ORE COLOR Pontiac ProM, Sunday, July 27, 1969 SUNDAY R — Rerun C — Color SUNDAY MORNING Regular programming may be preempt^ for news of President Nixon’s trip abroad. 6:05 (2) TV Chapel 6:10 (2) C-News 6:15 (2) C — Lawn and L^indscape 6:45 |2) C — Christophers 7:00 (2) C ^ Cathedral of Tomorrow 7:25 (4) C-News \ 7:30 (4) C—Country Living - “Car Talk” \ (7) C — Painting with Guy Palazzola —\”Tem-pera and Plastic” \ 7:50 (9) Warm-Up \. (4) C — Church at the Crossroads (7) Dudley Do-Right (9) Lost Peace “ (50) C — Temple Baptist Church 8:55 (4) C — Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C — Mass for Shut-Ins. (4) C — Oopsy the Clown (7) C — Linus , (9) Man Alive (50) C — Captain Detroit 8:00 (2) C — Day Discovery ^ (4) C — International Zone — “What Right Has ( 7 ) Through Children's Eyes — "Speak for Yourself” (9) Gardener 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C-^This Is the Life 9:25 (9) C — Morgan's Merry-Go-Round 9:30 (2) C — With This Ring (7) C —King Kong (9) Spectrum — ' * I f You're Not There, You're Missed” (50) C — Kimba 9:45 (2) — Highlights (4) C — Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) C^ Let's See (4) C — House Detective (7) C —Bullwinkle (9) C — Magic Shoppe ^0) R — Three Stooges 10:30 (2) C — Faith for Today (7) C — Discovery (9) C —Bozo ^ (50) R — Little Rascals 11:00 (2) Homeric World — “From Heartland to Badland” (7> C — Insight (50) R — Superman 11:30 (2) C — Face the Nation — Defense Secretary - ■ \ Melvin Laird is interviewed. ^ (7) C-Dialogue (9) R - MoviW “Tarzan's Revenge*' (1938) Glenn Morris. Eleanor Holm (50) R C — Flintstones SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C — Tom and Jerry (4) U. of M. Presents — ^ “^onomlcs: P o v t y _ Countries” ^ (7), C — Championship Bowling - (50) R—Movie: "Centennial Summer” (1946) Adventures of a dashing Frenchman and a Philadelphia family during t h e Exposition of 1876. Jeanne Crain, C~9 r n e 1 Wilde 12:30 (2) C — Aquaman (4) C — International 2^ne — "A Nation is Bom” (7) C Issues and Answers — Former Secre-tary%f State Dean Rusk, is inteiviewed. Blits PRESSING? Arrano* ^ M.C.C. tak« ov«r your monoy problomt and only hovo ono ploco to poy. V................. fomillot out of dobt. hovo ono ploco to poy. Wo ^vo bolpod thoutand* of Pontiac aroa fdmiliot out of dobt. on o poymOnt droorom thoy could ootily -afifoid. Wo con doth# Mi'moforyoul 15 ydort^ continuous torvlco for I finonclolly burdonod fomillot. Omr Pfor^ lo Pny . . . “VoMr Bjfl to tf^r Out of D^ht la Sf^ .tf.fT.C.” MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSEILORS, INC. ^ iBALL FE 8-0456 Direotor Lieensed By The Stafe of Michigan 102 PONTIAC STATE BAMir RLDO AMiaiOAa MtOOUTlOa OF DAUB DI.UU. oanrr eaumaLoat 1:00 (2) R C — Movie: “Smugglers Cove” (1948) Bowery Boys (4) C — Meet the Press (7) C - Spotlight (9) R _ Movie: “The Wrong Man” (1957) Two people are caught in a web of mistaken identity. Henry Fonda, Vera Miles 1:30 (4) C — Target — Meadow Brook (7) C — Haney's People 2:00 (2) C - AAU Track and Field Highlights of the international meet held at Malmo, Sweden. . Juty 23^,-—~ (4) Bea^the Champ (50) R ~ Movie: “The Man I Love” ( 1947 ) Nightclub singer becomes involved in murder as a racke^er tries to force his attentions on her. Ida Lupino. Robert Alda : 2:30 (7) R —Rifleman 3:00 (2) C - NFL Action -“The Man Behind the Men” Looks at pro Foot- ball