-.... ;/ JLir ,' ** wmpfcaw in New York 4ast night. It is ttie first time they have appeared together since Winthrop was elected. Introducing Winthrop, Nelson quipped, "This is really bn>to«bood in action." the ROCKEFELLER BROTHERS - Govs. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York (right) and Winthrop Rockefeller of Arkansas chat at the first annual Brother hood-in-Action dinner Department called tat the top Soviet dlp-lomat here ail delivered an oral protest. No response to the protest has come yet. . The collision yesterday occurred -as the Soviet destroyer Besslednyi tried to overtake and pass the Walker. warfare training maneuver# in the Sea of Japan. • w. 9981 MiikM IICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1WT &: r&fj&J UNITBD PRESS INTERNATIONAL -76 FACES f*L% 1 ‘ T 1 v WASHINGTON (API - Ignoring warn- 300 nautical mOes west-southwest of the and only light was reDorte(j»» fe|a# a Soviet warship brttstied against Japanese island of Hokaido. the PentagOT sakL M the U.S..Navy destroyer Walker early ' ^ today in a second incident of confronts- The hicident occurred when the Soviet The Soviet ship was not identified by tion, between American and R"«i™ destroyer turned into the Walker, despite “me. ships on the high seas, the Pentagon said. Y*ndngs,” a Pentagon state- Pentagon spokesmen could offer no / The Walker' Wa already started figuring out new schedules for state workers who would be affected by the change. Murder Suspect Stands Mute A 20-year-old Metamora Township man stood mute on a charge of first-degree murder this morning in Monroe Justice Court. No bond was set and Dennis O’Dell, 20, was remanded to the Monroe County Jail to face a hearing at 2:30 p m. May 29 before Judge Floyd Willett, a * ★ Youths Believed Lost in Caverns Near Twain Home The body of O’Dell’s wife, 19-year-old Mary Katherine O’Dell, was found yesterday morning on a lovers’ lane 500 feet north of the Michigan-Ohlo line in Monroe County, not far from the home of her parents. HANNIBAL, Mo, (AP)—Three Hannibal boys are missing and may be lost in one of the several caves near this Mississippi River town. Searchers reentered toe caves today looking for the youths. * * ★ An attempted reconciliation to the 18-monto-old marriage had apparently end* ed to a shooting death, police said. The O’Dells had been estranged since February, according to police. The Oxford Police Department where O’Dell turned himself in early yester- Police said toe boys failed to report for school today, indicating ■ they were (tot just camping out in the area. Officers said the weather was not ideal for camping out during the night. are Joe Hoag, 13, and his brother, Bill, 11, and Edwin Craig Dowell, 14, all of Hannibal. They were tost seen tote yesterday. Mrs. Mike Hoag, mother of two of the missing boys, said she felt they had gone cave exploring.. ■/ * *> ★ y.-' 4* A Hannibal, the boyhood home of Mark Twain, is located 100 miles north of St. Louis. Twain often referred to file Hannibal caves in his books. SEEN ENTERING The youngsters were last seen entering Murphy’s Cave yesterday afternoon. Firemen at a nearby fire station said the boys were carrying a shovel and a flash light. ★ 'it, * The Mark Twain Emergency Squad, a local search and rescue unit aided by a group of spehmkers from Quincy, HI., probed some of toe cave’s passageways untO around 3 a m. today. They resumed the search this morning. . -• * •;* .$■ . Authorities said Murphy’s Cave, or parpens of it, were only recently opened as * result of land clearance for a highway system. Under international rides of toe road one vessel approaching another from the rear is responsible for avoiding a collision. The situation has taken on grave tones in vie\y of the Vietnam war. Russia is a major supplier of war materials to North Vietnam.* The Walker, along with two other destroyers and the' aircraft carrier Hornet, have been undergoing antisubmarine day reported that he said he had picked her up at her parents’ home. A resulting argument ended with O’Dell allegedly shooting his-wife six times with a 22-caliber pistol, which he surrendered to officers, according to police. it it it Taken to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department by an uncle, Sgt. Ray West-phal of the Oxford department, he accompanied county authorities to White-ford Township where the woman’s body was discovered at 10:14 a.m. Held on a charge of murder, O’Dell has reportedly made no statement to authorities there. U.S. officials said toey would await details before trying to assess the significance of the collision yesterday in the Sea of Jaoan. This Is U. S. Ship Involved In Scraping Episodes UJS. Army Takes Control of Vietnam Pacification SAIGON (AP) — The United States apparently has decided to assign more troops to help protect South Vietnam’s Embattled pacification program. U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker an- Nonmilitary Role Worries Romney nounced today that UJS. participation in the program has been transferred from civilian to military control. Henceforth, Gen. William C. Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, will direct the American pacification effort as well. LANSING (AP) — GOv. George Romney said today he thinks toe United States may be on toe brink of the "tragic error” of getting too deeply involved in the iUfcmilitary side of the Vietnam war. Westmoreland, however, will have a civilian deputy heading up U.S. pacification work, He is Robert W. Komer, 44, special assistant to President Johnson, who is known to have recommended that the military take ever. Bunker, who celebrated his 73rd birthday today, succeeded Henry Cabot Lodge two weeks ago. ★ ★ ★ He made clear nis comments at a news -conference were prompted by the announcement that Gen. William C. Westmoreland, commander of military operations in Vietnam, also has been placed in charge of the Vietnamese pacification program. Romney said "the shooting war” already has been “Americanized" despite original assurances by U.S. military personnel toat their role was only to give advice and some support to troops of the government of South Vietnam. He said the change was ordered to bolster security for Vietnamese revolutionary development-pacification teams who are frying to supplant Vietcong influence in the countryside and because the greater (Kart of the American advisory and logistics assets in South Vietnam belong to the military. The South Vietnamese army has been primarily responsible for protecting the villages where some 20,000 pacification workers are stationed. But security has often been lax. Rain, Rain... (Won't) Go Away Showers forecast for today will continue tonight with temperatures becoming a little cooler. A low of 40 to 45 is expected. Partly cloudy with a chance of rain late in toe day is the weatherman’s prediction for tomorrow. Partly cloudy and continued cool is the outlook for Saturday. East, to northeast winds at 20 to 30 miles today wills become northerly tonight. * Precipitation during toe night totaled three-tenths of an inch in downtown Pontiac. The low temperature prior to 8 a.m. was 44. The mercury recorded 48 at 2 p.m. Woman, 79, Is Killed by Car in Waterford A 79-year-old Walled Lake woman was injured fatally last night when she was struck by a car as she walked across Telegraph n eji r Dixie Highway ' in Waterford Town-ship. . » .* \ The victim was identified as Blanche I. Perry of 765 E. Walled Lake. Driver of tbe car was William G. __________ Serrin Jr., 28, of 3411 Wormer, Waterford Township. Oakland Highway Toll In *67 Law Year ta Date 49 He told Pontiac State Police ha didn't see toe pedestrian until impact. Serrin was travelinj Telegraph. He was not wSi—V SB the fontiac pnmK. TfrrrBsnivy Mi>■timt/g. on Deal for 493 Jets WASHINGTON CAP) - Sen. John L. McClellan predicted today the Pentagon would pay up to $12 billion to get 1,300 Fill planes in the air — double the cost defense officials once estimated for 1,700 of the controversial aircraft. ► ■ The Arkansas Democrat coupled his prediction with a demand that the Air Force supply details of the $1.82 billion contract it signed Wednesday with General Dynamics Corp. of Fort Worth, Tex., for 493 of the allpurpose planes, once known as the TFX. McClellan, chairman of the Senate Investigations subcommittee, said the Pentagon originally estimated it would cost $5 billion to $6 billion for 1,730 News Analysis, Page C-14 planes. “But I do know it is going to cost from $10 billion to $12 billion to get 1,300 planes in the air,”,he said in an interview. The Air Force Fills will cost School. Programs Be Pontiac schools Community Action Programs (CAP) which received over $1.1 million in federal, state and foundation funds this year, are being expanded and modified. The Pontiac Board of Education last night authorized the immediate addition of two new budgeted position titles in the program with the possible increase of two more in the future. The title of Mrs. Pearlina Butler was also, changed by the board from assistant director of elementary education to coordinator of preschool education. One person will be hired for 1967-68 to devote halt of his time each to the new positions of coordinator of elementary and secondary Community Action Programs. Other new titles approved but not proposed for 1967-68 are assistant director of Community Action Programs and coordi- See Related Stories, Pages A-12, F-6 $3.7 million each but this does not include the engine, weapons control system or electronic navigation systems. McNAMARA The Fill was ordered developed by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara as an 111-purpose plane for the Air Force and Navy to help save on production costs. The new contract calls for a fixed price incentive arrangement allowing General Dynamics a, possible nine per cent profit if it meets a target cost of $1.67 billion. ★ k ' k This would permit' a $15 mlk lion profit, with the company sharing in savings below the target cost and the government helping absorb any excess costs up to 15 per cent above the contract total. The Air Force said the contract would cover 165 Air Force and Navy aircraft authorized by Congress in the'fiscal year ending June 30. Australia would get 24 planes and Britain. 50. The remainder of the 493 still lack congressional funding. PROHIBITED McClellan noted Congress prohibited the purchase of production models for the Navy in the year ending June 30 “The Navy version is bogged down,” he said. “They have no engine for it that will do the job and they can’t test a new engine in the plane until next yehr.” k k k The committee chairman said nator of Community School Pro grams. _____________________ Mrs. Butler’s position and theJ his over-all estimate of the final two new and future titles are cost of the planes included re- TORONTO (AP) -One of the most intensive kidnap hunts in Toronto history ended dramatically in front of the Hospital for Sick Children today when police recovered 6-year-old Mary Farncomb and arrested a man. Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Farncomb, disappeared with « man who led her along Duplex Avenue early today. The parents received a call lor $10,000 ransom shortly after. The disappearance touched off frenzied police activity. Chief James Mackey., left t Police Commission meeting to take personal charge of the search. At 11:30 a.m. officers spotted a tall, fair-haired man amid some construction boarding in front of the Hospital for Sick Children. A plain-clothes detective seized the crying girl while uniformed officers grappled with the man. ' included in the school budget and Costs of positions are written off against appropriate federal, state and outside agency programs. Positions currently being held in the program are those of B. C. VanKoughnett, director, and William Rohertson, coordinator of research and evaluation. CAP for the past year has included School Community Action Programs, National Teach, er Corps, breakfast program, Community School, reading under State Section 12 and those under the Elementary and Secondary Act. - k k k “It seems likely that funds will continue to be available from federal, state and private foundations provided the school district has the capacity to make the necessary contacts, develop the proposals, make follow-up contacts on proposals and implement the program after funding,” Asst. Supt. William Lacy told the board. VanKoughnett reported to the board that he is still awaiting federal approval of funds for a $273,620 Head Start program for 420 deprived children this summer. search and development items running to about $1.3 billion. He said Air Force models will cost twice the original estimates and Navy models up to three times the first figures. ★ ★ ★ McClellan said he was glad the contract has been signed “because maybe now we will get some idea of the cost if we don’t get the usual half-story from the Pentagon.” JAMES H. GALLAGHER Pontiac Area Jaycees Elect A P o n t i a c Township man, James H. Gallagher of 609 Prov-incetown, was elected president of the P o n t i a c Area Junior Chamber of Commerce last night at the annual, election meeting. Others elected to Jaycee of fices include James Peterson of 5022 Shoreline, Waterford Township, first vice president; John Rhoades of 2595 Woodbine, Waterford Township, second vice president; Richard Eldred of 330 W. Iroquois, treasurer; and David Ogg of 656 Lyndale Rochester, secretary. Four Jaycees were elected to the board of directors. They are Riohard Fitzgerald of 1234 Lake Crescent, Bloomfield Township; Martin Haupt of 405 W. Iroquois; T. Gordon Scupholm of Royal Oak; and Edward Hunter of 6156 Waterfront, Waterford Township. Charles Toby of 2384 St. Joseph, West Bloomfield Township was reelected to the board. ★ ★ ★ Board member terms are two years. Gallagher, 34, was r formerly internal vice president and is a past treasurer. He will take office as president July 1. He is a general agent at Halsted-John-son Insurance Agency, Detroit. Birmingham Area News W ft "I Bids $80,000 Under Estimate BIRMINGHAM - Bids for the construction of the, $2.6 million new junior higtf school came in $80,000 , under estimates, the school board reports. , Muzzi and Vincente of Allen Park was the contract-winning firm, 1'-, ■ Because of the apparent savings, the schools’ architects, O’Dell, Hewlett and Lucken-bach, recommended .installation of air-conditioning of all academic areas, and this was approved by the board. The school'is expected to open in September 1968 on Inkster near Maple. At first it will house 750 students with future expansion planned to accommodate 1,000. Academic areas will be built around the team-teaching concept, featuring a small amphitheater for group instruction. Facilities for a complete physical education program will include a Swimming pool, v • , #, * fi... Movable partitions between many rooms will make it possible for rearrangement of clas-room spaces. The annual spring concert of the award-winning Groves High School Band and Orchestra will be held at 8 tonight. The group was recently rated '‘‘first division” at the state band and orchestra festival. Tickets will be on sale at the door with proceeds to go for band equipment. BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - William A. Prow of 2311 Tilbury, water .safety chairman fcf the area Red Cross, announati$ ,an all-day aquatic conference‘Will be held Saturday at Wayne State University in Detroit, starting at 9 a.m. ★ ★ ★ Topics to be covered are in all areas of swimming pool management. State Dem: Adjourn, End 'Farce' School Vote Deadlines Near in City, Waterford Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY - Rain and cool today with occasional thundershowers. High 50 to 56. Cloudy and cool tonight with occasional light rain, low 40 to 45. Friday: Cloudy and cool with a chance of rain late in the day. Outlook for Saturday: Partly cloudy and cool. East to northeast, winds 20 to 30 miles becoming northerly tonight. Today in PMtiec Lowest temperature preceding I a.m: 44 At I a.m.: Wind Velocity 20 m.p.ti. Direction: East Sun sets Thursday at 7:42 p.m. Sun risen Friday at (:16 a.m. Moon sets Thursday at 10:14 p.m. Moon Rises Friday at 6:54 a.m. Wednesday In Pentfac (as recorded dewntewnl Highest temperature ................ *0 Lowest temperature 32 Mean temperature ....................46 Weather: Day, sunny; night, .1 Inches rain Downtown Temperatures 6 a.m........44 II a.m.-.......47 7 a.m.........45 >2 m...........40, Alpena 0 a.m....... 46 1 p.m........ 47IEscanaba 9 a.m.,,,..... 46 2 p.m___......40 Gr. Rapids 10. a.m. ... 47 I Houghton ----— | Lansing One Year Age In Pontiac : Marquette Highest temperature -.'-JHSP ....... 46 MusKegon Lowest temperature ............ 40 Pellston Mean temperature ,43 Traverse C. Weather: Afternoon, drizzle; night, 1.2 Albuquerque inches rain I Boston —■—l [Chicago Highest and Lowest Temperatures Cincinnati This Dale In 9S Years Detroit 16 in 1096 30 In 1900'Duluth Wednesday's Temperature Chart 55 35 pert Worth 93 73 46 32 Indianapolis 70 57 60 49 Kansas City 79 61 42 30 Los Angeles 66 53 59 49 Miami Beach 03 64 39 31 Milwaukee ^1 Deadlines for candidates to file nominating petitions and for unregistered Voters to register for the June 12 board of education elections in Pontiac and Waterford Township are growing closer. State law requires that school board candidates file nominating petitions by, 4 p.m. Saturday and Monday is the last day for unregistered voters to register. In Pontiac, candidates can file at the board of education office tomorrow during regular business hours and from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday. The office is in the Central Administration Building, 350 E. Wide Track. In the Waterford Township district, candidates can file from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow and 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. ★ Sr ’ ★ Unregistered Voters in Pontiac have until 8 p.m. Monday to register. In the Waterford Township district and parts of the Pontiac district outside the city, the deadline is 5 p.m. Monday. ★ Sr * ' Persons already properly registered need loot reregister, Vernon L. Schiller, Pontiac Schools business manager, advises. To qualify as a school elector, a person must be a citizen of the United States, at least 21 years of age, a resident of the State of Michigan for at least six months and a resident of the school district for at least 30 days prior to the election. U. S. War Toll SAIGON (AP) - A total of 274 Americans were killed in action in Vietnam last week and 1,748 were wounded, the U. S. Command announced today. The number of dead equaled the record for the war, in the week that ended March 25. Eighteen Americans were missing or captured, the command said, bringing the total casualties for the week to 2,040 This was 52 less than the record total of 2,092 during the week that ended March 18. The total included 211 killed, 1,874 wdiunded and seven (missing or captured. ★ \ ★ , -k Enemy losses last week were reported at 1,903 killed, marked Increase from the 1,152 reported a week earlier. LANSING (AP) — “Let’s adjourn, this session has been a farce,” suggested Sen. Basil Brown, D-Highland Park, in the Senate Wednesday; “Let all the bills die,” said Brown. “They are nothing but a bunch of cats and dogs anyway.” Brown’s idea was that the Leg-, islature adjourn immediately. “Then the governor could call us back into special session to work on just tax reform,” Brown said. Brown’s notion was thrown in during a debate over a resolution to go along with the House in extending the deadline for re porting bills out of their house of origin by two weeks. Appropriations bills would be exempt from the deadline. ★ ★ ★ The Senate, on a 20-12 party line vote, agreed to allow the House to continue doing what it already is doing by the trick of labeling all bills as taxation bills. The deadline for reporting out bills was extended from May 12 to May 26. The 20 votes for the bill were all Republican. The 12 against all Democrats. Democrats got in some licks at the Republican control of the Senate during the debate. RAP ELAVATOR Even the elevator doesn’t work any more under the Republican administration,” said Brown, reporting he was stuck for 10 minutes in a Senate elevator. “Next to nothing has been accomplished,” complained Sen. Roger Craig, D-Dearborn. “But we can’t blame it all on the House. Some of the actions in the Senate have been more reprehensible than in the House.” k k k “How can we reconcile that ‘Romney Action Team’ motto with the action we are being asked to take today,” Craig asked. “We could stay here un-; til doomsday and nothing would1 happen.” Sen. Robert Vander Laan, R-Grand Rapids, noted that at least 13 bills passed by the Senate were introduced by Brown. “Were these all junk?” he asked. “I - confess!” cried Brown, raising his hand. Vander Laan asked sympathy for the House. The Republican party, he said, wanted tax reform by April 1. 56 46 New York v56 42 51 33 Phoenix 66 55 46 37 Tempo 91 70 62 53 Salt Lake C. 54 36| 53 42 S. Francisco 57 50 62 52 S. S. Marie 46 32 70 55 Seattle 52 43 59.' 48 Washington 66 47 10 Pet. Leaving City Schools 42 30 AP wirethete NATIONAL WEATHER - Showers and thundershowers ate forecast tonight in most areas east of the Mississippi; Showers ere expected from the Pacific Northeast through the northern Plateaus with snow mixed with rate in the higher elevations. It will be milder in the Carolinas and the lower Lakes region. Search On for Teacher Replacements A search is on to replace 10 per cent of Pontiac’s teachers who are leaving the School system, Asst. Supt. Richard Fell reported last night. He announced that there will be 156 teaching vacancies this June compared to 119 last year. Fell cautioned, however, that 58.5 new elementary and secondary positions are included in the 156 total. Of the total teaching vacancies, 82.5 'positions have been staffed for next year with 73.5 positions still to be filled. Half a teaching position is a part-time teacher. k k *' “We have staffed twice many teachers, a( this time -tj m* i H La vY /' I c compared to last year,” he explained- “The available num-ber of candidates has been good, so we have been prettv selective so far.” -x: iV SPECIAL EDUCATION A sufficient number of interested candidates, though, will probably not be available for certain vacancies stick as in special education, Fell said. Eighteen teachers of approximately lM win are leaving the system are retiring. Sixteen new positions will be added on the secondary level and 42.5 in the elementary grades. Pontiac is losing many good / • * | '' • . As fei <. Negro teachers because of the Simms Bros.-98 N. Saginaw St.-Downtown Pontiac shortage of housing for them, according to Fell. k k k He said he hopes to give a report within a month on a pilot ] program whereby the school district would own suitable housing. MAYOR’S COMMITTEE A committee appointed by Mayor William H. Taylor Jr. of I Pontiac is also studying housing I for Negroes here. Replacements for principals | Francis W. Staley of Pontiac Central High and David Craw-1 ford of Wilson School are ex-pected/ta be named in two! weeks. LOOK! The Money YOU SAVE On Itte* Specials Will Lot You Gel Bolter Mother’s Day Gifts For Your Mother SIMMS DISCOUNT BASEMENT Never, Never Iron Pants Again PERMA-PRESS Mens Pouts In Smart Ivy Styling Famous makers $8.00 values — slight irregulars — which won't affect looks or wearing quality . . . polyester blend cotton makes 'em easy to care for and no ironing either. Sizes 32- to 42 in a variety oV solid colors. Slip-On or Oxford Style Men’s Sport Shoes Men’s Canvas Uppers Tennis Shoes Irr*.of$3.49 Canvas uppers, rubber soles, cushioned arch kand soles. Sizes to 12 in variety of colors. $2.95 Valuet-noic Black tennis shoes with sure-gripping soles for .the tennis court. Sizes 7 to 12 for men. Boys’ Wash ’n Wear Sport Shirts Oft MEN’S Terrycloth Sport Shifts Shirts for boys in stripes or plaidl Long sleeve styles or short sleeves style and Henley styles ' too. Sizes S-M-L First quality shirts in 3-but-* ton Henley styles. Washable terrycloth in assortment of colors to choose from. t.Won't shrink or stretch. | . Sizes S-M-L-XL An Extra Gift Idea For MOM Dacron Pillows Compare at $3.98 White, fluffy Dacron is super soft, buoyant, allergy free, dust proof too. All cotton floral covered in 2lx 27 inch finished size. Ultra sok or ultra medium firm styles. * Hi-Back Style Tubular ALUMMUM Lawn Furniture $646 CHAIRS 2*8 $8.98 ROCKERS] 4«8 24-Inch Size Heavy Gauge STEEL Outdoor Grills $7.98 Seller ^Hi-back style chairs with durable whiter ^plastic webbing. Tubular alunf-^ Jnurn frame folds.for storage^ 'Slructo' gniN»ifh adjustable grid, for proper J 1 " cooking height. Voids'for storage and traveling. Get one now for your ^outdoor bar-b-que's. Padded Lawn Chair and Rocker Reg. $22.98 -B8TH For Only Save , Vi on this matching lawn chair and rocker set... aluminum frame, padded, seat and back in stripes. American made first quality set at savings. Simms Bros.-98 N. Saginaw St.-Downtown Pontiac A c. % 'SUNDA1 ______________________________________________________ ____________________ WV get the better gifts hereat SIMMS and as usual, t|| better DISCOUNTS are at SIMMS, too! MSpecials In This Advertisement Are for Today-Fri.-Sat. ...and WeReserve the Right Limit All Quantities ill .Remington Princess Double Head ^ Ladies’ Electric Shaver Save Vz On This Gift Set ladies’ 3-Pc. Luggage Set Reg. $29.95 Catalog Price *All 3 Pcs. lightweight molded luggage in It vinylf50 MnH!NN^HK 24" Pullman............ 547.9V Men's QQ60 3-Suiter Cate.UU $44.95 Ladies' 0150 Wardrobe....... Ol Ideal gift for Mom - quality $44.95 Pullman 0150 luggage of long wearing 26-Inch Cate. Ol vinyl with lustrous linings. $44.95 Men's 0150 — Basement 2-Suiter Case.. Ol Stock-Up for Gifts and Yourself Nylon Hose First Quality-Seamless Mesh or Plain Style Reg. 79c Value Buy enough for gift giving and your personal use. These are first quality seamless nylon hose, mesh or-plain style. New shades of beigetone, tan, jet brown, cinnamon or black. Sizes 8 Vi to 11. r Hot*—Main Floor Buy ‘MOM* This As An Extra Gift Terrycloth Tablecloth *...... m \ % Big 52xTlT-lncH Size $3.98 Value Colorful California hand prints—blue on white background. All cotton terrydloth table cover is absorbent and lint free, colorfast and washable. M-tach round tablecloth, orange print With fringe......... . 2.19 . —Main Floor No-Glare—Hi-lntensity Light Electric Make-Up Mirror • ‘Lady-Look’ $29.95 Value An "electric make-up mirror with completely adjustable illumination that gives you concentrated light where you want it. Cosmetics—Main Floor • Just Arrived-NEW HORELCO Ladies’ Twin Head Shaver $16.95 Value Electric power wand with twin head to shove legs, underarms one) back of neck. Shaves smoothly, gently, safely ond quickly. Get one ■ for Mom and your own personal use, too. >. Shavers—Main Floor A At . Simms Only Mom will get a smooth, gentle shave. Has protective . guard combs, and four rows. of diamond-honed cutlers. Complete with cord and carry case. Sundries—Main Floor Ladies’'10-K Gold ’TIMEX’ Electric Wrist Watch Perfect Gift for Your ’MOM1 50#0 Lady Sunbeam Double Head Ladies’ Electric Shaver With Built-In Light $19.95 Value Surprise Mom with a Lady Sunbeam electric shaver. Model LS6B I* has a double head and built-in light so she can see to get a close gentle shave. On/off switch, too. Gift boxed and ready to wrap. Sundries—Main Floor General Electric Rechargeable ua—m_/ — ~ Clothesbrush Yours for Only This GE rechargeable cordless clothesbrush will help Mom keep neat. Vacuums out dirt, lint and hair. Removable* washable brush, Iqsts more than 12 hours when fully charged. Sundri«f—Main Floor You Pay Only Now she can have an electric Timex, too. 1 OK gold case with sweep hand and leather strap. Operates on tiny battery that lasts a year, then is easily replaced. Ladies’ 1T-Jewel Timex Watch #60371, chrome com, radiolite dial........... JLTQ Sundries—Main Floor Sunbeam - GE - Ronson - Pycopay - Presto Electric Toothbrush Rechargeable-4 Brush Model $19.95 Value Your Choice Take your choice of 5 famous brands. Ronson — GE — Sunbeam — Pycopay or Presto. All have 4 separate-brushes. Cleans your teeth •and massages gums as your dentist recommends. Drugs—Main Floor A Different Gift Idea for MOM Facial Saunas For Facjal Beauty $19.95 Value Cleanses facial pores, remove layers of make-up, gives the face a fresh, clean glow. Relaxes tired, drawn facial muscles with a warm vapor bath —makes the face feel firm and radiant. Cosmetics —Main Floor 50-Pc. Stainless Steel Tableware Set 988 g.,Service IiforS "What a wonderful gift • .for .Mom -w ideal for everyday use and beautiful enough for company,, too. Gflfmplete service for 8 —-includes butler knife and sugar shell Choice of 2 patterns. —2nd Floor Give Mother Famous PORCELAINIZED ‘Club Aluminum’ Cookware 10-Pc. Set $49.95 volue — 'Club Aluminum' waterless cookwares of heavy cast aluminum and porcelain finish. Set has 2 skillets, 3 sauce pots and dutch oven. Compare anywhere. —2nd Floor * Lady Remington Adjustable Ladies’ Electric Shaver $19.95 Value Lady Remington has a double head, adjustable rollers for legs and under arms. It comes in a powder box carry case in pink, gold or blue. On/off ^switch, too. Complete with cord. Sundries—Main Floor Cuts Quickly and Safely ‘Dritz’ Electric Shears $7.95 Value for No more tited fingers for Mom. The modern way to cut fabrics —electrically. Cuts the whole pattern in a fraction of the time. Cuts safely, fluickly, accurately both sheer cwd heavy fabrics. LSundries—Main Floor Ladies’ Assorted Style French Purses & Clutch Bags Simms Prices From Assorted styles and fabrics to choose from. Some with coin purses, zipper comportments ond picture holders. Sundries-Main Floor Cleans Teeth Just Like the Dentist ‘Oral-Pick’ Teeth Cleaning Aid 2288 $34.95 Seller The new why to clean teeth and gums ... ideal for hard to reach’ places. Genuine 'lodent Oral-Pick' . ; . a new dental hygiene aid. Drugs—Main Floor Please Your Mom With This Famous Jomingware’ 6-Cup Coffee Percolator $9.95 Seller The coffee maker of Super Ceramic Pyrocrdm Won't scratch, stain or tarnish and corpes with stainless steel bosket and pump. Insulated plastic handle. Gleaming whjte with blue cornflower pattern. Limit 2. —2nd Floor MOM Will Find Many Uses fhr This ALL STEEL Folding 2-Step Utility Chair-Stool $11.95 Value For the kitchen, basement and laundry room . .. holds up to 1000 pounds. Padded seat, safety, tread rubber step. Bronzetone steel frame. Folds for carrying and storage. —2nd Floor Deplhdable General Electric Electric Hair Dryer $16.95 Value Big bouffant bonnet covers the biggest rollers. With adjustable heat corrtrol, to dry hair quickly and thoroughly. Comes in hat box case for carrying and, storage. Cosmetics—Main Floor Does All the Work-UL Listed 5-Qt. ELECTRIC IceCream Freezer $23.88 Value Moke 2 to 5 quarts of home mode ice cream \ without the work! Helovily tinned cream .can, rugged poly tub, top and dasher. Recipes in-, eluded -2nd Floor A Old Favorite for Mother’s Day Gift ‘Revere’ ter Stainless 2V3-Qt. Teakettles $5.95 Value As shown—whistling teakettle with fast/ heating copper-clad bottom and stainless steel body. Buy f6r , mom and yourself, too. ■ y —2nd Fipbr ’ADMIRAL’ 5-Tube Table Model Automatic Clock-Radio / v $19.95 Value aimms Bros.-98 N. Saginaw St.-Downtown Pontiac AM clock radio wakes you to music. Push-button hop alarm rewakes you. 4 tubes jjfus rectifier, superheterodyne circuit. Ill listed. White poly cabinets. 6V5txlO%x4% inches -2nd Floor u A.——4 \ \ THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY ll, 1067 They Live With Flooded Street By JEANSAILE TPONTIAC TOWNSHIP — Five grade school children stopped to spot a toad at the edge of, floods waters on Richwood Street yesterday after school. ★ ★ ★ Others'^ere making their cir-cuitous way\around the inundat- ed area. “It’s the kids,” said Mrs. Jack McDowell, 2436 Rich-wood. “Look at that. That water is 5 feet deep in the middle. One of these days somebody is going to drown.” ★ ★ ★ collection of runoff waters, which some people say includes raw sewage, the street which runs nearly a mile from Walton to Pontiac Road is effectively divided. A special project, to be financed by a $20,000 fund granted to Supervisor Roy Wajil at the annual township meeting and consisting of a proposed drain to clear the area1 now appears doomed. Hr ★ ★ the cheapest possible method of draining the Area. would have to be continued to the street. special assessment drainage district.” Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDowell have refused to sign for the right-of-way which would allow construction oh part of their land. Water is the problem! MISUNDERSTANDINGS Misunderstandings, the questionable use Of past township authority, the legal cloud over a special road, ditch and drain fund, and the aversion of Rich-, wood residents to any kind of open ditching has left the street cloSed. Impassable because of a The residents don’t like the water. However, they say they have lived with it on and off Since 1960 and they can live, with it again until, they get the type of drainage they want. OBJECTIONS Objections to the currently proposed solution center around a 40-foot ditch, 5 feet deep, which the township engineering firm of McAlpine Engineering, Inc., of Birmingham has proposed in conjunction with two, catch basins and two sections of enclosed 12-inch drain crock as “We were assured the drain would be all enclosed when we ’ verbally Agreed to give the right-ofrway,” said Mrs. McDowell. ★ ★ . Hr -- “A 5-foot deep open ditch is no solution. We’re Worried about children around the water now, and it would be the same thing with the ditch.” ‘NOT LONG ENOUGH* Mrs. McDowell also contends that such a ditch would not be long enough to drain the water from along the street; that it would have to be dug nearly the full 180-fpot length of their lot to do the ultimate job., She is agreed with in part by Bernard Feldhauser, secretary-treasurer of McAlpine, who said that “a depression” “But not that deep a ditch,” he said. “Near the road it would be only a shovel indentation.” ★ ★ ★ ;>t Supervisor Wahl contends that evqn the 5-foot ditch with sloping bahks would rarely carry more than 12 to 18 inches of water. ‘NO BACK UP’ “With 12-idch crock catching the runoff, there’ll be no back up,” said Wahl. Mrs. McDowell’s point is further enhanced by an admission from FeMhanser that to enclose the drain right to Richwood would cost only another $500 or $600 on the already contracted cost of |2y980. “They asked us to give the cheapest solution and this is it,” said Feldhauser. ★ ★ ★ “A really acceptable solution would be the 'inclusion of the whole area frqm Pontiac Road to Walton and down to 1-75 in a “This is what they may have to do,” he said. The whole area of perhaps 300 modest homes is plagued at times by standing runoff water. • It appears the township supervisor feels a need for economy because the special, drain fund has been questioned, residents indicate. Hr ★ ★ Trustee John C. Richardson said at Motiday night’s meeting that he could find no provision for such a fund in township statutes. ' As now proposed, the ditch would run back along the Lester F. Axford property at 2376 Rich-wood to a catch basin at the corner, then through 85 feet of enclosed crock to another catch basin at the back of the McDowell property and then 255 feet back through a vacant lot to Dexter Street where it would connect with an existing drain. Pantile Pratt Phete Tami Stills, 5, Plays On Unused Drain Crockery Walled Lake Eyes By JANICE KLOUSER WALLED LAKE - What does a school district do when its calculations show that during the coming school year expenditures will exceed Income by some $180,000? Hr ★ ★ It does two things: It keeps its collective fingers crossed that more money will be forthcoming from state and ifHinty sources and it begins to consider what can be chopped out of the budget if it isn’t. Walled Lake is at this stage right now, as are many other districts this , time of year, when educators must start thinking about what can be cut if necessary. Walled Lake has already submitted a $5,276,326 budget to the County Tax Allocation Board. The only problem is, the budget contains a $180,000 deficit which has to be eliminated somehow, hopefully through additional income. it it h In tiie event there is no extra income, the board of education and the administration have started to consider what can be sent to the chopping block. Items included in the budget which may have to be lopped off are: • An additional elementary music teacher. • An additional elementary physical education teacher. • An additional elementary helping teacher. • An audio-visual director. • Three additional secretaries. • A director of special projects. • A head custodial supervisor. * • $20,000 in capital outlay for needed equipment. Without these things in the budget, and with some extra income which is the result of additional growth and property reassessment, the deficit would stand at $47,451, according to Schools Supt. George Garver, But he considers this a realistic budget and doesn’t want to cut it if he can help it. So, while he keeps',the fingers of one hand crossed in anticipation of additional income, he keeps the scissors ready in his other hand — just in case. Avon Cityhood Bid Petitions to Be Aired The AVON TOWNSHIP -Township Board was ii last night that its petitions to incorporate as the City of Avon will be discussed by the boundaries committee of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors tomorrow. Supervisor Cyril Miller announced his intention to be pres-ent 'at the meeting. The township incorporation $444,700 Quoted for School Addition OXFORD — The Board of Education has been told by architects that the tentative cost for an addition to Clear Lake Elementary School ig $444,700 Included in the plans are a kindergarten room, six bid grew out of the cityhood status achieved by the village of Rochester earlier this year. The board delayed action on a new building permit fee sohed-ule which would raise -the price from a previous high of $29 for AMC Recalls 13,245 Autos DETROIT ® — American Motors Corp yesterday recalled 13,245 Canadian-built American Rebel 1967 model passenger cars for possible replacement of steering shafts. AMC said the shafts may have been improperly assembled. AMC. said 9,690 of the cars were built for sale in the Unit ed States. ★. . Hr -k residential to a starting fee of $55. H ★ Hr Rewording to exclude minor repair jobs from the schedule was asked. ADDITIONAL $1,000 The board voted an additional $1,000 to the Brooklands Fire Department bringing its* yearly stipend to $3,700 which is split twice annually by volunteers. Hr ★ ★ Two porposed amendments to the fire ordinance prohibiting the bringing into the township of materials to be burned and placing Smoke and debris violations under the jurisdiction of t h e health committee were discussed. , ★ H- ★" The board gave its approval to Metropolitan Club of America, Inc., Spirit 83, to sponsor a carnival May 23-29 at the corner of Crooks and Auburn roads. School Sign-Up in W. Bloomfield Will End Monday WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — Registration for h i g h school summer classes will end Monday. j it t -w ir Courses to be offered are typing, American history, American government, English and art. Student demand will justify Creation of any of these, classes, according/to school officials. /-Hr Hr ★ The Classes will begin June 26 and contimie for seven weeks, through Aug. 11, for two hours a day/ t lasses Exhibit /LAKE ORION - The Junior High School PTA will forego its regular business meeting at 7 p.m. Monday in favor of an exhibit by various classes in the school. Open to the public, the School Bands at Avondale Slate Concert 70-Yedr Resident The Avondale Junior High School Cadet and Concert Bands, in cooperation with the Mixed Chorus, will present a Spring Music- Concert at 7:30 tonight in the gymnasium. The program is being presented in conjunction with a Junior High PTA meetings The Cadet Band will feature “Lollytoodum” from the Appalachian Suite by Kinyon and “Bagatelle” by Beethoven. The bands are under the direction of Ronald Salow. The chorus will vary its presentations with “Lenox,” “Jamaica Farewell” and “Now The Day Is Over.” Cornet soloist Bruce Neil will highlight the Concert Band’s performance with his interpretation of “Trumpet In The Night.” Other selections include “Punch And Judy Overture’ and a jazz-type composition entitled “School Room Blooz.” New Avon JP Is Appointed classrooms, a special education room, instructional center, activities room and enlargement of the multipurpose room and kitchen. An interim report was also made by the architect on tentative plans for a new junior high school. The present school ^uld. he retained for AVON TOWNSHIP - The Township Board last night appointed Arthur W. Kollin as jus-tic of the peace, replacing Earl Dean whose residence in Rochester has disqualified him for the position. * Kollin, whose offices are .in Pontiac, lives at 941 Dutton. He has been a township resident the past 10 years and is a past president of the Rochester Ki-wanis Club. Formerly assistant prosecuting attorney for Oakland County, he is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University. The appointment of the 46-year-old attorney is to aid the handling of junk car violations in the township. Junk cars have recently. H- * * ■* He joins Judge Harry J. Huber, who after Dean’s resignation was the township’s lone justice. - ^ JP x, if] * 4 ijjb 1, I *|| Hi H §91 JUDGE ARTHUR W. KOLLIN Trade Centers for Macomb Up to Voters PTA Slates Fair $1,000 Library Fund Check AVON TOWNSHIP - Receipt of a check for $1,000 toward the Margaret C. Norton Children’s Library Fund has been announced by Friends of the Woodward Memorial Public Li-bftry, Inc. it -k ★ The check is a gift of former Rochester residents Mr, and Mrs. S. V. Taylor of Ann'Arbor. The fund was recently estab- lished in honor of Mrs. Bert C. Norton for her many years of community service. HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP -Duck Lake Elementary School PTA will hold its fair Saturday at the school. 4 t H A booth featuring Mother’s Macomb County School electors will be asked June 12 to approve 1.5 mills for the support of proposed occupational centers to train students for jobs immediately upon graduation. Statists have shown that less than 40 pier cent of the county’s grading seniors attend col lege. Many of the remainder have chosen to drop out of school, according to authorities in the belief that high school offers them nothing.— The proposal, if approved, could cost country property owners $15 a year on a home assessed at $10,000 with a market value of $20,000. Educators say the occupational centers would not duplicate the vocational programs in the high schools, but would extend and intensify the training on a basis too expensive for the individual schools to handle. Board ^’ Education offices and as a buffer against increased enrollment, according to Schools Supt. Roger Oberg. A contract in the amount of $17,890 was awarded to Kruch-ko Plumbing and Heating of Drayton Plains for replacement of the Junior High School boiler. A new bus body from Ward Body of Michigan was approved at a cost of $7,100 Arrangements for graduation including approval of the gradu ating list and engagement of Dr. David C. Smith of Michigan State University as commencement speaker were approved. The company indicated all of the cars were in customer hands. How the defects were discovered \vas not revealed, but no accidents, injuries or fatalities were reported as a result- E. W. Bernitt, vice president —automotive safety and quality assurance, said: ‘BINDING CONDITION’ “Steering shafts in some 1967 American and Rebel models cars may have a binding condition not noticeable to the own er, which might subject the steering shaft to abnormal stress under certain conditions and possibly cause a steering shaft failure.” Walled Lake OKs Rezoning WALLED LAKE-Two parcels Training in the centers is sug- j land totaling 34.6 acres on gested on a half-day basis, with I the southwest side of the lake all of the student’s regular)have been rezoned by the City courses being taken at the local Council from residential to multiple dwelling. Say It Isn't So, Holly high school. Graduation would Day gifts will be among those be from the local high school, at the 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. event J educators point out. Will Eye Present, Future Romeo Council Forms Rec Committee Rubbish Feud MONROE UR — A month-long fued over smoldering rubbish in a land-fill at the Port of Monroe was ended Tuesday when the Monroe City Commission look control of the land-fill franJthe ]Mt commission. ROMEO — The first recrea-[ Youth Center; Donald Mosheri village storm drain on their tion committee in the history of(of the village; and Larry Ran- property and promised to pre-jfej u dall and Daniel Bamable, mem- j sent a plan in two weeks. City Manager Royce Downey said a $7.2 million apartment project is planned for the 31-acre site and a $1.8 million project is planned for the 3.6-acre site. They are, he said, the first portion of new development being made, possible by water and sewers coming into .the city. the village has been named this week to study needs end ways of making maximum use of present facilities. Named by Council President Merlin Kerr were Robert Ran-dell, representing the Romeo Community Schools; George McKeough, Louis Berellen and R. J. Brainard of the Romeo Republican Club Slates Sen. Kuhn HOLLY — Air pollution in Holly, the place of/sum-mer camps, piney/woods and babbling br That’s what /About 20 residents complained of to the pillage Council. W ★ Their petition claims excessive smoke comes from Holly Spring Co., 400 Elm. The residents live east, or downwind of the firm. The council promised to check with the company and with health authorities. Javcees to Join Cleanup Campaign bers-at-large. An ordinance forbidding emptying of downspouts into sanitary sewers has also been established by council action. Ford Motor Co. officials we present at a recent council, sion to discuss relocation/of The / council approved a Rawles Street paving project at a total cost of $19,700 to be spread on special assessment. Permission was given the schools to create a parking area on Prospect between the street and sidewalk in front of the junior high school. WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP -I State Sen. George Kuhn, R-14th District, will speak at the 7:3o' p.m. meeting Saturday of the White Lake Republican Club. He will discuss issues now before the Senate at the meeting at the township hall. WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — The newly formed West Bloomfield Jaycees are support-1hg the cleanup of Keego Harbor this week. On Saturday, they will serve as part of the pickup crew that will remove refuse from the curbs. Richard Ulasich, Jaycee head said anyone interested in joining the cleanup campaign can contact him or attend the Jaycee meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Keego* Harbor city ball. At Both SIMMS Stores -98 N./Saginaw Street -Annex 144 N. Saginaw Downtown Pontiac WAS *29” NOW $1099 cute brute $1999 NOW ONLY SMImH Cits IriU llw*n AnlltMt ll |W italti it Full** Mm And it can crush whole ice cubes without expensive extra attachment. Powor: % HP Motor Spuds: Two v “ Capacity: 56 Full Ountit (liggtr thin anybody's) Guinntio: Tin Full Yiirs — Parts It Libor (Longir thin anybody's) Wo Imw whit wo win doing whin wo midi • blmdir so good it cirrios i ton yur guinntoo. 98 N. Saginaw St.-r™ 144 M. Saginaw St. SIMMS >©tland —fit** yoe the tiae off yoo aced~tg be a woauu. 35K ■ It ■• :*•,}. •-•*• sc sgfcfe# THE PONTIAC THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1087 Saginaw and .Huron a* FE 4-251 r^flvT}' n x*. ^TOf Inspired New Beauty Millay Shifts and Gowns 100% Human *p/| | Hair Wig i* I (Carrying Case and Styrofoam head included). Choose from 100% cotton crepe or 65%'Dacrori, 35% cotton in assorted waltz length shift gowns. Floral prints in ft host of colors. Sizes k!... S-M-L Outstanding Special Values . . . Both are artfully made of very fine 100% human hair. A. Our Wig, completely set and ready to wear, lets you obtain striking new beauty at minimal cost. B. This pre-curled wiglet allows you to be different as your mood changes, and is available in a full range of attractive colors. See these and other styles how in Waite's Millinery Dept. Lingerie.., Second Floor 100% Human Hair Wiglet Arnel® Jersey Pleater (Carrying Case and Styrofoam head $2.00, bought with wiglet . . . Regularly $5.00 if bought without wiglet.) Third Floor Straw Handbags A travel-loving, figure-flattering jersey of Arnel® tri-acetate. Finely pleated from shoulder to hem . . . and the pleats stay in. Wash by hand . . . drip dry . . , and forget the ironing. Black, blue and yellow in sizes 12 to 20. Dormie" Comfy SLIPPERS Choose from soft or hard straw bags in handle, or clutch styles. Solids and two-tone beaded in a multitude of colors. Handbags ... Street Floor Choose from black, white, blue, pink or yellow. Made of light-as-a-feather leather. Slippers ... Street Floor TRAVEL-CARE FREE SHELTON STROLLER Dresses •. . Third Floor Geometric print step-in in jersey Arnel® and nylon. So easy to launder ... Needs little or no ironing. Choose from green or blue in sizes 10 to 20 and 12Vb to 2416. Charge It. Dresses... Third Floor LEGSIZE STOCKINGS A HALO OF LOVELINESS A dream of a / shoe to wear j when you're V vitl' feeling special. Mak Lacy mesh, the ym* most feminine look of all, dresses up even a simple outfit, yet complements your most elegant .clothes. Slim mid heel. Black, white, and beige ombre. Sizes 5 to 10, AAA to B. Matching handbags available. 0NCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS EVENT Women's Shoes... Street Floor the world is your oyster when you wear Only once a year are we able to offer savings like these. Beautiful Belle-Sharmeer stockings in your very own leg size. SEAMLESS and SEAMED styles are included in these special sale prices. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. Savings are greater ' when-you buy them by the box. Regular $1.45 styles Now $1.23 pair .tifljjfjjj* Regular $1.55 styles Now $1.32 pair Regular $1.65 styles Now $1.39 pair Regular $1.7$ styles Now $1.49 pair minus symbol or nr Regular $2.00 styles Now $1.69 pair r Select your favorite styles in your own Great Lady Most Precious White Shoulders 1 fl. or. cologne, % fl. or. perfume White Shoulders $S 2 ft. ez. cologne, % fl. or, perfume Most Precious u 2 fl. or. cologne, % fl. ec. perfume Greet Ledy $G personal Legsize for the most intimate fit ever seen: in sizes 8 to 10Vi MODITE for average legs in size* 8% to-11V& DUCHESS for long, full legs in sizes 9Vi to 12 B Cosmetics.. J Street Floor ilifi ■I 'MM -ml i i Skshb 48 West Huron Street fci ii_._.. ill*;_______________. j THE PONTIAC PRESS: Pontiac, Michigan 18058 THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1907 HAMID A. fttaOUAU Chatman Of the Board and Bettor ■ Joint A. Riur Secretary and Advertising Director Howard H. Fitsoxralb. IX President an^t Publisher ..BAtS- Richard M. Pmoauu Treasurer and Finance Officer , AaLo McCcur circulation Manager O. Marshall Jordan > Local Advertising Manager Auto Safety Check Deserves Support The results of the area’s first taste of the State’s new selective auto check law were considerably less than gratifying’ Of the 45 cars waved into a “check lane” set up in Waterford Township during the first day of inspection, 33 failed to pass the 32-point check. Eighteen drivers were ticketed while 15 were given warnings. fects and qualifying for a safety sticker at another inspection. Although the law has been in effect but two months, there has been found much to support the opinion of authorities that the driver and con* dition of his vehicle are primary elements of highway safety. Conducted by four-man units of the State Police, the spot check requires from seven to 10 min? utes. Safety stickers are given drivers whose vehicles pass the test; those issued warnings have the privilege of correcting the de- The Press strongly endorses the present auto check law with the promise it holds for reduction of highway accidents. We are, however, hopeful that the beneficial results of thisi initial legislation will be expanded by enactment of an effective mandatory vehicle inspection law. Congress Drags Feet in Pursuit of Crime Control Crime is almost as compelling a conversational topic as the weather, perhaps because both are omnipresent and difficult to control. Although law enforcement in this Country has always been regarded as a local responsibility, the magnitude of the crime problem points to action by the Federal government, President Johnson, in a special message on crime in America, recommended on Feb. 6 that Congress approve the Safe Streets and Crime Control Act of 1967. The act would be administered by the director'of the Office of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Assistance, to be established in the Justice Department. The proposed office would offer financial aid to local law enforcement agencies. ★ ★ ★ about crime, Congress seems in no hurry to accept or reject the President’s proposal. Senate hearings on the safe streets bill, which began in March, were resumed Tuesday and will continue until the end of the month. House hearings on the bill — and all other crime legislation—have been indefinitely adjourned. Despite the talk on Capitol Hill Thus, the f-‘war against crime” remains to date a war of words. A hew skirmish is scheduled for Saturday, when the Justice Department and the American Bar Association will hold an anti-crime conference in Wash-Jngton. Police officers and prosecuting attorneys met at a similar conference in the capital in March. ★ ★ ★ Eventually, it is to be hoped, ah effective course of action will be mapped out and implemented. Workers Taking Wider Cut of Economic Pie Americans whose incomes are in the form of wages and salaries pushed their share total national income to 71 per cent in 1966, reports the Family Economic Bureau of Northwestern National Life Insurance Company. . In actual dollars, workers collected a massive $433 billion. This was up $40.5 billion from 1965 and accounted for four-fifths Qf the total increase in the Country’s $610-bUlion national income in 1966. rental property owners and those who lent their savings—the “capitalists,” large and small. Their share was 49 per cent in 1900 but only 29 per cent in 1966; Together with “employes,” these are the economic groups which produce the Nation’s supply of goods and services each year. This mammoth output for which Americans earned $610 billion in 1966 sold for a final price of $740 billion in the market place. Such a huge share of the economic pie would have been unthinkable at the turn of the century, when “compensation of employes” represented only 51 per cent of the Nation’s total income of a mere $17.5 billion. Sharing the remainder of the national income in 1966 were businessmen, farmers, professional people, This 29 per cent residue of national income after wages and salaries may be near the minimum necessary to provide rewards that will stimulate businesses, farmers and others to maintain a high growth rate for the economy and, consequently, a high employment rate for labor. By JAMES MARLOW AP News Analyst WASHINGTON -r The public mind is so occupied by Vietnam there is hardly any talk of what struggle against forces that would have destroyed us both,” said Johnson, without mentioning Red China or communism. lies beyond it even though what lies beyond it will haunt this bcountry for ■years to come. I Red China, for (instance. “A bit of 'the future was mentioned Tuesday by President Johnson. STILL IN INFANCY As a nation the Red Chinese are still in their infancy. They didn’t take over mainland China until 1949, which is when Chiang, and such forces as he had left, fled to Formosa. nation, with enough nuclear power to lay this country to waste. * By then the Vietnamese war should be settled, with, perhaps, the Americans gone from Asia. MARLOW Bnt the revolutionary fanatics, like Mao Tse-Tung, are still alive. But will a new generation of Chinese, once they have the power, to match this country’s, sit still? Probably not, for then the United States must face a problem it doesn’t encounter now in China’s present weak condition. He was at a luncheon honering Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek’s right hand man on Formosa, C. K, Tea, vice president and premier •f Nationalist China, with which this com try has a mntual defease agreement. Johnson said this country is committed to the defense of Formosa, which was just stating the ohyious since this has been feecnse ever since fee United Sfetes, after first wanting nothing to do with K, look Formosa under its wMg during the Kaftan War. “It is an alliance tested in time of war, tempered by our In the Soviet Union more moderate men took over after Stalin, although that was almost 40 years after their revolution, a period long enough for the Soviets to come out of primitiveness by industrializing and modernizing, ★ * * Red China, trying to modernize in a hurry, is still pretty much in its original primitive condition. MAY DO THE SAME In time some of the conservatism which overtook the Soviets may do the same to the Chinese, when the zealots like Moo are gone, and life and jobs are better. ^ But by feat time they should be a heavily armed All this is in the future. The best this country can hope for is that if communism in Asia can be held back long enough, new generations there will be more moderate. jRI ’ i - ■’ tig V Voice of the People: BIG RISK To carry the thought further would the United States be willing to risk everything, since it might mean nuclear war with China, to save Spufeeast Asia from a Communist' take-over of one kind or another? - * * * Describes One Solution to: Dilemma in Vietnam m We/h&ve gotten ourselves involved in »< mess in Vietnam* The “hawks” and tha have opposite views on solving the problem, -tue solution to this dilemma is simple. Let all iNakafi-cans, civilian and military, adopt theMife^ ligion, declare .themselves opposed to. ^ violence, refuse to fight anyone, withdraw all our gallant troops from foreign lands and sit oh ouf hahds.; Our war with the Vietcong would end—but not the bloodshed. The Chinese hordes, along with the Japanese, would Ll«i P DEBRIS SIFTED - A fireman pokes through the wreckage of a Ling-Temco-Vought tilt-wing experimental plane that crashed yesterday in a marshy area near Dallas, Tex. A company spokesman said all AP Wlrtphtto three men aboard wane killed. Hie plane, known as the XC142A, was simulating an aviator rescue mission when it crashed and exploded .Bruce- A. Peterson. Survived die crash-landing pf the experiment tal, wingless |©Fat 200 miles an hour, but Wednesday's ill-fated mission will set back the new program, a space agency spokesman said. The 0,000-pound craft, sbskjped like a flatiron with a rounded bottom and a fairly flat top, ‘polled Bom side to side, then slammed into a dry lake bed and overturned several times. .Peterson, 33, a civilian flier, sustained serious injuries, but a doctor ait March Air Force Base in Riverside Calif., said the outlook for the pilot’s recovery was “encouraging.” i® National Aeronautics and Space Adrittqistration “officials said the craft; called a lifting body because its shape gives it landing gear fully extended when it landed. And there \yere roll, control problems, they said. The.M2F2 and another lifting body, the HLlO. were scheduled to be. tested {his summer. Rocket engines generating 8,000 pounds of thrust were to take [program 'mwmStiM them up to 80,000 feet at speeds of 1,100 miles per hour! But air NASA official said Wednesday’s crash will stall the Experimental Troop Transport Plane Crash Kills 3 in Texas DALLAS, Tex. (AP) - A tilt-wing experimental airplane making a simulated rescue mission crashed near Dallas Wednesday, killing the three men aboard. Investigators from the Federal Aviation Agency and the aircraft’s builder, Ling-Temco-Vought Aerospace Carp., searched the charred wreckage today for a clue to the cause of the, crash of the XC124A experimental craft. / ★ ★ ★ The victims were Stuart Q. Madison, 39, of Irving, Tex., John D. Omvig, 43, of Arlington, Tex., and Charles E. Jester, 34, also of Irving. All were veteran test pilots. The bpxlike airplane, designed to carry up to 32 battle-ready troops, was undergoing testing. Its wings swivel so that the engines thrust downward, enabling the craft to take off and hover like a helicopter. EN ROUTE TO PARIS Five of the airplanes have been built, with one en route now aboard a ship to the Paris Air Show. ★' ■ft ★ A company spokesman said the Wednesday crash was the first for any of the five aircraft. The plane had been airborne only 29 minutes when it nosed over and plowed into a marshy area at Mountain Creek Lake. The sticky terrain and flames from tiie burning aircraft kept would-be rescuers at bay. Witnesses said the ramjet-propeller driven plane appeared to nose over just before the crash. in State Ends in Death of 3 I V MONTGOMERY WARD YOURS LANSING (AP) - A routine training flight ended in the fiery deaths of three experienced ^pilots when their plane plummeted onto Capitol City Airport and exploded into flames late Wednesday night. ★ ★ ★ • Killed were Marion B. Orchard, 35, of Roseville, and two licensed pilots to whom he was giving advanced instruction in night flying—Emil MacKelburg, 25, and Chris W. Ruble, 36, both of Detroit. ★ ' ★ ★ Moments before the crash, the pilot radioed the Capitol City control tower that he wanted to practice an instrument landing approach. ★ ★ ★ The single-engine Beechcraft made the simulated run, the tower controller said. STALLED OVER AIRPORT Then the four-seat aircraft veered about in a 180-degree turn to prepare for a real landing and apparently stalled while about 300 feet over the airport, It dropped ont* the airfield just short of a runway and burst into flames. ★ ★ * “The plane was half destroyed by fire,” said State Police Hooper Darwin Downey. ★ Ur ★ The body of one occupant was pulled from the fiery wreckage in a vain rescue attempt by an asbestos-suited fireman from the Lansing Fire Department Rescue Squad. Bodies of the Others were retrieved after firemen extinguished the flames which engulfed the fuselage. Authorities attempted today to determine the cause of the crash and whether Orchard or one of the other pilots was at the controls. ★ ★ ★ Orchard had rented the aircraft from ArguS Flight Service Inc. of Detroit. Argus had leased the plane from Rolair Corp. of Cleveland, Ohio. * * ★ Ed Strotman, Argus owner and a friend of all three vic- tims, said the trio had left De troit City Airport earlier Wed nesday on the instructional mis- mrasTiY mu DELIGHT MOTHER SUNDAY On her day *f day* celebrate in •tyle with toate . v. HER favorite taste—Mr. Steak (teak . » . and all the family will feel rewarded with a joyous event to remember . your «crvtce Mother’* Day and every day! Conte.* BixaMlIt lake Read acres* boat the Hall jaal weal at TsItpaiMi. Wayne Read jvst seWh at WHRapI Hmyyint Canter MPIE FRFF PARK For a nip without a bite. *14.95 VALUE ...THIS HANDSOME 6E CUSTOM ELECTRIC SLICING KNIFE... WHEN YOU BUY A SIGNATURE WATEH HEATER FOR USE ON DETROIT EDISON UNES This Is Wreckage Of NASA Experimental Craft AP Wlr.photo Lifting bodies arc intended to be the forerunners of spacecraft that win carry men train orbit to earth landings. The craft was dropped from a B52 bomber at 45,000 feet/ In his radio Conversation with the control, tower Peterson was calm but concerned afybuf a rescue helicopter in the air. A tape of the conversation showed he warned “get that chopper out of the way.”*' “He’s all right,” said a ground control officer. “Okay, you’re clear. Watch your gear, Bruce.” “Okay, he landed without his gear,’r a second ground officer said. * * .*.• ‘ Then the craft began to somersault. “Get the fire truck out,” said the second officer. “Come on, get the fire truck out there immediately.” Hiitneuf ALWAYS FIRBT QUALirT® Penney’s values... for Mother’s Day gift giving! She'll love carefree KodeP-cotton ^ sleep fashions... they're Penn-Prest! Shift gowns, Baby-dolls. Pajamas, Slsepcoats ^ WCSTUEEl irttM’sl Old Hickory Bourbon SHMH MMsmtl-K MR Ml UtUn KtlUl! Cl, mi “SATISFACTION GUARANTEED" ELECTRIC WATER HEATER • FULLY AUTOMATIC • DETROIT EDISON APMIOVEO • IS YEAR DUAEANTEE $5488 OFFER AVAILABLE APRIL A MAY SATISFACTION i GUARANTEED j ®DETR«TblRON 0 iSsebEth lake TthrSi M. Cool, comfortable Kodel* polyester-cotton batiste sleepwear.,. just perfect for moml Lavished with luxurious trims of lace, embroidery, appliques, tiny bows... and so beautifully care-free! It’s our exclusive Penn-Prest process that means they’ll wash and dry—and never, never need ironing. Choose pink, blue, or maize. Sizes S, M, L, XL. . PENN-^zS' HUMU pVArJFVJKKiAt*, •WHIN TUMIII'6IIIO Care-free lounge robes with lacy trims, color-splashed prints! Zantiwl, cotton blend $1 Regulated Plus $1 BImeset eMppswienW kou> sltgiRwl 2N 1" • Quilt Slipper % Metallic Slipper Charming tllppare tho't sure to vrelcom*! Quitted rayon *c«ff* with pert bow trim. Glamourous golden or silver metallic sandals, tod! All on flexible synthetic soles and Heels. Sixes 5 to 9. Wh°t'h°rTin9 9ift* ’ * * and *° Practical! 50% Zantrel/50% Cotton or 65% Polynosic® Rayon/35% Combed Cotton with little touches ot lace, ruffted hems, empire waists, gathered yokes - so beautifully feminine and marvelously easy care! Choose her favorite from a wide array of colors and patterns. Sizes 10 to 18. Give her lots ot our own Gaymode* Slips yfi- £ mm full Slip 4 Half Slip ^3 Rich blends of Dacron® polveetor-cotton-Lycra® spandex with built - In •tretch for weanng comfort in full or half slips with nylon shaped lace at hem or smooth cotton batiste in full styles with rows of lace and embroidery at bodice and hem... all with the easy care of nevor-iron Penn-Prest, Elegant Bed Jackets for her > • % Matching loco scollop* or floral embroidered self fabric trims these easy-care Kodel® Polyester/cetton blend |ockets - come in pastels of pink, blue or maize in all size*. •*• PENNEY'S MIRACLE MILE STORE HOURS 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. CHARGE HI i THEiONTIAC Remember Mother's Day A £ ' ■' * 'if-- 11 ay, 'May ! Special! 9.99 value ^g "Esfron" comforters # Fluffy, cloud-soft warm comforters filled with ( white "Estron" acetate fiber. Assortment of cottons for charm in any bedroom. 72x84" full. 9x12 room size rug Mm w , Choose colorful space-dyed tweed or decorator solid, colors. Completely serged for longer wear. Heavy foam rubber non-skid back eliminates need for pad. Cotton terry Maytime Colonial print washable slip covers Floral! Modern! Scenic! Print fiber glass drapes Riviere SWx90‘ New warmth for your home, a touch of Americanal Ivory, nutmeg backgrounds, box-pleated skirts, welt-seams, reversible cushion covers. 100% cotton. Hide-e-bed or sofa coven, 12.88 Sofa bed, 9.8t Non-skid smart furniture throws Rayon/cotton knit needs no ironing. qq Non-skid, polyurethane foam backing. 0<* W 7***0". 1.99 72x108", *.** 72x128", 7.M 40X72" Extra heavy tufted rayon viscose area rugs Extra-heavy rayon viscose pile. Non-skid back. Preshrunk, won't fads or bleed. Machine washable. 24x44" .... I.tt 34x54" .... 9.99 44x70" .... 15.99 4x9' ... 39.99 9x12'.... 79.99 Make your selection from colorful floral, modern or scroll print draperies of easy-care, no-iron, flameproof, moth-proof, shrink-proof, sun and color fast fiber glass. Deep 3-finger pinch pleats for rich, full hanging, good looks. Buy now at big savings! Double width x 90" size...................12.00 Triple width x 90" size......... ............18.00 ''Riviera" table cloth 099 needs no ironing, 52x52" Mm Riviera 50% Avril® rayon/56% Fortrel® ployester. 52x70", 3.99 40x80", 5.99 48" round, 4.99 Cotton terry table cloth, 52x52" ....... . . 2.99 52x70", 3.99 52x90", 4.99 40" round, 5.99 24x34' Outdoor furniture sale! 7-ft. Umbrella & table, both for jade or aqua vinyl-covered 7-ft. garden umbrella cranks up, down. Enameled 36" steel top table. Special! Five-position chaise Foam-padded folding a-luminum frame adjusts easily. Spft button tufted pad with supported floral vinyl. General Electric appliances *.. perfect gifts for Mother 3-piece patio ensemble, now 12" automatic electric skillet has double Teflon® finish coat Exclusive "ball-glide* breezeway glider, matching arm chair and rocker. Rugged floral vinyl covering. Almost like .having kitchen help with this automatic fry pan! No scouring! So handyl Hi-dome vented cover, custom automatic, good looksl Deluxe electric knife with 2 blades for all slicing and carving occasions. Compact.......... 24.89 Automatic 2-slice toaster has 9-position toast control, snap-out crumb tray. Chrome. ... 10.88 Portable hand mixer has 3-speed finger tip control and convenient beater ejecter 8.77 Automatic coffee maker brews 4 to 8 cups; of coffee, keeps it serving hot. Brew (elector. ] j g9 Electric .con opener opens standard cans in seconds, has magnetized lid lift. So safe. ... 9.89 Your choico! Wrought Irons! • Lev* Met #72" cfcatM •Swivel recker A attemee •2 dub chehe 4-seoson indoor and outdoor furniture perfect for the patio, porch, summers, rec room during winter. CnKfemie style twiny end canopy 43.87 OPEHEVIRY NIC^T TO 9:30 Drayton Open Sundays Noon to 6 DOWNTOWN AND pRAYTON PLAINS 5, Tlk THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 mttjpii Mi in gfitf mm Remember, Mother's Day is, May 14 A—® Scalloped frame curio cabinet with mirror back Antique gold scalloped frame with gold tone corner treatment. Antiqued panels have engraved type design. Mirror backed for brilliance and depth. 26x68" sfte. 4-pc. console set: table top of cultured marble 88 Mirror of clear selected Pittsburgh sheet glass. Sculptured Turnerwood frames. Wall .tables have cultured marble tops. Two matching sconces. White or gold. Sale! Famous Turner reproductions add springtime freshness to your walls $20 values 9 9 w Finely framed Turner high-fashion wall mirror 88 Add decorating drama to an (entire room. Place one of these impressive pictures over a sofa or other feature wall space. They'll add color and distinction. Choose from gorgeous scenics, seascapes and florals. Decorator coordinated frames. Sizes up to 20x58(\ An unusual gift idea for mother! We bought all the1 miff had of this broadloom and received unheard-of price concessions that we're passing on to you! Add'd bright look to every room. Fashioned of selected Pittsburgh plate glass. Oval and rectangular shapes, Framed by sculptured Turnerwood openwork or anodized aluminum,* Large selection to match ony decor! SALE Thanks folthis special buy... you can have a room-size rug made to your exact dimensions from BROADLOOM.1 9x12' size A home-owner's dream of a sale! Just imagine... you can cover a 9x12' room for less than $40. The mill over-produced, so we grabbed up oil we could to give you fantastic savings. No matter what size your room, we can cut its exact specifications and at these savings prices. You get the lush beauty of deep texture continuous filament nylon pile, newest no fuzz extra long wearing fiber. Spills and spots just wipe away. Complete with rubber backing, won't skid. Eliminates the need for separate padding. Elegant solid colors of antique gold, moss, frosted cocoa, teak brown, sea green, royal blue, burnt orange, red. Casual tweed tones in jade blue, olive green, moss green, red tweed, gold. Act fast! At these prices quantities can't last long! 6x9* .... 22.99 12*16* $91 12x23’ 9x12* .... 39.99 12x17’ $96 12x24’ 12x10’6” ... $61 12x18’ 12x19’ $101 ...... $107 12x25’ 12x12’ ....... 12x20’ $112 12x26’ 12x13*6’* ... $77 12x21’ .• $118 12x27’ 12x15* $85 12x22’ $124 12x30’ Hundreds of' other sizes to choose from OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9:30 Drayton Open Sundays Noon to 6 DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS iii. A^rlO x THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. MAY ll, 1967 3-Days Only! Timely* Buys in Every Department! You Can Count on Us . . . Quality C osts No More at SeursH SlOH‘ llolH’S: 9 until 9 Save $40 Custom 6-HP Tractors Regular $3999 195 359 Recoil Stqgt Tractor only 36” Mower Unit.... 99.95 Engineered to give you more spare time, to make your lawn and garden work more fun ... Sears has a handsome, newly-designed tractor with deep contoured seat, in hew Signal Red and white — all this plus a 4-speed transmission. Separate choke and throttle controls fop easy operation. Similar to picture shown. NQ4IONEY DOWN on Sfears Easy Payment Plan $479-95, Elec. Start ..... 439.88 Wednesday! Attachments Make Your Tractor a Year-Round Helper Phone Sears for Garden Equipment Electric Chain Saws! Made for Easier Cutting 69** Sears Low Price , NO MONEY,DdWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Engineered for quiet, easy, efficient operation around the household, this saw trims limbs, shrubs and cuts big logs, too. Big 10-inch guide bar and chain. Built in oil reservoir. Made for easy cutting. Weighs only 11 pounds. Reduced $20! Roto Spader Sale Regular $219.95 1998* NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Big 6-HP Roto Spaders with stick shift. Put this big spader to work to make your gardening easier, more efficient. Tine speed shifts from regular to slow for rocky or hard ground. Reverse, too. Engine has Super-Start. Adjustably handle for yqur convenience. Similar. Steel Dump Carts 8-inch Plowsi, Hold 10 cu. ft. On WdOS Cu" » furrow 8” pneumatic tires ... • tI 3-Point Hitches attachments. Spar* Fenchig Department Derry St. Basement Aluminum Storm-Screen Combination l'A-In. Thick Door Regularly at *44 195 Sears Patio Awning Sale! 39»« 8 x 12-Foot, Regular $113 White, Standard weight 99 Cultivators / Rotary Tillers Handles rows 20 tp AAoe Plows, discs, 30 inches wide .... Oof harrows. Self- fiflAOt propelled.............................. Lawn Rollers 36-in. wide cylinder weighs about 430- j jn< lbs. filled ........ 44”‘ Reg. $146, 8x16’. . $129 Reg. $174.95, 10x20’ $149 HEAVY-DUTY PATIO AWNINGS Reg. $206, 8x12’. . $159 Reg. $255, 8x16 . . $209 Reg. $322.95,10x20’,.. $269 Building Materials, Perry St. Basement" You get modern protection with fiber glass screening and wool pile weatherstripping. Door has shock-proof welded corners and full length aluminum piano hinging. Natural finish, push button latch with lock, closer. Modernize your home now! Installation Available Regular $14.88 Windows ..... 12.88 Building Materials Perry St. Basement 20-i Rotary Mower with GrassrLeaf Catcher Craftsman Installed Chain Link Fencing Sears estimates the cost of your fencing job. There is no obligation. Just Phone FE 5-4171 NO MONEY DOWN Ask About Sears Modernizing Credit Plan Get the feeling of genuine protection and security for your home and family that chain link fence can give. The high quality steel wire is galvanized afj^r weaving for added weather resistance. Call Sears today for an estimate. Fencing Dept., Perry St. Basement See All Types and Sizes of Sears Fencing at Reduced JVic Save $20 3 Days Only 7499 Regular Separate Prices Total $94.99 NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan v^New Exclusive Craftsman noadjustment fuel system New quieter exhaust system located under mower housing 1* Lightweight magnesium housing for easier handling Sears revolutionary new-type fuel system and new pull-up starter assure you faster, easier starting. Powerful 9.0 cubic inch (3V2-H.P.) 4-cycle engine. 7 cutting heights. Sears Has a Complete Line of Power Mowers Priced as Low as...34.99 Sears Hardware Department, Main Basement Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” Downtown Pontiac Phone FE 5-1171 mM „ Washable Sponge cleans < S. walla so eatil] Covers sour color swifh just 1 coat,, GUARANTEE If 1 gallon falls to cover any color with just one coat when applied at a rate not to exceed 450 sq. ft. per gallon or fails to he colorfast or washable whan washed u directed, or fails to resist spotting frond soap, water or detergent, we will furnish free additional paint to assure coverage or refund complete purchase price. icull puul Th1XOTROPIC FORMUl^-jC£ PLEASANT FBAGR^ ; mm i SAVE 28% on Our Best Interior FLAT Spot Resistant' No spotting from vtoap, detergents> SAVE *2 Gallon! Regular $6.99 Pure-Pure White House and Trim Paint Reg. $8.50 69« 7 G«l. ONE 6AU.0N FREE TICKETS! You can Win a FREE weekend for you and your family te Coder Point, or 10 other Prises! Ask for your FREE Ticket at Sears! Gallon Now with Dripless Thixotropic Formula That Clings to Walls! One coat < coverage! It’s non-chalking, non-staining and non-yellowing. Slays white and bright. S Saves you time and work of frequent repainting. Oil base durability. • Creamy smooth latex has built-in “cling” • Pleasant fragrance makes painting fun •i Dries in % hour, soapy water clean-up Interior Latex Flat Paint One-Goat House and Trim Paint Sears Price Reg. $6.99 / 497 Economical to use. One coat dries in less than one hour. Assorted decorator colors. gal. One coat coven any color. In white, 26 non-chalking colon. Resists weather and mildew. Sears Acrylic Latex One-Coat Paint Regular $7.99 Choice of colors Just say, “CHARGE IT* at Sears One coat covers all but the most extreme exterior surface color changes. Rugged durability and weather resistance only acrylic resin can give. So easy to apply and it dries in 30 minutes. Choice of 46 self-priming, Color-Scape colors in 8 coordinated groups. Come in today and select your paint. * New 5-Way Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel Reg. $2.99 Durable performance for luting beauty. 1 coat, washable, colorfaat, spot nsistanL Reg. $8.99 Gallon ... 6.97 Sean Paint Department, Main Basement anti-rust BfiHfner Anti-Rust Primer Stops Metal Rust IAT®- flat Sears Polyurethane Satin Varnish Dripless Interior Latex Flat Paint Reg. $2.69 l’7, Reg. $2.99 l97 qt. Reg. $4.99 Our 5-Hour Latex Antiquing Kits Inhibits rust ■ on steel, iron. Outstanding beauty and protec-topcoat of oil, latex paint, tive finish for all woods. Fast Oil base covers 500 sq. ft. drying and long lasting. gal. Creamy thixotropic formula clings to brush or roller. Dries in Vt hour. 16 colors. Sears price Fast 3 easy steps give expert results. Base coat, glaze, sandpaper, booklet. In 4 colors. Sears Compact Paint Sprayers Reg. $39.95 3488 %-H.P. Utility Air-Paint Sprayer Handy for homeowners and all hobby . work. Fiberglas housed compressor. 1.2 cfm at 20 psi. Spray gun, 8-ft. hose. . •- Reg. $139.95 11988 Heavy-duty use for lubricstions, air cleaning. Inflates toys, and tires. Get 100 psi. 16-Ft. Aluminum Extension Ladders for Medium Duty Reg. $29.98 88 16-ft. Our best aluminum ladder. Rubber safety feet. Comfortable slip-resistant flat-top rungs. 16Va-in. wide base, automatic locks, top rollers. “I” beam side rails. Other Ladders Reduced. CHARGE IT on Soon Revolving Charge 16-Ft. Economy Alum. Ladders.. 10.88 GUARANTEE Whan applied according to directions on a properly prepared surface, except when leaks sis duo to cracking of the surface itself, is guaranteed to provide a waterproof coating for S • years from data of sale or we will refund tiie coat of the paint. Black Velvety Driveway Coating and Sealer Reg. $7 59 597 5-gal. Beautifies and protects asphalt, patios, walk areas against gat and oil action that softens and mars driveways. Ready-to-nse, easy to apply, dries in a few hoars. Guaranteed Waterproof Basement Wall Paint KmoUt S7.79 / 6 crisp colors SEAOY-TO USt SWKKUNGPASfi Tirpolene—Thins Conditions Print Ready - mixed, no wetting walls necessary. Keeps basements snng and dry. Waterproofs concrete, brick, cinderblock and masonry surfaces. Brushes on easily. Beautifies, protects in one operation- Reg. $1.69 Ready-Mixed Qts. of Spackling Paste ■ gal* f Thio strong solvent ha superior thinner. Cleans painting equipment thoroughly. iu,.ti.i9 . 