding, sale tar invono, 363-4740, SHARP SORREL MARE ( 10) and yearling, quarter type, 1350. 752- y|RYO« NTL E^ARE~wlVh“h¥ll AretMeo colt. MA 5*511), WHITE SIDE RIDING 11 a b 11. -loonllaht ridei every Tun. nlpm :30. 1550 Whitt Lk. Rd.* .7 Highland. SMALL 3 YEAR Old terrl for adults* house brokpn, good home, S0M64I, _____ SPECIAL 10 GALLON Mtots ^^^___________ ROMEO MEAT CENTER -drasted meals-. A side or I for your tobit or irMiorJVH wrapped before you. Give us 0 cel tar pried, quality and appolntmen io cut. Romip, PL 2*2741. Open 7 days • weak. 07140 Van Pyka. A> MEAT CUTTING. Fraeiar wrapped. We cure, and smoke meals. Cell FE 2-6155. Hay-Grain-Fttd ___IS --, r—--- .-Jl | APPROXIMATELY 250 ACRES ryl reedy le so. 521- .'raw near Lake Orion. 6734453. BALfeD itilAW, HAY. ass^tsTava. 2170 Ldpaar Rd. (M-14),__ $12.99 • 20 h.p. engln* • pgtwhywio body • Elect, start • Full rtveree with steering ONLY li*#! JIM HARRINGTON'S S?0RT CRAFT Apache Pectory Herne Tewn Peeler marked and TOY TERRIER weeks pups, well shots. 1025 Heatey*, Ortanvllto. Call Men.-Frl,, 627-2107. Pet Suppli.s ServIce 79-A OPEN SUNDAYS M er an M-21 76 SERIES OP EXCAVATIONS I __ 335-5259 Ih rougnoul . Whtta _ Lake. ANCHOR PENCE DOG pel Independence, Waterford Twp., of j new, FE 4-4341. * PMfLfKRo6ijl|liG' EXPERT irliie cost of hsuifiig. OR >ww. a.m.-it )p,m„ sun. Incl, ~-~ar . BULLDOZING, TLSMSIR WORir. ^ llnjjh grades pur spec., reas. 673-j WANTED USiO_55 KFCIIlVNT TOP SOIL?black diri, end fill loaded and delivered end1 leveled. 61S 37S0 aft, t p.m, SA.W. SAND AND GRAVE- j pello belw 44712 "TTL •52-3647 AH g :, fill I .... jstane, a- i v I. Phone 2744042. t areas delivered. SAND, GRAVEL, AND dirt. LOthf “—“* i*— ‘“‘wo or Mil7 Precast Stone S SPECIAL L'iME stone? 1BA Slone,! NjtfW—Mf PBfB_____________79 I RED FEMALE Pomeranian to trade tar athar of difiereni stood, | line. M7-74I3._ 1 YEAR OLD German shepherd, Oirnsai B & B AUCTION SUN. AFT., AUG. 17th 2 P.M. SHARP CLEARANCE LOTS OF GOODIES! 007 Dixie Mery. OR 341 LSA MARKET AND rumma Aug, IMS, tats of daielert, 10 fit . Free EMUMMI,, (ougus Auction House, 54036 Grand Fiver, Now Hudson, 1-437-1476. Auction ovary Sunday 2 pun, PERKINS SALE SERVICE ~AUC- ~w yin tf— mm PAT HENS 40 CENTS oa. Starting August 17lh to Aug. 22. C B c ago tactary, 1770 S. Lapeer Rd., Lakd Orion, > pick tat. i p.m. and all day lilt Prodmora Ri MV M7I7. sRl S. PICKED or pick 424-2736. 702 Odkloy CLOSE-OUT FLOOR MODEL Whaelhorta tractors and mowers. We will not be undersold. Lowest prices. Tom’s Hardware, ‘ * * Orchard LK. Ave. PE S-2424, FARMALL CUB WITH mawe FORD 7N TRACTOR w ___________PE 4-1773 ___ NEW, USED and Rebuilt Mowers, rakes and hay condltlonars, DAVIS MACHINERY. ORTONVILLE, NA 7-3272. Your "Homellte Chain Saw ’’Odder,’’ John Deere and Now loot parts detore. SUMMER CLEARANCE USED LAWN AND GAN I TRACTORS WITH MOWERS CUr CADETS — WHEEL HORSE — -BOLENS - SIMPLICITY — SPRINGFIELD. ALL RSCON* DITIONED AND READY TO GO. ALL PRICED TO SELL. TERMS AVAILABLE. KING BROS. PE 4*1663 FE 4-0734 Pontiac Rd. at Opdykt Travel Trailort_____________I I’ CAMPER. SLEEPS 4, S250. t condition, $70. 