coaches. (4) C — Car and Track (7) C — (Special) Sum-Focus — Sen. George McGovern, D-S.D., joins in a panel discussion of “The Welfare Game.” (9) C — (Special) Canadian Open Golf — Coverage of the back nine from Plnegrove Country Club, St. Luc. Que. (62) C --The Rebels ^ / — 3:30 (2) C — (Special) American-Golf-Classic Closing action from AKfon Ohio . (4) C — Sports Album (62) C-Herald of Truth 4:00 (4) C — Amish Living — The Customs and tradition of the Pennsylvania Dutch are examined. (7) R _ Dick Powell - A dying man hires an at-10 r n e y to investigate his potential beneficiaries. June Allyson is featured, (50) R — Laramie (62) C “ Oral Roberts 4:30 (4) C - Life Watch -* Drqme concentrates on Research and developments in the early detection of cancer. / (62) C — Revival Fires 5:00 (2) R — Wagon Train „ (4) C — Congressional Report — Congressmen debate President Nixon's decision to equip ICBMs with multiple warheads by the mid-1970s. (7) R C - Movie: “Broken Arrow” (1950) James Stewart, Jeff Chandler (9) C “ (Special) Big Bands — Glenn Miller Orchestra is conducted by Ray McKinley^ (50) R SHebt Service m e -/ (fpbeat -Guests include Jgy and the Americans. Gene Pitney and the Neon Philharmonic. 5:15 (56) C - Social '’'" Security — A visit with Gen. W. Clark and three cadets at the Citadel in Charleston, S. C. 5:30 (4) RC —Stap Tre^ (9) R C — Laredo — The rangers pose as medical attendants to rescue Erik a hillbilly family. (50) C — John Gary — Guests include Steve Allen, Jane Kean, Guy Marks and Chita Rivera. (56) German Lesson SUNDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2)„C-News, Weather, Sports (56) Portrait In — Prof. Richard Wengenroth of Ohio Wesleyan University discusses his plexiglass and mirror paintings. (62) C - Wilburn Brothers — Harold Morrison guests. Op- 6:30 (2) C - Job portunity Line (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R — Movie; “Trouble Along the Way” (1953) Football coach has a two-fisted approach to the game and life. John Wayne, Donna Reed.* (56) Insight — An ap-4>arently happy couple on vacation find their marriage has become an empty shell. (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet Th» Pontiac Prott, Sunday, July 27, 1 ONE COLOR his own obituary in the newspaper. Dick Powell, Linda Darnell , 7:30 (2) G — All-American (Allege Show (4) R C - Walt Disi World — ”Boomtf ang, Dog of Many TalentS'V concludes comedy about hound starring Darren M c G a V1 n and Patricia Oowley. 8:00 (2) R Cf-_Ed Sullivan — Guest^ Include Vikki Carr, Henny Youngman, } Gilbert Pricey Clara Ward Singers and the Bob Fournier and Hal Grego Dancers. (7) R C - FBI - A hand-drawn map of a California Navy yard, taken from the body of a fugitive, sends ErsKine and Colby after a would-be murderer. 8:25 (62) Greatest Headlines 8:30 (4) R C — Mothers-in-"^ Law “ Eve and Kay create confusion when each buys a dog for their children. ;^00 (2) R C - Lassie -' Councilman Ted. Worth, opposed to the maintenance of a Job Corps camp, accuses Luke Roberts of stealing his^ son’s wristwatch. (4) C — George Pierrot — ’’Italy’s Amalfi Coast” (7) R C - Land of the Giants — Stev^, Dan and Mark attenipt to enter police security vault to destroy recprd of patriots in freedom organizf^lipn. (SP) C — Davia Susskind — 1. Astroioger Carroll Righter talks about its use in choosing a marriage partner; 2. Oldsters discuss their place in a