58',. Fills even small blemishes in plaster, wood and wallboard. Wsterproof vinyl resin. Classic or Country Style 25-Ii. Vanities Complete with “Mukella” Top nil Bowl Classic or Contemporary Styles Keg. $99 Faucet extra 77 77 Regular $71 Faucet extra 5977 A classic-designed vanity that will bring elegance to your bath. “Marbella” plastic top looks like real marble. White with gold trim. 25-in. Country-style Vanities ........ 77.77 NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan An elegant bath begins with this smart Sears.vanity! White wood cabinet with gold color trim! Plastic-sealed to guard against moisture'. Marbella top, looks like marble. Choice of classic or contemporary. Installation extra! HeatingIPlumbing Dept., Perry St. Basement Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” Downtown INmtiac A—12 THE JONXXAC PRESS Mew Leader of PEA Tells Contract Goal ; goal of the new president of Pontiac Education Associa-i, Tom Everitt, is to give > Pontiac’s teach* jers one of Michigan’s five best j| packages of salaries, fringe [benefits and j working condi-I tions. Other new officers of the 'association, EVERITT which were announced at a banquet this week, are: James ft. McCoy, first vice president; Vern Riemanschneid-ter, second vice preside n t; Norma Pond, recording secretary; Mrs. Katherine Miller, corresponding secretary; and Ken Harger, treasurer. Ever) 11, 36 Chippewa, a science and math teacher at Washington Junior High, takes over for outgoing president Larry Beamer. In an acceptance speech, Everitt called for an 11-point program for the coming year including hiring an executive secretary, opening a PEA office increasing political action and raising money for the district ★ * * “My goals are only a continuation of our previous program,” Everitt told the banquet audience which honored retiring teachers. 'Plan Is Too Idealistic' Preschool Format Hit Pontiac’s proposed preschool training program was critized as too “idealistic” last night by a group which at the same time called for starting some such program this fall, “The Board of Education is aow deliberating on the proper solution to the PCH problem as well as the fact that additional senior high facilities will be required hi INI because of The critics were the Pontiac continuous enrollment growth. School District Citizen’s Study Committee on Human Relations, which had requested the Pontiac Board of Education to prepare a feasibility study. Preschool public training for all Pontiac School District children was estimated to cost a maximum of $3.3 million ah $1.8 million for the first year of operation. In a letter, John T. Rogers,' chairman of the human relations committee, suggested that the program be more economical by using churches and schools when available and volunteer help rather than paid professionals. Pontiac Schools Supt. Dr. Dana P. Whitmer remarked that he doubted that any type of preschool program could begin in September. CONCERN EXPRESSED In other business last night, a communication was received from the Washington Irving Parent - Teachers Organization expressing concern over reported deteriorating building conditions at Central High. Dr. Whitmer gave this reply: “It is expected that these decisions will be made within the next several months. If the decisions are to proceed on one or both (construction) projects (build a third high school and one to replace Central), it will be necessary to conduct a bond levy campaign to finance this construction. |r y" llpl; “The school district does not' have bonding authority to do this.” ' ", .7 f7 ’ NEW PROCEDURES Set up for Central by the board were supplementary readmission procedures tor suspended students and a six-member Jaculty committee to serve in an advisory capacity to the principal on an experimental basis for 1967-68. „ • Asst. Supt. William J. Lacy said tite new procedures were developed because of past misunderstandings and staff “unrest” concerning readmissions. Europe Tour Still Open to High School Students Selected high school students may still qualify for the sixth annual People-to-People Ambassador Program tour to 12 European countries, Mrs. Barbara Froelich of the Holly area schools said. The 45-day trip starting in late June is sponsored in Michigan for the first time this year by the Department of Classroom Teachers of the Michigan Education Association. Participants will live in the homes of foreign stu-. dents. The cost is $1,300 per student. Two groups of 15 students each are the goal for southern Michigan this year, - Mrs. Froelich, 110 E. First, Holly, and Bruce Fillmore of the Royal Oak school system are in charge of each group. Busing Pfetri Rumors; Fake -~3 Officials Rumors flying on Pontiac’s West Sidelhat the board of education intend's to bus White ills elsewhere to do away with de facto segregation are false, board members emphasized last night. Supt. Df. Dana P. Whitmer and Monroe M. Osmun and Russell L. Brown, board president and vice president, respectively, refuted the rumors which they conceded could develop into an issue for the June 12 board of education election. Brown and Whitmer told other board members that they have received several', phone calls this,-week from protesting parents. Whitmer said he suspected the, idea germinated at Monddy’s human relations meeting where! a subcommittee reportedly] talked about shifting of school attendance boundaries for better racial balance. Browq^reported that thelwu-ents believe students from Whitfield and Irving elementary! schools would be transported to! other city' schools this fall for purposes of integration, f “This was only a subcommit-, tee progress report,” Whitmer explained. “It was n°t a recommendation. The board has not, takas these measures nor has it considered them.” “We are not going against the Neighborhood School Concept,” Brown remarked. “You go to school where you live.” You Can Count on Us . . . Quality Costs No More at Sears Sears Sears Has Everything for Mother Deluxe Electric Carving Knife Save $8v Regular *17.98 A thoughtful gift of lasting usefulness Reg. $12.99 YOUR CHOICE Sears deluxe style electric knife makes carving the fun part of preparing meals. Slim handle, styling. Powerful permanent magnet motor does all the work extra-long scalloped Lifedge® stainless steel blades glide through the hardest-to-cut food, gives paper-thin to thick ‘n’ juicy slices, as you prefer. Beige color knife and removable 8-fL cord store in case. Mother’s Day CHARGE IT . . . The Quick, Convenient way to Shop at Sears J.Sunday, May 14. /Xy Hmuontm Dept., Main Basement SEARS I )<>w irtmv n I’ontiar IMjoiic I I. .">-117 (Wag Aeitylic File “Beacon Hill” Carpet — an elegant carved pattern. natural for classic* settings . .. heavy plush pile with a deeply carved leaf pattern to flow gracefully through your rooms. Orion 33 acrylto pile carpeting comes in seven rich colors. Shop at Seafrs and saval Sears Best Acrilan File Wilton Carpeting ___,_____„ A truly superior carpet with a swirling scroll motif that imparts gracious dignity to your home. Acrilan® acrylic pile is highly resilient, and easy to clean. Choice of seven vibrant colors. , INSTALLATION AVAILABLE by SEARS EXPERTS Luxurious Nylon Pile Carpeting - Dense, deep, truly lush carpeting. ..one to sink into, to be proud of, to build your room around ... from Sears. Heavy Nylon pile promises years of resilient beauty. Many colon to choose from. Imagine all this beauty at a savings! Seeirt Floor Coverings, Second Floor Save on Printed Slipcovers Now! Regular $12.98 Recliner Cover Reg. S13.98, Chair Cover 10.88 Perma smooth finish, little or no ironing needed Treated with Scotchgara® to resist stains. Washable. Upholstery - like textured surface. Reg. $19.98, Sectional... .15.88 Ref. $28.98, Sofa.........24.88 Sale! High-Style Washable Drapery Drapery has floral border panel print'on extra heavy textured cotton and rayon. Unlined 3-inch blind-stitched Ref. $12.99 48x84-in. bottom hems. lVSt-inch blind-stitched side hems with 3-fold pinch pleats. Beautiful perma-smooth and machine washable. $29.99,96x84” ... 24.99; $45.99, 144x84” .. .36.99 Wide Range of Traverse Rods Traverse ridt to fit _ __ ' — any sin window from 099 ^29 30- to 2004a. *» , ... m to U -fl ,% LI Yarn-Dyed Toned Boucle Dr 4 buckhara hacked. --3^ fold pinch pleat*. ^749 Q i 50x63. to 150x84-in. I toOt I )ov IllttW 11 I’lion WwM V a PONTIAC PRESS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 Art Program Set for Friday in a Media Trio Calendar The . engagement of Winn Elizabeth Lyon li to thams George La Pella is announced by her parents, Mrs. Robert W. Emerick of Birmingham George A.'Lysm Jr. of CototL Gables, The bridegroom-to-be is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles La Pella‘ of Phoenixville, Detroit Hand weavers and Spfeasr* Guild, 11 am., International Instl-tute, Detroit. "Anyone Can Design" by Don Mettler of die “Signe of the Wever,” G.r o ■ s e Polnte Woods. Guests may attend. Pontiac Area Council of Senior Citizens, 2 p. m., Community Services Building.. Earl Einstein, social worker, will speak. Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital Guild, annual Florence Nightingale Tea, 2 p. m. in the employe dining loom. Mrs. Franklin A. Mills is ftiainnan. Frances Willard union, Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 6:30 p. m., First Church of the Brethren. Family dinner with speakers Mr. and Mrs. George Perkins of Boyal Oak. A demonstration in three media will be given by Maxwell Wright at the Pontiac Society of Artists meeting Friday, 8:00 p.m. in the Community Services Building. Wright is a native of Pontiac. Both artist and architect, h e taught at Lawrence Institute of Technology for twenty years. He has exhibited in New York, Mexico, California and Washington and has won many awards. Wright is a member of the Michigan Water Color Society, Scardb Club, Pontiac Society of Artists and the Bloomfield Art Association. WINN ELIZABETH LYON Prospective members and guests are welcome. Pbntltc Press Photos by Edward R. Nobis ^ Wearing a pink and rose chiffon Bloomfield Open Hunt. Proceeds will be tent from Lisbeth’s of Birmingham, Mrs. used to send, the Meadow Brook, School Peter Hoogerhyde of Chippewa Road, of Music youth orchestra to play at Expo assumes an informal pose for Maurice ’67 in July. At the left are early arrivals: Barnett of the Bloomfield‘Fashion Shop. Mr%?'Elmkr;$09ih, Green Lake; Mrs. Barnett assisted his wife as chairman of Ernest Fuller, Orchard Lake; Mrs. Alfred Wednesday evening’s "Salute to Meadow Stanker, Green Lake; and Mary Anri Brook” fashion show and concert at Stanker, Highland Road. Post Writer Needs Help on Names By ELIZABETHS! L. POST Dear Mrs. Post: I would like to submit the following letter in competition for your bode on etiquette. I am Currently a college Student and at the age where your book could do the best job of guiding my future actions. — J. J. Kohler Okay, J.J., you win! A copy of Emily Post’s ■ Etiquette has been sent to you. Here’s Mr. Kohler’s letter and my answer: ★ * * "I Would like to know the rule on how to address people older than myself. I am 21 years old and have always been taught to address anyone older than myself as Mr., Mrs. or Miss. Now that I am considered an adult,* how am I to conduct myself intelligently in talking to office supervisors, older professional people and older coworkers? I’m confused as to when a person could, or should, be addressed on a first name basis and when it is mandatory that a person be addressed more formally.’’ ★ * * Dear Mr. Kohler: In a large office where a certain amount of formality is maintained, continue your practice of calling older people “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” or “Miss” until they ask you to use their first names. Whether they are your supervisors or your coworkers, courtesy demands that t, it is up to them to make the suggestion. In a smaller, less formal office, keep your ears open. If you hear everyone calling each other by first names you’d better go along, or you’ll just end up being thought a terrible stuffed shirt. Flower Sale Hie annual geranium kale of the Women’s Association of the Pontiac Symphony Orchestra takes place Friday at the home of Mn. Maxwell Shad-ley, M Ottawa Drive. The public may purchase geraniums from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. FIRST TIME IN HISTORY! line! King, Queen, Ful| or Twin IN STANDARD OR QUEEN SIZE, ALL BY SERTA QUEEN, FULL or TWIN SIZES Mattress and Box Spring Set ^King-size 78"x80" mattress......... 88,88 *2 Box springs far King-siza mattress.... 88,81 (King sin wiHs ssU in ssts tnly) Hare's the sale you've boon waiting for.. the Serta Once-a-Yaar super - size bedding offer. Choose from a complete line of mattresses and box springs in standard length or extra length in King, Queen, Full and Twin widths . . . at unusually low sale prices. Finn, * smooth-top Innerspring construction, tempered steel coils, fresh air yents and handles for easy fuming, sturdy woven stripe cover, this offer is for a limited time only, buy yours today. QUEEN OR FULL SIZE We goofed . . wo supply many of the national chain hotels and motels such as Holiday Inns. We over ordered... Now you can buy for the same price as Holiday Inn. 118 units only, Dow available lor immediate delivery. (Miimatta CLOSED SUNDAY ills THE I'OS'flAC I‘HK,S3. THURSDAY, MAY TPW Old History Is Theme at Dinner A Complete Delectable Menu! Plan an Evening for Dining Chi Her Day Sunday, May 14 ^ r Call for Retervationt ‘ ItoMa Country knn 3230 PINE LAKE ROAD Vo PHONE 682-0600 Famous Smorgasbord {■units Sunday Brunch Wedding • Banquet Facilities I F. Word Ourtdntk, Hoot When members of the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society get together for their /annual ./dinner, the occasion ip more than just another meeting! , it it h. Most of the names promt-, nent in area history are represented. For some, it is the only time they meet all year, The sprinkling of younger participants does mote listening than talking. ■ Wednesday evening’s event at Central Methodist Church brought out about 2f)0 people. 14k GOLD M MEN'S “ WEDDING BAND! They came, not only to greet old friends, but to become acquainted with Marcia Starkey (Mrs. Richard), the new fulltime curator of the Wisner Home, “Pine Grove.’’ SPECIAL! Maurice Cole introduced a group of Bloomfield Hills High School students, “T h e Jacks’’ who presented a musical program. PARK JEWELERS and OPTICIANS 1 N. SAGINAW * (Corner Pike St.) FE 4-1889 Or. Chemey OptonjlWlt Mrs. Marion H. Benter, East Iroquois Road, (right) and new members, Mr. and Mrs. -Royge Butler, of the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society enjoy the Pontiac Pratt Photo, flowers in the courtyard of Central Methodist. Church. Butler is the head of the library at Oakland University. Speaker Tor the evening was Robert G. Payne, social studies consultant for Oakland Schools, who spoke on “T h e Road to Freedom,” a history of the Michigan Underground Railroad. WANT MEMBERS Membership in the Society is open to any interested individual and; volunteers are sought to help with work at the Wisner Home. Mrs. M. H. Benter is membership chairman. YOU'LL ALWAYS CHERISH! WANT TO SELL LAWN MOWERS, POWER MOWERS, BOATS, ROLLER SKATES? - - - USE A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181, Twenty 8”x10” PHOTOGRAPHS IN NATURAL COLOR $ O 75 INCLUDING ALBUM O / Mothers’ Day... # {}/ Sunday, May 14 2478 Orchard Lake Rd. Pontiac Demonstration • • • ; Tonight, Tomorrow and Saturday! Treat yourself to a wonderful new world of *•#•••#•#••••••••••••••••••• carefree cooking A totally new concept to Farberware’s new broiler/rotis$erie, it’s the "boot zone” broiling method (air circulation around cooking meat) which seals in the flavorful juices that give that fabufous outdoor flavor. NO SMOKE-NO SPATTER. No hood or enclosure that tends to diy out meats. Maurice Cole, toastmaster, (left) and Robert G. Payne of Oakland Schools examine some of the exhibits at the 93rd annual dinnef of^the Pioneer and Historical Society. Payne spoke bit the underground railroad in Michigan. Includes ■ A dh • Double Dresser 5 • Mirror • Twin or Full Size Bed WUP -Free Delivery- Early American OPEN STOCK Goggles Protect Eyes From Soap Inexpensive underwater gog- placed low at the nape of th gles can be worn to prevent neck — below the ears an trickles-in-the-eyes during an hairline — thus permittin under-the-shower-shampoo. thorough sudsing with no dis The adjustable band can be comfort to sensitive eyes. fabulous "Open Hearth9 Electric BroilerfRotisserl§ The perfect combination of the “Open Hearth” broiling with delicious rotisserle cooking. Extra heavy duty motor turns meat slowly for EVEN self-hasting. NO SPATTER, NO SMOKE- just tin tastiest meats you’ll war serve! Enjoy carefree cooking elegant aervtng with Lifetime MICARTA Plastic Tops Choice it* ELECTRIC HIQH DOME BUFFET SEKVat .model 620/351 SUBSET TERMS Be your own decorator... choose 1, 2 or 3 pieces to fit your budget or your room. Here’s craftsmanship and. quality in beautiful nutmeg maple *t low, carload quantity factory-to-you prices. Open stock bedroom furnishings styled to recapture the warmth and ± Spindle Bed •nd Night Stand charm of Early America and constructed to LAST. IB* ELECTRIC FRYPAN Solid Tops... Hardwood Interiors Warm Nutmeg Maple Finish Antique Brass Finish Hardware Flush Ends...Tilting Mirrors Self-Lubricating Drawer Guides Dovetailed Drawers .. Front and Back hr the ultimata In awry kind of tasty dlshts! Whether it’s steak, staw, or elaborate gourmet creations just dial the right temperature to perfect results every’time without hot spots' flnostsnd Faster than lnstants...uciusive SUPER. FAST braving action assures a rick perfect brew every time! Temperature control keeps it piping hot Truly tlm finest; most.beautinl coffeemaker made. Crafted in gleaming STAINLESS STEEL / pjML.jpM from ftf ■■ regular fiiiiii Rtkg|gg§|pr price Golden TOUCH & SEW* zig-zag sewing machine in handsome desk Exclusive Push-Button Bobbin winds in the machine Sews straight zig-zag, chainstitch New buttonholer—makes 7 different buttonholes in a variety of sizes New Sewing Speed Switch — sew at your own speed What's new far tomorrow it at SING E R today!* •More BIG Values .Double 0 rosier Bin .. I Drawer tndy America’s finest automatic electric appliances •'ear* Electrical Dept., Main Basement SINGER 338-6666 Open 9 ’til 5:30 - Mon., Thurs., Fri. 1672 S. Telegraph, Pontiac DOWNTOWN PONTIAC !M North S.g.naw Phono' m-Ttrt ’A TfAe—i* e* Twf S>NGCt COMeawV ii' i H' II i 111 1 i Mikm Urn GENUINE 7ie*y DIAMOND NEVER BEFORE a valw this Beoutifully styled rnoncJ wedding pair of SATIONALLY NEW lov price fi Pay V Only $1.30 Weekly Lluvninvtn Pontiac* Phone* i F. 5-1 i m T[b Bunk Bede 144 11 ” Satisfaction guarant eed i or your money L rack” v ' *' *r THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY ii, 1967 \ 1 An autumn ceremdny is being planned for Shirley Ann Kath and Roger William Rivard. They attend Michigan State University where she is a junipr and he is a senior. Their parents are the Charles Kaths of East Beverly Street and the William Rivards of Allen Park. Nancy Bowman’s engagement to Edward L. D. Cullen is announced by her parents, the fJlyde Bowmans of Collier Road. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cullen of McCormick Street. The engagement of Donna Christine Brady to James M; Perigo is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Brady of Orton-ville. The groom-to-be’s parents are the Lee Perigos of Clarkston. July 29 has been chosen for the ceremony. NOW’S YOUR CHANCE! GET YOUR ORDERS IN BY FRIDAY The William E. Robertsons of Massena Drive, Commerce Township announce the engagement of their daughter, Ear-lene, to John E. Hood. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hood of Royal Oak. September vows are being planned. HAMPTON ELECTRIC COMPANY 025 W. HURON FE 4-2525 The theophU J. Dob-skis of Empire* Drive announce the engagement ,of®4heir daughter, Mary Jo to Terry Patrick Finan. His parents are the Edward R. Finans of Dohertu, Drive j West Bloomfield TownsfiijJ. She has attended Western Michigan University where her fiance is' a senior. A Normal Day for Centenarian MASTIC BEACH, N.Y." (flit was the usual busy day for Mrs. Mary T. Breen. She cooked two meals for herself and her^son, Frank,made the beds, did the dishes, cleaned the house, mopped the kitchen and washed some clothes. Then at 9 p.m., she' wefot w the Mastic Beach Property Owners Association clubhouse, where friends and relatives gave a party in her honor. It was in celebration of her 100th birthday. iM B-8 RE-LPHOLSTER NOW! Furniture and Drapery Fabric Now at terrific savings. Our skilled draftsmen are on hand to custom build to your taste. Several hundred yards of fabric now in stock. 1st grade, marked down-as much as 50%. Velvets, Scotch Guarded $4.95 and $5.95 Drapery Prints, $2.95, Textures, Damask, Matlesses and Tapestries, $2.95 to $4.95. 917 Orchard Lk.m 9Lm.io5P.i 334-9377 BUY, SELL, TRADE . . . USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! . Recently this patio furniture was offered H for sale in a Pontiac Press Want Ad . . . Now it has a hd'ppy new owner! When you have something nice which you no longer need, it is easy to find a willing buyer by advertising it in a "for sale" Want Ad. You will make the buyer happy, and you will be happy,*too. Eager-to-buy Want Ad readers of The Pontiac Press are scanning the ads every day, and your "don't need" may be just what they are looking for.’ It's easy to place your ad. Just Dial 332-8181 and a friendly ad-visor will help you. The Six-Time Rate Is the'Thrifty Rate! u n| °Sa wrap snaps at the shoulder, hat U U the look of a gown-and-coat. Full and fi°U ugly cut in silky, featherweight rayon acetate crepe, with three-quarter sleeves, concealed pocket.’ In gorgeous floral prints of pink or blue, bordered in color* matched stripes and flowers. Completely wash* able, and a marvelous at-home wrap. Sizes: petite, Small, medium, large, at $1$ . .Lovely rose^^bud pin In golden, silvered g/ox enameled (pink, red, oryellow) metal. Acharming accent for her summer wardrobe, at $3 Arpege or My Sin— two favorite fragrances by' Lanvin—in a natural spray travel-size dispenser. Each is priced at 3.50 A pom-pom of nylon sheer blooms prettily on these nylon tricot siippers-in white, pink, or blue (a happy accent to the peignoir set shown at the right). Sizes S, M, and L, at $4 Mts:r Elaine peignoir set In filmy nylon sheer with lace-encased deep collar and hemline. The gown is doublelayer sheer over opaque caproTene nylon tricot. In white, pink, or blue; sizes S, M, and L, at $15 At the top: Fairfield’s slightly scooped shelrv with cut-out detailing. In white, straw, celery, navy, light blue, pink, yellow, or black; sizes 36-40, at 4.50 At the bottom: Rosanna's jewel-neck cardigan in a pyramid stitch with three-quarter sleeves, hand-embroidered trim, full lining. In white, lime ice, yellow ice, or black; sizes 38-42, at $16 at Our Pontiac Star* Open Every Evening to 9 P.M. Our Birmingham Store Open \ ' run MOTHER’S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 14th MOM WITH JACOBSEN’S Fresh Cut ROSES Beautiful, long stem, ^ deep red roses for from Mother's Day. DOZEN $10.00 ahd $12.50 Cive Mother this charming antique Bowl and Pitcher, a replica in miniature, filled with carnations and spring daisies. A thoughtful remembrance of your love. Fresh cut spring flowers in a handpainted china tea pot will tell Mother you are thinking of her. Delivered In Pontiac Delivered In Pontiac Deliveries Twice Daily Bloomfield, Birmingham, Detroit Flowers TOO STORES TO SERVE YOU * Pontiac FE 3-7165 545 S. Broadway — Lake Orion,‘MY 2-2681 Flowers by Wire Around*$the World! THE PONTIAC PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 1967 4 LADIES* DAY ■ * GOLF GROUP LESSONS •tart EVERY FRIDAY 10 A.M. CARL’S GOLFIANO 1976 St Telegraph Rd. Miss Prentice Honored at Showers Four, recent showers honored Betsy Prentice, bride-elect of Marvin Jadkson Morris Jr. • * A luncheon and linen shower was given by Mrs, Albert Landino of Birmingham. Mrs. Norman Day, Mrs.i John T. Cochran Jr. and Mrs. Richard Day hosted a dessert and kitchen shower Family members attended tiie miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Armando Cabazos and Mrs. Joseph ,E. Kleist of Ferndale. ' WANTED!! All Persons Interested In Top Quality Appliances At NEW LOW, LOW Prices John Doe Customer No. 12345 color Tv and table model compactness. Giant 295 sq. in. rectangular picture: RCA Hi-Lite Color Tube with rare-earth phosphors tor unsurpassed color brilliance and Perma* Chrome for color purity. Has one-set VHF fine tuning and stay-set volume control. .Stand available, optional ext/a The DALTON FH-544 BUY NOW AND SAVE! PRICES HAVE NEVER REEN LOWER TRAN THEY ARE RIOHT NOW.. WE TRIM OUR PRICES-NOT OUR CUSTOMERS!! We’ve Caught ’Em All FRAYE 589 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 4-0526 1108 West Huron FE 2-1275 A dessert and miscellaneous shower was also given by Mrs. Donald Gould and her daughter Donna- Jean of Birmingham. ★ ★ ★ The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Prentice of Kingsmere Circle. ★ . ★ ★ Parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Morris will host the rehearsal dinner May 18 at Oakland Hills Country Club the look you love is $799 White fabric shoes TINTED FREE dBak&th Pontiac Mall Andrea P. Tynan, daughter of the John J. Tynans of Angeline Drive is a recent graduate of University of Detroit. She served as secretary of the International Students Association and of Alpha Sigma Tau, national sorority. ABWA Unit Has Dinner Land O’Oak Chapter, American Business Women’s Association, met Tuesday evening at Morey’s Golf and Country Club to hear Terry Tollefson, Director of Business and Sociat Serv-ice at Oakland University, speak on the subject “Supply and Demand to Education.” Mrs. Robert Hauseman and Mrs. Robert Everette were rereceived as new members. Pre-da Lockwood was welcomed as a guest. The chapter’s annual Bosses Night will be held at Bedell’s May 23rd. The next regular meeting will be June 12 at Holiday Inn. Fete Bride-Elect Sue, Ann Reynolds whose wedding to Morris Hastings is set for June 24 was honored at a miscellaneous bridal shower on Sunday. Hostesses for the luncheon were Mrs. Charles Seyler of Silverstone Lane and Mrs. Keith Spear. The party was held in the former’s home. Oldsters' Workshops Set on Fridays John A. Streit, Assistant Director of Pontiac Parks and Recreation Department, -reports an enthusiastic beginning last Friday of workshops for development of effective programs for senior citizens. Further meetings will be held this Friday and May 26, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Pontiac Library Auditorium. * ★ ★ The workshops have been organized under “Project Serve” by the Office of Community Services of Oakland Community College in cooperation with' the City’s Depart- ment of Parks and Recreation. * The effort ip endorsed by the AFL - CIO Community Service Staff of the Pontiac Area united Fund, the Oakland County Office of Economic Opportunity and the United Auto Workers. Topics scheduled are “Programs with Purpose and Imagination;”. “Good and Bad Officers in Action;” and “Meeting the Needs of Seniors” and will conclude with an evaluation by participants entitled “Where Do We Go From Here.” The Worksbop series is free to interested senior citizens. Music Is Feted National Music Week was celebrated Tuesday' With a luncheon and-p r o jgr a m in Devon Gablek sponsored by the Tuesday' Musicale with arrangements completed by chairman, Mrs. J. F. Raden-baugh. \ < Mrs. David Saks, president of the Pontiac Federation of Women’s Clubs Was a special guest at the, event Where 37 new members were honored. MIRACLE MILE STORE ONLY 2301 S. TELEGRAPH at SQUARE LAKE RD. 5wx7M PORTRAIT OF YOUR CHILD in LIVING COLOR Group pictures slightly higher. Choice of several posts. No appointment necessary. Limit one per family. THIS WEEK ONLY TOUT, FRIDAY and SATURDAY HOURS: 10:00 A.M. to 7 P.M. LIKE IT! CHARGE If! resqes jfot ifam&f WAa&ngJ Shower of §iker ■ ^ Gift Savings * MS W f , Vi * v\ i m \ w 1847 ROGERS BROS. 1847 From the International Silver Co., creators of Wm. Rogers Silverplate, comes their most popular Leilani pattern in a distinctive 52 piece service for 8 at exclusive Rose Jewelers gift savings. Reg. Open Stock Price $128 $£ A SAVE 78 on 52 pc. Service for 8 iGYoulIloveGRgses for Spring” li« >siH BUDGET TERMS . 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH . 12 MONTHS TO PAY PONTIAC MAU. Tekffiph at Elizabeth Lake Road *\ THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 MSU Is Site of Confab The Michigan Council of Cooperate Nurseries w 111 hold its annual conference Monday and Tuesday at Michigan State University’s Kellogg, Center for Continuing Education. '' ik ' jk ■ 'it y\ “Who Am I” will be the subject of a talk by Dr^ Leroy Augenstein, chairman of tije department of Biophysics at MSU and member of the Michigan State Board of Education. Dr. Jack C. Westman,. professor of Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin will speak at the Tuesday luncheon. >J Dr. Westman works in re- search at the University’s Medical school with emotionally disturbed children and their families. ★ ★ ★ Jointly sponsored by the Council and MSU school of Home Economics, the conference is open to air parents and teachers of cooperative nurseries as well as individuals actively interested in early childhood education. 1$ Pontiac Pratt Photo A happy Harold F. Kenrick, M.D. of Cherokee Road/seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself at the Oakland County Medical Assistants Society Bosses Night Wednesday evening at Bonnie Brook Golf Club., Joan Fagan (left) of Birmingham was chairman of the event. With her is Mrs. Robert Carlson of Clarkston. New Mayor Is Woman NEW* BRUNSWICK, N.J. (UPI) — Mrs. Patricia Sheehan, an attractive 33-year-old widow, was still aflutter with excitement Wednesday after learning she had been elected Mayor of New Brunswick. “This has been a wild day,” said the mother of three. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Sheehan, a newcomer to politics, was swept into office Tuesday on the strength of 6,149 votes. Her vote total topped that of the “New Five,” a slate of five political newcomers whose combined efforts ended the 27-year-reign of Chester W. Paulus and his four commissioners. “It is awesome to think I will be mayor,” Mrs. Sheehan said. “It’s frightening. But we made a pledge to do a job and as mayor I’ll do it.” Among those elected on Mrs. Sheehan’s non-partisan ticket was Aldrage B. Copper Jr., the first Negro to be elected as commissioner in this city of about 45,000. Sweat Band Liner ' ■ 1 Perspiration will not s o i 1 ! 1 hat bands if you place a liner j of wax paper under the inside I leather band. ! No—We don’t graduate the most-students, * Ju$t the Best Trained! Pablo’s School of Beauty, Inc. Drayton Plains OR 3-0222 MOTIER’S HY * FATHER’S MY 6MBMTI0N * JINK WEDDINGS For these special Family Events give the gift that speaks for itself - a Sony Tape Recorder A Sony lor Housewives! The nolid-atate Sonymatic 104 mono recorder is the perfect choice for. the lady of your house. Automatic Recording Control guarantees her perfect recordings without touching a knob, and Retracto-matic Pinch Roller makes threading almost automatic. -10 watts of power moan she can listen to nor tape over the sound of the children playing, while a personal earphone allows private listening when she prefers. Comes with dynamic mike, travel case. Priced for any Budget! The Sonymatic 907 nolid-atate battery portable recorder Is as amaxing as it Is economical. Automatic Recording Control guarantees perfect recordings every time without touching a knob, operates from 4 flashlight batteries, and solid-state circuitry gives the 5-pound 907 a big, BIG voice to fill up any room with superb Sony sound, This is truly tape recording and listening en-the-go, in style. Comes with dynamic mike and travel case. $109.50 $49.50 SONY SUPERjjjOPEj AMERICA'S FIRST CHOICE IN TAPE RECORDERS mm ro tun Voua luocrr €4u>ant'd 6 N SAGINAW PONTIAC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Phone 332-2108 OPEN MON.-THURS.-FRI. 'til 9 P,M. 17-19 S. SAGINAW ST. Introducing SPEED QUEEN WASHERS and DRYERS IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC 4 Complete Floors of Home Furnishings Elevator Service to All Floors Provincial • Colonial • Modern — All by America's Leading Manufacturers!, • Traditional 3-Cyde, 2-$peed Lighted Control Porcelain Tub, Top and Lid Tangle-Proof Agitator Double Ball-Bearing Spin Tub Automatic Lint Filter Sediment Ejector Hinged Front and Top Heavy Duty Capacity 10-Year Transmission, Ports Warranty Heavy Duty Pump Fluid Drive $005 A Week • Porcelain Top- • 3 Temperature Controls • Child-Safe Starter •Switch " • Lighted Control Hood • Indoor Lint Filter • Large Capacity Drum • Gas or Electric • Also Available In Automatic Dry • Stainless Drum At Slightly Higher Price Deluxe SPEED QUEEN WRINGER WASHER with DOUBLE WALL TUB ‘1 to Keep Water Hot Longer! Other deluxe features: Deluxe, od- YOURS justoble safety wringer - Bowl- ^ _ shaped tub to treat clothes gently rUK -P I I 3 — Aluminum Agitator — Welded ONLY steelchassis. FREE TEN YEAR WARRANTY ON TRANSMISSION FREE Normal Installation^l-YR. FREE Service PER WEEK No Money Down-Months to Poy OutpmM} Fall Fabric Switch Look for more of the fabrics traditionally for -mens-wear showing in women’s for fall. These include whincords, plaids, twills and checks. mm S. SAGINAW ST h IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC /< • i • 4 Complete Floors of Home Furnishings Elevator Service to All Floors ■ • Provincial • Colonial • Modern — All by America's Leading Manufacturers! Remember Mom’s Day with a Gift She and" Her Family Can Enjoy Every Day of the Year! fl® 4 days only at Factory-authorized sale of Daystrom king size dining furniture 7-piece group only $99 tMrt contemporary oval table In oiled walnut plastic Mmt* accented with all white chairs in waahabta •pbolstered vinyl. Tain your choice of either oval or rndaniuiar table with nut beige nr white chairs it thn «a law price of only MM tor nil 7 pirns all Daystrom sets have these quality features • Tables are plastic covered, top and bottom—wo warping! • Chair frames are not spot,welded—bolted construction used an dll stylesl • All tables have plastic, seamless sides—-no metal aprons! • All chair fabrics are extra thick—up to twice as thick as other sets! • All sets have nylon glides on legs to help prevent dents in your floors! Soft, kapok pillow back. Channel foam seat. No-tip swivel-rock base. 29" wide — 38" high. I Deeply tufted foam back and foam seat. No-tip swivel-rock base. 29V2" wide, 32" high. $ 59 COLORS: Turquoise, Avocado, Black, Beige, Tangerine, Gold, Bronze, Green/Gold and Green/Brown. OPEN Thurs., Fri. Til 9 p.m. / V " ) „ ^ • ' . f . ■ J • ' 1 ; / I , ■ • , • “You must be satisfied — this we guarantee” Phone FE 2-4231 xmttmttitt MJUuuuuuLUUUUti in m SWEATERS ARE A FAVORITE IN NOVEL KNIT ORLONS *9.95 'o *12.95 New whit* and pastel orion cardigans and loads of beautiful designs and cable weaves. Ideal for summer toss-ons and all are machine washable. USE YOUR BLOOMFIELD CHARGE SECURITY OR MICHIGAN BANKARD SUMMER HOUSECOATS for Mom to Relax in *7.95 »« *12.95 Drip dry washable cottons in smartly designed sum* mertim* housecoats. Included are pastels, prints and strip* seersucker. Y-.ll. 1887- Distinctively designed in fourteen carat gold —the most rewarding way you can honor Mother on her "Day"—Timeless in design, an i exquisite case—it's accuracy, the ultimate. From $125 JEWELERS Charge • Layaway O Michigan Bankard DOWNTOWN PONTIAC 16 West Huron - FE 2-0294 Open Friday Evenings BIRMINGHAM 162 Norih Woodward - Ml 6-4293 Open Friday Evenings A recent graduate of Western Michigan University is Gerald F. Cavalier:, He received a degree in Business Administration. His parents are the C. J. Cavaliers of Lakeview Street. May Produce Now Plentiful WASHINGTON (UPI) -This weekend’s food shoppers will find that plentiful meats and a jewel-toned array of produce have sprouted in May and are in the markets. Keep your eyes peeled for pluses in potatoes, carrots, com and onions in good supply. ★ w ★ Look for an abundance of fruits which, this weekend, include cantaloups, grapefruits, oranges and watermelons. Watch for economical buys in beef, pork and poultry; specifically, steaks, smoked picnics and broiler-fryers are in excellent supply. NO POINTED TOES IN HACKS PATENT STRAPS A to EEE hack .is.0* CO. 23$ PIERCE BIRMINGHAM Women Give Donation to Mentally III A five-hundred-dollar donation to the Foundation for Mentally ID Children was made during a recent meeting of the Woman’s AUxiUary to Oakland Ooulnty Medical Society. 1 i11 (1 it ii it Mrs. Dale 0. Miller, presi- dent of the foundation described the work of the group and discussed the need for volunteer assistance. ’ • ★ ★ ★ An additional $500 has been given to the American Medical Association Educational Research Fund. ★ ★ ' A portion of this sum will benefit the state • medical schools — Wayne State University, University of Michigan and Michigan State University. * dr ★ The remainder' will benefit the Institute for Bio-Medical Research. ■ ■■ 1 , ★ The auxiliary has offered three two-year nursing scholarships to Oakland Community College. <■ * dr'-* These wUl be an addition to the nine nursing scholarships already given to in various nursing schools. * * * Mrs. Paul T. Lahti is president and Mrs. Richard C. Cause is nursing scholarship chairman. NEW SLATE New officers were elected following a luncheon with a social, hour and punch bowl proceeding in the Franklin House. Mrs. Arnold Brown was social chairman. * * * Those elected are Mes-dames: Dale R. Drew, president; Harry Llchtwaijdt, president elect; GDbert W. Hague, vice president; William Bauer, recording secretary and Thomas G. Vanbedian, corresponding secretary with John R. Lichtwardt, treasurer. Others taking officer are: Mrs. John T. Beuker, Mrs. North W. Henderson and Mrs. Robert R. Wessels -■ ALL GIFTS ARE BEAUTIFULLY !( WRAPPED FREE Mom's Summertime SPORTSWEAR in White Arnel *6.50 *o *10.95 She love* the omel because it's so easy to care for. Match them if you with. Choose shorts, tool You'll See Loads of Gift Ideas to Make Your Shopping Easy at the Bloomfield Fashion Shop! SUMMER BAGS ' a fine fashion gift *5.95 to *12.95 Many new roomy shapes in plasticized wickers, crochet straws and leathers. Summer white, naturals, navy, black, , and pastels. PONTIAC MALL — Shop Every Nit* 'til 9 BIRMINGHAM — Shop Thurs., Fri. 'til 9 % the hiariho aid with 5,000 HOUR CELL ! NEW HORIZON IN SOUND CLAIRITY Precision circuitry reproduces sound clarity and natural likeness unattainable in previous small hearing instruments, VTiii* Conte* In Eyef&m* mmmm m Of HUund-The\EarModHd M No mom baHeries ta change. Built-In power cell of the unltien J Petite4 can be‘recharged in excess of 600 times for 18 to j 24 months of peak performance on the same cell. %mm ■ MM®, 30% TO 40% OFF HEAMNfiAIOS Tsasmester—Csldsntoiie-Nerslcs—Uettreri PONTIAC CONSUMERS CO-OP OPTICAL UU S. Telegraph Road BE 3.7871 Vr Mile South of Orchard Lake Boad I Is U I VI I FORMAL WEAR •-FOR PROMS • FOR mus • FOR PARTIES Many Styles From XHE LEADER In Formal Wear - Rentals RANDOLPH No Compromise With Quality! “AFTER SIX” Garments Exclusively! Clothiers-Uniforms "After-Six" Tuxedo Rentals 908 W. Huron atTelsgraph Pontiac THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY II, 1967 Mrs. forks Assumes Presidency of Chapter Mr*. Delbert Parks war in- tag Wednesday evening. vice president; Mrs. H e n* y Hostesses for stalled as president of -the others taking office at the Smith and Mr*. LaVeme ering of the y Pontloak Chapter, Nation- event held in the.Green Par- Adair, secretaries and Mrs. Prank and al Secretaries Association In- rott were Mrs. Cletus Garner, Joseph Frank, treasurer. Woody, teraational at a dinner meet- _". - ' . " -1' —------*-------- ■awfiOMwiH 1 Set for Branch The Oakland Branch of tiie Women’s National- Farm and Garden Association will have its May dessert meeting Tuesday at 12:90 p.m. Mrs. A. J. Coran of Troy is hostess for the afternoon with Mrs. F. C. Ward assisting. Michigan Division Horticulture Chairman, Mrs. Robert Weeks of Trenton -Will be the speaker. She will discuss “Progressive Perennials In Your Garden.’* The meeting will include a plant exchange among members. Blazers and Slacks The fashionable uniform for well-dressed men this summer the douhie breasted blazer worn with white slacks. , ■ ■ • SPECIALS Ik itn 2nd Oabut wttfc CEFMO it (3 Olefin Pile Multicolor Thick Wool Pile Tweed Thick dense, wool pile textured ■ ♦weed, expensive yarns orange r tones, amber tones, beige tones. U Discontinued. Dealer* paid | | 6.40 as a running Rom. Yog 1 would have boon buying right at A Ml. 11 rolls spectacular at ^ Space Dyed Nylon . Pile Tweed Vary heavy dania n i tpocedyadcontinuous gill' filamant nylon pile. 5 J rl | good-looking tweeds. 7k “ * Com para at 7.91. II SQ Spactacular at 3.98. Vr YD Several members and officers are planning to attend the Michigan Division Annual Spring Council Meeting in East Lansing May 24. Pmtiac Prist Pketes by Roll Wliitsr Shedric Watkins, 6, and friends. Highlighting Saturday’s Mark Twain PTA Fair will be a puppy auction. From the looks of Shedric, son of the Lawrence Weather spoons, it promises to be a real money-maker. The event will take place in the school'from I to 4 p. m. kxlre Iwovy olefin plla mvlHtele, tax-' hue. 3 colorful combination,-b.iga ground, blua ground and groan gtaand twaadad effect!. 28 mils ovoiloblo, suHobla for Homo or com-morciol uwga. Soil taditont and guaiantood,rainproof. A •pocteculor valua of 2.91, , Stent jjpl LIQUID SESMk wm0 CLEANSER |K1 Maktsficiil skin to much eletnsr thm it htt ever bam before, people will think the lovely, perfecteffect must be nwka up. Prepere to Only two Republican presi- dents have served two full terms in the White House Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ulysses S. Nylon Pile Thick Plush Olefin Pile Texture A durable, long wearing I rugged Olefin pile tweed, J handsome, heavy, suit- Ju oble for home or business /1 Mil — 6 choice colors, Spectacular of 4.98. * J Sheared Fortrel Polyester Pile Madam, if you’re 50-so what? You can trade your “50 look” for an “ageless look” and nobody’ll even try to guess your age. Your A thick, plush, luxurious nylon pile plush, vary dense heavy-weight — spectacular gt 5-98. Tune-Up SPECIAL One of the newest fine carpet yoms, fortrel polyester pile sheer, plain tip sheared loop — stein resistant, durable, beautiful * 12 choice colors, spectacular at 6.98. Bring your sewing machine In and have it cleaned, oiled end tension adjusted. Only . . . vy50 In home $5.00 At ALL WORK GUARANTEED! 501 Nylon Pile Cross Dyed An unusual, distinctive M j 501 -crest dyed texture ■ | nylon pile tweed affect, 71 10-yaar pro-ratad guar, /■ onfoo, 4 twoodt, 3 plaint ■1 spactacular at 4.9*. I Heavy Nylon Pile Thick Shag Woven Commercial Wool Pile Woven, through to the beck. ■■ ea j Standard of the Industry. Fine III wool pile for the most rugged 1 / ■ ] service. 15 rolls aveiloble, per- J ml feet quality, 3 special ceiere J overruns. Dealers pay 9.40 for m $Q this fine carpet in current colors I yn — spectacular at 7.98. " 111 Heavy nylon pile shag. Six excellent colors. Special purchase. Compare at 9.98. Spectacular at 5.98. ever, is youra. You’ll' not weep over the vanquished skin dryness either; you will find it definitely Another dog lover is little Rob Laveque whose mother Mrs. Charles Laveque of North East Boulevard is chairman of the fair. Dad will play the fortune telling bit at the gala where proceeds will be used for recreational equipment. gone. Take home the 2nd Debut with CEF600 if you’re under 40 or the 2nd Debut with CEF1200 if you’re on your way to 50. Money Back Guarantee. FINE FLOOR TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER Phone 334-9644 Homs Servies Exchange With Your Rg-usablg Hot* Ends SEWING CENTER Acress From Pontiac Mall 44S Elizabeth Lako Rd. Phones 33C-9283 Colorado Abortion Law May Help First Patient DENVER, Colo. (0 — A 12-year-old Denver girl may be the first abortion patient in Colorado under the law enacted at the recent session of the legislature. Dr. David Cowen, manager of Denver’s Health and Hospitals Department, said the girl appears to fulfill all requirements. “The law states definitely a girl of this age cannot give consent and any act of intercourse was definitely a rape.” Keating said the problem Is to determine where the rape occurred. He said the district attorney of the area where the tad-dent occurred must notify the hospital in writing before the abortion can be carried out under the law. DOTTED SWISS Celanese Fortrel SLEEPWEAR Doctors described the girl as “mentally immature.” Cowen said the girl’s parents requested the operation on the grounds of statutory rape. Rape is one of the grounds cited as the basis for abortion under the two-week-old law. TESTS Up'’ V" The girl now is in Denver General Hospital for mental and physical tests. Before the operation can he performed, the district attorney must notify the hospital that there are reasonable grounds the girl was raped. Dist. Atty. Bert Keating said, “A rape' has been committed and whether or not we know who did it doesn’t make any difference. Cowen said the girl is about two months pregnant and is within the 18 weeks gestation period provided in the law. Keating said Denver police are working on the case but had not determined the location of the offense. Radcliffe Triangle Toes Newest style in fancy footwear: a three-dimensional trident toe introduced at the National Shoe Fair by the Lester Pincus Shoe Corp. the pump has the classic pinched-blocked heel. The toe looks like a slightly squared triangle pinched in at the sides. Delectable dotted Swiss beauties from Radcliffe. All in pink, blue or maize Celanese Fortrel .„r... the fiber that keeps its promise. jL GIRLS' SPRING COATS & TOltPtRS 50% OFF! RTREL Waltz gown. $4 Baby Dolls. $4 Sleepcoat. $5 S-M-L. PONTIAC I- CLARKSTOM 299 N. SAGINAW M69 DIXIE HWY. Just Notts ef Waterier* Hill CLARKSTON STORE OPEN SUNDAY, NOON til I P.M. For the Big ond Tell Men in the Family, Pteose Refer to Our ___Big Men's Shop at 16051 Grand River or 8800 Van Dyke ill ■ « i I - ' PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 COLONIAL LANTERN BE YOUR OUIDE TO ROOD FOOD AT REASONABLE FRIGES HELP US CELEBRATE OCR COLONIAL BOOSE 5896 DIXIE HWY. WATERFORD Phone 623-0940 AHD MOTHER’S RAT Male* Mother's Day a pleasant family get-together at Harvey's Colonial House this Sunday, May 14th. She will enjoy dining at it's finest,.. plus MOTHER RECEIVES A Free STRAWRERRY SHORT CAKE In HONOR of HER DAY and OUR 4Hl ANNIVERSARY Sisterhood Has Its Dinner m®. Plans for a spring luncheon and installation of officers on June 6 were discussed at Tuesday’s annual paid-up membership dinner for members of the Sisterhood of Congregation B’nai Israel. " ★ ★ * Mrs. Abraham Tauber was chairman of the event in the Synagogue where members of the Sisterhood played hostess Wsm. roles. Mrs. Arnold Wine, president, was in charge. ■ • '■ -V w • Lingerie Sense •«A . . Don’t wear bright prints or colors under pale clothes, especially sheer or white 'ones. Instead choose skin-colored or white lingerie because it blends with die skin or fabric and doesn’t Show through. PEGGY’S MIRACLE MILE we’re bubbling over with SM DUSTERS FOR GIFTS DRESSES for GIFTS A little GLAMOUR makes MOTHER feel\o pampered, GIFT her with a duster in dazzlirig print in wonderful easy care washable fabrics. LINGERIE for GIFTS Ah NYLON TRICOT SLIPS...... 5. to 15. NYLON TRICOT HALF SLIPS.... 3. to 8. NYLON TRICOT GOWNS.......6. to 14. BABY DOLL AND PAJAMAS.....5. to 10. SUMMER WICKER BAGS 6. to }5. white and colors GLOVES ~2. a complete selection of accessories for Mother’s Day gifts Pontiac Pres, phot. Patients in the TB ward of the 0 a ki an d County Sanitorium are enjoying their favorite programs on a new television set recently presented to them by the VFW Auxiliary of Post 1008, Shown accepting the gift is Mrs. Margaret Evans, supervisor of patient service, (right) and Mrs. Ayers Miller of University Avenue, representing the donors. Funds from the auxiliary’s spring card party purchased the gift. GRADUATION or... First Holy Communion NITiUT SPECIAL 1- 8 x 10 Bronze Portrait 2- 5 x 7 Platinum Tones 24-Wallets *1495 COMPLETE f Only 1 Offer p*r Year KENDALE STUDIOS 45 W. Huron, Downtown Pontine, PH. FE 5-0322 or FE 5-3260 Honrat Mon.,Tu«».,Thnr»., 12 to 8»30 - Fri. and Sat, 9 tog Lady Forester DURHAM, N. C.UPi — Vicki Delill, a senior from Niagara Falls, N.Y., has the distinction of being the first female forestry student at Duke University. After completing a two-year program, she will receive a master of forestry degree, and plans to go into some area of research. WHITCROFT JEWELERS 7 N. SAGINAW, Downtown Pontiac, FE 8-4391 • • • the gift she'll remember! Mother's Day Special Assortment 2-POUND BOX $360 1-POUND Sanders Candy - of course Mother never forgets, so be sure she gets what she deserves: your love... and a sweet gift of Sanders Candy. The Mothers Day Special Assortment is one way to please her; there are many others at your Sanders Store. If she has a favorite among our regular assortments, be sine to stop in while the variety is at its greatest... right now. Sanders Candy means you wanted her to have something special. Mother's Day is Sunday, May 14th Yisit the Sanders Department in Your Nearest Supermarket 685 N. East Boulevard • 265 N. Telegraph • 2341 S. Telegraph 1249 Baldwin • 3415 Elisabeth Lake ltd. (Waterford Township) 8110 Cooley Lake ltd. (Union Lake). And e Sanders Store in Tel-Heron. Mrs. Wendell Hobbs of Ann Arbor was elected treasurer of the National .Federation of Republican Women at their convention last weekend in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Hobbs is the second Michigan woman ever to be elected to the National Board. She is president of the Michigan Federation of Republican Women and is a past vice chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. AP Wirephoto Karin Holzhauser of Houston, Texas, was installed today' as president oftfie American Women in Radio and Television at the group’s convention in Atlanta. Use Curl Clips Pin curl clips are just the thing to use when holding back or airing the bed. These clips hold tightly, yet they do not damage or mark the curtains. Jod: -AjuxuuL Hut Gohju/t.. Another Spring, Another Prom ... She Won't Notice the Floteen — Jutt You. COMPLETE FORMAL * RENTAL SERVICE CofljfcCfotkeA 73 Nr Saginaw Downtown Pontiac THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. MAY U, 1967 B—9 ■#' ' . Mi •, ‘ 1 {' Ji —| Friday - Saturday See frigidaire Appliances demonstrated by Mr. Don Reese of Frigidaire and Miss Jean Hardy of Detroit Edison. . FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONER GIVEN AWAY FREE STYLE POWER EFFICIENCY The New Hoover Sweep All - with the purchase of Hoover Vacuum over $60.00 See Hoover Products Demonstrated byErnie Holler off the Hoover Company. DROP IN! $hop!$ee! Save! 30% MORE EFFICIENT ON RUGS 2-1/2 TIMES MORE POWER WITH TOO IS. Cleans rugs as only a Hoover can because it beats, as it sweeps, 8$ it cleans. * King size throw-away bag completely enclosed. * New styling with motor in the back lets cleaner go under low, low furniture. * Attach hose at knee height in back of cleaner...just insert, twist and you're ready to go. Treat Yourself To That 'Top of The Morning" Feeling With A Porta Sauna. CRUMP ELECTRIC Pontiac Area ' Exclusive SHEPELL Dealer America's BEST-BUILT Washer for •' *, * '«8k& • - i mm Buy a Palm Beach ,#Trip-L-Alre®#/ and you* re in business wherever you go this summer. It's a lightweight, wrinkle-resistont suit for busi- er leisure . . . and a variety of fashion additions that corfibine handsomely with the rest of your wardrobe.^, ; 5 Palm Beach tailor their versatile Trip-L-Aire® in a rich blend of Dacron® and rayon: crisp, lightweight, crease-retaining, long-wearing. Then they add the careful attention to detail tirpe of the year. See it in amandsome three-button model with center vent patch flap pockets, and trim plaint-front trousers; in summer shades of bone, tan, mint,,-and navy. It's one of the smartest investments you ca'n make at 59.95. OlHr Pontiac Mall Stora b Open Every Evening te 9 P.M. 309 N. Telegraph Read, Pontiac Oar Birmingham Store k Open Than, and PH. to 9; Sat. te 5:30 $ 300 Pierce Street, Birmingham THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY II, 1067 KHE, Vietnam (AP) -Hjey wheeled him into the Uwte,the Vietcong was jer hseathing. His pulse index the soldier, cation of the increasing sophisti- wounded in a battle with the U.S. Army’s 1st Division in the Iron Triangle north of Saigon, was dead. ■ - But for Lagasse and his medical team, it was just a beginning. ON BATftJSET&LD “It’s the challenge,” he explained. "Are you going to try to give a man back his life, or are you going to accept his medical death and move on to the next patient?” The wounded man had been on the battlefield 16 hours awaiting treatment. The medics got to him after the last wounded Americans had been Intended mid evacuated. But there appeared to be a good chance this wounded Vietcong could be revived. cation of Army field medical care. Capt. David J. Lagasse, the doctor on duty, reached through the gaping wound and plaged Ids hand' on the abdominal aorta, major vessel in the body. By A large bomb fragment had ten a hole through his stomach* Junior Editors Quiz on The team brought baCk to life in January a man who “died” from a bullet in the base of his brain. They also restored the heartbeat of an American soldier who had lost his leg in a traumatic amputation and who had bled out, only to have him die later because of complications. HAVE . eve? Lagasse exhorts company medics and soldiers to do everything possible to save a man’s life. He has regular lectures titled “How to Save Your Buddy’s Life,” and makes three main points. RESUSCITATION The first is to clear a wounded -man’s airway, then undertake mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The second point is to stop the flow of blood — “If an artery is Lagasse and another doctor, Capt Herbert F. Rest, assisted by four technicians, pumped adrenalin through the vmns, then gave the patient 10 pints of blood. A tube was put into the lung to supply pure oxygen. His heart was massaged. Lagasse mid a medic tied up the Iliac artery.. They gave more drugs. SLIGHT TICK After eight minutes, Lagasse, his hand on the aorta, felt a slight tick. “We’re getting there,” he muttered to his assistants. The pulsation was irregular but it gathered speed. After IS minutes the patient was breathing again, and a pressure bandage was applied to hiq gaping HihmuM OOUII50 QUESTION: Since bats are blind, what keeps them from bumping into objects? The third point is that in chest wounds, fairly common on the battlefield, immediate steps must be made to close the wound. “Forget about infectioi^ we can cure that if the man is delivered to us alive. Put a piece of poncho over the wourid, ariy- ANSWER: Bats are the only mammals (warm-blooded animals that nurse their young with milk) -which can fly. They are completely at home in the air. On land, they are much more helpless .and clumsy than the average bird. They fly when it begins' to get dark and they live by catching insects in the air, , People often use the incorrect phase “blind as a bat.” Bats are not blind. They do have eyes, as our illustration shows, and they can see with them. However, a bat’s eyesight is aot the reason it etui fly to well in the dark. Experiments show that a bat with covered eyes Can still avoid obstacles. If Us ears are plugged, it’s different. Then he to almost helpless. Many experts say that the squeaking, high-pitched sounds made by bats enable them to tell when something is in the way by hearing the echoes as they come back. It to also thought bats may hear vibrations in the air caused by air currents, these in turn having been changed by objects or flying insects. Bats are very useful to mankind because they eat huge quantities of annoying insects. stomach wound. T|ms month everybody's out to get yoiii< ;* Because It’s National Tavern Month;.artd.Jttj^tTS A ^ what National Tavern Month is all abou^i'.C But the nicest thing about it is, you've gj^flblhinig to Jose. No initiation fee, no dues. All youJteedis ■ <■ -a friendly smile and the price of a Sociable^ $nd don’t worry if you’re the shy type* One of the alumni will be giad to show hafll even Introduce you to Calvert E*tra. 'r vjfrhe Soft Whiskey. .. The patient began to waken after 25 minutes. Lagasse sewed up the wound. A U S. Army in- telligence officer was waiting and the Vietcong was coherent enough to give his name, rank and serial number. The elation at twinging the Vietcong back Was short-lived. The medical outpost lacked elaborate apparatus needed to keep the patient alive. He died four hours later while being taken on a helicopter to a larger A final point Lagasse adds to, “Don’t get scared. Be bold when treating your buddy. You can save his life. ” Twenty-five per cent of the rural population of Yugoslavia, Rumania and Bulgaria suffers from a mysterious kidney disease, its cause still unknown after four years of research. It is almost unknow«gte|(jity other region,, , hospital at Bien Hoa. This attempt to save a life in batt$efeU qondifloa* to an indi- BLEMDEli WHISKEY• 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS 01967 CALVERT Dllk 6^$®$ i Fashion IT WATCHES HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMW - v v ’ . Once again we help you cut the cost of giving—savings for yourself tafiit You can ys, your reliable jeweler for valuer unsurpassed anywhere* Quality you ’ip» tofc&iriit names you know. We willMt knowingly be undersold---teti us lf-We are wrqng..Check our hundreds of tftalMse^feis. You'll be amazed how you savp in every price range. Choose now^use your Credit and pay og terms whist flew styji shapes dependable watches. So ifsatite, wear it as ■ todant, 4 brooch or a $1.00 Weekly BULOVA 21 Jewels Tapered Bracelet BULOVA 17-Jewel Expanstoa .Bail v.v.v.-.v.v.-.vXvXv:*;:-:*:^ $1.50 Weekly $1.50 Weekly BULOVA 30 Jewels Seif-wind watch ELOIN CORDLESS ELECTRIC CLOCK CULTURED PEAtt LADY'S RMS 2-DIAMOND 9 CULTURED PEARL FAMOUS MARE WATCHES THEY’LL WEAR WITH PRIDE MOW ONEr $140 weekly iMB Man’s or Lady’s 17-Jewel BULOVA WATCHES 3-PC. SWAN CERfiRMECi SET Graceful swan for . plantar, flanked by 2 candle-holder •wan*. AAolded of highly glazed potteryL Candles not included. *sr sis* PRICE For her, V smart modem style dress watch with adjustable expansion brace- fir him, a wonderful way to keel time and date. Man's Calendar watcl with unbreakable mainspring. ♦WATOftOOf-WW mm. «m mmd mj* HOME OF HNCST BRAND NAMES MM. SAQIltftW-FE J-7114 WEEKLY OR MONTHLY TERM PLEASANT MEMORYThis sidelight of an enjoyable house party in Hollywood is one of a series snapped by actor Kevin McCarthy, an amateur photo enthusiast, in December 1966. The focus is on host Paul Newman, a study in concentration, as fellow screen star Steve McQueen looks on. • ' ' , Camera Angles Photo Fads Essential By IRVING DESFOR AP Newsfeatures I’m a great believer in mark' ing personal photo prints — —whether in your wallet or at home in envelopes, boxes or al bums — with essential facts which, in journalism, is called the "who, what, when and where.” ~ ★ ★ Even if your prints are never shown to anyone, it would still not be wasted effort . . . if you look at them yourself oc casionally. In time, one’s memory fades away and eventually we forget exactly when or where specific events took place. GM Accedes to Order on Local Worker Sometimes even the names of people become hazy. Invariably when people are browsing through pictures, they stop at those which catch their attention and turn a print over to see a name or when or where it was photographed. When the back of the print is blank, there’s likely to be a let-down feeling. Maybe it’s due to our everyday habit of reading newspapers and magazines with their on-the-spot identifications. In any event, when facts are written down and we read them, there’s a deeper, more permanent impression than hearing the same information verbally. It’s another facet of textbook learning that we grew op with. These thoughts were the basis of a discussion with avid amateur photographer Kevin McCarthy, better known as a talented professional actor who has starred on stage, screen and television. < DETROIT (UPI) - The Michigan Civil Rights Commission ordered General Motors Corp. yesterday to make amends to a veteran employe who claimed he was harassed, suspended and refused promotion because he is Jewish. The commission said GM agreed to sponge "any indication of disciplinary actions” from the personnel records of the employe, Philip Marlowe; give him “reasonable and equal opportunities for transferring and upgrading;” pay him $307.32, foe wages Be lost during suspensions; and clamp down on his supervisors and colleagues to make sure “har-rassment and discrimination" stop. k k k Marlowe, 51, a30-year GM employe with a skilled workman’s job at a Fisher Body plant in Pontiac, complained to the commission that GM refused him an opportunity for promo-tioh, suspended him several times without good cause and subjected him to “harassment, including use of discriminatory language relating to his religion, by fellow employes and supervisory personnel.” No hearing was held on the complaint because GMC agreed . to sign an order consenting to the commission’s findings. The commission said it drew up the order after determining “there were sufficient grounds to credit foe charges” made by Marlowe k k k GM maintained, however, that there was no discrimination THE PONTIAC PRES? THURSDAY,-MAYH.4G6T . ■ i ... kl,, Ji.* v 'iT a s AA ONTGOMERY WARD Currently he is seen as the ruthless hotel tycoon in Warner Brothers’ “Hotel” the screen adaptation of Arthur Hailey’s best-selling novel. CONSTANT COMPANION His 35mm Nikon F outfit with accessoiy wide-angle and telephoto lenses, is a constant companion on Kevin McCarthy’s frequent trips between acting assignments in Hollywood and New York where he maintains a Manhattan apartment. -I was leafing through, and enjoying, a large stack of Ms pictures. They were 3%xS inch “jumbo” enlargements of his 35mm negatives, some of them colorful Kodacolor prints, but mostly black-and-white. None of foe pictures was identified. "But I know them all!” Kevin McCarthy explained. ADJUSTABLE DIAL “You may, but I don’t," I countered. “And I’m looking at them now. And I’d like to know if they were taken last week, last month or last year." “Now there’s a point I think camera manufacturers can easily fix and it wouldn’t re-quire electronic wizardry,” foe actor said. “Even* with fully automatic cameras, there are some things the photographer must set when he starts a roll of film ... like the ASA speed of the film he is using. “Why can’t he adjust* a dial to indicate the month, day and year so it will be recorded on the negative? Then it’ll be a per- sion said. Marlowe lives in Detroit against Marlowe, the commis- manent record, printed not too conspicuously, whenever a print is made." MIRACLE MILE Nm Location - Near Kr.ag.'s VENICE MUSIC CENTER FE 4-6000 Watch for Our Grand Opening OVER 200 GUITARS Siphon*, Guild, Fondor, Hofn*r, Grehch & Moirit* FREE TRANSISTOR RADIO with each 39.95 2 Pick up Electric Guitar FREE TAPE RECORDER with each purchase of a * 3 Pd. Pearl Drum Set.. 128** —^——t-------- COMPACT ORGANS PtANOS-ORGARS-ELECTRIC PIANO Farfita, Doric, Vox Ffm Amp. with Organs WF RENT F0"0*' oV*0”' °rum w«H| Mall I Amp*, ana Compact Organ* Sheet Music-Books-V* Price Sale! WE TEACR ALL INSTRUMENTS! lAlPils I \ vi»iIs « Supreme LATEX or “Kidproof” Enamel Gallery Fashion Colors 588 Save 217! Latex Enamel New, improved Supreme, driplees latex aseuros you of profeseional results! Glides on with ease; levels instantly, is now SANITIZED to make and keep it hygenically bacteria-free! Comes in white and 100 fashion colors. Reg. 7.99 Try semi-gloss interior enamel that's really tough and durable! Easy to apply with roller or brush. Dries quickly, cleans up with soap and water. Ideal far kitchens, bathrooms ... hard finish, defies dirt, water, grease. Colors. 566 Reg. 7.49 SAVE NOW ■HI TOURS., FRI., SAT. COMFORT STEP DEMAND... a twist-proof test before you buy! Bring two strongest men you know to any Wards store to try to twist extended ladder with all their might. Budget roller kit-buy now and save! Test, thee compare this rigid, yet lightweight aluminum ladder Value - priced kit includes a big 9-inch roller frame,.. dripless cover, metal tray, trim tool and extension handle for painting ceilings. • Pivoting safety shoes have non-slip vinyl treads o Non-marring end caps on top of ladder section • Spring-loaded locks assure safe locking a Exceeds both UL and ASA safety requirements This is the ladder for the homeowner, So strong it can't twist out of shape ever - yet it's light enough for easy handling. Front loading design permits easier separation without extending ladder. Won't rust, corrode! 29», rag. 27.95... 23.99 26', rag. 39.95... 33.99 24’, rag. 33.95... 26.99 Special! 4-ft. platform ladder •88 REG. 9.99 Feather - light aluminum. Easy to handle. Large, comfortable safety platform. Folds flat to hang. Sava 1.33 Nylon Brush >66* 4-in. brush for latex or oil base paint. iprs#/ // ITT F*man«nt lock.d resistant! nmg.—tpM-proofl CoMitruct.d for itr.ngth, tafotyl Und*rwrit*n' tab. FACTS ABOUT LADDER RUNG JOINTS... Thesecretof ladder safety bin its rung joints. Wards patented hydro-ioefced rung joints ore 5 Hum stronger than ladder codes require—rungs can't loosen and ladder can’t twist out of shape! THRU )A\ <) 1 \U( T 4.%-V kr V.v J ,1 . Ih Ui' ■ v, A.'iyk), Mp, r JJpir ' \ '/l/r P i v; ‘ ■ ' , ' , TTjjrgjWr-' _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1987 ISBBBlSWJwSIK I AstronautsUrge End to Criticism DOWNEY, CaW. (AE) - The astronauts said, “Let’s stop cri-', ticizing and get on laftto the job.” But outside, in the huge shop where the replacement for America’s first, ill-fated moonship is being built, workers were wondering how long the job would last. The scene was North American Aviation’s- space systems division, where the three astronauts chosen to make the first Apollo space flight held a news conferenceWednesday Navy Cag^. Walter M. Schirra Jr., who' will command the earth-orbit practice mission now set for early 1968, sad, “It is time for sefcrecrimination to end. We have a job to do.” ’ORDERLY HASTE’ That talk — to send men $6 the moon mid back, hopefully before 1970 - “will proceed with orderly haste,” Schirra said. The program was interrupted fidence because of past success- MOVE AHEAD “The best thing we can do now,” said Miller, is turn from past mistakes and move ahead. The astronauts’ news inference was called to introduce the new flight teams announced Tuesday and to disclose several changes made to forestall another cabin blaze. With Schirra were Air Force Maj. Dorm F Eisele and Walter R. Cunning-hem, a civilian. * *★ :: ★ we are better than they thought Keith Angus, 34, said that at first everyone in toe plant belt that fingers of suspicion were pointed at them mid they resented it. “We felt we didn’t deserve it,” he said. “We were depressed. Nobody likes to see something they have put years of their life into become a failure.” OUT IN OPEN “But I like the way things are They demonstrated, with the {being brought out in the open aid of a full-scale mock-up of an here lately. I like being able to Apollo capsule, a new hatch designed to open faster in emergencies and they showed how inflammable materials had been eliminated or enclosed. Schirra, toe veteran space pilot who several months before the fatal accident had been highly critical of toe original spacecraft, said he is confident the new capsule will be safe. Jan. 27 when a launch pad fire'™® going to spend the next killed three Astronauts, Air several months here studying Force Lt. Cols. Virgil I. Grissom and Edward H. White n and Navy Lt. Cmdr. Roger B. .Chaffee. dr ★ ★ The House Science and Astronautics Committee concluded a lengthy hearing on the Apollo space program in Washington Wednesday and its chairman called on all involved to “go forward and get on with this job.’’ Chairman George P. Miller, D-Calif., said he was satisfied after hearing officials of toe National Aeronautics and Space Administration tell of new safety precautions, and that “we — toe committee as well as NASA -- were the victims of overcon- Park Ban Urged DETROIT UP) — Motorcyclists and young beer drinkers will be banned from two Wayne County parks in Trenton and Ecorse if the board of supervisors approves a request of Sheriff Peter L. Buback and the county parks and recreation committee. the craft and said he will not fly it unfil he is satisfied of its safe-ty. ASSEMBLING MOONSHIPS As he spoke, workmen to other parts of the plant were assembling moon-ships that Schirra and astronauts after him will use. Workers selected at random in a section whore toe conical hulls are built seemed de pressed, and some were angry ★ dr dr “There have been rumors that the contractor might be i changed, that the space agency might give the Apollo job to someone other than North American,” said Barbara Mc-Isaac, a production control clerk. I’ve been with the company 14 years, but I could get caught if they reduce the work force.” SHARED RESPONSIBILITY “I felt terrible when the accident happened. Everybody did, we all felt a sense of responsibility, even though we take pride to doing the best job we can,” she said. “We’re trying harder now. We want to prove to the world that read what is going on during toe investigation of toe accident. It helps, because we don’t know if we’re going to have a job tomorrow, we don’t know who’s going to be laid off if they have to reduce the force Or stretch out the contract because Of delays.” In the news conference, Schirra declined to discuss contract questions, saying only that he thought toe contractor “should take; his lumps along with the. rest of us.” Hart Seeks to Ban Federal Executions WASHINGTON (UPI) — Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., and; former Ohio Gov. Michael V. DiSalle moved yesterday to stir up support for Hart’s bill to abolish the death penalty for federal crimes,^ , wS® y \ r ra ,1 Twelve senators have added their names to the measure. DiSall^ b chatrmah of the newly formed) National Committee to Abolish toe Federal Death Penalty, composed of IS national organisations. He said toe committee hopes “that once this sensible and civilized reform is taken by our national government, as it has by 72 governments around toe world, our states will follow.” Thirteen states already have abolished capital punishment. THREAT OF EXECUTION you can "BEAT the HEAT" DiSalle and Hart argued at a joint news conference that statistics prove the threat of execution never has deterred murders. The murder rate in Michigan, where the penalty was abolished in 1848, parallels that of Indiana and Illinois, Hart said, while the abolitionist state of Wisconsin has a rate significantly lower than Michigan’s. NEW APOLLO HATCH - The. crew of the first Apollo moon-craft mission describe the operation of a new quick-escape hatch cm a mock-up of the spacecraft in Downey,' Calif., yesterday. They are (from left) Walter Cunningham, a civilian; Air Force Maj. Donn F. Eisele; and Navy Capt. Walter M. Schirra Jr., the commander. The hatch opens outward rather than inward — a change designed to help prevent tragedies such as toe one at Cape Kennedy early this year in which three other astronauts died. Alabama, with the biggest homicide rate in the country, also records the largest nuitiber of executions, DiSalle said. ■ dr dr. ★ They said wealthy men and the elite of the underworld never are found in a prison’s death row. Only those too poor to afford good lawyers, “the insignificant little men,” are required to give up their lives, DiSalle said, and some later have been proved innocent. OFFICIALS ARE BOUND I DiSalle said that as long as law provides for execution, public officials are bound to seek and impose the death penalty. ...select AFCO Comfortmaker Air Conditioning For Cooling alone or complete year around Air Conditioning — play it smart and invest your money in equipment that will last longer — provide more Comfort. NOW! at yoor AFCO Dealer Zilka Heating Co. 2595 Orchard Lake Rd. Pontiac, Michigan CALL: 682-1210 BUY, SELL, TRADE - - - USE ;PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! spume BUILDING BARGAINS BUILD ... REMODEL with quality materials from Church’s WHITE CEILING TILE CEILINO- NU WOOD 12x12 1st Quality-American Made . Special in lull carton lets ea. CONSTRUCTION LUMBER 2x1. t fast. 15 test. 12 feet. 14 feet. 16 fsat. Standard & Better Doug. Fir Ideal for all construction needs. . .82 $1.62 $1.31 $1.81 $141 2x1. I fast.... $1.22 1$ fast.... $1.8$ 12 fast.... $1.14 14 fast.... $2.18 16 tost.... $246 PLYSCORD PLYWOOD % 4x8 CD tat... .'i $2.23 Vt 4x8 CD 1st..... $2.89 % 4x8 CD tat......$3.59 ’PAT* (Sanded) • • • $4.15 Vk 4x8 lift. Fir . ..$2.53 % 4x8 Cxt. Fir.... $6.31 % 4x8 Ext. Fir ... $3.73 ' Vt 4x8 Cxt. Fir... $4.62 ~ SPRUCE UP your home with* foy-johnson HOUSE MINT ■k-®V$JT9 Lasts for year* r¥ New Only f#l’ all prices cash 4 carry Before you drive a nail... drive to Church’s! Church’s Inc 111 SQUIRREL ROAD AUBURN HEIGHTS in. 2-4000 SR , K // •Pi' ft. *(000 MKEKEtlK m MONEY SAVING VALUES From Pontiac’s Appliance Specialists AUTHORIZED FACTORY “MAY SPECIAL” Bottles of Pepsi When You Buy This Frigidaire Frost-Proof Refrigerator-Freezer 14.6 Cu. Ft-126-Lb. Freezer No More Defrosting, EVER! Twin Vegetable Crispers Separate Meat Keeper Storage Ice Ejector Kit Model FPD 15TL-1 NO MONEY DOWN HURRY! Free Delivery Free Service ADMIRAL “SIDE-BY-SIDE” DUPLEX REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER BIG 20.1 CU. FT. * YET ONLY 33” WIDE Very Specially Priced at *369 90 Days Satne as Cash Free Service and Delivery Say Thanks to Mom With One of These Work-Savers! Portable Dishwasher With Maple Catting Top No Rinsing No Scraping No Pre-wash Needed GENERAL ELECTRIC Presents the Beautiful Deluxe 30” Electric Range Formerly $189.00 Yours Now for *166 Push-Button Control No Special Wiring or Plumbing *198 2-Speed Automatic Great for Mom —Automatic Clock —Oven Lamp —Easy Cleaning —Quick Heat Surface Units W.ter Level Control— Automatic Lint Filter —Temperature Control-Full Hl,b. Capacity. SAVE TODAY! Delivered, Serviced, Warranted NEW 1167 FRIGIDAIRE “JET, ACTION” WASHER 2 Different Agitator Speeds i 1 Low Price *19T Makes Washday “Easy Monday9 EUREKA Heavy Duty with Afl Attachment* EASY TERMS, $5.00 Monthly New deep-auction rag and floor noole. Lid ae.b lightly, unelip. quickly. Protective vinyl hamper furniture guard*. Big, 15 cu.ft. 5264b. Freezer OPEN FRIDAY and MONDAY EVENINGS ’til 9 51 W. HURON FE 4-1555 178 00 NO MONEY DOWN . EASY TERMS WO_ _ .an » O ■ - - ■ o mj ■- -G- tug MvriMCPMB HMmi Ml MB by mt handy lurtir S—dBdta A. H 'a i | i ap Wlrtphot* a motion picture with comedy star Phyllis Diller. Universal Studio hired them for a brief appearance, portraying a sailor and his sweetheart in the year 1910. Sandra was found hiding under the admiral’s bed aboard ship in Sydney harbor. Portable TV with Cart Enjoy favorite shows at home or away on "The Aspen"! Has 172 sq. inch screen _ ^ with automatic fine tuning for sharp IJw v pictures jdt all times! Three IF stages, tilt-down handle for easy portability,. FM-AM Pocket Radio "The Wanderer'' is completely Stereo Portable Phono transistorized, brings you fine Fftrt-AM music even from distant stations. Has 8 transistors. Battery included plus leather carrying case for both, radio and earphone. 19M WITH CART Parts, Picture Tube Have 1 -Year Warranty OPEN FRIDAY AND MONDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 "The Stereo Minuet" features tilt-down automatic changer with diamond stylus, solid-state stereo amplifier and 2 fine speakers. Separate tone and volume controls for sound refinement. 7990 ___ Solid-state parts have 5-year warranty; 1 -year carry-in service NO MONEY DOWN - UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY E PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 11, XM7 Personal Portables by Magnavoac v u i - ' ’'J, u W-fi®,,, *r H’li 1 ' li’f ■» Sure-to-Please Gifts for Another On Her Dayl \ / STOWAWAY, BEAU IN MOVIE-Sandra Hilder, (left), love-smitten Australian girl who tried to reach the U.S. via an American warship, enjoys a joke in Hollywood yesterday as she and her Coast Guardsman boyfriend, Bernard (Bud) Brewer,«appeared in Book Looks Inside Air Hero of Movies By BOB THOMAS AP Movie-Television Writer HOLLYWOOD - Said veteran movie flier Paul Mantz: “I’m supposed to be a devil-may-care aviator in hel- time he provided the screen with more aerial thrills than any other pilot. He walked away from a. hundred crashes that could have killed. met and goggles, white scarf whipping back, roaring under bridges, flying through open h a n g a r s , deliberately crashing planes into splinters, diving through narrow THOMAS canyons in search of more and more thrills. “I’ve done all that, sure. But I am not a stunt pilot. I’m a precision flier, and I’m alive toiday to prove it.” Indeed Paul Mantz was a precision flier, and during his life- NEW BOOK State Police Post to Hold House it H it But his usually canny calculation of risk and danger failed him on July 8, 1965. That was the day he went up in a rickety hand-made plane for “Flight of the Phoenix.” His partner, Frank Tallman, was scheduled to fly the Phoenix. But Tallman had broken his leg in a freak home accident — and would later lose the leg, So Mantz, doubling for'James Stewart, flew the plane in the 140-degree heat of Arizona’s Buttercup Valley. Hanging onto a wing was stunt man Bobby Rose. Both were in their 60s and pushing their luck after a lifetime of danger. Rose’s luck held firm. Mantz was killed. the life of Paul Mantz is chronicled in an arresting new bode with the prosaic title of “Hollywood Pilot” (Doubleday, $6.50). The author is Don Dwiggins, a Open House jPfS a“2Bado# aviation editor of the Los An-Igeles Mirror-News, An open house will be held at * ★ ★ the Pontiac State Police postj Dwiggins faced a challenging May 24, Sgt. Raymond Hoopen-garner, commanding officer, '• said today;.. -. A..... ...; Other posts throughout the state also will hold open houses the same date which has been designated Hospitality Day of Michigan Week. The occasion is especially significant this year since the organization is observing its golden anniversary. Visiting hours at the Pontiac assignment in penetrating the exterior of Paul Mantz. Like many men who face danger on a day-to-day basis, Mantz shielded his feelings. He could seem aloof, but only because he did not allow himself to display any emotion. Yet there was no mistaking the inner turmoil. Said writer Beirne Lay Jr.: “He (Mantz) is essentially a man of violent emotions. He has kept them for the most part under control. One of these emo- post will be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. tions is a passionate urge to-The post is located at 1295 N.ward excellence in anything he Telegraph, Waterford Township.!undertakes, matched with anger ★ * * I toward slovenly performance. Visitiors will be escorted on tours of the building and will be shown an exhibit of equipment and facilities, said Hoopen-garner. always Welcome “Visitors are always welcome at a State Police post," Hoop-engamer said. “But this is a special reception and a fine op/ portunity to see how a post operates and learn about the many1 activities of the department.7 ‘ ‘A SAD MAN* “He is a sad man, who paces in (he small hours of the night, seeking file answer to the question men have asked since Socrates — why? He has a capacity for love, which he cannot express in spoken Words, but 'whi which finds expression in his hand on the controls of an honest airplane. / “He is a brave man.” * ft * it it it j . His bravery7 exceeded that of The Michigan state and ^mer- many of the famed fliers of lean flags will be flown at the | reahty and/fiction whom he por-post each day of Michigap Week, trayed on7 the screen. He flew May 21-May 27. Parents Tqrdy for Sc hod I Vote under the Brooklyn Bridge for “Blaze of Noon.” He sheared off both wings of a biplane by landing between two trees in “When Willy Comes Marching Home.” /He filmed the great hedgehopping scenes in the beginning of “Best Years of Our Lives” and brought the wonders of the BAY CITY LAP) - Nearly 40 per cent of parents with children Ignited States close-up for the in public and parochial schools aer*al tour in Cinerama. One of are not registered to Vote, a ^’s i,0*33 was caPture in- schdol ciuzen’s group reported ^P‘r‘nS c*°uc*. scenes to portray Wwimxafav Jesus ascension m The Great- 7° ; # A est Story Ever Told.” m y “I’ve cheated^death often - I prptfal of a proposed 2.5 mill tax think m/0agg death has rid. JP elecfiw June 12.