33. FWOLVERINE, SLEEPS' 5~or_6, new stove and refrloaratar, port-able lacks. UL 2-42.7 an. 12. IV, LIKE NEW, SLEEPS 4, .stove, Sink, Icebox, SS25. 3314602 53 E. Ypsllantl, l'F FROLIC CAMPER TRAILER. 1760, good condition. 675Q. 573-7551. 14’ TRAILER, stova, lea box, aiec-trlc brakes, 6500. 4II-MM. )’ TRAVEL TRAILER, 1600 ( offer, 363-2077. V HOLLY TRAVEL traltal l Owner. 6734000 i best 473- 3441, ___ 1743 THREE QUARTER TON Chevy. 1764 Wolverine camper. Self-contained with add an lent. 7 liras. S2.00, 394-0175. Sundays only, 1754 SCOTTY Sportsman, full self- Troval Trailers 88. CHEVROLET TRUCK AND 10 It. overhead camper, like new. used very little, sharp outfit, must itll, .... clean, Reese extras, must sell, l ott Joslyn. 1750 SELF-CONTAINED, .... . sleeps 0, complete with hot and cole watar, shower, aqua-magic toilet, 3 burner gas stove, oven, pas-elec, refrigerator, 155 amp. Mttiry, •tectrlc bi—‘— *----------- _«P«re lira. 6M-5I12. 1768 18’ PUlCY seit-colalned, ax-tree. SHtpo 4. 02,000. 353-3324. 1250 APACHE RAMADA camper, sleeps 0, electric brakes and 0*3 heal. 01,375. Call 474-2634 after 3:30. >1 Collier, welt TRAVEL TRAILbft, 2V Sell-contained, Tandem Axle, 62,350, 5734741, after 5:30 p.m. h6P TENT TRAILER, 6325, and large tent, 650. Both In good dltlon. OR 4-1604 or OR 3-2304. 1767 COACHMEN 0’ pickup campoir, EXPLORER MOTOR HOME ^ *V, 23’, 25’ MODELS SOe this California built-in unit which It No. 2 In motor homo sales. Prices start at 67,995, up. STACHLER TRAILER SALES, INC. 3771 Highland (M-57) 412-7440 FOR SALE OR RENT: Aider homo, self Jcontalned. PH 5-1002.__ T FINAL CLOSE'OUT 1 PLEASURE MATE DELUXe HAJtDTOP CAMPER 0504011 f contained, overcab, sleeps *mq after 4 p.m Inq, 6IW5. 1 1969 STARCRAFT TRAVEL TRAILERS INSIDE DISPLAY CRUISE-OUT, INC. Walton Pally 7-4 PE 7-4402 ______CLOSED SUNDAYS APACHK SILVER Buffalo! itove, •Ink, Icobox, dinette. Sleeps 4, 6475. AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER APACHE WHILE OUR SUPPLIES LAST -YOU SAVE 6300. RAMADA Sleepi I, contains stave, sink, box, watar tank, pump and bottled gat. A Goucho couch converts Into an •tfdltTanal bad for 2. En|oy Ihd bast of summer a splendor ,d Pill. Only 2 used campers left. A THANK YOU We have been lortunata In ___ Ing a limit number of Apache trailers, In addition to — *r~* we have had pravfouoly RIPVINIH We would like to thank those that made our tala a great success: te EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 025-1711 Clerktlon 625-2516 6M7 Dixie Hwy, Open 7 a.m. la I p.m. APACHE TENT CAMPER, good shape, 371-1877.____ * ■ APACHEI APACHll MESA III PRICE CUT 1300 FACTORY OVERSTOCKED while our supplies loot — you u MESA III SLEEPS 4, CONTA.. . STOVE, SINK, ICE BOX, WATER TANK AND BOTTLED DAS. READY AT YOUR CAMP SITE IN S MIN., JUST THE THING FOR THAT LATE SUMMER OR FALL VACATION. BLUEBERRIES. PICKED' BTT--------------- BLuEbErrHs, so cents par quart. jCjjUdnera. i. 7745 Panttac used camping Iraltari, ret EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 625-1711 Clerktlon 625*2516 6507 Dixie Hwy. Open 7 a.m, lo I p.m. AIR'STREAM 1766 Tamtam,' double bed, mini candltlen, used lest than 2.000 ml. complota with hitch. Coll altar 6 p.m. MA 64047. apaChe APACHE Save over 6300 on new 1767 camping trallarci alto a law new 1766 models left at uted trailer prices. Hurry, tnay won’t last tong. PICKUP CAMPERS del RBY / FLEETWING , TOUR-A-HOME over 6500 an new 1707 un„.. . 