society that worships youth. (56) C — Sounds of Summer Steve Allen hosts a repertoire of grand opera’s famed arias taped July 13 at the Soi»thern Vermont Arts Festival. (62) R — Movie: “It .Happened Tomorrow” (1944) Reporter, given gift to see into the future, sees (9) C — Cesar’s World ~ Tour of Singapore (62) R - Movie: “High Tide at Noon” (British, 1957) Whims of the sea determine the courses of^ two lovers on a dying island. Betta St. John, Michael Craig. the Detroit mayoral race. (56) Action People — Examination of the critical elements which turn aspirations and resolutions into constructive channels f o r personal growth. 9:00 (2) C - Hee Haw -Charlie Pride, Tammy Wynette and George Jones guest. (4) R C — Bonanza — Retired Army veterans plot to‘Tob a mint with Candy’s help. James Gregory guests. (7) R C -- Movie: “The Nutty Professor’^ (1963) A wacky collegiate version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Jerry Lewis, Stella Stevens (9) C — (Debut) Conquest of Space —^ “Sounds of Silence” is first of five-part series outlining the history of the cosmic era. (50) C — (Special) Political Talk — Questions telephoned in by viewers are answered by, Walter C. Shamie, a candidate in SUNDAY :00 (2) R C — Mission: Impossible ^ The IMF leads an enemy agent through a maze of complicated clues to a false conclusion. (d) R C - My ’ Friend Tony — Woodruff and Novello work to clear a scientist charged with imcompetence. (9) C — News, Weather, Sports (50) C — Lou Gordon — 1. Kenneth Gross, coauthor of a study of brutal sex slayings, tells why sex killers are so difficult to trap; 2. Denny McLain, Detroit Tiger pitcher, discusses t h e team’s troubles this year and his activities on and off the field; 3. Dr. Stephen J. Tonsor, University of Michigan history professor, talks about campus turmoil. (56) Speaking Freely — Rod McKuen, poet, composer entertainer, i s interviewed. land he can walk on in a day and starts a grim race with the sun. 11:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News. Weather, Sports (62) R —Movie: “Heaven - Only Knowa^^ ( l ftA7 ): Rol^rt Cummings. Brian Donlevy 11:30 (4) R C - The Saint (7). G — (Special) President’s Trip Aboard 11:35 (2) R - Movies: 1. C •— “The Princess and the Pirate” (1945) A magician and a princess are captured by buccaneers on the Spanish Main. Bob Hope, Virginia Mayq; 2. “Fighting Fools” (1949) The Bowery Boys set out to break up a boxing racket. 11:45 (9) C - I Wish You Were Here - “BOAC Britain” 10:15 (9) R — Movie: “The Ivory Hunter” (British, 1952) The founding of Africa’s Mt. Kilimanjaro National Park and Animal Sanctuary. Anthony Steel Dinah Sheridan 12:00 (7) R - Movie: “Hatful of Rain” (1957) Don Murjray, Eva JM^rie Saint (50) C — Treasures of the Andes — Chinchilla ranching is examined. 12:30 (4) C — News, Weather 2:00 (7) C — News, Weather 10:30 (62) R — Favorite Story — Land-hungry man hears he can have all the 3:00 (2) C 3:05 (2) C ^ . Ring News, Weather With This CONNOLLY'S J6U>€|/ OF THE WEEK ESTATE JEWELRY Man's yellow gold diomond ring with o brilliant cut center stone approximotely three corot with lots of fire on each approximately fifteen points each. Present mounting slightly different than shown but well ^ worth the asking price,. $2300. Bmkmrd DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Cemer Huren end feglitew ifreefs kVMN OPINnllDAYIViNINOS^ Ma-0294