^ High den COpiiot with me on every chool students face half-day sessions unless it is approved, according to the Bay City Board of Education. flight, waiting for me to make a mistake,” said Mantz in 1965. “I don’t make mistakes.” But finally he made one. 5 El IE )$ % u B 'M:,. m ONTGOMERY WARD A. Cross strap sandal In gold or silvor Mylar® metallic or shiny black patent vinyl, Composition solas; 5 to 10; no Vi sizes. B. Pink, light blue, orange, gold, block or white in soft glovo leather. Cushioned insolee, sizes 5 to 10; no % sizes. C. V-style vamp thong. Soft glove leather uppers. Fully cushioned insole. Composition sole. Assorted colors, sizes 5-10. OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10 A.M, TO 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. • 682-4910 022 fi- jEbHI Regularly 2.99 A. Nautical cord trimmed leather thong sandals w|th cushion insoles. Sturdy, lovely. Come in white or tan. 5 to 10. B. Double knotted thong. Airiest casual, comes in tan, red, or black vinyl comforf-cushion insoles. 4 to 10.1 C. Trim and neatly<> tailored with stitching on white, tan, or black vinyl. Composition soles. Sizes 4-10, No Mi sizes. THONGS AND SANDALS FOR MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS! 033 Regularly 3.99 " YOU MAY "CHARGE IT" AT WARDS BRENT* SANDALS, THONGS IN BLACK OR TAN VINYL-SAVE! 0*1 m. 'I \ i§ • ♦ • ikQSL Sikjc UOaJU. ' w ; OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10 Y.M. TO <>:(>() SATURDAY <>:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SI \D\A 12 NOON TO 5 P.YI. • 682-4<>l<> 'i1 » ’**’ "• ' ‘H ?s..V,5f ■ *#*' ' \H< q J I * ' t * fl J l '/’’ - ' *• - f. » I ■ * '’Kr^r I ' ' ■ I §81 ■&« ^ 'l*1 Wi # jh< ,, ' '* ^ Ifo* , ■; ML 4 . : .■ . , ."•' ' THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 C—A.. ii 1 ai ■ h ■' Vk ' ill;1 V#| 1 w ■ | 1 VI 1/ V 1 V 11 ONTGOMERY Thh outstanding item hot earned Wards «• dusive Excellence Award lor Superior quality and value IA bast buy for you g—anytime, anywhere! "Butterfly" slip is exclusively Wurds SAVE ON A LOVELY GIFT Fina nylon 00000000000MMtGMGMIM»Mi*tOCGCHIH>C>CIGtMMtCt»ttt OPEN DAILY 10 to 10; SUNDAY 12 to 7 14 j mart ThursFriday*, Sat. and Sunday % ■■■■a | —Hi A Division of the S. S. Kresgo Compony with Store (throughout the United Stales, Canada and Puerto Rico k How KODAK Instamatic M2 Movie Camera Instant loading—nosiest movie-malting ever! 38.66 No film threading. Drop in a Kodapak movie cartridge and the camera’s loaded and ready for action. Batteries drive your Rim, let y6u shoot a full 50 feet of film with no winding. Fast F1.8 lens. Built-in automatic. Type A filter lets you shoot indoors-outdoors on the same roll of film. It Costs To Have Fun! Modal No. 010 ARGUS ELECTRIC EYE “SUPER 8” CARTRIDGE MOVIE CAMERA Reg. 49.17 4 Days Only 84.78 A. Features accurate CDS automatic electric eye exposure, universal focus lens for sharp, crisp movies without focusing. Battery-powered for no-wina operation, automatic filter. Charge it. •Use cartridge film with sssy drop-in leading. '# (I ! w«,‘,’ P o SJ Modal No. Old ZOOM REFLEX-VIEW “SUPER 8” MOVIE CAMERA BY ARGUS ARGUS "SHOWMASTER" SUPER 8 MOVIE PROJECTOR Charge It Reg. 131.88 4 Days Only mi Our Reg. 59.17 4 Days Only 43.29 m B. 97.87 Power loom. Charge It, The “Showmaster” Super 8 movie projector feature* fl.5 standard lens, 400-foot capacity and manual threading. Show* movies forward and reverse ... also holds movie in “still” position. For top quality at discount prices, shop Kmart! Modal No. 0T0S . ANSCOAAATIC SUPER 8 Our Reg. 74.88 4 Days Only Super 8 movie pmera with CDS automatic exposure, built-in type 85 filter, insufficient-light signals, fl.7 zoom lens, reflex viewfinder, adjustable eyepiece, electric drive. Semi-Annual Clearance Many one-of-a-kind — But every item a Wonderful Buy at these low prices ... While quantities last. Reg. Items Sale 21897 Retina Reflex w/1.9 lens 35mm.............. .95X8 HP Mak Mha Mu N 2J lu, Kun........................ 97.77 55“ Crestline 500C Slide Projector Remote control.......... . 34.78 4917 Kodak M-50 Super 8 projector........ ....26.87 4917 Crestline S800 Super 8 movie projeetor....... .... 29.27 COLOR SLIDE PROJECTOR WORKS by REMOTE CONTROL Our Reg. 71.77 Charge It MM Even At These Low Prices You Can Charge It! With the remote control projector you can change slides forward and reverse or focus slides... while you relax in your armchair. It feature* 10-ft. remote control cOrd, built-in remote control unit, f3.5 lens and 80-slide tray capacity. Kmart 400-FT. REELS AND CANS Rocket Lenticular Screen our regular 10.88 Silver lenticular fabric lasts a lifetime, Cleans with damp cloth. 40" by 40" .. A sensational value, while quantity lasts only 7.79 Our reg. 68c. Standard 8 or Super 8 steel reel in enam-. eled storage, can. Holds 400 feet of film. Charge it 50" by 50" SCREEN, Regular 19.87, Now 1649 GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRT AT GLENWOOD A' It 1 y\ kS H mens « w c iv| h\ M 9hB PPIP^PfPI; ;:pp? wipni fig HE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY. MAY u, 1#*T_ ....?!■ in . '-viJfV ^ : DA NANG, Vietnam (AP) -r The U.S. Marines were telling the story of Steve Lopez today. He is an 18-year-old private, from Silver Spring, Md., a member of a $ reconnaissance team. >' _• T- \ . He was hit four times in five hours in a brisk exchange with North Vietnamese but was the only man of eight in this team able to carry on die fight. Lopez and the seven others were sent in a helicopter Tuesday to observe trails in the hills overlooking Khe Sanh, recently the scene of 12 days of some of the most vicious fighting in the war. * > The Marines found several empty bunkers, then moved to the crest of a hill for a better vantage point: At midnight, the team came under heavy fire. They were surrounded by a company of North Vietnamese regulars, about ISO men. Lopez said he was hit in the head as soon as the firing started. ★ ; ★ , ★ "I then was hit in the chest, leg and head again,” he said, “the enemy was about two feet from us at times. They walked right up to us___... “I shot the first one and the last one. One of the ones I shot looked very young, like 17. He walked right up to me. I looked at him and knew that if I didn't shoot him, he would shoot me. ‘ALL OVER THE PLACE' “I was lying down on the ground and he didn’t see me until he was right on top of me. “They were all Over the place.-I saw at least 15 dead in front of (Mir position.” Lopez kept continual radio contact with his outfit, the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, and directed air and artillery strikes. Four of his team members' were killed and the others were so seriously wounded that Lopez reported he could see only that they were breathing. In the darkness, his superiors said, Lopez kept calling for the artillery to “drop it closer, drop it closer;” ; ■ * ■$ + A Marine captain, who talked with Lopez most of the time by radio; said: “The kidi was fantastic. Back here, we were actually scared to drop them closer. He never ohce mentioned that he had been hit. He kept saying Tm all right.” COPTER HIT A helicopter making a rescue attempt took heavy fire. Two crew members were wounded and the pilot was killed. Another helicopter was shot up in another rescue attempt. Helicopter gupshlps fired at the bunkers in toe darkness between artillery barrages. With dawn, jet fighters were called in. Contact was broken and a helicopter picked up the survivors. Lopez said: “Check my camera. I took some good flicks out there and I aim to get them developed.” He is in satisfactory condition at Navy hospital in Da Nang. Funds for Guard WASHINGTON M - The National Guard Bureau will receive $380,000 to build training facilities and $370,000 for field training equipment and site preparation for Camp Grayling, Mich., Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., announced Wednesday. PEASANTS FLEE—Vietnamese peasants in southern Quang Ngai province stream toward a helicopter that will take them to a refugee village center near Quang Ngai. Their village was destroyed by a U.S. air ? AP Wlrtpholo strike which killed 35 Vietcoig. The smoMS grenade signals a landing zone for the helicopter. The peasants were forced by Viet-cong to collect rice and carry it to enemy hideouts. OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 - SUNDAY 12 to 7 't You Be in Jail? Screwball Laws Leave Few Innocents WASHINGTON (UPI) - If you are above 18 years of age and do toe normal amount of traveling around the United States, you probably should be in jail It is almost impossible for you to have avoided breaking at least one of the hundreds of screwball statutes of the 50 states. ★ * * H you fight a duel in Oregon, you automatically become ineligible for “any office of trust.” In Rhode Island you can get up to seven years in prison for dueling and in Wyoming toe punishment is a $100 fine and six months in jafl. Do-It-Yourself, Money-Saving, Ready-to-Finish M 4B4B B ■ 4fc I B IB 4b Bi Our Regular $460,00 DELIVERED Have you ever shaved on Sunday in Connecticut? Thai you are a fugitive from justice. Have you ever taken a drink on a railroad train while passing through Illinois? Then you are a bush-league A1 Capone. Have you ever slept in a North Carolina motel' where the twin beds are less than three feet apart? Shame on you, you lawbreaker. Have you ever given a toy pistol to someone under toe age of 18 in toe state of Washington? Then you are menacing toe public safety. Have you ever appeared on the street wearing a dress that exposes any part of your arm? Then Connecticut says you are a scarlet woman or something like that. 1$ is a principle of jurisprudence that ignorance of toe law is no defense. Fortunately, ignorance is a two-way street and most of the law enforcement officers in most of the states are not aware of toe odd things they are supposed to be enforcing. Otherwise, the jail walls would bulge and break. ★ ★ ★ • These laws seem ridiculous today, but in almost every case there was a sound reason for them at the time they were passed. Dueling, for instance, once was a formidable problem for law enforcement agencies. So they tried to handle it this way : In Idaho fighting a duel ip illegal, but you can get in trouble even if you don’t fight. It’s a misdemeanor to attempt to provoke a person, orally or in print, to fight a duel. Maryland says it is all right for everybody to fight duels except members of tm state legislature. * California only punishes people for fighting, but it makes it illegal for a person to be a second in a duel. Oklahoma is toe toughest of all — you can get seven years in prison for even challenging a person to a duel and 10 years if the fight takes place. A sampling of some odd laws around the nation: LOUISIANA — When a motorist approaches a railroad crossing, he must get out of his car and, wave so the locomotive engineer can see him. J.riVfl/t/J-UU/t/1/ISgi) JLIC I 20' GARAGE HOUSE CAT IDAHO — Educators must instruct children on toe destructiveness of “the common house cat to bird life.” NEW YORK — The state Is empowered to seize wampum belonging to toe Onondaga Indians. It already had seized some and has it locked in a vault in the state education building. NEW JERSEY — It is against the law not to work no matter if you are a million, aire. The law was passed during World War It in an attempt to compensate for the labor shortage. ★ it it ■ NEW HAMPSHIRE — This, year there was repealed a law making it mandatory for town officials to put snow on the floor of covered bridges — so toe sleigh riders would not be interrupted. GEORGIA — All hotels on the seacoast must keep a lifeboat in full view during the swimming season. MISSOURI — You are liable to arrest if you lead an uncaged bear down any street or highway. 4W 5.68 Natural Birch. 2.98 Spice Brown... 2.98 Amber Leuan... 4.44 Maderia Mahogany Hi Line 16..... 4.97 Vinyl Monterey Oak 7.50 Rebel Birch.. 6,-27 American Oak ws&sammm Charge It All the equipment you heed . * . delivered to your home. Clear Redwood Dolly Varden siding. 2 window!. All nails, 4” overhang. (overhead door and cement not inelpded) Pontiac Code. INSTALLED.. Mm GARAGE DOOR 8x7-ft. sin Installed - Taylor-made, one-piece, “ quality-built steel garage jj door, 8’x7\ Price includes k$ the installation. For conveni-ence . . . charge it! 16x7' - 137.33 EL PARADE kxT» UNFINISHED MAHOGANY ..... 2.221 4’x8’ .....6.35 .....3.66 ......3.66 LODGE-POLE PINE 6 Ft. 2x4's Our Reg. Clean bright, fresh stock Lodgepole pine. Ideal for Recreation room, family rooms or additions. 2x4’s T-trlengths. ... .49o EASY-TO-USE 26"x8’ PLASTIC’PANELS 3 DAYS ONLY Charge It •:j:; Durable plastic panels have many nses indoors and outdoors. Choose from three popular decorator jg colors: White, Green, or Yellow. | « . Also available in II and 12-foot lengths §f 4"x6"x6-foot Ideal for patios 6644 REDWOOD S&r 4”x4”x8’ California Redwood 4'x6'xW PLYWOOD.......... 2 Decay Resistant Patio Posts Reg. $4.00 Each 3 Days Only Build your own patio or fence using these handsome and wonderful practical posts. They’re clear California ■redwood.' Decay and weather resist-ant. PLAIN WHITE 12"xl2" CEILING TILES 1x0 Mar Redwood......18c Lin.Ft. Adds to the value, appearance and comfort Of your home. Ceiling tiles are sound-absorbing, smooth-surfaced, easy to install easy to paint For added I"x2*x8fo -Jb' I"x3"x8' , an a A FURRING fy ^ EARRING 2I( 8 Ik ■&: shopping convenience just say, | “Charge It.** | First Quality Aoaustical Coiling Tiles, each 11 Wo &................................_ ..I hi CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD /A' |f;l'| v?Vl^',w'j lr *,‘, TT’,_? S’" w j< ■ ■ ’ • * ; s® |in 3:» few's ! iP 0-10 Tag POKTIAC a- Britain's Mod,Mod World AP Wirtpholt MARKET FALUNG FLAT? - British fashion model Twiggy, on her arrival in New York recently, shows one of her Mod styles for which she is known. ®One British authority on style thinks perhaps the teen-age fashion bubble is about to burst. Mod fashions have been earning millions for Britain and quite a bit for models such as 17-year-old Twiggy. LONDON (AP) - This Old city’s young designers—trendsetters for much of the teen-age world—are showing signs of designing themselves off the fishion map, they’ve earned millions for Britain’s vital overseas trade, as well as a lot for themselves, but one authority on style is wondering if thd teen-age bubble is about to burst. He is editdr of Savile row’s authoritative magazine, The Tailor and Cutter. ,★ ★ ★ “Are teen-age . designers’ ideas becoming stultified by the inbreeding which results from their feeding upon one another rather than upon the wider experiences offered by adaptation of older and foreign designers?” he asks. “Designers at the teen-age market level seem incapable of producing much which does not derive its impact from a simple nose-thumbing at convention,’’ he says. SIGNS OE DISTRESS The Oakland County Board of Road Commissioners today announced the appointment of R. G. (Skip) Worland as the secretary-clerk of the board. A ★ A The city clerk of Sturgis for the last seven years, Worland, | visor. 40, will join the road commission staff Monday. He succeeds Irwin P. Nichols, who resigned after eight years with the department to take another position. A native of Indianapolis, Ind., and a graduate of Hanover (Ind.) College, Worland is married and has four children. AAA Two other promotions within an hour. She and Kathy McGowan, 24, a veteran of more, than three years in show business and clothes-making, are cresting a high wave of popularity and financial success. Some ethers who once rode high are showing signs of distress in the choppy seas of mod fashions. One youthful designer, who emerged via a dark backroom or Carnaby Street to a glass and chrome emporium in London’s stylish West End, is in financial trouble. Gossip says others are, too. A A A Several recent fashion shows by adolescent creators of London fashion looked vdry much like one another, add for originality, only harked back to the past. ■ y “We’ve had- teen-age Edwardian, looks, teen-age Regency looks, teen-age 20 looks, teenv age 30 looks” says Taylor. “The inspiration seems to have come from a simple looking through of old prints and old fashion plates.” . _ . JP. „ , ORIGINAL THINKER Twiggy, 17, veteran of onei „ . .. ... , , year in the London fashion busi-| Among all of the youthful de-ness, is earning as much as $2251 signers» one seems destined to keep going for a long time. She is Mary Quant, a truly original style thinker. Her clothes, while ultramod, are practical and pretty. . * . Swinging London began gyrating on Carnaby Street, but the center of its gravity appears to have shifted to the old King’s Road in once Bohemian Chelsea, AAA Dozens of boutiques, which have mushroomed from the elegance of Slane Square at one end of King’s Road to the tattler environs of Fulham, are doing a New County Road Clerk Will Leave Sturgis Post the commission also were an- nouncedT^pk PERSONNEL DIRECTOR Willard L. McRae, 3365 Watkins Lake, Waterford Township, was named director of person OPEN DAILY 10-10) SUN., 12-7 ait? Mil FRL SAT. Special Purchase MIN’S TROPICAL SUITS f9» Our Reg. 29.97 3 Days Only 55% Dacron® polyester and 45% wool worsted tropical suits, sizes 36 to 46; regular, shorts and longs. Tailored, with 3 button styling and center vents. In black, navy and olive. Save •DuPmI TM X « Special Purchase ! nel; and Lester J. Smith, 10649tremendous cash business. Real ship, was named safety super- estate along the road has skyrocketed. The posts had been held by Ira J. Davis, now With the Oakland-Pontiac Airport. McRae joined the personnel department four years ago, after 20 years with American Forging & Socket Co. where he was personnel director. Smith has been employed with the road commission for 18 years, the last two as a maintenance foreman. Has Carnaby Street gone too far? Has King’s Road outdone Carnaby Street? The buying public will supply the answer but Tailor and Cutter says: “In certain firms and organizations the nice balance between novelty and wearability is already being molded into acceptable form—-and it is in such organizations that the real future of the British clothing industry is going to lie.” PERIHNEItT 1 PRESS SUCKS I 2f7j Our Reg. 4.973Day> Only Men’s 28 to 42 slacks have :•> finished bottoms, belt-loop, £j plain front styling. Colors. S PERMANENT ■ PRESS [NO KORINS RECESS ART 19.97 GLENWOOD PLAZA . North Perry at Glenwood BUY, SELL, TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! AP Wirtpholt DRESSED FQR ‘TRIP’ -Salt! Sachse, 22, models an outfit she wears for her co-starring role in American International's new movie, “The Trip.” Sail! got started acting in the AI “beach” films, but this is her first starring role. She’s a native of La-Jolla, Calif., and a former student aOSan Diego State College. Ju»* Arrived I Hundreds of Rolls off Gorgeous Spring Styles - On Display Mow at "Carpet Center TMCUOAD SAW'. SEE THRILLING NEW COLORS AND TEXTURES TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME FOR SPRING ... Fm*h n«w dacorator colors that will harmoniz* par-factlyl Exciting naw taxturas that will maka any room look largor, mom luxurious. Tntamsting naw stylas that you'va navar aaan baforal Your naorby Corpat Cantar at 3127 Wast Huron hat thnm all-in andlass variaty. Don't miss tha axcitamant -» starting todayl BECAUSE WE BUY FOR LESS WE CAN SELL FOR LESS! Child's Seat DETROIT (UPI) - General Motors Corp, yesterday arih nounced it will offer a special safety $eat for children in its 1968 model cars. The device, which will also be offered as an accessory on all older GM cars, is the first child •eat to be made by one of the auto companies. Other seats have been available through independent manufacturers. The seat will be held in place by a seat belt extending bom the regular adult seat belts. | GM said it developed the device after “intensive” research prompted by the new National Traffic Safety Bureau. The agency had asked the auto industry three months ago to find a way to protect the “unrestrained child” in a collision. A GM spokesman said the seal “will have a fairly good! reception because it will be simple enough to use and will be available at a cost as low as possible.” * >. i SP W ^'° A*! > pay RICH NYLON A sensational value at this low price! The tweed effect continuous filament nylon pile comet in 7 new color*. FIRST QUALITY I “801” NYLON CARVED' Feature* a traditional "classic” design deeply carved Into the premium continuous' filament nylon pile. 12 colors. FIRST QUAL-ITYI ( FLUFFY NYLON PLUSH Soft os whipped cream—and Just as thick. This truly luxurious fluffy nylon plush pile In your choica of 22 colors. FIRST QUALITY! PROMPT SHOP AT HOME SERVICE! 3.28*As*19» NUBBY NYLON HEAVY TWEED SPACE-DYED 3.64: lEXTURsiACRYLICwulti'Tone ® thick and heavy you will b' ™ * 'nished at this iacredibly lo< •I The 100% acrylic pile d« spots and stains. 9 colon >T QUALITY! 4D48*y4^5®®4^l&L4#88** Wim tSkbh LUXURY WOOL WILTON Confetti-toned all-wool pHa features gay "pin-points* of contrasting color* to liven any roam. S colors. FIRST QUALITY I COMMERCIAL-TYPE^ TWEED Toughaxf kind of carp,t you Cu.. buyl Th. d.nwly tuft.d continue, lilomtnf nylon pita ha, a DOUBLE JUTE back far aitra waar. R colors. FIRST QUALITYI SCULPTURED HI-LO A Manning tnxturarf affact that will maka any roam look largor, mat* luxurious. Donuly tuft.d nylon ptla to giva you yoan of waar. FIRST QUALITYI 5.88»A 4.44 sA3.S8s •tnl few* • Mr It MtapT Cmf (•! ■ kxky inttr? thick hi the hcttic? Well (IcEly krin| BUR item t* y»or door! OhacM from ■ CERLOU «f I—Bin hi tha MhMl IHM bn in plcfinmc fg ABnkMcly m thBgWnf t PHONE: FI 5-5000 mwmstmmtxemtS MMY STtLRS IB IS-FQPT WIBTHB FOR A “SEAM-FREE" IMTALLATIMI! WMMIMEI 33% “61% EXCLUSIVE!"Instant Installation Service”-No Waiting! Wl HAVE OV$R 4000 ROLLS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! THIS MiANS YOU CAN ORDER IN THi MORNING — AND HAVE IT INSTALLED THI SAMP PAY! ® Ex-Senotor Dies | FENNVILLE (AP) - Former! legislator Frank R. MoLser, 92. died Wednesday at a Holland! hospital. He served in the Home from 1915-1922 and in the Settatej for the 1922-23 term. SPECIAL! MIRACLE “OLEFIN” TYPE OUTDOOR/INDOOR for year kitchen, rscreotien mem, outdoor patio-even your beat dock. Can't stein, fade or shrink! Seven .color*. MG. $4.95 value! fl il i IN LIVSNIA l IN WM*U M SOUTHSATE IN SOUTHFIELD XI MT. CLEMENS M TBLEDB WW ■ H* SIFT W. Hur.n ,W . V«- Nr. (fix. Lai. ltd HMSMyaaufh W.afMMdRahah 1MME.IMM \ NaarM-97 , 1W1I fyrtka Hr. Southgate Ctr. 21111 W. 1 MM IHtltMd ill i; fl 6-O0UU 421-5116 PR 8-1111 282-2255 357-4035 481-1888 882-3848 PEIELE-tEXtlfflED NYLON PILE Atti.liia kaignhr hantanl Thh •xxiting aaw Myla it ana a( tha »»ri«t atlritt la oar flora. FIRST OUAUTVf . 12 COLORS! THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. -MAY vl i#«t m mm S? «■ Problems in Education i., j By DAVID NYDICK 1" * UPI Education Specialist „ . A.”4°*.improvement of education has been formed..jit is the Education Commission of the states” The purpose-a source of information and research for the goto-tion of educational problems Re commission is not intended to control the decisions of individual states or school systems. It will attempt to make available the solution, decisions 'and results, fann/t in other states. • ■ ■ ■ ’ .. . One method of approach will be a task force to study particular concerns, Oa the agenda U one of toe major prob-lems currently facing education — paying the bills The M*#* Public schools and colleges wfll meet their financial feqnirements is a most serious problem. Only last week Nassau County on Long island, N Y., saw more than 20 of its 57 school budgets defeated by the voters. i» «» o* the most affluent counties in the nation. Whatare tifo schools to do when irate citizens vote against mtancmg the schools because taxes are reaching unbearable proportions? m *re. r^n4 the reach of the average family. We all recognize the value of education, but there1 must be a realistic approach to paying toe cost. . *Thu commission can serve a most important purpose if ttrou^ ito studies a solution to the problem can be Uenfi-fled. Each state can then apply toe solution or series of solutions to its own particular seeds. The commission has the potential to become a major Influence on top educational scene. It is supported by toe membership of a majority of the states with anticipation of full membership in the reasonable future. Where did the idea originate? It is basically a result of the n?1? J?r\, ^ames Bryant Conant who combined forces with Richard Hughes, Nelson Rockefeller and a number of other governors, legislators and national leaders in government as well as education. What was toe Idea? A partnership was to be developed be-tween toe educational leadership and toe political leadership for the advancement of education. The first step was a compact tor education agreed to by toe many states. RCA Victor A Special Gift for a Very Special Person! Standout Sportsbout TV thst makes an ideal “second sat”. Fits in the tightest cornars. Hat 125 square inch ntsnmi-Jit- to picture and built-in antennas. Stand, optional extra. $114^5* The TRIMETTE A/-083 Sliln, trim Sportabout beauty. Big-screen picture, 172 squere inch rectangular pic-ture; all-channel reception; lightweight and always ready ~to itional travel. Stand, optional "**■$129.95* ALWAYS DISCOUNT mots" SWEETS JCMYt SAMS AS CAM RADIO A APPLIANCE 422 West Huron FK44CIT Opens Monday and Friday Evening* ftii 9 PM. MELAMINE DINNERWARE 9.79 K-EC. MEEREMRE 3.96 Ouur Rcm* S.88 PEPPER MILL SET OurReg. 1.97 CANISTER SET * Break-resistant 45-piece set in four lovely patterns... “Wind-blown” in brown aee; “Blue Prairie” in bristol bine; “Country Side” in mint green; "Sorrento Rose” in hot pink. Reg. 5.78 3 Day* Only Shop Without 3 Days Only. 16-pieco set of brown glace, Ironstone dinnerwaro includes map, 10” dinner plates, 6” plates, 7” plates. JJAt^aC,tivf P'T1’ I? *Piece “Stackable” baked enamel I with band-forged steel mechanism. Mt. BraM, |«x gjg . . . Stap-On-Can 3 iahedT 8 k ®haker* R ch y fin* •. .6.22; Paper Dlspon**? •... .3.66 Charge Your Mother** Do SPACE SAVERS! Bathroom SHELVES 5.88 OurReg. 6.97,3 Dayt Only 3 white plastic shelves, 2 towel rings, ln steel poles. BATHROOM SHELF WITH CABINET 6.88 Our Reg. 8.89,3 Dayt Only 2 white plastic shelves, sliding-door medicine cabinet. DECORATOR DOUBLE FACED WASTEBASKET STAND MIRROR 1.96 1M Campon at 3.97. Chart* It Heavy-gauge steel, with hand- painted wooden feet. 14%”x- ir*r. DUcount Price, Chary It 6W mirror with gold-tone brass plated finish on Creme and 'stand. - v FULL LENGTH WOOD FRAME DOOR MIRROR OurReg. 4.88 2.84 Fine Candy For Mother's Bay SCHRAFFT BOXED CHOCOLATES Check Kmart?g Low Discount Prices! 3 Days Only! 16x56” select-quality door mirror has l embMsed wood frame. Easy to install. Limit 2. Charge It at Kmart! Schrafft’s “Gold Cheat” or “Carnation” assortments in the 1- or 2-lb.* box. A luscious variety of cream, nougat, jelly centers and dark or milk chocolate. *Htf ufrylghf V \ , \ safe. ■ ' ' ALL OCCASION CAR AT BIG SAVINGS 3 f *l5 Our Rag. lie, I Day* Only Box of slim shaped and regular cards for all occasions. Buy now at Kmart and lost ■ay, "Charge it” . “TORTOISE SHELL”1 2.96 •ea» Onr Keg. 5.66,3 Days Only Ifsmlsoato pi astir rhast Is 1IW 9Vk”XS”. Savel - -JtJ GLENWOOD PLAZA NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD { ili«i mkdm THIS PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY ll. 1007 ' HR L ,0 : war i/T :„. sir ii ktfj ‘V Spcrce Law Questions Reach to Moon WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (UPI) — If a United States space team makes it to the moon and stakes out the flag to prove it, the astronauts p r o b a b 1 y will be leaking the law. If die U S. moon team is civilian, and one kilfo another in the grips of “moon fever,” mere isn’t a court in the nation that could try the killer. meets here again next year. Its members, including experts such as Paul G, Dmebling, general counsel for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, hope by then to have some of these problems solved. While the nuclear test baa treaty forbids nuclear blasts anywhere except underground, and the space treaty forbids them in space, it may be legal to set off nuclear explosions underground on the moon. These and other conclusions Were reached by most of the men and women who are the world’s only experts in the new field of space law during the fifth International Space Law Symposium. ★ ★ ★ The conference met at this historic colonial town May 5 and NEAIfLY NONEXISTENT The international space treaty signed this year by the United sttes, Russia and scores of other nations, while hailed as a mite-stone, also emphasized that laws governing the ordinary functions of men and nations in the extradordinary atmosphere of space are nearly nonexistent. There are three main areas the experts at the symposium say are the next to be covered. The first, outlined by James Henderson, general counsel of the Federal Trade Commission, will be interplanetary bade. it exists theref It also makes nations responsible for what their private industry does. But it does not deny private industry the right to prospect, mine or even set up tourist spas on the moon. Nor does i|t prevent rival companies from resorting to claim jumpers for a nice, high moon site. MUST PERSUADE RUSSIA Henderson says that before such technicalities can be solved, the Russians must be persuaded to withdraw their objections to any private enterprise use of space and the moon. The Soviet Union feels only governments s h o u 1 d be allowed to operate in space, that space is not an asset to be turned into profits In foe manner of foe Oklahoma land rush. dissolve within 20 years or less, well before private industry makes large-scale use of space resources. / ’ ■ •/*.} uniform code of military justice goes everywhere foe military man does, including outer The second problem facing- the space lawyers is at least part-responsible for the refusal France and some other European nations to sign the space treaty. WHERE WILL IT END? Exactly where, France wants to know, will earth law end and space law begin?, Some small nations, France points out, already are claiming territorial rights 200 miles high. Since foe space treaty bans foe use of foe moon for military purposes, and U.S. astronauts are military personnel, it would presumably be illegal for them to stake out a claim on foe moon. The military hopes civilian law will follow its example with a congressional extension of aU federal laws to all of space, says Brig. Gen. Martin Mentor, the Air Force’s space law ex pert. To Menter It is not spade law but aerospace law, meaning the law begins at the ground and goes up without end. He sees no need for a space law boundary. Menter cites the X15 experimental plane, saying It has reached <7 miles. Its pilots get astronaut widgs for flying 50 miles high. The craft is neither all plane nor all space- Discount Special BONNIE BELL I LOTION Ilag. 5.00 Value pt.tise SPECIAL SAVINGS on FAMOUS-NAME Protect Your Photographs With VINYL-COVERED ALBUMS A» Soft Marshmallow vinyl house slippers in sizes to 10. Padded soles and heel, tricot lining and insolfe Soft colors with trim. P Album§ Scrapbook Albums are covered with a wood grain vinyl covering. The Tinyl ww Io durable and will resist stains. Albums avail*-■hie hi 3 different styles—Polaroid Land camera, Candid snapshots and famous scrapbook type. Just say, “Charge It” B. Sizes to 10. Sandals have adjustable back strar soft viniyl uppers; comfortable polyfoam insol and wedge heel. Charge it. CHy-Wide Free Prescription Delivery. Neve Tour Doctor Cell Your Neerest THRIFTY for Prompt Free Delivery Service* C. Cross-band sandals in women’s sizes to 10. Styled with polyfoam insole; stacked heel and adjustable back strap. 3 colors. Save. PRESCRIPTION FILLED BY US QUALITY DRUGS LOWEST PRICE R NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD 140 North Saginaw Huron Street 4895 Dme Hiehi ; \V ‘A : ■ J/< ,M\r. / ' ,; / \ I . 4 . ' 'V A' ',/■' 4/ / 4 M: ■■■!.■ !V44\ 4»a ;4 > 1, PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY II, 1967 CANNON® Cotton Terry DISH TOWELS CANNON THERMAL BLANKET Our Reg. 3.67 • 2.97 CANN< Compare at 79c ea. Discount Price Charge It Jacquard weave dish towels are 15” x 28”. “Coffee Pot” or “Fresh Fruit” patterns in many attractive colors! Dishcloths..... 2 for 44c 3 Days Only Belmont Thermal blanket. 60% Rayon 34% Cotton, 6% Acrylic. Decorator colors. Charge It Four 12” x 18” vinyl place mats and four 11” x 11" ttutchinx napkins. A fine variety of lovely patterns and colors. Charge 1U SALE!... CANNON SHEETS and CASES 2.37. 2.57 1.17. AO Wlrsphoto AN ODD NOTE — Gaylene Ford, 13, found this battered piece of sheet music in the yard of her Grand Rapids home this week. It came from her church, South Congregational, Which is two miles away. The church was hit by a tornado last month. The odd note? The song title is “All in the April Evening.” DEEPTONE SOLID COLOR ... 72"xl 08 ORTWIN FITTED SHEETS. ..... DEEPTON E SOLID COLOR.. 81"xl 08" or DOUBLE FITTED SHEETS...... DEEPTONE SOLID COLOR PILLOWCASES “Casablanca” self-tone .stripe sheets in twin or double bed sizes. Many shades. Also, deeptone solid color sheets in twin, double sizes, lovely colors. Both have matching cases. CASABLANCA STRIPE 72"xl 08' or TWIN FITTED SHEETS....... CASABLANCA STRIPE 81 "x 108' or DOUBLE FITTED SHEET. CANNON ROME (AP) - First the Greeks wanted Venice to give back the marble Lion of St. Mark. Now the Egyptians want the body of the martyred apostle himself. Venice would just about as soon give away one of its canals. Patriarch Kyrollos VI, religious leader of Egypt’s Orthodox Copts, was reported in Cairo to have written Pope Paul VI asking that St. Mark’s body be returned to Alexandria whence Venetian sailors whisked it away in the year 815. The patriarch wrote that it was improper ter the body to be kept separated from tee apostle’s head. The head is in Alexandria Cathedral. VATICAN REPORT A spokesman for the Vatican Secretariat for Christian Unity said that if Pope Paul had received such a letter, he had passed mi no instruction about it to the secretariat. But when word first circulated some weeks ago that the Egyptian Copts might request the body, Giovanni Cardinal Urbani of Venice said: “The body of St. Mark is so closely linked to Venice that it can never be taken away from the city permanently.” Venice had already come up with a fast dodge to avoid sending back to Greece a nine-foot marble lion statue that was taken from the port city of Piraeus. When Piraeus asked for it back last month, city officials said: “So sorry. It’s no longer ours to give.” ‘STATE PROPERTY’ The statue stands in front of tee ancient shipyard of tee Republic of Venice. Now that Venice is no longer a republic, the shipyard and the statue have become state property, Venetian officials say. “It would require s bilateral accord CASABLANCA STRIPE PILLOWCASES..... "WEDDING RING" TV-BEDREST PILLOW DECORATOR PILLOW Our Reg. 7J96 J* 00 Jt Our Reg. 4.77 00 GO Our Reg. 1.88 t ' JLV 3 Days Only R0 0JF00 3 Days Only 000%00g0 3 Days Only Jf § 00Metu Lovely cotton chenille bedspread with white Bucket-style pillow with 100% kapok filling. Square or ronnd pillow with sip-off cover, aoft, tufting on vat dye background. Heavy bullion Jnmbo self welt trimi. Chooae lovely floral print* cushion core. Choose cotton corduroy or rayon/ fringe. Twin or double bed sites, many colors! or solid color cotton corduroy. Save! acetate antique satin. Colors! THERMAL BEDSPREAD 4.96 Our Reg. 5.96 3 Days Only “Thermal Beauty’_________________, _ blanket by night! Machine washable, 100% cotton. Twin or double bed aiae. Many colon. between Italy and Greece to allow tee lion to be sent back to Piraeus,” the officials said. The Italian government is not considering any such deal. Kmart sells only “first quality" goods. We carry no “seconds is a searingly vivid account of the chaos, pain, confusion, bitterness, fear, fatigue, agony, hunger, frustration, treachery, desperation and brutality of warfare. As a war novel, this Will stand comparison with many of the monumental ones, but it carries a theme beyond that of warfare alone. What Kuniczak Is chronicling hoe is the transition from tee 19th Century, when principles, honor and chivalry still were to be found, to tee 39th Century’s bestial disregard for human values. I’LL TRADE YOU AN ELK. By Charles A. Goodrum. Funk & Wagnails. $4.95. This is the funniest book in years. It begins, back there in tee CANNON pelican. Having made several navigational errors, it came down kerplunk on a Kansas highway. A fanner rescued it and turned it over to Bernle Good-rum, who had become recreational director in the parks department of Wichita,’ where there was a very small zoo. % 3 pair 1.77 LOVELY SPRING APRONS 1.47: FLORAL PRINT BATH TOWEL Our Reg. 1.77 SDaysOnly Women's novelty half aprons of quality fabric blends. Some permanent press. A variety of floral and paisley prints, reversible* and solid colors. All with lovely trim; many with one or two pockets. 42c pr. 'Here is a book in which death and destruction form the background for a memorable story. Miles A. Smite He did it by becoming a THE POPE’S BACKYARD. By scrounger and a swapper. Curtis G. Pepper. Farrar, Straus The story of Bernie Good- ^ Giroux. $4.50. ^ rum’s adventures with his zoo For those who have visited tee is a delightfully crazy romp, Vatican or hope to, Curtis Pep-full of slapstick emergencies per has written an engaging and droll situations. boric, lavishly illustrated with The author has a natural gift his own photos. The style inten-for humor, and his chronicle tionally is simple and , this roof his father’s exuberant career viewer found a fascinated audi-as a zoo-maker contains a ence when he read {he book chuckle quotient that’s hard to aloud to his children. Odd facts, match. It is one of those very anecdotes and incident make for rare bocks you wish hadn’t come an intriguing inside loch at the to an end. unique Vatican city state. Miles A. Smith * * ★ ----- / Few people know Rome as THE THOUSAND HOUR DAY. well as Pepper, a University of By W. S. Kuniczak. Dial. $7.95. | Illinois graduate who has lived The thousand hours are the there for more than 20 years, approximate length of tee Ger- A plus tor travelers is an ap-man blitzkrieg, accompanied by pewhx telling how to arrange a Russian invasion from the,* Papal ancfience and how to CANTRECE NYLONS 42\ 3-PIECE TOWEL ENSEMBLE LINEN-PATTERN TABLECLOTHS 1.77- COTTON TERRY TABLECLOTHS 2«66««- Discount Price V V V " | Charge It ■ 0 00 00 Matching cotton terry set includes the 11x18” bath towel, £• 12”xl2” guest towel and washcloth in handsome floral, satrll J or “modernistic” design. Pink, bine, gold, green. Attractively g gift boxed. v O 1 4 Upatr Discount Price Wonderfully shear ny-nylons stretch 2-waysl pair Our Reg. 68c Seamless, sheer hose with reinforced heeL Stan Swinton GIENWOOD PLAZA — NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD viSiilA /v |£ i ye-;sistt!!-' '‘‘‘•“vHa liiiBil! IBSil ^nimnfmi; mmi. 8HI 1 "t *i mm BRASS FINISHED TELEPHOK STAND YANKEES . AAV iw /g/ PRICE! L Modem design heavy duty. Triple plated brass finish; 10x8x22’/a" with bottom shelf. BRASSfKDSHEB MAGAZINE RACK YANKEES 10W- PRICE! Triple plated, baked-on brass finish. 18Va" wide x-14Vi" high, for magazines or papers. CANNON PRINTED TABLECLOTHS YANKEES LOW PRICE! Semen printed, colorful design for patio or picnic tablet. Wash* able, no ironing needed. 52x19”.......... .2.99 99” ROUND... ..3.99 REMINGTON PRINCESS SHAVER - * . * YANKEES AQfl LOW MQ PRICE! U Attractive ladies' shaver with feminize styling with storage case is ideal practical gift for Mom or grad. WEST BEND A” TEFLON GRIDDLE YANKEES AN A LW» ffS PRICE! L DuPont Teflon griddle, large no-sttek griddle is ideal for pancakes, eggs, grilled sandwiches. LADIES’ 14-CLUB OVAL GOLF BAG YANKEES LOW PRICE! l» 14-club oval golf bag with club cflViders. Dolphin style locker pocket. Travel hood. White with bhie tiini CHRYSLER ENGINEERING. As tiie finest sir conditioning your money can buy, Airtemp offers superior performance, is more dependable, and lasts much longer. Ths reason is that Chrysler engineering knowhow has contributed many Airtemp exclusives, and many air conditioning firsts. Whan you buy Chrysler Airtemp, you're assured of quality air conditioning that Drill give you and your family healthful, -cooling comfort for years and yean to corns. Nor modi Information or a free no obligation survey contact — COMMMCIAL A. ElMIng A Sant n B nuh Straw : Cant PS 4-ism RESIDEN Katt Htj Ceolin 599 S. Tala Rd. call: D» m ■ -V* i ‘ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, HAY' 11 1987 * „ Fill Jets Is a Question It ByB15MPRICE WASHINGTON (AP) - H anyone knows what the Pentagon is ready paying for the controversial Fill all-purpose aircraft, once called the TFX, will he please stand up? The Pentagon said Wednesday It had signed a $1.82 billion oon-tract with General Dynamics Carp., of Fort Worth, Tex., for 493 of the swing wing Fills. ★ i ★ ★ That figures out to $3.7 million each, but it doesn’t include such things as an engine, weapons control system or electronic navigation systems. The contract also doesn’t cover what the Pentagon calls certain modifications. MODIFICATIONS In the Navy version, certain modifications mean redesigning the nose and pilot capsule, moving the landing gear eight inches, building high lift wings and redesigning ihe tail. ★ ★ ★ Air Force Secretary Harold Brown told the House subcommittee on defense appropriations the flyaway cost of the tactical Air Force’s F111A would be about $5 million each — not counting the cost of a new engine and new electronic gear. ★ ★ ★ As for the. Navy’s F111B, Brown said in March 13 testimony released May 4 that each would cost somewhere around $8 million, while the Strategic Air Command’s FBllls would cost $5.2 million each. The Pentagon contract announcement said 331 the Fills were for the tactical Air Force, 64 for the Strategic Air Command, 24 for the Navy, 50 for the United Kingdom and 24 for Australia.' BASIC COST That multiplies out to about $2.6 billion plus the cost of all those other things. A Pentagon so-called fact sheet declared “commonality between the Air Force and Navy versions continues to run from 70 to 80 per cent.” ★ ★ ★ Commonality doesn’t neco» sarily mean identical. Back In 1962 Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara said he could save $1 billion by building an airplane for joint Air Force and Navy use. f v Hie airplanes were going to have some interchangeable parts just like automobiles of the same make but different model. v The Air Force and Navy versions have different noses, tails, wings, missiles, pilot compartments, navigation systems, fire control systems and landing gears. Otherwise they have commonality,. * * * , The fact sheet asked and answered the question: “Does the Flit meet the needs of the services?” ■ ■ ' ★ ★ Dr On behalf of the Air Farce, it said, yes. It hedged a bit on the Navy’s version saying: “The Navy estimates that while not all of its early expectations will be met, no other weapons system existing or proposed is as cost effective in the fleet defense role lor the early 1970s as the F1UB.”' w ★ ★ Adm. David L. McDonald told the House Appropriations subcommittee that he wasn’t around in 1962 when McNamara was making that Fill decision — and if he had been, he might not be present now. McDonald said he would have Inflated on a different aix^dppne if the Navy had to go tiiral§h it all again. h D , A ■ A The admiral, who is chief'xif naval operations, said that the Flll-B was good only tar defending the fleet against high flying bombas and tiiat.frr4i dogfight the Navy would dpi something better. ★ ' D: 1 h And the FlllB still weighs, the admiral said, a good deal more than the 55,000 pounds the Navy originally proposed. |t$NSiNG (AP) The S|ate Board of Education laid Wednesday it opposes proposed changes Th the Public Employ meat Stations A<& of 1965._ to forbid public employes from affiliating with or joining unions to #1# ’against government,* » |i’^m pift, *‘ ! .■da It also ' wfltddEpNl judges to stop such s public employes, and prevent such strikes if ened. '’"hr- PeMgon EvidsJB Protesters WASHINGTON ^ AP) a. Anti-Ur protesters ’Weft banned frpm spending another night m the Pqbtdfon after announcing plans for an indefinite live-in. Security officers carried 18 mthful men anfejfomep from « building* p m women , on stretchers — when the demonstrators refused to leave on their own Wednesday, v ‘^sp^^ajpvfor the group IBpieifri^atori would 't^'.iaenWr. the Pentagon this morning. Pentagon om-cials indicate^ :J#y would be allowed in so tong as they did not violate building regulations. The demonstrators had been allowed to stay in the Pentagon from Tuesday .afternoon until their Wednesday afternoon eviction. They slept outside the offices of the- Joint Chiefs of Sjt&ffs, from which they Were hatred. ’ 1 Officials said the protesters broke Ihe rules Wednesday by distributing leaflets and handbills, thousands of which were pressed on numbers of the Pentagon's 33,008-man won* force. The demonstration flrew the attention of-Sen. Strom Thurmond, jfftLC., who upbraided the natton’S\news media for publiciziiig the protest. “Any band of screwballs” cqn come in and sit-in and get news coverage, Thurmond ‘complained on the Senate floor.NA “It is wiy past time'for some responsibility to be shown by executives” of news media in reporting gUch events, he added. Britain’s population Is expected to reach 61^00^900 by 1981, an increase of 7,500 in the 17 years from 1964. What makes your wisest investment ’■air HI MOTHER! OPEN NIGHTS until 9 . AVRIL COTTON GOLF JACKETS Water repellent 50% Avril rayon, 50% cotton. Zipper front, convertible stand-up collar and two side pockets. Navy, powdsr blun, maize, white. S-M-L NYLON TRICOT LINED Ladies’ MARSHMALLOW SUPPERS Plump marshmallow vinyl uppers. Softly lined with foam-backed nylon tricot. Light flexible crap* solas and heals. Black, It. blue, pink and bona. YANKEES L0Wf LOW PRICE MOTHER’S SUNDAY, MAY 14 'SUNDAYS until 7 MISSES’& WOMEN'S COOL CRISP DAYTIME YANKEES LOW PRICE! Deep plaids art refreshing in cool, crisp daytime dresses. In Misses' and half sizes. AO in 100% woven cotton or woven cotton, ginghams from famous Mission Valley. AVRIL/COTTON CUSTERS 50% Avril rayon, 5fr% cotton dusters in assort*/ ed prints. Expensively detailed. S - M - L NYLON unis YANKEES Imagine beautifully detailed nylon waltz gowns in six luscious colors. S-M-L WEBBY at MONTCALM O STEM RIGHTS TIL I S SUNDAYS TIL T THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, HAY II, 1067 f .t* * >.« '■ 'jp'x&'iuaASi USDA CHOICE Wa^Cut Hovers USDA CHOICE Always Freshly *Ground USDA CHOICE-Ovan Ready FANCY LEG’0 UtMB USDA CHOICE SHORT RIBS OF BEEF Fin* far Braising Rot* Canadian Styla BACON By th# Pi«c# HOLLY FARMS Grade ‘V Double Breasted Chickens * msm i’mm Half & Half PtiFFINS Old Fashion or Bui BiSCUitS •-«. SPARTAN-USDA FANCY S Orange Juice Vi-Qal. Va-Gal, mm SCOTTIES FACIAL White Ass’t. Color 200-ct. Fanfaetik CLEANER & SPRAYER, LIQUID PLUMR .... Jamb* ACTIVE ALL.......... Final Touch FABRIC SOFTENER.. Swedish Modern __ DUZ DETERGENT.??! | SCOTT TOILET JAM'dfc SALE DATES: Thunk. May 11 Ihra. Wed.. May 17 Including Sunday, May 14 W* R*s*iv* Mi* Right 1 to Limit Quantities 1 AQUA NET-Refular or Unscented Ceiy Cup REFILLS Hersbey’s Cello Pock, 11-oz. Tomatoes 19' Cucumbers ^ Red Radishes H Green Onions W Cello Carrots ■ Green Peppers W 1^1 1 STARDUST rnmn pGlSMKi jiYsar ypjg sin 1 moMKIr^I i tt IAt® Ppil WgSMM FLANKS it m Dithwtthiei Powder St „:%wL || li||<|e V || ^aPSP mow , 11*' fi ! Bggtjggf. tm W THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1967 ®!|:, f I, | M' !■' A J ,,, p \ - I V" rrfhnL. 1 il. i '2S»'i il 4 3 '■ ft%Xi«' l|y IMlM, ^ ■*' '■ )W I Enriched With Milk Patterned after the popular French onion soup is this springtime, Version which takes but moments to prepare. Heaps of tender green onions, tops and all,elided thin and simmered in butter add die underlying onion savor.1 j ; , j ' * ★ ' ★ The hearty beef flavor comes convenience-ready in a can of beef bouillon. ★ ★ ★ Convenience-ready, too, are file cans of evaporated milk which blend the ingredients into a rich creaminess in the final heat-and-serve phase. Like Its French cousin, this onion soap sports a topping of French bread toasted with Parmesan cheese. Incidentally, extra slices of this flavorful cheese toast are great for munching along with the soup. Hearty and delicious onion soup spring-style is a good mainstay for lunch or supper on busy days. Onion Soup Spring-style 2 cups thinly sliced green onions 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 can (10V4 oz.) beef bouillon plus water to make 2 cups 2 tall cans evaporated milk (3% cups) Dash of pepper Salt to taste |1 ' jjy ■ 6 slices French'bread Butter % cup shredded Parmesan cheese ★ ★ ★ Two small bunches green onions yield about 2 cups sliced. Wash and clean onions; then cut crosswise into thin slices, using crisp green tops also. Melt butter in soap kettle. Add onions and simmer, stirring constandy, until partially cooked. fDo not let onions' brown. Blend in floor. Add bouillon and water; continue simmering until onions are tender, 5to 8 minutes longer. When ready to serve, add evaporated, milk and heat to serving temperature. Aid plep-per, and salt to taste. I ' jt While soup is heating, toast bread slices lightly oh one side under broiler. Turn and butter untoaited side, theh sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Broil until cheese is lightly browned. Ladle soup into bowlS; place slice of toasted bread, cheese side Up, on to0 of each serving. Sprinkle on additional Parmesan cheese, If desired. Makes 5V4 clips (6 servings). ONION SOUP SPRING-STYLE - Made ^tender green onions and a beef flavored l soup base, this springtime version of French onion soup is delicious and quick to. prepare. Macaroni Fruit Salad a Confrqst in Tastes Hot or cold, a macaroni dish la marvelous fare for a party. In spite of its economy macaroni can hobnob with apy of the more expensive foods to make theft go a little farther. The National Macaroni Institute suggests a Macaroni Fruit Buffet Salad for saving on a warm evening. Sunny looking orange sections, apricots and pineapple make it a refreshing salad. The macaroni with cottage cheese and sour cream give it enough substance to satisfy appetites. Macaroni Fruit Buffet Salad 2 tablespoons salt 4 to 8 quarts boiling wter 4 cups elbow macaroni (1 pound) 2 cups didry sour cream 2 cups creamed cottage cheese cup chopped pecans 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups orange sections 2 cans <1 pound, 414 ounces each) pineapple chunks, drained Crisp salad greens 2 cans (1 pound, 14 ounces each) apricot halves, drained Add 2 tablespoons salt to rapidly boiling water. Gradually add macaroni so that water continues to boil. Cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, until tender. Drain in colander. Rinse with cold water; drain again. Mix together macaroni, soar cream, cottage cheese, nnts, 1 teaspoon salt and cinnamon. Add orange sections, pineapple and 3 tablespoons of the pineapple syrup. Toss lightly and chill. Mound on salad greens; surround with apricots. Sprinkle with paprika. Garnish with cin namon, if desired. Serve with additional sour cream, if desired. Sesame Adds Nutlike Flavor An aromatic East Indian herb contributes nutlike flavor to a cooky which already has two favorite ingredients in it, peanut butter and chocolate. Sesame is the herb which furnishes small, cream colored flat seeds with a somewhat pungent flavor. ★ ★ ★ These cookies use lard as the fat because it gives a tender nutritious product, advises Reba Staggs, home economist. It will also cream readily with peanut butter which is used in the same proportion as the lard. Cooky Jar Special 2 cups sifted enriched flour 2 .teaspoons baking powder Vt teaspoon salt 1 package (2)4 ounces) ses ame seeds, toasted % cup lard 14 cup peanut butter 1V4 cups sugar 2 squares (1 ounce each) baking chocolate, melted 2 eggs 114 teaspoons vanilla 1-3 cup milk Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Toast sesame seeds in a moderate oven (375 degrees) until lightl.y browned, about 8 to 10 minutes.. Cream lard and peanut batter. Gradually add sugar, creaming well. Add melted chocolate, which has been slightly cooled. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix well. Add sifted ingredients alternately with milk. Add toasted sesame seeds and mix well making a lattice design. 4)4 dozen. Liver Seasoning MACARONI FRUIT BUFFET SALAD—Sunny colored oranges, apricots and pineapple are refreshing ingredients ta this summer salad of elbow macaroni and cottage cheese. ndpe makes twelve savings; it’s a fine dish for buffet service when you entertain. variety meat City Side Salutes all "Mothers ... ana* Suggest Dad make it easy on himself with a cookout this weekend. DANNIE No.,1 . sen. , POTATOES '*39 CARROTS 10V* BOLD 3 ID. 1 OZ. mffcA LAUNDRY DETERGENT 59° [Roman Gallon jCjeanser OQC WITH | toll COUPONj SUPER MARKET 338-0377 1716 Joslyn 3 Blocks North of Walton Blvd. SUPER AAARKET Open Weekly 9 to 9 Friday, Saturday 9 to 10 ^ SLAB BACON — u. FHIUtb 1 49 ‘1 1 HOT DOGS it "- 3 Lbs. 98c j l BOLOGNA —' i» 3! i« 1 SAUSAGE w u. 4! 9° fj A PICNICS S3 it 3! dhtosi 1 TAKIITAFC rmth win ' l‘L PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANCE .* Fresh Ground 2#89 Fresh .. Dressed ID. U.S. Choice Beef Pot Lb. 49< Fresh Lean Pork Lb.33( Fresh Pork Lb. 29* ■ [radish a % 10* ONIONS sa M 8e CARROTS SS? iT7o«| t • SPARTAN STRAWBERRIES J A'^SfOO i. For 1 hi j : Fisherman FISH STICKS Mb 3»s1 SPARTAN BACON 1-Lb. 59* SPARTAN, COFFEE 3 Lbs. $179 KINGNUT OLEO 5 Lbs. S|00 FROZEN ORANRE JUICE 6-OZi 2! 29* | 608 W. HURON ST., Near Webster School m V,. m 11 US' A ■ Ip J p/p/ S}' ■'1 x/T* p ' -V *' ■. Mil SB THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 D—8 4. -‘J TWO BEEF DISHES - Canned mushroom gravy and canned beef gravy are the bases for two different and delicious beef dishes. And, one cut of beef provides the two distinctive main course treats, when you shop wisely. Such Crust! Two-Timing Trick With Roast Beet That favorite man of yours won’t mind a bit of two-timing . . . if it’s two-timing with tender, tasty beef. The idea is to plan two dinner menus at once, though not necessarily served one after the other. ★ ★ ★ Start with a 4 to 5 pound boneless rump roast. The first time ’round roast in the usual way following the directions below. When the beef is barely done to your liking* remove from oven and overlap packaged refrigerated dinner roll dough over top and sides of the roast. Return to a hot oven and bake until the roll blanket is a golden brown. GRAVY To serve, slice through tender crust and beef. Over all, Candy Treat Cereal Style To make cereal candy bars, heat 6 cups of puffed rice in preheated 350-degree oven for 10 minutes. Pour into large greased bowl. Add a mixture of 3 cups of miniature marshmallows malted with Vi cup of butter over low heat. Stir to coat cereal evenly. Press firmly into greased 7 by 11-inch baking pan. ★ ★ ★ Sprinkle top evenly with 1 cup (6-ounce package) of semi-sweet chocolate pieces. Place in oveir to soften; spread Over candy. Makes 24 bars. spoon ready-to-eat canned mushroom gravy dressed up for the occasion with chopped onions, parsley, and a little red wine. ★ * * Accompany this' elegant dish with buttered noodles laced with chopped®chives, sweet’n sour beets, avocado, cucumber and lettuce salad tossed with a bottled dressing. Strawberry ice cream and cookies will end things on a happy note. Rump Roast of Beef in Blanket 4 to 5 pound boneless rump roast of beef Salt and pepper 1 package (8 ounces) refrigerated dinner roll dough Vi cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 can (19% ounces) mushroom gravy 2 tablespoons Burgundy or other dry red wine 1 tablespoon chopped parsley METHOD Remove fat from roast. Roast at 325 degrees F. (20 to 20 minutes per pound for rare; 25 to 30 minutes for medium). Season with salt and pepper. Unroll and separate rolls. Place dough crosswise over top and down sides id meat, overlapping and covering the entire roast. Return to a 375 degree F. oven; bake 10 to 15 minutes more. Meanwhile, inf saucepan, cook onion in butter until tender. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat, stir now and then. Serve with roast. Makes 4. to 5 servings, with enough left over for second meal. Note: Eye roast: Substitute 4 to 6 pound eye of the round roast for rump; follow procedures as in the above recipe. ★ ★ ★ Now, for an equally tasty and easy second day dinner: Cube and brown the remaining beef. Add green pepper strips, tomatoes, and other seasonings. Blend it all together with a can of marvelously seasoned beef gravy. Heat until bubbly and serve over rice. MENU Round out the menu with buttered spinach, pineapple and cottage cheese salad, lemon pudding with cookies. Your family will love this two-timing. And you will discover that in addition to providing two deliciously different meals from one meat purchase, this kind of planning will save you kitchen time. ' Beef and Rice Skillet 1% cups cubed cooked beef % cup green pepper strips Vi teaspoon oregano; crushed Generous dash leaf thyme, crushed 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 can (10% ounces) beef gravy • M cup chopped canned tomatoes Cooked rice In saucepan, brown meat and cook green pepper with season ings in butter until tender. Add gravy and tomatoes. Heat; stir now and then. Serve over rice. Makes 4 servings. Cereal Rings Are High in Protein CHOCOLATE-CARAMEL POPCORN INJUN - Melt one 14-oz. package caramels and one 6-oz. package semi-sweet chocolate morsels with one-fourth cup water in double boiler or in saucepan \pver low heat. Stir occasionally until sauce is smooth. Pour over 4 quarts Jtopped corn, salted; toss until well coated. Moisten hands with cold water, shape popcorn into 12 balls. Use 2 balls for each inj«n, stacking one atop another; secure with toothpicks. Cut out paper arms and face; press gently in place. Fashion headband from strip of paper or foil, and decorate with a real or paper feather. Food at a birthday party is most important. But it should contribute something other than sweets to the children’s diet. Peanut Butter Ice Cream Rings served with scoops of ice cream do just that; they’re full of protein. «. Peanut Butter Ice Cream Ring! 2 tablespoons light corn syrup 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Vt pound marshmallows Vi cup crunchy peanut butter Vi teaspoon vanilla flavoring 2 cups Special K Vt cup shredded coconut Combine corn syrup, butter, marshmallows and peanut butter in medium-sized saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. li } Add cereal and coconut, stirring until well-coated with syrup. Cool slightly. Shape by hand into thin rings about 3 inches in diameter. Let stand until cool. Just before serving, fill with ice cream and serve with sundae sauce, if / desired. Yield: 10 rings, about 3 inches in diameter. . "TOP GRAVE" AT FELICE QUALITY MKT. PREM LUNCHEON MEAT 44 ROYAL CHEESE CAKE OR PIE FILLINGS 9'/c-oz. min. weight Hekman’s Ritter Patter and Pecan Sandies 44° AJAX a POWER PADS JT1 i8c; SPECIAL LOW PRICE Miracle White ft. 58‘ VLASIC AAa V4 Sauer Kraut ft 28 \ FELICE FRESH LEM CENTER CUT RIB PORK CHOPS HAHlLT0i, an.. RED> *©o® «hI. MR- PME _ ORANGE FRESH LEAN HOMEMADE PORK SAUSAGE HYGRADE’S SWEETENIZED SLICED BACON WEST VIRGINIA SMQKEB PORK CHOPS HYGRADE’S BALL PARK FRANKS lb. 39 atv SCALIEST cottmje CHEESE n* Mb. pkg. lb. Mb. pkg. 59 79 69 SALE DATES: Thun., MAY 11 / THRU WED., MAY IT tuUM Mm V.D. VI IMM MIIM j A I L POTATOES 10 Bag 69C ORANGIS Size Doz. 49* Bunch 1QC Pkg. IQ* Of y Whi^24t 1116 W. HURON STREET Nationally Advertised ■■Brands at Money-Saving Prices RIGHTS RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES I 1 D—4 I xZJ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 BAKED LEMON CHICKEN Quick Honey Date Loaf Tastes Almost Like Cake ^ke to invite the neighborhood ladies in at the spur of the moment for Fancy-Dan luncheons? Well, try this elegant Honey Date Bread if you do. Prettied up with a topknot of Icing, it’s a delicious partner for fruit, vegetable or seafood luncheon salads. This is a moist bread, "thanks to the delicate sweettasting honey that goes into it. It’s rich, too, with the honey, walnuts and dark pieces of dates. And, does it taste good! Even if making bread is new to you, don’t hold back from attempting this honey loaf. It is a quick bread that goes together in no time at all, and what satisfaction you’ll feel when the loaf is taken,,, fragrant and piping hot, from the oven, While the bread is baking, you can be readying a salad for your guests. A crisp bed of lettuce topped with fresh, fruits, or, perhaps, a colorful array of vegetables marinated in tasty sauces might be the answer. Or serve bowls of bite-sized pieces of lettuce, shrimp, hard- cooked egg, tomato and artichoke tossed in a zesty dressing. Honey Date Bread 1% cups chopped dates (V4 pound) % cup sugar Va cup honey 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup boiling water 3 cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon cinnamon 1 beaten egg Vi cup chopped walnuts Combine first 5 ingredients; cool thoroughly. Sift together the dry ingredients. Add egg to cooled mixture. Stir in dry ingredients only enough to mix well. Stir in walnuts. By JANET ODELL Pontiac Press Food Editor Maybe some mothers are taken out for dinner on Mother’s Day. On the other hand, thousands of Moms have to do the cooking that day the same as any other. , If any young daughters are reading this page, they might offer to prepare Sunday dinner. How about it, girls? ★ ★ ★ Baked chicken is an easy dish to prepare. This recipe calls for lemon and mint toy a unique flavor. Serve it with rice. BAKED LEMON CHICKEN 1 envelope seasoned coating mix for fish 1 lemon 2 Vi pounds (about) frying chicken pieces 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 sprigs fresh mint, chopped .1 lemon, thinly sliced Va cup chicken broth * ★ ★ Empty the seasoned coating mix into the plastic shaker bag Grate the .peel from 1 lemon and set aside; cut lemon in half and squeeze the juice. Moisten chicken pieces in lemon juice; shake off excess. Shake 2 or 3 chicken pieces at a time in the bag until evenly coated. ' Arrange chicken in a single layer in an ungreased shallow baking pan. Sprinkle grated lemon peel over the chicken. Top with the brown sugar and mint; then cover with si i c e d lemon. Cover and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Add the chicken broth to the bottom of pan and bake for about 25 minutes longer, uncovered, or until tender. If desired, garnish with additional lemon and mint leaves. Makes 6 servings. Salad that stars canned pears will go well with the chicken. Grated carrots are a surprise ingredient. . PEAR SUNSHINE SALAD 2 (1 lb.) cans Bartlett pear halves Vi cup lemon juice 2 cups gratqd carrots ‘. 1 cup miniatVe marshmallows l.cup red graphs 2 to 3 tablespoons honey 1 cup dairy sour cream Salad greens , ★ ★ , it \ Chill and drain pear halves. Add lemon juice to grated carrots. Let stand in refrigerator for half hour.! Add marshmallows and grapes. Combine honey with sour cream. Toss together dressing and carrot mixture. Jelly Dressing Top for Fruit Bake in a well-greased 9%x5x3-inch load pan at 350 degrees for 55 to 60 minutes or until loaf tests done. Remove from pan onto a wire rack. Spoon Honey Icing down center of bread and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons grated orange rind. Makes 1 loaf. Honey Icing: Blend Vi cup confectioners’ sugar with 2 tablespoons honey. HONEY DATE BREAD — Honey helps add that special taste to foods and is a help in keeping baked goods moist. Tliis quick loaf is delicious with salad for luncheon or as a simple dessert at the family dinner. Make- two loaves while you’re at iL Salad Dressings Add Zesty Taste Fresh-from-the-sea flavor of fish is ours even in land-locked cities, thanks to modern methods of freezing and distribution. Stuffing o’er Sole Fillets, a dish worthy of the cuisine of an accomplished chef in a New Orleans restaurant, can be created right in your own kitchen. ★ ★ ★ Fqt nine guests you will need as many fillets. Arrange these in a large, greased oblong baking dish. Sprinkle salt on each fillet; then brush with creamy French dressing. ★ ★ ★ Apple Cake Good Warm This dessert is often served at club meetings in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania, from where the recipe came. For the stuffing: Combine % cup chopped green pepper, 1 teaspoon caraway seeds, 1 quart toasted, coarse bread crumbs with Y« cup each of creamy French dressing, Thousand Island dressing, chopped onion, and tomato sauce. ★ ★ ★ KNOBBY APPLE CAKE 1 cup sifted regular flour 1 teaspoon baking soda Vi teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon cinnamon 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar I egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 cups diced pared apple (fchop very fine after measuring) Vi cup chopped walnuts ★ ★ -k On waxpaper sift together the flour,' baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Cream butter and sugar; thoroughly beat in the egg and vanilla. Stir in the sifted dry ingredients, apple and walnuts. Place about M cup stuffing over each fillet and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) for 15 minutes. Turn into a greased and floured 9-inch square cake pan Bake in a moderate (350 degree) oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Cut [in squares and serve warm with I whipped cream. FINER FOODS AND IMPORTS Complete Line of S. S. Pierce Food* A Delicacies • Scandinavian Foods • German Sausage ® Shrimp, Fresh, Cleaned or Cooked • Lobster Tails Open Daily 9-6, Fri. 9-8, Closed Son., 682-2640 8428 Orchard Lake Rd., Keego Harbor This salad adds exotic flair to spring menus. , Line 4 rice bowls with cup-like leaves of crisp western iceberg lettuce. Assemble a sliced banana, a small can of drained mandarin orange segments, a cupful of finely chopped lettuce and some chopped pecans. ★ ★ ★ Toss with a dressing made of 2 tablespoons mint jelly,,, broken up with a fork and combined with 2 tablespoons com oil, Vi tablespoon lime juice, % teaspoon lime rind and salt and pepper to taste. Heap into cups and garnish with whole pecans. Makes 4 Mound on salad plates lined with crisp greens and encircle with pear, halves, large salads. Dessert can be fixed early and kept in tbfe freezer. Choose another flavor of 'ice cream if Mom prefers it to vanilla. BRANDIED ALMOND BALLS 1 quart vanilla ice cream- 1 cup toasted sliced almonds 2 eggs 11 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 1 cup half and half, scalded 2 tablespoons brandy or brandy flavoring ^ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract // Scoop 6 large balls of ic cream. Roll balls in toasted almonds add place in freezer to harden. To make sauce beatl eggs well fat heavy saucepan. Add sugar and continue beating until very light and fluffy. Gradually add scalded half and half. - Cook slowly, stirring constantly oyer low heat until mixture thickens slightly. Cool slightly;' stir in nuts, brandy and vanilla. Makes 2 cups sauce. Cool. Serve over almond balls. Makes 6 servings. BRANDIED ICE CREAM BALLS PEAR SUNSHINE SALAD Extraordinary Selection Of Beautiful Potted Flowers MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL! Nice size, 2 bloom GERANIUMS Only 69C Flats of PETUNIAS «2» and other flowers Florida WATER- MELONS LOWER FOOD PRICES STEAKS ROUND CLUB Bazley Famous Lean Com-Fed Steer Beef! BUY NOW s AND SAVE! g Grade 1 SKINLESS Hot Dogs ^ FRESH, SLICED Beef Liver Grade 1-BULK or LINK I Sausage Fresh 2%-Ox. Each Chuck Patties Lean, Tender m Sunkist, Navel ORANGES Size 2 Doz. $1 OO 138 for I POTATO MACARONI COLE SLAW ROLLED ROAST Grade 'A1 Large EGGS J DOZEN $|DO Michigan No. 1 POTATOES ..a,. 49c APPLES Vt Bu. (23 lbs.) Reg. $149 Special $|00 Lettuce >«•>« 2 for Get the Best for Less at Fresh, Lean HAMBURGER IN 3-P0UND ON MORE PACKAOES Peters v SEMI-BONELESS HALF or WHOLE Lean, Tender, Juicy CHUCK STIAK t lb. MARKETS Quality Meats Since 1931 Comer off Clarkston and Sashabaw Roads ! muteUw>ettiiheliwtza Open Daily, Except Monday, 16:90 to 9:39. 18 North Saginaw-Pontiac Open Friday Evenings 'til 7 P.M. This Ad in Effect Both Stores * Friday and Saturday 1348 Dixie Highway—Drayton Open Wednesdays 9 A.M. to 6:30 PM. Thursday thro Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 PJYL ____ Sundays9A.M. to 6 P.M. K f * 1 \ !. n A V s« | wm m Ij. .*■ S .1. p—| ■ i THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Because we keep our promise... draperies READY-TO-HANG! NOW SALE PRICED we’ve made a lot of friends. We really have. Right now, Kessler is the fastest growing blended whiskey in the country The reason? As simple as a promise... the “Smooth as Silk” promise that Kessler keeps with every sip. Julio* Kessler Company, Lawienceburf, Indian. Blooded Whiskey. 86 Proof. 72)6% Gram Neutral Spirits. Kessler the Smooth as Silk Whiskey. Full 86 Proof. 50x84" reg. 11 99 8.88 100x84" reg. 24.99 21.88 75x63" reg. 15.99 12.88 125x84” reg. 29.99 25.88 75x84" reg. 18.99 15.88 150x84" reg. 35.99 31.88 Valance reg. 3.59 . . . 2.88 Per Yd. < Regal jacquard design draperies are easy to care for. Just machine wash and drip dry. Then they are ready to hang. Choose from 3 glowing colors in rich cotton and Avisco© rayon fabric. Regular 9.99 50x63 t Sheer Tiers ^of Drip Dry Dacron and Cotton in Six Soft Colors Sugar 'n spice semi-sheers of Dacron® and cotton a subtle-textured weave. 88x30" reg. 3.79 88x36" reg. 3.99 Valance reg. 2.29 , in 2.88 268 2.88 1.88 Reg. 2.99 88x24" Exquisitely airy and deli* cately textured with deep 5* inch bottom hems. Lang wearing; resists soil, wrinkles. Machine wash in warm water. RIG. 4.29 r PHONE 682-1910 THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 ♦HOBO WOODS, Vietnam-The men in his Outfit call rat chaser. And the title especially fits Set. Ron Payne; He’s a tunnel expert here. His war is underground. And the rats he chases are hnmap ^ - Payne, 21,. from Atlanta, Ga., has a ghastly )ob. He spemb much of his time grubbing through the foul-emeUlM tunnel systems which are both ’shelter and sanctuary for Vietcongguerrillas. ,^/V • The tunnels are over-stocked with all manner of dreads, chief among which are the cornered enemy soldiers who sit Quietly, guns in hand and dare intruders to trespass. Paynd accepts the dare. Has for months. And in the course has risked his life as often and as obviously as a man can in this war. f* AROUND BUNKER Take the other day, as example. Payne was with a mechanized Infantry unit and engaged in a jungle-located searcb-and-destroy operation. His particular element was mixed up In a firefight which BOUNCING OBJECT jeentered around a VC bunker. During the shooting, a guerrilla soldier was observed retreating into the bunker, which camouflaged a large ♦nnn»| entrance, and young Sgt. Payne was given the order to follow him. .• . ‘ - Rat Chaser had run‘into coiled snakes in his time, big ones, even an occasional snarling animal. , '★ . .★ ★. ■ But such were minor irritations. The prime worry was the chase itself. THOUGHTS FIXED And while on it the sergeant’s thoughts fixed solely on the sight or the sound of thfe fleeing, frightened enemy rat. Thai, ahead, he beard him. ~ 1 1 I „■ His light caught an outline. “Here he is!M»Payne yelled. Hie VC stopped. “Hurry up and help me!” At the sound die VC guerrilla fired one round at Payne-He missed. Payne returned in kind. He missed also. The guerrilla fumbled in the darkness and Payne flattened himself and tried to get a steady shot. ★ ★ ★ Then he heard a thud. His light glinted on a small object bouncing toward him. It dribbled and rolled. A hand grenade! ’ b Payne, unable to move, braced himself for the blast. ★ ★ ★ ngi! The GI’s reaction was habit. He slipped out of his shirt, stripped his field gear off, slapped a clip into a 45-caliber pistol, tested his flashlight. , . . and lowered himself into the enemy hole. INSTANTLY DARK It never came. Payne stared at the grenade in utter disbelief. It wps a dud. It lay there harmless as a giant dead bug. “God,”’ Payne sighed. ★ ★ ★ * He wiped his face ... and shook. Then, swatting the dud away with his arm, he raised him-> self and crawled into the darkness after his rat. It was instantly dark. Payne grunted. * “1*11 yell if I need help.” His outfit agreed. Paynemoved on slowly. Experience has tutored him caution. Scrambling guerrillas would invariably leave bobby traps in their wake ... and each would have to be painfully nicked out and disengaged. ★ ★ ★ ' - The tunnel was of the shape and size of a reservoir water duct. It was dank and the earth was cool. EYES WATERED It was also dusty in places and the sergeant’s eyes watered in the fog of foreign particles. His flashlight picked up moving shadows and from time to time Payne nsed the butt of his pistol to crack the life oat of a creeping seorpion. The scorpions, about two to three inches long, are not necessarily poisonous, but carry a paralyzing sting, ★ ★ ★ Then there were the spiders. Enormous, bloat-bellied creatures which feed on the blood of their fellows. CLING TO WALLS - They clung to the tunnel walls with sticky legs that oftoi measure three inches in length. There were other tilings, also — centipedes, beetles, roaches and whole colonies of active ants. Cherry Growers Nix Market Plan LANSING (AP) — Michigan cherry growers have defeated a proposal to establish a cherry marketing program under state law, the Michigan Department of Agriculture reported Wednes day. The proposed program would have eliminated the Michigan Cherry Commission and would have provided more money for market development and research by increasing assessments on production. WALL AND CEILINO IN KITS OR BULK PACKA6E8 Wheat Forecast WASHINGTON (AP) - The Agriculture Department forecast Michigan’s winter wheat crop Wednesday at 42.3 million bushels. The department expects that 1.1 million acres of wheat will be harvested with a yield of 38 bushels to the acre. Put* in tnd to patching cracks avery time you paint. Tuff-Kota used with Tuffglasa Fabric doesn't fill cracks,.it bridles them. Never hardens, shrinks, swells, chalks or dries out and it's invisible when painted or wallpapered. Clean and easy to usa. No sanding. HUDSON'S Friendly Corner Discount HARDWARE 41 EAST WALTON Just East of Baldwin Ave. Open Pridoy 9 A.M. to * P.M. Wednesday t AM. to t P.M. Sundoy to A.M. to 1 P.M. Beautiful / / THE PONTIAC PRBSS TgrosDAY» MAY 11, 1967 MOTHER’S DAY Specials '^Ug™ET™ 3 Doy* Only -Our ft*. S* m¥ jumbocbmw» with mother in mind, gifts with fashion news we know she’ll love 0—ptenf Soffit fihv " JB jKj',u MM Strip* on Wti* MKMK f •m ihrm T^waar 22x44" Cotton terry towel*. Whiter deep or light jpiok, red, yellow, purple, green. HannoniS- , MMCMNB SOUB er . l/i STwiWAjHaorm........ ■tF’ tiiwaww Tbps and trunk* | that get along swimmingly. Became They're co-ordinated in Oonmoor color*. The Surfer, fha Poor Bey, the Chevron, all the fashion approved swim tranks. Blended with cot* ton knit shifts ferawhaleof ' an outfit. f Frilly white topping, the gift blouse of cotton batiste decorated with Swiss em-brdidery, tiny tie. Sizes 34 to 38, 5.00. Beads to take in hand, newest handbag she can carry, all-over beads and perky fashion shape. White plastic swinger, 7.00. The little white glove is always in good fashion, always good taste. One perfect example by Aris, nylon shorty, just 2.00. Generous Center Cut, Corn-Fed Hem with Grilled Pineapple; Served with French Fries, Chopped Lettuce Salad, Choice of Dressing and Toasted Buttered Bun. W Security f Benk Credit CsttfsHeutreH MeMgae ItnkarSs Htnortd The Shirt ond Trunk, each eeH tor only 12.99 and are both available In tfcee 4-7. Ilhretratad above op |uet twe of the many etylae te ehaeeefram here. ELIAS BROTHERS UktWCkfHlW TEL-HURON. FE 5-9955 shop monday througlfsaturday to 9 Tel-Huron Shopping Center (Telegraph at Huron Roads) • Virtually Indestructible e New one-piece cenetructien . S Won’t cuter crack—replaced freeifitdoee _ s Stays round — putts true # • High Compression ^ o Excellent rebounds o Stays allva e Fine click and spirited feel that golfer* like • Conforms to U.S.QJL Regulations 20 S. Telegraph Silver Lake Hd. and Across from Tel-Huron Dixie Highway ^ - This Price Good Only at These Twe Big Beys m i Use Your Security Chares ML or Michigan Bankard - pp«n Evening, **if9 P.M. mmm * Cunningham's * Winkelman’s * Osmun’s * Kresge’s SHOP EARLY * Sander's * T Hour Valet * Jayson Jewelers * Children's Shop •* Griswold Sporting * R. B. Shops * Beckwith-Evans * Shoe Bo* * * Wrigley’s * Camera Mart * Petrusha & Sons * Golden Thimble Is Fast Approaching , % 4 And we at Tel-Huron Shopping Center are ready for it. Just about anything Mother could want or hope to receive on Her Day, can be found here. (At a Nice Rice) Shop the Friendly Shopping :Center, for Quality, Service and some of the Best Prices Around.:-, Just landed ... a collection of imported 100% wool cardigan sweaters. Completely lined in lacy looking knit or baby cable stitch. What a welcome addition to your summer wardrobe iat this special price. Favorite colons of White, Navy, Lemon, Green, Pink and-Blue. Sizes 3Sp/uitg FoaIum Hottest Prices In Town On COOL nice at W. Huron Street THE OPEN LOOK. POPLIN Short Sleeve Vanopress Shirts * by Van Heusen Button-down oxford, ‘6.00 Others from ‘5.00 Here’s the perfect shirt for you this summer. Made of Dacron and cotton that won’t wrinkle. Always looks right because Van Heusen presses it forever the day they make it. And what’s more, it’s tapered to fit without bulge or wrinkle. Choose from whites, colors and stripes ... in all-new cool summer shades. All sizes, of course. See them soon. RMUPW ** Available at both stores. VonO^bam Long lime favorite in the new “Miracle Blend” . .. and what a Saving! Reg. $1.59 and 45” Wide. • CAMERA • CASE • NECK STRAP • SKYLITE FILTER • 2SEXP. sues FILM 13-irth Diameter with cm Embossed Design ~ *5-10 • • AAA to C • WHITE SWEET KID • PLANTINUM SWEET KID • NAVY SWEET KID • BLACK SHINY CORFAM You’ll gear# high whan you woar an opan art tho • Idas pump that’s •trappod in front and buddad on tha aid*. In rich, swaat kid, gently punched around tha cal-' a pari of Pontiac siaca 1931 SUPPORT WHILE THEY LAST! • FE4-92S9 Open 9:30 to • Man., Thun* Fri* Sat, Tuesday and Wednesday til • The, Conma Mont TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER Wwna 335-5471 Michigan Bankard Security Charge Dinar’* Club TEL HURON North wood Contor, 21 Sa. Taiagraph Royal Oak FREE PARKING at ALL STORES M Downtown Pontiac K Opan PH. 