10 «T models for Vk Ion it in ttack Pram mi. PICKUP COVERS ITUTZ FLEETWING MOBILE TRAVELER Prom 6237 JIM HARRINGTON'S SPORT CRAFT Apache Factory Home Town Da W Ml. B, of Lapeer on M-21 ■OPEN IUNPAtb, i* Save ever li cate and you pick. EM 3-Wlse Rd., Commerce. PEACHES Redhavtn. Preaii *' * apples. Oakland 0 Commerce Rd. and 1 'Dikiond Orchards? 22M*'e'! ire* Rd., Ketw. Duck Lk. ™. and Burns, Milford, 0:30 to S dotty._____________________________ PEACHlS. 'SUNHAVEN, you pick, bring own container, open dally I a.m. to 7 p.m., Sun, 12 to 2 p.m. Franch Orchard, 1271 Stoto Rd., Seutti tide of Fanion, red SKIN cannlns pei bu„ bring cantalner. 1 0 P.m.. cornar of Walton, Soulhside. CLEARANCE SALE on all ntw and used garden tractors — agricultural and industrial tractors. Also good buys on ntw and used dozers, trenchers, loaders, rakts, plows, Etc. Pontiac Farm End \ Industrial Tractor Co. 026 I. WOODWARD C mSI OdOr --tftig ■ ^'*a AIRSTREAM 18 ft. to 31 ft. ON DISPLAY Also Ustd Airstroams WARNER . , .TRAILER GALES STS w. Huron flui By Kaie Osann Motorcycle* 1768 HONDA 175 V 1751 BRIDOEStDne 3511, Itwiraiica and hairnet, call 625-2735. 1766 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLti lAit mltat.ixc.cendiflan. 363-5«66.6750. 673-1540. 1747 TRIUMPH 550 TR-4 C Extras, 1747 KAWASAKI 9 ® INI V HU, Iw. Tin l«|. IIS. hr. off. f.| “But Herbie, I HAVE to baby-sit tonight... I owe Mrs. Ryan a favor and I owe Jane Ellen the $2.25 Mrs. Ryan will pay me!” East Walton corner of Joslyn. 332- Check our deal On SWISS COLONY LUXURY TRAILERS FROLIC TRAILERS AND TRUCK CAMPERS. SKAMPER FOLD-DOWN CAMPERS 13 to 21 on display at Colonial Mobile Homes PE 2-1457 6744444 25 Opdyke Rd. 2733 Dixie Hwy. *uburn Heights_____________Pontiac '64 GENERAL MOBILE home, 12x58, air conditioner, furnisher utility shed, 63700. 3324572 aft. 3. 1765 LIBERTY 12x55 Carpeted, tar( 386-0661 Qpeiv Sun. MUST GO - at Year-end Prices. Holly Travtl Coach, Inc. 15310 Holly, Holly > MB 44771 HAVE YOU SEEN THE ALL NEW HAYDEN CAMPER SALES On M-57. Vk Ml. W. of Oxbow Lk. 3534404 SALE - SALE - SALE to'r« Making Deals; Now It The Tlmo $ To Take That Now Trailer Choice! FAMILY SITES . . . [N A SECLUDED AREA ARE CHOOSE PROM. ARE NOW ON DISPLAY. THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL, PEACEFUL AREA TO SETTLE -IN YOUR NEW MOBILE HOME. • Come out and see us Sunday I OAK HILL ESTATES HOME OP HOLLY MOBILE HOMES .DIXIE HWY AT OAK HILL RD. 634-4443 Dally 7-9 ’LITTLE DEN" pickup campers, covers custom built. Gulf Service, <800 Hatchery, Drayton. 