Th« Pontiac Prott, Soturdoy, August 2, 1969 SATURDAY \R^ Rerun C — Color SATURDAY MORNING / Re^lar programming may be ^PMmpted for news of P r e s\d e n t Nixon's trip abroad. 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C—News-____ 6:00 (2r?T“— Fence 8:30 (2) C—Black Heritage 6:45 (7) C - Rural Report — “New Patterns on the Land” 6:55 (4) C - News 7:00 (2) C — Mr. Magoo (4) C — Country Living — “Pleasure Horses” (7) C — Painting With Guy Palazzola — “Painting With Oils” 7:30 (2) Q — ^Bugs Bunny-Rowuiiner (4)Cf»0bp6k ( 7 ) Through Children's Eyes — “Sun and Wind” 7:35 (9) Warm-Up >und '69 8:00 (7), C Casper (9), Window on the World 8:30 (2) C — Wdoky Races (7) C — Gulliver (9) All Around the Circle 9:00 (2) C — Archie Show , (4) R C — Flintstones ^ (7) C — Spiderman (9) C — IMnocchio (50) R — Wells Fargo . _ 9:30 (2) C — ^Batman-Superman .. ™ (4) c — Banana Splits (7) C — Fantlastic Voyage (9) Belle. Sebastian and The Heri^ . (50) R — Laramie 10:00 (7) C — Journey to the Center of Earth (9) Chansons 10:30 (2) C — Herculoids (4) C — Underdog (7) C — F^ahtastic Four (9) Three Musketeers (50) R — Movie: “Miraculous Journey” (1948) Rory Calhoun, Virginia Grey 11:00 (2) C — Shazzan (4) C — Storybook Squares (7) C ^ George of the Jungle (9) Ballade and Chansons 11:30 (2) R C -T- Jonny Quest (4) C— Untamed World (7) C —A m e r i c a n Bandstand (9) Country Calendar.. SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C - Moby Dick (4) C — Super 6 (9) C — Montreal Pop Concert - (50XJI — Movie: “Break ,to Freedom” (1965) A u t h en y Steel, Jack Warner 12:30 (2) C — Lone Ranger (4) C - Red Jones (7) Happening .1:00 (2) C — Tiger Warmup (4) C — Baseball Pregame (7) R C — Movie: “Sea Devils” (1953) Rock Hudson, Yvonne De Carlo (9) R C — Movie “Flyipg Leathernecks” (19 51) John Wayne, Robert Ryan 1:15 (2) C--Base ball : Chicago at Detroit 00 ( 50) R - Movie; “Red Stallion” (1947) Robert Paige, Ted Donaldson 3:00 (7) C — Outer Limits (9) C — Marvel Super Heroes 3:30 (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) R — Movie: “Return of the Ape Man” (1944) Bela Lugosk John Car-radine 4:00 (4) C — Sports Album (7) C Wide World of • Sports * — Westchester Golf Classic from Rye, N.Y., is featured. (9) C — Bozo 4:05 (2) C—Baseball Score-board (time approximate) 4:15 (2) R - Movie: “Fighting Trouble” (1956) Bowery Boys, Huntz Hall - (joined th progress^ " 4:30 (4) At the Zoo (9) C — Skippy (62) e - Phil Silvers 5:00 (2) R—Mr Ed -(4) C — Hucklebterry Finn (9) C - Time Tunnel (50) C - Hy Lit - The Orphans, Joe South and Cat Mother guests. (62) C - Wrestling 5:15 (56) Chimney Comer | 5:25 (2) C - turf Talk 5:30 (2) C - Gentle Ben (4) C^— George Pierrot — “Bahamas Adventures” (7) R C - Wackiest Ship (56) C — Brother Buzz T FINE POSHED - FIRST QUALITY MlgRORS MIRRORS AND FRAMES SEE OUR SELECTION OF FINE POLISHEO FIRST QUALITY MIRR0RS( FRAMES, PUTE ANO ANTIQUED MIRRORS) ^Complete Line of Custom Patio Doors PATIO DOORS PI' 1 iT-'ij 'F.