'til 9 M Tel-Huron Center in Pontiac Opan Ev.ry Night 'HI 9 M Tech Plozo Center in Warren, Opan Ivary Night *Ht 9 i FE 4-3557 FABRICS L is mt:jm 1! 5 m K A ;U i- t ' ' fV 4 ' ; JgHT M • ||t 1 & |j 111/tV; ‘:;Y'r;:...j*|||t | T1 il^>^)^^C;rl’,1B iHassa mmmm f THE PONTIAC P&ESS. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 By Science Service WASHINGTON — Rainfall over the entire United States may be at least partially under man’s control by 1985. By 1972, Interior Department scientists hope to be able to contribute up to 1.5 million acre-feet of water a year to the Colorado River by tapping atmospheric water resources. “Tapping of the rivers of the sky is no longer in the realm of fantasy,” according to Interior Secretary, Stewart Udall, “hot is distinctly possible.” His department, he told the Senate'subcommittee on Water and Power, has been looking into the possibilities of weather modification since 1961 with a' view of supplementing and conserving the nation’s water resources. Now, he reported, it seems possible that a 10 to 20 percent increase in precipitation can be induced artificially over areas as large as 1,000 square miles. ‘NEED NOT CONFINED’ While the first applications of such a capability would be in the water-starved Colorado River Basin, U&ll said, ". . . the country’s need for increased and dependable supplies of usable Water is in no sense confined to tile arid West.” “We have only to remember the plight of the drought* stricken East in 1965 to realize that,” the secretary observed. Essentially, such weather modification efforts would use presently-known cloud-seeding materials such as silver iodide r MOWER FREE for-all or dry ice. But newly developed methods of distributing them in clouds would be employed. * ★ at ■ 4 g m M These methods include silver iodide bombs developed by the Naval Ordnance Test Station, Pasadena, Calif., that would go off inside a cloud after being dropped from an airplane and remote-controlled silver iodide generators spotted over the area where more rain Is desired. Secretary Udall urged the subcommittee to support the entire five million dollar budget request for the Interior Department weather modification program in fiscal year 1968 and broadly hinted that considerably more money would help bring, the benefits of weather control to the nation as soon as possible. v' Take a short cut. a dose-cutting inter national9 mower, -g-FREE when you buy a Hi New International CUB CADET Take advantange of this opportunity to have an International Cub Cadet lawn and garden tractor working at your place, with the added feature of a free International mower. KING BROS. PONTIAC RD. at OPDYKE PONTIAC, MICH. Telephone: FE 4-1662 and FE 4-0734 Breeding Superior Race Not Likely, Doctor Says By Science Service WASHINGTON - A world peopled by geniuses, all fathered by a few select and talented men, is every bit as impossible as it sounds. Geneticists have long hoped to fertilize women with sperm preserved from exceptional men in order to breed particular qualities into the human race. The gestation period for cows, like that of women, is nine months. Sperm from humans is usually giyen to females within a week of the time it is taken. If aged, and perhaps deficient sperm, were used, chances are women would also abort, rather than carry a deformed child to term, Dr. Salisbury declares. This dream will probably never materialize, according to Dr. Glen W. Salisbury of tiie University of Illinois, Ur-bana, who has found that sperm and egg cells are damaged even under the condi-tions of extreme cold tiiat supposedly permit storage without change. Sperm cells kept -in. an artificial environment, event at minus 321 degrees F., continue to mature even though their growth may be Considerably slowed, his studies show. ★ ★ ★ Dr. Salisbury, who has studied reproductive physiology in cowi and other domestic animals for 30 years, says that even though twO-year-old sperm will fertilize an'egg, 30 per cent of the cows inseminated with such aged sperm had spontaneous abortions during the first three months of pregnancy. HARDWARE BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER HOUSEWARES SALE! \\V,\ Savings upto 25% HARDWARE BUY, SELL, TRADE . . . USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! mrnmm mx&y- -I WKC SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER j For MOM... For DAO SAVE >20 3-PIECE MR. and MRS. CHAIR GROUPING MAN’S HIGH-BACK CHAIR i*. LADIES’ MATCHIHG CHAIR MATCHING FOOTSTOOL Now Only For All 3 PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT ?•«<** Reversible foam cushions, durable soft fabric in choice of colors. • No Down Payment • 90 Day* Same a* Cash o Up to 36 Month* to Pay YOU SAVE $20 When You Buy Any 2 Chairs In Our Stock... Choose From Recliners, Rockers and Lounge Chairs Now’s Your Chance to Buy Quality Chairs at &ig Savings for Both Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. OPEN FRIDAY and MONPAV NIGHTS UNTIL 9- PARK FREE In WKC’s Lot Rear of Store m If you start missing the late straw mm It’s so comfortable, it’s like floating on air and the big Queen-size jives 20% more stretch-out space. Comedians, weather reports, late movies haven’t a chance with this NEW Beautyrest. It’s made with a luxurious cushioning called Simflex®. This exclusive, non-allergenic, space-age material gently molds itself to your body — cradles you over the firm, flexible Beautyrest coils below. It’s like sleeping on air. And the individual coil construction gives every inch of your body the separate support it needs. Almost 1,000 separate coils—all free to do what your body wants them to do. Because coils are separate, sleepers enjoy individual single-bed coinfort in this new Queen-size double bed. No collisions! You get 20% more stretch-out space. Other Beautyrest Sixes: New protection, too! The beautiful quilted cover is Sani-Seal® treated to guard against bacteria, mildew/ and odor. Regular Size Twin or Full Size. 889,50 each Come in and see the new Beautyrest Supreme mattress. Choose your firmness-regular or extra Ann. The Queen-size Beautyrest Supreme set (mattress and foundation) costs only Long Boy 80 indies long ip twin or full size. |99 JO each King Size 76 inches wido, 80 inches long. $339JO set SIMMONS World’. Largest Mattress Manufacture “where quality furniture is priced right” 2133 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD - Ph. 333-7052 1 v~ ■' ,—<■*:.>'■- t . - •*.- ' 7* ’ j * ’ ' , '. 1 -• ’ 3 r ; f . ->.. ! THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 Migrantsf School Is SHELBY (AP) — Hie supervisor of a day care School for children of migrant workers charged today that water has been cut off to the school, there has • been “petty harassment” and “there fa' an air of- hostility in the community.*4 Mrs. Jane Moog, |he supervisor, said she and the tea ers have to haul drinking wa in pails, buckets and plastic containers three miles from the village of Shelby in which the school is located, the school, financed by federal antipoverty funds, is in its first season of operation. ★ ★ ★ “People has harassed us over the • telephone,’’ Mrs, Moog said. “The locks on the do6rs have been broken twice. A lot of our outdoor play equipment has been knocked over.” Shelby is in Oceana Gounty in the heart of the western Mich lgan cherry-producing area. It is a quiet farm center dependent on migrant labor during the summer months. STRONG OPPOSITION “Local opinion is running real strong against it (the migrant school),”/said Elwood Huggard, a school bt^rd , member and managing editor of. the Oceana Herald', the county weekly “Part of it is personal and part of it is that some of the local people think the people running it got into the program through the patronage system,’ Huggard said. ★ •k ★ Huggard Said he checked and found children other than those of migrant workers enrolled at the school One was the child of a school teacher and another the child of a local businesswoman, he said. Some 37 children are cared for at the Blooming Valley School and another 20 at the Shelby Center School, both owned by the Shelby school sys same basis as Project Head The program is operated by West Michigan Opportunity Inc. Of Grand Rapids under i federal wmf I 'W. * t * \* : ' '\ •: ie children of mi- ■VWe grant or ex-migrant' mothers and take care of them on the same basis as (Project) Head Start,” Mrs. Moog explained. She said the children are picked up and returned to their homes by bus. They are served two hot meals a day plus snacks. ★ ★ ★ “There is a hostility due to misinformation about just what we are doing,” Mrs. Moog said “They think we are operating an expensive baby sitting service with their tax dollars.’' AP Wirtphoto ALLEGED ART SWINDLE - “La Reception,” this 22x29%-inch gouache, owned by Algur H. Meadows, was not painted by Raoul Dufy, according to the Art Dealers Association of America. Meadows, chairman of the General Ame/ican Oil Co. of Texas, said in New York that he is not buying the association’s judgment alone. The dealers told him he is the victim of one of the art world’s greatest swindles. LANSING (AP) - The State Board of Education will seek more information before finally approving Michigan’s new Teacher Certification Code. The bpard, meeting Wednesday, decided^ to delay the final Stamp of approval until its next meeting May 2^-24. M Special 90-day permits for teachers have been under fire by the Michigan Education Association, which wants to do away with them. Board member Charles Morton said he wanted a report on the educational level of the teachers with the special permits. QUIZ LEADERS Marilyn Jean Keller, board vice president, said she thought it would be a good idea if superintendents of schools were quizzed on exactly bow they go about finding qualified twfchers. Carmen Delliquadri said he thought there had been too much emphasis on - the number of hours of educational courses ’ required of a'prospective teach-; I " “Ljfntil teachers^ tkke better ’: courses, we’re not' improving ' quality,” he said. ★ ★ ★ The board said it wanted to gradually tighten up require-ments for teachers over a 20-year periOdv-sOne goal set was the elimination of the teaching permit requiring the least number-of houijs of study by July of 1970. Another goal was mandatory adoption of the code by the state’s teacher education institutions by the same date. WICKEf ESTABLISHED s SALE PRICES * IN EFFECT MAY 11 THRU 17 ASSOCIATION. G^ADE STAMPED lumber PLYWOOD SHEATHING T,s the time mm ON A' X 8' sheets. Association grade stamped Construction and better—20/25% standard—10/VMV 2 x4 x8' STUDS CD INTERIOR $088 SHEET ALUMINUM !%Xs s| te^aco-lfcS Tou«h Reg. Price SAc'^ SAVE 6c EACH 88 2"x4"xll> nnu i 2'xltf'xW' 2 % " CD INTERIOR %" CD INTERIOR ^2?? ?2393 ReS-Price $25.65 persq, AV£ *1.72 Per primed SQ. HIGHLANDER PATIO DOOR CARDBOARD SIDINr r,Mger * m « $ | Op ?e9- 2J4 'jtn Prime lH^NMeomr QUALITY SHELVING rxir clear 39« i"xir#2 14« Lin.^Ft. Lin/ 6' X €'8* distortion free INSULATING GLASS DOOR slides freely, quietly on nylon ball bearings. Frame of heavy, dur-sbl able aluminum. NOW ONLY $874' REGULAR 42Vac LIN. FT. REGULAR 16c UN. FT. Reg. $92.00 EACH SAVE $4.59 ASPHALT SHINGLES CERTAIN-TEED Reg. $6.69 persq. $AVE 36c OAK FLOORING COMBINATION WIXCOTE EXTERIOR LATEX PER *10.00 PER M DISCOUNT $125 PER M OAK SHORTS RANDOM OF ANY STOCK ITEM IN OAK FLOORING DOORS WINDOWS Highlight Aluminum 2'6"X6'8* 2WX6'8T 3'0" X 6'8* 13 WICKES Re* Sava 119.95 $2.22 PAINT Self.storing aluminum combination window. Rugged frame—a tremendous value. $79 EACH up to 60 united inches Reg. $9.25 SAVE $1.30 #235 Reg. $7.77 per sq. SAVE 39c Our finest latex paint • Easy to apply • Dries quickly • Paint over any surface wet or dry paim $J57 ,ry ^Tgallon REG. $5.19 SAVE 62c ESTABLISHED 1854 New Summer Hours: Brand Blane Romeo X 8-5:30 8-5 8-9:00 8-9 84:09 8-3 MoiL-TlNirs. Friday Saturday Bakhria and HoHy Roads • 5 Miles Swath of GRAM RUHR, MICH. 694-9104 East Side of Route 53 2 Miles South of ROMEO, MICH. 752-3501 BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE MILE South Telegraph Read Pontiac, Michigan Open Mon.-Fri. til 9 D—-10 THE PONjTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 AP Wlrtpholo SANDS OF VIETNAM — A soldier leaves a trail of deep • footprints as he walks down a sand dune in Quapg Ngai Province, South Vietnam. The beaches in the coastal area contrast with jungles of the central Vietnamese highlands. The 3rd Brigade of the 25th Division has set up a base camp, called "Landing Zone Guadalcanal,” near Due Pho on the Quang Ngai beach. By Science Service TORONTO — An intensive study of water quality in the Great Lakes has been launched by the Ontario Water Resources Commission. * * k Detailed sampling will .be-carried out on Lakes Superior and Huron antl^he interconnect- ing, channels with the aid of a new^O-foot vessel, the Atomic. Purpose of the program is to tabulate the quantity and type of industrial, domestic and surface pollution from Ontario whieh reaches the Great Lakes, and to determine the effects of these discharges. The program is being carried out in cooperation with other Canadian and U.S. government ' agencies involved in similar studies under reference f r o m the International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes. ■% k' k k The scope of the vessel-based operations has been expanded to include biological sampling and observation at selected points in Lakes Erie, Ontario, Huron and Superior. WILL CONTINUE Land-based observations of the quality and quantity of waste water reaching the Lakes from Ontario will continue. A refinement of the program is the use of carbon absorption filters at three se-1 lected locations including' Sarnia, Ont., opposite Port Huron, Mich. Complex organic trace elements in the water are picked up by these units. Denis in 90th Congress Resemble Pilotless Ship WASHINGTON (UPI) - If the Democratic party is in trouble, it may need to look beyond Vietnam and LBJ’s personality and worry a little about the strength of its leadership in Congress Across the Capitol, the democratic majority of the House is led by Speaker John W. McCormack, who has been elected and reelected since 1928 from a safe Democratic, constituency i n Set on Appeals LANSING UP - Michigan’s local draft boards yesterday were instructed to inform all men eligible for service in the armed forces how they may make a personal appearance before the board to appeal their draft classification, Col Arthur Holmes, State Selective Service director, said this is in accordance with an executive order issued by President Johnson May 3. Holmes said the time in which a personal appearance or other appeal is allowed has been extended from 10 to 30 days after the date of classification. local boards will be required to mail out information to all men eligible for the draft on how they" may go about appealing. 19,900-Man Call for July Highest of Year It is a common springtime j south Boston. Now 75, McCor-complaint to speak of Congress mack stood in Rayburn’s as a do-nothing institution be- shadow for more than 20 years; WASHINGTON UP— The Decause most of its visible output before he was elected to the fense Department Wednesday comes in the summer and fall speakership. issued a July draft call for in- after bills are shaped, remod- * * * duction of 19,900 young men to eled and rewritten in commit-| Although he is bathed withiserve with the Army. It is the tees. But no recent Congress has, tributes in response to any pub-1 highest draft call this year, looked so much like a ship with-j ]jc criticism, some of the yoqng-i The July quota is slightly out a pilot as the one now in er liberal House Democrats higher than the 19,800 for June, session. The 90th Congress contrasts sharply with those of the 1950s led by the late Speaker Sam Rayburn, an astute manager of the House, and Lyndon B. Johnson, a restless, aggressive leader always dragging the * Senate as far as he thought it would go. Johnson’s successor as Senate Democratic leader is Mike Mansfield of Montana, one of the most loved and respected men in Congress. But the mild-mannered former professor seems more scholar than leader and one who leads reluctantly until he knows where his troops! want to go. k k k The Senate is comoosed of 99 men and one woman, most of them independent-minded. After six years of the “Johnson treatment,” Mansfield’s gentle handling at first seemed like an overdue respite. But the pendulum seems to have swung too far. Mansfield’s deputy is Seh. Russel B. Long of Louisiana, the volatile and unpredictable son of the late Sen. Huey P. (King-fish) Long, a stormy figure in the early 1930s. The near-breakdown in the Senate Democratic leadership was underscored last month when Long started a public row with Mansfield on the Senate floor before professing his great love for the majority leader. It was no demonstration oi teamwork. The row grew out of a dispute over a relatively minor business tax incentive bill. The bill became the center of a major battle because of Long’s efforts to save the presidential campaign financing law he sired last year. j Long, 48, has probably lost; friends and influence by his; management of the bill. He was! elected party whip in 1965 when the job was vacated by Vice! President Hubert H. Humphrey.! He rounded up Southern conservative and Northern liberal support for his election by the] Democratic caucus before other; poetntial candidate realized what was going on. SEN. BYRD Third in the Democratic chain of command in the S e n a t e is Sen. Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia by virtue of his job as secretary of the Democratic caucus. He Was chosen from relative obscurity over Sen. Joseph S. Clark of Pennsylvania, whose criticism of the Senate “establishment” offended many of the members. * Mansfield sits across the center aisle of the chamber from Senate Republican lead-£er Everett M. Dirksen. Dirk-sen’s shrewd leadership of his smaU band of Republicans gives him a voice in Senate affairs equal to or greater than any Democrat. privately are unhappy over and the 18,000 for May. McCormack leadership. I Defense officials have said The Democratic floor leader j that draft calls will begin to rise in the House is Rep. Carl Albert about midyear to replace young of Oklahoma,' who was slowed men who were inducted under by a heart attack last year. In the sharply increased Vietnam planning any legislative strate-j buildup which began in the late gy he must defer to the speaker. (siShimer of 1965. iWoNTGOMERY WARD New enchantments for Afte^-Five happenings LOVELY LACE-TOPPED SHEATHS, DRAMATIC "CAGES” IN THE GROUP All fashion's alluring new-looks for brightening your after-dark hours and putting you in the most glamorous light on those very special dates. Gossamer, full-swinging "cage" silhouettes in exquisitely patterned net or lace... beautiful svelte sheaths... in a wide assortment of enchanting new variations. Here, shown, are just two from Wards superb collection in misses' and juniors’ sizes. (a] New sophistication in a black patterned nylon-acetate net "cage" over rayon acetate crepe sheath; 12-18,. . . .22.99 GO Richly embroidered whi{e cotton lace bolero above slim-line skirt of black rayon acetate; pink rayon satin belt. 7-15... .17.99 "CHARGE IT” ON WARDS CONVENIENT CHARG-ALL CREDIT PLAN Save $20 on elegant .mink! 6 LUXURIOUS ROWS DEEP WITH FULL 2-SKIN COLLAR ' $19900 REGULARLY $219.00 The perfect Mother's Day gift stole . . . height of fashion and one she'll cherish for many years to come! In fine quality selected natural mink ... lovely pastel or ranch. Richly lined in acetate satin. Make your selection now at Wards where you can shop for furs with confidence. hr producti lobolod 16 thow country of origin of imported tun. OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M* SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. g 682-19 Ml t ir*£BBK '' >3& 'I wK> -Joa,; “ ^ --»» ||i **■ * 4 ■>■ ' '•-’® '‘"'“SmBEI ■wpamiMwwHw > THR POKTIAC KtESS. THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1M7 1 'v pgmjgvr 1 Ml j tJf1 PM sasii i III £§ IwMIm 11 Bi i IliiliSSi 1M1 FACE TRIAL — Long-haired Mick Jagger (left center, holding cigarette) and Keith Richard (right, smoking cigarette) leave court in Chichester, England, yesterday after electing to be tried by jury on drug possession charges. Both are members of the Rolling AP Wlrtphoto Stones rock ’n’ roll group. A third member of the group was hauled into a London court today along with Swiss pop singer Prince Stanislas Klossowski de Rowla. The two were charged with possessing marijuana at their apartment. Both were released on bail State GOP Exec at Two Seminars LANSING (AP) - Michigan’s Republican Central Committee will be the only state GOP organization represented on two nationwide political public relations seminars next week. Hugh Humphrey, Michigan director of public relations for the party, wUl speak at a confer enqe in Washington May 16 and again in Denver May 20. Both are sponsored by the Republican National Committee. ' M99 Proposal .^LANSING £AP) — A public hearin|[ on gening and redeveloping M 99 laLansing will be June 8 at the Barnes Avenue Elemental^ School, the State Highway C o m mission nounced Wednesday/ & U.S. Approach to Bombing N. Viet Airfields Criticized SAIGON (AP) - The piecemeal bombing of MIG. airfields in North Vietnam is causing a mod bit of anguish among some U.S. Air Force' strategists in Vietnam. The stated purpose of the raids is to destroy the Red jets on the ground. But critics of the piecemeal Approach dictated by Washing-ton shy it gives the North Vietnamese * air force the opportunity to ^escape to other unbombed bases or to Red Chins. There are four main MIG bases and two secondary ones in the Hanoi-Haiphong area. Since Apfil 24 U.S. warplanes have made eight raids On three of the fields. ALL IN ONE DAY But waiting for the proper weather, responsible officers say, the United States could have hit ail six fields on one day. U.S. forces have enough planes in Vietnam to hit the MIGs with one killing blow these sources say. v - “Most people would agree that we are not exactly taking a military approach to bombing the airfields,” one authority ad: mitted. “But then, this is not precisely a military situation.” ★ ★ '★ “It’s not exactly the way I would run an air force,” he said. • The raids thus far have destroyed from nine to 15 planes on fire ground. It was estimated when file raids began that the North Vietnames ' air force numbered possibly as many as 120 jets — mostly MIG15s and 17s with about 20 or so speedier MIG21s. CAMOUFLAGED REVETMENTS After the first raids April 24 on the fields at Kep and Hoa Lac, the Communists immediately scattered their MIGs and moved them to camouflaged revetments some distance from the fields They had evidently been prepared for such raids for a long time. However, there doesn’t appear to be evidence yet that they have started to take sanctuary at bases in Red China. - ■A ★ ★ In subsequent raids on the Hoa Lac and Kien An bases the MIGs were hard to find. “They are scarce on the fields now,” one officer said. “They’ll probably be even harder to find in the future.” QUICKLY REPAIRED Just bombing the fields does not put the North Vietnamese air force out of action. The North Vietnamese use handy materials to resurface the runways, and bomb craters can be repaired overnight. Only the Hoa Lac field — bombed five times -r has been reported out of action, and it probably is usable again. 1 ★ * ★ However, the raids have thrown the North Vietnamese air force off balance. It has ho way of knowing which base will be hit next, or when. Such indecision makes ittdiffi-j cult to prepare planes for interception missions or to schedule necessary training flights. men Mouse IMPORTED RARE SCOTCH 111* IUIDU SCOTCH must! Ml MOOT IMPOIKO II llllll HKl WIUIIS, 111., fill! LOW IN COST. FAST IN ACTION. PHONE 332-8181. NEED HELP? USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS. &■**-**■ *> Jf-W* /wVoNTGOMERY WARD Save on. Style House carpet spongepad CHOICE OF FAMOUS FIBERS AT LOW PRICE! , Sole Ends Saturday, May 13 'IT’V -t P*v-vr • 3 HW Crest on Creslon® acrylic pile has warm, wool-like appearance and heavy bulk for rich good looks. 7 decorator colors. WrFresh r Ground Continuously IN ECONOMICAL FAMILY PACKAGES PEFRESH|Ng j ^■"WP ■ ' I ; THE It, 1ft«T 1 , f on « By RALPH DIGHTON CHATSWORTH, Calif. (AP) — The not-so-happy warrior, retired from one theater of tumult butcontemplating invasion of another, sat scowling and chewing a black cigar. “What’s so different about bring a military' man?” demanded Curtis Emerson Le-May. ' h ★ ★ “People say, ‘Oh, but you have a different viewpoint,’ and their meaning is derogatory— except when there is a war going on. But there really is no diference, except maybe we love our country a little bit more, and work for less money.” The defense of his beloved life-long military ^profession came in an interview when Le-May, former Air Force chief of staff and four-star general who has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Senate was asked if he frit' his military background would help him in politics. MORE INTEGRITY Snapped LeMay:. “There is more integrity, less skullduggery and less thievery among military men than among all the rest of the citizens.” r * LeMay, a registered Republican, has never said he was interested in running for office, nor did he this time. But he has made several public speeches on military policy and has disclosed that he has been approached about opposing Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel, R-Calif., next year for the GOP nomination. ★ ★ ★ Kuchel recently was criticized by the conservative California Republican Assembly for failing to support Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan and Sen. George Murphy, R-Calif., in their gen eral election campaigns. Both LeMay and the slate school superintendent, Max Rafferty, have been suggested as possible opponents of Kuchel. NOT LOOKING But, says LeMay, “I’m having fun, in what I’m doing and I’m not looking for another Job. Un- til there’s some teal organization behind ihis sort of thing I will not give it any "real thought.” - ■■ . LeMay, 61, retired two years ago info the post of chairman of the board of Networks Electronic Corp., a rambling one-story riructiire ini a cluster of electronic plants in this Ban Fernando Valley suburb of Los Angeles; #. - A ★ His, firm makes high-precision bearings and electronic parts for military equipment, and he also has an Interest in Executive Jet Aviation of Columbus, Ohio, a contract charter service which recently, .acquired two four-engine Boeing 707s and two smaller 727s. He’s obviously not in need of a job. KIBBITZ, ADVISE “I’ve had enough of 16-hour days,” says LeMay. “Here just kibbitz and advise, and I. like it that way.” As a business executive, however, LeMay has no forum, and he is accustomed to sounding off whenever he feels national policy—especially ^military policy— is in error. As a senator, his views would have more effect. it it it Whether he has that in niind must remain a strategic mystery until his decision is made, but in the meantime he is not bashful about expressing his conviction that current policy in Vietnam is no way to run a war. “You can’t be half pregnant,” he says, “and you can’t be half at war.” SAC BOSS One of the’ prime movers in the establishment of the Strategic Air Command after World War II, he became its boss in 1948 and in the next 10 years hammered out a reputation as a hard-driving manager of man and technical systems, including the then new and incredibly complex intercontinental missiles. He is a loud advocate of brute force—and he believes this is the only ay to bring North Vietnam to the conference table. o Asked if escalation might not force the Soviet Union and Red China to take an active part hi Vietnam, LeMay ,said: “The Russians have always backed off anytime we came eyeball to eyeball With them — in Berlin, in Lebanon, in Cuba. The Chinese make lots of noise but they don’t have the strength to wage a major war.” LeMay challenged claims numerous scientists that usfe of nuclear weapons will cause irreparable damage to the human race. .< a* * CONTRARY TO FACTS “This is wildly exaggerated and contrary .to the facts,” Lw May said. ”We’ve dropped }4 weapons on Bikini, and accord- ing to some of, these people, Just one was supposed to extinguish aU life. \ “SO what do wp find on Bikini today? The vegetation is back, the birds and the .fish are back, and the roots are bigger and fatter than ever.” if] * * LeMay said military! leaders “havemever believed that nu- clear weapons impossible. The Red Chinese spy they could .survive a nuclear war and mhybe they’re right. “But. we’ve listened to -pinko-type scientists so long we seem to iurie developed a phobia. They’llpill over and pipy dead for anybody, and that just is not rational when so much is at stake.” LeMay said he believes the United States “ought to use atomic weapons — Judiciously r- if the Red Chinese move into North or South Vietnam, if they actively join the war. I don’t mean shoot every atomic weapon we have, but we should use stop the what’s necessary, whr right now.” Military policy is, of count, only part of »U.S. senator’s Job. Does LeMay have views on national an£ state affairs? “I’m not going to tell you that,” he said. “That would be pretty silly, when I haven’t even 'made up my mind.” */, AP Wlrtphot# CONTEMPLATES ACTION — Curtis LeMay, former Air Force chief of staff and four-star general, sits amid model jetliners in his office in Chatsworth, Calif., where he is board chairman of an electronics concern. Now 61, he has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Senate. He is outspoken on political issues but gives no indication of running for office. Decline of Deep Sleep Eyed as Factor in Aging By Science Service DETROIT — Elderly persons not only sleep less, but get less good out of their few hours each night. This may be a factor in lessening their mental activity. Normal elderly people tested in the laboratory show a marked decline and sometimes total absence of “stage 4 sleep.” This stage is thought to be the most effective and the most necessary physiologically, therefore its decline and absence in people 60 and older is a cause of considerable current speculation about the relationship between aging and sleep. Several investigators at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association here reported sleep changes in the elderly. Besides a decline in deep sleep, they also noted a decline in the total amount of sleeping time and a slight decrease in dreaming time. STUDY REPORTED Dr. Anthony Kales from the department of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles- reported that his 10 elderly subjects slept deeply 1.4 per cent of the night compared to 11 par cent in young adults. All the subjects were in good health and active for their age. Dr. Eugene Aserinsky, a physiologist from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, who pioneered sleep studies, commented: “One wonders whether the purpose of sleep has to do 'VljKHmciulflinraa^^ ^ Prices in Effe ay 11thruMay 13, 1967 For Your Outdoor MIXED Cookout PORK GRADE CHOPS SKINLESS Blade Rib Loin Fresh, Lean HAMBURGER 3 UN HAMBURGER ROLLS • Tender, Sliced Beef Liver Package of 8 Tender, Juicy USDA CHOICE BOSTON ROLLED ROAST LARGE BOLOGNA • LcanBMf _ Short Ribs...... 39» vrado 1 Fresh gu gu Polish Sausage .. 69 Grade nflP Sliced JlM®! lIbit I J a I J California Crisp CELERY 24 Size 1UC Stalk 14-Oz. Tube Tomatoes Fresh Red Juicy CampbelPs PORK and Kraft9S PHILADELPHIA CREAM Iffc CHEESE lu BEANS Kraft’s VARIETY FLAVORED 8-Oz. Carton 28 Oz Can CHEESE DIFS porks ONION to BLUE CHEESE BACON and HORSERADISH beans IAUCC NORTHERN TISSUE 4-joll Package • MUELLER'S 1-Pound Box Elbow Macaroni 19* e GRAVY TRAIN-5-Pound Bog Dog Food . . . .67* • 50 PACK Dook Matches. .10* • VELVET—2 Pound Jar Smooth Peanut Dutter. ,69c • HUNT'S NO. 2% Con Fruit Cocktail.. ,33c • BANQUET 14-Oz. Frozen Cream Pits 3-69- GIANT SIZE TIDE 3-Pound 1-Ounce Box k. Authorized S.D.D. Distributor Wine •Liquor • Beer Wc Reserve the Right to L Across From Pontiac Northern 1220 H. Pony at MadiooB, Poatiao FE 4-2260 Open Daily 8 ML -Sundays 10 A's Bonus Baby By the Associated Press Oil# drab isn’t Rick Monday’s best cofer but he fits into Igreen and gold just fine, thank you. | Mdnday is the young outfield-■er who pocketed $104,000 of Charles Finley’s pin money in baseball’s first free agent draft two summers ago and now looks ready to pay off the dividend far Kansas City’s flashily dressed Athletics. more, laid New’ TWO-HIT HUSKIES Pontiac Northern moundsmen junior Mike Clancy (left) and Gerry McKeever each spun two-liitters yesterday at Flint Northwestern*^ McKeever emerged, with a 5-4 victory in. the opener of the make-up doubleheader, but Clancy was held to a 44 tie ds a shaky defense allowed four unearned (tins to the Wildcats. The second game w#; caUod 'booaase of darkness after etoit innings. 5 - THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY Stars Associated Press ' Ride Mon-but he. fits into just fine, thank Gerry terday at emerged, with now looks the dividend for flashily dressed Go to ar Rival By JERE CRAIG Waterford gave arch-rival Kettering a big boost Wednesday in the Captains’ bid for the $0. 1 ranking among Oakland County area prep baseball teams. The Skippers upset Southfield, the top-rated nine, 54, while WKHS was pounding third-ranked Clarkston, 114. No. 9 Pontiac Northern won and tied at Flint Northwestern. ★ ★ ★ The PNH Huskies (6-3-1) held off the host Wildcats 54 in the opener, but the nightcap ran into darkness and was halted at 44‘after eight innings. The twin bill was a makeup of an earlier postponement. Junior hurlers Mike Vidor and Rod Kennedy, stopped Southfield (9-2) on four hits, with southpaw Kennedy relieving winner Vidor (2-1) in the last inning. Kennedy halted the Blue Jays with the tying run on third and the winning run on second base. Waterfupd (8-5) scored four times in the first inning on a bases-loaded walk, a two-run Single by Paul Thomas and Mike Murphy’s run-producing single* all with one out. Bill Hill singled home what proved to be the winning rup after two were out in the fourth Ted Simmons cracked a tape-measure home run to deep center field in the first inning for Southfield. gle, double, triple, one RBI and down today. WKHS can clinch the Tri-County crown at Lapeer. STRONG SHOWING Northern received two-hit two runs scored. Dick Miceli laid down a two-run squeeze bunt in the first inning and later added an RBI- .... .. _ triple; Jerry Harkey Hit a sokv^hing from both Gerry Mc-homer for the Captains, whose ^eeveJ ^ and Glancy 12 wins in 14 starts make them ™?Keever had 8 no*hittcr until Flint NW combined two wa**cs with *wo s*n8les in tire' f gflBk | gjfQH sixth inning of the opener. But the Wildcats three runs Epfe/i couldn’t overcome a similar rally by PNH an inning ear-tier. Craig Deaton had an RBI-in^| double and Jim Whitehead a i two-run single for the winners. f * I jfljjH Jr Clancy whiffed 13 and didn’t |gH| allow a hit after the second inn- . ing in the nightcap, though be- EARL THOMAS ing touched for four unearned belted a homer and drove three runs for the A’s Wednesday night in a 74 victory Boston. One month ago, with the sea-about to open, Monday was just finishing an active duty stint with the United States' Marine Reserves. He shifted from fatigues to flannels fairly ! easily and has just about clinched a regular job in Man-! ager A1 park’s outfield. Marine duties being what they are, Monday stayed in shape and returned ready to go. His six extra base hits and .254 batting average have Dark wondering whether boot camp might not benefit some of the other Athletics. Elsewhere in the American League Wednesday irigit^Tom-my John hurled a six-hitter and Chicago smashed four borne runs in a 13-i romp over Balti-Detroit dropped Cleve-4-2 and California edged Yoi)k 3-2. RUNS Monday drove in two runs with a single in the third inning as Kansas City wiped out an early three-run Red Sox lead. ★ it it Then, after the A’s had taken the lead in the seventh on sin gles by Danny Cater and Dick Green, Monday boomed his second homer of the season. their sixth straight with a 15-hit attack highlighted by the long ball. " V " • ;Hr' * ■ it Cleveland, 4-2 Tom McCraw, Pete Ward Dick Kenworthy and Tommie Agee smacked the homers and John scattered six hits, losing his shutout in the ninth on Curt Blefary’s homer. Jose Cardenal opened the ninth inning with a triple for the Angels and after the Yankees walked Jim Fregosi and Jimmie Hall intentionally to set up a force play, Rick Reichardt delivered the game-winning single. It was Reichardt’s third hit of Mickey Gain* Fourth Victory; Horton Hits Two-Run Homer The streaking White Sox won the night and his second RBI. I straight win. CLEVELAND (AP)— Willie Horton said he doesn’t know what kind of a pitch he hit for his first home run of the season. It didn’t matter. The blast enabled the Detroit Tigers to the season last night to pace whip the Cleveland Indians 4-2 the Detroit Tigers to a 4-2 vie- Wednesday night, extending tory over the Cleveland In- their winning streak to five dians. It was Detroit’s fifth games. FIRST HOMER—Willie Horton hit his first home run of the top winning team in the area. Jack McCloud scattered five hits and six walks while fanning 15. Clarkston is now 84 and meets West Bloomfield in a key Wayne-Oakland League show- runs. An outstanding catch by center fielder Rick Rhoney on Flint’s lead-off hitter in the seventh inning prevented trouble. Reserve Dennis. McLaughlin ripped a two-run single for the Huskie’s biggest blow in the second contest. Volunteer Army of Workers Aid Pan-Am Games Waterford ............. 400 loo o—J 4 2 Southfield ........... 110 out 1—4 4 0 VIDOR, Kennedy (7) and Hamilton) McLEAN, Minks (1), Capporool (1), Beirut (4) and Simmoni. M-MSU Vs Obstacle for Gophers Pink at Cutdown Bright Oriole Rookie Is Cut •'Vp*' Kettering ...... .... HI 302 —11 10 1 Clarkston ..........Mt did 1— 4 S d McCLOUD and Micall) CUMMINGS. Johnson (I), Fite (SI, Nlcoson (7) and Keyser. WINNIPEG OP) - The final push is oil a$ an army of volunteers and staff workers prepare for the July 23 opening of the Pan-American Games, Canada’s biggest-ever sports spectacle. tr i . , B ... . Finishing touches are being Kettering pounded1 10 hits at placed Stadiums, arenas and CONSISTENT Clarkston anti seor<* in every- throughout this city inning but one. Sophomore Bob of 500,000 for the tiro-week event Earl led the assault with a sin- leads Keglers Mrs. Robinson Sharp in WIBC Tournament which will draw more than 3,000 athletes from 17 Western Hemisphere nations. Some facilities have been completed, but twq possible trouble spots are looming. There is dome concern about progress on the Pan-American pool, the $3 million showpiece of the Games, and in tile ticket office where a pile-up of orders has forced a shutdown of over-the-counter sales for at least a week. Flret Gam* Pontiac Northern ldt 030 6-5 S 1 Flint Ndrthwootern too 001 d-d 2 1 MCKEEVER and McClain; MILLER, Jones (7) and Minnloar. Second Gama Pontiac Northern ... ID ddd dd—4 t 4 Flint Northwestern . 210 too dd—4 2 Id. M. Clancy and Rondo) Canada and Minnloar. . Japanese Boxer Keeps Ring Title TOKYO (UPI) - Musashi Na kano successfully defended h i s Orient welterweight title Wednesday by stopping Filipino Ravalo in the eighth round of a scheduled 12-round bout. Nakano, who weighed 146% a half a pound heavier than the challenger, punished Rav alo throughout the fight and dropped him three times in the final round before the referee stopped the bout at 2:35. By tiie Associated Press Minnesota leads in three major team statistic categories to back up its apparent stampede to the Big Ten baseball title. ' The Gophers, 8-1, are at Michigan State, 7-5, for a doubleheader Friday and then move on to Michigan, 5-3, for another twin bill Saturday. Other Friday doubleheaders •send Illinois (2-6) to Ohio State (64), Iowa (4-5) to Michigan, and Purdue (3-5) to Indiana (4-6). Wisconsin (74) is at Northwestern (2-9) in a single game. Saturday’s double round has Illinois at Indiana, Iowa at MSU, and„ Purdue at Ohio State while Wisconsin is at Northwestern for a solo. LOW ERA Minnesota is tops in team batting with .311 followed by MSU with .283. The Gophers also lead in team pitching with a 1.77 earned run average with Wisconsin next at 2.57, and team slugging with .459 with MSU second at .405. Ohio State heads team fielding with .962 with Iowa second at .954. Minnesota is sixth with .942. ★ it it Individual leaders include: Batting - Andy Fischer, Michigan, .476; Ed Chartraw, Wisconsin, .471; Jim Lee, Indiana, .455; Dennis Zacho, Minnesota, .441; John Walters, MSU, .412; Mike Sadek, Minnesota, ,400. Pitching - Keith Stilwell, Ohio State, 1-0, 14 1-3 innings, ERA 0.00; Geoff Zahn, Michigan, 3-0 21 innings, ERA 1.29. Many Vets Among Released Players ROCHESTER, N. Y. W - A 37-year-old mother of four from Flint shot a final game of 278 Wednesday to take the lead in the opetiing four-game block of the Women’s International Bowl ing Congress Queens Tournament. j Mrs. Jeanette Robinson roiled, a 194-211-206-278—889 to go three' NEW ORLEANS (AP)-Doug pins up on second-place Mrs. Ford, almost a name from the Myrt De Fily of San Antonio, past in golf although he’s won who also turned in a 278 final two of the major championships game. — the PGA and Masha's — Doug Ford Hoping Slump End at Hand # .# ★ 1; Another four-game block Thursday will mark the end of the qualifying rounds for 400 entrants in the Queens competition. Match play begins Thursday night with 61 qualifiers, plus thinks he’s just about over the first Mg slump of his long career on the fairways. the 44-year-old pro, winner of less than $2,500 this year, carded a sizzling six-under^par 66 in the pro-am to set the stage for today’s first round of the $100,- three seeded players, shooting Greater New Orleans Open for he top spot that will be de-jQoif Tourney, tided Sunday night. .vT * i * * NINE STRIKES Forti ranks ninth on the raod- Mrs. Robinson, a bowling in-j*rn *** money list but he hasn’t structress and president of thewon enough in the past 18 Ford discussed Jack Nicklaus, who’s entered here, and then turned to his own game. MORE PRESSURE Usually when you drive badly you putt badly,” said Ford. Of course, you put a lot of pressure on your putter to make up. You-are usually missing the green when you drive poorly and then you are chipping up and leaving yourself five or six feet and you’re putting a lot more pressure on your putts.” Professional Women’s Bowler’ Association, reeled off nine strikes, left a three pin in the 10th, spared it and again broke for nine in her,, windap game. Hie 278 was her highest single game in her 14 years of bowling months to pay his expenses on the,,tour. His 66 was one of the best rounds he’s had in a long time and he shared first place in the pro-am with young Ker-mit Zarley, the onetime NCAA titlist rtiio has yet to win a tour nament. Cocaptains Named for'67 Spartan 11 By the Associated Press Veteran pitchers hurling shut-, out baseball and veteran hitters batting over .300 were among the cut-down casualties, but the biggest sparks may fly from the optioning of a rookie hitting .194. He is first baseman Mike Epstein, touted as a future super-star, optioned by Baltimore to their Rochester farm club be* jfore Wednesday night’s major league deadline to reach the 25-player Umit. it it “Mike said he was very disappointed and might not report to Rochester,” said Oriole Manager Hank Bauer. Epstein, 24, the minor league player of the year at Rochester last season, declined comment after meeting with Bauer and Harry Dalton, Baltimore director of player personnel. . “I pointed out the opportunities to him,” Dalton said, “but it’s his career and it’s his decision,” PINK SUPS Among those once highly publicized veterans to get pink slips were Ralph Terry, Bill Monbou-quette, Gordy Coleman, Manny Jimenez and Bob Buhl. Atlanta hospitalized ace righthander Tony Uloninger, 1-1, for an indefinite period, The former 20-game winner, who has not pitched since April 26 because of a pulled bade muscle and a virus infection, is suffering from an eye problem. , The Los Angeles Dodgers traded Infielder John Werhas to the California Angels for outfielder Len Gabrielson and the New York Mets purchased third baseman Ed Charles from Kansas City for $60,000 and minor Mechanic Puts Spark in Andretti's Racer The two-run homer gave Horton his first two RBI of the season. He missed 15 games with an injured left leg and Achilles tendon. “I don’t know what kind of a pitch it was,” said the stocky Horton. “He threw it to me before so I made up my mind not to pull it and hit straight away.” The ball landed in dead center field, 407 feet from the plate. Horton also demonstrated that his bad leg was in good shape, scoring from second on a single by Norm Cash in the fourth. STILL INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. UB - McGee, Clint Brawner, who draws blueprints in his head and then converts them into ultra rapid race cars, probably will push Mario Andretti out of the pits to set a new Indianapolis Motor Speedway record Saturday. The Italian-born Andretti turned an unofficial lap at 167.9 miles per hour Wednesday compared to the official one-lap record of 166.328 he set last year in an almost identical Brawner car. None of the other 83 cars at and Dave Ellis, who manufactures the Caribbean boat, and Arnie Johnson. WMGA Event to Detroiter A soft touch around the greens enabled Mrs. George Schade of Detroit to overcome some shaky fairway play in taking the week- the old track has approached that speed in practice for Saturday’s qualifying runs for the 51st 500-mile race-May 30. Brawner crew-chiefed the cars ‘in which Eddie Sachs won tiie pole position In 1961 and 1962, and Andretti took it last year. The Phoenix, Ariz.,'‘practical mechanic,” as he calls himself, was chief for three drivers who spent less actual time on the track than the 500 winners — Bobby Ball in 1951, Jimmy Bryan in 1954 and Sachs in 1962 — but he has yet to produce a winner. Extra pit stops kept all three drivers out of the winner’s circle. Andretti led last year until valve trouble stopped his engine. He went on to win eight other major U. S. Auto Club events. >g Brawner builds cars for A1 Dean, the big van man of Long Beach, Calif., with the help of Tony Buffone, ex-Bostonian Jim ly Women’s Metropolitan Golf Association outing at Bob O’Link Golf Course in N6vi. Mrs Schade carded a 42-43-85 for 'a one-stroke victory over Mrs. Phillip DeGuere (4343—86) of Birmingham and Mrs. G. F. Langford (4145—86) of Dearborn Heights. A player who blossomed as a) league outfielder Larry Elliot. prep under the watchful eye of a new Pontiac Catholic High coach'Mel Larsen was named a cocaptain of the M i c h i g a n State University football team yesterday. \ He’s 5-foot-lO Tony Conti, a chunky 225-pouoder, who starred udder Larsen at Mount Clemens St. Mary. • .Conti was a first string offensive guard last year.ahdbe’ll handle the duties as captaii along with defensive halfbad Drake Garrett. Garrett, 5-8 and 185 pounds, The Mets also bought utility infielder Bob Johnson and pitcher John Miller from Baltimore Epstein was unable to beat out Boog Powell at first base with (Continued on Page E4, Col. 8) Southern Ace in Lions' Den Mrs. Georg* Schade, Detroit .. 42-43—85 Mrs. Phillip DeGuere, B'ham ., 43-43—86 Mrs. G. F. Langford, D'born Hts. 41-45—86 Mrs. Max Evans, Southfield . 43-43—86 Miss Phyllis Chandler, H'tramck 43-44—87 Mrs. Midge Cova, Novi . .. 45-43—88 Mrs. David Mortimer, B'ham 44-46—90 Mrs. Nick Panasluk, Elmstead, Ont. ............. 43-47—90 Mlckl Fliz, Detroit .......... 49-46-95 Mrs. George Sullivan, Detroit .. 50-45—95 Mrs. Henry Pramtck, Dearborn 50-45—95 Mrs. Harold Wait, D'born Hts. 49-47—96 Mrs. Harold Walton, Southfield 49-47—96 Mrs. Walter Haiacyla, Dearborn 49-48—97 Mrs. Sidney Ayles, Union Lake 48-51—99 Low Net: Miss Chandler 87-9—78. FIRST FLIGHT: Mrs. Joseph Read; Hamtramck 48-42—90; Mrs. Charles Zahm, Detroit 49-44—93; Mrs. Tony Mitchell, Detroit 45-48—93; Mrs. John Hartzell, Grosse Point* Woods, 47-46—93. Low Net: Mrs. George Todd, Plymouth 96-18—78; Mrs. D. J. Karganen, Livonia 96-18—78. SECOND FLIGHT; Mrs. George Kara-gin, Washington 50-46—96; Grace Schaffer, Detroit 51-46—97; Mrs. John Daug-erlll, Detroit 50-47-97. Low Nat: Mrs. Dale Freed, Dearborn 98-22—76. THIRD FLIGHT: Mrs. Vasila Cova, Allen Park 51-48—99; Evelyn Schwarz, Grosse Pointe Woods 49-52—101. Low Net: vMrs. James Frye,. Royal Oak 105-28-77. HURTS I was hoping Norm would get a hit because I wanted to test the leg,” said Horton. “It feels all right once I get it warmed up but it still hurts. I just wanted to make sure it would hold up when I ran hard. And it felt good.” ★ ★ ★. While Mickey Lolich, with relief help from Fred Gladding, held the Indians at bay, the Tigers pounced on Cleveland starter Sonny Siebert for two runs on four hits in the fourth inning. Cash mid Jim Northrup got the RBIs with base hits. ★ vlr Cleveland scored a ran in the third on Larry Brown’s homer off Lolich. Horton’s two-run blast In the sixth followed a walk to A1 KaBite Snd gay* Detroit a 4-1 lead. • Gladding took over in the ninth when Lolich got into trouble. With on* out, Joe Azcua singled and moved to third on Chico * Salmon’s double. Gladding came in and got pinch-hitter Fred Whitfield on an infield grounder, with Azcue scoring. Then he fanned Duke Sims to wrap up Lolich’s fourth victory in five decisions. CALLED STRIKE “He (Sims) was still looking at the first curve I threw him so I decided to give him another,” said Gladding. Sims took it on a 3-2 count for a game-ending third strike. The save was Gladding’s fourth of the season and his his second in two days. * ★ ★ ★ Detroit got down to the American League’s 25-player limit after the game by releasing catcher Chris Cannizzaro outright to Toledo of the international League and asking waivers on pitcher Bill Monbou-quette. Monbouquette was asked to go down to the minors at Toledo, but he refused to report | to the Mud Hens. If Monbou-quette is not claimed by another major league club within three days, he will become a free agent. * * * The 30-year-old right-hander was obtained from the Boston Red Sox in a 1965 trade which [gave Boston reserve infielder George Smith and outfielder George Thomas. At the time, Detroit wps considered to have pUlled off a major coup, but Monbouquette faltered badly last year, winning seven and losing 8. He saw only limited action this season./ Ford, who hasn’t tasted victo- f*88 won two letters as a de- fy dnee tiie 1862 Canadian Open, said he’s been having the same problem as NicMaua. “If I drive well, I play Well,” he saifL “I went back to a putter that I haven’t used in over a year and a half and it felt good. You just never know. You know a little thing like that a putter — can change your outlook and you fefcl good about scoring.” fenrive back, ton, O, He is from Day- Hurler Loses 1 -Hitter Ted Pearson tossed a one-hitter but it went for naught as Oxford dropped a 4-1 decision to L’Anse Creuse yesterday. Roger Miller paced > the losers (1-5) with two hits. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. UP) -mnessee’s All-America linebacker Paul Naunioff has signed a professional contract with the Detroit Lions of the National Fqotball League. —-— ! * \ * w “It wasn’t xe big as I like but it’s a good contract, considering what a lot wither college players got this year^e said. “It took what seemra. to be a long time fin* us to agree on the money ... they came up $2JI00 and I came down about $100,-000.” 1 AP wiregtwte — Jim Piersall NEW PUBLIC RELATIONS MAN (seated), colorful otitfielder of the California Angels, gets some pointers oh his duties from Angels’ general manager Fred Haney as he starts his new job in the public, relations office of the Angels. Piersall, 37-year-old father of nine, and a veteran of 20 years in baseball, says he has no regrets and looking forward to his new career. DETROIT CLEVELAND abrhbt iterhbl MAullfte 2b 3 0 0 0 Alvls 3b 4 o IQ U 4 0 10 Mays cf 4 0 0 0 3 2 10 Hinton rf 4 010 4 212 Baltej; p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Colavtto If 4 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 Azcue c 4 13 0 4 02 1 Salman 1b 4010 4 0 0 0 Ganzatet 2b 3 010 Wert 3b Kblbie rf WHwion If Stanley ef ________________ Northrup cf 4 0 2 1 Azcue Ceth lb Freehan c Oyler ss Lolich p Gladding p 4 0 0 0 Whitfield ph 1 0 0 1 •4 000 LBrown es 0 0 0 0 Sims ph j 0 0 0 Siebert p 1 0 00 WSmWi ph 1010 Pena p Of Of Wagnar If 1010 Lolich MM-11 Gladding Siebert tL.2-21 Pone TO XI. A— 4904. IP . M R ER OB SO i m I 11 , » . M a 1 • • O Rochester’s Laurey Kesel won both hurdle events, Bob Woodroof captured both dashes, and they both teamed with Dave Marr (440 winner) and THE PONTIAC PHKSS. TH » MAY 11, 1967 (8$ jfWHjp, *3* ®y ** ,' ’ F' f A change of scenery didp’t af-jfirst time hut upped its record! fed Roches ter’s Falcons Wednesday, while Avondale chime within one baton handoff of claiming its initial track win of the spring in Oakland A action. Rochester compete^ in a duel meet away from home for the to 6-1 with a 64%-53*4 conquest at Warren Cousino. Troy edged Avondale, 60-58, helped considerably when the Yellow Jackets fumbled a baton switch while leading the 880-yard relay which TYoy rallied to win. Mike Phillips to win the 880 relay, 'v„ The Falcons also swept the shot put led hy Alex McKinnon. I INVITATIONAL The meet served as a final I m prep for Woodroof who is un-® beaten in the 100 and 220-yard {events this spring. He’ll meet speedy Tim Kelley of Oxford! Saturday in oim of the high- { lights of the annual Oxford invitational Meet. . ! Kesel, also, will duel Bloomfield Hills’ Greg Myhra and Ket-jtering’s Bill Penoza in what are 4!expected to be outstanding hur-j ale races. j Several track records were set on the new Troy track. Karl Ry-kert of Avondale set a school standard of :52.9 in the 440 dash, and Troy’s Lynn Qualman tied the existing track and School marks with a : 15.7 high hurdles sprint. I Qualman, Mickey Holder and Jim Uzelac were double winners 'for the Colts (2-4). j ROCHESTER 64 Vl, W. COUSINO JJVa 1 SHOT PUT - Alex McKinnon (Rl, Wollermann (Rl, Nugent (R), distance 46-3 . - LONG JUMP — Wally Mick (WC). Blmer'(WC). Phillips (R), distance I9-6'/i high JUMP — Welly Mick (WC), Krauth (R), Nowels (R), height 5-2 j POLE VAULT — Russ Gill (R), Perica (WC), Willis (R), height 10-6 tWO-MILE RUN — Dave Motronl (WC), Rozni (WC), Wattles (R), time I0;17.5 880 RELAY — Rochester (Kesel, Phillips, Marr, Woodroof), time 1:34.8 MILE RUN — Norm Telsan (WC), Butters (R), McDaniels (R), time 4:48.4 120 HIGH HURDLES — Laurey Kesel (R), B. Papak (WC), Wesley (R), time Pentiac Press Photo GOLF’S A BLAST. — Kettering golfer Dan Larkin blasts out of a fairway trap on the sixth hole en route to a 39 over the par-36 Pontiac Country Club first nine yesterday. Larkin and his teammates trimmed township rival Waterford, 202-208. Negro School on Miami '68 Basketball Schedule MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—University of Miami officials took the biggest step toward athletic integration in southern history 880 RUN — Mike Kennedy (WC), Moses (R), Wollermann (R), time 2:03.0 440 DASH — Dave Marr (R), Olkarl-nen (WC), Blmer (WC), time :53.3 180 LOW HURDLES — Laurey Kesel iR), Phillips (Rj, b. Papak (wo, time Wednesday, loo dash - Bob woodroof (R), Pratt Negotiations were (WC)._Philllp,. (R| time :,0.5 ,for g basketbal, sports,” Gustafson said, feel they’ll be a very worthy opponent and will be an attractive team on our basketball schedule." completed! Gaither said, “we’re very 2» dash - Bob woodroof (rl.mus-'hh- a DasketDall game with {pleased to start this athletic re-Prat? (wo,,’timee)-22 75^lnnon rts rivalry between the POLE VAULT _ Mickey Holder (T). schools. Harlan (A), Rykert (A), height 12-3 | „•?<> RELAY - Troy (Utotoc, Holder, HIGH POINT Mitchell, Killing), time 1:39.0 MILE RELAY — Avondale (McCartney, Moden, Trammel, Rykert), time 3:44.7 •Track record ••School and track records “The status of Florida A&M’s athletic program has reached a high point in American college nis Tournament. “I am happy that the schedules of both institutions permit] CLARKSTON 4, HOLLY 1 Singlet the beginning of what I hope 4-o?#i«mAdi&tt'.H\cTdeTf. 2’uSmSt ern Lower Peninsula. legal limit for the salmon in streams and set a 10 inch limit The Salmon were raised from{on ]ake salmon, eggs obtained from Oregon at the Oden Hatchery in the north- will be an interesting series for both of us,” he said. Adssie Defeats German BERLIN (J) — Roy Emerson of Australia beat Wolfgang Spannagel of Berlin 64), 64, 6-2 Wednesday in the first round of the West Berlin Pentecost Ten- 6-3, 8-6; Kirk Beattie (C) def. D. Jones, 6-1, 6-1. Oeubln Mike Dougherty-Mark Erickson (C) del. B. Fox-G. Collins, 6-0, 60; Brian Galllpo-Jack Sansom (C) def. D. Darton-L. Tylar, 6-1, 6-1. WATERFORD 3, ROCHESTER 1 Singles Rick Watson (R) def. M. Reeds, 6:3, 6-2; Karl Arrington (W) def. B. Stouten-burg, 6-4, 6-3; Bob Haggard (W) def. M. Spink, 64, 6-3. Deubi.s Hank Kern-Rich Krumrlne (R) def. G. Dovre-R. Reed, 1-6, 68, 7-S; Cliff Seiber-Ben Benson (W) def. J. Zoellner-J. Fetherolf, 62, 6-0. THE HIP JEANS WITH THE FRAYED BOTTOMS... BY The Chinook salmon are expected to grow as large as from 15 to 40 pounds when they reach maturity. Fishing for them will provide excellent sport, said Wayne Tody, chief oP the Conservation Department fish division. Previous plantings of Coho salmon have shown that the new species grow fat on alewives swarming in the Great Lakes. BELOW CROTON Some 300,000 fingerlings about three inches long were released Wednesday in the Muskegon River, just below Croton. * ★ ★ About 500,000 small salmon will be released later this week in the Little Manistee River, at Six Mile Bridge north of Stronach . Both rivers connect with Lake Michigan. The remaining 50,000 salmon will be planted this weekend in the Big Huron River, east of Skanee. The Big Huron connects with Lake Superior. it. it A few of the Chinook are expected to return to their rivers k i I ... , , , of origin in the fall of * 1968 Navy denim on the outside, sc rubbed |Some large adults can be ex- [pected in the rivers by 1969. The main spawning runs are denim on the inside With legs | not expected until 1970 when the I salmon reach maturity. Amtrlcan Ltagut Won Lost Pet. Bthind Detroit .... .... IS 7 .682 — Chicago ......... 14 7 .667 Vb Washington .. 12 11 .522 3Vb California ...... 13 13 .500 4 New York ........ 11 11 .500 4 Boston ......S 11 12 .471 4Vb Minnesota ....... 10 12 MS. S Kansas City .... 11 13 .435 5Vb Baltimore ........ 9 14 31 6to Cleveland ........ t 13 .381 6Vb Wednesday's Results Kansas City 7, Boston 4 Detroit 4, Cleveland 7 Chicago 13, Baltimore 1 California 3, New York 2 Only games scheduled. Today's Gamas Kansas City (Hunter 3-2) at Minnesota (Chance 61), night Cleveland (Hargan 2-3) at Washington (Pascual 2-0), night Chicago (Howard 14) at Baltimora (Palmer 1-1), night Only games scheduled. , Friday's Gamas Kansas City at Minnesota, night California at Chicago, night Cleveland at Washington, night Baltimore at New York, night Datroit at Boston, night National League Cincinnati Wen 1 18' Lost 9 Pet. Behind .667 - Pittsburgh 13 8 .619 2 St. Louis 14 10 .583 2V> Chicago 12 10 .545 3V> * Atlanta 13 11 .542 3V> Philadelphia ... 12 11 .522 4 San Francisco . 1(0 14 .417 6V* New York .. 9 14 .391 7 Los Angelea ... .. 9 14 ,391 7 Houston . 8 17 .320 9 Wednesday's Results Chicago 5, San Francisco 4 Cincinnati 7, New York 4 Philadelphia 62, Atlanta 3-7 Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 1 Los Angeles 5, Houston 1, .10 Innings Today's Game* Cincinnati (Ellis 2-2) at New York (Seaver 3-1) Atlanta (Bruce 1-1) et Pittsburgh (Sisk 1-1), night Only games scheduled. ; Friday's Gamas New York at St. Louis, night Philadelphia at Cincinnati, night Atlanta at Pittsburgh, night Houston at San Francisco, night Chicago at Los Angeles, night that end in a froyed-off bunch of fuzz. Styled in o hip-slung jean that starts tight, tapersj tighter. Wear 'em with the' I cuffs turned up for contrast,! straight down for the fun of it. In waist sizes 27 to 32, at $5. See 'em in the boys' and students' Red Hanger Shops. MALE casuals ere made only by H-K Corporation, Atlanta, Ga. (Look for PONTIAC Area Chevy Dealers' "Happy Heme Specials” in tedqr’s classified section.) Oer Pontiac Moll Store Open Emy Evening te 9 PJM. Our Birmingham Store Open Thors, end PH. ft 9; Set. tn 5:30 A treat wort repeating One taste of Echo Spring-and you’ll keep coming back, again and again and again. It’s the smoothest Bourbon ever to come outbf Kentucky-every drop aged 7 years. all- I I m V,} $4.$9 a Fifth and $2.84 Pint I' • ■ \ THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY 11.11967 You Can Count on Us ... Quality Costs No More at Sear: CHICAGO BALTIMORE CINCINNATI /abrhbl abrhbl ■ ibrhbl Buford 3b 4 2 3 1 Blefary if 4 I U Harper el Kenwrthy 3b 1 1 1 1 Aparlcio U 3 0 1 0 Ruiz 2b n» Causey 2b Adair 2b Agee cf Ward If Williams If Barry rf Josephsn c 0 10 0 Belanger st 1 o 6 0 4 0 0 0 FRobmsn rf 4 0 0 0 5 2 3 2 BRoblnsn 3b 4 0 1 0 4 1 2 2. Powell 1b 3 0 10 * 00 0 DJohnson 2b 3 0 0 0 5 1 1 T Blair cf 3 0 10 4 2 30 Hanav c 3 o 1 o McCraw 1b 3 2 12 Barber p 0 0 0 0 OP—. 3 Los Angeles 1. LOB—Los Angeles 8, Houston 7. 2B—Mathews, w.Davis, 2 Aspromonte. Lefebvre. 3B—Parker. SB— 1 W.Davis. S—Lefebvre. SF—Roseboro, IP H R ER BB SO Drysdale ......... 8 7 1 l 2 Perranoskl ....... 1-3 0 0 0 0 Regan (W,2-0) .... 2-3 1 0 0 0 Brewer ........... I 0 0 0 0 Glustl ............9 S 1 1 2 Sembera (L,0-3) ... 2-3 2 4 1 1 Schneider ........ 0 1 o 0 1 Raymond .......... 1-3 0 0 0 0 BALK—Schneider. T—2:49. A-13,850. F Out Fatuous ST. LOUIS PITTSBURGH ab r h bl ab r h bl Brock If 4 0 0 0 MAlou cf 2 1 1 0, 3 0 1 oi Javier 2b 3 110 Alley ss 3 2 10 Flood cf 4 0 10 Spriggs If 2 0 2b 2 0 1 0 Wine ss 3 0 o u Cepeda lb 3 0 10 Mote If 10 Shannon 3b 4 0 11 Stargell rf 2 1 AJohnsoR rf 4 0 0 0 Mazroskl 2b 4 0 11 Romano c 2 0 0 0 Clndenon lb 4 0 0 0 AJackson pr 0 0 0 0 Pagan 3b 3 0 10 Maxvltl SS 3 0 10 JMay c 3 0 Hughes p 2 0 0 0 Veale p 3 0 Gagliano ph 1 0 0 0 Face p 0 0 Woodshk p 0 0 0 0 Spiezlo ph 0 0 0 0 Maris ph I 0 0 0 itU*®*! di»& \ylo» Cor* 31 1U 1 Total 27 4 5 3 000100000—1 002 000 0 2 x - 30-MONTH GUARANTEE Mazeroski. 3B—Alley.\HR—Stargell (4). R ER BB SOi IP \ H R ER BB SO \ Hughes (L.0-1) . . . 7 \ i Woodeshick ........ 1 \ 0 i Veale (W.5-0) ... 8 2-3 * 1-3 0 0 0 0,0 (6). S— Rojas. Kelley Ritchie Carroll Niekro (L,0-1) Bunning Farrell (W,2-0) Second Gama \ Is*n Francisco ................... 001 010 01I-X4 Atlanta 002 201 o l IN— 7 Chicago 200 200lOx—5 Philadelphia .100 001 0 0 o \ 2 Parry, Sadecki (5), Henry (8) and Hal-DP—Atlanta 3, Philadelphia I. LOBVper; Holtzman, Radatz (0) and Hundley. Atlanta 5, Philadelphia 5. 2B—T.Taylor,{W—Holtzman (34)1. L—Parry (1-3). F.Alou (2), Carty, R.Allen, Niekro. 3B—K Home runs — San Francisco, Hender-Torre 2 (7). SB—MJones. ‘shn (4), Haitt (2). Chicago, Williams (2). 6.50x13 Tubeless Blackwall 4-Ply Nylon Cord Tire ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guarantee TREAD LIFE GUARANTEE AGAINST ALL FAILURES Every ALLSTATE tira is f uaranteed against all failures rom road hazards or defects for the life of the original treed. If tire feila, wa wm—at our option—repair it without coot; or, in exchanp for the tire, we will replace it charging only for tread worn (charge will be a pro-rata share of then current regular selling price plus Federal Excise Tax). TREAD WEAR GUARANTEE We guarantee tread life for the number of months designated. If tread wears out within this period, return the tire. In ex* change, we will replace it chart- ' then With Old Tire, Plus X.80 Federal Excise Tax • Safety shoulder gives better control at high speed • Long Life Dynatuf Tread rubber for top mileage • Famous roadability traction . . . even on wet roads For Pick-ups, Panels, Campers and Light Trucks ALLSTATE Century “21” | 6.00x16 Tube Type 6-Ply Rated Nylon Cord tires give more load carrying capacity to your vehicle. Give you more traction amd more mileage on any road. Buy now and Tubeless Blackwall Tires Reg. Price with Trade-In Sale With Old Tire Plus Federal Excise Tax 6.50x13 1695 1356 . me , J80 7.35/7.00x14 199S 1596 208 7.75/7.50x14 2195 17s6 221 8.25/8.00x14 2395 1916 238 8.55/8.50x14 259S 2076 2*6 7.75/6.70x15 - 2l9S 17s6 223 For better all around mileage and performance select tires one siie larger than your original equipment tires. WHITEWALLS 33 MORE PER TIRE. Also you’ll find tires to fit your car now at Scars. Wheels Balanced 4 for *5 NO MONEY DOWN "Kn.;1"1 Start Tire Department, Perry St. Basement I )<>\> tilow ii I'ontinr Phone I I', 11 j THE PONTIAC PRESS; THURSDAY, MAY ,11, 1967 Landon Morris scored * on a| The speedy Morris scored4he wild pitch in the sixth inning! winner’s first run in the second last night to give Clyde’s Wheel on a single, a steal of second, a & Frame a 2-1 victory over, wild pitch and a sacrifice fly. McAnnally’s Auto Sales (1-1) inj * * * Waterford Township softball action. -1 . Torres Looks for Knockout He walked i% the sixth, stole second, went to third on a past ball and came home on Ted Wharry’s wild pitch. Bob Frasier went the distance for the winners (1-0) and hurled a three-hitter, and the fast-baller delivered the fly ball that brought Morris home in the second. In a second game, Ken Mor- NEW HOUSE (AP) - Jose Torres says he’s “psychologically up” for his title fight with ris collected three hits as Midg-Dick Tiger and predicts he will et Bar (1-1) rolled past Water-knock out the Nigerian “within ford Merchants (0-1), 10-2. 10 rounds ’ next Tuesday night, a six-run uprising in the sec-That’s when the two veterans ond featuring a two-run single will meet ,in a return 15-rounder by Duane Delling sewed up the decision. Gordon Hoeksma picked up three of the losers for the light heavyweight crown at Madison Square Garden. Tiger, a 3-1 underdog, lifted! five hits, the crown from the listless de-j * * ★ fender on a unanimous decision! Rain washed out tonight’s ac-at the Garden, Dec. 16. j tion and the games will be Despite the defeat, the 31-j played Sunday. Spencer Floor year-old Puerto Rican-born I meets Buckner Finance at 5 Torres has been made a 9-5 favorite over the 37-year-old Nigerian. p.m. and Day’s Sanitary Service takes on Clarkston Appliance at 8:30. - REPAIR SERVICE - San Francisco Giants’ pitcher Gaylor Perry (36) points to a hole on the mound to a groundskeeper at, Wrigley Field in Chicago where the Cubs won a 5-4 game. The umpire Tom Gorman, asked for the crew to repair the hole, but the complaint did not help the Giants win the game. 1 SHOW YOUR SPIRIT Sale Greatest. Savings Ever!! Mnt Ike Mti Who Write Inis With the Shirpest Peicil Areend! CURT CRAWFORD Neu> and U»ed Car Sales Over 12 years of automobile sales experience lie behind Curt Crawford and every one hat been a successful one. Curt hat lived in Pontiac since 1927 and has been selling new and used cars for Matthews-Hargreaves for over 9 years. Stop .in today and you will like the sharp deal you can get from Curt Crawford and maybe exchange some hunting and fishing stories, too. GEORGE OERTEL New and Used Car Sales George hat been associated with the automobile industry for over 20 years. His entire auto sales career hat been at Matthowt-Hargreaves for over^6 years. George Is a graduate engineer and has taken'advantage of this talent and now specialises in truck sales at Matthews-Hargreaves. See him toon, he is sure to give you a sharp deal and will probably be able to solve all of your transportation needs. “We Are Not Satisfied Until You Are” The Sharpest Pencil Around ... Matthews-Hargreaves Chevy-Land NEW CARS New 1967 IMPALA 2-Door Hard Top $ INCLUDES: Electric Clock, Back-Up Lights, Padded Dash and Visors, Two-Speed Wipers, Washers, Trunk Light, Deluxe Heater, Seat Belts, Outside Mirror and No-Glare Mirror. 4% Sales Tax Cash or your old ear Balance License Foe Rtlo Work 2,295.00 91.80 *2,386.80 150.00 *2,236,80 12.25 2.00 Your Total Cost $2j251*05 USED CARS SPECIAL 1965 BISCAYNE 2-Door Sedan 6 Cylingur Engine, Radio and Haatar, Whitawall Tirol, Tropical Turquoita. Reduced to *1,295 1964 BUICK 4-Door Sedan Automatic Transmission, Powar Stoaring, Powar Brakes,. Radio and Haatar, factory Air Conditioned, Whitawall Tiras, Dasart Baiga Finish. , Reduced to / *1,495 . . . 5 NEW Original Equipment Tires Select From Over 1965 CHEVELLE Malibu Sport Coupe 6 Cylinder, Straight Stick, Radio and Haatar, Whitawall Tiras, Ona Owner, Bolaro Rad Finish. $1,495 1966 BEL AIR S Pass. Sta. Wagon V-8 Engine, Automatic Transmission, Radio and Haatar, Power Stoaring, Whitawall Tiras, Luggage Carrier, Cameo Ivory Finish. Reduced to *2,395 on Every Used Car '63 thru '66 Models 125 OK Used Cars 1966 BONNEVILLE Sport Coupe Automatic Transmission, Powar Steering, Powar Brakes, Radio end Heater, Whitewall Tires, Black Vinyl Tap, Cameo Ivory Finish. $2,595 1963 IMPALA Sport Sedan mission, Power Steering India Ivory Finish. *1,195 nfit? Direct ^factory Distributor For Dayton Tire and m Rubber Company 631 Oakland at Ctiss V-8 Engine, Automatic Transmission, Powar Steering, Radio and Haatar, Whitawall Tiras, India Ivory Finish. Reduoed to Matthews hargreaves Savings Service Satisfaction NIGHT SERVICE HOURS: Mon. and Thurs., ’til I P.M. Michigan’s Largest Volume Chevrolet Dealer FEderal 5-4161 ExrChamp Gets Top Seed in N. Cl Tennis Tourney CHARLOTTE (AP) - Defending champion Ron Holm-berg of Dallas, Tex., has been awarded the top seed in the third annual Charlotte Invitation Tennis Tournament,’'starting Thursday. - Holmberg rules, as a slight favorite over an impressive field including last year’s runner-up, Frank Froehling, and two former top-ranked players, Vic Seixas and Ham Richardson. ★ Hr ★ Wimbledon champion Billie Jean Moffitt King is the heavy favorite in the women’s field which includes seven of the top 10 ranked players in the nation. Eighteen-year-old Peaches Bartkowicz is seeded second, followed by defending champion Mary Ann Eisel and lost year’s runner-up, Donna Floyd Fales. Bartkowicz, Eisel and Fdles are nationally ranked 5-6-7. Ralph Terry Among Cuts at Deadline (Continued From Page E-l) the Orioles and Curt Blefary in the outfield, and Baltimore was unable to trade him when other , teams would not meet its price... He had wily two singles in 13 {it" bats. “If he fails to report,” Dalton said, “He’ll be placed on the inactive list.” h t h Terry, 31, a 10-year veteran who starred for the New York Yankees in the 1962 World Series, was given his unconditional release by the New York Mets although he did not allow a run in two relief appearances of 3 1-3 innings. Coleman, 32, a first baseman, was optioned to Buffalo after seven years with Cincinnati. He helped the Reds to the pennant in 1961 when he hit .287, had 26 homers and 87 runs batted in. Jiminez, 28, a sensation with Kansas City in 1962 when he led the league part of the season,, was returned to the minors by Pittsburgh despite his homer1 and double in six at-bats. Buhl, 38, with 166 majors league victories after a 6-8 season in 1966, was placed on waiv-" ers by Philadelphia in order to give him his release. Here Is a 11st.of the cut-downs In tha maior leagues Wednesday: National Laagua Cincinnati—Gordy Coleman, optioned to Buffalo; Aurelio Monteagudo Conditionally sold to Indianapolis. San Francisco—Cesar Gutierrez and Bob Barton optioned to Phoenix. Philadelphia—Bob Buhl placed on walv. ers; Gary Wagner optioned to San Diego. New York—Ralph Terry given unconditional release; Larry Stahl, Greg Goodsen and Jerry Kossman optioned to Jacksonville. Pittsburgh—Manny Jimenez and Bill Short optioned to Columbus. St. Louis—Ted Savage and Jlrri Cosman optioned to Tulsa. American Laagua Cleveland—Vicente Romo, Buddy Bgp. ker and Willie Smith optioned to Portland. Jose Vidal recalled from Portland. Detroit—Bill Monbouquetta placed on waivers; Chris Cannizzaro optioned to Toledo. Kansas City—Ed Charles traded to the Mets; Bob Duliba optioned to Vancouver; Wes Stock made a coach; Roberto Rodrigues and Sal Bando recalled from Vancouver. New York—Bill Bryan sent outright to Syracuse; Lou Clinton sent outright to San Diego. Baltimore—Mike Epstein optioned' to Rochester; Bob Johnson sold to the Mets; John Miller sold to the Mets' Jacksonville club. Boston—Russ Gibson released to Pittsfield; George Thomas placed on disabled list. Washington—Casey Cox, Bob Chance and Jim French optioned to Hawaii. Discuss Plpyoff TOLEDO, Ohio (£1 — A possible playoff between the champions of the International Hockey League and the Eastern Hockey League next season will be discussed at the IHL meeting in Colorado Springs, Colo., opening today . _ ^ , The STETSON Club MI Vjfl 4 if \Wr ,/Mwf l m % n ft i 1 \ ml y 5/ \HJ 1 ( | d The Stetson Club is a smart centredent in natural coconut# The Jacquard band with tingle-wing bow and narrow band harmonizes with most Summer fashion shades# from $595 to $1095 Saginaw ate Lawrence, Downtown Pontiac 272 West Maple, Birmingham / WE PAY THE PARKING ' OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 i f ' > at»*«*"» Riverside® Air Cushion TUBELESS BLACKWALL Advance Ducats on Sale in Advance tickets are on sale at several volunteer agencies in the Pontiac area for the $100,000 BUick Open, Michigan’s only major golf tournament this year. TTie Open is June HI, over the redesigned course ft Warwick Hills Golf & Country Club. Phil Rodgers of LaJolla, Calif., is reigning champion and wiH defend his I960 title against the beet of the pros on the PGA tour, with heavy competition from other past Buick Open champions such as Billy Casper (*S8); Art Wall (’99); Mike Souchak (’00), Oakland Hills’ new professional; Jack Burke Jr. (’ll); Bill Collins (’62); and Julius Boros (’63). The lare Tony Lema with back-to-back victories in 1964 and 1965 was the Open’s only double champion. The Open is a full week of PGA golf at Warwick Hills, with official practice rounds Monday and Tuesday, (June 5-6); the a n ftu a l Pro - Am Wednesday (June 7), with $5,000 added purse for pros; and the $100,000 tournament Thursday through Sunday. Advance tickets are printed in only $1 denomination with five to a book and fans will need one for admission Monday through Friday and two for Saturday and Sunday. FREE PARKING admission pHces include parking. ' v r; The ducats are oh sale locally at: Pine Lake Country Club, Carl’s Driving Range, Glienhurst Golf Couse, Community National Bank, Forest Lake Country Club, Royal Oak Golf Club, Waterford Hills Golf Club, Salem Hills Golf Course, Birmingham Country Club, North Hills Golf Course, Twin Beach Golf Course Lancaster Hills Golf Club, Highland Hills Golf Club, Pontiac Municipal Golf Club, Don Soper Driving Range (Royal Oak) and Pontiac Cquntry Club. THEY’RE HERE Golf Event Is Cancelled CINCINNATI (AP) - The Ladies Professional Golf Association Wednesday announced cancellation of the $18,500 Glass City Classic tournament, scheduled for Aug. 11-13 in Toledo. The LPGA said the event was canceled because a suitable course could not be obtained. There was no word as to whether the tournament might be played in another city. . SEE 'EM AT ... GRAND RIVER BOAT SALES 28928 Grand River t Sleeks Cest el MldSle Belt Reas terminated. Mich. OR «-78f HEADQUARTERS iwom tms ixciTisao... ZT 7MERCURY MM # OUTBOARDS Engineered to stay ahead... 39/10 to 110 H.P. Also M.F.G. and Chrysler (Lono Star) Boats and Sail Boats. CUFF DREYER 15210 N. Holly Rd. Holly, Mich. ME 4-6TT1 '67 Mercury: performance plus, reliability in the world's most powerful outboards. Mercury built the first production outboard to deliver over 1 HP per cubic inch .. ^ first outboard to exceed 100 MPH... first with a 100-HP outboard. For 28 years, Mercury has led the industry in outboard power. The ’67 Mercurys combine unique In-line design, Power-Dome combustion chambers and lightning-fast Thunderbolt ignition without breaker points to produce more horsepower per cubic inch than ever before. And you get this kind of performance with the same built-in reliability that set the world's endurance record: two production Mercs ran 50,000 miles in 68% days at an average speed of 30.3 MPH! Performance plus reliability: you get 'em both only in a ’67 Mercury—engineered to Stay»ahead. Pi THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1967 E—S Riverside PASSENOfR TME 4-WAV OUARANTK 1. LIFETIME QUALITY GUARANTH an •ha n«alily of nmrlal and wartwiaa •hiS lor Iha Ida el Hia arlgiaal traod Adjvtlm.nl praralad aa Uaad waar baiad aa yrica affacl a* Iha haw el ahjwhoorh plu> Federal Cache fat, 2. LIFETIME ROAD HAZARD GUARAN. tli laxopl repairable paacloretl far the Ufa el Dw orlpiaal tread. Adjuii-MoM. prreled aa treed war bawd aa price la aHacl e» Iha Mae ef adjm-mom plut Federal E.6m Vac. PLUS F.E.T. A good two for light driving demands. Poly butadiene tread compound increases tread life. Lifetime quality and road hazard guarantee. Guaranteed to wear 18 months. trade-in tire off your ear. 3. TREAD wear GUARANTCC far period specified. Adjustments based on price if! effect at the time of adjustment phis Federal incise Tax of samt t«ta and typa lass a specific Dollar allow* once. (Tread waar allowance not applicable to tiros asod commercially.> xu TIRES MOUNTED FREE 4. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED NATIONWIDE. Rafam lira la aaarail Ward branch far adiaHMaal. track auto tape player 4 UP TO 2vz HOURS OF CONTINUOUS STEREO *39 3.9,6,9.8,20,35,50,65,95 and 110 HP. lOakkaaffr Marcary, Find da Lae, Wiscoaiin. Kiakbaafar Marcary af Canada, Ltd. Kiakkaafat Mareary al Australia Pty. Ltd. Diviaiaa al Braaawick Carparatlaa. TOP DEALS NOW . .. SAVINGS ON . . . Pontiac's Only MERCURY OUTBOARDS Mercury-MerCruiser Open Sunday 12-5 Dealer! CRUSE-OUT, Inc. \TBo2faNM 63 E.Walton Blvd. "tooting'* Oita Port of Coll" 1218 I. Woodward at Adams Road FE 8-4402 J0 Mill Ml T-RIU MMA.TlMnaVri.0-l' i Open Daily 9-8 • Transistorized .. instant sound * No threading or rewinding e Easy to install, easy to operate Drive a lot? Raknit taut, unraveled nerves with commercial-free music of your choice. Just slid* in a tap* cartridge and sit back. To change tracks, flip a switch. Buy stereo tapes at Wards, tpo—over 5000 in stock low as 5.98. 1. 2 surface-mount speakers fit almost anywhere without cutting . ........Set 1" 2. 4 flush-mount speakers to install in side or kick panels. Set 7" ***•••*•*••••** dwi so 4 and 8 track steree tape player 5000 TAPES TO CHOOSE FROM Choose Wards finest stereo tap* player and enjoy "live" music sound right in your own car. Six fingertip controls, powerful dual amplifiers and solid-state'construction add up to give you perfect auto stereo sound. OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10 A.M. TO 0:00 IVY! SATURDAY 0:30 A.M. TO 9:00 PAL SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. » 682-4940 xm mm m & B—g TUB POX I’ I AC PH I'SS THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 H ■aft B ■ BBB mmm Ip 't' IIEM Nil TIE for the MOST IMBEUEVEABLE NEW and USED CAR DEALS IN TOWN! During the Repairing of Oakland Avenue, John McAuliffe Ford, Has Been BARRICADED, but YOU CAN STILL GET IN! John, Has Instructed His Salesmen Not to Turn Down Any Reasonable Offer Made On Any New or Used Car So Come Qn and Break Down Those Barricades, the CAR DEAL OF THE YEAR Awaits You On the 1 Other Side REMEMBER “H My T«k« a lliMte ta Sat a Better leal IT Ml KMUffi (HI 631 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 Atlanta, tos Angeles Boot! CC Campus Second Division Teams Net Winner By The Associated Press Atlanta and Los Angeles jumped on last place Toronto and New York in die National Professional Soccer League and landed in second place in, each i Right fullback Howard Mwi-kuta’s goal broke a tie for Atlanta’s 3-2 victory over Toronto Wednesday night and boosted the Chiefs into a tie for the runner-up sjiot in the East with Philadelphia with 23 points. ★ ,★ ■•k The Chiefs started the night in fourth, but their victory moved them one point ahead of Baltimore and seven behind division-leading Pittsburgh.