573-4473. MOST EVERYTHING In the/ way of parts and accessories lor the travel trailer. JOHNSON'S Travel Tralltri Wallen M. Joslyn________FE 4-5853 McCLELLAN TRAVEL TRAILERS 4820 Highland Road (M5f> Phone 474-3143 JULY SALE 5 ^Trailers Reduced to Cost 23 fool Watt wind Suprot 22 tool Bonanza Delu... 17 foot Watt Winds Cllppera 13 tool West Wind Clipper WHEEL CAMPERS Tho best In fold down campon* at special^ prices._ NEW DELUXE GOLDLINE M0, refrigerator* furnoco* water hei lacks* sun deck and iadderi 1764 Cass Lk. Rd.* Kaeflp Harbor. RENT: Wlnabago Motor H Fully iolf*contolnod. Sleep TREANOR'S TRAILERS, W43._______________#J Spectacular Savings On i960 Coleman Campers* b 1970's arrlvo. Sleeper* soft-top. 1545* demo. SlHptr* hardtop, $1450 2 Sun and Ski Marina 39S1 Cait»B*U. Rd. sleepEr Stool from* pick-up cove taps, cob lo eompar boot. SPORTKElPfMpO. 4)40 Foley 623-0650 Wjtortord "^THEY'RE HERE HI-LO TELESCOPING TRAILER UP FOR LIVING DOWN FOR TRAVEL VILLAGE TRAILER SALES 6570 DIXIE HWY. CLARKSTON 625-2217 5 ALE5-8ER VICE-RENTALS vraLVEPfTNE TRUCK comport sleepers. Factory oulIH, repair parts, new and uotd rent_ Jacks, Intarcoms, talascaalng bumpars, spare tire carriers, auxiliary aatallnt tanks, otawllliniB shocks. Cab ra camper-boots. LOWRY CAMPER SALES I32S S. Hospital Rd. Union Li EM 3-3681 WINNEBAGO Motor Hamas—Traitors F. E. HOWLAND SERVICE 8255 Dixie Hwy.____ OR 6-1400 YOUR DEALER FOR — SPORT TRAILER, OEM AND CORIMII TRAVEL TRAILERS Cortalr and Dam pickup campers. ybllDwstoni CAftRi. ir, t yr, BOOTH CAMPER Pickup covan and cam part custom built. 'OMt'lB>0 r»l1 Wdtorford. 6744113. / BIG SAVINGS •rices stashed on all Nimrod am Sliver Bagla traitors. Iha dollars you’ll soya will pay for a go M Coho, mat hunting trip or lata summer travallng, tea our Amerigo and Schooner truck camper, the bast In lawn. manor's Trailtrs kti*C Drive .Lk.Rd. WB_____m BMHI .M Tatm camper Special, til V4L S3400 m Canal IK MlltafdTCall 6I4-77B. B CENTURY YELLOWSTONE •mar SALES, INC [lean W TjoNawl trauaT ival traitor. riilsT, lot. 335%73. ____ 1-A MODERN DECOR Early American, Mediterranean, Jlchardson Liberty Monarch •*»■— Park traci Delta TITAN ..... 350CC REBEL .... 2J0CC SAVAGE .... 200CC INVADER ... 125CC STINGER .. 120CC TRAIL KAT 100CC WOLFE 50CC MAVERICK . Many ustd models In stock MG SUZUKI SALES 4657 Dixie Hwy. 673445S Drayton Plains ____ 1767 458 HONDA road blkt, A-l Coit-dltton, less 1,008 ml., 6708 or best 1767 PARKWOOD-!2x56," 2 bedroom, lake evar^ payments, J A-l Motorcycle Insurance FARMERS INSURANCE Agency et Pontiac acre** from Anderson's Honda. Phone 334-4577. Bodily In. lury, properly damage fid ‘ months: 8-125CC til.OS 126-200CC ■"*« “1-360CC „ I-500CC 624.00 638.00 DETROITER AMERICAN SUNRISE PARK KR0PF Double Wktoi, Expando .ustam bull! to your ordi Proa Delivery and Setup Within 300 Miles AT BOB HUTCHINSON MOBILE HOME SALES 4301 DIXIE HWY. 673-1202 DRAYTON PLAINS Doan (Daily 'ill i p.m. laturdaf and Sunday ’III 8 LEAVING STATE"Mvji, beta a.m. or afl. S p.m. 335-2615. fiixuhY PLUS biauliU'- HOME PARK, nW Marietta, delyx model, Indirect llghiing In dining room, colored bam fixtures, loads of closets end built In baekshalvH, exc. buy on this site. Deris and Son Realtors. 