| I-*--' T ‘ v-i 11 . _y/ TUB AND SHOWER ENCLOSURES COMPLETE LINE OF TUBE AND SHOWER ENCLOSURES MANY GOMBINATtONS TO CHOOSE FROM CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE \ AUTOWINOSHIELDS ^ INSTALLED WHILE YOU WAIT FAST, COURTIOUS. EFFICIENT SERVICE ALLWORKGUARANUSED PICK UP AND DELIVERY No Service Charge e0Mn.ETELINE0FWINDtHIEL0t SERVICE GLASS CONPANY 120 W. PIKE ST., PONTIAG FE 6-94M ONE CdLOl ir=F=^ MOOERNiaTION FAMILY ROOMS - DORMERS ROOM ADOmONS^iRiEZE-WAYS - aluminum -KITCNENS 5T44 Highland Rd.(M-SS) OR 4.0371- u )-«n GARAGES Brick a Block • Frame Fr*« Plont, No Con« luting Pricos, Buy Diroct from Ownor and Save! F.HA.‘^T«niii • up to 1 Yr. Ttrnit FREE ESTIMATES SEE MODELS ON DISPUY UME LOCATION II YEANS Evory JoO Fully OuurantotO rtfTFrVTSTT IVF. RV JOB ■ 'ANTED • NON-FERROUS METALS No. 1 COPPER . . lb. Sbe No. 2 COPKR . . lb. 4Se BRASS ..... 25e Sc Pilcot Subfoct to Chongo Pontiac Scrap Co. 135 Branch UP Your lnT«raBt com-poundad and paid quoitady on insured paFtbook savings accounts. njmtkitnM cnmnoi Earn 4%% interest when held for a period of 6 months. iijiiitAVjiias emrwiju Edm .^5% interest when held for a period of 9 months. IIByBBC SAVINQS CERTIFIOATBS "Earn 5V4%^ interest when held for a period of 12 monthsT ^ No edvaneo notice roquired for Withdrowordn end Soyingt Ppsobook or Certificato Accounts 761 W. Huron St., Pontioc *-• Downtown Pontiac ^ Droyton Plains — RochOstor CiMrksfort — Milford — Wollod Loko Lake Orion — Woterford Union Lake Northeast Pontioc They’re silky new Foyfrel® polyester/ Nupron® polynosic r^yon. A quick run through the washer and dryer and they’re on th^^a again. You’ll never need to iron our easy action shapes. Their bold plaids and new ough busy fall days ids. by Miss Smith. *9 rich colorings are right at home now cind ideal for fall. Both niisses’ and women’s sizes, $9 in Home and Town Dresses, Pontiac 1; also Downtown, Northland, Eastland, Westland, Oakland; Gall 683-,3232*. DSON’S A W alking pleats, and bias insert, in blue or in red plaid, sizes 10 to 20 and 12Vi to 22^. 1 B. % step-in design with a bias pocket, in blue or green plaid, sizes 10-20 and 12!4-22^. C. % step-in design with bias pockets, in blue or red plaid, sizes 10-20 and 12^-22^. ' Mail Coupon or Phone 682-3282 The J. L. Hudson Company 269 N. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, I^lchigan 48063 Cufltomer'i Shopping Service Dept. Name_______:________________________________ Please send me thU dress. Address-City__ State- -Zip Code- □ Charge Plate No.. . size Color Style Hudson'! delivers a purchMe of $6 or more, excluding tax and service charges, to^19 Michigan counti^ and Toledo, Ohio. Add 5^ for delivery of purchase under |5 to the same' area. Add Michigan, Add 50^ for C.O.D. under $30 4% sales tax in □ Check or Money Order enclosed □ C.O.D. Postage and shipping chugei (60e for each -' \lrrw ‘ iddeW th W, points Downtou'n Detroit Northland Center Eastla nd Center Wetland Center Pontiac Mall Oakland Malt "*** H" •uucu w (Hitslde Hudson's Free Delivery Area. Allow jjp to'2 weeks for delivery ortsipail or phone orders. A