- r. Los Angeles stopped the New York Generals 2-0 before 4,830 in rfew York and moved ahead of California with 31 points, 18 behind St. Louis. Mwikuta’s 28-yard kick with 11:20 left broke a 2-2 dead- lock before 3,580 fans in Atlanta, and his brilliant save seconds later preserved the triumph.- Si - Toronto, 1-5, in test place in the West,, took a 1-0 leadon Yanko Daucik’s first-half goal, bu^t Atlanta tied it minutes later on Emment Kapengwe’s talley. Graham Newton and Daudk traded goals in the second half before Mwikuta connected. Eli Durante and David Cos-kun scored for the Tors as they sank New York deeper into the East cellar with a 1-4 record. Blagoje Vidimic stopped' the Generals with1 an butstanding performance in the goal. ABA Signs Jackson NEW YORK Wl - Tony Jack-former star for St. John’s University, signed Wednesday to play for the New York Freighters in the new American Basketball Association. RENTA NEW FORD AT LOW COST ... ★YOU NAME THE MODEL WE'LL HAVE IT READY Jihn McAullfft FORD Inc. 631 OAKLAND AVE. Highland Lakes Ends Athletic Season Hazel Park Entries FRIDAY 1st—$2600; Claiming, 4 Furlong. Woight Horso Highland Lakes campus Oakland Community C A liege completes its first school year of inter-colleginie athletics today against Henry Ford CC at Dearborn. . . The Highlanders Wednesday afternoon posted their first tennis win against outside opposition, topping Schoolcraft CC, 4-3, to end a four-match losing streak, - Horso Siigor'o Boot Wlscondee I Mr. Moo so g, Tollovoo light Mono Woight x105 Jlck and Boot* 110 !M Helmsman xtIO Big Prize xIH Arp *110 Clydeese 110 Blue Vitroll X110 George Zee 115 Mister B. Jorgelinda BolO Granite Highland Lakes (2-4) won three ' of die five (ingles matches, including a key 7-5, 7-9, 64 marathon victory by Guy Pacha! of Walled Lake over Rich Maciejewski. The two men also were involved hi a three-set doubles duel that Schoolcraft captured. Hie Highlanders’ other win this spring came against OCC’s Auburn Hills campus in the opening match. HIGHLAND LAKE 4, SCHOOLCRAFT CC 1 Singles M—$1481; Conditioned Trot, I Milo Tommy Wayne 21.00 4.20 5.00 Pohlman Hanover 2.40 2.80 Mery K. Peck,_ 3.«o daily doublii (2-2) paid »i57.4a | . -- = — - -—jfc.f Mitt 3rd—$900; Condltlonod Pact, Dream'. Chief 2.10 2.40 2.40 idly CalHa (-20 4.20 .... WSU! i • is1 Hal's Goose 1 ... 7.20 { i 4th—S1500; Conditioned Face, 1 MBs no Chief's First {{j Rustlna lnd—S2400I Clolrning, t'/i Furlongs 1)0 Low Conluro 115 111 110 Showing Oft O. F.'s Money Satin Diction Tender izar Jackie's Gem Jeri Gift X113 Chuck Clwrmsr , „ , Lots Money xllO Weerello Golden Fling 110 Lltib Of Lite Little Miss Old Gala 112 Fiddle xi05 eye's Choice 115 Paragraph xl04 Tammy's Blitz 110 Jemboreena x109 Lovllness Pull The Switch 115 3rd—43600; Allowances, 4 Furlongs Windy Back 110 That's Not “ 110 Funny T10. Ramatte xl 13 well Spiced ill Holme's Lsdy no Fell Run 111 So Arrogant Misty Whirl 4th—$3500; Claiming, 4 Furlongs Gold Chip . 113 Prepersdness Lanora Pride 101 Tudor Whim Careen xlOO O. Fatline Ballingur xlOB Tandy Mlsa Breathless 110 Sth—43400; Claiming, 4V> Furlongs Llttlo Willie 115 Any Day Now Mist O'Len xl to Short Stuff Ky. Choice 117 Hindu Brother Red Intent xll7 Counselor R. H, Collfox 119 Fleet Lending One More Mile 119 4th—13700; Claiming, 4V4 Furlongs Harbor island 115 Float Deet Final Gam 115 Military Guy its no 6.00 4.20 4.00 9.20 6.40 Gold Voyage 4.40 th—415001 Conditioned Pipe, 1 Milo earl Reid ., 1.40 5.40 3.40 Cousin i Cazoouk / 4.10 1.80 Speedy Cried ' i 2.40 4th-S1900» Conditioned Face, 1 Mile Terrific Time 0.00 4.00 3.40 Mac K 4.20 4JO Winning Bunny 5.40 7th—si910; Conditioned Face, 1 Milo Tim commander 9.20 4.40 140 Brookes Rebel 4.20 3.00 Acewav Stymie ,/ 420 4th—42400; Conditioned Trot, 1 Milo Grand Grady 0.20 4.00 4.20 Prp's Choice t3.40 2.go Success Zora 3.00 9th—41 SOS; claiming Hdcp. Fact, i Mila JoAfhie W. Wilson 0.00 3.20 3.20 Dolma Jester 2.00 2.80 Terry Boy < ■ 4.10 I0th-41200; Claiming Face, 1 Milo Daring Angel 4.00 2.40 2,20 Libby's Girl 3.20 2.40 Sun Valley 2.40 PERFECTAl (5-4) 313.10 115 115 Wolverine Entries TONIGHT 1st—1900; Claiming Face, 1 Mila “ Mar Frisco Pulaski Chief Bill Solicitor Thrifty . Cash Bull Adlos Richard McGregor 1151 Sweet Sailor Law Man Royal Prelude xl 10 Paiacity Dancer li3jJune A. Abba Dash Direct Maura's Millions 110 Ozark Chris 113| 2nd—$1400; Conditioned Trot, 1 Mila Corn Gappar xllO Affair da Coaur 113, Hobo's Laurla Careless Liz Gam's Spy 117 c-Fool‘s Error TI71 Speedy R Marcella Brook Rash! Joshl 113 a-Mr. Jade 113 Valhalla Trader's Quaan a—L. O'Amato and G. Hemmerllng entry iDollie Dillon Little .Q 7th—44000; Claiming, 4V3 Furlongs lLucky Sam Dennis Dahlmann (HL) dot. Jeff Lit- Salute Rlc 111 Polo Palm lard, 6-4, 6-3; Paul Hartga (Si dot. Alja-Ouress xllO Lively Lass Schwartz, 7-5, 4-6, 4-0; Kurt Lagerquist'Level Flow , 115 Better Bee Best Furlongs Daurana ^9.60 5.00 4.60 Piazza 6.40 3.00 Alpine Mission 6.00 4th—$3400; Claiming, 11/1$ Mites Countess Pax 6:00 3.40 2.40 High Transport 4.40 3.20 Brumby 3,00 OPTIONAL TWIN: (14) paid $35.40 7th—$3000; Claiming, 6 Furlongs Frances Gray , 5.00 3.20 2.10 a—Rlflesmoke 6.80 3.80 the I King Alabil 3.20 , a—G. Hemmerllng entry 0th—04200; Claiming, 6Vs Furlongs King of Olympian 11.40 6.20 4.20 dh—Windy Hill 7.60 0.40 dh—Ram's Horn 6.00 7.40 dh—Dead Heat-» 9th—$2500; Claiming, 1 Mile On The Wagon 15.40 7.20 4.80 Asian Spin 5.40 3.60 Teth Barr 3.40 TWIN DOUBLE: (24-3-5) paid 03,274.00 11* 3rd—0900; Condltlonod Paco, 1 Milo lnn Track Hawk Jimmy Terwey ijl Pulaski Silver Funny Fur Twin Song Tax Cottonwood Bullet Jeff Arno Rapscallion Reed Dust 4th—$1900; Condltlonod Tret, 1 Mile J]8 Good Pals Lad Pleasant Yankee 1J5 Trudy Hal. Queen's Son 1 John Colby Horrell's Berthe Star Pupil Little O Frank Rodney Ruth Revere Sth—$1900; Conditioned Pace, I Mile Con Man Uncle Gordie * Blue Water Lady R. B. Mo Sweep Up Greenleaf Dougles * Prudy Diamond Pastime Johnny Vera's Warrior 6th—$1900; Conditioned Trot, 1 Mile Winter Hanover Baron of Amboy Lord Doyle Worthy Emily Little Lad Angelo Pick Chris Dares Reed's Waylay Arbor Way Deveda's Girl 7th-41900; Conditioned Pace, 1 Milo Thomas Sote Queen's Tea Pee Chief Heather Torrid G Sudan's Express Song of Venice Lenawee Bonnie Queen'* Cadet Pilot Up Frosti* Creed 0th—$2300; Condltlonod Pact, 1 Milo Lowell Dorwood Beanie Byrd Hal's Gall Sua My Caroline Liz Hedge Trudy Direct Pink Poppy Good Time Mini 9th—(1200; Claiming Pace, 1 Mile 5.66 Wildwood Laura Queen's Nahen Tuesday R. C. K. Note's Pence Dr. Masten El Dora Jenko Joe Smlthn Sonny B. Russell Jimmy Storm 10th—$1900; Claiming Handicap Pec*, 1 Mil* Beulah Petit* Hlckorp Gamaun The Happy Trip Burch Way Star Coburn Moon Shadow Caption Song Gold Jet Cottonwood Cindy Fast D. L. Wolverine Results WEDNESDAY 1st—$900; Glolntlng Pick, 1 Milo Queen's On Rush 29.20 13.00 5.60 Tessle Rose 22.00 7.20 Doug's Dolt 3.00 LA's Taros Post Soccer Triumph NEW YORK m - Goals by Eli Durante and David Coskun paced the Los Angeles Toros to a 2-0 victory over the New York Generals in the National Professional Soccer League Wednesday night. A crowd of 4,830 saw the game at Yankee Stadium. INSTANT CREDIT! NO MONEY DOWN! Take months to pay, available in our Auto Center. * Any tir« that foils due to read hazard will he repaired by ui or, al owr option, ad|uitod by M with a credit, prorated on trood romalninf, againit purchase of replocemont tiro at rofwlar soiling prico on adiwftmont dote, provided specified time hat not expired. Repairable puncture and abvta excepted. * These tiros are absolutely structurally levnd, lere’s nothing to impair service or eafatyl We reserve the right to limit quantities!. SPAR FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES SHOP SPARTAN-ATLANTIC 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY—SUN. 12 to 6 Comer of Dixie Highway and Telegraph Road — IN PONTIAC 1 ACRES OF FREE PARKING _ On Brand New ’6 f Pontiacs Catalina 2-Poor Hardtop e PowGr Steering e Automatic Tran*. • Whitewall Tint • Seat Baits • 2-Speed Wipars e Foam Cushions 2775» • Heater e Doluxo Staaring Wheel e Deluxe Wheel Covers e Padded Dash e Back-up Light! e.Outside Mirror Get Our Firebirtf-BTQ and Tempest Price*! ’67 Buicks Le Sabre 2-Door Hardtop 28BI72 e Automatic Trans, e Power Steering • Whitewall Tires • 2-Speed Wipers • Padded Dash • Seat Belts • Deluxe Steering Wheel • Deluxe Wheel Covert • Heater • Back-up Lights • Foam Cushions • Outside Mirror SHELTON PONTIAC-BUICK 855 S. Rochester Rd., Rochester ' . One-Half Mile From Downtown 651-0600 ■/ i '30, ■BWi m m THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAYS MAY 11, 1067 Brother Rice Ousts Leader Birmingham Squad Posts 5*0 Victory Birmingham Brother Rice ousted University of Detroit High,School from the First Division Central league lead Wednesday with a strong 5-b blanking behind MeliBoomer. i * The Warriors, now 5-3, received strong hitting for one of few tupes this season and catcher Dave Baughman figured in four of the five runs for the winners. He doubled home Greg Gro-mek, who had singled, for the game’s first ran, then scored on all-county outfielder Mike Bowen’s triple. Baughman singled home Gro-mek (after his second single) in the fifth frame, ,then scored the Warriors’ fifth run following a walk in the seventh. Bowen had a single in the last inning rally, and Bill Tucker drove in the fourth run with a basehit. Boomer fanned five and scattered five in evening his record at 2-2. 1 Pontiac Pros* Photo CATCHER CONNECTS — Brother . Rice backstop Dave Baughman ended batterymate Mel Boomer’s frustration with a walk, single and double yesterday to account tor four runs to a 5-0 victory. The win was just the second in four decisions for hurler Boomer who has only allowed four runs in tossing four complete games. Atlgnfa-Pbifs Split 3 Homers for Braves' Catcher Brothor Rico . ........SM 111 1-4 I • II. of Dofc-olf ....... 000 ON 1—0 S 1 BOOMER and Baughman; Shanor and Roln. State Man Wins Shooting Contest RENO, Nev. (AP) - L. F. Louchs of Charlotte, Mich., won the first day Class AA singles event of the Golden West Grand American Trap-shooting Tournament with a perfect string of shattered clay pigeons, despite poor shooting conditions. Chilly wind gusts to 30 miles an hour marked the start of the 16th anhual shoot for $1,500 in prizes. Cranbrook Victors in 2 Sports Events By The Associated Press Joe Torre, whose home run output once went up with his weight, has found he didn’t need the extra pounds after, all. The** big Atlanta 1 catcher slimmed down over the winter to around 205 pounds, about 10 below foe weight he carried when he rose to National League stardom. P '★ ■ ’A ★ With three homers in the Braves’ doubleheader split with foe Phillies Wednesday, Torrh showed that foe streamlining hadn’t hurt him a bit. Torre knocked one over foe leftfield stands in foe first game, which Philadelphia won 4-3. He added two more in the nightcap won by the Braves 7-2. Hank Aaron also homered in each game. ★ ★ ★ When Torre first came up to In ’dher National League games Wednesday, Pittsburgh edged St. Louis 2-1, Los Angeles the majors he weighed in at around 205 and not until he went up to 215 three years ago, did he really break loose in the home-run and batting average department. Still, Torre’s managersl topped Houston 5-1, in 10 in-nagged at him to lose a fewlnings, Cincinnati beat New Yorlj pounds and this winter he finally did it. Now with a total of seven homers, 18 runs batted in apd a batting average of ..277 and rising, he can forget about going off that diet.’ Cranbrook won two of three sports outings Wednesday with only the Cranes’ baseball squad having a rough time. Cranbrook trimmed .Grasse Pointe University School, 6-1, in tennis; the Cranes outran University of Detroit High, 65-52, in track; but C a t h o 1 i c Cen-Cranes (6-2) coasted through the GPUS’s Rick Ferman, but the tral posted a 10-4 diamond win. No. 1 singles player Jeff Accent on Youth in Women's Golf Dearth was beaten, 6-1, 6-2, by other visiting netters. ★ * * Cranbrook swept foe 120-yard high hurdles behind Rajph Mar-gulis’ : 15.7 clocking, and also had Kip Craig place first in foe 180-lows in 14 seconds even. As Slated Bout Is Postponed MONTGOMERY, Ala. UR There ,is definitely a youthful look among foe eight players still in competition today for foe championship of foe 52nd annual Women’s Southern Golf Association Tournament. A pair of the youngsters, 18-year-old Judy Jehle of Montgomery and Alabama state champion, Kathy Farrer of Decatur, a college student herself, will clash today. Miss Jehle eliminated defending titlist Nancy Roth Syms Tuesday. Another match today sends the tournament’s youngest player, 16-year-old Kaye Beard of Campbellsville, Ky., against former champion Mrs. Scott Pro-baseo Jr. of Chattanooga, Tenn. Connie Day of Cleveland, Tenn., just 24 herself, meets another collegian, 20-year-old Jeanie Butler, of Harlingen Tex 74 and Chicago edged San Francisco 54. . ★ w ★ 11 <■ Bob Veaie went 8 2-3 innings for the Pirates and set the Cards down on just five hits. But the big right-hander walked two men in the ninth and needed Elroy Face to register foe final out. Willie Stargell hit a two-run homer for foe Bucs. The Dodgers and Astros were] knotted 1-1 in the 10th when with! two out Willie Davis singled, stole second, came in on Ron Hunts's single and the rush was on. The other Dodger runs chme in on Jim Lefebvre’s double, a balk and a single by John Rose-boro. GLACE BAY, N. S. UR — The-Canadian middleweight title fight between champion Blair Richardson of South Bar, H HARRY mCHOLIE Calling \ Let Our LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Serve You And Your Family! 1. Complaia Family Programming 2. Pantion And Oiaability Incoma 3. Buainau Continuation Covorago -4. Citato Planning H. R. NICHOUE 49 Mt. Clemens Street AGENCY INC. FE 3-7858 -i V THIRD WIN Floyd Robinson, John Edwards and Tony Perez each knocked in two runs as Milt Pappas won his third game fori the Reds. Ken Boyer got his 2,4 000th career hit and Ed Krane-pool and A1 Luplow homered for foe Mets. Billy Williams’ tWo-run homer made the difference for the Cubs and Kenny Holtzifran picked up his third victory against no defeats, though he needed relief help from Dick Radatz. Ken Henderson and Jack Hiatt homered for the Giants. usual, Ed Randle, the defending N. S. and challenger Jimmy state Class B dash champ, took Meilleur of Windsor, Ont., the 100 and 220-yard dashes. I scheduled for Saturday night, BEST relay was postponed indefinitely Wednesday night. A * ★ MAHOGANY ftP 4’x8 Blond Walnut, Birch, Peean, Masonite lias "ii*h shtat 4'x8' y4" Antique Birch .......... $8.15 4'x7' ’/a" Highland Birch $5.50 4'x8 ’A" Highland Birch........... $6.25 4'x8' Golden Tone $4.19 4'x7' Jade & Cherry .............». $3.69 Many others to choose from FRKE DELIVERY ft* I:S0>5:I0. Set. till I, Sun. 10-1 ALLEN LUMBER CO. 7174 HIGHLAND RD. AT WILLIAMS LAKE RD. One Mile Wert of Pontiac Airport OR 4-0318 in M-59 Plaza OPEN SUN. 10-3 Randle ran the 100 in :10.2 And the 220 in :23.4, plus anchored the winning 880-yard relay unit. Jim Longley, Craig, Bob Snyder and Randle had a 1:31.6 effort, their season’s best. Mile runner Mike Koerner set a track record with a 4:26.2 timing. , The other first for Cran-brook was John Wallace’s ,46-2 shot put. In baseball, two errors, a walk and two singles (including a run-producing safety by Sandy Heavenrich) boosted Cranbrook (3-9) into a three-run lead after one inning. But Dan Mulvihill, with a double and a triple, and Dave Johnson, with three singles, paced a 14-hit attack that combined with five errors by foe Cranes, to produce nine runs in foe last four innings. Catholic Central . 010 312 3—10 14 Cranbrook . . .... 30* Ml 0- 4 5 1 TARGOSS, Carol (5), HORNIAK (7) and Mulvihill; GOLDSMITH, Kangaa (5) Promoter Gussie MacLellan said Richardson had suffered an attack of influenza. Pontiac Consumers Co-Op OPTICAL Eye Exams * Contact Lenses Industrial Safety Glasses Sun Glasses DR. SIDNEY GILBERT Optometrist 1717 SOUTH TELEGRAPH ROAD PHONE 333-7871 j | Vt Milo South of Orchard Lake Read j NEW "TRI-TEMP” •WIPING BAG *>Y Exclusive, patented S-lb. Dacron* 4-seeson sleeping beg. Four layers of Improved Dacron 88 provide three choices of sleeping warmth. 10-oz. Kodiak* Duck cover. Cut Size 42" x 90". Opens to double beg, or 2 bag* zip together, Carrying cate. OTHER STYLES OF SLEEPING BAGS PRICED FROM $ BACKPACKS ASSORTED STYLES and SIZES $l95to$25 5 GAL. GOV’T. JEEP GAS CMS! USED - $3.49 NEW — $6.98 Pouring Spout $1.19 JOE’S r SURPLUS 19 S. Saginaw FE 2-0022 In Downtown Pontiac Southfield Picked DETROIT (AP) - Southfield has been selected as the site for foe Northern Regional Little League Tournament in 1968, foe suburb’s mayor, James Clarkson, said Wednesday. Clarkson will serve as director for foe 14-state tournament in late August. TIRE SPECIALS THIS WEEK KING TIRE AT UNIROYAL SAFETY 800 1967 WHITE SIDEWALL DESIGN 8.SS-14:, Etas $341 Excite Tax Each, and Smooth Tiro Off Your Car 74S-I4 Plus 1.K Excite Tax Each, and Smooth Tiro Off Your Car 7.7544 Tiger Paws REBLINE SECONDS Each, and Smooth Tift Off Your Car KING TIRE CENTER UNIROYJIL The new worldwide name for US Royal 31 WEST MONTCALM, PONTIAC, MICH. FES-7008 HEADQUARTERS FOR U. S. ROYAL TIRE*- jag. ST Cy Owens IS OUT TO WIN YOU OVER "EASY? BOB REYNOLDS General Manager OAKLAND CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH CYCLONE "CY" OWENS Owner MAX (Save Jack) JACKSON Used Car Manager "Cy Is Offering You the Chance of the Year to Write Your Own Deal! ... AND HE MEANS IT!!! GIVE "CY” A TRY "Big Round" ORIN STATTON Beautiful New 1967 AL MARTINS Service Manager 1 * CHRYSLERS Jm Bty * PLYMOUTHS J hHIII ; wjSmri * BARRACUDAS WM BHPflMi * VALIANTS mm "Little Round" BOB (HART) HAROUTUNIAN Our Service Personnel Are Factory Trained And on the Ball! ' CLARENCE (Quiet. Timid) CAVALIER Over 100 Sharp Used Cars to Choose From* All Makes, Models, Colors! OUR DEALS WON T BE BEAT! ^m | jm ILVA (I’d buy that car myeelf) JONES White Sidewall Tires on All New and Used Cart Sold This Month! Honeat JIM VORHES if'I toeiu OAKLAND CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 724 OAKLAND AVtNUE ART WILLIAMS Bump Manager Pontiac 335*9436 -HOWARD PETERSEN Forte Manager \ ft THE PONTIAC JPRESS. THURS^AY^ ^1AYJU, lflgt E&-f.-,; * • READING, Pa. (NEA)—Robin f Roberts is in the Eastern League, with its bus jumps to Williamsport and Waterbury and Pawtucket and its $4 a day meal Putney. Last year, he pitched the opening game for Houston in the Astrodome. \ The Astros re-■ leased him inf mid-season and he caught. on with the Chicago Cubs, who released him when the season was over. ★ ★ , * At the age of 40, Roberts has ^ exiled himself to the middle minors in an effort to prove to others what he says he knows— that he can still pitch in the big leagues. It is an obsession with him. ’ i 1 WINNEBAGO MOTOR HOMES 17' and IT Howland Trailer Sales 3255 gixie Hwy. OR 3-1456 MofcV Pcuj MAY 14 1mum PATTY BERG *94“ VALUE • MATCHED SET OF 5 IRONS • MATCHED SET OF 2 WOODS • BAG • 2 Hoad COVERS • 3 BALLS • 1 PKG. TEES STARTINQ OUTFIT! 5 IRONS 2 WOODS $69.9S Paine SjgSS SPORTING GOODS 24 E. LAWRENCE FE 2-231 IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC He wrote letters to seven clubs over the winter—“I picked first-division clubs,” be says.«I figured the others had to go with young pitchers”—and none were interested. Richie Ash-burn, his old Phillies Whiz Kid playmate, now a telecaster, talked it up for him around the Florida' tracingI camp!, but struck out. “Anybody who gets cut by clubs like the Astros and the Cubs in one season has to be in trouble — I can understand that,” Roberts said. “Paul Richards mentioned to Ashburn that if I am that convinced I can pitch, I should prove it. in the minors. So I went to Bob Carpenter, my old boss, as a last resort. I said I was willing to pitch anywhere. He was good enough to make this spot for me in Reading. I have no other ‘deal’ ,wjth the Phillies.” So now it’s the Reading Phillies for Roberts, after 19 seasons in the big show. The only other time he pitched. in the minors was when he broke in with Wilmington in 1948. After 11 games, the Phillies promoted him. He doesn’t need the money and the few victories he needs aren’t.-'on his mfaid, he says. Roberts was a $50,000-a-year man at his Philadelphia peak. Now he is working for $900 a month. CONFIDENT * “ > ‘tT just know I still have a big league arm,” he says, with almost maddening confidence. . “Last season, i was fresh off an operation for bone chips in my right elbow. Howie Pollet and other baseball guys told me it would take a year for the arm to regain its strength. I didn’t believe them; now I know they were right. Whitey Ford is finding this out. I found it out just by working out over the winter. /‘I haven’t thrown this well in years. I need a certain wrist action — sort of a flip — to ;e my fast bajl effective. It :es the ball tpil/in Or . - \ Workouts Scheduled \ ji | Teamsters Local 6jl4 Class A baseball team will hold workouts Saturday and Sunday. .. ...... ★. ★ ★ .. The squad, will practice at Jay-cee Field No. 1 from 10 a.m. until noon Saturday and at Pontiac Northern from noon until 2 p.m. Sunday. Automatic transmission e SERVICE # ALL MAKES ALL MODELS 'fully guaranteed** RELIABLE 1 ■ TRANSMISSION 922' Oakland - FE 4-8781 PLAY BALL! BASEBALL "Iron Miko” MACHINE Batting Cagot Opon CARL’S G0LFLAND 1976 S. Talograph Rd. Five Pros Added to Net Tourney NEW YORK (UPI) - Five of the world’s best professional tennis players have been added to the field for the $25,000 Madison Square Garden invitation tournament to be held June 7-10, it was announced Wednesday. Scheduled to appear are Earl Butch Buchholz of St. Louis, Mike Davies of Wales, Pierre Barthes of France, Andtes Gimeno of Spain and Luis Ayala of Chile. WILL YOU BE CROWNED... Send us your favorite path recipe 1st prlzo „ ' ELECTRIC INDOOR-OUTDOOR CHAR-GRILL PORTA CART 2nd priio FOLDING PATIO TaHe WITH TABLE SERVICE AND ELECTRIC ROTISSERIE 3rd priao OPEN HEARTH BROILER-ROTISSERIE WITH SHISH KABOBER SEVEN ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL PRIZES Bond your rodpo by Midnight May 31,1907. Contest Ruloo 1. All malos 18 yoara and ovor living In Southaaatorn Michigan art oliglblo except profoaaional cooks, chafe, employes of Detroit Edison ond their immediate families. 2. The contest is for the best recipe for a diah to be cooked outdoors. 3. You may tend your recipe on any typo of writing paper you prefer. 4. Entries must be post-marked no latar than midnight May 31,1967. 5. Ten finalists will be chosen. They must be able to compote In a cookoff in tho Edison building in Detroit on Wednesday, Juno 14,1997, 6. Decisions of tho Judges are final. Include your name, address, telephone BEND YOUR RECIPE TO: Detroit Edison, Electric Living Division, Dotroit, Michigan 49229 EDISON ask forV.O.,the Smooth Canadian. $6.49 $4.10 $16.18 4/5 01. ptirt to Gallon CoSu N«. 14M Coda No. 14*1 coda No. H17 to Gallons and Cation! AvailaMa •» Mast Packaga Liquor Daatars - Salas Tsxas indudad -t ana v Kiurru miaou. tu nut ota. te a rm suttm butiuiij coupup, ire. Memo To: Mr. (/or Mis, New Car Buyer; DO YOU READ “PRICE-ADS”? \}0, WE’RE LOOKING FOR YOU! We Like Competition . . . as a matter of fact, we thrive on It! So Take Your Favorite "price-ad" ... the one that looks the best Bring it with you, if you like, (before or after you've checked it out) and, then let us show you our Deal! A DEAL THAT’S MORE THAN PRICE ALONE! If You Like Price-Thafs Niee-But, PONTIAC RETAIL OFFERS M0RE1 \ 1967 PONTIACS/TEMPESTS :U * Wide Track arMt. Clemens-Downtown Pontiac t § THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY ll, 1967 E—9 Dem Laments WASHINGTON (AP) - The chief House sponsor of the Senate-passed congressional reorganization bill suspects someone is trying to “hodag” his pet project. Rep. Ray J. Madden, D-ind., expressed misgivings to the House Rules Committee as it started' considering a proposal for a mandatory anhual recess of Congress during August, ★ ■ a ★ “I sUspect,” he told> his rules committee colleagues Wednesday, “that someone is trying to hodag the reorganization bill.” “To what?” asked Chairman William M. Colmer, D-Miss. ★ it it “To hodag it — pilfer its more attractive provisions and drop the others,” Madden replied. He added that Colmer, as a Missis-sippian, ought to know what hodag means. NEW WORD Colmer' never heard of the word, nor, apparently, had anyone else present. ★ ★ ★ A hodag, Webster’s dictionary says, is “a mythical animal reported chiefly from Wisconsin and Minnesota, noted for its ug-, liness, lateral horns and hooked tail and reputed to be outstanding in both ferocity and melancholy.” ★ ★ ★ Madden suspects, he said later, that the reorganization, bill may resemble a hodag before Congress gets through with- it, although it presumably would lose much of its ferocity in the legislative melting pot. Wednesday's State Capital Happenings >y Th« Associated Pres* THE GOVERNOR Appointed Frank Padzieski of Dearborn to the State Employment Security Commission to succeed George N, Higgins of Ferndale, whose term expired. THE STATE BOARD OP CANVASSERS Delayed certification of petitions to put the Daylight Saving Tima issue on the November 1968 election ballot until at least May 24. THE SENATE Approved moving up the House deadline for floor action on most bills In their house of origin from May 12 to May 26. THE HOUSE Passed: HB2178, Smit. Permit local government to take special census to determine its share of state tax rebates. HB3035. Cawthorne. Delate requirement carnival ride inspector must engineer. HB2S65, Faxon. Lower legal smoking age to 18. HB3009, Allen. Permit full-time work permits for 17-year-olds. HB3000, Strange. Permit electronic voting devices. HB2I04, Del Rio. Forbid non profit hospital servica corporations to enter contracts with hospitals which discriminate. HB2105, Del Rio. Make It e misdemeanor for realtor to refust to show listed property because' of race, creed, color or national origin. HB2156, Jewett. Require local health officer to test water quality at bathing beaches; empower him to ask circuit court for injunction closing a beach. SB425, Beadle. Require a school district to levy more than seven mills before borrowing from the state to repay Its qualified bonds. The House already has "enacted separate legislation creating committee on standards of official conduct for House members, officials and employes. That was one major provision of the Senate-passed reorganization bill. The proposed Augustf recesS called for in a separate bill was lifted bodily from the reorganization measure. \' . ★ ★ ★ “Apparently,” Madden said in an interview Wednesday, “they are going to act on the bonanzas and goodies in the over-all bill and let the rest of it die.” / ; Some of the bonanzas still in the bill call for additional employes for members of Congress and additional money allowances for congressional travel. ★ ★ ★ Not so attractive, to many members is a provision taking the pyweny to appoint post- masters out of the hahds of con- 4 ■■ . gressmen and giving it to the postmaster general. The President formally nominates the postmasters but the congressmen have the big say in who gets the jobs. There have been several hearings but no sign of (action. House Resolves to Play Senators RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - It was sunny outdoors and the North Carolina House of Representatives passed a resolution challenging state senators to a softball game the' night of May 24. OMAK, Wash. (AP) Omak minister is attempting help ease the world's hunge with a herd of goats. The Rev. Paul Ashbrook of Omak Methodist Church has begun a program to send young The House resolution claimed goats to countries where their An “A goat will live in placed where a cow will starve to death,” he said. / GOATS SENT the senators tion.” ‘were out of condi- milk and protein are needed by The minister has sent goats to Korea, Mexico and India and is preparing to send four kids to Korea on an experimental flight to see how the animals react to Sales, Use Tax Receipts Drop LANSING (AP) - Slumping 1966-auto sales caused a drop in sales and use tax receipts for the year, Secretary of State James Hare said Wednesday. He said receipts dipped from $106.5 million to $97.6 million. ' ★ ★ it Hare said total revenue to his department for 1966 topped $205 million. Revenue from vehicle licensing jumped more than $4 million last year, Hare reported, with commercial licensing revenue up more than $2 -million andj trailers up $1.5 million. FUful from motorcycle platesv rqsel from $265,000 in 1965 to $356,0 last year. it- it it Tax revenues collected by the I department are used for construction and maintenance of [ roads. The state's general and! school aid funds receive some of | this revenue. Bodyguard Is Promoted DETROIT (AP) — Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh’s chauffeur-bodyguard was promoted Wednesday to lieutenant by the Detroit Police Department. ★ it it Sgt. John Darnell was suspended for two weeks 'asi SeP"! tern her and passed over for promotion when his name was foimd in the “little black book” of a restaurant owner accused of attempting to bribe police. ★ ★ * I Darnell was one of 34 officers whose promotions were announced by Police Commissioner Ray Girardin. "ssmm DORMEYER Hand Mixer. 3-spoods. On ae Boats, whips, mixes $Qs*tf LY" (May 14th)« t.ggj ill.LK.S.^t.Am 4 ^ fin SPECIALS WESTINGHOUSE 2-slice toaster. Pay Re A A speeds. Detachable mixer. Deluxe... • $2 9s88 zhsnzrzzzzrt ■17:f*t Wostinhouso PViwa W**Hnghau*a 4-ilica toartar. Color Bee eg SuSwShI-T.TT. $7.88 ELECTRIC SLICING Knife. Stainless *n am Herd blade. S6.9T WESTINGHOUSE CanUtor vacuum Bee eg Mbctiom and coal. Natl drvar.... ?! $8.8l SUNBEAM Teflon Frypan. Deluxe. Aj a With prahn and HMIm^cmeT. SI G.Rfl! WESTINGHOUSI iteam-dry Iran. Pay fg AA GENERAL ELECTRIC Can Opener, Aea ■■ Knife Sharpener. Reduced to $12*77 SUNBEAM Eldct. Clock, ‘iiirili.' Attractive. Sweep Second HandLSI s94 tp«« A. Boat., whip., nimi.!?. $24*88. HAMILTON BEACH Blandor. 32-ot 2- *10 OS SpfctLtap. Camp. wMh cRtudunonr*. $24.99 $8.77 "WJVtk Vacuum Cleaner. "Conat.1. eg. jug* lightweight. Fabric guide. Only SfiiST SUNBEAM Electric Frypan. With probe aa Aa WESTINGHOUSE cleck-radio. Attrac- Asa aa* five table model. Great aift $10.99 UDY IMPRESS Hair Dryer. Hwt . a. __ mImMom. large bonmt. In com S6.7T W8ST BIND party park. Automatically _ brow. 10 la 30 cup. S7.99 GENERAL ELECTRIC AM-FM clock FlUlvIinK steam-dry iron. 1 -year to- Aa AA’ pilot ms nt guarantee. ^OsS9 WIST BEND coffee maker. Brews 3 to asm mm " cups automatically. $4*99 LAWN CHAISE, sturdy aluminum .As a. frame^folds flat v4«49 WORK-SAVER GIFTS FOR MOM I lo fcpxrijrdr SPECIALLY PRICED AT HIGHLAND ^SJSSmlSLSmmSSS^L STEREO HI-FI CLEARANCE You won't buy ttoroo HI-FI at a bottor price all yoarl For Immediate talol Chooto from contain and combination* from a wido variety of all-wood fumihiro styl*i and finiihat . . . GI, Zenith, Philco, Admiral, Weitinghou**, RCA Victor, Packard loll and other*. Freo delivery and 90-day service. H0TP0INT AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER Top loading. Big family capacity. Cuahion-coatod rack*. Singlo* dial control for automatic cyclo for weak, rinao and dry. Automatic shut-off. Silverware baiket. Portable —on casters for rolling to tobio ond oink. FREE DELIVERY AND SERVICE HOTPOINT 2-CYCLE FULLY AUTOMATIC WASHER You con woth from 2 to 12 pound looda without opoclol attachment*. Gate clothes really clean. Simply adjust for "Heavy" or “Regular* soil loads* select from hot or cold motor wash temperature* and tMs Hotpoint does the rest... automatically. GENERAL ELECTRIC STEREO HI-FI DELUXE CONSOLE Solid stato stereo HI-FI... no tuboe to bum out! Instant soundl Longer Ufa and dependability! 4-speed automatic record changer. Stereo sound control center. Beautiful, contemporary fine furniture styling in wolnut veneers. Ample record storage space- GENERAL ELECTRIC STEREO COMBINATION Combines stereo HI-FI with AM-FM radio. Transistorised solid state, no tubas bum out. Instant sound. Walnut < veneers console. Free delivery ond RCA VICTOR COMBINATION New.. FREE DELIVERY, SERVICE AND INSTALLATION NEW LOW PRICE! HOTPOINT 30” ELECTRIC RANGE Save many dollar* on thi* attractive Hotpoint alac-trlc rang#. Loaded with eonvanianco feature*. Fully automatic operation with deck and timer. Appliance outlet. Oven light. Smekalai* broiling. Storage *pace. Model RBY-335-G. *138 Frta delivery, service and installstion BIG SAVINGS HERE! HOTPOINT 1 MCU. FT. I HI DILUXE 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR. Bright W fresh from Hotpoint Is this valuO-packed combination. Value-priced for big savings from Highland. Ovor 21 sq. ft. shelf area. Separate frooiar holds aver 100 lbs. frosen food. Turin porcelain crispors. Dairy storage In rdomyi door. Very deluxe. Model CTA-114. *198 Free delivery, inetelletien and sorviet - COMPLST1LY FBO»T^M | HOTPOINT SIDE-BY-SIDE REFRIGERATOR FREEZER! This big 18 ms. ft. food center Is oN frost free. From the Cope rate 224 lb. freesor to the 229 sq. ft. of food room shelves this entire unit is hist 32 inches wide. Damp door shelf storage. Glide-out basket and gEao-aur moat keeper. Fruit bosket. 399 FREEJOEUYERY, ICEAN^^H SERVICE AND WARRANTY STEREO HI-FI WITH AM-FM AND FM-STEREO RADIO Newt A ROLL-ROUND stereo HI-FI console. Combination with AM-FM. FM-itomo radio. Solid stato. 4-speed automatic record changer. Contemporary styled walnut finish. Easy-roll castors. Free delivery and service. Big prico reduction. i E—-10 TIIE PONTTAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 WASHINGTON (AP) -t The ^^ministration Has taken enforcement of federal, desegregation guidelines for schools out of the hands of the Office of Education, (he target of heavy criticism from Southern lawmakers. But Secretary' John W. Gardner of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare told a news (Conference Wednesday that the change — asked by Congress a year ago — will not affect prosecution of the Civil Rights Act in either schools or hospitals. “We will continue to go just as fast as we have,” Gardner told newsmen. “We’re already doing as much as we can.” The consolidation calls for all civil rights enforcement to stem from a newly created division inside HEW and directly responsible to Gardner- About 278 enforcement personnel now scattered around five agencies inside the huge Cabinet department will be transferred. HEADS NEW OFFICE Gardner named F. Peter Li-bassi, his special assistant for civil rights, to head the new office and took special pains to praise Harold Howe II, U. S. Fires Decline in Waterford' Thirty-four of the 51 fires extinguished by the Waterford Township Fire Department last month were of the brush and grass variety, according to a report revealed yesterday. Township fire fighters also were called on to quench seven building blazes and three motor vehicle fires. Seven fires were classified miscellaneous. Last month’s 51 fires were four less than the number reported the previous-April, but 11 more than were responded fayjiL March of this year. 'nirough four months this year, township firemen have responded to 144 fires compared with 156 for the same period of 1966. ★ ★ ★ Counting fires, rescue and emergency, runs, false alarms, miscellaneous and investigations, township fire fighters responded to 73 alarms last month. This compares with 82 alarms the previous April and 64 in March of this year.: LOWER TOTAL Number of calls responded to the first four months this year was 235, compared With 257 for the same period last year. ★ ★ ★ Direct fire damage last month totaled $48,100, raising the amount to $80,058 for the first four months of 1967. Fire damage last year after four months stood at $69,620. commissioner of education, a frequent target for congressional complaints during the past year. The consolidation move is in no way “a reflection on his performance,” Gardner said of Howe. “He has my complete confidence.” Howe, who attended the news conference, said his agency now would concentrate on other education issues facing the nation. A House Appropriations subcommittee issued the call for consolidation last spring, argu- ing (he move would result in more economic use of available funds. But Gardner and other officials acknowledged Wednesday that the reorganization, to go into effect by the end of summer, would not save money. In fact,, the HEW secretary said, civil rights enforcement >qnjts are seeking $5.43 million m; Congress this year, up.$2 million from last year. Howe estimated Wedhesday that $25 million in federal funds has been denied thus far to noncomplying school districts in the South. Gardner and others refused to say whether the organization was aimed at reducing pressure from Capitol Hill and perhaps ensuring passage of the heavier budget request. „ < Libassi recently told Congress he objected, in part, to the reorganization because “the question of the termination of federal funds, that initial decision, is the one on which we felt we need the expertise of the educators and the health people.” Honors Planned for Tourist Group GRAND RAPIDS (AP)-Mem-bers of the West Michigan Tourist Association, which is 50 years old this year, will be honored by the Grand Rapids Lions Club May 23. John C. Beukema of Muskegon, the only surviving charter member of the association, will be among the guests! The association was formed in April 1917 at Grand Rapids as the first organized tourist promotion agency , in the United States. Muffs Mission WASHINGTON (AP) - Soviet citizen Vadim Isakov, allegedly on . a mission in the United States to buy scientific equipment for his country, apparently returned tb Moscow with a red face and mission decidedly unaccomplished. According to testimony Wednesday before a House subcommittee on Un-American Activities, Isakov was versed in the secret agent’s world of big cash offers and clandestine meetings with his contacts. But when it came to getting the goods, he ran into difficulty. Leonard I. Epstein, vice president of Trans-American Machinery & Equipment Corp. of Paterson, N.J., told the subcommittee Isakov tried in October 1965 to buy accelerometers from his firm. They measure the pull of gravity on a vehicle. The devices could be of help to» Soviet scientists trying to make soft landings on the moon. -Epstein says Isakov referred mysteriously to a customer in Europe. Cash was no problem, the Soviet reportedly said, as he organized secret meetings with Epstein in a car and a store in a big shopping center to discuss the purchase of the accelerometers and other equipment costing up to $300,000., But Epsteiri kaid he got suspicious, calling the FBI and was told to play along. Jhen the secret got out. In January 1966 a New York newspaper reported that IsakoV tried to buy restricted equipment. JUST AttW OFTttt WAHi SAVVHGS YOU’U HHD. BiltsformomPRICED SO VERY LOW... ALUMINUM TEFLON COOKWARE SET 99 Dutch oven cover flit tho skilled Nylon •poon and spatula have rich brown handles are protected by flame guard! DuPont Teflon* approved ... no stick,, no scourl All at an incredibly low pricei HOUSEWARES DEFT. FAMOUS "TEL MARK" ELECTRIC SCISSORS Now ... for a limited time onlyl The perfect gift for tho mother who sews J.. famous "Telmark" electric scissors zip through the heaviest fabrics or the sheerest! Rugged and unbreakable, scratch-proof guard! APPROVED U.S.Artist in Russia to Accept Prize MOSCOW (AP) - Rockwell Kent, the American artist, ar--rived in the Soviet Union today to receive a Lenin Peace Prize. Pravda saluted him for “his demonstrations against the dirty U. S. war in Vietnam.” Kent and his wife arrived in Leningrad on the Soviet liner Alexander Pushkin. ★ ★ it They were welcomed by Vladimir S. Kemenev, vice president of the Soviet Academy of Arts, and representatives of the Lenin peace committee. The Kents are to come to Moscpw.for the presentation of the prize. Soviet authorities declined to say when this would be made. RED APPROVED The winners of the annual Lenin Peace Prizes were announced April 30. They are given for actions and attitudes approved by the Soviet Communist party. Other winners this year included Pastro Martin Niemoell-er, a West German religious leader, and Mexican artist David Alfaro Siqueiros. ★ * tr The prize consists of a diploma, a gold medal with a portrait of Lenin and 25,000 rubles -$27,775. Kent was praised in the Communist party newspaper Pravda as an “eminent American artist and public figure, an artist whose message is always addressed tot people, demonstrating great warmth and respect for man as worker and fighter.” perfect mother*# giftl LODMEU pierced E JEWELRY CHEST An unusual and outstanding Mather's Day gift:.. attractive jewelry chest to keep all her pierced earring jewelry! "SWEETHEART" "GLO-LITE" FLOWER-ENTWINiD candlesticks Prettier-than-ever shift loungers! Easy* • care check cotton 'n acetate blendl Yoke front, 2-button yoke back, largo contrasting double pocket or wide smocked yoke, 2 large carry-all pockets! Pink. Sizes S, M, L and 40 to 46* ' LINGERIE BERT. Enchant bar with thasa attractive candlesticks that are perfect for indoors or outdaorsi Wonderful as centerpiecesl Walnut and brass finished, entwined with colorful lifelike flowers, crystal glass candle cup complete with 8-hour candiel HOUSEWARES DIRT. Indies 9 prettily sty ted "NEVER PRESS" DACRON* 'N COTTON MFTBOVSS 2, 3 AND 4 STRANDS! PEARL NECKLACE & EARRING SETS $ Mother will love thlsl Beautiful 2, 3 and 4 strand simulated pearl necklaces wih matching earrings! Charmingly gift-boxed, of coursel IMPORTED FROM FRANCEI 7-PIECE CORDIAL SET I Beautiful French 7-pe. cordial set includes 1 decanter and 6 liquor jiggers . . . delightfully decorated and boxed far gift givingl HOUSEWARES Dirt. CLAIROL U.N.C.U.R.L.1 HAIR RELAXER 3.50 VALUEI Sat your hair straightl Leaves your hair in such beautiful condition! CLAIROL NICE 'N EASY* Terrific Saving*! * 1.59 EACH * So easy to car* for ... and so attractive! Dacron* polyester 'n cotton bland that navar naads ironing! 3 rows of multi-embroidery on the yak* . . . also in group, Venice lace trims and cotton ayalat trimmed yekesl Pink, blue, maize. Sizes S, M, L Charming giftl FIGURE FLATTERING LONG-LEG PANTY GIRDLES /H99 lyerO® spandex with reinforced side panels, satin lastex back! Medallion diamond pattern front panel) White. Sizes S, M, L, XL FOUNDATION DEFT. FRESH-AS-A-DAISY COTTON PLISSE GOWNS jU«d $ Daintiest print cotton pliste . . . pretty raffled yokes and piping! Sizes S, M, L, XL LINGERIE DEFT. FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES * SHOP SPARTAN-ATLANTIC ,9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. L Corner of Dixie Highway ond Telegraph Rood—IN PONTIAC ACRES OF FREE PARKING I ■■ ■ i 'id S> -'u . JdilL#______________________, . V ,**.............. ‘ . . ■ v • •' M r m IMP >«j THKTFQOTIAC PRE5S. THtrRSDAY> MAY 11,1967 ^‘•Jrpr jifr.. f Jp-SES «-ir Reds Hit Svetlana Defection DETROIT (UPI) _ The defection of Mrs. Svetlana Stalin, daughter of the late Soviet premier, to the United States had a ‘certain element of treason in it,” a group of visiting Russian authors said yesterday. ** * * 'a The group of three authors, touring (his country as part of the International Visitors Program, said Mrs. Stalin’s defection has had a definite negative impression in the S o v i e t Union. “She is an unfortunate woman and I feel sorry for her,” HILLSDALE (UPI) - Hillsdale County Prosecutor James Parker yesterday termed the slaying of Mrs. Maude Bon-steel, 83, “the most heinous crime ever committed in the history of the city of Hillsdale.” Parker made the statement in opening remarks at the trial of Wilfred Cary Rodgers, $0, charged-with first-degree murder in the death of Mrs. Bon-steel, his great-aunt. The woman Was found Jan. 22, her head crushed with a blunt instrument and a three-pring fork stuck in her abdo* men. “She was a poor unfortunate old woman who was the victim of a savage and vicious attack that was the most henious crime ever committed in the history of the city of , Hillsdale,” Parker told the Circuit Court jury. “And I intend to prove that the murder was perpetrated by Wilfred Gary Rodgers,” he said. Rifle Proven in Viet Joins Army Array WASHINGTON (AP) - Hie lightweight M16 rifle, battle-proven in Vietnam, has been designated a full-fledged member of the Army’s weaponry array. “Lightweight, fast -firing rugged and hard-hitting, It has demonstrated its versatility and effectiveness in combat,” the Pentagon said Wednesday in announcing the M16 has been named a standard service weapon. ★ ★ ★ The heavier M14, which replaced the World War II Ml, will remain the standard weap on for troops stationed in Europe. Weighing just over eight pounds—two more than the M16 —the -M14 fires the standard 7?68mm cartridge of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A two-year study showed that while the M14 excels at dis-t a nces of 300 meters or more, the M16 is “equal or superior at shorter ranges where targets are usually engaged,” the Pentagon said. The M16, which has been tested in Vietnam combat the past two years, fires a 5.56mm round similar to a 22-caliber slug. About 300,000 M16s already are used by Army troops, mostly in Vietnam. Pupils Get Schooling in Justice COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) Judge Temple Morgett of Magistrate Court looked down from his bench sternly. “Forty cents and five days in jail,” he pronounced. The defendant, Ronnie Shaw didn’t blink an eye; The courtroom of his peers gasped at the severity of the sentence. “If you please, your honor, defense attorney Robert Hines pleaded, “the defendant had been looking at a pretty girl and was under the influence of a bottle of soda pop. “I know the charge is serious judge, but he’s a pretty good boy; and he makes very good grades.” : judge relented, and re-d Ronnie “on good behav-from the charge of exceed-lie speed llmit-for tricycles, irnie is 11, and the trial was > fun to give fourth and fifth » classes at Benton School nonstration in court proce- said Viktor 8ergeyevkh Ro- zov, a writer from Moscow. “In her interview lit this country die said she wanted to ex-press herself,” Rozov said through an interpreter. “She could have written as well in the Soviet Union.” - ★ ★, h'i Accompanying Rozov were Miss Frida LUrye, a consultant on contemporary American literature, and Daniil Cranin, a writer from Leningrad. They have been touring this country since April 26, gathering im- pressions and meeting with their American counterparts. '/spiritual CRISIS Rozov said be knew nothing of Mrs. Stalin’s literary talents because she had never tried to have anything published in the Sovie Union. Being the daughter of the late dictator, “as she grew older, shd experienced a spiritual crisis,” Rozov said. “The press will make a great deal of noise about her. But, she will not change anything in the world.” k Hie three were pressed about American-Soviet relations because of the Vietnamese war but were reluctant to express a strictly literary viewpoint. ★ ★ ★ “We.cannot speak only as literary people.” said Miss Lyre, the lone member of the group able to speak English, U.S. AGGRESSOR “In general, people of the Soviet Union consider the United States in the position of an aggressor,” Rozov said. Teamster Chief* Is Back in Jail LEWISBURG, Pa. (AP) Teamsters .. Union President James R Hoffa was back in Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary today after a judge denied his fourth appeal for a new trial on a jury tampering charge. •k h it 0*8. District Judge Frank W. Wilson denied in Chattanooga, Tenn., Wednesday the appeal which had been basedon an allegation by Hoffa and three codefendants that the federal government used electronic eavesdropping and wiretapping dor ing their trials at Chattanooga in 1964. Tart Watcher Provokes Strike SMETHWICK, England (AP)1 — Supplies of pies to shops throughout the English Midlands were threatened today because Susan Phillips is tired of watching the tarts go by. More that! 750 workers went on strike in sympathy with Susan and stopped production at one of Britain's biggest bakeries. For three years Mrs. Phillips has kept an eye on 90,000 jam tarts an hour moving along a conveyor belt. Her job was to spot below-standard tarts before they reached the ovens. After three years of constant' tart-watching, Mrs. Phillips complained of headaches and asked for a transfer to another department. The management refused. Thus the stride. > “These tarts come at me on 120 trays * minute,” said Mrs.1 Phillips, 46. “The strain on my eyes is terrible.”„ ★ $ * ./*■# The manager of Scribbans Kemp Bakery, which turns out 1.5 million cakes, tarts and confections a day, refused to negotiate until the strikers return to work. just ArtW OfTHlMMT' SAV1HGS YOO’lt HH® IKtHTIf ATLANTIC VERY LOW... FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES ACRES OF FREE PARKING T %000 for 3 PURE symbols •20 for 3 Melons *10 for 3 Plums *1 for 3 Cherries You never won a thing in your life? Well, try again. There are over 232,000 winning Match any three symbols, and you're a winner! (See illustration.) You can drive away with cash! Nothing to buy. Just 232,000 chances to win! So hob in your car, loser. This one is for you! Drive into any participating Pure Oil dealer’s. THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY Since 1890 Always the Finet* in Floweret LOS ANGELES (AP) ■j Twice a week, 90 Negro high school seniors from Watts gath- tum sharecroppers into share* Hie idea is to make visible the holders in the backward reaches opportunities for investment of youthful talent and enthusiasm at his Studio 103 teen post, so-called because his programs mostly dwelt on art, drama and photography. er in a laboratory at the University of California,at Los Angeles * ★ ★ Each year, Asimow gives his senior students a practical introduction to ihe workaday world of engineering by assigning them tiie job of planning homes, factories and ' other building projects. Op one of his forays into Latin America, his students helped plan and design six factories for Brazil. SOMETHING LASTING It was while casting about for such class homework last year that Asimow decided to build something lasting for Watts. Be had recently gahibcL^a Summer grant for one of l$s top graduate students, Fred Slaughter, a lifelong resident of Waits and former captain of the UCLA basketball team. Slaughter, 25, did much of the groundwork on the project before leaving to work for a law degree at Columbia University in New York. —' to work on a $l-million business. 1 It could keep them busy the rest of their lives.9 The teen-agers have joined a' UCLA engineering class in a unique self-help project qtfietly; hailed as the first to capture the i Wafts area’s imagination since I the summer rioting of 1965. j A scale model of their Bream j — a 7%-acre community amusement center — is taking shape in the laboratory. DO OWN DESIGNING The youngsters, working with the student engineers, has designed and planned foe center. I They will help build and operate,] it, and will even be stockhoUNi Teen-agers from four high schools set up conumttees to conceive a project for Asimow and his student engineers.. AUTO WONDERLAND ' They came up with an automotive wonderland, bristling wifo midget car race-trades add drag strips, a build-it-yourself go-cari slug) and including a swimming pool, canopied dance pavilion, skating rink and hot dog stands. ; Said Miller: “The amusement! center is the. first project brought into Wafts from foe outer community to be warmly received. ‘and that means local capital. PEARCE'S Called foe Watts Amusement Center, Inc., foe project was inspired by Dr. Morris Asimow, UCLA engineering professor, who feels pragmatic capitalism can bring economic independence and dignity to depressed areas more effectively than sympathy and handouts. Talks are under way with a railroad to buy the necessary land. Asimow hopes supplies and materials will be donated. “If we get 50 or 60 businessmen to clear their warehouses of unneeded materials,’’ he says, “that alone will put it over.” SHARES WILL BE SOLD To raise money, shares in the corporation will be sold throughout southeast Los Angeles. Loans will be floated through commercial 'banks and the U.S. Small Business Administration. They met with various business and youth groups in foe Negro community to discuss possible enterprises. Guy Miller, one of foe nation’s I top Negro sculptors, was among Few physical scars remain in Watts as reminders of the bloody rioting of August 1965. With government help, foe neighborhood business centers have been rebuilt. Damaged homes have been repaired and painted. A beautification committee donated 1,000 trees. But most civil rights leaders complain the government largesse did little to remove foe racial resentment and hurt. SHOULD WORK Asimow, 61, wants to deal with this. He has been able to AP WlrephotO UfrosS - COUNTRY PEDDLER — Realization of a 30-year dream is near for Vernon L. Leifheit, 48, of Hamilton, Ohio, who will leave San Diego, Calif. May 14 on a 2,-900-mile trip to Atlantic City, N. J. The Hamilton toolmaker, who has been in training for eight months, says it will take him 30-35 days, averaging 100 miles a day, on his 10-speed super sport bicycle. Fresh Blooming, Long Stem Fresh-cut roses delivered while they ore beautiful buds ready to open into full bloom for Mother on Her Special Day. Delivered in Pontiac Cymbidium ORCHID CORSAGE three Medium Blooms >w proudly she will wear these beautiful chids a special remembrance from youl you Mifth a special ribbon color, do tell ui Other ... CORSAGES CAROL BRENT* BRA, GIRDLE, SLIP, PETTICOAT, BRIEF ...A LINGERIE WARDROBE Bright Spring Blooming Mum Plants Choice of many sizes and colors. Add freshness and spring to Mother's $^50 $1Q •AZALEAS .$6, $7.50, $10 ANTIQUE CHINA BOWL AND PITCHER WITH RED ROSES Underscoring your warm weather clothes, the crisp, cool sparkle of pure white lingerie, lavished with fashion details. BRA—Lace cups underlined in polyester fiber filk Stretch bock, sides, fjraps. Nylon, Lyjprd®' spandex. Misses’ A, 32-3$, B,C,32t&#^.---------2.9%j D cup,.-34-47: ..... 3.97 GIRDLE—Nylon, Lycra® power-net. S, M, L, XL... . 5.97 SUP—Nylon satin tricot. Clipped lace trim. Proportioned dress sizes 10 to 20_ $4 PETTICOAT—Matches slip. In waist sizes 24 to 32..., 2.99 BRIEF—Runproof nylon, elastic leg. Nips 32 to 40_... $1 A novel wtfy ic express your sentiments for Mooter. ,A decorative arrangement of mlnlo-hire rikLpfces and greens to brighten her favorite hook or Corner. COMBINATION POTS Com# select from scores of fresh, new spring flowers. Choose any combination. Specials made up to your order. Colors are rampant. Selections priced from— Others $7.50 to $10 Flowers Telegraphed Any Place in the World Pearce Floral 559 Orchard Lake Avenue Phone FE 2-0127 Two Daffy Deliveries to Detroit, Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham mm m • W » /WoNTGOMERY WARD PHONK 682-16 H) m 1 Si / 4 NORTH 11 *AJ952 ♦ A8 ♦ 1083 ♦ A93 WEST EAST- *Q6S *874 ♦ J 974 3 V 6 52 ♦ K 5 ♦ 42 *KQJ *107652 SOUTH (D) ‘ *K10 VKQ10 ♦ AQJ976 *84 North-South vulnerable West North East South O# Dble Redble Pass Pass 1* 1* Pass 2N.T. Pass 3 ♦ Pass 8 NX Pass 4 * Pass 4 ♦ Pass 6 ♦ Pass Pas| Pass Opening lead—* K By OSWALD AND JAMES JACOBY With a combined age of just over 50, Mike Lawrence and Lew Stansby are the youngest top pair playing bridge. They won the Open Team of Four in San Francisco in 1965 so this year’s Vanderbilt win was their Second national title. JACOBY Like the rest of their team they are aggres- TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -Florida scientists have found that red grouper mature around 4 to 5 years of age, change into males-between 8 and 14 years, and can live up to 25 years. ■y SYDNEY OMARR For Friday "Dm win man control* his doitlny . . .. Astrology points tlw way." ARIES (Mar. Jt1 - Apr. 19): Clear communication linos. Bo sura of directions, messages. Tendency toward confusion today does exist. Know this — take proper precautions. Than you save time, tempers, money. TAURUS (Apr. 20 - May 20): Not wise to mix money matters I and emotions today. Argument could ensue unless you check tendency to act on Impulse. Analyze actions, motives. Be especially considerate of young persons. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Family friction likely union you are diplomatic. Some Information you receive Is Ion than accurate. Know this and withhold final ludgment. Circumstances due to turn In your favor. CANCER (June 21 • July 22): Indirect approach gets results. No time to force Issues. Obtain valid hint from GEMINI message. Study meanings. Indications. Read between the linn. Hidden factors Important. LEO (July 23 • Aug. 22): Friends may not be too practical concerning money affairs. Rely upon your own ludgment. Some today encourage extravagance — with your possessions. Be realistic. Tighten reins I VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Strive for greater Independence of thought, action. You recently had burden lifted. Now you have greater freedom. Use It wtnlyl Agreement with one In authority favored In evening. LIBRA (Sept. 23 • Oct. 22): No day 1o battle those who command heavy weapons. You get your way through diplomacy rather than three. One who taught you In past could make reappearance. Be grateful I SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov, 21): Seme of your beliefs may be shaken. Turn this Into opportunity to be' creative. Changes are not necessarily adverse. It will do you good to move out of pattern or rut: Celebrate occasion wisely! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Don't sign agreements unless green light Is given. Means don't exceed actual authority. If you take things tor granted there may be difficulty. Show proper respect for superiors. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. If): Day features opportunity for CREATIVE THINKING. Involves revision of some pet theories. Obtain hint from SCORPIO message. Member of opposite sex requires PERSONAL ATTENTION. j AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. II): Emotions appear to dominate logic. Avoid, basing actions on impulse. Accent the, positive. Those close to you are puzzled: by some of your attitudes, Elucidate | . . . make yourself clear. PISCES (Feb. If ■ Mar. 20): Straighten out disputes, legal contradictions In connection with home, property, pet protects. Be sure. Obtain sense of security by checking, consulting experts. Be thorough) ★ ★ ★ IP FRIDAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY . . you are versatile, have sense of humor . . . and current cycle promises chance to show off basic abilities. Check details before making radical changes. ★ ★ ★ GENERAL TENDENCIES: Cycle high for GEMINI, CANCER, LEO. Special word to AQUARIUS: If you understand yourself . . . others will follow suit. (Copyright 1M7, General Features Corp.) “I’d like you to meet a REAL CHARACTER — he hasn’t discarded any standards of preceding generations!” OUT OTJR WAY By Howie Schneider Births The following is a list of recent Pontiac area births as recorded at the Oakland County Clerk’s Office (by name of father): Donald O. Dudley, Orchard Lake Bobby D. Dunn, Clerkston Paul G. Fox, 1GSB Cherrylawn Michael R. Mlley, Drayton Plains Thomas R. Powell, Rochester Tommy K. Smallwood, 2468 Wales Neal C, Smith, 285 West Wilson Wayne L. Smith, 41 Falrmount Robert L. Bowman, 2527 Toby Larry'H. Smith, Union Lake Albert E. Smith, 56 Orton Edward H. Hadel, Ortonvllle Robert L. Sutton, 98 East Newport .... Arthur Whaley, 278 Howard McNeill Glynn D. Durnen, 6332 Elizabeth Lake Lloyd P. Earnest, 7375 Pontiac Lake Floyd M. Klzer, 3658 Minton Duane D. Mueltlng. Milford Dewey J. Penn, 470 South Sanford Elijah J. Pennex, 208 Oellwood Paul E. Powers, Ortonvllle Clarence D. Rldgley, 17* Wolfe David J. Beck, 1914 Humbert James W. Daniels, Union Lake Edward S. Feldpausch, Union Richard L. MacDonald, 429 North ^Harold W. Nichols, 1053 Holbrook Robert L. Taylor, V Clovese Ronald E. Tomrell, Walled Lake Allan R. Travis, 37 South Shirley, Donald R. Ballard, 333 West Hopkins Cyrel Brooks, 535 Granada Lowell G. Burns. 319 North Saginaw Kenneth R. Carter, Union Lake James D. Dehmel, 6 Sentinel Richard S. Lemon, Rochester Doves D. taster, Walled Lake Merle F. LaFnear. Keego Harbor Ivan A. Swisher, Union Lake Robert C. Barker, 266 Robin Creek Calvin S. Devitt, Rochester Arthur H. Francisco, Rochester Alan J. Robertson, 2401 Opdyke George A. Larkins, 2405 La Fay John H. Nellenbach, 2151 Avondale Nick V. Valdez, 219 Elm George E. Briggs, Clarkston Lawrence R. Harris, Leonard Edward D. Holdwiek, 1067 Canterbury John D. Knoblock, Bloomfield Hills Gayle M. Marlowe, Orchard Lake Gary D. Rose S9 Monroe Carl G. Williams, 332 North Cass Jack C. Adams, 64 Goidner James M. Blanchard, 1345 Hendricks Edward P. Johnson, Union Lake Larry E. Sommer, Lake Orion Paul R. Gonlea, waited Laka Rodney E. Russell 9106 Pontiac Laka Road David A. Ewing, Auburn Heights James J. Kothe, 187 Beach Grazlona C. Lopez, 527 Aurburn Gunner Johnson Jr., 3281 Grant Richard R. Robenault, Clarkston Nathaniel Terrell, 20 Crawford Arthur B. Barnes, 4432 Motorway George L. Izydorek, Rochester Paul D. Maynard, 49 South Tasmania Alfred L. Mayhew, 193 West Sheffield James P.O'N ‘“ Chrlstlanus J. Maple Gary L Cohorst! Walk John J. Croasdofl, failed Lake 79 Summit 968 East Wa Dennis F. RadleWLInton Lake Theodora Rltz JrTWaterford Roy C. Russell, Drayton Plains Sanilaial D. Watchmaker Sr., Heights Fredrick H. Bloudt, Laka Orton Dennis B. fonter, Drayton Plains Jack R. Hendrickson, >131 Galloway ■;fgjkl J. Recklngar, 1285 Florence Horace F. Ritchie, 8507 Pontiac Lake ■Ban IH. Bradley, Union Lake Phttitp T. Collins, Drayton Plains MAY 11, 1967 Ihhr Rtt 8 3 IB ut Score on By JERRY T. BAULCH Associated Press Newsfeatures WASHINGTON — Many of you young men who took the Selector Service qualification test for draft deferment to attend college, are puzzled, I find/ about host you did and what the reaulfs mdan, •;’•••* f. • K r i This test, given periodically atfaw testing centers! across the, cdhntry, is designed to pfedict a student’s ability to do college wtork. ¥< --'i. , , . l It contains 150 multiple-choke questions, to" measure a student’s reading comprehension, toe range of his vocabulary and his ability to interpret data in toe forms of charts, graphs and tables. Also, it includes short mathematical problems. To qualify for undergraduate study deferment you must grade at least 70; about 80 per cent of those who take the test do so. To qualify for deferment as a graduate strident a score of 80 is required. , , s' • ♦ ik ’ ♦ . To find out what your score was, ask your draft board, after about six weeks. NOT AUTOMATIC A good score doesn’t mean automatic deferment. In classifying you, your, draft board uses this data in connection with other information. Also, the board must measure you against other eligibles. - For those of you in college, your standing in school is a factor. It’s up to you to ask your college to send this information to your draft board. Some colleges refuse to do so, and that may handicap toe student It Even Has Subtitles , ‘jAfM jgf-Sifl 7 1 Latest Thing in Gaps—the 'Space Gap’ By Science Service WASHINGTON - The latest <-‘gap” announced by the State Department to join toe ranks of toe niissile, weapons and credibility gaps is toe “space gap.’’ What’s mom; according to Robert F. Packard, director of toe State Departmep|’s Office of outer Space Affairs, the spam gap even has a couple of subgaps. ( One of these, obviously, is the technology gap. A country such as Chad, for example, is hardly capable of sending its own astronauts to toe moon. Any deferment is goad only for one year, so a person’s classification may change many times. ' ★ ★ ★ • There is strong sentiment in Congress to do%away both with the qualification test and with asking toe colleges to provide class standings. Proposals range from deferring all students in good standing to deferring none. AFTER SIX-STORY FALL - Thirteen-month-old Michael Conlan Jr., his arm in a cast and his back elevated with a sling, is caressed by Mrs. Conlan, his mother, in Philadelphia’s Children’s Hospital yesterday where he appeared headed for recovery after a six-floor tumble from a midtown apartment last Saturday. Police said toe boy toddled from his living room, squeezed through an iron railing and fell to wooden steps below. The other subgap *is the I “awareness gap,” which simply means that a country - whose technology has not been scurrying along with the kick from a moon race doesn’t know what it’s missing. Closing these gaps is important to international cooperation Packard told several hundred space scientists at toe Goddard Memorial Symposium here, but it is not always toe best choice “We must resist toe tempta tion,” he warned, “to encourage Packard compared toe exploration wift space today with toe voyages of Christopher Columbus to the New World and of Henry toe Navigator’s sea captains around the Cape of Good Hope and into toe Indian Ocean. These voyages/ “enhanced the prestige and authority of foe countries involved,” he said and produced “changes which could not conceivably have been imagined by toe decision-makers who launched them.” But, “they also led to* three centuries of bitter international conflict from which we are emerging only now.” ■ ★ * ★ “Less of an interest in competitive spectaculars” may follow the initial lunar landings, Packard speculated, adding that the space gap will probably be-gin to close when more countries get involved in space r»4 search. Surely,” he said “there will be an increase in the number of countries engaged in space and space-related programs, with a parallel increase in toe' interdependence of their ef- • forts.” Spring Snowed In HELENA, Mont. (AP) - “It was a short spring,” a Helena resident said Wednesday, stand-fan undue involvement in space jing in eight inches of snow ] activities by countries whose “And what happened to sum-greater needs lie elsewhere.” Imer?” I HOLDING OFF TESTS Selective Service is holding off on further tests, waiting to see what Congress will decide. Chances are toe big decision won’t be nailed down in time to affect those going to college next fall. Another puzzle is what to do when the local board gives 1A to somebody who figures be has a 4F disability. Hier.e is toe appeal process — a man has 30 days in which to appeal to toe local board. Then there are higher appeals. If there is new evidence of disability, a man can ask his draft board to reconsider, his classification. ★. > ★ ★ The physical standards set by the Army, toe only service now using the draft, have been lowered in recent, months. But even after a draft board gives a man a passing physical mark, toe Army gives him a final physical, and the rejection rate is still running high. Jazz Comes of Age in the Soviet Union TALLIN, U.S.S.R. (AP) -Five years ago toe Soviet Communist party newspaper Pravda denounced jazz as “screeched out hysterical notes” sounding like “a streetcar racing around comers.” Four years ago, Nikita Khrushchev said jazz was “toe kind of music that gives you a feeling of nausea and a pain in the stomach” ★ ★ ★ Three years ago denunciations of jazz as a corrupting, bourgeois influence were stUl heard. But Soviet youths kept (Haying it anyway, often in secret. Two years ago they finally won official approval of jazz. Tonight, Soviet jazz comes of age with toe opening of “toe first world jazz festival in toe Soviet Union” — as the Soviet press describes it — in this capital of Soviet Estonia on the Baltic Sed. U.S. MUSICIANS It is expected to run four days and to include performances by jazz combos from toe United States, Britain, Sweden, Finland, Eastern Europe and cities throughout the Soviet Union.. Although tiie program is still unpublished,' toe Charles Lloyd quartet from toe United States and Monty Sunshine’s combo from Britain are among those expected to perform. ★ * . ★ Also expected is Willis Conover, heard here for a decade on toe Voice of America introducing jazz numbers on his “Music USA” program. It was largely from the Voice of America and toe British Broadcasting Corp. that Soviet jazz buffs got their start. Wjth Western jazz records, sheet music and technique books unavailable in toe Soviet Union, Russian jazz musicians taped foreign short-wave Inroad-casts. The tapes were replayed until toe arrangements were transcribed for the musicians to practice. American jazz musicians who have toured the Soviet Union and joined with Russians in informal jam sessions have expressed respect for toe self-taught Soviet performers. Soviet authorities have been trying to foster a home-grown variety of jazz. But what is called “Soviet-style jazz” resembles swing and the big-band sound of toe 1930s and 1940s in America. AUTO... GOOODMVESS-SPECIAL RATES PERSONAL PROPERTY, HOMEOWNERS PACKAGE POLICIES Fbe-ltahSiiy-Tkcft Jewelry—Fura—Cenme. ■OATS AND MOTORS—AIRCRAFT BUSINESS... INDUSTRIAL AND RETAILERS PACKAGE Eurghey Ginn—Uobapy Fin Complinotion Poller tmj Machinery RONDS—MALPRACTICE FE4-I55I IN BIKER BLDG. PONTIAC UFE..J MORTGAGE INSURANCE Hospitalization Family Plan Lif. Income Protection SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT GROUP ... OVER 35 YEARS OF DISTINGUISHED INSURANCE SERVICE H W AGENCY INC U lif »» —■— -R- — - jjm If omi ■_ Inm op Ll.-j* 1—E . Vlo Wo nBVNM«Ms -M ./pv mRmvm jOTNV.mnppMm ** " - ffnL-MlU.iHanlnrfiAr -*— * IlfiHm KKnORS nvnvmgai v' f. ; - - -| CHARLES LINDBERGH, former air mail pilot, stands by his plane, the Spirit of St. Louis, just before beginning his historic, 3354-hours-in-the-air flight from Cur- . tiss Field, N.Y., to Le Bourget Airport, France, the first solo crossing of. the Atlantic from west to east. .THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS takes off and Lindbergh recalls, “The wheels leave the ground -? full flying speed — the controls taut, alive straining. Now i have to make it — there’s no alternative. It’ll be close but the margin has shifted to my side." When he arrived in France, Lipjlbergh said, "Well, I made it." VICTIM - Curly haired Charles A. Lindbergh Jr„ shortly before, he. was kidnapped March 1, 1932, from his parents’ home at Hopewell, N.J. On May 12, the body of the 19-month-old baby was found In a shallow grave five miles away. Four years later, April 3, 1936, Bruno Richard Hauptmann was executed for the crime. SPEAKER - Col. Charles A. Lindbergh went before major radio network microphones in Washington Sept. 15, 1939, to urge Americans to keep out of the war in Europe. PROMOTED - Charles A. Lindbergh, left, takes the oath for his new rank, brigadier general, from Army Secretary Harold'Talbott at the Pentagon on April 7, 1954. CONSULTANT - -Charles A. Lindbergh, in dark suit, stands with a Douglas Aircraft official near a “Thor'’ intermediate range ballistic missile prior to a test launch Oct. 3, 1957. Lindbergh often is consulted on the missile program. Bonanza for Public? Not Government TV By DICK WEST United Press International WASHINGTON - The Senate Commerce Committee recently held a series of hearings on a Mil to cnlate a “public television corporation,’’ ' If and when the measure is exacted, and ifand when somebody figures out how to' finance it, the corporation theoretically will produce highclass TV shows independent of commercial sponsorship. One of the main concerns expressed during the hearings was whether the bill hadj adequate safeguards to pre- WEST vent governmental ocntrol of the programs. This started me thinking what it might be like if the government did have its own television network. goes sight-seeing in Paris and while he’s looking up at the Eiffel Tower, somebody slips a peace feeler in his pocket. Popular with children. 8 pjn.—“I Love Lyndon’’—A blunt, pull-no-punches appraisal of the President by former White Hopse aide Jac^yaleifti,,, Faqf-Fu// Females Threaten Egypt Guide Trade CAIRO (AP). - Turbaned, illiterate guides who for years have entertained tourists around Egypt’s pyramids and museums are facing competition from girls hired by the government’s Tourist Administrate. The girls speak at least three languages, dress in the latest fashions and are well versed in the history of Egypt. Reciting information about Egyptian antiquities is not all. The girls can advise a tourist where to get a good cheap meal, where to watch a belly dance, or how to avoid being cheated at Cairo’s bazaars. To statesmen and businessmen they can supply statistics on the country’s balance of payments, standard of living 427 High School Students Vie at Global Science Fair By Science Service . SAN FRANCISCO — Teen-age biologists and physicists, mathematicians and computer specialists from across the nation and from eight other countries today are setting up displays here. The high school scientists — 427 of them — are competing in the 18th International Science Fair with such projects as a computerized canal lock from Canada, an ideal urban center from Switzerland, and an experimental test of a theory of interstellar polarization from Sweden. They will be judged by a panel even larger than the number of entrants. The 491 judges include three winners of the Nobel Prize. Each entrant is assessed by five judges, whose decisions on the winners will be announced Friday night. In addition to the Fair’s own prizes, some 28 scientific societies and four medical organizations offer awards. Exhibits span the biological and physical sciences, sophisticated work on enzymes, computers, missiles, satellites, butterflies, viruses and insects. 8 FOREIGN NATIONS and development schemes. The male guides who dress in flowing robes out of the Arabian Nights say tourists don’t come all the way to Egypt to “listen to walking encyclopedias, no matter how pretty they may be.’’ “These college girls are more harmful than useful,’’ says one guide who has been on the job more than 30 years. ’SICK OF ENGLISH’ “Tourists don’t want to know politics,” he adds in Arabic. “They are sick of this perfect English they are used to at home. They come to us, sons of the desert, and love our English — English of the desert.” Lamei Ghoneim, a camelman who inherted his job from his father and grandfather, says: “Intelligent, pretty girls do not attract tourists. They can be seen in London, Paris or New York.” Like many other camel men, Ghomein has two wives. He claims tourists love to meet men of his type and to discuss problems completely strange to their societies. “Tourists become my friends in no time,” he observes. “They cflfne to my house to see how I live. When they go away they keep writing to me and they send me presents on Christmas.” Samira Lutfi, a 21-year-old tourist hostess, says the camel- men guides are “backward elements, ignorant of the socialist progress being realized all over Egypt.” “What we need is a guide who can link the fabulous past with the glorious present, thus serving both tourists and his own country,” she asserts. . The “sons of the "desert” claim they are winning — that tourists shy away from the girls and come to them. The youngsters represent 46 states and eight foreign nations: Canada, Germany, Portugal, Nicaragua, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan and Turkey. NOW! HURON at\7:00and 10:20 HTECHNICOLOR** O1957 Wilt Disney productions •>: Walt disney's ms griFFIN tTerhnirolor i at 8:30 Only NOW: “KALEIDOSCOPE" “Come Blow Your Horn" Friday and Saturday 1:30 P.M. to 1:10 P.M. TEENAGERS Up To II gQe With This Yoara Old Coupon NuNm’* popular theater WmA Otyii Oort. IIAJL to It Mb Ml|l OwHumil 12 Mb ta 12 Mb EAGLE Tony Curtis* Starts FRIDAY flraa George C MsiScott Slot with W fpmmA£ 2935 D:X E H'GHWAY U. S 10 l B„0CK N TE. EGRAPH RD. CHHOREN UNDER 12 FREE DRIVE-IN IN-CAR HEATERS 032 3200 BLUE SKY 0PDYKE RD. AT WALTON B.VD O R I V E ■ I N 6'41SC0 3250 «mpt WVS. LAKE R0. AT A;RPORT RD. V .E WEST OF 0:X:t HGWY. US. 10 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE iTis Waterford' mb %om s KffiiSUBB s Win ALLS S MIWSM'IOiCBtr • T1NMKWRLUS l* SThe S Maddest1 S Mix-up in W 9Space s History! I Miwwfr w*u*»«Ni^cw^eCijNICOLOR Caty GRdNT *ND' 5 tew "Father . | CHILPRE_ ... | See how they liw.Jlfei of M\$i ir-'iaW ' I TftASH’f ~fiB 4 FOB I ' 2 _____________ ICaRPN Goose* | TfCHNKOLO* TiiiiiiimTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUUj £ IfLfeiri -s |lp Lwis fl tfi iVURHipAJ F,hifdiii«tiiiiiinniniiiii.DiiT Personal-Size Gifts to Delight Mother! 108 N. SAGINAW-FE 3-7114 INDOOR-OUTDOOR TV Here's take-along TV to enjoy anywhere! Has 19 transistors, front-tnounted speaker and, 7" picture (measured diagonally) with black screen for sharp pictures even in daylight! All solid-state circuitry. Weighs only 8Vi lbs! With AC cord, earphone and sun visor. Great gift idea! Rechargeable battery pack optional 124 95 PORTABLE TAPE RECORDER Remote microphone, real, tape and accessory pouch ore included. Enjoy new recording flexibility on the solid-state, 2-speed Craig 212! Your voice at its norma! level is picked up and recorded perfectly every time, no matter how far you are from the mike! New "Single-T” controls all taping operations! Operates on batteries or AC power. AC Adapter, 5.95 39 95 PARK FREE at Rear of WKC OPEN FRIDAY and MONDAY NIGHTS Til 9 PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT • No Osdri Payment • 90 Days Sam* at Cash • Up to 36 Months to Pny fg|ltk Set 1 £Vi M §§1 HE w% X ' g§SIfSi» THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 11, lta? For the Underachiever T—& MARKETS Gamers Top Losers The following are top prices covering sales of locally grown produce by growers and sold by thun in wholesale package lots Quotat ns are furnished by the Detroit Bureau of Markets as of Wednesday. "v Produce FRUITS Applet, Delicious, Golden, bu. ... $375 Apples, Delicious, Red, Bu.........00 Awes, Delicious, Red, C.A., bu .... 5.00 Applet, McIntosh, bu........ iso Applet, iecintosh, c.A„ bu. .. ' too Apples, WonaRian, bu. ..............j.00 Apples', Jonathan, C.A., bu...... 4,25 Apples, Northern Spv, bu. ... 400 Apples, Northern Spy, C.A., bu. Applet, Steele Red, bu. .. . Stock Market Turns Upward NEW YORK (AP)—The stock market reversed its downward course of the two previous sessions, and moved up early Thursday afternoon! Gainers outnumbered losers by more than 2 to 1. Trading was active. • a h ★ Brokers said they pleased, by the mildness of the recent corrective reaction. They sm expressed hope that the 875 lev-iTi el on the Dow Jones industrial Apple*, Cidtr, 4-pal. .......... Baets. toooed.Vb£BT*BLBS.......nJ average would hold. onHSt. fry.^ib boo ?'“i Analysts noted that news that te .tsrvfc' to. business inventories continued Porsnips, 'h bu. .... 2 (10 Parsnips, Cellp Pok. ........... 1(00 ' i'V,' • « / * ' t.