674.0324. MAliLkTTE, 12x60 spottau, room, carpeted, washer, utlll ROYAL-OR-REGAL ACTIVE 2 or 3 bedrooms TOWN & COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES, INC Telegraph at Dixie Hwy. 334-6694 Dally ’111 i____Sat. A Sun.... WILL BUY d£tb TRAILERS lilac Mobil# Pork 754-1274 Ran* Tnrikr Igota T~ JOE’S SUNNY SUNOCO king trailer space, manlhl ally, seml-annuelly, compli ........Ifohta. US It 0 MM704 “9flkA I „ wlli bL..r . specifications. AAA Wdldli wiitrld*. 554 Franklin Rd, Tirds-Auto-Truck ie nylon, whitewalls, less 3W mitoo, 5100. Call elrtr a P.m. 474-3030. ALL SIZES USEp dor tiro*, sot Ilka new, OR 3-4575. piRfcsfoNE. Dunlap race tlresTi PE 2.3121. REPAIR. Mount, and batanca rr l MageA marl car tarn. Trade old r ear Polyjlaaa I Market Tlr# Co. 1 EACH IN STOCK REDUCED 1 Fi . CLEARANCE, ALL 1969s 12* Wipes, LOW AS SLOW fkx# . Aak lor Special Prlcttl S ustd Hqmat from S1777I _ ADD-A-ROOM UNITS AND ! DOUBLE WIPES NOW AVAILABLE COUNTRYSIDE LIVING iTStoekiend SS4.H07 1 new from Holty Park Balcony, kitchen and dmlm ream. Your AitthmSai fontor Sr Hatty Park. Oxford, PjrttaQfoL and Danish Ktng. Free Dattvary wimin Its Miles.' Will trade far meal anytalng of value. OdM MIDLAND TRAILER SALES tin Pixie Hwy. mmn 10W90 i bedroom, bpel ITs nr >TEWART. canwtotaty furnished, » gal. smSw iif^ * tSM CA*T'BMI camll"an'M S HP LIL'INDIAN Cdltanl condition. I M^iBjKEvarytafo candhlonJW Mittrcystos fi <76^1 triumph cub. in cc, $m Tt2 Arride,’ Waltad .tar'TSNNiviLLB'triumph, taw mllaaga.J am 41 years aid. After Mmm n »BBtt EdfO.PriB. *1 1747 HONDA SH Scrambler, —,—i— 0400. will trade for art Call after s p.m. Sharp, 01,000 - 052-5657 me tKiumph M...... 602-7180 I Scrambler, one to believe 17’ THOMPSON *0 H.P. Johnson t *—’w. pontoons and canaa*. AT TONY'S MARINE ahnsonimotors — IS iwars repel Lh, Rd, Sylvan Lfoe us Ed boats ommSffirSLrn. ward Crutoare, Outboard Motors Many to ChaoM From LAKI A SEA MARINE Ivd. at Saginaw PR 475K YtAR-END SAVINGS wnb^ii WotEd Cars-Trafe' itl "TOP DOLUR PAID" GLENN'S truck*. Economy Cars, 23 SHARP, LOW S-1SSS id generators, C. Dixson, MUNCIE 4 ,___ naw clutch and Hurst compatttion MM_”»°r'™tac. VERTEX Magneto Sal*. SI>4. '■‘-Tmpjon Automotive, 3714 Bill, te Rd., 51--------- WANtEDi _________ radiators, I and starter*. 245-5524. WANTED: LARDE Water pump Off old Fir* Truck? stl-oios. WANTED: 1753 or 1764 Pontiac t doer hardtop body. FE SB6SI. New End Used Trucks 103 VS TON FORD ( flrit, runs i MA 5-5463 pi FORD pickup nt Pood, bring » after S. bring battery, 650. 1747 JEEP 4 whtel drive, snowplow. n, 6758. 473-3506. 1758 FORD lVb tan stake truck, ex- 1 p6Rd PiCkOp, wtth 'It or Uto. Sg5. FE 5-2442._______ rakas hydraulic lift; gato, *4oo ash. 646-044. 7 CtlBVYJto TON Pickup, goad endlfign. 62SatS7, I960 FORD Vk TON, runs 0 4S2-5753. 1760 FORD % ton pjek-up, 4 -fllnctar, stick shift. Sky gray, alchlng Interior. Radio, heater, toll price S17S. Call Mr. Al at 612- 1, 6660. 62 J TlW i price call Howard 0 -7500. New tecattan of TURNER FORD 2580 MaptoJlS MIta M.) Tray^M*11 tatt CHEVY W TON VAfo ?.,..8tat ' A7I8A New locafton at I TURNER ,F0RD Maple (IS ME* Rd.) Tray Stall 1 Mil* feast at Woodward i*M'pMb’VaNA' Wff. S*7S'fu price, call Mac at Ml 4-lliL Nn '‘"turner ford LUCKY AUTO Hdl W. Wide Tuck wssnsKBze