\ , 1' >'• to increase in March and that The Dow Jones average of 30 April retail sales eased did not ‘ accelerate offerings as they might well have done to an unstable market. Gains by key issues ranged from fractions to a point or more. AVERAGES GAIN Steels, motors, aircrafts, elec, tronics and airlines led the advance. , The Associated Press 60-stock average at noon had gained .7 to 328.6 with industrials up 1.1 rails up .8 and utilities unchanged._ Industrials at noon was up 1.89 at 895.99. ★ A it ’ : After Montgomery Ward an, nounced it will acquire MSL Industries, Montgomery Ward fell 3% to 2814 and MSL dropped 2% to 43%! y \ Prices advanced on the American, Stock Exchange. Zapata moved up nearly 4 points. Valley Metallurgical and Lundy Electronics gained more than a point. Fractional advances were posted by Signal Oil, Technicol and Seven Arts. Garrison Will Stick to Probe 1(i ■.. ■ f k’ W& § • •* \ • Hits 'Efforts to Block' JFK Investigation By JOHN CUNNIFF I . AP Business Analyst NEW YORK - Obviously he wasn’t doing weJJ, His attitude and achievement werq definitely beneath his capabilities, as showp on tests. He whs an underachiever and needed to be placed in .NEW ORLEANS La. (AP) -j* Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison saidNo ^th other 1.90 Potato*], SO lbs. Potato*], to lb).......... Rhubarb, hothouse, dz. beh. 1.23 Rhubarb, hothouse, 5-lb. box ...... .85 Poultry and Eggs The New York Stock Exchange “there’s no way in the world” to stop his investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. ‘‘All they can do is slow it down,” Garrison i said after a series of developments Wednesday. These included A request for a subpoena directing the Central Intelligence Agency to produce what Garri training programs to assist those who fail to. pick up the tools of the trade simply by working and observing. These companies feel today’s business environment, in which electronic computers change century-old management methods within a year, demands formal training. Reflecting this, thousand's of ness expanding, spreading abroad, diversifying, underachievers are looked upon as rough diamonds to be polished. BOSS IS BLAMED Far more often than in previous years the boss rather than the underachiever is blamed. Frequently the underachiever is Viewed as capable but mis- produ?er businessmen this summer will executives. In ^ this class he would be taught better executive practices. He would be given on-the-job supervision. He would be forced Or induced to achieve, CUNNIFF jin an uninspiring environment. In fact, if there is a shortage of able middle executives—and some claim there always is such a shortage—top management is more frequently in the mood now to accept blame for having failed to train candidates properly. Naturally this treatment is spend from a few days to more than a month on college campuses they left 20 years before, attending special courses at company expense. This attitude has other facets also: schools at resorts during which management games are played before swimming or after golf; a growing tendency toward sabbaticals; and instant DBTROIT POULTRY , DETROIT (AP)—Price) paid p*r pound 'NEW YORK (AP) - New York Stock) lor No. 1 live poultry: Exchange selected afternoon prices: Heni heavy type 11-22; roasters heavv Sale] Net FordMot 2.40 type 27-21; broilers and tryers3-4 *lbs. (ltd*.) High Lew Lett Chi- Fore Oelr .50 Whites 18%-20; Barred Rocks 23%-26%. ___A— FreepSul 1.25 Comment: Market steady. ReoHpts Abbot| Lab , 23 M m g Seles _ *.................-Net)............~ (hds.) High Lew Lest Hhg. 150 544* 54 -56'A - V, pa rr 2.40a 60 27% 27% 27’/. + V, Pennzoll 1.40 Setoi - Net Refusal (lids.) High Lew Last Hhg.1 128 60% 59vj 6o% +1% partment a iA GenDynam 1 40 85 83% 84% +!% Gen Elec 2.60 17 42% 42 42% +1 Gen Fds 2.40 15 30% 30% 30% -V % GOnMIlls 1.50 3 11% 11 11% . . GenMot l.TOg 8 70% 70 70% — '/, GenPrec 1.50 Am Bosch .60 AmBdcst 1.60 Am Can 2.20 AmcrySug 1 AmCyan 1.25 AmElP 1.44b AEnka 1.30a AmFPw 1.16 Mercantile Exchange — Butler steady; 1 wholesale buying prices unchanged; ^ AmAIrlln 1.60 score AA 66; 92 A 66; 90 B 63%; 89 C 59%7 Cars 90 B 64; 89 C 60%. Eggs steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged; 75 per cent or better Grade A white* 27; mixed 26; mediums 21%; standard) 25; checks 21%. . CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO (AP)—(USPA)-Llve poultry: IA Home ni,20 wholesale telling prices unchanged to 1 Am Hosp 150 higher; roasters 25%-28; special fed'AmlnvCo 1.10 white rock fryers 19-22. lAmMFdy .90 AMet Cl 1.90 Am Motors ! AmNGas 1.90 Am Photocpy DETROIT LIVESTOCK Am Std-i DETROIT (API—(USDA) - Cattle 50;j Am T&T 2.20 GPubSvc G PubUt 1.50 GTel El 1.20 Gen Tire .80 Ga Pacific 1b Gerber Pd 1 Getty Oil .10g Gillette 1.20 Livestock supply all classes too smell to provide tnarket test. Vealers 25; not enough for market test. Sheep 25; not enough to test market. Hogs 25; not enough for market tost.! Amphenol Am Tob 1.80 AMP Inc .72 AMP- Inc wi Ampex Corp CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Anker^Chem CHICAGO (AP)—(USDA)—Hogs 4,500; Armco Stl 3 butchers uneven, weights under 240 lbs.;Armour 1.60 fairly active, 50 to 1.00 higher, closing 50 ArmsCk 1.20a higher; oveY 240 lbs. rather Slow, 25 tojAshld Oil 1.20 50 higher; sows steady to 25 higher; ,Assd DG 1.60 shippers took 3,000; most 1-2 200-230 lb. Atchison 1.60 butchers 23.75-24.00, sizable number 24.00|Ati Rich 2.80 end 23 head at 24.25 and 64 head at {Atlas Corp 24.50; choice slaughter calves 22.00-! avco Cp 1.20 25.00; good 19.00-22,00. Avnet ,50b Hogs 5,000; trading uneven; barrows Avon Pd 1.40 and gilts about steady with Wednesday's! average; sows steady to 25 higher; other; classes fully steady; 1-2 200-235 lb. bar-’BhbcokW 1.36 rows and gilts 23.50; mixed 1-2 190-245 Balt GE 1.52 lbs. 2J.0O-23.25. Beat Fds 1.50 Sheep 400; all represented classes! Beaunit .I9p steady, on small supply; few packages Beckman .50 choice and prime 90-105 lb. shorn, old BeechAr ,80b slaughter lambs with No. 1 & 2 Bell How .50 5.5(^28.00. |Bendix 1.40 Benguet BethStl 1.50s Boeing 1.20 BoiseCasc .25 Borden 1.20 BorgWar 2.20 BriggsS 2.60a BrisfMv .80a Brunswick crop pails American Stock Exch. 43 27 26% 26% + % 76 41% 41% 41% — % 111 31 30% 31 ... 179 26% 25% 26% + % 73 92% 92% 92% ...... 14 91 90% 90% — % 98 96% 93%' 96% +2% 49 41% 41% 41% + % 35 80 79% 80 + % Glen Aid .70 01 57% 56% 56% — %! Goodrich 2.40 7 19 18% 19 + % Goodyr 1,35 817 34% 33% 33% - %iGrsceCO 1.40 54 38% 38% 38% + 'VGranitCS 1.40 38 34 33% 34 .. GrantWT 1.10 15 21 21 21 ....IGtA&P 1.30a Halliburt 1.90 Harris'lot 1, Hecla M 1.20 Here Inc .50g Hertz 1.20 HewPack .20 Hoff Electron Holid Inn .50 HollySug 1.20 Homesik .80b Hdheywl 1.10 Hook Ch 1.40 House Fin 1 Houst LP 1 How met Cp 1 HuntFds .50b Imp Cp Am IngerRand 2 inland Stl 2 InsNoAm 2.40 InterlkSt 1.80 IBM 4.40b IntHarv 1.80 Inf Miner 1 Int Nick 2.80 Inti Packers Int Pap 1.35 Int TAT 1.50 lowaPSv 1.24 ITE Ckt 1b 197 53% 52% 53 38 32% 31% 31%- % —G— 44 27% 27 27% + % 15 24% 24% 24% ... 84 23% 23% 23% - % 6, 22% 22% 22% + % 564 61% 60% 61% +2% 113 92% 91% 92 -I- % 26 76% 76% 76% . *27* 73 70% 73 +2% 150 82% >2% 82% -V % 57 73% 73 73% +1 41 6% 6 6% ..... 30 — % 50 ... 32 + % 59% PepsiCo 1.80 PfizerC 1.20a Phelp O 3.40a Phlla El 1.64 Phil Rdg 1.60 PhilMbrr 1.40 Phill Pet 2.40 PitneyB 1.20 PltPlate 2.60 Pitts Steel Polaroid .40 ProcterG 2.20 PubSvCol .90. Publklnd .348 8 103 102% 102% - the Justice De-permil an FBI 44 534* 52'A 52 Va' —14% 21 58% 58% 58% + % 1 18Va I8V2 I8V2 177 20’A 19% 20 + V 79 50% 50>/4 50V4 — 4*' 390 n IOVk 10Vfl 60 39 Va 38% 39Va — Vi! 150 9 84* 8% + 71 59 Va 58 Va 5V '/la + 280 24 23 Va 24 + 4*: 308 57% 47'/a 5/4% 67 33'A 32% 33 — V4I 89 77V, 754* /6* B9'/« + 1Va 30 15 14% 15 + 4% 42 564* 56 564* + 35 34% 34 34 Va + 1/4 •21 57V4 56 V4 5/ 58 36 Va 35% 3.5% + % 35 63 Vi 63 63 89 ?9 283/4 28% 48 95 Va 95'4 95 Vi 122 3% 34* 34* 495 49 4/3/4 484% + 4b’ 64 37% 36% 37 + 4% 54 1024* 100% lOO'/a —* to B— 51 54 53 32V, 324% + to 34 10 7% 9to 98 26 26% 26 + 14% 12 35 V, 35 35V4 — to 151 40V, 60 V, 40Va — to 61 21’/* 20% 21V4 + 4% role in the investigation of the! 1963 assassination. TAPE RECORDING A report of a tape recording which purportedly indicated a bribe had been' offered for a statement to help substantiate Garrison’s probe. The application for the subpoena called on Richard Helms, CIA director, to produce before the grand jury a “true photograph” of Oswald and a burly Cuban which Garrison says was taken in front of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City. Garrison contends the photo was suppressed and a “fake photograph” was submitted in evidence before the Warren Commission. Garrison wanted FBI agent Regis Kennedy to testify before the grand jury on his role in the assassination investigation, but Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark had Jewel Co 1.20 JohnMan 2.20 John John wl JonLogan .80 Jones L 2.0 Joy Mfg 1.25 Kennecott 2 KernCLd 2.60 Kerr Me 1.40 KimbClk 2.20 Koppers 1.40 ■■ Kresge .90 % yj Kroger 1.30 +'% COlHnRad .60 f ftlCotolntG 160 t.^'CBS 1.40b 10ft + %!comlCr* 1.80 13 30% 38 38% , • ComSolv 1.20 109 102% 100% 102% +2%1 c„mw Ed 2 90 25% 25% 25% + % Comsat |_______ ■ 42 r/t 7% 774 + %;Con Edis 1.80 Copyrighted by The Associated Press lf67|ConEieemd 1 ■ __________ [Con Food 1.40 ! ConNGas 1.60 ; ConPow 1.90b Conteinr 1.30 Stocks of Local Interest IcSIt AiJ'wi” icon! Can 2 Figures after decimal points or* eighth) cont Ins 3 OVER THE COUNTER STOCKS ICent OH 2.60 Quotations from the NASD art repre- Control Date antetlv* Inter-dealer prices of approxl-l Cooper In 1.20 17% 17% 17% 32 43% 43 43% + % 112 20% 19% 20% + % 3 68% 68% 68% + % 29 46%' 43% 44 — % 14 37% 36'4 377/4 + '4 4 19% 19% 19% — % 119 357/4 33% 35% +1% 696 437/t 43<4 4374 +1 107 30% 30% 30% — % 337 51’4 49% 50% +1% 9 39% 39% 39% + '4 17 115% 114% 114% — % 19 32 31% 31% — 'A 86 81% 80 ,81% +1% 2l 37 36% 37 + '4 158 73 72’A 72% + % 50 27% 27% 27% — % 131 50% 50 50V4 + % 29 28'4 28% 28% 13 4574 44% 45% + 74 36 51'4 50’4 51'4 129 67 65% 66% +1% 77 36'/4 3574 36% + % 35 50% 49% 50% + % 26 50% 49% 49% — % _ 166 28% 28% 28% + ft McOonO ,40b 32 48% 48% «% + ft MeKess 1J0 7 34’4 34 34 -k %,MeadCp 1.90 110 1U% 108% 110ft +3 ImoIv Sh 1.60 250 37% 36% 3774 +1% MerckC 1.40a AAtrrCnap 1* LlbbMcN .231 Liggett84 40 117%J15% 115% —1% 35 70*4 69% 70'4 + 9 36 35'4 36 + % 18 60% 60 60 — % 16 24% 2374 24% + <4 —L— 125 28% 27'4 28% +1% W 13 12% 13 + <4 22 8 774 8 + 7/«i 14 33% 33%' 33% + % 47 52 51<4 51'4 + '/• 9 11% 11% 11% ...... 6 71% 71% 71% ...... 59 105’4 104% 105% + % 229 7% 7% 7% + '4 59 6074 60'4 60% — '4 58 55% 53% 55% +1'4 19 17'4 17<4 17% .... 46 20<4 20% 20<4 + % 65 29% 28’4 29 304 58 5774 58 + % 26 21 20% 20% + '4 27 39% 39% 39'4 + % —M— 511 57% 56 57% +2’4 1 52% 52% 52% + % 27 2374 23% 23% + '4 1 57 57 57 + % 103 39’4 38 39% +1<4 14 7174 71 71% 43 30% 29% 2974 + <4 23 14 13% 13% + ’4 67 21% 21 21 141 3674 36% 36% 6 35'4 35 35 + '/* 7 2914 29% 29% 607 4074 40 40% 64% SouNGas 1.30 SouthPac 1.50 South Ry 2.80 Spartan Ind Sperry Rend Squire O .70 StdBrend 1.40 Std Kolls SO StOHCel 2.50b StdOHInd 1.90 StONJ 1.60g StdOHOh 2.50 St Packaging Stan Warn 1 StauffCh 1.80 SterlDrug .90 StevenJP 2.25 Studebak .25g Sun Oil 1b Sunray 1.40 Swift Co 2 Swift Co wl Temp* El .60 Teledyne Inc Tenneco 1.20 Texaco 2.60a ,.,TexETrn 1.05 ilTexG Sul .40 Texaslnst .80 Tex PLd ,35g Textron 1.20 Thiokol .40 Tide Oil t.10g Tim RB 1.80a TransWAIr 1 Transamer. I Transltron Tri Cont .21g TRW 1.40 TWnCon 1.20b UMC Ind .60 Un Carbide 2 Un Elec 1.20 UnOCal 1.20a Un Pec 1.80a UnTank 2.30 —S 72 24% 24% 24% + '4 12 41% 41*4 41% + ' 6 45% 4574 4574 43 29% 29% 29% + '4 31 85 83% 83% + '4 574 60% 58’4 58% + % 34 64% 63'4 63'4 — % 22 117/* U7/, 900 82% 78% 82 +37/* 242 317/* 31H 3174 + '4 66 58 577/j 57% ... 45 52% 51'4 52% + % 127 5774 56 56% — %iTT c -a, , . _ . ■ 39 17% 17 i7% + % U.S. Atty. Louis C. LaCouri 28 10'4 10'4 10*4 + '4 . -*____. . 17 37v. 36% 37%+ % asked Criminal District Judge 7* 5?% 50% si'% + *4'Bernard J. Bagert to quash his 45 76 74% 75% — %[ qnhnopna 169 64 63% 63% — 1/4'‘’UOpOctld. 116 52% 52 52 — '4 24 43 41% ‘ 43 +1'4 « gJJ I \ instructed Kennedy not to testi- 30 35% 34% 34%-%|fy. Bagert ordered a hearing ’21 51% so5* so'* -1% next Tuesday on the govern-1259 34% 33% 33% + % mentis motion. 41 29 28% 28% — % 66 3774 37% 37% + % 89 25% 24% 24% — % 183 62% 62% 62% — '4 46 57’4 567/* 57% — *4 307 65% 64% 65'/4 + 'A 4 66 65% 66 + % 13 14% 14% 14'4 ..... 5 47% 47% 47% + ’4 22 4974 49% 49% + '4 39 4974 40% 40% — '/4 5 47% 47% 4r4 + ’4 196 62% 61'4 62 — '4 1 63% 63% 63% — % 84 32% 31% 31% — '4 17 52'4 52 52 — % 1 26% 26% 26% — % —T— 15 32 31% 31% 73 17374 171 91 2374 23% 237/a Dismissal Motion Stalls Officer's Trial 6 49 UnltAlrLIn 1 UnltAlrc 1.60 Unit Cp .50g Unit Fruit 1 UGasCp 1.70 Unit MM 1.20 US Borax 1a USGypsm 3a US Ind .70 US Lines 2b USPIyCh 1.50 US Smelt 1b US Steel 2.40 UnWheln .419 „ H UnivOPd 1.40 64% 64% + Uplohn 1.60 49 COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - The court-martial of Army Capt. Howard B. Levy on charges of H1 refusing to train Vietnam-bound 173% +374 soldiers stalled today as his ci-m 77% m% w% - % vilian attorney argued for dis-li in'* 111% m* +i% missal of the case. ” ’14% ’16% ’i6% - %i Likening the court-martial to 39 Sft t,ft “a witch hunt,” Charles Morgan, *4 7974 79 7974+ % of Atlanta asserted Wednesday on Mondays. 50 itf “w “ ----- AP Wlrephoto DISSOLVES CONSTRUCTION FIRM - Financier Louis E. Wolfson, chairman of the board of Merritt-Chapman and Scott, told stockholders in Jacksonville, Fla., yesterday of his recommendation for liquidating the multimillion-dollar construction firm over the next three years. The proposal got overwhelming approval.. Sitting beside Wolfson is Marshal G; Staub of New York City, the firm’s president. ior—paid for by corporations-. No longer is the route to the top guided by the homely old maxims, such as keep your ears and eyes open, your nose clean and to the- grindstone. These I “in-factory” methods are often j considered obsolete now. More 'often the training is outside the I firm. j INTERNATIONAL TRAINING In Cahors, France, a medieval castle has been transformed I into a schoolhouse to train up-and-coming international execu-|tives at a cost of $3,000 for 10 weeks, the wife’s expenses included. Colleges participating with businesses or business associations in training courses for middle-aged executives include many of the best known names I in the country: Harvard, North-j western, Stanford. For longer periods of study, I the sabbatical seems to be slow-jly gaining in favor. This is a jVery expensive activity, for it I often means the executive is away from his job for nine months to a year. | | Nevertheless, as Dr. Martin Warshaw of the University of Midhigan puts it: Periodic fulltime study may be the best way for certain managers to avoid “executive obsolescence” and to keep from being “dropouts with degrees.” * House OKs Long-Holiday Bill '-'LANSING (AP)—The Fourth of July wouldn’t necessarily be on ttie fourth of July under provisions of a bill passed by the House today. ate would increase the annual traffic death toll and that having holidays on different days in different states would interfere with interstate commerce. ★ it ★ that Levy’s political activity! "HI passed 72-27, even f3£ % %,before entering the Army moti-1 Jough eftmuts warned the •antetlv* Inter-dealer prices of approxi- mately 11 a.m. imer-dealermerkets.CornPdlJO change througlxxit tlw day. Prlcas do CorGW 250 ' CoxBdcas .50 1 CrouseHind 1 CrowCol 1.871 Crown Cork ,T , CrownZe 2.20 cnange mrovgnou. ... Prices do JftrGW 2.50* not Include retell markup, markdown or^J™™* commission. Bid Askod AMT Corp...................... 3.6 Associated Truck .... ........ 0.7 .... Boyne ....................... JS-f Cruc Stl 1.20 Braun Engineering ............ 20.6 2).* Cudahy Co Citizens Utilitios CISss A ...26.0 26.4 Curtis Pub Detrex Chemical ............. 22.2 23.0 Curtiss Wr 1 Diamond Crystal .............. 17.6 18.2 Frank's Nursery .............. 14.1 14.4 Kelly Services ........... Mohawk Rubber Co. ......... Monroe Auto Equipment North Central Airlines Units Safran Printing ........... Scripto ................... Wyandotte Chemical MUTUAL FUNDS MGM 1b MldSoUtil .76 MlnerCh 1.30 MinnMM 1.30 Mo Kan Tex MobllOH l.M Mohasco 1 Monsan 1.60b MontDUt 1.52 MontPow 1.56 MontWard 1 Morrell 29.4 304 Rlv 1.20 94 4 55 0 DaycoCp 1.60 22 6 i+2 Day PL 132 ff , Deere 1.80a S i .1 Delta Air 1 a« a? DenRGW 1.10 DetEdis 1.40 34.4 35.2 q,, steel .60 .; DlatnARt 1.20 ■M Asked Disney .40b Affiliated Fund ............9.01 9.74,oomeMln .M Chemical Fund ............. %-76 20.51 DowCltm 2.20 Commonwealth Stock ........11.23 12.22 DraperC l.M Dreyfus ....................14.71 16.05 Dreselnd 125 Keystone Income K-l ........9.25 KUO, Puke Pw 1,20 Keystone Growth K-2 ........ 7.1J 7.81duPotrt 1-250 Mass. Inveitor# Growth .....12J4 1+03’UudLtL60 Mass. Investor trust .......17.1* 18.75 DynemCp 40 Putnam GMWfll .............13.38 14^; ,'i Television Electronics ....10.59 11-54 , East Air .30g Wellington Fund ...........14.04 15.261 EKodek 1.60a Windsor Fund .............. 19.50 21.20, EatonY* 1.25 . "■ _______ EG&G M lEIBondS 1.72 'Electron Sp EIPosoNG I Enter El 1.50 End Johnson 47 54'A 53% 54 + % 74 81 80 807* +19* 65 71% 72 72% . 781 86% 82% 86% +4% 5 30% 30’4 30% + 'A 51 4J74 45% 45% - '/4 7 355 354% 354% + % 27 18% 18 18 + '4 1 52 52 —'A 30 31% 30% 31% +1% 18- 58% 57% 58% 20 61’A 60% 61'A + 'A 18 54% 54 - 54% + % 18 25% 25% JJ% + % Motorola 1 37 9 8% ,»% + ft Mt St TT 1.24 70 13% 13V* 13% + 'A' 49 24% 244 NatLead .75g Net Steel 2.50 49 — 'A It 80% 79% 79*4 - 'A 91 24% 24% 24% — % 58 48% 47% 47% + % 38 29% 28% 28% - % 43 39 38% 39 - % 108 89 87'4 88% + % 16 10% 10% 10% + % 64 45% 45% 45% + % 40 21% 21 21% — 'A 240 51% 51% 51% +. % 3 33*A 33% 33% — 'A 31 31% 31% 31% — '4 807 30% 28% 28% —2% 11 37% 36% 36% 66 121% U9 121% +4% 28 26% 26% 26% —N— 12 83'A 02% 83 + 'A 42 48% 4774 47% Vaned 1.60a Varian Asso Vendo Co .60 VoEIPW 1.28 warnPic .50a WarnLomb 1 Wash Wat 1.16 Westn AlrL 1 WnBanc 1.10 WnUnTel 1.40 westg El 1.6O 108 79% 78'4 79’A + ’4 565 ..... ' I 41 -- - 65 25% 2574 25% + ’41 42 68% 68% 68<4 + About 175 Rochester area residents turned out last night to honor a youth who assisted police in the arrest of two sus-pects accused of kidnapping and putting out the eye of another Rochester youth. At a dinner at the Elks Temple . tribute was paid to Kenneth M. Scott, 17, and to another youth whose identity was not revealed and who was not present at the dinner. ★ ★ ★ The two had reportedly given police assistance necessary in the arrest of Darrell J. Cote, 20, of 575 Briarvale, Pontiac Township, and John Lee Kildow, 19, of 3181 Grant, Avon Township. The two are now awaiting trial in Oakland County Circuit Court. The dinner was to raise money j DETROIT (AP) — President for John Kinzie Jr., 18, who lost (Johnson has been invited to his left eye Feb. 13 when one of Rummage Sale Sat., May 13,’address a convention of the Na-his abductors allegedly broke 10 a.m. First Fed. W. Huron, tional Association of County Of-a beer bottle across his face Adv. I ficials in Cobo Hall July 30-Aug. during a wild auto ride west of Rochester. wnite m t.ao WHsonCo 1.70 WlnnDix 1.44 I Woolwortt) 1 ^[Worthing 1.50 40 52% SB 52'4 + % Net Change .. 36% 35’A 36*4 +1% ---X----Y-----L---- j £oon Thurs. 108 100% 97*4 99% +2% Xerox Corp 1 165 295’4 291 295% +4>4IKS* 140 35% 34'A 3574 + % YnastSht 1.80 50 33% 32% 32’A — % KJjJJL 4®° — — -- ■' !- X- - - - -*3 41* 42V. +1 i Month Ago STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by The Associated Press 30 IS IS 60 Ind. Ralls Util. Stocks + 1.1 ^.6 +.7 467.8 187.8 154,8 328.6 Rummage sale. St. Mary’s j Episcopal Church. Joslyn at Greenshield Rd. Fri., May ,12jgp 10 a.m. '- 7 p.m. Sat., May 13 P 10 a.m.-12 noon. — Adv.l|jp Rummage sale, Church ofjM::! God, 623 E. Walton Blvd., Fri.|“:: May 12. 8-5. —Adv.| Rummage Sale, main building, employees lounge, State # %' ** ** ' Hr, ^ Sa(xessfuhlnvestfrid '# % 1* V & h & 4* ■ i 28 47% 47% 47% + ’A' Zenith R 1.M 80 63 61% 42'A +1 4 29% 29% 29% - % Copyrighted by The Associated Press 1947, 14 10% 10% 10% + % I J9*' fWj Sales figures are unoftldal. Nat Tea .00 Nevada P .92 Newbrn; -15g NEngEI 1.36 NYCent 3.12» NlagMP i.io NorflkWst 6* NA Avia 2JO NerNGas 2 49 Nor Fee 2J0 NStoPw 1.52 9torttoop 1 70 Tbersday's 1st Dividends Doctored Pe- Stk. of Pep-_____ Rato hod R*c*rd *M* Erie Lack RR irregular Rlttenhouse Fund .10 REOULAR Mangel Stores .10 O 5-31 8-15 . EthylCorp .60 6-15 EvansPd 60b Everstrerp —: I ‘ FairCam .75* F'elr Com wl ■ , FairHHi .isg DOW-JONES AVERAGES .FanMeel Met STOCKS 'Fedders .*«_ 30 Industrials .. ........ 895.99+1.89 FedDSfr 1.70 » Rett* . ................ 237.09+fcM Ferre Cp 1-tots Utilities ............. 137^6—dJ2 FHthrt 1.40 ts.MKkg ... WJe+Mijnr^j* ijo BONOS * ' FirslChrt Jit 40 Bonds ........... 82.24+0.01: Flintkole J 10 Higher grad* rails TO Second grad* rails r rtllHKWIV I ,1 73.S7+0.30’Fla Pow 1.36 I _____________I.............. 82 98—0.34 Fla PL» 1.64 ii pSbiic umtie* .. .\......... industrials .... .......... 86.18+0.05'FoodTsfr .90 V 12 37% 36% 37% + % 65 94 91% 93% + % 11 40 39% 39% 44 82% 81% 82% - % 14 30% 30 30% + % 40 32% H% 32% - % 14 39% 39 39 + % 54 149% 1*7% 16**A + % 16 32% 32% 32% + 'A 79 16% 15% 14 + % 1.1.E..— % 220 102/* 47*A — % PacTAT 1.» 4 30% 30 30 Pan A Sul M It M ‘ 27% 29 + ft Pen Am 60 Jl 48% 49% 48% — %| p*i ABU wT 409 25% 29% 25 + %’Panh EP 1.60 53 20% 29% 20% .’ 16 52 *1% a - % 4 79% 79 79% + 1b 330 39% 37% 37% 19 It 15% 15% 35 41% 41 41% + % 54 41% 41 61% + % 15 50>A 50'A 50% — % 18 131% 13% 13% — % 37 43 42 43 +1% 7 20% to 20% ....... 5 20% to to 40 73% 72% 73% +1% 52 22 21% 21% — % 11 111% 110% 1WA — % 122 47% 45% 47% +1% *1 53'A 52% 52% — % i 50% 50% 51% + % 25 »% 32% 32% ------- 49 40% 39% 40% + % 66 124% 123% 124% +2% 23 59% 507/5 59% + 'h 5 42% 41% 41% - % 1099 77% 76 76 —1 722 61'A 58% 60% +3% 573 28% 28'A 28% 41 71% 70% 70% 48% 48% 48% + 1944. God has (akp yoMmy son, To his.garden In In* skyi,. ■ . ^ (■ '.v And thee shall find peace. —Sadly missed by Dad, Thomas E. Auger.___________ _____■ IN LOVING MEMORY-OP IDA D. Gaff who passed away 3 years ago May 11, 1494. Your presence Is ewer near us, Your love remains with us yet; You were the kind Of friend, Your loved ones would never forget. —Sadly missed by Donald R. Ben-nett Family, IN LOVING MEMORY OF IDA 0. Gaff who passed away 3 years ago MaMJ, 1944: . . It is lonesome har* without you, And sad and weary the way; Life has not been the same. Since you were called away. —Sadly missed by husband, BM-erlck J, Gaff and family. .JJI LOVING MEMORY Of MY grandson, Tommy R. Auger, who was killed In an auto accident May 11, 1944. ..There Is not a day that goes by that ygu are not sadly missed'by your Grandmother, Inez Twaddle. IN/ LOVING MEMORY OF SON and brother, Thomas R. Auger,. who was ruthlessly killed May ll, 1944. I ao not need a special day. To bring you to my mind; For the day I do not think of you, Is very hard to find. If all this world were min* to give, I'd give it, yes, and more; To see the face of my Dear Son, Come smiling through the door. Since this cannot be, I know God has you In his keeping; But l have you In my heart. Friends may think. the wound Is healed. But they so little know the sorrow, That is in my haart concealed; And your memory is a keepsake. By which I'll never part. —Sadly missed by Mother and sis-ter, Gina Marie. ___________1 Announcements 3 85 FREE FOR WATCHING A FIL-ter Queen home demonstration. No obligation — 334-4957. A WIG PARTY IS FUNI TO PLAN your party call Ann Drlnnon at "House of Wigs". FE 5-3702. FE 8-4214. ACID INDIGESTION? PAINFUL Gas? Get new PHS Tablets. Fast as liquids. Only 98 cents. Simms Bros. Drugs._________ _ ANNOUNCING ANOTHER DEBT AID INC. office, 718 Rlkar Building, branch of Detroit's well known Debt Aid, Inc to serve the Pontiac Community. GET OUT OF DEBT - AVOID GARNISHMENTS, BANKRUPTCY, REPOSSESSIONS, BAD CREDIT AND HARASSMENT. We have helped and saved thousands of people with credit problems. Let us consolidate your debt* with one low payment you can afford. No limit as to amount owed and number of creditors. For those that realize "YOU CANT BORROW YOURSELF OUT OF DEBT." Home appointment arranged anytime AT NO CHARGE. Hours 9-7 Mon. thru Frl. Sat. 9-1 FE 2-0181 (BONDED AND LICENSED) "AVON CALLING"—FOR SERVICE In your home. FE 4-0439. HALL FOR RENT, RECEPTIONS, lodges, church. OR 3-5202, FE 2-3838. MASON SHOES - FE 5-130* -will make housecalls. WILL REMOVE AND STOPS YOUR unlicensed vehicles. If Interested call after 5. 474-3997. Application for registration should made to the clerk gf the township In He was presented with a^hlc,' *" *'*c,or resW*»-framed portrait bearing a]r4&a^,V«^ctoS plaque which read: “Herb Ra-ln**d not r*r»«p*r-dunz - 32 Years of Community! WALTER WIL5^ry Service — The Pontiac Press.” j /ST/I,tK Dial 334-4981 or 332-8181 Pontiac Press Want Ads FOR FAST ACTION NOTICI TO ADVERTISERS ADS RECEIVED BY 5 PM. WILL BE PUBLISHED THE FOLLOWING DAV. All «rr*r* should b« reported mediately, or no later than the, day following publication. M no notification of each error it mod# by that time* It Will be ottumed the od it correct. The Prett ottwmet no re-ponsibility for errors other than to cancel tha charges for that portion ef tha first Insertion of tha advertisement which hos boon rendered value-last through the error. The deodlino for cancellation ef transient Want Ads it 9 a.m. th#i day of publication after tha first insertion. Whan cancellations are made be sura to get your "KILL NUMBER." No adjststments will bo gtvon, without it. Closing tins# for advertisements containing type sixes larger than regular agate typo is 12 o'clock neon the day previous to publication. CASH WANT AD RATES (whan cosh accompanies order) linos 1-Day 3-Doy» 4-Day, 2 S20O $246 S3-SO, 2 2 00 360 ssi 4 244 4 6B 4,96 5 3 05 5 40 840 6 366 54f )0J>8 7 4 27 7.56 11 74. B 4 8B 0.64 13.44. 9 5 46 ' 9 72 15 12 10 6 10 1010 1410 An odditienal charge ef SO cents, will be made for use ef Pontiac Press Bex numbers. The Pontiac Press fROM I A M. TO 5 P M. BOX REPLIES At 10 a.m. today there were replies at The Press Office in the following boxes: 3, 11, 15, 17, 20, 23, 28, 30, 31, 33, 36, 40, 41, 45, 51, 53, 66, 67, 90, 105 Funeral Directors 4 COATS FUNERAL HOME DRAYTON PLAINS 474-0441 C. J. GODHARDT FUNERAL HOME Keego Harbor, Ph. 482-0200. OONELSON-JOHNS Funeral Homa "Designed for Funeral*"- SPARKS-GRIFFIN i FUNERAL HOME "Thoughful Service" -FE 8-9288 Huntoon FUNERAL HOME Serving Pontiac tor 50 yaer* 79 Oakland Ave._ FE 2-0189 VoQrhees-Siple FUNERAL HOME. 332-8378 __Established Over 40 Year* Cemstery Lets 4-A 3 LOTS IN WHITE CHAPEL CEME-tery, block No. H-1. 887-4584. CHOICE LOTS IN OAKLANb HILLS Memorial Gardens. Lese than v» price. Fleldbrook 9-2715. Personals 4-B ANY GIRL OE WOMAN NEEDING e friendly adviser, phone FE 2-5122 before 5 p.m. Confidential._____ ARTEX CONNIE ASSELIN XAAY SPECIAL — Wigs rcstytod 84.95. Houst of Wigs. FE 8-4214. DAINTY MAID SUPPLIES ’ 2028 E. Hammond FE 5-7805 DO YOU HAVE A DEBT PROBLEM? w« can help you with a plan you can afford. DEBT CONSULTANTS OF PONTIAC, INC. 814 Pontiac Stale Bank Bldg. FE 8-0333 STATE LICENSED-BONDED ______Open Saturday 9-lla.m. EXCITING SPRING FUN FOR Scout groups, church, clubs. RM* through fields, woods, on horse-drawn hayrlde. Followed by homa cooked Spaghetti dinner. Saa newborn animals — Lambs, plglats, calve*, chicks. For reservations, 482-1411. UPLAND HILLS 1*ARM GET OUT OF DEBT ON A PLANNED BUDGET PROGRAM YOU CAN AFFORD TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME wHr ' ' MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELORS 702 Pont lac Slat* Bank Bid*. __________ FE *-0454 ON AND AFTER THIS DAtC.-i-)V«t l win not be responsible ter any debts contracted by any other than myself. Hershel E. Boone, 4052 Chen lot, Pontiac# Mich. GUNNY-GUNTHER. NOW OR POR-merly Mrs. J. B. Ramm, Call G. G., Detroit, 942-4483 or 543-5589. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY BY Professional Color. Fra* brochure evaHable. 33*9079 anytime. lost and Found LOST: LADIES WATCH, SILVER with Mack band, reward, 852-5449. LOST: BLACK AND TAN BEAGLE puppy — vicinity of Franklin Rd. and DBmar. Reward. FE 5-7m. LOST: BLACK AND WHITE MALE noodle, vicinity Auburn Heights. UL 2-1375. aft. 3 p.m. ,/ >, A ' » i gmvmmmsmsm® i;i; tho civic rights -::i * LAW vPROHIBITSi WIT H K* KCERtAIN, EXCEPTIONS. A-&DISCRIMINATION be- ii A: CAUSE ON SEX SINCE :X :v SOMB OCCUPATION* ARB *: ^considered More at- ® A TRACTIVE TO fBRSONS % A OP ONE SIX THAN THE A A:OTHER* ADVERT!SR- A A MB N TS ARB PLACED S A UNOER THE MACE Or » A FEMALE COLUMNS^ FOR A A CONVENIENCE OF READ- A :a ers* such ustinos arr a ::: «<" *nt«nd_ed to ex- $ » CLUDi PERSONS OF 3: ;A EITHER SEX. A Saaaaaaaawaaawaa^ Help Wanted Male 6 3 YOUNG MEN-19 TO 29 I in* • 'i » H 1 ■■ Dim to expansion, 3 men for jfult-tlmo work- for • company who navar had a strlka or layoff In several years of operation. Hava steady year-around work, $500 a month. Cell 674-6520, y a.m. to u Noon Friday only. I^J^itedJl^__6 %SS&FUU- or part THE FONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY 11, I96T CaHPBN * ERS—ROUGHERS ONLY! I52S2T2!!. •ffiSS*" ** "***■ ens, Pontiac area*, Call Wan aft. 4. Coughlin Const. Co. . CARPENTERS EXPERIENCED ROUGHERS For this area. TOP WAGES! Call 3324)33$ otter 6 p.m. c<**> pi»st cuds, meadow. £"X* Club< «M1 3 Mile Rd« j 349-MOO. c«u for appoint- 4 WELL DRESSED MEN TO DE-llver advertising material. SIS oer evening. Car necessary, tts-ad/ 44on.C7fin MANAGEMENT POSITIONS ,NTer«^e^nel 1080 W, Huron 334^4971 * $550 PLUTCAR SALES TRAINEE 1 •nterSatIo^al personnel 10M W. Huron , 334-4971 $600 MONTHLY SAURY International corporation Will train 4. man, ages 11-24, to complete ouf oflKo staff. Must bs high school gradual* and available for Immsdlal* employment. Opportunity for advancement to 31000 per mo. bracket within 30 days. Phone Mr. Carlson, 330-0359 9 a.m. • 12 noon. . :«■ $4,800-$TO,000 TECHNICIANS In oil fields. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 1080 W. Huron .. 3344971 $7200 FEE PAID College Grads-Engineers Management positions In all fields. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 1000 W. Huron 3344971 AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN TO train for management position In fast growing arse firm, retailing experience helpful* but not necessary as will train. Guaranteed starting salary plus commission for right man. Apply In person 445 Elizabeth Lake Rd. across from The Mall. ' AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN WANT-ed. 2 now prelects plus 3 reliable custom builders have made it necessary tor us to Increast our sales staff. Lot ur show you how a month. Call Tod McCullough Sr., 402-1320. ARRO REALTY. ^niP'T. MANAGER. START IN collect Ions and work up lb-store ^"W. M.MO. Coll Lou Wilson, 334-3471. Snolllno •> spalling. ’ '<) Y™-................ Htlp WeeIe4 Mojo maitred'-assistant manager-* Counffy Club, Prater man with dining mom exagrtaftce, call for appointment. 3495000. man capable of finishing cement for residential contractor. Coll Eves, mm MAN IFOR AIR CONDITIONING, due* work, boiler Installation, pipe imin* end general boating work. 3101 Ohcherd Ut». Rd. 432-3100, MAN OlAtft n pop HARDWARE dept. ERmrlencod or will train. Full llmt Noitlon. Son Mrs. Bidtl-man at Stmnfo, 9| N. Soalnow. MAN ,TO WASH CARS, PUMP GAS, and ganaral clean-up, over 35 years of age. Local reterences. Full lima only. Shah station, Woodward and Long Lake Rd~, Bleomtleld Hills Help Wanted Malt SALESMAN. SHARP. IF YOU HAVE experience ,tn soles of furniture, hurry) tom Call Uu Wilson, 334-2471,. Sneillng A SnsIHng. SALESMEN WANTED, FAST AO-vencemont for right man, Sail 335-5130 ter appointment. Mechanic Michigan's largest producor of con-Crete products wonts man skilled P, melptenence, repair end rebuilding - of heavy duty mobile equipment. Must navg own tools, night shift, Pontiac area. Apply Clawson Concrete Co., 2545 Llvor-nol$,‘Troy, Michigan, MAN 21 OR OVER WITH LATE MODEL to TON PICKUP TO 0 6 LI VC R NEWSPAPERS TO CARRIERS SUBSCRIBERS AND >*'SlfltLP■ ALERS IN THE WAULED LAKe“JaR1A. FROM 12:30 PlM. TO 4:30 P.M. 4 DAYS PER WEEK. MILEAGE PLUS COMM. APPLY M. STIER CIRCULATION DEPT. THE PONTIAC PRESS MAN FOR AIR CONDltlONING, duct work, boiler installation, pipe fitting and general hooting work 3101 Orchard Lk., Rd. 402-3100 DRIVER STOCK-BOY-FULL-TIME 2°5' *» wk- apply parson Burtons, 73 N. Seglnsw MANAGER-TRAINEE FOft LARGE retail company. Swift advance ment. $5,500. Call Anglo Rook, 334-2471. Sneillng A Sneillng. OUE TO RETIREMENT INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Will select and train e -man for the Pontiac area.-' No overnight travel. Guarantee while In training. All company benefits, Skcel-lent opportunity for lifetime career In- educational tales. For an appointment call Mr. Sargent, 333 9070 or, WO 24211. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Evenings, Port Time 3 men needed Immediately for part-time evening work. Must bo neat, moturs, married end have a good work record. Coll Mr. Millar, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. FE 44047. Evenings Part-Time 3 men needed Immediately for part-time evening work. Mutt be neat, mature, married and have good work record. Call 474-0520, p.m.-8 p.m. tonight, EXPERIENCED' LOCKE OPERA tors and man tor lawn cutting. . Oon Porter’s Landscaping. OR 3 8797 EXPERIENCED OPERATORS Lathe, mills end screw machines, overtime and benefits. Hawk Tool end Engineering Co„. 625-5361. EXPERIENCED BODY AND Paint Man for GM dealership, good pay, fringe benefits. Apply In person to Mr. Everott Ernst, HOMER HIGHT, INC., Oxford, Mlehl-gan. FACTORY WORKER HELPER 58 hours, apply In person only. 590 Wide Track Nob Wanted FmheIe F-7 COUNTER AND MARKER GIRL -over 11, toll time — Apply Fox Dry Cleaners, 719 w. Huron? CURB GIRLS FOR NIGHT SHIFT, must be If, Apply in person only. Blus Star Drive-In SECOND COOK Full time position evallablt In hospital Dietary Dept. A minimum of 2 years cooking experience required. we offer an excellent salary and new fringe benefit program, which Includes paid Blue Cross end ffee life Insurance. Contact St. Joseph Morey ’Hospital, TOO Woodward Avo., Pontiac 338-9111 ext. 230. An Equal Opportunity Employer. DRUG1 STORE,"¥MEDS SALESGIRL Over II for tobacco and general sa.leswark. Gallagher Drugs, 7344 Highland Rd. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT and light mechanic work, must bo over, 21 and have local rot. , SHOE SALESMAN Experienced. Family shoe store, ability to manage store In Drayton Plains area. Top salary. Bonus. Commissions. Vocations. Good reference. Gross# Point#, 3144344 or ELgln 4-8437. MANAGER Company with AAA plus 1 rating Is seeking a manager for l|s local branch. Paint and wallpaper sales experience helpful. Salary, bonus and fringe benefits. For interview cell FE 2-3308. Acme Quality Feints, 3 N. Seglnsw St. STUDENT-TEACHERS „ MEN - 10 OR OVER Diversified office, shop end outdoor work — Pontiac area. MANPOWER OF PONTIAC 1330 Wide Track W. FE 2-8304 MARRIED MAN ON DAIRY FARM, milking experience necessary. Nice home, good wages, 3985 N. Rochester Rd. TERRIFIC OPPORTUNITY FOR carpet and furniture salesmen to train tor manager. Exc. work-Ino conditions. Salary plus commission. Coll Mr. Saxton or Mr. Miller tor on appointment. FE 2-0271. MATURE YOUNG MAN FOR full time work In leading downtown retail store. Must have some experience In sales. Opportunity for advancement. Send qualifications to Pontiac Press Box, 35. MECHANIC FOR SCHOOL BUS fleet—Apply Wallad Lake Schools Admn. Bldg.. 495 N. Pontiac Troll, Walled Lake. THE SINGER COMPANY HAS opening tor man Interested In sales and management career. This position offers excellent opportunity for rapid advancement and high earnings. No experience necessary W# will train. Salary and com. mission. Transportation and all company benefits. Must be neat, of good character, and have completed high school. Apply 9 to 7, Pontiac Mall Shopping Canter. MEN INTERESTED IN LEARNING heating end air conditioning, ex. parlance preferred but not necessary, very good opportunity for the right man. 425-3110. MEN FOR SERVICE STATION over 25 years of age, experienced only, local references, full time only, available any shift. „ Shell Station, Woodward and Long Lake Rd., Bloomfield Hills. Office Manager for Dodgo dealership, car furnished fringe benefits, apply to Mr. Jim Gilmer, (IN PERSON ONLY) 855 Help Wanted Female RECEPTIONIST v SECRETARY -Greet people. Keep tabs on pops. Top-flight firm, $390. Call Hated Adams. 334:2471, Sneillng «, Snail. SALESGIRLS WANTED, FAST AD-vancement tor right girl, cell 333 5130 for appolnlment.___________ EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Immediate dpfnlng at the Auburn Hills Campus at Oakland Community Cottage. Exc. salary end fringe benefltSi Contact Michigan ' Employment Security Commission Miss Roectl' Pj 24)101. SALESLADY FOR BETTER DRESSES AND SPORTSWEAR F U L L TIME OR PART TIME HOURS. APPLY IN PERSON , PEGGY'S EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPR OR 4-1922 EXPERIENCED COUNTER GIRL— Apply Flash Cleaners, 339 W. Hu ran. EXPERIENCED, LIVE IN HOUSE-keeper tart 2 adults, local ref. necessary, own room, TV, Etc., must have' transportation, salary open, MA 4-3442._______________ FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT FOR cleaning girl. Apply In parson. Andres’s Beauty Solon. II N. Sog- GENERAL OFFICE Bookkeeping, typing, some shorthand. Excellent ana permanent position tor mature lady. Apply 404 Rlkor Bldg. ________ GENERAL OFFICE. LIKE TO BE your own boast 3240. Cell Pern Fox. 334-2471. Shelling 3 Sneillng, GENERAL OFFICE. MATURE, bright gal will till toe bill, $250. Cell Kathy Shaw. 334-2471, Snell , Ing A Sneillng. ____________________ » GENERAL HOUSEWORK, SCHOOL ege children, must tike country, prefer live in, cell collect 473 2344. GIRL OR WOMAN POR CARE OP baby, references, 343-7170. giAl for geniIral Office work, high school graduate, must bo able to typo, soma filing, bookkeeping. Experience helpful but not necessary, 493-4235. TRUCK DRIVER FOR WHOLESALE firm, good opportunity. 424-5174. TRUCK DRIVER AND JUMPER tor disposal service. 4240 Valen-tlhe, welled Lake., MA 4-3921. TRUCK MECHANIC First dess union shop, day work for smell fleet In Pontiac. Cell 334-3512, ask for Mr. Lyons. USHERS FOR BLUE SKY DRIVE-In. Apply after 4:30. 332-3200. EXPEr.::NCED new and USED CAR SALESMEN Good pay plan, fringe benefits, new car dealership end facilities. Ask for Tommy Thompson, sales manager at SH~ TON PONTIAC-BUICK, 055 Rochester, Rochester. WANTED LAYOUT INSPECTOR Also young man to head up In. spectlon department with management possibilities. Excellent pay, Call 493-1011. ACCOUNTANT FOR COST AND general office work. Industrial plant. Send resume to Pontiac Press Box 21. . ACCOUNTING CLERK YOUNG MAN WITH BUSINESS SCNOOL OR COLLEGE BACKGROUND - ANXIOUS TO LEARN COST ACCOUNTING IN AERO-SPACE INDUSTRY. RELATED EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE -+ GROWING COMPANY OFFERS EXCELLENT FUTURE. M. C. MFG. CO. P. 0. BOX 124 Like Ofton, Mich. Equal Opportunity Employer AMERICARE This Is the greet new name In hospital, surgical and mledlcal Insurance. Since Amerlcah Republic Insurance Co. hks boon using this now designation for Its policies and Its services, new business has Increased ever 25 per cent. WE CAN OFFER a professional salesman, licensed tor Insurance excellent prospects each week. PLUS A GUARANTEE We will furnish quality loads without cost eack week. YOU MAY HAVE EVERYTHING TO GAIN BY TALKING IT OVER. For Mrsonol Interview see BUFORD JOLLY at Kings Motel 1300 N. Opdyke Rd., Thurs. May 11, 10 a.m,-l p.m. end 0 p.m.-io p.m AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE IN business without Investments. Call on buslneasmen, no credit turndowns, no finance or carrying charges. Protected territory, supplies furnished by us If you are bondable please cell Simms Neon Sign Co., Detroit. 844-3444, GARDENER HELPER, ESTATE Farms, Mr. Heckman, 343-2103. GARDENER-HANDY MAN, Vi-DAY a week, Mr, Knight, 424-2972. ORDER DESK AND STEADY OF flee work. Industrial Plant. For man over 30. Send complete resume to Pontiac Press Box 18. GAS STATION — EXPERIENCED tune-up, driveway end wrecker men. $2.00 to $2.50 per hour. Time end a hall over 44 hrs. Shell Service — Maple and Lahser, Birmingham. OFFICE WORK - STEADY DAY-tlme. For men who likes figuring. Retirees considered. Send complete resume and . pay experience to Pontiac Press Box. 40. GRILL COOK, EXPERI-enced, top wages, vacation, hospitalization, paid lunch hr. and meals. Apply In person only — Blue Star Drive-In, Opdyke end Pontiac Rds. GRILL MAN Night shift, good wagts, paid lunch hour, meals, hospitalization and other benefits. Apply Big Boy Res-taurant Telegraph-Huron. GUARDS ParFtlme evenings end weekends SI .55 to start. WILCO — 447-7444 GUARDS Full end part time, Immedlato city and suburban |ob openings. Mount Clemens. Utica and Birmingham Included. Bonded Guard Serv-le*?» B- Grand Boulevard, De-trolt. LO 0-4152, HM p.m. PART-TIME GAS PUMPER WANT-ed, 2045 Auburn Rd., 052-9733. ' PART-TIME DRIVE-WAY SALES-men, 7-11 a.m., 4 to 1 p.m., 4-day week. Top pay. Contact Beverly Hills Service Center, Birmingham, Michigan. 447-2114;_____________ WANTED MAN FOROUTDOOR maintenance work, 40 hour week, FE 4-7033. WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP accepting applications for full time police patrol, ages 21 to 34 years old, high school education. For additional Information contact the West Bloomfield Township Police, 482-1555. WOOL PRESSER, PART TIME, AM or PM, good pay, apply Uptown Cleaners, 45437 Van Dyke, Utica 731-7870. GRILL COOK SECREiARY,TO MUSIC, DEPART-ment heed. 20-hour week. Excel lent location, $217. Call Helen Adams, 334-2471, Shelling B Snell Ing. SHIRT PRESS OPERATORS, EX parlance preferred or will train, Pontiac Laundry, 540 s. Telegraph ....................tlegra SHORT ORDER COOK. EXPERl-encad. Apply In person. Clark's Restaurant 1300 N. Perry, SHORT ORDER'COOK, GbOD wages, hospitalization, paid lunch life Insurance apply at Big Boy Restaurant Telegraph and Huron SUMMER CAMP COOK, CONTACT Mr. Lee at OA 0-2561. SURGICAL SCRUB TECHNICIAN. Avon Cantor Hospital. Mrs. Hobbs. 451-9301. WAITRESS WANTED, FULL-TIME employment. Apply in parson only Frank's Restaurant, Kaego Her bar. WAITRESS WANTED, NO EXPERI ence necessary, paid vacation. Ap ply In person. 300 Bowl, 100 s Cess Lk. Rd. WAITRESS, PERMANENT PO sltlon, capable . of assuming re sponslblllty, exc. pay with fringe benefits. Pled Piper Restaurant, 4370 Highland Rd., FE 0-4741. WAITRESSES A permanent |ob, hourly wages plus tips, paid vacation and hospitalization. Apply Big Boy Restaurant,, ■— Telegraph-Huron, and Dixie Hwy.-Sllver Lk. Rd. Ililp Wonted M. tr F. f CONCESSION HBLP FOR BLUE mf Drive in. Apply otter «:so p.m. 333-3200. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE TO ASSIST on thoroughbred horse form and general farming, WHO to clean house, to miles tram Detroit, furnished home and wages, references. Press Box 55. lain Halp, MalB-Femala t-A BbsIbbss iarricB SALESPEOPLE Earn $10,000 and up par ycor, experienced In real estate or we will train, coll Re 5-9471, 01k for Mr. Schram Or Mr. Phlppe. Instructions-Schools SALESWOMAN, EXPERIENCED -Jewelry store, port time — 4 eves, and Sato. FE 4-3557. SkORT ORDER COOK. FULL OR pert time, For evening shift, S-12. Rail's Drive-in OR 3-7173. Safes Help, Mab-FeiMalB t-A ADVANCEMENT TO BRANCH MANAGERS of sovOroi of our sales personnel has resulted In openings in our general sales deportment at GrTimell'e, Pontiac Mall. Sell Magnavox Color TV end etotito, SWpRgy ,alj»a0i! and Conn Band IMtrummta plus many other fine musical Items. Some knowledge of music Is ..but not necessary, we sin.. Seme sales experience Is preferred. Please contact the manager at Grlnnell's Pontiac Mall. 4 OR 5 PIECE BAND AVAILABLE on weekends. 335-7793, A-l CARPENTER. WORK OP ALL kinds. OR 34514. REAL ESTATf SALBSMBlO Y6 sell vacant resort property In Oakland' County. All leads furnished. Commission and draw. Sell on easy terms. Inquire 5440 Dixie Hwy., Waterford. 423-1333. REAL ESTATE SALES Two full - time energetic salespeople needed Immediately.1' Earnings unlimited tor tlto ambitious. Must have late model automobile, neat ■ appearance end some selling experience.' Let# model office building In good location. Mr, Clark or Mr. Ketlor, PE 3-7188. dark Real Estate. 10 RIDING DAY CAMP. RIDING AND swimming Instructions. Also stable management. Klentner Riding Academy. 1808 Hiller Rd. 343-8009. Work Wanted Mali 11 t-l CARPENTER WORK - LARGE or smelt. PE $-2128. 1 ’ Cement finisher WanTs w6Rk HAVE PICKUP, WILL WORK -Basements and garages cleaned, trash hpuied, unwanted articles blend up tree or at little cost. UL 2-4883. PAINTING AND WALL WASHING I day service, FE a-4788. PAINTING, LAWNWORK, HAND digging. FE 4-7344. PART-TIME, EXPERIENCED malntananca work of all kinds, OR 4-0244. FURNACE CLEANING ■ SPECIAL " W Oil, coal, gas furnaces and (Met work With largo power vacuum trucks. Free estimates. Limited tlme_Oltor. Orv's Furnace Cleaning Service. Days FE 84542, eves. 588- Adhrlsort___________16-A DEBT AID, INC., 711 RIKIP BLDG. FE mil, see announcements. , Gardening It GARDEN PLOWING AND ROTO< tilling. 334-8394. Before 11 o.ih. or efter 4 p.m. Landscaping 18-A DEPENDABLE LAWN end gardening. 335-4042. CUTTING landscaping and IblacK biRf; laying sod grass. Contact Mr. Johnson, FE 47487. 153 Grandview. Garden Plowing 18-B GARDEN PLOWING, DISKING — all kinds of landscaping. Front-end loader and backhoe work. Tree removal, etc. 482-2373. 335-3487. SPECIALIZE IN CHIMNEYS, 12 ft. end up. 338-1590 after 4. GARDEN PLOWING AND grading. Reas. OR 34203. yarB Work Wanted Female______12 1 DAY IRONING SERVICE, REF. Maxine McCowan, FE 5-1471. BABY SITTING, DAY CARE Licensed home. FE 43040 WAITRESSES WANTED. APPLY Harvey's Colonial House, 5894 Dixie Hwy., Waterford. Ted's of Pontiac Mall has an Immedlato opening for grill cook. Excellent working hours, no Sunday* or holidays, day shift, hospitalization, life Insurance end sick pay benefits. Apply In person.1' TED'S PONTIAC MALL WANTED: 2 MATURE SECRETARIES, one with court end police experience, end one experienced on N. C. R-bookkeepIng end billing machine. Writ# full qualifications to P. O. Box C — Bloomfield Hills. HELP HANDICAPPED VETERAN, live In, child or couple welcome. $128 mo, 424-1972. WOMAN FOR PART 4TME TELE-phonb work from- fiqme. Salary plus commission paid weekly. Write Eerl Glaspie, Beltone Hearing Aid Service, 138 N. Saginaw, Pontlap. HOSTESS CASHIER For full- or part-time evening work. In fine famlly-typo restaurant. Good wages and benefits. Must have transportation end an-toy working with pooplt. Apply In parson only. HOWARD JOHNSON'S TELEGRAPH AT MAPLE RD. ________BIRMINGHAM WOMAN TO CLEAN CAR* - FOR reconditioning shop — $50 psr, wk„ WOMEN FOR MEAT COUNTER, ages 25 to to. Apply Sam 8, Walters, 339 Telegraph, Pontiac Mall. Before 3 P.m. HOUSEKEEPER-BABY SITTER — live In, 2 school children. 473-1102 or OR 3-3239. HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE veto rm„ bath, TV, per wk., 442-9144. IN, PRI ref's. 140 HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE IN, 2 CHIL dren, Bloomfield area. TR 3-7200 ext. 5548 or 444-1239. HOUSEKEEPlR,' M U S T LIKE children, 5, days, own transp., exc working conditions tnd pay. Ret required. 444-2124. PAY DAY - EVERY DAY Factory workers, machine operators, platers, common labor, etc. Apply bet. 4 a.m.-6 p.m. Employers Temporary Service 45 S. Main, Clawson 2320 Hilton, Ferndale 27320 Grand River, Radford NO FEE - PAY DAILY HAND SCREW MACHINE OPERATOR Must be able to sot up machines retirees considered. Little B Devit Machine Co., 1794 Pontiac Dr (Sylvan Lake), Pontiac. APPLICATION NOW BEING TAKEN ter ushers, concession and part-time day help 18 or over. Apply after 7 to Miracle Mile Drlve-ln Theatre, 2103 S. Telegraph Rd Pontiac. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR STEADY employment end a |ob with a future? General Telephone Co. has openings now for linemen and installer repair men, liberal benefits, credit tor previous experK ence, high school education or equivalent - necessary. Apply General -Telephone Co., 317 Unfon St., Milford. An -equal employment opportunity empkwer. . ■_______ ATTENTION All vacuum cleaner salesmen II you are not earning $200 a wk, contact Filter Queen of Pontiac. FE 4-4957. ATTENTION $50 Weekly—Port Time Four evenings, 4-10 p.m-, married men, age 21-35, te merchandise end Install • electrical appliances. Cell 474-0520, 4 Am.-8 p.m. tonight. AUTO mechanic First class only. Own hand tools. Apply In person. Pirmeter't Garage. 8317 Highland Rd. West of williams Lake Rd. EXPERIENCED Bake It, . tarred but not necessary, over. Apply 884 N. Perry BAKERS Breed end rolls — Cakes and pastries. * - MACHUS BAKERY 823 S. Adams_____ Blrminghsm BRICK CREW WANTED ______ 47M74I. _______ Bartender, top pay, need good men. 442-8038 eves, after 7. BOY OR MAN TO DRIVE TRUCK and do odd lobs around pattern shop. Welled Lake area. MA 4-4514 BUS BQY, 8 A.M. TO 5 PM. GOOD wages end ell benefits, apply at .Big Boy Restaurant Telegraph and Huron. HARDiNGE OPERATOR . PRODUCTION GRINDERS I SUNNENH0HNE OPERATOR FLOOR INSPECTORS DAYS, LIBERAL BENEFITS, OVERTIME. . M. C. MFG., CO. 118 indtanwood Lake Orion, Mich. 492-2711 An Equal opportunity employes I AM LOOKING FOR A MARRIED man, 22-32 years old, high school graduate preferred but not necessity, Interested In teeming tool and die trade. Not highly paid to start but will develop Into high pay as you learn. Lots at overtime and must be able to work any shirt. Hartland area. 423-7429 col- JANITOR, 4 NIGHTS PER WEEK, 4 hours each night. Telegraph Square Lake Rd. area. 447-5871. JEWELER WANTED TO WORK IN Detroit. Woodward, 1-5755. JIG GRINDER NEEDED ON DAYS and afternoons, approx. 25 Milas w. of Ponttac top pay to top man. 1-432-7429. JOB HUNTING? WE CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMI Choose your career from over 5,-080 current |ob openings. Trained personnel consultants will arrange Interviews for you to meet your compensation and lob oblectlves. Mr. Moreen. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL, 1880 Woodward near 14 Mile. 442-8248. MACHINISTS AND TOOL MAKERS wanted, futl or part time, days Retirees welcomed. Apply 217 Central fust off S. Saginaw St. In Pontiac. MACHINIST TRAINEES Precision parts manufacturer located in Walled Lake he# Immediate openings for young people with mechanical abilities. Willing work to learn a trade. This Is steady employment with a good storting rye and fully paid fringe VALCOMATIC PRODUCTS 2750 W. Maple Rd. An Equal Opportunity Employer Help Wanted Male 6Help Wanted Male PHARMACIST FULL TIME If You Are Interested In a Career Position WITH TOP BENEFITS APPLE IN PERSONt HUDSON'S PONTIAC MALL YOUNG MAN LIVING IN WAtER-ford ere* for dishwasher. Shift 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. OR 3-9328. HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE IN, MUST be neat and clean. 338-9394, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. YOUNG MAN 20-32 YEARS OLD Automotive Retail Outlet needs ’someone who wants to learn retail tire and accessary business. Must be prepared to work long hours and desire to be successful. If you quality, cell Mr. Graves at 334-0519. Blue Ribbon Distributing Company. Help Wanted Femoie 7 $240 PLUS GENERAL OFFICE Filing, phoning, light typing INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL 1880 W. Huron 334-4971 $350 -$500 SECRETARIES Good skills, no age limit PERSONNEL 334-4971 INTERNATIONAL 1080 W. Huron A PLEASANT HOME TO LIVE IN and housekeeping |ob for mature wpman. No cooking or foundry. $50 wk. Bloomfield Hills. Ml 4-4714. PORTER NEEDED FOR NEW CAR dealership body shop. Village Rambler, 47 E. Maple Rd., Troy. OAKLAND UNIVERSITY Professional Positions The growth of the University is resulting In e number of excellent openings tor qualified men. The positions otter opportunities for advancement, challenge, ideal working conditions, professional level salaries, end an outstanding fringe benefit program. Among the current openings are the following: ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Degree required. This man will coordinate and monitor the electrical work with the architectural and construction firms engaged In a *55 Million building protect planned tor the next S years. In addition, he win be responsible tor directing the activities of the electrical ma Into Inane# personnel on the campus. This position offers unusual ..growth potential. CHIEF INTERNAL AUDITORt SYSTEMS ANALYST C.P.A. and expectance In auditing and systems desired. Will be responsible ter the internal audit function and for the analyst* 89 all fiscal systems end procedures. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATORS ANALYST Responsible tor fiscal administration ot research grants and ter monthly reporting. WIN also be responsible tor the analysis and forecasting ot student housing and other auxiliary operations. Degree and some related expertonca required. For an appointment ter Interview, call: OokioniUni versify Personnel Department ? Rochester, Michigan ,FE 8-7211 r £ Between 8-12 —1-5 , * Prestige Selling COMPUTERS ACCOUNTING MACHINES CASH REGISTERS Seles experience not college train-Ing essential. Must have background in Accounting (education qr experience). Salary end bonus paid during extensive training period. Openings In Pontiac and Detroit. No overnight travel. Fringe benefits 168 per cent company paid. Age. 22-30. Draft exempt. Must be sales motivated and eager to make money. Compensation following training extends well Into live figure mark. Phone for Interview or send resume. Pleas* do not respond un less you meet above criteria Only a smell number ot epplt cents will be selected. LEWIS KNABEL Personnel Director THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 2875 W. Grand Bivd., Detroit, Mich! Phone 873-5500 An Equal Opportunity Employer ACCURATE TYPIST FOR REAL i$-tete office. Full or part time. Ret. 473-1274. AGGRESSIVE WOMAN WIT H good phone personality to work part time. No typing required. Mired* Mil* Shopping Center. 334-4597. APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAK en tor cashiers end concession help, II or ever. Apply after 1 to Miracle Mil* Drlve-ln Theatre, 2103 S. Telegraph Rd., Ponftec. PORTER Needed'pt ence tor our new car dept. General porter work. Ask ter Howard Lewis, Service Manager for T o m Rademacher Chevy-Olds, Inc. Clarkston. Apply In person only--_____ , PORTERS AND JANITORS NfeE&-ed In new Volkswagen Dealership In' Birmingham — Troy. Permanent employment, fringe'benefits, Etc. Call Mr. Brown 442-4900. RETIRED MAN FOR GOLF course, tew hour* In eve, 4 or r nights a week. Rochester area, UL 2-4749. ROOF TRUSS MANUFAC taring Plant needs men in terested in full time work, 2 shifts. Construction ex perience helpful. Apply in person, Michigan Building Components, 1000 Decker Rd., Wailed Lake. ROUTE DRIVER. EXCELLENT driving record. Protection route $4,000. call Anig* Rook. 334-2471 Sneillng $ Sneillng. AAA-1 CORPORATION W* need 4 young women to complete our staff In Pontiac office. Must be 18-24, single and high school graduate. Salary of $150 per wk. Cell Mr. Williams, 338-8359, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. AVIATION SUPPLY HOUSE NEEDS typist, high school graduate, 4129 Highland Rd BABY SITTER, LIVE IN. 473-4388. HOUSEWIVES Earn 12 to $3 per hour In your spare time. Pick up and deliver Fuljer Brush orders. For Interview phene OR 3-5874. KELLY SERVICES 125 N. Saginaw 338-0338 Equal Opportunity Employer REAL ESTATE SALES W* are expanding our operations and are In need of capable and amlbltlous salesmen Interested In a higher Income In the Real Estate profession. "Incentive pay with Profit Sharing." If you, ere presently earning over $7500 per year, and want to Increase your Income, it will pay you to Investigate this opportunity. Call Mr. A. Kempseh for e personal and confidential Interview. KAMPSEN 1071 West Huron Street FE 4-0921 YOUNG CAPABLE GIRL, 16 OR over for messenger service. Must have driver's license. FE 2-0280, ask for manager. Hb|p Waeted M. or F. 8 APPRAISER TRAINEE Salary negotiable, only people Interested In making a minimum of $10,000 yearly need apply. Hospitalization plus many other company benefits. Call Mr. Foley for confidential Interview 474.0343, DAY WORK - REFERENCES, hours, S12. FE 4-5440. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS ANO alteration lady desires work. FE 2-0474. IRONINGS - WEBSTER, CROFOOT area. FE 5-3494. HOUSECLEANING-NEED TRANS portatlon. OR 3-8514. MEDICAL SECRETARY, 10 YEARS axp. X-ray and orthopedics. 3-yr; office Mgr. Also oxp. In ac counting. Desire permanent posl tion with physician or Institution Reply Pontiac Press Box 10. PLOWING, DISCING, ROTO flLL-Ing, grading, top soil, graval and manure — OR 3-5121. Painting find Decorating 23 , LADY INTERIOR DECORATOR, Papering. FE 8-4214. A-1 PAINTING, REASONABLE Free Est. Experienced. 338-3576 CUSTOM PAINTING, EXTERIOR end Interior, 474-3975. LADFES DESIRE INTERIOR painting In Waterford area. Free estimates. OR 3-8304 or OR 3-2954. PAINT, PAPERING Tupper. OR 3-7041 PAINTING, INTERIOR AND EX-terior. Real. Free est. 423-8815. PAINTING AND PAPERING. You're next. Orvei Gidcumb, 473-0494. QUALITY WORK ASSURED. PAINT-Ing; papering, wall washing. 473-2872. Aluminum Bldg. Items l-A ALUMINUM-VINYL SIDING Awnings — Storm Windows JOE VALLELY FHA Terms — OL 1-4423 BEAUTICIANS. BOOTH RENTAL at a modern shop in the Tel-Huron area. $45 per wk. Including supplies. 482-1 SI3 after 4. LICENSED PRACTICAL FOR third shift. Opply In person. Glen Ackers Nursing Hem*. 1255 W. Silver Bell Rd. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED All RH Positive , $7.50 All RH Neg. with positive factors $7.50 A-neg., B-neg„ AB-neg. $10 O-neg. *12 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER in Pontiac fe 4-9947 1342 Wide Track Dr., w. Mon. thru Frl., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Wad. 1 p.m.-y p.m. LIVE-IN AMID. 85$. PER WEEK. Must ba good with children. Must havo excellent references. Ml 4-7619. LOCAL BUSINESS FIRM Requires services of a secretary, Bookkeeping, typing and general office, shorthand not required. Good salary. Insurance, fringe benefits end etc. Write qualifications, experience* and references to Pontiac Press Box 48. MATURE CAPABLE WOAAAN TO care for 1 child In vicinity of James K Blvd. 3 day* a week. Must hive own transportation and local reterencas. 338-9294, btfora 5 p.m. 338-4277 after 5 p.m. MATURE WOAMN FOR LIVE baity sifting. OR 3-2280. MIDDLE-AGE WOMAN TO LIVE-In. More for home then wages— to take care of my wit*. Pontiac area. 332-1255. MOTEL AMID OVER 25. 4 OR I days per week. Neat end depend-able. 336-4061. MOTHER'S HELPER. TO LlVtf IN or out, weekends oft, vicinity Bald win Ave. 332-1428. NURSES AIDES All shifts. Training program on a yaar-around basis, good working condition. Experienced and Inexperienced. Apply In pereon any weekday from 9:30 to 11:00 e.m. Seminole Hills Nursing Home, 532 Orchard Lake Ave., Pontiac. OFFICE TELEPHONE WORK. ALL leads furnished. Salary plus commission. 1 p.m.-9 p.m. 4 days. Apply 5640 Dixie Hwy., Waterford. BABY SITTER, 50 YEARS OR older, 4 day wk., will turn, transp. If necessary. 343-0541. Waterford area. PART TIME AMIO FOR MOTEL 789 S, Woodward BOOKKEEPER — OFFICE MAN ager. Full time. Must nave high degree of accuracy. Previous auto dealership experience helpful, Houghton Oldsmoblle. 651-9761. ALUMINUM SIDING INSTALLED by "Superior" — your authorized Kaiser dealer. FE 4-3177. SEPTIC FIELDS, ORY WELLS, TRENCHING, DIGGINGS. S. Luces Waterford Sewer Const. 673-0240 Architectural Drawing ^ •LANS DRAWN. ALSO PLANNING services. 343-4508. Asphalt Paving ASPHALT DISCOUNT PAVING CO Spring special — wholesale prices Free estimates. FE 5-7459. DRIVEWAY SPECIALISTS. FREE Estimates. FE 5-4980. Auto Repair Computer Programmers The County ot Oakland Is seeking qualified computer programmers to fill Immediate openings In Its data processing division. Tnls Is an opportunity to loin a fast growing dynamic 1-year-otd Installation in the early stages ot Its development. The division now has 15 employees with e total staff of 54 plannad by Sept., 1972. An IBM 1440 computer end disc storage system has been In use since Sept., 1944 and conversion to the 340 system Is anticipated In Sept., of 1967. In order to qualify you must have had formal training program writing Including documentation, coding, testing, debugging and Implementation;, hav* working knowledge of Cobol and hav* had at least 1 full year of paid computer programming experience. County efployment otters com-petltive salary structures, fully paid hospitalization Ins., liberal Ufa Ins., annual leave, and sick laava program, Ideal working conditions and recreational activities. Submit a complete resume of experience end training along with a state-, ment of salary requirements or apply In person to Personnel Dlv. Oakland County Court House 1208 N. Telegraph Pontiac WE SPECIALIZE IN REPAIRING rebuilding, resealing automatic and standard transmissions. Band ad-lustments. Fluid and filter chang as. All makes. All models. Rochester Transmission 126 Main St. Rochester 651-4820 ______AH work guaranteed Help Wanted Female 7 Help Wanted Female Excavating FRONT-END LOADER, lVj-YARD bucket and backhoe on rubber. Trucking. 682-1245. Fencing CHAIN LINK ANO WOOD FENCE contracting. 338-3784. l-we*k serv-ice. CUTLER CONTRACTING Licensed-Bonded ‘ FE 514844 FENCE REPAIRS, OR COMPLETE lobs, fast service, 25 years experience in Pontiac, Howard Acker, 482-5482. PONTIAC FENCE CO? 5932 Dixie Hwy. 623-1040 Floor Sanding CARL L. BILLS SR., NEW AND old floor sending, FE 2-5789, R. G. SNYDER, FLOOR LAYING sending end finishing. FE 5-0592. Floor Tiling Brick & Block Service BRICK, BLOCK, STONE, CEMENT work, fireplaces specially. 335-4470 CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING. Linoleum, formica, tile. Carpeting. 741 N. Perry, FE 2-4090. BRICK, BLOCK, STONE — NEW and repair, specialize In fireplaces. 338-1770. FLOOR ANO WALL TILING Caramlc-vlnyl-asbastos Work guaranteed 673-8496 FIREPLACES, WRITTEN GUARAN-tee. EM 3-6879. Building Modernization 2-CAR GARAGES, 20'x20', $875. WE are local builders and build any size. Cement work. Free estimates. Pedy-Bullt Garage Co. OR 3-5419. ADDITIONS-GA RAGES Masonry. AH kinds of alterations. - Red Welch Construction Co. C. Welch Joseph Rayner OR 4-0051 FE 5-2702 ALL KINDS OF HOME Improvements. Free estimates, ANDERSON-GILFORD, FE 8-8116, BIG BEAR CONSTRUCTION. 739 N. Perry. FE 3-7833._____ COMPLETE REMODELING Service Quality work since 1945 Now Is the best time to plan or remodel — prices are lowest I Additions—recreation rooms attic rooms — aluminum storm windows — siding and trim. 14 N. Saginaw G- !■ M FE, 2-1211 Free estimates______ Terms REMODELING ADDITIONS, GA. rages and new homes. Will supply references from previous lobs. Deal direct with builder. Lake Bunking. MY 3-7291._ BABY SITTER, DAYS, PERRY Park ere*, 10 day* to 2 wks. for duration ot hospital stay. 335-3052, after 4 p.m. BABY SITTER WANTED: MONDAY through Friday. 343-5490. _______ BAKERY SALES-WOMAN. PULL-tlme. No evenings or Sundays. Anderson Bakery. 124 W. 14 Mile, Birmingham. Ml 4-7114._ BAR WAITRESS, EXPERIENCED or will train. EM 3-0411 or EM 3-2249 after 11:00 a.m. BARMAID WANTED: CALL BE-tween 12 and 5:38 p.m. FE I-7749. BARMAID — ALSO WAITRESS -Apply in person, Avon Bar, 3982 Auburn Rd., near Adams Rd. BEAUTICIAN — (70 GUARANTEE, Blue Cross benefits, Philips 332-9278. BEAUTICIAN, BONNIE JEAN'S Hair Stylist, 1481 Baldwin, FE 2-9376 or OR 3-5410. BEAUTICIANS, EXCELLENT Opportunity. Recent graduates preferred. Bernard Hair Stylist, Ml 7-3033, ask tor Miss Bryce. BEAUTY working 493-3071. BEELINE FASHIONS—NEEDS YOU OPERATOR, GOOD conditions. Lake Orion, BOOKKEEPER WITH SOME TYP-Ing. Excellent benefits. $308. Cell Pam Fox. 334-2471. Sneillng & Shelling._______________ CLAIMS. PROCESSOR. GEMI DE-pendeble and punctual. Goad location. $300. Call Kathy Shaw. 334-2471. Sneillng 6 Sneillng. CLEANING WOMAN? — A-l REF-erences. must hav* own transportation, Prefer every other Monday but would take any day but Weitnewley. 6 lire. Ml $4437. CLERIGTYPIST-RECEPTIONST tf you would like to work as a receptionist, e clerk-typist (35 wpm or better) in a friendly neighborhood office of a large finance organization, apply immediately. No experience necessary, good starting salary, outstanding employ* benefits. . LIBERTY LOAN CORP. 1224 W. MAPLE RD. WALLED LAKE CLERKS Full time. Day or night. 5 day week. Excellent working conditions — Paid vacations. Sherman Prescription Maple at Lahser______Birmingham SALESMEN No canvassing, no door to door. Strictly oppolntmonts demonstrating an* or Iho world's finest product* of It* kind. Gmrenteed eatery dr commission. Filter Quean of Pontiac. FE 4-49J7. COOK. FULL TIME, EXPERI-tnced or will train, good wagts. EM 34411 or EM 32249 after It *.nb COSMETIC AND DRUG CLERK -i part-time rvenlnos. Apply In person or catt Ed tor appointment. SevOn Dregs, Mapt* at Telegraph. MA 6-2525. 1 MICHIGAN Part of the Nationwide Bell System Has IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for KEY PUNCH OPERATORS and CLERK TYPISTS in Our Southfield Accounting Office —No Experience Necessary— —Full Pay whii* Training- Requirement Must have own transportation Must matt minimum qualifications High School Graduate APPLY IN PERSON 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. . , Monday thru Friday at: Northwest Office Center 1 Room 5-101, Service Center 23500 Northwestern Highway (ENTER ON SOUTHFIELD, NORTH OP NORTHWESTERN HWY.) Southfield, Michigan (AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER) Carpentry____________ A-1 Interior and exterior — Family rooms, rough or finished; dormers, toorches, recreation rooms, kltchqns bathrooms. State licensed. Reas. Cell after 5 p.m. 4830448. CARPENTRY, RECREATION rooms, kitchens, free estimates. Phil Kile, 8531337, 879-4491. CARPENTRY, NEW AND REPAIR, Free estimates. 335-4981.____ NTGRIOR FINISH, KITCHENS, Carpet Repair "CARPET-MEDIC" Expert carpet repairing, claims welcome. 333S816. Rental Equipment BROWNIES HARDWARE FLOOR SANDERS—POLISHERS WALLPAPER STEAMERS RUG CLEANER-POWER SAWS 952 Joslyti. FE 4-6105 ___Jtoofin| A-l NEW, REROOF - REPAIRS -Call Jack. Sava the lack. 338-6115. OR 3-9590. CLARKSTON ROOFING CO. On* of the "Best." — 673929? HARTFORD ROOFING AND Slfi-Ing. Sam* name since 1945. FE 8-4077. HOT TAR ROOFING-SHINGLING! R. Prte#- FE 4-1024. QUALITY ROOFING. NEW AND RE-roof. Bonded material, i Free estl-mates. Reasonable. 6837514. SPECIALIZE IN HOT TAR ROOF-Ing. L. J. Price. FE 31034. Sand—Gravel—Dirt ! A-l BULLDOZING. FINISHED, grade. Top soil. Max Cook. 682- • CHOICE BLACK DIRT FARM TOP-' soil, Delivered. FE 4-4588. KITCHEN LINOLEUM SPECIAL Armstrong Linoleum from $49.00 Labor-material, guaranteed work 5832m BULLDOZING, BLACK DIRf, FILL ' dirt. 334-mi or 3338448, PEAT HUMIS, TOP SOIL, DEUV. ered, or picked up, Sun., holidays. FE 34210 or FE 37971. black dirt ami top sell. Fill Sand, Bulldozing. FE 34924. STA.W. Janitorial Service*^ Mop up cleaning service. Carpets-floors-windows. Residential. Commercial. 332.1333, FE 4-7948. SPRING CLEANING - WINDOWS floors, aluminum siding and walls. Stanley Horn* Cleaning. FE 2-7117. Landscaping A-l COMPLETE LANDSCAPING -specializing In broken concrete, retaining walls. Free estimates. J H. Warfman. 3338314. A1 MERION BLUE SOD, TOP soil, sand and graval. Dal., 333 8201. B&S LANDSCAPING. COMPLETE. Lawn maintenance service. Reas, priced, free estimates. EM 3-6671 or FE 39417. LAWN WORK-LIGHT HAULING, and edd lobs. 334-0105. MERION BLUE SOD. PICK UP OR delivered. 4443 Sherwood. 6232008. Lawn Mewing LARGE LAWNS PREFERRED, reasonable. Rototllllng. 394-0044. Lumber NEW RAILROAD TIES. ROUGH sawn hardwood. Boat, dock lumber. 624-7653. TALBOTT LUMBER Glass service, Wood or aluminum, Building end Hardware supplies. 1025 Oakland FE 4-4595 Mail Poets Cement Work i-l CEMENT WORK OP ALL kinds, tree estimates. PE 34510, CEMENT FLOORS FOR PARTICU-lar people, Bert Cummins, 391-2500. CEMENT: PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, basements. Rees. UL 34213. Cement and Block Work LICENSED SIDEWALK BUILDER. Patios, drives, etc. FE 33349. MULT I-COLOR ED PATIOS. FOOT-Ings, floors, driveways, sidewalks, and repair work. Ted Elwood In-terprlses. 682-3373 PATIOS, DRIVES, GARAGE SLABS, 40 cents sq. ft. FE 4-2874, days. Dressmaking, Tailoring ALTERATIONS ALL TYPES, KNIT dresses,* leather coats OR 37193. BETTY JO'S DRESSMAKING Weddings, alterations. 4733704 Driver's School APPROVED AUTO DRIVING school. FB 39444 Fra* Horn* pickup. ______________ Dry WjII Service COMPLETE DRY-WALL SERVICE, remodeling and new, free estimates—627-3239. Eavestreughing MAS GUTTER CO. COMPLETE •avestrougfiinfl tarvlct frta «ctl* malts, mm6. Moving and Storage SMITH MOVING AND STORAGE. 16 S. Jessie. FE 44864. Mower Service SMITTY'S LAWN MOWER REPAIR Service. New-Used lawn mowers for tale. 8*5 Chalmers, off Pontiac Lake Rd. FE 38809. Painting and Decorating A-1 PAINTING ANO PAPER HANGING THOMPSON ___________FB 4-8364 A-l PAINTING. WORK GUARAN toad. Free estimates. 4830420. AAA PAINTING AND b^CORATING Free estimates. UL 31398 EXPERT PAINTING AND PAPER hanging. Cell Herbie, 4734798. CUSTOM INTERIOR AND EXTE rlor painting and paper hanging, Residential and commercial. Hamilton Painting Co. Fra* estimates. OR 32134. PAINTING AND GENERAL CLEAN up, resident)*! and commercial. FE 34788. TRUCKING. ALL STONE, sand products, read gravel. Tested top soil, black dirt. Crushed limestone. 6232543. 3944042. Siding and Repairs ROOFING, SIDING, EDITION, RE-pair's llscenced builder, OR 3-7703. Tree Trimming Service B&L TREE TRIMMING, REMOVAL, Free estimate. FE 34449, 6743510. “DALBY & SONS" STUMP, TREE, REMOVAL FE 33005 Mosquito Spray FE 33023 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL. Reasonable. 391-1444. AL's TREE TRIMMING, REMOVAL, tree estimates, reasonable. 428-3521. 6737140, FE 54948.____________________ TIMBERLINE TREE EXPERT Removal, trimming, spraying, mosquito control. Free estimates. 482-1440. TREE TRIMMING AND REMOV-al, reasonable. LI 1-7394. Trucking A*t LIGHT MOVING, TRASH hautad reasonable. FE 31353, HAULING AND RUBBISH. NAMR •your price. Any time. FB 8-0095. REASONABLE LIGHT HAULING, BASEMENTS, garage* cleaned. 4731242. FE 5-3804 LIGHT HAULING, BASEMENTS, garages clean. OR 3-4417. 623-0847. LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING, rubbish, fill dirt, grading and gravel end fronFend loading. FE 30403 Track Rental Trucks to Rent VS-Ton Pickups lW-Ton Stake TRUCKS — TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Dump Trucks — Semi-Trailers Ponriac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. 825 S. WOODWARD FE 30441 FE 31441 Open Dally Including Sunday TV Sales — Service TV REPAIR SERVICE, COL&R OR black and whtto, Ktego Harbor and vie. A-1 TV Service. 4*31423 Water Softeners SALES AND RENTALS Culllgan Water Condt._____3349944 Wail Cleaners BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS, Wells cleaned. Reas. Satisfaction guaranteed. Insured. FE 31431, Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Oscar Schmidt_______FE 35217 Plastering Service PLASTERING. FRER ESTIMATES. D. Meyers, 3439595. Piembing & Heating CONDRA PLUMBING 3 HEATING Sewer, water line* — FE 38843. Restaurants BIG BOY ORIVE-INz DIXIE AT Silver Lake—Telegraph at Huron. WALL WASHING FE 39015 Washer Repair WASHERS-DRYERS REFRIGERATORS SERVICE SALES WOLTERS REPAIR 4837233 Well Drilling THOMAS R. FORSTER, WELLS — 2-4" — Expert repairing, WHOM, Window Washing^ RESIDENCE WINDOW WASHING, Reasonable rates. Call Clifford bw tween 4-7 p.m. 3331928. THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY II, 1907 Wanttd Children to Bawd 28 RELIABLE LICENSED HOME towi by mm:-* ■*¥ hi* Wanted Household Goods 29 Vi household oh furniture wanted. Auctlonland. OR4-3J67. tAJH FOR FURNITURE AND AP. pliancas. 1 pitta or housaful. Poor-000*0. Gsw FOR GOOD CLEAN USED fumlturt. Coll Nall'* Auction, Phont, MY »l«71. Rear our price before you take oo little (or your (umlturo or appliances «ind what hove you. we'll auction It or buy It. J & B AUCTION MW Dixie LJ RR 32717 Aportm«nt$, funihhed 37 RgntRooms I ROOMS. AND , RATH, UPPER, private entrance, north end, odulto only. FE 45443. 1 ROOMS, BATH UTILITIES, clean, 180. FE UM4._________ 2 ROOMS REBATE BATH FOR quiet couple, FE 48929. 1 BEDROOMS, WEST HURON ST., no peto, deposit required, $135 per mo., FE 2-0016. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, $106 DE- Couple only FE 3 LARGE RDOMS, CHILD WEI-come, $35 wk., $50 dep. 333-413$. 3 ROOMS, PRIVATE/ BATH, BACH-elor wily. FE 5-4494. 1 CALL, THAT'S ALLI CASH FOR antiquee,, quality furniture,, and guns. M.iH. Bellow, Holly, 637-5193 or 334-0748. coppER, 3 ROOMS, PRIVATE ENTRANCE And bath, ground floor, good location. 201 State, i e , a 637-5 ST08 3 ROOMS. BATH, FIREPLACE. Couple only., $90 per mo. In-eludes utilities. BRASS; RADIATORS; starters and generators, C. Dlx- son, OR 34049. ______________ I WILL BUY YOUR HAIR, 12' or longer. Ml 7-1538 or Ml 6-8243. OFFICE FILES, DESKS, chines, drafting equipment, OR 3-9767. WANT SET OF GANG MOWERS 651-8365 Wanted Money 31 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO OB-taln patents and process Invention. Apply to Pontiac Press Box No. 70. I WOULD LIKE TO BORROW $25,-000 on 8 per cent land contract, Call 651-1979.__________________________ Wanted to Rent 32 1000 SQ. FT, WAREHOUSE SPACE or warehouse. Write Eblnger Mfg. Co., P.O. Box 43, Bloomfield Hills, MlCh. 48013 - 626-5221. Family to rent house, 00T- tage, apartment while building. Excellent references. Ml 7-1740. WANT TO REN+ Family of 2 bedroom apt, or house. 331-1216. Urgently needed, 3-bedroom home, Waferfqrd-Clarksfon area — 5 children — ages 4-9-11-12-13. 673-7930. ________________________ Share Living Quarters 33 COUPLE t6 LIVE WITH WORK-Ing mother. 3-bedroom house In Clarkston • Drayton area. 625-5177. Call betweeen 8-9 a.m. WORKING WOMAN WILL SHARE 3-bedroOm home with same, child welcome, 334-3971 before 11 A.M tlon.: ROOM 3384641. eludes utllitl ____________ ROOMS AND BATH WITH PRIV- , Saginaw: Utilities furnished. ROOMS AND BATH, ADULT couple Only, $25 wk. sec. dep. lake privileges. 75 Bellevue, Lake Orkm MY 3-4031. ROOMS AND BATH, NICELY furnished, clean, couple only, i ml. N. of Mt. Holly, Dixie Hwy., 13637 ME 4-6794. 4-ROOM APARTMENT. UTILITIES furn. Adults. 75 Clark. ROOMS, 1 BEDROOM, PRIVATE entrance, nice for working couple or bachelor, rent right, adults, ref., $50 dep. 16 Plnegrove, Pontiac. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, INQUIRE 736 W. Huron 4-ROOM APARTMENT |N SYLVAN Village. Bath, utilities, prlv. entrance, fireplace. Near bus. Older couple or working couple preferred. No children or pets. $135 a mo., 5100 security dep. 682-3074, APARTMENT FOR RENT, SAAALL child welcome. 628-3960. "pSr BACHELOR. 3 ROOMS. $35 ' wk. Utilities. Parkway Motel, Dixie Hwy. ME 4-9107. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. NOR ton Ave. Ref. and dep. required Also 1-BEDROOM HOUSE AND 3 ACRES. FE 2-3829. FliRNISHED APARTMENtS FOR rent. FE 2-5835. LAKE-FRONT APARTMENT, SUIT able for working couple or. bachelor. MY 2-2481. ROOM IN NICE HO Ml dean working girl. PE *4Wl SLEEPING ROOM, ADULTS qNlY,‘ 334-370! " • SLEEPING ROOM NEAR FISHER Body, cooking privileges, no drinking, FE 4-1039 or 334-5842, PROFESSIONAL MAN-IN NICE home. 563 W. Huron-FE 3-7111. ROOM FORSINGLE PERSON, middle-aged. FE 4-2257. 101 Raeburn. sleepinO room foR” miDdle-agtd. lady near Pontiac General Hospital, FE 4-8136. ATTACHED GARAGE - 3 BED-room home, $9,930. Modol open. 28754 Waite, 654-2125 or 434-1000. Art Daniels. SLEEPING ROOM, KITCHEN PRIV-lieges, 334-9450. ___________ Rooms With Board 43 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. EXCELLENT meals. Lunches pecked. FE 4-5580. NICE, CLEAN ROOMS, HOME cooked meals, near plants. 335-1679. NICE ROOM WITH HOME PRIVI-leges for working lady or mother ROOM, BOARD OPTIONAL, NEAR GMC. Aged person acceptable 335-1889: Rent Office Space 47 ATTENTION DOCTORS E DENTIST Establish your office In this Modern Medical Building near Pontiac General Hospital. Large or smalt suite now available. Call Ray O'Neil for complete details. OR 4-2222. OFFICE Rent Business Property 47-A COMMERCIAL OR MANUFACTUR-Ing bldg. Dixie Hwy. 674-3997. FOR LEASE, 1300 SQUARE FOOT building. Ideal for doctor or professional service. 3430 Highland Rd. next to Warden Realty. 334 0529. Sals Houses 49 1 BEDROOM HOME ON MANSE Rd. In Waterford, Must have Cash, call FE 2-7720 or OR 3-5424. 2, 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS, NICE NEW Cape Cod, $1,590 down. GILFORD REALTY, FE 8-8116/ 2, 3, 4 BEDROOMS. 415,900 LAKE ORION. MODERN. NEWLY furnished. Prlv. entrance. MY 1809, . LARGE 5 ROOMS AND BATH, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, adults only. 338-7462. Working girl, mid-twenties to share home In Pontiac with same. Write Pontiac Press Box 68. NICE 3 ROOMS. WITH LAKE privileges. Inquire et 208 N. ■Johnson. Young working woman wish es to share apartment with same. OR 3-1167 after 6. WoHtud Ropl fttuto 1 TO 50 36 Apartments, Unfurnished 38 HOMES, LOTS, ACREAGE PARCELS, FARMS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACTS WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. PE 5-8165 Urgently need for Immediate Salel Pontiac Dally ‘til I MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ALL CASH It MINUTES even If behind In payments or under forclosure. Agent. 527-6400. ~alT CASH For homes any place In Oakland County, any condition, money In 24 hours. YORK ATTRACTIVE 4 ROOMS WITH GA-rage. OR 3-7328.___________ IVE BUY WE TRADE 3R 40363 _ OR 4-0363 4713 Dixie Hwy.. Drayfon Plains APARTMENTS. BY APPOINTMENT only. Must have references. 338-3694. APARTMENT WANTED -4 TO 30 units. North side or west side of Pontiac. Call before 9 a.m. or aft-er 9 p.m. 6741581. BUY ON LAND CONTRACT - 2-and 3-bedroom homes, vacant lots and many lake front homes In the suburban area. Call early for best deals. No dosing costs. Current rate of Interest. HACKETT REALTY — 7750 COOLEY LAKE RD., UNION LAKE. 363-6703.___________ BUYER WAITING. WANTS 3 BED- CLARKSTON MANOR. DELUXE 1-bedroom. Sound controlled. Central air-conditioning. Carpeted. Heat. Frost-free .refrigerator. Range. Ceramic full bath with vanity. Laundry. Lorker rbom. 2 blocks downtown. $135. No pets. No children. 35 Madison Ct., Clarkston. Call 623-0711. rooms, basement, gas heat preferred. Outside of city- Either 1 or 2 floors. Will go to $19,000. Ask for Mr. Rosa, rep. DORRIS, 8> SON, REALTORS. OR 4-0324 or OR 3-3156, ~ BUYERS WAITING Listings needed In Keago Harbor area. Call us— - JACK LOVELAND 2100 Cass Lake Rd. 682-1255 _ CASH ' 48 HOURS LAND CONTRACTS-HOMES EQUITIES WRIGHT 182 Oakland Ave. FE 2-9141 CASH BUYER FOR $254100 TO $30. 000 brick ranch home off Woodward naar Ted's, 3 bedrooms on 1 floor with or without basement, first-floor utility,. 1W baths and 2-car garage. Please call LOU Duna-vant, rep. DORRIS A SON, REALTORS. OR 40324 or FE 2-8916. Eash FOR SMALL 2-GTEDRQOM naar Pontiac Mall. FE 5-8585. Eg gsrt. DO YOU WANT TO TRADE YOUR home (Or a better one? Call Fred Hamilton at O'Nell Realty and he will show you how easily this can be done by using your present equity as a down pay-psent. Call OR 4-2222 or FE 44365. ' r HAVE A PURCHASER WITH cash for starter home In Oakland County, call agent at 6741698. Is YOUR PRESENT HOME TOO small, too large?, too old? Call Mrs. Hamilton at O'Neil Realty and she will show you how easily you can trade for a home that will fit your needs and pocketbook. OR 42222 or FE 4-4365. WAITING FOR THAT NEW HOME, kitchenette cottage, sleeps 4, Pon tlac Lake Motel. 8230 Highland Rd. AND 2 BEDROOMS, FULLY CAR-peted, air-conditioned, stove and refrigerator, One 1 basement apartment. Immediate occupancy. Lake privileges. No Children. 624 4680. 2 BEDROOM. ADULTS. ARROW-I wad Mall. 2427 Ellz. Lk, Rd. FE 5-8585. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Call OR 3-6102 after 4:30 p.m. 3 ROOM APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, utilities furn. adults. 35 Mechanic, seen 10-11 a.m. AMERICAN HERITAGE APTS. 3365 WATKINS LAKE RD. MANAGER'S APT. C-2 • and 2-bedroom apartments will be available soon. We furnish all utilities Including electricity. Carports available at no extra cost. No children, no pets, 6742492. LOVELY, MODERN UPPER 4 rooms and bath. Paneled living room with wall-to-wall carpeting. Tiled kitchen and bath. 2 blocks within shopping canter of Lake Orion. Couple only. Heat furnished. $110 month. MY 3-1667. LUXURY 2 - BEDROOM APART-ment on beautiful pvt. take and grounds, Swimming) boating, fishing. Stove and refrigerator. 644 2518. MODERN 5 - ROOM TERRACE -stove, refrigerator, $145. Sea Mgr 2403 James K Blvd. FE 2-6807. ORCHARD COURT APARTMENT Large 2-bedroom air cond. adults See manager 19 Salmer, Apt. 6 ROCHESTER AREANEW 2-BED-room, walk-ln closets, carpeting, appliances, walking distance fo center of town. Children and pets allowed. $165 mo, 417 Parkdale. Call 651-7595 .after 5 p.m. MANOR SAN MARINO MANOR APART ments. Milford, Mich. 1 and 2 bedroom, now available. 685-2172 VERY CLEAN UPSTAIRS APART ment, 1 bedroom, air conditioned, stove, refrigerator and aliutllltles, $120 plus deposit. Write Pontiac Press Box 69. Root Houses, Furnished 39 BEDROOM HOUSE, NO DRINK ers. FE 2-9634. COMPLETE INCLUDING -Lot with privileges on large private lake, full basement, oak floors, formica counter tops, alum, sid- ing, country kitchen,, extra largi closets, double linen storage, kltcn- an pantry. American Standard heating and plumfinto, excellent location. Completely finished., Anderson - Gilford; me. 402 Rlker Bldg. FE\8-8116 DIRECTIONS: Take Baldwin Clarkston-Orlon Rd., left Eston Rd., right to Avalon rln N. to t to\N. . \ Furnished model shown by appointment. . 3-BEDROOM BRICK RANCH sharp. Carpeting .Lovely lot. Tiled basement, gas heat. 473-4754. 3 BEDROOMS WITH FIREPLACE, garage. OA 8-2013. A. Sanders, rep. H. Wilson. BEDROOM RANCH ON 1 ACRE 1323 sq. ft. Lake privileged. Ir Waterford. $16,000. 682-6018. 3 BEDROOMS, COMPLETELY RE decorated, large lot. West Side, $8,950. Big discount for cash *-Cone's, FE 5-5643. 3-BEDROOM BRICK, ATTACHED garage, spacious kitchen with built Ins, also garbage disposal, fire place, landscaped a sodded yard, Cyclone fenced with patio, 684-3663. Solo Housts 49 Are You Tired of looking? LOt us show you this Immaculate brick ranch home with everything, Possible 8 bedrooms.. Lots of extras. In exclusive northwest area. Owner says "sell." $8,500 down to 6 per cent land contract at $113 monthly. WE TRADE. BLWOOD Realty 682-2410, 3347261 Hat AUBURN HEIGHTS Ideal home for couple, rooms. Fireplace. Carpeting and bath. Call 651-8503 for inspection. SHEPARD'S REAL ESTATE AVON TOWNSHIP y- John Rd.-Au-burn Rd. area. Spacious 3 barroom brick. Family room, garage, corner lot. $16,500. Owner leaving area. Make offer. WE TRADE. NIX REALTY . 451-0221 852-5375 BLOOMFIELD HILLS CONTEMPO-rary bl-level, adjacent to Sacred Heart Convent. Balcony overlooking pool. Large living room with , fireplace. Separate dining room, family kitchen, 30* recreation room with fireplace, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Set on 'ft acre landscaped lot. Must see. $45,500. Ml 6-9349 for appointment. BRICK BUNGALOW 3-bedroom, ceramic tile bath, $300 down to qualified buyersImmediately occupancy. WRIGHT REALTY 382 Oakland Ave. FE 2-9141 BY OWNER 3-bedroom, full basement, on W. Beverly. 6742395. BY OWNER .NEW 3 BEDROOM brick ranch, carpeting, 2Vj baths, large paneled family room, fire Place, laundry room, basement, garage, $30,500. 651-3072. B YOWNER. LARGE HOUSE Avon Twp, $1,500 down. Take over land contract payments. Call 852-3456 before 1:30 or after 5 p.m. by owner in mIlford. 3-bed room, all brick ranch., Full basement. ceramic bath. 755 Friar, 684-1865. V Solo 49 HAYDEN New Homos-10 Par Cant On. 2 bedroom, tr|-laVil finished family rwxrt, car garaoe $11900 plus Ktt.' - r » ■. .H saw/; f bedroom ranch with full base ment, 2 car .garage, alum, elding. $14,908 plus lot. 3 bedroom brick trt-levaL ity baths, * «r garage. Made .of closet and storage $17,400 plus jot, ’trades accepted J. C. HAYDEN Rooitor 263-6604 10725 HMUem Rd. (M-59) NORTH SUBURBAN - Approxl mately l acre with Shite 4 rooms arid bath. Large living room and kitchen. Walk-out basement,' $17,. 990. Terms. NORTH SIDE — Excellent Mod-room home, ivv-car garage. $11, 500 with $100 down; fha terms. MODEL OPEN DAILY 34' - This 3-bedroom rancher. Oak floors vanity , In bath, Gas heat. ‘ Full basement, $11,750 on your lot. Out Elizabeth taka Rd. to Roslyn St. •North to OPEN sign or call B. C. HIITER, REALTOR, 3792 Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 2-0179. After $ p.m, FE 2-3573. HOUSE FOR SALE, 10 ACRES with house Newago County on blacktop. FE 2-8063 Or TR 42912. IF YOU'D LIKE tO STOP PAYING RENT Take a look at this lovely home ■ In the Clarkston area. Kitchen has all the bullt-lns, paneled living room with fireplace. Can be bought for $2,300 down and assume a 5Va per cent Gl mtge. Call — YORK BY OWNER - 4-BEDROOM BRICK ranch. Exc. area. Lake privileges 3 ceramic baths. Large kitchen. wc BMV TOAP1_ Flreplace In living room. Dining 0RWE®U.Y WEnTBRA°L room, family room, large screened I win, n™vt«n buuS patio, full basement, 2W-car ga- *713 P'*’* Hwy., Drayfon Plains rage. Many extras. Immediate occupancy, $32,500. 334-4869. BY OWNER - 3-BEDROOM BRICK and aluminum ranch. 2-car attached garage, family room. Northern High area, 819,500. FE 5-9122. OWNER BY OWNER, NEW HOME* 3 BED-room, both VS, full basement, aluminum siding, carpeting. Crescent CHEROKEE HILLS 2959 Voorhels. Open dally and Sun. 2 to 6. Owner eager to sell 3-bedroom brick ranch. Situated on a large, well-landscaped lot. Centrally located to schools and shopping. Early possession. $19.200. CITY OF PONTIAC 2-bedroom ranch, full basement, \garage, quick possession, take over mortgage, owner-agent. 674-1649 ARKSTON—6588 NORTHVIEW 3 bedroom, brick ranch, full basement, $18,900. Completely redecorated. Owner will handle contract. immediate occupancy. 625-1906. COMMENCEMENT TIME leer— ItVyou lived here you'd hi Near— IfVyou lived here you'd havo basement recreation room to hold the party to., This 3-bedroom (ace-brick ranch, has carpeted*- living room and \dlnlng ell, spacious kitchen, ceramic bath, carport 3 MODELS OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Drive out M-59 Just west of Cass Lake Rd. to Candolstlck. Directly behind the Dan Mattingly Buslnesi Center. DAN MATTINGLY FE 5-9497 OL 1 0222 fenced rear Vard, city conveniences, close toy Kennedy Jr. High $17,200. Buy FHA — Low down-no down to G\ or take over 5Vi per cent FHA.\ HAGSTR0M, Realtor Multiple Listing Service 4900 W. Huron \ OR 44)35$ 682-0435 \ 3 Bedrooms LOW DOWN PAYMENT NO MORTGAGE COSTS MODEL OPEN 579 COLORADO 1:30 to 5 p.m. — 6 day week MODEL OP] DAILY 12-8 WEST0WN REALTY 4-H REAL ESTATE RENT - FREE - lovely 4 room and bath apt., or 5 room and bath apt.. Owners , choice (either would more than pay expenses) In this very modern duplex-brick and convenient city location. $13,500—$5,000 or more down Payments $80 mo. 5144 Dixit Hwy. . Open 'till 9 p.m. OR 3-0455 ' OR 42004 FE 1-4236 4-BEDROOM RANCH, t.Vi BATHS. 2 fireplaces, dishwasher,,x water softener, carpet, drapes. On 4 lots. With fruit trees. Lake privileges. Owner. 363-3097. 4-BEDROOM Brick — ranch. 2V4cer garage, nice condition, sidewalks, paved streets, fine location, only I22,r" uun GIROUX COUPLE ONLY, 4 ROOMS, BATH and utility room. 615-2096 or 533-4500, Ext. 36. REAL ESTATE 4511 Highland Road (M59) 673-7837 LOVELY LAKE HOME FOR RE-fined couple. Ref. OR 4-0234 LOVELY I - BEDROOM, NICELY furnished, baby welcome, no drinkers, ref., dap. UL 2-1657. Rant Houses, Unfurnished 40 4 POSSIBLE 5 BEDROOM HOME, 2nd floor: n both; 3 carpeted, paneled bedrooms; cedar ’ lined closets; walk-ln attic. 1st floor; i bedrooms, ceramic bath; plastered wells; carpeted living room ond dining area; vestibule with closet; kitchen; basement; gas hast; large lot; 2-car garage, Owner 693-8104 for appointment. 2-BEDROOM HOME, MODERN, 4309 Highland Rd. F6 2-3057, LOTS-WANTED IN PONTIAC Immediate closing, real value REALTY, 626-9575. N E E D C A S H? Moving out of state? Need cash to softie dobts? Need cash to buy another home? Went cash for your home? Cash for your equity? We will buy your home for cash today — Call Nick Backa-lukas at O'Nell Realty, Inc. OR 42222 or FE 5-4684 now! Biw OR 42222 or FE 5-4684 OR USED HOME WITH 3 OR 4 bedrooms, basement and garage, midway bciween Warren and Milford. Ctll Milford 685-1444. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY, VA, FHA, OR OTHER. FOR QUICK ACTION CALL NOW. HAGSTROM REALTOR, OR 4-0358 OR EVENINGS 482-0435. WANTED 1 bedroom home In Indian Village area. Urgently needed I Stslock & Kent, Inc. $38-9294 338-9295 WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES, farms, cottages, acreage, lake and river property. Call collect. If Interested. Bill Jennings Real Estate 4745900 or writ*, 37411 Grand Rlv-er. Farmington, Michigan. Apartments, Furnished 37 1 ROOM, BEAUTIFULLY FUR nlshed, carpeted. Working girl preferred, would take men on at-ternoon shift, pvt. entrance, in pvt. home. No drinking. $17 per wk. FE 43842. 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT-43 Norton. ROOM AND BATH, 820 P E R week, $50 deposit, child welcome Inquire at 273 Baldwin, cell 338-4854______ ’_______________ t LARGE CLEAN ROOMS AND bath, $25 per ,week, SIS dep., utilities furnished, FE 4917$. 2 ROOMS AND BATH, MARRIED couple. 402 W. Huron. FE $-1705. i ROOMS ANO BATH, $11 A WEEK, $35 deposit. 672-6523. 2 ROOMS AND BATH, COUPLE onto, m deposit. sTAian_______ i ROOMS AND BATH, NEWLY nicely furnished. cJMe-In, adults only, eee caretaker at 188 Washington. t LARGE ROOMS. PRIVATE - Adults. 13 pinagrova. 2 BEDROOM, IMMACULATE, MOO-am, 1 child welcome, 8125, 8nd deposit, FE 8-9011. BEDROOM, LOVELY MODERN home, adults only, 8135 mo. Deposit. FE $-9011 3 BEDROOMS, 2 CHILDREN liVEL-come, $150 mo., $150 dep, 674-2047 before 6 p.m 9 W. COLGATE, RANCH-TYPE home with large carpeted living room, kitchen, full bath, 3 bedrooms, full basement, gas heat, 1-car garage. $160 per month. Will rent to couple with children with certain reservations. References required, together with first and last month's rental. Kenneth G Hempstead, FE 4$2$4. BRICK TERRACE, 2 BEDROOMS, full basement, near Tel-Huron -No pets, no children, S100 lease THE ROLFE H. SMITH CO., 333 7848. WEST OF GENERAL HOSPITAL, 6 room brick, 1VS baths, gas heat garage, basement. $150. 673-6339. Rent Lake Cottages FOR A VACATION 41 Apt. sleeps five. Beautiful grounds, rPrivate Beach, Baot, Float, Swings. Call Lake. $75 weekly. 682-2764. LAKE FRONT FURNISHED apartment. Lake Orion, 693-6509 or 822-8781. Rant Rooms 42 I CLEAN ROOM OR SHARE THE house. Mature gentlemen and no drinkers. 322-6712 after 9 a.m.. 1 CLEAN ROOM FOR LADY. FE 48466, 118 Mt. Clement St. 2 SLEEPING ROOMS FOR GEN tlemen with kitchen privileges, (optional.) Cell before 10 a.m. Bfter 4:30 p.m. 394-0372. 2-BEDROOM HOUSE ON W. Howard • — $125 per mo. plus dep.. FE 42204 otter 5 p.m. weekdays, before 3 p.m. weekends. Ref. Req. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, MEN OR couple, Pontipc. 852-4959. CLEAN, BIG ROOMS TO RENT. single or double. LI 45145. CLEAN- SLEEPING ROOM FOR for quiet person — 338-2184. FRANKLIty MANOR -r BUSINESS women's residence. Attractive rooms, close In. Rees. Kitchen privileges. FE 3-7028._______________ * WATERFORD VILLAGE, sleeping room, no drinkers, refer ences exchanged. 4240494 after 5:30. SLEEPING LARGE SLEEPING OOM. HOME prIvlleoes. Ledy preferred. FE 4- Wm NICE ROOM ON THE LAKE, kitchen privileges. Alter 4 474-1783. 5 ROOMS - 161 E. IROQUOIS. Shown by appointment. 3340243. 10 ACRES Partly wooded goes with this 4 bedroom home, walk-out basement, ges heat; 24' x 30' cement block garage — also hip roof barn — home needs work. Big Lakt area. $18,500 terms. V Crestbrool 3 bedroom, family room and 2 cai garage priced at only 815,990 plus lot. Located In new sub with paved streets, curb, gutter, sidewalks and city water. Drive out M59 to Crescent Lake Road turn-fight to Crestbrook street end model. DON GIROUX REAL ESTATE 4511 Highland Road (M591 473-7837 FIRST IN VALUE Cease RENTING $78 Mo. Excluding taxes and Insurance $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION 3-BEDROOM HOME GAS.HEAT LARGE DINING AREA WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICATIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROB-LEMS AND RETIREES ARE OKAY WITH US. OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN OR COME TO 290 KENNETT NEAR BALDWIN REAL VALUE REALTY For Immediate Action Call FE 5-3676 626-9575 Sola Houmb 4f Sola Houses OWNER - PANELED LIVING ream with ttnptoiL alum. *tomw and screens, glassed (rant perch, 2 bedrooms, extra lot, ZWcar oarage, 114,500. FE 2*0417 after 4 p.m. „ 0RT0NVILLE 3 1-3 acre* of rolling land, 4 bad-room, bath, Mi basement, 2-car at- tached garage. $25,500. WE TRADE HOGAN & MAC LE0D 1133 w. l j Mila Rd. Clawson 5143503 ALPINE SKI AREA HILLTOP HOME situated on a beautiful, wooded and rolling 4ACRE PARCEL. 24' cuotom kitchen with bultt-lns and dining area. Sunken living room, carpeting and drapes. Tilt balh with vanity. 3 bedrooms, basement, lake privileges and' Jutt the spot to keep' mat riding pony. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - BETTER HURRY, A REAL BUY AT $23,000, TERMS. I. 0. WIDEMAN, REALTOR 412 W. HURON 334-452$ EVES. CALL 334844* POSSESSION ON CLOSING 2 Bedroom horn* with space tor additional roomi on oecond floor. Roomy kltchon with eating space, breezeway, attached garage, partial basement, gat hast. Nearly I acre of landscapgd ground. 814,500 with *2,500 Down and balance on Land Contract, - C.A. WEBSTER REALTOR 692-2291____________ 628-2515 RdCHESTER AREA, BY OWNER, 2 acres, fenced, small barn. Ideal tor horses, 2 bedrooms, basement, 2-car garage, paved drive, best offer. $19,500. UL 2-1841. ROCHESTER -l UVBRNOIS • burn Rd. are* — Help! Owner transferred, mult tall this unusual 4 bedroom brick bl-level, garage, lanced acre. Listed at $29,500. Make Offer. , j NIX REALTY 451-0221 152-5375 ROSS "VENICE OF MICHIGAN" BIG 4-BEDROOM ■ Homes. Colonials.. .tri-level from $28,900 total house including lot IRWIN LAKE PRIVILEGES 2-bedroom ronch-typ* homo with attached, breezeway end garage. Has carpeted' living room. Finished basement. Auto, heat and hot water. Fenced yard. Real nice. INCOME 2-famlly Income located on Glen, wood St. Has 4 rooms down for owner and abartment up tor rental — All furnished with full basement and garage. Very nice for home and Income. INCOME 3-famlly Income located In Lake Orion. Has 2 apartments down, and 1 up. Essy\walklng distance to downtown. Can be bought pn land contract with 82,500 down GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 298 W. Walton FE 3-7883 PRIVILEGE LAKE Almost new California style ranch with 3 bedrooms, 1 Vi baths, bull). In oven and range, ges heat, walk-out basement, unfinished rec. room, Walled Lake schools, Cash to existing mortgage of 815,000. Monthly payments $118. Warden Realty LAKE AREA You will like this all-brick ranch home. Full basement, 3 nice bed rooms, excellent carpeting includ ed, beautifully landscaped lot with several fruit trees, 2-car garage. $1,000 down with FHA terms Dan Edmonds REALTOR \FHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT \ SALES BROKER \325 Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake 624-4811 LAKE 'FRONT - 2, POSS.IBLY I bedrooms, walk-out basement, hot water heat. Extra lot optional 3996 Larflont. 673-3233. N0RTHERN-HI AREA Spotless 3 bedroom, home — large living, room -- separate dining area — modern kitchen — large utility room — large fenced -nicely landscaped yard — excel, lent buy at S12.200 —\wlth only $400 down on FHA. Call today for your appointment. \ , ROY LAZENBY, REALTOR Open Daily from 9 to 8:30 p.n Sundays, 1-5 p.m;, \ 4626 W. WALTON - OR 4-0301X LET US PRICE YOUR PRINT 01 let us design a.home for you. Cel anytime. 682-6120. AUBURN BUILDERS MILFORD AREA golf" course ... 10 miles boating . . . city watar . . . tennis court. LAKELAND ESTATES JTxfe Pottery Waterford, Michigan MODEL: 623-0670 1941 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 40591 Royer Richard S. Royer, Realtor WILL SELL OR BUILD If you went a quick sale of your hbme, lot, acreage, or farm — list it with us. We have clients wait-Ing. Call to discuss your buying, selling or building needs. 620-2540 823 S. Lepear Rd. Oxford SEE ThI NlW BEAUTY-RITE MODEL HOMES AT HUNTOON SHORES and LAKE ANGELUS LAKE VIEW EST. 16 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. PRICE $15,250 up. How To Get There . . . Huntoon Shores —• |Vest on M59, right eg --- (fiMl VII l»W7| I lytll on Airport Rd., IVj miles. Opsn dally and Sunday, 2-6. Lake Angclus Lake View Est. . .west on Walton, right on Cllntonville Rd., right on Costa Mass. Open Sat. and Sun., 2-6 p.m. RAY O'NEIL REALTY, INC. 3520 PONTIAC LAKE RD. OR 4-2222 49 Wideman Why Rent When You Con Buy $150 Down -plus closing costs 3-bedroom ranch with aluminum siding and 1040 sq. ft. of living apace. Model Open Dally and Sunday 1 to 7 p.m. Closed Fridays Possession 60 days after mortgage commitment. 2910, Genes Drive. Just east of 1-75 on Walton Blvd. 1st, llfeht left 1 block to Genes, Drive Watch for signs. PARSONSONS BUILDERS 330-1511 WYMAN LEWIS REALTY 3340325 319 Whlttemor* KINZLER CRESCENT LAKE Small 2 bedroom modern bungalow with gas heat. Ideal for Investor or small family. Only 86300 on land contract. 2 FAMILY INCOME With lake privileges. Large rooms and bath each. Gas heat. $9050, land contract terms. NEW RANCH HOMES All white aluminum exterior with attached 22x22 garage. 6 delightful rooms with gleaming oak floors, kitchen With built-in oven, range and hood, IVi baths, walk-out base ment tor recreation. Gas heat, Low toxe$. Also a few choice 80x200 scenic lots at only $1650 on which we could build our ranch or eolpnlal. Eves, and Sundays phone 338-3285. JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dixie Hwy. 623-0335 Across from Packers Store Multiple Listing Service Open 9-8 HALL WATERFORD AREA — Brand new aluminum sided ranch. Aluminum windows. Clean gas heat. All large rooms. Plenty of closet space. Everything will be done tor you here—lust move Ini Only $14,500 with 10 per cent down. Don't welt on this bargain. UNION LAKE AREA - Large i bedroom bungalow with semi-fin-Ished bedroom upstairs. Separate dining room. Hardwood floors. Plastered walls throughout, 3Vt-car garage. 120x200 ft. lot. Only $12,500. Closing costs only to ex Gl. NORTH PONTIAC AREA - Clean end neat 2 bedroom bungalow. Full basement. Weil raid out home Separate dining room. 2 car garage. Owner is building a new home, so you can get possession for only $11,250 with to per cent down or $350 down on FHA. Sol# Homes CLARK UPPER SILVER , LAKE j PRIVI-leges 5-room brick ranch In ex' leges 5-room btick ranen si «»-cellent condition In »n eras of beautiful homes. Wall to**'1 carpeting slid drapes, freezer, refrigerator, wasltar and dryar included. Kitchan with bullt-lns, m ceramic «» baths, 24' recreation room completely finished, 2-car attached garage. Reasonable taxes. Mortgage terms. Will accept your preeint home or equity In trade. Price: $29,900. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW WEST SIDE Ideal starter home tor a young \ or afdariy couple. 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, bath, gas heat, low taxes, lto-car garage. Only $1,000 dawn tor a quick tala. Immediate potsesilon. CLARK REAL ESTATE 1362 W. HURON ST,, FE 3-7080 : Multiple Listing Service STRUBLE $1500 DOWN For quick sale TACKLES DRIVE A wonderful opportunity to own a lake-front home the* you can • afford. 3. large brtrooms. Jiving » room with picture windy*, country-size kitchen, gle*$»d-h« porch. Overlooking lake. Gl »P« -proved. $16,900. , A ■ ^ SOUTH BOULEVARD Located at tha comer of Squirrel Road and South Boulevard. New 7-room home, 3 bedroome. Features Include 2 ceramic fllerf baths, large kitchen, family room with big fireplace, $to-ear ga-1 rage. Partial1 basement. Call tor, appointment. JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS Realtors 313 W. Huron — Since 1925 Buying, or Selling Call FE 5-9446 Attar 5:00 Call FE 41613 DORRIS raduced down payment — 3 bedroom home In Auburn Heights area with Rochester mailing. Square it' living room, large kitchan,. part basement, concrete drive end slab ready tor garage or carport. Priced at $11,500. owner has PLaNNED FOR IMPORTANT PEO- 5 BEDROOMS Solve your , housing problem In this nice l'A-story home, close to new shopping center and Waterford schools, fireplace In living room and a nice outside planter beneath picture windows. Also has 1-car garage on a large lot. priced at only $14,950 on terms. MILO SfRUBLE 682-5047 FE 84025 _______3081 Highland (M59).. . RHODES pie. This stately 12-room home le massive lot with approximately 300' on Little Sliver Lake and over 600' deep. Loaded with towering shade trees and whispering pines, 5 bedrooms, 3V» baths, 2 log burn-. Ing fireplaces, 14'x45' living room, and a 22x22 dining .room. Top construction that couldn't ba duplicated today with oak floors,, plastered walls, ges hot water neat, vacuum outlets throughout home. Sevants signal end outbuildings consltlstlng of 2V4car garage, 2 bams end Ice house. Also plenty of room to build a large apartment building on this land fronting on Walton Blvd. MODEL HOMES. Quality built. Ranch, Capa Cod and colonial. A home to suit your Individual needs. Let our qualified sales staff assist you In tha selection and financing of your new home. INDIANWOOD RD. 15 acres, wooded. _ . . scenic, nice 4 room home, 2 car BEDROOMS GALORE. 4 large bed; HOUSING PROBLEMS?? Well here's the answer for the young Gl who has at least 3 months employment seniority and good credit. We are ottering this spacious 4room 2-story home In the Pontiac Northern school district on Gl term* with total cash needed of $500 with monthly payments of only $95 which Includes taxes and Insurance. Home Will be completely redecorated and a new kllthen Installed. Has o*k floors, plastered wells; lull basement ^nd garage. garage, dog kennels, smell lake. Only $30,000, $10,000 down. ORTONVU.LE- 10 acres, frontage on M-15. $8500. Terms. LAKE FRONT HOME. 11 spacious rooms,' 3 bedrooms, ivy baths, ges heat. Only $28,000, $0,000 down, balance land contract. OXFORD. Nice 9 room home with large modern kitchen, near schools and shopping. Only $18,500. Terms. ALBERT J. RHODES, Broker FE 8-2306 250 W. Walton FE 46712 Multiple Listing Service FE 2-5036 JOHNSON D0NELS0N PARK 3 Bedroom 2 story home, large living and dining room, kitchen with bullt-lns, carpeting (n e w) throughout, basement with gas heat, fenced In back yard, ivy car garage, dose to Pontiac Mall. Hurry, It's new listing snd won't last long. WATERFORD TOWNSHIP Nice 2 Bedroom home, large living room, kitchen, and utility roqm. Close to Wateriord High School. FHA Terms. It's neat and clean. Let us show It to you. After 6, cell Sonne* Johnson 682-6041. A. Johnson & Son, Realtors 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 SEE THESE j AND 4 BEDROOM, Colonials. Tri-Levels Quad-Levels-1 B HALL REALTY Bi-Levels. Dupl leaf Ion' pricss from 6569 Dixie Hwy. 9.9 daiiv szs-zt is 826,800. 90 per cent financing avail-1 ---------------------— able. Lakeland Estates. On Dixie Hwy. Just past Walton Blvd. across from Dixie Pottery. Open Dally 1 GILES p.m. Closed Fridays. Ross Homes. 1941 S. Telegraph. 623-0670 or FE 4-0591. SHERYL DRIVE - WATERFORD 3-bedroom brick ranch, 24' combination kitchen — family room, bullt-lns, basement, new cacpeting, drapes, large lot, ’water end sewers. $19,900. FE 470*1. lust SYLVAN VILLAGE Neat liVy-bedroom, 2 baths, full basement, gas heat, 2-car garage with excellently supervised beach. Priced reduced 817,500' — good mortgage can be arranged. Just the place to retire This 4room leg home Is whet you've been looking fori i-.ove y large living room with fireplace. 2 bedrooms down end 1 large on* up. It has a lvi car garage. Nice large lot. lOOx 175. In a good neighborhood. Jusl lvi miles from the Pontiac Mall, Only $14,900. K. L. TEMPLETON, Realtor 2339 Orchard Lake Rd. 682-0900 SYLVAN VILLAGE BY OWNER 2099 Pontiac Dr. 2 bedrooms, 1 both, fireplace, fin Ished basement with bar, large cedar -closet, gas Incinerator and heat, water softener, family room, patio, 2-cer garage and carport, 2 lots fenced In. Lakt privileges, plus other features. TUCKER REALTY CO. 903 Pontiac State Bank 334-1545 UNION LAKE AREA \ 3-bedroom, formal dining room — \Country kitchen. Lake-iront home V 110V. safe, sandy beach. 2-car garage. Stone fireplace. Fenced yard. Only $18,900. 40 acres Includes charming ivy story, 5 rooms, fleldston* resident. Living room (10'xlS'), country-style kitchen Il1'x23'). Extra large attachment garage, I acres of woods plus cleared land. Ideal for horse term or country gentlemen, C. SCHUETT 1800 Commerce FOR SALE BY OWNER ATTRAO live 5-room ranch, on well landscaped lot, near Oakland Unlvdr-slty, 2 blocks from elementary school, carpeting, drapes Included, full price $12,000. 2877 E. Walton, Call FE 4-5195 aft. 5 p.m. by appointment. BASSETT, SLAVENS ASSOC. INC.* ■ I 1-3232 JO 6-4664 2VS-1D acres vacant land. Several to choose from at Holly, Clarkston, Fenton, or White Lake. $3500 and Underwood Real Estate 159 GAGE ST. ThI* 3-bedroom rench-style home lust oft Perry St. Is on e quiet street with other new homes. Living room, dining ell and hell carpeted, bedrooms have oek floors, kitchen Is good-size with lots of cupboard spate. Full basement is tiled, ges heat, $14,500 with $450 FE 4-8284 — 185 Elizabeth Lake Rd $11,190 BRAND NEW. 3-bedrm, ranch, on your lot, full basement fully IN SULATED, family kitchen. N< money down. MODEL. Y0UNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER-BILT Russell Young, 334-3830 53V5 W. Huron St. A REAL BARGAIN! 3-bedroom ranch. Located on large lot on north side of Pontiac, includes automatic gas heat. Aluml num combination storms and screens. Handy to echoots, transportation and stores. Full price only $10,950. $350 down plus dosing costs. J. Av TAYLOR AGENCY 7732 Highland Rd. IMS*) OR 4-0306 Eves. EM 3-9937 or EM 3-7546 A COUNTRY HOME Completely remodeled form home On 1 acre, extra large stepdown living room with- beautiful fireplace, 3 bedropms, kitchen with built-ins, family'room, garage and-barn. $29,000, $6,000 down. GAYLORD EXCELLENT CONDITION. Six rooms aluminum siding home. West side of Pontiac. Basement. Mixed Area OSMUN STREET. 3-bedroom home In excellent condition. Living room with brick fireplace, dining area, kitchen, full bath, full basement, gas heat, 2-car garage. Lot (50'x-255'). Good location. Only $10,950. nothing down plus closing costs to Gl. WATERFORD TWP. Red cedar ranch home. Lake privileges. On Williams Lake end Maceday. $2,-000 down will buy this today. Call MY 2-2821 or FE 8-9693. GOT M00? Than If you're eligible Gl — you can become proud owner of own home. 3 bedrooms, basementless ranch, city North side, near schools and shopping, gas heat. No down payment — lust closing costs — move you In. HAGSTROM, REAL-tor, MLS, 4900 W- HURON, OR 4-0358, eves., 682-0435. Harold R. Franks* REALTY HURON WOODS Excellent residential area, lovely 7-room brick ranch, on well land scaped and wooded comer, lAO'x 127\ 2 brick fireplaces, family room, V/i ceramic baths, 3 good-•slzs bedrooms, 1J54 square feet living area, 2V4car garage. First time offered. $24,500. Good mortgage terms. Everett Cummings, Reoltors 2583 UNION LAKE ROAD EM 3-3208. ,<■___ 363-7181 SDJs HERRINGTON HILLS, 3 BEDROOM brick ranch, finished basement, ga rage.* owner. 817,900. FE 49131, HIGHLAND ESTATES 3 bedroom brick ranch. Carpeted - living room. Large kitchen with breakfast nook and bultt-lns. Hard- ..... wood floors. Full basement with ln EAST SIDE — 6 room* end bath, gas heat. Just 87,800 with $300 down oh FHA terms or "0" down to Gl. EVA HOWARD FE 2-6412 670 W. Huron, Miller Realty NEW HOMES, RENEWED HOMES, farms, industrial, commercial, . lakefronts. Investment property. Wa handle It all. If you went fast servlet buying or selling call or stop in Lauinger REAL ESTATE 1531"Williams Lk. Rd. at (M-59) 674-0319 NewModel Price Starts at $11,750 On Your Lot OPEN Tues., Thurt., 5-8 or. by appointment 'VENICE OF MICHIGAN" 6lG 4-BEDROOM Homes at 1966 Prices Colonials... tri-level from $28,900 including lot VON ROCHESTER AREA 5-bedroom quad. Owner transferred. Brick and aluminum siding. Built In 1966, Approximately 2,300 sq. ft. living area. Attached 2-car garage. 828,800. VON REALTY , GEORGE VONDERHARR, Realtor In the Mall MLS Room 110 682-5802, If no answer, 602-5800 Val-U-Way Near Northern High This home Is within easy walking distance of all schools. 3 bedrooms — Gas heat, large living room. Convenient kitchen, adequate dining area. Only $1,40Q down end $75 per month. GOOD BUSINESS FOR MAN AND WIFE Twelve Unit Motel plus 5 rooms living quarters on a nice trout fishing lake, good hunting and skiing arse near Gaylord, Mlchl gan. Terms, will taka trade. SELL OR TRADE Two-bedroom home In Madison Heights for two-bedroom home In Pontiac. Call for information. DOWNTOWN PONTIAC Brick 5-unlt Income. Just V) block from Huron Street. Furniture included. Duplex effect. Call for further Information as this will not lest long. GILES REALTY CO. 221 Baldwin Ave. IVAN W. FE 5-6I& rooms In this modernized 7-room older, home located lit town off Pike St. New wafl to wall car- peting in living and dining room, 12x15 kitchen loaded with sparkling birch cupboards, beautiful bath, full basement end garage. $12,900 on FHA terms: DORRIS 8, SON, REALTORS 2536 Dixie Hwy. __ 674-0324 ^MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE NEW MODEL HOMES TRULY INSPIRED STYLING all through this modern Spanish ranch home — with over 1900 sq. ft. of living area. New development with miles of water for swimming, fishing and boating. Golfing, bowling and shopping nearby. THREE BEDROOMS. ALL CARPETED. Master bedroom with private bath. Also full bath and powder room. OPEN BEAMED CEILING living room,^ floor to celling windows and balcony view of the lake! PLEASANT DINING ROQM end the kitchen has built-in appliances INCLUDING DISHWASHER -Family room (20'x30‘) is ground level. Double garege. $19,950 up, plus lot, only 10 per cent down. OPEN. FOR. INSPECTION SAT. AND BUN., 12:00 to 6:00 P.M. North on Dlkl* Highway, go pest MIS to Whit* Lake Rd., turn left and drive U mil* to properly. LAKE FRONT LOTS OTTER LAKE — 100'x300' lake-Iron! tot. A beautiful building site In smalt subdivision of custom homes. $11,900, terms. OAKLAND LAKE - 75‘XISO' lake-front lot, has large pine trees and boat house. $7,500 with 10 ‘ per cent down. 83 N. Telegraph FE 2-9238 HARRELL REALTY 83 N. Telegraph FE 2-9236 ANNETT SCHRAM LAND CONTRACT 2V5 acres with 2 hemes, lust north of town, very ’good buy tor handy man, should pay for Itself through rental of one of the homes. Full price 813,000. only $2,250, down. Lotus Lake Front Trout fishermen will find fishing right In their own front yard, 4-bedroom older home with I Vi baths, natural fireplace In living room — Basement, oil heat. 2-car ga- r»n» CC* aI eanil kwa«ls Aal>. rage. 55' of send beach. Only $18,000, farms. Near St. Mike's An oldar 2-bedroom home In excellent condition. Basement, ges heat, garage, large living room, separate dining room,-enclosed porch, weil-to-wall carpeting. Only $650 down. Flint Workers Move closer to your work. ThI* redecorated 3-bedroom bilevel home In Holly can be yours tor only $600 down, 1V$ baths, gas heat, family room. Nice size lot, Only minutes from 1-75. Check this today I ... golf course... 10 miles boating... city water... tennis court LAKELAND ESTATES Dixie Highway across from Dixie Pottery Waterford, Michigan Open Daily end Sunday 1-7 p.m. Ross Homes Model: 623-0670 1941 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 40591 VERY NICE 2-BEDROOM RANCH In Waterford, carpeting, drapes, completely finished basement, anchor fence, tear garage, cement drive, too x 510 Ibt. 116,500. OR 4-1250. R. J. (Dick) VALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 345 Oakland Ave. Open f to f STOUTS Best Buys Today RANCH OR SPLIT LEVEL Reedy to move In, these 2HH Hghtful 3-bedroom homes with ell deluxe features, select oak floors, Gas heat, sliding glass doors patio, attached 2n-cer garage, loads of other extras to ss* or these can be duplicated on your lot. W* hev* the ki BRICK RANCHER 2-bedroom on f acr* of ground near 9 Mila and Telegraph area. Attached garage, wall to wall carpeting In living room, plus stone fireplace, baseboard heat. Full price $17,250 with terms. EXCELLENT BUY Older well kept 3 bedroom home with full basement and gas heat. Large lot, only $9,000. Gl terms, only $400 puts you Into this home, quick possession. LIST WITH SCHRAM AND CALL THE VAN Brown Realtors & Builders Since 1939 GRACIOUS LIVING In beautiful Cats Laka Woods can ba yours In this recently finished custom home. Features floor to celling windows and fireplace in living room, Imported chandelier In formal dining room, suspended celling and ceramic tile In master bath, floating stairway to paneled family room with firtplace. Exquisitely decorated. Includes basement and 2 car garga. Laka privileges, wooded, lot. $26,900 with lust 10 per cent down. West Side Brick Practically new 4-bedroom home with 2Vi til* baths, large first-floor maflly room with natural fireplace, extra large modem kitchan. Beautifully landscaped yard and 2Vi-car attached garage. $31,-000. Terms. Clarkston-Lake Front Practically new brick bilevel with 100' lake frontage. 3 bedrooms, 2 fireplace*,' family room, 2Vi ceramic baths, built • Ins, carpeting and drapes Included. 2-car garage. Close to I-7S. *39,500, , terms. 160 Acre Country Estate Beautifully renovated home amidst large shade treat, live stream through property — Large living room with tiro-place, dining and breakfast rooms, modern kitchen, S bedrooms and j baths. 2 ™V*T*<7' Bless enclosed porches, oil steam he*t. 2-bedroom tenant house. Cew , bam for horses, silo, implement bldg. *nd nwny other bldgs., all In condition. Truly a beautl-tul country estate. $128,000 — ' Terms. WE Waterford Township Beautiful 3-bedroom brick rancher with oversized 2-car garage. Features country sized kitchen end dining ere* with builf-ln oven end rang*. Ceramic bath. Hardwood floors. Large carpeted living room. Full tiled basement. Aluminum storms and screens. Located on a large tot near Waterford High School. Priced at 119,750 with SUMO down on FHA terms. , It's vacant an wa have they key at FHA—Gl—BANK TERMS West on M59 to Dolane 0 block east of White Laka Twp. Hall), turn right to MODEL. VON REALTY GEORGE VONDERHARR, Realtor MLS Room 110 VALUET tiled floor. 2 car garage. Large lot. Paved streef. Waterford schools, onlv $950 down on FHA terms. 682-5602, If busy 682-5800 15 ACRES 15 rolling aerts with 3-bedroom ranch on blacktop road, 2 bedrooms unfinished, near Ortonville and state land. $13,995, *4400 .down. C, PANGUS, INC.. REALTY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 630 M45 Ortonville CALL COLLECT NA 7-2S15 , C. SCHUETT FE 3-7088 MA 3-0288 HOLLY-ROSE CENTER AREA Attention: developer farmer, 125 acres, nice 4bedroom farm home - New alum sided barn, 2 miles of road frontage, part paved, part gravel. Priced 1550 per acre pli buildings. Call today CARRIGA 4923 OR 429-8415. NO MONEY DOWN Ranch or tri-Hrvel shell on your lot, exforior complete. FLATTLEY REALTY 420 Commerce Rd. Call 363-6981 OXFORD LAKE FRONT 3, possibly 6 bedroom. High and dry lake front. Full basement. Firtplace. J-car garege. Gas forced air heat. Fruit trees, Iska-front terrace to lake. Priced at only $20,500. % C. SCHUETT MOO Commerce ■ 4 Waterford SMALL ACREAGE — A )-bedroom, lVi-story home with family room and garage on 5 acres of lend. Near Kettering High School. PRICED REDUCED - A 4-bedroom lVi-story with- 1V=» baths. Finished basement. Attached garege. $17,- 900 with $2,200 down. WATERFORD REALTY 4540 Dixie Hwy. 6731273 Multiple Listing Service WATTS REALTY ------------ 1956 M15 et Bald Eagle Lake WE BUILD CUSTOM HOMES -Vjur tot or ours A 8. H Sales. MA 41501 or OR 3-0363. MR. HANDYMAN: ATTENTION! 4* It you are et alt handy here's a home that needs' some loving care, tt contains . all the charm necessary to be transformed Into your own private caatla. Beautiful wooded setting 160x200 with municipal water at the' street. Located close to Oakland University. $7900 cash. HERRINGTON HILLS BEAUTY Brick and very sharp new ottering with full banment built to 1958. Extras Including butlt-ln oven and range. Ges heat and hot water. Pick your terms. INCOME BONANZA Terrific setup Including S apartments plus owners detox* 4room end bath unit. Also Includes 60 x-60 store now leased. Giant 300x325 ly located near Adams and Auburn, A very fine property near lots of/ action. Check this one l BRICK RANCH OFF ADAMS Convenient to many locations, tots spacious ranch home with carpeted living room, fireplace, separate dining area large family kit) with Targe amount Of cupboard work space, first floor famlj basement, rec. i piece, ges heat, garage, estate size 1 Excellent terms, with nancing. Sea Itl Warren Stout, Ri 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. Mu It (j^Ustlng S| M'S/. V. WATERFORD AREA. All brick rancher with 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, carpeted living room, ,20 tt. kitchen with dishwasher, rec reation room, lull basement, attached garage. $22,500. Les Brown, Realtor 509 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. (Across from the Mall) FE 2-4810 or FE 4-3564 ARRO WE HAVE RELIABLE CUSTOM BUILDERS WHO WILL BUILD ANY PRICE HOME ON YOUR t'rvr ns nnat LOT OR OURS. OO YOU LIKE TO FISH, HUNT OR SKI? Here's the Ideal spot, 24'x-34’ cottego on 1V4 aerts betwesn Cadillac and Manistee naar Pine Rlvsr. Only 7 milts from Cabra-fae Ski Lodge, 3 hours from Pontiac. CUSTOM-BUILT brick and aluml num 3 • bedroom colonial, fireplace to cheery living room, loads of cupboards In family-size kitchen, tte baths, full base- ment, gas heat, 5-ear attached garage, nice lot with few trees, fake privileges — aH this for $21,500. REALTORS 28 L HURoJTst! Office Open Evenings and Sunday 1-4 338-0466 KAMPSEN "IT'S TRADING TIME" SYLVAN MANOR Four-bedroom rancher, IVi baths, *'• floor, 26'xll- living room, 1^*9 dining room, lO'xP kitchen, utility room, new carpet-JOB *' Carport, peveid drive. Ot- tered et *11,500 with $800 down plus costs on FHA Mtge. " INCOME PROPERTY Two slx-roem modern homes — S™“”0- 1 Is presently occu-pied by the owner — In nerfoet condition Inside and out JteTS bedrooms, fife bath, new cei ing _ larw kltctien wfth area full basement — get tufftjKe, aluminum ecreened month with ten. ^jsmng own utillttes. Tha •mire package tor only *17,900. TERMS Can BE ARRANGEIX^ DUNHAM LAKE ESTATES Thre^bedroom brick ranch, car. room with natural wntog room, state vev tibuje, kitchen with electric bullt-lns, snack bar, main bath Is caramte tlto with double vwv JJJ, ~ .n»lf b«lh with shower. conditioning! Walk-out 1----* ment with I akflnJSLSS?' Efr*- drive. Lake prMleg« on Dunham Lake — $39,500 on lend contract. RANCHER "67" ATTENTION GIs, Cozy 2-bedroorra home, plenty of cupboards In kitchen, ful) basement,, fireplace, space (or recreelion room. Close to shopping center, privileges an UnionLake. Only *9,MO Ted McCullough Sr.; Realfor PHONE 682-2211 ,143C^E.i^R«wdLYM bedrooms with at-t*clffLfrwrl,r Barege, 1V$ baths *"•» Formic* “btoets and Pfosttred waits, oak flooring, fon basement* oat heat YOUR LOt!" DU4UCA^ Stss v, /! Silt Hoorn THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 11,1907 Hmmwa hwHI 49 Lain Nwrh SI FE5- RETIRING? TRANSFERRED? MTtMAN REALTY will guarantee 2* *Sf. :# prmp pom with .Cwnwitiiad Trade-in ESLU*JS“I*L^W ln •«*$#«« ttw W.choiS* ,mo*» anywhere In th* ,?**■ Florida retirement Jwnw our specialty. No cost to you ♦or, mis service. Call tor details. No..3a J ■ UPPER STRAITS PRIVILEGES; with real rrice ?_l*lrl>*,r>. rancher, Ideal .tar active family with oversize 10MM0 ft. lot ?.?!■■ .Ilfc^ Privileges. Ground-level JfJliL rowe^attechotf garage. A .NjWt Home^ln the country with E rePm t!L,roim mat the kids will en|oy. Priced to seH as owners have ^purchased new home. Yours-for $19,500 with as iHtlo as 12,000 down plus costs. No. # THRIFTY THINKING POR G.I.s: on this 3 bedroom rancher located on comer lot with redwood fence. Aluminum' storms and screens, almost new gas furnace, full price only 011,350 with NO' DOWN PAYMENT If you qualify as a veteran. Just closing costs will move yotf In. no, n:: M ■ PRICE REDUCED 025901 on this large and spacious 2 family Income with scenic country view or Dude Lake. Park and lake privileges lust across street to be enfoyed by owner and tenants, large wooded comer site with 2 car garage and nicely landscaped. -Wonderful' condition1 and must be sold as -owners are retiring out-of-state.1 Price now 022,500 with terms. All reasonable offers considered. NO. 7 WEST SIDE TRI-LEVEL; only t years old and choice west-side area. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large family room, gas windows throughout, lots of extras and nicely landscaped corner lot. Beautiful condition and bargain-priced at $26,400 with as little as $2000 down plus costs. Should sell this. week so don't be sorry, make your appointment NOW! MODEL HOMES LAKE OAKLAND SHORES: Colonials, Trl-LeVels and Ranchers load-mi with extras and custom features. Beautifully furnished and Deluxe quality -all Pie way. Duplication-priced on your lot as low as $19,950. Several new homes with Immediate occupancy in this subdivision, most of them you can still-choose vour own decorating colors. OPEN SAT. If SUN. 1-5 p.m. and DAILY 6:30 to 0:30 p.. Dixie tfwy. to Sashabaw, right to Walton, right to Big Bateman sign, left to Models. TRADE YOUR EQUITY BATEMAN REALTOR-MLS FE 8-7161 377 S. TELEGRAPH RD. UNION LAKE BR. ROCHESTER BR EM 3-4171 OL 1-0510 0175 Commerce Rd. 730 S. Rochester CASS LAKE FRONT. EXCELLENT, le/oe lot, $12,000, LC sr Bast otter, 363-7506. v EAST SIDES Three bedrooms all on one floor. Hardwood floors, tile bath, just decorated Inside and out. Full basement with ol) heat. Vacant with terms. SOUTH SIDE * House just decorated. Auto, heat, new hot water heater, three large bedrooms and flip bath, vacant With ternts. WEST SUBURBAN Erick ranch home with Ailj basement, hardwood floors, carpeted hyhw room, largo kitchen With bulit-ins. Tiled basement, many extras Including a two car ga rage. Vacant with FHA farms. SOUTH AND EAST We have soma two and three bedroom homes that can be bought under land contract. No rad tape. If you have a steady |ob call us for the details. Eves. Cbll Mr. Castall FE 2-7273 Nicholi* & Harger Co. 53VS W. HURON ST. FE 5-8183 CHOICE LOTS ON LAKE FRONT,1 Golf course, terms available — Call 63MB5G ask tor manager. DAVISON LAKE Nicely furnished 3-bedroom cottago that's been remodeled. Sandy beach with teat, SUMS dawn Phone 651-7175 tor details. . SHEPARO'S REAL ESTATE ELIZABETH LAKE FRONT This one won't test-tong I Nice 2-bodroom, full basomoiii, rocroa tint room, die. S24,SM. 37,000 down on land wind. . ELWOOO REALTY, 602-2410, 602-0035 KEATINGT0N Beautiful lake-front and teke.prlvl-lega lots aValtebte. Plan to live an thla beautiful tew town In Orton Township- Models opon >4 dally, 11-6 Sat. and Suit. - HOWARD T. KEATING CO. 22060 W. 13 Mila MU Birmingham Ml 6-1234 lets-Acrtag* 54 HI-MilL BdauNful 100' homasltes. Many an hills, or rolling tirroln, paved romls. Gas at street. Near schools and racroatlon area — trash air ~ and from 02,925 with easy forms. LADD'S OF PONTIAC 391-3300 391-3301 Balloon Opportunities 59 aAW ROOT BEER STAND WITH proportyi also vary desirable fran-chlse area that haa great potential, mutt aacHfjtet Multi-LakuRulty —. 3060 S. Commerce Rd„ Walled Leke, MA 4-1570. EM 36112. MA 4-342. *7,. . LARGE WOODED LOT ON CHICKi-tee Lane to Clarkston, in area ol fine home*. 007-4734, U*T!N CURKSTONS CRANBER-ry Lake Estain, taka privileges. '/-WialalMlaiBailK 5:3a, 3362470. MULTIPLE ZONED W acres. .In Pontiac. FB 4-6324. ortonville a||A - 5 ACMA tractors GEORGE IRWiN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 290 W. Walton FE 3-7003 LAKE-FRONT BRICK, ON 1 ACRE, 2-ctr garage, 325,000. 620-3616. LAKE FRONT HOMES"— NEW and used - J. L. Dally Co. EM 3-711A . ■_____ MILLER AARON BAUGHEY REALTOR BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP BRICK In a cozy area with 11x22 living room, family size kltchtn. Aluminum storms and screens, full bsmt., gas heat. Fenced back yard. Just $10,450. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION DREAM HOME. New and ready (or occupancy. Brick ranch wltn slate foyer, large family room with full wall brick fireplace. Living room carpeted. Built-In oven and range, l’/j ceramic baths, mud room on living level, full tiled bsmt., gas heat, community water, 2 car attached garage with 2 lane paved drive. A modal homo with tote of extras. 029,800 with various terms. SYLVAN LAKE SUB building lots with over 275' road frontage. Sewer, water, gas and pavad street In. Like privileges on Sylvan Lake. FE 2-0262 670 W. HURON OPEN 9 TO 9 Frushour WATER FRONT Hera Is a shaded let with $00* an water and a 14'x20' boathouse to keep vour boat protactad from the Reamer. Thera to a itlc# 2-tedroom ranch homa with carpeting, fireplace, screened.porch and a 2-car garage. Priced at 117,500. Mortgage forms available or your house In trade. COMFY Describes this 3-bed room ronch, there Is t 12'xl4' family room oft the dining area, carpeted living room, full basomint, aluminum awnings, fenced yard and It located north of -Walton In Northern High School district. 117,500 with 01,750 down . or your house In trade. RENT BEATER This clean 5-room bungs the East Side has e dlnlni LAKE-FRONT HOME Seymour Lako, 3 bedrooms, nice teach, m baths, stooping porch, within 7 minutes of Sashabow and 1-75. Sit,000. Terms. C. PANGUS, INC., REALTY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 630 MIS Ortonville CALL COLLECT NA 7-3815 bungalow . on dining ivy-car garage and. a full base-' St,900 JACK FRUSHOUR, Realtor 5730 Williams Lako Rd. MLS 674-2245 TIMES CUTE AND COZY //TiT TTN7/ ELIZABETH LAKE PRIVILEGES Sharp 3-tedroom homo, brick and aluminum exterior, tip-top condition, 2 fenced lots, blacktop strut; features 2 bedrooms and full bath down, I bedroom — sitting room and VS bath up, carpeted living room, handy kitchen, lots of cupboards, eating space, plus dining room, dandy bailment with vinyl tile floor, loads at storage cupboards, lots of trees and shrubs, 2-car garage. Priced at $19,900.00, farms. FAST POSSESSION! NORTH END Sparkling white aluminum siding 3-tedroom home, attractive corner location; large living room, kitchen with eating apace, 1-bedroom and both down, 2 bedrooms, up, full basement, gas heat, Priced at $14,900.00, terms can be arranged. NICH0LIE-HUDS0N Associates, Inc. 49 Ml. Clemens St. FE 5-120T After 6 p.m. FE 4-8773 City homo In the Mt. Clemons and East Blvd. area. S lovely rooms and part basement. No money down on Gl end you can have almost Immediate posses slon. LAKE FRONT In the Clerkston school district with ovtr one-half acre lot on the lake. Lots of shoda trees * and shrubs, lot Is fenced. Home has 2 bedrooms, formal dining room, gas heat, carpeted and completely furnished. All this for only $15,900 and Immediate possession. Oh yes, we also have an exceptional beach with this home, so call early for your appointment, summer fun something to look forward to. CITY SUBURBAN' Ranch In the Northern area with 5 lovtly rooms, 3 bedrooms, wall to walil carpeting, specious lot end 1V4 car garage. Close to tho new future Catholic Central school. A real swinger , for only S13.900 and we will arrange the financing. LAKE FRONT - Ranch with studio burned colling, brick fireplace, largo lot and oodles of shado trees end shrubbery. Redwood elding end large picture windows, would leave top Impression this home would bo In the twenty thousand price range but we are sorry to say It Is only $16,500. Mod •rate down payment or nc money down on Gl. < This Is I new listing folks, so grab the .kiddles and fishing pole and lots all go mo this gem of a buy, WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES" Times Realty 5890 DIXIE HIGHWAY 623-0600 REALTOR Opgn 9-9 dally TED'S ALWAYS TRADING MOM Will want to sea thla lovely 3 bedroom Itkefronf home. She will enloy the many extras such os patio, outdoor- bprbeque, fireplace, large living room and den. WHY NOT TRADE MOM'S PRESENT HOME IN ON THIS NEW ONE7 Price at $23,950. MOVING TO THE SOUTHFIELD AREA. Attractive 4 bedroom tr I-level, family room with fireplace, formal dining room, 3 baths, patio, 2Vi car garage, end In excel lent area. WE WILL BUY YOUR PRESENT HOME TO HELP YOU TO MAKE THE I It now.' MOVE. Gl OR FHA O'NEIL WHY NOT TRADE? "IT'S EXCITING" An outstanding location on e> private lako, with on uninterrupted view off Into tho "wild blew yonder". Scads of privacy and good fishing, on lovtly Msnlto toko off Indlanwood road. Approx. 1 mile west of Lako Orion. With summer not for away you could be the early bird to cinch this lovtly laka front homo, thoro's so much more to tell, to flive us a ring, 335,000 Is the prim and terms art available. 8-24 HAVE YOU BEEN DREAMING of owning a small formT — 3Vi acres with small barn and remodeled farm home: Lots of good garden aru, with fruit trees. Over 100 evergreens,1 3 bedroom homo Wr baths, family room, separata dining, 2 enclosed porches — located In Rochester School area. 15-16 NEVER SAY NO I Until you have sun this sharp, sharp 3 bedroom Trl-level home, located In Lotus Laka aru, lako priv. on one of the most active beaches In Oakland County, swimming, testing and fishing galore. Just $11,500 with only 10 par cent down. "Call Todsy" 1-11 WATKINS LAKE FRONT Just In - time to en|oy the lovtly sand beach on Watkins Lake. Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow. With nice living room facing tho take. Now basement, hot wafer furnace, attached I Vi car garago end only $17,900. e.]9 ONE OF CLARKSTON FINEST For the family on too way up, wo have this very exclusive ’3 bedroom brick ranch, carpeting In living room, dntng room and bedroom, family room with fireplace, laundry area on main floor, full basement, 2Vh car attached garage, 2Vi ecru of choice lend, underground sprMkltag system near expressway and lakes. Use our GUARANTEED EQUITY TRADE PLAN for your down payment. Price: S41,900. - McCullough realty 5460 Highland Rd. (MS9) MLS CALL THE ACTION LINE 674-2239 Established In 1916 WEST SUBURBAN — 2 adjoining homes, one has 7 rooms and both, basement and parage- Otter home Has 3 rooms and (bate. Both fur-nlshed and have gaS teat. 315,900. Terms.. - ,, 3 •' I FAMILY - west side In good renting area. Nice corner tat. Gas teat. Bassmant. schools and stepping ictow By- $15,000. v Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor ■ *2BMMxte Hwy, at Telegraph FE 20123 or FE 2-1914 Gl SPECIAL Nothing down only closing costs to a qualified Vet., payments same as rent. East Skte location 2 bedrooms, 3rd bedroom unfurnished. Basement, garage. Full price $13,-500. MeXe your appointment to see 11-2 Anyway you measure It — It's the test buy today. Brick front, 3 bed-room ranch only I years old. Ir Northern HI Arm near Fisher Body. On blacktop street, city sewers and water, fenced lot and only $10,900. Today a terrific buy, tomorrow It should be sold. Bettor mil right now. ?T,4 LIST WITH O'NEIL REALTY for 3 Good Reasons: Wt think our sons* of Our lift of Good Prospects— •nd Our tlrelfss Efforts— Will Mike You Glad You CalMd. RAY O'NEIL REALTY 3530 Pontiac Lake Rote Open Daily-4 to 9 Sunday l to a OR 4-2222 MLS OL 1-8459 Income Property 50 S OXFORD 6femlty apartments, large corner k>t. an Main St. Good Investment property. Agent 752-9*11 or 756 Lake Property 51 127' FRONTAGE BY 175* DEEP. J? m!wS. Of Alpine Ski Lodge ONJMFjJAsking S4S0sTeM 3-4097, after 4 p.m, ___ BEAUTIFUL FIVE ACRES WITH frontage on Muskegon - River, 3 hours north or Detroit. 33,500 cash or possible terms. 5SS-3493. LAKE FRONT 2-BEDROOM - FIREPLACE -FULL WALK-OUT BASEMENT -OARAGE. 321,500. TERMS. FLATTLEY REALTY 620 COMMERCE RD. 363-6901 PONTIAC, CLARKSTON. WOLVER Ine Lake areas. Lots, 1995, $10 mo. Fish, swim, teat-, Priv. teaches. 15 min. Pontiac. Open Sunday. Bloch Bros. 623-1333, FE 4-4509. WALTERS LAKE AREA Building sites, with elbow room, lako prlvllegu, trow, hills, boating, fishing. Clarkston School area, start at 51500. Alto for salt — several dramatic modal tamu under construction. SYLVAN — 673-3488 or 334-0212. ____________-, WATER FRONT — SMALL 1-BEO-room cottage with'gas hut, large lot with numerous trots. 385' csnsl frontage to' Merrtette Lake, nc motors, $7,950 — $3,200 down- -$55 per mo., 6 per cut mortgage on contract. RIDGEWAY MLS Realtor t 338-4086 WHITE LAKB — LAKS-FRONT 3 bedroom, 2-car garage. Extras ' Good teach. 117-5097. Northern Property 51-A 2 LAKE FRONT LOTS ON LONDO Lake. Approximately 62* x 210* ea Good sandy teach and good Ashing. Can usa house traitor. About 4 ml. from Hilo. GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 29$ W. Walton FE 3-7SS3 HOME FOR SALE IN CALCASKAy Mich. Call after 4 p.m. FE 0-H71 MIO, MICHIGAN, MODERN CAb In — furnished. Must sell moving to Florida. 8562112._____________ RECREATION UNLIMITED Camping, hunting, swimming, fishing, boating, hiking, sunning or lust relaxing. IT'S ALL FUN and GOOD for YOU and YOUR CHILDREN. If you are Interested In BUYING or RENTING Northern CAMP, CABIN or TRAILER SITES, CALL NOW /OR 3-3671 or OR 3-2370, LEWISTON, MICHIGAN. 24 X 34 cabin, 3 ysars old, has 3 bedrooms; largo living rdom, large modern kitchen, large bath with tub and shower, utility room, cated 1 block off of East Twin Lako end 2 blocks from tho town of Lewiston. Lake privileges and boat dodcage In private subdivision area of Like View Meadows. Full prlct $9,000. Call 674-0856 otter ~ p.m, SWAN LAKE FRONTAGE 60* on the water, nicely wooded, birch and hardwood. Only 120 milts from Pontiac. Ithlca arts Only $1,995 — lust e tow loft. ‘STATEWIDE REAL ESTATE 2661 8. Lapeer Rd., Laka Orion ■________391-2000 YEAR-AROUND MODERN CAtt on 2 acres of land, running strea In bock of cabin, with Vouhn Lake privileges. 625-1902. Resort Proparty 52 TAKE OVER PAYMENTS. REPOS-seised lots. Hlghland-Mllford area. Equity fru. Rolling land. S25 mo. 20 min. Pontiac. Open Sun. Bloch Bros. 623-1.333, FE 4-4509. Lots—Acreage 54 3-BEDROOM, lVi-STORY HOME -On 5 seres. Close In. WATERFORD REALTY 4540 Dixie Hwy. 673-1273 Multiple Listing Service 3W ACRES, 222'x660', NEW HOME eree, *5,000. FE 5-7070. S AND 10 ACRE PARCELS. OA 8-2013. A. Senders. 5-50 ACRES, WOODED RIVER frentags, Mr. Fowler, EM 34531 673-0929, 10 ACRES FOR PRIVACY, PLEAS-ure. Investment. FE 2-2146. Smith. 10 ACRES. NEAR s ORTONVILLE $800 deem. Balance $5400. *60 mo 627-3291 30 ACRES, STREAM AND WOODS, 1.000 tut frontage, S500 per acre terms, 50 ecru, tern, strum end woods, 1.000 tut frontage. Ideal ter horse lovers, cattle tenders, recrutkm seekers or custom building sites. 10 ml. from Pontiac. 1 week only at $750 per aero, 343-9531, 343-4013, OR 3-0929 eves. 40 ACRES ON BALD EAGLE LAKE Rd. (life miles ust of old U.S. 10 — toko Wildwood Drive off U.S 10, ust 1 mile to Bald Eagle Laka Rd.). May bo purchased In ten-acre plots at S6,500 for each 10-acre plot. Ludle Knight Rul Estate. Flint. 235-2547. 70' X 160' LOT IN ORION TOWN ship, >1450 cash. MY 2-5703. 82 ACRES Va mils laka frontage, Vs mile business frontsga corner of Joslyn end Silver Boll Eds., near 1-75, nd more llk«. this, a rul good buy, *1350 per acre. Harold Coughlon, Rultof 179-0022. CLARKSTON Hi-wood village Sub. 2 Iots-i20x-160 each, $8,800 cosh. THE ROLFE H. SMITH CO. 333-714*. CRANBERRY LAKE ESTATES Clarkston, 100x150” tot, lako priv-Wages. 42341393.______________________ Green Leaves of Summer FOR A BREATH OF CLEAN COUNTRY AIR A BEAUTIFUL VARIETY OF ACREAGE PARCELS 5 ACRES, gently rolling, S' and S' pines,. 340* of rood, $3950, $500 down. 7 ACRES, not too tor from the village of OrtonvIWa, some woods •nd Mils, *4400, *600 down. . to ACRES, Partly wooded end slightly rotting, 35950, $650 down. 10 ACRES, plusent country atmosphere, net too tor oft of Mil near Ortonvlle, $4950, StJOO down. 10 ACRES, ell wooded ate rolling, * minutes from 1-75, S6950, terms. 10 ACRES, hilly, good road, trees, panoramic view, $7950, S795 down. 11W(ACRES, Small pond, land planted with pines and over l.ixaf at blacktop rote, SOJOOV $1,200 down. 20 ACRES, hies hut for exposed basement home and Mlofnlng stole land, $1900. Twins. C. PANGUS, INC., REALTY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK _ Ortonville CALL COLLECT NA 7-2*15 H l-HILL VILLAGE, CURVED PAV-Ing streets, very good residential *ru, by owner. 739-03t3. BAKERY FOR SALE. IN GOOD condition and fully equipped on main highway in clfy. Owner wishes to retire. Seme location 20yr»- Good doil to right party. $300 down, Prlct $15,000. Phone collect or write to wIlHam g. Quinn. 405 Johnston, Sautt St. Motto. Phono 632-3097 or Mrs. John (twin, 1110 Mlnlopalls, Sault St. Marie. Phone 632-7715. Monty to Logo 8 ■ 1 '.j, j. ‘ •' LOANS . $25 to SI,OOO Insured Payment Plan BAXTER E CLINGSTONE Finance Co. 401 Pontiac State Bank Budding FE 4-1538-9 SeIb NooibIioM Gtadt 65 DINING ROOM SET — WALNUT buffet tobte 6 chairs; FrigMalri — perfect shape. 3354209. DRAPERIES; TRIPLE-WIDTH, COS-tom-mad*, antlquo satin, silk lined, off-wbite. PE 4-26*1. ELECTRIC STOVE, 40" *30. KIRBY sweeper $30. 682-2141. PARTRIDGE 'IS THE BIRD TO SEE" "CHOICE OF THE CHOICEST" I* and Z-ecre homasltes In an exclusive, restricted area nur Clarkston and 1-75. Soma beautifully wooded — some clured. Only 12 tine lots lift, so toko your first stop to tetter suburban living. Whot a place to rateo a family! Call us now I S3.500 to $6,950. Torms. PARTRIDGE REAL estate 1050 W. Huron, 334-3581 OPEN NITELY 'TIL 9:00 DON'T READ THIS UNLESS YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY , v*| i-.- , ,ik: ” Two excellent service station locations for - lease J. In Pontiac/area: 2650 Orchard Lk„ at Warwick, and 13490 Airport at Wllltami Lk. Rd. High gal-lonaga and profttobte backroom work. Wo'll help you gat started with only a small Investment. CONTACT GUS CAMPBELL OR LARRY TREPECK, , 473-1285 DAYS OR EVENINGS. TODAY'S BUYS *0 ACRES, 99V frontage on Indian-wood Rd. independence Two. — Priced ot 511,000 with *3,600 down. 2-2 ACRES, 1 mite northwest of Clarkston, 170* road frontage, $3,-950. 110'XISO' CORNER LOT. In Clarkston. $3,350. * 100'X212' LOT ON STREAM -Blacktop road, *3400. 250* ON STREAM. Blacktop rud, *3,900. Vh-ACRE WOODED LOT. Loko privileges on Dur Lake. $4,950. Clarkston Real Estate 5856 S. Mein MA 5-5021 DORRIS MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. Owner writers are now netting over 820,000 i f yur In this state approved family cars home, Ideal location on W. Kennett Rd. tor this spacious solid brick 7-bedroom homo on over an ACRE, zoned commercial, idul setup tor a trouble-free operation. Detailed In-Information In our office. $45,000 with $20,000 down on land DORRIS 8. SON, REAL-TORS. OR 4-0324. WATERFORD, PAVED STREET, 98 by 130. $2,200. OR 3-5264. WATERFORD HILL MANOR. Booutlful views. All typoa of orchi-tecture possible on these lake-front, canal front, golf view and Inside lots. Priv. teach. Prices start at $4,250, 20 p«r cant down. WATERFORD REALTY 4540 Dixie Hwy. 673-1273 Multiple Listing Service WOODED ACRES. - LAKE £6UN try. 10 acres to 100 acres oi Cabin situ near Caterfu ski aru. Call HarrMte 562 or write Lost Plnu Lodge, Harrietts Salo Farmi 56 80 TO 800 ACRES In lower Michigan. Dairy, grain, beef or hogs I Nemo your farm needs, wo hove It at one of "Mlchlgons" Farm Real Estate Headquarters — Doan Rulty Co., Coldwater, Michigan. Dale-A. Dean Farm Broker and Auctionur. Write or call 517-270-2377—days Or 517-2784127—nights. DRY CLEANERS Doing a fine business. Well equipped — Good location. A real money-• ?,v*“aw«y Prlct of HURRY?0 W th °nly ,*S0° ttomtet. ________. ^ GIANT GARAGE SAL(: MAY IS 13, from 1B4 p.m. ,at 717 MarM*y« Loko Orion. ________ gIgantic garage sale, A$i- tlquos.- China. -Glass. Primitives, Misc. Thurs. May 11, FrU /May 12, Sat. May. 13. 1(65. 16 Eaat St. Oxford. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. AMAZ-Ing otter. Baby Wonda Chair com-Mutton.. Originally $169.00. Mow a yours for $50JM on special close-* out. Now you can afford tho finest stroller, high chair, rockor, bassinet and baby buggy. Never bun unpacked. AIM Baby Scales, llko new, SS.OO Groveland Sale* Agency. Holly, Mich, 40442. Phone 637-7211. BLONDE RCA CONSOLE TV, GOOD picture <40, OR 4-2046. COLOR TV BARGAINS, LITTLE Joe’s Bargain House, FE 24042 curtis-maYhis 23" TV, sterIo record, AM-FM radio, beautiful caMnot, $225. 335-4676. FLOOR MODEL EARLY AMERI can 23" color TV, was S549.9S reduced to *449.95. Torms — $4 weekly. Abo close-out AM-FM portable radios with earphone and AC convertor, S39.S8, $1.25 par week. B. F. Goodrich, 111 N. For ry, Pontiac. FE 24121. GLOBE LA-1 LINEAR AMPLIFIER 300 watt, S50. MY 24322. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS TRAN slstors boards 852-3234 attar 4:30 p-m. PHILCO 24" COLOR TV, $375 FE 2-0962 . GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Atoer Hardware, Main St., Clarkston Everything must be sold In shortest time possible. Hardwire, palint, sporting goods, houaswares at fantastic Mvlngs, store fixtures for Mlo inch Not. Cash regbtar, Toledo plpo cutter (header, glass cutter, glass stock, showcases; counters, bargains for ol). Como In now white stocks ore good. Wo'll deal with you.. GOOD USED WOOD FENtE, 230 ft. long, painted white, l"x6"x* ft. Boards, 27 Redwood, Post. ISO. Call 6734357. HAM SET FOR SALE, BEST offer buys. 647-4339. HEAVY GAGE ALUMINUM AWN-Ing with screen enclosure. May be used on house or mobile homo. S53-2231. HOME FREEZER SALE Full family size, holds 364 lbs. All porcolaln interior with loMast freeze shelves. Reduced to $149 SS down, $2.50 week . FRETTER'S APPLIANCE CO. 1650 S. Telegraph FE 3-7051 FAST CRUISER tr Cruls-Along with 135 h.p. Grey marine, Ideal for couple or small family, complete sleeping, eating and toilet facilities. Many extras Including custom made trailer. Fast enough for water skiing and very seaworthy. Excellent condition. Ottered at to of original cost, or will trad* tor equity In real estate. FE 2-5546. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL *20 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE - Consists of: 0-piece living room outfit with 2-placs living room suite, 2 step tables, 1 cocktail table, 2 table lamps and (!) 9'xl2' rug Included. 7plece bedroom suits with double drearer, chest, full size bad with Innersprlng mattress and matching . _______ box spring and 2 vanity lamps. I or*'cash “abo J^N%^|^r,d.W.bll! Atttor imlTu? condition toVlirSlT..?' coJproEofi '* 6744032. | WlMAN c , ■ - r | FURNITURE CO. • Salt Clothing 64 <7 e. Huron fe s-isoi RCA COLOR TV, S125. VHF-UHF, 334-1420. STEREO RECORD PLAYER. GOOD condition. S75, 602-7227. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE on color TVs Choose from RCA, Zenith, Westinghouse, Admiral Buy now and save a bundle. No down payment. $3.75 wk. FRETTER'S APPLIANCE CO. 1650 S. Telegraph FE 3-7051 TELEVISION, $75 OR WILL TRADE tor used juvenile furniture. Also UHF TV converter and antenna $20. 6934424. WHITE-BLACK, COLORED TV Service Johnson TV t FE 84569 45 E. Walton near Baldwin HOOVER COMMERCIAL $125. VALUE - NOW $57.80 KIRBY SERVICE 8. SUPPLY CO. ________ 674-2234________ HOT WAITER HEATER, 30 GAL., gas. Consumers approved. $89.50 value, $39.95 and $49.95. Marred. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lk„ FE 44*62 INV ALIOS ELECTRIC ORTH&- lift cushion chair. Green leather. Portable unit. Excellent condition. Call Milford. 684-8225. IT'S TERRIFIC THE WAY WE'RE selling Blue Lustre (or cleaning rugs and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer SI. B & G Tllo Co. 1075 W. Huron, St. 334-9957. 2 SEMI-FORMALS, SIZE 13-14. 1 powder blue, other light pink, both jor SIS. FE 2-7784. 2 FORMALS, SIZE . 12, WORN once, 391-1607. GOOD USED CllOtHING, SIE 16-18 womens. 334-2370. SUMMER CLOTHES FOR THE whole family. Several rocks' *6 ready et sale pries*. Wstch tor our big sale In Juno. Opportunity Shop St. James Church. Blrmlng-horn, 355 W. Maple. SMALL FARM For wSekond formers — ranch home with basement, garage, gas hut plus 3 stall bam on S acres. Full price only 116,700. YORK WE BUY WE TRADE OR 44363 OR 44363 -4713 Dixie Hwy.« Drayton Plaint Sal* Business Property 57 100 Acres-Clarkston Want to enloy summer |p tho country?? Booutlful site for • homo or many homes. Frontag* on two well traveled ruds. Owner hales to Mil bpt other Interests require Income now. Will consider tow down payment, trade, or exchange. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MISS THIS-CALLTONIGHT OR TOMORROW MORNING Do you need WAREHOUSING OR COMMERCIAL SPACE NEAR THE AIRPORT? Almost 7400 square foot floor space. Well constructed csmsnt block building, 12 to 14' colling, good office facilities. 160' M-S9 frontage. Will consider tow down ' payment, trade, or exchange. PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE 1050 W. HURON, PONTIAC OPEN NITELY TIL 9:00 FE 4*3581 SEND FOR FREE CATALOG Sale Household Goods 65 to WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY 3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $277 LITTLE JOE'S Bargain^ House 1461 Baldwin at Walton, FE 24142 uioiiaisinn units, win noT interfere Acres of Free Perkina qu^lfryo^mus^^'S’ialh EvM' *' Sa,- '”W ^ T,rm‘ available Immediately, car, 5 •pare hours wukly. Should net exceptional high earnings In your spare time. This company will extend financial assistance to full tlmo If desired. Do not answer unless fully qualified for time and invostmont. • Income starts Immediately. • Business Is Mt up tor you, • Wo secure locations. • Selling, soliciting or experience not necessary. • For personal Interview In your city -- Write and Include your phono No. GCS 19633 NORTHERN BLVO. Flushings, Now York 11350 HIGHLAND Older homo with 36'x21* Store. 4 bedrooms, idul Income property. In good location for party store. $16,500. OC 3584. HOWELL Town & Country, Inc. Highland Branch Office PHONE: 313-685-1585 CORNER LOT 120* commercial lot, West Montcalm off Oakland. Torn*. AL PAULY OR 3-3000 EVOS. 6234808 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 11,000 tq. ft. masonry building, tor Mle or lease, targe parking aru. Call tor Information. N. TELEGRAPH Two parcels zoned commercial 80 x 100 $3200 60 x 100 fenced $3500. WILLIAMS LAKE RD. Zoned Industrial, over an acre, 346 tt. of frontag*- *15,000. BATEMAN I COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 377 S. Telegraph RD. 338-9641 After 5 cell 3344109 HOTEL-LOUNGE 24 rooms targe dining room, piano bar. AH overlooking Houghton Lako. Established business for sale by elderly owner. Call 478-3331, Houghton Lake. MORE STRIKES!! MORE LAY-OFFS!! How much more con you take? Now Is the tlmo to got set up In your own .business. OPERATE A MONEY MAKING GULP SERVICE STATION In or around the Pontiac aru. Wo'll help you got started with only a small invostment. Contact Gus Campbell or Lorry Tra-peck 673-12*5. Days or Eva. PACKAGE ICE BUSINESS. YOU can add excellent yearly Income to your present earnings. Brings In excellent return on *25,000 Investment. On* of the but port tlmo businesses you can own. 626-9612 or 6(2-2177. RESTAURANT This clean and officiant business b well equipped with stainless fixtures, It has** blacktop parking area, located on a busy street and enloylng o good gross. This Is a real opportunity. *5500 with, lust *15*0 dpwn. JACK FRUSHOUR, REALTOR, MLS. 5730 WILLIAMS LK., RD. CALL 674-224S. SPORTING EQUIPMENT STORE -On# ot tho largest In tho Thumb ares. Shows dud profit, $20,000 down will, put you in business. PIPER REALTY. Phono area 313, 644-3953. WALLED LAKE EXCELLENT, LOW overhead, high galkmago available In the downtown area. Phone now, Detroit 341-5000 Ext. 362, evenings ahd weekends, Livonia 4274039. Sal* Land Contracts 60 LAKE FRONT Waterford Twp.; commercial bldg., with attractive 2-bedroom living quarters plus 2 offices. Only $4^ *00 down, tel. *10* mo. NATIONAL BUSINESS BROKERS_______ FE 3-7141 TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT SALE on Dixlo Hwy. — 60' x 550” lot — 3f x 40* tending — property, franchise, peris Inventory total package prlca la *39,500. Underwood Real Estate 625-2615 (665 Djx>* Hwy., Clarkston If no answer. >-5015 Sale *r Exchange 58 WANT:... REAL ESTATE PROB-lems HAVE: ... . Ability to solve them Tom Bateman, Realtor FE 8-7161 Bosiness Opportunities 59 AVAILABLE IN NORTH FARMING-ton — growth, brae, 250.0(0 GAL., (annuel; unit new hr operation, Good all around service or station. If you have: 1— GOOD MORAL CHARACTER 2— MECHANICAL ABILITY 3— S20M CASH TO INVEST 4— A DESIRE TO INCREASE YOUR LIFE THROUGH HARD WORK. Call area,: sales manager — Jock Carter, In Detroit 341-5000 Ext. 342 evenings end Weekends, U- vjnla, 427 0039. 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us before you dul. WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyko Rd. FE 5-8165 Open Eves. 'HI * p.m. 1 BUILT-IN ELECT R I C RANGE with cupboards, $60; refrigerator, $50; 30" gas or electric stove, $65; bedroom sets, $55 to SOS; 2 piece living room, $55; Mapte living room chair, $10; porch Mt, $55; desk) bookcase; piano; China cabinet; buffet. M. C. Llppard 559 N. Perry. : BLOND END TABLES. BLOND breakfast table and 4 chairs. Pun can Phyte drop loot table. FE 8-4402. 2 PIECE LIVING ROOM SET 625. FE 24941. 2-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE S20. Student desk and chair $25. Maple chest. 110. Singer console $251 OR 3-7254. ' W, 3-DAY SPECIAL 1 used Ben Hur upright freezer I Frlgldalre washer, 2 years old, lots of futures. 1 Frlgldalre dryer, electric, 2 years old, matching washer. 1 used gas dryer CRUMP ELECTRIC 3465 Auburn FE 4-3573 3 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE. LIMED oek. 155. Day bed, <10. 682-6524 3 Rooms Furniture BRAND NEW $288 $2.50 Weekly PEARSON'S FURNITURE 210 E. PlkO FE 4-7811 Between Paddock and City Hall Open Mon, and Frl. 'HI 9 p.m. 4-PIECE SECTIONAL, J HEYWOOO Wakefield tables, *150. MA 6-3134. 4-PIECE BEDROOM SET, (brand now) 5*9.00 $2.50 Wukly PEARSON'S FURNITURE 210 E. Pike PE 4-7*81 9x12 Linoleum Rugs . .$3.89 Solid Vinyl Tile .........7c oa. Vinyl Attestos tllo ..... 7c oa Inlaid tlie 9x9' ...... 7c oa, Floor Shop—2255 Elizabeth Loko, “Across From the Mall" 36" CAS RANGE. CLEAN. GOOD condition. S25. FE 44925.___________ *" Electric stove, apt. size refrigerator, roes. 625-2546. 40" GE ELECTRIC STOVE, GOOD condition $60. Call 3384741. 60 YARDS OF WILTON CARPET Grun, FE 2-7445. 10 W. PIKE FE 2-2150 HYDE-A-BEO, NEW Ing, $90. FE 5-17QS. UPHOLSTER RONRITE IRONER, S3S. 30" ELEC trie Frlgldaire range, S50. 335-0155. KELVINATOR, DOUBLE OVEN rang* and Westlnghousa refrigerator. CaMFE 2-8616 or 3344350. LINOLEUM RUGS, MOST SIZES, *3-49 up. Pearson's Furniture, 210 E. PlkO St.. FE 4-7881. MAYTAG WRINGER WASHER, $40. Ironrlte Ironer, $80. 335-1089. MODERN BUFFET STYLE DlN-Ing table, silver fox custom finish, and matching coffu table S75. Modern 4 pc., sectional davenport, 2 end tobies and 4 table lamps $75. Simplex Ironer $15, 25" lawn king, mower and riding tulky. Rea formica L shaped kitchen counter with sink. Ml 6-5894. MOVING TO FLORIDA. WASHER, dryer, sewing machine, 21" TV with UHF, fireplace equipment, large pine antique chest, other Items all In good condition. 3237 Gruntree Rd., near Adams and Long Lake Rds. Ml 4-2993. For Sale Miscellaneous 67 VS HORSE AND V HORSE Explosion proof. fens, little J Iffy frame stralghtener, assorted paints, enamel reducer. 660 Loc-haven Rd. Union Lake. 1 YEAR OLD 20' GERMAN SHEP-herd dog kennel, dog house. $350 value, $75. 332-2132. A-l COMPLETE HOUSEFUL $295 Sofa, Chair, 3 Tables, 2 Lamps, 6 piece bedroom, S piece dinette, stove, and refrigerator. Torms $3.25 Week. Call Mr. Adams. FE 44904 WORLD WIDE (Next to K-Mort.) 1—A-l Homemaker Special Sots, Chair, 3 Tables, 2 lamps, 5-plece bedroom, 5-piece dinette, $185. Terms. $2,50 week. Call Mr. Adams. FE 4-0904, WORLD WIDE (Next to K mart) 1-A ALUMINUM—VINYL SIDING Awnings, storm windows. For a quality guaranteed |ob, call the "Old Reliable Pioneer" Joe Val-lely OL 1-6623. No money down —PHA Terms. KIRBY VACUUMS , Excellent conditions, overhauled and rebuilt — fully guaranteed. $45 and up. Kirby Serviced Supply Co. 2617 DIXIE HWY. 674-2234 MODEL RACE WAY TRACK ON legs with extras. 651-1598. MOVING WEST, GARAGE SALE, 29)2 Courvllle Or., off Hickory Grove Rd., near Telegraph. TV-phono, dinette set, propelled lawn mower, toboggan and sleds, office desk and chair, plus many other items. 3384619. . MOWERS SHARPENED, PICK.UP. Herb's* Shirley and Auburn. PH 2-1311. MOWERS, U&D, ALL TYPES, ALL repairs, sharpening, ask for Rex, Open Sun. Taylor Lawn Mower Service, 592 Mf. Clemens.______ OIL FURANCES, FAIR CONDITION suitable tor temporary teat. SIS. Blvd. Supply _______FE 3-7011 OLD BARN SIDING. TED HOPP, 3531 Baldwin, Metamora. PICNIC TABLES S SIZES, LAWS swings, outdoor ornaments, gifts, gags and takes. Liberal Bills Outpost. 3265 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-9474. PING PONG tABLE. LIKE NEW" Ml 4-5470 after 5. NICE COUCH, MAPLE BED -Electric stove. Chrome set. Apt. gqs stove. OR 3-9644. Marietta. NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHER, eud-saver, excellent condition, MA 6-4642. ONE WING-BACK COLONIAL CHAIR, EXCELLENT CONDITION — CALL 335-7772 AFTER 5:30 P.M. REASONABLE. PFAFF AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG Sowing machine — deluxe features — maple cabinet, "Early American designs." Taka over payments $5 PER M0. OR $49 CASH BAL 5 yr. guarantee UNIVERSAL CO. FE 4-0905 REPOSSESSED GE COLOR TVs (3) As low as S2.50 per week Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Dr. West Pontiac SINGER ZIG ZAG Sewing machiu. Cabinet model, automatic "Dial model" makes blind hems, designs, buttonholss, •tc. Repossessed. Pay oft $53 Cash or payments of $6 per too. Guaranteed a ^UNIVERSAL CO. FE 4-0905 SAVE MONEY Have your old furniture custom reupholstored. Hundreds ot fabrics and colors. Fru ost. FB 2-687* Fravers. SINGER AND CABINET Zlg-Zaggor for button holes, hems, embrolcwry patterns, etc. No ax-tras to buy. 5-year guarantu. Full price $39.95. Phono 335-92*3. RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER , 465 Elizabeth Lake Road 1967 TWIN-NEEDLE REPOSSESSED Swing needto dlaFa-matlc. Just dial for fancy dtslgni, hems, and button-holes- Possession tor 142.52 cash or 15 monthly. 5-year guarantee. RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER ADMIRAL FREEZER, 2 YEARS ____________________ old, llko now. Call after 3. 693-1422 W. Huron SINGER SLANT NEEDLE Dtal-a-$tltch In cabinet. Maket hems, designs, etc. by dialing. Everything bullf-ln. Pay new balance $53.88 cash S5 monthly payments. 5-year guarantee. W RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER 465 Ellz*b*ttL..Lek* Road ____ 335-9283 UPHOLSTERED DAVENPORT AND chair. Matching. Vary good condition. FE 8-3873. USED TVs ....................... SI9.95 Color TVs ...................... $199.95 Swut's Radio and Appliance, Inc. ........ 334-5677 AUTOMATIC WASHER, ELECTRIC dryer. The pair, S35. 626-4331. BEDS, CHAIRS, TABLES. PICTURE frames- Misc. S W. Highland Dr. Off Woodward Ave. ACTION On your land contract, large or •moll, call Mr. Hitter, FE 24179. Broker, 3792 Elizabeth Laka Road. LAND CONTRACTS FOR SALE CON-tact Ron O'Neil or Nick Backa-lukai at OR 6-2222. Wqnttd Centracts-Mtg. 6Q-A 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us before you dul. WARREN STOUT, Reoltar 1450 N. Opdyko Rd. FE 5416, Open Evee. 'til I p.m. $100,000 For equities and land contracts, smallest possible discount*, call 602-1020. Ask tor ted McCullough sr. * ARRO REALTY ____ 5143 Cass-Elizabeth BLOOMFIELD HOME SPECIAL Grun sofa, 2 wing beck chairs— burnt orange, executive desk, other misc. Items. Rsdecoratlng. Must Mil. 330-9740. BRAND-NEW END AND COFFEE tables, I5.8S sa.T Lift it Joe's, FE 2-6042. \7 BRONZE OR CHROME DINETTE ute, BRAND NEW. Largo and small sla (round, drop-loaf, rectangular) tablet In 3-, 5- and Tpc. BUNK BEDS Chplco ot 13 stylos, trundlo bods, triple trundle teds and bunk beds complete, $49.50 and up. Pearson's Furniture, 210 E. Pika. CHEST AND VANITY WITH MIR-ror. Waterfall top. Good condition, OR 4-2015. CASH FOR UkND CONTRACTS. H. J, Van Watt. 4540 Dixte Hwy. OR 3-lSSS.f—■ MEED LAND CONTRACTS. SMALL * discounts. Earl Garret*. MA 64400. EMpIrs 3-4086. OUR OFFICE SPECIALIZES IN land contract coltectiont. FLOYD KENT, REALTOR 82VS N. Saginaw_______ FB 54188 quick cash for „ Land con- tracts. Clark Real Estate. FE 3-7880, res. FE 64813, Mr. Clark. CHEST OF DRAWERS (NEW) $14.95 up „ Maple, walnut and white PEARSON'S FURNITURE 210 E. Pike FE 67181 CHROME DINETTE SETS, ASSEM-ble yourself, save: 4 chairs, table, S69.95, value, $29.95, also 4 choir Mto. New 1967 designs, formic* tops. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lk., FE 6*462 ■ CROSLEY — COTTAGE OR HOME USO — $35. 33S-1088. DAMAGED IN SHIPMENT - 2 bedrooms and' 3 living rooms — 897 oo., Little Joe's - FE 2-6842. DETROIT JEWEL GAS RANGE, 1 yur old, must sell. 335-5S73. bELUXE WHIRLPOOL WRINGER washer, Ilk* now S85. 181 Orchard Lk., Ave. DINETTE SET, MUST SELL, EXC condition. SOMO^oorheU Rd. Someone to of $1.25 we TED over payments 2 JUICERS, ATLAS AND BRAUN, Audio-visual phonograph, and walk-in tractor, 12' boat, elec, motor V< h.p. FE 8-1452. WHEEL TRAILER GOOD FOR camper 4' x 8' box. Let — 197 S. Johnson. 2 TICKETS FOR BLUES MAGOOS concert for May 12. Cell 693-6400. 2 HEAVY DUTY TRAYNOR SPEAK-«r columns, one 75 watt Lafayette preamplifier, UL 2-1243 after 6. RAILROAD TIES. NEW AND USED. OR 3-1972. WOQDS AND 9 IRONS. LEFT hand.' Used very little, $60. Lady's bowlfng ball and bag, SIS. 673-5601. 7 DIAMOND WEDDING RING SET. Reasonable, OR 3-1082 attar 6. ’ POOL TABLE, 3 MONTHS OLD. Call FE 8-8505. 7-FAMILY CO-OP RUMAAAGE -Clothing, furniture, misc. Items — some llko new. Ironrlte Ironer. May 12, 13, 14. 4090 Clinton Dr., Drayton Plains off Sashabaw. 9‘xl2* LINOLEUM RUGS S3.9S EACH Plastic Wall tile , lc ea. Calling tllo — wall paneling, cheap. BAG Tile. FE 69957. 107S W. Huron 10 HORSE POWER BOILER, WORK Ing coi ■ ■d~ 3-1790. 21" PORTABLE TV AND RECORD player. Excellent condition. Cheap. 330-3018. 32'X21' DOUBLE COMPARTMENT stainless sink* with frame, $24.95. G. A. Thompson, 7005 M59 W. ANCHOR FENCES NO MONEY DOWN FE 5-7471 BARN WOOD, SPLIT RAIL FENCE, RAILROAD TIES. FREE DELIVERY. FE 5-9120. BASEMENT rummage. car ste reo, clothing, misc. Frl. and Sat, $0 to 3.54 E. Yale. BOAT DOCK AND AUGERS, POW-er mower. FE 2-7612. BOILER, NATIONAL, 06,000 BTU, gas, 2-yur old conversion, or oil. Includes domestic hot water. $50, . 651-1375. 473 Chirlss lu, Roches ter. BOLEN'S ESTATE RIDING MOW-er, 26". 5 h.p. pneumatic tires. Good at lew. Call UL 2-1169. BRIGGS & STRATTON ROTOTIL, ler, $30. FE 2-5876. BROCADE PROVINCIAL COUCH, *95. 2 over stuffed chairs, also bedroom set, misc. 682-1513. ‘ CAFETERIA TABLES, FORMICA top, 6 stools that told In. UMd, In good condition. Price: 119.95. BLVO. SUPPLY 500 S. Blvd. E __________ FE 3-7081 CRATE-MARRED AND DINGED 30-•nd 40-gallon water heaters from $38.95 up. G. A. Thompson. 7005 M59 W. CUPOLA MISCELLANEOUS CON crate. black firebrick. Misc. plpo and fittings. Elec, rang* and* oven. FE 2-2144T DRAFTING BOARDS AND TABLES, 6' and 7*. Forbes, 4500 Dixie, Drayton. OR 3-9767. FENCING, 200 LINEAL FT. HARD wood 4x4' posts, 1x6" burds. FE 4-3215 otter 6 p.m. GE DRYERS Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Dr. West Pontiac WHIRLPOOL AUTOMATIC SUDS-Savar waster S50, Gu dryer, 1 yr. old. Whirlpool StOO. 851-0494. WHIRLPOOL, WASHER-DRYER — elec., auto., good cond. MA 64275. WROUGHT IRON NEST TABLES, floor polisher rug cleaner, antique green kitchen table, alumimMMold-ing table, barbecue, walnut desk, ladder IS', Mahogany and tables, grey wool rug 9xfl, dtnnotto table, rocker, drape*, valences, fireplace fixtures, accordion, misc MA 65540. WYMAN'S USED BARGAIN STORE At our II W. Pike Store Only End, coffu tables from .... $2.95 Kitchen, utility cabinet ... s 5.95 Odd living room chairs .. S 6.95 Dresser with mirror .... $19.95 2-pieco living room suite S24.95 Walnut buffet ......... S39.9S Guar, wringer-waster ... 149.95 Guar., elec refrlg. ... SS9.95 Your Credit to good at Wyman's EASY TERMS » FE 2-2150 Antiques 65-A LARGE SELECTION OF tiques. Period furnltjro. Primitive. fa rial Antique*. 2748 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester, Mich. MOVING TO FLORIDA. URGE pin* chest, and Irons. 3217 Green-fru Rd., nur Adam* and Long Lake Rds. Ml 6299X * POT BELLIED STOVE. A-1 CON-dlttqn. At teast 98 years old. Antique sweeper (GoMsy). Pontiac Press Box 24. FENCING, 378 FEET, 24" year o!d, S30. Ml 61487. For The Finest In Top-Quality Merchandise Shop At Montgomery Ward Pontiac Mall FORMICA COVERED VANITY CAB-Inot to receive 10" round basin, *44.95. G. A. Thompson, 7005 M59 GARAGE SALE, 9-5 PM. THURS-day and Frl. 3S62 Frankman, Drayton Plains, across front Ma-sons Jr. High. GARAGE SALE FRL, SAT.. MAY 12 and 13. 391 Orcliarctal*, Rochester. GARAGE SALE. CLOTHINOy ANO miscellaneous, Frl,. Sot., Sun., 9-4 p.m. 6565 Maplo Dr. 625-3815. GARAGE SALE: 327 MILLINGTON Blvd., Bloomfield. April 12-11. Frl., 10-4 p.m.; Sal, 161 p.m. Clothing, (urntturo and misc. COME, V-BROWSE. 6ARAQE SALE, DAVENPORT, DAY ted, Venetian blinds, windows, toys, clothing, children's and adults. ’ Bamboo drapes, dlslws, kitchenware, ladder, many other items. Frl. May 12 — 2-10 p.m, Sat. May 13, 10 a,m. — 18 p.m 3716 Lotus Dr. Waterford. GARAGE SALE. SATURDAY MAY 13, 4278 Rouge Circle Dr. Troy. North of wattles. East of Adams. Exc bargains, clothes, 12 gauge shot gun, bikes, guitar, tewing machine, electric Ironer, many otter Items. GARAGE SALE. SAT. MAY 13 184 p.m: 4114 Williams Lk. Rd., Wa-tartord. GARAGE SALE, THURSDAY MAY 11 - Fet. May tx 165. »14 Farcy King, Waterford. plumbing bargains, free Standing toilet, $16.95; 36gallon heater, $49.95; 3-piece bath sets, $59.95;, laundry tray, trim, $19.95; shower stalls with trim, $39.95; 2bowl sink. $2.95; lavs., $2.95; tubs, $20 and up. Pipe cut and threaded. SAVE PLUMBING CO., 841 Bald- win. FE 4-1516._________________ PORCH SALE, 164 P.M. LARGE round table, IC* cream chairs, end table. Some dishes, picture frames, misc. 171 Summit. Near Montcalm. RCA COLOR TV, 21", 1200 POWER mower, $10. Wonder rocking horse, $6. 12 volt battery charger, S7. Norelco electric razor, llko now, $10. OR 61861._____________■ rUTt riotoTILLERS, ROTOft rakes, power sod cutters; and trenchers. Jackson's. 332-9271.' RENT; ELECTRlt SEWER CL£a£ ers, roto-tlilar, power roko, Hoe-kin's Rental, FE 62029. REFRIGERATOR, CEMENT MlX. or, Bowens lawn mower, attachments 32" cut, 3 sets of double hung windows with frames, Auto body grinder, MY 3-1149. Sotted horse manure, tl load and you teul. 391-1606. RUMMAGE SALE. 20" WINDOW tan; 2 outboard motors; portable spray outfit; old radios; 300 gal. gas tank; oil furnace and tank. 35 MM slide prolector; old 16 mm movie camera; 6 roll* of 15 lb. roofing telt; S rolls of Insulation; Duncan Phyte drop leaf table and chairs; misc. May 13, 14, 9-4 p.m. 1 mile E. of Clarkston off Orion Rd., 61S1 Ascension. 625-4666. RUMAAAGE: GOOD CLOTHING ANO miscellaneous, prl. 6 Sat., 247 W. Cornell. RUMAAAGE SALE: IRONER, CABI-net sink with dlsmaster attached," portable TV's, adults and childrens clothing, lewelry, some childrens fumtlure. May I1th-12lh-13fh, 16 6:30, 2340 Hlltcreat Or., Bloomfield, m ml. W. ot Telegraph off Square Laka Rd. FE 5-6738. . RUMAAAGE SALE - VABIEW, Friday and Sat. 9-4 p.m.: 2691 Voorhels. , RUMAAAGE: AAAY 9, 10 AND 11, 4060 Jqyce, Drayton Plains. SEASON'S CLEARANCE SAL0 of all used and new desks, filu, typewriters, adding machines — drafting tables, etc. Fortes, 4500 Dixie, Drayton, OR 3-9767. SPRED-SATIN PAINTS. WARWICK Supply. 2670 Orchard Loko. 682-28jH>- SHEEP, 6 HEALTHY WHITE faced, *100. Northeast of Lapur. Good controllers. 7554112, Warren. ST. ANDREW'S THRIFT SWOP, 5301 Hatchery Rd. Clothing for the family.. Antiques, housthold Items. Fridays 9:30 to 3 p.m. ST. ANOREWS BARGAIN SALE! Saturday, May 13, 9 until? Inglewood and Maywood. Rochester. Household Items, tools, etc. No clothing. STALL SHOWERS COMPLETE with faucets and curtains $69.50/ value $34.50. Lavatories completo with faucets S14.9S, toilets $10.95. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lk., FE 61462. — 37. T SUPER RUAAAAAGE: GUNS, AAA-munition, 2 outboard motors, ca-nOe, books, record playor, TV, window fans, air compressor, typewriter and much more. Flrdoy, Sat. and Sun. at 660 Lochavan Rd., Union Lk. SUPER STUFF. SURE NUPI That's Blue Lustre for' cleaning rugs and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer si. Hudson's Hdwo. 41 E. Walton. TAKE SOIL AWAY THE BLUE Lustre way from carpets and U6 holstery. Rent electric shampooer, SI. Heights Supply C6„ 2685 Le-peer Rdl________ '__________ TALBOTT LUMBER 14" Black and Decker drill, 19.99 Appliance rollers, S7.95 a pr. 4'x8”xAs" particle board, S3.7S ea. 4'xlx4k" particle board, $4.95 u. 1025 Oakland______ FE 6459S THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD STORE 110 W. LAWRENCE ST. Everything to meet your Mod* Clothing, Furniture, Appliances TREAT RUGS RIGHT, THEY'LL bo • delight If cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer tl. Brownies Hdwo. 952 Joslyn. TUB ENCLOSURES, GLASS ONLY $25. G. A. Thompson. 7S8S MSS W. USlD CLOTHING V-'" WORK clothes, also novelties. 292 §itf* win. WALK-IN COOLEfe, BLObGETH pizza oven, work tabtee, french friars, deep freezers. Paper goods misc. Inquire 2948 AMf. Lv WANTED TO BUY Leaded glau lamps or ludad StasS lamp shades. FE/698*4. WASHED WIPING RAGS lowu It cents lb. 25 lb. boxes to 300 lb. bates Blvd. supply 333-7801 500 S. Blvd. B. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AT discount prices. Fortes Prmkm and Office Supgttss- MO Wxto . Hwy. OR 39147. .ffiSSlIi WHEEL CHAIR. ALAAOST NOW, Mu*, tor tarpe mea. m IMS. WIG, BLACK! SHOULDER LENOtR 108 par cam human hair, 148. 336 1189, • - , , WOODEM ’ WINDOWS, STOit MX various sizs* rear door otorm. rea. 425-2544. wigs: ioo>*ft ~efUT fRuun hair. $200. 141-4387: MUSf sacrifice, UL m I SACK MORTAR MIXER WITH «q«Slit eOBlne.423-0191 after S|30. fc‘ Van Trailers, can be used on the road or Waal for storage. Blvd. Supply 333-7081 500 S. Blvd. AIR COMPRESSORS. LUBRICATION equipment hydraulic lacks, steam cleaners, etc Pontiac Motor Parts, t«W Mt. Ctomans St. PE 3-0108. McKesson air compressor, flood tor painting, S»■ PE 9-1452. Puts—Hunting Dtgs 79 S AKC POODLES, CHOCOLATE miniatures, mala, tamale, cuddly, snappy disposition, 651-6517. 1 YEAR OLD GERMAN SHEP hard, _ wonderful watchdog, good with children. FE 5-9691. 3 MINIATURE POODLES, 1 BLACK female, 1 brown malt, reasonable. EM 3-4401. 2 BLACK BEAUTIES male AKC poodles, 474-0739. - TINY TOY 10 weeks — SMALL METAL LATHE ON STAND, 3 WHITE TOY POODLES, 9 WEEKS. $65. Amco brake drum lather and: akc. 474-3411. to?,i«fl,noB,'3.sjoo' 3 PARTI-COLOR POODLES, HAVE N-"* will sell.for $450. OR 3-5200, perrt,#nenf lhots, 2-miniatures, 7;30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 3:8 P.M. EVERY FRIDAY \„ EVERY SATUROAY EVERY SUNDAY ... SpprWi^ Ooodt — All Types Door Prises Every Auction We Buy - Sell - Trade, Retell 7-day Consignments Welcome ___„ , BRB AUCTION 5009 Dixie Hwy.__ OR 3-2717 PUBLIC AUCTIONS GAUKLER Storage Company, . 150 S-' Tele- H4H Auto Sales. TlttML MUST SELL _______BATA a 1945 John Deere model 20T0 diesel j3 MALE POODLES, SMALLEST crawler loader with Drott bucket, miniatures — 330-2205._______ International model JD-9. diesel13 AKC BEAGLE PUPS. WORMED, bulldozer. internatlonaTVnodel TD-| shots. 535. 420-3015. 24 bulldozer. Body-Harrnon Equipment Co., 151 S. Cass Lk. Rd. 330-4000. Nights 425-2087 or 482-0798. Musical Suods 71 1 DACHSHUND, STUDS, AKC, ESTELHEIM KENNELS, 391-1009, ADORABLE, FLUFFY puppies. 492-1901._ 100 PIANOS/^NEW AND USED — AKC APRICOT POODLE PUPS 040. spinets, consoles, grands, player Ea. Call 429-2110. pianos a specialty,' -tree delivery t AKC BEAGLES. OXFORD ' anywhere In Oakland Cdunty. Open 428-1207 Ovary Mflht untll ». i AKC CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES HOUSE OF STRINGS 1 FE 4-5144 40 W. 8 Mile Rd. Hazel Park,. lust j ' -pnrihi c—si'irV 'e'cMii c 3 blocks west of 1-75 LI 1-4377|AISfM POPiX-T' BLACK FEMALE. AMPLIFIER $275.1 5100. 474-2537. BALDWIN ORGA-SONIC S P I N fit it, less' organ with bench and light, than year old. 424-3308. AKC POODLE PUPPIES, REASON able. 2 half Spaniel and Pointer puppies, OR 34905,_________ AKC REGISTERED. 2 SILVER AND 024. BARITONE UKES. All Mahogany. STORY 8. CLARK ORGANS $585 and up MORRIS MUSIC 04 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 2-0547 Across from Tel-Huron AKC SIBERIAN HUSKY, MALE puppy, 2 MoS. old, $100. Also ytud service. 338-3821. HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN. LIKE new. 473-0031. Rammond ORGAN 423-0478. fiOLTON CORONET 3. $795. AND CASE. Used 3 times. Cost $160 sacrifice $100. 674-1376. JANSON PIANO, YEARS OLD. like new. 5347 Highland Rd. Apt. 237. 474-2192. LOWERY ORGAN BLUE TAG SALE ALL PET SHOP. 55 WILLIAMS. FE 4-4433. Hampsters, and guinea pigs BASSETT PUPPIES AKC also stud service 807-4422. BEAGLE. MALE, 18 MONTHS, 015. 474-2474. BEAUTIFUL WHITE poodle, 052-3447. BEAGLE, 4 MOS. BOARDING KENNEL Call for summer reservations now. Darengo Kennels, Highland >887-4700. I ______ Unclaimed freight and storage, Mlsc. Furnishings; appliances; lawn equipment; fewelry; clothing; etc,. Terms cash and carry; Auctioneer Mika Spak. TilK PONTIAC 1M1KSS. TIH RSDAY. MAY H, 1967 TIZZY Troval Traitors 88 I* CAMPER COVER, 30" HIGH, months old, 1150. 335-9747. IT MOBILITY. I Lika new, oim_________________ 17' MERCURY, 'SELF-CONTAINED. SELF-CONTAINED. 451-4554. Make offer. 402-7379 or 3354347 after 5 p.m. )*' BREEMER, EXCELLENT CON dltion, 0795. Avon Sail Boats. 1033 E. Auburn Rd. and John R. FE 0-4233 or FE 2-2752. O' 1944 DRIFTWOOD, SLEEPS 5, self-contained, Including TV aerial. Lika new, $2,150. 051-5359 after 5. SATURDAY, MAY 13 — 10 A.M. Herronen Lake-front Home 7479 Havltand Beach Dr., Linden | Gun collections — Old, furnishings Lamps—Dishes—Meta Is-Appllances Parkins Sale-Service Auctioneers' Phone: Swartz Creek — 435-9400. SMART'S AUCTION EVERY FRI-day. 7:30 p.m. 330 W. Tlenken Rd. Rochester, call 437-5103. SPECIAL AUCTION SUNDAY MAY 21, 9 P.M. Hall's Auction Salas 705 W. Clarkston Rd., Lake Orion, Every- thing is donated, everything must H Good, used furniture, Appll ■nces. hair cuts, dinners, various merchandise. All proceeds to charity. NurariGt 81 THORNTON NURSERY - 701 N. Milford Roao, Highland, Michigan, Large selection of stock In field, balled or potted > — ready to go. Evergreens ot landscape slza, shade trees, ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, ground cover, etc. Speial: 5 year 5" to 10" Colorado Spruce $10 cants each. Open Monday through Saturday. 2? BEEMER. TANDEM AXL E. shower, full bed, sleeps I, Beemer Trailer Mfg. 1-427-2555. 1945 AVALAIRE 23,' /ALL ALUM-aircraft construction, fully self-contained, Dealer's personal trailer — Only $4,395. Ellsworth Trailer' Sales 4577 Dlxl# Hwy. 425-4400 1944 APACHE EAGLE CAMPER, canopy Included, used 2' weeks, like new, $450. OA 8-3104. 1944 APACHE EAGLE, -WITH ADD-a-room, excellent condition. 790-0452, 1940 VW CAMPER, 18,000 ML Tent, roof rack, snow tires, 02500. Call 332-0901 after 4 p.m, 1944 STARCRAFT HARDTOP CAMP-er, sleeps 8, double dinette, gas-electric refrigerator, gas bottle, spare tire, other extras. Used 3 wks. FE 4-4227, Owner after 4 p 1944, 22' AIRSTREAM, LIKE NEW, carpeted, 04,700. 451,-4)30. By Kate Osann Piants-Trees-Shrubs 81-A LANDSCAPE EVERGREENS AND shade trees, white spruce, 4' to 4' 02.50. Dig your own. McNeils Nursery, Maybee Rd. at Dixie Hwy. Hwy., 025-5534. Closed Sunday. PETUNIAS, 02.79 FLAT; GERAN-lums, 45 cents ea. or 07 doz. Vernot's Greenhouse, 2441 Williams Dr., Vi block oft Dixit at Pontiac Drive-In Theatre corner. 1967 FROLIC TRAVEL TRAILERS, 14'-24' TRUC* CAMPERS, O'-lOW' Now on display Over 40 new and used trailers to choose from. Stop In and see them today.’ Jacobson Trailer Sales 5490 Williams Lake Rd. OR 3-5901 Livestock 83 AIRSTREAM LIGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL TRAILERS Since 1932. Guaranteed -tor life. See them and. get a demonstration at Warner Trailer Sales. 3098 W. Huron (plan To loin one of Wally Byam's exciting caravans). BOSTON TERRIER, FEMALE, 4 j (jirp YEARLING APPALOOCA SAVE 050 TO $300. LARGE SE- years old and puppy. RCA Colli*.I ,|)neS( mu,t sell, 796-3447 eves. * LECTIONS. FREE DELIVERY. NO MONEY DOWN — BANK TERMS. CANARIES 3-YEAR-OLD WELSH STUD PONY I 425-2447 GALLAGHER'S- Slngers, beautiful colors and songs. It-YEAR-OLD PINTO GELDING -FE 2-3905 Great pleasure or woman's horse, --------------------------- best Offer. OR 4-3241. 1714 \ TFI Fr.PAPH DO YOU HAVE A LONELY OHILD!_ Open Evenings til 9 p.m.-Sat til 5^30 who naads ■ lovino DUDDV? D«h’ > MAY IS MUSIC MONTH Give your child—the piano—you missed. Used from $49—new from $479 Shop us before you buy. GALLAGHER’S - 1710 S. TELEGRAPH Open eve 'till 9 p.m., Sat., 'till-5:30 JtEW CONSOLE PIANO, WALNUT WITH BENCH ................0573 SMILEY BROS. 119 N. Saginaw________FE 4-472) PIANO FOR SALE. FE 2-4170 after 4. - Flayer piano wanted, need npt be In working condition, and rolls If you have them. 338-0108. Upright pianos to sell - Smith Moving 10 $. Jessie, FE 4-4944. UPRIGHT PINAO, JUST TUNED, 075. EM 3-4987. USED PIANOS Uprights from ........... Spinets from ............ $300 Consoles from ............... $439 who needs a loving puppy? Dash- 9-YEAR-OLD SORREL GELDING, out and set a Dachshund. Call! Not for children. 402-2573 after 5, FE 5-5372. FREE KITTENS TO GOOD HOME. 7 wks. old. Box trained. FE 5-0324. FREE KITTENS, 1 MALE, 1 male, 0 wks. old, 332-0547. FREE KITTENS, PART ANGORA, to a good home. FE 2-9470. FREE PUPPIES, PART part Spitz. 493-1534, FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED BOX-er. 0100. Call after 3, 334-7040. GERMAN SHEPHERD. EXCEL-lent watch dog. 0100. FE 4-9445. GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTERS call after 4, 473-4429 APPALOOSAS, QUARTER HORSES. Reg. Also stud service. 420-3015, ARABIAN QUARTER HORSE, 015#, also horse manure, 31010 Bingham Rd., corner 13, Birmingham. Ml 7-1744. ARABIAN, WELSH, POA STUD service. KenLo. 027-3792, avas. BLACK QUARTER HORSE 5-YEAR-old gelding 11 black galdlng 0 or 9 yrs. old and bay mara, soft mouth, 0100. 425-2430. DOUBLE D RANCH OPEN FOR business. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 473-7457. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, AKC registered, dam and sire, both good with children, 333-7904. FIRST LESSON FREE. AMONG the best Instructors In Mich. Beginners through advanced lumping. Cross-Country riding. Baby slt-*“ available. Klentner Riding GREAT DANES OF RO-SHAN. Academy. HOP Hiller Rd. 343-0009 APACHE CAMP TRAILERS (Nb-icMMllH 81 s-u • net to MIA, In tj*. l*. g& NO «0 I think it’s only fair to tell you that my horoscope says I’m going to fall madly in love next week!” Mobile Homos 89 l-A 50'XIO' 2 BEDROOMS . . . 03,195 MANY BEAUTIES TO CHOOSE FROM RICHARDSON-WINDSOR HOMETTE-LIBERTY-HAMPTON COLONIAL MOBILE HOMES , FE 2-1057 ______423-1310 Good assortment of new 1944.mod- 12 X 40 LIKE NEW. BEST OFFER, els at close out prices. Example —I Terms. 473-4232. close out prices. Example New 1966 Apache camp frailer sleeps 8 with new canopy and add--a-room $69$. All 6 new 1967 models on display In heated showrooms. g HOLLY TRAILER, SETF-CON-talned. MArket 4-2381. 2551 Oak Open dally til 7 p.m. Sundays 10 43 a,rov to 5 p.m. Apache Factory View Or., Walled Lake. Motorcycles 95 1944 HONDA CB 140. GOOD CON-dltlon. 0400, 451-7790. * 1944 HONDA SUPER 90, EXCEL-lent condition. 1,000 miles, red. 1 free tune-up and Inspection left on warranty, $350, OR 3-7003, 1944 HONOA 305 CC WITH BUCO helmet. (357 Pontiac Laka Rd. 473-9242. 1944 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, $995. 1967 Boo* on pitploy MRRCURVWWERa&lSERYIDEALER Cruiso*0ot, Inc. _ Daily 9-7 p.m. 43 e. Walton - P)B 4-4402 AJAX trailer, $if 447-I5T7 ' BEAUtlFUL 14; CUSTOM DESIGN SfSSL L™1*!'',, •***H*ht condition, outboard, traitor, fully equipped; doubles es travel trailer. 424-4059 BOAt. IO HP M6VOR Abb tRAtL-or. FE 4-3780. BOAT TRAILER, -------- ■ PE 24571 ■ ■, BOAT BATTERIES, 97th ANNIVEf-Oary special, 012,97 exchange. B.R Gbodrlch Store, 111 N, fPitry, Fenfiac. FE 2-0121. ' | IT ■ 7 CHUCK'S BOAT REFINISHING. N-berglass or weed, A-l job. Ml 4-7243. CUSTOM BOAT COVERS AND canvas repairing. 74 S. Midrand. FE 4-4277, Erznoznlk Canvas Re-pairlng. DAWSON SPECIALS - USED U Clipper Craft fiberglass runabout. Hilltop trailer 1495. SPECIAL SPRING PRICES ON Grumman canoes, Mirra Craft alum, boats, Kayot - alum, and steel pontoon rafts, Glasspar and Steury fiberglass boats, Evinruda motor, Pam-co trailers. Taka M-59 to W, Highland. Right on Hickory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd. Left and follow signs to OAWSON SALES AT TIP. SICO LAKE. Phone 429-2179. WantecfCers-TrvcIu 101 HELP! r We need 300 sharp Cadillacs, Pan-‘tlecs. Olds and Bulcks.tor out-of-state market. Top dollar paid. .MANSFIftD AUTO SALES 1)04 Baldwin Ava. FE 5-5900 FE 0-0825 STOP HERE LAST M 6tM MOTOR SALE^ Now at our new location Wo pay more for sharp, late model cars. Corvettes needed. - 115# Oakland at Viaduct _______________3338-9241 “TOP DOLLAR PAID" GLENN'S FOR "CLEAN" USED CARS __ 952 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 , PE 4-1797 SPECIAL PRICES DON'T BUY UNTIL You Try Tony's Marine Big' discount, an all 1944 boats and motirs. Johnson motors and boats, Avrocraft canoes and fishing boat*. Geneva. I and O only $3395. alva Shall Laka Baals, 2495 Orchard Laka Rd., Sylvan Lake, Open 10-1,______________________ For extra dean cars VanWelt Auto Sales — OR 3-1355 fop $ FOR CLEAN CARS OR trucks. Economy Cars., 2330 Dixie. Used Auto-Truck Purt* 102 1945 PONTIAC , 4-DOOR SEDAN -Steering. Brakes. Auto. Radio wracked. FE>41«». ,, ■ . COMPLETE <513 TO 1 POSI-TRAC-tlon rear end tor '55 fa '44 Chevy. A-l shape. 625-2058 after 0 p.m. -CONVERT your! ENGINE +0 HI performance. Call us tor Informa-tton. All makes. Terms, 537-1117. FORD 352-390 ENGINE AND OTH- era. 327 Chevy Ball housing, mlsc. tripqwers-ilicks. HAH i Sales, OR 3-5200. MOTORS: '59 CHEVY 4 AND 0, 383 Mercury, '59 Bulck 4 eyl., Ford rebuilt, '61 Plymouth 6. Lee-FE 2-2444. PONTIAC TRI-CARB ASSEMBLY -includes carburetors, heads, manifold, cam. Complete outfit, 0225. 235-990I. New few and Used Trucks 103 V4-TON CHEVROLET P(CK-UP, 1941 Call after 5:30. 625-1910. 1942 WINCH TRUCK, MAY BE seen at 575 Lenox off Joslyn. 0300, 674-2402. 01 CHEVY Vi TON, POWERS BOX from California, no rusf, '50 Ford 0. good. Lea.iA 197 Johnson. ea,/- 197 Johr cfOMP ffeu 1951 GMC DUMP TRUCK. GOOD box. 0295. 1943 Volkswagen pickup, double cab, axe. 0450. OR 3-5200. H O H Auto Sales. EARLY BIRD SPECIALS: Johnson boats and motors Chrysler boats and motors Duo flberglas boats Silverline-I-O's Pontoons-Canoes-.Prams-Sallboats Aluminum fishing boats Bridgestone Motorcycles 332-3490. Hometown Dealer. Bill Coller, Vi mile east of Lapeer city limits on M-21. ALUMINUM TRAVE LTRAILER roomy, has everything but not self-contained, exc. condition, 0550. 852-4695.. BOOTH CAMPER ALUM. COVERS, CAMPERS, PARTS, ACCESSORIES . , FOR ANY PICKUP 7330 HIGHLAND RO. — PONTIAC OR 3-5526 BRADLEY CAMPER Quality built, aluminum covers for any pick up. 673-9520. 3259 Seebaldt, Drayton Plains, Dealer. CAMPING Fawn end brlndle. "Show quality pOR SALE: 10 PRIME STEERS. McFeely Resort Private lake, safe sandy beach, 16 flush toilets, hot and cold showers, fishing. Half mile south of Orton-vllle. 8 FT. STEWART, 2 BED-rooms. Lot No. 19, E. Highland Mobile Park. 2 Ml. N. of GM Proving Grounds. 01500. 55' x 10' NEW MOON. CARPETED, Glass enclosed porch. On lake, beautiful beach. FE 3-7422. 1965 RICHARDSON, 12 X 55. COM-pletely furn. Exc. condition. Many extras. Sea at lot 22, College Heights Mobllehome Park, Au-burn Heights. Call 852-3891. 1966 RICHAROSON, 12x58, 4-BED-room. Sell or swap. 634-8190. BIG SPRING VALUES See them today. New and different floor plans. All deluxe models 1 for every femlly. As many as 4 bedrooms, 1% baths and ttp outs. Easy terms. We deliver. 1966 TRIUMPH, 650CC, LIKE NEW, 343-7948 between 2:30 and 9 p.m. 1944 TRIUMPH. 500 TRIUMPH COM petition. 500 CC $900. FE 2-1793 1966 TRIUMPH 500 COMPETITION exc. condition. 482-3203, 1966 YAMAHA 100 TWIN. LOTS OP extras. $375. EM. 3-0416. 1944 YAMAHA 100 CC TWIN, tras, $325. 402-5543. Toir HARLEY DAVIDSON ELEC-tra glide, 400 miles, FE 5-7403 between 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 1967 305 HONDA SCRAMBLER. 300 ml. Red paint job. UL 2-1107, 1967 TRIUMPH TR4R, 450CC, miles, FE 5-0875. 1967 200 cc TRIUMPH, EXC. 1450. EM 3-4722 after 5. HONDA IN LAPEER WATERFORD MOBILE HOMES! parts- accessqrles, smalMbwn'deal- Complete lint of fishing tackle Scuba diving equipment Little League baseball supplies Hunting supplies and general sports Many fine used complete outfits of boat, motor and trailer at 10 per cent down. All Guaranteed. PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. 4030 Dixie twy., Drayton Plains OR 4-0411 At Loon Laka Opan dally 9 a.m.-6 p.m. , Mon. and Thurs. 'til 9 p.m. Sun. 10 A.M.-4 P.M. FAST CRUISER 22' Cruls-Along with 135 h.p. Grey-marine. Ideal for couple or small family, complete sleeping, eating and tollat" facilities. Many extras Including custom mada trailer. Fast enough for water skiing and very seaworthy. Excellent condition. Offered at one-half of original cost, or will trade for equity In real estat*. FE 2-5546. WE MOVE JUNK CARS (FREE tow). Call us — HliH Sales. OR 3-5200. GRUMMAN CANOES, GRAND River boat sale. 28928 Grand River, Farmington. 4 blocks a»st of Middle Belt. GR 4-7320. dipets.'' *Dane. Call OS 8-2253, Metamora, Mich. A. Blackwood, There Is nothing like Dane. — He will dedicete his life to loving you and your tarn- cm b. Mien .Ber> «... : lly. 15877 E. 1] Mile. Roseville. F°R SALE-.,/WELL-BRED CKJAR 777-9870. ' “ 627-3020 weekends ter mare, $300. Call attar 634-9690. •lit! HAVE TO SELL MALE COLLIE, H°?5.E.L A,IUP.,„TA?K„F?.R SALE 1 year old# have papers. Ml 7*7515.' Low, Easy Terms GRINNELL'S Downtown 27 S. Saginaw Street Violin, $7). good condition Cash or farms. 493-4424. WANTED: SPINET CONSOLE-Grand Plano, will pay cnh. FE 4-0544. WURLITZERAND THOMAS ORGANS AND PIANOS INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS JACK HAGAN MUSIC 440 Elizabeth Lake Rd. 332-0500 H92 Cooley Lake Rd. 343-5500 Muiic Lessens 71-A ACCORDION, GUITAR LESSONS Sales-Servlca Pulaneckl OR 3-5596' Piano lessons beginning. Adults and children. PE 8-2766. Office Equipment 72 KITTENS, 2 TAFFY TOMS, 1 .-.-Gray girl, 6 weeks old, nerd good home, 647-4312. or trade. 625-4597, or 434-3015. ALL SIZES', Also CENTURY YELLOWSTONE WHEEL CAMPER 6333 Highland Rd. 673-3600 Across from Pontiac AIrport DETROITER - KR07r~ Harrington HONDA 140 CL _ | helmets, cycle carrier. 682-5939, HORSES FOR SALE, shapes, colors, and prices tack. 625-5340 or 6259964. POODLE BEAUTY SALON Clippings—AKC Pups—Stud Servlet Pet Supplies—602-6401 or 682-0927 POODLE, PICK OF UTTER, AP-ricot female puppy, champion line, 2 mos. Exc. confirmation 0100. 363-9324. POODLE CLIPPING AND SMAM-poo, vary reap., by appt. FE 5-4095, POODLE GROOMING — AKC STUD service, and puppies. 334-4430.__________ POODLE CLIPPING AND SHAMPOO. OR 3-8203. Reas. POODLES, STUD SERVICE FOR miniatures and standards, also sorrel GRADE GELDING, PINTO MARE. EXCELLENT horse. FE 5-0440 after 4. PONY FOR SALE. FE 2-1292. PONY, TACK, BUGGY. 474-1370, Aft, 4 p.m. QUARTER TYPE MARE, IXCEL-lent childrens' or pleasure horse. $275. EM 3-4970. REGISTERED JERSEY COW AND bull calf. $165. Call Ed Theriot, 625-2580. REGISTERED Vt ARABIAN MARE, chestnut, white blaze and socks, well broken. Appaloosa mart, gentle enough for children. EM 3-2610. 575 Union Lake Rd. dipping, FE 8-3431. SOLID WALNUT SECRETARIAL desk, $125. Royal manual typewriter, excellent condition, $95. 343-7400. Store Equipment 73 FOR SALE. COMMERCIAL COOL-art, 3 beer or pop coolers, 1 ten ft. meat cast with scales, 1 Ice cream freezer, 1 American Meat •Hear, Remington adding machine and caslv register combined, 2 wood counters, 1 neon sign with transformers, 15" wide by !#" long large 4 Inch letters reading "Beer Groceries Wine." For Information ^ call 303.73B. two 12* REFRIGERATED DAIRY er meat counters, 2 grocery check out counters, 100' double Island . grocery shelving. MA 6-2904. Sperting Goods 74 208 LEVER ACTION SAVAGE, QUiflO pump, 335)924. ' Basketball backboard net. OR 3-1904. I, BUY - SELL - TRADE r IV Guns—720 W. Huron—FE 4-7451 BOWS AND ARROWS—334-4349 GENE'S ARCHERY-714 W. HURON FULL SET MCGREGOR WOODS and Irons, 1150. FE 4-2710. PUPPIES FOR SALE, 673-3733 REGISTERED ENGLISH POINTER. 850. Call 612-5755 after dark. REGISTERED TOY FOX TERRIER puppies, white toy poodle, toy terrier and chihuahua stud services. FE 2-1497. SCHNAUZER, MINIATURE MALE pup. AKC, 451-3807. SIAMESE SEAL POINt KITTENS, SIS ea. 548 Mt. Clemens SI. SIAMESE KITTENS, REGISTERED seal points, 2 males, 830 each. 673-5277, attar 3 p.m. SIAMESE KITTENS, SPECIAL priced for Mother's Day. FE 4-8793. ST. BERNARDS, PEKINGESE, Doxies, Poodles, American Eskimos In stock. * UNCLE CHARLIES' PET SHOP 332-8515 ' THOROUGHBRED BRITTANY PUP-pies, 5 months, 815 and $20 each. 332-6021. TOY POODLE PUPPIES, AKC, beautiful temperment and confirmation, puppy shots, paper trained. Perfect for Mother's Day gift. Some at pet prices starting el $75. 651-4747. TOY APRICOT POODLES, AKC, $75, 332-4454. years old, good disposition, good for children. $175. 451-4581. WESTERN SADDLE, PADDED ' seat, $75. FE 2-1841-Eves. Stop In and Inspect our travel trailers, we ere apt to fit any budget and need, including a tent camper with storage and closet space (yes closets) like you've never seen before. STACKER TRAILER SALES, INC. 3771 Highland (M59) FE 2-4928 MOTOR HOME RENTAL, SPECIAL rates May and June, drive It don't pull It, 343-2088. OAKLAND CAMPER Open for your Inspection Karibou Kamper DON'T MISS THIS KARIBOUI A superb truck camper Also aluminum covers 335-0434. Baldwin St Colgate Hay—Grain-Feed 84 HAY FOR SALE. FE 4-0358. MIXED HAY AT THE BARN-Barn run, '25c a bale — 628-3596. Poultry 85 WANTED TO BUY-PIGEONS. 391 1446 between 5 and 6 p.m. Farm Produce 86 JACK COCHRAN HAS SEED PO-tatoes. Call MY 2-0931. SEED POTATOES, EARLY AND late verities. Charles Young, phone 692-1711. STRAWBERRYS BY THE CASE OR quart. Walton Blvd., lust west of Perry. Fri. Sat. 8, Sun. afternoons. VARIETY OF CERTIFIED SEED potatoes. Bores Market, 2250 Dixie Hwy., 1/4 mile north of Telegraph. FarmEquipment ALLIS. CHALMERS MODEL 87 electric starter with plow and dreg — *350. 623-0314. WEIMARANER PUPPIES, AKC, 840. 428-3927. I BOLENS Auction Sales 70 WlNCHES- RUGER 44 MAGNUM SPORTSTER Auto. 334-5507.1 80 SET O FGOLF CLUBS cjii'1 -7" .f __________i Round maple table, chairs Books GOOD CONDITIONS Maple corner hutch LamDS 1 FINE ESTATE AUCTION. SAT* urday. 7 p.m. Extra flna consignment of nice furnishings and accessories. Tier Table Washer RIDEMASTER GARDEN tractor, plow, disk, cultivators and grader blade, $160. 852*3313. $60. OR 3*9046. Send—Grovel—Dirt 76 1-A SHREDDED TOPSOIL, BLACK dirt, stone, gravel, FE 8-1495. fa TOP SOIL, FILL OIRTnflA-son sand; 10-A stone and crushed stone. American Stone Products. MA 5-2161. A-l BLACK DIRT, TOP SOIL, gravel, reas. rates. FE 5-3176. A-l TOP SOIL AND BLACK DIRT. * FE 5-9851 TOP SOIL, 10 VARDS, $20. Del. Mason sand, 10 yds.. $29. Cushion sand, 10 yds., $17. 673-1610. A-l BLACK DIRT. SAND AND CLAY till, washed stone, crushed llme-stont. FE 1-8487, He Boyt. AAA BLACK DIRT FOR SALE __________ FE 54)214 BLACK 30" gas range GE 2 dr. refrigerator Maple bunk beds Rocker Bookcase New water softener,, never used! French Provincial living room. Plus many other high quality ta Lamps I Jet pump' Linens Pictures hand tools deep freeze COMPLETE LINE OF new and used garden tractors, mowers, tillers Hillson Lawn & Garden 4470 Dixie Hwy. Clarkston 625-4937 Open dally 8 to 6, Sun. 11 to 6 bles and accessories. This sale Is full of useful merchandise tor everyone, ft merits your attendance. Doors open 4:30. Tom Ty FORD TRACTOR, PLOW AND CUL tivators, 8495. 310 Diesel dozer, J . months, 6-way hydraulic b ade, 84,088. 53# construction King, like new, big discount. TD-4 doz er, $895. 430 tractor, loader and backhoe, 81495. 600 Ford tractor with loader, $1195. 1961 GMC truck, long wheel base, low cab forward, $895. 100 pieces of farm and Industrial equipment. 10 other doz ers. Clark's Tractors between Holly and Fenton. MA 9-9376. PHOENIX AND WINNEBAGO CONVERTIBLES 4x9 sleepers PICKUP CAMPERS 4‘x6' sleepers TRAILERS 16' to 19' MOTOR HOMES 17# *— 19' — 22' REESE AND DRAW-TITE HITCHES 0pf« Sold and Installed , HOWLAND SALES AND RENTALS 3255 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1454 12' wide, 2 or 3 bedrooms, as low as> $4,288. Also many used at bargain prices. MOTORCYCLE Insuranco ____________I HAS EVERYTHING SCRAMBLER, 2 for your summer boating needs. Plan . ahead now. Special sale prices on: BOB HUTCHINSON, INC. 4301 Dixie Hwy. (U.S. 10) Drayton Plains, Mich. OR 3-1202 . Open Dally '111 9 p.m. _______Sat. and Sun. 5 p.m. LOW RATES MARLETTES 50'-43' long, 12' to 20' wide. Early American, Traditional or Modern decor. Space available In 4 Star Park, no extra erhaae. Also see the famous light weigh; Winnebago Trailer, b OXFORD TRAILER SALES OPEN 9-8, CLOSED SUNDAYS 1 mite south of Lake Orion on M24 MY 2-0721 RICHARDSON 12' X 40', 1944 MOD-el, 2 bedrooms, bath and half, 474-4204. Days 9:30-5:30. SPRING SALE Anderson Associates 1044 Joslyn FE 4-3535 ROY ,-JYAL ENFIELD Fastest 750CC available BULTACO 1966 State Champion Experts Service — all makes Jacket-Helmets-Accessorles LIT Indian Mini Bikes COMPETITION CYCLES 7194 Cooley Lk. Rd. 363-9312 (Your Evlnrudi Dealer) 1899 S: Telegraph FE 2-0033 SALE - SALE! f All used motorcycles marked down Buy now and save. Easy terms. ANDERSON SALES 8, SERVICE 1645 S. Telegraph FE 3-7102 SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF:SU£f,RJ?i 32l “°N,?A SCRAMBLE 12 WIDE IN 5 DECORS. WE HAVE 4 ONLY. DEMOS AT A GIANT SAVINGS. WE WILL NOT BE KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD. FREE DELIVERY UP TO 300 MILES. FREE SETUP WITH AVAILABLE PARKING. PARKWOOD - HOLLYPARK PIONEER CAMPER SALES BARTrf TRAILERS 8, CAMPERS TRAVEL QUEEN CAMPERS MERIT FIBERGLASS COVERS (8"-27"-35" covers) ALSO OVERLAND 8. COLEMAN 3091 W. Huron FE 2-3989 7 days a week MIDLAND TRAILER- SALES 2257 Dixie Hwy. - 338-0772 T & C Mobile Homes OFFERS Spring Clearance Specials All 1967 Models PICKUP COVERS, *245 UP. _ 10'6" cabcovers, $1,295 and up. I •* x Front-rear bedroom, T8, R CAMPER MPG. CO. ba,h- . 11*0 Auburn Rd. 852-3334 12 * 40 Early American 2-bedrootn 12 x 60 Executive straight PICKUP TRUCK CAMPERS The largest display of new cab-over pickup truck campers In this area. Bargain prices on both new and used. Example — New 1967, 8' models $795. Used 1965 Apache 8' model with 6W head room and poly foam mattresses, llkb new, 8345. New 1967 cab high truck cover with channel steel framing, screened lalousle windows, 8219 while 15 last. See our dally specials today. Open dally tit 7 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 5 p.tn. BILL COLLER, Vk mile east of Lapeer city limits on M-21. SPECIAL INTRODUCTION TO THIS AREA 12' TALLY HO TRAVEL TRAILER sleeps 4 or 5. Gat your order In now. Only $795. « Ellsworth Trailer Sales 6577 Dixie Hwy. 625-4400 SPORTCRAFT MFG. Plcklip> sleepers end covert Welded tubular frame. Cab to camper boot-boat carriers. 4160 Foley Waterford 623-0650 TRAILER SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES AT JOHNSON'S *1“ J*lke 0P*k, GARDEN TRACTOR WITH PLOW, Auctioneers. Auctioniand. 1300 Cres- *30. 391-2363 before 3. cent Lake Rd. OR 4-3547, AA AUCTION ACTION Frl., 7 p.m. 5089 Dixie., Sat. 10 a.m., 150 Telegraph. Sat., 7 p.m., 1300 Crescent Lake. Sun. 2 P.M., Antique Auction GET SET FOR SPRING DIRT, TOPSOIL, and gravel, fill. Builder's supplies Bud Ballard, 623*1410. 13 Harper D.,ro„ GOOD USED TRACTORS, TRA'L- — A;SARviNGT5RE0NNCHNEE^ M^Y-fI'p® SAND AV£I'°fl AALE; SATURDAY MAY I _ GUSON FORK LIFT LOADERS, BLACK DIRT AND HORSE MA-nure. OR 4-1454. BLACK DIRT, TOPSOIL, SAND, fill end gravel. Mel's Trucking. MY 2-4777. ___________________* iLACK DIRT, ,TOP SOIL, PROCESS road gravel, FE 5-7740, FE 8-447Z Deliver Sundays, 13th, 12:00 noon. 34551 Dequindre BACKHOES. Rd., between 15 and 16 Mile Rds.l Farm machinery including 2 trac- PontlOC Form find tors, buildings, 1959 Pontiac car,! . j . , L.arm an° Ford truck, some antiques. Minnie I Industrial TraCtOT Co. Du*.n» up ton-1 825 S. WOODWARD FE 4-0441 FE 4-1442 Auctioneer. Terms cash. BLACK \JMRT, TOPSOILl FILL dirt, tai#, gravel. Del. FE 4-8944, FE 8-9754., COW MANURE truckload. OA 0 BY BUSHEL OR 8-3389. CRYSTAL - SAND, GRAVEL, ALL areas. Dal, 423-134), Waterford. 6ARK, RICH, FARM TOP SOIL. 6 yards for 815 dal. Also loading. FE 4-6588. PONTIAC LAKE BUILDERS SUP-ply- Sand, gravel, flit dirt. OR ’ 1534. aucJION SALE — 2 MILES SOUTH 2 miles East of Almont at 8601 Borman Rd. on Sat., May *1 I.P-m. 1950 Ford tractor, Open Daily Includllng Sunday HERE IS A NICE ONE WHEELHORSE TRACTOR, 7 H.P. WITH ELECTRIC START AND 34" ROTARY MOWER. 1943 MODEL. EXC. SHAPE, EXC. CONDITION. ONLY 8595 RUSS LEMON - SAND, GRAVEL. tilt. FE -44842. ______\ Top soil, 5 yards delivered, *16. Fill sand, 9 yards, HO. Prpc-eaeafl grave), all kinds. 6734)049. 1951 Ford tractor, 2 bottom plow, rotary mower, 6 ft. IHt type disc, 3 section drag, 2 section spike drag, rear end scoop, tree tiller, 200 gal. bean sprayer, cultipecker, ,, Ba,-„fertilizer sprayer, land feller' 1954 Ford IVj ton stake truck, 1954 Ford dump truck, 1-5 gang town mower, 28" Jacobson power lawn mower, Frazer roto-; filler, 2 sod cutters. Irrigation { pump 6 main with Willeys 4 Cyl motor, 14'—6' pipes, 91'—3" pipes!! ce ce umi !° ^ren Kle. Heads, connectors,!FE 4ptmi»c Rd nnrtvk/prf^°73' tees, elbows, pipe trailer. Grass'-----------p°-n,lac.Rd-J1 OPeYKa_Rd. KING BROS. TRAyEL TRAILERS Your dealer for — LAYTON, CORSAIR rob in hood, tally ho 20 new and used tellers In stock NEW SERVICE DEPT. Ellsworth Trailer Sales 4577. Dixie Hwy. 625-4400 TRUCK CAMPER, FULLY INSUL-ated, aluminum tiding. 6x6x12. $300. Call 852-2872. Used Camping Trailers 1966 Hawthorn# with add:a-ftom, $350. 1966 Apacht Mesa with dinette, plastic window and canopy, $745. 8-8 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 12-5 Sun. EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 6507 Dixie Hwy. 425-171) WANTED TO RENT: 10VY TRUCK camper for 3 weeks In August. WE CARRY THE FAMOUS” Franklins-Crees Fans—Monitor Travel Trailers seeder, ladders and many other! INTERNATIONAL 1945, 10 HORSE-items. Hans Kuhlman Prop. First j Power Cub Cadet, with 42-Inch ro-Nelional Bank of Lapeer, Clerk *arV mower, blade, hitch, disk, Paul Hillman, Auctioneer. 75;1 chains, and wheel weights. $900. WAG-MASTER 2434. 451-1122. WILL ACCEPT OFFERS C acres 'of peat and black U million yds., .est. 397 n>, dirt. on navid Baldwin, (tear Pontiac city Nmitt, nead 1-75. Exc, land refill AUCTION 5at„ May 13. 11 a.m. Lloyd W. Croft — Auctioneer 624-3143 JOHN DEERE 4-ROW CORN I planter, large fertilizer boxes, disk | openers. Herbicide boxes. 52400 12 Mite Rd., New Hudson, 437-1554. peoalblUlfM; 5 m)t>. from GMi ■ plants. Owners. 391-1521._____________ WELL ROTTED STEER MANURE.! 451-5745. i IsH parts galore. Your Homellte chain saw dealer. DAVIS MACHINERY Ortonvllte. NA 7-3292. 79 1-A POODLE CLIPPING, *3-up. 140 Saraaata. FB 8-fl$«6___________ I tie 0-2S3A » TEKRIERS, « WEEKS. 14 ml. Rd. Building materials, res-tGurftfft equipment and household. Wall And ceiling tilts, steel wln-all sizes# roll insulations, new known sink, and extra formica sink tops# new copper screen# mlsc.. screens and doors, 300 glass, . __________ P~S.te-8,'J.-mart).1* f.°r petto. Steel I RIDING OR WALKING TRACTOR .. ,„__________________________ scaffolding, fireplace bricks, 2 with rototiller and cultivator ettach-lmGBiM HOITKS MASSEY FERGUSON 204 TRAC-tor# front end loader, 3 point hitch# 651-7051# after 5 weekdays. Holly Travel Coach 15210 Holly Rd. Holly, ME 4-4771 Open Oeily/and Sundays — WOLVERINE TRUCK CAMPERS and steeners. New and used, $395 up. Also rentals. Jacks, Intercoms, telescoping, bumpers, ladders, EM 2-bedroom 12 x 40 Exec-expando, 2-bedroom ............ „„ Delivery and set-up included TELEGRAPH AT DIXIE HIGHWAY 334-6694 $5195.00 $5295.00 $6695.00 $7495.00 TRAVELO TRAILER, 36' X V 332-3409. 8' x 35' TRAILER, FE Rent Trniier Space 90 LARGE LOTS, NATURAL GAS Pontiac Mobile Home Park VILLAGE GREEN MOBILE ESTATE — New and different, 2285 Brown Rd. Near 1-75 and M-24. 335-0155, Tires-Auto-Truck 92 Auto Strvice 93 THIS WEEK SPECIAL, CUSTOM paint |ob, $85. Free pickup and delivery service, satisfaction guaranteed. Excel Pelnt and Bump Ortonvilla. 482-4)173. Motor Scooters 94 Motorcycles 5-SPEED DUCATI 95 Scrambler, 30 h.p., 240 lbs. Full price, 9795, easy terms. ANDERSON SALES 8. SERVICE 1445 5. Telegraph FE 3-7102 500CC CUSTOM TRIUMPH,' FIRE, frost paint, A-l shape, 8575. 452- 1945 YAMAHA, 250 CC _______________482-1778 1965 HONOA SCRAMBLER, EXC condition, 8450. Call after 5 p.m MY 3-1487._______________________ 1944 DUCATTI. 100 CC. 300 MILES 8250. 330-9205. Or, 423-1241 1944 HARLEY-DAVIDSON. XLCH $1250 or best offer. 330-2779. 1944 HONDA 305CC, CALL WEEK-days after 6 p.m. GR 4-913). Helmet Included 1964 HONDA CB 140. GOOD CONDI tion. 451-9702. 1944 HONDA S-90, BLUE, BEAUTI ful condition, helmet, $265. 343-9497 17MJJONDA $ 90, 900 MILES, 8325 334-5507, __________________^ 1966 HONDA 305, 8400. Call attar p.m., FE 4-7077 1944 SUZUKI X-6, BLACK, GOOD condition, must sail by May 13th 451-4572. HONDA SUPER 90 WITH scrambling equipment, 338-9716 1964 1944 - HOtnA TRAIL 90, LOW MILE agt, 9225. OR 3-9044. 1944 HONDA 140 CC, TAKE OVER payments. FE 5-3548 HONOA 1964 HONDA 300 SCRAMBLER Chrome plated. 451-0204 attar 4, 1966 HONOA SUPER "90", ONLY 600 actual mites, 8299, •tome bars and steals, 2 table •jws, new w ton, GM pickup box. ff ktods of restaurant equipment ind houshold goods too numerous g—.fftofftop- J.0 H N MAZAK, - john fa DACHSHUND "“HIPS, AKC. down, Jahatm's Kttinels. FE 8 mAU^E TERRIERS, * WEI 19 HONDA 305" Scrambler with soo actual mites. $499. best offer. FE 5-2672, SUZUKI'S NEWEST MODEL "200 CC Invader." 12-month or 12,000-mile warranty, other models 50CC-Rupp Mlnl-BIkes es low as . 39.95. Helmets, lackets, complete line ot cycle accessories. See them now at DAWSON SALES AT TIPSI-CO LAKE. Take M59 to W. Highland. Right on Hickory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd., left and follow signs. Phone 429-2179. YAMAHAS ALL MODELS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY K. & W. CYCLE ' SALES 8. SERVICE tree pickup on all ma|or repair 2436 Auburn Utica (E. of Pontiac nr. Daquindre) ____________ 731-0290 _______ YAMAHA, 125CC, 1965, ELECTRIC start, exc. condition, 2,000 ml. Fox go-cart, good condition, EM 3-0544. Bicycles 96 SPRING SPECtAL, A-l BOYS Used bikes, 810 8. up,, 335-6755. Boats — Accessories 97 12* INBOARD BOAT, AIR COOLED engine, needs some reapirs._ 852 4406. !' ALUMINUM- BOATS. 8108. Trailers $120. 16' canoes 8160. 900 lb. trailers 8169. New fibergias runabout, 33 H.P. Johnson electric 900 lb. trailer, battery end box $1349, Flberglas runabouts $549. BUCHANAN'S 343-2301 14' BOAT, 800-LB. GATOR TRAILER — 25 h.p. Johnson motor, $300, 4' FIBERGLASS BOAT AND trailer with controls, 25 h.p., $400. Call 674-1619 after 5 p.m, I , FIBERGLAS RUNABOUT AND trailer. 1943 50 h.p. Mercury, $450. 335-4594. K' FIBERGLASS 39 HORSE EVIN rude, tilt trailer, excellent condi tlon, OR 3-7327,_________________ 14' 4" FIBERGLAS; 50 HORSE POW-er, deluxe padding inside, trailer convertible top, a fun boat. $935 FE 2-4410 after 4. 15' FIBERGLAS 45-HORSEPOWER Chrysler motor, trailer, tarp, and mort extras. Lass than 100 hrs. use. 674-3477. Larson Boats I. 0. Outboards Grumman Canoes Aluminum and Wood Docks HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS MOBJACK NO. 221 — 17 FT glass sailboat. Red hull, white decks. Self-balling, roomy, safe and fast. 3 years old, new Hard and Boston sails, tilt trailer, cover etc. 651-1040. . NEED-TRADE-INS NOW'S THE TIME TO BUYI We carry all Chrysler Lone Star, Glastron, MFG boats, and sail boats. Riviera cruiser pontoons, complete service of outbdards — Mercury outboards 3.9 to 110 h.p. and Merc-Crulser authorized dealer. Cypress Gardens skis (all styles). GRUMMAN CANOES DEALER Close out 1964 Fiberglass canoes ....... $169 Alum, canoes ....... $159-8169 Cliff Dreyer's Gun and Sports Center 15210 Holly Rd. ME 4-4771 y Open Dally and Sundays NOW ON DISPLAY 1967 Mercury outboards and Silver Line boats. Get Ready for Spring Now KAR'S BOATS & MOTORS. LAKE ORION, MY 3-1600 Open dally 9-5 P.M., Sun. 9-1 P.M. Closed Mon. We would like to buy late model GM Cars or will accept trade-downs. Slop'' by today; FISCHER BUICK 544 S. WOODWARD . 647—5600 „ Junk Cars-Trucks 101-A . 2 AND 3 JUNK CARS-TRUCKS, free tow anytime. FE 2-2444. ALWAYS BUYING JUNK CARS and scrap, we tow, FE 5-9949. BRASS; 1754 FORD I TON STAKE. GOOD running condition. 451-3750. 1955 CHEVROLET Vi TON PICKUP, good condition, #175, 10# Monterey. FE 4-7989. 1967 GMC i-Ton Pickup Heater, .defrosters, backup lights, seat belts, 2-speed wipers, washers, padded dash and visor, traffic hazard' lights, directional signals, inside . rear-view mirror. COPPER, BRASS] RADIATORS; starters and generators, C. Olx-son, OR 3-5849.. Used Auto-Truck Parts 102 1958 FbRD PARTS 335-4343 ' 1959 CHEVY-PICKUP, RUNS, 1960 Comet for- parts. Best offer, 363-7504. 1943 LARK MOTOR 6 CYLINDER. Low mileage, $50. Call attar 5 p.m. 673-4003. $1828 including all taxes PONTIAC'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER GMC Factory Branch Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 PRESERVE YOUR HAPPY . HOME LIFE BUY A “OK" USED CAR FOR THE WIFE! 1967 FORD Mustang 2-Door fastback, V8, 390, 4-speed, 2,900 miles,, with warranty book. Red. Only ................ ................$2595 1965 CHEVY Impala 2-Door Hardtop, V8, automatic, radio, heater, whitewalls, one - owner new car ..... .....................,$i695 1966 CHEVY 4-Door sedan, with 6-cyL automatic, radio, heater, whitewalls, 25-month warranty. Only «...............................$1695 1964 PONTIAC Tempest 4-Door with 6-cyl., automatic, power steering, radio, heater, whitewalls ............................... $995 1964 'C0RVAIR Monza 2-Door, with 4-speed, radio, heater. A real nice second car. Only .. .. .% 995 1964 CHEVY 2-Door Sedan, with V8, auto,, radio, heater, whitewalls; See this for the buy of the month ........................LjJ....$ 995 1964 CHEVY Impala convertible, V8, automatic, power steering, radio, heater, whitewalls. White with blue trim ..................... $1495 TOM RADEMACHM CHEVY-OLDS — ON DIXIE AT Ml 9 — CLARKSTON MA 5-5071 On Display SLICKCRAFTS . Flberglas l.-O. and Outboards OWEN'S CRUSIERS Sensational 30 sedan CHRIS-CRAFT Cruisers and spaed boats DEAL NOW LAKE AND SEA MARINE Woodward at South Blvd. FE 4-9587 PINTER'S Quality Marina Merchandise THUNDERBIRD, STARCRAFT, MFG, JOHNSON ' Boats and Motors Cypress Gardens Water Ski Shop 1370 Opdyke Open 9-9 (1-75 at Oakland University Exit) PONTOON BOAT, 22' DECK, 35 -horsepower Mercury, excellent condition, many extras, less than half price,,$1,500. Ml 4-2174. TRADE FAST INBOARD-OUT-board for smallar boat and take ~over my contract. FE 5-0435. TROJAN. 16' TEEN I E-TILT TRAIL-er, SO horse Johnson electric. Tarp and other access. FE 2-4131 after 6 p.m. Airplanes 99 90 HORSEPOWER SNOW-PLANE Iceboat, bucket seats,' many spare parts. $150. FE 5-0435. FAA APPROVED SCHOOL. LET our Instructors teach you to fly. ADI -Inc., Pontiac Airport. OR 4-0441. Wanted Cars-Trucks 101 15VY LONE STAR RUNABOUT, 90 h.p. Evinrude, loaded. Must see to appreciate. 682-7379 or 335- 8347 after 5 p.m.________“______ 16' FIBERGLASS BOAT, 60 HORSE Johnson, less than 40 hrs. In water. $1500. Call 355-7426 14' CHRISCRAFT RUNABOUT, 75 h.p. Johnson, Hydraulic lift on mo-tor, trailer, $895. 391-0644. >' MARINER FIBERGLAS BOAT, complete, 70 h.p. all electric 1063 Mercury, battery, flag, horn, lights. $1395. Owner. OR 3-7127. 16' INBOARD GRAY MARINE, RE-built angina, 8275. 853/787. 17' SEA RAY DAY CRUISER. FULL canvas top 75 h.p. trailer. Water skis. Mlsc. accessories. 81300. OR 3-3245. ■' CHRIS-CRAFT INBOARD. 190 h.p., solid mahogany, Immaculate condition, tandem axle trailer, 81,-795. 682-0173. 19' OLDTOWN CANOE, GOOD CON-dltlon, 8130. 338-8238 after 4 p.m. 75 HORSEPOWER JOHNSON. 14' Dorset, $508. Requires tuning, 626- 6815 Eves. 1962 WAGEMAKER, 16', EXCEL lent shape, 35 h.p. Evinrude, 160 lb. 'trailer, complete—*500. 3170 Orchard Lake Rd., Lot No. 6. 0584. 1945 14' SEA RAY. 40 H.P. JOHN-son, tilt frailer, all ski and safety equipment. $1400. 623-1338, 1944 21' GRAOY-WHITE 155 GMC l-O. like new. Fully equipped Most see to appreciate. GR 4-7320 Deal- ___ 2 BEDROOM HOU5ETRAILER ,,H JAWA "250". Full prlc»: 8499. w,|LL Adults only. No pets. 473-7849. I 8' X 40- housetraile R, excel-f SPARTAN DODGE INC. CTO R,! lent condition,- ">u«t sell. 8*7-4695 155 Oakland Ave. Of 8I7-5Q0I. Mm ' M Or£ FE 8-4528 felt 9-9722 AIC0RT Safi Fish and Sun Fish Now a valla bit# IlmttGd supply — Hurry! GRAND RIVER BOAT SALES 2892* Grand River £r 4-7320 4 blocks east of Middle Balt Redd Alabama Buyer Needs ell mekes end models, highest buyer In midwest. Bring your title. "It only takes e minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" et: John McAuliffe Ford 630 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 DOWNEY Oldsmobile Used Cars TOP DOLLAR FOR CLEAN USED CARS 3400 Elizabeth Lake Road 334-5V67 338-0331 EXTRA EXTRA Dollars Pa d FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car "'Check Ihe rest then get tht best" at Avefill AUTO SALES FE 2-9871 2020 Dixie FE 4-6894 Gale McAuJially's f MEMBER MMOA O SALES I have immediate need tor sharp cars) Now jeiipping to Oklahoma. California, Texas and parts wast. Top dollar paldl Shop me test and get the best/deal here 111 1304 BALDWIN FE 8-4525 Across from Pontiac State Bank JOkk CARS AND TRUCKS, TOW free. FE 8-7SK. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR EXPERT ADVICE ABOUT LUXURY CARS? If so, be sure to consult with us. We would be most happy to show you a number of Important reasons why dollar for dollar, your best investment is a pre-owned Cadillac. You'll discover that there can be no substitute for the satisfaction one enjoys in owning and driving the worlds finest automobile. 1965 CADILLAC 1964 CADILLAC Maroon with white top and Interior. Full power, 6-way seat, and, sharp Inside and out. Coupe. Power Steering, Power Brakes. Windows. Tinted Glass. Dark Blua with matching trim. Nice. $3295 $2195 • 1966 CADILLAC 1963 CADILLAC Coup# DeVille. Very low mite-age. Spare never used. Full power, 6-Way Seat, leather Interior. v Sedan. The popular 4 window model In starlight silver. Black and white interior. One Birmingham owner. $4195 $1695 1965 CADILLAC 1964 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Full Power with Factory Air# and like new. Whitewall Tires# exceptionally clean In and out. - Coup# DeVille, Gold finish’ with lots of equipment Full power, tilt wheel, FM radio. Cruise Control, end Premium Tires. Very nice. $3495 $2495 1966 CADILLAC 1965 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Stereo Radio, Full power, leather Interior, vinyl root and Ilka new. Coup* DeVille. Full Factory Equipment plus full power end new tires. Very, very dean car. $4495 $3195. OF, BIRMINGHAM Ask For Rich Kroll 1350 NORTH WOODWARD PHONE Ml 4^1930 4- v.Y j/' THE PONTIAC PRBSS, THPHSBAVrMAY It, 1867 -Hew mi llwl Troth 103 ' GMC dump, l*E W3M. T?si ford vVW'ton XitxUP', ■nil flood. *3»J. 333-7542. Riggins, Dealer. WlofiBTiiS r“— Coll 032-4509 IMi chevy pi£ic-up, *19 BOX, . cool nlco. *445. Save Auto. FE 1 M2X. New and Used Troche 103 1H3 CHIVROt.»T PICKUP « TON. •MoMnl Cond. many extrei 0900. ttSttteVV HikUA, UiOO'M eacond or, (1180. 4M-3070 eves. ’WiSMlMkwilt AUll pKicf, W7- Wo flnaneo. Star Aula., 9U Oakland Av*. PE 09441. GLENN'S 1962 GMC Suburban. Automatic 9-. passenger. L C. Williams, Salesman *" 952 W. Huron St. PE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Many Mont to Chooee From :\m DODGE 790, lVk TON CAS and chassis, 2 speed, air brakes, pood lire*, 423-0511 eves. 423-0141. 1943 JElF FC 170, 15,000 MILES, *1,000. 451-43(0. Mew aai Ueod Tracks 103 GLENN'S 1944 Chovy van. Real nice little • van. ; v ' L. C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron Ot. FE 4-7171 FE 4-1797 Many More to Choose From 1945 CHEVY PICKUP, EXCELLENT condition. Fleet tide, leno box, radio, heater,.'deluxe cab and trim, still under warranty. 01225. Still*!. IMS CHdVY “VAN,' GOOD CBRBT tion, (1200. 402-5543. , FREE-100-FREE GALLONS OF GAS WITH EVERY CAR SOLD 1964 FORD 1 “LTD" hardtop. Gold mist In color with matching Interior. V-8, automatic, double power. Real luxury In this to vac one-owner beauty .................. ^Zotj 1966 MUSTANG Two-door hardtop. Stick, radio, heater. A gorgeous ge- ,nn, rage-kept car. ............................ + 1 /t3 1965 FALCON Future 4-door wagon, automatic, radio, heater. Nearly .lnnc new whitewalls. ^Hurry on this onel . $1/73 1964 CORVAIR 1 y Club coupe. Stick, radio, heater. A perfect second car . ,oc for wife or family................. 9 Orj 1965 TEMPEST LeMans convertible. V-0, stick and with all the trim-mines. Look thlr one overt ..i. . . + IjYj 1967 COUGAR Two-door1' hardtop, v-8, automatic, power steering, white- anode walls, radio, heater. Nearly new. +aotj 1965 TEMPEST Custom Club- Coupe. V4, stick. All vinyl Interior. r~ Radio, heater. Savel . ........... a I <373 1964 MERCURY 1 Marauder 2-door hardtop. V-0, automatic, double power, .inn. Needs a "little." .........., >1095 1965 PONTIAC Convertible. Red with a white top. Power steering end eonac brakes, automatic. A real sunshine special. +ZU73 1964 FORD, Galaxle "500" V-l, automatic, ell black with red Interior, aiooc 22,000 one-owner miles. Really fine........ 9 >473 19*4 ELCAMINO, AUTOMATIC 327 vo, double power .whitewalls ~ very mas. lfMie407 after5:3B. Nidpi Can 105 MERCEDES BENZ - 1941, (MO, 4-door, axe. running, clean Iraida, denied (wider, (390. fe 2-4410 amr.A 1944 GMC CUSTOM SUBURBAN. 351 V4. 4-speed manual hranemission. Fewer brakes. Fewer Marina -Heavy-duty *qutanMm tor trailer hauling. 02,193. 4*2-4451. GLENN'S 1944 VW pickup. Like new. L- C. Williams, Salesman 932 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 , FE 4-1797 ' Many Mo re fe Choose From LINCOLN - MERCURY 1250 Oakland 333-7863 GMC TRUCKS and Campers Keego Sales and Service Hank ________ 40-7300 SPECIAL $1875 FULL PRICE New 1967 Jeep Universal ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 3-4155 or BM 5-4154 TRUCKS ARE OUR BusinessI 1963 FORD, Vi-TON PICKUP, 6 Vi-ft. fender side. 1961 GMC 1 TON PICKUP 1962 GMC, 8-FT. PICKUP Power steering and brakes, light blue finish. 1964 GMC PICKUP, 8-FT. wide side 1962 GMC, 1-TON, 9-FT, STAKE 1961 GMC CAB AND CHASSIS, long wheel base. 1964 FORD ECONOLINE VAN, blue paint, w h i t e,w a 11 tires. 1963 GMC 8-FT. JR. VAN. Dark blue paint. GMC Factory Branch Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 CARNIVAL New esd Used Cars 106 BANKRUPT? CREDIT PROBLEMS? We Can Finance You- Just Cell * Mr- Meson or Mr. Murphy at FE 5-4101 _______ McAulitte BEEN BANKRUPT? NEED A CARt Cell Fl 04004, ask tot Mr. white. Weak Credit? If jm , have weak credit or n credit we can sell you a '40-'44 car without a co-signer. Only requirement* you must be working and have *45 down paymt.. Bank rat**, no turn down*. Call Cash. SPARTAN DODGE 055 Oakland FE 0-4528 GLENN'S 1941 Skylark. Blue. (door. Auto. V-0 — L C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Many Mora to Chooso From QB OLIVER BUICK 1943 BUICK WILDCAT CONVERT! bit, silver blue, with matching top, all blue leather Interior, automatic, radio, meter, power steering, brakes, SI,IIS full price, $88 down and lust 139.19 per month. "II only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAulifr. " d 430 Oakland Av*. FE 5-4101 1943 BUICK RIVIERA. POWER brakes, steerkjg, windows. Custom VAN, DODGE 14-TON, 1959. JUST By Dick Tomer "samawsM* Birmingham. Ml 4-2735. 1944 iMpala wa46N i - aUt6- c«lIV5,,5bi?! mlnghem. Ml 4-2735. 1965 Chevy Super Sport Hardtop, with black finish, whit* Interior, 327 angina, automatic, power steering, brakes, power'windows, bucket seat* and console *00 or your old cer down, 4 ASKING— $1789 SPARTAN >r‘ DODGE 055 Oakland Av*. _____FE 0-4320 “I just found out one thing! The way to a man’s heart isn’t through the cash register of a swank restaurant!” 1963 Buick Wildcat Convertible, automatic, power bucket*, real sharp! *45 or your old cer down, ASKING $1345 SPARTAN DODGE New and Uied Can 106 DON'S USED CARS Small Ad—Big Lot SO CARS TO CHOOSE FROM W* buy or will edlust your payments to less expensive car. 477 M-24, Lk. Orion MY 2-2041 Auto insurance Marina 104 CAN YOU QUALIFY FOR our 25 pet. sate driver discount? Liability package, only *17.55 qtr. Call Lynn Edmonds at the L IS AGtNCY, INC. 325 Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake 424-3400, days or *24-3554 Eves. Quality Units 1964 TEMPEST LeMans Hardtop, 2-Door, radio, console, buckets, red with black Interior, floor shift, $1195 1964 PONTIAC GTO 2-Door hardtop, 4-speed, trl-powtr, radio, silver finish. $1495 1965 BONNEVILLE Hardtop, with double power, hydramatlc, power windows, elum. wheels. $2295 1963 CATALINA Hahltop, 2-Door, doubj* power, hydramatlc, turquoise with whit* top. $1295 1965 RAMBLER Classic Hardtop, BRAND NEW Factory ENGINE. Factory air conditioning. $1795 1966 PONTIAC Bonneville CONVERTIBLE, with double power, radio, factory warranty. $2695 1966 BUICK LeSabr* Hardtop, with double power, automatic, medium blue finish. i $2095 1965 BUICK' Wildcat CONVERTIBLE, Automatic, doubla power, tilvtr blue with black top. $1895 1966 PONTIAC LeMans Convertible, 4 - speed, sprint opp., double povypr, buck- 52095 1965 PONTIAC Bonneville Convertible, with double power, hydramatlc, silver finish. $1995 NOTICE TO OUR SERVICE CUSTOMERS To better serve you our Service Department will be open Monday evening until 9 p.m., starting May 8th. SERVICE DEPT. CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY PONTIAC—RAMBLER On M24 In Orion, MY 3-6266 Mini-Cost Auto. Ins. tor good drivers Homo owners Ins. for quality homes Auto risk Insurance Mini-payment plan (Budget) BRUMMETT AGENCY Miracle Mil* FE 4-05*9 Foreign Care 105 1950 AUSTIN-HEALEY 10-4 RED. Good condition. Jump eoat*. Tonneau Cover. *550. 451-4419. 1941 VOLVO. GOOD CONDITION. 752-2190. '___________________ 1942 VW .GOOD CONDITION 1942 VW, SUNROOF, REBUILT Motor, new battery and tires, all extras, (475. FE 5-1294. 1942 AUSTIN HEALY SPRITE, EXC. condition. FE 4-0304.__________________ 1943 VW, *495. p.m. 425-3303. CALL AFTER 4 1944 VW, GOOD CONDITION; RA-dto, whitewalls, rebuilt angina. 0025. MY 2-3982 after 4. 1944 VW NEW CLUTCH, BRAKES. Good condition. *025. FE 4-3212. 1944 M.G.B. Wire . . . (harp ... I 1941 TR-3 ...... Reasonable! 1943 TR-4 Hi tops. New trad*. 1944 Sunbeam GT coup* . . . (1,144. 1940 TR-3......... . . Reasonable! 1940 MGA. A-1 running .. Best Offer 1947 Flat 050 GT coup* . . . 01,440 GRIAAALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland 1945 AUSTIN-HEALEY SPRITE -Original owner, radio, heater. FE 5-8047. 1945 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, EXCEL- 1945 VW, AM-FM RADIO, A-1 CON-ditlon. *25-2122. 1944 VW 2 DOOR, WITH 4 SPEED, radio, heater, electric defroster, 17,000 actual miles, 01400 full price too down, *44.91 par month. "it only take* a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAulifft Ford 430 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 1947 VW, 1400 FASTACIC PICKED up and driven overseas, low mileage, like new. 332-2553._________ ALFA ROMEO, 1942 VELOCE vertlble, low mileage. Ilk* AM-FM, 31095. Ml 2-4092. VW BUS, 1944, GOOD CONDITIO* — *975. Call 424-3014. , VW CENTER 85 To Choose From r-AII Models— —All Colors— —All Reconditioned— Autobahn Motors Inc. Authorized VW Dealer Vi mile North ot Mired* Mil* 17*4 S. Telegraph FE 04531 "BIRMINGHAM TRADES" 1965 BUICK Electro Convertible, Full Power ............................ djOOQQ 3 to choose from. " i\)A£00 1966 BUICK Riviera, Factory Air............................... .......... $3488 T964 BUICK Wildcat 4^>oor Sedan .................... j 200 1964 BUICK Riviera ................... .............. ..............,... 2-DOOR 4-SPEED *44$ at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham. Ml 4-273S. 1964 BEL AIR 2-OOOR A0t5 matic, *1095 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735. 1958 CHEVY TRI-POWER -1944 4-OOOR BEL AIR V8, Reliable Motors 250 Oakland MA 5-2460 Sale of Top Quality Cars 1955 CHEVY %-ton pickup. Runs good, tires art good. Now Only — $175 1965 CHEVY Blscayne 2-door, with 6 cyl. automatic. Radio. Now Only— $1395 1964 CHEVROLET Pickup, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, radio, long box. Low mileage — Like new. $1095 1962 CHEVY 2-door, with V-8, automatic, power steering. Only — $695 1964 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury Convertible, v-8, automatic, power steering and brakts. Only— $1195 1959 FORD Pickup, V-l, stick shift. Now Only — $445 1962 PLYMOUTH Savoy Station Wagon. 6-cyllnder, automatic, radio. Second car tor the family. Special at Only $595 1965 CHEVY Chavalit Station Wagon. V-l, automatic, radio, whitewalls. Beautiful bronze finish. Only— $1495 1965 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-door, power steering, brakes, automatic, whitewalls. Only — ' $1995 1964 PONTIAC Catalina Convertible. V-8, automatic, power steering and power brakes. White with a black top. '$1345 1963 FORD Galaxle 4-Door Sedan. V-(, automatic, power steering end power brakes. Only— ,$745 WE HAVE SOME TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS— Starting at Only— $98.50 1965 MUSTANG Hardtop, VI, automatic,' white-walls, radio, haater. Only— $1445 OAKLAND Chrysler - Plymouth 7% OAKLAND AVE. ^ * FE 5-9436 1964 CHRYSLER 4-door, radio/ heater, power with factory air conditioning. $1395 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth 840 S. Woodward Ml 7-3214 KESSLER'S DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS Silos and Service Oxford____^_____QA 8-1400 1827 MODEL T TOURING CAR ’ 1957 FORD *49. Reliable-Motors 250 Oakland 1957 FORD 2-DOOR, GOOD TRANS portatlon. OR 3-0504. 1957 FORD, RUNS, *40. AUTO mafic. 14? Doremus, Near Pontiac Country CIQb. after 5 p.m. 1958 FORD 6 STICK. NO LOW gear. New brakes. Good tiros, *50. 602-5435. 1959 THUNDERBIRD; FULL POW er, a beauty, evenings, 391-2554. 1940 FALCON, 4-CYLINDER STICK, with 49,000 miles. EM 3-3792. 1940 FORD 2-DOOR HARDTOP, automatic, radio, hooter,-, as low at *5 down. King financing available KING AUTO SALES, M-59 anc ELIZABETH LAKE RO. Pi 8-4088, Give OUR BEST to Your Mrs. 1963 CHEVY Bel Air 9-passenger station wagon, V-8, Powergll965 Ford F250 44-ton pickup, Vi, stick, fibergias cover over back. Only $1695 1961'Chevy; Vj-Ton with *Cyl. engine, stick shift. Only- *795 1966 Ford 4'Passenger Wagon with V-*, stick, radio, heater, and- still In new car warranty. $1895 —On Dixie Hwy. in Waterford-Your Ford Dealer Since 1930 623-0900 Buy With Confidence NEW 1967 OLDS "88" Hardtop Coupe with power steering and brakes, automatic, whitewalls, wheel discs, plus hill factory standard equlpmant. FULL PRICE $2827 50,000 MILE OR 5 YEAR FACTORY WARRANTY. FULL* FACTORY EQUIPMENT. / HOUGHTEN Olds OL 1-9761 Rochester Preserve Your Home in a Quality "OK" Car 1966 CHEVY Impala Convertible With sunflre red finish, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, white top. cOnly— ,52595 1965 FORD %-Ton With V-l, radio, heater, stopslde box, yours— and will do the lob! 1965 PONTIAC Catalina Convertible, 2 plus 2. Power steering and brakes, automatic. 1963 CHEVY BIscayne 2-Door with V-l, stick shift, new rubber, red finish. Sharp throughout! 1965 FORD XL 500 with double power, radio and heatar. Yours In your drlvol 1965 PONTIAC Bonneville Convertible, with power steering,, brakes, automatic, white with a black tppl Save Save Save Save Save 1965 CHEVY Impala 2-Poar Hardtop, ^cylinder, radio, heater. Like new throughout! Only— 1965 PONTIAC Catalina S-Oeor Hardtop with vantura trim, radio, hoattr, automatic, double power. Beige. Save HOMER HIGHT Motor Inc. ON M24 IN OXFORD OA 8-2528 Now and Uaed Cart 106 1944 T-BIRD. POWER STECkINO, , brakes. Radio, 2-door hardtop Sftodcondltten. 444411$. 1944 FORD CUSTOM 4-OOOR, V4, automatic, radio, heater, Rower steering, brakes, these Pontiac Highway dept. care. 7 to choose from, your choice tor only—dm full price, m down, end at low as $24.12 par month. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave. PE 5-4101 1964 T-BIRD Landeau with power equipment, factory atr conditioning, automatic transmission, radio and heater $179], Only $49 down and weekly . payments $13.92. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. . 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM______ Ml 4-7500 1944 FORD GALAXIE, 4-DOOR, Automatic, power steering, brake*. 325 V-0, Take over payments. 152 1513,. • 1944 FORD GALAXIE 500, 2-door hardtop, double power, exc., $900. 334-1795 after 4. 1944 T-BIRD. WHITE WITH BLUE Interior. Full power. $100 down. LUCKY AUTO 1945 FORD CONVERTIBLE GAL-axle, turquoise, new whitewalls, big engine, $1,495. Mrs. Pearson, Fenton — AAA 9-9374. 1945 T-BIRO . , . $2,795. OPDYKE Hardware, FE 8-4484. 1945 MUSTANG, 2 PLUS 2, FAST-back, V8, 4-speed transmission — now rubber, sharpl $1,595. Call 425-2391 after 5 p.m. _______________ Pretty Ponies 1965 & 1966 MUSTANGS SEVERAL USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE FROM CONVERTIBLES HARDTOPS > 2 PLUS 2's„ FULL EQUIPMENT Priced From $1295 As Low As $39 Down And $39 Per Month May aad Itead Cart 106 MARMADUKE By Anderson and Leeming New aid Used Cert 106 LADIES We can finance you, regardless ef occupation or lack of credit. Only •45 required tor down payment.1 Call Mr. Cash FE S-4528. Sosrtan. FORD, CONVERTIBLE. Stick. $1950. 427-3494. MUSTANG HARDTOP, 1944 V$, 3-spead, full-length front seat, red, $1795, after 7, 474-2114. 1944 FORD 4-DOOR with power $1195. MIE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham. A 2735; AUTOMATIC, iVOIE W 4- 1944 FORD CONVERTIBLE, V$, AU tomatlc. radio, .heater, power steering, brakes, beautiful amber glow meWtllc' finish with black nylon top, 10,000 actual miles, Mill under now-car warranty- $2,08$ toll price; $88 down and ,845.74 par month. "it only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 1944 GMC CUSTOM SUBURBAN. 351 ■*- V4. 4-speed manual transmission. Power brake* and steering. $2,195. 482-4451. 1942 HEALEY, RED CONVERTIBLE — Radio, 4-speed transmission. Exc. mechanical condition. No rust, $425. FE 4-2710. I FINANCE. REASONABLY '59 Lincoln — Cadillac $87 up (2) '57 Chevrolet* 837 1940 Ford — Chevrolet wagons 8187 8 or less convertibles & cars $78 (3) 1945 VWs — Ford — Dodge $1295 Plenty others and few trucks Economy Cars 2335 Pixie Hwy. 1941 PONTIAC, 2-DOOR HARDTOP, . Hydra. Power steering, brakes, other extras, 1 owner, $149$.334- 4OT.___________ 1945 PONtlAC CA ■ _ jm I LlNA, 2-bOOR hardtop, newer steering, Power brakes, Vantura trim, 28.000 (ni., 81450. MY S-4341 1945 GTO 1-OWNER. 4-SPEED. 4-barrel. Poeltractlon. Console and reverb. Good condition, no rust, FE 4-4450 — Call after 4. 1944 4 DOOfe 4 CYLINOER, TEMP est with power — OR 34051.________ 1944 L8MANS 2 DOOR HARDTOP, power brakes, power steering, vl-ityl top, 474-1S41 Off. 4. 1944 PONTIAC GTO, TAKE OVER $93 car payments. PE $-2734. GLENN'S 1944 Pontiac. Moor. Catalina. Power steering, 'power brakes. Factory air. , L. C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Mpny More to Choose From 1944 PONTIAC LEMANS 2-DOOR hardtop, 324 engine, radio, heater, stick shift, still under new-qgr 1961 LINCOLN 4-door hardtop, full power, only $495 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plyrnouth 840 S. Woodward Ml 7-3214 I power. As low as *5 down. King flnlanclng available. KING AUTO SALES, M-59 1942 COMET. GOOD RUNNING condition. 335-4723. 1943 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN. Automatic, radio, heater, power steering. Only $995. BOB BORST Lincoln Mercury, 479 S. Woodward - Ml 4-4538. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. , 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7500 GLENN'S 1945 Mustang. Red. 4-speed. 289 engine. L. C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Many More to Choose From 1943 MERCURY MONTEREY, LOW mileage, 474-0817. 1943 MERCURY MONTEREY 4-door, 34,000 actual miles, original owner, $875. FE 4-4349. 1944 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE WITH POWER EQUIPMENT, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, FULL PRICE *1095, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume weekly payments of 88.92. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. 1944 MERCURY MONTCLAIR . door hardtop. V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, power windows. A beautiful royal blue with matching Interior, Save. ROSE RAMBLER Sales, 8145 Commerce Rd., EM 3-4155. “Better take him along to help close it for the trip home!’’ enali still warranty, royal blue with black vinyl top. Only $i$88 fun price. $88 down and only $73.70 per. month. "It only takas a minute" to Got "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland A9e. FE 5-4101 New and Used Cars 106 New and Used Cars 106 1941 VALIANT STATION WAGON, new rubber, $195. Save Auto. FE 5-3278. 1942 PLYMOUTH 9-PASSENGER wagoh, radio, heater, full factory equipment, m m J Kin, ■ as low as $5 down. King financing available. KING AUTO SALES, M-59 and ELIZABETH LAKE RD. FE 8-4088. 1943 PLYMOUTH FURY WAGON, 8 ibte power. cyt., radio, healer, dou whitewalls, luggage rack. . 00101 rv good condition, will buy new muf-fl ~~ ...........■ tier, $995. Ml 4-4823. 1944 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, 4-CYLIN-der, radio, haater, stick, white sidewalls, clean as a whistle. Still under warranty, can be financed for toll asking price, private party, 4129 Highland- 1944 PLYMOUTH FURY, 2-DOOR hardtop, power steering, now tires, $1,150. Call UL 2-4140. 1964 BARRACUDA 225 engine, standard transmission,^ radio, heater, blue with matching' Interior, new tires, only $1195 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth 840 S. Woodward Ml 7-3214 1944 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE WAGON, 8-cyllnder automatic $1995 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham. Ml 4-2735. _________ 1944 PLYMOUTH SPORTS FURY, A-l, low mileage, 49 Clark, Apt. No. 2. Pontiac. THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC : NOW SERVING PONTIAC SAFARI WAGON 1943 all power, air, tinted glass, god tires, low miles. Taka over payments. 887-5834. ... GLENN'S hardtop, Factory 1943 Bonneville, 4-door, power steering, brakes, air. L. C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Many Mora to Choose From 1943 PONTIAC HARDTOP, VERY nice, bargain. 333-7542. Riggins, dealer. 1944 TEMPEST, CUSTOM 4-DOOR, auto. 4, radio, heater, whitewalls, extra clean, $925. 423-0743. GLENN'S 1944 GTO Black. 4-speed. 2-door hardtop. L. C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron St. \ FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Many More to Choose From PONTIAC 1944 GRAND PRIX, FULL power, air, AM-FM radio. Ml 4-4475. after 5 p.m. 1944 CATALINA 4-DOOR, DOUBLE powor, auto., $1,100. At 144 W. Brooklyn. GTO 1944, MUST SELL, 4 SPEED, double power, good condition. 482-5954.. 1945 FORD CUSTOM 500, 2-DOOR, 4, Cruise-O-Matic, like new, OA 6-3231. 1965 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 4-DOOR HARDTOP with factory air conditioning, ---=—.. ■. _---—— power equipment, automatic iW9 BONNEVILLE, 8185; ALSO 1943 transmission, rajdo and. heater | .“lyertible, 383 — 4-speed. Troy--Pontiac—Birmingham Area 1850 Maple, across from Berz Airport 442-8400 GLENN'S 1944 Catalino Convertible. Power steering, power brakes. Auto. L. C. Williams, Salesman 81895,jffly $49'down end weekly I960 PONTIAC 4 DOOR HARDTOP, pg 4.7371 ,52 W- Huron St pE 4.1797 1967 Pontiac Catalina 2-door hardtop, power steering and brakes, radio,,, heater, automatic, whitewalls. Only — $2695 HAUPT PONTIAC mmmm mm ONE-STOP TRANSPORTATION CENTER VALU-RATED USED CARS 1965 LeMANS 2-Door Hardtop . . ■ ■ $1795 1965 OLDS'88'4-door ........... ....$1895 1964 OLDS '98' 4-Door Hardtop ,;.. . $1695 1965 OLDS Jet Star '88' Convertible v.......,.$19$5 1967 OLDS Cutlass 6-Pass. Wagon . .$2795 1966 OLDS Delta 4-Door Hardtop, Power Steering and Brakes . ■. .,..$2695 1966 OLDS Luxury Sedan .. . .'V. $3295 1966 OLDS Starfire 2-door H.T. Full Power. New Car Warranty $2795 MM/mw mm 635 S. Woodward Ave. . Birmingham - 647-5111 On M15 at 1-75 Interchange Clarkston AAA 5-5500 1947 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DOOR hardtop with 2,000 actual miles, bronze finish, with black Interior, automatic, power steering brakes, whitewalls, new car guarantee! This weeks special only $2808 full price with 888 down, only 893.00 per month. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Fprd 430 Oakland Ave. - FE 5-4101 1947 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-DOOR sports coupe. Lots of extras Including two-tone paint, tinted glass — power steering and brakes. 4,000 miles. First $2,800 takes. Factory official's car. Call after 5, FE 2-5794 or FE 2-2884. 1967 Tempest Custom 2-door hardtop with V8, automatic, radio, heater, power steering add brakes. Only — $2295 HAUPT PONTIAC v On M15 at 1-75 Interchange Clarkston AAA 5-5500 1940 RAMBLER CLASSIC 4-DOOR, 4-cyllnder, exc. transportation, can be seen at Shell Station, Woodward and Long Lake Rd.„ Bloomfield Hills. * FINE SELECTION OF BIRMING-ham 1-owner trades. Open Monday and Thursday nights 'til 9. Tell us ... If you can buy for less. VILLAGE RAMBLER, 444 S. Woodward, Birmingham. DEMO SALE Up to 81400.00 off on T-BIrds. Falcons, Mustangs, Falrlanas and \ Galaxle '500's. We guarantee we \can beat your deal. \JACK LONG FORD SALES Rochester 451-9711 1945YFORO GALAXIE 500 2-DOOR hardtop, automatic with power, power. 81555 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham. Ml 4-2735. T-BIRD, 1945, LANDAU, FULL POW-er, alr-conditloning, new tires, 25,-000 miles, all black, wife's car. $2,400. Ml 2-4092. 1965 MUSTANG convertible, blue with black top, radio, heater, automatic only $1495 BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth 840 S. Woodward Ml 7-3214 and whitewall tires. Full price 81895, only $49 do payments, $12.92. . 482-5725. 1943 CLASSIC WAGON. LIKE NEW. $499. MARVEL MOTORS, 251 Oakland Ave. FE 8-4079. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7500 1985 MUSTANG HARDTOP, TWO TO select from, 4 cyl. and V8, with ail the goodies, take the Mustang pledge, loin the smart set, $1388 full price, $88 down, and 843.54 per month. 50,000 mite — 5 year new car warranty. "It only fakes a minute" to Got "A BETTER DEAL" at: ,195. BOB BORST Lincoln Mercury Sales, 479 S. Woodward Ava. Ml 6-4538. allna, turquoise, white top, power, $725, FE 2-0753. full 1942 CATALINA, 4-DOOR SEDAN! axe. condition, $475. 335-4338.__________ 1962 PONTIAC 2-DOOR, HARDTOP, power steering, brakes, OR 4-3884 after-JT^ 1962 PONTIAC, REGULAR FUEL, V-8 with auto, trans. 8425. 335-4338. GLENN'S OLDSMOBILE, 1963, DYNAMIC 88 convertible, maroon with white top — Garage kept, wife's car. 879-4559. , See "AL" the’ Car Buyers' "Pal" Tremehdous Reductions on All '64-'65-'66 "OK" ’ Used Cars in Stock! , AL HANOUTE > ^ Chevrolet - Buick On M24 In Orion MY 2-2411 1943 OLDSMOBILE, STATION WAGON WITH POWER EQUIPMENT, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITE-WALL TIRES, FULL PRICE $995, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weakly payments of $8.92. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. 1944 OLDS 90 4-DOOR HARDTOP, alr-condlllonad, full power, 34,000 actual miles. Call after 4:30, OR 3-4545. 1945 OLDSMOBILE 88 2-DOOR Automatic with power, $1795. MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blrmlng-ham. Ml 4-2735. 1943 Bonneville Convertible. Blue.' Auto. Poster steering, power brakes. 4-way seat. 1. C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Many More to Choose From 1943 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. Full power, excellent condition. $1,-300. 482-7275, after 5 p.m. Delmont "88" Convertible $2727.20 Plus sales tax and license As low as $150 down or trade Low payment—$7^.29 per month 5-Year warranty or 50,000 miles Bank Rates — Credit Lite Insurance Downey Oldsmobile 550 Oakland FE 2-8101 $95 DOWN ON THESE SPECIALS — at BILL FOX 755 S. ROCHESTER RD., ROCHESTER 1964 CHEVY ’/2-Ton Pickup Custom cab, V8, automatic, radio, dark green and. white finish. Only $1195 1963 PLYMOUTH 9-Passenger Wagon Sport Fury with all power, V-8, automatic radio and haater. $1195 1963 PONTIAC 4-Door Catalina Radio, haater, automatic, power steering and brakes. Sea this sharpie I $1095 1965 CORVAIR Monza 4-Door Automatic, radio and heater. Sharpl $1095 1965 CHEVELLE Malabu Hardtop Radio, haater, one owner, and Is only— $1295 1963 CHEVY 2-Door Sedan With radio, heat*, V-8 angina. Sharp, only— t $895 With radio and nice! Midnight blue. 1963 RAMBLER/ Station Wagon heater. $695/ 1963 CFlEVY Station/ Wagon Radio, heatar, automatic and lew mileage; Only— i / $795 OAKLAND COUNTY'S NEWES/CHEVY DEALER CHEV 755 S. Rochester >LET INC. Lochester Rd. OL 1-7000 1963 Pontiac 9-pessenaer, station wagon, V8, automatic power steering, brakes, champagne bronze with a beige top. 5 ilka new deep tread whitewalls, be ready for that summer vacation with little or No Money Down, ASKING— $1387 SPARTAN DODGE 1944 OLDS, CUTLASS. FULLY! equipped. $1950. 627-3494. VILLAGE RAMBLER has New 1967 Models 6 From $1839.00 up ECONOMY - PERFORMANCE - STYLING Tell Us ... If You Can Buy for Less!! 666 S. WOODWARD Ml 6-3900 MAY SALES 100 of these "Hand-Pic cars must be s FREE: REE d" Reconditioned this month! with ivery used car sold thijr month ... x5 American Flag and Mast 1965 TEMPEST Sports Coup* BIG DISCOUNT ONLY $1595 1965 Musta Maroon finish, coup*, automatic transmission, a nice clean one-owner trade. $1596 1964 Skylark Red Convai-tibl*. New hear this* Air conditioning, full powar. You wdn't ballieva until you see this aha. / $1795 1964 Chevy W-Ton Pickup. 8-Cyllnder, standard shift, red wllh whit* top, hat tleetsid* large box. Only— - $1395 1964 Olds Holiday Coup*. Nice one-owner new car trad*. Has automatic and power. $1495 1965 Catalina Station Wagon. On* of the nicest in town. Red inside and out. Real low mileage. Full Price— $2195 1965 Buick Wildcat 4-Door Hardtop. Automatic with new whitewall tires and power. This waste's special. $2095 1964 Buick LeSabre Station Wagon with power steering, power brake*, new ffres. $139 down, easy term* on balance. $AVE To guarantee your satisfaction, we only retail the best — we wholesale the rest. —YOU BE THE JUDGE— PONTIAC' RETAIL.STORE - Used Car Lot - CORNER OF E. WIDE TRACK/MT. CLEMENS ST. (Downtown Pontiac) FE 3-7954 va; m \ o. iii * wmm m i ,j m m / *' P^SSPIS -.v,V ■: HHUH ! "* M I ,u Jii 14PC SaHBaBt "* '■ ; ' fflraWfW ' ,'ffl jHJBPRr4- . V' 1067 F—15 -&Y I In this column are subject to change without nolle* Women Use language to Keep You Guessing TONIGHT f:M (2) (4) News (C) (7) Movie; “Convicted” (1950) Glenn Ford, Broderick Crawford (R) (SO) Superman (R) (SO) Friendly Giant 0:15 (80) Science b Everywhere 0:30 (2) News—Cronkite (C) (4) News—Huntley, Brink-ley (C) (9) Twilight Zone (R) (50) Flintstones (R) (C) 7:00 (2) Truth or Consequences (C) > (4) Michigan Outdoors (C) (9) Movie: “Captain Me-phisto and the Transforming MacMne” (1945) Richard Bailey, Linda Stirling (R) * (50) McHale’s Navy (R) (56) Planet Earth 7:30 (2) My Three Sons — The Douglases visit Hawaii (C) (4) Daniel Boone—brad helps to vindicate a woodsman of a murder charge, (R) (O is ‘ (7) Batman — Sandman steals the Batmobile and Catwoman imprisons Robin (R) (C) (50) Honeymooners (R) (56) Manaus in Action 8:00 (2) M o v i e: “Love. Has Many Faces” (1964) The suspicious death of a beach boy endangers the marriage ofawealthy couple in Acapulco. Lana Turner, Cliff Robertson, Hugh O’Brien, Stefanie Powers (R) (C) (7) F Troop — Agarn has amnesia and is blamed for thefts at the fort Milton Berle guests (R) (C) (50) Perry Mason (R) (56) Choice: Challenge for Modern Women 8:30 (4) Star Trek — The captain of an alien spacecraft sentences the crew of the enterprise to death for trespassing in a forbidden ' galaxy (R) (C) (7) Bewitched — A wood nymph seeks revenge Against Darrin the Bold. /(R) (C) (56) Creative Person 9/00 (7) That Girl—Ann wants j to change her name, and / her father is outraged (R) (9) Profiles in Courage-judge Altgeld felt powerless to intervene in the case of the anarchists convicted for participating in the Haymarket Riot of 1886. Burgess Meredith, Howard St, John (R) (50) Movie: “My Reputation” (194^) A widow meets a handsome Army engineer very soon after her husband’s death. Barbara Stanwyck (R) (56) Conversations With Toynbee 9:30 (4) Dragnet — A lab report forces F r i d a y and Gannon to reinvestigate a suicide case (C) (7) Love on a Rooftop — Julie and Dave meet endless complications when they try to buy and install a big brass bed (R) (C) (56) Sunday Showcase 10:00 (2) Coliseum—Woody Allen is host to Paul Revere and the Raiders, the U. S Marine Drum and Bugle Corps, Walsh’s Leopards and fire-eater Tagora (R) .(C) ' (4) (Special) Colgate Comedy Hour—An hour of comic sketches by Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks, Phyllis Diller, Shelley Berman, Bob Newhart, Nip-sey Russell, Edie Adams and Nanette Fabray (C) (7) ABC Stage ’67—A musical tribute to Rogers and Hart is performed by Petula Clark, Bobby Darin, Count Basie, Su-premes, and the Mamas and the Papas (R) (C) (9) Telescope (C) 10:30 (9) Canadian Wildlife 11:00 (2) (4) (7) News (C) (9) News (50) David Susskind (C) 11:30 (2) Movies: “The Young TV Features PROFILES IN COURAGES p. m (9) DRAGNET, 9:30 p. m. (4) COMEDY HOUR, p. m. (4) 10 (9) Tales of the River Bank •; , 11:30 (2) Search for Tomorrow CO , (4) Eye Guess (C) V (7) Donna Reed (R) (9) Friendly Giant 11:45 (2) Guiding Light (O (9) Chez Helene 11:80 (56) Memo to Teachers 11:58 (4) News (C) By HAL BOYLE • I woman language is a means of NEW YORK (AP) — Science)evading communication. If she has made considerable progress !reaIty lately in learning the languages AFTERNOON ABC STAGE ’07,10 p.m. of such birds as the crow and such beasties as the dolphin. What it should set out to decipher next is the language of women. That would really do civilization a favor. ' *.. (7) BOYLE . ,v*t.: m Albania ACROSS 1 Alabama’* main crop Land” (1959) Pat Wayne Dan O’Herlihy (C) “Crest of the Wave” (Eng., 1954) Gene Kelly, John Justin (R) 7 (4) Johnny Carson (Q (7) Joey Bishop (C) (9) Nightcap 12:30 (9) Window on the World 1:60 (4) Beat the Champ (7) Untouchables (R) . (50) Las Vegas (C) 1:30 (4) News (C) 2:30 (2) Highway Patrol (R) However, it is unlikely that'er putting‘down the phone, has science will ever accomplish |a feeling of total victory. Nei-j this. feat. Women don’t want ther of them gave herself away, anyone to solve their language.! and neither wanted to. It is the real secret of the ™,,* MVe'mrvfwr legendary mystery of theirIT!> MYSTIFYING TOMORROW MORNING sex. There is a fundamental and inescapable difference in the employment of language by man and woman. MEANS OF EVASION A man uses language to say what’s on his mind. To-a woman, this is incredibly naive. She 6:18 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:20 (2) News (C) 6:30 (2) Sunrise Semester (4) Classroom (7) Kingdom of the Sea (C) 7:00 (2) Woodrow the Woodsman (C) (4) Today (C) (7) Morning Show 7:55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round » I 8:00 (2) Captain Kangaroo (9) Romper Room 8:30 (7) Theater One: “Everybody Loves Sweeney” Mickey Rooney. (R) 9:00 (2) Merv Griffin (4) Living (C) (9) Bonnie Prudden Show (56) Rhyme Thne 9:10 (56) All-Aboard for Reading „ 9:30 (7) Dateline: Hollywood (9) People in Conflict (56) Numerically So 9:55 (4) News (C) (7) Children’s Doctor (C) (56) Let’s Speak Spanish n 10:00 (4) Pat Boone (C) (7) Supermarket Sweep